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Phase 1 NFPA 72 cert
FIRE ALARM SYSTEM RECORD OF COMPLETION Ta be completed by fhe sysfem installation contractor af the fime of system acceptance and approval. I 1.PROTECTED PROP�127Y INF012MATI�N Narne of SOLARIS—PHASE 1 prope�t}+: Address: 141 EASTMEADOW ARIVE,VAIL CO Description of MIXEb USE--HIGH RISE property: , _ ' Occupancy type: R,M,B,S Name of property 50T�ARTS PROPERTY OVJI'�R-SPO representative: __.. .._ Address: Phone: 97�390.6493 hax: N-mail: nAN.PEENEY@SOLARISVAIL.COM Authority having jurisdiciion over ll�is VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT peaperty: . .- - Phone: 970.479.2135 Fax: S-mail; MMCGBE VAILGOV'E.COM 2.FIRE ALARM SYSTEM 1N3TAL.LATION,3ERVICE,AND TE3T�NG 1NFORMATION Installation contraator for this equipmenT ELIGHT�LECTkIC/LEI COMPANIE?S Address: LEI-2017 CURTIS STREET,DBNVER,CO 80205 Phone: 3Q3.934.Sb31 �'ax: E-mail: L.�I(a�L$TCOMPANIES.L'UM. Service organization for this equipment: JaHidSQN CONTRpLS,INC. AdcEress: 10289 WEST CENTENNIAL ROAD,LITTLETON,CO 80127 Phone: 303.973.5930 Fax; 303.974.6847 E-mail� KENI�.'TH.D.BALL�JCI.L'(]�M Locatian of as-huilt drawings: FIRE COMMAND Location of historical test rcports: FIItE COi�lIl1�tAND 3.ocation of system opei�ation and maintenance manuals; FIRE COMMAND A contract for test and fnspection in accordance with T4FPA standards is in effect as of: TBD—UPON GO Contracted testui�company: _ Address: Phone: Fax: S-mai1: Occupanoy type: R,B,M,S Conhact expires: Con��ct numher: Fy'equancy af routine ii�spections 3.TYPE OF FIRE ALARM SYSTEM(3R SERVICE �i NFPr[ 72 Chdpler ReCerene;e uf Syslem Type: CHAPTER b Name of orgAnizution receiving alurm signnls with phone numbers(if applicable}: � Alarm: RFMnTF.C}PF,RATT(�NS CEl�ITER-dCI Phflne: 1.800.753,4524 I Supervisory: REMOTE OPERATIONS CTsNT�R-JCi Phone: 1.800.753.4524 _ _ • Trouble: REMOTE OPEItATION5 CENTER-rCT Phone; 1.800,753.4524 F.ntity tn which alarms are retransmitted: VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENTDISP Phone; Methad of reh•ansnussion of alatms to that organization or location: NJA , Recard oT Cw�mplWkx�hxm(b�al ui NFPA 72—2W7) MFPA 72,7 of 8 NFPA72-2007 fiemnl cf Complefion 90LAR19 PF IAGC-i.doe 3Y13J201D 3:11 PM RW. Evans Raprinted wit�parmcsion Bam hFAP 72-20D7,Halional Flre Alarm Code�, CopyrigM 0 2007,Nello�wl Ffre Protectian Associalian.Ru�ney.MA,02268 I — — .._ ., ._.. . „ . - . - , _ — , . �I . . ... � _ . �� . ... 3.TYPE OF FIRE ALARM SYSTEM QR SERV[C�(continueaf� Tf Chapter S,note the means of transmission from prntected premises tn the central sta#ion: � Digital alann comrnunicator � McCulloh � Mu{tiplax � 2-way radio � 1-way radio Q NIA If Cliapter 9,note type af connecrion; � I,ocal energy � Shunt 0 N/A 3.1 Sysfem Software Operatiug system(executive}software re�isiou Ievel; 12.0 Site-specific software revision date; 5,5 Revision completed by: 7IM MOR�N � �4.SIGNALING LINE GIRCUITS Chpracteristies of signaling li�e cb•cuiTS connected to this system(see NFPA 