HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-12-03 Agenda and Supporting Documentation Town Council Afternoon Meeting1.Call to Order (12:10pm) 2.Presentation/Discussion (12:10pm) 2.1 Cascade Area A Discussion (12:10pm)90 min. The Vail Town Council is being asked by the applicant, to collaborate in the creation of a development plan to move towards the implementation of a successful redevelopment of Development Area A, Cascade Village, SDD4, generally located at 1300 Westhaven Drive. Presenter(s): Greg Roy, Planning Manager and George Ruther, AICP Principal, Ruther Associates, LLC Background: Development Area A of Cascade is more than 17 acres in size and ideally suited for redevelopment. The applicant is requesting the Town Council adopt an overall development plan for this area that articulates redevelopment goals and objectives, prescribes a process and an estimated timeline for completion, and provides a framework for future decision making and has been deemed beneficial for the Vail community. 2.2 Lot 10 Discussion (1:40pm)30 min. Provide staff with direction whether to continue to engage on a design concept for Lot 10. Presenter(s): Matt Gennett, Community Development Director and Dominic Mauriello, Mauriello Planning Group, LLC Background: The purpose of this discussion is to review project goals, design drivers, and concept options for Lot 10 and discuss next steps for this project. 2.3 Gore Creek Promenade Design Concepts Follow Up Discussion (2:10pm) 45 min. VAIL TOWN COUNCIL MEETING Afternoon Session Agenda Town Council Chambers and virtually by Zoom. Zoom meeting link: https://vail.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_FhF_KkG8QiCu5Hk-mU4g0w 12:10 PM December 3, 2024 Notes: Times of items are approximate, subject to change, and cannot be relied upon to determine what time Council will consider an item. Staff Memo - Cascade Area A Applicant memo 12-03-2024 2024-12-03 Town Council Presentation Public Participation Lot 10 Staff Memo Applicant Presentation 12-3-24 1 Listen to presentation and provide feedback. Presenter(s): Gregg Barrie, Town Landscape Architect Background: The purpose of this agenda item is to present an updated conceptual design for the Gore Creek Promenade Renewal project. 3.DRB/PEC (2:55pm) 3.1 DRB/PEC Update (5 min.) 4.Information Update (3:00pm) 4.1 November 12, 2024 VLHA Meeting Minutes 4.2 November 2024 Revenue Update 5.Matters from Mayor, Council, Town Manager and Committee Reports (3:00pm) 5.1 Matters from Mayor, Town Council, and Committees (15 min.) 5.2 Town Manager Report (5 min.) 5.3 Council Matters and Status Report 6.Executive Session (3:20pm) (60 min.) Executive Session pursuant to: 1. C.R.S. § 24-6-402(4)(f) - for the purposes of discussion of a personnel matter not involving any specific employees who have requested discussion of the matter in open session, any member of this body or any elected official, the appointment of any person to fill an office of this body or of an elected official, or personnel policies that do not require the discussion of matters personal to particular employees, concerning a performance evaluation of the Town Manager. 7.Recess 4:20pm (estimated) Gore Creek Promenade Renewal TC Memo 12-3-24 Gore Creek Promenade TC 12-3-24 Powerpoint PEC Results 11-25-24 DRB Results 11-20-24 2024-11-12 VLHA Minutes 241203 Revenue Update 241203 Matters Meeting agendas and materials can be accessed prior to meeting day on the Town of Vail website www.vail.gov. All Town Council meetings will be streamed live by High Five Access Media and available for public viewing as the meeting is happening. The meeting videos are also posted to High Five Access Media website the week following meeting day, www.highfivemedia.org. Please call 970-479-2460 for additional information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request with 48 hour notification dial 711. 2 AGENDA ITEM NO. 2.1 Item Cover Page DATE:December 3, 2024 TIME:90 min. SUBMITTED BY:Greg Roy, Community Development ITEM TYPE:Presentation/Discussion AGENDA SECTION:Presentation/Discussion (12:10pm) SUBJECT:Cascade Area A Discussion (12:10pm) SUGGESTED ACTION:The Vail Town Council is being asked by the applicant, to collaborate in the creation of a development plan to move towards the implementation of a successful redevelopment of Development Area A, Cascade Village, SDD4, generally located at 1300 Westhaven Drive. PRESENTER(S):Greg Roy, Planning Manager and George Ruther, AICP Principal, Ruther Associates, LLC VAIL TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM REPORT ATTACHMENTS: Staff Memo - Cascade Area A Applicant memo 12-03-2024 2024-12-03 Town Council Presentation Public Participation 3 To: Vail Town Council From: Community Development Department Date: December 3, 2024 Subject: SDD No. 4, Cascade Village, Area A I. BACKGROUND The purpose of this agenda item is to consider a policy discussion regarding a visioning effort to create an overall development plan for Development Area A, Cascade Village, SDD No. 4, generally located at 1300 Westhaven Drive, Vail, Colorado. Development Area A of Cascade is more than 17 acres in size and ideally suited for redevelopment. The applicant is requesting the Town Council adopt an overall development plan for this area that articulates redevelopment goals and objectives, prescribes a process and an estimated timeline for completion, and provides a framework for future decision making and has been deemed beneficial for the Vail community. II. SDD NO. 4, CASCADE VILLAGE, DEVELOPMENT AREA A Special Development District No. 4, Cascade Village, was adopted by Ordinance No. 4 Series of 1976. At least twenty amendments have occurred between 1977 and 2008. The subject property was a Planned Unit Development under Eagle County jurisdiction then annexed in 1975. Because the property was annexed into the Town of Vail as a Planned Unit Development under Eagle County jurisdiction and early Special Development Districts were not based on underlying zoning, there is no underlying zoning for Cascade Village . As there is no underlying zoning, the Land Use Plan’s land use designation is a key part of the vision for this area. Cascade Village is designated RAS – Resort Accommodations and the relevant portions of the Land Use Plan are listed below: RAS – Resort Accommodations and Services This area includes activities aimed at accommodating the overnight and short-term visitor to the area. Primary uses include hotels, lodges, service stations and parking structures (with densities up to 25 dwelling units and 50 accommodation units per buildable acre). (See also P. 28): 4 Town of Vail Page 2 3. Resort Accommodation Services This area has been designated for the area which extends from the Lionshead hotel / accommodation unit area east along the Frontage Road to Vail Road. Cascade village has also been designated as Resort Accommodation. These are the areas where hotel uses will be concentrated during the planning period, reflecting the community goals to concentrate hotels within the core areas. These areas total 52 acres, or about 2% of the land area studied. Development Area A is made up of Cascade Club (Aria building), Cascade Hotel (Grand Hyatt), CMC/Cascade Residences, Cornerstone, Liftside, Millrace, and Westhaven sites. The portion of Area A for today’s discussion are the first four sites noted above, which are under a single ownership structure. Given the lack of underlying zoning and any recent master planning activity, a collaborative discussion among stakeholders about broad goals in Cascade Village Area A is warranted. III. SUGGESTED ACTION The Vail Town Council is being asked by the applicant, to collaborate in the creation of a development plan to move towards the implementation of a successful redevelopment of Development Area A, Cascade Village, SDD4, generally located at 1300 Westhaven Drive. 5 ____________________________________ RUTHER ASSOCIATES LLC P.O. Box 6516, Vail, CO. 81658 (970) 376-2675 george@rutherassociates.com To: Vail Town Council From: Alonso Ruiz de Velasco, PHH, Project Manager Charles Elmann, PHH, Vail Hotel Partners LLC Manager Elias Ehrlich, PHH, Administrative Manager George Ruther, Principal, Ruther Associates LLC Date: December 3, 2024 Re:Vail Town Council Worksession - Special Development District No. 4. Cascade Village, Development Area A, Overall Development Plan Process 1. Purpose The purpose of this worksession agenda item is to engage in a dialogue with the Vail Town Council on the creation of an overall development plan document to guide the future redevelopment within Development Area A, Cascade Village, Special Development District No. 4 and receive feedback and direction from the Vail Town Council on the subsequent adoption of an opportunity statement, redevelopment goals and objectives, and a mutually acceptable timeline for completion. The objective of the overall development plan document is to create a framework for future decision- making and ensure future development applications address the shared opportunities and issues identified within the overall development plan. This process has three primary steps which include the following: 1. Adoption of an opportunity statement, redevelopment goals and objectives, and timeline for completion 2. Overall development plan review and recommendation – Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Commission 3. Overall development plan adoption – Vail Town Council A timeline for completion has been prepared to ensure progress in the adoption of the overall development plan document and provide transparency for adjacent property owners, stakeholders, and potentially affected parties in the plan development process. The overall success of the process is dependent upon a defined schedule and timeline for completion. A key driver of the schedule is to ensure that the first phase of redevelopment applications is ready for submitting for a building permit application by no later than the start of the fourth quarter of calendar year 2025. 2. Opportunity Statement Significant opportunities exist within Development Area A, Cascade Village for redevelopment. Overtime, redevelopment activity in Development Area A has not kept pace with changes and 6 ____________________________________ improvements which have been realized elsewhere in the Town of Vail. As a result, a substantial amount of unrealized redevelopment potential exists within Development Area A. Tapping into this unrealized potential will result in direct public benefits to the Vail community. To clearly articulate the shared justifications and reasonings for engaging in the process of creating an overall development plan document, the following opportunity statement is recommended for discussion and adoption: “Cascade Village, Development Area A, was originally intended to be a third village in Vail and distinct portal to Vail Mountain. However, unlike Vail Village and Lionshead Village, Cascade Village, Development Area A, has devolved from its original intent as a mountain portal and has not seen the level of reinvestment realized elsewhere in Vail. Due to inadequate public transportation and pedestrian connectivity, it is perceived to be remotely located and disconnected from the other two villages. Further, Development Area A lacks the charm, character, appeal and vibrancy expected of a world-class resort. Traffic flow through Development Area A can become congested and disconnected at times. Potential hospitality, retail and recreational uses, and community amenities are unmet or unrealized. Many of the buildings are outdated, physically aging and functionally under-utilized, resulting in negative impacts to property values, private profits and public revenues. Significant redevelopment opportunities exist; however, no overall plan or underlying zoning is prescribed to guide development. For the first time since its original approval, the vast majority of Development Area A is back under a single ownership structure. It would be short-sighted to ignore these conditions and opportunities and do nothing. Given the renewed single ownership structure and unrealized potential of Development Area A, the opportunity now exists for the public and private sectors to act collaboratively to renew and revitalize this important mountain portal for the benefit of the Vail community.” Resolution No. ??, Series of 2024, Vail Town Council, December 17, 2024. In the end, it is recommended that the opportunity statement be adopted by resolution of the Vail Town Council. 3. Redevelopment Goals and Objectives The Vail Town Council sets policy for land use through the adoption of development goals and objectives. A list of general development goals and objectives are listed in Chapter II, Land Use Plan Goals/Policies, of the Vail Land Use Plan. Further, Section 12-1-2, Purpose, of the Vail Town Code, articulates the general and specific purposes of the development regulations of the Town of Vail. While each is applicable to all development in Vail, at times, a greater level of detailed recommendations is required to achieve the Town’s development goals and objectives. The most relevant examples of this are the Vail Village Master Plan and Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. Both plans were adopted by the Vail Town Council to guide future decision-making and realize redevelopment opportunities in the respective village areas. Unlike Vail Village and Lionshead, a similar such plan does not exist for Development Area A of Cascade Village. 