HomeMy WebLinkAboutFinal Ever Vail Parking Presentation PEC 011110 Planning and Environmental Commission January 11, 2010 Topics for Today • Site Circulation • Traffic • Carl Walker Parking Report • 400 Parking Spaces • Core Area Parking Requirements • Schedule S I T E C I R C U L A T I O N Flexibility • Transit Center in future can be expanded to allow for 3 additional bus bays (impacts skier drop-off) • Market Street can handle overflow of transit uses • Opportunity to allow for 3 buses to pull-off the Frontage Road if there is additional need T R A F F I C & C I R C U L A T I O N Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc Traffic Impact Study • Completed by Kimley-Horn and Associates • Full Traffic Impact Study is provided in your EV Notebook • Curtis Rowe, P.E., PTOE EV Trip Generation • West Side: 59 Morning Peak Hour /90 Afternoon Peak Hour • East Side: 192 Morning Peak Hour /295 Afternoon Peak Hour • Total EV: 251 Morning Peak Hour /385 Afternoon Peak Hour Traffic Impact Study Methodology • Town of Vail standards and requirements • Evaluated project access and adjacent public street intersections • 2015 and 2025 Horizon Years • Synchro, HCM, Rodel, and Sidra Evaluations Frontage Road Alignment • Adjacent and parallel to I-70 • Four lane section, 80 ft. right-of-way 􀀁 one thru lane in each direction 􀀁 raised median 􀀁 westbound left turn decel and accel lanes 􀀁 eastbound right turn decel and accel lanes 􀀁 10 ft. bike /overflow parking lane • Existing Frontage Road to connect to Forest Road in New Roundabout • West Lionshead Circle intersect with Forest Road 200 ft. south of