HomeMy WebLinkAboutFinal Ever Vail PEC Presentation 020810 P L A N N I N G & E N V I RON M E N TA L COM M I S S ION February 8, 2010 2 Topics for Today • Market Study • Programming: All Levels • Public Plazas • Creeks • Circulation wrap-up • Things we’ve heard • What’s next 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 P RO G R A M M I N G : A L L L E V E L S 17 LMU-2 Zone District • Active uses required on the ground level • Retail • Restaurant • More passive uses on garden level or upper levels • Office • Residential 18 • 5 restaurants/bars, ranging from casual, family dining to high-end establishments. • Total restaurant and bar space is approximately 30,000 sf (including kitchen and back-of-house) Restaurants and Bars 19 Retail and Spa • Approximately 36,000 sf of varied retail uses on the site, plus a 13,000 sf specialty grocer. • About 14+ establishments as currently designed • 20,000 sf destination spa contemplated along Red Sandstone Creek • Large portion of retail is necessary to serve the project 20 21 M a r k e t S t r e e t Specialty Market/Grocer Various restaurant and retail Transit Center Hotel Lobby and Restaurant 5,690 2,190 4,920 2,270 12,680 22 (all sf is approx.) 23 Office • LRMP recommends replacing and increasing the existing office space available in West Lionshead • Currently 29,836 sf within GLOB, Cascade Crossing, Vail Professional Building 24 Office • Proposing approximately 33,600 sf of office space • VR will use about half (relocating out of Treetops) • Remaining half will be available for lease by local businesses 25 Central Plaza Hotel Restaurant continues onto Central Plaza Various Retail Skier-oriented retail and services Large plaza for skier queuing and events Anchored by gondola 4,890 2,750 4,700 1,120 3,760 4,400 (all sf is app2ro6x.) Mountain Operations 27 • Snow Cat Maintenance • General Fleet Maintenance • Lift Maintenance • Lift Operations • Warehouse • Waste Removal Loading and Delivery • Underground facility • Approximately 7,000 sf • 4-6 loading bays underground with an additional 3 on grade 28 29 C r e e k s i d e Family-oriented spaces and activities on west side of creek Limited retail and restaurant uses on west side of creek Outdoor-oriented retail spaces on east side of creek 2,110 2,690 4,400 (all sf is approx.)30 31 W e s t s i d e R e s i d e n t i a l Residential neighborhood For-Sale and Rental Employee Housing Free-Market Residential 32 33 Residential • 357 free-market residential units = 535,288 sf GRFA • 48 deed-restricted employee housing units = 60,926 sf GRFA • 120 accommodation units = 60,000 sf GRFA 34 Zoning Compliance 35 Standard Allowed by LMU-2 Proposed Density 429 units 357 units GRFA 1,179,868 sf 595,288 sf Density Comparisons 36 0 17.5 35 52.5 70 Ever Vail Timber Ridge Solaris Four Seasons Arrabelle Manor Vail Ritz 27 30 14 6 30 0 29 48 29 22 66 30 67 43 Total Density Density as calc’d by Code Units Per Acre FAR Comparison 37 0 0.75 1.5 2.253 Ever Vail Timber Ridge Solaris Four Seasons Arrabelle Manor Vail Ritz Commercial GRFA EHU Sq. Ft. Per Sq. Ft. Of Area Source: Development Projects in the Town of Vail, 2008 EVER VAIL SITE PLAN 38 R E D S A N D S TO N E C R E E K 39 C r e e k s i d e Mix of active & passive uses Allow access at targeted locations Limit access in locations to preserve vegetation 40 Passive area to protect wetland vegetation Active area to allow access to creek for recreational uses 41 C r e e k s i d e Active Area: Recreational Uses Outdoor children’s play area 42 43 C r e e k s i d e Active Area: +/-250 seat amphitheater Outdoor education Entertainment Gathering area 44 45 C I R C U L AT I O N F O L L OW-U P 46 Forest Road Extension • 900 vehicles at peak hour today at W. Lionshead Circle intersection • Road changes to a local street at 24’ wide with EV • 450 vehicles at peak hour with Ever Vail • 8 second gaps on average between vehicles at peak hour • 8 seconds gets you 28 ft. • Cars to yield when pedestrians are present 47 All Frontage Road Traffic 48 All Frontage Road Traffic Reduced traffic 49 Circulation -Simba • According to the traffic study, Simba Run South Frontage Road Roundabout is not needed for Ever Vail traffic entering or exiting the site • Turn lanes provided • Access at west end is full movement 50 51 Things we’ve heard • Proximity to ERWSD • Flexibility in parking structure • Connection into Lionshead 52 S C H E D U L E 53 February 22nd • Wrap-Up from Previous Worksessions • Fiscal Impact Report 54 Review of all applications Review of all applications Review of all applications Review of all applications Worksession Second Reading /SIA and DIA Worksession Joint Meeting Review of all applications Update Update Joint Meeting Worksession Worksession Worksession J a n | F e b | M a r | A p r | M a y | J u n | J u l | A u g WorksessionWorksessionUpdate First Reading /SIA and DIA Final Review of all applications Town Council Planning & Environmental Commission 55