7 ____________________________________ The Town staff and property owners collaborated on the creation of a list of development goals and objectives for consideration. Achieving these development goals will significantly contribute to the Vail community as the goals address a long list of ongoing issues facing Cascade Village. The following development goals and objectives are recommended for adoption by the Vail Town Council and are intended to be used to guide future decision-making on the redevelopment of the Cascade Village, Development Area A, site: Seize the Full Opportunity – The uses within Development Area A are currently underperforming their full potential. Like the commercial core areas of Vail Village and Lionshead Village, it is to the mutual benefit of the Vail community and the property owner(s)within Development Area A to implement strategies to realize the full potential of Cascade Village. Improved Vehicular Circulation – Lessen vehicle trips on Westhaven Drive and enhance traffic circulation on the South Frontage Road through the Town’s support for vehicle access to the parking garage and Aria development site from the South Frontage Road. Parking -Meet the vehicle parking needs of the uses, as demonstrated by a Parking Management Plan,within Development Area A and support managed public parking that optimizes the utilization and operational efficiencies of an expanded parking garage. Strengthened Economic Base -Increase sales tax and lodging tax collections on a per square foot basis through the revitalization of new and existing retail spaces, increased hotel occupancy, and a managed short-term rental program for dwelling units. Expanded Public Transportation - Expand operations and frequency of service of the free, in-town, Town of Vail public bus system into Cascade Village beyond existing conditions. Pedestrian Connectivity – Implement pedestrian connectivity solutions to enhance pedestrian access to Cascade Village. This is most effectively achieved through a coordinated planning effort with the proposed West Lionshead Village Plan. Create a Vibrant Ski Area Portal – Each of the three ski area portals to Vail Mountain is strategically located to provide a positive guest experience. Ensuring a vibrant ski area portal through enhanced guest amenities, improved access and transportation, diversity of uses, and an abundance of activity is a key driver of the overall development plan. Economic Incentives -Increase the total allowable density, including both dwelling units per acre and gross residential floor area (GRFA), as successfully demonstrated in Lionshead Village, to create economic incentives to redevelop Cascade Village and help fund public amenities. A 30% increase in density was deemed necessary in Lionshead Village along with increased building height allowances to accommodate the added density. Time is of the Essence - Implement the first phase of redevelopment (i.e. Cornerstone Condominiums) in 2025. Chairlift Access - Ensure maintenance/construction vehicle access to the chairlift base area to accommodate required maintenance, repair, and future chair lift upgrades. This goal can only be achieved through a coordinated response from the ski lift operator and metro-district board. Phased Redevelopment - Identify a mutually acceptable phased approach to redevelopment within Development Area A. To be successful, the phased approach shall be logistically feasible and financially viable. 8 ____________________________________ Environmental Stewardship – Environmental sustainability best practices shall be incorporated into the design, construction, and future operations of the new buildings including solar array installation, car share program, energy conservation code construction compliance, water conservation measures, durable building materials, etc. Renewal and Redevelopment - Enhance the urban design and update the architectural design consistent with the character of the Special Development District No. 4 and the adopted design standards and guidelines of the Town of Vail. Public/Private Partnership – Partner with the Town of Vail to provide community amenities such as stream tract enhancements along the Gore Creek riparian corridor and develop community housing and daycare facilities on the existing tennis court site. Improved Operational Infrastructure - Ensure that adequate centralized operational services, such as loading & delivery, trash/recycling, etc. are accommodated within Development Area A. An operational plan, like those adopted in Vail Village and Lionshead should be a product of the redevelopment process. 4. Timeline for Completion The purpose of this section of the memorandum is to outline a timeline for completion for the overall development plan process. The objective of the timeline is to ensure continual progress in the adoption of the overall development plan document and provide transparency for adjacent property owners, stakeholders, and potentially affected parties in the plan development process. In the absence of a mutually agreeable timeline for completion, the overall development plan process runs the risk of becoming ineffective and inefficient, resulting in uncertainty of progress, unnecessary delay, and added cost. To a similar but lesser extent, the development team is seeking the same degree of collaboration with the Town of Vail and Vail community as was successfully demonstrated during the redevelopment of the Vail Health campus and the creation of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan with Vail Resorts. The timeline for completion is as follows: November 27, 2024 – Submittal of Vail Town Council packet materials for Town Council afternoon worksession on December 3, 2024, including letter formally withdrawing the Cornerstone development application. December 3, 2024 – Vail Town Council afternoon worksession to discuss planning process and draft Opportunity Statement and draft Redevelopment Goals and Objectives (90 minutes). December 17, 2024 – Vail Town Council evening session to adopt mutually acceptable Opportunity Statement, Redevelopment Goals and Objectives, timeline for completion. January 6, 2025 – Submittal of overall development plan document for review and recommendation at the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Commission (PEC) meeting on January 27, 2025. January 27, 2025 – Initial PEC Meeting to present proposed overall development plan document. PEC to provide initial feedback. February 10, 2025 – PEC Meeting for final recommendation of overall development plan document to Vail Town Council. Final recommendation shall be to either recommend: o 1) approval, 9 ____________________________________ o 2) approval with modifications, or o 3) denial of the proposed application. February 18, 2025 – Forward PEC recommendation to the Vail Town Council and present proposed overall development plan application for initial review and consideration. March 4, 2025 – First reading of ordinance to adopt amendment to Special Development District No. 4, Cascade Village, Development Area A, approving the overall development plan document. March 18, 2025 – Second reading of ordinance and final approval of the overall development plan document. April 1 and 15 – Present Development Agreement to the Vail Town Council for review and approval, subject to an approving resolution. March 24, 2025 – Submit Cornerstone SDD major amendment development application for review by the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Commission meeting on April 28, 2025. April 28, 2025 – PEC review and recommendation to the Vail Town Council of Cornerstone SDD major amendment development application based upon criteria in the Vail Town Code, including the recently adopted overall development plan. May 19, 2025 – First reading of ordinance approving Cornerstone SDD major amendment development application by the Vail Town Council June 9, 2025 – Second reading of ordinance approving Cornerstone SDD major amendment development application by the Vail Town Council. 5. Next Steps Progress toward a major amendment application(s) for Special Development District No. 4, Cascade Village, Development Area A, is the objective of the overall development plan process. To that end, a series of next steps have been identified to advance progress. The following next steps are recommended: o Meet with the Town staff to propose an opportunity statement, formulate a list of recommended development goals and objectives for Development Area A, and prepare a timeline for completion of the overall development plan document process. (DONE) o Present the recommended development goals and objectives and timeline for completion to the Vail Town Council on December 3 for review and consideration. o Present a mutually acceptable opportunity statement and final list of development goals and objectives to the Vail Town Council for adoption on December 17. o Actively engage with potentially affected parties, stakeholders, adjacent property owners, and owners with Development Area A to gain input and feedback on the proposed overall development plan. o Discuss with Town staff and prepare a mutually acceptable format for the framework of the overall development plan document. The overall development plan document shall be incorporated into the development plans for SDD No. 4 and approved by ordinance of the Vail Town Council. o Submit a major amendment application for an updated overall development plan for Development Area A to the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Commission (PEC) 10 ____________________________________ based upon the adopted redevelopment goals and objectives for Development Area A. The PEC shall forward its recommendation to the Vail Town Council. The following next steps are required to advance the overall development plan process: Reach out to all property owners within Cascade Village, Development Area A, adjacent property owners, and other potentially affected parties of the applicant’s intent to withdraw the development application and engage in an overall development plan document adoption process with the Town of Vail. Written confirmation from Town of Vail staff of overall development plan SDD major amendment application submittal requirements. Written notice from the applicant of the desire to formally withdraw the Cornerstone development application which includes the expressed intent to resubmit the development application immediately upon adoption of the overall development plan document. Acceptance with the Town of Vail staff of a mutually agreeable opportunity statement and list of redevelopment goals and objectives prior to meeting with the Vail Town Council on December 3, 2024. Acceptance with the Town of Vail staff of a recommended schedule of review of the overall development plan SDD major amendment application prior to meeting with the Vail Town Council on December 3, 2024. Confirmation of acceptance of public notice requirements and public notice language from the Vail Town attorney. 11 CASCADE VILLAGE (RE)DEVELOPMENT PLAN. THE BROADER VISION. 1 Town Council Presentation. Town of Vail. December 3, 2024. 12 Gore Creek Westhaven Dr. I 70 S Frontage Rd W 10 Cascade Village (Re)Development. The Broader Vision. 2 VICINITY MAP. EXISTING CONDITIONS. 41c 1b 2 3 1a 6 8 7 9 5 Existing Buildings: 1.Grand Hyatt Vail (Hotel) 2.Aria Spa, Gym & Parking 3.CMC Building 4.Cornerstone (lot) 5.Westhaven Building 6.Liftside Condominiums 7.Millrace Condominiums 8.Cascades on Gore Creek 9.Cascade Lift 10.Tennis Courts 13 Gore Creek Westhaven Dr. I 70 S Frontage Rd W 3 41c 1b 2 3 1a 6 8 7 9 5 Special Development District No. 4, Area A. Parcels. Development Area A: 17.955 acres 1.Grand Hyatt Vail (Hotel) 2.Aria Spa, Gym & Parking 3.CMC Building 4.Cornerstone (lot) 5.Westhaven Building 6.Liftside Condominiums 7.Millrace Condominiums 8.Cascades on Gore Creek 9.Cascade Lift Adjacent to Area A, within SDD No. 4: A.Tennis Courts (lot) Cascade Village (Re)Development. The Broader Vision. A 14 Gore Creek Westhaven Dr. I 70 S Frontage Rd W Properties Under Ownership: Within Area A: 1.Grand Hyatt Vail 5.065 acres 2.Aria Spa, Gym & Parking 1.735 acres 3.CMC Building: 0.730 acres 90% of the commercial side 4.Cornerstone (lot) 0.698 acres Adjacent to Area A, within SDD No. 4: A.Tennis Courts (lot) 3.000 acres 4 Special Development District No. 4, Area A. Parcels. OWNERSHIP. 41c 1b 2 3 1a A Cascade Village (Re)Development. The Broader Vision. 