HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Resorts' Ever Vail traffic impact study7'Yaf�'-cc Impact Study Tlail l�eso�ts ' Eve� Tlail Frepared�'oT= `� Town o�Yail fl Kimley-Horu and Associates, Inc. 2009 T R A� F I C I M P A C T S T U D Y Vail Resorts' Ever Vail Vail, Colorado Prepared for Town af Vail 75 S. Frontage Raad Vail, CO 81657 Prepared by Kixnley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 990 S. Broadway Street Suite 450 Denver, Colorado 80209 (303) 228-2300 (303) 446-8678 FAX October 2009 This document, togef�cer mith fhe concepfs and designs presented herein, as nn instrumenf of service, is infencled onl� for the specific purpose and ciient for zvhich if zvas prepared. Reuse of and improper �tiance an fhis document witltout zuritten aufhorizafion and adaptation bl� Kirnle�-Horn and Associates, Inc. shall be ivfthout Iiabilit�j to Kimle�-Horn and Associates, Inc. TABIE OF CONTENTS 'FABLE C}F �OIV'�i►►i°S ................................................................................................................. i APPENDICES................................................................................................................................. i LISTOF TABLES .......................................................................................................................... ii LIST OF FIGURES • • • ..................................................................................................•----..........---...iii 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...................................................................................................... 1 2.0 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 7 3.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS ..................................................................................................... IO 3.1 Existing Roadway Network ................................ .........................................................................10 3.2 Existing Study Area .................................... ...................................................................................10 3.3 Existing Traffic Volumes .................................................•---...........---.............---.........------............10 3.3 Future Conditions ...............................................................:..........................................................12 4.0 PROJECT TRAFFIC CHARACTERISTICS ......................................................................... 18 4.1 Trip Genera#ion ..............................................................................................................................18 4.2 Tcip Distribution ......................................•----........._.._..........-----..........------......................._............. 21 4.3 Traffic Assignment and Total (Background PIus Project) Traffic ........................................... 21 5.0 TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS .. ..............•---........._.__...........-----................................ 35 5.1 Analysis Methodology ..........................................................................................................�----... 35 5.2 Key Intersection Operational Analysis ....................................................................................... 3b 5.3 Auxiliary Turn Lane Recoznmendations .................................................................................... 46 6.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................. 50 APPENDICES Appendix A- Conceptual Site Plan Appendix B- Existing Tra#fic Volumes A}�pendix C-- 20�25 Ttaffic Volumes Appendix D- Trip Generation Worksheets Appendix E- Intersection Analysis Worksheets KinzIe�f-Horn and Associates, lnc. 096094.004/Vai1 Resorts' Ever Vai1 Page i LIST OF TASLES Table 1- Vail Resorts' Ever Vail Traffic Generahon ..........................................................................19 Table 2- Day Skier Parking and Transit Center Traffic Generation ................................................ 20 Table 3- Level of Service Definitions .............................•----•--.............................................................. 35 Table 4- Background I.OS Results ..._...-�------�--� ....................�------............._........................................... 37 - Table 5- South Fron�age Road & Forest Road Roundabout Sidra LOS Results ............................ 39 Table 6- South Frontage Road & Forest Road Roundabout Rodel LOS Results ........................... 34 Tabie 7- Forest Road & West Lionshead Circle LOS Results ........................................................... 40 Table 8- South Frontage Road & Proposed Access A LOS Results ................................................. 41 Table 9- South Frontage Road & Proposed Access B LOS Results ................................................. 42 Table ?0 - South Frontage Road & Proposed Access C T.OS Results ............................................... 42 Table I1 - South Frontage Road & Proposed Access D LOS Results ............................................... 43 Table 12 - Forest Road & Proposed Access E LOS Results ............................................................... 44 Table 13 - Forest Road & Pzoposed Access F LOS Results ................................................................ 45 Kimle�-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vnil 1Zesorts' Ever Vail Page ii LIST OF FfGURES Figure 1- Vicinity Map ........................................•------.................... ....................... 8 .................................. Figure 2- Existing Traffic Voiumes-�-------• .........................................................•-------...........................11 Figure 3- 2015 Background Traffic Volumes ......................................................................................14 Figure 4- 2015 Future Lar�eage and Control .......................................................................................15 Figure 5- 2015 Relocated Background Traffic Volumes .................................................... :..............16 Figure 6- 2025 Background Traffic Volumes ......................................................................................17 Figure 7-- Trip Distribution West Side without Simba Run Underpass ......................................... 22 Figure 8- Trip Distribution East Side without Simba Run Underpass ........................................... 23 Figure 9- Trip Distribution West Side with Simba Run Underpass ............................................... 24 Figure 10 - Trip Distribution East Side wzth Simba Run Underpass ............................................... 25 Figure 11 - Traffic Assignment West Side withoat Simba Run underpass .................................... 26 Figure 12 - Traffic Assigrunent East Side without Simba Run underpass ...................................... 27 Figure 13 - Tratfic Assignment Skier Parking/Transit Center without Simba Run underpass .. 28 Figure 14 - Traffic Assignment West Side with Simba Run underpass .......................................... 29 Figure 15 - Traffic Assignment East Side with Simba Run underpass ............................................ 30 Figure 16 - Traffic Assignment Skier Parking/Transit Center with Simba Run underpass .....__. 31 Figure 17 - 2015 Background Plus Project Traffic Volumes without Simba Underpass ............... 32 Figure 18 - 2025 Background Plus Project Traffic Volumes with Simba Run Underpass ............ 33 Pigixxe 1.9 - 2025 Future Laneage axid Conhol.....-•--•• .......................................................................... 49 KimIei�-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/VaiI Resorts' Ever Vait Page iii 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Vail Resorts currently plans a redevelopment project, Ever Vail, within the West Lionshead Village azea in Vail, Colorada The conceptual plan consists of redeveiopnnent of two separate parcels located west of the West Lionshead Circle intersection along South Frontage Road. With redevelopment of these parcels, a realigxuxtent of South Frontage Road is proposed to align South Frontage Road adjacent to Interstate 70 (I-70). The frontage road is proposed to have an 80-foot right-of-way width through this segment adjacent to Interstate 70 (I-70). According to the Vail Transportation Master Plan this has been discussed as part of the Frontage Road plaruling with preliminary acceptance from CDOT. With realignment of South Frontage Koad, a xealigrunent of Forest Road is also proposed where Forest Road will intersect South Fzontage Road at the approximate existing western intersection of West Lionshead Circle in a roundabout. With this realignment and due to roadway geometrics, it is proposed that West Lionshead Circle intersect with Forest Road in a T-intersection south of the roundabout, wi�Eh a southbound to eastbound left turn lane that provides approximately 75 feet of storage. The entire Ever Vaii project is anticipated to include approximately 358 residential uniis, 103,595 square feet of external retail, 33,600 square feet of offices, a hotel with 120 rooms, and 48 units of employee housing. Redevelopment of the two parcels is aIso anticipated to include a parking garage on the western portion of the site, of which 400 of the parking spaces will be reserved for public parking. A transit center for 13 skier drop-off/pick-up spaces and four {4} transit buses is proposed on the east side o£ the development site. A new gondola is also proposed on the east sifie. At: the request of CDOT and to maintain consistency with the Vail Transportation Master Plan and plan for other future growth in the area, analysis has been completed far the 2015 near term and 24251ong term horizons. The purpose of this shxdy is to identify project traffic genexation characteristics, to identify potential project traffic related impacts on the local street system, and to develop mitigation Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts' Ever Vail RedeveIoprnent Page ? measures required for identified impacts. The followirig key intersections have been included for evaluation in this study: • South �rontage Road & West Lionshead Circle {existing aligzunent) • South Frontage Road & Forest Road (future aligrunent}, • West Lionshead Circle & Forest Road (future alignment), and • A11 proposed access driveway intersections. Regional access to the West Lionshead area is provided by I-70. Primary access ta the site is provided by South Frontage Road. Direct access to the western portion o€ the site is proposed from one full movement access driveway along South Frontage Road (Access A}, and one three- quarter access driveway along South Frontage Road (Access B). Direct access to the eastern portion of the site is proposed from one three-qnarter access driveway along South Frontage Road (Access C), one exit Qnly access driveway on South Frontage Road (Access D), and two access driveways along Forest Road. The two access driveways along Forest Road (Access E and F) will provide full turning movements. The Ever Vail development is expected to generate approximately 3,930 daiiy weekday driveway trips. Of these, 253 trips are expected io occur during the weekday morning peak hour, while 385 trips are expected during the weekday afternoon peak hour. The retail trip generation rate was directly applied based on the Vail Transportation Master Plan, which included a reduction of 65 percent to take into account those who visi'� the shops and restaurants who are already skiing and sfaying in the Ever Vail and Lionshead area to account for internal capture and eliminate double counting of trips. Kinr?ey-Horn nrid Associates, I�ic. 09b094.004/Vnii Resorfs' Ever Vail RedeveIopment Page 2 Distribution of site traffic on the street system was based on the area street system characteristics, existing traffic pattems, anticipated surrounding development axeas, and the proposed access system for the project. This distribution was developed in accordance with recommendations pzovided by Town of Vail representatives. For the 2015 near term analysis, it was assumed that the Simba Run underpass had not been constructed. To be consistent with the Vail Trunsportation Master PIan, the long term 2Q25 analysis assumes that the future Sirnba Run Underpass improvements a�re completed, which provides the most conservative analysis. The background txaffic volumes and trip distributions both account for these two scenarios. Assignment of project traffic was based upon the trip generation described previausly and the distributions developed. Based on the analysis presented in this report, Kimley-Horn believes the proposed Ever Vail Redevelopment project will be successfuIly incorporated into the future roadway network. The proposed project development and expected traffic volumes resulted in the following recommendations: South Fronta�e Road Recommendations • With redevelopment of the proposed project, South Frontage Road wiIl be realigned adjacent to Interstate 70 beiween the existing western intersection of West Lionshead Circle and the western project boundary where the road will resume its current alignment. In conjunction with this realignment, Farest Road will be realigned to the approximate location of the current western intersection of West Lionshead Circle with South Frontage Road in a roundabout. Due to roadway geornetrics, West Lionshead Circle is proposed to terminate in a T-intersection with Forest Road approximately 20d feet south of the fuhzre roundabout. These improvements are consistent with fihe Vail Transportation Master P1an. • According to the Vail Transportation Master Plan, South Frontage Road is recommended to be widened aiong the project frontage to include one thzough lane in each direction with continuous eastbound and westbound acceleration/ deceleraiion Ianes. According to the Access Code, deceleration lanes are generally required. However, acceleraHon lanes are not Kimte�f-Horn mTd Associates, Inc. 096094_004/Vr�i[ Resorfs' Ever Vail RedcveIopment Pnge 3 wananted along South Frontage Road due to the existing 25 mile per hour posted speed Iimit. Based an recommendations included in the Vail Transportation Master Plart, acceIeration lanes will be constructed to provide continuous acceleration/deceleration lanes along South Frontage Road adjacent to proJect frontage. �n addition, along the north side of South Frontage Road, a bike lane is proposed. • Through lane transitions for eastbound and westbound traffic around the proposed Ieft turn Ianes along South Frontage Road are recomm.ended to be constructed in accordance with the State Highway Access Code as required by CDOT. Since the speed Iimit of South Frontage Road is 25 miles per hour, the through Iane transition lengths will follow the redirect taper af 15 to 1. Access A& South Frontage Road Intersection Recommendations • According to the State Access Code, a westbound to southbound left turn lane is warranted at the intersection af Access A{western west side full movement access) with South Frontage Road based on traffic volume projections with development of the proposed project. According to the code, this left turn deceleration Iane should provide 175 feet of storage with an additiona17.5 to 1 taper. • According to the State Access Code, an eastbound to southbound right turn deceleration Iane is warranted at the intersection of Access A(western west side full movement access) with South Frontage Road based on projected traffic volumes with development of the project. This eastbound lane should be constructed to provide 150 feet for a full lane. width with an additiona17.5 to 1 taper. • It is recommended that a left turn acceleration lane be designated along westbound South Frontage Road (west of Access A) proposed with the project to help facilitate northbound to westbound left turn movements exiting the development onto westbound South Frontage Kimte�-Horri a�id Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resarts' Ever Vail Redevetopment Page 4 Road. This westbound Ieft turn acceleraiion Iane should be constructed to provide 9Q feet of full lane width with an additional 7.5 to 1 taper. • It is recorxunended that separate northbound left and right turn Ianes be constructed to facilitate rnore efficient egress movements onto South Frontage Road. This noxthbound approach should operate with stop control and be posted with an Rl-1 "STOP" sign in accordance with MUTCD requirements. Access B& South Frontage Road Intersection Recommendations • According to the State Access Code, a westbound to southbound left turn deceleration lane is warranted (wi11 be constructed) at the intersection of Access B(eastern west side access) with South Frontage Road based on traffic volume projections with development of the proposed project. According to the code, this left turn deceleration lane shouid provide 9Q feet of storage with an additiona17.5 to 1 tapex. • In accordance with the Vail Transportation Master Plan, an eastbound to southbound right turn deceleration iane will be constructed at the ineersecrion of Access B(eastern west side access) with South Frontage Road with development of the project. This eastbound lane should be constructed as a continuous acceleration/ deceleration lane from Access A. • It is recommended that the right-out only northbound approach should operate with stop control and be posted with an R1-1 "STOP" sign in accordance with MUTCD requirements. Access C& South Frontage Road Intersection Recommendations • According to the State Access Code, a westbound to southbound left turn deceleration lane is warranted at the intersection of Access C(western east side access) with South Frontage Road based on traffic volume projections with development of the proposed project. According to the code, this left turn deceleration lane should provide 90 feet of storage with an additiona17.5 to 1 taper. Kimley-Horn a�id Associates, I�zc. 095094.004/Vrzil Resorts' Ever Vail Redevelopment Page 5 • As recommended in the Vail Transportation Master Plan and in accordance with the State Access Code, an eastbound to southbound right turn decelexation lane is warranted at the intersection of Access C(western east side access) with South Frontage Road based on projected traffic volumes with development of the project. Tivs eastbound lane should be constructed as a continuous acceleration/deceleration lane #rom Access B. • It is recommended that the zight-out only northbound approach shouid operate with stop control and be posted wzth an R1-1 "STOI'" sign in accordance with MUTCD requirements. Access D& South Frontage Road Intersection Recornmendations • It is recommended that the right-out oniy narthbound approach should operate with stop control and be posted with an R1-1 "STOP" sign in accordance with MUTCD requurements. Access E and Forest Road IZecommendafions • It is recommended that �te proposed western Access E driveway along Forest Road operates with stop control on aIl approaches, with STOP (RI-1) signs placed according to guidance provided in the MUTCD. Access F and Forest Road Recomnnendations • It is recornmended that the proposed Access F driveway along Forest Road operates with stop control on the driveway approach with STOP (Rl-1) signs placed according to guidance provided in the MUTCD. General Recommendations • All on-site and off-site signing and striping improvements should be incorporated into the Civil Drawings, and conform to Town of Vail and CDOT standards, as well as the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices - 2003 Edition (MUTCD). Kirnle��-Horn and Associafes, Inc. 096094.Q04/Vai! Resorts' Ever Vai1 Redeveiopment Page 6 2.0 INTR�DUCTION Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc (Kimtey-Horn) has prepared this report to document the results of a Traffic Impact Study of future traffic conditions associated with a proposed redevelopment of the West Lionshead Village area to be named Ever Vail in Vail, Colorado. The vicinity map illustrating the Ever Vail project site location is shown in Figure 1. The conceptual plan consists of redevelopment of two separate parcels located west of the West Lionshead Circle intersection along South Frontage Road. With redevelopment of these parcels, a realignment of South Frontage Road is proposed to align South Frontage Road adJacent to Interstate 70 (I-70). The project team has discussed this with and obtained preliminary acceptance froxn CDOT. The entire Ever Vail project is anticipated to include approximately 358 residential units, 103,595 square feet of external retail, 33,600 square feet of offices, a hotel with 120 rooms, and 48 units of employee housing. Redevelopment of the two parcels is also anticipated to inciude a parking garage on the western partion of the site, of which 40Q of the parking spaces wi11 be reserved for public parking. A transit center for 13 skier drop-off/pick-up parking spaces and four (4) transit bus Ioading/unloading is proposed on the east side of fhe development site. A new gondoia is also proposed on the east site. The development area zs idezltified on Figuze 1. Approximately 21,97Q square feet of the retail will. be located on the west side of the development and 81,625 square feet will be located on the east side. Of the residential units,138 condos and 41 employee housing units are proposed on the west side, while 220 condos and 7 employee housing units are proposed on the east side. AI133,600 square feet of office space will be located on east side of the development. The public parking wiIl be located on the west side. The 120 room hotel is proposed to be Iocated on the east side of the development_ Kimte�-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts' Ever VaiI .Redevelopmenf Page 7 IVU RT1--i NTS 096094.004 FIGURE t EVER VAIL, VAIL, C4 VICINITY MAP - EXISTfNG ROADWAY NETWORK �� Kimley—Horn _ and Associotes, Inc. As requested by CDOT and to maintarn consistency with the Vail Transportaiion Master Plan and plan for other future growth in the area, analysis has been completed for the 2015 near term and 2025 long terrn horizon. T'he current site plan illustrating the development and access locations is shown in Appendix A. The purpose of this study is to ideniify project traffic genexation characteristics, to identify potential project traffic related impacts on the local street systern, and to develop mitigation measures required for identified impacts. The following key intersections have been included for evaluation in this study: • South Frontage Road & West Lionshead Circle (existing aligxunent) • South Frontage Road & Forest Road (future alignment), • West Lionshead Circle & Forest Road (future aligntnent),.and • AIl proposed access driveway intersections. Regional access to the West Lionshead area is provided by I-70. Primary access to the site is provided by South Frontage Road. Direct access to the western poxtion o£ the site is proposed from one full movement access driveway along South Frontage Road (Access A), and one three- quaztez turning movement access driveway along South Frontage Road {Ac�ess B). Direct access to the eastern portion of the site is proposed from one three-quarter iurning movement access driveway along South Frontage Road (Access C�, one exit-only access driveway on South Frontage Road (Access D), and two access driveways along Forest Road. The two access driveways along Forest Road (Access E and F) will provide full turning movements. KimTe�-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vaii Resorts' Ever Vnil Redevelopment Page 9 3.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS 3.1 Existing Roadway Network The proposed developxnent is to be located along South Frontage Road west of the western intersection of West Lionshead Circle and South Frontage Road. Primary access to the site is expected to be provzded by South Frontage Road. In the site vicinity, South Frontage Road currently provides a single through lane zn each direction with a 25 mile per hour posted speed Iimit. According to the State Highway Access Category Assignment Schedule, the segment of South Frontage Road adjacent to the site is categorized F-R_ 3.2 Existing 5tudy Area The existing site is comprised of a service yard, storage facility, the existing South Frontage Road, and parking for the resort. South Frontage Road is currently Iocated south of the Vaii Resorts Maintenance site {storage facility and service yard) but it will be relocated and zealigned to the north side of the site with redevelopment of the four parcels. South Frontage Road will reconnect with the existing roadway alignment at the western project boundary. 3.3 Existing Traffic Volumes Existing afternoon peak hour traffic volumes were collected during the peak season at the study intersecbions in the project area, which includes West Lionshead Circle and South Frontage Road and Forest Road with 5ouih Frontage Road for the Vai1 Transportation Master Plan. The existing peak hour traffic voluznes are illustrated an Figure 2_ The existing traffic volume figure from the Vail Transportation Master Plan is included in Appendix B_ Kimley-Horn and Associates, I1tc. 096094.004/Vail Resorfs' Ever Vail Redeveloprnent Pnge 10 � `-°--� N O RTI--i N7S 096094.004 2 � a in n `fi � 20(30) � � f�- 30(11�) � I I 0 � m �n o � o � ° °o � n � � ui FIGURE 2 E N �n u� �- 30(15) N N n � 255(575) � � � �� 10(75�r� ote 75(10}—� K � �I Road 425(390)� I f 15(10)�y n � � m o � o 0 0 � LEGEND: � � A Study Area Key Intersection Project Access Drive E— XX (XX) AM(PM) Peak Hour Traffic Volume EVER VAIL, VAIL, CO EXISTING PEAK SEASON TRAFFIC V4LUMES ❑❑ Kimley—Horn _ ond Associotes, lnc. 3.3 Future Conditions As reqnired by CDOT, the existing traffic volumes from Figure 2 were grown at an annual growth rate of 0.5 percent (0.5%) to obtain the 2015 background traffic volumes without tl�e proposed roadway improvements that are recommended in the Vail Transportation Master Plan and are to be included in the development of the Ever Vail project. 