roundbout Frontage Road Proposed Access • Frontage Road Access 􀀁 One full movement 􀀁 Two three-quarter movements 􀀁 One right out only • Forest Road Extension Access 􀀁 Two full movement 􀀄􀀇􀀈􀀉􀀆􀀐􀀊􀀅􀀍􀀁􀀂􀀆􀀆􀀇􀀎􀀎􀀁􀀃􀀌􀀉􀀋􀀏􀀎 􀀁 􀀂 􀀃 􀀄 􀀅 􀀆 Traffic Study Findings and Recommendations Frontage Road Driveways • All movements LOS C or Better in 2025 Ever Vail Roundabout • Overall LOS A in both AM and PM peak hours in 2030 Forest Road • West Lionshead Circle stop approach (LOS B or better) • Market Street access stop approach (LOS A) • South access -All way stop control (LOS B or better) “Ever Vail project traffic will be accommodated on surrounding street network” I N T E R N A L P A R K I N G S T R U C T U R E C I R C U L A T I O N Carl Walker, Inc Parking Structure • Exits and Entries will have Parking Access and Revenue Control Systems 􀀁 Records daily transactions 􀀁 On-line with a facility management software system 􀀁 Will be monitored and managed on-site Pay-on-Foot System • Will pull a ticket upon entry to structure • Inserts it into cashiering station (POF Machine) before returning to vehicles • Fees are based on length of stay • POF returns ticket • Upon exit, ticket inserted into exit verifier and gate opens for exiting Recommendations • New technology will require significant signage. Exit verifiers will also need to have ability to accept payment for those who do not understand. Recommendations • West structure has two entry lanes and two exit lanes. Center lane is reversible for peak traffic. • East structure has two entry lanes and two exit lanes. • This lane configuration provides a high level of service