HomeMy WebLinkAbout Phase 4 NFPA 72 Cert FIRE ALARM SYSTEM RECORD OF COMPLETION To be completed by the sysfem installation contractor at the time of system acceptance and approval. 7 . PROTECTED PROPERTY IfdFORMATION Name of SOLARIS — Phase 4 = Pnthse H-W, 6D-W, SB-LL-W, SB-iJL-W ,6A-W, 6C-W, 6E-W, 6F-W, 6G-W property: Address: 141 EAST AIEADOW DRIVE, VAIL CO Description of MIXED USE — HIGH RISE properiy: Occupancy Type: R,M,B,S Name of properLy SOLARIS PROPERTY OWNER - SPO represenlx[ive: _ Address: Yhone: 970390.6493 Fax: �mail: DAN.FEENEY(t�SOLARISVAIL.COM Authority liavuigjurisdiction over this VAII, PIRE DEFARTMENT property: Phone: 970.4792135 FaY: E-mail: MMCUN:B(a�VAII ..GOV 2. FIRE ALARM SYSTEM INSTALLATION, SERVICE, ANp TESTING INFORMATION Installarion confractor for ltus equipment: ELIGHT ELECTRIC/LEI COMPANI�B_ . Address: LEI 2017 CURTIS STREET, DEIVVER, CO 80205 � � Phone: 303 .934.5631 Fax: E-mail: LEI(a�LEICOMPANIES.COM Service organizaliou fur lhis equipment: 70I-INSON CONTROLS, INC. - Address: 10259 WEST C�NT&NNIAL ROAD, LITTLETON, CO 80127 Phone: 303.973.5930 Fax: 303.979.6847 E-mail: KENNETH.D.BALL(u�7CI.COM Locarion of es-huilt drawings: FII2E COMNfAND _ _ Locatiou of historieal test reports: FIKE COMMAND � Locxtion of system operation and maintenance manuals: FIRE COMMAND A cuvtract for test aud iuspection iu accordance with NFPA standards is in effect ¢s of: TBD - UPON GO Conhacted testing company: TBD AdcL•ess: TRD PHoue: TBD Fax: TBD E-maiL TBD Occup�cy type: R,B,M,S Cnntract expires: TBD Conffact number: TBD Frequency of routine inspecfions: T6D _ _ 3. TYPE OF FIRE ALARM SYSTEM OR SERVICE NFPA 72 Chapter Reference of System Type: CHAPTER 6 Name oPorganization receiving alarm signals with phone numbers (if appdicable): Alarm: REMOTE OPERATIONS C�NT�R - JCI Phone: 1.800.753 .4524 Supervisory: REMOTE OPERATIONS CENTER - JCI Phone: 1 .800.753.4524 ' frnuhle: REMOTEOPERATIONSCENTER - 7CI Phone: 1 .800.753 .4524 Entity to which alartns aze retransmitted: VAIL FIRE DEPARTNTENT DISP Phone: 9'70,479,2246 � Method of retransmission of alarms to that organization or location: Phone Centeral Station Dispatch Racortlo( Cample3ioafo�m@asetlonNFPA]2-200]) NFPA]2, to55 NFPAphase4.doc SIA20101t28:00AM R.W. Evans Rey�inteJ wi0i permisson from NFAP P2200�, Nalional Fire Alartn Cotle �, Copyrighl B 200], Na[onel FVe PmtecVan Assoclalloq Qulncy, Mp, U2269 3. TYPE OF FIRE ALARM SYSTEM OR SERVICE (continueal) If Cbapter 8, note the means of transmission from protected premises to the central atation: �X Digital alarm communicator n McCulloh � Multiplcx � 2-way radio � 1-way r¢dio � N/A lf Chapter 9, note type of counection: � Locai energy � Shunt �X N/A 3.1 System Software Operating system (execudve) software revision level: 12.0 Site-specific software revision date: 5.5 Revision completed by: JIM MOREN 4. SIGNALING LINE CIRCUITS Characterisdics ofsignaling line circ7�its connected to this system (see NFPA 72, Tab(e 6.6. 