HomeMy WebLinkAboutB10-0048NOTE: TH/S PERM/T MUST BE POSTED ON JOBS/TE AT ALL TIMES .� �wxo�vn� • Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2139, f. 970.479.2452, inpsections 970.479.2149 ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: B10-0048 Job Address: Location......: Parcel No....: 975 FAIRWAY DR VAIL 210108116001 OWNER VEST HOLDINGS INC 04/09/2010 16601 CENTRAL GREEN BLVD STE 200 HOUSTON TX 77032 CONTRACTOR BAUER HOME IMPROVEMENT 07/07/2010 Phone: 970-390-2909 • PO BOX 1015 EDWARDS CO 81632 License: 312-A APPLICANT SAUNDRA SPAEH, AIA 04/09/2010 P.O. BOX 454 VAIL CO 81658 License: C000002053 Phone:970-476-8996 ARCHITECT SAUNDRA SPAEH, AIA 04/09/2010 Phone: 970-476-8996 P.O. BOX 454 VAIL CO 81658 License: C000002053 Description: REPLACE WINDOWS IN LIVING ROOM AND STUDY. CONSTRUCT DORMER TO REPLACE SKYLIGHT. Occupancy: 53 Type Construction:VB Project #: Status . . : Applied . . : Issued . .. : Expires . ..: PRJ10-0112 ISSUED 04/09/2010 07/13/2010 01 /09/2011 Valuation: $130,000.00 Total Sq Ft Added: p ................................................................................. FEE SUMMARY ,.......,....,........,�.,..,,....._,,..,....,...,..,.«.,....,..,.,,,,.,....,,.,, Building Permit Fee------> $1,161.75 Will Cal Fee------------------> $4.00 Total Calcufated Fees-----------> Plan Check------------------> $4,320.89 $755.14 Use Tax Fee-----------------> $2,400.00 Additional Fees---------------------> $0.00 Add'I Plan Check Hours-> $0.00 Restuarant Plan Review-----> $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES------------> Investi ation-----------> 34,320.89 9 $0.00 Recreation Fee---------------> $0.00 Payments---------------_____--_-> $4,320.89 Total Calculated Fees------> $4,320.89 BALANCE DUE----------------> E0.00 ++.+.+r�+xierwxxr,v��tiy,�xi����r�����iy,:xxr,r���xxwirrr�:�w�x�.rw,r:::rr�.i,r�xxev.���xr.�+„�x�r�xxe���rr�+:xwwwx�i:xnvxr.�rtwx:xrx�,e��xwwv.x�wwv.xxw�t�s.ww,r�x.�xtx�x��.wxv,�xr�i,rx,.v.a>eetxxxr��xe,r+ DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, compieted an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS F INSPEC -ION LL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - P / 7� �� /d ignatur of O n r Contractor Da e Print Name bld alt_construction_permit_041908 •Zt44�R�NMw�ff�}fx�*HxtRwflltXkfAxRwk}fffYi#�fYf;f#x1wl/R�RwkR�RRff'RfrlRRfwYfltttYf}�RHfwkfH�ww*NffYRifrtY411f4Y#��f�w1#fRff►##hRf►wfrR�ffYYiRx<ff�*!#f)fwR*��ffwW*#fffYfRi#f�fltkA APPROVALS Permit #: 610-0048 as of 07-13-2010 Status: ISSUED •reir�r.xxs.r��wwrrwx�:zrr��xrww�:wv�rv,��exwwwx�s.txxxxx�:xxxw���w:xw,�,r:x:rr�w+wx�t+�:xr���wwwrxrwwxxv.s.i.,�xi��i.,rxw�w,�„xi�r�wxi�,�:rxe�w�xxx+w�w:e�ri,y.x»�v.�:w:xww,H.xxewwwx�rr�x+x:x�,rv.�::t Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 07/07/2010 Martin Action: CR In order to approve the application permit for this address I need to resolve 2 items 1. Please complete the special inspection form for who is to do the third party special inspection on the steel/ welding. See the towns web or you may pick up a copy in our office. 2. Show how the ventilation of the living room is to meet the minimum requirements of the building code. Thank you Martin 07/13/2010 JRM Action: AP ITEMS RESOLVED APPROVED Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 06/24/2010 bgibson Action: AP plans routed to A-3 Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 06/28/2010 drhoades Action: AP Contact the fire alarm company to determine if any impacts to fire alarm system will occur and to avoid false alarms. Bagging of detectors is prohibited. +rrerarrs.»��rr�v.x:s.rwax�r�w:xwwxx�:,rwx�:w,rw,r�irrrrwx:w����.s.:�v,::xiwx�s.wev,�x�xxr,��wxx,rxxxw+�+xxs.