HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB100208�� G�k.Y.1J�+lrr CEVELOPk1EweT Design Review Board ACTI4 N FO RM Department of Community Dewelopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: KORCH DECK RAILINGS Project Description: DECK RAILINGS Participants: OWNER KORCH, BRADLEY & ANGELA 4284 COLUMBINE DR #D VAI L CO 81657 APPLICANT KORCH, BRADLEY & ANGELA 4284 COLUMBINE DR #D VAIL CO 81657 Project Address: 4284 COLUMBINE DR VAIL STREAMSIDE DUPLEXES UNIT D DRB Number: DR6100208 06/ 11/2010 06/ 11/2010 Location: Legal Description: Lot: 20-1 Block: Subdivision: STREAMSIDE DUPLEXES Parcel Number: 2101-122-2900-2 Comments: Motion By: DUBOIS Second By: KlES60 Vote: 4-0-0 Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: APPROVED Date of Approval: 07/07/2010 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0011507 The applicant shall replace the north (back) deck rail to match the proposed south (front) deck rail. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 :'�ti, 1 i. 2C10 8:53AM VA:! ���ORT� �"�KT � � � N0, �9^� , � —,c ',� - -,;;' �e,' 'r�r` ;J:' ;t'" -;r�'.�°- ;�,-� ,,� � , .... ,,. ,.�.. •- ..,., ._ ,.� i' _ �.�. _ f.�'.,1.�� ,. '�.4.1i'.. ,` y:�{Y � . .'!'!' � !����^ � . � .. `.Y ' . `,,�,, . � �,�,;, �#�"` ''� ' a pepar�dan�r��a�,;Coina�i�a9ty D�evelopmer�� ` � ''-',,;;� �,_ �'.°<� �'' .�`�a��•. ; �.. _ tiy : ', . y � .7,�,, Squth Fr�tage v ;. 9ir � ��{L�s ' �y; .�r, i► »� '`� . _ � � ' ` ; .z*�� a � i'w, , . `� '' ��. r x � o • ` . , • � ' Y wla� �l '� ., . ;` �:�, �s '� � ' : ` � . � ,' ' , .� � � � < ' �:- � �, Q .' %�6.��.: �" z � ' � _,, � f.:; ,, • :� -c.�. : y - �'�r'+` ^ ,'• � i ;� 4 `'� �� . . •. .� �, �"�� '%e� �;,.+ . �, a� ri • : „ _ ��� " ���i � ` S. . � . ,� • a�� p. , �� i � ,, .J,: :-r� �` � ,,i . .-= +{„'' ' , . �., Appiication for Design Review Minor Exterior Alteratio� JUN 11 ?�10 .._ L� Generat Information: This application is required for all proposals involving minor change � (�s a� � rm- provemen�s, such as roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences, retaining walls, eCc. �I Town CAde settio�s can be found at www.vailaov.com under Vail Inforrnation - Town Code Online. All pro7ects re- quiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit apptication, An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required informaGon is received by the Community Development Department, as outlined in the submittal requfrements, The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/ar the Plan- ning and Environmental Commission. Design review approva! expires one year from the date of approvat, unless a building permit is issued and construction commences. Fee: �250 for Multi-Family/Commercial ;20 for Single Famity/Duplex Single Family ✓ Duplex Multi-Family Commercial Description of the Reqaest: W6 ""ould like to re-do the railing of our existing deck to bring it up to code and match it to the railing on the stairs and around the hot tub area of the house. On the two small decks on the back of the unit that faces Bighom, we would like to follow the existing railing design but bring up to code by reducing the gap. Phrsical Add�ess: 4284 Columbine Dr. Unit D 2 ot-tzZ- �q-Oo�.- Parcel Number: (Contad Eagle Co, Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.