HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB100178���i� r� I��i � �� r� ��TI � �I F� 1�l�1 � � � � � ������,� � �� �, �,� �� ����������t � �� ��tl� Fr� rr���� I���� �� i I� �I�f��� � 1��� t�l: ���.��.�1�� ���: ���.���.���� ��T �r��: �w�r.��i I��.�orr� Project Name: LOT 1E GLEN LYON ADDITION DRB Number: DR6100178 Project Description: ADDITION & INTERIOR REMODEL TO ADD BEDROOM, BATHROOM, RELOCATE GARAGE AND CONVERT SKI ROOM TO BATHROOM Participants: OWNER LOT 1E GLEN LYON LLC PO BOX 5450 AVO N CO 81620 APPLICANT J EFFREY P MAN LEY MARTIN MANLEY ARCHITECTS PO BOX 1587 EAGLE CO 81631 05/24/2010 05/24/2010 Project Address: 1454 GREENHILL CT VAIL Location: UNIT E Legal Description: Lot: 1 Block: Subdivision: GLEN LYON SU6. Parcel Number: 2103-124-0201-2 Comments: SEE CONDITIONS Motion By: DUBOIS Second By: KJ ES60 Vote: 4-0-0 Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: APPROVED Date of Approval: 06/03/2010 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: RACHEL FRIEDE DRB Fee Paid: $300.00 ��,��f� �r �;„ � � . ' :. �� _, ,: ,• : ��,��,�F �'{�.a°' � ,�, rF ��€�� ��-. Department of Community Development � : �4��' , 75 South Frontage Road , . s �'� � ' �: , � . Vail, Colorado 81657 �} � '� a �� r , � Tel: 970-479-2128 "` ��x�'y • � '�:`` ,�, ��?` � � Fax: 970-479-2452 =�.: 'q �T�. � � ;°�" _-��� �� � ��� Web: www.vailgov.com �` `� Development Review Coordinator ;�F., . ,.: �� ��� �,`��" Application for Design Review Additions - Residential or Commercial General Information: This application is required for all proposals involving the addition of any floor area, including net floor area and/or gross residential floor area (GRFA). This also includes proposals for'residential 250 additions' and 'interior conversions'. Applicable Vail Town Code sections can be found at www.vailaov.com under Vail Information — Town Code Online. All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit ap- plication. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Commu- nity Development Department, as outlined in the submittal requirements. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval expires one year from the date of approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction commences. Fee: $300 � Single Family Duplex Multi-Family Commercial Description of the Request• adding 1 bedroom and a bath in location of the existing garage. Relocating the garage +/- 12'-0" to the wesUfront. Adding a bath to the existing bedroom in the location of the existing ski room. Addition of 114 Sy {t of GRFA (Residential) or sq ft of net floor area (Commercial/ Office) Physical Address• 001454 Greenhill Ct #E, Vail Colorado 81657 Parcel Number: 2103-124-02-012 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Properly Owner• LOT 1 E GLEN LYON LLC (Francisco and Ines Orvananos) Mailing Address• PO�Boz 5450, Avon CO 81620 Phone: 970-376-1536 Owner's Signature: Primary Contact/ Owner Representative• Jeffrey P Manley, Martin Manley Architects Mailing Address: PO BOX 1587, Eagle CO 81631 E-Mail• leff@martinmanleyarchitects.com Phone: 970-328-1299 Fax: 9�0-328-1273 For Office Use Only: Cash � CC: Visa / MC Last 4 CC # '� �� Fee Paid: � Received From: Meeting Date: �. DRB No.: � � Planner: � Project No: � Zoning: Land Use: Location of the Proposal: Lot:�_ Block: Subdivision �-. .� . �1 � i � -�..� _ ��n �C;EIV �'� ■�IIII ' ' � � t II � '. .� ' , *******************************************+*******+********************�******************* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement *******�********��***********************************«*****************************�******** Statement Number: R100000537 Amount: $300.00 05/24/201002:57 PM Payment Method: Cash Init: JLE Notation: JEFF MANLEY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: DRB100178 Type: DRB - Addition of GRFA Parcel No: 2103-124-0201-2 Site Address: 1454 GREENHILL CT VAIL Location: UNIT E Total Fees: $300.00 This Payment: $300.00 Total ALL Pmts: $300.00 Balance: $0.00 ***************************�**************************************************************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 300.00 � -`� � . YOWN OFYAQ. ' JOINT f�ROP�RTY Q fRITTEN APPROVAL 7his form �s appliCable to ail Design Review appi;canis that share ow � hip Of the subject propeny. Fpr exam- ple, tt�e subjed property where tonstruction �s o 1curnng is a duplex, ndominium or multl-tenant building. This form shatl he cixn�tar! hy �he applicant's neighqor/ joint property ow . Ln the tase of a multiple-family dwell- ing or multi-tenant bullding, the authorlty of thq association shall plebe t1�is fortn and mai� to: Gommuniry Development Departrnent, 75 Soutlt Frontage Ro�c1, Vall, CO 81657 or tn 970.479.2452. I, (print name)_�Ib�fh t�-ANb�_.PSoR�Eb�2a_ located at wrltten anoroval of the qlans dated 4•= 7own of Vail Communifir Development Depar� r1r?sc nnteci above. I understand that the prop _...��_. - - - ���i _� loint owner, for the propased improvemen� inc r�wN�rt- oF I��4 4ru�1 H► u�.. ��- $�-�i% AdditionallY. please check the statement below which is most o I unde�stand thac mrnor mod///Cdtlons may be �ade to fhe pk7i7s o� sure cam�ian� w1G� 6he Town's app/irabAe c�ades� and regulatio�s (lniba/here) ��r�qc�st that a// mAd111Ca!/OnS, minar cv ew p,roress, be brought to my att�ridm by p� vlewbyl�h� %wn. � / �a/ h�) Flcdev�fortnslpermilslPlanning1DR81DRB AddlUan_01�110 whic�► are rnt lbr ado �ity of the association, nf rrn�wrty �� provide this letter as which have been submitted tp the ements bo be oompleted at tf�e ad- (Oate) �pliCdble to you: dhe course oi� bhe revlew pr,ace�s 1v en- to the p/ans o�e� lfie murse of the re- approva/ b�efore unde�oing fcuther �- Z0 39t1d ��Q ZE5Eb0hE0E 6b=80 0Z0Z/ZZ/S0 �� MARTIN MANLEY ARCHITECTS Date: 01-14-2009 Design Review Board Town of Vail Community Dev. Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Renovation and Addition at 1454 Greenhill Court #E Dear Design Review Board, The renovation at 1454 Greenhill Ct #E includes 1 new bedroom, 2 new baths, a revised mud room, and relocating of the existing garage west wall +/- 12'-0" to the west. A new window well is proposed to be added at the north side to provide egress from the bedroom. The garage will receive a roof over the projecting portion with shingle to match the existing homes shingles. The Main level deck will have the curved portion removed where it intersects the new garage roof. All proposed finishes and materials are to match the existing home's finishes and materials. Please see the attached proposal. Please call with any questions or concerns. Thank you, Jeffrey P Manley Martin Manley Architects 970-328-1299 (Direct line) s�o.3za.5i5� infoQmartinmanleyarchitects.com P.O. Box 1587 Eagle, Colorado 81631 � �� MARTI N MAN LEY ARCHITECTS Zoning Summary To: Town of Vail From: Jeffrey P Manley Date: 5/19/2010 Re: Lot 1 E, Glen Lyon,1454 E Greenhill Ct. Vail, Colorado Subj: Town of Vail Zoning Summary Zone District: Primary I Secondary Residential Lot Area: .4274 acres x 43,560 s.f. =18,619 s.f. • GRFA Allowed: .46% lot area < 10,000 s.f. = 4,600 s.f. .38% lot area < 15,000 s.f. = 1,900 s.f. .13% lot area (3,619 s.f.) = 470.47s.f. Total = 6,970.47 s.f. Unit 1454 W(unchanged): 2,055 s.f - lower level area reduction 246 s.f. (31 % of lower level AREA 795 s.f. = 246 s.f. � 1,809 s.f. Existing 1454 E: Lower level 1,370 s.f. -192 s.f.[bsmt reduction of 14% (161 wall under gradel wall of 1,168 s.f. =14%)] Lower level adjusted = 1,178 s.f. Main Level= 2.130 s.f. over 16' ht. = 34 s.f. Total GRFA existing= 3,342 s.f. Proposed 1454 E: Lower level 1,657 s.f. - 365 s.f.