HomeMy WebLinkAboutB10-0129, � ; : , � ��������.�: Department�of Community Development.:' � � _ � � �� ` � �� � �� - �. } .: � - , � : . . _ � � �; . ; � _: . _ " , . South Frontage Road _ . . p y •" � , � . � . � �� . _ . ��� ''�, � � �. °- �,�'� �. '" � � . � Vail, Col.orac�o .81�65�`�� � "-.� .Y-___ - � ' �� � �. . uj Y �� �' � � ,� � �Te"F 970 2 �� ��� � ,r'� � '�� � � i �s � , � ' �` . ��� �_ 479 2'�- ��; � � , ����., �� , ����, �, � � � � .r � �� � F�X: g70-4�f� 24°�2 ' � ��� , x �; ��.�.�.. r � �`�,.':,���� �` ���� A`� ��,�,�a' -.� VVeb• wvuv+r vail�ov'�ccS � �'�--- � Deve`toy� ment�Revie C -�,� ,�, ��„ �`y , � � � � p W DOlt�ftl'd�O �� °ja��t ��� ����,� � � �•�� ',i' ya �ag;4 ��.� ��a' ,� � ��°��,�z . « � ^ � . _ �... � � �, ,, ', � . _ � _ . >_. .__ __.__..._.. � _ ..� � � ..�._<_.�_�,.�„�,..,.� TRANSM ITTAL FORM Revision Submittals: 1. "Field Set" of approved plans MUST accompany revisions. 2. No further inspections will be performed until the revisions are approved 8� the permit is re-issued. 3. Fees for reviewing revisions are $55.00 per hour (2 hour minimum), and are due upon issuance. Permit #(s) informa6on applies to: � � � Attention: � � �� ( ) Re '�' s � � �,a esponse to Correction Letter � v� b� Z-( attached copy of correction letter ( ) Deferred Submittal ( ) Other Project Street Address: (Number) (Street) (Suite #) Description / List of Changes: � , �— l, z Building/Complex Name: ��'1�������t/ �.� `� j � /�" �� � !'T �j . ( S `� � € �- ����.�Y,,.�, �,_.,.��..�..�,_�n� .w..._K ��_. ,. . u_,v� � .�..n. � I�- !e (� � � �p 0 (� ( ° � z , U .�m,� ._�..�.�.� _ �� Contact Information: Company: Company Address: City: Contact Name: Contact Phone: E-Mail Valuations (Labor & Material)) Building: Plumbing: Electrical: Mechanical: Total: State: Zip: ��� �� ��s � � � � (use additional sheet if necessary) Date Received: `Z .e��� .�-Y. � �-. �.c—�,i-- � OCT 27 2p�p TOW(V OF VAIL 1-Sep-09 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES : �nwxo�vn� � Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2139, f. 970.479.2452, inpsections 970.479.2149 ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit #: B10-0129 Job Address: 610 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Location......: UNIT 701 AKA 705, LANDMARK Parcel No....: 210106307058 OWNER ELICE CORP O6/04/2010 8 ISLA BAHIA TER FORTLAUDERDALE FL 33316 APPLICANT GEYER CONSTRUCTION LLC 245 RIVER RANCH RD EDWARDS CO 81632 License: 1056-B CONTRACTOR GEYER CONSTRUCTION LLC 245 RIVER RANCH RD EDWARDS CO 81632 License: 1056-B Description: INTERIOR REMODEL 06/04/2010 Phone:970-926-1344 06/04/2010 Phone: 970-926-1344 Project #: Status . . : Applied . . : Issued . .. : Expires . ..: PRJ10-0244 ISSUED 06/04/2010 08/10/2010 02/O6/2011 Occupancy: R2 Valuation: $45,000.00 Type Construction:IB Total Sq Ft Added: 0 ..,.,..,» ..........................................,.......,,,,........,.,..,,.... FEE SUMMARY ..........................................,.,.,......,.,.,..,...,,....,..,...,. Building Permit Fee------> $593.25 Will Cal Fee-----------------> $4.00 Total Calculated Fees---------> $1,682.86 Plan Check-------------------> $385.61 Use Tax Fee------------------> $700.00 Additional Fees-----------> $0.00 Add'I Plan Check Hours-> $0.00 Restuarant Plan Review----> $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES------> a1,682.86 Investigation--------------> $0.00 Recreation Fee---------------> $0.00 Payments— --- -----> $1,682.86 Total Calculated Fees-------> $1,682.86 BALANCE DUE---------------> $0.00 •r�a�ixx�+�:rwxrsn.r+�,reirrer�x�xx+.,�wwxxw�.wxwxxrw��wrv.t��+�w+www�:xwwwxwii+w+ww,rwrr+.�r„r,r�xxw�++:::wwwxewwt,ww�����xw�+�xx��xrxr,e,e,e��wrw�+�ws.xx::xiwt:w:x�ww�+rr�zti.+,r���.�.:s.s.xs�wxxxxrrv�s DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4•0 PM. ,_ �' �I�vl� � � Si�nature wner o ractor Date C�v�s �-� Print Na e bld_alt_constructio n�erm it_041908 •4RfrRflRfr+lY►hlAildfYrffiYiAAilR4##ffr4i####1AV 4Y#tHhlffMR4iF43tpAVRitfiV!#iYfMA#1xHf'frfY#40#f#M1r1rAYY'4M�IA#fRMfiffiY`R4fr4RfrfrffffY(f#NHr4f'1rtrAYrY►#f1r#Y'te41'LfY4Y#HrR!llrlrfflYfiFY#�Y�IRRfrlrf't1ffYTYt#A#M APPROVALS Permit #: 610-0129 as of 08-10-2010 Status: ISSUED rr�r��xewxwi���,rw�x�xetrw���wxeww�r�rwr�.nxi��trr�wxx�x�i,riH.s.:x::rxr�yw�rk:x�xii���,rrx�::xxxwxwwwx��w:wxxeww,+��:�n.:ewwwnr,r���,wx:w:w�w�+��.mn.x�wx��rx,H.:�►:s.i�erxertwr��,ri.wixerrxxw+,r�w: Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 07/08/2010 cg Action: CR see laserfische project folder 07/14/2010 CG Action: CR SECOND CHECK COMMENTS SENT. SEE LASERFISCHE 08/03/2010 cg Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 06/08/2010 drhoades Action: AP •xwrv.rxx���xxri�x�w�xs�wxxexr��w,es�r��xxx�xx:er���xw:�xxxxwewwxrwi��x,H.�wvx�xxr�x���xxxx�,es.:wwxwwrt�3r�ww�+�xxxxr�,rw��x,rx�wxwxwrxrwwwxtt�«�xxw:wrwrrer�,rwrr�s.rmtxxxxriee,e�x�w,�ww�.�w See the Conditions section of this Document for any that may apply. bld_alt construction_permit 041908 xeex�rwwwwxxeew�wwwrww�.:�rrr,rwa�xs.