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B06-0152 Plans
�� t FAJ,—�W BETH LEVINE ARCHITECT, INC. P.O. BOX 1525 AVON, GO 81620 M70) C126-4cicI3 FAX (cf q26 -2cIci3 GONTACT: BETH LEVINE M!AZ -.Now 11 1.) ALL NEW GONSTRUCTION SHALL MATGH EXISTING MATERIALS AND GUALITY OF GON5TRUGTION EXCEPT WHERE NOTED, 2,) THE GONTRAGTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS WITH THE EXISTING GON5TRUGTION AND GOORDINATE WITH THE ARGHITEGT. THE GONTRAGTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS WITH THE EXISTING GON5TRUGTION AND GOORDINATE WITH THE ARCHITECT. GLIENT MILLER RESIDENCE REMODEL 6q5 FOREST ROAD, UNIT A VAIL GOLORADO 8165 �D z x aj Lu O cz uj Z 57*mwo`UC7Um"'w%AL ENGINE KRM CON5ULTANT5, INC. PO E30X 4512 VAIL, GO 81658 (cf q4ci-cI5qI FAX (cf cl4 -1517 CONTACT ENGINEER: MIKE 5TRUMPH ENGINEER OF RECORD: TIM HENNUM GOVER SHEET G I SURVEY Ic-i83 G2 SURVEY Icici4 AO. I E EXISTING SITE PLAN AI.OE EXISTING FLOOR PLANS A2. OE EXISTING BUILDING ELEVATIONS A3. OE EXISTING BUILDING SEGTIONS AO. I SITE PLAN Al .0 FIRST FLOOR PLAN Al . I SECOND FLOOR PLAN Al .2 THIRD FLOOR PLAN Al .3 FOURTH FLOOR PLAN Al .4 ROOF PLAN A2. I NORTH ELEVATION i WINDOW SIGHEDULE A2. 2 WEST ELEVATION A2. 3 SOUTH ELEVATION A2. 4 EAST ELEVATION A3, I BUILDING 5EGTION A3. BUILDING SECTION BUILDING 5EGTION 51 5PEGIFIGATION 52 FOUNDATION PLAN 53 SECOND FLOOR FRAMING 54 THIRD FLOOR FRAMING 55 ROOF FRAMING 56 DETAILS J. POPNELL 4 A550., INC. P.O. BOX 1455 135 E. GOTTONNOOD ROAD AVON, GO e1620 (CI70) 748 -0383 (P4 F) INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL GODS 2003 ko Co leak DATE PR06RESS 01.12.06 PROGRESS 02. 10.06 DRS 03.0 - 1. 06 t 03.24.06 PERM 06. oci. 06 C c C) ko Co leak DATE PR06RESS 01.12.06 PROGRESS 02. 10.06 DRS 03.0 - 1. 06 t 03.24.06 PERM 06. oci. 06 I r r TRACT B 130. 7 kA _� -- -- J FOUND REBAR €'YSf- i{t"e}a^" 7.x,.5 a ry 4' X ROOF a ��' r,` t, 2nd LEVEL co C? RHANG 21 ' � c H"tN+t✓ a s l .3� 22 3 , 2nd LEVEL wooD DECK 4 .5 � ROOF OVER,HANC LOT 6 2 � 0 2 �# s �a V •ta r� AS C b A- =25.81 R= 475 00' 4 v 8159. g,,# 0VERMANG 9 a �,, 1st LEVEL ROCK PA 170 -- MBER RET WALL � . �� tt �� v s i ��f .• Mkt 12 1! 0 0 . 14.9 c� ROCK oo CI T CONC. RE7 WALL RCV " F` UVE RNANt; '�� T1O C3 — Q 5' CaNCkETE 14.0 � RETAIN/NO WALL T*1 C„ 1 X25. �'`�--- FC7lINL REBAR 4S A�pHAL t /[ U (50 FO K P 5 12 0 0 P 0 0 N' t herby certify that this knprov+e nw7t locotion certJfrcote was prepored for the mortgage lsndar and the title h7surarce compony, that it ds not a land surrey plot or k»prornment Survey plot, and that 1t Is not to be railed upon for the estWlshmeefnt of f&7c*, boding, or other future knprorement limes. 1 further certify that the h7womnants can the above deaated parcel can #his dal except u# tty Connectk7r4 care dntkely wlthln the boundorles of the parcel, except as shown, that thou* are no encroachments uPo4 the described pramisas by knproraments' ar ony od)bming premise., excVt os k7d1ccrte4 arm that there Is no oppornt evidence or sign of any easement owskrg or burdOnIng any part of saki parcel, except ors noted Mls certlllcate does not constitute a title search by Inter-- Mountaka fng1n*w q to det&mloo ownersh p or oo" menu- of record For €,dl krforr»a #ion rey+cwrlkrg easements, u3otx --ate wery or title of record, Jntor— Mountaln relied upon. VA /L WKLAG& VX7H RUMa A RESt A5►lJV4 $10N OF A PART cr vAlL 04LACC, SE'c:YhY© FxNo. PART DF SEt; T, r5s:, R 9f1W., $7H P.M. EAa.E COUNrr, COLORA 0. t _. f' 1 . 31 6 695 FOREST R ©At? .. TRACT B VAIL/LIONSHEAD, THIRD FILING SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE 1, Stan Hogfeldt, a Professional Land Surveyor registered under the laws of the State of Colorado, do hereby certify that this topographic survey was mode by me and under my supervision, and that the survey ,,",,Qqqyrcte and correct to the best of my knowledge. Stan Hogfeldt Colorado P.L.S. id 25'21'54� ' POINT OF BEGINNING (PARCEL A) TRUE POINT OF "' BEGINNING (PARCEL 270*ond' AO.0' 7* PARCEL B F#ARCEL A & 8 DETAIL SCALE. 1" = 20' z 8132-6 T=43.36 1�03*06'47" 8132.2' R=475.00 L-25.81 TOPOGRAPHIC SUF T= 12.91 1 ^"fl C rni #-I S1 � 0 1--1 FOUND No. 5 REBAR � .4 —�, - 1 8 4' p4b � 1 I 2 STORY FRAME DUPLEX DECK ADDRESS- $05 FOREST ROAD b� PARCEL A J \ \ 1 0 % I Wr r WNW SCALE: 1" = 10' DATE OF SURVEY: 8/11/93 NOTE: BEARINGS CALCULATED FROM VAIL/LJONSHEAD, THIRD FILING DECIDUOUS TREE EVERGREEN TREE DECK 0.05 ACRES r 24 .1 41. STAIRS I RAILROAD TIE R KING WALL 32 0.7' WIDE) FOUND No. 5 REBAR 34 RET. WALL PHONE PED, 1BA'30 8136.2' 0) FOUND PIN & ALUM. CAP =0 1=0910 *3Z . C. S. No, 16827 R=52-5.00 EDGE OF PAVEMENT L=8 SAM ECKER 8/16/93 I 70-25W(LEGAL) 18 PARCEL C 0.37 ACRES Ll 4 WATER VALVE 0 Kelm 2.0' OVERHANG 0 a� 2.0' OVERHANG V 40 4 SHED 20 DECK 26 �`` EDGE OF CONC. DRIVE 10 8127.0' OUTLINE OF BUILDING (8156,4') (8161.1 35.8' ROOF ELEV. MI PARCEL LINE RAILROAD TIE RETAINING WALL (0.7 WIDE) 4 8127.4' PARCEL B 0.03 ACRES 28 RAILROAD TIE RETAINING WALL ..---'(0.7`WIDE) O ET, LL N CONCREfS DRNMAY (8137.7') 8132.2' CONRETE WALL (0.7 A o | � \ �------------------------------------------------------------------ � \ � ) ` \ | \ \ / \ | \ ( \ | \ \ | \ \ | \ | \ . ` \ | \ | \ | \ \ | \ ' ` \ | \ \ | \ \ � \ | \ ) \ � \ \ | l ' \ | \ � . ` \ | \ � \ \ \ \ . ^ \ \ . \ \ \ \ / \ \ \ \ \ . \ \ \ \ \ \ � . \ \ \ \ \ \ \ r4 / \ �\ . ' / \ \ / . / \ / \ / . / / \ / \ \ / ` \ / \ / . \ / / \ / . / / / / / / \ / / \ | / / \ / \ / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ L-�------ - | i , | , � , � i � MTH � k PR06RESS 01.51.0(0: PR06RES5 02. 10. No A0.1 SCALE: 1/5" = V-O" NORTH 1 M. L ---------------------- FIRST FLOOR PLAN �EXISTIN& SCALE: 1/5" = V-O" NORTH ------------------------------------- DATE PROGRESS f. tl PROGRESS o1 .31 PROGRESS 02. 10 ob PR6 o3. 0 - 1. ob 03.24.061 PERM 1 T 06. 0q, 06 SCALE: 1/5" = V-O" NORTH 1 M. L ---------------------- FIRST FLOOR PLAN �EXISTIN& SCALE: 1/5" = V-O" NORTH ------------------------------------- DATE PROGRESS tl PROGRESS o1 .31 PROGRESS 02. 10 ob SCALE: 1/5" = V-O" NORTH 1 M. L ---------------------- FIRST FLOOR PLAN �EXISTIN& SCALE: 1/5" = V-O" NORTH ------------------------------------- • CS 0 I l�(k DATE PROGRESS 01. 12.06 PROGRESS o1 .31 PROGRESS 02. 10 ob PR6 o3. 0 - 1. ob 03.24.061 PERM 1 T 06. 0q, 06 c> 00 • CS 0 I l�(k DATE PROGRESS 01. 12.06 PROGRESS o1 .31 PROGRESS 02. 10 ob PR6 o3. 0 - 1. ob 03.24.061 PERM 1 T 06. 0q, 06 i it ' BASEMENT' PLAN EXISTIN& SCALE. 11V' = 11-011 NORTH THIRD FLOOR 5ECOND FLOOR FIR5T FLOOR PLATE L. ; �t J- =*"mlXl5TlN6 P-ME57 *EmLEVA710N EXIS71N6 5UE3 FLOOR - - PLATE SUB FLOOR - PLATE 5UI3 FLOOR BASEMENT THIRD FLOOR _ OI L 5EGOND FLOOR FIRST FLOOR THIRD FLOOR _ PLATE 5EGON0 FLOOR ENTR - Z`�CUTH t: - EXI�5`TIN6 m NCR7H ELEVA710N EX1571N6 50ALE: 1/8 11 1 1 -0 11 PLATE ----- -- SUB FLOOR ' PLATE J., SUB FLOOR PLATE 5UB FLOOR '-- --- BASEMENT ell ON ON CN DATE PR06RE55 01. 