2015 background traffic volumes at the existing intersection of West L'zonshead Circle and South Frontage Road and intersection of Forest Road and South Frontage Road are illustrated in Figure 3. With development of the proposed project, South Frontage Road will be realigned and improved adjacent to �e project site_ According to the Vail Transpartation Master Plan, this realignment has been discussed as part of the Frontage Road plannulg with preliminary acceptance from CDOT. With realignment of South Frontage Road, a realignment of Forest Road is aiso proposed where Forest Road will intersect South Frontage Road at the approximate current western intersection of West Lionshead Circle in a roundabout. Forest Road will likeiy assume some of the existing alignment of South Frontage Road next to the Ritz Carlton site. With the roadway realignments, due to roadway geometrics, it is proposed that West Lionshead Circle intersect with Forest Road in a T-intersection approximately 200 feet south of the roundabout. Direct access to the Ever Vaii deveIopment is proposed as follows: • Western West Side Access Driveway (Access A) - FuIl Turning Movements • Eastern West Side Access Driveway (Access B) - Three-Quarter Turning Movements • Western East Side Access Driveway {Access C) - Three-Quarter Turning Movements • Eastern East Side Access Driveway (Access D) - Northbound Right �nly • Parking Garage Access Driveway (Access E} - Full Turning Movements • Forest Road Access Driveway {Access F) - Full Turning Movements Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts' Ever Vail Redeveloprnent Page 12 The proposed access locations for the Ever Vail development site are shown in Figure 4. This figure also illustrates the proposed realignmenE of South Frontage Road and Forest Road and the 2015 intersection Iane configurations and contxol anticipated with the realigrunent. The 2015 background traffic volumes from Figure 3 were relocated to account for the recommended improvements to the adjacent street network proposed in the Vail Transportation Master Plan and associated with the proposed Ever Vail c�evelopment. The relocated 2015 background traffic volumes are presented in Figure 5. Future traffic volumes with realignment of South Frontage Road were obtained from the Vail Transportation Master Plan (Felsburg Holt & Ullevig}. These future long term traffic volume estimates were developed as part of a Frontage Road study be'vng conducted by the traffic consultant for the 'I'own of Vail, Felsburg Holt & Ullevig. These fizivre traffic volumes take into account developmenfi that is under construction, development that is already approved, development that was recently submitted to the Town for consideration, and potential development that might more efficiently utilize a given parcel of Iand. These background traffic estimates included redevelopment of the Lionshead Parking Structure and North Day Lot. Also included in background traffic estimates is the relocation of Vail Resorts' employee parking that is currently provided on the Vail Resorts Maintenance Site. With this redevelopment praject, these employees are anticipated to be relocated to the future parking structure on the west side of the development. They are anticipated to access this parking structure from the western South Fron�age Road access driveway (Drive A}. The future background traffic volumes for 2025 are shown in Figure 6. Kin2ley-Hor72 and Associafes, Inc. 096094.004/Vaii Resorts' Ever VaiI Reclevelopnce�it Page 13 ��� N O RT'F--f MS 096094.004 2 � �, r, > W � '� zi(ai) N n � � �-- 31(115) q � I °o ¢ d � O � n � � o ° n Vi E m �, � � '� si(�s� � �' nI � 267(602) " '" " Lr- �«15Frons o te 55(10)� T T Road 445(408)—� � I I 15(10)� '� n � h o o °o LEGEND: � 1 Study Areo Key Intersection � A Project Access Drive � XX (XX) AM(PM) Peak Hour Traffic Volume FIGURE 3 EVER VAiL, VA1L, CO 2015 BACKGROUND TRAFFlC VOLUME PR�JECTIONS ❑❑ Kimley—Nom _ ond Associates, Inc. LEGEND: � 1 Study Area Key Intersection � A Access Drive ��. � •-•-- ^—'--��_� �-'----` -- "----� u �i-°�� NORTH NTS 096094.OQ4 /� FULL uOVEMENT B C . p EXIT ONLY '�-•--- �+— �— �— S Front Road S. Fronto e Road S. fronlo e Rood � S. Fronto e Road � `� � sro� � � sTaP � �' sroP � � sro� —� w � E Fu�� „ O F Fuu „ t 2 AIOVEMENT u N MOVEMENT u � O O a a �j dO1S �a � OIS J`� � � j� � wes Faest Fores Lionshea Rood � Rood � � Cid -`�' � STOP � � Oqn Z7 �° � FIGURE 4 EVER VAIL, VAIL, CO 2015 FUTURE LANES AND CONTROL ❑❑ Kimley—Horn _ ond Associotes, Inc. I..EGEND: � 1 Study Area Key Intersection ' R Project Access Drive �— XX (XX) AM(PM) Peak Hour Traffic Volume N O RTH NTS 096094_004 A B C D E— 287(60t) E— 287(601j F— 287(6O1} �- 287(601) S. Fronto t Rood 5. Fronla e Rood Fronta e Rood S. Fronto e Rood 371(253) � 371(2S3) —� 371(253) -� 371(253) � E F 1 2 ... � � N � � 53(146) E— �a(to) � n(si) � zas(ass) " " � �, � !�— 58(41) � ��(5�� � � L,- West S Fronto e Rood lionsheod Circle it(72) � � � � 57(62) —� 340(232) � � � � � -�3 �°n 30(20) � n n m b m 1� Y N fp Jf a `o °o FiGURE 5 EVER VAlL, VAIL, CO 2015 RELOCATED BACKGROUND TRAFFIC VOLUMES �� Kimley—Horn _ ond Associotes, Inc. LEGEND: � 1 Study Areo Key Intersection � A Project Access Drive � XX (XX) AM(PM) Peak Hour Trof(ic Volume NORTH NTS 096094,p04 A B C D E— 4}g(855) E— 435(655) � 435(855) � 435(855) S. Pronlo e Rood S. Frmta Road Fronto e Rood 5. Fronta e Road 1040(705) � 1040(705) � 104D(70.5) —i 7040(705) � E F 1 2 .. o � m �— o o � 5p�z30) N �,5�,5� �,z�9o> E-355(595) _ n' � �, � � ios(�s) � eo(�o) �, � r� west 5. Front Road Lianshead qrcle 15(t5) —� � � � 100(105) �j 740(5�5) � � � � � � °a 300(200)��j N °n o 0 m o n o m o 0 0 FIGURE 6 EVER VAIL, VAIL, CO 2025 RELOCATED BACKGROUND TRAFFIC VOLUMES ❑ ❑ Kimley-Horn � _ ond Associates, Inc. 4.0 PROjECT TRAFFIC CHARACTERISTICS 4.1 Trip Generation Siie-genezated traffic estimates are determined through a process known as trip generation. Rates and equations are applied to the proposed land use to estimate traffic generated by the developmern during a specific time intervaL 71�e acknowledged souzce for trip geaneration rates is the Trip Generation Report� published by the Ins�itute of Transportation Engineers {ITE). ITE has established trip rates in nationwide studies of similar land uses. For this study, Kimley- Horn used the TI'E Trip Generation Report average rate equations that apply to Residential Condorninium/Townhome (230), Specialty Retail (814), Apartment (220), Hotel (330) and General Office Building (71Q) for traffic associated with the redevelopment. Aithough restaurant areas are anticipated, the development areas are not known ai this time. The anticipated trip generation for the site was based on information provided by the Town of Vail in the Vail Transportation Master Plan. The Vail Transportation Master Plan did not identify specific rates for restaurant use, but instead cieveloped an overall retail area rate. These rates were directly applied frozn this Transportation Master PIan based on actual observed and anticipated trip making characteristics of residential and retail developments within core areas of Vail. The section pertainulg to projected future iraffic volunnes with anticipated trip generation rates from the Transportation Master Plan is provided in Appendix D. Table 1 summarizes the estimated traffic generation for flze proposed Ever Vail development. The trip generation worksheets aze induded in Appendix D. These calcuiations iIIustrate the equations used, directional distribution of trips, and number of daily trips based on the published TTE rates. 1 Institute of Transportation Engineers, Trip Gerierafion: A�c Infotmafion Reporf, Seventh Edition, Washington DC, 2003. Kimiey-Horn rznd Associates, Inc. 096094_004/Vnil Resorts' Ever Vai! IZedez�elopn�ent Page IS Table 1- Vail Resorts' Ever Vail Traffic Generation Vehicles Tri s Weekda AM Peak F-iour Weekday PM Peak Hour Daily � Out Total In Out Total West Side Residential 552 8 38 46 37 18 55 Retail 33Q 5 3 8 13 16 24 Em lo ee Housin 60 1 4 5 4 2 6 West Side Subtotal 942 14 45 59 54 36 90 East Side Residential 880 12 61 73 59 29 88 Retail 2,224 18 21 29 47 59 106 Employee Housing 14 0 1 1 1 0 1 Hotel 500 27 10 37 22 28 50 Office 370 4b 6 52 9 41 50 East Side Subtotal 2,988 103 89 192 I38 157 295 Ever Vail Total 3,930 117 134 251 192 193 385 Day Skier Parkin� In addition to the aforementioned development, the parking garage on west side of the development is also anticipated to accommodate a total of 400 public pazking spaces for day skier use. For analysis purposes, it was assumed that 35 percent of the 400 public parking spaces would fill during the morning peak hour resulting in 140 trips entering the parking structure in the morning peak hour. It was assumed that 35 percent of the 400 pubiic parking spaces would vacate during the afternoon peak hour resulting in 140 trips e�citing the parking structure during the afternoon peak ho�r. In addition, it is anticipated that Ski School pick-ups and drop-offs will occur. It is anticipated that 150 vehicles will enter and exit during both the morning peak hour and the afternoon peak hour for the Ski School use. Em�loyee Parkin� Vail Resorts employee parking is also being relocated to the site. This parking will be relocated to this site from the Ritz Carlion site and Vail Operaiions Maintenance. The employees are not anticipated to be creating any peak hour trips during the peak winter season. These employee Kimie�-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts' Eaer Vai! Redevelopment Page I9 shifts are set up so that they arrive prior to the skier arrivals and depart either before or after the afternoon peak hour. Transit Center A transzt center is proposed on the east side of the Ever Vail development. The transit center will provide an area for 13 skier drop-off and pick-up parking spaces, as weil as Ioading/unloading areas for four (4) Eco Buses and the Vail Transit Service. Passenger vehicles and transit buses will access the transit center at Access C and exit the site at Access D. The skier pick-up and drop-off parking spaces are anticipated to turn over on average every 10 minutes. This equates �0 6 vehicles using one pick-up and drop-off parking space {6 in and 6 out per space). This equates to 15b peak hour trips created by these spaces. In addition, based on the transit routes identified from the Town of Vai1 through the North Day Lot and Lionshead Transit Center projects, the transit center is anticipaied to be used by six (6} Eagle County (ECO) Buses and 62 Town of Vail buses. Table 2 summarizes the estimated driveway trips for the day skier pazking and transit center. Table 2- Day Skier Parking and Transit Center Traffic Generation VehicIes Trips Weekday AM Peak Hour Weekday PM Peak Honr Daily � Out Total In Out Totai Day Skier Parking on West Creek 400 arkin s aces 29(} 150 420 250 290 41Q Transit Center Skier PU/DO 78 78 156 78 78 156 ECO Buses 6 6 12 6 6 12 Vail Center 62 62 124 62 62 124 Transit Center Subtotal 146 146 292 146 146 292 Kimle�-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vait Resorts' Ever Vail Redevelopment Page 2 D 4.2 Trip Distribution Distribution of site traffic on the street system was based on the area street system characteristics, existing traffic patterns and voiumes, and the proposed access system for the project. The directional distribution of traffic is a means to quantify the percentage of site- generated traffic that approaches the site Eroxn a given direction and departs the site in the same direction. T1zis distribution was developed in accordance with recommendations provided by the Town of Vail. D�istributions have been prepared separately for the scexiarios with and without the Simba Run underpass of Interstate 70 (I-7Q). Without the Sixnba Run underpass, it is assumed that the trip distribution would be 40 percent to and from the west and 60 percent to and from the east. With the Simba Run underpass, it is assumed that the trip distribution would be 50 percent to and from the east and west. These trip distributions are based on information provided by Town of Vail staff. Disiributions have also been prepared separately for the west side and east side of the development due to the proposed access for each of the parcels. Figure 7 and Figure 8 iIlustrate the expected project distribuiion for the west side and the east side without the Simha Run underpass. Figure 9 and Figure 10 illustrate the west side and east side distribution with the Simba Run underpass. 4.3 Traffic Assignment and Total (Background Plus Project} Traffic Traffic assigrunent was obtained by applying the distritbutions to the estimated traffic generation of the developnnent shown in Table 1. Figures 11, 12 and T3 illustrate the traffic assignment for the west side and the east side and the skier parking/txazisit center, respectively, without the Simba Run underpass. Figuxes 14, 15, and 16 illustrate the traffic assignment for the west side and the east side of the development and the skier parking/transit center, respectively, with the Simba Run underpass. Site project traffic volumes were then added to the background volumes to represent estimated traffic conditions for the near terxn 2015 and long term 2025 horizon. Figure 17 illustxates the background plus project traffic volumes for the 2015 horizon without the Sirnba Run underpass. Figures 18 illustrates the background plus project traffic volumes for the 2025 horizon with the Simba Run underpass. Kintle��-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vrri! Resorfs' Ever Vail Redevetopment Page 21 LEGEND: � 1 � A rc— XX7•{XX7) Study Areo Key IntersecGon Project Access Drive Entering(Exiting) Percentage of Vehicles �� iV Q R—T H NTS 096094.004 � �V ' FIGURE 7 EVER VAIL, VAIL, CO WEST SIDE TRIP DISTRIBUTI4N WITHOUT SIMBA RUN UNDERPASS ❑� Kimley—Horn _ ond Associotes, Inc. LEGEND: � 1 Study Area Key Intersectio� • A Praject Access D�ive F-- XX%(XX�1 Entering(Exiting) -�-�<�� N d FiTl--1 NTS 096094A04 � �V' A B C D E— (ao� � (ao�) F— (am�) � s�{ao� S. Fronta Road �_ S. Fronl e Rood L� . Fronta e Rood �53 S. Fronto e Rood 4D7. � � � 40R � � � 35X � � 35'({52) � � � � 5f � � � E � F i 2 + � M� eaz+�sx� �^ �: �- sz o � � � zx +I �I � es� F— sz °' ��I� 1/\1 55.°C ,I' West `� � � ° ° �- S. Fronto e Road �- "' �_ Lianshead �� T i� +e,5�. � e2�, �-�- �i i� � i �„�,e (zxj � (ssr.) � (sR) � . _� 359. —�j n � a `o 0 �.. ¢ "Tnps betwem Hotd Porte-Cochere ond Valet Parking FIGURE 8 EVER VA(L, VAIL, CO EAST S1DE TRf P DISTRf BUTION WITHOUT S1MBA RUN UNDERPASS ❑❑ Kimley—Horn _ ond Associotes, lnc. LEGEND: � 1 Study Area Key Intersection • A Project Access Drive E— XX7(XX7.) Entering(Exiting} Percentoge of Vehicles � NORTH NTS 096094.004 � FIGURE 9 EVER VAIL, VAIL, C4 WEST SIDE TRIP DISTRIBUTION WITH SIMBA RUN UNDERPASS .w;: �❑ Kimley—Horn — ond Associotes, Inc. LEGEND: � 1 Study Area Key Intersection � A Project Access Drive � XX�fXX�I Entering(Exiting) �� NORTH NiS 096094.004 � A B C D E— (so�) F— (su� � (sm:l � s�{sa� 5X S Fronto e Rood � S. Fronin e Rood �_ . Front � Road �� 5. fronta e Rood 50% � � � 507. � � � 45f. � � 45S(57.) —� � —y �y SR �l n N E N F 1 2 + � � � �- aaz+ux• + m � sz � � I I � zz f I F— asa E— sz K W �I 1� �l �I L� L� a52 � �� west S. Fronto Rood Lionshead � � 'j` %� +(75Z)• � {2�) � � � � Ckde �Z� —� I I (85%) —) (5.'� � � 45z � < a m So � •Trips between Hatel Porte—Cochere and Valet Parking FIGURE 10 EVER VAIL, VAIL, CO EAST S1DE TRIP DISTRIBUTION WlTH SIMBA RUN UNDERPASS _ Kimley—Horn _ _ ond Associotes, Inc. LEGEiVD: � 1 Study Areo Key Intersection � A Project Access Drive F— XX (XX� AM{PM� Peok Hour Troffic Volume NORTH NTS 096Q94.OD4 FIGURE 11 EVER VAlL, VAIL, CO WEST S1DE TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT WITHOUT SIMBA RUN UNDERPASS ❑ ❑ Kimtey—Horn — and Associotes, fnc. LEGEND: � � e A E Study Area Key intersection Project Access Drive vv ivv� �../rn.� n__�. u_.._ r,_cs:,. �i_�..�„ II �� (V O RTH N75 096094.004 A B C D f— 36(63) � 36(63) � 36(63) E— 41(70) S. Fronta e Road L� S. Frmta e Rood �- . Franta e Road � 5(7) S. Fronta e Rood 41(55) � � � 41(55) -� � � 36(48) --i � 40(56) —a � �J � `���) ^�l m n a .y E F 1 2 <^ <^ � � ^ �- 101(135) n � �- 5(7} �- m E— Z�3� f n �- 88(117) �- 5(7) a �� �- � 57(76) � �_ � � 5. Fronta e Road � � Lionshead T 13(2a) � 2(3} T Circle 2�3) —) � I � 76(13}) —3 q�g) —1 � � I � � 36(48) ^�{ �°a m a rn n a n m vo 0 0 � FIGURE 12 EVER VAIL, VAIL, CO EAST SiDE TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT W(TH4UT S1MBA RUN UNDERPASS ❑ a Kimley—Horn _ ond Associates, Inc. �- LEGEND: a 1 Study Area Key Intersection • a Project Access Drive E— XX (XX) AM(FM) PeaSc Hour Traffic Volume ��� � U� � 2 ��� a� F `11E'`� �O� ��� �� NORTH \ NTS 096094.004 EVER VA1L, VAIL, CO DAY SKIIER/TRANSfT CENTER TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT WITHOUT SIMBA RUN UNDERPASS a�❑ Kimfey—Horn _ and Associates, Inc. LEGEND: � � � A Study Area Key intersection Project Access Drive F— XX (XX) AM(PM) Peak Hour Traffic Volume �� NdRTH NTS 036094.004 FIGURE 14 EVER VAlL, VA1L, C4 WEST S1DE TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT WITH SIMBA RUN UNDERPASS ❑❑ Kimley—HOrn _ and Associates, Inc. LEGEND: � 7 Study Areo Key tntersection � A Project Access Drive E-- XX (XX} AM(PM) Peak Fiour Troffic Vofume �� NORTH NTS 096094.004 A B C D � 45{79) � 45(79) E— 45(79) � 50(86) 7 S. Fronta e Road �� 5. Front e Road � . Fronto e Rood � S. Fronto Rood 52(69) —� � � 52(69) —i � � 46(62) � � 50(70) � � �5 � 5(�) � `° n^ a �v E F 1 2 <^ ^< � � � �07(t35) � � � 5(7) „� � m E— 2(3) � ^ �_ 68(177) � 5(7) m I 1L W � L� � �� L�^ 46(62) W ]I L�_ Wes 5. Fronto e Rood LionSheud Ckde � � 'j` � 73(24) � 2{3) � � � � 2(J) � � 76(133) � 4(8) � � 46(62) � n � a � o � m u o $ o � FIGURE 15 EVER VAIL, VAiL, CO EAST SlDE TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT WITH SIMBA RUN UNDERPASS ❑ ❑ Kimley—Norn _ and Associotes, Inc. E� GEND: � 1 Study Area Key intersection • A Project Access Drive � XX (XX) AM(PM) Peak Hour TraEfic Volume � . . .. � ���o� ��' 0 2 aR�" �� NOFtTH NTS 096094.004 EVER VAiL, VAIL, CO DAY SKIIER/TRANSIT CENTER TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT WITH SIMBA RUN UNDERPASS ❑�❑ Kimley—Horn _ ond Associotes, Inc. LEGEND: � � 5 Ck��.i,. A.a.. Ilo.. I..lo.�o.-H.... �� ��� N�RTH NTS 09609a.004 A B C D � 272(555) f-- 450(661) F- 454(677) � 526(751) �- i�a(ios) � a(ie) �- �z(�a) S. Fronta e Rood S. Fronto e Rood Fronta Rood S. Front e Road 299(259) --a � � 400(433) � � 338(365) -'-� � 3s2(373)� � 119(71) � c.nv � 3(17) �j � 84(86) -y r a n O� Y �H m O Y E F 1 2 � � � 707(135� � � �- 5(7) ���- 53(146) � � 16(73) ^ n E— 160(168) F- 373(4�9) ��1 �[ ��� 56(4�� IL � � 135(133) � �1 L� West 5. Fronlo e Rood Lionsheod -a � '�` % 13(2a}�� 62(61} � � T � � Cirde 13(15) � I � 133(195) —j 361(392) � � � �°n 66(68) -jt rn vO1i r e e e o ^ � � o a FIGURE 17 EVER VAIL, VAIL, CO 2015 BACKGROUND PLUS PROJECT TRAFFIC WITHOUT SIMBA RUN UNDERPASS ❑❑ Kimley-Harn _ and Associates, Inc. LEGEND: � � , �-,..�.. ."_ �._.. i_._____.:__ u �� NaRTH N75 096094.0p4 A B C D F— 415(795) � scs(sas) � s�o(9ao) � e3o(s55) Y- 750(90) � S(15) �- 65(65) S. Fronta e Road S Fronlo e Road S. Ronto e Rood S. Fronto e Rood 945(710) —i � � io2s(ssa} -� � sso{ns) —3 � ses(�as)� � 150(90) � n N 5(75) � c°v 90(95) -y ° i°n � � N � pNp uNp � N E F 1 2 N v1 � r o� ios(iss) � a � s(io) �� � so(z3°) t °If � is(zo) rfI � � zio(zos) � ass(seo� N N ��Y ]! !� �OS(70) IG � L� L� 735(130% J� � IC_ West 5. Franlo e Road Lionsheod r71I�`T Cirde � � T! 55(25) -� . �5(>O) � 1 I T� 15(20) —� 175(235) � 695{605) � - _� o'�0 345(260) � n v �°n n - c+ � � o �n � � � mo � `o 0 FIGURE 18 EVER VAIL, VAIL, CO 2025 BACKGROUND PLUS PROJECT TRAFFIC WITH SfMBA RUN UNDERPASS ❑� Kimley-Hom _ ond Associates, Inc. It is important to note that the 2025 background plus project traffic volumes at the roundabout (Intersec�ion #1) in Figure 17 do not exactly match the 2Q25 roundabout volumes from the Vail Transportation Master P1an. The 2025 peak honr volumes at the ronn:dabout at ttte intersection of South Frontage Road and Forest Road frozn the Vail Transportation Master Pian include the Ever Vail praject traffic and were used as the basis for this study. However, discussions with Felsburg Holt & Ul�evig and the Town of Vail revealed that alI Ever Vail project traffic was assigned to the south leg of the roundabout (Forest Road} within the Transportation Master Plan siudy. Likewise, at the time of that study, it was assumed that Ever Vail wouid generate 580 peak hour trips instead of the anticipated 385 peak hour trips as idenfitfied within this study. Sznce the Ever Vail project includes driveways along South Frontage Road, traffic voiumes were redistributed through the roundabout as appropriate. Therefore, this site specific study addresses the actual anticipated traffic movements in and around Ever Vail based on the proposed access driveway Iocations. In addition, fihere is a strong possibility based on traffic volumes anticipated at the eastern West Lionshead Circle intersection with South Frontage Road that this interseciian wiil require the northbound left turn to be restxicted in the fufizre. This was identified when studying the inclusion of skier pick-up and drop-off occurring at the North Day Lot. The 80 vehicles per hour anticipated to be rnaking this northbottnd left turn at this intersection were rerouted to the northbound left turn movement at the proposed Ever Vail roundabout (street interconnectivity wiIl exist). The westbound right turn movement at the westem West Lionshead Circle intersection with the Porest Road extension included this relocated traffic volume and the westbound through movement through the roundabout was decreased by this traffic volume. Kim1e��-Honi and Associates, Inc. 09b094.004/Vail Resorts' £ver Vail Redevelopment P�zge 34 5.0 TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS Kimley-Hom's analysis of traffic operations in the site vicinity was conducted to determine potential capacity deficiencies in the 2015 and 2025 development horizon at the identified key intersections. The acknowledged source for determinin� overaIl caparity is the current edition of the Highzvm� Capacihj Manuul2. 5.1 Analysis Methodology Capacity analysis results are Iisted in terms of Level of Service {LOS}. LOS zs a qualitative term describing operating conditions a driver will experience while traveling on a particular street or highway dw-ing a specific time interval. It ranges fxom A(very little delay) to F(long delays and congestion). For intersections and roadways in this study area, Town of Vail recommends intersection LOS C as the m;n;mum thxeshold for acceptable operations. Table 3 shows the definition of level of service for unsignalized intersections. Table 3— Level of Seroice Definitions Definitions provided from Ehe Highway Capacity Manual, Special Report 209, Transportation Research 8oard, 2000. 2 Transportation Research Board, Highwa� Capacih� Manual, Special Report 209, Washington DC, 2000. Kimle�-Horn and Associafes, Inc 09b034.004/Vail .IZesorts' Ever Vail Redcvetopmenf Page 35 Study area intersecEions were analyzed based on average total delay analysis for unsignalized intersections. Under the unsignalized analysis, the level of service (LOS) for a two-way stop controlled intersection is determined by the computed or measured control delay and is defined for each minor movernent_ Level of service for a iwo-way stop-controlled intersection is not defined for the intersection as a whoie. Level of service for a four-way stop controlled intersection is defined for each approach and for the interseciion. Level of service for a roundabout is determined by the computed or measured average control delay an.d 'zs defined for each lane. Level of service is not defined for the intersection as a whole. 