1): Quantity: 16 Styic: 4 Class: B 5. ALARM �NITIATING DEVICE CIRCUITS Chm•acteristic.c nf initiating device circuits connected to this system (see NFPA 72, Table 6.5): TO BEREMOVED PffiOR TO C/O (TEMPORARYRETAIL SEE BELOWJ — EACHHEAT IN Gr1R�1GE ONII�D7VIDUAL IDC Quantity: 11 Style: 4 Class: B 5.1 Manual Initiating Devices 511 Manual Pull Stations Numher of bfam�al pull stations: SEE DEVICE CT SHEET T}pe of devices: I X� Addressablc � Conventional � Coded � Transmitter � N/A 5.2 Automatic Initiating Devices 5.21 Area Smoke Detectors Number of smoY.e detectors� SF.F, DEVTCE CT SHEET Type of coverage: � Complete area n Partial area � Norn�cquired partio.l Areu � N/A Type of devices ❑X Addressable � Conventinnal � Coded � Txansmitter � N/A Type of smoke detector sensiug technology ❑ [onization �X Photoeleetric SS.2 Duet Smoke Detectors Number of duct smoke detectors: T}pe of coverage: Type of devices: � Addressable � Conventional � Coded � Trausuutter ❑ N/A Type of smoke detector sensing technology � Ionization � Photoelech'ic 5.2.3 Heat Detectors Number of heat detectors: SEE DEVICE CT SHEE"P Type of coverage: ❑ Complete area ❑X Partial area ❑ Nonrequired pxrtial arett ❑ N/A Type of devices: �X Addressable OX Conventional � Coded � Transmitter � N/A 5.2.4 Sprinkler Waterllow Detcctors Numbe�� of waterflow detectors: SEE DEVICE CT SHEET Type of devices: ❑X Addressable � Conventional � Cuded � Trai�su�itter ❑ N/A RecordofComplelionform (basedonNFPAT2- 200]) NFPA]2, 2oi5 NFPAphaee4dw 5/4I20109:C8:OOAM R.W Evans Reprintetl wilh pe`missbn from NFAP �220�], National Fie Alarm Coda �, Copynght 8 20W, National Hre Fmtection Assoclellm, [luincy, MP, 022� 5.2.5 Alarm Veritication Number of devices subject to alarm verificarion: Alarm verification on this system is: � Euabled �X Disabled � Set for seconds 6. SUPERVISORY SIGNAL-INffIATING DEVICES AND CIRCUITS 6.1 Sp�inkle� System Nmnber of valve supervisory switches: SEE DEVICE CT SHF,F.T Type of devices: u Addiessable n Conventiona] � Coded � Transmittcr � N/A 6.2 Fire Pump "fype of fire piimp: � Elech•ic � Diesel Type of fire pwnp supervisory devices: � Addressable u Conventional n Coded � Transmitter � N/A Fire Pump Functions Supeivised � Flre pump power � Fire pump running � Nire pnmp phase reversal � Selector switch nnt in auto � Engine or conprol panel h'ouble � . 1 Low fuel O[her: 6.3 Engine-Driven Generator Type of generator supervisory devices: � Addressable � Conventional � Coded � Transmitter � N/A � Engiue or control panel trouUle � Generator �vmilng � Selector switch not in auto �J Low fuel Other: 7. ANNUNCIATORS 7.7 Annunciator 7 � Local �X Remote Type: �X Addressable � Directory � Craphic � N/A Location: ENTRANCE TO STAIR 3 7.2Annunciator2 , � Local �X Remnte Type: �X Addressable � Directory � Graphic � � N/A Location: ENTRANCE TO STAIIZ 4 7.3 Annunciator 3 � Local � Remote Type: � Addressable ❑ D'uectory � Craphic n N/A Locarion: 8. ALARM NOTIFICATION OEVICES AN� CIRCUITS 8.1 Emergency Voice Alarm Service — CURRENTLY DISABLED