[ bsmt reduction of 22% (368 wall under grade/ wall of 1,564 s.f. =22%)] Lower level adjusted = 1,292 s.f. Main Level= 2,130 s.f. over 16' ht. = 34 s.f. Total GRFA existing= 3,456 s.f. Total proposed and existing GRFA for Lot 1 E and W= 5,151 s.f. • ALLOWED Pnmary/Secondary Split: 60% = 4,182.3 s.f.1E) 40% = 2,788.2 s.f. (V1� • ALLOWED Site Coverage (25% of lot) = 4,654.75 s.f. (includes roof overhangs over 4' deep) • PROPOSED Site Coverage 1454 E lower 1,657s.f. 1454 E garage 500 s.f. 1454 W lower 795 s.f. 1454 W garage 568 s.f. + roof overhanq over 4' 61 s.f. Proposed: 3,581 s.f. • Landscaping (60% of lot) =11,174 s.f. (existing landscape area is not being reduced since the addition is over the existing driveway) .� .• - - . - . �• :. ..- ...... x • Height Limitation= 33 feet (as measured from existing grade directly to ridge above) • Setbacks: Front = 20' Side = 15' Rear = 15' • Retaining Walls: 6' max. walls allowed. • Snow Storage: 30% driveway area unheated 1454 E= 647 s.f. • Parking: 2.5 spaces per dwelling unit = 3 spaces (2 inside, 1 outside) 970.323.5151 info�martinmanleyarchitects.com P.O. Box 1587 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Kichler 9244 Contemporary / Modern 2 Light Outdoor Wall Sconce from the Up & Dow... Page 1 of 2 (800) 375-3410 Cau Center Hours � Lighting Di rect.com Mome Mv Account Contact Us Helo Cart - 0 Items What are you shopping for? � Home Ceiling Lights Wail Ligh!s Lamps Outdoor Lights Fans SALE Articles Brands _ — —_ _ _ �r f� �s �r � . , �.. ,� � r'r4i ��o� _ T I /�,'�,7 � =,-', _"� Per�ants 6a. -: �, ,Yall Scci re; t�dr�� F,�;s He�,e u�e„ �r..a!ng , �,� . e�,t-_ � � � � i • • � � • � � • .� - You a��=- Home =,ra s�� F;�-_e �_�id ��ttino ��.�.��_ �_ .. -� �244 a�k te Sea,-ch Resulrs ?ri��t °__= Rc�k�a��. Kichler 9244 Contemporary / Modern 2 Light Outdoor Wall Sconce from the Up & Down Collection View the entire l��_& Do���n Cpllection KICHLER � '_!GHTING �\ M� �� i5� ��� � i rrages �-., _�..s Product Details for the Kichler 9244 • Up / Down Collection: Wall Sconce • 2-Light • Contemporery / Modern Themed • Dimensions: 0 4.50 Inches Wide 0 12 Inches High 0 7Inches Extended from Wall • Required: 2 BR-30 65W Bulbs • Height from Center of Wall Opening 6[nches • U.L. Listed for Damp Location Additional Kichler Links View Manufact�rer Warrancv ShoD All Kichler Products Shop All Kichler Up & Down Collection Products �:• 11 Shipping: Free Shipping! See Details Availability based on Finish selected Ships In: Finish Please Select Finish 1 Qty � j, � View Firnshes ��'sn�N: co Canada � Live Chat Send to a Friend Ask A Ouestion �etum Polrcy 110% Low Price Guarantee 2 Additional images � Product Multimedia Other Customers Viewed � Westinqhouse 67975 2 Light Aluminum Cylinder Outdoor Wall Sconce �67.33 Proqress Liqhtinq P5675 Contemporary / Modern Two Light Outdoor Wall Sconce from the Aluminum Cylinders Collection $82.44 Proqress Liqh[ina P5674 - Contemporary / Modern Outdoor Wall Sconce from the Aluminum Cylinders Collection � $51.12 Technical Specs http://www.lightingdirect. com/kichler-9244-contemporary-modern-2-light-outdoor-wal l-sc ... 5/ 17/2010 SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Please submit the following items to proceed with design review. Submit three (3*) copies of the materi- als noted with an asterisk (*) and one (1) copy of all others. In addition to paper copies, a PDF, electronic version, of all submittals shall be submitted on disk or emailed to the assigned Planner. � Completed application form including owner's signature (cover sheet). � Application fee • Additional fees may be required if: 1) Any local, state or Federal agency review is required, 2) Publishing fees are in excess of 50% of the application fee, or 3) External consultants are required by the Town to re- view significant impacts on the community. � Project narrative describing the background, purpose and details of the proposal (Address To: Design Review Board), � Title report, including Schedules A& B to verify ownership and easements. � Joint Property Owner Written Approval Letter, if applicable (pg. 2). This form is applicable to all Design Review appli- cants that share ownership of the subject property. For example, the subject property where construction is occur- ring is a duplex, condominium or multi-tenant building. This form shall be completed by the applicanYs neighbor/ joint property owner. In the case of a multiple-family dwelling or multi-tenant building, the authority of the associa- tion shall complete this form. ❑ Utility Approval and Verification Form, if applicable (pg. 7). This form is applicable to any construction within an easement and may be required for any construction if deemed necessary by Town of Vail Staff. � Plan Sheet Format (Applies to all plan sheets) ❑ Plan sheet size must be 24"x 36". For large projects, larger plan size may be allowed. • Graphic bar scale (minimum scale is 1"=20'). �• North arrow. y Title block, project name, project address and legal description. f Indication of plan preparer, address and phone number. y Dates of original plan preparation and all revision dates. �Sheet labels and numbers. A border with a minimum left side margin of 1.5". y Plan legend. � Plan Set Cover Sheet* y Project name. > Address and legal description. � Sheet Index. r Preparer's contact information and other relevant contacts (i.e. Owner, Surveyor, Contractor). � Vicinity map or location map at a scale of 1"=1,000' or larger. � ❑ Stamped Topographic Survey* • Wet stamp and signature of a licensed surveyor. • Scale of 1"=10' or 1"=20'. • Legal description and physical address. • Lot size and build able area (excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40%, and floodplain). • Labeled ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. • Property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show existing pins or monuments found and their relationship to the established corner. • Show right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information. • Indicate all easements identified on the subdivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the title report. List any easement restrictions. • Spot Elevations at the edge of asphalt, along the street frontage of the properly at twenty-five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot. • Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervals. • Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more. • Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc.). • All existing improvements (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc.). • Environmental Hazards (i.e. rock fall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils). • Wetland delineation and provide any necessary approvals or permits from Colorado Department of Natural Resources and/ or Army Corp of Engineers. f:\cdev\forms�permits\Planning\DRB\DRB_Add ition_010110 • Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. • Landscaping summary, including the botanical and common names, size and quantity of trees to be removed and proposed trees. The minimum size for proposed trees is 2" caliper deciduous trees, coniferous trees that are six feet in height, and 5 gallon shrubs. Also specify types of groundcover and proposed square footage. Include a description of any other landscaping features (ponds, fountains, retaining walls, pools, etc). � Architectural Elevations* • Scale of 1/8" = 1' or larger; 1/4" = 1' is preferred. � All elevations, existing and proposed, of the proposed development shall be drawn to scale and fully dimen- sioned. The elevation drawings must show both existing and finished grades. Floor plans and building ele- vations must be drawn at the same scale. • Show all building faces including angles not represented well on the normal building elevations. • Elevations shall show proposed finished elevation of floors and roofs on all levels. • All exterior materials and colors shall be specified on the elevations. • The following shall be shown graphically and fully dimensioned: fascia, trim, railings, chimney caps, meter locations, meter screening methods and window details. • Show all proposed exterior lighting fixtures on the building. • Illustrate all decks, porches and