HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB090514Design Review Board ACTION FORM TOW ff VAL COAWNITY DEVELOPMENT Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: LINDA B MORRIS TREE REMOVAL DRB Number: DRB090514 Project Description: Participants: REMOVE 2 DEAD LODGEPOLE PINES (PINE BEETLE INFESTATION). ESTIMATED COMPLETION DATE: 10/27/2009 OWNER LINDA B. MORRIS REV TRUST - 10/09/2009 2323 MARCY ST EVANSTON IL 60201 APPLICANT A CUT ABOVE FORESTRY 10/09/2009 Phone: 970-453-9154 PO BOX 9037 BRECKENRIDGE CO 80424 License: 574-S CONTRACTOR A CUT ABOVE FORESTRY 10/09/2009 Phone: 970-453-9154 PO BOX 9037 BRECKENRIDGE CO 80424 License: 574-S Project Address: 5117 MAIN GORE DR N VAIL Location: Legal Description: Lot: 5 Block: 1 Subdivision: BIGHORN 5TH ADDITION Parcel Number: 2099-182-0100-4 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPP Second By: Vote: Date of Approval: 10/09/2009 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond:201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond:202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Jennifer Eliuk DRB Fee Paid: $0.00 General Information: This approval Is granted for the removal of dead or d1seased trees only. A separate ap*abm is required to request tree removal/repkKanent In the Town of Vail This form must be signed by a Town of Vad au- thored relxeserdatim who has inspected the tree(s). To request an irgxxbon, please cal Tom Talbot, Wildland Goor- dinaror, at (970) 477-3509. Applicant has 30 days from the date of this application to submit a mitigation plan to the Town of Vail Wildland Goordi- nator. Fee: Waived for dead tribe(s) Description of the Request Fi[)M AUae? /n ~ 1'~ ICSIGd -fw5 Thee specks (removal): //l.OltAI,OD~ rln~ Number of bees: a2- Mountain Pure Beetle Infestation? X Yes No L Commerrts:llPl Kd' & Ad kPwam Physical Address: Af i Parcel Number: (Gores Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Primary Contact/ Owner Representative: Applicatkn Date: Mitigation Plan Submittal Date: Estimated Date of Completion: 9 -04153 - Al 9110 Application for Design Review Dead or Diseased Tree Removal Property Owner: `rn& /nom` ccl Tru s. - l~nSc~ D t.+l - /Cnn,r Q~f Mailing Address: /o FA MN, Q K a /L &6,901 Phone: fs 1/ -1411- 6 5b/ owner's Signature: 10/01/2009 14:23 8473283 ROI MARKETING PAGE 85 i , I c gTI Application for Design Review Dead or Diseased Tree Remo l GoOMW tadol.rafl.lk This apprard IS 0%d d Our the mmmal of dad or amend faK a*, A aF~lra N, rpplicalm W io** d to repeat ttae rdaanY,%Iomnet in ft Tarr at V,r. 7hs /um east be *W br a'ro.n or Val MW ouvi .d fmreswtm&.e YAto ft", me I rm bee(s). To iegLWM r b apedlor, Omar CA Taw TA&K VAMUmd Cow. dWWW, al OM 47.749. Apprtant hro lr cins ham die date d air appca0an b s,baat a nrr9ollat em bl rte Town d Vail WMdrd I40W Few wok mw FW due b.e(a) ~rnip~eaortlt.Ml.or.at/~m~te .2 nnA'1DP 14A --bee 7r.- Mood- (remove)* _..Fa d Ik l:Ldri Mrabr at bees- Ox .0 1 rderrdrel- M..O.em Lreeadls"? Y Yea rea c"Mmobt ned AL~= /jabs J~~.sbef Wmpx & 1:60f wt Alyr mar Parer W--d-. QId tR -(jU -Q1-064 (cated Fate Co. Asp x M3204M M Porte M.) i odes r o.i.r. Aj6du6 Sri S A~- u-z' - &asrAw, =Ak 2qt ArgANr) rtaw-~ Addre.s /D Eit' irix Sfen ! die E.,A dawip A A j S>s Move CAMMINK21 orrrr ROWOMWINIUM' g.rbdAo*..ra - PD Box 903 1Moome 7'fV-70a- r~~y - - q,b-N6,3 -N916 "More on rum N&MMal p.ent ~L Hlbrl.e l M ft of Campodo t: sages _ rr dude lYa ~ - WJ MO - padon Of Vu Proposal: tat,______ dodo SAdMoen: l~ 10/01/2009 14:23 8473283 ROI MARKETING PAGE 04 rFy 30INT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER This form Is 3McaWe to all DeSlgn ReWeW appirants that share ohmenshlp of the &toa i PrV". For aoffl- Pk, ttia $jeCt WW rty Where mutrucdori Is Omuling Is a &VIM condominium or mtA-tenant bullding. This form shah be Completed by the apPltc3WS neighbor/ jdnt Property owner. In the case of a nw"*-family dvrep- hrg Or muttl-terlarit bu ldng, the a Mmnty of the assmabon shah wmplete ft form and mail to: Canvnu*y Development Deparbnen4 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, 00 81657 or fax to 970.479.2452. I, (print narnce)_ `.