12.06' PR06RESS 01.31.06 PR06RE55 02.10.06 i PERMIT ob. 0q. Oro 1 A-2 5UI3 FLOOR EL: 13'-6 1/4" PLATE EL: 17-5 112" PLATE EL 4' -3 5/b" SUB FLOOR F-Lt -&'-1 1/4" BASEMENT am 111111111111 • rl; ol I 5G, 1/6" = 1 5EGOND FLOOR � A'-2 5/ FIRST FLOOR FL: o SUB FLOOR EL. 13'-6 1/4" PLATE EL: 12'-5 1/2" SUB FLOOR EL: 4'-5 5/5" PLATE L-- 4'-5 518" 5UE3 FLOOR EL! -&'-1 1/4" BASEMENT EL; -q'-1 - 71W SECTION A - EXISTING FIRST FLOOR EL. 0'-0" , THIRD FLOOR ZFEL. lb'-5 1/4" 5ECONP FLOOR �-22 5/�'+" p-malaw"m I M;qm 1plml�� rr Nall • �M 014 IM m m ON cl ON, ON ON ON -------------- r� �� i if L.Lj Awk �4 c) I F.j DATE PR06RE55 01,12.061 PROC-RE55 01.51.06 PR06RE55 13 02. 1 0. 06 03.0 - 1.06 1 03. 24, 06 PERM I T 06. 0q. 06 5 Zjf t,4/,A";t7j %.P'vj u c) \-O u x o � � w U F, F, �N� 0 LO Aft DATE PR06RE-55 01. 12�06 01.31.06 PR06F2E-56 02.10.06:. ow 03.0 03.24.06 ........................................... ....... . . ........................... .. F Al � Al al I CJ j ts- I I ::: -saof cl(eZ' SCALE: 1/4" = V-O" I DATE 11 155UE PR06RE55 01. 12, C PR06RF-55 PR06RE55 02,10,061 VR(3 03.0 - 1. 06 1 : 03. 24. 06 PERM I T 06. OCI. 06 ON I CJ j ts- I I ::: -saof cl(eZ' SCALE: 1/4" = V-O" I DATE 11 155UE PR06RE55 01. 12, C PR06RF-55 PR06RE55 02,10,061 VR(3 03.0 - 1. 06 1 : 03. 24. 06 PERM I T 06. OCI. 06 q°I / L _______________________________________ I crN 155UE DATE PRO(5RES5 01 2.06 PR06RE55 01.31.06 PR06RES5 02.10,061 PERMIT 06. 0q. 06 q°I / L _______________________________________ I i i cc Or a I • 1 1-1 1 1 1-11 , CLI Li. I up in i t O I DATE PR06RE 01.1 PR06RF55 01. 31 I I PR06RE55 - .O(q 02.10, ob ORB 03. 0' 013.24. 06 PERMIT up in i t O I k � �� I I DATF PR06RE55 01. 12.06 PR06RE55 01.5i,ob PR06RE55 02. 10.0b' DRf3 03.0 03.24. PERM I T CYO. OCI. 06 Em k ri C\ CN P;L4 � �� I I DATF PR06RE55 01. 12.06 PR06RE55 01.5i,ob PR06RE55 02. 10.0b' DRf3 03.0 03.24. PERM I T CYO. OCI. 06 Em k rem I I E gal LWI-A L LW-A kel ift'l LW-A ;ZOOF PLAN CALE; 1/4" = P-o" NORTH 9 � I eti it 1� I f 11 0 6 J --L --J �� f E gal LWI-A L LW-A kel ift'l LW-A ;ZOOF PLAN CALE; 1/4" = P-o" NORTH 9 � I eti I f 11 0 6 �� f i `` i �'� 1 �� j 159X DATE PR06RE55 01. 12.06 PRO&RE 01.31.06 PR06RE55 02. 10.06 DR& 03.0 - 1. 06 03.24.06;: PERM I T 06.0q .,% A1.4 NO. OPERATION SIZE REMARK5 * FIXED TRAPEZOID FIELD VERIFY PAIR OF ANNINC7 H |FIXED � 15TIN6 V4000 3ST|Nf7 L16flT PLATE J, 56 FLOOR ' - PLATE ---- SUB FLOOR PLATE mom VATE PROC,RE55 _01. 12.06 PRO61RE55 01.31.06 PR06RE55 02.10.06 PERMIT 06.0cl.06 A,20% m F�'"i � �� , may �' kn 00 kf) (0 ! � i t �� 4 - VATE PR06RESS 01. 12.06 i PROC 01.31. PR06RE55 02. 10.06 WB 03.0 . 06 03 . 24. Ob PERM Ob. 0q, 06 gsk OF% MATCH E� 5101NO - rHIRP I ENTRY WWII 50ALE. 1/4" = V-O" REVIEWE BY z7-,D JUL 1 9 200 WM- t �'� r--4 ANOL DATE PR06RE55 01.12. PR06RE55 01.51.06 PR06RE55 02.10.06 DRB 03, 01. 06 03.24.06 PERM I T 06. Gci Ob .�, THIRD FLOOR - --- 5EGONO FLOOR -------- SCALE: k4/ = 1'-0" ` 04TC,H E><15TIN6'RA\LiNG5 5UE3 FLOOR O L PLATE sit Il. 4 (all ON _____ PLATE 1 p � ,00, 10" PR067RE55 01, 12.06' PROORF-55 01.31.061 PRO&RE55 02, 1 0. Ob DR13 03 0 06 Fu 5GALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" �E By CT CT 00 ���N���� w1.I S f LLJ �N���N�� i `� I DATE PR06RE55 0 1 . 12. 0 ........... PR06RF=S5 01.31.06 PRO6RE55 02.10, PRB 03. 0-1 . 03. 2 4. 0(b PERM I T 06. oci 06 0 k --I coo 00 --I rr . 1 0 I m cr) CN CN a\ � r. Q C7 CrN • K z FIRST FLOOR EL: 0'-0" BASEMENT E L : --i F I — /e5 I 5GALE, 1/4" = V-O" 155M PATE PR06RE55 01.51.06 PR06RE55 02.10,061 W5 03. ol. 06 PERM 03,24,061 Ob. Gq. 06 1 ii 7t N cD CD 0 N a3 3 fJ W EL U? c� N Q O cn c 0 'S Cf� 41 a E v W v c cll :g cn EY m N 0 0 d C'} Ll DESIGN CRITERIA: MILLER REMODEL 0602 -13 Roof Live Load (Snow) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 80 psf Roof Dead Load ----------------------------- - - - - -- 15 psf Floor Live Load ------------------------------ - - - - -- 40 psf Floor Dead Load ----------------------------- - - - - -- 15 psf Deck Live Load ------------------------------ - - - - -- 100 psf Deck Dead Load ----------------------------- - - - - -- 50 psf Wind (3 Second Gust) -------------------------- - - - - -- 90 mph (Exp. B) Seismic Design Category - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - EXEMPT IBC /IRC Edition ------------------------------ - - - - -- 2003 FOUNDATION DESIGN: a. Design of individual and continuous footings is based on an assumed maximum allowable bearing pressure of 2500 psf (dead load plus full live load). b. Foundation and retaining walls have been designed using an assumed lateral pressure of 60 pcf. c. Footings shall be placed on the natural undisturbed soil, or compacted structural fill per the recommendations of the geotechnical engineer, below frost depth. d. Provide continuous foundation drains around the perimeter of all basement walls and at the base of retaining walls. Contact geotechnical engineer for details. e. A representative of the geotechnical engineer shall verify soils conditions and types during excavation. Because geotechnical information was not available at the time of preparation of the construction documents, we have used assumed values based on similar sites in the area. Construction of the foundation may not proceed without verifying these values. Report any discrepancies from design assumptions to structural engineer for re- evaluation of foundation design. f. Backfill around and above structural buttresses and retaining walls shall be compaction - tested per the recommendations of the geotechnical engineer. REINFORCED CONCRETE: a. Concrete design is based on the "Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete" (ACI 318) as adopted by Chapter 19 of the 2003 IBC. b. Structural concrete shall have a minimum 28 -day compressive strength of 3000 psi. c. Concrete shall be proportioned using Type 1 -II sulfate- resistant cement. Admixtures containing chloride salts shall not be used. d. Cold weather concreting procedures shall be provided as recommended in the ACI Manual of Concrete Practice e. Anchor bolts for beam and column bearing plates shall be placed with setting templates. f. Expansion bolts shall be located at a minimum of 6 bolt diameters from concrete edge and spaced at 10 bolt diameters unless noted otherwise. g. Anchor bolts for wood sill plates shall be placed at 4' -0" maximum spacing with one anchor bolt at 12" from each end or corner and a minimum of two anchor bolts per piece. h. Concrete floor slabs on grade and on metal decking or plywood supported by framing shall have sawn or tooled control joints at a maximum spacing of 15' -0" in each direction. Locate control joints along column grid lines where possible and provide slab isolation joints around columns. i. Concrete coverage for reinforcing steel: 1. Concrete cast against and permanently exposed to earth: 3" 2. Concrete exposed to earth or weather: A. #5 bar and smaller 1 1/2" B. #6 through #18 bar 2" 3. Concrete not exposed to weather or in contact with ground: A. Slabs, walls, joists ( #11 bar and smaller) 3/4" B. Beams, columns 1 1/2" REINFORCING STEEL: a. Detailing, fabrication and placement of reinforcing steel shall be in accordance with the ACI Manual of Concrete Practice b. Except where otherwise noted on the drawings, reinforcing bars shall conform to ASTM Specification A615 and shall be grade 60 except ties, field bent bars where permitted by note on plan, or bars to be welded, which shall be grade 40. c. At splices, lop bars 44 