} Property Owner: Angela and Bradley Korch Mailing Address: 751 St Andrews Ln_, Louisville, CO 80027 Phone• �6-221-9661 Owner's Signature: Primary Cohtact/ Owner Representative: Angela Korch 646-221-?661 Mailing Address: 751 St Andrews Ln., �ouisville, CO 80027 Phone: 646-221-9661 E-Mai(• akorch cQgmail.com Fax: For Office Use �Only: Cash_ CC: Visa Fee Paid: �A' � Meeting Date: Plannar: Zoning: 4 CC # ��— Auth # Check # Received From; � ^- DRB No.: � �v ��� Project Nv: _Q'v`� `� ' C�Zt,� _ Land Use: Location of the Proposal� Lot: Block: Subdivlsion: GI-Jan-la / � � JU�, ? 1. 20? 0 6: 53AM VAI L RE�ORT� �v"�T Angela. aad Brad Korcb 4284 Columbine Dr. Unit D Vail, CO Phone: 646-221-9661 Project: Deck railing replacetneat June 10, 2010 Design Review Committee, N0.894 p, ' Pleas� find the attached description and cietails of our plan to replace the railing at our residence. The current railing is not up to code and has a�azge gap that we aze vcrorried my be unsafe for our daughter. We wouid Iike to replace the railin,g writh $ simitar railing to what is on the statrway and around the hot tub on rhe deck. Thank you for your tune, Augela Korch Jun 11 10 11:51p .' 1UWN{k YF�. . Brad Korch ]OINT PRaPERTY i�W�IER WRITTEN APPFt.�VA�. LET�ER 2125799029 ;� . 1 This �o�n is appiicable to all Des!gn Revew a{�plicants that sha�e ownership of the subject property. For exam- ple, the wbject property where ocnstn:ction is qca�mng is a dupl+ex, can�orniniur;� or multi-ter�ant buiEding. This form shall be co{naleted by the ap�licant's ne�ghbor/ j�int praperty o�vne�. In #he case of a mukipt�farnity dwell- ing or rr,ult-tenant builCing, the authori,y o' the zssociation shalt ccr�Flete th�s form and mail t�� Community Development Depa;tcr;ent, 75 Soutt� Frontage Road, Vaif, CD B165? ar fax ta 97o.479.2452. . . ) :� I, (prir; ra located at � d�_� �, a joint owner, or au[hori,y of the assodatiorr; of property � , provide this fetter as writtr� apprc�al of the ;,ians oated _ ', la, "���:' �- �%-L z�: ��j� have b�n submit~ed to the Tcwn of vall Community Development Department For ttie �rop� improuements to be �ampfeted at the ac1- c�ess no[ed�bove� I Jnderstand �at the �roposed imp�over;ze�ts include: (Signature) (Date) Additionallr► ptease d�ecic tfie statement below rrhict� is mast a�pp6cable tv �ou: r� t undersrand thaf mirr�� rnodi�_atiofrs ma� be made to rhe acJa2s o wer the course of the �ev'�ew p�vicess tv er; - su�rompl;ance wi� �e Town s a,cplicab/e cades a,^.d �gul�ti�rts. �,/,.�'� �=--= (Initia/ here) c I repuesf thaC a1/ mcadifrcaUons, mino� or otfieimse, rvh�ch are made to the p/ans nver [he cnurse of tfie re- viecv process, 6e 6rought to my atrention by the appJ<<,ant for ac�itrona/ a{�rouaf befom undergoing f�ier re- vrew by the Toarn. �' _—� : .:�C.:.._.. __,_ (�n/Gal here) f.'�aievVortnsipermitsll�IanninglORBlDRB_M�nor £zte�ior Allera;io�_.;fQ'110 p.2 GmJC'l. 1?.201Qi; 8:74A��East`VAIL RE�ORT� 1��(?�il.com �!0. 