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Vail Local Housing Authority Minutes
Tuesday, July 23, 2024
3:00 PM
Virtually on Zoom ONLY
Steve Lindstrom Christine Santucci
Craig Denton
Dan Godec
Kristin Williams
Jason Dietz, Housing Director
Martha Anderson, Senior Housing Coordinator
Missy Johnson, Housing Coordinator
1. Call to Order
1. 1 Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 3:05 p.m. with a quorum present.
Time: 5 Min.
1.2 Zoom Meeting
Time: 60 Min.
2. Citizen Participation
2.1 Citizen Participation
Time: 5 Min.
No citizens.
3. Approval of Minutes
3.1 VLHA June 25, 2024 Minutes
Presenter(s): Missy Johnson, Housing Coordinator
Time: 5 Min.
2024-06-25 VLHA Mintues.pdf
Kristen Kenny Williams made a motion to Approve as Amended with edits from Williams regarding
her statement that involved Habitat for Humanity, with her Habitat hat on.
MOTION: Williams SECOND: Denton PASSED: 4-0
3.2 VLHA July 12, 2024 Minutes - Special Session
Presenter(s): Missy Johnson, Housing Coordinator
Time: 5 Min.
2024-07-12 VLHA Minutes.pdf
MOTION: Godec SECOND: Williams PASSED: 3-0-1
4. Main Agenda
4.1 A Resolution Approving the Purchase of a Deed Restriction Interest in Property
(Type III Deed Restriction) in the Town of Vail Legally Described as Subdivision:
Alpen-Glo Condo Unit: 5, Eagle County, Colorado with a Physical Address of
5115 Black Bear Lane #5, Vail Colorado; and Setting Forth Details in Regard
Thereto. Presenter: Missy Johnson, Housing Coordinator
2024-4 VLHA Resolution Purchase of a deed restriction 5115 Black Bear Lane Unit 5.pdf
This agenda item was initially tabled but Authority conversation ensued around the topic and
eventually there was a motion to approve the resolution with an amended dollar amount up to
20% of purchase price. Housing Staff agreed to revise the resolution for signature.
Executive Session is set for 12 p.m. on Wednesday, July 24 for further discussion.
Dan Godec made a motion to Approve as Amended.
MOTION: Godec SECOND: Williams PASSED: 4-0
4.2 Prepare for the State of Housing Meeting on August 6 with the Vail Town Council
Presenter(s): Steve Lindstrom, VLHA Chairman
Time: 30 Min.
Lindstrom recommends we present at the 2nd Town Council agenda meeting based on
current happenings. He suggested the housing staff to work on the numbers in the
background but hold off and look for a later Town Council meeting in August.
4.3 Discussion on VLHA Budget Supplemental Needs
Presenter(s): Martha Anderson, Senior Housing Coordinator
Time: 15 Min.
Anderson discussed the need to do a supplemental budget with Finance to cover the current
needs and future buffer for Professional Services to provide additional flexibility.
Lindstrom confirmed that $208,000 came in from grant funding to cover future projects and
future projects. He anticipates that happening in short order at which time we can revisit the
Lindstrom agrees Anderson's suggestion to put a place holder into the supplemental budget of
$30,000 to be classified to potentially cover pending professional services agreements.
Anderson confirmed the items and amounts that are currently allocated.
Anderson will confirm with Finance whom will present at the future meeting.
Williams moved that we approve the discussed budget on supplemental needs and the group
will vote on the revised budget at the next meeting. Denton seconded. This item will be reviewed
through finance at a future meeting.
MOTION: Williams SECOND: Denton PASSED: 4-0
5. Matters from the Chairman and Authority Members
5.1 Matters from the Chairman and Authority Members
Presenter(s): Steve Lindstrom, VLHA Chairman
Ruther joined with inquiry around the Timber Ridge deed restriction and related compliance. Providing
a few examples, Ruther reviewed an example whereas the employment status, paycheck, comes
from an out of county company, but all of the services provided occur in Eagle County area. Because
these two applicants comply with the intent and the terms of the deed restriction, Ruther turned to the
Authority to determine if these situations are still applicable to policy from the Housing Authority.
Lindstrom confirmed that we have followed this approval process from the past and also
supports that many Vail Resorts employees receives checks from Broomfield, while meeting
the terms of the deed restriction.
Unanimously, the Authority approved these one-offs as mentioned by Ruther. Godec suggested
working with legal to provide a statement in clarification of the above.
Lindstrom suggested the Housing Staff work on some policy guidance for the Authority to
consider prior to formulizing the statements and legal considerations. Dietz agrees.
Housing staff will consider the above based on preparation for future, annual, EHU compliance
and bring the Authority discussion points for consideration prior to presenting policy to legal.
Lindstrom prefers to define the line between those providing goods and services here locally
and vs. the remote workers and Deitz agreed.
Ruther provided a quick update regarding Timber Ridge and upcoming agenda items 1)
resolution to approve the 2nd amendment to the development agreement; 2) resolution to
approve a tri-party agreement and 3) an ordinance allowing the Town of Vail to transfer the title
to Triumph Development upon closing of the construction lending. Ruther says we now have
agreement from all parties within the tri-party agreement and the development agreement.
Ruther provided an overview of the status of purchase and sale agreements and there is about
102 units under contract of the 194 total to sell to bulk buyers, individuals or businesses. There
is likely to see a slight price increase in the future.
The team is still working to hold the end date schedule, anticipating a 30-day shift in final
product completion, even with the recent delays.
Ruther exited the meeting.
Anderson mentioned the development fund available to the Authority as well as the
registration opportunity for Authority members to attend the Housing Colorado Conference
in Keystone.
Williams expressed her excitement in the recent Vail InDEED interest recently but if we
anticipate a cadence to need one- off special meetings, it could be helpful to set calendar
inclusions for 15 minutes and then cancel them if they are not needed. Anderson confirmed that
it is abnormal to need the one-off meetings as we have executed recently.
6. Adjournment
6.1 Adjournment 5:00 PM (Estimate)
Kristen Kenny Williams made a motion to Adjourn Meeting adjourned at 3:51 p.m.
MOTION: Williams SECOND: Godec PASSED: 4-0
7. Future Agenda Items
7.1 Housing 2027
Land Banking
8. Next Meeting Date
8.1 Next Meeting Date August 13, 2024
Vail Local Housing Authority Meeting Minutes of July 23, 2024