AT TOV REQIIEST — WHOOP ONLY Numbu of single voice alerm chaunels: 16 NumUer of inulriple voice alarni channels: NONC Number of speakers: TBD UPON C/O IQumber of speaker zones: 16 iJPON GO � 8.2 Telephone Jacks Number of telephone jacks installed: N/A Number of telephone handsets stored on site: N/A Type of telephone system installcd: � Electrically powered � Sound powered ❑X N/A RewrdofCanpletionform (basetlonNFPA]2 -2�W) NFPA ]2, 3ot5 NFPAphase4tloc 5/4/901D1(18�OOAM RWEVans Repnnletl wilh pemiissmn hom NFAP i2-2�0], Nalional Fire Alarm Code �, GopyngM� 20W, Ne0onal Fre Proteclion Assoclalloq nulncy, MA, 02269 8.3 Nonvoice Audible System Chm•acteristics ofnotifrcation device circuits connected to dhis system (see NFPA 72, Tab1e 6. 5): EXTEWOR H/S Quantity: 3 Style: 4 Class: S 8. ALARM NOTIFICATIOfd DEVICES AND CIRCUITS (continue� 8.4 Types and Quantities of Nonvoice Notification Appliances Installed Bells: With visual device: Homs: WiW visual device: Clumes: W ith visaal device: Speakers: '1'bd With visual 'lbd upon upun c/u device: ��� Visual devices wiH�out audible devices: 1'BD iJPON Other (describe): EXTERIOR H/S - 3 C/O 9. EMERGENCY CONTROL FUNCTIONS ACTIVATED �X Hold-open door releasing devices �X Smoke managcmcnt or smokc control 0 Door unlocking — UPON C/O �X Elevator recall � O[her 10. SYSTEM POWER SUPPLY 90.1 Primary Power Nominal vol[age: 277/480 volt 3 phase 4 wire Amps; 2 services na, 4000 amps Ovcrcurrcnt protccfion: Typc: Fuscd Switchcs Amps: 2 scrviccs (a), 40DD amps Locafion (of prhnary supply panel board): Garage Level South East comer of bnilding Disconnecting means location: Flised Switches Switchbord MSB has 5 main switches MSA has 1 Main switch 10.2 Secondary Power Location: FCC Typc: BATT Nominalvoltagc: 12V Curicntruting: N/A Number of standby batteriesc 2 Amp hoL�r rating: 55 AH Location of emergency generator: GARAGE Location of fucl storage: GARAGE Calculated capacity of secondary power to drive the system In standby mode: 24 HRS In alann mode: 5 MIN 11 . RECORD DF SYSTEM INSTALLATION Fi[! ou[ nfter a[! insta[falion is comp(ete and wiring has been cheeked fbr operu, shorts, groeend fmdts, and improper brnnching, but before r.nrtducfing operation acceptance te.rt.c. The system has Ueen installed in accordance with the following NFPA standards (Note any or all that apply): �X NFPA 72 �X NFPA 7Q National E(ectricaZCode, Article 760 - �X Manufac[urer's published inshuctions � Other (please specify): System deviarions from referenced NFPA standards: Sigued: Printedi��ame: Date: Organization: Title: Phone: RemMnfCOmpinlinnfmm (M1aseelnnNFPA ]2- 2flfli) NFPNi9, 4nf5 NFPApha.ae4dnr. 5I4I911109'OB_OOAA1 RWEVans Repnntetl wilh permission fmm NFAP 12-200], Natianal Fire Narm Code e, . Gopyrigh[� 2U01, National Fire Pmlediu� Assaclatiaq Quincy, MP, 02289 12. RECORD OF SYSTEM OPERATION All operational features and Sunctinns of this system were tested by or in the presence ofthe signer sho�an below, on the date shown below, and were found