15 This is the first time in decades, that the Hotel accommodations and surroundings are controlled under one ownership. With this, improvements can be done, as other areas in Vail, to develop as originally intended for Cascade Village, to create a vibrant portal to Vail Mountain, through: •(Re)Vitalize Cascade Village. •(Re)Position Cascade Village as a “gateway” to Vail Mountain. •(Re)Create “new” destination to increase traffic and energy to the Village •(Re)Use idle space. •(Re)enhance connectivity through •(Re)Engage Community Amenities •(Re)Activate with Critical Mass through increased Density and additional Building Height. Support the positioning of new infrastructure much needed to serve the community. 5 Cascade Village (Re)Development. The Broader Vision. THE OPPORTUNITY 16 The success of the broader vision will rely on: •Improved Connectivity •Pedestrian Accessibility •Expanded Public Transportation •Organized Vehicular Circulation •Additional Parking infrastructure •Retail Activation •Economical Incentives •Public/Private Partnerships •Updated Public Amenities •Improved Operational Infrastructure •Better Chairlift Access •Including Opportunities for Community Programs: •Day Care •Multipurpose Rooms ✴Lionshead 2002 (pre masterplan) 6 Cascade Village (Re)Development. The Broader Vision. THE GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 17 Collection of Sales and Lodging Tax Generation by: •Increasing Footfall •Providing Public Parking •Creating Retail Venues •Complementing Public Transportation •Integrating Public Amenities •Offering of Employee Housing •Contributing to Growth of Population 7 Cascade Village (Re)Development. The Broader Vision. EFFECTS OF THE (RE)ACTIVATION OF CASCADE VILLAGE. 18 Gore Creek Westhaven Dr. I 70 S Frontage Rd W Properties that are Currently Under-Utilized: A.Aria Spa, Gym, Alpine Hall B.Pedestrian Drop-Off C.Cornerstone (lot) D.CMC Building (90% of the commercial side) ✴Theaters ✴Offices ✴Retail E.Hotel Atrium F.Ticket Office & Skiers Plaza G.Cascade Lift H.Tennis Courts (lot) C A G H 8 Cascade Village (Re)Development. The Broader Vision. AREAS OF OPPORTUNITY. D B F E 19 9 Cascade Village (Re)Development. The Broader Vision. AREAS OF OPPORTUNITY. EXISTING CONDITIONS (PHOTOS). 20 10 Cascade Village (Re)Development. The Broader Vision. AREAS OF OPPORTUNITY. EXISTING CONDITIONS (PHOTOS). 21 11 Cascade Village (Re)Development. The Broader Vision. AREAS OF OPPORTUNITY. EXISTING CONDITIONS (PHOTOS). 22 Gore Creek Westhaven Dr. I 70 S Frontage Rd W Identified Potential (Re)Development Opportunities within Ownership’s control: “On site” - within Area A of SDD No. 4. 1.New Development: Retail / Parking / EHUs / Residential 2.(Re)Development: Parking Structure (existing) / New Parking / New Residential. 3.(Re)Development: New EHUs / Retail & Office. 4.(Re)Enhancement: New Community Amenities through Hardscape and Landscape 12 POTENTIAL (RE)DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES THROUGH ECONOMIC INCENTIVES. 1 2 3 4 4 Cascade Village (Re)Development. The Broader Vision. 23 S Frontage Rd W Gore Creek Westhaven Dr. 13 THE VISION. PRELIMINARY CONCEPT. GENERAL PLAN. Cascade Village (Re)Development. The Broader Vision. 24 S Frontage Rd W Gore Creek Westhaven Dr. 14 THE VISION. PRELIMINARY CONCEPT. CORNERSTONE. Cascade Village (Re)Development. The Broader Vision. 25 S Frontage Rd W Gore Creek Westhaven Dr. 15 THE VISION. PRELIMINARY CONCEPT. ARIA BUILDING. Cascade Village (Re)Development. The Broader Vision. 26 S Frontage Rd W Gore Creek Westhaven Dr. 16 THE VISION. PRELIMINARY CONCEPT. CMC BUILDING. Cascade Village (Re)Development. The Broader Vision. 27 S Frontage Rd W Gore Creek Westhaven Dr. 17 THE VISION. PRELIMINARY CONCEPT. PEDESTRIAN CONNECTIVITY. Cascade Village (Re)Development. The Broader Vision. 28 DECEMBER 17th- resolution to approve the development goals and objectives. Timeline DEFINITION. 18 Cascade Village (Re)Development. The Broader Vision. NEXT STEPS DEFINITION 29 30 From:Stanley Beard To:PublicInputTownCouncil Subject:Former Cornerstone Development Date:Tuesday, December 3, 2024 9:03:28 AM TO: VAIL TOWN COUNCIL I have been the co-owner of the residence at 1275 Westhaven Circle since 1987. Unfortunately, I will be unable to attend the Council meeting today regarding the Cascade Village re-development plan. Please consider the following the following comments and concerns: 1. The Cornerstone Developers approached its development with an absolutely outrageous greed driven proposal with no consideration for the existing owners' rights, conveniences and safety. They were relentless. Thank you for reacting in a manner that caused the developer's withdrawal. Please continue to be aware that the same developer is now proposing the re-development, is and will continue to demand heavier density, higher structures and infringement upon areas that are now being used by the public, e.g. the base lift area and ticket office. Greed is slow to die. Please don't let the addition of George Ruther to the team influence you, he is a nice competent guy who has involved himself with the wrong people. 2. Many of the same Cornerstone concerns remain: Building heights and density; No encroachment into the lift and ticket office area nor privatizing the ticket office, including no cascading buildings from street level to the lift level; No moving the town bus stop to the frontage road acceleration lane and certainly no alteration or removal of the acceleration lane; No short term front desk rentals under the guise of residences; The added skier use of the existing lift will render it obsolete. The developer should be required to upgrade the lift at no cost to the existing owners and/or existing or new taxing districts; The construction, even scaled down, will be gigantic and lengthy. Westhaven Drive must be maintained as a two lane drive throughout the construction period. If this re-development plan moves forward, there are many other considerations but for now, please go forward cautiously with these people and continue to listen to the current owners. Thank you, Stan Beard    31 Stanley S. Beard Cell: 970.390.1230 32 AGENDA ITEM NO. 2.2 Item Cover Page DATE:December 3, 2024 TIME:30 min. SUBMITTED BY:Steph Johnson, Town Manager ITEM TYPE:Presentation/Discussion AGENDA SECTION:Presentation/Discussion (12:10pm) SUBJECT:Lot 10 Discussion (1:40pm) SUGGESTED ACTION:Provide staff with direction whether to continue to engage on a design concept for Lot 10. PRESENTER(S):Matt Gennett, Community Development Director and Dominic Mauriello, Mauriello Planning Group, LLC VAIL TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM REPORT ATTACHMENTS: Lot 10 Staff Memo Applicant Presentation 12-3-24 33 To: Vail Town Council From: Community Development Department Date: December 3, 2024 Subject: Lot 10, Vail Village Filing No. 2 / 281 West Meadow Drive I. BACKGROUND Lot 10 is a small Town-owned parcel located on West Meadow Drive between Vail Health and Dobson Ice Arena. Lot 10 is 0.463 acres in area and is currently developed as a surface parking lot utilized by the Vail Library staff and patrons requiring accessible parking. The parcel is included within the Civic Area Plan study area. The master plan recommendations include the following: • Involving the community and neighboring property owners in the design of the park. • Coordinating with the Evergreen Lodge redevelopment and, • Identifying alternate accessible parking for patrons of the Library and Library staff. The Lot 10 parcel is bisected by the West Meadow Drive bus route. The latest planning and design concepts, including what is contemplated in the Civic Area Plan, involve just the portion of the parcel north of West Meadow Drive. The southern piece of the parcel includes a green space and the start of the detached portion of the Gore Valley Trail . On June 18, 2024, staff provided an afternoon presentation and discussion item to Council regarding conceptual design alternatives for Lot 10. After receiving feedback from Council and given the underwhelming amount of public interest in the project, staff reconsidered how to approach achieving the Town goals for the lot. 34 Town of Vail Page 2 II. EVERGREEN LODGE REDEVELOPMENT (Rendering from Evergreen redevelopment application) The Evergreen Lodge property is located directly to the north of Lot 10. The redevelopment of the Evergreen will be one of the most significant major projects to occur in several years. Currently, the Evergreen has limited exposure from West Meadow Drive and is primarily oriented to the South Frontage Road. The planned redevelopment will increase the presence of the building on West Meadow Drive as well as along South Frontage Road where the vehicular access will occur. The Evergreen holds a pedestrian access easement across Lot 10 to West Meadow Drive. 35 Town of Vail Page 3 Redevelopment plans include a public pedestrian corridor between the South Frontage Road and West Meadow Drive. The corridor consists of a six foot (minimum) heated concrete walkway and stairways which follows the route between the Evergreen and Vail Health, passing through the Evergreen’s landscape plaza before arriving at the south property line approximately 12 feet (in elevation) above Lot 10 and West Meadow Drive. III. SUMMARY The development team for the Evergreen is interested in partnering with the Town to construct a park on Lot 10. The proposal is that they would construct and maintain the park. Of note, the access would require stairs as the courtyard is approximately 12 feet above Lot 10. This elevation difference is due to the landscape lid that covers the at-grade parking for Vail Health. The current Evergreen approval shows a staircase on Evergreen property, a redesign of Lot 10 may provide an opportunity to construct a more appealing stairway on Lot 10, and plan future connectivity with the Gore Valley Trail along the south side of Lot 10. There are many important factors when considering the design of Lot 10. The Civic Area Plan considers Lot 10 to be the entry to the Civic Area and should work in conjunction with the other properties in the Civic Area. This is the space that could host some outdoor component that connects to Middle Creek. The park could also function as a connector to the “central plaza” of the Ever green that may be open to the public as well, as be a southern entry point to the Evergreen itself. Town Council will have the final decision on the project’s scope and design. 36 Town of Vail Page 4 How that design is selected is also important. As noted above, there was a notable lack of input on the last go around with the proposed design of Lot 10. That attempt utilized the Town’s outreach website, Engage Vail, and direct mailers to all surrounding properties, but did not see much response. Town Council noted that they would like to see a more robust public outreach campaign to inform the design of Lot 10. Should the Town Council agree to pursue working with the Evergreen on a design, staff recommends that several design charrettes be held in addition to the Engage Vail and other social media ads. As a piece of public property, the community should have the opportunity to give input on the use of the property. IV. SUGGESTED ACTION Should staff continue to engage with the Evergreen team to work on developing a design for Lot 10? If Council directs staff to continue to work with the Evergreen team, staff recommends the following next steps: • Develop a working agreement for design that includes project goals and givens • Outline the design process that includes public engagement, Council engagement and the town’s design review process 37 LOT 10 PROJECT 1 LOT 10 PROJECT GOALS TOWN OF VAIL AGENDA 01. LOT 10 UNDERSTANDING 02. PROJECT GOALS 03. DESIGN DRIVERS 04. CONCEPT OPTIONS 05. NEXT STEPS 38 LOT 10 PROJECT 2 LOT 10 PROJECT GOALS TOWN OF VAIL LOT 10 UNDERSTANDING - SCOPE AND CONSTRAINTS 13,900 sf SCREEN PARKING LOT + VAIL HEALTH PROJECT SCOPE OF WORK Lot 10 is a small parcel in central Vail. The public parcel is currently a parking lot and is proposed to be redeveloped into a park. The design and construction of the parcel is led by the developer of the adjacent Evergreen project. Any and all community engagement, public outreach, and Town approvals processes will be followed. Below are key items to note about this project: • The parcel is divided into two sections by Meadow Drive, which will remain as-is through the duration of this project. The northern section of the parcel is the primary scope of work for the park, and the southern section, which today houses a sculpture and many large existing trees, is to remain relatively in its current state, with minor interventions. • The eastern edge of the parcel must screen views to the Vail Health building and parking lot. . • The western edge of the parcel will seamlessly integrate into the Middle Creek corridor. MIDDLE CREEK CORRIDOR FUTURE EVERGREEN DEVELOPMENT “THE LID” OVER VAIL HEALTH PARKING 39 LOT 10 PROJECT 3 LOT 10 PROJECT GOALS TOWN OF VAIL LOT 10 UNDERSTANDING - CONNECTIONS Due to its adjacency to many city amenities, Lot 10 must serve to create, enhance, and support connections to neighboring landmarks. These connections include: • Strengthen connections to the adjacent civic district, including Dobson Arena and the Vail Public Library. • Connecting the park to the existing Vail- Lionshead Bike Path and the Lionshead Gondola. • Maintaining a pedestrian bridge connection across Middle Creek • Connect pedestrians through the Evergreen Development to the Frontage Road, navigating 12 ft of grade change. • Connect to and provide outdoor cafe seating to serve the proposed coffee program in the future Evergreen Development. MIDDLE CREEK CORRIDOR DOBSON ARENA VAIL PUBLIC LIBRARY FUTURE EVERGREEN DEVELOPMENT “THE LID” OVER VAIL HEALTH PARKING MAINTAIN MIDDLE CREEK CONNECTION CONNECT TO CIVIC DISTRICT CONNECTION TO EXISTING BIKE WAY CONNECTION TO EVERGREEN + CAFE CONNECTION THROUGH SITE CONNECTION TO MEADOW DRIVE 40 LOT 10 PROJECT 4 LOT 10 PROJECT GOALS TOWN OF VAIL LOT 10 UNDERSTANDING - PUBLIC SPACE EXPANSION Along with Lot 10, the proposed development of the adjacent Evergreen project will include approximately 20,000 additional square feet of fully- accessible public realm. The design of Lot 10 will support the invitation to and connection through this space. Pedestrian paths will navigate through the development to connect to the Frontage Road and the proposed restaurant inside the Evergreen lobby: • The additional public realm within the Evergreen development increases the area accessible to the public significantly. • The design of Lot 10 will welcome and invite visitors into the public realm within the Evergreen courtyard. • The material and aesthetic quality between Lot 10 park and the Evergreen courtyard will feel cohesive. APPROX. 