5.2 Key Intersection Operational Analysis Calculations foz the Ieve1 of service at the key intersections identified far study are provided in Appendix E. Level of service for the two-way stop controlled intersections was calculated using Synchzo analysis software with the LOS calculated using the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) methodology. Level of service for the roundabout was calculated using Sidra and Rodel analysis sofiwaze, as requested by Town of Vail staff. Although the Rodel program developers recommend an analysis based on a 50 percent confidence level, an 85 percent confidence level was used in the anaiysis as requested by the Town of Vail. The critical gap and follow-up gap times were adjusted in the analysis for the northbound to tirestbound Ie£t iurning vehicles at the proposed fuII movement access driveways to account for the future acceleration Iane along South Frontage Road. These gap times were adjusted based on the procedure contained in the Highway Capacity Manual using equations 17-1 and 17-2 for two-stage gap acceptance. Kimle�-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts' Eaer Vail Redevelopment Page 36 2015 Background Analysis As required by CDOT traffic study guidelines, 2015 backgxound analysis was conducted for the existing intersections of South Frontage Road with West Lionshead Circle and Forest Road. In the background year of 2015, without the realignment of South Frontage Road or the addition of Ever Vail pzoject traffic, all movements of both intersections are expected to operate with acceptable levels of service during both the mornino and afternoon peak hours_ The results of the analysis are presented in Tab1e 4. Table 4- Background LOS Results AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour DeIay L�S Delay LOS Scenario (sec/veh (sec/veh) 2015 Background South Frontage Road/4Vest Lionshead Circle Westbound Left/Right 14.9 B 24.8 C South Le 8.6 A 8.4 A 2015 Background South Frontage Road/Forest Aoad Eastbound Left 8.0 A 9.0 A Westbound Left 8.4 A 8.3 A Northbound LefE/Thraugh/Right 14.8 B 18.7 C Southbound Le rou h/Ri ht 19.1 C 23.5 C Kirnle��-Horn and Associates, Inc. d96094.004/VaiI Resorts' Ever Vail Redeve2opment Page 37 South Frontage Road & Forest Road With realigrunent of South Frontage Road, a realignment of Forest Road is also proposed. With this realignment, the future intersection of South Frontage Road with Foxest Road is anticipated to be a roundabout_ With development of this project, West Lionshead Circle is anticipated to intersect with the realigned Forest Road in a T-intersection approximately 200 feet south of the ronndabout. Based on the analysis results, this roundabout will provide a narth$ound to eastbound right turn bypass lane from Forest Road onto eastbound South Froniage Road. Sidra Anaiysis As requested by Town of Vail staff, fhis future roundabout intersection has been artalyzed using Sidra analysis software. With this configuration, all movements at the future intersection of South Frontage Road with Forest Road are anticipated to operate acceptably throughout the long term 2025 horizon during both AM and PM peak hours evaIuated with or without the Simba Run underpass. Table 5 provides the results of the Sidra level of service at this future roundabout. Kirn1e�-Horn attd Associafes, Inc. 096094.004/Vr�il Resorts' Ever Vail Redevetopment Page 38 Table 5- South Frontage Road & Forest Road Roundabout Sidra LOS Results AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Delay LOS Delay LOS Scenario (sec/veh) (sec/veh) 2015 TotaI without Sirnba 4_5 A 6.7 A West Approach - Left 7.7 A 12.3 B West Approach - Through 2.0 A 2.0 A West Approach - Right 3.8 A 3.8 A South Approach - Left 11.3 B 11.9 B South Approach - Right 4.2 A 4.9 A East Approach - Left 10.5 B 14.0 B Easf Approach - Through 3.2 A 6.7 A 2025 Tota1 with Simba 4.7 A 7.4 A West Approach - Left 12.5 B 12.4 B West Approach - Thraugh 2.2 A 2.1 A West Approach - Right 4.0 A 3.9 A South Approach - Left 14.0 B 19.1 B South Appi-oach - Right 6.9 A 12.1 B East Approach - Left 10.5 B 12.4 B East Approach - Through 3.1 A 4.8 A Rodel Analysis As requested by Town of Vail staff, this £utuxe xoundabout intersection has also been analyzed using Rodel analysis sofiware. The roundabont is anticipated to operate acceptably at LOS A during both peak hours of the long ierm 2025 horizon. Table 6 provides the results of the Rodel level of service at this fiiture roundabout. Table 6- South Frontage Road & Forest Road Boundabout Rodel LOS Results AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Delay LOS Delay LOS Scenario se veh) (secJveh) 2025 Total with Simba 4.5 A 8.2 A Kirrcle��-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorfs' Ever Vail Redeveiopment Page 39 Forest Road & West Lionshead Circle The future T-intersection of Forest Road with West Lionshead Circle is anticipated to operate with stop control along West Lionshead Circle. As such, a11 movements at this future intersection are anticipated to operate acceptably during both AM and PM peak hours throughout the Iong term 2025 horizon. Table 7 pxovides the results of the level of service at this intersection_ Table 7- Forest Road & West Lionshead Circle LOS Results AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Delay LOS Delay LOS Scenario (sec/veh} (sec/veh) 2015 Total without Simba Westbound Left/Right 9.6 A 10.7 B Southbound Le �.(, A �.g A 2025 Total with Simba Westbound Left/Right 11.3 8 12.5 B Soufhbourui Le t S.1 A 8.3 A With development of the project, it is recommended that a southbound left tum lane be constructed along Forest Road at West I.ionshead Circle. The maximum vehicle queue Iength for the southbound to eastbound left turn at the access driveway is anticipated to be 25 feet (as shown in the 2025 analysis in Append'zx E). There#ore, the 75-feet of storage provided in the current design is expected to accommodate the southbound Ieft turn vehicle queues. . Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts' Ever VaiI Redevetopme�it Page 40 South Froniage Road & Proposed Access A Access A will provide full turning movements to and from the west side of the Ever Vail development along South Frontage Road. As such, all movements at this future intersection along South Frontage Road are anticipated to operate acceptably during both AM and PM peak hours throughout the long term horizon. Table 8 provides the results of the level of service at this intersection Table 8- South Frontage Road & Proposed Access A LOS Results AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Delay LOS llelay LOS Scenario (sec/veh) {sec/veh) 2015 ToEal without Simba Westbound Left 8.9 A 8.3 A Northbound Left 13.5 B 25.2 C Northbound Ri ht 11.0 B 11.5 B 2025 Total with Simba Westbaund Leff 13.b B 10.3 B Northbound Leff 16.7 C 16.2 C Northbound Ri ht 15.1 C 14.0 B *DeIay and LOS shawn are modeled without right turn acceleration lane. Actuat operafions are anticipaEed to be better than reported. It is recommended that separate northbound le#t and right turn lanes be pxovided along the access driveway approach to South Frontage Road. It is also recommended that a left turn acceleradon lane be designated along South Frontage Road at this proposed full movement access driveway to help facilitate narthbound to westbound left turn movements exiting the development onto westbound South Frontage Road. Ktmley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resarts' Ever Vail Redevelopmenf Page 41 ��� South Frontage Road & Proposed Access B Access B is anticipated to provide three-quarter turning movement access to and from the west side of the site along South Frontage Road. T'his future T-interseciion with South Frontage Road is anticipated to opezate acceptably during both AM and PM peak hours throughout the long term 20Z5 horizon. Table 9 provides the zesults of the level of service at this intersectiozi. Table 9- South Fronfage Road & Proposed Access B LOS Results AM Peak Hovr PM Peak Howr Delay LOS De1ay LOS Scenario (sec/veh) (sec/veh) 2015 Total without Simba Westbound Left 8.2 A 8.4 A Northbound Ri ht 11.0 B 11_3 B 2025 Total with Sirnba Westbound Left 10.9 B 10.1 B Northbound Ri ht 13.1 B 11.9 B South Frontage Road & Proposed Access C Access C is aniicipated to provide three-quarter tuxzung movement access to and from the east side of the Ever Vail development along South Prontage Road. This future T-intersection with South Frontage Road is anticipated to operate acceptably during both AM and PM peak hours throughout the long term 2025 horizon. Table 10 provides the results of the level of sezvice at this intersection. Table 10 - South Frontage Road & Proposed Access C LOS IZesults AM 1'eak Hour PM Peak Hour Delay LQS Delay LOS Scenazio (sec/veh) (sec/veh 2015 Total without Simba Wesfbound Left 8.5 A 8.6 A Northbound Ri hi 10.3 B 10.6 B 2025 Total with Sirnba Westbound Left 11.7 B 30.5 B Northbound Ri ht 12.8 B 11.8 B Kimle�-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vaii Resorts' Eaer VaiI Redevelopment Page 42 South Frontage Road & Proposed Access D Access D is anticipated to provide right-out only access from the east side of the Ever Vail developrnent site along South Frontage Road. This future T-intersecdon with South Fzontage Road is anticipated to operate acceptably during both AM and PM peak hours throughout the long term 2025 hoxizon. Table 11 provides the results of the level of service at this intersection. Table 11- South Frontage Road & Proposed Access D LOS Results AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour DeIay LOS Delay LOS Scenario {sec/veh) (sec/veh) 2015 Total wiEhout Sirnba Northbound Ri ht 10_4 B 10.6 B 2025 Total with Simba Northbound Ri hf 15.7 C 13.7 B Kimle�-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.D04/VaiI Resorts' Ever Vai[ Redevelopment Page 43 .: . _ -,- :�;-� ,.. _ _ : - . ...,,,.�,��� A�.�:. Forest Road & Proposed Access E Access to the east side of the development site will be provided by a full movement access along Forest Road. It is expected that this intersection wiu operate with aIi-way stop controi. With development of this project, it is recommended that all movements at this future access are anticipated to operate acceptably during both AM and PM peak hours throughout the long ternn 2025 horizon. '�'able 12 provides the results of the level of service at this intersection. Table 12 - Forest Road & Proposed Access E LOS Results AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Delay LOS Delay LOS Scenario (sec/veh) (sec/veh) 2015 Total without Simba 8.0 A 8_4 A Eastbound Approach 7.5 A 7.8 A Westbound Approach 8.1 A 8_3 A Northbound Approach 7.1 A 7.3 A Southbound Approach 8.3 A 9.0 A 2025 Total with Simba 8.5 A 8.8 A Eastbound Approach 7.7 A 8.0 A Westbound Approach 8.9 A 9.0 A Northbound Approach 7.5 A 7.7 A Southbound Approach 8.5 A 9.3 A Kimle f-Horn and Associafes, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts' Ever Vni! Redevelopnzent Page 44 Forest Road & Proposed Access P Access to the east side of the Ever Vail development site will be provided by a full znovement access street along Forest Road. With development of this project, it is anticipated that alI movements at this future access are aniicipated to operate acceptably during both AM and PM peak hours throughout the long term 2025 horizon. Table 13 provides the results of the Ievel of seroice at this intersection. Table 13 - Forest Road & Proposed Access F LOS Results AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Delay Delay Scenario {sec/veh} Z'�S (sec/veh) LOS 2015 Tofal withoat Simba Eastbound Approach 0.8 A �.Q A Southbound A roach 9_8 A 10.4 B 2025 TotaI with Simba Eastbound Approach 0.9 A 0.9 A SouthboundA roadz 31.0 B 11.Q g Kirr:Ie f-Horn and Associntes, lnc. 096094.004/Vail Resorfs' Ever Vail Redevelopment Page 45 5.3 Auxriiary Turn Lane Recommendations The State Hi�hway Access Category Assignrnent Schedule categorizes the segznent of South Frontage Road adjacent ta the site as F-R. In the site vicinity, South Frontage Road provides one lane of travel in each direction with a 25 mile per hour posted speed limit. As such, auxiliary turn lane requirements at the existing intersections of South Frontage Road with West Lionshead CircIe and the proposed access driveway are recommended based on requirements provided in the State High�svay Access Code for category F-R roadways with a 25 mile per hour speed lirnit. According to fihe Access Code, a left turn deceieration Iane plus taper with storage length is required for any access with a projected peak hour ingress volume greater than 25 vehicles per hour (vph). A right turn deceleration Iane phcs taper is required for any access with a projected peak hour ingress turning volume greater than 50 vph. Based on the 25 mile per hour posted speed Izmit, acceIeration Ianes would not be required. As such, awciliary turn lane requirements are as follows: Access A& South Frontage Road Intersection Recommendations • According to the State Access Code, a westbound to southbound left turn lane is warranted at the intersectian of Access A(western west side full movement access) with South Frontage Road based on traffic volume projeciions with developnnent of the proposed project. According to the code, this left tuin deceleration lane should provide 175 feet of storage with an adclitiona17.5 to 1 taper. • According to the State Access Code, an eastbound to southbound right turn deceleration lane is warranted at the intersect�on of Access A(western west side full movement access) with South Frontage Road based on projected traffic voIuznes with development of the project. This eastbound lane should be const�cted to provide 150 feet for a full Iane widEh with an additiona17.5 to 1 taper. • It is recommended that a left turn acceleration lane be designated along westbound South �rontage Road (west of Access A} proposed with the pzoject to help facilitate northbound ta Kimley-Horn and Associafes, hic. 096094.004/Vail Resorts' ,Ever Vai[ Redevelopnzent Page 46 westbound Ieft turn movements exiting the development onto westbound South Frontage Road. This westbound left turn acceleration lane should be consiructed to provide 90 feet o# full lane width with an additional 7.5 to 1 taper. • It is recomrnended that separate northhound left and right turn lanes be consiructed to facilitate more efficient egress movements onto South Frontage Road. This northbound approach should operate with stop control and be posted with an Rl-1 "STOI'" sign in accordance with MUTCD requirements. Access B& South Frontage Road Intersection Recommendations • According to the State Access Code, a westbound to southbound left turn deceleration lane is warranted {will be constructed) at the intersection of Access B(eastern west side access} with South Frontage Road based on traffic volume projections with development of the proposed project. According to the code, this left turn deceleration Iane should provide 90 feet of storage with an additiona17.5 to 1 taper. • In accordance with the Vail Transportation Master Plan, an eastbound to southbound right turn deceleration lane will be constructed at the intersection of Access B{eastern west side access) with South Frontage Road with development of the project. Thzs eastbound lane should be constructed as a continuous acceleration/deceleration Iane firom Access A. • It is recommended that the right-out only northbound approach should opezate with stop control and be posted with an R1-1 "STOP" sign in accordance with MUTCD requirements. Access C& Sou#h FrontaQe Road Intexsection Recommendations • According to the State Access Code, a westbownd to southbound left turn deceleration lane is warranted at the intersection of Access C{western east side access} with South Frontage Road based on traffic volume projections with development of the proposed project. KimIe�-Honz and Assoczates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts' Ever Vail Redevelopment PRge 47 According to the code, this left turn deceleration lane shouId provide 90 feet of starage with an addiEional 7.5 to 1 taper. � As recommended in the Vail Transportation Master PIan and in accordance with the State Access Code, an eastbound to sonthbound right turn deceleration lane is wananted at the intersection of Access C(western east side access) with South Frontage Road based on projected trafEic volumes wittt development of the project. This eastbound lane should be constructed as a continuous acceleration/deceleration Iane from Access B. • It is recornmended that the right-out only norfihbound approach should operate with stog contxol and be posted wifih an Rl-1 "STOP" sign in accordance with MUTCD requzrements_ Access D& South Frontage Road Intersectaon Recomrnendations • It is zecoznmended that the right-out only northbound approach should operate with stop control and be posted with an Rl-1 "STOI'" szgn in accordance with MUTCD requirements. Figure 19 iltustrates fihe proposed reaIign.ment of South Frontage Road and Fozest Road and the 2025 intersection Iane configurations and control anticipated with the xealigiunent_ Kimle��-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vai! Resorts' Ever VaiI 12edevelopment Page 48 LEGEND: � 1 Study Area Key Intersection � A Access Drive STO Stop—Controlled Intersection Approach jl � ��� IV�RTH NTS 096094.004 A FULL MOVEM£NT B C D E1C�T ONLY �— �— �— r— -�— -�— .r__ '�-- S Fronta e Rood � S. Fronta e Road � S. Fronto e Rood S. Front e Raad ��r STpP � � STOP � � STOP _� r STOP i _} i E FULL a F FULL � j }� Z MOVEAEENT V � MOVEMENT 4 /\. O 1 ! a ~ ¢ Y v� dOlS �a � d01S � � '� } � � wes Forest Fores Lio�sheo �Road � Road � � Cird � STOP � � O 0 oa � 08 �� FIGURE 19 EVER VAiL, VAlL, CO 2025 FUTURE LANES AND CONTR�L ❑� Kimley—HOrn � ond Associotes, Inc. 6.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATiONS Based on the analysis presented 'zn khis report, Kimley-Horn believes the proposed Ever Vaii Redevelopment project will be successfully incorporated into the future roadway nenvork. The proposed project development and expected traffic volumes resulted in the following recammendations: South Frontage Road Recommendations • With redevelopment of the proposed project, South Frontage Road wi1l be realigned adjacent to Interstate 70 betvyeen the existing western intersection of West Lionshead Circle and the western project boundary where the road wiIl resume its cuxrent alignment. Ir� conjunciion with this realignment, Forest Road will be realigned to the approximate Iocation of the current westem intersection o# Wesfi Lionshead Gircle with South Frontage Road in a roundabout. Due to zoadway geometrics, West Lionshead Czrcle is proposed to terminate in a T-intersection with Forest Road approximately 200 feet south of the future roundabout. These improvements are consistent with the Vail Transportation Master Plan. • According to the Vail Transportation Master 1'Ian, South Frontage Road is recommended to be widened along the project frontage to u�clude one through Iane in each direction with continuous eastbound and westboi�.nd accelerarion/ deceleration lanes. Accordang to the Access Code, deceleration lanes are generally required. However, acceleration lanes are not warranted along South Frontage Road due to the existing 25 mile per hour posted speed iimit. Based on recommendations included in the Vail Transportation Master Plan, acceleration lanes will be constructed to provide continuous accelezation/deceleration lanes along South Frontage Road adjacent to project frontage. In addition, along the north side of South Frontage Road, a bike Iane is proposed. • Through lane transitions for eastbound and westbound traffic around the proposed left turn lanes along South Frontage Road are recomxnended to be constructed 'an accordance with Kimley-Horn arid Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts' Eaer Vaii Redevelopme�it Page 50 the State Highway Access Code as reqnired by CDOT. Since the speed Iimit of South Frontage Road is 25 miles per hour, the through lane transition lengths will follow the redirect taper of 15 to 1. Access A& South Frontage Road Intersection Recommendations • Accorcling to the State Access Code, a westbound to southbounct Ieft turn Iane is warranted at the intersection of Access A(westez-n west side fuII nlovement access) with South Frontage Road based on traffic volume projec�ions with development of the proposed project. According to the code, this left hun deceIeration lane should provide 175 feet of storage with an additiona17.5 to 1 taper_ • Accoxding to the State Access Code, an eastbound to southbound right turn deceleration lane is warranted at the intersection of Access A(western west side full movement access) with South Frontage Road based on projected traffic volumes with deveiopment of the project_ This eastbound lane should be constructed to provide 15Q feet for a full Iane width with an additiona17.5 to 1 taper. • It is recomnnended that a left turn acceleration lane be designated along westbound South Frontage Road (west of Access A) proposed wzth the project to help facilitate northbound to westbound left turn movements exiting the development onto westbound South Frontage Road. This westbound left turn accelerafion lane should be constructed to provide 90 feet of fuii Iane width with an additiona17.5 to 1 taper. • It is recommended that separate northbound left and right turn Ianes be constructed to facilitate more efficient egress movements onto South Frontage Road. This northbound approach should operate with stop confrol and be posted wzth an R1-1 "STOP" sigrt in accordance with MUTCD requirements. Access B& Sonth Frantage Road Intersection Recoxnmendations Kimte�J-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts' Ever Vai112edevelopntent Page 52 • According to the State Access Code, a westbound to southbound left turn deceleration lane is wananted {will be constructed) at the intersection of Access B(eastern west side access) with South Frontage Road based on traffic volurne projections with development o# the proposed project. According to the code, this left turn deceleration Iane should provide 90 feet of storage with an additional 7.5 to 1 taper. • In accoxdance wzth the VaiI Transportation Master Plan, an eastbound to southbound right turn deceleration lane will be constructed at the intersection af Access B(eastern west side access) with South Frontage Road with development of the project. This eastbound lane should be construcied as a continuous acceleration/ deceleration lane from Access A. • It is recommended that the right-out oniy northbound approach should operate with stop control and be posted with an R1-1 "STOP" sign in accordance with MUTCD requireznents. Access C& South Fronta e Road Tntersection Recommendations • According to the State Access Code, a westbound to southbound left turn deceleration lane is warranted at the intersection of Access C(western east side access) with South Frontage Road based on traffic volume projections with development of the proposed project. According to the code, this Ieft turn deceleratzon Iane should pzovide 9Q #eet of storage with an additional7_5 to 1 taper. • As recommended in the Vai� Transportation Master Plan and in accordance with the State Access Code, an eastbound to souihbound right turn deceleration lane is warranted at the intersection of Access C(westexn east side access) with South Frontage Road based on projected traffic volumes with development of the project. This eastbound Iane should be constructed as a continuous acceIeraiion/deceleration Iane from Access B. • It is recommended that the right-out only northbound approach should operate with stop control and be posted with an R1-1 "STOP" sign in accordance with MUTCD requirements. Kimle��-Horn a�zd Associates, Inc. 09b094.004/Vail Resorts' Ever Vail Redeveioprnent Page 52 Access D& South Fronia�e Road Intersection Recommendations • It is recommended that the right-out only narthbound approach should operate with stop control and be posted with an R1-1 "STOP" sign in accorc�ance with MLTTCD xequirements. Access E and Farest Road Recommendations � It is recommended that the proposed western Access E driveway along Forest Road operates with stop control on all approaches, with STOP (Rl-1) signs placed according to guidance provided in the MUTCD. Access F and Forest Road Recommendations • It is recommended that the proposed Access F driveway along Forest Road operates with stop cantrol on the driveway approach with STOP (R1-1) signs placed according to guzdance provided in the MUTCD. General Recommendations • AIl on-site and off-site signing and striping improvements shouId be incorporated into the Civil Drawings, and conform to Town of Vail and CDQT standards, as well as the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices - 2003 Edition (MUTCD). Kimle�-Nor�� aiid Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resrnts' Ever Vail Redevelopment Page 53 APPEN D!X A Conceptual Site Plan Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts' Ever VaiI LEGENp: ranNSiT '�'� PAS6ENGER CAR i}d8� �.,.�,,,,«.,u,�R�,�h�,c.���....,.�. ^ EDESTRIAN BICYCLE PATH �'� w.�..o�.�.. � ..�5.. COVERED BICYCLE RACKS n��o � ..%�; I f,il ^ DROP-OFFAREA � HOTELSHUTTLE r QPARKINGENTRAN '�����,/'�/� ' i� / /� . . �/ ��,/.'. � //� /y �;/�,!�i'" �/ � � .,i�.i`/ :� ; , � F N % / / � ,, ' �.F r / ��Q2 �,.��,� y�j ' x ��� �� :�= / ' f� . � y'4'���i��. � � ,/� � ! / �/, I' t� ,� ";���.' % r� � �. r � � � � � ������ � . �� j^ � � � i � i�� � IC � 3i; � ��"°��(.f' ' �J�,W �� �� ��., ' fti ��`»r�---- v,���. � , � , � '�il .�.... . .,..ii.',�••'.I..,.';�.� tA.LLI(OM r � r �l ' `...... il` r �� k�� •, 4;ti J. ,. . S i.', � �'. i (:;, � Y:f�. / Jt \ i i 7 Y.� aiTz CARL70N / / r /.j' '`�^��s�"'` '� � .�"" {s�;"i�: +� M: i t � � �o t ' ,�"rw � � �:t � r( : ��" ' i�'�� � '1 ,�' t�i%� l� s �' i; "� i�fif %� r .. .-..�. t ��� ' .O ��. /� y�(. • S 1 �.�'� �. ' > � �,�� t�t�'� �'�f/' ����d � �( `��r��4� a. � � � ,�r,�" �} 1- � `.r"iy "" � �� �i' ��r R`' �.w�+,`�' � ���` f � . ..w �'�' ' ��� ��U l � �... �9,",;0�° � X,{ � l "'�' , w ���� tq �ipl r � , Ft ` .,+ ' � �r\ � ,r"t ru� Yy, �6'�t 4?�� v}�,. � �. Is',i�?� �i i � �f E 4V50 � � � � .i �r%'i "!u e � l ���t '�' ?t At� � � : P�Ni%'' -�.'.:.-1 � � � i�� � .+�� ''�.3`'�ife�°An, ti � � � �. l �� � . i' r}' p��' �� r�°' i 4� �, �/" , ,� � z� 3 -�' .� y� ,P`'� yj+��;�._ � `° � � �.��� � �� i ��` i ...�r \ �' f �7k . �t ' �� -^�''� .�- j L }i," Go � � u\ y.-- z � f � � L . � ` ! � �s�4 ''�.!'� ��� y,K" i I �� �y`, � : . � . s �.�--." il'�ll � ye��'' . e.-�... '�' � ' � .. .�r� AS�, �'�f�,� � �k4 r � ���� ti �� ,a��13q�1e� 69ti� � � . �. . J �: �. *� �T.� � 1� ��q ✓'�. �f�qiNi l � I . � - � ; ,,+���tt'�� �,�- � , ��� ) - -; .✓'�� ��� . , � � �'t``t%1�4�.u•�. ��:.��I*H�w I� r'i��,M �. ��... y' 'i' ' '4J,,�,+,� ; `" i��� `��^�'�,�'� � ��i��� �tl `'� �„mSbKr� �� �� ai�a����� � t�;il ���� � , ��j�� i�''�" iN� t ��.�x�a� : � . : ` ' , : ,,' . o. as so ioo :oo EVER VAIL Town of Vail Work Session � July 30, 2009 CIRCULATIQN DIAGRAM 19 LEG�ND: _ COMMERCIAtPARHWO � SKIER d COMMERCIAL PARKING _ RESIDENTIAL PARKING ,;�i�.•�ii�!%I HOTEL VALET AARKINO _ SKI CLUB PARKING TRAN5IT CENTER N�'yrirbd PUBLICVERi1CALCIRCULATION VAILi:;�.cc;;J�.�-,.... ,rl ,. � ... ..... ...... .:..:.1.. � . GALIt{ON ENTMNCE TO - NE610ENTIAL 7ARKW0 EN7RIIN�E TO 9KIFX -- G COMNERC41 PARKINO � S��e � \�, SLOVfO CECKTO LEVEL P7 evER vAi� Town of Vail Work Session � July 30, 2009 �. � � LC�� _ .�, v =� o �: 61DE PANKIN6 6MNNlCE TO L6VEL VI �` �R/JAP FROIA LF/EL P1 �\RAMP 70 L6VELPJ \ `1OA01NO ENTRANCE `COMMERGIAlFXRB WTE9 PARKING DIAGRAM 20 APPENDIX B Existing Traffic Volumes Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096034.a04/Vaii Resorts' Ever Vail �FELSBUKG HOLT & ULLEVI(i �� �9 �� \ o �\ } A � S 90 ��! 