for anticipated demand. Recommendations • Resident and monthly patrons should have a transponder or tag for entry and exit. • This provides a high Level of Service at the entry/exit points and improves traffic flow on the ramps. Recommendations • Resident and monthly patrons are partitioned from public use • One entry and one exit lane are “nested” in each parking structure for resident and monthly patrons. • This reduces traffic in the general public parking area and improves security. S K I E R P A R K I N G 400 Skier Spaces • Town of Vail recommends 400 spaces to be located in Ever Vail: 􀀁 Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan (1998 -2008 as amended) 􀀁 Vail Transportation Master Plan (2009) LH Master Plan Transportation Master Plan C O R E A R E A P A R K I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S Core Area Background • Core Area Parking Requirements were adopted in 2000 • FHU analyzed parking generation rates • Looked at: 􀀁 skier visits 􀀁 parking structure transactions 􀀁 land uses per sq. ft. 􀀁 parking turnover rates 􀀁 traffic counts Core Area Background • Created parking generation rates based specifically on characteristics of the Village cores 􀀁 mixed-use 􀀁 transit and pedestrian trips, including CME usage 􀀁 hourly variations in business activities Core Area Background • Found generally a 30% reduction in need for parking • Multi-trip factor -you park once, but stop for coffee, buy gloves at the ski shop, ride the gondola, have apres at the bar 􀀇􀀐􀀉 􀀅􀀔􀀈􀀍􀀒􀀑􀀕 􀀃􀀎􀀏􀀉􀀁􀀂􀀏􀀉􀀈 􀀆􀀉􀀐􀀔􀀌􀀑 􀀄􀀎􀀍􀀗􀀃􀀎􀀏􀀉􀀁􀀂􀀏􀀉􀀈 􀀆􀀉􀀐􀀔􀀌􀀑 􀀚􀀃􀀋􀀈􀀍􀀊􀀉 􀀄􀀬􀀗􀀠􀀠􀀞􀀢􀀜􀀁􀀑􀀢􀀞􀀨􀀧 􀀼􀀾􀁁 􀀺􀀲􀀽􀀁􀀤􀀗􀀦􀀁􀀫􀀢􀀞􀀨 􀀾􀀹􀀺􀀲􀀻􀀹 