894>age P. 41 Gmail Celendar pocuments Web Rgader more ♦ akorc ��� Show sea � � Search Mail Search the Web ��Qi�Q a � 'tn { ,� k*SE� co�mROS� Mail 6oulder Activities - www.LivingSocial.com - Looking For Something To Do fn 6ou(d�r; inboz (399) �U7.,� Sent Mail Drafts Abby CO 6 more. Contacts Chat Search, add, or invite Angela Korch Set status here Lindsay Costef(o Rebecca Ronzio Flannery McKenna Jason Meshnick K�thleen Barefoot Kimberly Ramos Available between dia... Stacy Eisner Brad Korch Hanna Shea rjjvalentino 4R.ti,Qn� Ara�,Fpnta�� Invite a friend Give Gmail to: Sene Invhe 100 I@ft Previe��te «���14.t4�D.k14X Archive Report spam Delete Move to New Neighbor in East Vail inbox x Angela Korch to RandiePc show detail$ Jun 8(2 days ago) Hi Randie, Labels Mor �eply My name is Angela Korch and I got your emaif from Chris Gunion. We just purchased the other half of the duplex at 4284 Columbine and wanted to introdcac� ourselves to our new neighbors. My husband is Brad and our daughter (2 Yrs) is Abby. If you ever need anything or want to get in touch with us you can use this email or my cell is 646-221-9661. We also would like to re-do the railings on our deck as the space is very large and we're nervous that our active 2 year old will find a way to fall off the deck. We are applying for a TOV design review approval and would like to 2�sk for yovr approval for application. We are going to make the railing the same as the railing going up our stairs and that is around the hot tub area. If you wouldn't mind, I've attached the form (onty need page ?_) that we need to submit. ►f you could fill it out and em< it back to me that would be great (they also said emailing the response tv the item on p.2 would be adequate as weil). Please feel free to call me with any questions 1 look forward to meeting you sometime soon! Thanks again, Angela Korch � DRB_Mino� Exterior Alteration 01011o.pdf 206K �%IEW �OWiliOaC� Realv Forward Randie Polidori to me show detail� Jun 9(1 day ago) RePiy Hi, Welcome to the cul de sac. 1 am happy to agree to your request. In attempting to fi�l it out on the computer, I got a message that 1 could not save the fo�m to my computer and was instructed to print it out which 1 have done. Do you have a fax number that ( can send it to? Randie From: Angela Korch (mailto:akorGhQgmail+com] Sent: Tuesday, June O8, 2010 '1:08 PM To: RandiePolidori�comcast.net Subject: New Neighbor in East Vail - Show quoted lert - Randie Polidori https://mail.google.com/mail/?shva=l 6111/2010 � x !' � i��,�, { � � � �' . �.�---�— r.,,— ' � _ �,� , �~;;�i -- _ — � .���"'�• ? � � :, ', � _- _ _. _ __;� _ -_=..._�-. i..-- �- � , � j . ` : .' : � ; � •, �.. � , • _ _. - •-- •-° •� - �.+rr�.s�,.� , ,.� ���., � _��r �+..++� , a � � � K si. . , '��, � ` `'' ''�^ % , � ' �;l� tY$��'�'h;�.�'' •r` ^scr "' 1, . ''7� : tia. � ,�.�,: �' � �, �- 1�- ,. -�,�., ::� �,;:;��-��. �: ; :_ �� � ' �:., � . . ���I R , ��� ��,. • ?'•� �"��'•^'� �' ; . , , ', • . $�.� riiy ; ��'„ '.y � � a, I•' . 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I hercby cervfy chec this fMFROVEMENT LOC.37i0� CERTIFICATE +vas pre�ared for Hank of.tmerfca snd Scewart Tide_ tAet i� is nat a 1anQsurvry pla� or improvement survcy plac, and t1,2: it is na ro 6e relied vpon fat rhe es�ablishmen[ cf t�nca, Duild'mg, a other funuc impro�ement lina. t flinher certify s6n[ eho improvemen[s on the above described paral � thia date, Apri107, ?D10, accepe neliry conneuions, ue enorely wi�hin rhe boundsries of the perce! oo:ept aa nhown, wa� �here are no cn�oaehmen� upon the described premises by impro�emrnts on any adjeining prcmiscs. cacepi as indicare�, and rhat chcre are no spparrnt e�idcnce of az�v easemem aossing of burdrning any pan oP said p�;sel, ex�.epc as nored, Leiand LccMer FLS 2350ti No[cs: Recorded infatmacion and ehe legal deseriprion �as provided b.r S[e..an Titie The e,tsemene lisced on Order No. 926879 �h�t Lie within the subjec� propero �nd ar: deacnbed in a way c�ai al;cws ��:m to b: dra�n, are shown on �t,e drawing. Address: a28a D Columb�ne Dri�e �� c� C� J� � � • �18°54'00.. R=! %5.20' L=57.74 LC=>�.53' � LCB=h 46'10'00" E �,ti0 duDbx oWlne hliow: l� Ds!eei W�es SS�e 1j �O � e9h o,y�� °da / � 0 - -.