balconies. • Indicate the roof and building drainage system (i.e. gutters and downspouts). • Indicate all rooftop mechanical systems and all other roof structures, if applicable. • Illustrate proposed building height elevation on roof lines and ridges. These elevations should coordinate with the finished floor elevations and the datum used for the survey. • Exterior color and material samples shall be submitted to staff and presented at the Design Review Board � meeting. Architectural Floor Plans* • Scale of 1/8" = 1' or larger; 1/4" = 1' is preferred. • All floor plans, existing and proposed, of the proposed development shall be drawn to scale and fully dimen- sioned. • Floor plans and building elevations must be drawn at the same scale. • Clearly indicate the inside face and outside face, of the sheathing, of the exterior structural walls of the build- ing. • Label floor plans to indicate the proposed floor area use (i.e. bedroom, kitchen, etc.). • One set of floor plans must be "red-lined" indicating how the gross residential floor area (GRFA) was caku- lated. See Title 12, Chapter 15 - Gross Residential Floor Area for regulations. • Provide dimensions of all roof eaves and overhangs. ❑ Lighting Plan* r- Indicate type, location and number of fixtures. ��} �X�,T11J y�C'� �-f�?.�(,�� ►N r Include height above grade, �^'�• LOtM1AN �S t�CIS77NL� . �- Cut sheet(s) for proposed fixtures & verification of "Full Cutoff" class as recommended by the IDA. �. Gross Residential Floor Area calculations (including allowable, existing, proposed, and total GRFA for all units in the development plan, including the other half of a duplex). �/Site Development Standards calculations (existing and proposed): landscape area, site coverage, building height, number of dwelling units and employee housing units, setbacks, number of enclosed and unenclosed parking spaces, driveway area, snow storage area etc. �Exterior building materials list (also to be included on elevations and in materials samples), including location, type of material, and color. Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number. ❑ Exterior color and material samples and specifications. M.�-�,�.F�x� ST'11V �j � Photos of the existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable. ❑ Site-specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicable - If a property is located in or adjacent to a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, debris flow, floodplain, wetland, poor soils, etc.), the Community Development Depart- ment may require a site-specific geological investigation. ❑ The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. f:\cdev\forms\permits\Planning\DRB\D RB_Addition_010110 • Watercourse setbacks, if applicable (show centerline and edge of stream or creek in addition to the required stream or creak setback). • Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed service lines from their source to the structure. Utili- ties to include, cable TV, sewer, gas, telephone, water, electric, size and type of drainage culverts, swales, etc. • Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250' in either direction from property. • Any adjacent sidewalks and trails. ❑ Site and Grading Plan* ��p�� • Scale of 1"=20' or 1"=10' (The site and grading plan must be drawn at the same scale as the topographic ��' survey). • Lot size and buildable area (excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40%, and floodplain). • Property and setback lines. • Existing and proposed easements. • Existing and proposed grades. All disturbed areas must be returned to a 2:1 grade or PE stamped details of slope protection and/or stable soils are required. • Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other structures including decks, patios, fences and walls. Indi- cate the foundation with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line. • All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations. Indicate existing (natural grade prior to con- struction of structure) and proposed grades shown underneath all roof lines. This will be used to calculate building height. • Proposed driveways: Site plan must show driveway type, finished surface, heated or unheated, grade, per- cent slope, dimensions, turning radii, site distance, required parking spaces with 9' x 19' surface parking spaces and 9' x 18' enclosed spaces, and spot elevations at the property line, garage slab and as necessary along the centerline of the driveway to accurately reflect grade. • A 4' wide unheated concrete pan at the edge of driveway. • Locations of all utilities including meter pits, existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structures. • Proposed surFace drainage on and off-site, including culverts. • Location of landscaped areas. • Location of limits of disturbance fencing. • Names of all adjacent roadways. • Snow storage must be shown within property boundaries adjacent to driveway (30% of driveway area if un- heated, 10% of driveway area if heated). • Proposed dumpster location and detail of dumpster enclosure. • Retaining walls with proposed elevations at top and bottom of walls. A detailed cross-section and elevation drawings shall be provided on the plan or separate sheet. Stamped engineering drawings are required for walls between 4' and 6' feet in height and all combination walls. • If less than one half acre is to be disturbed, proper erosion control devices need to be shown on the site plan. If more than one half acre is to be disturbed, then a separate professionally engineered and PE stamped Erosion Control Plan must be submitted. • 100-year floodplain. • Location of all geologic/environmental hazard areas. • Delineate areas to be phased and appropriate timing, if applicable. ❑ Landscape Plan* N k • scale of 1" = 20' or 1" = 10' • Landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan. • Location of existing trees, 4" diameter or larger. Indicate trees to remain, to be relocated (including new location), and to be removed. Large stands of trees may be shown (as bubble) if the strand is not being af- fected by the proposed improvements and grading. • Indicate all existing ground cover and shrubs. • Detailed legend, listing the rype and size (caliper for deciduous trees, height for conifers, gallon size for shrubs and height for foundation shrubs) of all the existing and proposed plant material including ground cover. Delineate critical root zones for existing trees in close proximity to site grading and construction. Indicate the location of all proposed plantings. The location and type of existing and proposed watering systems. f:\cdev\forms\permits\Planning\DR B\D RB_Addition_010110 � i Buildinq Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvae of Material � ,�iL}I' ��Is?�1�� 1' t� 1� �ff� 11 II Windows I� Color j./1.b�tz�- �x��t7�c� �� (r � t� tl l� Window Trim �1v� ) Doors �GP�rt��pDM2� tJEb G��,aDinlu _'Ta M�c}F �IN ISH �Co�.oR- dF �n1T� T•b�2 Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other .I G� . I .. f�lA MA-t'�- � X ��TNVi, �I � N A N I� �1 i IJ Dn w ta) �,l_ NI��E1�Y ��-t r� � . '-.aL.! :� �/ . M /kt-� �-� �x� g�►�»�v ti ►/ ; r � 1�► uL Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. f:\cdev\forms\permits\Planning\DR B\D RB_Addition_010110 , :, Botanical Name PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Common Name _ , � Deciduous Trees — 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees — 6' in height Shrubs — 5 Gal. Tvpe Square Footaue l� uanti Size Please specify other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) f:\cdev\forms\permits\Planning\DR B\D RB_Addition_010110 ���fs� �_���� : � .� F�=���' j , P���g` i�i�'— ���g�� `�:� a �#� i f: �$��a� -ii $ t� ir �i, t� :��a t. � � ' � �ra � 8 1 4 zE �� � s��s � � F R � •='�=�iI a��yfA'; ���i�j�� � =��s�� �_� � ����� !p, �A�� •s1 �3F�f�� ������ �_ k n � 85 � 'F: :� � � : � '��,`-j �� ���— .