diameters. Do not weld or use mechanical splicing devices unless specifically approved by engineer. d. At corners, make horizontal bars continuous or provide corner bars. Around openings and steps in concrete, provide (2) - #5 bars extending 2' -6" beyond edge of opening or step. e. Extend reinforcing steel a minimum of 2' -6" through cold joints, Unless specifically located on plan or details, coordinate cold joint locations with engineer. f. Welded wire fabric shall conform to ASTM Specification A -185. Lop welded wire fabric a minimum of one full mesh plus two inches. Laps shall be wired together. g. Epoxy adhesive for reinforcing dowels shall be "Hilti" or "Simpson" or approved equivalent adhesive systems. Minimum embedments, if not specifically indicated on the drawings, shall be according to the manufacturer's specifications. h. Metric bar size conversion table: METRIC INCH -POUND #10 # #13 #4 16 19 #22 #6 #25 #8 #29 #9 #32 #10 #36 #11 STRUCTURAL WOOD FRAMING: a. Except where noted otherwise, all 2" nominal lumber, except studs, shall be Douglas Fir -Larch #2 and better, and all solid timber beams and posts 3" nominal and wider shall be Douglas Fir -Larch #2. b. Studs shall be Stud grade and better Douglas Fir -Larch or Hem Fir. c. Built -up posts shall consist of Douglas Fir -Larch or Hem Fir #2 or better 2x4 or 2x6 studs per plan and shall be nailed together with 2 rows of 16d nails @ 6" on center along each stud. d. Built -up beams consisting of multiple 2x members shall be nailed together with two rows of 16d nails spaced at 12" on center, or with two rows of 1/2" diameter thru -bolts spaced at 24" on center. e. Top and bottom plates shall be Douglas Fir -Larch or Hem Fir #2 and better. Plates placed directly on concrete walls or slabs shall be pressure - treated Hem Fir #2. f. Wood beams bearing in beam pockets in concrete or masonry walls shall bear on a treated 2x6 bearing block. Provide 16" clearance around end of wood beam. Block against sides of beam pocket with treated 2x blocking to provide lateral support for beam. g. Within floor joist spaces beneath solid or built -up columns noted on plans, blocking of area equivalent to column above shall be provided. Door or window trimmers consisting of a single stud do not require special blocking in the joist space. h. Except as noted otherwise, minimum nailing shall be provided as specified in the "Nailing Schedule" on the drawings (2003 IBC Table 2304.9.1). i. Bolts used for wood framing connections shall be installed with standard washers and nuts. j. Unless noted otherwise, steel connectors such as those manufactured by the Simpson Company shall be used to join rafters, joists or beams to other beams at flush- framed conditions. Use all specified nails. Connector conditions not otherwise noted shall utilize Type U or Type HU hangers of a size specifically designed for the member supported, as shown in the manufacturer's published tables. Contact structural engineer for details as required. k. Wood nailer plates installed on steel beams or concrete walls for top - flange hangers shall be ripped to match the width of the wall or beam flange. Nailer plates supporting top flange hangers from one side only shall be installed flush with the face of wall or beam flange at the hanger locations. 1. Manufactured joists shall be from an approved manufacturer and shall be equivalent in load carrying capacity and deflection criteria to TJI 210 series joists in the depths and spacings indicated on plan. Provide blocking, bracing, web stiffeners and other accessories as required by the manufacturer. m. Laminated veneer lumber (LVL) shall have the following minimum properties: 1. Flexural stress - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2600 psi 2. Modulus of elasticity --------------------------- - - - - -- 1,900,000 psi 3. Tension parallel to grain ------------------------ - - - - -- 1850 psi 4. Compression parallel to grain --------------------- - - - - -- 2310 psi 5. Compression perpendicular to grain (parallel to glue line) --- - - - - -- 750 psi 6. Horizontal shear ----------------------------- - - - - -- 285 psi 7. Connection of multiple- member beams: A. Top - loaded beams I) For members 12" deep or less, nail each member to the next with 2 rows of 16d nails at 12" o.c. ii) For members greater than 12" deep, nail each member to the next with 3 rows of 16d nails at 12" o.c. B. Side - loaded beams i) For two or three member beams, nail each member to the next with 3 rows of 16d nails at 12" o.c. ii) For four member beams, bolt through with 2 rows of 1/2" diameter bolts at 12" o.c. iii) For members consisting of more than four members, contact structural engineer. n. All lumber used in construction shall have a maximum moisture content of 19 %. o. Framing Notes: 1. Exterior walls: A. All exterior walls are 2x6 studs @ 16" o.c. to a maximum height of 12' -6 ", 2x6 studs @ 12" o.c. to a maximum height of 14' -6 ", and (2) -2x6 studs @ 16" to a maximum height of 17' -4" unless otherwise noted. Walls taller than 17' -4" shall be framed with manufactured parallam studs, contact engineer for spacing requirements, if not indicated on plan. Cap with a double top plate installed to provide overlapping at corners and at intersections with other partitions. If overlap is not possible, strop top plates with metal strap ties (Simpson ST292 or equivalent). B. Gable -end walls shall be balloon- framed to the bottom of rafters or end -wall trusses unless approved by engineer. C. Floor or roof framing members must be aligned to bear within 5 inches of the studs beneath. D. Provide 7/16" thick APA rated sheathing (plywood or OSB) rated 24/16, exposure 1, at exterior face of exterior walls. Block all horizontal joints and nail panels with 8d nails spaced at 6" along panel edges and at 12" along intermediate supports. E. Provide (3) -2x10 headers over all door and window openings, with one 2x6 trimmer and one 2x6 king stud each end, unless otherwise indicated. F. At beam bearing locations in stud walls, provide multiple -stud posts equal to width of bearing member unless noted otherwise. 2. Interior Load Bearing Walls: A. Interior load bearing walls are 2x4 or 2x6 studs (as indicated on plan) © 16" o.c. with 1/2" gypsum wallboard both sides unless noted otherwise. Cap with a double top plate installed to provide overlapping at corners and at intersections with other partitions. If overlap is not possible, strap top plates with metal strap ties (Simpson ST292 or equivalent). B. Floor or roof framing members must be aligned to bear within 5 inches of the studs beneath. C. Provide (2) -2x10 headers over all openings in wall, with one 2x4 or 2x6 trimmer and one 2x4 or 2x6 king stud each end, unless noted otherwise. D. At beam bearing locations in stud walls, provide multiple -stud posts equal to width of bearing member unless noted otherwise. 3. Floor Construction: A. Provide 3/4" thick APA rated Sturdifloor rated at 24" o.c., tongue and groove, exposure 1. Glue and nail panels to all supports with 8d nails spaced at 6" along panel edges and at 12" along intermediate supports. Install sheathing with long dimension perpendicular to joists and end joints staggered. B. Provide solid blocking between floor joists at all bearing locations. Blocking material shall match the floor joist material. 