�ww��w�w�xxx�xxrxr+w�xwixwxx��++w��xwwwwwwxw+�xxxe��xw�ww�a�xxxwrrrrx+���xx�r���tx���exx�����xx��x+ix���r+�,H.xexir��rw��xxrxxxriw��rr,vw��x+�xiir,retv. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 610-0129 as of 08-10-2010 Status: ISSUED •x��:�+xs.wrr�sww�xwxw:xiev+.�xx►:::erert�r��txttsn.r+�x����xxxxr,ew+r��s.�,'.xxxx+e,er�x�n.�xttxrrerwx,r►►►�r:,rww+,r�xw�n,e��wrw�,r:::�:�xwwwwwi.:rk:wfwewrs.w�xn�+.re,��revri.::xt�:���ewry.::tmt Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS, CEILINGS, AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: 1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. bld_a It_construction�e rm it_041908 �*******��************�*****��**�***�***********************�******�***************�*******� TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ***+�*****+*******��****�**�**��*«*****�*«******+*************�*******«**************�*****� Statement Number: R100001028 Amount: $1,682.86 08/10/201010:37 AM Payment Method: Check Init: LC Notation: #2063 / GEYER CONSTRUCTION LLC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: B10-0129 Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-063-0705-8 Site Address: 610 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Location: UNIT 701 AKA 705, LANDMARK Total Fees: $1,682.86 This Payment: $1,682.86 Total ALL Pmts: $1,682.86 Balance: $0.00 *******�******����****�************************�*********�******�*************�*****�***�*** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code -------------------- BP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 UT 11000003106000 WC 00100003112800 Description ------------------------------ BUILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES USE TAX 4% WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Current Pmts 593.25 385.61 700.00 4.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Job Name: ��y� � JobAddress: �/�n �i�i �� {}� �'701 Permit No.• ���'C�12�j 3PECIAL IN3PECTION AND TES7ING AC3REEMENT (7o applicants of projects requlring Special Inspectlon or Testing per Section 1701 of the IBC} The owner or his/her representaUve. on the advice of the deslgn professional in responsible charge, shall complete, seal, sign and submit a copy of the Spedal Inspection Agreement and Structural Tests Scheduled to the Town of Vail for review and approval. Signatures are required on both pages; photocopled or faxed signatures are acceptable. The owner and his/her general contractor, where applicable, shall also adcnowledge the following condiHons applicable to Special Inspectlo� Testing: 1. Contractor is responsible for proper notifica�on to the Inspection or Testing agency for items Iisted.(Page 1) (IBC 1704) 2. Only the testing laboratory should take samples and transport them to thefr laboratory. 3. Coples of ail laboratory reports and Inspections are to be sent dlredly to the Town of Vail by the Testlng agency on a weekly basis. 4. Inspectlon agency to submit names and qualiflcations af on-site special inspectors to the Town of Vail for review and approval.( Page 2) 5. The speclal inspector Is responsible to immediately notify the Town of Vail 6uilding Official In writing of any concems and/or problems encountered. 6. It is the responsfbfNty of the contractor to review the Town of Va11 approved plans for additlonal inspectlan or tesbng requirements that may be noted. A pre-construction conference at the )ob site is recommended to review special inspection procedures. 7. The speclal inspector shall use only the Town of Vail approved drawings. 8. All spedal lnspectlon fleld reports must be left on stte for review by the Town of Vail staff prior to required inspecdons or re-(nspections. BEFORE OCCUPANCY WILL BE ORANTED: The spedal inspection agency ahall submit a signed and sealed statement that all items re�iring testlng and inspectton were fulfilled and reported. Those ttems not tested and/or fnspected shall be noted in this statement A copy of the statement shall be mainta(ned at, the job slte for the Buiiding Inspector's revfew prior to flnal inspection. Acknowledgement: Ovmer. Spedal Agency: Proj@Ct Arch/En Print Name Date � �U 1� �� r aK � Z� �v v �4 r Pdnt Name Daia a� QiA�L!/%►�,c y Z!-�i0 O �vt� �.r.rlG- _�p. Pdnt ame Da Contractor. St�nehne Pdnt Name pate -3- � � ��YAII+ SPECIAL INgpECTION AND 7E3TIN0 SCHEDULE (IBC 1704) ProJect Name: �j�.. ��J��' 7c�1 i�l'!?d� permlt # �J �� " ��7i� Owner's Name: Testing In �On 8lgnature �p� �„ G� � Prtnt a e ..