HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-09-10 VLHA Minutes
Vail Local Housing Authority Minutes
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
3:00 PM
Council Chambers and hybrid via Zoom
The Vail Local Housing Authority meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month unless otherwise
noted. The meetings are always available via zoom and often they are Hybrid including in-person.
Please check the agenda the day of each meeting for planning.
Steve Lindstrom Christine Santucci
Craig Denton
Dan Godec
Kristin Williams
Jason Dietz, Vail Housing Director
Missy Johnson, Housing Coordinator
1. Call to Order
1.1 Call to Order
Called to order at 3:01 p.m.
1.2 Zoom Meeting 1 (Pre-Executive Session)
Time: 60 Min.
1.3 Zoom Meeting 2 (Post-Executive Session)
2. Citizen Participation
2.1 Citizen Participation
No citizen participation.
3. Approval of Minutes
3.1 VLHA August 27, 2024 Minutes
Presenter(s): Missy Johnson, Housing Coordinator
Time: 5 Min.
2024-08-27 VLHA Minutes.pdf
MOTION: Williams SECOND: Godec PASSED: 3-0
4. Main Agenda
4.1 Financial Policies and Best Practices
Presenter(s): Carlie Smith, Finance Director
VLHA Budgeting and Procurment.pdf
Smith presented best practices on contracting, procurement and budgeting practices as she
referenced multiple slides in detail. These are governed by state statute, so the Vail Local
Housing Authority is included.
Conversation ensued, specifically around professional services agreements and allocation of
funds. If it is not in an Authority budget, or supplemented, they should not be contracting for it.
Lindstrom referenced the professional services budgeted but Carlie suggested to allocate the
funds in a public way through a motion, as long as the funds in total are available.
If the Authority becomes more involved, with a budget over $750,000, a procurement process
must be in place.
The following topics were also covered and referenced: grant administration, current VLHA
revenue resources and discussion around the recent grant funding that was applied for and
awarded to the Town of Vail.
Godec suggested putting a procurement policy and a grant policy in place that can be revisited
and/or on an annual basis. Documentation, due diligence and process for bid procurement is to
be built into a purchasing policy. Carlie suggested using Town language and Deitz agreed.
Denton joined at 3:15 p.m.
4.2 Update on VLHA Website and Email Accounts
Presenter(s): Steve Lindstrom, VLHA Chairman
Time: 10 Min.
Lindstrom lead the group in discussion and plan for an Authority website and email accounts.
He and Williams met with Resolution Graphics about the capabilities. Lindstrom also spoke with
another contact but he has less graphics experience and offers more of back of house
offerings. The group is seeking a domain name, website function and email addresses.
Motion made to Engage Resolution Graphics for approximately $3,000 subject to any input
from Town legal.
MOTION: Denton SECOND: Williams PASSED: 4-0
4.3 Update on Local Planning Capacity Grant
Presenter(s): Jason Dietz, Housing Director
Time: 10 Min.
Dietz provided a summary off status. It is TBD as to when the grant funding wi
Intent is to utilize the grant funds as the Authority had advised in the application of the grant
including MPG group and others. There was modification made to the grant to allow more
flexibility to allow financial consulting as well as additional grant management. The
procurement process will need to be followed, once the contract is signed.
4.4 Discussion on Semi-Annual Housing Update
Presenter(s): Jason Dietz, Housing Director and Steve Lindstrom, VLHA Chairman
Time: 15 Min.
Lindstrom suggested getting it on the Council calendar. In addition to providing updated statistics,
Lindstrom suggested adding an overview of financial overview and movement of funds starting in
Additional items to include:
Policy projects yet to be completed and those that were just recently updated.
Updating Housing Zone District.
West Middle Creek trial through Design Review Boards and variety of variances.
Dietz is unsure of when the strategic plan can be shared with the Authority but will
update as appropriate.
4.5 Review of Employment Scenarios for Resident Community Housing Programs
Presenter(s): Missy Johnson, Housing Coordinator
Time: 20 Min.
Employment Scenarios for Resident Occupied Deed Restrictions Staff Memo
09102024.pdf This item was moved to the end of the agenda.
The memo and variety of employment scenarios was presented with the desire to put additional
policy towards the employment qualifications. The housing staff presented a variety of
examples in hopes of receiving feedback from the Authority.
Primarily examples of LLCs, the information is presented as hypotheticals vs. specifics to local
residents and homeowner with the intention of looking ahead towards the finalization of Timber
Ridge deed restriction.
The authority agrees that the LLC is not necessarily a determining factor of an approved
resident. The discussion ensued around employees working for businesses that provide
goods or services within Eagle County. Examples of employees that seem to be easy
approved examples like ski reps. Other scenarios were discussed like the trades, creatives
and more.
The group aims to be sure the intended groups are being placed in community housing
including Vail Resorts employees, trades servicing locally, and companies not requiring
employees to work within the organization post-Covid. There was consensus to use 'goods
and services' when considering how to build and protect housing for local workers.
Clarification was provided around the qualification that requires 75% of an individual's overall
income to come from a business in Eagle County vs. Town of Vail. Conversation ensued around
the wide variety of LLCs in Eagle County to include creatives, designers, consultants,
developers and more.
5. Matters from the Chairman and Authority Members
5. 1 Matters from the Chairman and Authority Members
Presenter(s): Steve Lindstrom, VLHA Chairman
Dietz and Lindstrom reviewed a few continuous topics within the Town including Vail InDEED
funding, Civic Center planning, Dobson Ice Arena expansion and contracts and West Middle
The Town is looking to update the TOV employee housing program including eligibility,
rates and more.
Finance continues to review in preparation to make recommendation for the STR nexus fees
likely to revisit in October.
The Authority left regular session to enter into Executive Session at 3:58 p.m.
MOTION: Williams SECOND: Godec PASSED: 4-0
6. Executive Session
6.1 Executive Session per C.R.S. §24-6-402(4)(a)(e) - to discuss the purchase,
acquisition, lease, transfer or sale of real, personal or other property interests
and to determine positions relative to matters that may be subject to
negotiations regarding: Vail InDEED application and an EHU Exchange.
Presenter(s): Missy Johnson, Housing Coordinator
Time: 10 Min.
7. Any Action as a Result of Executive Session
7.1 Any Action as a Result of Executive Session
The authority reconvened at 4:16 p.m. into regular session. Motion made to direct staff to
proceed with the terms as suggested in Executive Session.
MOTION: Godec SECOND: Williams PASSED: 4-0
8. Adjournment
8.1 Adjournment 5:00 PM (Estimate)
Time: 5 Min.
The Authority adjourned at 4:17 p.m.
9. Future Agenda Items
9.1 Breakdown of Housing Funds
Continuation of Eagle County Employee Qualifications
10. Next Meeting Date
10.1 Next Meeting Date September 24, 2024