2�� y SS�� � � .--42 �90 3>0 � -1 f 80�y orn �`_.� ^�o° �g ti'� (291 N.�..$P �zd Iz l � �s � .l1 �(, � !�0 at (y0 9���+ �?Ovj [20 50_..J � ��750 j340 125 235 —.�' '� 270 [z3pj [ �80 130—'.3 `� P � SO lso� �� � �`BS 401ti as-� ? �"' my �� 5 #{`-• ~'I �` 1 r-5 tdj f— � � )S .µ/ s so � ?5 �J� ��l r' � n °' �° / �� ��_^- _ m ,r._u'„� � �p6 TB� / t��36�\ry` 5 `�� ��! 21 Z� �%5 `2 i,'�_ � � �D�?� ✓ - � �f m \ �k�r m � ; ` �C;, r�0 � � ��syy �.''�� \"�//� ���E s�\� / ��,, m m � 1 �� j 6r �,f o� `ye� '' `�a s°� _.__ ��� m � $ �� 480 �26p sa .z°°�, m i \a m 6�0� 7 '�'i �! J' �o n ,4 \` �I 600� � � ----. e`�1y ����3 a �r m �� : ��y � ��a� f 3 �ym �E �� �f m ''J-�--�VOr,ssM9s �oov ./3���'_" O ✓� 9,� �f�p0 mj m Mett�rhom Gr. d��� �p }'�sm ��2yf '92� m W. Gare Crk. Dr. �' � 1 AQ �4 m�` r �oss �a ��yo ���� m 1,,���� �� s 4 ,�g �a f{ �o mO6 ��v � ���'.�� 3$om j�SpO z6o� � r 0 `y S ' �, i� nh � bryy lonchoad �� � bW. . � f���'�0 /� �0 U 5�9 �'`Y�3 NJ, ✓ 15 t1`�\� � � \ � � 0 ���A� J� 3�,��p m�85 1@p� ���5 z50-z � r o� t_ --� � N1 �10 � 2�py �Z�S N��+� �35 S z5—z ? l' ,5 � 11�0 � ^ 1 26-� �n .� � LEGENO XxX = PM Peak Hour TrafFic Volumes [XXx] = AM Peak WourTraffic Volumas (at lnterchangas) m= CountLocallons � s Lass Than 5 Vehlcles per Hour I �, .— �.� . �" �*" /i ,4i o 3,o�� f Figure 2 � `� �`� ti Existing Peak Season Traffic NeriM v.n n.o.00n.non e.�ioe os• i ee w��a APPENDIX C 2025 Traffic Volumes from Vail Transportation Master Plan Kirnley-Harn and Associates, Inc. 096094.OQ4/Vail Resorts' Ever Vail �FEL56URG HOLT 6i ULLEVIG �. 0g � �{,� �a y�5'� 'o'o e I p�3O � , os r� � *��� o �: . :��� � � .-77 j`-100 655--. ''� � as� p,� 0 ,�l a � �ffr -N�� I � �/ — �" 5/y/�/`' j Figure 7 �5 ,, �`��o � �� h� 2025 Peak Hour Traific Projections Narth VenTran�po�laAana.rvlmob�lee z/i6bY APPENDIX D Trip Generation Worksheets Kimley-Horn and Associates, lnc. 096094.004/Vrril Resarts' Eaer Vail Vail Transportation Master Plan Lipdate IV. PROJECTED 2fl25 PM PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC CONDITIONS A. Traffic Volume Forecasts Projected traffic demands along the Frontage Road system are key to assessing and mitigating future transportation conditions. As mentioned, the PM peak hour trafFc is generally heavier than the AM peaEc hour, with a few pattern excepfions. As such, year 2025 tra�c forecasts have focused on the PM peak hour time period for analysis, with exceptions being the Main Vaii and Wesf Vail Roundabout lnferchanges where cursory-level AM peak hour forecasts were developed as well. The total PM peak hour forecasts were developed with the use of a travel demand model utilizing the TRAFFIX software package. The model was developed by estimating the amount of additional PM peak hour trips for each deve[opment and redevelopment proposal, and then assigning these new trips to the street system. Forecasts then resulted from the additive riature of the new trips in combination with the exis#ing traffc which was increased modestly (0.5% per year) to year 2025. The AM peak hour fraffic was developed by applying an approximate 35 percent flat growth factor to the existing AM peak hour; fhe 35 percent was based on the level of growth resulting fram the 2025 PM peak hour projections (as compared fo existing traffic levels). 7able 3 shows the trip generation rates that were used, and Figure 5 shows the trip distribution assumptions that were used in this analysis. Trip rates were based on a combination of sources including the Institute of Transportation Engineers' (ITE) Trip Generation and the Lionshead Transportation Master Plan. 1TE trips rates were primarily applied to developmeni located away frorr► the Vail base areas. Because of the heavy transit use and the fact tha# much of the development is mixeci and close-in (lending itsei#fo trips made via walking), the trip generation rates used in this study are less than the ITE rates because the ITE data are in#ended for more typicai suburban settings where commuter activity is prominenf. At peak times in Vail, tourist activity is prominent. The ciase-in frip generation rates used in #his analysis are in fine with !TE's Recreational/Home ca#egory. Areas where the close-in resicfential trip rates were applied are shown in Figure 6. A 20 percent reduction in trip generation rates was applied for fhe close-in areas. The increased retail uses within the villages were also subject to reduced trip generation rates as compared #o ITE's shopping center category data. A PM peak hour trip reduction of 65 percent was applied due to the fallowing reasons: ► The retail and commercial activity, being located at the base of the ski area, is heavily dependenf upon people who are already in the village for skiing purposes_ ► There are many units located close to the new retail uses which tends to induce walking trips to rather fhan vehicular trips. ► Mnay other units outside a reasonable walk are connected with a very high frequency{5-7min) of transit service. > Many of the employees of the retail uses are typically discouraged to drive themselves #o work, in part due to the parking fee at the structures. A cursory-Eevel evaluation of existing retail trips was conducted by reviewing the level of fraffic iurning into the structures today. During the PM peak hour, the outbound fraffic contains a significant amount of skier irips, so it is not appropriate to incfude these outbound traffic with respect to gauging trip genera#ion � }�k'I.Jt3L,•]:f,; �� rt o �. �r � ULE_2it� 3 G Page 22 Vail Transportution Master Plan Llpdate rates. Inbound PM peak hourtraffic contains trips associated with retail and some other uses, so whife it is not 100 percent reta+l traffic, it does serve as an upper limit. At the Lionshead Parking Structure,15Q inbound PM peak hour trips exist current; ihe Lionshead Village contains approximately 150,E}00 square feet of retail-related use. At the Village Structure, 390 vehicles entered during the PM peak hour, that village contains approximately 3Q0,000 square feet of retail/commercial. ihese traffic numbers represent a 45 to 50 percent reduction in ETE shopping center trip rates if they were all retail-related, but fhey are not. Other trip types thaf are part of the inbound movements to the structures include: 1 Library trips (which is open until 6:00 PM on weekends, later on weekdays) ► Dobson Ice Arena trips (which typically has a fufl schedule including F►ockey even#s, figure skating, lessons, and public skating) ► Adventure Center trips. 7he Adventure Center provides other recreation including tubing, ski biking, snowmobiling, snowshoeing, and a trampoline, and ii is remains open until 9:00 PM on weekend nights. ► Residential uses. Several residentia! compiexes within fhe villages are nat able to adequately park their own overnight guests, so fhe parking stn.ictures are used instead. At Lionshead, staff estimates that approximately 100 vehicles are parked overnight at peak times related to selected residential uses. At the Village Structure, between 200 and 3d0 vehicles are parked overnight related to some o# the residential uses there. ► Special events. Both villages routinely host evening events such as concerts, festivals, exhibits, and other attractions. All of ihese aitract #rips beyond the retail/commercial attraction. As such, the true retail trip rate is even fess that the 45 to 50 reduction quoted above. As such, using rates that equate to a 65 to 70 �ercent reduction for the new retail development is not inconsistent with current trip-making trends in vail. � Again, Appendix E shows the trip estimates for each of the development areas. In total, all of the considered development could generate an additional 2,800 trips per hour during the PM peak hour. The following summarize some of #he bigger trip generators: ► West Vail — the net increase in square footage and residenfia! units could generate a total of 470 additional trips during #he PM peak hour. This would be above and beyond the estimated 800 fo 1000 trips per hour generated by the West Vail development today. / Timber Ridge is estimated to generate an additional 180 frips per hour during the PM peak hour. ► West Lionshead (Ever Vail} has the potentiaf of generating an additional 580 trips per hour during the PM peak hour. ► Lionshead Parking Structure redevelopment is estimated to generate 275 trips during the PM peak hour. �: Tl�e Lionsi�ead Village area (excluding the Lionshead parking structure} is projected to generafe an addiiional 490 PM peak hour trips given the collscfive development. Tlie VaiI Village area redevelopment is projected to generate an additiona1260 PM peak hour trips given #he collective development potentials. � Fk:l c�t;l?c,� ��3iOL"t' � L}Lf_EViG Page 23 � FELSiiURG C� HOLT & ui.i.EVtc i Figure 5 � Trip Assignment Distribution North Vall TransporlaPOn So�vlces 05•168 6/8lOB Vail Transporiation Master Plan Update Table 3. Trip GeneraHon Rates Figure 7 shows the 2025 total PM peak hour traific projections at the Town's roundabout intersections and many of the Frantage Road cross-streets_ In general, future PM peak hour trafFic flows along the frontage roads are projected to increase an estima#ed 30 to 40 percent over existing traffc ffow levels at peak fimes. The interchanges will experience a greater concentration in traffic wi#h the additionaE trips. Major cross-streets wiil stifl include Vail Valley Drive, bath parking structure access points, and West Vail accesses (if access modifications are not constructed). Moderately traveled cross-streets include a[( of the Lionshead Circles, Vi(lage Drive, and Forest Road {given Ever Vail redevelopment and if left intacf). B. Traffic Operations Similar to the exisiing condifions LOS analysis, fhe roundabout intersections were analyzed for ideal conditions as well as for snow conditions using the same factors and adjustments mentioned before. Figure 8 shows the results of the PM peak hour analyses. Noticeable capacity deficiency highlights include: 1 Main Vail fnferchange —The north roundabout is projected to operate ai a LOS F during the PM peak hour. The south roundabout is projected to function at LOS D, but several approaches are expected to operate at LOS E or LOS F. ► West Vaii interchange — 8oth roundabouts are projected to operate at LOS F during the PM peak hour. � t=�� �i;t�kc /� 1iC73_7 � � 1Ji.E.li4'1G Page 25 Ever Vail Redevelopment Tzi�p Generation ITE Land Use Independent AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Parcel Code Variabie Daily Trips Enter Exit Total Enter Exit Total West Side Residential * 230 138 units 552 8 38 46 37 18 55 Retail * 820 21,970 sq. ft. 330 5 3 8 23 16 29 Em lo ee Housin ** 220 41 units 60 1 4 5 4 2 6 Subtotal 942 14 45 59 54 36 90 East Side Residential * 230 220 units 880 12 61 73 59 29 88 Retail * 820 81,625 sq. £t, 1,224 18 11 29 47 59 106 Employee Housing ** 220 7 units 14 0 1 1 1 0 1 Hotel *** 330 120 rooms 500 27 10 37 22 28 50 ffice 710 33,600 s. ft. 370 46 6 52 9 41 50 Subtotal 2,988 103 89 192 138 157 295 Ever Vail Pro'ect Total 3,930 217 134 251 192 193 385 "lfased on rates obtained directly from Vatl !'ransportatton MasterYlan ** 20 percent of total units are availbe for making trips, the remaining 80 percent of units contains workers working that day *** Daily rate obtained by assuming PM peak accounts for 10 percent of the daily aolume Additional Skier Parking on West Side*"'** �arkin� snaces Pubhr 'c Pazkin ransit Center on East Side cier PU/DO :o Buses ail Transit Transit Center Total ****assume 35 % arrive and depart during from Relocated Uses & Transit Functions Relocated plus 150 ski � 290 150 (� 150 290 440 78 78 156 78 78 156 6 6 12 6 6 12 62 62 124 62 62 124 � 146 146 292 146 146 292 trips in and out per hour 1�� Kimley-Horn 1- _ __ _ and Associates, inc. Projecf Ever Vail - West Side Subfect Trip Genera6on for Residential Condominiumlfownhouse Designed by CDR Date October 21, 2009 Job No. 096094004 Checked by Sheef No. 1 of 1 TRfP GENERATION CALCULATIONS Vail Transportation Master Pfan Residentiai Condominium/Townhouse - New Independant Variable - Dwelling Units (X) X = 13$ T= Average Vehicle Trip Ends AM Peak Haur - Table 3. Trin Generation Rates Applied 75% factor to ITE trip rate of 0.44 T = 0.33' X T = 0_33 * '138_0 PM Peak Hour - Table 3. Tria Generation Rates T=0.4*X T = 0.4 ' 138.0 Dailv -€able 3. Trip Generation Rates Average Weekday T=4�X T=4' 938.Q Directional Distribution_ 17% ent. 83°/a exit. T= 46 Average Vehicle Trip Ends 8 entering 38 exiting 8 + 38 = 4fi Directional Distribution: 67% ent. 33°/fl exit. T= 55 Average Vehicle Trip Ends 37 entering 18 exiting 37 + 18 = 55 Directional Distribution: 50% entering, 50% exiting T= 552 Average Vehic[e Trip Ends 276 entering 276 exiting 276 + 278 = 552 : EGmley-t�#un ° ......... and Ass��ates� Inc_ Project Ever Vaii - West 5ide Subject Trip Genera6on for Commercial - Retail Designed by CDR Date October 21, 2009 Job No, 096094004 Checked by Date Sheef No. 1 of 1 TRIP GENERATION CALCULATIONS Vail Transportation Master Plan Commercfaf Retail Independant Variable -1000 Sq. Feet Gross Leasable Area (X) X = 21.970 T= Average Vehicle Trip Ends AM Peak Hour - Table 3. Tria CeneraEion Rates The 65 percent reduction applied to the ITE rate similar to PM peak hour Directionaf Distribution: 61% ent. 39% exit. (T) = 6.35 (X) T= 8 Average Vehide Trip Ends (T) = 6.35 * (22.0) 5 entering 3 exiting 5 + 3 = 8 PM Peak Hour -Table 3. Trip Generation Rates Directional Disfribution: 44% ent. 56% exit. (f) = 1.3 (X) T= 29 Average Vehicle Trip Ends (T) = 1.3' (22.0) 13 entering 16 exiting 13 + 16 = 29 DaiN - Table 3. Trip Generation Rates Direc�onal Distribution: 52% ent. 48% exit. {n = 15 (X) T= 330 Average Vehicle Trip Ends (T) = 15' (22.0) 172 entering 158 exiting �72 + 158 = 330 / '�► �� Kimkey-Hom u_ -- --. �rd Associates, Inc. Project Ever Vail - West Side Subject Trip Generation for Apartment Designed by CDR Dafe October 21, 2009 Job No. 096094004 Checked by Sheet No. 1 of 1 TRIP GENERATION MANUAL TECHNIQUES ITE Trip Generation Manual 8th Edition, Average Rate Land Use Code - Apartment, {220) Independant Variable - Dwelling Units (X} 41 Total Units, of which 20 percent not working = 9 units abie to maice trips X = 9 T= Average Vehicle Trip Ends Peak Hour of Adiacent Street Traffic, One Hour Between 7 and 9 a.m. (paqe 328) Average Weekday �irectional Disfribution: 20% ent. 8Q% exit. T= 0.51 (X) i= 5 Average Vehicle Trip Ends T= 0.51 " 9_0 1 entering 4 exiting 1 + 4 = 5 Peak Hour of Adiacent Sireet Traffic, One Hour Between 4 and 6 p.m. iaaqe 329) Average Weekday Directional Distribution: 65% ent. 35% exit. T= 0.62 (X} 7= 6 Average Vehicle Trip Ends T= 0.62 " 9.0 4 entering 2 exiting Weekdav (page 327) Average Weekday T = 6.65 (X) T = 6.65 * 9.0 4 + 2 = 6 Directional Distribution: 50% entering, 50% exiting T= 60 Average Vehicle Trip Ends 30 entering 30 exiting 30 + 30 = 60 � Kitniey-Hatn ,�� and Assoraates, Inc. Projecf Ever Vail - East Side Subjecf Trip Generation for ResidentiaE CondominiumfTownhouse Designed by CDR Date October 21, 2009 Job No. 096094004 Checked by Sheef No. 1 of 1 TRIP GENERATION CAlCULATIONS Vail Transportation Master Plan Residentlal Condominium/Townhouse - New Independant Variable - Dwelling Units (X) X = 220 i= Average Vehicle Trip Ends AM Peak Hour - Table 3. Trip Generation Rates Applied 75% factor to ITE trip rate of 0.44 T=0.33`X T = 0.33 * 220.0 PM Peak Hour - Tabie 3. Trip Generation Rates T=0.4*X T = 0.4 * Directional Distribution: 17% ent. 83% e�cii. T= 73 Average VehiGe Trip Ends 12 entering 61 exiting 12 + 61 = 73 Directional Distributian: 67% ent 33% exit T= 88 Average Vehicle Trip Ends 220.0 59 entering 29 exifing 59 + 29 = 88 Dailv - Table 3. Trip Generation Rates Average Weekday T=4'X T=4" 220.0 Directionat Distribution: 50% entering, 5Q% exiting T= 880 Average Vehicle Trip Ends 440 entering 440 exiting 440 + 440 = 88Q ; lCfmieyF� _ ------ and Assoc�xte�, In�. Project Ever Vail - East Side Subjecf Trip Generafion for Commercial - i�etail Designed by CDR Dafe October 21, 2009 Job No. 096094004 Checked by Dafe Sheet No. 1 of 1 TR[P GENERATION CALCULATIONS Vail Transportation Master Plan Commercial Retail Independant Variable - 1000 Sq. Feet Gross Leasable Area (X) X = 81.625 T= Average Vehicle Trip Ends AM Peak Hour - Table 3. Trip Generation Rates The 65 percent reducEion appiied to the ITE rate similar to PM peak hour Direcfional Distribution: 61% ent. 39% exit. (T) = 0.35 (X) T= 29 Average Vehicle Trip Ends (7) = 0.35' (81.6) 18 entering 11 exi6ng 18 + 11 = 29 PM Peak Hour - Table 3. Trip Generation Rates Directional Qistribution: 44% enf. 56% exit. (� = 1.3 (X) T= 106 Average Vehicle Trip Ends (r) = 1.3 * (81.6) 47 entering 59 exiting 47 + 59 = 106 Dai1y - Ta61e 3. Trip Generation Rates Directional Distribution: 52% ent. 48% exit. (f) = 15 {X) T= 1224 Average Vehicle Trip Ends (T) = 15 * (81.fi) 636 entering 588 e�fing 636 + 588 = 1224 � Kimley-Hom �.---- arid Ass�tas, Inc. Project Ever Vail - East Side Subject Trip Generation for Apartrnent Designed by CDR Dafe October 21, 2009 Job No. 09fi094d04 Checked by Sheet No. 1 of 1 TRIP GENERATION MANUAL TECHNIQUES ITE Trip Generation Manual 8tli Edition, Average Rate Land Use Code - Apartment, (220} fndependant Variable - Dwelling Units (X) 7 Total Units, of which 20 percent not working = 2 units able to ma[ce trips X= 2 T= Average Vehicle Trip Ends Peak Hour of Adiacent Street Treffic. One Hour Between 7 and 9 a.m. {paqe 328i Average Weekday Directional Distribution: 20% ent. 809�fl exit. T= 0.51 (X) T= 1 Average Vehicle Trip Ends 7= 0.51 ` 2.0 0 entering 1 exiting 0 + 1 = 1 Peak Hour of Adiacent Street Tra�c. One Hour Beiween 4 and 6 p.m. (paqe 329) Average Weekday Directional Distribution: 65% ent. 35�o exit. T= 0.62 (Xj T= 1 Average Vehicle Trip Ends T= 0.62 � 2.0 1 entering 0 exiting Weekday (paqe 3271 Average Weekday T = 6.65 (X) T = 6.65 ' 2.0 1 + 0 = 1 Directionaf Distribution: 50% entering, 50% exiting T= 14 Average Vehicle Trip Ends 7 entering 7 exiting 7 + 7 = 14 �fey-Hom and A�soc€ates, Inc. Project Ever Vail - East Side Subject Trip Generation for Resort Hotel Designed by CDR Dafe October 21, 2009 Job No. 096094004 Checked by Date Sheef No. 1 of 1 TRIP GENERATiON MANUAL TECHNIQUES ITE Trip Generation Manual 8th Edition, Average Rate Equations Land Use Cade - Resort Hotei (330) independant Variable - Rooms (X) X = 120 T= Average Vehicte Trip Ends Peak Mvur of Adiacent Street Tra#fic. One Hour Between 7 and 9 a.m. (paqe 654) (� = 0.31 (X) Directional Distribution: 72% errt. 28% exit. ('I� = 0.31 * (120) T= 37 Average Vehicle Trip Ends 27 entering 10 exiting 27 + 10 = 37 Peak Hour of Adiacent Street Tra#fic. One Hour Between 4 and 6 p.m. (paqe 655) (T) = 0,42 (X) Directional Distribution: 43% ent. 57°/a exit. (T) = 0.42 * (120) T= 5Q Average Vehicle Trip Ends 22 entering 28 exiting 22 + 28 = 50 No Trip Generafi�n S'tudies for Peak Hou� of the Generafor, Saiurday or Daily 10/21 /2009 _ ICur�iey-Hom ��� andAssoaates, Inc. Projecf Ever Vail - East Side Su6ject Trip Generation for Office Building Designed 6y CDR Date October 21, 2009 Job No. 096094004 Checked by Dafe Sheet No. 1 of i 1RIP GENERA710N MANUAL TECHNIQUES ITE T_rip Generation Manual 8th Edition, Average Rates Land Use Code - Gerteral Office Building (710) Independant Variable - 1000 Square Feet (X) X = 33.600 T= Average Vehicle Trip Ends Peak Hour o# Adiacent Street Tra#fic, One Ftour Between 7 and 9 a.m. (Paae 1204) Directional Distribu6on: 88% ent. 12% exit. (T) = i.55 (X) T= 52 Average Vehicle Trip Ends (T) = 9.55 " (33.6) 46 entering 6 exiting 46 + 6 = 52 Peak Hour of Adiacent Street Traffic, One Hour Between 4 and 6 p.m. (aaqe 12051 Directional Distribution: 17% ent_ 83% exit_ (T} = 1.49 (X) T= 50 Average Vehicle Trip Ends (T) = 1.49 ` {33.fi) 9 entering 42 exiting Weekdav (pa4e 9203) Daily Weekday (T) = 11.01 (X) (1� = 11.01 * (33.6) 9 + 41 = 50 Directional Distribution: 50% ent. 50% exit. T= 370 Average Vehicle Trip Ends 185 entering 185 exiting 185 + 185 = 370 Saturdav, Peak Hour of Generator (paae 1207) Daily Weekday Directional Distribution: 54% ent. 46% exit. (� = 6.41 (X) T= 14 Average Vehicle Trip Ends (T) = 0.41 ' (33.6) 8 entering 6 exiting 8 + 6 = 14 APPENDIX E Intersection Analysis Worksheets KimIey-Horn and Associates, .inc. 096094.004fVail Resorts' Ever Vait Sidra Analysis Kimtey-Horn and Associates, Inc. 09b094.004/Vail Resorts' Ever Vaii Movement Summary � [ �3R�1 �'�" i�'�`��.����"��� Movement Summary Ever Vai1 Redevelopment 2015 AM Total Without Simba Run Underpass Roundabout Vehicle Movements Deg of Aver 95��0 Aver Mov ID Turn Dem Flow o��V Satn Delay Level of Back of Prop. Eff. Stop Speed (veh/h) (v/c) (sec) Service Q{ftj e queued Rate �mP�� South Approach 3L L 83 2.4 0.223 11.3 LOS B 3b 0.53 0.73 22.5 8R R 127 2.3 0.222 4.2 LOS A 3b 0.53 0.49 24.0 Approach 21! 2.4 0.222 7.0 LOS A 36 0.53 0.59 23.3 East Approach 1L L 147 2.0 0.482 6T T 405 z_0 0.482 Approach 552 2.0 0.482 10.5 LOS B 121 0.50 0.64 22.4 3.2 LOS A 121 0.50 0.38 24.2 5.2 LOS A 121 0.50 0.45 23.6 West Approach 5L L 67 1.5 0.203 7.7 LOS A 33 0.30 0.58 21.7 2T T 392 2.0 0.203 2.0 LOS A 33 0.30 0.23 24.9 2R R 72 1.4 0.203 3.8 LOS A 33 0_29 0.42 24.2 Approach 531 1.9 0.203 2.9 LOS A 33 0.30 0.30 24.3 All Vehicles 1294 2.0 0.482 4.5 LOS A 121 0.42 0.41 23.9 Symbols which may appear in this table: Following Degree of Saturation # x= 1.00 for Short Lane with resulting Excess Flow * x= 1.00 due to minimum capacity Following LOS #- Based on density for continuous movements Following Queue # - Density for continuous movement �� �i'-��;� ��t..:1T'�l�� Site: 2015 AM Total WO SIMBA K:\DEN_TPTO\09b0440Q4 - Ever Vail\Sidra\2009\South Frontage Road & Forest Road.aap Processed Od 30,2009 11:00:29AM A0751, KimEey-Horn and Associates, Large Office Produced by SIDRA Intersection 3.1.061208.34 Copyright 2000-2006 Akcelik and Associates Pty Ltd www. sid raso I ut i orts. co m Page 1 of l about:blank 10/30/2009 � I�tersection Summary ��:C3F�� �.�. ��"�"��.���"i't�� Intersection Summary Ever Vai1 Redevelopment 2015 AM Total Without Simba Run Underpass Performance Measure Demand Flows - Total Percent Heavy Vehicles Degree of Saturation Effective Intersection Capacity 95% Back of Queue (ft) 9S% Back of Queue (veh) Control Delay (Totap Control Delay (Average) Level of Service Level of Service (Worst Movement) Total Effective Stops Effective Stop Rate Proportion Queued Travel Distance (Total) Travel Distance (Average} Travel Time (Total) Travel Time (Average) Travel Speed Operating Cost (Total) Fuei Consumption {Total) Carbon Dioxide (Total) Hydrocarbons (Total) Carbon Monoxide (Total) NOX (Total) �� �t�ti� ��i.t3'�'1�N� Vehicl�s 1294 veh/h 2.0 % 0.482 2685 veh/h 1Z1 ft 4.8 veh 1.63 veh-h/h a.5 s/veh LOS A LOS B 531 veh/h 0.41 per veh 0.42 501.0 veh-mi/h 2044 ft 21.0 veh-h/h 58.4 secs 23.9 mph 323 $/h 26.0 gal/h 246.0 kg/h d.404 kg/h 19.58 kg/h 0.546 kg/h Site: 2015 AM Total WO SIMBA K:\DEN_TPTO\096094004 - Ever Vail\Sidra\2009\5outh Frontage Road & Forest Road.aap Processed Oct 30, 2009 1l:00:29AM A0751, Kimley-Hom and Associates, Large OfFce Produced by SIDRA Intersection 3.1.061208.34 Copyright 2000-2006 Akcelik and Associates Pty Ltd www.sid ra so I uti on s. c a m Persons 1553 pers/h 1.96 pers-h/h 4_5 s/pers 637 pers/h 0.41 per pers 0.42 b01.2 pers-mi/h 2044 ft 25.2 pers-h/h 58.4 secs 23.9 mph 323 $/h Page 1 of 1 aboui:hlank 10/30/2Q09 u��o�ddy �s�� West Approach � U � O � � � Q � � � O � Movement Summary ����A ..�` ��'�-���i��-ric�� Movement Summary Ever Vail Redevelopment 2015 PM Tota! Without Simba Run Underpass Roundabout Vehicle Movements Deg of Aver 9S��O Aver Mov ID Turn aem Flow o�HV Satn Delay Level of Back of Prop. Eff. Stop Speed (veh/h) ���c) (sec) Service Q(ft�e queued Rate �mph) South Approach . 3L L 2!2 1.9 0.416 i1.9 LOS B 78 0.64 0.79 22.3 8R R 173 1.7 0.415 4_9 LOS A 78 D.64 0.57 23.7 Approach 384 1.8 0.415 8.8 LOS A 78 0.64 0.69 22.9 East Approach iL L 6T T Approach West Approach 5L L 2T T 2R R Approach 145 2.1 521 1.9 665 2.0 66 1.5 426 2.1 74 f.4 566 1.9 0.684 0.685 0.685 0.219 0.218 0.219 0.218 14.0 LOS B 242 6.7 LOS A 242 8.3 LOS A 242 i2.3 LOS B 3$ 2.0 LOS A 39 3.8 LOS A 39 3.A. LOS A 39 0.82 0.85 o.sz o.�� 0.82 0.79 0.33 0.65 0.32 0.23 0.32 0.42 0.32 0.31 21.6 zs.3 22.9 22.4 24.8 24.1 24.4 AIf Vehicles 1615 1.9 0.685 6.7 LOS A 242 0.60 0.60 23.4 Symbols which may appear in this table: Following De9ree of Saturation # x= 1.00 for Short Lane with resulting Excess Flow * x= 1.00 due to minimum capacity Following LOS #- Based on density for continuous movernents Following Queue # - Density for continuous movement �� �'...s-" � �.:,r �2.� '-�� � L �i'[` � � �`� �; Site: 2015 PM Total WO SIMBA K:\DEN TPTO\096094004 - Ever Vail\Sidra\2009\South Frontage Road & Forest Road.aap Processed Oct 30, 2009 11:01:47AM A0751, Kimley-Nom and Associates, Large Office Produced by SIDRA Intersection 3.1.061208.34 Copyright 2000-2006 Akcelik and Associates Pty Ltd www. s id ra so I uti o ns. co m Page 1 of 1 about:blank 10/34/2009 Intersection Siunmary �EI�I�A _�' !