� te Agency: Cov�S r� � IA�� � O 7esting Inspectlqn sio��„re Print Name �� Nereby certiNes that the Testing/Inspec�lon Agency named above has been engaged to pertorm structural tests and InspecNons during construdfon as chedced below, to satisiy all appt�able porttons of the Building Code. P�ior to flnal InspecNon, the Inspectbn Agency shaN submft a statement that all items af designated work perfomied were reported. Any items checked but not tested or Inspected will be noted and explalned. Whenever any designated items on the Iist are ready for samplfng, testlng, or inspectfon, it shall be the responsibility of the contractor to give timely no�ce to the Inspection agency so that the requlred servbes mey be performed. REINFORCINO 87EEL: Tensde & Bend, ane set per heat per tons �napecflon ot Placement E s�pecdon of Wetding MASONRY; Prellm. Acoeptance Tests (Masonry Units, Waq Pdeme) Subsequent Tests (Morta�, Orou� Fleld Wall Prlams) Inspectlon of placement and CirouWg Relnfordnp 7eab Inapectlon of ReiMorcing Placement Tendon T�ie Inspectlon of Tendan Plaoement Inapectlon of ConcreO� placement Inspecqon ot Concrebe Batching �nspectlon af Panel Attachment $ Inserts Compressfon Teste Inapectlon of $treasinp/Trans%r PILINO, CAISSONS, CAP8, TIES: Inepectlon oi Retnfordnp Placement InspecUon of Concrete P�wment Inspectlon of Concrete BaEchlnp Spec�Yy other test�, Mspectlons or epedel InshucNon� requ/rod. � UNDERPINNINQ: Temporary/Pemmnent InspecUon of Stael Fabdcatlon Inapectlon of Relnforcing 8, Fonris Inapectlon of ConcreEa Placement Inspeatlon of Tlebacks SOIL NAII.$: Temporary Shoring Permanent Wall STRUC7URAL 8TEE6: Sample 8 T�t (Uat speciflc memhers below) 3hop Idantirtcatlon & Weldtng Inapectlon Shqp Ultrasonic Inspecflon �Shop Radloaraphy 2�1`� Fletd Welding Inspe�ClJcx� I J Ffeld Boltlng Inspecdon � Fleld Ultrasonlc Inspectlon Fleld Radlography Metal Dedc Welding Inspection FIREPROOFING: InspeCGpn & Placement SOILS: Acoeptence Teste Molsture-Dengl(y Determinatlon Fleld Densiry Drllied Plers Deep FoundaUon 31RUCTURAL WOOp: Inapecdon ot Febdcatlon ��sPectlon of Trws Jdnt Fabricadon Sample & Teet Components Inapectlon, o( Glu Lam Fabrlcatlon � BMOKE CONFTROL: SPECW. CASES: SPECIAL IN3PEC710N: Seiemic Resistance Wtnd Requiremenfs �a�x � v� ►� Department of Community Development 5 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www. vailgov.com PROJECT REVIEW COMMENTS DATE: 6/11/10 RESPONSE DATE: 7/7/10 TO: Geyer Construction pgeyerconstruction@gmail.com PERMIT APPLICATION #: B10-0129 PROJECT ADDRESS: 610 W Lionshead #701 OCCUPANCY GROUP: R2 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: IB NUMBER OF STORIES: existing BUILDING AREA: existing • • .�,,..�.� �. _. � � � Q U � D J�L 0 � �01� � TOWN OF VAIL Submit two complete sets of revised construction documents containina the requested ' information with all plan revision items clouded or otherwise identified. Please respond in writing to each comment with a response letter addressing each comment. BUILDING DEPARTMENT COMMENTS Architectural Comments: Indicate building construction type per IBC ch. 6 on the plans. Town of Vail records indicate IB construction type for the Landmark building Building Construction Type 1 B has been noted and is now shown on the attached Building Code Review Summary sheet (8.5"x11 "). 2 Indicate on plans all new framing to be non-combustible construction. Include wall and ceiling construction details. IBC 602.2 Sheet General Note 6.1 on Sheet A1.3 has been revised and states that all new/relocated walls are to be constructed with metal (non-combustible) framing members [See detail 1/A5.1]. This project does not involve any new floor/ceiling assemblies therefore no details for this type of assembly have been included. 3 Revise loft guard height to 42" minimum per IBC 1013 The height of the new loft guardrail has been revised to meet code by raising the height of the guardrail to 42"" and is indicated on sheet A1.3, Keynote 8. 4 Revise 6.1 wood framing notes on the plan sheets. Wood framing is not permitted in type IB construction. Sheet General Note 6.1 on Sheet A1.3 has been revised and states that all newlrelocated walls are to be constructed with metal framing members in order to comply with Type 1 B Construction. 5 Show stairway construction with non-combustible framing per IBC 1009.6 A Typical Tread and Riser Detail has been included, which shows fire treated, non- combustible plywood. This detail can be found on Sheet A5.1. Structural Comments: 6 Clarify scope of structural work, include structural sheets in the plan sets The structural drawing has been included. The Landmark at Lionshead Unit 701 Remodel Project Building Code Review Summary July 7, 2010 Project Description The Project consists of an interior remodel to an existing residential unit within the Landmark at Lionshead in Vail, Colorado. No part of the exterior building envelope will be affected by the project, with the exception of two (2) windows that will be replaced due to cracked glazing. Most interior partition walls will remain intact, and the floor between this penthouse unit and the residential unit below will not be impacted in any way by coring, drilling, or the like. The basic main level plan changes consist of renovating the entry hall, reconfiguring the two bathrooms, reconfiguring the kitchen and removing the support column below the loft above, and reframing the stairs (with the possibiliry of building them to meet Code). At the loft level, plan changes include