4. Roof Construction: A. Provide 5/8" thick APA plywood sheathing rated 40/20, exposure 1. Install sheathing with long dimension perpendicular to rafters or trusses and end joints staggered. Nail with 8d nails spaced at 6" along panel edges and at 12" along intermediate supports. B. Plywood sheathing shall be applied continuously over the primary roof members (rafters or trusses) below overframed areas to provide adequate lateral stability. C. Provide wind /seismic anchors at supports for all roof joists and trussed rafters. See nailing schedule. D. Provide solid blocking between roof rafters, trusses and lookouts at all bearing locations. Blocking material shall match rafter, truss chord, or lookout material. 5. Wind Bracing: A. Walls over 4 feet long which are sheathed with gypsum wallboard on both faces and are indicated as shear walls on plan have been designed to resist wind forces in accordance with Table 2306.4.5 of the 2003 IBC. B. At shear walls, screw 1/2" gypsum wallboard to all studs and to top and bottom plates with #8 x 1 1/8" drywall screws at 7" maximum spacing. C. Exterior plywood or OSB wall sheathing is required unless specifically deleted by engineer. STRUCTURAL STEEL: a. Structural steel shall be detailed, fabricated and erected in accordance with the most current editions of RISC Specifications and Code of Standard Practice. b. Structural steel HSS shapes shall be ASTM A500 GRADE B. Other rolled shapes, including plates and angles shall be ASTM A36 c. All bolts used in steel framing shall conform to ASTM Specification A325. Anchor bolts and bolts used in timber connections may be ASTM A307. Bolt sizes shall be 3/4" diameter unless noted otherwise. d. Typical framed beam connections shall consist of pairs of 1/4" angles using the maximum number of bolts called for in Table 11 -A of the AISC Manual (ASD Ninth Edition). e. Expansion bolts shall be wedge type "Hilti" or "Rawl" or "Simpson ", or approved equivalent with the following minimum embedments: 1/2" diameter - - -- 2 1/2" 5/8" diameter - - -- 3" 3/4" diameter - - -- 4" f. Epoxy anchors called for on the drawings shall be "Epcon" or "Rawl" or "Simpson" or approved equivalent anchor systems. Minimum embedments, if not specifically indicated on the drawings, shall be according to the manufacturer's specifications. g. All welding shall be done by an AWS qualified welder. hi. Delay painting within 3" of field welds until welds are completed. i. Where corrosive soil conditions exist, steel angles that are used to support exterior stone veneer shall be galvanized and shall be attached to the foundation with galvanized or stainless steel expansion anchors. BACKFILLING: a. Do not backfiil against retaining walls until supporting elements are in place and securely anchored, or adequate shoring is installed. Concurrent backfilling of each side of a retaining wall to final grades as indicated on plan or section is required unless temporary shoring is installed. b. Verify type of fill with soils engineer and structural engineer prior to backfilling. GROUT: a. All grout beneath column base plates and steel beams at bearing shall be non- shrink, non - metallic type grout. Grout shall have a minimum compressive strength of 2500 psi. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: a. Structural erection and bracing: The structural drawings illustrate the completed structure with all elements in their final positions, properly supported and braced. The contractor, in the proper sequence, shall provide shoring and bracing as may be required during construction to achieve the final completed structure. Contact structural engineer for consultation (not in contract) as required. b. Existing structures: Contractor shall be responsible for verifying dimensions, elevations, framing, foundation and anything else that may affect the work shown on the drawings. Underpinning, shoring and bracing of existing structures shall be the responsibility of the contractor. c. Dimensions: Check all dimensions against architectural drawings prior to construction. Do not scale drawings. d. Construction practices: General contractor is responsible for means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures for construction of this project. Notify structural engineer of omissions or conflicts between the working drawings and existing conditions. Coordinate requirements for mechanical /electrical /plumbing penetrations through structural elements with structural engineer. Jobsite safety is the sole responsibility of the contractor. All methods used for construction shall be in accordance with the latest editions of the IBC /IRC. e. Details not specifically shown on the drawings shall be constructed in a manner similar to the details that ore shown for like conditions. These items shall be brought to the attention of the structural engineer as soon as possible for approval. Approval shall be obtained prior to installation. f. It is the responsibility of the contractor to contact the structural engineer at the appropriate time to perform site observation visits. Observation visits to the jobsite by the engineer are for determination of general conformance with the construction documents and shall not be construed as inspection. g. Though every effort is made to provide a complete and clear set of construction documents, discrepancies or omissions may occur. Release of these drawings anticipates cooperation and continued communication between the contractor, architect and engineer to provide the best possible structure. These drawings have been prepared for the use of a qualified contractor experienced in the construction techniques and systems depicted. STEEL HELICAL PIERS: a. Steel helical piers shall be designed and installed to resist the unfactored design loads as shown on Sheet S2. Unless otherwise recommended by the manufacturer, the factor of safety to be applied to the design loads to obtain the ultimate load capacity of each pier shall be 2. b. Installer Qualifications: Installation shall be done by an authorized installation contractor. Proof of current certification with the manufacturer, as an authorized installer of the helical piers being used, shall be submitted to the Architect or Structural Engineer prior to starting installation. C. A written installation record shall be kept for each helical pier, including date of installation, location of pier, description of lead section, including number and diameter of helices and extensions used, overall depth of installation from a known reference point, and installation torque at termination of pier. d. Soil corrosivity and required mediation shall be determined by the geotechnical engineer and helical pier supplier, respectively. All piers must have a minimum corrosion protection of hot dip galvanization. e. Submit shop drawings indicating shaft and helix sizes, including manufacturer's catalog cuts and data sheets to the engineer for review prior to installation. f. The steel helical pier system shall be ICBO (ICC) approved. Installing contractor shall furnish evidence to the Structural Engineer by means of the ICBO (ICC) evaluation report or "ER" number. g. Acceptable tolerance for alignment of top of pier shall be 3 inches. Piers exceeding this amount shall be removed and redrilled. Do not force pier tops into alignment. 