to be operating properly in accordance with the requirements of: �X NFPA 72 �X NFPA 70, National Electrical Cade, Article 760 � Manufacturer's published instructions �X Other (please specify): RATIONAL ANALYSIS � Docum n 1(ion in accor lnce it spection and Testing Form (Figure 10.6.23) is attached Signed: Printed Name: Kevin Mirlocca Date: 5/4/10 Organization: Johnson Conhols, Inc Title: Security & Fire Tech Phone: 520,730,7545 13. CERTIFICATIONS AND APPROVALS 13.1 System Installation Contractor The system as specified berein ttas been installed and tested in accordivg to all NFPA standards cited herein. Signed: Printed Name: Date: Organization: Title: Phone: 132 System Service Contractor The system as pecified here'u 1 Uee ivstalled and tested iu according to all NFPA shmdards cited hereiu. Signed: PrintedName: KevinMirlocca Date: S/4/10 Orgpnization: Johnson Conhols, [nc Titla Sccurity & Firc Tcch Phona 520,73Q7545 13.3 Central Station The system as�ified herein will be m itored according to all NFPA standazds cited hexein. C Signed: PrintedName: KevinMirlocca Date: 5/4/10 OrganizaLiou: JCI — REMOTE OPERATIONS Tille: Security & Fire Tech Phone: 800.753 .4524 13.4 Property Representative l accept t ' s tem �aving been installed and tested to its specifications and all NFPA standards cited herein. Signed: Printed Name: ,� ��,E/(,�y Date: a Organiza ion: �I�� Title: %7�J �� Yhone: 9 � 13.5 Authority Having Jurlsdlctlon I havc witncsscd a satisfACtory acccptancc tcst of this systcm and find it to bc installcd and operating pioperly in accordance with its approved plans and specificarions, its approved sequence of operarions and with all NFPA standards cited herein. Signcd: _ Printcd Namc: Datc: Organization: Title: � � Phone: � RecorAofCamplAionforlit (basetlonNFPA]2 -200�) NFPA72. 5of5 NFPAphase4AOC 5/4/20'IU9_OB'OOA�1 R.W. EVans Reprinted vntl�permissbn fmm NFAP 12-2001, National Fire Alarm Cotle �, CapyrigM1t 0 200�, National Fire PmteUion Associalian, Quinry, MLO, 022� 1 � TOWNOFVAtL ' Unil Fire £� Emergency Services 42 West Meadaw Drive Unil, Colorado 81657 / 970-479-i252 �� 0 � 006� NSPECTInN REPORT �� � - o � 3`°/ i DATE: Gl- � 7 - ZCtI� PERMIT #: �'7 7 OZ7,� BUILDNGN.4�fE: f����-S ADDRESS: f% � �J������' CONTACTNA.�[E: COMP.�NYN?.��fE: L���� z iNSPECTION TYPE: PARTIAL INSPECTION: YES � NO O FiRF SPRiNk7.F_R ROUC'rH-iN FIRR AI.ARM ROUGH-IN HYDRO TEST � FIRE AI AR�( FINAL � FIRE SPRINKLER FIN,AL // TCO CO oTrica S�Ln ,s ,�.�s� � -,,�l,�� � T� /�,o n �:g���<s ,.�voa�'/� S- u�a� � �' y�r.csi� AREA / SECTION NSPECTED ���� V /J �S� �� � �O t_Ud'/2. G��v�L �J iJ 6r S�1j `��l2 � H,/ CGed�a'�J` � .difi� `�fR�Li,c �.s `� G,st-�i�� ��'//L� � � — ���� ����v `--�'�– � ��.�� . 1 �r-���r� G � f 1�i� -�� �° '�'�� �J' �, 6' -� ,�c ��'�-. ,��s�� . � ���- - No�res: � 5' G° d'�/�s�-s - !'�ac�r� ��, ,x�/2 61 o,.e�� j� G�J�ir� �-��z� S J' Z, �� S'"iI�'/2 �.sy�u� _ !-�rUz�z � - Q ' �cc� '�.t `�t, ��f%9cj� f,����r�- �� . �� .s��..� INSPECTOR: , TITLE �-�_l� �� �_��y- J