� .�xet j �p \ 4� i , \ \ \ • , F� P27CB� C ,.�mct � � � , 0.022 A: , `� � � i. �P �i 5\-\ \ �' eodc � a�yea c . b yr,YwUi �_�`. O � � � ` ,, �',,` { � S \ x , � j .✓ �°�\\ � �OOe�lwaltlmi� 'J r.� •. ��. \*s \ '� ! ,�,'- • =� � 'L °�, a.:'- � \V e ,r� � 'rw Qp � \ l / , v� a � ` � '. \ � �\ Common Parcel B \ \ 0.2l6Ar_ \ \ \ � \ � Stre3mslde Duplexes \ � ��\ \9D � �� \ . \ \ \ \ ' \ \ � \ \ Parcel D o.oiz A�. e:dn. ,b� S �� �toZc '� /. � �� � � o- i .4j i �'ry , , 5� Scalc 1 "=30' Dr" �15 — � ��� �¢ �BD � :6p 1�. Nae� L*9 dR+9.+9y aervea 3 aNB� QuG�cttaa �n Q�Is aova�opmern arb rs ar 'AOparant Aaess Ebeemenl' Noa: �ccording to Colorado law, you musc eommma any legal scuon bssod upon a�ry dcftct on [his ce[ti5cate within throe years aRa yov 6rst CiSCOvar such dePacc. In no eveat may any �enon bosed upon an� defec[ in chis survey be commenced merc than ten yeats irom rhe da�e oPcert�Bca�ion sAown heroon. Leland Lechna PLS 30946 Cwnry Rd. 356. Burna L'isla, Co, 8127 S( 719 ) 395•9160 � r :' � � /. � C�� r �" \�j��''J \ , 1 � r *******�************�**************************�*******�**�*�***�***�*****************r*r**� TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ***��*******��****���+**********�*r*****«*********+******�*�***********************+�+��**** Statement Number: R100000668 Amount: $20.00 06/11/201011:13 AM Payment Method:Credit Crd Init: LC Notation: CREDIT CARD ANGELA KORCH ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: DRB100208 Type: DRB-Minor A1t,SFR/DUP Parcel No: 2101-122-2900-2 Site Address: 4284 COLUMBINE DR VAIL Location: STREAMSIDE DUPLEXES UNIT D Total Fees: $20.00 This Payment: $20.00 Total ALL Pmts: $20.00 Balance: $0.00 **�*******�********s***************�***�**�**********�**�********�*****************�******** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOWN OF UAIL COM DEU 75 S FRONTA6E RD. UAIL� CO 81657 978-479-2321 TERIQHRL I.D.� Zaei �ERCHAHT N� MASTERCARD �q�il�l�i�k2253t MAIL DRDER BRTCH� BBBB62 INV:000001 AUTH:87826B JUN 11� 10 09:07 TOTAL �20.00 CUSTOlER COPV �;r � „�r:-. , � ■I! v� �r w�..� Y• � "t,$ a ■�.�". i, �„�'.i � 5^ .+.,c'"�^ � „ i ) 's � . �, � jt x - ��,.. K �.. , `�,dw < � :. �s � ' �� �.. J �..�'' ��'�# <_. '°'�' .�;� .."�'� � � �£n � �,� � �"� %��� . � � ��,�� �', �y � 's f�� .�{'{ � � � ��� � J.� { �4. i�,:% � ,...i.:. �,� '>_ i . ,. ���.� '� , r',� � R. :.� . '� , ° f� .�� ��?�6 � � "-J i� . .; � � 1•�� �Y•' � �,. � �5 �s � ��I� � ' � z s., �. j��i�,r�' ii w �;.�� , . � `f.��t ' _ �; µ � �� � �*,� _,�-A. �' � � �x _" .� � 7 � � ��. ,,,wc , . '� • ..`����� ,�'� ��`��,,����'�.�° u�•`.?� }�� .� . � u , � � +�` � . *f���� i ��. ����. .j , � �� ' i�• %. � ' P �I'�jl�' ��'' I���+�!�I� i �;,'i It'I� � , I � j'�,II� �, �' I � ' ;I��'f����II,iI , ���+���„��`��I�!i�;' �t�'� N . .,'`"s �'. ! . 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