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RF 081120 PEC submittal TL Draft 05.doc
December 4, 2008
Rachel Friede
Town of Vail
Department of Community Development
75 South Frontage Road
Vail Colorado 81657
Re: Fairmont Vail
Evergreen Lodge Redevelopment
Master Plan Compliance
As indicated in your correspondence of October 14, 2008, and at the request of the developer, I
have reviewed portions of the Fairmont-Vail development plan for compliance with adopted
master plans and zoning ordinances. Below is a summary evaluation based upon those documents
and information provided to me by the developer.
Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan
The Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan was used as the guiding document for development
of the project. With regard to the specific recommendations contained in Section 5.19 of the plan,
the proposed project:
• Removes all surface parking and provides for an increased amount of underground
parking consistent with adopted zoning requirements.
• Demolishes the existing structure and creates a new structure consistent with
requirements of the Lionshead Architectural Design Guidelines.
• Provides for improved exterior lighting consistent with adopted zoning and building
• Coordinates and improves vehicular access from the South Frontage Road through:
o Separation of service and guest access,
o Limiting vehicular turning movements in and out of the site,
o Increasing sight distances, and
o Providing dedicated turning lanes in accordance with adopted policies of
Colorado Department of Transportation as coordinated with public works staff..
• Provides for improved streetscape and landscaping along the South Frontage Road in
accordance with adopted design guidelines, policies and regulations through provision of
new landscaping, pedestrian pathways, curb and gutter and lighting.
• Provides for improved pedestrian circulation through the provision of improved,
landscaped, multi-use pathways and sidewalks connecting existing, external pedestrian
and multi-use pathways around the site.
• Provides for upgraded and expanded variety of short term accommodation options and
amenities through:
o Preservation of the existing 128 accommodation units, increases in the GRFA
and quality of each accommodation unit,
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o Provision of new fractional fee condominium units, and
o Provision of fee simple condominiums, and
o Provision of new and expanded lounge, spa, retail, restaurant and conference
5.19.1 Pedestrian Access
• The development plan identifies a new, continuous, multi-use path in the South
Frontage Road right of way. The pathway provides reasonable access to the existing
public transit stop at the Westar Bank Building in compliance with the detailed
recommendations of the Lionshead master plan.
• The development plan identifies a multi-use sidewalk along the southern edge of the
site connecting the hotel access to the existing pedestrian pathway bridge over
Middle Creek to the ice area and the public transit stop.
• The development plan identifies a new, continuous, pedestrian path along the
western edge Middle Creek, connecting the proposed multi-use pathway at the South
Frontage Road and the existing proposed multi-use pathway at the ice area.
5.19.2 South Frontage Road Improvements and Vehicular Access
• The development plan identifies two relocated vehicular access points along South
Frontage Road to address traffic safety and capacity concerns in compliance with the
detailed recommendations of the Lionshead master plan.
• The proposed access separates guest/resident access to the west and service access to
the east.
• The guest and residential access point to the west provides for full movement with
improved sight distances and a dedicated turning lane as prescribed by the traffic
study and adopted policies of the Town of Vail and Colorado Department of
Transportation, (CDOT).
• The service access point to the east provides for limited right-in/right out movements
through the use of landscaped medians, as well as providing for improved sight
distances and increased separation from neighboring access points as prescribed by
the traffic study and adopted policies of the Town of Vail and Colorado Department
of Transportation, (CDOT).
5.19.3 Preservation of Existing Accommodation Units
• The development plan identifies no loss of short term accommodation units in
compliance with the detailed plan recommendations of the Lionshead master plan.
• The development plan identifies upgraded and expanded variety of short term
accommodation options and amenities through preservation of the existing 128
accommodation units, through provision of branded fractional fee units, and through
provision of branded fee simple dwelling units available for short term rental at each
unit owner’s discretion.
• The development plan also includes expanded lounge, spa, retail, restaurant and
conference facilities.
• The development plan identifies branding and management by an internationally
recognized five star operator.
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5.19.4 Impacts on Middle Creek Stream Tract
• The final development plan will identify protection of the natural riparian stream
tract as part of the construction management and staging plan in compliance with the
detailed recommendations of the Lionshead master plan.
• The development plan identifies and enhanced visual connection between the
building site, Vail International and the Town of Vail stream tract through the
addition of landscaping and pedestrian path.
• With the town’s prior approval, the developer would intend to clear undesirable
undergrowth and vegetation from the stream tract with the intent to preserve the
riparian environment and strengthen the visual connection to both the Fairmont Vail
site and the Vail International site.
5.19.5 Relationship to the Vail Valley Medical Center and proposed Vail Civic Center
• The development plan would not preclude redevelopment of the Medical Center
access from the South Frontage Road in compliance with the detailed
recommendations of the Lionshead master plan.
• The development plan allows for unified and consistent pedestrian pathways,
landscaping and site improvements with adjacent properties as indicated in the
submitted landscape and civil documents.
• The proposed Fairmont-Vail development would not preclude a future land
exchange with the Medical Center as adopted setbacks from the existing parking
structure have been provided.
5.19.6 Service and Delivery
• The development plan identifies an indoor delivery facility hidden from public views
in compliance with the detail recommendations of the Lionshead master plan.
• All truck turning movements are provided for on site and should not negatively
impact traffic flow on the South Frontage Road as indicated in the Traffic Study.
5.19.7 Setback from the South Frontage Road
• The submitted development plan indicates a thirty foot (30’) setback in compliance
with the detail recommendations of the Lionshead master plan.
• The increased setback allows for visual screening of the building mass through the
use of berms, trees and vegetation as indicated in the submitted landscape
5.19.8 Architectural Improvements
• The development plan indicates demolition of the existing structure and replacement
with a new structure that complies with the intent of the Lionshead architectural
design guidelines.
5.19.9 Public Transit Stops
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• The development plan does not indicate any relocation of the existing public transit
• The development plan indicate improved pedestrian circulation through the
provision of multi-use sidewalks and pathways connecting existing external
pedestrian and multi-use pathways to existing transit stops.
• At such a time that the Medical Center redevelops its primary access, the developer
agrees to coordinate any relocation of the bus stop to a mutually agreeable location
within the South Frontage Road right of way or easement.
Setbacks/Easements 12-7H-10
The development plan complies with the required 10 foot setback in accordance with adopted
zoning and existing easements. All at and above grade projections including unroofed decks,
terraces, and balconies do not project more into 5 feet into the required setback in accordance
with adopted codes. Roofs and other similar architectural projections do not project more than 4
feet into the required setback in accordance with adopted codes.
Front (North - South Frontage Road)* – 30 feet (easement) proposed, 10 feet required
Side (West - Middle Creek) – 10 feet proposed, 10 feet required
Rear (South - Medical Center) – 20 feet (easement) proposed, 10 feet required
Side (Medical Center Parking Structure)** - 10 feet proposed, 10 feet required
* The existing Medical Center parking structure has approximately a 2.5 foot front setback and
extends into existing easements.
** The existing Medical Center parking structure has approximately a 36 foot side setback that
extends into existing easements.
Please reference the enclosed summary.
Stream Setbacks 12-14-17
The development plan complies with the 30 foot required stream setback in accordance with
adopted zoning. The 30 foot setback from the centerline of the established Middle Creek stream
channel occurs within the required 10 foot side yard setback.
Please reference the enclosed summary.
Site Coverage 12-7H-14
The development plan complies with maximum allowable site coverage in accordance with
adopted zoning and existing easements.
Maximum Allowable Site Coverage – 70%
Proposed Site Coverage – 64%
Please reference the enclosed summary.
Building Height 12-7H-11 (Lionshead Development Master Plan)
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The development plan generally complies with the intent of the adopted zoning and Lionshead
Design Guidelines for calculation of building height. Uninhabitable architectural features such as
towers, spires, and cupolas do not extend more than fifteen feet above the indicated maximum
Maximum Allowable Building Height – 82.5 feet
Proposed Building Height – 82.3 feet
Maximum Average Building Height – 71 Feet
Proposed Average Height – 69.95 Feet
Maximum Initial Eave Height – 60 Feet
Proposed Initial Eave Height - 60 Feet
Maximum Architectural Projection – 97.5 feet
Proposed Architectural Projection – TBD (</=97.5 feet)
Please reference the submitted building height drawing and calculation.
Landscaping Coverage 12-7H-15, 14-10-8, 14-10-9
The development plan complies with the minimum allowable landscape coverage in accordance
with adopted zoning and design review guidelines. The proposed plant species and sizes comply
with those minimum indicated in the design review guide.
Minimum Allowable Landscaping Area– 20%
Proposed Landscaping Coverage – 23.8%
Maximum allowable hardscape, walks, water features – 20%
Proposed allowable hardscape, walks, water features – (tbd, <20%)
Please reference the submitted landscape coverage diagram and calculation
Grading 14-6
The development plan complies with the maximum allowable grading of 2:1,
(horizontal:vertical), in accordance with adopted zoning and guidelines.
Retaining Walls 14-6
The development plan complies with the maximum allowable height of 6 feet, are located more
than 2 feet from adjacent property lines and will be stamped by a profession engineer if over 4
feet in height in accordance with adopted codes and regulations. In addition, all boulder walls are
indicated with a maximum 1:1, (horizontal:vertical), slope.
Driveway 14-3-1
The development plan complies with the maximum allowable grades including 2% slope at cross
walks (six feet), 4% or less for the first 30 feet, and 12% maximum for the remainder of the drive.
The developer intends to snow-melt the driveways with separate zones for both the easements and
public right of way.
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Both the service and guest driveways are a minimum of 22 feet wide in accordance with adopted
codes and regulations.
Parking 10-12, 14-5
The development plan complies minimum required parking in accordance with adopted codes and
regulations. All parking with the exception of short term valet spaces at the project entry are
located within the structure.
Please reference the attached calculation and plans.
Employee Housing Mitigation 12-7H-18
The developer intends to provide off-site mitigation of development impacts in accordance with
the adopted inclusionary zoning and commercial linkage provisions of the Town of Vail Zoning
Regulations. There is no employee housing on site. This area will be provided in accordance with
the minimum size and development standards as indicated in the adopted zoning ordinances.
Please reference the attached calculation and plans.
Public Art Mitigation 12-7H-18, 12-3 (Ordinance 8, 2008)
The developer intends to provide mitigation of development impacts in accordance with the
adopted Public Art provisions of the Town of Vail Zoning Regulations and Public Art Master
Plan as they may apply to this project.
Traffic Impact Mitigation
The developer intends to provide mitigation of development impacts due to increase vehicular
traffic in accordance with the adopted policy and rates as determined by the traffic impact study
submitted as part of the development plan and as identified in the plans submitted..
Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns regarding the analysis.
Timothy R. Losa, A.I.A.
Zehren & Associates, Inc.