2003 IBC FASTENING SCHEDULE (TABLE 2304.9.1) CONNECTION FASTENING a m LOCATION 1. Joist to sill or girder 3 - 8d common toenail LUS210 3 - 3" x 0.131" nail SIMPSON LSSU2.1 3 - 3" 14 gage staple SIMPSON 2. Bridging to joist 2 - 8d common toenail each end NAILS 2 - 3" x 0.131" nail SIMPSON ITT11.88 2 - 3" 14 gage staple SIMPSON 3. 1" x 6" subfloor or less to each joist 2 - 8d common face nail 4. Wider than 1" x 6" subfloor to each joist 3 - 8d common face nail 5. 2" subfloor to joist or girder 2 - 16d common blind and face nail 6. Sole plate to joist or blocking 16d at 16" o.c. typical face nail SIMPSON 3" x 0.131" nail at 8" o.c. d SIMPSON 3" 14 gage staple at 12" o.c. Sole plate to joist or blocking at braced 3 - 16d per 16" braced wall panels wall panel (4) -3" x 0.131" nail per 16" (4) -3" 14 gage staple per 16" 7. Top plate to stud 2 - 16d common end nail 3 - 3" x 0.131" nail 3 - 3" 14 gage staple 8. Stud to sole plate 4 - 8d common toenail 4 - 3" x 0.131" nail 3 - 3" 14 gage staple 2 - 16d common end nail 3 - 3" x 0.131" nail 3 - 3" 14 gage staple 9. Double Studs 16d at 24" o.c. face nail 3" x 0.131" nail at 8" o.c. 3" 14 gage staple at 8" o.c. 10. Double top plates 16d at 16" o.c. typical face nail 3" x 0.131" nail at 12" o.c. 3" 14 gage staple at 12" o.c. Double top plates 8 - 16d common lap splice 12 -3 "x0.131 "nail 12 - 3" 14 gage staple typical face nail 11. Blocking between joist or rafters 3 - 8d common toenail to top plate 3 - 3" x 0.131" nail 3 - 3" 14 gage staple 12. Rim joist to top plate 8d at 6" (152mm) o.c. toenail 3" x 0.131" nail at 6" o.c. 3" 14 gage staple at 6" o.c. 13. Top plates, laps and intersections 2 - 16d common face nail 3 - 3" x 0.131" nail 3 - 3" 14 gage staple 14. Continuous header, two pieces 16d common 16" o.c, along edge 15. Ceiling joists to plate 3 - 8d common toenail 5 - 3" x 0.131" nail 5 - 3" 14 gage staple 16. Continuous header to stud 4 - 8d common toenail 17. Ceiling joists, laps over portions 3 - 16d common minimum, Table 2308.10.4.1 face nail (See Section 2308.10.4.1, Table 2308.10.4.1) 4 - 3" x 0.131" nail 4 - 3" 14 gage staple 18. Ceiling foists to parallel rafters 3 - 16d common minimum, Table 2308.10.4.1 face nail (See Section 2308.10.4.1, Table 2308.10.4.1) 4 - 3" x 0.131" nail 4 - 3" 14 gage staple 19. Rafter to plate 3 - 8d common 3 - 3" x 0.131" nail toenail (See Section 2308.10.1, Table 2308.10.1) 3 - 3" 14 gage staple 20. 1" diagonal brace to each stud and plate 2 - 8d common 2 - 3" x 0.131" nail face nail 2 - 3" 14 gage staple 21. 1" x 8" sheathing to each bearing wall 2 - 8d common face nail 22. Wider than 1" x 8" sheathing to 3 - 8d common face nail each bearing wall 23. Built -up corner studs 16d common 24" o.c. 3" x 0.131" nail 16" o.c. 3" 14 gage staple 16" o.c. 24. Built -up girder and beams 20d common at 32" o.c. face nail at top and 3" x 0.131" nail at 24" o.c. bottom staggered on 3" 14 gage staple at 24" o.c. opposite sides 2 - 20d common face nail at ends and at 3 - 3" x 0.131" nail each splice 3 - 3" 14 gage staple 25. 2" planks 16d common at each bearing 26. Collar tie to rafter 3 - 10d common face nail 4- 3" x 0.131" nail 4 - 3" 14 gage staple face nail 27. Jack rafter to hip 3 - 10d common toenail 4 - 3" x 0.131" nail 4 - 3" 14 gage staple 2 - 16d common face nail 3 - 3" x 0.131" nail 3 - 3" 14 gage staple 28. Roof rafter to 2 -by ridge beam 2 - 16d common toenail 3 - 3" x 0.131" nail 3 - 3" 14 gage staple 2 - 16d common face nail 3 - 3" x 0.131" nail 3 - 3" 14 gage staple 29. Joist to band joist 3 - 16d common face nail 5 - 3" x 0.131" nail 5 - 3" 14 gage staple 30. Ledger strip 3 - 16d common face nail 4 - 3" x 0.131" nail 4 - 3" 14 gage staple 31. Wood structural panels and particleboard:b 1/2" and less 8d °, ' (per KRM)" Subfloor, roof and wall sheathing 2 3/8" x 0.131" nail" (to framing): 1 314" x 16 ga e 19/32" to 3/4" 8d (per KRM)a 2 3/8" x 0.131" nailP 2" 16 gogeP 7/8" to 1" 8d 1 1/8" to 1 1/4" 10d or 8d Single Floor (combination subfloor- 3/4" and less 8d (per KRM) underlayment to framing): 7/8" to 1" 8d 1 1/8" to 1 1/4" 10d or 8d 32. Panel siding (to framing) 1/2" or less 6d 5/8" 8d 33. Fiberboard sheathing: 1/2" No. 11 gage roofing nail 6d common nail No. 16 gage staple 25/32" No. 11 gage roofing noil 8d common nail No. 16 gage staple' 34. Interior paneling T3/8" 4" 4dJ 6d s` NOTES TO TABLE 2304,9.1 For SI: 1 inch = 25.4mm. 2 3/8" x 0.113" nails and 3" x 0.131" nails are standard 8d and 10d Gun nails. a. Common or box nails are permitted to be used except where otherwise stated. b, Nails spaced at 6 inches on center at edges, 12 inches at intermediate supports except 6 inches at supports where spans are 48 inches or more. For nailing of wood structural panel and particleboard diaphragms and shear walls, refer to Section 2305. Nails for wall sheathing are permitted to be common, box or casing. c. Common or deformed shank. d. Common e. Deformed shank. f. Corrosion- resistant siding or casing nail. g. Fasteners spaced 3 inches on center at exterior edges and 6 inches on center at intermediate supports. h. Corrosion - resistant roofing nails with 7/16 -inch diameter head and 1 1/2 inch length for 1/2 -inch sheathing and 1 3/4 inch length for 25/32 -inch sheathing. L Corrosion- resistant staples with nominal 7/16 -inch crown and 1 1/8 inch length for 1/2 -inch sheathing and 1 1/2 inch length for 25/32 -inch sheathing. Panel supports at 16 inches (20 inches if strength axis is the long direction of the panel, unless otherwise marked). j. Casing or finish nails spaced 6 inches on panel edges, 12 inches at intermediate supports. k. Panel supports as 24 inches. Casing or finish nails spaced 6 inches on panel edges, 12 inches at intermediate supports. 1. For roof sheathing applications, 8d nails are the minimum required for wood structural panels m. Staples shall have a minimum crown width of 7/16 inch. n. For roof sheathing applications, fasteners spaced at 4 inches on center at edges, 8 inches at intermediate supports. o. Fasteners spaced 4 inches on center at edges, 8 inches at intermediate supports for subfloor and wall sheathing and 3 inches on center at edges, 6 inches at intermediate supports for roof sheathing. p. Fasteners spaced 4 inches on center at edges, 8 inches at intermediate supports. q. Items noted as "per KRM" have been changed from the IBC schedule to a more restrictive requirement. ALL LUMBER CONNECTORS IN DIRECT CONTACT WITH PRESSURE - TREATED LUMBER SHALL HAVE A SIMPSON ZMAX FINISH OR EQUIVALENT NOTE: 0 HANGER REQUIRES A SEAT CUT -0 END O A. B. ANCHOR BOLT A.F.F. ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR A.F.G. ABOVE FINISHED GRADE ADJ. ADJUSTABLE ANCH. ANCHOR APPROX. APPROXIMATELY ARCH. ARCHITECT BD. BOARD BLDG. BUILDING BLKG. BLOCKING BM. BEAM BOT. BOTTOM B.O.W. BOTTOM OF WALL BRG. BEARING CANT, CANTILEVER C.J. CONTROL JOINT CMU CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT CEM. CEMENT CLG. CEILING CENTERLINE CLR. CLEARANCE COL. COLUMN CONC. CONCRETE CONN. CONNECTION CONT. CONTINUOUS CONST. CONSTRUCTION C.P. CRIPPLE POST C.W. CRIPPLE WALL DBL. DOUBLE DET. DETAIL DIAL. DIAGONAL DWG. DRAWING DWL. DOWEL EA. EACH E.J. EXPANSION JOINT ELEV. ELEVATION ENG. ENGINEER EQUIP. EQUIPMENT EQUIV. EQUIVALENT EXSTG. EXISTING (E) EXISTING EXP. EXPANSION EXT. EXTERIOR F. D. FLOOR DRAIN FDTN. FOUNDATION FLR. FLOOR FRMG. FRAMING FTG. FOOTING GA. GAUGE GALV. GALVANIZED GEN. GENERAL G.L. GLUE -LAM GYP. GYPSUM /GYPCRETE HDR. HEADER HORIZ. HORIZONTAL HSS HOLLOW STEEL SECTION HT. HEIGHT INT. INTERIOR INV. INVERTED K KING STUD JST. JOIST LAM. LAMINATED LLV LONG LEG VERTICAL LONGIT. LONGITUDINAL LTWT. LIGHTWEIGHT LVL LAMINATED VENEER LUMBER LSL LAMINATED STRAND RIM MATERI MAX. MAXIMUM MECH. MECHANICAL MAT'L MATERIAL MANUF. MANUFACTURER MIN, MINIMUM (N) NEW NOM. NOMINAL O.C. ON CENTER QPNG. OPENING OSB ORIENTED STRAND BOARD I?_ PLATE PLYWD. PLYWOOD PKT. POCKET R. 0. ROUGH OPENING RAD. RADIUS REF. REFERENCE REINF. REINFORCE /REINFORCEMENT REQ'D REQUIRED RET. RETAINING REV. REVISION R.S. ROUGH SAWN SCHED. SCHEDULE SECT. SECTION SHT. SHEET SIM. SIMILAR S.I.P. STRUCTURAL INSULATED PANEL SPEC. SPECIFICATION SQ. SQUARE STD. STANDARD STL. STEEL STRUCT. STRUCTURAL T TRIMMER T &B TOP & BOTTOM T &G TONGUE & GROOVE T.O.C. TOP OF CONCRETE T.O.F. TOP OF FOOTING T.O.L. TOP OF LEDGE T.O.M. TOP OF MASONRY T.O. TOP OF T.O.W. TOP OF WALL THRU THROUGH TRANSV. TRANSVERSE TS TUBE STEEL COLUMN TYP. TYPICAL U.N.O. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE VERT. VERTICAL V.I.F. VERIFY IN FIELD W.F. WIDE FLANGE W.P. WATERPROOF W.W.F. WELDED WIRE FABRIC WD. WOOD W/ WITH W/0 WITHOUT CONNECTION SCHEDULE SIMPSON H5 SIMPSON LUS210 Q SIMPSON LSSU2.1 Q SIMPSON LUS210 -2 EQ (3) -16d NAILS F� SIMPSON ITT11.88 SIMPSON LSSU135 Q SIMPSON ITT3511.88 Q NOT USED SIMPSON BA3.56/11.88 Q (2) -3/4 "0 THRU -BOLTS Q SIMPSON HU212 -2 d SIMPSON ABA66 NOTE: 0 HANGER REQUIRES A SEAT CUT -0 END O A. B. ANCHOR BOLT A.F.F. ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR A.F.G. ABOVE FINISHED GRADE ADJ. ADJUSTABLE ANCH. ANCHOR APPROX. APPROXIMATELY ARCH. ARCHITECT BD. BOARD BLDG. BUILDING BLKG. BLOCKING BM. BEAM BOT. BOTTOM B.O.W. BOTTOM OF WALL BRG. BEARING CANT, CANTILEVER C.J. CONTROL JOINT CMU CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT CEM. CEMENT CLG. CEILING CENTERLINE CLR. CLEARANCE COL. COLUMN CONC. CONCRETE CONN. CONNECTION CONT. CONTINUOUS CONST. CONSTRUCTION C.P. CRIPPLE POST C.W. CRIPPLE WALL DBL. DOUBLE DET. DETAIL DIAL. DIAGONAL DWG. DRAWING DWL. DOWEL EA. EACH E.J. EXPANSION JOINT ELEV. ELEVATION ENG. ENGINEER EQUIP. EQUIPMENT EQUIV. EQUIVALENT EXSTG. EXISTING (E) EXISTING EXP. EXPANSION EXT. EXTERIOR F. D. FLOOR DRAIN FDTN. FOUNDATION FLR. FLOOR FRMG. FRAMING FTG. FOOTING GA. GAUGE GALV. GALVANIZED GEN. GENERAL G.L. GLUE -LAM GYP. GYPSUM /GYPCRETE HDR. HEADER HORIZ. HORIZONTAL HSS HOLLOW STEEL SECTION HT. HEIGHT INT. INTERIOR INV. INVERTED K KING STUD JST. JOIST LAM. LAMINATED LLV LONG LEG VERTICAL LONGIT. LONGITUDINAL LTWT. LIGHTWEIGHT LVL LAMINATED VENEER LUMBER LSL LAMINATED STRAND RIM MATERI MAX. MAXIMUM MECH. MECHANICAL MAT'L MATERIAL MANUF. MANUFACTURER MIN, MINIMUM (N) NEW NOM. NOMINAL O.C. ON CENTER QPNG. OPENING OSB ORIENTED STRAND BOARD I?_ PLATE PLYWD. PLYWOOD PKT. POCKET R. 0. ROUGH OPENING RAD. RADIUS REF. REFERENCE REINF. REINFORCE /REINFORCEMENT REQ'D REQUIRED RET. RETAINING REV. REVISION R.S. ROUGH SAWN SCHED. SCHEDULE SECT. SECTION SHT. SHEET SIM. SIMILAR S.I.P. STRUCTURAL INSULATED PANEL SPEC. SPECIFICATION SQ. SQUARE STD. STANDARD STL. STEEL STRUCT. STRUCTURAL T TRIMMER T &B TOP & BOTTOM T &G TONGUE & GROOVE T.O.C. TOP OF CONCRETE T.O.F. TOP OF FOOTING T.O.L. TOP OF LEDGE T.O.M. TOP OF MASONRY T.O. TOP OF T.O.W. TOP OF WALL THRU THROUGH TRANSV. TRANSVERSE TS TUBE STEEL COLUMN TYP. TYPICAL U.N.O. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE VERT. VERTICAL V.I.F. VERIFY IN FIELD W.F. WIDE FLANGE W.P. WATERPROOF W.W.F. WELDED WIRE FABRIC WD. WOOD W/ WITH W/0 WITHOUT NORTH OUNDATION PLAN SCALE: 1 /4" = 1' -0" 1 21 1 . 1. ELEVATIONS OF CONCRETE FOUNDATION ELEMENTS INDICATED ON PLAN THUS: T.O.W. =TOP OF CONCRETE WALL B.O.W.= BOTTOM OF WALL THESE ELEVATIONS RELATE TO 100' -0 AS A REFERENCE ELEVATION AT THE MAIN FLOOR, AND DO NOT REFLECT ACTUAL SITE ELEVATIONS. 2, STEPS IN TOP OF CONCRETE WALL INDICATED: —� 3. CONTINUOUS CONCRETE FOOTINGS ARE CENTERED BENEATH CONCRETE FOUNDATION WALLS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 4. CONCRETE FOUNDATION WALLS ARE 8" THICK. 5. (E) REFERS TO EXISTING CONSTRUCTION ( - -- - -), (N) REFERS TO NEW (- 6. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. 7. ALL HELICAL PIER DESIGN LOADS SHOWN ARE UNFACTORED TOTAL VERTICAL LOADS. ULTIMATE LOAD FACTOR SHALL BE 2x LOADS SHOWN. 1 K = 1000 Ibs, SEE GENERAL NOTES FOR ADDITIONAL HELICAL PIER DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS. 8. HELICAL PIER LOCATIONS INDICATED: Q SPREAD FOOTING SCHEDULE TYPE SIZE REINFORCING A 3' -0 x S -0 x 1' -0 (4) —##5's x 2' -6 EA. WAY B 2' -0 x 2' -0 x 1' -0 (3) —##5's x 1' -6 EA. WAY II II I I ° II (.0 II I) I E I 8' -10 3/4" I I F � I j A L J I 5 I I S6 I II I I1 I �I I 4" CONCRETE SLAB ON 4" CLEAN GRAVEL BASE ON UNDISTURBED GRADE OR COMPACTED STRUCTURAL FILL PER SOILS ENGINEER. REINFORCE SLAB WITH i 6x6— W1.4xW1.4 WELDED WIRE 1 FABRIC THROUGHOUT. PROVIDE 1" DEEP SAWN OR TOOLED CONTROL JOINTS AT 15-0" MAXIMUM SPACING EACH WAY. L I I I -- _ �- - - ----------- L_ ®� - - - - - -- I F - -- A (I I� (1 I� �I I� II II II I j I �I 11 I I DWL. (N) CONC. TO (E) w/ J (2) ##5 DWLS. x 24" { EPDXIED INTO 3/4 "Ox4" L — — � _____ — � — __._ — v — � I { HOLES @ 6" O.C. ---- ___ -1 I L_._ � II A" o f K l l'N'1 f T f C l A !'1 A A I A» ".0.W. = 99' -4 3.0. W. = 97' -4 100' -0 T.O. SLAB �`— 4" CONCRETE SLAB ON 4" CLEAN GRAVEL BASE ON UNDISTURBED GRADE OR COMPACTED 1 STRUCTURAL FILL PER SOILS Gnl(InICCt DC7lKlr7OD(''17 CI nR lnnTW AAf`C OCTA In I IA Ill IAIAI I END El 2x10 LEDGER FASTEN W/ (1 ) LEDGERLOK SCREW @ ` 18' O.C. �* � � ` / < 2�10'E @ '6" O.C. — — CONT. 2x12 LEDGER -- 12" O.C. FRAMING PLAN SCALE: 1 / /4 )1 = 1 " PLAN NOTES: 1. INTERIOR W00] STUD BEARING WALLS ARE INDICATED ON PLAN THUS: 2. POSTS BELOW (ORIGINATING FROM THIS LEVEL OR ABOVE) ARE |ND|CATEDAR NON-CONTINUOUS POSTS FROM ABOVE ARE INDICATED: 0 SINGLE STUD TRIMMERS THAT DO NOT REQUIRE BLOCKING BELOW ARE (NDICATED:0 3. ALL COLUMNS ARE LABELLED AT THE TOP. 4. FLOOR SHEATHING IS 3/4" TONGUE AND GROOVE APA STURD|FL0DR EXP.1, SPAN RATING 24 O.C. 5. WOOD BEAMS, EXCEPT HEADERS, ARE FLUSH WITH FLOOR JOISTS UNLESS NOTED (DROPPED). /" _\ 8. " �� INDICATES CONNECTION TYPE - REF. 31 FOR SCHEDULE. 7. (E) REFERS TO EXISTING CONSTRUCTION ( - --- - -- -- -- (N) REFERS TO NEW MATCH EXISTI | �- | ' | | I T T.O. K|N� ------------ | | ---------------~ � | ' / / / | | | ' ' � | � | ' _�'��-- � -- -- -- � � �—____________� __________ 1 PLY D. _HEATHING, �,R (N) BRA CANT. JOISTS /3\-2x1{/e VV/ TRIMMER AND (l)-2x6 KING STUD EA. SIDE, TYP. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE [ bi �p � Co `` m 0 . � uo � u ` U 0mCo z mumm � [ c\ ' ~ � w � r � 0 �- �m � � 00 Ld Llj z [ � � � � mD �� m m D[ 0 .6) z [ 00 � O 00m� _ w n � 'mm D m - � `r | :3 - mm + X o 't �t � mm �� U o �� m l cj�� ~~ < �"� m '� z"._^� d8S'QO�d by ~ by d[OYYD by __ checked by issued ' E +� I- MPS MTN sheet | . \ � �. . .. \ . . [--------------1 | | \ \ | | | | | | (E) | | | | ""'"^'"S""~"-" 2 ' COMPAT | | r ------------� \ | ' � | --r--7--T--F--T--r— ' | ' ' �'--^----' ' 1 PLY D. _HEATHING, �,R (N) BRA CANT. JOISTS /3\-2x1{/e VV/ TRIMMER AND (l)-2x6 KING STUD EA. SIDE, TYP. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE [ bi �p � Co `` m 0 . � uo � u ` U 0mCo z mumm � [ c\ ' ~ � w � r � 0 �- �m � � 00 Ld Llj z [ � � � � mD �� m m D[ 0 .6) z [ 00 � O 00m� _ w n � 'mm D m - � `r | :3 - mm + X o 't �t � mm �� U o �� m l cj�� ~~ < �"� m '� z"._^� d8S'QO�d by ~ by d[OYYD by __ checked by issued ' E +� I- MPS MTN sheet CANT. JOISTS /3\-2x1{/e VV/ TRIMMER AND (l)-2x6 KING STUD EA. SIDE, TYP. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE [ bi �p � Co `` m 0 . � uo � u ` U 0mCo z mumm � [ c\ ' ~ � w � r � 0 �- �m � � 00 Ld Llj z [ � � � � mD �� m m D[ 0 .6) z [ 00 � O 00m� _ w n � 'mm D m - � `r | :3 - mm + X o 't �t � mm �� U o �� m l cj�� ~~ < �"� m '� z"._^� d8S'QO�d by ~ by d[OYYD by __ checked by issued ' E +� I- MPS MTN sheet d8S'QO�d by ~ by d[OYYD by __ checked by issued ' E +� I- MPS MTN sheet THIRD FLOOR FRAMING PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-O 1. POSTS BELOW (ORIGINATING FROM THIS LEVEL OR ABOVE) ARE INDICATED:�� NON-CONTINUOUS POSTS FROM ABOVE ARE INDICATED: 0 -- / SINGLE STUD TRIMMERS THAT DO NOT REQUIRE BLOCKING BELOW ARE INDICATED:U 2 ALL COLUMNS ARE LABELLED AT THE TOP � | . . J. FLOOR SHEATHING IS 3/4" TONGUE AND GROOVE APA STURD|FLOOR, EXP.1, SPAN == | | RATING 24 O.C. � == | 4` /XXX'-XX"\ INDICATES TOP 0F STEEL BEAM ELEVATION. WOOD BEAMS, EXCEPT ARE FLUSH WITH FLOOR JOISTS UNLESS NOTED (DROPPED). ` ' ` ' || | /-\, 5. , �� INDICATES CONNECT TYPE - REF 51 FOR SCHEDULE 5. (E) REFERS TO EXIST CONSTRUCT /------------\' (N) REFERS TO NEW \ CONT. 2x1O LEDGER FASTEN TO /E\ DECK VV/ (3)-16d NAILS 8c /1\ LEDGERLOK SCREW @16" O.C. 2x10'a @ 16" O.C. � . m [| |' ---� --- ---- -��| /2\-2x10 (Z: i I Y_�d DO NOT NOTCH STRINGERS tK DBL JOISTS &: PROV 2x12 BLKG. @ 12^ O.C. UNDER STONE FIRE PIT SEE SECT FOR MECH. RM. PLATFORM BELOW ___________l| �F___-\\ ( r _____--___--J ' | '| \ �� ~-~-------��------��--��--1 | | ' ^____________� / . . \ | . / | / / / `^ ' � ' / L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | ! |/ �/ |/ ~ \/ ��----------------------------------- ------------------------------------� STS ASSUMED 2 5 ' - WIDE. -_ -- | | `-' -- JOIST WIDTH FOR '/ � | F - -- -- -- -- -- -- -o-- -- z�L2�����������u -- -| � COMPATIBILITY /L �� `i�r' / �,*� v�\� `�| � @AOx26 (113'-4") '� '|' | | | | | | |' || � |.' | == | � | MATCH | ' ' � . . �. � . � �| � . . '| | '| || � . NC l° l[Ci DECK|NG TYP / * 8 TYP � NO SLOPE CONT. 2x12 LEDGER FASTEN VV / /2\-16d NAILS & /2\ LEDQERLOK SCREWS @V 12 O.C. 4 �1 F - - - - - - - S6 c\j 2x12 STRUCTURAL OR HEADERS ARE: :1O"s VV/ 37 AND / |TUD EA. SIDE, TYP. 3 NOTED OTHERWISE | | | | i | � 11 /8 VL( �TYP� | ' -� | / (UNbER ' �� | | iz | | | | / /r' TYP � NO SLOPE CONT. 2x12 LEDGER FASTEN VV / /2\-16d NAILS & /2\ LEDQERLOK SCREWS @V 12 O.C. 4 �1 F - - - - - - - S6 c\j 2x12 STRUCTURAL OR HEADERS ARE: :1O"s VV/ 37 AND / |TUD EA. SIDE, TYP. 3 NOTED OTHERWISE MKolmoclA SCALE: 1 /��'' �= 1 '--[l'' .~~~' `^_^_, . / . ` ~ NORTH 1. POSTS BELOW (ORIGINATING FROM THIS OR ABOVE ARE INDICATED: ED NON-CONTINUOUS POSTS FROM ABOVE ARE INDICATED: 0 SINGLE STUD TRIMMERS THAT D0 NOT REQUIRE BLOCKING BELOW ARE INDICATED:� 2. ALL COLUMNS ARE LABELLED AT THE TOP. 3. ROOF SHEATHING |3 5/8" APA RATED SHEATHING, EXP.1 SPAN RATING 40/20. 4` "0 INDICATES CONNECT TYPE - REF Sl FOR SCHEDULE. 5. ROOF BEAMS, EXCEPT HEADERS ARE FLUSH FRAMED UNLESS NOTED AS (DROPPED). O. ALL ROOF RAFTERS ARE: 11 7/8" TJI 210's 4P 10", TYPICAL, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 7. /E\ REFERS TO EXISTING CONSTRUCTION ( - - - - - -)` (N) REFERS TO NEW \ D. INDICATES ROOF OVERFRAWE. OVERFR&ME WITH 2x12's TO MATCH SPACING OF ROOF BELOW[ WITH 2x4 CRIPPLE POSTS TO RAFTER's BELOW SPACED 48" D.C. MAX ALONG EACH OVERFRAWE MEMBER. | |� �' || � .. dU uu �| || | '| |' |� .� . || '| ' | ' | — - '| | � |'' | |' | '|| -| ' |�' r - -- -- -- -- -- -- � | �|' � [- -- ---- -- -- ---1 | | | � | ' -- -----------~ ' � . . | |� | || ' | | -------- ------ � | � --- --- |' '' | --�_— ------------_] |� -Tr -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ' | - �-------| \ \ \ | � / `----------\\ � \\ | | \\ � _ | r-- ---- ------ | ' | | | ' | . l --- --- --- --- / | J 0 '� — — — SUB-FASCIA, Oo� — — — TYP. . 0 Ij 0 < oo o� < 0 00m Z +womm � [ D 0 'rl) to ^� 0 w r- r- � - 0) 0) I- Z � Ld �� [ _ 1 (4-1 3/4xlb L LJL ][ 0 � z � O0 Q [ * �m� � to m _ � � ' (D CD Lo _ ��� � � �� �� �L lb � � � =� r- < "` � �U ����U- ' o` � TYP J. | J 0 wrild ME JeS'OD�d by MPS ~ ' checked ' b y 'SSUed PROGRESS 03/24/06 Sh88f \ " � ® 19-1 [ � m �m . 0 m � � 0 < oo o� < 0 00m Z +womm � [ D 0 'rl) to ^� 0 w r- r- � - 0) 0) I- Z � Ld �� [ _ ���u< � L ][ 0 � z � O0 Q [ * �m� � to m _ � � ' (D CD Lo _ ��� � � �� �� �L U ] � � � � =� r- < "` � �U ����U- ' o` � wrild ME JeS'OD�d by MPS ~ ' checked ' b y 'SSUed PROGRESS 03/24/06 Sh88f \ " � ® 19-1 (N) 11 7/8" LSL RIM 1 1/2" CONC. OVER WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE PER ARCH. 1 1/2" STONE PER ARCH. - 3/4" T &G STURDIFLOOR -� O L 112' -9 . 4 ., T.O. PLYWD. - SLOPED JOISTS PER PLAN (N) 3/4" T &G STURDIFLOOR -ADD (N) 11 7/8" TJI 210's @ 16 "o. c. AS NECESSARY (E) SHEATHING /t 113' -6 1/4 T.O. PLYWD. it - (E) JOISTS TYP. `-(E) WALL (N) 11 7/8" TJI 210 @ EDGE LEDGER �-1— OF (E) FLOOR FRAMING PER PLAN � I (E) RAFTERS �) 1 12 61 / � inJl I SCALE: 3/4" = 1' -0" S6 1 1/2" STONE PER ARCH. 1 1/2" CONC. OVER WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE 3/4" T &G STURDIFLOOR PER ARCH. —9 T.O. PLYWD. 2x12 RIM (3) -1 3/4x18 LVL 3/4" T &G STURDIFLOOR SLOPED JOISTS PER PLAN 2x10's @ 16" O.C. 6' -0 MAX. 2x6 C.W. fr 'y r (3) -16d NAILS @ EA. JOIST j J ° ( r 1/2" PLYWD. --� ° ° 0 s ' i SHEATHING I_Fll \ s i INSTALL 2x6i' (4) -16d TOENAILS INTO UNDER EA. NEW FLAT 2x12 r JOIST 2x12 FLAT, FASTEN TO r ° (E) RAFTERS W/ (3) -16d 2x6 FLAT f NAILS @ EA. RAFTER RAFTERS r 13 SCALE: 3/4" = 1' -0" KNIFE PL: LEDGER PER PLAN 1/4x7 1/2x0'-9 W/ {N) 3/4" T &G (3) -3/4 "0 THRU -BOLTS STURDIFLOOR (E) SHEATHING (E) FLOOR JOISTS JOISTS PER PLAN O L 109' -2 5 _ = � _/l - T.O. PLYWD. �� - II 6" IV TYP. CONTACT �`� r ENGR. FOR — _jFP�__ff_ P` 1 1/2" t— CONNECTION @ SPLICES IN i t I I 0 TOP PLATES, TYP. I I I I p l — J CAP fL': I I I I 7 1/2 1 /4x4x2 -O W/ ( 3 / 4 " — THRU -BOLTS (I I I 3/16"/5" 8x10 (E) 2x6 STUDS 1 1 1/2" STONE (E) WALL FRAMING I III 1 1/2" CONC. TOPPING OVER Ifl WATERPROOFING PER ARCH. I III T &G STURDIFLOOR O L 109' -2 5/8 1 T.O. PLYWD. �� _ - - _ - A 109' -0 3 8 T.O. PLYWD. IUII - - - - -- - - --- OTYP. 1 11 (E) JOISTS ��// I II SLOPED JOISTS PER PLAN I �I I i h9 LEDGER PER PLAN SCALE: 3/4" = 1' -0" 2x12 RAFTER TAILS PER PL CONT. PLYWD. WEB BLKG. BEHIND 11 7/8" TJI RAFTERS RAFTER TAILS 5/8" ROOF SHEATHING PER PLAN 12 � SEE ARC . 