�"�"�����7'���1 Intersection Summary Ever Vail Redevelopment 2015 PM Total Without Simba Run Underpass Performance Measure Demand F1ows - Total Percent Heavy Vehicles Degree of Saturation Effective Intersection Capacity 95% Back of Queue (ft) 95% Back of Queue (veh) Control Delay (Total) Control Delay (Average) Level of Service Level of Service (Worst Movement) Total Effective 5tops Effettive Stop Rate Proportion Queued Travel Distance (TOtal) Travel Distance (Average) Travel Time (Total) Yravei Time (Average) Travel Speed Operating Cost (Total) Fuel Consumption {Total) Carbon Dioxide (Total) Hydrocarbons(Total) Carbon Monoxide (To#al) NOX {Total) � �i�3�� :���E..1�"it��e5 Vehicles 1615 veh/h 1.9 % 0.685 2357 veh/h 242 ft 9.5 veh 3.00 veh-h/h 6.7 s/veh LOS A LOS B 9b3 veh/h 0.60 per veh 0.64 630.6 veh-mi/h 2062 ft 27.0 veh-h/h 60.1 secs 23.4 mph 418 $/h 34.1 gal/h 322.7 kg/h 0.537 kg/h 26.69 kg/h 0.732 kg/h Site: 2015 PM Total WO SIMeA K:\DEN TPTO\096094004 - Ever Vail\Sidta\2009\South Frontage Road & Forest Road.aap Processed Oct 30, 2009 11:Q1:47AM A0751, Kimley-Horn and Associates, Large dffice Praduced by SIDRA Intersection 3.1.Ofi1208.34 Copyright 2000-2006 Akcelik and Associates Pty Ltd www.s9drasolutions.com about:blank Persons 1938 pers/h 3.60 pers-h/h 6.7 s/pers 1156 pers/h 0.60 per pers 0.60 756.7 pers-mi/h 2062 ft 32.4 pers-h/h 60.1 secs 23.4 mph 418 $/h Page 1 of 1 10/30/2009 u��o�ddd �s�� West Approach � U � O � � Q Q � � � O � Movement Summary ����'� » � ������������ Movement Summary Ever Vait Redevefopment 2025 AM Total With Simba Run Underpass Roundabout Vehicle Movements Deg of Aver 95��0 Aver Mov ID Turn Dem Flow o�HV Satri Delay Level of Back of Prop. Eff. Stop Speed (veh/h) (v/c) (sec} Service Q�uftj e Queued Rate �mph) South Approach 3! L 136 2.2 0.405 14.0 LOS B 65 0.70 0.93 21_8 8R R 12Q 1.7 0.405 6.9 LOS A 65 0.70 0.81 23.4 Approach 255 2.0 0.405 10.7 LOS B fiS 0.70 0.87 22.5 East Approach 1L L 147 2.0 0.264 6T T 473 1.9 6.264 Approach 619 1.9 0.264 10.5 LOS B 55 0.48 0.65 22.5 3.1 LOS A 55 0.47 0.36 24.2 4.9 LOS A 55 0.47 0.43 23.8 West Approach 5L L 82 2.4 0.451 12.5 LOS B 43 0.39 0.66 22.3 2T T 755 2_0 0.452 2.2 LOS A 94 0.38 0.26 24.b 2R R 375 1.9 0.451 4.0 LOS A 94 0_37 0.44 24.0 Approach 1212 2.0 0.451 3.4 LOS A 94 0.38 0.34 24.2 All Vehicles 2086 2.0 0.45Z 4.7 LOS A 94 0.45 0.43 23.9 Symbols which may appear in this table: Following Degree of Saturation # x= 1.00 for Short Lane with resulting Excess Flow * x= 1.00 due to minimum capacity Following LOS #- Based on density for continuous movements Following Queue # - Density for continuous movement � �g;:�R� ��.�. L.J?°i�.;�*l� Site: 2025 AM Total W STMBA K:\DEN_TPTO\096094004 - Ever Vail\Sidra\2U09\South Frontage Road & Forest Road.aap Processed Oct 30, 2009 11:03:28AM A0751, Kimley-Horn and Associates, Large Office Produced by STDRA Intersection 3.1.061208.34 Copyright 2000-2006 Akcelik and Associates Pty Ltd www.sidrasolutions.com Page 1 of 1 about:blank 10/30/2009 Intersection Summary ���F�A _ �. ������������ Intersection Summary Ever Vail Redevelopment 2025 AM Total With Simba Run Underpass Performance Measure Demand Flows - Total Percent Heavy Vehicles Degree of Saturation Effective Tntersection Capacity 95% Back of Queue (ft} 95% Back of Queue (veh) Contro! De{ay (Total) Contro! Delay (Average) Level of Service Level of Service (Worst Movement) Total Effective Stops Effective Stop Rate Proportion Queued 7ravel DistdnCe (iotal) Travel Distance (Average) Travel Time (Total) TraveE Time (Average) Travel Speed Operating Cost (Total) Fuel Consumpiion (Total) Carbon Dioxtde (Total) Hydrocarbons (7ota1) Carbon Monoxide (Total) NOX (Total) �� �i D'r��±. 5�i ��...�'T� t?�!� ,� ,. Vehicles 2086 veh/h 2.0 % 0.452 4620 veh/h 94 ft 3.7 veh 2.74 veh-h/h 4.7 s/veh LOS A LOS B 903 veh/h 0_43 per veh 0.45 807.6 veh-mi/h 2044 ft 33.8 veh-h/h 58.4 secs 23.9 mph 525 $/h 42.7 gal/h 404.0 kg/h 0.666 kg/h 32.78 kg/h 0.908 kg/h Site: 2025 AM Total W SIMBA K:\DEN TPTO\096094004 - Ever Vail\Sidra\2Q09\South Frontage Road & Forest Road.aap ProCessed Oct 30, 2004 11:03:28AM A0751, Kimley-Horn and Associates, Large Office Produted by SIDRA Intersection 3.1.0612Q8.34 Copyright 2000-2006 Akcelik and Associates Pty Ltd www.sidrasol uti on s.com Persons 2503 pers/h 3.29 pers-h/h 4.7 5/pers 1084 pers/h 0.43 per pers 0.45 469.2 pers-mi/h 2044 ft 40.6 pers-h/h 58.4 secs 23.9 mph 525 $/h Page 1 of 1 about:blank 10/30/2009 ���oaddy �s�� � � � z 5�� 695 2 � � � z West Approach � U tt� O � Q � Q � � � O C!) Movement Summary ���R� » �. ��`�"���1E�'fi�C�� Movement Summary Ever Vail Redevelopment 2025 PM Total With Simba Run Underpass Roundabout Vehicte Movements Dem Flow Deg of Aver Level of Back of Pro Efi. Sto Aver Mov ID Turn �veh/h) %HV Satn Delay Service Queue Que ed Rate P Speed (v/c) (sec) � ft� (mph) South Approach 3L L 364 1,9 4.695 19.1 LOS B 224 0.91 1.19 20.3 8R R 158 1.9 0.695 12.1 LOS B 224 0.91 1.16 21.5 Approach 521 1.9 0.695 17.0 LOS B 224 0.91 1.18 20.6 East Approach 1L L 141 6T T 609 Approach 750 2.1 0_410 12.4 lOS B 96 0.75 0.79 22.0 2.0 0.410 4.8 LOS A 99 0.74 0.57 23.5 2.0 0.410 6.3 LOS A 99 0.74 0.41 23.2 West Approach 5L L 7b 2.6 0.383 12.4 LOS B 78 0:37 0.65 22.3 2T T 658 2.0 0.383 2.1 LOS A 79 0.37 0.25 24_7 2R R 283 2.1 0382 3.9 LOS A 79 0.36 0.43 24.0 Approach 1027 2.1 0.383 3.3 LOS A 79 0.37 0.33 24.3 All Vehicles 2288 2.0 0.695 7.4 LOS A Z24 0.62 0.62 23.0 Symbols which may appear in this table: Following Degree of Saturation # x= 1.00 for Short Lane with resulting 6ccess Flow * x= 1.00 due to minimum capacity Following LOS #- Based on de�sity for continuous movements Following Queue # - Density for continuous movement � ���f�.';?� �:3l._t.rT;J��i's Site: 2025 PM 7otal W SIMBA K:\DEN_TPTO\096094004 - Ever Vail\Sidra\2009\South Frontage Road & Forest Road.aap Processed Oct 30, 2009 11:04:15AM A0751, Kimley-Horn and Associates, Large Office produced by SIDRA Intersection 3.1.061208.34 Copyright 2fl00-2006 Akcelik and Associates Pty E.td www.sid ra solutions.com about:blank Page 1 of 1 10/30/2009 Intersection Sumrnary ����� � � ��`"�°�����'�`1�� I�tel"SE'.C�i011 SUi'1111ii�C�/ Ever V�it Redevelopment 2025 PM Total With Simba Run Underpass Performance Measure Demand Fbws - 7otal Percent Heavy Vehicies Degree of Saturation Effe�tive Intersection Capacity 95% Back of Queue (ft) 95% Back of Queue {veh) Control �elay (Total) Control Delay (Average) Level of Service Level of Service (Worst Movement) Total Effettive Stops Effective Stap Rate ProportFOn Queued Travel Distance (Total) . Travel Dis#ance (Average) Travel Time (Total) - Travel Time (Average} Travel Speed Operating Cost (Total) Fue) Consumption (Total) Carbon Dfoxide (Tota1) Hydrocarbons (TOtal) Carbon Monoxide (TOY�I) NOX {Tatal) � 5!£��,� �"a+�1t,.�J"�'t�}i�1� Vehicles 2288 veh/h 2.0 % 0.695 3294 veh/h 224 ft 8.8 veh 4.71 veh-h/h 7.4 s/veh L05 A LOS B 1409 veh/h �.62 per veh 0.62 892.5 veh-mi/h 2060 ft 38.9 veh-h/h 61.2 secs 23.0 mph 601 $Jh 48.7 ga I/h 461.1 kg/h 0.770 kg/h 38.17 kg/h 1.045 kg/h Site: 2025 PM Total W SIMBA K:\DEN TPTO\096094Q04 - Ever Vail\Sidra\2009\South Frontage Road & Forest Road.aap Proc�essed Oct 30, 2009 11:04:15AM A075f, Kimley-Horn and ASsociates, Large Office Produced by SIDRA Intersection 3.1.061208.34 Copyright 2000=2006 Akceli[c and Associates Pty Ltd www, si d ra so l ut i o n s. ca m Persons 2746 pers/h 5.65 pers-h/h 7.4 s/pers 1691 pers/h 0.62 per pers 0.62 1071.0 pers-mi/h 2060 ft 46.7 pers-h/h b1.2 secs 23.0 mph 601 $/h Page 1 of 1 about:blank 10/30/2fl09 ���o�ddy �s�� West Approach � U � O L � Q. � � � � 0 v! Rodel Analysis Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts' Ever Vail � t: cr�l �.ct r.us r r� ° ? • sit�r. r�tvu <min 7n �,' {�} �,Q,gS 11.?2 09 44 , "IIiEE SLICE _` mzn 15 t1 Cm) 3.66 6.25 ? 62 " '`RESllLTS PERIOU=-acin i5 75 I'fiD Cr�> 28.46 30_48 26.82 � TIME COST $Chr Y5.90 Pfir dti> 24.b7 _ 08.33 33.�l4 F�OId PERIQ➢ mi.n i5 75 s�I� {r�3 - 45.�2 45.72 45.72 1 �fl4f TYPE psu.'v�Fi. UEN 6#�.€iA SEP H B 0 �LQi�1 PEfiH xn/oplp�n RCI :�L:� :�A1�E ;P�U UEN "fElP.hlS tist exi.t, 2nc3..1J> PLQF CL� Fi�Ot! iiATIO FLOtd :I3P3� 'of•est Rd 1.�35 li6 125 0 1_0m 85 0.75 1.125 9.?S 15" 45 75 iB Frntac�e 1.85 �35 135 B 1.00 85 6.95 t.12�,0.75 15 45 75 � Frntaye 1.05 345 fi95 ?S ' ; 1.00 85�0.75-i.125 9.?5.15 45 75 _ � t�Lasi veti zss sve �iis � siu..oc:a, r g.s �f?nGIaY ��s:h 503 1822 1479 -- #�QS SLG A f�U&- DTLA'1 mir►s- 0.f6 6.05 0.07 - _ LOS U��'.SFG A fSAr £+�I,AY »�in� �.24 0.06 Ei.3,0 #UE 4UELIE v�n_ _: # 0 1 � U��1IC Ftl'�5 2.4 . xt� --_ ��;nu �rrr� n�� ��,ai,� �n� ct�c r�.ou ST:ic:ES v.'sli.ie oislice n/siicz 0 25 4�1 23 177.1? 144.95 �Y5 3H ' S2 82 161.4�! 171.86 _ 30 45 64 68 : i40.32 211.53 � �!5 69 64.68 •l+�0.8$ 2i1.94 �� Ft� 75 52.82 16i.21 173.45 �� 75 40 99.Z3 176.40 � 145.12 �' , . �' t tstn° i _ rorese na �- _ 'vc ' E�� �u�uES 4s! Qu�uES �xir �i.aw PRT14 vuhs aahs vei✓slice 8.250 0.33 @.85 9�.05 H.327 8.48 1.25 107.77 0.461 . �.64 2.15 131.@9 0.462 �i.65 2.14 132.12 0.328 0.99 _ 1.29- 108.10 0.250, �.34 0.8$ � 90.46 2�� $L8CE�5 15 _ 30 30 45 45_60 60 7S 75 90 RilR FL�Q�f . CAP := CIR�'�FL�F '�2C �MMII `�1EUES '15i"': QUEt1ES ERF_ T�FLUk!`, vtsli�e �t�lice . d/slice : li�TIQ ;: veAs � veh veh/�Iic�.". 107.28 965.i1 37.4� __�•2�1 '` 0.3� 8.78 - 158 SiL> 128.f8 459.41 44.85:? @.274 , 8.34 . 1.01 =:'180.6� 156:4Q 451.74 54.83:: � 34? -• �.53 1.38 "22i.02 f56.90 451.62 55.04 �; 0.34? .. @.S� y. 1.38 2Z1.57 128.10 459.2? 45;1? �.2?9 ` :@.39 ��°i.02 f81.4? f07�.28 964.88 37_?4' 0.231 0:3@ ':. �.?4 15t.?T � :�']- .:� ��r���`���.s�;>rt''" r.� '. ; . "3f,�= ...� -:�?�';r$��:zaa .�.. ..t.TY.._ g.`r{aG � :�.' ='�Es��` j - RPi - �•l.�b FiUfllirK d 4s t ` +� � �1fs � � T i�. :.E �R�tFt FL�4t CHP -- CI RC FLdfa1~ " i1C BND 4UEUES 45�t� $IILZtES e SLIC�S .� visiice o�slice . o/�i=ce . RRii�O : uehs:: �; `"veh.. 0'_15 2�4:86 S@If.i2 25-.34 @.414 0.?2 � i.86 15 3a 250.54 497.33 `-30..32 ` H.504 L61 2.59- -38 45 30i�.91 492.15 37.13 0.624 1:6�- -'4-.12 45 b9 . 3�6.91 472.13 37.16 0.624 L;65. .� '-"4.I5 6E3 75 258.59 447.29 3H.37 . 0.5�4 1.02 2.63 ?5 96. 2�9.8b 58f.05 25.43- 0.414 8.72 i:88 �ii. FLOit tseiZ/� lice . , fi4.@6 342_SS ; 174.45 ' i?4.?8 143.@5 i19.64 �� � � � ,� ". . - � .; � - ._ � .. � . _ ii CC�) 4.'L"l 7.03 "l.Y'L 1lCi�' YSNf VB PlfO ; 9k7 L' tn> 1�.05 12.72 99.49 - EiME SLICE �ain:-.' 35 U Cc�) 3.68 6.25 ?.52 - itESil1TS. PLRIaB_' Win .35 75 RAt� Cr,) 28.96 36.48 26.8Z TiHE;COST :.$/hr^15.H� PIS i <ci: 29.6? H8.33 : 33.44 - F60t� PEItIQB '': m3n .%15 ?5 ��A tEa> 45.72 45.?2 ' 45.?2 • PLOM T4PE ��cu�ire3x':: BEIi C,K�1i? SEP @`, 0 �_- FL04�'PEfiH .a��op/pa�';; Pt! LEG �at;�E I'CU OEH"TUiiHS {isv exit. 2r�l..U> FLQF CE, FL6t�! Rl3TI0 FLfl4! i1�F. �orest Rd �i.05 145 335 �' S �1.HQ 85 Q.75 i.i25 A.?S 15 45 75 tB Pr�taye=l.@5 569 130 B 1.60 85 0.75 1.f25 8.?53i5 45 ?5 'sB Frntage�1.05 26H 685 7Q 1.90 35 0.?S 1.125 0.?5;f5 45 ?5 - - - , FI.�k+ , ush . 48B . GS� � F35 � � - qUEDEL •, s;;,,` 8.2 :GAPR�IT°. ,.�`- �ah 655 " -; `1665 1983 _ - LOS SIG A - A�E` itELRY : ctins ,� -' 0:4H •-0.H6 0.06 ' L03 UNSLG A -t1A� �ELRif r•sins 0.?e 0.8$ B:H8 _ - FU� c�Jx�UE ae#t 3 i 1 - UEHIC HRS 4.8- ;•;ns n.��n� �.��, s - e � �nsr � z� , ; PM ` �Y,EG , NUESBER 1 :' . , Forest Kd'.:- �. . �'TilSE fiBR PLOW - GRP `: � CIRG PLQ4i UC EHD�4QEFIES 95� QUF�JES Etfit� Fi',fSU! ��SLICES '" v/a3ice v/slice v/slice R@TIQ � vehs v�hv ve�i�'slice �� 0 i5 9Q.34 186.43 126.6� 0.483 8.92 j 2.36 � 73.l7 15 3Et 107.88 i?3.25 15t.5? @.623 ' 1.59 4.01 87.5? 3� 45 i32.12 154.59 18S.55 @.855 ' 4.73 11,05 ia?.2@ € 45 60 132.12 _ 15+k.4S 185.?9 0.855 5.20 12.04 1�7.35 ; G0 75 10?.88 1?3.83 i51.45 0.623 - 1.72 4.33 87.8� ; 75 90 � 40.34, ;186.64 127.18 0.484 @.46 2.46 73,.49 � F _ ,: . - ' _ . . -Y + y ,.r; !_'i`i � - �� � . �liCts . F4!7tfC{f'��� �i�E�` ft�•FLt�l; ' t�P ' CFI�G`FLf1t� 8C ! Lf�$$ � v�slx`ce u�slice v/s�ic� FATIO �i-. i5 129.87 `435.43 ?5.58 9.298 f� �38 •t5S.07 424.45 90.56 0.855 3� ;45 _�.189.93 41�.12 109.3? 8.463 45 -6fl .:;184_R3 . 408.68 111.16 ; 8_465 60 75 155.07 422.20 43.3G : 8.367 75 9Q 129.87: 434.49 ?fi.?5,.; 0.244 � ;' . 4 < . Y3°� _ - - , l.Efi. `'.1'iu! ; IH�W �ARR 'rT.�fYi� CtIF_ CERC� PIAkf SLEEES. . v.�s2ice 1' v�siice v/slice - � iS 175.98 ; 59t.84 24.34 �15 3ki 21ff.i4 4Y8.14 -24.19 . 3Q 4S 257.36 443.22 35.73 ° a5 6� 25�.3G 443.18 35.78 , 6H 75 218.14 448.13 29.2?,_ � 75 9� _ i75.98 501.7b 24.5�-' I : ;. .� ...�t _ . . v� . .. _ i n.� i.s;..F � ♦. . Erin �EU� ��j�`g�a�'u� ESf IT PiA6l.; �� vai�s = �` veI�s ' . ` vel�isiiae 0 92 � 1 18 i40.53 0.5T � 1.44. . f66.23 0.86 2.2l, ::2�5.26 � 0.86 2.23 206.24 @.58 ' i.52 i69.34 0.43 1.12 14f..51 � � -_ 1 R 3�;,_'.- t,•' - 8S; l�ratage G EF�� t�EiEUES 95i' QULRlES . EXTT PLLi4! . iI0 a�:� ,�aebs" ".�aehs ` : c+eh/��ice 35i ' 8.54 ` t.40., ,��.180.60 ' 422 ._ 8.,73 I:88 ;.r- 2i6.27 522 -ii06 ;` 2:7? 253.18 522 ` 1.04: - 2.?8 265.28 4�2 �.73- f.48 219.56 352 `- �.54 � 3.4f-'- 182.39 - 4 � � � ... , > . . � �� _ �. tf t�... .� . Synchro Analysis Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. �96094.004/Vail Resorts' Eaer Vail Ever Vail 20'[5 AM Background 1: West Lionshead Circie & South Froniage Road $12812009 � '� T r` �► � Volur�e vehlfi 3a .. _...�1 _..377., '[05 _ _`37 287 : _... _..: � _..-�_. ._--�--.._.__. . .. .... _..., ._ _ _�_....._. .... ..........�_... .. . : __-� _ . Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 H�t�€1 flo4urate� � h_ 34 23 4'[4 ?'I�# 4D 312 .._.._.. - _...... . Y_ ...._._ ...._.� P ) _-__. ._.::.---. .. __ . ..._.:_..... . ..__�. ., __.._ - - -.-__._. ._.._ .�. _---_.._ -- Pedestrians �ane Vltidtl� �ft�.._. �, _ _._.._ ,,,� .__..:� _ s_: . . ,. ...._.... ... - .._.. . ..�._..... _. .... _... ... Walking..Speed (ft/s) Percen�BlocKage.__.::-_ - _ . . -- ....._. .. ..:--. _. .__ :.--.. -...._. ..............__ _ _.�..,_ . ..._... ,_-. . ._._:_. ... ::� _.::: Right turn flare (veh) Med�an.tYP._�_.� -:,:. Ra�Sed ; ._...... -- ...... .... :: ....: _.. ...___.. .. _.., .::,: . .�_ -„ :-----_.._.___. _ ...._ , . ....... _.. _....._.,... .,. Median sforage veh) 0 � ...,...�_:..-:. , :_�:-��_:. . � itpst€eam-�igna�.��i.., ... _:,_ . .- -.:-:- ---.___.__--- --- .: ._......._.__..: , _-._.:._ -_ __..:.: ..._...__._..._� _ . ... -: . . .. _.: pX, platoon unblocked _� _ ._�� ._...-------- --;� �E con�►cfin�valume _ �� �:�U .._...--. -.--. .._. _ _ ��� : -- - _ ._. , _ �_ .. _ .. .._.. -----.. -- -. _..= --� _ ._;. - -__ .. _, vC1,�stage 9 confvol 410 vC2 �tage:2 cn�f vok �92 _. :__ ._ _ . � . __.; ..:;�:. ...:::. r :_ _--- ---:.: ..r _._:._ ..... ._: _ _ .;: ___. _._. . - ---.--._ ._..._.._--- -:. __ vCu, unblocked vol 802 410 524 ;. ::__,.-�:._ _:_....-:-:::::::::_::�:_:_ _ _ ==_�-_:_::-_:-�.--:��...-: . _ _.�:-_:.:::..:__�_:;:._ :�._�:;:::---:_.-:._.:� =�- � tC =s��t le s ...:� �:- r �=: _-_° -::::6;.4_ . :_:. &,2: -_;--:::: _...._ . . ... �_�::: _:;:::-_:::-..._ _.:::_::._ v_ �,:; =:_;::::--�:=: _� =:= ,__..,._� _ i_�...... _:��.,.._. _- ._ ,. ,.,:_ _�-- -;=_,.,:.,_.r... .__....____._. ___ .__ ` �......_:...._ . _._.,.. .=:_ .�.� �_: _ . :::_ -:.--....._.... tC, 2 stage (s} 5.4 , ....__.... =. =.,� _ .:�:-:.�, _:�: - �E.(sl:. :.: �� _ ��...___.. .�—;::::_,__ . _ .._.__... ,___�._._ _.-_ . .. ._..,_ . _ ,..,.,_, _-,zz.. ::.� :._ ..________...._ �--. ._ _.._ ._�_,.. ,;.,_�. . � ___ _ _ _ p0 queue free % 90 96 96 cM eapaeitY (�ehr/f�) ; : _�41 ... �E�2 � _ _,: : 1�43 . .. _ .:::: -- __ _ _:.- _ Volurne 7ofial= _;_ . ;;57 410 i_14 4d :3'i2 -° - - _ -> - _ -_ _ -. _ __._ _: ,., . Volume Left 34 0 0 40 0 17oJu�eRi�h�_.._.,.�, 23 . -:�0 _._�.�4 ..--:.� .-.-.-•� -- . .._ .. __ ..._,.,, _ . ..,,- -- ---- --- --.._ . ::.- __..�_...- cSH 420 1700 1700 1043 1700 ._._..��:� ::-- :� : : _ ��� ___ :�-__= :�_=� =�::: � =:_ �_= 1f.olur� e#o �apa���_:r.._ _ , fl.3 3 _ _ 0 Z4.. ... E� �-7. . p Q�k Q 18 .__.......�.-::�.=�;:� .:: �-: ;-:-:_::.— . __ ., -� _: :_ ... _ � . , . _ :--:.. -- - ,.._ Queue Length 95th (ft) 92 0 0 3 0 _- _ ..__ _ . ,:_.-_:.:�-=::: _ � ,::�.�__.w- ��u_�.= _:--�=�= Con�roi Deia . s�"��._,- 1.�� � Q -0b ..__;g-6. .. � i3 --.,_.� � — ���:-w.�_._._ Y f. � --:: —..;-- -- - . - _____._ _. __.--- -------- . ._ _ _ : : = - - --::._�.---�-- --_.___.�u�_:,�� ��-:�:�.�� Lane LOS B A Approach LOS Average Delay 1.3 lntersect�or� Capacity_t�t�lization , 36,5°/0 . _ _[Gl��evei of Serwce _.... _, _ :; _ � . ........__... . ....._. _....._ .. ......... ......... Analysis Period {min) 15 Baseline Synchro 6 Report Page 1 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Ever Vail 2015 PM Backgraund 1: West Lionshead Circle & South Frontage Road s�2s�2oos � � t � � Grade 0% 0% 0% '�olur�e �uet�h�- . __.: _ 115 �4U _.. � 0� 26 496 . : - -- - - �-� -..;33_,.. ,._ ,.......__ . _ � - . __.,.�_ . ....._ __...__.. __._... _ Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 � F�our�}[�ow�af�(vp�a) _125 _. ..;�4 _ �70 __. �14 ----: �S _..539 ._�.. ' . _- -___- ....... ....... .__--- --- =-�� - Pedestrians Median iYPe._... ..---•..- Raised : . . ._.._.... _...... _._.. _..__ _ _ -._._ � ........ .... _.. . ,. ..-._. ._....:.. __... .. ...._- - - -- -- - Median storage veh} 0 ._..--- ----... , .._.. .._ _ ..,...._ _..,:_ .:.�_ --....._,..__.....�:::_�----�--_ , ::_::__� ::::.:::::::::--:: . S , � �. -.. � i�p _t�ea �:::.:::::.:_:-::: signa ���-,,, ;:= --._ _,� ,:. ._.,.�- - � _ _ =-- �-= -� ----- - �_ : _ .. . .., :, _ �:;, ,,,,. _._,,, ., _,.:: pX, platoon unblocked _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ .. _._. _.. __.._ . _ .. .. .. .... ._......._........__..._ .:-�-_:._.:__-_ =.. _-:-::__.� :_:;_._--_:.� � +eonfllcfiR�valume �65 3z� . .... , - . _ � : � _---= =: = _ ._.._._. _ . .. 4_84 , __ �_ ._ - _ . ... ._..._.._ __ ._.._ .... _ __... _ . .....--- ---...__ __.._._._._.._ vC 1, stage 9 conf vol 370 -- --- - _==.=:::_ __--__=:::::- ==--=_=_::_::-� vC��fag� 2 conf vo� �59C� . --_ --- --- _ . __ _=- - �: :_:_--� --.... _._ . . . . ..-�-�-- �- ----� -- - __ _.- -- = � . -_ .. __ __.._._ - - - _ . _ _-:_ __ vCu, unblocked vol 965 370 484 stage (s} 5.4 p0 queue free °� 58 95 97 elV� capac�ty (ueh�� ,= _ 297 �7fi -1075 :.. . ' _- - -; :__. ,:_ _._ _: _:,- -:-,,: -.,. -_= -_ , _-:-_ _-.. -__ :: _: Volume Left 125 0 0 28 0 cSH 337 'I700 1700 1079 1700 Lane LOS C A =- -= _ ., �::€€: =;:=_-=� ��:�:���� : �: �:�= :-�:_-::.-:._:::--.:- Appr�ach pei�Y 4�3�,� _ __ .2�,� - _:-:-_�_ _= = = p;� �.:: . _ . . ; � d ;__ ._�,_� --:� . .... ......... ......_.:::::::-.-.::-:_:-::::.:-_::-:-:: . Approach LOS C _ _ . Baseline Synchro 6 Report Page 9 Kimley-Fforn and Associates, Inc. Ever Vail 2015 AM Background 2: South Frontage Road & Forest Road 8/28/2009 -� --� "� � � � � � 1� �' �, '� - - _ - - : - _ - ...� Lane Configurations �j � v� � '� � � � c� � c� Sign C.on�rol .:_; . free i . ; Free ;� .. .:: Stop ,�_ .; �top :_........_ . .. ._._ _ , _ , , Grade --. . . . . 0°/a 0% 0% � --- -... ._. -0% Vol u r�ie t�eh/h} 15 _.445.. ,__ 'f 5 �D .. . 267 ,, 3'� ... 5.....::. 5.... -. 1 D ,: 37 . 5 5 .. ......_...._.._. ..:�:. .. _ ... : .. . Peak Hour Factor 0_92 0.92 0_92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Pedestrians Lane:Width..f�) ' ; , °: , ° ': . _ :_- ._..._. __ .._. _ . .. _ .. .._.._.....-- -- _._.,,.,� ,-...,-, _ �__ _,-.-�:. -:: ..._ . __ ... ._.._. . . -:. -,_-: Wal{cing Speed (ftls) _, .--.:._...__... P.ercentBlockage_.--....`_:-: =:'=.._._. ` , - _:-._. . ... -._.:. ,_. _, - . ...,:.. _..:.- - - . ..,� .. _: . . . �. : Righttum flare (veh) . . .-......_ ......_._ ......._ ._ :- : .:::::--_�::::__:::_::_::::::r:....._.. �-_ :.--.�_ - Median , -�:: _�::- :: :.::::::.:.-:::- �::::--::�-..�. _:: _..: _ .._ . _ �tais�e`ii:: _�� ��= ;..:....._....... �!E�::,_. . ..:--;:-_.�.:_-:� -.::�:-=:_::::-::::;:_::: _ ......_., �atsed' .,,,_ _.._..__- ._-.. _. ------._.:_:_::_:::�= - - __.. _....._..........._......_.-...___........__.._..._.... .- _ . . - ,.- Median storage veh) 0 � 0 �Jpstrearnsignal (ft) ,: __... __-. —� .... . �- -, ..... .: . ... .___: ... __.. __. ._ . -- _ -:_-- . ..__.__. __._...__...._. _ _.. _-------...... qX, qlataon unblocked vC1, stage 1 conf vol 516 516 312 312 , unblocked vol 324 500 836 862 484 842 845 290 tC, 2 stage (s} 6.1 5.5 6.1 5.5 tF..:{5.�:._ ..'_. __:._._ _ ._...�..:�._x ��_.__.�:__ ._.._;,, .._ :�-2 ..__ �:: ... , ,: 3 5 .._�_-�t �_....._ 3,3 ._. , 3� ; ; 4 0� _:.:.: � 3 p0 queue free % 99 99 98 98 98 86 98 99 �Mcapacify.f�rehltij " �236 ;: - �064 - _ 292 289 .. . __ _ ,.._ ... ,�83. _:_:285 ;.. ;�9Q..;;.._�49 Voiume_�oial =_ . :� 16 484 16 � 11 290 ':34 `= _ ,` -- __ _ : ., _ __ _ ,_ ,_ ,. :22..=51 - = �- __ __ _.,, ------ _ --=._ -.. ._..__ _ Volume Left 16 0 0 11 0 0 5 40 Vol�me Righ�. ---__.M. ..-..0 , 0 ,16 _ D 0 ' : 34 �� � �� _11 �;� �� ._ - - - - -- ---__..__.. _. _.__ ._ ._.._ � . :..... - -. _ _ --- - - cSH 1236 1700 1700 1064��170Q 1700 388 305 Queue Length 95th (ft) 9 0 0 1 0 0 4 9 5 - --._._ �ontrol.De.i� :.: s --.--..... _. _. ,&1�. . - --_U 0 .:0 D � 4 (3 0 0 0 14.8.� ..._ 15: �----.---€=== _ -v: "::_� =:��� : '=-;;-; _ ._.... __._ __......_._..._.�..�_) ........_.._._ _.._..._......_._..........._..... : . _..:_.... _-_ _ : ::- _:::::, .�,_:�.:: :_ _: :::_.:::_--:_:_:_::_::: ,::-.....�...:..,_:- _: __-_::_::,_ : � _��:_:_:_:_=��::--: :::_�:: �_� ��:: _.:� .,.: ; :::_ _ --_-__-- _--.---__ _ _._._---...._.._.__..._....._._...._...._ .._. __... _ _ ..__..... ___ _ _.__ ___._____. Lane LOS A A B C Apprroac�DelaY._�.��..__ .....__p � _.._ _ r _...,.� 03 `F� S, _'f5 '� �:; .: ::. .._ .:.___. _-::- :-:. .. : ,_..- _ _:_ . Approach LOS B C - - _ .__..__ __ - ---.. . .� Average Delay 1.6 Intersecfion Gapacity:UtEl�zafion :,: �_�J% ICU Le�e1 of Service A,' ; : . .. ....._. _.....__ .. _ .. ....... .. .._:_. _....___. ._.. ....... _. Analysis Period (min) . .1� _...._ . .. -.-=--_.�� Baseline Synchro 6 Report Page 2 Kimley-Hom and Associates, Inc. Ever Vail 2015 PM BacEcground 2: South Frontage Road & Forest Road s�2s/2oos �' -► '�i ,�- � !`- "'� Lane Configurations � � � � � Grade 0°/a 0% 0% 0°/a Uolume.(�re�ilh) '10 4Q8 10 1� 602 9� 1� 5 15 -�6 ._;_ 5 5 _._... ... . .. ....._._ __..._. ...... ...._.:__ .... _......._ . . ..:.. . , --- _ Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 _ _ _ _ __ _ .. . Hou�I�i.�Irnx rate{vP_�i� ...:3.� :44�... .. 1� _...��_--- 654------ . ��.-_--- ���--- ,. �.. .. � '�� _....._ �� ..,._. _� . : -� _ . ,. ., . Pedestrians � � �� ��� Lane U1�3dth (ft� ' ; = __ = _ U "tream$� �pat. ft �,=:�::�;";��=:==�: �--_� _-____. :::__:-_=::;�=_=_=-_� �:- -_:_= _ w___ _ � __ _ -__ - � .. _ _. _ :: _� . _ _ _.�:. 9_.�::� {:: : -..._._w �:::_:� �::_ ���:�:�.m:�w,��::.,::::-:::::-: _.-:-�:€: �� ===�':€_;� _ _-__:�;�-�_:r �- _::�: : _.:: �-_.. ... ,_ , ...PS _ .�___ ,.ti , - �.,. -.-=,:- _ __._:_ __ pX, platoon unblocked vCi, sfage 1 confvol 465 465 687 fi87 vCu, unbEocked vol 671 454 1160 1168 443 1171 1163 654 tC, 2 stage (s) 6.9 5.5 6.1 5.5 . w .._.___ __ ,�:_,=:_ ., t� {s)-= - _.:.: :--�----------::-_: � �—...:::_::__-.-.: -_:-:_:::-___� �� �_�_��::::�... �-:w����._�.:.:: =-� 5....._:�-'�.0.. .. : � 3 . _.:: �.� �. _..:._�'�.�_ . :.�.3-3; p0 queue free % 99 99 92 98 97 87 98 � 99 . . -:. :- ___,,. . . ._. , ..,:. ;. - :- : -;, ;: .-,--- _-_-<- = - _ _ , . -: , . __, Volume Left 11 0 0 16 0 0 16 28 ��afume-Righf . = .,,,-:� ,:--:,0 _---�� ---�--.-� •---= Q -- --;18 ,.--�6 .-�.--.. .� , ---- _ :._ .__ ....__ ---._.....----. cSH � � 920 1700 1700 1106 170Q 1700 300 233 U'�Iur���CaPa�it�r __�__-� �"3 ... �-2�----.�0� �,0'� _�_�8 _ ��� ..._.� 13 ,� 17._..__ � ' __ .._....__ . . . ._,,. �,� __ _,_.,. ,,,,,_ -......� Queue Length 95th (ft} 1 0 0 1 0 0 11 'E 5 Lane LOS A A C C _ _ _ .-- -_......_..:- �P�. .. _roacf.? DeYa_ s ..._-� .__�.2 ._._..::_ .__ :... 0 2 1:$ 7 23 5 : ._- :�:_=-�.___=-�:�:_:_::::-�:� � :�� _. -=----��_�..�..._ .........:___ _. _..... ' - :_ -�_ - ---- _._ ..---....._.......... -- ---.. ._- - -- ---- --- :�. :� »- Approach LOS C C Average Delay 1.5 Analysis Period (min) 15 Baseline Synchro 6 Report Page 2 Kimley-Horn and Associates, lnc. I:�,.�::: Ever Vaii 2015 AM Total w/o Simba 2: West Lionshead Circle & Forest Road �ai2v2oas � � t � � _ , . __ - �. - .P �� . _ .., - - - �- - -- - � :. ___� _ "- - ..�G, . ._ - _ .__ -- _ , . . __,. :. �x--.;� Lane Configurations '�► '� � � 5ign_Con�o�i Stop _... ::; Fese Free_ ._;: _.._ _.. .. _ .,.: ::_ t :. . . ....... ... ... ..._... .__.__.. _ . _. ._ . . _ . .._ . ... . ,_._ ..._ ..;_ . .. Grade 0% 0% 0% Uot�me sreh/-h 5 �3 '�40 � ..:,r::3� .._,.165 _ , _ .{ _.-----� - -------_ __. _ ------- --..__ . _.._ ._.. -.--:: _ ._.;; -;., ..__. __ ..... .: .......: Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 ��url� flov��-ate-��ph} 5 _--.. __ s�-. _. ��.. ; . � v _.__.4D -__ 1-7� ..,.. _ v ... _....__.. . .. _ . _�,_. __._._ , _,.,_ - _- Pedestrians ^ Median storage veh) _, � :�_:�--_:�:_�_-�_-:::::_-::- :___�....._.._ _.�_.:::�;-� _.._._..,_�,..,.:._.._.�...,„___.__....,:�.__.=._=;^�;�r:_ _-:_:-<::::--�___::::::-:_: _.=..�_ L� s%eaEn.sr ��a�:. : = ___ .. _ � _ ._ :_ - � � v�.__...._:_::.-��_.�,:-�:-<��::�.�-::_.:._-.:�_>:: =_��=:��_�`_:_� :=���:::�= := :-; z � � _- _ - ,.:; ;,; :- . __ _ _ . pX, platoon unblocked vC1, stage 1 conf vol ... ----.........._ ��_--_:_::--___.-.:__ - .:-_--:_- �-::-= �:�� -=::v _-� =. �-_=:=T::�==:=� - -::;�__.. ::__ �rC =��a e��conf�r�1:=:.__�:_�.-.: ;��:_:-_:_ =:�:_-_:-- = ==��=::: _�::�-_::_ �-=:_ ___ �--_.__:�W�_:-_-W-_::=::- �--- � ::-; ::::._. . -- - -- - - .� .._ .•---�.. ....._.__ ..._�,_.. ,-,-- -...__ ,..<._ ___- .: .,� .,. ___ ._ __._ __ __ - __ vCu, unblocked vol 415 155 158 _ _ _ ..._--------...---...._....._....____.,_...._� .-� -__ _ ...---.._ ._ _�_. __ �G le s _..: ------ ......�_�..... _.. �i2 .__... � . _ -.. -- ._..-- �-�::::_ -: ��:::�� w �� :;:- � -;:� �:: �� :_::�_.=:_�-�-: �_: �:; :' �:� =::: �_:_ _ �- _�__ ......._: _.....,��n9.___�-?--== _::::-..-=_:_-_-:_::::_:::-:_:—.::_:::__::.�..:.��.:�_�:-_-;_:.� ==.:_��:::�— :.,:::::_::.-:_.:--__-_,._.::::-.----:_;::-�.:=�_-_=_:::-_ �-:::-::::_.-.;::_�::�_:__---:::_ _-::---- _ _ tC, 2 stage (s) p0 queue free % 99 94 97 en11 _ca`.�c� �ehl� _ ` .. -_ _a� :=-. �9'� �= = , -�t422...:..: -- _ . ��p _. fl!:.(:_...:: ..�_�____ ----- . _ __. _....-- ... _._ ... . _-_ ::::. : . : ._ ,�. _..._;_:..__._:_:. . ::->;: Vof�me �'ofa['" ` 63 '158 ''40 -,:179 `-_ __ ,, _ ;_ __- _- _ _ __ . __ __ _ __ _ - -, - ' =_ ,_ __.. _ _ _ _. . _._.:__ -- Volumz Left 5 0 40 0 '1/ojur�e F��t�t= _._.�..__ . �58 -5 D :: � � , __.__".�___ _ J. _....._ __. ......_._ __.." ' '....._.,, .""' ....:-.,a -,..--•.: _' �:-_.°_ __ _,,,a . __ _,.,,,_ .._..._...........,,: cSH 851 1700 1422 1700 Queue Lenqfh 95th Lane LOS Approach LOS A Baseline Synchro 6 Report Page 2 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Ever VaiE 2015 PM Total w/o Simba 2: West Lionshead Circle & Forest Road �0/22/2oos � � I � � Grade 0% 0% 0% _ _ _ . _ '�o1�,�e e� 5 , . .'�4� 2�� � 2s 17� ; ; � _.. s_; �. --_.... � . ....--- --..... , . _ .. _..---- -- _ ._......._......._.........._..