�-� �� PgPp � ` S4 'E �� -,��� E� 32 �'s 'S _ ���� ��� ¢q�� � S ���� �a � ' � Y�&���€ � � �&E���� sy(t:�8 �s ��� � ��-� ,� ������0 R �w 6��' < Z D � i� �� � ��� A�o 6�e: �� :� �G €a := a a tl 0 � x� � = � � �� � e R ; � ����� � :�; ' �A3 � � � :� � � . + ��� 8��P O�� i,� � :��� 5 � �� � � u ' � t � �aR � � � �9� i i��� t � ��� _ _ � f�j�'Lr� 8R�' 7 4� : ,: 7 4 ■ & e � E p� �C �s ' � '� s . 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E � � k t � � t � � � � O � l,�y t z O W � �1 m 'L .C? • � }�� } y m � � � � m � F � Cf t'f y Q � ��m z: �°p � ,-� .�xm y9►- � � ° i�r G�Z t�r r y � m a ... �t y z u � � z � -Di y o }...� � O t Z V � •;� �� ��� o�w�� >�� �-3� C � �� r F� � L LOT lE GLEN LYON LLC PO BOX 5450 AVON, CO 81620 Property Record Card Eagle County Account: R046820 Tax Area: SC125 - VAIL (TOWN- C.� - SC125 Acres: 0.201 Parcel: 2103-124-02-012 Situs Address: 001454 GREENHILL CT #E VAIL AREA, 0 Value Summat'_y Legal Description VaIUC By: Market Override 11 98division: GLEN LYON SUBDNISION Lot: lE R649388 MAP 03- Land (1) $94Q000 N/A R649389 DEC 03-11-98 R653485 DEC 04-23-98 Single Family $1,677,120 N/A �00705601 DEC 03-OS-07 Residence (1) Extra Feature (1) $3,720 N/A Exha Feature (2) $3,100 N/A Extra Feature (3) $3,470 N/A Total $2,627,410 52,627,410 Public Remarks Entry Date Model Remark Land Occurrence 1 Single Family Residence Occurrence 1 Sale Data Doc. # Sale Date Deed Type Validity Verified Sale Price Ratio Adj. Price Ratio Time Adj. Ratio Price 201000330 12/31/2009 WD Y $2,675,000 98.22 $2,660,000 98.77 $2,66Q000 98.77 04/20/1998 WD QV Y $1,471,000 178.61 $1,471,000 178.61 $5,884 44653.47 Land Occurrence 1 Abstract Code 1112 - SINGLE FAM.RES.-LAND Percentage 100.0 Use Code ] 000 - RESIDENTIAL Neighborhood 266 - GLEN LYON SUBDNISION A#: R046820 P#: 210312402012 As of: 05/13/2010 Page 1 of 3 Property Record Card Eagle County Extra Feature Occurrence 2 XFOB Code 110 - FIREPL. A. Percentage 100.0 Neighborhood 266 - GLEN LYON SUBDIVISION SubArea ACTUAL XFOB Units 1.00 Total 1.00 Value Rate $3,100 3,100.00 Abstract Code Use Code Building Number EFFECTIVE Rate 1212 - SINGLE EAM.RES- IMPROVEMTS 1000 - RESIDENTIAL 1 FOOTPRINT Rate HEATED Rate Extra Feature Occurrence 3 XFOB Code 340 - HYDR-TUB G Abstract Code 1212 - SINGLE FAM.RES- IMPROVEMTS Percentage 100.0 Use Code 1000 - RESIDENTIAL Neighborhood 266 - GLEN LYON SUBDIVISION Building Number 1 SubArea ACTUAL EFFECTIVE FOOTPRINT HEATED XFOB Units L00 Total 1.00 Value Rate Rate Rate Rate $3,470 3,470.00 Abstract Summary Code Classification 1212 SINGLE FAM.RES-[MPROVEMTS 1112 SINGLE FAM.RES.-LAND Total A#: R046820 P#: 210312402012 As of: 05/13/2010 Actual Value $1,687,410 $940,000 $2,627,410 Taxable Value $134,320 $74,820 $209,140 Actual Override NA NA NA Taxable Override NA NA NA Page 3 of 3 4 � Property Record Card Eagle County Land Occurrence 1 Land Code 7152 - GLEN LYON Size 8768 SubArea ACTUAL Land L 0.47 Total 0.47 Value Rate $940,000 2,000,000.00 Super Neighborhood 200 - VAIL CORE, L.H., GOLFCOURSE EFFECTIVE Rate FOOTPRINT Rate HEATED Rate Single Famil_y Residence Occurrence 1 Abstract Code 1212 - SINGLE FAM.RES- Percentage 100.0 IMPROVEMTS Use Code ] 000 - RESIDENTIAL Neighbofiood 266 - GLEN LYON SUBDIVISION Building Type 121500 - DUP-TRIPLEX Arch Style I-] STORY Exterior Wall 10 - WOOD SD GD Percentage ] 0.0 16 - FR STUCCO 90.0 Roof Cover 9- CEDAR SHAK Roof Structure 3- GABLE/HIP Interior Wall 5- DRYWALL Peroentage 100.0 Floor 12 - HARDWOOD Percentage 60.0 14 - CARPET IN V 40.0 Heating Fuel 3- GAS Heating Type 8- RAD WATER Air Conditioning 1- NONE Actual Year Built 1993 Bedrooms 5 Bathrooms 4.5 Constmction Quality 5- GOOD Effective Year Built 1995 Fixtures 21 Rooms 9 Units 1 Units 1 Super Neighborhood 200 - VAIL CORE, L.H., GOLFCOURSE Stories I- STORIES 1.0 Use Code ]000 - RESIDENTIAL Garage 2- GARAGE 50]-650 SubArea ACTUAL EFFECTIVE FOOTPRINT HEATED WDB 299.00 74.75 299.00 FBF 193.00 86.85 193.00 193.00 FBM 1,035.00 828.00 1,035.00 1,035.00 GAF 637.00 637.00 BAS 2,102.00 2,102.00 2,102.00 2,102.00 PTO 18.00 1.26 18.00 Total 4,284.00 3,092.86 4,284.00 3,330.00 Value Rate Rate Rate Rate $1,677,120 391.48 542.26 391.48 503.64 Extra Feature Occurrence 1 XFOB Code 120 - FIREPL. G. Percentage 100.0 Neighborhood 266 - GLEN LYON SUBDIVISION SubArea ACTUAL XFOB Units 1.00 Total 1.00 Value Rate $3,720 3,720.00 A#: R046820 P#: 210312402012 As of: 05/13/2010 Abstract Code Use Code Building Number EFFECTIVE Rate 1212 - SINGLE FAM.RES- IMPROVEMTS 1000 - RESIDENTIAL 1 FOOTPRINT Rate HEATED Rate Page 2 of 3 � Land Titie Guara�tee Compa�y I1ate: J anuary 1&, 2010 LOT lE, CrLEN LYON, LLC, A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILTTY COMPANY PO BOX 5450 AVON, CO 81620 Bnclosed please imd the title insurance policy for your property Iocated at 1454 GREENHILL COURT (EAST) AKA. LOT lE GLEN LYON SUB VAIL CO SIb�7 The following endorsements are included in this poiicy: Deletion of General Exceptions 2-4 Please review this poiicy zn its entirery. In the event that you iind any discrepancy, or if you have any questions regarding your final title polic}+, you may contact Title Department Phone:970-476-2251 Fax:970-476-4732 Please refer to our Order No. V50027193 Should you decide to sel] the property described in this policy, or if you are required to purchase a new title commitment for mortga�e pcuposes, you may be entitled to a credit toward future title i.nsurance prezniums. L.and Title Guaxantee Company wili retain a copy of this policy so we will be able to provide future products and services to you quickly and efficiently. Thank you for givina us the oppnrturuty to serve you. Sincereiy, Land Title Guarantee Company CHICAGO American Land �tle Associatian OWNER'S POI,ICY (06-17-06) T�TLE INSURANCE COMPANY AtdY NOTICE OF CLAIM AN6 ANY OTHER NOTIGE OR STATEMENT IN WRITING REQUIRED TO 8E �itVE�J TO TNE CDMPANY UNDER THlS POUCY MUST BE GlVEN TO 7HE COMPANY AT THE dDDRESS SHOWN IN SECTION 18 Of THE CONDlT1UNS. COVEREQ R1SKS SUBJECT TO THE EXCCUSIONS FROM COVERdGE, THE EXCEPTIORIS FROM COVERA6E COHETAINED IN SCHEOULE B ANO IFiE CONOITtONS, CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANC, a Missouri �orporation (the "Company"} insures, as of Qate of PoGsy and, to the exte�+t stated in Cavered Risks S and 10, atter Date of Poficq, against loss or damage, not exceeding the q�unt uf insuranee, sustaiiied or incurred by the �sured by reason of: Ttle be�tg vested othe� than as stated in Scheduie A. My dafect in or (ien or encurnbrance ort the tiUe; This covered Risk includes but is nat limited to �surance aga�st loss from la) A deteet in the T'�ie caused by Ii► forgery, ftaud, undve influence, duress, ineompetency, insapacity, or �ersonation; fil tailure of any persan or Entity t� have authotized a transter or conveyance; (iil a docurt�t affeeting Title not properly created, executed, witnessed, sealed, acknowiedged, notarized, or de�vsre6; iiv! taiiure Ya perform tiwse acts necessary to create a doeument by eVe�tronse means authorized by law; ivl a document exeeuted under a faisified, expired, or othervaise �vafid power of attamey; {vi1 a docum�t not properky filed, rewrded, or mdeaed in the Public Records inchtd'mg failure to perform those acts by efeetronic meaas authorized by taw; or Ivii} a defective judiriat or administrative proceeding. Ib) T4e fien af rea{ estate taxes or assessments imposed on the Ti1fe by a govem�ntal authority due or payable, hut unpaid. ic) pny en�rnachrtcent, encumbrance, vialatian, variauon, or adverse circums[ance affecting ihe Titte that wauld be disc}osed by an accuraFe and complete land survey of the Land. The Semi `ennaachment" ineludes encroachments of ra�istiag improvemeots loeated on the Land onta adjoa�ing iand, and eneraacl�r�ents onto the Land of exist�g impraverrenu loeat� an aojoirring land. 3. Unmarketabie Titte. 4. No right o4 acsess to and from the Lanfl. 