redesigning the new enclosed room (formerly exterior space prior to the overall Landmark Building remodel previously constructed by others) into a master bedroom and master bathroom, adding an upper level powder room, and adding a structural beam to support the loft in lieu of the column that was removed. Codes and Rules The following Codes, Rules, and Assumptions have been implemented during the design of this project: 2009 International Building Code (and related Codes) Building Construction Type: 1 B Primary Life Safety Considerations-2009 International Building Code (IBC7 ■ Per 2009 IBC Section 310.1, this unit is contained within a building primarily classified as Residential Group R-2. Per 2009 IBC Section 1009, new stairs within Group R-2 and serving an Occupant Load of less than 50 persons may be 36 inches wide, and are required to be designed with 7.75 inches maximum height risers, 10-inch minimum depth treads, and a minimum winder tread depth of 6 inches (with 10 inches at the walkline). However, per Section 1009.4.2 Exception 6, stairs within existing structures fall within the requirements of Chapter 3404.1, which states that such stairs need not comply with the requirements of Section 1009 where the existing space and construction does not allow a reduction of pitch or slope. The Landmark at Lionshead Issue C— June 18, 2010 Page 1 of 2 Unit 701 Remodel Project Building Code Review Summary Project No. 102001.00 The Landmark at Lionshead Unit 701 Remodel Project Building Code Review Summary july 7, 2010 Based upon field measurements, the existing stairs have 9-inch treads and 8 5/8-inch risers. The stairs shown on the New Floor Plans have been redesigned with 7 3/4- inch risers and 10-inch treads, to meet Section 1009 of the Code. Since the Landmark Building is constructed of precast concrete walls and precast concrete double-tee floors, the existing space and construction will likely not allow a reduction of pitch or slope. The stairs shown on the New Floor Plans are therefore a"best case" design that will be implemented if—after partial demolition of the unit has taken place—it is determined that the existing structure can be cut to allow for the stair design shown on the drawings. ■ Per 2009 IBC Section 1013, the required guard at the loft shall be a minimum of 42 inches high per 1013.2—with vertical members spaced such that a 4-inch sphere cannot pass between them—per 1013.3. ■ Per 2009 IBC Section 2406.4, there are no hazardous locations that require safety glazing, except for the new shower enclosure, which shall be constructed using safety glazing. The Landmark at Lionshead Issue C— June 18, 2010 Page 2 of 2 Unit 701 Remodel Project Building Code Review Summary Project No. 102001.00 Z E H R E N AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ARCHITECTURE • PLANNING • INTERIORS P.O. BOX 7976 Avon. Colorado 81620 (970)949-0257 FAX (970)949-1080 : a �.a z.� h., �,, ..,... TO: Town of Vail Department of Community Development 5 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 i ECE � OF TRANSMITTA �u� o � 20�0 , : TOWi� OF VAILaTT : RE: o��o���o 20102001. The Landmark 701 WE ARE SENDING: ❑ Attached ❑ Under separate cover via the following items: ❑ Shop Drawings ❑ Prints x Plans ❑ Sam les p ❑ Specifications ❑ Copy of Letter ❑ Change Order ❑ Other THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ❑ For Approval ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ For your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑ As requested ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ Far review & comment ❑ FOR BIDS DUE 20 REMARKS: SIGNED: Cherie Vittum COPY TO: file, Kelsey Dunaway x Resubmit 3copies for approval ❑ Submit copies for distribution ❑ Return corrected prints ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US � e BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Separate permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, fireplace, etc. �v Dr �# 7nti Project Street Address: �� w Uo ead G�. � �o� (Number) (Street) (Suite #) BuildinglComplexName: 'Y�L ����.l.�r� Contractor Information: Company: ��C..°'�' COr�(UG� �� ��—l.. CompanyAddress: �y'S �I�I��GZ� r.l�l K,GI' City: L{��.(,��5 State: l.� Zip: $�� 2 Contact Name: �� �Caler Contad Phone: Q7.�0' 1c�'�`�t' ,� �3 �' 11�sl 2�� E-Mail {� '�i�'71� i1�J1.11 • C�CJ� , ' Town of Vail C or Registrati o.: I O� �� (required) Property Information Parcel #: d ID I- O(o3 - O? - C,LS� (For parcel #, contact Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eaglecounty.us/patie) Tenant Name: � / � Owner Name: ELIGG Ol(�P Valuations (Labor & Materials) Building: $ � �� D�Q Plumbing: $ ��, �f�0 Electrical: $_ �%� UDO Mechanical: (including fireplace) $ �/�, Qv� Total: $ , � Office Use: '+r' Project #: �� I O '"' � � T "t" DRB #: Building Permit #: _�� 0 � � � �� Lot #: � Block #L Subdivision: �� � Detailed Scope and Location of Work: ir �f �,l�:r✓ A�✓D �LL /.