__... ... ..._ . _.. .. ..�_..._._..._._._..___ .: _ ..... . Peak Nour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Pedestrians - - � �:<-: ---- ---..____ :� _: --- _ : . _ .. ,. �.. . _...___ .:_-_,:-_�::: :._::::�::::::::::�__:::-�:-------:-:�----y�-_�� -�—: :-��:::::::�::-�:::_:-.- _ �:=:-::::_ =�: _�=:=:-.= v _..._ ..:_.:�_ -� _ � __� M��it� , ..�:_: �.��.r:�_: �:��r�e -: �::r�:-:€;: -�:-:-:_� :- _:.._ .: _..-- - -.....:..-�----�-- --- ___ _-._� �Y�___ _:,:::::�:��_�__._._ -:-.--._._ _.__-__... -:-, _ ,_-�.. _....__.....___...._..........__�._......._._:.___:= �---- . _ ._,,� _..�._._: _ .......:..v=:: _�_.:_:==:_ _-- _:: ;_. _::�.--.��_._ ______ Median storage veh) i� : s�€eata� �i'���ial- #t -.-:_ :: _° ;:_:!:' ::=`-_� : � : ` ==: _:; ==:.��—:-:�::::__-:_ �_::: ��_;;>: �_;: ;:_, :�:-_ � ;��:_ =:�:� . p - ---...... .___.___..___.___...._..--,_ _......_.._._... --��: � ::��_. _----____._.. _........--- -- ._ _ � ,__�:._,._. __.».,-- ----- -_--. _._........ �:: .. _.:.. .:-:.::..;���:� _-„-:._, .; :: = - - -- ._.�-: � nX. alatoon unblocked - - . . . -_,_._.___. vol vCu, unblocked vol 476 229 232 __ . . ._w ..._----�-�------�- :-_.-_ �-� �-� -� � :-::y:;:.�:- _=>:=_=== �'�i� �e.. - ` _----�--____- ..�.�:::_�;:G�_= _:;��_..__..:�:..:,.u. . ,__:'4 � ---._.._ .: ..___.:: . __ _ �-:�::�_�,=_:_�;::�:=�-���;�� �:::,::=� �._::��._ 9_._.��.r_..__..�W �_�.�:�:�:: - ._..---- ._ _.�:- _:� .-;- ._�� ,:.�_. z.. _.__, -::::_.:_.:::_..... _:::=_ _::_: _:��::=::_:,.__.:_�:::�_:�:.::��..:::._:_.___ tC, 2 stage (s) ==�___:-�_ _-_::-�m�,. _._ . - - - - :_:_::.:-�:.--:::--:�-_��:::: -- �.. .� _. ;:;€�_ _ -- :-:�=:��:€:==.._ . ... � �._. �-_=_ ' :'=' .::��___; � ::-_-__::.�:Z:€€_ ��:_�u::;.;: _=; � _: ;;: ;:�i:s - _ _- .__. �. �'__..___.._._...__.�,........_._-------..._...__._ _. � �::� =_ = -�_ .._......__. . _. _ . _._.�:: ---.._.---..---------_.....----- ---_._..__.._.--_:_ -�__= _=: _-- - r_,:_� ,,,.:.:-._, =� _., _..,,_,,. _�., =�- _,s__�-_ -�-.___-;:�::.� _:�� �._:-: _: _ �;�;� ��:� :-� _•::___:_____=.� p0 queue free % 99 80 98 =_==� : �-- _. :_-::- _.:� m =_..= ____�- _�-�:::::-� � d�lf_C���1tSr���� .._ �53� '�� €1 .._..... .:: �.3�6 ----�==€ :___'=��-=-::� = �':�=-. . . _ _ �=;-=:-'- _. __ _ _ _ -- __ _ __ _ Volume Left 5 0 28 0 Uoiu�eRic��f.------- _�,.�.�_ ;.::� .,fl _ . ._ ; _. ___._. ._. ._ _ .. �-- -- .�:� �. _..___.. ..---. __. . _......._ ___.... _. .,.._., ._.. _� _.-.., -- -::� cSH 797 1700 1336 1700 -..,-:.� :::_. �. :-� :,�-�::::::�::: _-_ �= �loittt�t'� f� �apa���r-----� �1_ ._.0 �t4 . _� o� --�� 7 -_ -_ _. . .. �.� _ r .._ �,..,. _ ._._._ - -- ___r . _ .__ _ . ... . .....r_ .._ ...___.._ .._- --�._.�_..:..:-_--..._.._._.::�::::_�::_:.��._:__...__.� Queue Lengtfi 95th (ft) 19 0 2 0 _ .:::._� , _� ,._ =_.:.;:::� • __-:�::::::---_- __ ...- - --_ - �----:-._- :- ::• : :�. -: _�_ .:.:.:-�:_ =_,:.:: -r_......_..._ = �_�. =-:::: �. __:=:- �., : __� : . �-::: :.�.� _._::::-. ; : : : ::=:: = -:=:-_ :: ��:�:_ ��,::-:� <:�: :=__ =-= -::: �:--_-:- : :: :�_:�_. �:�� =m �=_:�': �=,� -- --- �ta�f±'�1_ :�fa: ,_. ;s:._;r __r_=;=:-.-::�:�K�--:_:-:�0_Q_ �_..._�:.8....:.: .: �.0_-:-:- _--.--= _-<--::--::_:�:�.:_ --_Y:�-:�.�-::__�.-_-._....--�_-.--�_..._.-�- :-.._-=-__ --��..� _:::�v= ..�.�.. � ---_- -..�__........_....-�-----•- :� �:_ ......._._... - - -- r.,�,...�_...__._. .�...,,.� _._._..__.....---__.... .. __-- __,,._�_� ------ ...,-,� �_-� _.�_�_z_,.:-..�=_:.=--- Lane LOS B A _ _ _ _::_ �-.:_: =::: A}apr�F��Tefi�.q��_. .....�Q�----�� �--z•-� Q _ _ _;:-___=__:: ,.,., . _..__._ ...._.._. ..-----�- -....._ _ __ .._. _..__. � .::------__.e....__�. Approach LOS B Average Delay 3.2 �ntersechor�-G��ac�.�t�i�zatron __, , 33 g�O ... . - ICl! LEVe�-�b�Serv[Ge ._...._.. .. _ __ ..........:::: - _ -.. _.: _ _ _._..__ . _.._.._ :__::=_:-::::;: _:= - _ : . _..._ ...---.._ _._...._.... _:..�..:._..........._:.._....- --_....:` .;,._ Analysis Period (min) 15 Baseline Synchro 6 Report Page 2 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Ever Vail 2025 AM Total w/ Simba 2: West Lionshead Circle & Forest Road �0/22�2oos 1� �` t /'' �'" . . _ . _ _ _ . . - _�._ : _.. ...__ ..� _ �.-. . - ._ _- � Lane Configurations � '� � � Sig�_Cara#ro�_:, . _ ._ S#�p ..... . � . . F.�ee . _._ ...: ...... .:: . .. Free ...:::.: _ � -:.. �. ,_ ._ _,,,,_ ..,_,, . . . ._, ....... Grade 0% 0% 0% Vo7ur�e��uel�/�) - --- =�-----�_ . �t ,�5.(3 ��7 _ . .. ,__ L�. :-.�8Q . _::�[38 --....... .........___._ _ _. ..__ .. _ : �_- .... ,., Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 �s�uZ � fls�'4c�C�i��rtp��.� �___r.�_ �1 272 Zf}� � 9fi - --�'#50 - - = � _-- ......._.... . _ :�_. _ 7::: . .....e.. ------.,. ...___... ..__.__.� _ ._. . :.�_.__ _:-_ _�:: Pedestrians Median storage veh} __ _ _ _ _::--;;::: i��rst��atnsl�n�t��t>---__._.__- - - - _---� , . : ._ ._ _ . _-_.. . . __. . __ --- ____.�_____ ..----------...._._.._..---------------..... ._ . . ._ .: pX, platoon unblocked vC'[ , stage 1 conf vol u��,:�tage2 ca����� .------ - ----�-- �- -- -�---__ ____.... _.._--- _._...._ ._...---- ---�---- �--...._. ..___...._..__�.____�::: vCu, unblocked vol 745 203 203 .:.._::�.:-.,:_.._=_._.___._-.-----�-.._.....- --::::-=_--::-::_:::-__::__._:���.::. __=::=_� __-.__....._..:._._..___.___�..._..___._.._�_.:_�..._,.__,�.__.._._......___Y._........._.,_._._.��.,.._. i =-- - - - ---�--- ... _..____... .... .--�--�--- _ _-- -- --_ - - - . . _.. _ .:$ . e _, �����= �_�=__:: -=::C�:;:=:: _�:_ &.2 _-:::;� €;._ : _-: _�: : ;-���F..:....-:-.-.--=_��_=`:-==_: _� =:� __._ - __ -_ - - - - = - � :..�9 t�:: .:_ .:..�,. . ...._��.- =-�- _�-�� -- __� ..� : _..-.. . _, _�. _.� _ . .,_W.. . __. _ .. _..._ ...; tC, 2 stage (s) _ � .-----.w___�_..__:_��... ._...._____..---s.v.._..._......_.._..____.......----_--_:---_.,__._.._.�_,_..._ _ ..--�-- . 3_�_._:: __:�_� .: _ _._.:: �_:�-: ��� : =::--== �.2 ...:...: ::--._,..._::.:: :-._---.._..__.._. _..._..__ . t�. �s ----� --___ _- --....__..._.__..----__....._._. _...-----� - ... __._._�._. _._._........_---....� _.._.-�-::_. � �:,�:;_ :: �:_::=:_ ::.��:�:::: _ _._. __� __ _..---_....._.... .. .._, _-...x=_•--. �:._..__... . ��_.........._._.......___ ---- >:��:�.::.:�:__:;;,a.�n�:��r_t;�:::�,�,�::_�,__��_:=:_:_::==::::_:__;::::-: ._�,:�-: �_..._..T -:-�-• .� � -::_... .-;, ,..,,.,, ,�,:. . � , ..,. ,...� __ � . _ . _ .__ _. „�:.:_ _ ___ _.. --- _:-_ p0 queue free % 100 68 86 --- �M �apac3Ey �-v�i�Z�}-._,_ � .327 _837 - .:: T36� -- _- : ` ., ::: _ Volume Total - 272 '203 196 �50 - - _ ,_ _ _ - : _ ,, _ _ -- _ , _. Volume Left 0 0 196 0 �'olt�cne Rigti� 2:Z2 0 ,---- � -�- � ---- _ . . �.�-. --� ---- .----. ._._._. _: _ --...-._.. --_- _-,-_ -- _ cSFi ^ 837 1700 1368 1700 _ , _ .: ___... ........_ ......_ ._ ..-_--- - ---.0 .. :::.�: =�:� =z-_::: ::1:-�•�:,.�ti;:::::::- _-_:::, =-=_: _�::_� <- ==: ::::_ lloiuFne_ta:�a a F r-_:==:_'�� _��2_.__t7..f2_.:._0_��__.....��� __....._� €�;�;�-_�::_: _=:__�: _:_�:�:s:-;_.:� � :� ==:==€;:;���:�.�: �:,, _.,���-:=: ,__..__..__.....__._.__._. ..._G . __._.___._._(�..3.._-------_._....---._.__.._...--,.---...____. ...._.....__r._:_.._....._.._.._ .................._......_._____._.__.__._____....---_...._____.___.__1.-- - - -- __..___�..______.._.._� �,��'.._,� ._..,..-- ---,.._ .__,._..----....___...------�--�---__._..._�.. . .�.,�.� -..-_-..-=---= Queue Lenqfh 95th (ft} 35 0 12 0 - - �...... .,_,..., _�� �,., ._,_,..__ A Approach LOS Average Delay 5.7 Inter,seci7Qn C�pacafy��tl�zafiQn ,,._ .... 45 3% . .-- �l�k�.l.�uel ofi Se�uace ;, _ A ;;, ; '. . --� _ ... .. .:: . .� :: . _ , .:._. _ _ Analysis Period (min) 1 S Baseline Synchro 6 Report Page 2 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Ever Vail 2025 PM Total w/ Simba 2: West Lionshead Circle & Forest Road �o�z2l2oos � � � � � _ _ B. Lane Confgurations �jj� '� '� �► S]gt��vnt�vl:......---... -- S�oa =: F�ee ' �rea --_ .. ..... _.. . ...,;;,. . _ .. . _- ... ,....� . , : .. , . _.. ._......- ---- ..... ... �,,; Grade 0°/a 0% 0% �/`aIctrx€e (v�h�Ft} ..._� �s .... :_::� ..��Q . ..250......_. : � _:.��'S.. . �'1� : ..._. ,. --- . „��.. �.�, .,,,,� :.-,,, _- Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Pedestrians Walking Speed (fils) : -=____: _._::-_,_.:--::--::-::..�. _�...._._ .:::::::::::::�::::_�::.:�::::::_W --::__�::.:_::::�:,:_w::�::-� : :_.--:_:�=:�.:.:_::_-:_:.:-= _ P`�r.�en��IQCKa e:;��:::�:-_:�°:���....___.._:....:._ :;�:::::_:;�::;:;_=�:::�:�:::-� _.._�.._....>M....__..._.,_..._ ... _._ _. - ..._:_::::-:.:::- �::�::::;�_ :_::� =:_; --._ _ ._.. :�. ,_.... .. ._ :.:.::::::.:.:_:::.-=:..:..... :.,...___::-_:-_:-:,_ _ __-�--- -_==' pX, plafoon unblocked �------- --- �{.� G�F��I1G�fR�'�lDI�Ff�'1� �9- �i-4_ ��:=_ � . � 27'� _ � _.�„�--r.._.__ --------�-- - -- �------ =-- --- _ _.._ ..,,_.._ _ ._._.......-----..._._ .., ------------- -- --- ___-- - _ ...- -- -- --- - =--- - vC1, stage 1 conf vol _ ,� _ _ ::_::- -_ ..... : .........-�---------------------- _----------------- __. �.._..__....__..,.. �____�- -=�_ _ -- =.- YC -� e.��€��Ya�= _-=_- :: _=__::::_ =.=:=: =-::::=-:::::=_:==-=-- =:=:::_:::_x._�z: _ _::=_=�: __ _:� �:�_��—_: w- �= = = .. _.._ ._..... .---�.�_._.......__-.._=___.�._.�_�._._...__. _.._......___.__._.__.__..___.._, _�_=-_:_-_:_� ::::_::_y_:_--_-_______-�_�_:_�:::��_.-_:::::::_:::::::_�::�.���:-�:::_:::.;-__-:___�_-�_:::::::::__=_::__:_=__--�:_--:_--:__-.�:-_= _ �_-_,:-:::__ _.—__::_-�-��- vCu, unblocked vo( 889 274 277 __ __ _ -- -- ---- -.. _- - - - ___ _------_ __ ___ ._.---_. .�� _ ==__.��._ _:= r,:�„�:�..�,. --- - - - - - �M- ea:pacity ���h�'��j .. .. �Ef �5� _ _ _ �i36. --: ;:_..;= =- - _ : - . _____. _______ _ - -- _.. . _ _ _ _ __ _ --------____ Volume Left 5 0 190 0 _ _ ..:-.,_..__ �f�It�t�a�.Rlgh�.---�-- --- ��Q 5 .---- � � - � -� -A" ---- -.. . _.�__. :_ .. . ._ _,_�� .y,.�._ : _„,xs-- ,,,,:_ -�,...__ .:__. cSH 735 1700 1286 1700 Lane LOS B A App�Bact�I3�iaY�fi,,,_� �_'.� � ._.._ a,�.. .. �� .... :. . _ . .._.... _...... _ .._. _ .-- - . ... . . : .. . ...... . . . - -- --- ��--- - ----- -.... . _. Approach LOS B Baseline Synchro 6 Report Page 2 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Ever Vail 2015 AM Total w/o Simba 3: South Frontage Road 8� Access A �0/3o/2oos � � � � � � Lane Configurations fi � +� � +j � ____ ___ _...__ _. Sign Controf _> ;! FFee... . ... = Free StoP � _ ........ ...... .. . . ........ .. . .... Grade 0%a 0% D% _. _ . . . Volume {vehlh} �: �99 "I'#9 '}78 272 '69 � =10� .,:` ` _ . ... : . .. , . . _ -::. --.. ,. Peak Hour Factor d.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 ti,ourl�r ffo�nt r�te-�plt� 325 _ _ �29_ 393 .....296 -::75 �'t3 ` ; -- - _.. . __ _ ............. ... � -- � ..,,� -- - -, Pedestrians L-ane UNadfFt-�fE) .._..... _ : = _ _..__._.. ..... ......... .. .................._..._._..........._. , :. ...,_.._ __...,. .... ,..- Walking Speed (ftls} , _ Percent Biackage.. ._ . .. . _ _ ... . Right turn flare (veh) Met�ian �YPe..:__:,: :._:: _::.: :: .::...: .. . , . ._....._ ..... :: Raised _... . ...__,.. ......_ ...... ._.... _._.... .---..__:�:._.:._.-. ---------�--- Median storage veh} 5 latoon unblocked vC1, stage 1 confval 325 �G2 _ siage 2.cr�r�oF ;, . 683 -_ _ ' -- . . - . . . : . .. .. .. _ ... ... __: -_ _..:, .... , = vCu, unblocfced vol 454 1008 325 _ _ _ _ . . _ _ ._.... .._ .__. --.. _..._._ ..............__....__....,_......._........._.__._-. _��:::.:_=:::_.-- ,_: tC... : �-�=:::-:�_=:_:_:;:_�::;�;;;:::::::_:.::::: -::=,:_::.:::-::_.:::=:.::. :__:::::.::_:::�:_:-:�.:�► _ s�n:9��:��)::..::::_._-:_=:_: =:_:_..-.: .:_...,4,�-.;:.:::=:-::�;=-_-�::-�.�t :62 '- ` _........__ -.:.. .... - -- _.._.._. ___. ..._,.� : __..... _ ___ . ........ . ...._.... _. tC, 2 stage (s) 4.4 :::::,;;;;-�; . .... _......_...... �F:{�-T � --. .,:: .:_ . ._._.. _.. ._>.._:�� =::::��-� . ...... _-�: � �::: ��_�" 5 _. 3 3 .. . : : , .::,. ,_: __ _ ......:_- :...:::.......:. :_.. --_ _ - .. .: : ... ,: p0 queue free % 83 85 84 cMcapacit�-(veh/h� ` . ;: . ,:. . .. a1;OF-` .? _509 ,7fi6 ;:; : .. . :;._ .:: _ _ _ _ _ _ _.__ _ __ _ _ _ __._ Volurrie Totaf ` 325 `129 193 ' 296 75 ;::113 ` ` ` , _ , _, , Volume Left 0 0 193 0 75 0 Vo�tfrrte R►ght.. . _... ;__.. - D..... 1?9.. .:. 0.. . : 113 '_ _, : ;0 _.._:.. : --, __ � _ - -- -- . _ ;:.:. ..: __...._ ........._.. . cSH . _ -._ 1700 1700 1106 1700 50'[ 716 Valume to Capaci�y -._Q 19 � 08....._ 0. �� ...0,.�� .. 0_15... . 0 16 , ........_ _._... . . .. . ::. ...:__ ,; .. _.--- _ _..... . . . . _ .: Queue Length 95th {ft} 0 0 16 0 13 14 Contrtoi CieTaY.iS) . . : ... .. _ U D . ..:0 0.. .;S_9...,. O,Q ... _'f3 5 ....:.:�:� �..._ .:: ..... ..:; : >_ - ; :::._:___ ..... _:-: . _ __.__._ ,. _-.... _. .:>_ _ : _ __ . _ . .... _ _ _ Lane LOS A B B �4pproach �ela����::: . ..::�fl_.. ... :_: . .. _.:_� 5 �:; ..'i2 U . . -. - _ ... . ..... ..... ........_, .. ... _ ..,. ... ... . ...,. Approach LOS B -----------.-�.a. _ . �_�.—_— a- ---- �-:�.��.��� r �_-..� v��- =..�.r..��:.,.,:_:_..: .�E`.3"+�=�.., ..__i<.=_-.r-_w.. �~ � ��� � " �'�"� '_F' c,f.j^-'s�':.'?�i �'�'S-�^at.�'�r�fs�-,�'= ;;�?c�'� "" ' -^� �^ 7�=,c�^,; ;:� -. ._ °�i�r-� _' . r �_ _ _ .��.��.�� `' � ��i�.� .�:�"�:^.� �� �a�?kr ��: .�.�_.. M ,.�a. �.=z=-�:�.�_.—:�=�:,:�•:-��-:��::==�-s: =..—:—.. �. ____._.___.--____— - Average Delay 3.5 Inters:ection Capacif� Utiliza#ion ' ICU Level of Sernce „,,` _,;_ a;; 39:4%. . _; _.. _ _. _ _.... _ _. . . . ., . , .. ; Analysis Period (min) 15 ;,; . . ,.: , .. . ..:, . , , .:.._ :., _. _ _ _. " User Entered Value � Baseline Synchro 6 Report Page 3 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Ever Vail 2015 PM Totaf w/o Simba 3: South Frontage Road_& Access A �0/3o/2oos ---r � 1� � '� /� �ane Configurations � � � fi '� �' . .;;: F�ee, Stop . : ; ... ' S�gn Control `' Fr�e - = ,.... . . ., _. ._...... ._ .. .__::. _.,_,.. .. __ . _ ___ _._ ., . . . Grade . . _. 0°/a 0% 0% ValuFrie (�ehit�) - ::�- 259 7'f . ..'106 . .5'.55 .....1�3 1fl5 ' ...... ..._, .......__ -_= . ...... _ .. ..__._ . _ Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hour�y-flow€ate.(vph) =2$2 .�7 ��5 fiU3 �1�34 2{I� .......:' __. ` - __ ::: _ _ _ _ _ _ _::. _. ....: . _ .._.._ _ _..-- .. _ ,.__ ._._ _ _ =- - _ : ______ _ __ ..... Pedestrians Lane �1V�d#h �ft� --..- .:_ . , : : ... ::: _ . :..�... . .; ..____ _ _ . _ _, ....._.. ... _ ..... .... .. .._ _ _. ..._.. . .._ __ .. ..... _.. :,.: Walking Speed (ft/s} Percer�t Blo�e]�age-....._.. = ° ,; ;: - pX, platoon unblocked v�, cQnfhc�r�g�voiur�e _:;; =: _ ��� ._ �,,. ._.... �1�M5. _ �82 ,: =.- ;� ...... __.._... , •,- -:, .,, .. ....__:-......._....._:._...._-----._ ._.._._:, _ , _-_, _.�. _. _ ._ _. vC1, stage 1 conf vol 282 uG� stage 2.canfi Vvt; =` _ . .. .�= . . ... `.`:... ...::.: ... .834 ;: ' - .._. . . _ __ . . - . . . . .. . -. - -...... _.. .... - - - vCu, unblocked vol 359 1115 282 tC single �s} _ _ _ ?� � `5,..4. : ._: _.... .... _..... , � � . . _, . - _ __, . ;:: .� . . - .. ---. ....._.. .. _ . tC, 2 stage {s) 4.4 tF iS3: ; .:��..Z ........:. . .. . 3 �. .._..�?.�. . . : _ - _ _ . ,......_ ....::._ _. - - ,; .. .... . .. - .,_ ,,;..___ __.... : ___ _ p0 queue free % 90 73 73 : - ` 1 �O(� ,:; 4:87 ,. _ 7�7 : = cM capac�ij+ �vet�lh� -:= : . : _ .. ._; . . _ 115 1-34 `20'I � � _ -, , ; _ ,: , _ ,.- Valume To�af;: . .° 282 . `;�77 6D3. -. ,._ _ , . ..: ..... .. __ _ ,. ____. ._.: :_ _ ___ . ,_ Volume Left 0 0 115 0 134 0 Uolurrie Righ�:.. _....._. ...._� 7� .... :-(3.... _ :,; 0. ... '; D .... 207... . .__ - ' - . ......_ . . ..; _- - ..... .............._: cSH 1700 1700 1200 1700 487 757 ______. Volurne-to.C�pacity...:= D:.T7 0:�5. .. A::�.� .. 0.35 ... a27_ :Q�7 . , _ __ . _-= _ ..... .... . . : .... . . __ _ _ .. ..._..... ......... .,_ .. .. .. ........� . . . ...._. .. . _ � :._. _.... Queue Length 95th (ft) 0 0 8 0 28 27 Control DeTa7�.��)...: . . ... 0, 0 Q 0 8: 3 ...._.. �0_Q _ �5 2 '�'"� � :; , ... ... . ......... . ..: . . ,_� -- - _ ..._ . _:.-_ ,: . :,,_ Lane LOS A C B ___ _ ___. AppTOach �e�a3��s�:�-:- ._.. _.:� � _.._::.. _ _. - - ` 1 3 ;.. .... . �:2 � . . ' -: Approach LOS _ _..__ _ _ B .. . �_. ..._ .... .. ........... ... .:-: _..._. [c�/ Analysis Period (min) 15 _ _ _ _ _ _ .. ..__ .._ . _. .. _. .. .. : , _;, _ ,,, . . _ " User Entered Value Baseline Synchro 6 Report Page 3 Kimiey-Hom and Associates, Inc. Ever Vail 2025 AM Totaf w/ Simba 3: South Frontage Road & Access A �0l3012009 —�► � �" t- "`1 f Grade 0% 0% 0% Volume �vehlh) 9�5 '�50 15Q 4.:15 ;:85 85 ^ . . . _ _ .. . _ : . _._... . . .. . _ .... ; . . .... . . _.. . Peak Hour F'actor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 _ ...__ _ . ..... Hourly ffow rate CVPh-} _ _ � �27 '�63_ '1�6� �45'f _. ;-92 92 . ,-` ` ` ' - - . _ � _ . . .. ...... , . _. __. . _._ ... . . ......_.. . Pedestrians Lanei7Uidtkt(ftJ ' ,: ' - ;<:• _- ......._.._. _ . _... - .. . .. .. - . -_-_ . .....,, . . _.... . _ ... _ Walkin4 Sqeed (ft/s) Median storage veh) 5 LJpstream �tg;�tal �).::._ � : .- ......... ......... _. ..::,, .._.�_, ... �._ ..,::. ..._. , . .._..._ ...- --.... ---- - pX, platoon unblocked ��rcpnfilie�ri� vsili€rrte =•: _ - -=_ -'4'f 90 - _ . '1660 ---. 595 _, _ _ ' � - ..:.._ . . _ . ._. _ ... .... . _.. - _: ,,� .._.:.. __ _..._ . .. -- --- vC1, stage 9 conf vol 1109 __ - .. ............. .. _ _ _ vCu, unbloc€ced vol 1190 1660 595 .. < .......::::::.:� tC stngle f$�: , _ _= �4 1. ._...:.. _..... "'� 4 ._ ,:6 9 :'::-:_:'�:': . _.._..._.. .. . ._ .. .._........._..._.. ........ ... . ... .......-�---..... . ... . _ tC, 2 stage {s} 4.4 tF (s):`: , ..:;3 3 : . .. ... ,., _ . 2 2 3 � ....:... ..... _ :: . , ,: __.. .. _: . ......... _......._ ..._ _. _ p0 queue free °/a 72 77 79 � cM capacaty (vehlh}.:'° _. .... :: .. ..... :. . .. .582 ::; 399 447 -; �, _ _ ___ ._.... _. __ _._ _.___._..... . _ __ ___ __ _. Volume Tataf^. =� ° 685 505 `163 226 --226 , 92 :' 92 '` ' ': ;; . , . _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _. _ , _ Volume Left 0 0 163 0 0 92 0 __ _ . __. Uolu�e fi�ig�it _._ �. .... ;� 0 ..1.63 . .. ,,;:.. �. fl = 0 ` 0 > 92 ., .. - - ..__:. ....._....... . _ _ .. .. .... ........ . .._...__._ ._ . .. _ cSH 1700 1700 582 1700 1700 399 447 Uojume to Capacity: .. O h0 _ fl-30 _ 0 28 0:13 ��� 3 0 23 Q 21 -; : � . ...... ... .._..._... ,� •� _ ....•. ..-� - Queue Length 95th (ft) 0 0 29 0 0 22 99 Confcol Delay (s} _:= 0 0. . ,'� 0. . .'13..6. .. :� 0 ...._.,D 0 .. . 1fi 7.... ..15 �F,.. :'. ' _ __._ ......... ........_ . .._ .......... ... .. ... Lane LOS B C C .. ... Appro;ach �3efaY%� -: = :..... . ;- ....;: . . _ : -. �. . ,, _ _:< _. .::. _ _ _ _ � 0....... _ .. 3 S ......,: ..__....... .. . . �.� � ....:`... ..._.....,' -:- Approach LOS C __�--..-.- _ w:_....,.,.z,�:Y.;. --�= ----- - ----� = =-==-�=--------- �.-..--�_e_� -�-_-�- ����� _ .___ -_ _ ______. ��-=_�.:�:���=-,=. a_.,...._.����..�� r,,.�� �; ��t1�3 - - " �tli2 �:.�== -- s-_Y.a=�__ --_____ ._____.___�.__ __...,_.��.____,,.... ,s.� __ •--------_._ .. � . , _______...._.______. ^._. -.. � s � -- -. .. _. _ ..�'.�,.� �- _ � �--�.: =V=::��: �____v.. _ _ ..�._..,�-sTM� ;--r -- Average Delay 2.6 . .. _.. Inte[section Capacity Utilizafion . . :: �53'9% :.: .: 1GU Level of Service °: ; _A., . : -_ „ _. . ,__ _ ......... ......... .. ... __, - ..... Analysis Period (min) 15 .. _..:. . _ _ ,. ..._.. . : . .:....... .. ...: . * User Entered Value Baseline Synchro 6 Report Page 3 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Ever Vail 2025 PM Total w/ Simba 3: South Frontage Road & Access A �olso/2oos —► �`i i� "'�— �`► �„ Lane Configurations . _ : - -. : ,,:::.. ,.:. .:<. .......:.: .. . . . . , . ....... ,_:: . .... .. . . .: .:.. . ::: : _. Grade 0% ...... ._ _ . __ 0%....... .0% Volt�me (veh/tij ;...: 71�_ _ 90 _: 9Q 795 155 ... ....._... ...... 1-55 . _ :._.- . .:: . . . . _ :: . . . . , Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Houriyflomrrate(v�p�)= , -°77� _�:9� 9g €3i�r4 168 �68 - � `: ;.: __ _ ___ _ ._:......._ , ..... ._.......... _ . Pedestrians . _.. _- - . _ . ::.. . . . Median sforage veh) 5 �1ps%eamsignal (ft).�. . : _ _ ._. -::: - - .: -. -: _-.: __ - ........_....... _ -- - --�_: . _ _.... _ .._. ..._ .. .. _. ._ _ _._. . . pX, platoon unblocked v�,.c�nflicting:�ralume _.:... ...._... .._. _ 87fl . . ,_ ...�44�...._ .�35.....:.._ . .....__._. _. �� _ _ . ------ , . .. . .: : _ - ; . - --_ ___. ... _.____:.._ - - . ------- _---- -�- _ __...___ -. _ .. . __.._ ... vC1, stage 1 conf vol 821 uC2 _ sta e 2 ean� vol�- 628 ;_; `- - 9 . -.. . ._ -: .. . . ..-: ..._... . ....... ........ .... _....:,.. . . _. . . . :_ .....;:..__. . :. _ .__. .._.. ... vCu, unblocked vol 870 1448 435 tC, 2 stage (s) 4.4 p0 queue free % 87 66 70 _ . . .. cl�l ca aci vefiEh ; ;; ::,. ... 771 . . ;' . _ 490 :569 = = - _. _.. P - tY i`- - - ) ..:: . ... ..... . . ;:_ = ' Volume Left 0 0 98 0 0 168 0 �/akume Righ�_ --_.: 98 _:_:: 0....._::: 0....:_... 0... .._. : 0 188 _: ff . - _....... __. ._ .. .._....._....._ , _.._.,.__ .,:,, c5H 170Q 9700 771 1700 1700 490 569 Queue Length 95th (ft) 0 0 11 0 0 38 31 Confrol Delay_{s} :: Q.�O _ 0 0 10 3 0 fl_._ 0 0 �.6 2 i4 0 -- -- _ _... ..-, ......- ............. .. _. . ._ . _ :,_ _ . Lane LOS B C B __ �,pproac[� DefaY. ts�...._ U 0 ,1 1 '_ -.- ;°. . , :15 1, ,. : : ......._. .,..... ._. ... _ C . _ _ ::� ......:._..... .. : Approach LOS Average Delay 2.8 __ _ _ lntersection CapacityU#ihza�inn 46 1`% : ICU-Levei;of Semee ; A �.. . .... ..._,.. .... . . ...... <. _ . _ .... _ . ._-... . . _ .. . .. _ . ::.... ... Analysis Period (min} 15 . __._....... _...._. _._ ._.. . ,, . __ � ,, � .. .. , , . . :..... . .. .:.. . :... * User Eniered Value Baseline Synchro 6 Report Page 3 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Ever Vail 2015 AM Total w/o Simba 11: South Frontage Road & Access B �ol3olzoo9 --► � t� �— "� l�„ Lane Configurations �► � � � r Sign:GontroJ :; . _.. . :. __ _F€ee ,. ... . ;' . Free .. StoP .. _ . .: ... , �.. ...::. .. ..._ .. ` . � : ... Grede _ _ 0% 0% 0% _ _ _ _____ _ __ _ �oluriie (veh/lij -- ....:, ....400 ...... :.:3 __ ; d �5Q D :'23 . . :: ; _ . ._ __: _.: _--..... ,_ ..-=......._ . Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Q.92 HavtTy flov� ra#e ��Pk��; -43� . � ..._ .....:.4 �8� ._ _ _ � ..:; 25 , � . . :- _, _.... . � .... . . ... _ __ ..._. .. __ Pedestrians Lane;IlUidfh �'�). ....;.: _ , :. : .: _....::. ... �.. :... ....':-... . _-_ .. _.,. _ :, :: _. __ _.. __ ,- Walking Speed (ft/s) Perc.ent Blocka9e ;�=. .. ; ........ .... ............ . ; ..:_: _ . ... .... Right turn flare (veh) M�dian t e : .... ; _ ._-�, _ . ..__: Raised � : .... .YF._._:_ _ ...: ......... .. _.'.: ....._.._ _...---------- ` ----.. _,- _.:;._: ;.::: Median storage veh) 0 -- ... URstr�am sigr�al (�) ; ; - > -� ... .._ .. _......... _. . . _........ ._ ., ..:_ ,,:,., .._ _... . . . :_ --....... _ ._- . �.: pX, platoon unblocked vC con�l�ctujg volume 4��3 _.. . ��3 h35 ; � - __ _ . ....__ _ ._. _ -- . . . . -- - - -...� .____.._ ._..._ � _. - . ,,� . ____ . . ,._ _. ...._.. ._. vC 1, stage 1 conf vol 435 v�2 s#age 2�an�u�F _.._:.:�. .. . ._.._. . . . ;. -498 `_ : - -... - -- - . . . ..._.......__...__... ..._. ,_ ,.. _. ..,- ..... . :... _.. .., . ... .. _ _ .. _. vCu, unbfocked vol 438 933 435 tC_singfe (�J� _�'= --:�-: 4 1 .:,..:_ .....,;s � 62 - -- _.._ ..; ._, ..._.. _ .... __._ . . .__.._. ...._ ..... ._._.... .... __.._.. ..._...... . _._.... tC, 2 stage (s) 5.4 #� .(S)... __:.... :. ._...._.. .: _. :'3 � ... - ------ --._._........._.-._..:_ __ . .,;, .�� � ....:�? : ........ ............_....:. . . :_., _: .. ... p0 queue free % 100 100 96 cM capacity (veh]h) -�... ;.: � � 1122- = 3'14 `° : E21- - : . . ....., : � Valurxi� T�fal: ;= ;435 > 3 ' 4 _. 489 25 ` ° < . ' .. ,. . . ,. _ __.. _ _ _ ...._ ._ _._.__ , .. _._ ..: ____:_ .. . _ _. _._ Volume Left 0 0 4 0 0 �loluciie R��t�t _:...._ ._..._. :. Q :: 3 Q 0 .......'.�5 : .: . ............ ........ . .... .._ , __. ..... _.... ---.... ....... . _.,._ ...... ...;,M cSH 1700 1700 1122 1700 621 Volume tQ �apacrty 0;�6. , 0 00 0 00 0.;29 ... � 04 .:' ' . ... . - _. . _..:... .._ _... _. .. .:-, _. ;.. ........... _ - � .. Queue Length 95th (ft) 0 0 0 0 3 Contral Defa s � Q � Q 8 2 _{3 Q 'f1.� -- ::; _ .:......... . . .. ..::.: _ ._. x � � ._.. :. .:_ ..:.'.... ... � �...: ._..._. ... ..:..... . Lane LOS A B Approach �ela�!.�s).:: ....:0 0...._.... , . � 't , .. -_ �:1 0 ; - � _ :,.. _ ._.._.. . __. .... . .... ,. . ._ ..... . ,. . _.. ..- Approach LOS _ __ _ : B Average Delay 0.3 �ntersection Eapactty Utilizatron 31::1_% ` ` ICU, Level of Sertr[ce ... ... ..: ...... .;',,,..A ` `': ;; -, ,. : . . ::_ _:. :,. _ _ .�... .. _.... Analysis Period {min) 15 Baseline Kimley-Harn and Associates, Inc. Synchro 6 Report Page 7 Ever Vail 2015 PM Total w/o Simba 11: Sou#h Frontage Road & Access B 10/30/2409 � '�i � � � � Lane Configurations � �` �j � � S�gn eant�ol.:;: ... Free, ; Free Siop � �' ' ... ._. . .. . ....... .... _.. . .._. ...., : ; .. ...... ..-..: _ ... Grade 0% 0% 0% U�lurne �vehlh� �433 ... . '! 1 :18 ;661 _ ;,:: 0 18 _ , : :: ,. _ . _....... --- . . . ...::....._ ........ _ . Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hour�=flo�nrca�t��vpl�j� --....��� ..�� _ 17 7'#8...- 0 =-2Q _ ...._.. ........ _. ... .. -�--- _- --- Pedestrians � tane INidth {f#� . - ; :_ , _ - ......- -. . _ ;- ,: . .,. ...._. ...... . .. .�......_ _...... .: Walking Speed (ft/s)� Rercent �lacka�e ; ' ::: - :-... ___.... _......:.. _ ,. . . . .. .:: ._ . ::.... . _. . .. . . _:: ..... . . . _ . _ . , ...:� . -�::. .:. ;: Right turn flare (veh} �1ledian #YP�. .:.:_... ' : ;: : �aised . . ........_._.. .:... . _. _._.:_.. _ ._ . _._. ._ .__.__:. _._: - ... ..__ _-. ,.. ,__.. ..._ . _ ._ ..... .......:• --..._... _::. Median storage veh) 0 �ps#rearr� si�nal �ftj _ . , _ ,.,:-__ :_.... ,,_ ..,, _ . ....... _. ._ _._... .. . ... .. _ _ ... . ... ::.- ....._.. . pX, platoon unblocked v� confl�c�mg uo3�rr�� .._. _: : 48�. �22� - -'471 . . : � _ _ - - - - _....... _ :......... . _ . __ _. _ . _: .. _. - --.__ ..._..._. - - ---.. _....... vC1, stage 1 conf val 471 ��2 �tage 2 eor�f uA� :_ .. ... _ . _ �753 : = _ _ . ....._....