5. The viaiation or enforeement af any law, ordinance, permit, or governmentat regu{ation Eincluding those reiadrtg to bu16ing and zoningl restric2ing, regulatmg, prohbiting, or relaiwg to ia1 the occupanc��, use or enjoyment af the Lend; tb) the characier, danensions, or loeation ot any improvement erected on tF�e Land; ic) the subdivision of land; or (di environ�ntal protection if a notice, describing any patt of the Land, is recorded in the Pab(i� Records setung forth the violatian or intention to enfarce, 6ut onfy to the eztent of the viofatron or enforcement referred ta in that notice. 6. An enforcement aciron based on the exercise ot a goaemmentat po6ce power not eavered by Covered Risk 5 it a notice of the en4orcement action, describing any parc ot the land, is recorded in the Public Records, but only to the eztent ot the enfarcer�nt reterred to in that notice. 7. The exercise of the rights of eminent domain it a notice ot the ezercise, deseribing any part of tbe Land, a recorded in the Public Recards. 8. My taking by a governmenta{ bady that has occurred and is binding on the rights of a purchaser for vaiue without Knuwfedge. B. Titie being vested other than as stated m Schedule A or heing defective (a1 as a result of the avoidance in vdhofe or in yart, or trom a court arder providi� an altemative remedy, nf a transfer ot a� or any part oi the titie ta or any interest io the Land occurring prior to the transacfron vrsting iitle as shown in Schedule A 6ecsuse that prior transfer co�stiWted a fraudulent or preierential transfer under tedera! bartkruptc�, state insoiv�cy, or similar creditots' rights laws; or @) o�ause the instnimem ot transfer vesting Title as shown in Schedule A consiitutes a preterential transfer under federal bankNptey, staYe insolvency, ur si�dlar creditors' riahts laws by reason of the failure of its reeordino in the °ubG� Records (1 to be timely, or fu) to �npart rmti�e at its existence to a yurchaser for va�e or t� a}udgment or fien creditor. 1�. Any defeet in or lien or encurr�rance on the Title or other matter incfuded m Covered Risks 1 through 9 that has been created or attached or has been fded ar recorGed in ths Pubkic Records subsequent to Qate of Poficy and prior to the reeordmu of tho deed or other instrument oi transfer in the Pubbc Recosds tliat vests Tiite as shown in Schedufe A. The Comoanp w�! a}so pay the costs, attomeys' fees, and expenses incurrsd in defense of any matier insured against trp tfiis PoGcy, but onh� to the eztent provided in the Cand'+tions. Issued through [he Office a"s: LAP1D TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY 108 S FRONTAGE RD W A203 UAIL, CO 61fi57 974�4J6�2251 (���'� � - �.c.�<�...�..�..� Authorized Signature AO.CHf.06 (ALTA 06-17-06} Cover Page 1 of 5 r'���\NSU�� � ;: F c� i' G��P OIZ,q f� •�o ¢e � .� U� �p � �` SEAL ` Y � , �� �,���� * �� CNICAGD TFCtE tNSURANCE COMPANY �.� l� �� �.- U�/ � EXCLUSIONS FRFIM GOVERAGE ihe fatlowing matte�s are expressly excluded f:�am the coverage of tt�s poficy, and the Con�pany wi0 not pay loss or damage, costs, attomeys' fees, or expenses that arise by reason of: i. {a1 Any faw, o�dinance, permit, or govemmental regulation Gneludi�g those relating to buitding and zoning} restricting, regulaiing, prohrt>it�g or relating to @ the uccupancq, ase, or enjoyment oi tf�e Land; (ii! the character, dimertsrons, or location af any improvertent erected on the Lartd; �1 the subdiaision of land; or iiv? environmental pwtection; or the effect o� any vioiation ot tbese laws, ordinances, or gouern�tal regulations. This Exelusion t1a) does not modiiy or 6mit the coverage psovided under Covered Risk 5. ib) My govemsrrental poVi�e powe�. � his Exclusion 11b) does not mo�fy ar limit dre coaerage provided under Covared Risk 6. 2. Rlghts of eminent domain. Ttas Exclusion does nat madify or limit fhe coverage p�ovided under Covered ftisk 7 or 8. 3. Defects, fiens, encum6tances, adverse ciaims, or ather mariers (a) created, su#fered, assumed, or agreed to by the lnsared C{aimant; Eb1 not Known w the Company, not recorded in the PubGc Records at Date of Po4cy, but Knowrt to th= Insured Claimant and nut d�s�4osed in writing to the Campeny by the Msured Claa�wni prior to the date tfie Insured Claimant became an insured �ntder tfiis poficy; (c) resulting in no loss or damage Ca the fnsnred Elaimant; Id) attaching or ereated suh�quent ta tiate of Poticy fhowever, ti�s does not modify orlimit the eoverage provided under Cuvered Risk 9 and 10i; or {e1 resuhing in loss ot damage thai would not have heen sustained if the tnsured Cla�nant had peid vafue for the iitle. 4. Any claim, by reason of the operation oi federal 6ankruptcy, siate insolvency, or simikar creditors' rights Iaws, that the iransaction vesting the Ti41e as shown in Schedut� A, is Ea1 a frauduient conveyance at freudulent transfer; or Ib) a preEerential transter for any reason not stated m Covered Risk 9 of this popcy- 5. Any �en on tha %Ue ior real estaie taxes or assessments imposed by govemmental authority and created or attaching between Oate of Po6cy antl the dare o# recorumg of the deed or other instrument oP transfer in the Public Records that vests Title as shown in Schedu{e A. CORiDITiO�lS UEF1Aii7lON OF TERMS The to�owing telms wh� used in this policy mean: � 1a) "Amount of iRSUrance": 7he artwuni stated in Schedafe A, as may be increased or decreased by endorser�nt to this pokcy, increased by Sectron 8{hl or decreased hy 5eciions 1Q and 11 of these Condtions. (b1 "Qate of Poficy": The date designated as "Date of Policy" in Sch�ufe a fc) "Entity": A corporation, parinetshiQ, ttust, I�nnited iiablity comqany, or ather similar Yegal entity. Id) "Insured": The lnsured named in Sehedufe A. fi) The ierm'Insured" alsa inciuAes !A} successars to the 7itle of the Insured by operation ofi iaw as distinguished hom purchase, including heirs, devisees, survivoss, persanai reuresentaiives, or next af kin; 16! successors to an lnsured by d+ssolution, merger, cansolidation, 6istribution, or reorganszation; {C) sutcessors to an insured hy its convers'ron to another kind af Entity; lUi a gvamee of an insured under a deed d�vered without peyment oi actual vaivable consideration conveying the Title fl l if the stoek, shares, memberships, or other equtry interests af the grantee are whoNy-owned b� the named Insured. (2) i# tfie grantee who@y owns the named Insured, {3) if the grantee is wholly-owned by an atfifiated Entity of the named tnsurec, provided the affiliated Entity and the named �sored are both wholly-nwaed by the same person or EntiYy� or 14) if the g�aotee is a trustee or beneficiary oE a trust crealed by a wrttten instrument estabfished'ny the Insured named in Schedule A for esiate planning purpuses. iii? With regard to fA). IBl, ICI, and i0} reservmg, howevec, ap rights and detensed as to aoy suzcessar that the Corrq�any would have had against anp predacessorinsured. {el "Insured CiaimanY': M Insured claiming lass or damage. ff} "Knowledge" or "Knawn": Actual knowiedge, nat constructive knowlebge or notice that may ue imputed to an Insured by reason of the Pubfic 4iecords or any other records that irnpart contruetivs notice of matters affecting the Title_ (g) "Land": The land descri6ed in Scheduie A, and affixed improvements that by iaw constitute real property, The term "Lartd" doas not inciude any property beyond the iines oi the area described in Schedu4e A, nor any right, tit�e, inferest, estate, or easemertt in abutting streets, roads, avenue, aikeys, lanes, ways, or waterways, but this daes not modify or finmHt the eztent that a right ot access to and irom the tand is insur�l by this posicy. lh} °Mortgage°: Mortgage, deed of trust, trust deed, or oiher security instrument, �eludmg one evidenced by electranic means autharized by law. (�j "Pubiic Rewrds°: Records estabGshed under siate statutes at Bate of PoGcy tor the pucpose af imparting constructive not�e af matters relats�g ta �eal property to purchasers for vatue and without Knowiedge. Witk� respect ro Covered