�ATHs AN� _lV � w GJavb �° t�o� s A►V� � Ar2pG� (use additional sheet ff necessary) Work Class: New ( ) Addition ( ) Remodel �) Repair ( ) Other ( ) Work Type Interior � Exterior ( ) Both ( ) Type of Building: Single-Family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-Family ( ) Commercial � Other ( ) Does a Fire Alarm Exist? Yes ( i✓) No () Monitored Alarm? Yes ( ) . No ( ) Does a Sprinkler System Exist? Yes (� No () # 8� Type of Existing Fireplaces: Gas Appliances Gas Log � Wood/Pellet Wood Buming #& Type of Proposed Fireplaces: Gas Appliances Gas Log � Wood/Pellet Wood Buming _ _ ___ __ _ _ ._ . _ .. _._... _ _ . . ... .._.. Date Received: p ���o�� JUN 0 4 2010 TOWN OF VAIL iC� C� The Landmark at Lionshead Unit 701 Remodel Project Building Code Review Summary April 20, 2010 Project Description / � / �� COC��9 'v:. � �n�� �-��o i,,. o � D�AVI .KAS��:AK � <� B-� �44 A � , n� A� � r y,��/ '`�tc\�Y�S'Fy 4 .��� �> `�� The Project consists of an interior remodel to an existing residential unit witfi'ii�-�e Landmark at Lionshead in Vail, Colorado. No part of the exterior building envelope will be affected by the project, with the exception of two (2) windows that will be replaced due to cracked glazing. Most interior partition walls will remain intact, and the floor between this penthouse unit and the residential unit below will not be impacted in any way by coring, drilling, or the like. The basic main level plan changes consist of renovating the entry hall, reconfiguring the two bathrooms, reconfiguring the kitchen and removing the support column below the loft above, and reframing the stairs (with the possibility of building them to meet Code). At the loft level, plan changes include redesigning the new enclosed room (formerly exterior space prior to the overall Landmark Building remodel previously constructed by others) into a master bedroom and master bathroom, adding an upper level powder room, and adding a structural beam to support the loft in lieu of the column that was removed. Codes and Rules The following Codes and Rules have been implemented during the design of this project: 2009 International Building Code (and related Codes) Primary Life Safety Considerations-2009 International Building Code (IBC� ■ Per 2009 IBC Section 310.1, this unit is contained within a building primarily classified as Residential Group R-2. Per 2009 IBC Section 1009, new stairs within Group R-2 and serving an Occupant Load of less than 50 persons may be 36 inches wide, and are required to be designed with 7.75 inches maximum height risers, 10-inch minimum depth treads, and a minimum winder tread depth of 6 inches (with 10 inches at the walkline). However, per Section 1009.4.2 Exception 6, stairs within existing structures fall within the requirements of Chapter 3404.1, which states that such stairs need not comply with the requirements of Section 1009 where the existing space and construction does not allow a reduction of pitch or slope. Based upon field measurements, the existing stairs have 9-inch treads and 8 5/8-inch risers. The stairs shown on the New Floor Plans have been redesigned with 7 3/4- inch risers and 10-inch treads, to meet Section 1009 of the Code. The Landmark at Lionshead Issue A- April 20, 2010 Page 1 of 2 Unit 701 Remodel Project Building Code Review Summary Project No. 102001.00 l The Landmark at Lionshead Unit 701 Remodel Project Building Code Review Summary April 20, 2010 Since the Landmark Building is constructed of precast concrete walls and precast concrete double-tee floors, the existing space and construction will likely not allow a reduction of pitch or slope. The stairs shown on the New Floor Plans are therefore a"best case" design that will be implemented if—after partial demolition of the unit has taken place—it is determined that the existing structure can be cut to allow for the stair design shown on the drawings. ■ Per 2009 IBC Section 1013, the required guard at the loft shall be a minimum of 42 inches high per 1013.2—with vertical members spaced such that a 4-inch sphere cannot pass between them—per 1013.3. ■ Per 2009 IBC Section 2406.4, there are no hazardous locations that require safety glazing, except for the new shower enclosure, which shall be constructed using safety glazing. The Landmark at Lionshead Issue A— April 20, 2010 Page 2 of 2 Unit 701 Remodel Project Building Code Review Summary Project No. 102001.00 � Cotorado Depar#ment of Pubfic Hea�th and Environmen# Air Poliution Co�tml Division — tndoor' Environmerrt Prograrn — Ast�estas/�qQ Unit 43� Cherry� Greek-D�ive Soufh, ARCD-1E-61 Denver, Colorado 80246-1534 Phone: 3{13-692-3t00 — Fax: .303-782-02Z8 E-mail; asbestos@siate.co.us ��8�� 1 � 'This peimit is granted snbject to and effectir+e January 30, 2A0�,1 t�e following provisions. Itis ot BY �$ WOY�C L113C1Ei 1 shonid ttte Div�sion find tha + has vialated or has aided an order of ihe Divisio.a � • has failcd to meet any pe� • has �sed misrepz�sentati< • has comrnitted any aci or As a contractor, you may be sutij in which the work is being perfoi Division sirongly snggests that yt builciing/Permitting require�r►ents THE Q�{I�INA,L �/:i..