HomeMy WebLinkAboutFairmont Letter 120108
75 South Frontage Rd. Department of Community Development
Vail, Colorado 81657
FAX 970-479-2452
December 1, 2008
David Louie
Sent via email to Dlouie@sb-architects.com
TJ Brink
Sent via email to Tbrink@semperdev.com
Adam Williams
Sent via email to Awilliams@arcipm.com
Re: Fairmont Vail PEC Final Review Submittal
Dear David, TJ and Adam,
I am writing to provide a summary of comments that need to be addressed prior to final approval by the Planning and Environmental Commission. Because of the large number of issues that
remain unresolved, my suggestion is that you go to the PEC meeting next week on Monday December 8, 2008 for a worksession, with one additional meeting for a final review in the near
future. Please provide an updated version of your submittal, including a response to all of the following comments and additional requirements from Town of Vail departments by Wednesday
December 3, 2008:
Public Works:
Please provide a stamped survey and title report, show floodplain & wetland delineations.
A CDOT access permit will be required prior to approval. The access points shall meet CDOT minimum standard spacing, measured between the PC/PT of each access. Access points shall
be governed by the CDOT Access code not by the design, height or configurations of the building. Currently the access spacing does not meet this criteria.
Provide a Drainage Study for the site and Frontage Rd. and a more detailed drainage plan showing all inlets, pipe, positive flow away from building, daylight points, swales, etc…
Provide a more detailed site plan with horizontal geometry, dimensions, turning movements in the port cochere and LD area, etc…
Showing adequate site distances on Landscape plans and site plan.
All walls shall be a minimum 2’ off property lines.
Show where roof drains and foundation drains will daylight or tie into Storm sewer.
Provide more detailed Frontage Rd plans, including horizontal and vertical geometry, grading, drainage, sections, grade tie-ins, etc…Additional information to the east and west will
be required to adequately show match points.
All Frontage Rd. and path lighting shall meet Town standards.
Since the Frontage Rd. is lowering ~12” at the Recycle Lot driveway, what will the driveway grade increase to?
The hydrant shown on the Utility plan shall not be in the walkway.
The walk on the Frontage Rd should be heated as it is in the shade for most of the Winter.
The Frontage Rd walk shall be located in its final location per the ultimate Frontage Rd. design.
Show Loading and delivery turning movements and vertical clearance. The minimum Vertical clearance is 14’ and may be required to be greater depending on grade breaks. No turning movements
may occur on the Frontage Rd. All Loading bays must be able to act independently.
Show typical parking stall and aisle dimensions. Show how spaces 1, 22, 27, 75-77, 82-84, 134 exit and turnaround.
Show drainage in parking garage and location and size of sand/oil separator and where drainage daylights.
Show compliance to valet parking standards. (50% max)
The Middle Creek Floodplain is above the accessible liveable space along the west side of the project. This may not comply with FEMA standards.
The path along Middle creek should be bicycle friendly and follow the Town of Vail Rec. Path guidelines. Two versions are shown throughout the drawing set. The bike path should have
a short flat section just after crossing the creek to accommodate stairs coming in from the north from the Frontage Rd. An option should be shown showing construction grading on Vail
International property to eliminate some of the 2-3’ walls on the west side, and discussions had with VI. An option showing the path on the east side of the creek should also be shown
as grading towards the Fairmont property may be achievable.
Show grades on the entire parking garage ramp.
Please clarify what the 5’ clear of structure means on the ramp at 2 locations.
Please clarify what the ‘Blow out Wall’ is along the 14% graded ramp.
Coordinate with AIPP for Public Art contribution.
The Developer complies with Public Works General Conditions of Approval. (See attached)
Traffic Study Comments;
The trip distribution of 80/20 favoring eastbound traffic seems too high, especially considering future growth and attractions to the west (Simba Run Connection, EverVail, Arrabelle,
Future LH Parking structure). Based on the assumptions used in the Town’s MP model a 65/35 split seems appropriate. This will impact LOS and turning movements.
We are continuing to work with CDOT on reductions. It is favoring that the greatest reduction that the Town and CDOT will be permitting is 20%. Please continue your evaluation with
a 0 reduction and a 20% reduction.
How will the left turn restriction out of the development be controlled other than signage?
Fire Department:
Provide fire staging and egress on a separate site plan to clearly identify where staging and egress will occur and how fire trucks can be accommodated.
Need to provide access from fire command center to fire staging.
If you would like to discuss this further, please contact Mike McGee as soon as possible.
Please note the requirements for parking, with doubled parked/ valet spaces at a maximum of 50% of the required parking, and compact spaces at a maximum of 25% of parking. Also note
that enclosed parking spaces have a minimum size of 8 feet x 18 feet, while you are showing bigger spaces as part of your plan. This must be changed to reflect the requirements. If
you wish to request a variance from this requirement, you will need to apply for a variance and submit the required additional application materials.
Ensure that all plans have clearly labeled items and no internal coding that will be unrecognizable by Town Staff (i.e. S1- is this stairs?) Please label all units as dwelling units,
accommodation units (hotel rooms), fractional fee units, and employee housing units.
Provide detail on square footage of all spaces within the building. This will help calculate parking and loading, as well as numerous other requirements based on square footage of different
land uses within the building.
Provide a letter from TJ Brink confirming that no HOA approval is necessary, since he has the rights to development, and as such, approves the project. Should HOA approval be required,
please provide a letter from the HOA.
Provide a written statement describing the proposal and how the proposal complies with the applicable adopted master plans and planning documents, including:
Employee Housing Analysis: Existing and proposed square footage of dwelling units and each individual commercial use
Parking analysis: Provide data on how the project complies with TOV parking requirements
Summary of zoning requirements and how the project meets these requirements.
Provide photo overlays and/or other graphic material to demonstrate the special relationship of the proposed development to adjacent properties, specifically VVMC, and to public spaces
Provide utility companies’ sign-off for the project
Provide a 3D model of the building.
Should you have questions, feel free to call or email. I will need to have all information submitted by Wednesday, December 3, 2008. As previously stated, it seems that a worksession
may be more appropriate next week in order to discuss issues and facilitate approval at a later date. As a worksession, a number of the above issues may remain unresolved at this time.
However, if you are requesting a final approval, these issues must be addressed immediately.
Rachel Friede, AICP
Planner II