=~►lYl~ U ~C j joint ~W, or aut v" of the assowon, of property located at 1/ 1L, 1~ , n , provide this letter as written ilWmal of the plans dated which have been su&T hued to the C:).:liliiv`o`4 DE.'VEjq n1; nil l3tirtkTd for ft mWwU imp mem is to be axn0ebed at the ad- dress now above. I 5 (am) AddltianallY, Plcase Check t'he statement below which Is most appiin:able to you- r., I unda land tl:ar, minor aJVd/rrk:ibors r)Idy be made tc d)e plans over' rile Wixse of bf a review process to en- StjfeCV(ljpl/dnCL' Wilr1 'fr)WII', i)!)j)i;C'uC.l{q•'~ r, I ruvur!st &W al/ modLyratims iV. f w ,1r nth,- vicp wl.:.-h ,r... erLr."„ .71 r - Vins' prm r Uf tl'Yl r~fir (C my a!"mm.':)ii hj i'::' u;a/}/%~i71.i i:,. .J•%.l'~t:Nkli J/J%l,'U.JJ L f U."4 UrX7N lJCXiIC h0'ti lE i i`e- V"V by (initial here) 10/01/2009 14:23 8473283 ROI MARKETING PAGE 01 Two VINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER Two fora: it appbmw to An pear, %-A- It.p 04S urat afarv awl nov of dm abpq w"MotV• fbr ewme- pre, the **jw pop" *hwt owo xtlw is *am"" b a drataS, owow-*~ or mum-ttrrrtt NAary. Tt$ corn, deb be oa,+glrlod W tl>e appbtant'a r+e t4t+t,d/ },Irt /4et„:tY u.+.,c., fn tore car, era m4wo-le"lov dwa. my or #MAM hvvf d butlWS t" Rfllrorrly Of bee a ddbtfan aun menpW Vft fttrrr, and mail tu: C4MMu hV Daratopntant Doowbf oM 75 Soup Amapa Road. V*V. CO M.57 w tee to 170.479?457- 1. (Orin[ n-*)_' 16.E i~d ~..5. f• . a W. Ow w' or eWuRr (d dw mod~. of proo" agtw apprwat of the pans amo Q/ -I ZC• mock hnt been sAnam to fate Torn of Vad caaw u*y Da.,doproart DP onmenl kx the pa0aaad bwrrfrenwn m be n,rgienat alt d* ad- drds nttb d abort. 1 trdmAW chef the OropnaA.:rrpro+-tforb Mdrde: N)'r Otars tdtadr tAre.blpnsrt ttfalow whtdr M wrest aNMobb b Vac r rrtdasfared uW mktor modtouortt mar or rwaoe eb trv atm a.Or rrte course or {fie rector a'arrss saw).. n. r ntgt;tfJt a/ raouq ni~fr: rr antertrlte, ufrd: an! madr tD dr ohm ow de mrVW Of air a: .ter puml.! 0e 6"W b my Inc ftn by bat apokwM kv addabrrat apptmrd babe mxlspriM krtfwr 'r .few M Dw TOWL 10/01/2009 14:23 8473283 ROI MARKETING PAGE 02 ,mob 3OfUT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER TM fo,m It avobw , to ap oft" R-M wom" vat Dire o,~ d ow s~trw a Woof. For Cps► pk, if+e adgetl pAp*h usrxe arsbucbtn is emrmg is a duple{ OO~daAinkm ar aaA4 asllad +D. Tw lom► be OOnpkasd M aiObtM~s ndplbor/ RFt lyoPEAV oasftr. Now use Ora RMtRll b-bN*y dad. M of h'v*,WWI bq k%% ye a NWW of We ammmabm sho owepev ow fu" ud f"I to: C,,,,r lr o"WM w* ogwt f K 75 5"M ft--" Road, V66, CO MW W IM M M.4792452. (SatMmn) (0") AAMOM ft, fd~a I I do daafaraet bdow bhkh is writ appOombb to yaw -l(t WWWRIard a w -whim nmd*caawes may be made m Mtpom ~ the on m of dw re,farp mw m ab (helMnd~e1 p t ndkeY drr afr monlfAa~ftwq,w/tor or atY~tre, rlyd.' ax made (a paC Ob'fp aw oAe [Irhe M she rt p w pv- be arMw & ,Of-A&0- by dr Wptzm Aw m*WsrM *Woo bdbe w df p.*V A.Ow rt AwArMtrcwn w onwhww) L (P twee) 1 !.IQ rf d 1 15. • i~+ • *t worm, or aLdwft d ft mmladon, of prop" Misted at IYla in mm_ 1).i_aVs• I u ~ L pm.ds We kt w ac "No" qv uwi of We Ofans d&W. 9.[..YI: wlidl lace teen sOMW fw Ih row, of VaO COmmwit r Devaopnw t oiepperi a ft ft p,opoa[d kgw*vw"enb to be t3ft e0ad of the ad- dae% anb[d abme. 1 underAwW Mo. the p mpwd urV"Nw. ats kdude: