HomeMy WebLinkAboutSolar Vail Public Works PEC comments response 2-15-08 __________________________________________________________________________________________ Department of Public Works & Transportation 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vail, CO 81657 970-479-2158 Fax: 970-479-2166 www.vailgov.com MEMO To: Scot Hunn From: Chad Salli, Project Engineer Re: Solar Vail Date: 2/14/08 The Town of Vail Public Works Department has received and reviewed the Solar Vail submittal dated 1/28/08. The following are comments that should be addressed prior to approval. CDOT access permit is required and should be executed prior to building permit submittal. Applicant response: We shall comply. Continue curb and gutter east of TY 2 driveway Applicant response: We shall comply. The Town of Vail General Notes shall be added. (Notes can be e-mailed upon request) Applicant response: We shall comply. Please add Utility Signature block and have all utilities sign acknowledging acceptance of utility impacts and design. Applicant response: We shall comply. Final Civil drawings shall be approved and meet all Town standards prior to submittal of building permit. Detailed comments will be provided at that time. Applicant response: We shall comply. All construction staging issues shall be resolved prior to construction including staging, phasing, access, schedules, traffic control, emergency access, parking, loading and delivery, etc… Applicant response: The General Contractor selected will meet with Staff and resolve these issues prior to construction. A ROW/Utility permit shall be obtained and approved by the Town of Vail and CDOT prior to commencing any construction within public Right of Way. Applicant response: We shall comply. All improvements within CDOT ROW shall be approved by CDOT including all Frontage Rd improvements and landscaping. This approval will be required prior to Civil plan set approval. Applicant response: We shall comply. Prior to approval of an Excavation permit a shoring and excavation plan shall be submitted including; excavation phasing, engineered shoring plans with plan, profile and cross sections. Cross Sections and plans shall include all existing conflicts (i.e. utilities). Any shoring within CDOT ROW will require approval from CDOT and FHWA. Any shoring within the Vail public ROW will require Town of Vail approval and a revocable ROW permit. Applicant response: We shall comply. A Storm Water Discharge CDPHE Permit and all applicable ACOE permits (i.e. Dewatering) shall be submitted prior to construction. Applicant response: We shall comply. Provide engineered stamped final drainage report, and a traffic study. Applicant response: These are in progress. The developer will be assessed traffic impact fee of $6,500 per peak hour additional trip generated, total additional trips generated will be determined once a traffic study is submitted and approved. Applicant response: If the Town of Vail truly wants employee housing and the replacement of soon-to-be-demolished professional office space, this fee should be waived in it’s entirety. Show snow storage area. Applicant response: We will continue to utilize the open area at the east end of the site and will provide a temporary snow storage area in the 4 guest parking spaces at the west end of the site. These will be noted on the grading plans. Parking structure will require a sand/oil structure. Applicant response: We shall comply. Show top and bottom of proposed and existing walls. Walls greater than 4’ in height (as measured from bottom of the footer to the top of wall), shall be designed and stamped by a registered professional engineer. All design parameters and assumptions shall be submitted with plans. Applicant response: We shall comply. Town Code allows for a maximum of 6’ high walls, the section provided for the exiting wall along the frontage road shows this to be 8’ in height Applicant response: Any new walls proposed shall comply with TOV standards. Show the turning movement for the proposed loading spots. Applicant response: The existing driveway requires all delivery, trash and fire vehicles to back up aal the way to the Frontage Road. The proposed design still requires these vehicles to back up but provides for a turn-around spur before reaching the Frontage Road. The Fire Department has agreed to this and the trash and delivery companies will find this to be less onerous than exists in many places through out the TOV. Tie in the proposed 3’ pan with the culvert crossing under the rec path, do not discharge this drainage across the surface of the walk and into the frontage road. Applicant response: We shall comply. Show the required landing of the proposed stairs on the west side of the property, with handrails. The handrails can not encroach in to the rec path and must be 2’ off the edge of the rec path.. Applicant response: We shall comply. Is the existing gravel path to the elementary school proposed to remain, be improved? Applicant response: This path is proposed to be removed and blocked as best possible to stop the flow of pedestrian traffic across the school property. Additional comments may follow as plans are developed.