20,000 SF FULLY-ACCESSIBLE PUBLIC REALM APPROX. 5,800 SF PUBLIC CONNECTION TO FRONTAGE ROAD LOT 10 FUTURE EVERGREEN DEVELOPMENT PEDESTRIAN CONNECTION THROUGH SITE 39,700 SQ. FT. OF TOTAL PUBLIC REALM 13,900 sf 41 LOT 10 PROJECT 5 LOT 10 PROJECT GOALS TOWN OF VAIL PROJECT GOALS 42 LOT 10 PROJECT 6 LOT 10 PROJECT GOALS TOWN OF VAIL 01. ESTABLISH A SIGNATURE CIVIC SPACE 02. AMPLIFY THE VAIL EXPERIENCE 03. CENTER ART AS A DESTINATION 43 LOT 10 PROJECT 7 LOT 10 PROJECT GOALS TOWN OF VAIL ESTABLISH A POWERFUL SENSE OF PLACECONNECT AND LEVERAGE EXISTING INFRASTRUCTURE TO THE SITE OFFER NEW AMENITIES THAT ACTIVATE THE PUBLIC REALM 01. ESTABLISH A SIGNATURE CIVIC SPACE 44 LOT 10 PROJECT 8 LOT 10 PROJECT GOALS TOWN OF VAIL CONNECT TO EXISTING INFRASTRUCTURE 10-MINUTE W ALK INTERSTATE 70 VAIL VILLAGE GORE C R E E K LIONSHEAD VILLAGE BETTY FORD GARDENS GONDOLA LIFT 5-MINUTE WALKCIVIC ZONEPARKING STRUCTURE GONDOLA LIFT GONDOLA LIFT LOT 10 SITE SOLARIS PLAZA Lot 10 is a new civic node, enhancing the adjacent civic zone, connecting Lionshead and Vail Villages, making the site a destination for visitors and residents. 45 LOT 10 PROJECT 9 LOT 10 PROJECT GOALS TOWN OF VAIL SUPPORTS SURROUNDING AMENITIES SUNBIRD PLAYGROUND PARKING STRUCTURE DOBSON ARENA PUBLIC LIBRARY VAIL HEALTH HOSPITAL GONDOLA LIFT VAIL-LIONSHEAD BIKE PATH LIONSHEAD VILLAGE VAIL LOT 10 GORE CREEK MEADOW DR. VA I L R D . S FRO N T A G E R D . I-70 MID D L E C R E E K Lot 10 connects to and supports the surrounding amenities, including the Arena and Library civic center, the Vail-Lionshead Bike Path, Vail Health, and circulation to the Frontage Road. 46 LOT 10 PROJECT 10 LOT 10 PROJECT GOALS TOWN OF VAIL SUSTAINABLE AND CONTEXTUAL LANDSCAPE SIGNATURE PLAZA STEPS AND SEATING FLEXIBLE ART PLAZA AS A DESTINATION 02. AMPLIFY THE VAIL EXPERIENCE 47 LOT 10 PROJECT 11 LOT 10 PROJECT GOALS TOWN OF VAIL CREEK BUFFER CENTRAL ART PLAZA CAFE PLAZA STEPS + SEATING HOSPITAL SCREENING MIDDLE CREEK CORRIDOR FUTURE EVERGREEN DEVELOPMENT “THE LID” OVER VAIL HEALTH PARKING +12’ +12’ 95’MEADOW DR. GRADE CHANGE LOT 10 CONCEPTUAL PROGRAM The park will include a variety of program that is flexible and serves the needs of the community. The heart of the park is a central plaza which will be framed by flexible, activated plaza seating. The west side of the park will seamlessly integrate with the Middle Creek corridor. Grade change creates an opportunity for active and inviting stairs, steps, slopes, or terraces. 48 LOT 10 PROJECT 12 LOT 10 PROJECT GOALS TOWN OF VAIL A FLEXIBLE FRAMEWORK The plaza within Lot 10 serves as the heart of the park. The plaza will embrace a wide range of uses, program, and seasonality. The design team will incorporate features, amenities, and space requirements within the plaza to support a wide range of program. Some potential program in the plaza includes: • Small concerts and plays. • Group gatherings, events, and celebrations. • Seasonal art installations. • Small-group and individual gathering space. • Moveable cafe seating • Shade and micro-climate control 49 LOT 10 PROJECT 13 LOT 10 PROJECT GOALS TOWN OF VAIL ENHANCING AN ART NETWORKART AS AN ANCHOR AREAS FOR PAUSE AND CONTEMPLATION 03. CENTER ART AS A DESTINATION 50 LOT 10 PROJECT 14 LOT 10 PROJECT GOALS TOWN OF VAIL ART AS AN ANCHOR PARKING STRUCTURE DOBSON ARENA PUBLIC LIBRARY VAIL HEALTH HOSPITAL GONDOLA LIFT LIONSHEAD VILLAGE VAIL VILLAGE LOT 10 GORE CREEK MEADOW DR. S FRO N T A G E R D . I-70 MID D L E C R E E K By integrating a world-class sculpture as the centerpiece for the park, Lot 10 will become an anchor for the Vail community, drawing people towards this civic center and subsequently supporting all of the surrounding amenities and bringing value to the region. 51 LOT 10 PROJECT 15 LOT 10 PROJECT GOALS TOWN OF VAIL ART IN VAIL Lot 10 is an opportunity to incorporate a world- class, iconic work of art. This work establishes Lot 10 as a destination, drawing visitors from both Lionshead and Vail Village and creating a strong sense of place. The design team will work with The Town and the Art in Vail Strategic Plan to support and enhance the esting plans for art in Vail. 52 LOT 10 PROJECT 16 LOT 10 PROJECT GOALS TOWN OF VAIL DESIGN DRIVERS 53 LOT 10 PROJECT 17 LOT 10 PROJECT GOALS TOWN OF VAIL THE LID + EXPANDED PUBLIC REALM LOT 10 VIEWS TO MOUNTAIN HOSPITAL PARKING UNDER LID RESTAURANT INSIDE EVERGREEN GORE CREEK LANDSCAPE LID EVERGREEN COURTYARD The design of Lot 10 will invite visitors into the expanded public realm offered by the Evergreen Development. Site users will have full access to the Landscape Lid, Evergreen Courtyard, and the restaurand within The Evergreen. The Landscape Lid is an elevated ground plane, providing structure for vehicles underneath. This strategy maximizes both green, usable public space, and parking for Vail Health. PUBLIC REALM 54 LOT 10 PROJECT 18 LOT 10 PROJECT GOALS TOWN OF VAIL DESIGN DRIVERS MOUNTAIN MOVEMENT A CIRCULATION STRATEGY THAT AIMS TO MAKE GRADE CHANGE INTO A SUBTLE SHIFTING EXPERIENCE. CAN WE ELIMINATE AS MANY HANDRAILS AS POSSIBLE TO MAKE A TRAIL LIKE EXPERIENCE? PLANES OF EXPERIENCE THE ELEVATIONAL CHANGES OF THE DIFFERENT SPACES ALLOWS FOR DISTINCT EXPERIENCES, HOWEVER, THOSE EXPERIENCES NEED TO BE TIED TOGETHER AS A SINGLE VISION/BRAND. HOW CAN THE DYNAMIC ELEVATION CHANGES BE USED TO SHAPE DISTINCT SPACES? CONNECTION WITH NATURE CONNECTING WITH NATURE IS ABOUT PROMOTING WELL-BEING FOR BOTH HUMANITY AND THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT. HOW CAN ECOLOGY BE USED TO SHAPE A HEALTHIER FUTURE? 55 LOT 10 PROJECT 19 LOT 10 PROJECT GOALS TOWN OF VAIL LOT 10 CONCEPTS 56 LOT 10 PROJECT 20 LOT 10 PROJECT GOALS TOWN OF VAIL LOT 10 DESIGN CONCEPTS CHARACTER • PLAZA IS EXTENSION OF SIDEWALK • PEDESTRIAN SWITCHBACK art within a promenade art as the central focal point art framed naturalistic organized outcropping • STRONG FRAME AROUND PLAZA. • ART IS THE HEART, CENTRAL FOCUS • TOPOGRAPHY SHAPES EXPERIENCE • GEOMETRY ORGANIC ART PLANTING THE CLIFF 1 2 3 + + += = =+ + + THE BOWL THE RIDGE * * * * * * 57 LOT 10 PROJECT 21 LOT 10 PROJECT GOALS TOWN OF VAIL CONTEXTURAL MATERIALITY - CHARACTER PRECEDENTS 58 LOT 10 PROJECT 22 LOT 10 PROJECT GOALS TOWN OF VAIL CONCEPT 1 - THE CLIFF • Sloped pedestrian path all the way to the Evergreen restaurant • Expanded street edge to create promenade experience • Wide terraces provides flexible and unique seating. • Planting is strategic, framing the large open plaza and providing shade for seating along W. Meadow Drive. Site Axon View from Meadow Drive CAFE SEATINGTRAIL CONNECTIONS HOSPITAL SCREEN SLOPED CIRCULATION TERRACED PLATFORM SEATINGCENTRAL SCULPTURE 59 LOT 10 PROJECT 23 LOT 10 PROJECT GOALS TOWN OF VAIL CONCEPT 2 - THE BOWL • Topography frames plaza on three sides, grade change takes on an amphitheater form. • Thick edge screens hospital on the east. • Staircase provides a direct connection to the Evergreen plaza. • Planting is organized, creating confortable secondary spaces. SEATING BOSQUE HOSPITAL SCREEN STAIRS INVITE USERS UP TO LID SEAT STEPS - LOCAL STONECENTRAL SCULPTURE Site Axon View from Meadow Drive 60 LOT 10 PROJECT 24 LOT 10 PROJECT GOALS TOWN OF VAIL CONCEPT 3 - THE RIDGE • Paths moves along a ridge, creating a unique and inviting experience. • Two ways of moving up, 6” terraces feel contextual to local geology. • Planting along W. Meadow Dr. creates a sense of enclosure in the space. • Planting is naturalistic, harkening to the mountainside ecology. Site Axon View from Meadow Drive CAFE SEATINGTRAIL CONNECTIONS HOSPITAL SCREEN IMMERSIVE CIRCULATION UP TO LID STEPPED SEATINGCENTRAL SCULPTURE 61 LOT 10 PROJECT 25 LOT 10 PROJECT GOALS TOWN OF VAIL NEXT STEPS 1. ALIGN WITH THE TOWN ON LOT 10 GOALS 2. SCHEDULE PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT SESSION 3. SUBMIT DESIGN TO THE TOWN 62 AGENDA ITEM NO. 2.3 Item Cover Page DATE:December 3, 2024 TIME:45 min. SUBMITTED BY:Gregg Barrie, Public Works ITEM TYPE:Presentation/Discussion AGENDA SECTION:Presentation/Discussion (12:10pm) SUBJECT:Gore Creek Promenade Design Concepts Follow Up Discussion (2:10pm) SUGGESTED ACTION:Listen to presentation and provide feedback. PRESENTER(S):Gregg Barrie, Town Landscape Architect VAIL TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM REPORT ATTACHMENTS: Gore Creek Promenade Renewal TC Memo 12-3-24 Gore Creek Promenade TC 12-3-24 Powerpoint 63 To: Vail Town Council From: Department of Public Works Date: December 3, 2024 Subject: Gore Creek Promenade Renewal – Updated Conceptual Design I. ITEM PURPOSE The purpose of this agenda item is to present an updated conceptual design for the Gore Creek Promenade Renewal project. Staff is requesting feedback from the Town Council. II. BACKGROUND On November 19, 2024, three design concepts were presented to the Town Council. The council provided a range of comments. The design team evaluated the feedback, along with feedback received from Engage Vail and business owners and worked towards a single design concept. In general, the updated concept: • provides new gathering spaces at the west end of the park and improves gathering spaces at the east end of the park to help spread use through the area • uses durable surfaces in many locations while also providing functional turf areas that can be properly managed for turf health • offers several access points to Gore Creek and also includes native stream bank vegetation along much of the stream frontage • creates shade and provides a range of seating opportunities to improve “linger time”. III. NEXT STEPS The updated concept has been added to Engage Vail for additional public feedback. In addition, it was presented to the Art in Public Places board on December 2nd. The board was asked to consider locations and opportunities for art installations. The design team will continue to develop the concept into a final version to be presented to the Town Council for approval on January 7th. Staff will also provide a high-level cost estimate and projected project phasing at that time. The project will then move into the design review process with the PEC and DRB. Once approved, work will begin to create Construction Documents for the bidding process. At this time, it is anticipated that construction could begin in the fall of 2025. 64 Town of Vail Page 2 IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Council provide feedback and suggestions on the updated Design Concept for the Gore Creek Promenade Renewal. The feedback will be used to develop a final Comprehensive Site Plan for approval. V. ACTION REQUESTED BY COUNCIL Staff requests that the Council provide feedback and suggested changes on the updated Design Concept to use towards a single Comprehensive Site Plan for future approval. Attachments: • Engage Vail – Public input received on the original three options (11/15 thru 11/26) • Updated Design Concept for the Gore Creek Promenade Renewal 65 Town of Vail Page 3 Engage Vail Public Feedback Option 1 – 11/19/24 • This is my top choice as it utilizes the space but still feels like you are visiting the mountains. If the space is too curated (like in option 2), the mountain experience is taken away. • Design #1 is my preference however without a relative cost for each of the 3 options, there is no way to evaluate the cost to benefits. More seating and hardscapes are a positive. Please no more fire pits. They do not provide warmth and just put pollution into the air. Replace them with lighting. I would like to see all fire pits in common areas extinguished. • I like this option best. It’s a good balance between using natural stone and grass to create open areas. The views from the sidewalk to river look less obstructed than the other options. The terraced creek access is a great idea, and allows for seating. • I like the seating and relaxing areas present with the exception of the "west end." The west side of the international bridge if often inaccessible during the summer months due to vendor blockage for a variety of events. It isn't easily accessible during the Market weekends, or the Mountain Games. Has this been addressed for all the events. I feel as though this is one "local" area of the international bridge. Still too much turf. Possibility of using larger river rocks for some of these areas? • I like the amount of grass and all the varied seating/gathering areas. This would be my second choice behind number 3. 