__.. . _. . .., . .., ..__. .__.._.. _. ...: ._� - _.._.,, _�.,_;; vCu, unblocked vol 483 1224 471 . _...._..::::-�:- _ ::=�:::- :=::::::: tc, s�gte(��.,: ;; . .. ::._........ -: .__.. � �.. -:�.---__.::�`� ... �� .._: _....�-._.-,::: . . . ... ._. _ _.. . ..._ _-,. , , ,.: _. �.::: _:::- :.::::::...... .. .. tC, 2 stage {sj 5_4 . .. _ , #F..(��:.- - --:,._, :- 2 � ' _.. _:�5. . _3 3 : ..:; : :: .. . �.._.:. ....._.. . .:. _----- ------� ,: ... ... .. .. ._... _.....__.._.... _.._. p0 queue free % 98 100 97 :_ :::::::.::�:� : � - _:: . : �::::�:.::::::: - cNl"ca ac� vehfh _. - .. ;:; �,080 ._, ,_ 2�k4 ._593.. .._ _ _: P � {.. � :.._ .. ..... . _ : : .::..: :� - =:- _ UolumeTotalt ::: 47'I ':-I2_ ...=17- 7'E$ 20 . � : .. : .... : _ , : ,. , _ . :::. . _ _ _._.; __ _ _ :. _ Volume Left 0 0 17 0 0 Voturne Ri h# -=__0 a2 - 0 .:; 0 ._:20 _; ' 9 . :: <_ __.._ .. ._ . . :.. : ........ .. ...... . . . . . ...- ,.� .__ ...._ .. .. cSH 1700 1700 9080 1700 593 a/ofume to Capacity 0,28 ��� 0:�2 Q:42 _0;;03 ......., ; � _ . . . .... .. . _... . . . . ,,, ... . _ ..: . ... : . . ... .........._ . _ , ..._ _: Queue Length 95th (ft) 0 0 1 0 3 Conf�ol De(a3!: �s7 .._....._ ...... q: a . _....0' 0 .. .. $ 4 ;:_0 fl 3:1 3 ` , :: .. � -:: . ,, . . . ..: _ _..... .�:... . _ _ _ .... _.. ...... . Lane LOS A B P+PProach �e�aY" f�i..;:.: i3 0 ;: 0 2 ._. h.3 3. .;.:, `, , : ; - _ . ...:,,., ......... ....... . ..... _ __ ... . . ....... . .-- .. Approach LOS B Average Delay 0.3 �ntersection Capaci,t�.Ut�lizat'ion, : ;;., ...,38.1.% " IClJ'Le�ef of �ervice '_ : _ A ': - _ .. _ _:_ : ..._ :._ __.. _ . , _ , . .. ,, . ... .... , . ..,,:- Analysis Period (min) 16 Baseline Synchro 6 Report Page 7 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Ever Vail 2025 AM Totaf w/ Simba 11: South Frontage Road & Access B �0/30/2009 -�. ``� �" � '� I` Lane Configurations �'� �j ��' �' __ ______ Sign Confrol . Free ';. .... `: Free ....Stop .: ..; '° - . _ : Grade 0% 0% 0% Volume (veh/h) � i025 _;; 5 ._. _-;.5. _.565 0 `:25 ; ; ..::. . _ .:- .. . .. ......... .._. _ _. _.... _..._.. ..._.. Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 U.92 0.92 0.92 ,:: �lourly flaw rate (vph} _ �I'i�4 .:; 5 .. .. -5 6'1� : � ` ` -`. _. .. . . . `27 ,:: . - .:: _ . :. _,- . . ,,. . . ...... ... ..,. . . ... Pedestrians Right turn flare (veh) Med�an �Yp�.:�: .:.: ..._..__' __....... __:._... ...:-.-.--Rars�d � -... :..,. :. .._.. , ........_ .. ....... :::. _ Median storage veh) 0 Upstrearr� s►gnal {f#} _ :_: ;: .:' : ._. ,,:- ...__ , . _ __. _. . ._ . ...... . . . . _...... : . _..... ....-- -.. _... .. pX, platoon unblocked vC,-Confll�t�� uolu��_.._... ,= 1120" ... . 'f435 ,,...�SO = ` _ _: . _ g - --� - � --- _..._._ ......._.. ._....__..._ .. _. . ...____ -_: � .___,- - -. __ vC'( , stage 1 conf vol 1117 vCu, unblocked vol 1120 1435 560 tC single{s)' - ,.,.-:� ` . .. 4 . .: ..;: 6 9 . ;; . .... . : ._. ..._. . .... _:.:: . .. .�.... ..:..:.. . .. .. .._ � � $ . ._ .. :,: .._.._ .. _ . _ .._...... ... tC, 2 stage (s} 5.8 tF l�); : ..... . _ ; . ' . ......:.' .... ,: . -... . .. . 2 � ... ._... . ... . -:� 5_ 3 � . ...=: ........ . ` . .. ..,:, .: .; .... _,: .. ............. .. p0 queue free % 99 100 94 __. : - - CM ca ac� � �eh/h :;:: . _ � 620 .,; ;166 � ' ` _ : - 472 • ;. , . .: _.P ty . ,; . ; -=' ---�- �� � -E� � �I�3 � �lV��__ �i11(� � -l�]8 � _;�:�_.._ _ _ _ � '`�' - --� �-- � � ��_�; �� �C her# � _ �, � ,-�- -- _ - == = AL-- °!�,- �' �._.__ -----------_;__ _ .... ____ Vofume Tofal'- 743 377 5 ;:3D7 -_ 307 ! 27 ,:_ :_ ._-< _ _ _ _. Volume Left 0 0 5 0 0 0 __ __ _ Volui�ie Right ...,�: . _::; � 0 ;:::: 0 . . _' 0 27 ' " ; ; � � - - - , _ .w,. ,. . €. . _ .. . _:_ . . _ :� _._ ..: _.. ' cSH 1700 1700 620 1700 1700 472 Lane LOS B B }kpproach €3'ela s.-- -- - '�l 0 � . ..... . U 1 = �.:. . 1:3 1......:: -- - .._ X{. � _ -. . � : _ ...,.:.:... . � Approach LOS , B ---=4�.._.. .� ._ _ : �,���_____-�—�-�----�--�-� _ _ _;_=: ----'—.•"-;�s-�---��" .._._._� �E��� '�t��I���'�"'"�� -'--�"--�*=_- �� ��,� y.•��: _-�.� ��. �-:� �____ �.._ x-.�-.� ��-T, �r —�-. --- _ ._�-.�--�_=_-w._..__ --=,��� _.._.______� �._ �__ --_ � Average Delay � �0.2 � _,_... ...._..._ _ _ ._ _ . . _. __. . _ _ __ _ _.. Analysis Period (min) 15 Baseline Synchro 6 Report Page 7 Kimfey-Horn and Associates, Inc. Ever Vail 2025 PM Total w/ Simba 11: South Frontage Road & Access B 10/30/2009 --► � � � � � Grade 0% 0% 0% VoJufr�e �veh/t�) .-;- 85� 1�. ..: :�'r . . ..885 ; 0 '2D ; _ .. -- _ _. _... __ _ .. ......... Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly-flowc�ie CvPir)'... .... 924 .....:`t6... ._ �6 962.. : D .....:.�� ; ; � : ,- ..._...._ .. .. .... .. ... . .. . :.:. ._ . .. ... �.. . .._.. ....__- Pedestrians Lar�e �1Vidtl�_{�f� .... .. ;` : , - ;: : ..:. : : : _ - - - ::. .. .:..:. ..... . .:._.. .. _: ... .. . .. .. _... . _.. ._..__ ....... .... _ Walking Speed (ft/s) Pefc�nt�lo���9e . ::_:_.... ,; . ° ; vC eonffichng vuiur�e . ; _ .g4�. _ 'I4�6 470 . __ _ .......... ...__.... ....._... ---------� _ ::..: , - .. .., . _ : - vC1, stage 1 conf vol 932 __ ........._ .... u�2;_sta,ge � conf_voF _ _ ._ . .:...... . _. . : . i -514 _..�,Y : - -. ,..._ _ - _= --... ,.. .. ..._..� .�.: _ :� .._..._.._ __...---- vCu, unblocked vo) 940 1446 470 tC s�ngle f��.:.. _ 4.'1 ,;,:: fi 8 '-6 9 = - _........ .- _........ .... _ . . ....... ......._ . .. .._..., _. .._..:... ....__ ,,_:_._...., . ... tC, 2 stage {s) 5.8 ,__ tFs . :;- - .;_.;,, _... . � � , . ::, .. .... . 3 � 3 3 < _ _i � .:; . ._ ..__ . . . . . ... _ . . - - . . ... .. _.,_ _:. . p0 queue free % 98 100 96 _.. _. ... c�l cap�city �vehlh) __ .,:- -. .. ..: 72� .,. �B2 540 ;- ,_ : Vol�itne Totai.:: .616 ":16 _481 481 . ;�2 ` ` 324 , . '° ' . .. - -- � : . ,,. _...__. __...: ._ , . _::. , ,_, > Volume Left 0 0 16 0 0 0 _ _..____....__... Uol��� Rrc��t_ ... .=�: :: 0 18 0 � : 0 .. .... . fl :22 :_ ' ' _. , _ .: .. ... ..: . _. .....: .... :,_: _::-. ....,. cSH 1700 1700 725 1700 1700 544 Queue Length 95th Lane LOS B B . r��proach �elay �sj : ,,0 0. _,. ..0 2 ; ........: . �:1 g . .::. : .. , ° : : . ..... . _ . .......:... . . _ � : Approach LOS B � .�_.....�..:�. ..u�.-�:� -.-.- �_.�-..�,•�. ,;: ..___..a - �===�=^-'�.- '� �---- -�:_•��.-._:� _ 2- - -= � -�.:_ �y��T.,� � _ - ��...... ..J'"��'C'C'�iC J.� . . . : . . . . . . "S.�_����.. 'i"L.��.� ._.,.�.............. PtS.�lY.�'I:'.f'..'.1YjA.... � �.r' iL'J�'..� ��.° ^�'%� , .�4�..i"S -..,... , .� .. �' . ' ..�.����.�.'��..�9G��_.'St�T�.�_.r�......_�.r.'.,.�^a'..'�v'.,'�y'���1K`���GSM...,���������.::.".'.�� _ , ...Vy..... _..�...�_...._T_�'^T�....����X`�'2O.^:_�._ Average Delay 0.2 _ . _ _ __ Analysis Period {min) 15 _ _. __._ ...... Baseline Synchro 6 Report Page 7 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Ever Vai( 2015 AM Total w/o Simba 4: South Frontage Road & Access C �0/30/2009 � �,i► '� � '� �` _.,_ ��- .�.._..�.:.�...: ,� �__�..�_z .,... ���"' .a ..,.0 =- . ��� ;� =:=_ = �:�-��:: �_.�..-�: ,��"""' �� �,-.'�- � � ��� �� T-� `�= .`=�� �� ��� �A.� �=�.1:��= :-� - _ � ...;� Lane Configuratians � � � '� � _ ': F'ree Sto `; . _ Sign Con�rol ,: ;; Free... ... ' � . P ;; ... _........ . . . - .. . ,._ Grade 0% 0% 0% _.... Voiume jveh/ti). . ` �38 .. .. :84 _ 72... . 454..:.,. ,; a � .. ; 4 .; , ,. . ._. , . . ..: � _ _,_ ,_., . _ .. .. ; -_:_ -. Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 4.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Houri�i flow.rate (vP��.._. . -367 ��C ° 78 ,493 . .: : � ......;. � -:;, :;_�_ `� .,�,..�_ : ;: : _ .. _ , -- _....... . _ ., - - . _ . ,,..... . _ . Pedestrians Medtan . .;_- -=- ,.,:,.... _::._. �ais�ct .: _ : h!!�. _:. ._ .::. . . - _ .. . __... _ . .. _.... ..._...... . ....._ .. .... . . :. _ ._ Median storage veh} 5 Upstrearn s�gnal (ft).;_ ` ::.�.:=:-._..-.-:-:_.� ...___.. ..__.___ ._ .._. _:: _ _...... .__:__.._ _ ... ..__-: ._,,,.,, ...__ . .._,.,- ._... _.. ..._.._.::_:�:::_�-�. -_=-_:: pX, platoon unblocked vG.,.�or�fli�t��� Yaium�---- -- - - - � ---:... ---- �k59 .,..:;_ '[��7 �6� _ _: :.__...:._. . .---- �--=--------- -- .._-----. _._....._ ....._. ._ . _.... ._..... - . _.._..... _-----. . :._. _, vC1, stage 1 confvol 367 vCu, unblocked vol 459 1017 367 fC :s�n le. s ::.... . .._.:_ . . .. ..:. _�.:._' ... .. _. .4 1 : .:;_ .... . ._*a 4 .: �=6 2 ==�:� �'-`:-'_-__:.=::--'° ^ .�. =.__..-... �._„_ .�. ,:.- -.: -::�= 9_ ::_ .,__.: �:-:::� :::� :.. ..: _ .:. _:: ..: :: __ . .._...::-:::::::�::�::. .... .. ::: . . ..� .... ,:_.. �::: ..._.. tC, 2 stage (s) 4.4 �F (s� .. . �:� .2 2 3 5 . . :3 3 ` . ....,... ... . _ _.. .. .,... ....,,.,.. _ - _ _ _. _ _....... ........: . . ....- -...,,,,_ ,.,, p0 queue free % 93 100 99 �I� capa�ity {�e�ilhl.,; .. .. . ' °:; 11:02 ..;:. . . � 574 fi78 -:,: -:;: _. .-= ,_ .:..,, ::: , -- - -� ti�cee�iq� ��.� �� � '�` �� `i �- � -11���'t �til_B�--; i� �-� � _._�_ '��� , � 2�-��: � . -�- --- ��� �,_ -- -- - - -- _._ _ ,. -_ =_- ..: , _ 'Jo]ume.:Totaf _ `' 367 9'1 _493 - ° 78 -: 4 , , . . .. __ _ _ Volume Left 0 0 78 0 0 U-0luFne Right .... _. _. 0 91 0 -fl __:__ 4 ...._ , . ...---... . .... . _ . . - - -- - - ----. .. ....._ ._....... . _. ....... ......... ..._.... ._....... ........- ----..._ .. .. __. cSH 1700 1700 'f 102 1700 678 V�lurr�� to Gapacity : _ ; . _._. 0-22 ._ 0,.0� 0.07 ..0:�9 �;.U'C . ..,: - _ -_,- :. . .::.. .. : ... - ,-.. _,:-:... . ...- :.. _.. Queue Length 95th (fi) 0 0 6 0 0 -.::.�.:_�:�:..: Controi belay Csj :_::..:_ -0 0 �3 0 '8 5 0 0 TO 3__' :-:::::�-_:::::-:. ..._ ... . ...... ._ _ ....._ . ...._�..:::_:::::=__.::: ......_.. ....... ;, . ,.:.. . .. . _ . Lane LOS A B ,�pproaCh`�elaY.�s)... .... . . � C3 . _ ._ ? z :_:: 't0 3 : = ; ': : - _ ._..._. ,:-- -- :- - _.� ,.,,.... ,:_ = -.... Approach LOS __ B Average Delay 0.7 Analysis Period (min) 15 : . ; .. . : ..,:_ , ..: ... ; . :, _ _ ,. , ..,: * _. User Entered Value Baseline Synchro 6 Report Page 4 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Ever Vail 2015 PM Tota! w/o Simba 4: South Frontage Road & Access C �0/3o/2oos —�r '� � '� �4 �" �ane Configurations � � � � � Sign Contraf ; ..:: �ree .,; FF,ee Stop ! • "` = .. _ . .. ..... . . _. _ . ; _ .. . ..... Grade 0% 0% 0% Volur�e (veh�h) --- ---: 365 ... ..;$6 74 6_77 `.; p ..- .; 8 ... _ = : ` : ,. ,.. . _ ...-.:...... ... .:: _... Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 i�o�[rly' #Cow.rafe {vAh3 .. 3g� „ :93 80 736 - 0 ` 9 `` - ;: ::....:. .. _-- - _ : , _. _ _. .. ._ _ _ _. ___ ........._. _ .. . . : .... .. .._ __ _: ___. ---•_ Pedestrians y Medaant�!p�-_ ----.::_�.,.. :: , Rai�e� ;,.;, ' : -- . _. ... ....:.__... ... . . .-_-- --.._ ......... _...._. - -_. ._:._. _.. Median storage veh) 5 l�ps#feam..signai ��t}'__ " .._..._._ ......_.. .. _...... ...---....... . _ . _. .. .- - - _ . . . .,_. _ .._..._._. .. .... . . _ . _ ...- . _,,. _ . _. .. _ �,:. pX, plafoon unbiocked -- . _ �e conflie��r�g-volurrte :;_ , ; 490 9293 ;3�7 `_ - ,,,__ .._.,��... - -. ___ ... ,_ . - . ...._._.. _. _. . _._ .�__.... .----... ... . . --_ _ . vC'[ , stage 1 conf vol 397 vCu, unblocked vol 490 1293 397 �C s�ngle �si:_:= ..:..._._ . 4 � *�� � f'r� . ....... _ .. ... . ., . ........ ...... ........ .. ._ _,._�. . ...--. • ---_- . - -.:: _.......... __ .:: - • -- -- -. . tC, 2 stage {s) 4.4 _ ___ - #� (s7. ...::� �:2.. . : � � 5 .. ,._:3 3.. . -: _ �,__� .,::� _....... ........ _ _.. ...-� ----..... .... . _....__...: pfl queue free °� 93 100 99 : ` cM capacitY.:(��hltt.�.::- .......:' =_ 1Q73. .....,: .. .. .472 f�� ...... _ - �: -- '' _.. _._ _ _ _ ,_ _ . _.... _.._ - _ ..... .... Vofu:me Tofat ` = 397_ : 93 : . 80� 736 `; .9. . ._`: ... . . _. , , .. __ ..... ... _:_ . _ _ _ . _ .... . _:.._. _ ,.. _- Volume Left 0 0 80 0 0 �olur�iefi� ht_ . =-(l� � i0 0 9 ._ 33 __... _, : . .__..... ..._..9 . _._... .__` . _ . ... . - ------ .. ._ . ..._ .........._...._. .. _..:. ,,,.. ,. _.... _...;....:.. cSH 17d0 1700 1073 1700 653 _ _ _. Uolurne to„�apaatY .: 4.:23 ... O D5„ 0 07 0 4� 0 01 .; � _ Queue Length 95th (ft) _ _0 ___ 0 __- 6 --.. : 0 _. . :_ 1 _ _ _ ,.. _.... ..... .... __.._:: _ ................ Con�ral �eiay {s) ..._ O.Ei U` Q $ 6 0 0 1�0 6 ; , , _ ._.... _....._. ........ ...... .:. . _.. . .. -.. . _ . ._ _ .- ,....... ............ ..... Lane LOS � .... .... ...... . . . A .. .. B Appro�Eh.D�IaY.(5)___. . .. .�Q. .... :.:: _....0 � ... .:.::.. 1a 6. . . :; ' .; ,: ......_... . - . ..... .. .. .. --. -: - :., _ _ _ ... .. Approach LOS _ _ _ _ B .:�_�..._. � y,,� �-�:_�� -� _. _,z„� . . . �,,:,-.��: .----'"'.-�.__= _ _ � .w�S,—_.,�s•- -='�.:.—�--�-�"'.�_-�; s� ..a.-�--a--�.;d.�=� .A_.�� ....�_. � �'� n�T�� a-'".:'si4. :� -c.�_.� , e'�' i:_.xia=.:•tiLr. _.r.'� ;� ��_.. -=; ..�'.a. ', -v�� --r, _..�..._._. .��:�::��.�r..�_ �� -�.-. �;:�_�� =�_-r� -- _ - _ �- Average Delay 0.6 _ .. , _ _ )ntersecf�on Capaaty 1�ti1¢ation ; 39:0°1Q .; ICU.;Level of Service ` ,:; A ' - _.. . ..�.. : Analysis f'eriod (min) 15 . _. _ . . ,. - __ : _ . ,, . _ , * User Entered Value Baseline Synchro 6 Report Page 4 Kimley-Hom and Associates, tnc. Ever Vail 2025 AM Total w/ Simba 4: South Frontage Road & Access C 10/30/2009 --� � � "'� "'� l' Lane Configurations �'� �j �� � Sign Gontroi ; _ : ' Fcee . :..:; ? Free Sfop ... . ` ; . ..... _ _ __ ,:... : .. , ..._: .._..... ... Grade 0% 0% 0°/a Valume (vehlh} 960 :�0 :65.. .. 5!D ; � '... � , . ;': '' , ' . . _ - _ :..._.. __. ... . ... , .:: .. . . .: .... . ._ .. .-, Peak Hour Factar 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Nourly ftow r.ate ��ph} 1€343 98 �1 fi�D- .... .;: Q. 5 :: ' ,: . . _ ...... . _- ..__. . __.... . . ;; .... ,-: , Pedestrians Lane:Vllidth ft ' ° ` c.r ..:... .._ . - - � :: _ , _ _,. :. .._::_ . . :.: Walking Speed (ft/s} ........__. .._ . _.. ...,, ..... Percent Blockage... _. .... . : ....... .: .. _::;- ,;...,., ._ .... . ..:::..: . . ::_ _... .::. . .... .... _...::...... . ..,_.: ..:. . .....: Right turn flare (veh) fVled�an #l!Re �, _.,..., . _. . :;, . . .;;_ Raised ' _ . .. ... ...... . _..... ......_ ._ _... ._. . :,.. : _....- --.... _ . _ ,:;: � ._,.:_ . .._ ..m_ ...., . __...__...... Median storage veh) 5 , , U�sfream �ignaf_��). . __ --: _::_:._.__... . . . . .._ ;: ....� ..,.... ..,_... . .. ...._ _ _ .: . ; : : -.... ...._.__ .....__ . pX, platoon unblocked vC conflictrng ualutrie ;,; _:_ '�'�#�! '1�5zk3.... 57T _: . _ . ' _ _ _ ---- -..._._.. ... __._._._ _... : � � ..-- -- _,�� _: _....._.. .._ ..... .......... vC1, stage 1 conf vol 1092 ._ _.........._..._... _::� =.:::-:: v�2 stage � .coFlf val; ' =� ...,.: :; .. ... a51 . _. , : ` : , .___...... ... _ : ......._ . . .::........ .._,. ...:: � - - __ vCu, unblocked vol 1141 1543 571 fC,_sing[e.(s) .-.• :--.:.. � . ._�....---�---.. :. . .._ :._...::.�: _ ... .. ............ ,_ .__. 4 � :.... ... 5 � S 9 .. . . _ ._. .__ . . . ... .. ._ . .,.. .......... .. ...._.___.._........_..._. . - -__. ____.. tC, 2 stage (s} 4.4 p0 queue free % 88 'i00 99 cM`ea aci �ehlt� . � `; :608 . . 431 464 ;: ; : :. P tY (::_ - ): = . _. ;; ... _ .:: . .. ,_ , --- T .. .� .� .. , , r =�� .zv� r� � .��r.e .._ I31T�Cfi� s Cat:t�-� , .�r �-- -�-�---. �32 ���-} 11�$r�,.����ltf�� - - ����-�'�� - - . _- -- - - �-" �r =_ :_. : _.� _ -: .f�---- �--��=- 1s , - __ ___ __ _ Volume Total' ' -696 446 =71 310 310 =' S - - - - ` - ,,, . , _ _ _:_ _ __ __ ___ _ _. Volume Left 0 0 71 0 0 0 Voiurne RI ht -: 0 98 '' 0 ` 0 ' 0. ; 5 _ g ....__... .. . .. . ... _...... ._... __. . .. ..... . ,_, ....:_ ...___. � .._.. .. . : _-. - __ . .. ...._� cSH 1700 1700 60$ 1700 1700 464 Volume to Capaeif�_ _. 0 41 Q:26 , �.12. .._0;� 8. 0:,18 ...._ 0..01... .. : ' .._ __.:,._. _ _ . _..:__: . ... ._ . _ _......._ ...... ;... ,,.,: _..,_-::- _-„ ,. _-_,.,, Queue Length 95th (ft) 0 0 10 0 � 0 9 C�ntcol Qelay;�S) .. . ; .. . . .:C3 Q 0 0 '11 7 _. 0 ��..... � �. . ?:? 8 , ; _ .... ---- _- �::_: .:....:_..�...........__..._.._.. __ _... .. . _ . ..,: Lane LOS B B Approach �e7aY E�3 = �. (3 ....... .: .. : .'1 � , :� 'I,� 8 . :,_ . , _._,;,,� : .. . :,,._,_ . _ . .__......_...... ._ Approach LOS B belay 0.5 . __._... _......_.. .._..._ _.__..... . _._..._... _ Analysis Period (min} 15 . _ , _. , _ . _ _ _ , _ .; , . . , * User Entered Value Baseline Synchro 6 Repor# Page 4 Kimley-Hom and Associates, Inc. Ever Vail 2025 PM Total w/ Simba 4: South Frontage Road 8� Access C 10/30/2009 � � � � � � Lane Configurations �'�, �j �� � __. _ __ _ __ , SignCo�trol. : '+. Fr.ee °:; Free S$o . ` ' ,. ,. . . . . .. . =... R . ,; . .... _ Grade 0% 0% 0% __ _ Uolurrie (veh%h) ;= . 77� 9� 65 904 Q :10 ` -:.. _:,, ... ... . .... .: . . ._,_:... . ,,_,:,_ ...._ _.___:. ..._ ._. ._ _.__.--_ Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 _ __ _ _ �o�rly�flow ra#e (vPh� --. ...84�. _. ,.1 �3 �..71 ..9�� . ;, Q ��1�1 _ : - - �..._ _ _ _ ..... ... .. .: . ._: -....... . _ _ __- Pedestrians Lane INidtfi ffit) . . ..:;. ' ; _ , __ .._ ::. _ --,__ ......._. . ..... ......: _...... .. . . . ...._.... . .. ._ . . . _ . :. Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent,Blockage .._ :: :,:; -::: `. ; ; ;: , ,, , ;-., -..:._:.:.::. . _ _ _ _ . _. _. _ ..... ... ._ __ _ . _.. ..._ : . _._. :. ..__...-. ._.._ _. Right fum flare (veh) Median storage veh) 5 �ps�ream,.sigrial. (ft� ;: . ... . _ , . . ....,,., . _ . .. . ._ ._. _. . . _ ::.. ...._. ._ . ...... . _. ....... . . _ _,:-- ,...., - ---::.----- pX, platoon unblocked . ... _ , vC, �on�hct�r�g �atume _: _ 946 _ ��24 �73 - ` - _.,..._......_. ._...._. . —,-, :.:� .: .....__........ _ . _: .,.._::_..._- - -:,-_ vC1, stage 1 confvol 894 vC2 sta�e 2_corai-�ah =... . .. . 63fl _ - .. .._.... ..__ ..._. _... , . __ __.._: _... -.. . .... -, ,,-, _:,_-- �----- _......_.._......... .. . . . vCu, unblocked vol 946 1524 473 =>--�::,;::;:::_ �C,, singte f s) : ...::,... _ _ * - ..__ ..... . : .� ... _;, .....:;: _. ......... ....... �: t ......... ;: . ....-� � . . .6 9..... . . . . tC, 2 stage (s) 4_4 #F (s} ; ; , _ `- ....._ , _._ ,..,,, ,,, -2'2 ........: __ : 3 5 ......3.3... . .�: :::: _._...... : p0 queue free % ......... _......_. ..._ .. ._ . .. 90 100 98 c{�f capacitY (�e-h/hj % = ` , 478 . 538 . _ : _ ., ; _ 72� � .: .. . . Voluine 7ota) ° ......:... . ... 562 _. .384 71 °489 "�89 11'�- ` , ' `: - ,... _ :._ . _ , _ _ _.. --.. ._._.. _ _.. _- Volume Left 0 0 71 0 0 0 VoJume I�ght: .. _ .._ .: 0 :i b3 . . . ;::. 0 . __ Q..... . ; � .....:.:. �. �.. . ......... . -.. . .: ,:,.:. .,,...._.; cSH 170Q 1700 721 1700 1700 538 Vqlume xo CapaCity. :� 0�� 0 23 0=10 0-29 0 29 �.02 . ,: ! - _ .......... .. ........... ,... ... ..... . ..__.. ..._ _ _...._. ...... Queue Length 95th {ft) 0 0 8 0 0 2 �on#rol �elay: (s).. :° D:0 0 � 1�_5 U 0 . 0 0 1,1 8 ' ; ; . ...... . ...: _ :. . . . . . - ;. ;:.,, .�:: _.: Lane LOS B B fkpproach Delay (s} ,°: .: D�� '� ' _ . .,..:. �, ! :' .... __. .....:.: . .... .. . . - _.....'k3 8 ::: ._..:... _.... _.. _ .,_ Approach LOS B —_..-..-.��_ °-'---.F.�....�.�. .:... . _ . „�, ,:,:,,:...y, . . .,� .. �, -w...�--...:_ r �=a—� (�.�E:1-'.�EG��OH'•.��Ifi]�3L�.� c�:r ".��r...'`_�-�'?�.�—= �r�� �";��:'��---� -- y�'�",�.�; °� "'T=~�;=� .. -- =--- �� �._ �.�_ . . �;� ....._._�.... ;; .. -�,=--� ._ -°--�------�--- ..__ _ -.-�:� _-�-�____ --._� :..� _: _:.�- _ � ._...___—.� _ _ _.. . -----�__....__._._._ Average Delay 0.4 infersection Capacity�U�lizaiian 34 7%,,. ; ICU:Levef of.Sennce „.:;: °- A .. .. _. .... _ . .._ . . ... , ,..... . Analysis. Period {min) 15 . - _:: < . _ ,, „ . .. ,, ., , < • . . _ -: .. .. # . ,. , User Entered Value Baseline Synchro 6 Report Page 4 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Ever Vail 2015 AM Total w/o Simba 16: South Frontage Road & Access D 10/30/2009 � � � � � � Lane Configurations ..... . . .,.. _ : ___ . _ _____ . _ __ ..__._. _ .__..__ _ ......... Grade 0% 0°/a 0% i7oiurne Evehlh) 3�42. :_(3.. _ . ._ :_ Q . �26 ......' 0 148 -; -_ .. .. _- _..... . _ . ..... _.. _ . _. ... ----...._... _... _.. Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 __ __..___ _ _ Hour�y�low rate �vph}. . . 37_.� �6� _---. - .......,.. .. ..:�0 ....::_D 572........,; 0 . .. :-: _ ....: _- ._.... _.`: .._.._. : _- Pedestrians Median storage veh} 0 Upstream signal. �ft�_:., `- ; " - .... __ . , .. _, ... .. _ _. ..... .._ ::.-.,, . . . .... ......... _ _ .. .. . .. ._.._ _. .. pX, platoon unbfocked - -- ....._.. .... vC eo`nf(tcf�r�g vfllum� ...._.. :: ��2._. ..::.._.. :�3 '186 _ . .. - . . . - _. _ ----- - - - , - ,_:, _„�� _.. . . _ .. _._ . _ vC1, stage 1 confvol 372 vC� stage 2 eor�f �lol ` :572... ._: . ' ; _ ........ ....... .. � - ,.: _.... .... .. ....... .. . _... . ...: ......._. vCu, unblocked vol 372 943 186 #G, $►rigle (s}.: _ ......:. .. . ....:: . ..: ..-_ _ _. � �- _•.< ..:._._:6 8... :. 6 9 ;.: ...... ..... _. . ,_. .__-,. ,,,,,,, ,,,,,, __. .._ tC, 2 stage (s) ___ _ _ .... .. ... .. .. 5.8 �F..is) .:.. _ .... _ .. , . . , . _ :.... ..... :.. . .. _ . .. . �. Z . . -. .. . ..3 5 3 3 ? :__�:_:: . .. .,_ ....__. ..... ..;. _....... _..... ::: _ � -- . ....... ..-- p0 queue free % 100 100 80 ciN ca aci veh/h -:' 'f 1$3 . : 287 , , _825. ..... `: - _ � P tY t- ) ::: . .... ,; .. : _ _ . _ _....... _..__ __ __ _ _ _ . . . _ Volome 7ota[: 186 `186 `::572 ; :161 ` , ,_. ,_, . -: -_ _ _._ _ __ Volume Left 0 0 0 0 Uo{�iFne R�9�?�._...�_. - ' � _:.:.:. Q ...._.... .0._ ...'161 ...-. ,- _ _ - ,-, , - . _.._....... .. ...._...... _........._..__........__.._.___...... . cSH . _ 1700 1700 1700 825 - Vofurrie #� Gapaciiy.. _0 .� 1 U �11 �; 34 0;.�0 ; � ; ....._ _ _ . ..... . ....... :: .._,.... . . -. , _ :,: . .....:....... _ .._ .-_ Queue Length 95th (ft} 0 0 0 18 Lane LOS B Approach Dela�r {S) _:... . . 4 fl ': 0 0 1� �# ` . . - .._. _... ,> _.... , ..... .... . _ ....,...._---.. , . ........_ -- Approach LOS B �--_ :_-_ .-- .M,��-_. - -- - --- ,s,.. -- ,,— = T --- —�.—..-::�----- �. ._ �..� =._::::�:��-�= ��.=..=�—� � -_:. �� � -..�.�.��� ��:�: -- %�1'�.�c:'�LEi�-�-1��. ------°,-- . _,,. _.Y� _.� ____- _ _�__________._____._.:_ ��..,,�_�.;_= "= ��=_.�-. �.__.:-�. ����'._..--�� �_ �__.�=°= ':� - - -= - - - __ ����=�.. _ �- _., -.� Average Delay 1.5 Analysis Period (min} 15 Baseline Synchro 6 Report Page 8 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Ever Vail 2015 PM Total w/o Simba 16: South Frontage Road & Access D � �0/3o/2oos --�► '� � �-- '� 1'' Grade 0% 0% 0% Uolume (ve?�/k�j . . - , 373 _ 4 :-� 751 . :; 0 1_49 ' ' .: . ........ . �._ �,: _. :; -_:: __. . ...:_- Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Q.92 0.92 H�url}� flnw raie j�sph� 4i�� ' 4 ' �3 816 � 'F6� --- , ° ,- -- : -- Pedesfnans _ .- - -..._......_ .. ... . --- ........ . . ... ._-- - ..:... Lan�=�d�fi (�#� . __ ,' ' , . _, , .. ... - - - = ,:-_ .. .--- --. _.. .. _ .. . - . ... . __ .. . :-: _ V1lal►cing Speed (ft/s) Percent Bls�ckage .:_:� ..:: ` : : . .. .__ __ . . .. :.: ...... .:: .... . ... :... . ._ ..:: _..:: _..... .. , ....... . ..::.. .........._.... ., . . : ,. , . _, . ....... ....... Right turn flare (veh} Median storage pX, platoon unbiocked �G c n 6� �oiume ::�__= ::_ _:;::rv: =='�: �4fl5 ... . :.:.: .. ..._. .._._ ,... Q....f�.lG:-: -� ____..__ : =:_:=:-::::-:::�.::_-: -: ���2..... . :��3_._� ..:_ . . - -� - �:�;: �_ :,_. ,:;: .::-,•- •,-,_-„ ; _:. _. vC1, stage 9 conf vol 405 __ _ - --- .._ --- : __.. .: ---___... vC7�tage2co��vol. -- ': = ��5 :.:�_: ° : .- ;_ _ - :: ._......... ......._, ; , - � ----- - . . .. . . . .. .. .. - -- . _ _ vCu, unblocked vol 405 1222 203 ..._...::<::.:-.:..:� _, �:::::.:_._-::-.. �C smgre f�) :. =: .:_ .:::`. ;'�;'� �; _ . s s ...�� . .: .. __ .:__ _ . : .. .... , ....... ....._..,, :-- tC, 2 stage (s) 5.8 #�.��� � ....... _........ .... _- _.:.;; �:� .... ': .. 3 5..__ 3 3 . - _ - , :--, .::: ..._ .... .... .:. ...... .. . ..... .. p0 queue free % 100 100 80 ,. eM capacify ,�veh/h) .:, ,.,_ . - ::: . � �;5� : _ 22� $0� . ._ _ _ ;. .. . :.. . =: ` �° __,. Uolume Tot�l?: : 203 . 203 : '; 81.6 i62 , , _ :. : ,:- _ _: --__. _ _. __._ ... . - Volume Left 0 � 0 0 U�I�me#t�ghf,; ...._ ._:_ U Q .0 962 - . ..... __ .. .. .. . .. . _... .. ... : _ .._._ .... ._.... ..... .. . ._.. . . .. _.:._ .... _ . _ . ._._ ............_... _ cSH 1700 1700 1700 804 • �alume �o �apaci� : 0_:�2 O.Z2. ...0 4$ _ 0:2�....... . , _ . , _ „ ::. ... :.: ... ..:. �._:.__ . .......: .......,. ... . . .... . -- Queue Length 95th (ft) 0 0 0 19 Con#fol Dei��?' �s) :; 0_�} 0 Q 0 � 1t? E ; ---... -- - -.. .... ._...... .... .._.: _....._. .._.._.. ....... ._ ....... .. ._. . __ .... _ _..... ..__ . ............. Lane LOS B Approac� D�1aY.�s� :_. ...0-� �:� ..._. .. 0 U... . 'k08 - ` : : = ; _�., .-- . __:. . ..___ _.. . ... _:_ - .. . -_ ..,, Approach LOS B Average Delay 1.2 It�fersecfion Capacity Ut�lizatior� 42�9% , iCkJ.Le�el �a%Sery�ce " ;:� A.__ . ._ .... . ..: ....... .. ..... . . ... ... Analysis Period (min) 15 Baseline Sync�ro 6 Report Page 8 Kimley-Hom and Associates, Inc. Ever Vail 2025 AM Tota) w/ Simba 16: South Frontage Road & Access D � 0/30/2009 --► '�r i` "� "*� ,�` Lane Configurations � fi �� �' : _ S�gn:Control .:: . = Free .. ...:; �:; Free Stop -: .. .. . _ ....... .::: . . Grade 0% 0%0 0% _ Volume (veh/h} .:.965 0 : 0 �30 .... :: 0, �5�. .. ` _._.._ � _ _ - . _ , .. . . . . ,_ . :... ..._. _.__ .. ... _ . ... _. Peak Hour Factor 0_92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 . . Hourly flow rafe (vph-); 1Q49. . , 0 . . ! 0 :. ...5$5 . _.:;,. U _ 16�3 , ...,-, _ . . -_ ... ... - ---.. _..:. Pedestrians Lane 171�idth (ft). ......::. . ` � _...;- --- : - .--.._._.. .. . _� .. .: .......: ..... ... ...,. . �. ._. ...... .. . Walking Speed (ft/s) Perce'nt Bfockage .... : ........ :, ; _ ,: : . ... . ......... , _ . _...:,_ ... , . : . _._ ,.. R�ght turn flare (veh} Medran typ�:::_ ,: ,: .: : - .. .. . . :. Ra[sed ' . ^ _... ....... ... ....... ......... _. _..... ,. .. . ...._ ..._.....�_ _.. ..... Median storage veh) 0 Cipstream s��nal.4�) ...._:�.. ` _.,_� ,_ _.... , .. - _ , . , _ --- . _ � . ._ _........ ,-• --. ., . . _ _ pX, platoon unblocked a� �onfltct�ng�roturne _....;:._- -::.: .._..10�9 1��� 5�� _ �---..._ . .. .. . _ . . _.: ._ ..._... . _ . ...::: ..._.._...._. - --- _ _- - --..._... ._. _ . _....._. vC1, stage 1 confvol 1049 �G�, stag�,2:eonfval = .. ,_ -342 _..: ' .....