􀀞􀀘􀀁􀀖􀀫􀁈􀀻􀀹􀀹􀀹􀀁􀀧􀀘􀀰􀀁􀀻􀀲􀀾􀀁􀀳􀀁􀀞􀀘􀀁􀀖􀀫􀁇􀀻􀀹􀀹􀀹􀀰􀀁􀀻􀀁 􀁀􀀺􀀿 􀀼􀀹􀁅 􀀂􀀕􀀕􀀣􀀡􀀲􀀁􀀑􀀢􀀞􀀨􀀧 􀀺􀀻􀀹 􀀲􀁀􀀁􀀤􀀗􀀦􀀁􀀫􀀢􀀞􀀨 􀁁􀀽􀀲􀀹􀀹 􀀲􀀽􀀁􀀁􀀤􀀗􀀦􀀁􀀓􀀫􀀁􀁆􀀁􀀲􀀺􀀁􀀁􀀤􀀗􀀦􀀁􀀺􀀹􀀹 􀀁􀀧􀀥􀀲􀀁􀀛􀀲􀀁􀀣􀀘􀀁 􀀇􀀎􀀆􀀂􀀁􀀴􀀡􀀓􀀭􀀁􀀺􀀁􀀤􀀗􀀦􀀁􀀓􀀫􀀵 􀀺􀀻􀀹 􀀼􀀹􀁅 􀀅􀀈􀀑 􀀽􀁁 􀀺􀀲􀀽􀀁􀀤􀀗􀀦􀀁􀀫􀀢􀀞􀀨 􀀿􀁀􀀲􀀻􀀹 􀁇􀀾􀀹􀀹􀀁􀀧􀀘􀀰􀀁􀀺􀀲􀀾􀀁􀀳􀀁􀀞􀀘􀀁􀀠􀀗􀀧􀀧􀀁􀀨􀀝􀀓􀀢􀀁􀀻􀀹􀀹􀀹􀀁􀀧􀀘􀀰􀀁 􀀻􀀁 􀁂􀀿 􀀼􀀹􀁅 􀀈􀀣􀀨􀀗􀀠􀀁􀀃􀀣􀀢􀀘􀀗􀀦􀀗􀀢􀀕􀀗 􀀾􀀰􀀺􀀾􀀿 􀀺􀀁􀀤􀀗􀀦􀀁􀀼􀀼􀀹􀀁􀀧􀀘􀀁􀀧􀀗􀀓􀀩􀀢􀀜􀀁􀀓􀀦􀀗􀀓 􀀺􀀾􀀲􀀿􀀻 􀀺􀀁􀀤􀀗􀀦􀀁􀀺􀀻􀀹􀀁􀀣􀀘􀀁􀀧􀀗􀀓􀀩􀀢􀀜􀀁􀀚􀀣􀀣􀀦􀀁􀀓􀀦􀀗􀀓 􀀽􀀻􀀲􀁂􀁀 􀀿􀀽􀁅 􀀊􀀗􀀗􀀩􀀢􀀜􀀁􀀎􀀣􀀣􀀡 􀀼􀀰􀁁􀀽􀀹 􀀺􀀁􀀤􀀗􀀦􀀁􀀺􀀿􀀾􀀁􀀧􀀘􀀁􀀧􀀗􀀓􀀩􀀢􀀜􀀁􀀓􀀦􀀗􀀓 􀀻􀀼􀀲􀀻􀁀 􀀺􀀁􀀤􀀗􀀦􀀁􀀺􀀻􀀹􀀁􀀣􀀘􀀁􀀧􀀗􀀓􀀩􀀢􀀜􀀁􀀚􀀣􀀣􀀦􀀁􀀓􀀦􀀗􀀓 􀀼􀀻􀀲􀀹􀀹 􀀻􀁀􀁅 􀀎􀀗􀀧􀀨􀀓􀀫􀀦􀀓􀀢􀀨 􀀺􀀽􀀰􀀻􀁂􀀼 􀀺􀀁􀀤􀀗􀀦􀀁􀀻􀀾􀀹􀀁􀀣􀀘􀀁􀀧􀀗􀀓􀀩􀀢􀀜􀀁􀀚􀀣􀀣􀀦􀀁 􀀓􀀦􀀗􀀓 􀀾􀁀􀀲􀀺􀁀 􀀺􀀁􀀤􀀗􀀦􀀁􀀺􀀻􀀹􀀁􀀧􀀘􀀁􀀣􀀘􀀁􀀧􀀗􀀓􀀩􀀢􀀜􀀁􀀚􀀣􀀣􀀦􀀁􀀓􀀦􀀗􀀓 􀀺􀀺􀁂􀀲􀀺􀀹 􀀾􀀻􀁅 􀀎􀀗􀀨􀀓􀀞􀀠 􀀾􀀻􀀰􀀿􀀻􀀹 􀀻􀀲􀀼􀀁􀀤􀀗􀀦􀀁􀀺􀀹􀀹􀀹􀀁􀀧􀀘􀀁􀀢􀀗􀀨􀀁􀀚􀀣􀀣􀀦􀀁􀀓􀀦􀀗􀀓 􀀺􀀻􀀺􀀲􀀹􀀼 􀀺􀀁􀀤􀀗􀀦􀀁􀀼􀀹􀀹􀀁􀀧􀀘􀀁􀀣􀀘􀀁􀀢􀀗􀀨􀀁􀀚􀀣􀀣􀀦􀀁􀀓􀀦􀀗􀀓 􀀺􀁀􀀾􀀲􀀽􀀹 􀀼􀀺􀁅 􀀒􀀎􀀄􀀳􀀏􀀟􀀞􀀁􀀏􀀕􀀝􀀣􀀣􀀠 􀀺􀀾􀀰􀀿􀁂􀀹 􀀺􀀁􀀤􀀗􀀦􀀁􀀺􀀹􀀹􀀹􀀁􀀧􀀘􀀁􀀢􀀗􀀨􀀁􀀚􀀣􀀣􀀦􀀁􀀓􀀦􀀗􀀓 􀀺􀀾􀀲􀀿􀁂 􀀧􀀗􀀨􀀁􀀔􀀮􀀁􀀍􀀅􀀃􀀁􀀴􀀕􀀓􀀠􀀕􀀶􀀖􀀁􀀓􀀨􀀁􀀺􀀳􀀺􀀹􀀹􀀹􀀵 􀀺􀀾􀀲􀀿􀁂 􀀋􀀳􀀂 􀀏􀀤􀀓 􀀻􀀹􀀰􀁀􀀺􀀹 􀀺􀀁􀀤􀀗􀀦􀀁􀀺􀀹􀀹􀀹􀀁� �􀀘􀀁􀀢􀀗􀀨􀀁􀀚􀀣􀀣􀀦􀀁􀀓􀀦􀀗􀀓 􀀻􀀹􀀲􀁀􀀺 􀀧􀀗􀀨􀀁􀀔􀀮􀀁􀀍􀀅􀀃􀀁􀀴􀀕􀀓􀀠􀀕􀀶􀀖􀀁􀀓􀀨􀀁􀀺􀀳􀀺􀀹􀀹􀀹􀀵 􀀻􀀹􀀲􀁀􀀺 􀀋􀀳􀀂 􀀌􀀙􀀕􀀗 􀀼􀀼􀀰􀀿􀀹􀀹 􀀻􀀲􀁀􀀁􀀘􀀣􀀦􀀁􀀺􀀹􀀹􀀹􀀁􀀧􀀘􀀁􀀢􀀗􀀨􀀁􀀚􀀣􀀣􀀦􀀁􀀓􀀦􀀗� � 􀁂􀀹􀀲􀁀􀀻 􀀺􀀁􀀤􀀗􀀦􀀁􀀻􀀾􀀹􀀁􀀧􀀘􀀁􀀢􀀗􀀨􀀁􀀚􀀣􀀣􀀦􀀁􀀓􀀦􀀗􀀓 􀀺􀀼􀀽􀀲􀀽􀀹 􀀼􀀼􀁅 􀀊􀀓􀀞􀀢􀀨􀀲􀀁􀀆􀀓􀀕􀀞􀀠􀀞􀀨􀀮 􀀺 􀀾􀀹􀀁􀀧􀀤􀀓􀀕􀀗􀀧 􀀾􀀹􀀲􀀹􀀹 􀀧􀀗􀀨􀀁􀀔􀀮􀀁􀀍􀀅􀀃􀀁􀀴􀀕􀀓􀀠􀀕􀀶􀀖􀀁􀀓􀀨􀀁􀀾􀀹� �􀀧􀀤􀀓􀀕􀀗􀀧􀀵 􀀾􀀹􀀲􀀹􀀹 􀀋􀀳􀀂 􀀐􀀌􀀐􀀂􀀉􀀱 􀀺􀀰􀀹􀀽􀀿􀀲􀀿􀀺 􀀐􀀌􀀐􀀂􀀉􀀱 􀀺􀀰􀀾􀀻􀀻􀀲􀀻􀁀 􀀼􀀺􀁅 Core vs. Non-Core 25% Reduction 􀀃􀀓􀀕􀀋􀀁􀀂􀀕􀀋􀀈􀀁􀀆􀀈􀀕􀀐􀀏􀀒􀀍􀀁 􀀇􀀋􀀔􀀚􀀏􀀕􀀋􀀑􀀋􀀒􀀗􀀁􀀛􀀏􀀗􀀎􀀁 􀀇􀀋􀀊􀀚􀀉􀀘􀀓􀀒 􀀅􀀓􀀒􀀝􀀃􀀓􀀕􀀋􀀁􀀂􀀕􀀋􀀈􀀁 􀀆􀀈􀀕􀀐􀀏􀀒􀀍􀀁 􀀇􀀋􀀔􀀚􀀏􀀕􀀋􀀑􀀋􀀒􀀗􀀁􀀛􀀏􀀗􀀎􀀁 􀀇􀀋􀀊􀀚􀀉􀀘􀀓􀀒 􀀆􀀋􀀕􀀉􀀋􀀒􀀗􀀁􀀃􀀎􀀈􀀒􀀍􀀋 􀀞􀀄􀀋􀀉􀀕􀀋􀀈􀀖􀀋􀀁􀀌􀀕􀀓􀀑􀀁􀀃􀀂􀀁 􀀗􀀓􀀁􀀅􀀓􀀒􀀝􀀃􀀂􀀟 􀀋􀀌􀀋􀀂􀀈􀀊 􀀅􀀁􀀅􀀉􀀈􀀂􀀆􀀄 􀀇􀀄􀀂􀀌􀀏 • Multi-Use Credit has been taken by all core area projects -Four Seasons, Arrabelle, Vail Plaza Hotel, Solaris, Strata, Sonnenalp Ever Vail Core Area • Core Area Parking Requirements only apply to the parking generated by the uses onsite • 400 skier spaces and the 318 replacement spaces are not reduced through either Impact of Core Area 􀀃􀀐􀀒􀀉􀀁􀀂􀀒􀀉􀀇􀀁􀀅􀀇􀀒􀀍􀀌􀀏􀀊􀀁 􀀆􀀉􀀑􀀔􀀌􀀒􀀉􀀎􀀉􀀏􀀓 􀀄􀀐􀀏􀀕􀀃􀀐􀀒􀀉􀀁􀀂􀀒􀀉􀀇􀀁 􀀅􀀇􀀒􀀍􀀌􀀏􀀊􀀁 􀀆􀀉􀀑􀀔􀀌􀀒􀀉􀀎􀀉􀀏􀀓 􀀅􀀉􀀒􀀈􀀉􀀏􀀓􀀁􀀃􀀋􀀇􀀏􀀊􀀉 􀀅􀀉􀀔􀀏􀀎􀀑􀀍􀀁􀀌􀀒� �􀀁􀀅􀀔􀀒􀀓􀀒􀀕􀀋􀀊􀀁􀀈􀀕􀀋􀀕 􀀟􀀡􀀠 􀀛􀀗􀀛􀀝􀀝 