66 Town of Vail Page 4 Engage Vail Public Feedback Option 2 – 11/19/24 • This is my first choice. Again, I like the seating and relaxing areas present, like the other options, with the exception of the "west end." I prefer the location of the fire pits to bring our guests closer to nature, vs development. Again, I suggest the possibility of using larger river rocks for some, or part of, the turf areas as I'm not seeing the merging with "Save the Gore" in some of the design features. • It’s feels like there’s too much stone-covered ground in this option and the views for passer-bys on the sidewalk look too obstructed. • Too much concrete in this one. Keep more grass and soft surfaces. 67 Town of Vail Page 5 Engage Vail Public Feedback Option 3 – 11/19/24 • This is decent option after Option 1 and I understand it will be attractive to many people who value green space. However, I think of this as the White Carpet option: it looks fantastic when it’s first installed but the minute it gets used, it gets dirty and looks terrible. This green option will look great at the beginning, but with all the traffic this area attracts, I believe the grass and vegetation will get worn and ugly and we’ll be back to where we are now. Option 1 seems like a better balance between having grass and some durable gathering spaces. • this is my favorite as more greenery while improving access for users. Provides parks and trees for kids to play in. Less concrete. • I like that this one maintains the most grass/soft surfaces while improving seating/gathering areas. This is my top choice. 68 GORE C R E E K I N T E R N A T I O N A L B R I D G E 0’10’ UPDATED CONCEPT PLAN December 3, 2024 KEY Lawn Beach East Terrace Terraced Creek Access Lower Plaza West Plaza Promenade Overlook Accessible Route Public Art Opportunity 1 1 A B 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 4 6 6 7 7 7 8 9 10 9 9 9 8 8 10 10 10 69 70 71 DECEMBER 3, 2024 Gore Creek Promenade Renewal Project 72 The Gore Creek Promenade Renewal 2December 3, 2024 •Support for keeping turf areas •Support for durable surfaces (but maybe less than turf) •Additional gathering space is important •Positive response to creek access (visual and physical) •Generally neutral on fire pit but still variable •Vegetation is important but open to some change •Concern for stream health COUNCIL AND PUBLIC INPUT 73 The Gore Creek Promenade Renewal 3December 3, 2024 UPDATED CONCEPT PLAN 1 LAWN BEACH EAST TERRACE TERRACED CREEK ACCESS LOWER PLAZA WEST PLAZA PROMENADE OVERLOOK ACCESSIBLE ROUTE PUBLIC ART OPPORTUNITY 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 KEY 74 The Gore Creek Promenade Renewal 4December 3, 2024 UPDATED CONCEPT PLAN - EXISTING & PROPOSED CANOPY OVERLAY EXISITING TREES TO REMAIN PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO REMOVE KEY 75 The Gore Creek Promenade Renewal 5December 3, 2024 VIEW A 76 The Gore Creek Promenade Renewal 6December 3, 2024 VIEW B 77 The Gore Creek Promenade Renewal 7December 3, 2024 APPENDIX… 78 The Gore Creek Promenade Renewal 8December 3, 2024 PRESENTED NOVEMBER 19, 2024 CONCEPT OPTION 1 1 LAWN BEACH EAST TERRACE TERRACED CREEK ACCESS LOWER PLAZA CENTRAL PLAZA WEST PLAZA PROMENADE OVERLOOK ACCESSIBLE ROUTE PUBLIC ART OPPORTUNITY 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 KEY 79 The Gore Creek Promenade Renewal 9December 3, 2024 1 LAWN BEACH TERRACED CREEK ACCESS EAST PLAZA EAST TERRACE LOWER PLAZA PROMENADE WEST PLAZA OVERLOOK ACCESSIBLE ROUTE PUBLIC ART OPPORTUNITY 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 KEY PRESENTED NOVEMBER 19, 2024 CONCEPT OPTION 2 80 The Gore Creek Promenade Renewal 10December 3, 2024 1 LAWN BEACH TERRACED CREEK ACCESS EAST PLAZA EAST TERRACE CENTRAL PLAZA PROMENADE WEST PLAZA OVERLOOK ACCESSIBLE ROUTE PUBLIC ART OPPORTUNITY 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 KEY PRESENTED NOVEMBER 19, 2024 CONCEPT OPTION 3 81 The Gore Creek Promenade Renewal 11December 3, 2024 OPTION 1- EXISTING & PROPOSED CANOPY OVERLAY EXISITING TREES TO REMAIN PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO REMOVE KEY 82 The Gore Creek Promenade Renewal 12December 3, 2024 OPTION 2- EXISTING & PROPOSED CANOPY OVERLAY EXISITING TREES TO REMAIN PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO REMOVE KEY 83 The Gore Creek Promenade Renewal 13December 3, 2024 OPTION 3- EXISTING & PROPOSED CANOPY OVERLAY EXISITING TREES TO REMAIN PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO REMOVE KEY 84 AGENDA ITEM NO. 3.1 Item Cover Page DATE:December 3, 2024 SUBMITTED BY:Greg Roy, Community Development ITEM TYPE:DRB/PEC Update AGENDA SECTION:DRB/PEC (2:55pm) SUBJECT:DRB/PEC Update (5 min.) SUGGESTED ACTION: VAIL TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM REPORT ATTACHMENTS: PEC Results 11-25-24 DRB Results 11-20-24 85 Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes Monday, November 25, 2024 1:00 PM Vail Town Council Chambers Present: David N Tucker William A Jensen John Rediker Scott P McBride Brad Hagedorn Robyn Smith Absent: Robert N Lipnick 1. Virtual Link Register to attend the Planning and Environmental Commission meeting. Once registered, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining this webinar. 2. Call to Order 3. Main Agenda 3.1 A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council of an application to reestablish Special Development District No. 43, pursuant to Section 12 -9(A), Special Development Districts, Vail Town Code, to allow for the development of a hotel addition, add conference space and an employee housing apartment building, and related uses and improvements, located at 2211 North Frontage Road West which is composed of Tract C, Lot 1, Lot 2, and Lot 3 Vail Das Schone Filing No. 1 and Lot 1, Vail Das Schone Filing 3, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC24-0039) The applicant requests this item be tabled to the December 9th PEC Meeting. Planner: Greg Roy Applicant Name: TNFREF III Bravo Vail LLC represented by Mauriello Planning Group Robyn Smith made a motion to Table to the December 9th, 2024 PEC meeting date; Scott P McBride seconded the motion Passed (5 - 0) Hagedorn Absent. 3.2 A request for review of an Exterior Alteration, pursuant to Section 12-7J-12, Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to allow for a hotel addition and an EHU apartment building, located at 2211 North Frontage Road West which is composed of Tract C, Lot 1, Lot 2, and Lot 3 Vail Das Schone Filing No. 1 and Lot 1, Vail Das Schone Filing 3, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC24-0044) The applicant requests this item be tabled to the December 9th PEC Meeting. Planner: Greg Roy Planning and Environmental Commission Meeting Minutes of November 25, 2024 1 86 Applicant Name: TNFREF III Bravo Vail LLC, represented by Mauriello Planning Group Robyn Smith made a motion to Table to the December 9th, 2024 PEC meeting date; Scott P McBride seconded the motion Passed (5 - 0) Hagedorn Absent. 4. Approval of Minutes 4.1 PEC Results 11-11-24 PEC Results 11-11-24.pdf Robyn Smith made a motion to Approve ; Scott P McBride seconded the motion Passed (6 - 0). 5. Information Update 5.1 PEC Recommendation Process PEC Recommendation Process Memo.pdf Planner Roy gives a presentation on how the PEC has been looking to make recommendations to Town Council as part of their function as laid out in Title 3- 2-6 of Town Code. Roy goes over the proposed process to get items before Council and the list of items brought up over the last year. Hagedorn asks about the cutoff for staff time before an item requires Town Council approval to dedicate staff time. Roy says that will have to be figured out going forward. Rediker says it’s a good start. Smith likes the idea of four hands to add it to the list. Roy says this is a rough draft and the conversation can continue. Smith, best practice guidelines for the environmental part of the commission. Could be good to incorporate into commissioner training at the beginning of each term. McBride, it should be towards the top of the list, overarching principle for many of the topics. Rediker, new process with new commissioners in the spring is the right time. Smith talks about Environmental Strategic Action Plan, one document, all the ideas are in one place. Jensen we don’t approve these plans, but make recommendations to Council. 20-30 year plans have no urgency, more focused on what a 3-5 year plan is because you can measure against those. Rediker suggests hearing from the environmental sustainability director – Kristin Bertuglia Hagedorn agrees with the idea of a strategic action plan for environmental, but also don’t want a memo for a memo’ sake. Smith, moving on to the item of development in big horn sheep habitat, have we learned anything that would change how we do things in this area? Suggest preflight checklist for any development Hagedorn, those areas are fully built, what would this be impacting? Smith, that’s the question that the guidelines would address. Roy, this whole process will need to go to Council including the list of topics that has been brought up. Planning and Environmental Commission Meeting Minutes of November 25, 2024 2 87 Rediker, what is best way for PEC to get action on sand oil separators? Roy says he will check with Environmental, as that is already a part of their plan to some extent. It may be an issue of moving that up in their timeline of priorities. Smith, Sand/oil is number one priorirty from regulation standpoint. Rediker, this is a straightforward process. Jensen, there is urgency to this one, would like to see community implement this. Show of hands for sand oil. Advance to Memo: 6-0 in favor Roy gives an update on state regulations, not permitting water features, the current state of landscape guidelines. Hagedorn, most of that if multi-family, residential could be justified as non-functional. Roy, we would need a regulation for those types of development, if we wanted to go further we could look at expanding that to other types of development. Hagedorn recaps previous discussions regarding landscaping practice in Vail. Supports enforcing a maximum square footage of turf. This could be added to the existing review process. Also limiting irrigated area. Smith, Low Impact Development Review, drainage, landscaping, light, for big projects. Pre- application process to identify areas of conformance or conflict with environmental factors. Roy says the environmental staff could be added to the pre-application meeting for projects over a certain threshold. Tucker, great idea to have people more prepared, where they didn’t think through some of the environmental impacts. Smith, if it happens it will make it less burdensome, recommendation no. 1 from 2016 Gore Creek Strategic Action Plan. Roy says we can put it in priorities. Roy gives a rundown on the current EIR process, memo and presentation to review this as part of an information update. Smith, this can fold into the environmental review training. Hagedorn talks about EIR experience with previous development projects. Rediker wants a process, Mcbride agrees on EIR process discussion. Smith, light regulations haven’t changed since 2006. Roy says anticipate this on being a new regulation, no light off property, warm/brightness of lights, luminescence. Hagedorn says illumination plan is pretty standard in many jurisdictions. Rediker, this also impacts wildlife. Roy, the topic of PFAS would be a great example of a need for a memo looking further into this and what it would take. Planning and Environmental Commission Meeting Minutes of November 25, 2024 3 88 Tucker, that is of utmost importance Rediker, there are some alternatives for ski wax, what is Park City experience? McBride, these are legislative proposals for the most part. Roy recaps conversation Sand/oil Seperators PFAS levels in West Vail Well EIR process improvements Light pollution Strategic Action Plan - Environmental Standardized Training on Environmental Issues to PEC Landscape code updates Low impact development review Devlopment in bighorn sheep habitat guidelines Smith, discusses which are regulatory in nature versus additional information for the PEC and some that could be process for staff. Rediker, we will leave it to your discretion, identify the best way to advance these in a memo to Town Council. Smith, we can take bighorn sheep habitat off the list, Mcbride agrees with deprioritizing it. Smith gives an update on the open space board. 