� i"�.._.�Y '.�. . .. . �4 �.��. _ ._ . . '::s': . �, o�`; : gen�r�tlly aet� � �'.� � �icig� ,� ����►.��� ���+Ta.. 8, Part $, adopted Deeember 2I, 240'7, Ac't�,�-101 oc Z5-7-SOl etseq., C,RS.) and suspend this permit 8, Part B, or 3y.the Division during any of asbestos abatement he county and municiPaiity Aitt PoIlution Contral any otherlocal STTE AT ALL T'IlVIES, Im�aediatel'y notifp tbe As6�estos✓L4Q Unit ofprnjecr moafi, f�catiens 63' fex (,numLer aboue) or e-mail �addr�s above) mtd srh �eduled w� dQtes�et�� depart�ne�tt by fax I'rojed inor�t,�icatfotts include cha�,ges ire il�e scope of wosk or the This asbestos abatement permit is valid begiz�ning 5l18/2010 througii 11:59 FM on 6/16/2010. 'The actual scheduled v�ork dates are fxom 5/� 812010 fihrough 5/24/201 U. Approvai issued on: S�I OE2010 Record number: 72540 F� �: �`OQ:� No�ce �it�mber:10EA1�59A _, ..._ .: '�aaziance..:�.._.:_.... __ _. _�Iona. _ _ . _ _ ..._.. Comments: None For the location specified below: Singie Family Residence 11+Iain Level Kitc�en, Dining, Bedrooms, Hat 61Q W, Lionshead Circle #701 Vail Eag1e Coa�ty T'his permit has been issued to: Reliance Environm'ental Ses�ices} LLC. 20Z74 E TJnion Drive Anra!ra, CO &0015 Check nttmber: SOOI Project Superviyror: .. _ . . ����-� , . _. _ . _ _ ..__. �._._ Andy �eyman'r�.:_:: . .._ . .. . _. Cerifieation No.: 14432 Project ,4MS: s�o� s�aE� Gerifzcation No.; 633 Project Manager: Issued by: RyVJ �s,.•��'.��-: I1/OTE: lNIS PE'RMfT 1�1tlST BE POST�� OAt JC1B�lTE AT ALL TIiI�E� ;• �rro�v�r, ' Town of Vail, Fire Departmertt, 42 M� pmQ, Vaii, Colorado 81657 p.970-479-2252,f.970-479-2176,inspections 970-479-2252 ASBESTOS Permit #; AS8'f0-0007 Project #: Job Address: 610 W LfONSH�Ap GL2 YAIL L.pcation.....:: UNIT 701, IAN�MARK Par�cel Na...: 210906307054 OWNER STII.LWELL, IRENE 05/17/201Q THE GRANAf�Y, UVILF7ING FARM, eIN4ER ti1Lt NCl1AiLE'Y,ESUSSEX BN8 4Hh ENGLAt�R APPLICANT REIIANGE ENVIRONMENTALSERVt 05/1'7f201Q Phone`. 720-988-3525 20274 E UNION /tl[E AURORA GQ 80015 License: 9a9.S CONTRACTOR RELIAtYCE fN1/tRONN1ENTAl. SERN► 051i7l2fl1'D 20274 E t1NiQN AVE AURpRA CO SOOf5 License: 949-5 Phone:72Q-988�3325 Desciptfort: INTERIOR REMflDEL:.ASBESTOS ABATEMEI�tT OF ACCOUSTICAC CEILING TEXTI�tE ValuaUOns 313;00p.00 Add Sq F.k . . , + + + + . . . . .. . . . . . . . » . + « . . . . . « . . . _ ..: AsbestosAertnitFee—.--> $�qq.pp Investigation-----_,.> $O.DO TOTAL FEES------...-> �144.00 Status . .. : 1SSUED ARAlied ,. . : 05/17/2010 Issued . . . : OS/7812040 Expires . . .: 11114L2010 FEE SUNFMARY .,��.»+....+..�+t*.,*►.*+�,:».........»„.,.,.,.�,,,.....�*«....,`..,........+.+,...,......».,. 7otaf Ca[culated FeeB—> $144:00 Additionaf Fess > $75 � TOTAL PERMI'T FEES--a 5219.p0 Payments------._.,__> $219.00 *..,..�..•..�...-».....«,.,....�.,»,....,,„,M,,,,..«..,..,.,.....,...,,,, BALAUtCE DUE > a0.00 Approvals; ._�......«..,,,„,..,..,,,„ Item; 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEN'(' 05/t72pt0 dfioades Action: AP No testing done. Buiiding Ccndactor is asyu�ning that there is asbestos �p� nt in the atxousticai ceiling texture: See page 2 of thts Document far 8ny cpnditicns that may apply ta thfs per� . DECLARATIONS 1 hereby acknowtedge that I have read this application, fiiled oui 'in full the information required, cc>mpleted an accurate piot plan, and state that alf 2he infoimation as raquiced is correct. f agree to eomply with the informatiort and plot p{an, to comply with a�� 7owrt,ordinances and state laws, and to buitd this structure according to the Town's zoni�g and subdivision �odes, design rpvie�n, approv�d, Intemationai Boilding Cbdes snd other ordinances of the Trnm ayFl+eebJe theretn,.�'^'7 `� / � 1' FOR BE MADE FQRT1t-E1GHT HOURS IN ADVANG� BY 7ELEPHONE AT 37D-479-2252. i — S i%— iC3 �ate *1nF#*k�lrittk#*#�4lrtle**�F*YnkYrtli�klnkYr#wrtwwakf+M*'k�tM'+t�tlr.inFkk!*YM*it*YrMtk#iFtie'kYtYt*riYrlMtk�tinMiF1FA'#kWvFk1FleYr�f#w'frW*Ynt#**'MrtRM�l7nFlrMy'ilnF***f�4*#+lwilYek�HrYM***frtriNOlrlY +FkinM#lMfrt*t C4NDITIOI�S OF APPROVAL Permit #: ASB10-0007 as of 05-18-2010 ��*..,...�„�......«�„t».,.....,,,�.,...,,..,�..,....�*�.»,�...�....�...�.,M«w.,�....».,...«*,.,...�.*,.*.��.,.,�.,t.�.Stafus.� ISSUE�.,.,.*�..��.,.,...,..