72, 7'able 6.6.1): Quantity, 16 Style: 4 Class: B 5,ALARM INITIATING DEVICE CIRCUITS Characferrstics of initiating device circuifs connected to this sysierrr(see NFP� 72, Table 6.5):TO BE RE'MOYED PRIOR TO C/O(TLMPORARYRETAIL S'�L BELDIWJ--Ef1CH HEAT IN GAR4GE ON INDIYIDUAL IDC QuAntity; ll Style: 4 Class: B 5.1 Manual Initiating Devices 5.1.1 Manual P�11 Stations Number of Manual pull stattons; SE�DEVICE CT SH�:k.'I' Type of de�ices: u Addressable � Conveiitianal � Caded � Tra�lsrnitter �j 1`I(A 5.2 Automatic Initlatln�De�ices 5.2.1 Area Smalce Deteefors Number of smoke defectors; SEE DEViCE CT SHEET Type of covcrage: � Complete a►'ea a ParLial�ret� ❑ Nonrequired parlaal area ❑ N/A Type of devices: Q Addressable � Canventional � Coded � Transmitter � N/A Type of smoke dclec:lcn-sensing l��hnology � Ionization �X Phataelech�ic 5.2.2 DuctSmake Detectors Nurnber ofducCSmoke detectors; SEB DEVICE CT 5H1?LT Type of coverage; AHLJ UNIT IN GAREIGE MECH Type of devices: ❑X Addressable ❑ Conve�rtional ❑ Coded ❑ Transmittei ❑ N/A Type of srnoke detector sensing technology ❑ Ionizarion � Photoelectric 5.2.3 Fleat Detec#ars NumUsr of]�eat detectrns; SEE DEVICE CT 5I�ET 'I'ypa of coverage: � C'.omplete area �X Na�tr�I�rea � Nom•equired partial area � N/A I Type of devices: U Addressable n Con�entional n Coded n Transmitter n N/A � I 5.2.4 Sprinkler Walerliuw Deteclors Nuir�ber of waLerflow delecCars: 3EE DEViCE CT SII�L+T I I �ieeo�d of Conpklion torm(beaed m NFTA 72—2007) NI'�A 72,3 o(S NFf'AT2-2C�7 Rewrd of CanplaYwn SOLARI&PI1A6E1.dae 3123I2010 311 1'M R.W. i Evans ReprinleA wilh permission Iram NFAP 72-2�07,iYatlartal Fire Alarm Coda�, � Gop�igM 0 2007,Natimal Fire Pro�eAiai Assapatian.Quncy.MA,02269 �, �, ._' �- ... . . •�.n�-+m . T�^�nnrmm�"'fr�r_:�— .n.—..��n.�-n�rvm➢ ". . � 1 i l al "— II- � "� ._:: """ Il�.i�._. . -- ii.J� - _.. ... . ,� � Type of devices: QX Addressable � ConventionaE � Coded � Transtvitter n NIA 5.�.5 Alarm Verifleatlon Number uf devices subjecl lo alarm verificat[oit: Alarrn verification on this system is; � Enabled Q Disabled � Set for secont3s 6.SUP�RVISORY SIGNAL-INITIATING DEVICE&AND CIRCUITS 6.1 5prinkler System Number of valve supervisoiy switches: BL�E DEVICE CT SHEET ` Type pf devices� �X Addressable � L`onventional � C:aded � Transmitter � N/A 6.2 Fire Pump Type of fire pump: �X Elech-ic �X Diesel Type of fue pump supervisory de�ices: � Addressable � Conventional � Coded � T�z�nsmitter � NlA Fire Pump Functions Supeivised �K Fi��e putup power �X Fire pump nuwing �X Fire puuz}�phase reversal � Selector switch not in auto � Engine or control panel trouble � x.,ow fuel Othar; B.3 Engine-Driven Generator , Type ofgenerator supervisory devices: �X Addressable � Conventional � Coded [� Transmittar � N/A �X Engina or contraI panel troubla �X Generator�unning � Salector switch not in auto � Low fual Qthcr: 7.ANNUNCIATORS 7.1 Annunciator�t [] Local �X Rernote Typa; �X Addressable � Airectory � Graphic � N/A I.ocation: ENTRANCE TO STAIR 3 7.2 Annunclator 2 � Local