Risk 51d1, "Pub6c Records" shall also inslude enviranmental pratection Gens f�ed in the records ai the clerk ot the United States 4islrict Court far the district whwe the land is located. Ij) "TiUe': The estate or i�Ferest described in 5ehedute A. "Unmarketa6le iitie": TiUe aitected by an aNeged or apparent matter that would permit a prospective purehaser ur lessee o1 the T'rtle or iender on tfie TiBe to he reVeased from ihe obfigation to purchase, lease, or {end if there is a contractuaf condition requiring the deiivery of marketabke dtle. 2. CQ�fTlA[UATlO�f OF I[�SURAAfCE The coverage af this poiicy shall contioue in force es a# Date of Policy in favor ai an fnsnred, bot ooly so iong as the Insural retains an estate ar interest in the Land, ar hotds an obfigation secured by a perchase money Mortgage given by a purchassr tram the tnsured, or only so lor�g as the k+sured shali have Gahility by reason of watranties in aay transfer or conveyance ot the Fitle. This policy sha31 not contmue in fo�ce in favoi of any purchaser from the Insured af either (i) an estete or interest in the Land, or (ut an obfigatian secnred by a pur�hase money PAortgage given to the hssured. AO.CNI.06.2 Cove� Page 2 of 5 3. N0�'ICE OF CLAIM TO BE GIVE� BY tMSURED GLAIMANT The Insured shaN notify the Co�any prampdy in writing GI in case ot any ktigation as set forth in Section 5{al of ihese Condstions, !ii} in case Knowledge shaU come to aa )nsured hereunder oi arty ctaim.ai title or intetest that is adverse to the Tnle, as insured, and that r�ght cause loss or damage for which the Corr�any may he liabl=- 6y viaue of this pnlicy, or (iii) if the Title, as insured, is rejected as Unmarketable Titie. It the Company is prejudiced by tlie failure ot the fnsured Cfaimant to pruvide prampt notice, ihe Company's fiab�ty ta the Insured Claimant undw the pot'icy shaQ be reduced to the extent of the prejudice. 4. PROOF OF LOSS ln the event the Campany is onabie to determine the amount ai bss or damage, the Company may, at iu option, require as a condition a� payment tnat the insured Ckaimant fumish a signed praof of foss. The proot of toss rmrst describe the defeet, I�n, encumbrance. or other r�tter insured against by this poticy that consitutes the basis aE loss or damege and shall state, to the extent possibie, the oasis of calcufating the amount of the loss or damage. 5. DEFEI�SE AfltD PROSECUilQR10F ACTtONS ia1(Jpon written request by the insuced, and subject to the opt+ons contained in Section 7 of these Conditions, the Cotr�any, at iis own cost and without unreasonable delay, shalf provide fnr the defense ot an insured in litigation in which any third party asserts a elaim eovered by this gaicy adverse to the {nsured. This obGgaYion is iimited to unly those stated causes of acuan apeging matters msured agaiast by this policy. The Campany shall have the �ight to select counse4 ot its choice (su6ject ro the right of ihe insured to o6ject far reasonabfe cause} to represent the Nsured as to thase stated caeses of action. It sha� nat be 6able tor and wi� not pay the fees nt any other counsel. 7he Company wi� noi pay any tees, costs, or expenses �curred by the Insured in t6e defense of rirose causes of action that allege matters not insured against by this poficy. {b) The Company shall have the righi. +n addition to ihe options contained in Section 7 0# these Cortdrtions, at its own co�t, to institute and prosecute any actinn or proceeding or to do any other act tfiat in its opinion may be necessary or desireatile m esta6lish the Title, as insured, or to prevent or reduee Inss or damage to the fnsured. The Company may iake any appropriate aeuon under the terms ot this poGcy, whether or not it shall be liable to the insured. The exercise ot these rights shalY not be an admission of iiability or waiver ot any provision of tMis poficy. lf the Company exsrcises its r�ghts under this subsection, it rr�st ta so d'tligantiy. ic) Whenever the Company brings art action or asserts a defense as requirad or permitted by this po�icy, the Cort�pany may pursue the litigation to a final determination by a�aurt of competent jurisdiction, and it expressiy reserves the right, in its so4e d'ucration, to appeal any adverse judgment or order. 6. DIfTY OF II�SUREp GE.AIMA�I? TO COOPE6iATE ia} In aN cases where this palicy permits or requices the•�ompany to prosecute or pravide for the defense of any acUan or prnceedmg and any appeals, the Insured shaU secure to the Cor�any the right ta so prosecufe or provide deiense in ihe action ar procee�ing, including the right to ase, at its option, the name of tf�e tnsured foc this purpose. Wheaever requested hy the Company, the Insured, at the Company's expense, shal! grve the Company an reasonabfe aid (l in securing evid�ce, obtaining wimesses, prosewting or defending the action ar proceetfing, or effecting setUement, and {ii1 in any other lawfut aei that in the apinion ot the Company may he necessary or desirable to establish the Title or any other matter as insured. If the Company is prejudiced by the faiiure of the Insured to furnish the required cooperafion, the Co�any`s obfigation to the lnsured under the go�c}� shaN terminate, inciudiny arty iiabi�ty or o4ligation to def�d, prose:.ute, or continue any ktigatian, with regard to the matter or matters requiring such cooperarion. (p} The Company roay reasonahly requne the Insured Ciaimant ta submit to examination under oath by any authorized reprasentative of the Company aad to produce tot examinatiao, inspection, and copying, at su�h reasonable tirrres and piaces as may be des�jnateA 6y the authorized repres�tative af the Comparty, ali records, in whatever mediom maintained, inciuding books, fedgers, cheeks, me�randa, coaespondence, reports, e-ma�s, disks, tapes, and videos whether beanng s date betore or aiter Date of Paiicy, that reasonably pertain to the inss or damage. Further, if requested by any authorized represerrtatiue of the Company, the insured Cfaimant shall grant its permission, �n arrittuuig. ior any authorized representative of the Co�any to exatr�e, inspeet, and cop� alf of th=se recorAs in [he custody oc eontro{ ai a third party that reasenabty pertain ta the loss or damage. All iniormation designated as confi8entiai hy the insured Claimant prorided to the Company pursuant to this Section shalf not be disctosed to others unless, in the reasonable judgm�t of the Co�any, it is necessary in the administrauon of the claim. Failure nt the Insured Claimant to submit for exar�naCan under aath produce any reasonabiy requested intormation, or grant oerntission to secure reasonahly necessary infor�ra!ion from third parties as required in this subsection, anless prohibited by faw or governmental reguladon, shaN tertninate any iiabTrty ot me Campany under this poHcy az to that claim 7. UPTIOI�S T(# PAY QR OTHERWISE SETTLE CLAlMS, TERMINR�FION OF LIAB[LtTY In case oi a ctaim under this poliey, the Campany shall have the tollawing additional op[ions: tal To Pay ariender Paymen5 ot the Amount of lrtsurance. To pay or tende� payment o4 the Amuunt of fnsurance nnder tnis poficy together with any costs, attarneys' fees, and ezpanses �curred 6y the InsureA Ciamiant that were aothorized 'op the Corr�any up ro the time of payrmmt or tender of paymertt and ihat fhe Co�rwany is obiigated to pay. Upon the exer�ise by the Company nf [h'ts option, a� Gahility and obligations oi the Company to the insured undar this poiicy, other than to maks the payment required in the m6seetion, shali tarminate, inckuding any fiahitiry or ohfigation to defend, prosecute, ar continue anp fitigation. E6► 7o Pay or 02herw+se 5ettle With Partiss Other Than the lasured or UVith the Insured Ctaiman� � io pay or otherwise seitie with other parties for or irc the name of an tnsured Claimant any cla�n insured agairtst under this pobcy. In addition, t}ce Company wiN pay any costs, attoraeys' fees, and ezpenses incurred by lhe Insuretl Claimant that we�e authorized bq the Cort�any up !o the time of payment and that the Company is obbgated to pay: or �ii) To pay or otherwise settfe with lhe Insured ClaimanY the I�ss or damage provided ior under ti�s paiicy, together vdith any casts, atrorneys' fees, and ezpensed incurred by the fnaured Clairtrant that were aathorized by the Co�any up to the time oi payment and that the Company is obdgated to pay. Upon the exercise by the Company af eitner of tl� options provided for in su6sectiorts (b}�iy or (ii{, the Company's ob�gations ta the lnsured under this po6cy for the claimed loss or damage, other than the payments required to be made, shal! terminate, including any lia6iliry or oh�ganan to dsfend, prosecuFe, or continue any fipgation. 