�.. Conditions: Cond: 38 (BLDG.): THIS PERMIT 1S GOOD FOR ASBESTQS ABATEMENT QNLY. AN ASBEST4S AsATEAAENT CERTIFICA'l'E SNOWIKG THE AREA FREE FROM ASBESTOS IS REG�UIRED PRIQR TO A�IY Ft1f�THER WORK �CCURING �N THIS S1TE. 1F FURTHER QUESTIONS ARISE, CC)NTACT THE VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT q,T 479-2Z52. Cond: 1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL fS REQU#REC3 BEFORE A1VY WORK;CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.)': FIELd INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CC1DE COMPI.IaNCE. Environmenta/ Consu/ting Services PROJECT AIR MONITORING REPORT THE LANDMARI� 610 WEST LIONSHEAD CIRCLE UNIT 701 VAIL, COLORADO 80014 PREPARED FOR: Reliance Environmental Services, LLC. 20274 E. Union Drive Aurora, Colorado 80015 Report Prepared: May 24, 2010 SEI Project Number: SEI10-P049 Prepared By: Sunrise Environmental, Inc. 371 Crest View Drive Black Hawk, Colorado 80422 Phone: 720-209-5282 www.sunrise-enviro.com EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Sunrise Environmental, Inc. (SEI) provided air monitoring services for Reliance Environmental Services, LLC (RES) at The Landmark Unit 701, located at 610 Lionshead Circle, Vail, Colorado on May 23, 2010. The field representative for SEI was Mr. Scott D. Sanders. Work was performed in conjunction with asbestos abatement at the site. Asbestos abatement was conducted by Reliance Environmental Services, LLC; a Colorado Department of Health licensed asbestos abatement contractor. SEI's scope of work included collection and analysis of final clearance air samples, performing visual inspections of work areas prior to collection of air samples, and assembling project documentation. Subsequent to cleanup, SEI visually inspected the containment areas for visible dust and debris. Upon passage of visual inspection, SEI collected final clearance air samples and notified Reliance Environmental Services, LLC when laboratory results indicated airborne fiber concentrations were not in excess of O.Olf/cc as required by Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE), Regulation 8. At project completion, air-monitoring results indicate concentrations of airborne fibers did not exceed 0.01 f/cc as required by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and CDPHE for re- occupancy following asbestos abatement. CLIENT: Reliance Environmental Services, LLC. 20274 E. Union Drive Aurora, Colorado 80015 PROJECT LOCATION: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: ASBESTOS ABATEMENT CONTRACTORS: SUNRISE ENVIRONMENTAL INC. REPRESENTATIVE: The Landmark, Unit 701 610 Lionshead Circle Vail, Colorado Final Clearance Air Monitoring Reliance Environmental Services, LLC. Mr. Scott D. Sanders INTRODUCTION SEI provided air monitoring services for Reliance Environmental Services, LLC at The Landmark, Unit 701, located at 610 Lionshead Circle, Vail, Colorado on May 23, 2010. The field representative for SEI was Mr. Scott D. Sanders. Work was performed in conjunction with the removal of asbestos containing ceiling texture at the site. Asbestos abatement was conducted by Reliance Environmental Services, LLC; a Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) licensed asbestos abatement contractor. SEI performed the final visual inspection, and the collection and analysis of Phase Contrast Microscopy (PCM) air samples after asbestos abatement. SEI successfully participates in the AIHA Proficiency Analytical Testing (PA'1� Program (Laboratory ID# 196102) and participates in inter-laboratory and intra-laboratory round robin analysis. All SEI analysts have been certified in NIOSH 582E to perform collection and analysis of PCM air samples. SCOPE OF WORK Reliance Environmental Services, LLC's scope of work for this project consisted of the removal/disposal of asbestos containing ceiling texture from Unit 701. SEI has performed the following Industrial Hygiene services: • Performed visual inspections of the abatement areas, • Collection and analysis of PCM air samples to monitor concentrations of airborne fibers after asbestos abatement in accordance with CDPHE Regulation No. 8, • Assembled and submitted project documentation. The findings set forth in this report are strictly limited in time and scope to the date of the evaluation. The conclusions presented in the Report are based solely on the services described therein, and not on scientific tasks or procedures beyond the scope of agreed upon services. SEI performed a visual inspection and collected final clearance air samples following the removal of accessible areas of asbestos containing ceiling texture in Unit 701. Suspect asbestos containing materials not included in the abatement scope of work may still be remaining in the unit, including but not limited to: asbestos containing drywall joint compound or drywall texture. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Sequence of field work: Table 1 summarizes the field work in the order in which it was completed. Table 1. Summary of Field Work DATE FIELD WORK OS-23-10 Pre-clearance visual inspection of Unit 701 containment. (RES, SEn Collection and analysis of five (5) PCM final clearance air samples. (SEn PCM clearance samples below 0.01 f/cc. RES on-site supervisor is notified. (SEI) Containment is torn down. (RES) AIR MONTI'ORING Sample Collection The effective filter area for samples collected on May 23, 2010 was 385mmZ. PCM samples were collected on 25 millimeter (mm) mixed cellulose ester membrane filters (0.8 micron pore size). The filters were preassembled by the manufacturer in conductive three stage cassettes with extension cowls. Air samples were collected at