�v,::s.y��xwrrtxxxx�x+x�xwx��x:v,��w�re��xyrrtwv,xx,r���xw�n�ir,r���.xrxw,Mww�r�rww�i�x�srxM.r� See the Conditions section of this Document for any that may apply. bld alt construction�ermit 041908 x�RVr�t�����W��H.:itx�srwwr+r:�����w+xr++::�r*******�xwx�x+�rrxwwwrwrr�n.xx�rxe���xrw:w::�wx+r++n.��*xrw�r:����+wwx+w��x�xw��xx���+wwx�xx�r��xexx��Rtxxx:t+�trrxx�:�+�x:x��xxxx+:��xxie+t CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 610-0048 as of 07-13-2010 Status: ISSUED inew�+Rxx��s.i+kmrt:�:x,trr:w�:��re+rzt:x:���,M:xw��+w++w�wwxwwwxx��+ax,v�++.�+.+ke,re:::��wwx,eitx�xwwx+:xw:ws.awx:x��x::�ww:x::xxxww:x:��+kw+riwwx�rs.eyx�+.xvr++rw�+s.t�xww���w:�ve�w:r�re�� Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 44 (BLDG 2009): (SFR) SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED PER SECTION R314 OF THE 2009 IRC, IF APPLICABLE UNLESS A MONITORED FIRE ALARM SYSTEM IS REQUIRED. Cond: 42 (BLDG 2009) CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORS REQUIRED TO BE INSTALLED PER 2009 IRC R315 bld alt_construction_permit 041908 FI�i��I=i[�S���kF �' �iNNOF VAIL ' ITIS � ���o�� JUL 0 9 2010 TOWN OF VAIL 3036747560 Job Name: '� Job Address: Permit No,: SPECIAL INSPEC710N AND TESTING AGREEMEN7' - bo {To applicants of projects requiring Special Inspection or Testing per Section 1701 of the !BC) The owner or his/her representative, on the advice of the design professionai in rasponsible charge, shall complete, seal, sign and submit a copy of the Special Inspection Agreement and Structural Tests Scheduled to the Town of Vail for review and approval. Signatures are required on both pages; photocopied or faxed signatures are acceptable. The owner and his/her general contractor, where applicable, shall also acknowledge the following conditions applicable to Speciaf Inspection Testing: 1. Contractor is responsible for proper not+fication to the Inspection or Testing agency for items listed.(Page 1) (IBC 1704} 2. Only the festing laboratory should take samples and transport them to their laboratory. 3. Copies of aIf laboratory reports and i�spections are to be sent directly to the Town of Vail by the Testing agency on a weekly basis. 4. Inspec6on agency to submit names and qualifications Of on-site special inspeCtors to the Town of Vail ior review and approval.( Page 2) 5. The special inspector is responsible to immediatefy notify the Town of Vail Building OfFiciai in writing of any concerns and/or problems encountered. 6. It is the responsibility of the contractor to review the Tpwn of Vail approved plans for additional inspection or testing requirements that may be noted. A pre-construction confarence at the job site is recommended to review speciat inspection procedures. 7. The special inspector shall use only the Town of Vail approved drawings. 8. All special inspectlon field reports must be left on site for review by the Town of Vail staff prior to required inspections or re-inspections. BEFORE OCCUPANCY WILL BE GRANTED: The special inspection agency shall submit a signed and sealed statement that aU items requiring testing and inspection were fulfifled and reported. Those items nof tested and/or inspacted shal! be noted in this statement. A copy of the statemenf shalf be maintained at the job site For the Building Inspector's review prior to final inspec6on. Acknowledge e t: Owner: �/� � �' Signature %�__ ����/� Print fYame Dat Special Agency: PfOject Contractor: Tiiu L, � L,, Print Name �_�s.�_� .�J Date �.��.s�� g �,� Print Name Daf Z��,K � � /O Print Name ' e -3- p.3 Jul 08 10 09:33a , . , ITIS 3036747560 [�CC� C�OMf� D ��L 09 2010 TOWI� OF VAIL iDWNOFYAIT, SPECfAL INSPECTION AND TESTING SCHEDULE (IBC 1704) Project Name: � C,C Permit #�1� � �O��j Owner's Nam . Testing Insp tfOfl /� PrintName Date � t, -___.