8, pEi'ERMIAtAT10N AND EXiENT OF LIAB1LiTY This poGsy is a contract of �demnity agains[ actual monetary Inss or damage sustained or incurred by the fnsured Ciaimant whn has sutFered loss or damage by reason of matters insured against by this paliey. iai �he extent of �a6#ry of ti� Company for ioss or damage under this pokcy shall not ex�eeA the fesser o# fl the Amuunt oi �surartce: or fii? the difterence between the vatue ot the Title as insured and the vak�e of the Titfe subject to the risk insured against by this poNcy. AO.CHl.06.3 Cover Pags 3 oP 5 ibt If the Cotr�any pursues its rights nnder Sec3ion 5 ot these Condi6ons and is unsuccessfui in estatrTishing the Title, as insured, �i1 the Amount of insurance sba� 6e increased bq 10"�, and (�1 the lnsured Claimant shall have the right to haae the loss ar damage detemnned either as of the date the claim was made by the Insured Cfa�mant or as of the datP it is sett{ed and pa'sd. " (c} !n addiFion to the extertt of liability nnder {ay and fbl. the Company will aiso pay those costs, attomeys' fees, and expenses incurred'm accordance with Sectiuns 5 and ) o€ these Coaditions. 9. LlMITATlOW OF lfABlLITY (ai If the Company estabk�hes the iNle, or removes the a�eged deiect, iien, or encumbranee, or cures the lack oE a right of access to or trom the Land, ot cures the claim of UnmarketabM.iitle, atl as insured, in a reasonabfy difigent manner by any method, inciud'mg litigation and the sompletion ot aay appeals, it sha9 have fully perfarmed its obligations with tespect to that matter and sha� �ot be fiable For any loss or damage caused to 2he k�sured. Ib) � the eveni of any lit�qetion, including litigation by the Company or with t6e Cumpeny's consent, the Company shaA have no �abiGty for loss or 6amage until there has been a fmal detem�nation 6y a court ofi eart�etent jorisd'tction, and dispasition of ap appeals, adverse to ihe TiNe, as msored. �c► The Cort�anq shaN not he liab4e for less or datr�ge to the Insured tor liabdity vo�niadly assumed by the fnsurPd in settliag any cfaim ar suii without the prior written cansent of the Company. iQ. REDUCi10N p� iMSURANCE; REDUCi{ON OR FEfiMIfl1ATI0N OF LtABiL4TY AN paymenu under this paGcy, eaccept payments made iot costs, attorneys' iees, and expensea, shaH reduce the As�aunt of �surance by the amount of the paymeni. 1 t. ilAB1UTY NONCf�MULkiIVE The Amount of Insurence shafl be reduced by any amount the Corr�any pays undet any poficy insuring a Martgage to which sxception is taken in Sehedule B or to whieh the Insured has agreed, assumed, or taken subject, or wkach is executed by an insured atter Date of Policry and wtach is a charge or �ien ah the Title, and the amount so paid shatl be deemed a payment to the Insared under t6is pa6cy. 12. PAYMENT OF LQSs Wh� fiabiGty and the extent o( loss vr da�e �� have been definitely fixea in accordante with these Condtions, ttse payrr�ent shall be �ndde within 30 days. i3. RI6NTS QF REGOVERY UPON PAYMENi OR SE'iTLEMEWT (a} Vdheneve� the Catr�pany sha8 have settled and paid a ciaim under this poGcy, it shall be subrogated and entiSed ta the rights of the insured Cfaimant in the iitle and alf other rights end remedies in respect ta the ctaim ihat the Insured Ciaimant has against any person ar property, to the exIent ol the amount oi any loss, eosts, attorneys' tees, and ezpenses paid hy the Company. It repuested by the Company, the Irtsured Claimant shal{ execnte documents to evidenee the transier to the Company ot ihese rights and re�dies. The Insured Claimant shaN perrtat the Catt�any to �e, comprorrese, or settte in the name of the lnsused C{aimant and to use the name of the Insured Claimant in any transaction or fitigation involving these righu and remedies. if a paymeni on aceoant of a claim does not fuAy cover the loss of the insured Clainrant, the Gompany shalf deter the exercise of iu right to recover uniil atter the insured Claimant shall Baae r�oeered its loss. Ihj The Company's right of subrogation incfudes the rights ut ttce Insured tn indemniti�s, guaranties, other poficys of insurance, or bonQs, notwithstandirtg any terms ur conditioas contained in those �struments that address subrngation rights. 14. ARBITRATION EiFher ihe Cortgiany ar the knsured may demand thar the claim or controversy shall be submitted to arbiiration pursaant to the TiUe fnsnrance Arbitration Rules of the Americarr land iitie hssociation ("Hufes"1- Excppt as provided in tne Rufes, Fhere shap be no joinder or consolidation with claims or controversies ai other persons, Arbitrable matters may �clude, but are nol iircrcuted to, any controversy or clasn between the Company am! th� Insured arising aut of flt reVating to this po�icy, any service a� connection with its issuanee or the breach oi a polfc}� provision, ar to any other controaersy or claim arising out ot the transaction gnnng rise ro this policy. pti arbitrobie rt�tters when the Amount of insuraace is S2.OtlD,600 ar tess shall be arbitrated at ttre option o# either the Company ot the tnsured. All ar6itrable matters wt�en the Rmouni of lnsurance is in ezcess of S2,OOd,00� shall be a�bitrated only when agreed to by hoth the Company and the insured. hruination pursuant to tfris poiicy and un8er the Rules shall be binding upon the parties. Judgment upon the award rendered by the Arbitratorls) maY he entereo in any court of co�etent jarisdicrion. �5. LIAB1EfTY LIMiiEU TO THtS PDL{CY; P01.ICY ENTIRE COIVTRACT �a} This policy togeSher with all endorsements, if any, atiacf�ed to it b} ihe Company a the entire poGcy and contract belween the Insured and the Cor�any. In interpreting any provision of this policy, this policy shaff be constru� as a whote. @► Any ciaim or loss ot damage that arises out of the status oE the iitie or by any actian asserting such ciaim shall 6e testri�ted to th+s poficq. {c{ AnY arr�endment of ar endorsement to t6is po�cy must be in wridng ahd authenficated by an authorized person, or expressly irscorporated by Schedele A ot this pokcy. ld) Each �dorsement ro th+s poGcy issued at any time'ss ma8e a part of this poticp and is subjeet ro aB oi'sts terms and prnvisions. Except as the endorsement ezpressly states, it does not (il modify any of the terms and provisions ot the pol�y, bl modify any prior endarsement (ml eztend the Daie ai Pokcy, or Gv) increase the Amaunt of tnsurance. 16. SEUERAS1EtTY 4n the event any provision of this pniicy, in whole or in part, is bdd inva�d or unenforceable under app�cable law, the policy shall be deerrred nnt to include that provision or such part held to be inuafid, but all ather provisions shafl remairt in foll force and effect. AD.CNl.96.4 Cover Page 4 of 5 t7. CHdICE D€:LAW; �ORUM (a} Choice of taw; The lnsused aeknowiedges fhe Company has underwritten the risks covered by this poficy and d8terttttnned the premium charged therefor � reSiaace upon the law affeeting mterests in reai pruperty and appUcabie to the inte�pretauon, rights, rm3edies, or enforcement of policies of ritle insurance of the jurisdiccon whera the Land is located. Therefore, ine court or an a�bitratar shall apply thelaw of the }ur'isdiction where tfie Land is tocated to determine the va4iditq af ctaims against the Thle thaY are adverse to the k�sured and to interpret and enforce the terms of thss policy. In neither case sha� ihe eourt or arbitrator apply its confGcu of law prinapfes to determine the appiicabie law. (b1 Cho�e of Forum; Any Giigation or other praceeding brought by tlre Msured against the Cott�pany must ba f�d only in a state ar federak court within the Unit, d• States of America or its territories hava�g appropriate jurisdietion. 