QX kemate 'Type: Q Addressable � Directocy � Graphic � NJA Lacation; ENTRANCTG TO STAIR4 I 7.3 Annunclator 3 � Local � Remote I' Typc; � Addressablc � Directory � Graphic �X N/A Location: 8.ALARM NDTIFIGATION D�VICES AND CIRCUITS 8.7 Emergency Voice Alarm Service—CURRENTLY DISABLED AT TOV REQUEST—WHaOP ONLY Number of single��oice alarm channels: 16 Niuuber of multiple voice alarm channcls: NONE Number of spea�Cers: TBD UPQN C/O Number af speaker zones: 1G UPQN C/O 8.2 Telephone Jacks Numher aftelephone ja�ks installed: N!A IYumber vf telephone handsets stored on site: N/A Rnw:a alCcu�pkliai fuia�(t�af on NFPA Tl-200� NFPA72,4 ofe NFPA72-2u�7 ftecnrd of Canplalion 30LpR13 PHA9E7.doc 3Y1�12016�:11 PM R.W. Evans RepriVedwilh pamisslan Vom NFAP 72-2D07,Natlonal FFe Alxn Code�, Capyright 6 20W,NaHwial Fke PrdaeRon Assaclatlm,Rulney,MA,022� , ; .„ , Type of tele�hone system i»stailed: � Elech�ically potvercd � 5ound powee•ed �X N/A 8.3 Nonvolce Audible System Character•istics of notificatior�device circuits conneeted to this systern{see NFP.4 72, Table 6.5};EXTERIOR A/S Quandty: 3 5tyle: 4 Class: B Rewrd of ConNletioil fam(based m HFPA 72—2007) NFPA l2,u a(B NFPA72-2007 Recard pf CompOalion SOLAFt19 PHA8E7.dcc 3123l2010 3:1 f PM R.W. Erans ReprinledwiB�permi�im irom NFAP 72-2C07,NaGor.al Fira Alarm Coda�l, Copy�igM m��7.MaOmal Fire Proledlarl Assocfallon,Quincy,MA,0226'9 I �; _ _.. � . . . ,= . P(i $; �� 6.14LAR�A NOTIFICATJON DEVICES AltD.CIRCEJIT3(confin�edJ G; $.4 Types and Quantilias qf Nomroica Notification Appllancea Installed �F� BeUs: �liti�visuel devlce: Homs: With visual devir,e: , � Chiqees: With;visusl davice: Speakers: Wi1h visuef devicc: YIsual devices withoutsudi6le devices: �l7 UPOl�i Dtt�er(desCr�ie): EXTERIOR HfS-3 i C./O 9.EM�f�GENCY:�OKfROL FklNCTI�NS ACTiYA7ED �� QX Hold-opeii door re.lessie�devfoes � Smoke t�nagement ar smake wr�trol • Q L7oor unlocklr�g=UP013 G4 � Elevator recall � (ldnr � 1Q.SYSTEM;POWER SUPPi.Y 10,1 prtm8ry power . IHaninai�oltage: -277/480 volt 3 phase 4 wire ,-- Amps: 2 services(r�40d0 amps . OVofairret►t protcctip�: Typo: Fused 5wvetthes Amps: 2 sarvices(�d000 stnPS ....... `I.oc�tion(of primary supply panel haard}: Garage Level South E�at comet of buildiry� � bisconiiecting me�ns lp�ptioa: F�sed Svritches Switchbard MSB has i main.swilc6es MSA h�s 1 I1�ain switcEt ,`14:2 5econdary:Powar ,� Looation FCC Typa: BA3T Nominai valtaga;. 12V Glirnont radng: TUA - TFvm�pt't�fs�riti6y IsaEferjes: 2 . Auip hour rating: SS AFF . �' Loc �i+sn nf�€s�arga�t�g,e�er�dar :..GARAGB �' Lo�*eor+�„Au..�s[ara�e,'< .GARAGE . .. , . . CalculiiFeo ca�nci�+�a#'se��d�r ga�,v�s�to�ri'v0.th9,system . in atannby moae: 2Y T���3 In alarig mode: S MI1H . � s . � 'E1 ��t3�[l�?���`SY��1�l�8°�A�[�4TI0[�' . ; F�1!��r� n�1 r+tstallahon is,complele ard wu�ng lia,s.beeA checlrcdfar apena,sltarts,grotrrtil fmtlls and ir+tproper branchL�but bafors cqi�eturg operatJon'accepta�rce tesls The systanrhav lieen insfa`Eied'm accordance wtth tha..fallowing�FPA standArds(NotC'any o�all tl�at sPR�3+k Q N,FPrY T2 � NI�PA 7Q.Natioxaf Electr�cal Ca�e,Article 7bQ � Q M�nu�r's publishad.insiructia� Q.Olher{plaass specify}: Systeni dexiqhons froin refer�,ia�NFPA smndards: . ' � gign,ad:< ..