2x BLKG. BTWN. �rir rir RAFTERS @ BRG., TYP. CONT. PLYWD. rte �irr rrri�� WEB RAFTER BEHIND R 11 7/8" TJI RAFTERS PER PLAN CONT. 2x12 STRUCTURAL SUB- FASCIA W/ (3) -16d 2 ROWS 10d NAILS @ 6" O.C. NAILS @ EA. RAFTER 2x12 RAFTER TAILS PER PLAN 2x6 STUDS @ 16" W/ 1/2" PLYWD. OR OSB SEE ARCH. SHEATHING Im SCALE: 3/4" = 1' -0" (3) -16d NAILS INTO EA. LOOKOUT, TYP. \ EQ. 2x6 STUDS @ 16" 0. C. W /1 /2" PLYWD. OR OSB SHEATHING (4) -1 3/4x16 LVL 8" MIN. 1 3/4 "0 LAG SCREW 1 �- 8x8 KNEEBRACE 2x6 DRIVE PINNED NOTE: ALIGN TOP TO STL. COL. W/ I I S�1 OF KNEEBRACE (3) -10d NAILS I I UNDER (4) -16" LVL I I ' BEAM ABOVE I I o r HSS5x5x5 /16 I I N�, KNIFE R: N 1 /4x5x1' -1 1/2 W/ (4) -3/4 "0 THRU -BOLTS BASE 5/8x5 1 /2xO' -11 W/ - - 100' -0 (2)- 3/4 "Ox4" EXP. - a. d (E) T.O.W. ANCH's I . 3' >I (E) FDTN. I ..� SCALE: 3/4" = 1' - (3) -16d NAILS INTO SOLID BLKG. BTWN. EA. LOOKOUT, TYP. LOOKOUTS @ BRG., TYP. EQ. EQ. Q TYP. 2x12 STRUCTURAL SUB — FASCIA, TYP. DRYWALL NAILER 2x12 LOOKOUTS AS REQ'D, TYP. @ 24" O.C., TYP. 11 7/8" TJI RAFTERS 2x6 STUDS @ 16" W/ --► PER PLAN 1/2" PLYWD. OR OSB SHEATHING SCALE: 3/4" = 1' - 0" 2x12 RAFTERS PER PLAN 2x10 BLKG. BT RAFTERS @ BF 2x6 STUDS @ 1/2" PLYWD. C SHEATHING CONT. 202 STRUCTURAL SUB - FASCIA, SEE PLAN (3) -16d NAILS @ EA. RAFTER, TYP. SCALE: 3/4" = 1' -O" (4) -1 3/4x18 LVL RIDGE BM. 12 SEE C TYP. d ARCH. 11 7/8" TJI RAFTERS PER PLAN PLYWD. WEB STIFFENER AS REQ'D PER MANUFACTURER SCALE: 3/4" = 1' -0" MULTIPLE 2x6 OR 2x4 COLUMN - REF. PLAN 16d DRIVE PINS @ 16" O.C. IN CONT. TREATED 2x6 R CUT BACK (E) SLAB (IF HEATED SLAB GLUE FOR PLACEMENT OF t TO CONCRETE) (N) FTG. 1/2" EXP. MAT'L, TYP. _ - - - 92' -10 5/8 4 T.O. (N) & (E) SLAB REF. SPREAD FOOTING SCH ED. SHEET S2, FOR - � REINF. EQ. EQ. SCHED. WIDTH SCALE: 3/4" = 1' -0" CAP UNIT PER MANUF. ,L SEE SITE PLAN T.O.W. MASONRY UNITS PER MANUF. Lt- z Q PER MANUF. co ma TYP. > A TYPICAL MSE RETAINING WALL 8" (5) - #5's CONT. LONGIT. #5's @ 12" O.C. TRANSV. SCALE: 3/4" = 1' -0" GEOGRID FABRIC PER MANUF, GEOGRID FABRIC PER MANUF. GEOGRID FABRIC PER MANUF. - SEGMENTAL RETAINING WALL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTED PER MANUF. SPECIFICATIONS - AGGREGATE PER MANUF. SPECIFICATIONS -PERIMETER DRAIN PER SOILS ENGINEER - 6" MIN. COMPACTED GRANULAR BASE SCALE: 3/4" = 1' -O" SCALE: 3/4" = 1' -O" � JOB #0602 -13 � 2x12 STRUCTURAL SUB - FASCIA, TYP. 2x12 LOOKOUTS @ 24" O.C., TYP. 2x6 STUDS @ 16" W/ 1/2" PLYWD. OR OSB SHEATHING • Q 2x12 RAFTERS PER PLAN SCALE: 3/4" = 1' -0" 2x6 STUDS @ 16" O.C. W/ 1/2" PLYWD. OR OSB SHEATHING 1/2" 0 x 10" A. B.'s @ 48" O.C. #5's CONT. HORIZ. @ 12" O.C. o PERIMETER DRAIN PER U SOILS ENGINEER ZiZ•�i;♦ i • t d 99' -4 a d T. 0. W. I N 4„ 4 A 97 -4 B. 0. W. 1/2" EXP. MAT'L, TYP. #5's VERT. @ 16" O.C. 4" CONC. SLAB PER PLAN \�04 DWLS x 1' -6 @ 24" 0. C. . r (1) - #4 CONT. HORIZ. #5's x 1' -8 @ 24" O.C. (2) - #5's CONT. HORIZ. TOP & BOT. 4" FORM VOID 4" CONIC. SLAB PER PLAN SLOPE SLAB d d . °d (1) - #4 CONT. HORIZ. (2) - #5's CONT. HORIZ. TOP & BOT. 4" FORM VOID designed by MPS drawn by M TN checked by issued PROGRESS 03/24/06 PERMIT 06 08/06 sheet 0 E 0 , �z- ° ,,A L H � JUN � > co Q N C) 3: �Od z Z3 ¢ p oo 00 1—NV0) 0) — O 0 0 Zr� O Q z 00 U J I ,. Q O � t�7~ f"0¢ (o D'_I� I- O Co U7 J r.✓ J w z' o � 0) Ln (D 0 ) xp -t¢ U 0Urna) m ,-.,- ,ox < a 0-) LL_ designed by MPS drawn by M TN checked by issued PROGRESS 03/24/06 PERMIT 06 08/06 sheet �z- H � � � O O Q O � w O � w designed by MPS drawn by M TN checked by issued PROGRESS 03/24/06 PERMIT 06 08/06 sheet 2X6 POST LL PER PLAN /N\ SOLD UNDER (N) POST F1 JOISTS N\ 1 3/4x10 LVL 'UT (E) STUDS 8u VSERT BEAM 1NDER TOP PLATE E\ STUDS M _| _ OST JN ABA00 W/ x 5^ EXP. 12"0 CONC. PIER + � /7\—#5 DVVLS x -� � SEE SCHED. FOR REINF. 5TL BM. PER Pi /2\-1/2" 0 x O' M/11 r_//o Qnm PER PLAN on; NOTCH Gx10 FOR 4x8 4x8 (BEYOND) /2\-1/2"0 LAC- NOTCH 6x10 F/ 4xO BRC. 4x8 NOTE: RAFTERS NO � SHOWN FOR CLARITY� 5x0 cw |uC SCREW ^~.~~~`~ NOTE: STRINGER MUST BE FULL DEPTH, DO NOT NOTCH '8"xl2"G.L '0 THRU—BOLTS r ^ 4x4 POST DECKING PER ARCH SCALE: 3/4" = 1"—O" HELICAL PIER DESIGN SCHEDULE UNFACTORED DESIGN LOAD: 0 TO 25 K SQUARE SHAFT SIZE 1 1/2" TUBE STEEL SLEEVE 2"x2"x3/16" WELDED TO TS SLEEVE MIN. DEVELOPMENT SEE l/S6 OR 1/S7 FOR ADDITIONAL WALL INFORMATION O L SEE PLAN | _ _ � IL RABBIT EARS PER SCHED. WELDED TO TS CAP R,PER SCHEDULE BOLTPER MANUF TS SLEEVE PER SCHEDULE l� 4 HELICAL PIER BY OTHERS. SEE PLAN FOR LOAD CAPACITY --1/2" EXP. MAT' TYP. — 4" CONC. SLAB PER PLAN / CONT. HOR|Z. " ~~~ 0 LAG SCREW CL N 7i Ln C) C) r O M Q) C) > X 0 c) �6 ce LLJ In t CL 4-; . CL LL CJ Q UA F T4 BETH LEVINE ARCHITEC INC. P.O. E30X I825 AVON, 60 8I620 NIO) 926 -4995 FAX MIO) <126 -2995 CONTAGT: BETH LEVINE GENE RA L K*"*'A L N 1.) ALL NEW 6ON5TRU6TION SHALL MATCH EX15TIN6 MATERIAL5 AND OUALITY OF GON5TRUr,TION EXCEPT AHERE NOTED. 2.) THE GONTRAGTOR SHAL- FIELD VERIFY ALL DIMEN51ON5 WITH THE E;.-KI5TIN6 6ON5TRUGTION AND 600RDINATE WITH THE AR6HITE6T. THE CONTRACTOR 5HA-L FIELD VERIFY ALL DIMEN5ION5 WITH THE E*.'\'15TIN<5 6ON5TRUGTION AND 6CORDINATE WITH THE ARCH 1TE6T. CLIENT MILLER RESIDENCE REMODEL 695 FOREST ROAD, UNIT A VAIL COLORADO 81657 kD z X W O fL O tY Lu z CT C> N C) C> o U) V C:> C c) C) x C) CD (=> c) 4- EL � j E� M, u CY) u U 4-j 0 U- ' BASEEM"t"ENT FLAN SCALE: 1/4" = V-O" NORTH I I I 5 CL (n C) CD CNJ C) cn x 0 ca (f) (3) 0 O CL LL 0 �1 155LE PATE PR06RE55 01.12.06 PR06RE55 01.31.06 PR06RE55 02,10. ---- PRE3 03.07.06 03.24.06 PERMIT 06.oq.06 PR13 RESUBMIT 10.12.06 amp i I — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ----- - - - - -- — — -- — I CL 1 10 C) C) < C:) x N G7 c, Cl kD uj ca to (n t 2 Q0 U- Cr tl Ln I NORTH 155L DATE PR06RE55 01.12.06 PR06RE55 01.51.06 PR06RE55 02.10.06 PM 03.01.06 03.24.06 PERMIT 06.0q.06 VRB RESUBMIT 10,12.06 ;4 �i r14 C) U ct c: c) x C) 4 CD cn uj -i 0 CL C tL LL NEW 36" GUARDRAIL - MATCH EXISTING NEW 5TAIR5 13 R @ 5 - Ile$" 12 T @ 12 1 1/2" (P HANDRAIL a 36" HIGH I F DECK 5URFAGE TO BE STONE WITH CONCRETE UNOERLA'rMENT NEW 56" GUARDRAIL - MATCH EX15TIN6 —7—�— REMOVE EXISTING + 6UARDRAILIN6 + + + ++++++ + .+ + FOR ATTACHMENT + + + + + + + TO NEW LANDING ... it+ + + + + ........... x ,+l+ . ON + + + + + + + + +1 ...... + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + .. ..... ... +-'-++4W *+ +X++, Wi t.- _ - ++ + + + + + + + + + +ON+ + + + + + + ++ + + + + .......... + + *+' % + +++++ ,."+++ + ++ + + + + + + ... ...... .... .. ..... ... .... +—, — I " .......... ................ I ... I .......... .... .. ..... + i +' .............. I ..... -- ---- — ...... ..... +,.*++* ......... .i + ' + + ...... +1 ... .......... ..... ... + + + I . + . . . . . T + y + + + . . . . . . . . . . + .. . . . . . . . . + + + + + + . . . . . . . . . . . . + + + + -++ + + +++ + +++% +++ +b+ +++ +++++++++++++++++++ ++%.+ ....... + + + + + , +*-++++X+ + + + . + + + . +% : 1++ + +� ",.++++.++ + + + + + + l +++++++++++++++*+++* ... % +++ + + .++++++ + .................+ +, .......... ........... ... ............. .... .............. + + ....... .... . .... .... — ..... 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