6. Adjournment Robyn Smith made a motion to Adjourn ; Brad Hagedorn seconded the motion Passed (6 - 0). Planning and Environmental Commission Meeting Minutes of November 25, 2024 4 89 Design Review Board Minutes Wednesday, November 20, 2024 2:00 PM Vail Town Council Chambers Present: Roland J Kjesbo Kit Austin Rys Olsen Absent: Mary Egan Herbert Roth 1. Virtual Meeting Link Register to attend Design Review Board Meetings. Once registered, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining this webinar. 2. Call to Order 3. Main Agenda 3.1 DRB24-0442 - Tafalla Properties Conceptual review of a single-family residence Address/ Legal Description: 1042 Eagles Nest Circle/Lot 2, Block 1, Vail Village Filing 8 Planner: Jonathan Spence Applicant Name: Tafalla Properties, represented by Suman Architects DRB24-0442 Info Booklet.pdf DRB24-0442 Plan Set.pdf EN 1042 Landscape Concept.pdf Conceptual only. No action necessary. 3.2 DRB24-0437 - Vail Mountain Haven LLC Final review of an exterior alteration (driveway gate) Address/ Legal Description: 1469 Greenhill Court A/Lot 11, Glen Lyon Subdivision Planner: Jonathan Spence Applicant Name: Vail Mountain Haven LLC, represented LKSM Design DRB24-0437 Plan Set.pdf DRB24-0437 Existing Photos.pdf Rys Olsen made a motion to Deny with the findings it does not meet 14-10-9; Roland J Kjesbo seconded the motion Passed (3 - 0). 3.3 DRB24-0425 - Glenn Residence Final review of an addition (new wing for bedrooms) Address/ Legal Description: 5116 Main Gore Drive North/Lot 1, Block 2, Bighorn Subdivision 5th Addition Planner: Heather Knight Applicant Name: Jim & Sharon Glenn, represented by Martin Manley Architects Design Review Board Meeting Minutes of November 20, 2024 1 90 DRB24-0425_PlanSet.pdf Rys Olsen made a motion to Approve with the findings it meets 14-10-4, 14-10-5, 14-10-6; Roland J Kjesbo seconded the motion Passed (3 - 0). 4. Staff Approvals 4.1 DRB24-0413 Riva Ridge Chalets South Final review of a sign application Address/ Legal Description: 114 Willow Road/Lot 7, Block 6, Vail Village Filing 1 Planner: Heather Knight Applicant Name: Riva Ridge Chalets South, represented by Pierce Austin Architects 4.2 DRB24 -0408 - Donohue Family Enterprises LP Final review of an exterior alteration (windows/door) Address/ Legal Description: 4660 Vail Racquet Club Drive 11/ Vail Racquet Club Condominiums Planner: Jamie Leaman-Miller Applicant Name: Donohue Family Enterprises LP, represented by Winston Cole 4.3 DRB24-0429 - Stio Final review of a sign application Address/ Legal Description: 141 East Meadow Drive/Lot P, Block 5D, Vail Village Filing 1 Planner: Jonathan Spence Applicant Name: Stio, represented by First Chair Designs 4.4 DRB24-0441 - Goldman/Cheney Residence Final review of an exterior alteration (windows) Address/ Legal Description: 4220 Spruce Way, Lot 1, Block 7, Bighorn Subdivision 3rd Addition Planner: Jonathan Spence Applicant Name: Scott Goldman & Maryalice Cheney, represented by SRE Building Associates 4.5 DRB24-0424 - Connolly Residence Final review of an exterior alteration (windows) Address/ Legal Description: 2395 Bald Mountain Road/Lot 23, Block 2, Vail Village Filing 13 Planner: Jamie Leaman-Miller Applicant Name: Stephen Connolly, represented by Renewal by Andersen 4.6 DRB24-0417 - Cook Residence Final review of an exterior alteration (AC unit) Address/ Legal Description: 710 West Lionshead Circle 306/Lot 1, Block 2, Vail Lionshead Filing 3 Planner: Jamie Leaman-Miller Applicant Name: Bruce & Eileen Cook, represented by Eagle Mountain Plumbing & HVAC 5. Staff Denials 6. Adjournment Kit Austin made a motion to Adjourn ; Rys Olsen seconded the motion Passed (3 - 0). Design Review Board Meeting Minutes of November 20, 2024 2 91 AGENDA ITEM NO. 4.1 Item Cover Page DATE:December 3, 2024 SUBMITTED BY:Missy Johnson, Housing ITEM TYPE:Information Update AGENDA SECTION:Information Update (3:00pm) SUBJECT:November 12, 2024 VLHA Meeting Minutes SUGGESTED ACTION: VAIL TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM REPORT ATTACHMENTS: 2024-11-12 VLHA Minutes 92 Vail Local Housing Authority Minutes Tuesday, November 12, 2024 3:00 PM Vail Town Council Chambers and virtually by Zoom. PRESENT Steve Lindstrom Kristin Kenny Williams Dan Godec Craig Denton Christine Santucci STAFF Jason Dietz, Housing Director Missy Johnson, Housing Coordinator 1. Call to Order (5 min.) Called to order at 3:03 p.m. with all members present. 2. Citizen Participation (5 min.) No comments. 3. Approval of Minutes (5 min.) 3.1. Approval of Minutes from October 22, 2024 2024-10-22 VLHA Minutes.pdf MOTION: Williams SECOND: Godec PASSED: 5-0 4. Main Agenda (15 Min.) 4.1 VLHA EHU Exchange Review (15 Min.) Presenter(s): Jason Dietz, Housing Director and George Ruther, Principal, Ruther Associates LLC 11.12.2024 VLHA EHU exhange review.pdf Dietz turned it over to Ruther to present the memo representing an EHU Exchange Proposal for the Berkowitz family, current owners of 315 Mill Creek Circle. Ruther is representing the owners as his clients, whom are selling the home which currently has a Type I deed restriction, as referenced in the packet. The recommendation is detailed in the memo which highlights town code and this particular underperforming deed restriction, meaning, it does not require that it is rented, but if it is rented, it shall be rented to a qualified tenant. Ruther recommends the approval of this fee in lieu proposal, which not only furthers the goals and policies of the Town of Vail, the Strategic Plan and aligns with the Town of Vail 2027 Plan. This would be a conditional release, which would allow for the release administratively, when and if the new property owner submits and application and receives an approval for the issuance of a building permit within 24 months of the effective date of a resolution authorizing this release. It would allow the home to come back into the town at the max allowable site coverage. Town staff recommends that the authority make an approval recommendation to Town Council for the request to reviewed on November 19th. The funding would go to the Town of Vail housing fund at closing of the sale of the home. Denton abstained from the vote. MOTION: Santucci SECOND: Williams PASSED: 4-1-0 93 5. Matters from the Chairman and Authority Members (5 min.) • Johnson updated the group on the status and next steps for the Authority website and email addresses. Once the Authority website is complete, additional edits will be made to the housing pages to eliminate redundancy and create more clarity. • Williams participated in the recent winter kick-off meeting through the VCBA and a big push remains to reach small business owners for possible Timber Ridge ownership. • Dietz updated the group regarding the LPC Grant. After meeting with Dola, we are on a good path forward to contract with MPG. • Conversation ensued around status of future community housing projects like CDOT parcel and West Middle Creek. • Currently, Town of Vail is not involved in the State Land Board discussions around the Dowd Junction land. 5. Executive Session (15 min.) Executive session was cancelled because there was no need for negotiations or discussions. 6. Adjournment 3:35 pm (estimate) Meeting adjourned at 3:31 p.m. 94 AGENDA ITEM NO. 4.2 Item Cover Page DATE:December 3, 2024 SUBMITTED BY:Jake Shipe ITEM TYPE:Information Update AGENDA SECTION:Information Update (3:00pm) SUBJECT:November 2024 Revenue Update SUGGESTED ACTION: VAIL TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM REPORT ATTACHMENTS: 241203 Revenue Update 95 1 TOWN OF VAIL REVENUE UPDATE December 3, 2024 4.0% General Sales Tax Upon receipt of all sales tax returns, October 2024 collections are estimated to be $1,615,404, down (8.9%) from 2023 and down (2.2%) from the budget. October 2023 sales tax collections included two large one-time remittances. Excluding these one-time remittances, October 2024 collections are down (3.0%) from 2023. 2024 YTD collections of $34,265,098 are down (0.1%) from 2023 and up 1.3% from the budget. Inflation as measured by the consumer price index was up 2.6% for the 12-months ending October 2024. The annual budget totals $40.85 million. 0.5% Housing Fund Sales Tax Upon receipt of all sales tax returns, October 2024 collections of the 0.5% housing sales tax are estimated to be $193,129, down (9.6%) from 2023 and down (3.7%) from the budget. 2024 YTD collections of $4,153,659 are down (0.1%) from 2023 and up 1.5% from the budget. The annual budget for the housing fund sales tax totals $4.95 million. Real Estate Transfer Tax (RETT) RETT collections through November 25 total $8,161,498, up 9.6% from 2023. The number of ordinary property sales (excluding time-shares) is tracking down (0.5)% from 2023, while the average collection is tracking up 9.9%. The proposed amended budget for RETT collections totals $8,212,318. Construction Use Tax Use Tax collections through November 25 total $2,816,588 compared to $2,130,807 in 2023. The proposed amended budget totals $3,118,670. Lift Tax Year to date lift tax collections through October 31 total $5,397,166, up 6.3% or $320,214 from 2023. The proposed amended budget totals $7,014,135. The 2023/2024 season Epic Pass and Epic Pass Local both were priced with an 8% increase compared to the prior season. Summary Across all funds, year-to-date total revenue of $85.8 million is up 3.0% from the proposed amended budget and up 9.5% from prior year. The majority of the positive variance compared to the prior year is due to increased property tax collections, real estate transfer tax collections, interest earnings, construction use tax collections, and ski lift tax collections. 96 2024 Budget % change % change 2019 2020 2021 Budget Variance from 2023 from Budget January 4,079,994$ 4,076,145$ 3,422,209$ 5,217,125$ 5,911,572$ 5,787,370$ 5,798,584$ 11,214$ -1.91%0.19% February 4,137,087 4,285,633 3,691,850 5,686,585 6,041,108 5,914,315 6,072,888 158,573 0.53%2.68% March 4,237,933 2,243,518 4,364,797 5,912,059 6,055,992 6,035,677 6,405,834 370,157 5.78%6.13% April 1,445,071 427,518 1,751,528 2,234,296 2,264,892 2,258,798 1,829,669 (429,129) -19.22%-19.00% May 763,756 503,828 1,061,516 1,227,974 1,118,011 1,111,919 1,167,237 55,318 4.40%4.97% June 1,606,748 1,023,517 2,149,312 2,317,931 2,272,457 2,265,104 2,343,707 78,603 3.14%3.47% July 2,480,292 2,084,644 3,491,668 3,507,973 3,412,277 3,399,024 3,616,899 217,875 6.00%6.41% August 2,237,050 2,138,838 2,877,550 2,997,389 2,932,111 2,920,600 3,029,119 108,519 3.31%3.72% September 1,600,100 1,767,393 2,359,528 2,441,331 2,508,064 2,495,143 2,385,757 (109,386) -4.88%-4.38% October 1,165,176 1,371,727 1,734,964 1,729,558 1,773,358 1,652,467 1,615,404 (37,063) -8.91%-2.24% Total 23,753,206$ 19,922,761$ 26,904,921$ 33,272,221$ 34,289,842$ 33,840,417$ 34,265,098$ 424,681$ -0.07%1.25% November 1,260,314 1,425,461 1,880,397 1,902,643 1,901,141 1,779,167 - December 4,237,178 3,625,189 5,749,365 5,602,018 5,691,428 5,230,416 - Total 29,250,698$ 24,973,411$ 34,534,683$ 40,776,882$ 41,882,411$ 40,850,000$ 34,265,098$ 424,681$ -0.07%1.25% 2022 2023 2024 Budget % change % change Collections Collections Budget Variance from 2023 from Budget January 645,487$ 720,906$ 700,920$ 704,341$ 3,421$ -2.30%0.49% February 702,730 736,788 716,760 740,722 23,962 0.53%3.34% March 719,717 738,244 731,610 782,287 50,677 5.97%6.93% April 269,018 271,930 273,735 220,380 (53,355) -18.96%-19.49% May 146,657 132,333 134,640 138,619 3,979 4.75%2.96% June 280,460 275,113 274,230 282,854 8,624 2.81%3.14% July 424,602 412,849 411,840 435,857 24,017 5.57%5.83% August 361,165 352,887 353,925 366,326 12,401 3.81%3.50% September 294,861 304,068 302,445 289,145 (13,300) -4.91%-4.40% October 207,397 213,568 200,475 193,129 (7,346) -9.57%-3.66% Total 4,052,094$ 4,158,686$ 4,100,580$ 4,153,659$ 60,425$ -0.12%1.47% November 230,383 229,092 215,820 - December 671,982 687,985 633,600 - Total 4,954,459$ 5,075,763$ 4,950,000$ 4,153,659$ 60,425$ -0.12%1.47% 0.5% Collected Sales Tax 0.5% HOUSING SALES TAX 2024 Budget Comparison Actual 4.0% Collections 4.0% Collected Sales Tax20222023 Town of Vail Revenue Update December 3, 2024 4.0% GENERAL SALES TAX2024 Budget Comparison 97 Through October 31 October 4% General Sales Tax Collections By Year Through October 31 Town of Vail Revenue Update YTD 4% General Sales Tax Collections By Year December 3, 2024 •October collections of $1,615,404 are down (8.9%) from prior year and are down (2.2%) from the $1,371,727 $1,734,964 $1,729,558 $1,773,358 $1,615,404 $0 $200,000 $400,000 $600,000 $800,000 $1,000,000 $1,200,000 $1,400,000 $1,600,000 $1,800,000 $2,000,000 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 $19,922,761 $26,904,921 $33,272,221 $34,289,842 $34,265,098 $0 $5,000,000 $10,000,000 $15,000,000 $20,000,000 $25,000,000 $30,000,000 $35,000,000 $40,000,000 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 •YTD collections of $34,265,098 are down (0.1%) from prior year and are up 1.3% from the budget. •Inflation as measured by the consumer price index was up 2.6% for the 12-months ending October 2024. 