a flow rate of 14.8 to 15.0 liters per minute (LPM). Flow rates were recorded at the beginning and at the end of the sampling period using a DryCal Primary Standard flow calibrator. All air samples were collected open-faced and positioned at breathing zone height (approximately five feet above the floor) with exposed portion of the cassette facing downward. Clearance air samples were collected aggressively and in accordance with CDPHE Regulation #8. (See Appendix A for sample data) PCM Analvsis Methodolog,v PCM samples were analyzed by SEI according to the NIOSH 7400 Method ("A" counting rules). This method can be found in the NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods. All air sample results aze calculated with blank corrections, checked and reviewed. Unused portions of samples aze archived three months unless client requests special handling. Labora.tory analysis was accomplished utilizing a Phase Contrast Microscope. Size and fiber counts were performed at 400X magnification. The microscopy field area (MFA), defined by the Walton-Beckett Graticule is 0.00785mm= Report Data Key Fbrs/Flds: Fibers per fields; total fibers counted over total areas examined. LOD: Limit of Detection; the calculated lower limit of detection expressed in fibers per cubic centimeter. Based on limit of detection of (5.5/100 fibers/field). F/cc: Fibers per cubic centimeter. <LOD: Less than the limit of Detection; thus, the analytical result is less than the value indicated in the LOD column. CONCLUSIONS At project completion, air-monitoring data indicate concentrations of airborne fibers were not in excess of 0.01 f/cc as required by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and CDPHE for re-occupancy following asbestos abatement. Reviewed and signed for the company by: Digitaily signed by 11. ��� , j j Scott D. Sanders President Scott D. Sanders Date: 2010.05.26 10:14:46 -06'00' APPENDIX A PCM AIR SAMPLE DATA � SUNRISE ENVIRONMENTAL, Inc. Phase Contrast Microscopy Sampling Data Sheet PROJECT DATE: May 23, 2010 PROJECT NUMBER: SEI10-P049 CLIENT: Reliance Environmental Services, LLC. 20274 E. Union Drive Aurora, Colorado 80015 PROJECT ADDRESS: The Landmark Unit 701, 610 Lionshead Circle, Vail, Colorado Sample Number 0523-01 0523-02 0523-03 0523-04 0523-OS 0523-06 0523-07 (Time) Total (Flow Rate (Umin) $t8i't StOU MIIIIIteS StBI't StOD AV�. 2058 2058 2059 2059 2100 2248 2248 2249 2249 2250 110 110 110 110 110 15.0 14.6 14.8 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 Total Fibers/ Volume �eld '� --- 1/100 --- 0/100 1628. 7/100 1650. 6/100 1650. 8.5/100 1650. 8/100 1650. 7.5/100 LOD Fibers/cc .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 Sample Sample Number �pe Location/Descrintion Results 0523-01 Field Blank 1/100 0523-02 Field Blank 0/100 0523-03 CLEARANCE Unit 701, kitchen 0.002 0523-04 CLEARANCE Unit 701, living room 0.002 0523-OS CLEARANCE Unit 701, northwest bedroom 0.002 0523-06 CLEARANCE Unit 701, northeast bedroom 0.002 0523-07 CLEARANCE Unit 701, loft 0.002 LOD= Limit of Detection APPENDIX B VISUAL INSPECTION FORMS .n.. t,.�,,.. �� .,yr„„ .. r < ���.��� ��°����rn������ T.�c� ���������� ��� �������� �_ � ��� � � ��.: ��:: . : ���� ��,. �. � , � � � � �. �� �� � ;� ��I`�i �c�; � � � r��'�1,`7� ,',�� � � � � � ��.�"'� � �,p r�: �� �+����+�ri � � �+�► � �= �+a��r ��; �',�. �" � . �� ��� �'� ��� ����� � � � � � �� � � ��� �.�:���� __ � ���� t� �� +� +�� �+�� � �: �w,� �, � �.���t �t ,� _.�,� � � � ��a� � ��. _�� � � � � �� � � ���r � ° � - �, � ��+�k i+�. �Is!�+�r+�*� [�N�r�f�� � 4"'+�uAi ��t � � � � �. ���.�., ��..M.�:����,��: � � �.,.� _,���.�...� ����,,,,., A,�.<��:,,��...,,.:.�...�..�;..�:W...�.r.. ��..�.. ...�.„.,��. � m�.�..�..��,,.�...�.,�.,...�...�_. �� ��t��+al�! �ar, � ���r�r�ar L �r� ��� �:� �� �±�r ��k "k�i� t 7� �'��� � � • 12 -17 -2010 Inspection Request Reporting Page 4 7:44 am Vail, CO - City Of Requested Inspect Date: Friday, December 17, 2010 Inspection Area: CG Site Address: 610 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL UNIT 701 AKA 705, LANDMARK A/P /D Information Activity: B10 -0129 Type: A -MF Sub Type: AMF Status: DENIED Const Type: Occupancy: Use: IB Insp Area: CG Owner: ELICE CORP Contractor: GEYER CONSTRUCTION LLC Phone: 970 - 926 -1344 Description: INTERIOR REMODEL Requested Inspection(s) Item: 90 BLDG -Final Requestor: Comments: 1 -63 Assigned To *" Actio 6 Time Exp: Requested Time: 02:00 PM Phone: Entered By: MHAEBERLE K y� 0 Inspection History Item: 410 Special Inspect - progress rept Item: 30 BLDG - Framing " Approved 11/03/10 Inspector: JRM Action: AP APPROVED Comment: REQUIRE SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT Item: 50 BLDG - Insulation Item: 60 BLDG - Sheetrock Nail Approved 11/04/10 Inspector: JRM Action: CR CORRECTION REQUIRED Comment: NOT READY 11/09/10 Inspector: CG Action: NR NOT READY FOR INSPECTION Comment: 11/24/10 Inspector: JRM Action: AP APPROVED Comment: Item: 70 BLDG -Misc. Item: 90 BLDG -Final REPT131 Run Id: 12304