HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-09-24 VLHA Minutes Vail Local Housing Authority Minutes Tuesday, September 24, 2024 3:00 PM Vail Town Council Chambers PRESENT ABSENT Steve Lindstrom Craig Denton Dan Godec Christine Santucci Kristin Williams STAFF Jason Dietz, Housing Director Martha Anderson, Senior Housing Coordinator Missy Johnson, Housing Coordinator 1. Call to Order 1.1 Call to Order 1.2 Zoom Meeting 1 (Pre-Executive Session) 1.3 Zoom Meeting 2 (Post-Executive Session) 2. Citizen Participation 2.1 Citizen Participation 3. Approval of Minutes 3.1 VLHA September 10, 2024 Minutes Presenter(s): Missy Johnson, Housing Coordinator 2024-09-10 VLHA Minutes.pdf MOTION: Williams SECOND: Denton PASSED: 3-0 4. Main Agenda 4.1 2020-2024 Housing Purchase Summary Presenter(s): Martha Anderson, Senior Housing Coordinator Time: 15 Min. 2020-2024 Housing Purchase Summary.pdf Anderson reviewed the housing funds as dated starting in 2020, as provided by Carlie in the Finance Department. Discussion ensued around the transfer of funds from the Capital Fund to the Housing Fund starting in 2020 with the Authority seeking clarity for year over year usage and overall usage for Town of Vail employee housing. The Authority asked a variety of questions including the desire to understand the dollar amount of what has been allocated but un-used over the years from the allocated Vail InDEED funds. Clarification was provided to the Authority that housing for the Town of Vail employee housing comes out of the capital budget. The purpose column is broken down by Community, which represents buy-downs vs. Town employee which represents Town employee rental units. Page 3 shows the 5-year activity of the housing including transfers in and out as well some projections. With newer authority members and in preparation for the semi-annual update to Town Council, the Authority agrees that they need to better understand the budgeting year over year starting in 2020. They would like to see the budgeting spreadsheets differently so they can best understand where the housing funds coming from, how they are used, what is available and what is projected to be available in the future. They also agree that it is important to keep track of the amount of Timber Ridge funds comes back as being paid back from Timber Ridge sales in the future. The housing staff will invite the finance team back to a future Authority meeting for clarification. 4.2 A Resolution Approving the Purchase of a Deed Restriction Interest in Property (Type III Deed Restriction) in the Town of Vail Legally Described as Subdivision: Alpen-Glo Condo Unit: 5, Eagle County, Colorado with a Physical Address of 5115 Black Bear Lane #5, Vail Colorado; and Setting Forth Details in Regard Thereto. Presenter(s): Missy Johnson, Housing Coordinator 2024-6 VLHA Resolution Purchase of a deed restriction 5115 Black Bear Lane Unit 5.pdf MOTION: Godec SECOND: Williams PASSED: 5-0 4.3 A Resolution Approving the Purchase of a Deed Restriction Interest in Property (Type III Deed Restriction) in the Town of Vail Legally Described as Subdivision: Subdivision: Pitkin Creek Park Unit 12-I, Eagle County, Colorado with a Physical Address of 4061 Bighorn Road 12I, Vail, Colorado; and Setting Forth Details in Regard Thereto. Presenter(s): Missy Johnson, Housing Coordinator 2024-7 VLHA Resolution Purchase of a deed restriction 4061 Bighorn Road 12-I.pdf MOTION: Godec SECOND: Williams PASSED: 5-0 5. Matters from the Chairman and Authority Members 5. 1 Matters from the Chairman and Authority Members Presenter(s): Steve Lindstrom, VLHA Chairman Lindstrom provided updates on Timber Ridge and West Middle Creek. A ground-breaking is being planned for Timber Ridge Village, October 9th at NOON with invitations to come. Local Planning Capacity Grant (LPC) has been signed and funds will be received as reimbursements as submitted by the Town of Vail. The use of the funds is still planned as closely recommended by the Authority. Town and DOLA procurement process must be followed. For Timber Ridge, a price increase went into effect for studios, 1- bedrooms and 2- bedrooms. A modification of building A will be read at the Oct. 1 Town Council meeting. Anderson reviewed key learnings from a presentation from the State Demographer recently through the Vail Valley Partnership. Anderson described that stats show that there are less births and more deaths in Colorado and we are aging as a state. Arizona, California and even Boston were noted as primary areas where people are relocating from when moving to Colorado. Gypsum is the main city in Eagle County that is experiencing growth. The presentation will be shared once it becomes available and Lindstrom commented that this information will be helpful as the Council refines the strategic plan. Topics such as housing affordability, daycare, retirees staying in place and career opportunities out of county were all topics that were mentioned. Williams reminded the group that one of the Authority initiatives is to creatively market to owners of vacant homes within the Town of Vail in consideration of transferring to EHUs. Eagle County needs assessment is still in the works. Mid-October, EPS will start touring various towns within the county to present the assessment to the electeds for feedback. Market Studies for Timber Ridge and West Middle Creek will also have useful information for the Authority. At 4:05 p.m. the Authority left regular session and moved into Executive Session. 6. Executive Session 6.1 Executive Session per C.R.S. §24-6-402(4)(a)(e) - to discuss the purchase, acquisition, lease, transfer or sale of real, personal or other property interests and to determine positions relative to matters that may be subject to negotiations regarding: Vail InDEED application. Presenter(s): Martha Anderson, Senior Housing Coordinator 7. Any Action as a Result of Executive Session 7.1 Any Action as a Result of Executive Session At 4:20 p.m., the Authority re-entered regular session. Williams moved to directed staff to continue as discussed during executive session. MOTION: Williams SECOND: Santucci PASSED: 4-0 8. Adjournment Adjourned at 4:21 p.m. 9. Future Agenda Items 9.1 Discussion on Semi-Annual Update to Town Council Discussion on Eagle County Employment Qualifications 10. Next Meeting Date 10.1 Next Meeting Date October 8, 2024