98 October Collections YTD Collections Town of Vail Revenue Update December 3, 2024 October 0.5% Housing Fund Sales Tax Collections By Year Real Estate Transfer Tax by Year YTD Through November 2024 •This chart shows YTD collections of 1% RETT, segmented by real property values. 2024 collections are up 9.6% from the prior year. $8,940,918 $11,567,947 $9,306,355 $7,449,244 $8,161,498 $0 $2,000,000 $4,000,000 $6,000,000 $8,000,000 $10,000,000 $12,000,000 $14,000,000 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Sales Less Than $2.5 Million Sales $2.5 to $5 Million Sales $5 to $10 Million Sales Over $10 Million •October collections of $193,129 are down (9.6%) from prior year and are down (3.7%) from the budget. YTD collections of $4,153,659 are down (0.1%) from this time last year and are up 1.5% from the budget. $207,397 $213,568 $193,129 $0 $50,000 $100,000 $150,000 $200,000 $250,000 2022 2023 2024 $4,052,094 $4,158,686 $4,153,659 $0 $500,000 $1,000,000 $1,500,000 $2,000,000 $2,500,000 $3,000,000 $3,500,000 $4,000,000 $4,500,000 2022 2023 2024 99 Town of Vail Revenue Update December 3, 2024 Construction Use Tax by Year YTD Through November 2024 YTD Lift Tax Collections YTD Through October 2024 •Use Tax collections through November 25 total $2,816,588, compared to $2,130,807 from this time last year. This is an increase of 32.2%. $1,957,225 $3,525,642 $1,978,061 $2,130,807 $2,816,588 $0 $500,000 $1,000,000 $1,500,000 $2,000,000 $2,500,000 $3,000,000 $3,500,000 $4,000,000 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 •2024 YTD lift tax collections of $5,397,166 are up 6.3% or $320,214 from the same time last year. $3,113,849 $4,396,842 $5,168,789 $5,076,951 $5,397,166 $0 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $4,000,000 $5,000,000 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 100 Vail Business Review October 2024 December 3, 2024 The Vail Business Review breaks down the 4.5% sales tax collected for the month of October. The 4.5% sales tax includes the town’s general 4% sales tax and the 0.5% housing sales tax supported by Town of Vail voters during the November 2021 election, effective January 1, 2022. The housing sales tax sunsets on December 31, 2051. October 4.5% sales tax was down (9.0)% from the prior year. Retail decreased (17.6)%, lodging increased 11.6%, food and beverage increased 4.2%, and utilities/other decreased (40.3)%. Excluding the out-of-town category, sales tax for the month of October was down (3.2)% compared to prior year. May through October, Vail’s Summer Season, 4.5% sales tax was up 1.5% from the prior year. Retail decreased (2.2)%, lodging increased 4.2%, food and beverage increased 6.5%, and utilities/other decreased (7.5)%. Excluding the out-of-town category, sales tax for May through October was up 3.1% compared to prior year. Town of Vail sales tax forms, the Vail Business Review, and sales tax worksheets are available on the internet at vail.gov. You may email me to request to have the Vail Business Review and the sales tax worksheet emailed to you automatically. Please remember when reading the Vail Business Review that it is produced from sales tax collections as opposed to actual gross sales. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to call me at (970) 479-2125 or Carlie Smith, Finance Director, at (970) 479-2119. Sincerely, Lauren Noll Revenue Manager 101 Town of Vail Business Review October Sales Tax Collections by Year October 2024 Sales Tax October 2023 Sales Tax Collections by Business Type October 2024 Retail 703,384 Lodging 521,165 Food & Beverage 435,555 Utilities & Other 149,377 $0 $100,000 $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000 $600,000 $700,000 $800,000 $900,000 RLFU$0$100,000$200,000$300,000$400,000$500,000$600,000$700,000$800,000$900,000LFU$0$100,000$200,000$300,000$400,000$500,000$600,000$700,000 1,387,174 1,736,544 1,945,471 1,988,360 1,809,480 $0 $500,000 $1,000,000 $1,500,000 $2,000,000 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 General Sales Tax Housing Sales Tax • October 2024 retail sales decreased (17.6)%, lodging increased 11.6%, food and beverage increased 4.2%, and utilities and other decreased (40.3)%. • The figures above reflect 4.5% sales tax. Retail 853,160 Lodging 467,184 Food & Beverage 417,911 Utilities & Other 250,104 $0 $100,000 $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000 $600,000 $700,000 $800,000 $900,000 (17.6)% • This report represents collections of Town of Vail sales tax, as opposed to actual gross sales. • On January 1st, 2022, Town of Vail sales tax increased from 4.0% to 4.5% on all items except food for home consumption. 2022, 2023, and 2024 above include the 0.5% increase to sales tax, depicted in light blue. Prior years show 4.0% sales tax collections. • Total October 2023 collections were $1,988,360; October 2024 collections were $1,809,480, down (9.0)% from the prior year. 11.6%4.2%(40.3)% 102 Town of Vail Business Review October 2023October 2024 Geographic Area Trends by Year October Sales Tax Sales Tax by Location October 2024 Sales Tax Other Areas 14% Lionshead 12% Out of Town 41% Vail Village 33% • Vail Village sales tax decreased (5.2)%, Lionshead decreased (12.1)%, Other Areas increased 9.0%, and Out of Town decreased (17.4)%. Excluding Out of Town collections, all areas were down(3.2)%. • The figures above reflect 4.5% sales tax. 227,518 252,748 123,771 165,302 500,788 708,103 535,097 610,390 $0 $100,000 $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000 $600,000 $700,000 $800,000 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Vail Village Out of Town Lionshead Other Areas 199,001 327,832 • This chart shows October sales tax collections by geographic area over time. • 2022, 2023, and 2024 include the 0.5% increase for housing sales tax, depicted in lighter shades. General 4.0% sales tax collections are shown in darker shades. 280,855 234,480 814,180 658,845 624,654 206,092 672,680 306,053 Other Areas 17% Lionshead 11% Out of Town 37% Vail Village 35% 678,271 740,367 103 Accommodation Services Sales Tax by Year Retail Business 4.5% Sales Tax Detail October 2024 Sales Tax Town of Vail Business Review Apparel $133,723 Grocery $130,045 Gallery $4,669 Gifts $3,261 Jewelry $20,267Retail Liquor $29,329 Retail Other $238,745 Sporting Goods $63,900 Online Retailers $79,445 Retail Home Occupation $0 • October 2024 accommodations services increased 11.6% from the prior year. Short-term rentals decreased (0.8)% and hotels and lodges increased 20.2%. • The figures above reflect 4.5% sales tax. • Short-term rental sales tax collection numbers include online marketplace facilitators like Airbnb and VRBO. Revenue collections from facilitators may include some hotels and lodges. 307,398 217,406 274,690 192,494 330,148 191,017 $0 $50,000 $100,000 $150,000 $200,000 $250,000 $300,000 $350,000 Hotel and Lodges Short-Term Rentals 2024 2023 2022 104 Cascade Village / East Vail / Sandstone / West Vail Retail 144,814                                                  138,585                                                  4.49% Lodging 83,273                                                    60,735                                                    37.11% F & B 75,472                                                    70,764                                                    6.65% Other 2,494                                                      10,771                                                     ‐76.84% Total 306,053                                                  280,855                                                  8.97% Lionshead Retail 33,043                                                    29,611                                                    11.59% Lodging 77,088                                                    57,737                                                    33.52% F & B 90,679                                                    67,809                                                    33.73% Other 5,282                                                      79,323                                                     ‐93.34% Total 206,092                                                  234,480                                                   ‐12.11% Out of Town Retail 299,948                                                  452,253                                                   ‐33.68% Lodging 232,094                                                  209,664                                                  10.70% F & B 1,447                                                      218                                                         563.90% Other 139,192                                                  152,045                                                   ‐8.45% Total 672,680                                                  814,180                                                   ‐17.38% Vail Village Retail 225,579                                                  232,711                                                   ‐3.06% Lodging 128,710                                                  139,048                                                   ‐7.44% F & B 267,957                                                  279,120                                                   ‐4.00% Other 2,408                                                      7,966                                                       ‐69.77% Total 624,654                                                  658,845                                                   ‐5.19% Total ‐ All Areas Retail 703,384                                                  853,160                                                   ‐17.56% Lodging 521,165                                                  467,184                                                  11.55% F & B 435,555                                                  417,911                                                  4.22% Other 149,377                                                  250,104                                                   ‐40.27% Total 1,809,480                                              1,988,360                                               ‐9.00% Retail Summary Retail Apparel 133,723                                                  123,420                                                  8.35% Retail Food 130,045                                                  120,974                                                  7.50% Retail Gallery 4,669                                                      6,546                                                       ‐28.67% Retail Gift 3,261                                                      4,809                                                       ‐32.18% Retail Home Occupation ‐                                                          280                                                          ‐100.00% Retail Jewelry 20,267                                                    31,302                                                     ‐35.26% Retail Liquor 29,329                                                    29,684                                                     ‐1.19% Retail Other 238,745                                                  399,957                                                   ‐40.31% Retail Sport 63,900                                                    61,179                                                    4.45% Retail Online Retailer 79,445                                                    75,010                                                    5.91% Total 703,384                                                  853,160                                                   ‐17.56% Town of Vail Business Review October 4.5% Sales Tax 2024 Collections   2023 Collections YoY % Change 105 Town of Vail Business Review May - October Sales Tax Collections by Year May - October 2024 Sales Tax May - October 2023 Sales Tax Collections by Business Type May - October 2024 Retail 5,923,119 Lodging 4,741,161 Food & Beverage 4,211,585 Utilities & Other 1,056,548 $0 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $4,000,000 $5,000,000 $6,000,000 RLFU$0$1,000,000$2,000,000$3,000,000$4,000,000$5,000,000$6,000,000 $0$100,000$200,000$300,000$400,000$500,000$600,000$700,000 8,909,487 13,653,647 15,927,278 15,702,857 15,932,413 $0 $2,000,000 $4,000,000 $6,000,000 $8,000,000 $10,000,000 $12,000,000 $14,000,000 $16,000,000 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 General Sales Tax Housing Sales Tax • May - October 2024 retail sales decreased (2.2)%, lodging increased 4.2%, food and beverage increased 6.5%, and utilities and other decreased (7.5)%. • The figures above reflect 4.5% sales tax. Retail 6,057,718 Lodging 4,548,435 Food & Beverage 3,954,021 Utilities & Other 1,142,682 $0 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $4,000,000 $5,000,000 $6,000,000 (2.2)% • This report represents collections of Town of Vail sales tax, as opposed to actual gross sales. • On January 1st, 2022, Town of Vail sales tax increased from 4.0% to 4.5% on all items except food for home consumption. 