HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB090595Design Review Board ACTION FORM TOWN OFVA Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: wrww.vailgov.com Project Name: CITY MARKET TREE REMOVAL DRS Number: DRB090595 Project Description: Participants: REMOVE THREE DEAD ASPENS. WORK TO BE COMPLETED THE FIRST WEEK OF DECEMBER. OWNER TOWN OF VAIL 11/19/2009 C/O DILLON REAL ESTATE CO PO BOX 5567 ATTN REAL ESTATE DEPT DENVER CO 80217 APPLICANT BARB OSNESS 11/19/2009 65 TEJON ST DENVER CO 80223 Project Address: 2109 N FRONTAGE RD W VAIL Location: CITY MARKET Legal Description: Lot: Block: Subdivision: City Ma rket/un platted Parcel Number: 2103-114-2402-5 Comments: See conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPP Second By: Vote: Date of Approval: 11/25/2009 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0011203 The applicant shall plant a minimum of three aspens measuring a minimum of 2-inches in caliper by no later than June 30, 2010, on the site. The applicant shall call Warren Campbell at 970-479-2148 when the trees have been installed so a final inspection can be performed. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $0.00 11/19/2009 09:20 -rivrhvwa Awu MCNEILL PROPERTY MGMT sing eoopere real- eaxate MCNEXLL PROPERTY YGHT X001 WJaoliooz 0001 General Jnformati0 is Thls approval is granted for the removal of dead or disea9ed trees only. A separate applimtion . is regyired to request tree removal/replacement in the Town of Vail. This form must be signed by a Town of Vail au- thorized representative who leas Inspected the bte(s). To re uest an o dinator, at (970) 477,3509. n, please ca0 Turn Talbot, Wlldland Coor- App licant has 30 days frorn tfie date of thi too submit a rnitiO n plan to the Town of Vail VVIldland Coordi- Fro nator. Fee: Waived for dead trees 9 a Single Family p`~x ' r Multi-Family Commercial Description of the Request:&MrJe 5-i 6/ nVI P, Q t Tree Species (removal): As Pev., Number of trues: 3 ' Tree Spedies (removal); Moulin Pine Beetle YnfestatPon? Tea Comments: Physical Address: Parcel Humbrars Number of trees- - - ti Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Property Owner: Mailing Address: Phone: - Owner's Signature: ~Q~b PlImOry Contact/ Owner Repr®mentative: bae It 0SV - Mailing Address: ~05 QQ{1V•Q- t ~i0~1. ~J Phone; - • E-Mail- Fa= (4-5 C4 (o Application Dabm Mitigation Plan SubmKul Date. Estimaftd DOW of Completion: For office Use Only: Project No: o+G(o 4 DRB No: TOV AuthorkvA Signature: location of the Property - Lot; Block- Application for Design Review Dead or Diseased Tree Removal 11/19/2009 09:20 FAX 9704771147 MCNEILL PROPERTY MGMT Q 002 - ..~.vvs .-V a. WA. rj%. 17U.7 11j - .or0 aiaq povpere real eate'.e laooz/ova 11/jorLUUV U21:ud k.,-% N/U4'!•(114*! MCNr31LL YKUPERTY UGHT 14002 I ~I11' oo m ]OINT'PROPERTY OWNER WR]n TEIY APPROVAL LETTER ~•1' i. This form is applkable tD all Dos' ; Review aPPkaf is that share ownership of the subj= Pro pie, the sub = property where w uctl p~•Y• For exa on Is occurring is a duplex, condominium or multi-tienanr building. form shall be eompkted by the applrcant's neighbor/ joint property owner. In the case of a multiing or multi-tenant building, the authority of the ass~odation shall aompleba this form and mail to: cbrnmuni Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, CO 81657 or %X to 970.4792452. ' ' T (Print name) ~A a joint owner, or aubnority of the assaclatlorl of ro:. , located at tAy d P P + ~`~►LOS tN ~G~~'0►e!