18. f�0i'ICES, WHERE SEHT Any notice of ciaim and any other natice or state�nt in writing requi[ed io be giuen ta the Company under this po(iey s�wst be given ta the Corrqrany aC. Chieago iitie �suranee Company, pttn: Claims Department, PA. Box 45023, Jacksonvifie, Flotida 32232-5023. AO.CNf.06.5 Cover Page 5 of 5 0 LTG Poiic� No. CTAI50027193 Form AO/CHI Chicago Policy No. 72306-4fl869t22 �� Our Order No. V50027193 Schedule A Amounf $2>675,000.� Property Address: 1454 GREENHILL COURT (EA.ST) AKA LOT IE GLEN LYON SUB VAIL CO 81b57 1. Poiicy Date: January 07, 241d at 5:00 P.M. 2. Name of Insured: LOT lE, GLEN LYON, LLC, A COLORADO LTMITED LIABILITY COMPAN'Y 3. T7te estate or interest in the Lan� desccibed or referred io i�x ihis 5cheduie and which is covered ty t6is palicy is: A FEE SIMPLE 4. Titie to the estate or interest coveret3 by this poticy at the date hereof is vested in: LOT lE, GLEN LYON, LLC, A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPAI��Y 3. The land referred to i� this poiicy is deseribed as foliows: LOT lE, GLEN LYaN SUBDIViSTON (AMENDED PLAT), A RESUBDIVISION OF LOT i, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED MARCH 11, 1998 AS RECEPTION NO. 649388, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. TOGETHER WITH ACCESS EASEMENT AS CREATED BY PLAT RECORDED MARCH 11, 1998 UNDER RECEPTION NO. 649388. This Poiicy vaiid onl�= if Schedule B is attached. Land Title Guarantee Compan�� Representing Chicago '[�tle Ins�rance Compan�� Form AO/CHi -- Chicago Po[icy No. 72306-40869122 Our 4rder No. V50027193 Schedule B LTG Polics No. CTAI50027193 This policy does not insure against loss or damage (and the Company �;.ill not pay costs, attorneys' fees or expenses) which arise by reason of: General Exceptions: 1. A.ny facts, rzghts, interests, or claims thereof. not shown by tlae Public Records but that could be ascertained by an inspectian of the Land of that may asserted by persons in possession of the Land. 2. Easements, Iiens or ezicumbrazices, or clain�s thezeof, not shawn by the Pubiic Recc�zds. 3. Any encroachment, encumbzance, violation, variation, or adverse circumstance affeeting the Title that would be disclosed by an accurate and camplete land survey of the Land and not shown by the Public Records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, or material herecofore or hereafter furnishec':, irnposed by law and not shown by the Public Records. 5 (a) ',�npatented mining clauns; (b) reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizir� the issuance thereof; (c) water rights, clairns or title to water, whether or not the matters excepted under (a), (1>), or (c) are shown by the Public Records. 6. 20I0 TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS NOT YET DUE OR PAYABLE. 7_ RIGHT 4F PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO BXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS 4RE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PBNETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED AUGUST 16, 1909, IN BO�K 48 AT PAGE 542. 8. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATEiv'T RECORDED AUGUST 16, 1909, IN SOOK 48 AT PAGE 542 AND RECORDED OCTOBER 2, 1946 IN B�OK 132 AT PAGE 40�. RESERVATTON AS TO THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTT4N i2 TOWNSHIP � SOUTH, RANGB 81 WEST OF THE RIGHT OP WAY O� THE UNITED STATES, ITS PERMITTEE OR LICENSEE, TO ENTER UFOI�i, OCCUPY AND USE ANY PART OR AI..L OF SAID LAND FOR THE PURPOSES PROVIDED IN THE ACT OF JUNE la, 1920 (41 SAT. 1063) AS RESERVED IN THE PATENT RECORDED OCTOSER 2, 1946 IN BOOK 132 AT PAGE 40�. 10. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS 'WHICH DO NOT COT'TAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED UPON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, SEXUAL ORIENTATIOU, FAMILIAL STATUS, MARITAL STATUS, DTSABILITY, HANDICAP, NATIONAL ORIGIN, ANCESTRY, OR SOURCE OF INCOME, AS SET FORTH IN APPLICABLE STATB OR FEDERAL LAWS, E�CEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT Form AO/CFQ Chicago Policy No. 72306-40869122 Our Orcier No. V 50027 � 93 Schedule B LTG Policy No. CTAI50027I93 SAID �:OVENANT OR RESTRTCTION IS PEI2i'vIITTED B'Y A'?�'LICABLE LAW AS CONTAINED W INSTRUMENT REC�RDED APRiL 04, 1.978, IN BO�K 268 AT PAGE b98 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED AUGUST 25, 1987, TN BO�K 468 AT PAGE 447 THROUGH 472 AND AS RERECORDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 15, 19$7 IN B�OK 469 AT PAGE 80J., AND AS AMENDED IN WSTRUMEI�'T RECORDED MAY 2, 1990 IN BOOK 528 AT PAGE 154 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTP.UMENT RECORDED MARCH 5, 20d7 UI�IDER RECEPTION N0. 2007Q5601. 11. EASEMBNTS, CONDITIONS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTIOI�S, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES ON THE AMENDED PLAT OF GLEN LYOI� SUBDIVISIOI� RECORDED 3ULY 18, 1978 IN BOOK 272 AT PAGE 370. 12. BASEMENTS, COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRiCTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RFSUBDIVISION PLAT RECORDED MA��tCH I l, 1998 AS - RECEPTIOt� NO. 6493&8. � 13. TERMS, CONDITTOI�rS AND PROVISIONS OF PARTYix�ALL AGREEMENT BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED UPON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, FAMILIAL STATUS, MARITAL STATUS, DISABILITY, HANDZCAP, NATIONAL ORIGIN, ANCESTRY, OR SOURCE OF INCOME, AS SET FORTH IN APPLICABLE STATB OR FEDERAL LAVJS, BXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENAJ�T OR RESTRICTION IS PERMITTED BY A�PLICABLE LAW AS CONTAII�ED IN I��STRUMENT RECORDED MA.RCH I1, 199$ UNDER RECEPTION NO. 649389_ 14. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF AMENDED DBCLARATION AND PARTY WALL AGREEMENT BUT �MITTING ANY COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED UPOI� RACE, COLOR, RELIGIOI�, SEX, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, FAMILIAL STATUS, MARITAL STATUS, DISABILITY, HANDICAP, NATIONAI., ORIGIN, ANCESTRY, OR S�URCE OF INCOME, AS SET FORTH IN APPLTCABLE STATE OR FEDERAL LAWS, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT OR RESTRICTION TS PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW AS CONTALNED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED APRIL 23, 1948 UNDER RECEPTION NO. 6534$5. ITEM NOS. 1 THROUGH 3 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS ARE HEREBY DELETED. ITEM NO. 4 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS 1S DELETED EXCEPT AS TO ANY LIEnS RESULTiNG FROM WORK OR MATERIAL CONTRACTED FOR OR FURNISHED AT THE REQUEST OF LOT lE, GLEN LYON, LLC, A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPAt�'Y. � „� ' .� �, �',Y � ' :� .:�. ., � ' � � _ � Y `� a� �� �,� . ,, . .� ��<� � ",i � �� r � q�`. ?� ��.w i �, .. �� �' •� ��� .�; ''+► `���r� �.:..�. � ���F''��., _ '� f �'�'t + . �� bd � Y 0 � � � ii�' ���.,. ?: ','.� � � �� .,, €;� � � ;� �. ;; � � .�a ��� �; �:;.;, ;; � �� ^�� °�, ;. �,��� �: . ���� �� 1► � _� � �� � ��. . �,. � � � ����,�� ,.�� �,� � ,,.. _,�:_;� �. T � 3}� � -:� aa � F � � .� "'� ,��� ::��: , i' ; . f':. . �:.:�'.. y� W'i � � � � ��.. �. :�' Y : 3 ��, �. fl i■ _ ;� �� ��� �.; � � � i Sa�i� � 3 � µ I � ��y t #�'.��'»� a � '' �`.'y _ r�!,1��� I !I �' k �.. . +�� .i° ,- . >> • � d;�� . 4 �` � �'�:e.. a�- . ,t'� 1 ^FCN ��' � �._ � �� � �� � =y ,. ��� �. a ��� r ��, ti. � � { -i � � � A : � � � �� a3�y k ,, � `'�'�` �... k�A K* . . . . . . . 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