􀀜􀀛􀀤 􀀅􀀉􀀔􀀏􀀎􀀑􀀍􀀁􀀂􀀉􀀕􀀋􀀊􀀁􀀒􀀑􀀁􀀃􀀆􀀄􀀅 􀀟􀀛􀀠 􀀟􀀛􀀠 􀀚􀀤 􀀇􀀒􀀖􀀉􀀐􀀁􀀅􀀉􀀔􀀏􀀎􀀑􀀍 􀀛􀀗􀀝􀀛􀀞 􀀛􀀗􀀠􀀟􀀜 􀀛􀀡􀀤 Core Area Parking Requirements Why should Ever Vail be within the Core Area for Parking Requirements? EV Characteristics • Mixed-use development • Transit-and pedestrian-oriented • Shared parking facilities • Significant portion of employees housed on-site (unlike other core area) • New gondola Mixed-Use Development • Commercial -retail, restaurant/bar, skier services • Residential -mix of residential sizes, unit type, employee housing, hotel • Public -VRD space, DEVO drop-off, community meeting space, climbing wall Transit-oriented • Transit Center with capacity for 4 buses 􀀁 Green/Red line haul routes 􀀁 Eco-buses • In-town bus stop • Hotel shuttle drop-off (west side) • Flex transit uses on Market Street and Frontage Road Pedestrian Oriented • Entire site within 1,000 ft. walkable distance to the gondola • Majority of site within 500 ft. • Central Plaza nonvehicular • West Side residential non-vehicular Shared Parking Facilities • Entirely below-grade parking structure • Total of 1,551 parking spaces • 718 spaces provided which are not affected by Core Area Requirements Employee Housing • 34 for-sale employee housing units • 14 rental housing units • All deed-restricted, many with income restrictions Gondola • Skiers are shopping • Shoppers are skiing R E C O M M E N D A T I O N Recommendation • Core Area Parking Inclusion (recommendation to the Town Council) • Comments on traffic, circulation, 400 parking spaces, other parking requirements S C H E D U L E January Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Questions?