_4r~ ide thl lette written approval s r as crated which have been subm'RDad to die Town Of V87 Community Devefopment Department fvr the proposed improvemarrts to be dress noted above. I under~ completed at ~ ~nd that the proposed improvements rndudet i Mgnaturey (am) Addltianallyr Pleme check the statement below which is most applicable to you: ~t f uncle lid 4hat m&w mcdit cae,,, may 61e irrade fo Aftw OW the uwrse of the ravAW prncw to en- sure CVMP1ra7C9 w/bh the 7-omSr apAlrWe mare, Md re9r*bol7.;. AnllNal here) D 1 mAtest that all mmwswoons, minor or vMwwse, wh,:h am made to Me plans over Me course of die /fig w . ►~wv &W by ae To,mwn, ~u9ht to my auenotcvr by the app/Imnt !or add/trona/ appm W baerw a un&y0ycVng ru,. Ter re- by tyre (Inrba/fiene) ':l I'vl 6m"lper 'PlanningbRo oitA Tae Rem0val.Dead_0s07Qq Confirmation Report- Memory Send Page : 001 Date & Time: Nov-25-09 01:31pm Line 1 9704792452 E-mail Machine ID TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Job number 258 Date Nov-25 01:30pm To : $913037154546 Number of pages 001 Start time Nov-25 01:30pm End time Nov-25 01:31pm Pages sent 001 Status OK Job number : 258 ~-6 (),Cre-5S- SEND SUCCESSFUL i[]esiisj" Review Board ACTION FORM # pepartmeret of Community D,ave.loprreBnt ra-r ~rry 7T 75 SOUth Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 61657 Q yHltl . tei- 970.479.2139 lax: 970.479-2452 wab: www.vailflov_eorn Project Name: CITY MARKET TREE REMOVAL DRB Number: DR6090595 Project Dmscription: REMOVE THREE DEAD ASPENS. WORK TO BE COMPLETED THE FIRST WEEK OF DECEMBER. Pa rti ci pa rrts: OWNER TOWN OF VAIL 11/19/2009 C/O DILLON REAL ESTATE CO PO BOX 5567 AA-TN REAL ESTATE OEPT DENVER CO 80217 APPLICANT BARB OSNESS 11/19/2009 65 TEJON ST DENVER CO 50223 Project Address: 2109 N FRONTAGE RD W VAIL Location: CITY MARKET Legal pascriptlon: Lot: BIocK: Suiadivlslon: City Market(unplatted Parcel Number: 2103-114-2402-5 eommsnts: See condltlons BOARD/Sf AFF ACT.[ON Motion By: Action: S -AFFAPP Second By: pate of Approval: 11/25/2009 Votes: Conditions: Conti: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made withoart the written consent oP Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and bftcomft void one (1) year following the dace of final approval, unless a bullding permlt is isnu~-d and construcclon is comm4enced and is diligently pursued toward compl®tlon. Cond: CON0011203 Thy applicant shall plant a minimum of thraa aspe=ns measuring a minimum of Z-Inches in caliper by no later than June 30, 2010, on the site. Thom applicant shall call Warren Campbell at 970-479-2148 when the trees have been installed so a final inspactl- can ba perl`ormed. Planner: Warren Campbell DRIB F_e Paid: $0.00 t Confirmation Report- Memory Send Page : 001 Date & Time: Nov-25-09 01:32pm Line 1 9704792452 E-mail Machine ID TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Job number 259 Date Nov-25 01:32pm To $94771147 I 1 / Number of pages 001 Start time Nov-25 01:32pm End time Nov-25 01:32pm Pages sent 001 Status OK Job number 259 SEND SUCCESSFUL LD*asigrs Mav➢Qwrv Board ACTION FORM i ~ Dgpartm ant of Comrnunlty Oavefoprnant f1r +rf 75 South Frontapa Road, Vail, Coiorado B1657 TOMW OF V tel: 970.479.2139 fa-: 970.479.2452 web: www.valloov.corn Project Name: CITY MARKET' TREE REMOVAL Prr»lwrt nA4~rieNor~: impliS Numbar: DR5090595 REMOVE THREE DEAD ASPENS. WORK TO BE COMPLETEO THE FIRST WEEK OF DECEMBER. Partlcipar+ts: OWNER TOWN OF VAIL 11/19/2009 C/O OILLON REAL ES'TAT'E CO PO BOX 5567 AT-FN REAL ESTATE DEPT DENVER CO 80217 APPL11CANT BARB OSNES'S 11/19/2009 65 TEJON S7- DENVER CO 80223 Projecrt Address: 2109 N FRONTAGE RO W VAIL Locat/on: Cr"17Y MARKET Legal nescriptlon: Lot: Block: Subdivision: City Market/unpiatted Parcel Numbar: 2103-114-2402-5 cominants: sea conditions BOARD/STAFF ACrION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPP Second By: Vote: pate "IF Approval: 11/25/2009 te: conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without them written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate rcvlew committee(s). Cond: 202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and b-nnma void one (1) year rollowing tho date of final approval, unless a building permit Is Issued and construction Is commcncftd and is dillg~ntly pursued toward oomplation. Cond: CON0011203 The applicant shall plant a minimum of three aspens measuring a minimum of 2-inches in caliper by no later than Juno 30, 2010, on the site. The applicant shall call Warren Campbell at 970-479-2148 when the trees have been Installed so a final inspection can b~ pcrfcrmcd_ Plannar: Warran Campbell FRB Foe Paid: ;0.00 e ` ~ n 1, { Y4 A l, 2. d 14 ■