2022, 2023, and 2024 above include the 0.5% increase to sales tax, depicted in light blue. Prior years show 4.0% sales tax collections. • Total May - October 2023 collections were $15,702,857; May - October 2024 collections were $15,932,413, up 1.5% from the prior year. 4.2%6.5%(7.5)% 106 Town of Vail Business Review May - October 2023May - October 2024 Geographic Area Trends by Year May - October Sales Tax Sales Tax by Location May - October 2024 Sales Tax Other Areas 15% Lionshead 13% Out of Town 31% Vail Village 41% • Vail Village sales tax decreased (0.4)%, Lionshead increased 8.6%, Other Areas increased 8.0%, and Out of Town decreased (2.2)%. Excluding Out of Town collections, all areas were up 3.1%. • The figures above reflect 4.5% sales tax. 1,570,796 2,105,185 1,163,766 1,610,369 2,130,490 4,090,609 4,044,434 5,847,484 $0 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $4,000,000 $5,000,000 $6,000,000 $7,000,000 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Vail Village Out of Town Lionshead Other Areas 6,697,715 4,759,8591,994,475 2,475,228 • This chart shows May - October sales tax collections by geographic area over time. • 2022, 2023, and 2024 include the 0.5% increase for housing sales tax, depicted in lighter shades. General 4.0% sales tax collections are shown in darker shades. 2,412,000 2,008,939 4,792,964 6,488,953 6,459,971 2,182,318 4,686,099 2,604,024 Other Areas 16% Lionshead 14% Out of Town 29% Vail Village 41% 107 Accommodation Services Sales Tax by Year Retail Business 4.5% Sales Tax Detail May - October 2024 Sales Tax Town of Vail Business Review Apparel $1,242,224 Grocery $1,027,112 Gallery $93,709 Gifts $29,925 Jewelry $208,193 Retail Liquor $255,845 Retail Other $1,974,105 Sporting Goods $537,973 Online Retailers $552,220 Retail Home Occupation $1,680 • May - October 2024 accommodations services increased 4.2% from the prior year. Short-term rentals decreased (0.1)% and hotels and lodges increased 6.2%. • The figures above reflect 4.5% sales tax. • Short-term rental sales tax collection numbers include online marketplace facilitators like Airbnb and VRBO. Revenue collections from facilitators may include some hotels and lodges. 3,311,228 1,422,528 3,117,053 1,431,382 3,310,625 1,430,536 $0 $500,000 $1,000,000 $1,500,000 $2,000,000 $2,500,000 $3,000,000 $3,500,000 Hotel and Lodges Short-Term Rentals 2024 2023 2022 108 Cascade Village / East Vail / Sandstone / West Vail Retail 1,107,887                                              1,073,650                                              3.19% Lodging 782,271                                                  716,677                                                  9.15% F & B 664,193                                                  556,865                                                  19.27% Other 49,673                                                    64,809                                                     ‐23.35% Total 2,604,024                                              2,412,000                                              7.96% Lionshead Retail 346,688                                                  347,786                                                   ‐0.32% Lodging 902,820                                                  816,872                                                  10.52% F & B 868,689                                                  733,509                                                  18.43% Other 64,122                                                    110,773                                                   ‐42.11% Total 2,182,318                                              2,008,939                                              8.63% Out of Town Retail 2,304,643                                              2,425,819                                               ‐5.00% Lodging 1,479,382                                              1,434,442                                              3.13% F & B 10,625                                                    12,557                                                     ‐15.39% Other 891,450                                                  920,146                                                   ‐3.12% Total 4,686,099                                              4,792,964                                               ‐2.23% Vail Village Retail 2,163,901                                              2,210,463                                               ‐2.11% Lodging 1,576,688                                              1,580,445                                               ‐0.24% F & B 2,668,079                                              2,651,091                                              0.64% Other 51,303                                                    46,955                                                    9.26% Total 6,459,971                                              6,488,953                                               ‐0.45% Total ‐ All Areas Retail 5,923,119                                              6,057,718                                               ‐2.22% Lodging 4,741,161                                              4,548,435                                              4.24% F & B 4,211,585                                              3,954,021                                              6.51% Other 1,056,548                                              1,142,682                                               ‐7.54% Total 15,932,413                                            15,702,857                                            1.46% Retail Summary Retail Apparel 1,242,224                                              1,201,891                                              3.36% Retail Food 1,027,112                                              974,839                                                  5.36% Retail Gallery 93,709                                                    105,207                                                   ‐10.93% Retail Gift 29,925                                                    33,732                                                     ‐11.29% Retail Home Occupation 1,680                                                      730                                                         130.11% Retail Jewelry 208,193                                                  303,727                                                   ‐31.45% Retail Liquor 255,845                                                  257,409                                                   ‐0.61% Retail Other 1,974,105                                              2,159,101                                               ‐8.57% Retail Sport 537,973                                                  544,170                                                   ‐1.14% Retail Online Retailer 552,220                                                  476,912                                                  15.79% Total 5,922,985                                              6,057,718                                               ‐2.22% Town of Vail Business Review May ‐ October 4.5% Sales Tax 2024 Collections   2023 Collections YoY % Change 109 AGENDA ITEM NO. 5.1 Item Cover Page DATE:December 3, 2024 SUBMITTED BY:Stephanie Bibbens, Town Manager ITEM TYPE:Matters from Mayor, Council, Town Manager and Committee Reports AGENDA SECTION:Matters from Mayor, Council, Town Manager and Committee Reports (3:00pm) SUBJECT:Matters from Mayor, Town Council, and Committees (15 min.) SUGGESTED ACTION: VAIL TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM REPORT ATTACHMENTS: 110 AGENDA ITEM NO. 5.2 Item Cover Page DATE:December 3, 2024 SUBMITTED BY:Stephanie Bibbens, Town Manager ITEM TYPE:Matters from Mayor, Council, Town Manager and Committee Reports AGENDA SECTION:Matters from Mayor, Council, Town Manager and Committee Reports (3:00pm) SUBJECT:Town Manager Report (5 min.) SUGGESTED ACTION: VAIL TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM REPORT ATTACHMENTS: 111 AGENDA ITEM NO. 5.3 Item Cover Page DATE:December 3, 2024 SUBMITTED BY:Stephanie Bibbens, Town Manager ITEM TYPE:Matters from Mayor, Council, Town Manager and Committee Reports AGENDA SECTION:Matters from Mayor, Council, Town Manager and Committee Reports (3:00pm) SUBJECT:Council Matters and Status Report SUGGESTED ACTION: VAIL TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM REPORT ATTACHMENTS: 241203 Matters 112 COUNCIL MATTERS Status Report Report for December 3,2024 Comments from the November 19th Town Council meeting during “Matters”: Town Council thanked the Parking and Finance teams for the rollout of a new parking sales system, hearing positive comments in the community about how easy it was to sign up for a parking pass! Council also congratulated Vail Fire Department on their pinning ceremony held last week. In Board updates, Timber Ridge Vail is 49% under contract for new homes being built; a showroom is available at Triumph Development’s EagleVail office to view samples and finishes. In Board updates, the Eagle-Vail Airport has 13 direct winter flights to Seattle, San Francisco, Chicago O’Hare, New York JFK and Newark. 2024/25 winter has 16% more available capacity year over year. Social Media Listening https://share.sproutsocial.com/view/aa7318c1-55d5-46f1-b318-c155d5f6f1f6 Please note that due to time of publication, this report doesn't reflect the amazing snowfall on 11/27. The Town of Vail Facebook post regarding the drop-in sessions saw the highest impressions and engagements of posts across our channels during this time period: https://www.facebook.com/TownofVail/posts/pfbid031Cw5FqL3kqBP5CWTyesK2khyNv FqzV8xyLS6A3swxKywzNmsZpRjFGLeQHyc1V7Pl In the News______________________________________________________ Nov. 14 Town of Vail’s Lunch with the Locals looks at Gore Creek aquatic health https://www.realvail.com/town-of-vails-lunch-with-the-locals-looks-at-gore-creek-aquatic- health/a20630/ 113 Opening Day Lifts and Trails Revealed for Colorado's Largest Ski Resort https://www.snowboarder.com/news/opening-day-vail-mountain-colorado Nov. 16 Gore Creek aquatic health to be discussed at Vail’s ‘Lunch with the Locals’ https://www.vaildaily.com/news/gore-creek-aquatic-health-to-be-discussed-at-vails- lunch-with-the-locals/ Preliminary community input sought on West Lionshead plans in Vail https://www.realvail.com/preliminary-community-input-sought-on-west-lionshead-plans- in-vail/a20683/ Vail Mountain announces winter concert lineup featuring Tiësto, John Summit https://kdvr.com/denver-guide/winter/vail-mountain-announces-winter-concert-lineup- featuring-tiesto-john-summit/ Opening Day Lifts and Trails Revealed for Colorado's Largest Ski Resort https://www.msn.com/en-us/travel/tripideas/opening-day-lifts-and-trails-revealed-for- colorados-largest-ski-resort/ar-AA1u1BNc Nov. 19 Proposed 2025 Vail Municipal Budget available for public review https://www.realvail.com/proposed-2025-vail-municipal-budget-available-for-public- review/a20706/ Nov. 20 You can now ski to the bottom at Vail after storm drops more snow than expected https://www.vaildaily.com/news/storm-vail-opens-top-to-bottom-skiiing-snow/ Skiing in Colorado, USA: A guide to Vail Ski Resort at Christmas https://www.nzherald.co.nz/travel/skiing-in-colorado-usa-a-guide-to-vail-ski-resort-at- christmas/RKV6MVWVGVGSBDYK6N6QXIQZXY/ 9 Most Comfortable Towns in The Rockies for Seniors https://www.worldatlas.com/cities/9-most-comfortable-towns-in-the-rockies-for- seniors.html Après at The Amp returns for 2025 https://www.realvail.com/apres-at-the-amp-returns-for-2025/a20717/ Nov.22 Skiing, spa deals, comedy, silent disco and more this weekend in Vail https://www.vaildaily.com/entertainment/skiing-spa-deals-comedy-silent-disco-and- more-this-weekend-in-vail/ The Wild Plan To Build A Tunnel Through Vail Mountain https://unofficialnetworks.com/2024/11/21/tunnel-through-vail-mountain/ 114 Nov. 23 Village-to-village skiing available at Vail as mountain opens more terrain https://www.vaildaily.com/news/village-to-village-skiing-available-at-vail-as-mountain- opens-more-terrain/ Nov. 24 Village-to-village skiing available at Vail as mountain opens more terrain https://www.vaildaily.com/news/village-to-village-skiing-available-at-vail-as-mountain- opens-more-terrain/ Colorado’s mountains could see 1-2 feet of snow by midway through next week, OpenSnow says https://www.vaildaily.com/news/thanksgiving-colorado-mountains-snow-forecast/ Nov. 25 Vail, Colorado, is ground zero for a storied snow sports empire with New England roots https://www.worcestermag.com/story/lifestyle/travel/2024/11/25/on-vail-mountain-ski- and-snowboard-season-has-already-begun/75820748007/ Upcoming Dates Dec 8 Vail Tree Lighting Ceremony Dec 10 Shop with a Cop Jan 6 Vail Trailblazer nominations due date 115