HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB090394Design Review Board ACTION FORM low v 1d O-W%UNITY DEVELOPMENT Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 te1:970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: BRYONY RESIDENCE DRB Number: DRB090394 Project Description: Participants: REMOVE 1 DEAD/2 DISEASED ASPENS OWNER BRYONY INVESTMENT HOLDINGS L 09/03/2009 C/O LATHAM & WATKINS - DONALD P. BAKER 633 W FIFTH ST STE 4000 LOS ANGELES CA 90071-2007 APPLICANT A CUT ABOVE FORESTRY 09/03/2009 Phone: 970-453-9154 PO BOX 9037 BRECKENRIDGE CO 80424 License: 574-S CONTRACTOR A CUT ABOVE FORESTRY 09/03/2009 Phone: 970-453-9154 PO BOX 9037 BRECKENRIDGE CO 80424 License: 574-S Project Address: 950 FAIRWAY DR VAIL Location: Legal Description: Lot: 6 Block: Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FILING 10 Parcel Number: 2101-081-1600-7 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPP Second By: Vote: Date of Approval: 09/03/2009 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond:201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond:202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: DRB Fee Paid: $0.00 09-01-09;10:28 ;Robinson-Mitchell 9704534916 ;9704772155 :a Dead or GemwW kdw nadoa: TN& appro%!el Is g ` t3 required bD request tope r~e111040~ i thorfaad n lvesentaUve who has irlspetbed the tr~i dtnuw, at (970) 4"-3509. Appkart has 30 days from the daft of this epplf i I now. is Fees waiver f4w dead b+ae(s) { j Tm epee (mmovaq: NNMUIN Pere some w0tiow; V46 cosomewc- Z&A'y~1~D~I I pNgdcd Address: Af sn rowed Nrritlbsf: 1 - CM 1168 - f /a...mr. 141.0. Address: ~r D ~DDt I IIII _ ~ y r n for Design Review ceased Tree Removal # 3/ 5 page 4 or the ren*Yal of dead or diseased bm dit A s paraim appaci w tte Town of Vail. This norm awst be dgpM by a Town of Vail auk s). To request an Irrspectlon, pleeav cW Tdn Tibet, Wldfand Cwrr ion to Wbnvt a wAlgatIon plan to the Two of VeM Wldland Cbw* -A- No Number of b,~ M - a We Ca Assessor at 970-fM4W for nerod no.) % _ ■ . % / all A. en a 6 phones a OMe✓f llpMtree: 1~ i' pdnwv Contact/ Ow ~P I ` t Addie.~ 9a AWkadaw DAM 15131l ACk NIMptiee !Im fiebm ad DAN I EdbMW Daft of Cm*ktkm -IN FW amce floe arv)ect Hoc ORD NO• Tov "abed Sgrotin: toaillon of era Proposal: lot: _ phorree q ;1 V4 a. ~MME D SEP 0 2 2009 TORN )F VAR, J 09-01-09;10:28 ;Robinson-Mitchell 9704534916 ;9704772155 1 ii # 5/ 5 page 5 ROPERTY OWNER APPROVAL LEMR TNs form IS applCable to Will Design Review that shame ownership of the sub ad property, for ft&v - pW the subject property where eonsbucti rt ( ng is a dupWK aordomfatum or multJ4wwt bW*V. 7ftls form shat be eornplebed by the appkw rs )dnt property ownw. In the Game of amultip"mity dwell- lnp or amb-tim t buIldhg, the aul w ty of ' amodadon shah axa0ft ft form ard. maM t D, Conmiuft Devebprner t Depa mat, 75 South Ftnntege , Val, Co 81657 or fax m 970.479.2452. , (print name) EA) 40W .1,111PI at w rr approval of the plans Town of Val Cammrnlty Development Dep" dress noted abovw t understand that the prat close ~n se . i a jant owner, or ettttmrity of the arsrodatlM of property J10 .pm►Ade this letter as W v"eh have been submthd W the for the proposed hnprWMrtants to be bootplebed at the ad- Imptoremert 1ndilde: (Slgndtun') ~h, P~ cheep tds• stabernent~ o I unda►~artd drat m6ror ~ may Akva wplanm w m die Town$avft dwect7d I'. a I n*xut Orel a# vxWWkmWm, mhor or Qj tdew p r, a em, be brtoggk w my alitr+ndlar by vrew by ft Town. aAW hMl i (Dake) ow w tdch Is rrwet apperalm to you: We to the pAm over do aorrse of are ►tvibw procem to en- and AWLAIUMN, YWw, wfrlch err made to ate pk*m wee 6* coumae of are rr,- appodfearrt for addbraial apptrnrral bierbrer urddw olrg furdter ro- r V 09-01-09;10:28 ;Robinson-Mitchell - _ r 9704534916 v , Vv; 9704772155 # 2/ 5 I r Ir A Cut Above P.O. Box 9037 , Bmkmridge. GO j _ (070) 404164 Fox (Irj 45341"s August 31, 2008 Job NORM: Land Deep OOMJL14C Work WAD. 9W FdrMy DrWa (Beilss%M) Land Design vat, 00 P.O. Boot 2134 Eapis+r CO 81631 Proposed 0r: K mft Sprbger Wank 970.328-NO Fax 0703284W4 Dear Land Design: Thank you for contracting A Cut Above Forestry t6 d&eW your tree care seeds. !bar * Phut Servke Coat 1 Aspen T&W Tree ltanrowd 1 - - 1. Rsnx>`►s 3 aspen pink S. am ebendin9 dead j' b. hft dummied w/ sw# COtrMEWO AN ROADtATt: HAZARD ALL LOCATED EAST OF E TAM Trm Remwai 2 Aspen P - Coordnals wr Ut IDO f t 1. COORDIld1TE we hat tub a. P y r Katft rlaen will eld+Yise on who" 3904*19 Need to cat and W a WI ee ownp/ E=W. Comemo , Qwast 3 Aspen P-Deed Tree Per" $37.60 1. Obtain ORB dead/ k+ee nnroirat approval ttrrough Torn Tstawt ~*0 for time spent nree1rrgw Welk slerrdrrg dead bass for Town permong swWwk $37.50 Total: $37.50 Plsase owd" me Wl" any "W" at 9704531Fox 074463.4916 Thank YOU j Denic k Codrar A Cut Above Fora", kta. / ~ e~reaay - ~,~//o e V AN work veal be compteled as soon as pawible or the proper seasom AN work is to be =Vogad in a workmarYice meaner aceordrrq in weenderd Any aNeraftu or 4evratiorm from the above spedIc r9om wi be exculled at tte hm* rafes, bosoms aft ohs W over. the esWnale. A Cut Abow Forestry Ile fully covered by UabW Nlsura Workers Compwrsatlon Insurance. Certificates at ireunenoe are aveNeble upon requ • A Cut Above Forestry' is a brand of Cow Arborme, LLC_ f