___... ........ ,,_, .............._ .---._ _ ,_ ....,: : - - _ ... .,.. vCu, unblocked vol 1049 1391 524 �C sirigle �s� ': _:. , .... _.... . . .. .;'� � .:..:_. ....... fi 8 : 6 9 . :.:- .. _ _......._- ......: ..-._ . - _._....... . ,__ -.. _:.. . tC, 2 stage (s) 5.8 :_ _ --:.. - _: #�'�5):; ...;:._ 22 .:...,..���..._. .:�� , , . _...... ::. �.:_.- ._ ............. .. . . ...... _.... __ .... . _ p0 queue free % 10Q 100 67 --- cM ca�ac�ty. �veh/hj � _. . . °�5J .. :;: ..-177 ; 498 - �. .. - - ' = - ,, , Volume Total; :` 524 524 ;342 342 163 ` � _ _ _ _ _ _ __ . _ Volume Left 0 0 0 0 0 Volume F�ig�t __....... 0 ;_ 0 : 0.... 0. . 1 fi3 ` , ,.---,._ _. �-- _ _ _ :: .. . _..... ....._...------ -- _...._ cSH 1700 1700 1700 1700 498 Volume ta ��p�e�l.. ._. 0�1. . D 31 0;20 �:0':20:. 0 33 ':_ _ �. _.... _ . ..._....._..._.. �_ . ,_:. _..... _._.........___. . Queue Lengfh 95th (ft) 0 0 0 0 35 �ontro! DelaY..�s�.. . . : �? 4 U 0_ ._ .:0 Q .... 0 Q... . '��.7. ,-; ._......�_ ... ...... .._._ . .. ........... ..._. _ .. .. : - _. Lane LOS C a�proach �ela� (s):.,,, . �3 0 -� � Ei ': _'f� 7 ` _: :_ ; : ._;� .-.. _ . .. ....... .... .. ;:... ... . ......... ........_ _ .; Approach LOS C ---. =_ _ .w.. _ .:.� �..,.�,�.___ _ ....._ .....�._.__...>___...____._—�..--� - --,• - —_ -_ �� _� �...� _.._,._..__ _.____._..._._._.__.___.� ___.�- 1����. - _��.� _.. v..____ � �—._ -..��v:-. _ : -� _ �' ..� �� �.,�=:_�� � .-� _ �r:�= ------�. =-°===_",•--- _:�=- : :�._:� -- - . __ _.� =.__. __ _.,._... _ _ .. ., . ..... Average Delay 1.4 lntersection=Gapacity UtEl�zation . _: �2:�% ; I�U _Leve[ of Seruice _,, .:, . A _ _ _ ........, . .... _ . � _. .. . ._ . : Analysis Period (min) 15 Baseline Synchro 6 Report Page 8 Kim{ey-Horn and Associates, 1nc. Ever VaiE 2025 PM Total w/ Simba 16: South Frontage Road & Access D � 0�30/2009 � �1► �' '� �'1 �' Grade 0% 0% 0% _ ___ _ ___ __. _._ __ _ ._ __ Volume Fvet�/Fi) ..._.: `785... .._,<_0 -; 0 . �96�_ 0. . '750 ;:+ ° = ... .. _ . _ _._..... _ ....._. ,:. _:_: ...,,, . �: -:, ,:;;. . :: _ : .. . _ _ . . _ ,. :.._ -_. Peak Hour Facfor 0.92 � 0_92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Houriy�tow rat�-.��P��: .. $-�� � ... : D .. i (�9 .._.....: 0 ...... 163.... 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Q 0 . 13 7 - .._..... _ _.._Y � ._...... . ... _ _. _ .... _.... _ .. ...... .:... .... ... `. ... . _.. _. . -_ . . `:::;.. . . _ Lane LOS B �1p�roach QefaX.t�) = .D.€� . ..'�3 7 ; _ --- -- _� ..., 0 0 ,::::. . ,. .. . _ : _. _.. ,: . ... ,, .:_ ....._ : Approach LOS B Average Delay 1.1 lra#ersection Capaciry:tit�►iza#ior� ._._ 37 7% _;; l�U�;LeveF ofi Service A = --....... . ..... . .._ . - .....__. . .. ,.. ,_. ___ . .... . ...:.. . ... .:: Analysis Period {min) 15 _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __. _ Baseline Synchro 6 Report Page 8 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Ever Vail 2015 AM Total w/o Simba 5: Forest Road & Access E 10/22/2409 �` -► �► � � � � 1 � �. � .� �a��.?����� x� G ' S �o `�._{e�1�. "-"� wb� �I�E, . �1.: 5 tf ,� . 5 G . .�� � n�a aa S � �.. ; "�� --_, G��.a._..a�,,,�r9.�-a-�3° .- �nu E.a.-��—`�.c,.i..'� �"_�_.....:....���.�i- �,:r;, • • • o e a o• eo mc sc • • 1 1 : • 1 1 1 �. : 1 1 °- e o 8� 8 a G a �, e � e � e � a � s A e 8 e A s � e • • � 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 � ��-r.Ey.y�� ��C� �.. ��� �- :. _ �r�"��� ... 4� �,�'^y -4z �z'_"` `i. . , �. - � n ..,.......'.-..;.�--�:�3-'�-n.° ....�.sa'.-r,:,.s:�.-:`+!'.,f-3.,, s, i � n �`�.1z- �-:_ • � y � � � � � � Capacity (veh/h) 768 871 868, 735 ---�._.__._..__.....--- _ _ _ _ ��nt�z���eTa;r_ts� _ = ._..__ T S_.__. 8 � .�._� �i $ � __..._.__ _...._.--------._...._.__.._...__._._...--.-.--......._.__ . __. _ __ _ ___..... . __ _._..-----_.�:: Approach Delay (s) 7.5 8.1 7.1 8_3 - -=-. : -._-�_:_:_�_::::�:_. �.— :.--=--_=_- =� �P`"� Eo�fr�CS� � �_-� `<:°_ - ��� _ � = _���_ � . - _ _ ___....._.___._..._ _ __ _-___.---�--.__._�....___.� �-�---:_...=::=�;:-='=�=.-=_`;-� __::_=_��-�� ::� -_ : ___._..__. __.__.._..._ .- - . •-..�.- -•-�---- � - -- ---.,,,. _.,�__,. .. , __ :_ _ ,._..._... ,. __ :-: : -�: ::-:: _ - - - - _____.._-- --� ------- �:�-.; _-;:� �: �_;:� :�--- � n-�-:: _. �:.:�::.: .-.-_ � � �: _- � --:;-;V;:- _= -;° �-_: =:_�-:_ _ : :_ : ,: ._ _.;:: :-_::: : . . . �, _ . _ . . i�lters •► n_ .: CI�: =�ifi1.1�IQ�.....___ .�v3�.:�:�a-:��:�•_:-�.__.�C'x�J.:�:17eI_O���t�IIC�:�:: A:��€:-:�:€::s;__ �_:I� �-::==��:___:::::s--a:-.:_:_:_;;;'::� �- ��� S� .:�� -_�- —_-_ —°-�- ---• = - :-._, . :-,.__ ... _.:,:._�_= _ _'� :_<==,- _-= ����.�:.: _- =:�= =�_�__-:::::_ _r _ :::: _: �._v::r__-....:_.._ �::._=-:_ -��:=:,:� Analysis Period (min) 95 __.--------..._..._..._._------- -�-�---------�--- - _._._..- -.._......._.._..__.._-_---�--- -._ ___�.._. . ,..----. _._ _.. s-- _._ _.......__._....___.__.------�---------__.�_ _-�_.�_ _-�:_ �:�.:- �•=_:: : _- =.:, :�� :: �� �::: �-� �..� :- :: _�=:-:_� _� ._ ��::-� -_:��:�:__:�--::::_..-:�� �.-::� :_._..._...-:-::::� � :- �- �.�-_=: =:.� _ _::_ =: ____..._._____...__._-.---� _.._._._.__.._.. . _ ._......._._..---__.___---- ---�---�--��-�-�----_._.--�--_.__....�.._..__...__..__.._.:_:_ __._._.___..__.._.._._._.._._----....._._..__---.....-----_�=-�--:..�..._._,--� :�:_-_�_ �...__._-:----��-:----�-_ ,..._......�..�_..__..�_...._.u..�.�__'.___.._'._'__._"��.��Y.�_._:lC:'.'.�.�`._��i�.�^�t�.:_f....•':.��SL:::�:��..'-':'S�v:::=1:�':5:::::'_:_:-.:::..�::.F::::::�—..-.'_:::::.�_� _-:.�..::."�'::_.-:..::..:..:��•-...�»:::".�::.::-.�:�-.....::��:�. . . ....., . .......... .. . � �-�.�_�.t- ' �- . . - 'a.... -."_�-�.�'!a..: Baseline Synchro fi Report Page 5 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Ever Vail 2015 PM TQtal w/o Simba 5: Forest Road & Access E �0�2212oos . �` -• � � '- � � t � �- 1 � �ane Configurations �, � �, �, Sign-C�on�f�!� � .._ ..::.. S#a�._.. ...: _..__ . _�:.----� StoP .... ...:. _. ......._ ._.._S#ap.._.. _:. _..:.�... StoR--...::,:---�->= Volume (vph) 0 15 � 41 13 135 0 0 50 154 0 0 �eaickivar��etaz --....... Q�-2 _ Q �2 4� 9�... � ��-2.__._ � 9Z ._ :. 4���_ ._� ��.. .�Q�2..__..:0 �� [T �2 -i3 � , �}� Hourly flow rafe (vph) 0 16 Q 45 14 947 0 0 54 167 �0 0 Volume Total (vph) 16 205 54 167 Volume Riqht (vph) 0 147 54 0 rture Headway {s) 4.7 4.1 4.0 4.7 Capacity (veh/h} 709 830 832 728 -_ ,:�_._ _____..___._----�.----..._ . _ _ __ . ._ _ _ r ... . _ _ _ ._. _ - - -- �- _ --- Cvt�t�u�=�eCa: �: �'-_ Y�=f�� ti _.�-_-= _=:.::��_:�—.__;:;. �:=__=:�:�°:-: � �: _-_ ;- =;w =:_� :�: _ =_:-� _ ���-:,� _��= =:_=;: L=:.= �._.��.---.�.._._ - - -- _ ._�_��.�.---�-�.�.Y_�?�.__.�_—_ _....___ .__--.�.._. _ __.. _-----_ ___.._� ...--�-- _ ;--_ = . . . �;------- �.__� .-.�_.��-�-:_:::� =�_=-====_= = Approach Delay (s) 7.8 8.3 7.3 9.0 A F�ach LO� : "=� - -'-R ,_ :;,q . ;�q : - _ -- = .. : ,., -_. _ _ PP ;, `- -- ..; ; :$` 4 = ,.: _.:.- _, _ _ __ _ ,_ ,: _ Level of Service A Analysis Period (min} 15 --�-- -- -._ --------------._..... =:�,��;=H-s_�:�:-��_=�_�-- _ ,-:_:�:� � ::,_ -_�_v::: �:: �� _,,- _-r, � ��,..:._ :___:� _._ _ �_ _.__... - - - - __.._...___._____...__...__�._------._.._�..__....._..._.......__..._.---.___..._........._.__....__. ....____.___._.___�--- -_.. ..._ -- - __ _ __-__-_— .__--.__._-•-----._..___...._.__._....4::::::_=::.-:_.__.__ =:-� :--�-�--•�-_....__...,..-�-�----�...::-:_.=�,:::-�.-:.>�_-::�--�:_.._:�.:_�_ :::��a:_ Baseline Synchro 6 Report Page 5 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 0 Ever Vail 2025 AM Totaf w/ Simba 5: Forest Road & Access E � 0/22/2009 '�' —'� � � � �'` '�'� 1 l� �"' � .� Lane Configurations � � �r � STgr��ontrol_:. .:: :_.. _.. .�..._. .. S�� ...__.:_ _.,,.;: . . _.�top--. _ ; _5tvp ._.:_= _,. :,: _ S�.op.._.:_ _. _:: Volume (vph) 0 95 0 105 15 105 �� 0 0 85 90 0 0 Pe�tc HQt�� Factor . -_ . R�2. E�_�2, .0 92 -Q,-9Z� .._D �2 �9� tk9� _ ��� � J2 � 92 __D �2 0 92 ...__ __.... _. �. . __ _ __., ------- �._- Y _ .._:r -. _:_,--_ -. _ .:: Haurly flow rate (vph) , 0 16 0 114 16 114 0 0 � 92 98 0 0 Volume Total (vph) 16 245 92 98 ----�� ::�__ _ 1Lalu�ele�t (�P_ha._ . . ...,....-� ----- � �4 _ ._ -: �. .�� . �$ ...., . = -:__ .. _ _: ----- -- -._ __ .... ,.�. . ... _ , .._ .... _:. :--. ._� _ __. :. Vofume Right (vph) 0 114 92 0 _ .___,._,_... . __.. _.._; ...._.._ . _..__ __.- -- --------�- ---�--- -�-- _----�-------._........---.....--- d = ._. .:�.43 ...::.:D:_ . _.._._.o � ..... ti� � :� � - _ =: ,. _ � :`��__-_� �:� � :: =::::; _ -�€-::;��;_:=-: "� � �:_�_:�°:-, =�:=-�° :�_ =� �= � 1�2:.. _.:...__. ..�...... �__.._.. �- - - - - ���..__..__._._ .....:...:...._:_._.__.._.__.._.__..._.__.---.-----.--__..._ .. ...---.-_---___.._..._._----.___.___..__.:s_..__.._.......--------.__.,........_....__ _... .._.. ---�..1__ _...._.__.__._.�._...____.----._._._...._._..__..._.___ •----_.- --.., ._„_,.. _.„ _� _,,..,, .,.r _ ..� _. _ -- _. __-_.._... - - - :- .. � .�_,.:-:::.::. Departure Headway {s) 4.6 4.2 4.0 4.8 .._.�.......� _.__�_:.. __ :--=:-:::=___;:=_:__ ��gF�e U�Ei��az��,,�,_ fik�2 ��9 �-'L� �}��3- , �_ _�: _ =: _.=: =_. ; - �__ __._--_ ---------�--�-_--._--_-- _._.__ _.x,_-___.._. __..._ _.� � __._... _ . _ __.... .._.__ __------ .._..... ...V_..._..__-__...._. �..__..:--.v-_�-. Capacity (veh/h) 727 814 828 698 - - ::_ -:_--=_--== � _._-__-: ---.: _-� =_- -- --...--._.-..._--.-:_�.- :: � ..... �_ ._:__---�-_...�..._ Cor��t��..D.e}�-=s __._--- -..... �_�.---__� '____.._ . -----_-S - _=:;-=__==__==_-:-;:::<— -�. _==_____:_=:;:=:__:":__-.=._:�::��;:� ��::- ,:: —=-:__-__:_�-�:_�._.._��_.:::.r-�,-=______� � .�,_� � _=-=�...-�_ �,.�_ .: . -=_. :_. __=.. __. �_ :____ Approach Delav (s) 7.7 8.9 7.5 8.5 _ .. . _ ... . _ _ -- _ _ _ : _ . _ .__ __ _.-- -- . .. . __..__. , ,.__:. ------- -__--- --�-- -- -------...._..........---�---._... HGM Level of Service A �_ : -- _ � _.-:�__ �•::_�.v.===��_:::-_-•:._ _:�::::�-�:::_:_,_::_::::_� _—.<::_, l�f�rsect�an_�� a�[ :=�lt_ii�afiorr .. _...___. :., �-...----�-� :� �e. : ; _ �c'::,:=:_ =-:T: �.__=:--..-�.�=:�r_==r_�:_�:;-��=_�_ -�----�-----� -----��-- _.� ---._�_.. i ._ ;_...,:: _=�::: � �. .-���-,f ._:� .��1�::�., a►��cz���tv =:�- _�.> �:- �--- _:� �.- _, ._. .,- ..r.. __:�;;=:: Analysis Period {min} 15 Baseline Synchro 6 Report Page 5 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Ever Vail 2025 PM Total w/ Simba 5: Forest Road � Access E 1o1z2J2oos � —� �r f" '�— '� '� � �' �► � � Lane Configurations � �, � �, �r .�ot�iro� -�,� ... �top .....::.. ��� --::__ _�.----- _._..�StoP_ _:_. . ....:.__. _ , .:.5#op.....::.:------ Vo ume (vph) ^ 0 20 0 70 20 135 0 0 85 155 0 0 Hourly flow rate (vph) 0 22 0 76 22 147 0 0 92 168 0 0 Volume Total {vph) 22 245 92 168 _ .._ _ ____ . _ �._.._�::_:�: -----.-=.----... _ ..:,. _ _ -_::.:-:�:;� =;__��:_:_-:-; �:;= Uol��e=Left:.-= � :_..:_ _.-�`M_:::€��:�_- � =:����-�: ��_:;�t�._ :..:..�58 - - _ . . -= -__ ..._._._.------�._�� �-..,�,._ _.._. .----- --- .._.._.._ ..._.. _....... ;_ _._.., ._ �.,.... _�._ _... _�..__.......�__.— - �- -- ��= -,-, �.._ . . ,. _<:.-, .. ...... _ _�.. ----_ ::_�._: =_.::-:�::_:-_��:::;:_-::::::_�::.� Volume Right {vphl _ . __._0 147 92 _: -:--- � _ Departure Headway (s) 4.9 4.3 4.2 4.9 ----- _--_ ----- __ �:-:�.:. ��:_::-:__::::::::=�- 0_ . . :: : � - ,� _ ��-. _ : :: . :, _:_ _.:: _ �=:_:: _==_ =_� ;�_: <<:_:-_; ._::€_ �=r:=--� :: z-� � :�-r�:_==-�--�-= .:.,.._: _..- ---........--- - _ �'��_�J�iilzatrp�l.:at.,::..:._. .: Et,i�� .._.. k_� ��-_:A:1''C:,.. ��.�:=�� =::~= ::::-: = �= =-� :::�: =M :j�;�._::- ..` -- -= ` �= � :: �.:: �_..� _-=:_-. = -_- �-- - . �_.___..._._.._._...,_....._......_..__._.........__......-�- .............._.....- ----- .. ......__ . ..'._ ' _ .""_'_""'_'_"__"__.."'_'_"_""'_'_'_'_""'_""_.�_"_' . ,.,,,...r. -. i. ,:.�r . -� � .�. _ _r... -�._ � . '� "'__'_'......,.. . .......r::x':rssr'^ :ns:: •:::e'" "'"_''`"" ' Caoacitv lveh/hl fi79 791 801 698 roach Delav (s) 8.0 9.0 7.7 9.3 �elay' _ - ;:_ 8:8 _ - ' -: _ =_-_ ::.- . . . _�; ,: _ :.. ___ ...�._--- -- - .. ... HCM Level of Service A ft�#e€sectro�Capac��r��l��o� � -4'���`q f��l�e�cel o��e�v:�c� A. _ . ---�--... ---..____.. � _,.�.,�.��_.. ._._.......,.� .n . -------- ------- �------- -�----__� __._._ ..._. _�.._.__ _.._..._ Analysis Period {min) 15 � �=_.t� : = �_ _»__=��� _�.:.� � �:r..r:_::= ��.� .n.:.:._:..:�___.�_�_��.'_�� ���_�' �=� _ _._��:�-�:�M: �_ �::::=�°�===�__:,��;��� �= _� :`�=:� � =����F='�: � s ��= ' = Baseline Synchro 6 Report Page 5 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Ever Vail 2015 AM Total w/a Simba 6: Forest Road & Access F � 0�22�2oos � � � � � � '�_.. : : .:.. -- .,:_ __.�-- _ -- _ _ - � ;,.����_ _ Lane Configurations a' � '� '►� S� n Gontrol _ F[ee Fcee ::- ...._�top..... ; ,.: . .::�: 9 . _ .... ........ _ ._......: . . .:..... . . ....:, _ _ ..: ;- ..... , :._ _ _... ....: ...:... .._..,... . Gracle 0°/a 0% 0% '�alume (ve�i/h� �� 1'33 :��5 ,,.:.. : ......--- -.._...�.... _ .. -.1.�0. ...... . � . .. - � - -- -- ...::.. . .....:: . . ..:- -. ._� ._..._ ,, Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Pedestrians Wal Right tum flare (veh) Median storage veh) :-::::�.�:��:_ � �--:::-�:-__�: �_:� _- �! s�rea�rrsE -nai it ,= --- ----- _-;;_ :__ .::: _ :� _:=__=�:::,_:��:::__:=�.�_:_,::�_ :..::P:..:�._::..:.:. ::_.9.._... �_.�._.�_<.� �: _ _�::-:: ��: _:.::_�_.:._ _:= � _-_:°:� :_: ___..... - - -- ----� � - , ::_ __:_ _ __.._ pX, platoon unblocked � �� vC1, stage 1 conf vol _.. __ .._ :-:�. �.:-. ._..__....,..;..._ -__ _-:.-. =::::.=._�:.�.�.:__-,;._- =--:::::_,:-:==== ---_ - -_ _ = - - _= - ::�:_:: �::_:: .::-:-::.::�: ..� v 2 = - � " n�i v"��=� ��_-_�� == �-_- —=::� �_ _�'=" - = _ - = - � __E"r........5#� �___�4..._.....-0-----�--�----�-------.__._...__._..__,_�.:, ,:..-,-==-�-='€-_=_�°:=:=::�_:==-�:_,_:-:_.: =�__�-:v.:::::_ :..-_::_.:::-:—:==�°====-::::-�-=---=::=..-=•:.:::-.-.. =:�-_ ---,�,._...9-- • ----..,�.__._...-----....------- ----�-- ,r_.-,_. __„_,:_.. � - - __. --------�------ -- -- - -- - .-----_.. -- _,. _ _________.._. vCu, unblocked voi 179 349 177 _ _..�` =�::�� : -�� ���:=: _--:=:-�: �`s�� _::: _-,: -::::_:=::__::-:__ tC, �ingle s..- .__ -------.--�� -----__ -..:.::�.._:._64 6 � -_ - - �-�_:=_,::::� __:__;:-_ . .--� .. ..............�-�----. _._.._.. _.....-----�-- -----. _..._...---.._.__...---�----�-�-�--_......._---_._--_.__.__, : _ ...._........_ . . . _... . . . ,.:. •::.� -=-_._..---........._:::._ � ::�:-=_:::=.::_::--_--_:_- tC, 2 stage {s) p0 queue free % 99 99 98 �M_eaPaci�y�±re�7t��_=___1�9�_..:,= . :�....::6��[__�_866_...�.._. �:.: ___ _ = � .y �- �'x � .,-�- f h- �- '� � � k <� S' . - �- �?x".v- ,, f .��, �� � e, � �. : �},[f$_C�{I,���P�_ t`'1� c. ,s�,�`�= �"��`._: �. _ ..�" S'a^"'-.�r.Y`�' --- :,�� vc�,.�3 �f. __ - Volume Tafal, ,.y 159 1:79 24 '_` ° " = , . ___._.. ____ __ - -° - - ___-- ____ ___ _ _ _ _ _,_ Volume Left 14 0 8 cSH 1396 9700 779 Approach LOS A Baseline Synchro 6 Report Page 6 Kimley-Horn and Associates, inc. Ever Vail 2Q15 PM Total w/o Simba 6: Forest Road & Access F �0/2212oos � � � � � .r� �— - Lane Confgurations� _ _ __.. � � _ � _ ��gr� �onfroG__:. ___ :_:_:_ Free free . ... : . . ... Stop_ ._... : .... � _......._. .._ .._._.. .. ... . .,, ...� .... ....... . ._......:... ....... .......... . Grade 0% 0% 0% �or�me �veY��� �4 '19� �:68 ..... � _. _13 _- _-�-� _ _- - _ _ ....,:- _�.,_ _,.,_. _ __ . _., . - - -_ _.. Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 �aurt}r�(av�c��,�i��ia�-- -� 2� ��2 1$�..._._ , $. __ .'IA._. _., ?3 ; . ._ __ __ . ......_ �_ . _..... ..__. _ . , ....,., _ __..._, ___ _ .._...._ ..._ . . _,-- - - -.. .� �..- - Pedestrians . : ,..�-_::_:::::: ..:;:-: - - :-:: <:: --:-_.: .: - - ��ne}tllas�t� f� �:.;__:_.:::-. _::_ .�::::::_ : ----...._..__......_.�._� _..... . _. ._....._ .. - - -... __�-� ---:: -- _ _ .._..____ Y . _. .._... _. _...,... _...._. _ .,_ _.--- - -----_,:::_:::-:-_=_:�::::_.=::::= =_ =.=_:::.::-_:_.._====::::— . ..:,_ ,:; Walking Speed (ft/s) � , _.. Per�entB[ocl� ------- , = : :-: . :_:_:_::: ._....... _.__�._._-� .....__. . ..... . . . . . .... _. . -_-. -.-_ . .__ .. �. _ . ......... ....--.. _. . . .. . . __. _. . __: . _.._._......._.... Right tum flare (veh) _..._.,_.._...___ _-�------:-----_�---.--:� ,__- _ -:::::::::-�-_:_-: �,.- _ _......... ..---- _ _ ___--- --..._..._ --- -----. �l. -- .. - —=:.—_.._:__,:::-�n�-:-=.:-_:::=-:-:��__._.::. _:. �_��<�:-��-�_�:��-:�_:=--.=�<�-�_�:=:� =_=_=.� e��a�_ . e.�.� _=�:__ ;:, �� _=-: �:;:_:: �:�;:::, :-r �, -G�I.ane -- . _ _ . .._ _... _ ...... .... _ . _..--- �___ :::_, � :..�,. �R _.-� ,,�.., _...-.: _ .- -.: ---_.., ____ ..::.: -:-: --� :: = -- � --- --.. _.._.:_ _- .. _., :__� . ____� . . _... . :..: _ Median storage veh) :::__._:_:::::_:�::�-��::_�::�:...::---::�:�_�__-_--:_.:�::_:::-_.-.-._ :-...:--:_.-:-:.:::.--�_:::--:_::_::=�.--::-::_::..�:�__:.-_:-_ �. stceam�r=��afy . - _.:�:_::__:::::_-_-_:_:.-:::::._:_::-==:---�::::-_.:�=�_..._.>.._=.ti �rv�:.:.�. =��-=� �--��=_-�--=-=-=_-=�-::::-=-:-_---:-:__:::: . ,�_ _..__------_..__._.__._........._...__.._..__..__._ _�.:...._._---- --��--�- --____...._�_:-:_:�:_::- _ _ _ __.__. __ r._. �.----._...----- --.-.--- .......::::::::-_:-::�-�::::--�-=W`-==- ---- ----- -- ---- --- -- - - .w..-�--. �:_.:-:--=_ -...___.:.- _ -:::--..__ ,..__-�------::�.__ _....�_..--�--...--�--�-�--- -�-------._ pX, platoon unblocked -----._.=�_:: �.:..._..�..._..__. __-�------��-�---�--��-----___.._....__.._�.--------•--�T.... �l� 3�L��1tC�3f9I!l(�3'IE- ��l .. ._- = - -- ----= -•_-• ... _ ��'�- �fi _ _ . __....-;---_ _�:._---_ ____-°— _ _ ------ ---------------------_.....___.._._._..___...------...---.__....----_.-_._ ----..--------__ .:.___---�------�--._.._._._.._.__�.:: vC1, stage 1 conf vol -- ::: -�:-, : : �._ -:� ----::_- :;�: _:: _ ::se � :_ = ' - .:V � � �.�__:.:`.=a ::'s-:::-::: =_:::::: ._... .... _. . = _ _ s-..-�.._._:::• -� =-_ - •::-.-� -- V�2, sia e �_cor�f_.�........_. ,_. ..._....._. _. _. _._---�---------= _..._.___..-------._._._.-- _ __ :- -=_ --- .:_ �� ��_.,--- ,_..�._.._�.�,_.___�__......._...__. _._..... ._..._.. _.--..,•- -_-.:: .w .._�.�,,.. _..._�.,� _ ::__ ._.,_��. - vCu, unblacked vol 190 451 186 #C sit��C��s�:_�_..--�--- � � __ � 4 � � _ _. .____._.. .....--- --_...... _....z.w_ . _. .__,.. ..__...t.. _ _ti�., ..... ._.. .__,�z...r ----.... ...___.._ ._,_. .. . _ _..._._.,.- tC, 2 stage (s) . ___..._�_...___..----___......_._..�--- � ---_..._.:._��_.::::-��:::: _: � .-�-�---_::... __._:.._.._• -- -- -- - - - -- # . � :_. -:���:� - =;=�:-; _::��-- �Y=�:-2:=� � � �:_: _�-_==����:_ . � � ._._. _ 3 � �r>� �� ��.;:�.:s=::: �• _:��.� _ - �.E..�_ �_.�_� ----_...._ ..__... .._..._._:_._...._._..__. . - - - _.: _ ..s:�- _ :--= �---- ..�::_z_:> _-:_:_-:::_-_: _-_:- - _::_: __.�.....-:�� ___ -_:- �_.�:_., �:::, =� _� �::::_w:--::.:: �__ :::_-rr=: , �.::.-:= _� ._= __::-.. =--_� ._ ::-,--: p0 queue free % 98 97 97 �.�-.�_-=_ _� . • - -_ - ----.-_-.....-----..._._-:-�,::`�_:_� -` _=_:—.:__:__:_-:�:::� _-:_=._:�:=__-��_:--::::<_ ===�-==-_== = __ _ . t : _ /Ex _.., . _ �38�k� : :�=:-,__-:�:: _-��:=�-°� � ::. °°_ =: _.� _. ..�� __:-.:-__ :_:_�:::-::_:�::_ _:;:._ -;:=__ =:-=-_-....._..._......_-_�<:_- =--- = :: - r�ll �'dpaG .��.�.�fv�r �.;.;� --.._:: . -- . , r.-- -..: . ._._��� _, - - - _:::-::.- ,-: Volume Left 26 0 14 __ ___ __ . __ __ __ : -:._:_ _--= :_.:_ _ . _,_. --�--..�= =::,:,` __`;,` :::,:�::-:::,.;�--�: �.:::::�_ ,,. 1lolume=R� ��_�_�`^_�_�-_.: =: :-€�:0 $" _ _�3_ ......__.....= --:.: _ �:-.._..� -_: _ ... �. _._ :_�::::;::: r::.�. ��::_ :>::�: � �.; ..._ �:..: _._::._ _ ...-:_ _-:-- . . :. _. _ ; ..___...__.__.___.�-...__.__....---------------- ____._.. . ---...:.__....-------.....__._....._........_........__.__._.:--�-=--.____.._._:. _............_._........_.........._____..._.._.T...... _..__.._---...____. _---------�_._�---_:-,___-:_._._._....----- ___:._,:....�:_..._. cSH 1384 1700 709 Lane LOS A B Approach LOS Baseline Synchro 6 Report Page 6 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Ever Vail 2025 AM Total wl Si�nba 6: Forest Road & Access F � 0�22/2009 �'' � "'�-' '�. �► � Grade 0% 0°la 0% VaCurr�e v��1� °25 235 205 .'[0 =.=� 5 :: 2f� .._.. .._ �_. . � .._.:.._ _.... _.._... . ..... ......... ----.. ._ . .... _. .._� _--�- -.. ._ �,_ _......._ .. . ._. ,.,,, Peak Nour Factor 0.92 0.92 4.92 0.92 Q.92 0.92 �foa�ty flQv�r c�te:�vp�� _.._�..2� _ 2� �23 ' 'f � _; �5._, :_.,2� : _....... . . .... ........._. _.. ._..... .....- - - -. _.. . ..- -----._._ ._..._n .. .._....__ __._. Pedestrians �an��Vlfidt�t_(�#� __ ._._..--- ...::.._� .:.:..... ..:.._:._.. _..__ .... ..... . �., ...._. . ..._.... ..�, Walking Speed (fUs) _.__ _......_.. ._. _ ..._. ..__ �.:._._ __... Percent-E3[ocka9� _:.. . .... �:: _ . .,.„; . ,:.: :_. . ... ., _._:._. _._..._._.....`_ ._... ....... :_- .. _ ::. ......... ...,_.�. . .._. .. ... _ ::.. Right turn flare (veh) Median storage veh} �.!_ps�earr��sgi�aL(#t�.r _..__.._ -------- - . �__-,. -- <__ _..-_ .:.:..... ...:..�:.. .: . -- .. ..-� ---- -:: ..... _. . ._...._._ - --- - pX, alatoon unblocked e 1 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 234 538 228 : � singte�s};- -=� _`�'! ---. _ 64. ,.$.� ,__-, - _.-�-- -- _ .. ._ ..... _._...._. .._.. . : � ._ ., _--.---. .-.------ _-.---__. ___...._ ._._..__._____: tC, 2 stage (s) . _ = :_:-__ .. :�_�:::-_ _::= �. -_ -.-_ -=— tF.� _:. :.__...�.r_ ._..���-:-��;2 2� ��.��� _-;... .. _ ...� 5 ......_:3 �:_ _.�� :�_=:_� •,:::�:; _-:�=�,:,:��-�_::—:_:_�,: _ . -E.._� ..._....._....___.._..__------- -- —. _ _ ___ _..._.... ---.....-------..._.,. ,. _. _: .... .. _ -_ - _ _ _ - - - - - _- = _= _ - --�---�----�---...__.._......_�...r ,•._...._ ._.._ �,_. �.,._:- ::�:..-,:.=.:_�__:- -_-- -_.-::�::..._---�:�;� :.�; ,.�_ _.: :::;;:;:_,:;-:.�_� �� _ p0 queue free % 9$ 97 97 -�- -�---�- .=-�-� �-=- : : _:::� =,-� _;_ �: _--:_:; _�. ::., :� _; _� cM c��acify'.�veh� =_ �33� .. _ :;-. .. _..:_ ::4J4 ��1 .___ _. --_�= : -- -. _ ,_: Volu"r�i� Tat�l= - .: 283" i234 - _ 38 ;.: . _ _ _ - ._ _._._. _-. _. ,__ _ _ _ =-_ - - _ _ .__ .. �::. Volume Left 27 0 16 �.ofu��Rig�t ._ ;.-_ � �#� 2� ` ; , , . ----...._. ..... .._.__------. ._. ._..__.._._._.. .__ . , .�,-_:. ._._._.____.. ..._ .---.._ __..---- . _ .._..__ _._._.: cSH 1334 1700 636 T[i�.:.�fa� ac _�:...: - :...:-_�-:-.�.::-::::_:::-_--:=:_:�:_� �/.� _. �. _--- - - .._. ._ _..... ._..: Q-D2 � -14 � 06 ::_ :_:w_=-:�: _-_ ::�::. _:=.�� �_::::r.: _�, _._.__ p _.!�__.. .._..----___.�..._._._._...__..__.....,.._ -- -�: _ - - --=---- ____.._._.. _._ _ _„__ _-.... : -_ :: _,: ..::_ . _.. :.�,:_.:�:-..._-_:.,...::_: _�_ _.� . _._: �.: :: =....-_ =::.:-_ = _-.....: =� :-;. =_: � :::: _::�::_:- _ _ Queue Lenqth 95th (ft} 2 0 5 Lane LOS A Approach LOS y - -� B } . .�.--- � � _. .�;��� s��r_a.L-1::.,,�,._. .� ...r.�.,_...��.,.,:.� ��3.y ...x.-._.��.n.n_..-,�..,��.r..i:.:m' ......:..............,.�--...„;Y:.-,m-,c.,a. _ .� .-.-r.�-r..r_:�.__,..., ,.—m.Tmr.,c r ��✓. .. `...� 4� �yL """L : � f � k F IS �F'».�.1 � G � -^�^'st"'w ^-t "�" °+` , -,.s� .Y .. Y.w.."i'.�""�"_ 7� �-ti,-... k... �su�'x� 1 -s. -.^z.-c..�ax..^�r......-..'` �• ...,...is�..� � .�' �' ' ' fB �!. 5 ' ' • - - •� Baseline Kimley-Hom and Associates, Inc. Synchro 6 Report Page 6 Ever Vail 6: Forest Road & Access F � � � � � � 2025 PM Total w/ Simba � ot2ti2oos Vofu€ne ��el�l�� _..,,,_; . �.5 ,�3� 2Q5_ _ :'10.. ._.. 1� ._..; 20 _ . .: . ; . : � . _ _.�„_ .._._.._ _�,:, ....._. . _.. .... __ ... _ . : Peak Fiour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 �g�dy_�#fow�ra��(vp�"}" .._ ... �� _ ,: 25� _ 2�3 . __....::� �. ._ :::. �-6.__ 22 , : ` : _ .:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _.___. _ ___...__ . �,_: Pedestrians __ __ _,.- __..,._ ---_...._----- Right tum flare (veh) 1�lediari. . --_ ... �.._......---.__....-- --=::_-.�:��:?�!1�__� �ion� . � _- _ :. .� _::. ...---__ .-�---- -- ---... ... _ . . _.;, -- = :, .,._ ....- -----... . _ .. _ . _.. ....._..- --.._._..��:_-:::�_: _:�---... � y Median sforage veh) __. ,�- ... _.. _..w :� : �-:::.-.::�_ � ::::::.:::::::_.- _ -ream:sr af ::.:.:.::.. .._�::::::::___. �:-:::::. �-�:::_:_::::::.: _: r� ft .�=�:�--:€�.--=��:�:=.-=;_ ....=:_:_.�_::::_:- : _ �.,-=___:�: _ . �t.- _..._._. .. ._ . . . _. _ __. __ . :. ; .,- ____.. .... . _ ...:._. .::::-_:.:���::���:::_::�_��:'��::��:_:==-::�::_-==:: , � ____._,,......._9.__..._�..) �:..._�....___...__.. ... _ ._.. __._..__:._...:.:_:.....-.-_-._ . _._.__ ___=. _ _ _.,..--�- --....... ....�--_ --..,.�. ..._.._�. ...,.�--- ... �:.�:�:�.::_:::::.:�:� pX, platoon unblocked v� �o�#�Leti��g�zuturr�� 2�E- _ -53$ 1�8 _=� �:� __ , - ----------_. ._------:� ...______ . .. - -- -..._ ------�- --�------ - -- -- _ . _ =- ---:-- ----- - - - - - -- - -- ----- �----- ---... . . , _._. vC1, stage 1 confvol vCu, unblocked vol 234 538 228 p0 queue free % 98 97 97 ._ . : �_ _ �lU��a�iact�!_�ve�h7ti) _.�, �t334 = _ ,-_ .���4 -8� � : vo�ume t�iar, �._ ,=:��so- .�3� �� _ ::- _:, ,...-.. _ _:: ;- ---_ - __ ___ - ---_-- ____ ___. ,_ __ ,:::_ ,_-: . .... ,: ,. ,- _:. _ Volume Left 27 0 16 , ...._...._ , _ �D�lJET1H fZi�f1�._='-:�.`-�� :._ _... _. � a 1 �� ._... _._. .. . _,.__-- -°°--.<......_.. __ ------.� .. .,�.:. ..--�--- _ .._.�,. ....�, ------- .—__._...____.:-. cSH 1334 1700 636 -_:- .. . : - � r: ekr_.DeC� .. �:_..:._ �. __.:t}� , _ .:O�Q .._. #1:fl..._... . . :. . s::�:- :_=:--�_- =-:-::w===::€_:_:_-:--�.=-__=:���€::;= - . � __ :.:....:...::::::_:::-:�::-�:_-�::;:__:-:�_:-;::::::::=::_-:-�_�:_:=��_�::�::;:_---------->-..._._��.:�:=_..�-: _��p�:�_:::::�: � ��� Y.� :�.- _�::: �: .::::__:::�:-�:�:..::::...:�_.: :..,-.:::.:._:.:::,:_::.::.- ... .............-- ---- ----....__.........------------------ ---- _----..._._..... -- -............,... __....._..--------.. Approach LOS 8 � � � :. — � � ,r = ,..:-: .._ ti._...::_., ,��s, � �:.;. :... _ ,. _., .; , , , , �..----_=_ _.---- .._ :...--__ � - _ �5� � F1G � i n, d r� K ' x �-�' .�- � �-� .�� "' `�, . . ''� F^ - � .la. FSEs"!r..r'' Baseline Synchro 6 Report Page fi Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.