�-��--- Printed Name: � �:, a� Date: �3 1. Qsgnn�teon Title: ��.�,,`+�- %one: ,,'�fj;3-�t4-.iy7.7 �`'l2:,RECQRi1'.O�;SY�TEM OPERATIOI�f All apeiahenal fest�ures and fimctions of ihis system v�era tastod 6y or in the p�sence of�e signer s[awe below;nn the date shwvu!below;and wec+c fbstad to be opet�ng P�oPw�(y irt accordance with�the.reqiEireme�ts oE; Q N�'PA T1 . Q NFPA 7�,Nutrorial Elecfrfcpl Codg,Arttcle 760 I �X:Ma�nfacturer's pubfished instructions �X .Other(pEeate;specify): ItA7'IONAI.ANALYSI3 a o�rifsnr.e w�t�3�specti�aud Teshng Form(F�gure I0.6.2.3)is attached � ; , Print� Sign����"''�J'.�`- �.'.-�,... ' d Nariio . RENNETH BALL i3aGe: 3t231 L0 ,�` Or$pnizatton 'IOF�N'SQN C�N7'ROLS : . T'rt1e: LSAi)'SYSTBM SPBG :. . Phone: 3A3:328:5287 �: , '.���" .. .RacadofCnmD�Mbnfam(bu�d-an.NITAT2-�007) �'�:.. :, :. �.-�..NFPA7$6de �'N�!h722W7Idecard�COmpWIOn801AkIS�PFiASE1-1.deC�'3l'1JI10�i1PA1.�RYl[��� � ' � [ralw ...<. ,.: .. — • I ' I I I . . , • . i `' . _ I _ �.' . ' ' I II ii I � 13.CERTIFICATIONS AHE�APPROVALS 13.1 Systarn Installation Coi�tar The system as:specified heaein�has beon installed and tssted.in according to all NFPA atandards cited�erein. � - Sigrted• Printed Name: �t7a.r�,3wet�.s� Date: 3.2#�� , Organizefion.:� �'G;;�r../,4'r1�� Titie: S.h+e�s�.�-.�.�c.�' Phoae: ��-9i�I z5'YZ.7� � ���� ,---, 13,2:Sy.stam;Se�v��e cantraclnr . ' T7ie syatem.as speciHed liqrein bas been inst�lltd and tcsted in stccnrding to all NRAA atat�darda eited i�erain. • �� Sign,—_ed�,�-"' E"� ,� PrietedName: KENNETH.BAI:L Data: 3l2311� f Oi�ganizatian; ,IOHN3DN CUNTROLS 7Yde: LEAU SXS"�`E[vi SPEC Ph[me: 303:328.SZ87 �1,�. '73.�Central,Stitlori : � Tho'sys6em as spe�ci6ed herein wilf l�e�u�pnitot�ci according to.all NFPA sF�ndards cited hercin. . ��' �tietod Name: � e Si�ned:.�- i�e1cL F� te.ot, 'Bete: �(aS��a _ brgae�iZeYtiotx . .7C���REMO'i'EDPERAT'10NS Title: L.E.4F�-sy}�� Sl+�� Phene: 800.753_452� 13;4'�rope�t�i,i�epre$ertetiVe . I accep�tfits''- e�m as�Viqg hbat insiallal and testad W its speeificafioi�8nd aIl NFt'A atandards cited hertin_ '9�n�d;. � ;� 7lrr� Prietad Name:.�lf J -��`����� � J , .;irT_►��,r,� � �:Qrganization: �,�`�.��(y5�{��'��/� �� Tit�e: I f� Phoa� �–��� r . :4�.b A�thorily Havlpp�.ludstlictlon . . I ha�te:,r"itr�essea:a�s�ry ac�pi�+ce resi ae�,BSyatem azua fina rtta:6e�nstal�ed aqa,operat�ag pr�perly in:acco� `: :k�lt�Its i�pprov�Q g�a°Ca'and sp�c�ftcmm#ians tts.approiy4d�8eqUeiic�u�oper8�io�ts aqd:ti�ith a1!NFPA�sta�deids cimd�ei�ein_ ' 3�$t�ed - Prin}�d N�aie: Date. �.�:..� .ra u :.... ,.., .. " ,.. . . . . , . - -.,.,.. . � . . . :': .'. : Org�ri�zah0�1. .. ;, ::. ' , .. Tit�e I'hane:� , .. . _- Ra00(d Of CanpMion idm(haed On XFMN�T1-30�71. � . � qFAA727iot7 NFPA72 70DT iNeamd Oary�tMiait SOlAR15 PlII�SE1-1.�be,3r27H03:7i PN fLIM1[ . . . '���� :.-,:,r . . � . ' . ' � . . . , . t