___� T� 7' � :/� Print Name Date He�eby certifies tha! the Testing/Inspection Agency named above has been engaged fo pertorm structurat tests and inspections during construction as checked below, to satisfy all applicable portions of the Building Code. Prior to ftnal inspection, the Inspection Agency shall submit a statement that all items of designated work perFormed were reported. Any items checked trut not tested or inspected will be noted and explained_ Whenever any designated Items on the list are ready for sampling, testing, or inspection, it shall be the responsi6ility of the contractor to give timely notice fo the Inspection agency so that the required services may be pertormed. REIPIFORClNG STEEL: Tensile 8 8end, o�e set per heat per tons Inspection of Placement Inspedion oi Welding Epoxy AAASON RY: Prelim. Acceptance Tesis (Masonry Uniis, Watl Prisms> Subsequent 7ests (MoRar, Grout, Field Wall Prisms) Inspection of Placement and Grouting Reinforcing Tests fnspection of Reinforcing Placement Tendon Tesis Inspection of Tendon Placement Inspection otConcrete Placement Inspection of Concrete BatChing Inspedion of Panel Attachment & fnserts Cort�rossian Tests Inspection of SiressingltransTer PILING, CAISSOMS, CAPS, TiES: Inspection of Reinforcing Placement Inspection of Cancrete Placement Inspection of Concrele Baiching Specify olher tesfs, inspections or specia! instructions required. � UNDERPINNING: _�, Temporary/Permanent Inspedion of Steei Fabrication (nspection of Reinfarcing & Forms Inspection of Concrete Placement Inspection of Tiebacks 5011. NAILS: Temporary Shoring Permanent Wali STRUCTURALSTEEL; Sample & Test (List spe�c members helow) �� Shop ldenlification & Welding Inspection Shap Ulirasonic Inspection Shop Radiography �_ Field Welding tnspection. Fetd Boking Inspection Field UHrasonic Inspection Field Radiography Metal Deck Welding Inspaction FIREPROOFING: Inspection & Placement SOILS: Acceptance 7ests Moisiure-�ensity Determination Fleld Density Drilfed Piers Qeep Foundation STRUCTURAL WOOD: Inspec�ion of Fabrication Inspection Of 7rusS Joint Fabrication Sample & Test Components lnspecGon of Glu Lam Fabrication SMOKE CONTROL: SPECIAL CASES: SPECIAL (NSPECTION: SeEsmic Resistance Wind Requirements BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Separate permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, fireplace, etc. Project Street Address: Office Use: ,/J �� �/���-Z � 7 e/ � Project #: _ �1 �-� ( � '— � � � Z (Number) (Street) (Suite #) DRB #: �� Cj l dd I C�O Building/Complex Name: T���.�-� y Building Permit #: �lQ ��U�'i � Contractor Information: Company: �1FZ/� �G��� /, Company Address: ��� � �7 City: �HU��� State: C..%V Zip: ���.7 Contact Name: <��%� ��TL� � Contact Phone: 1��� — 2�� % E-Mail ��/e �fl�/�f�5 � �c %�/4'%� r ���/ � Town of Vail Contractor Registration . � �-�_ X Co or Signature (required) Lot #: Block # Subdivision: Detailed Scope and Location of Work: ���%7/��� �% 1�t,n�b O GV f�f���t�/t�T _C�'�i �' ��/(JS � (use additional sheet ff necessary) Work Class: New ( ) Addition ( ) Remodel � Repair ( ) Other ( ) Work Type Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both (�) Property Information Type of Building: Parcel #: oZ I O l O�' I I(a O(�' Single-Family (� Duplex () Multi-Family () (For parcel #, contact Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or Commercial Other visit www.eaglecounty.us/patie) � � � � Tenant Name: Owner Name: U�'S� �D L-f7J7/C�C�S . //�I�• Valuations (Labor & Materials) Building: $ /�¢� � . � Plumbing: $ ` Electrical: $ Mechanical: (including fireplace) $ �` Total: $ �� �, ��C � �i Uf/ WL l� ��� � 7� � . �I � Does a Fire Alarm Exist? Yes �) No () Monitored Alarm? Yes �) No ( ) Does a Sprinkler System Exist? Yes () No (� # 8� Type of Existing Fireplaces: Gas Appliances Gas Log Wood/Pellet Wood Burning � #& Type of Proposed Fireplaces: Gas Appliances Gas Log Wood/Pellet Wood Burning _ Date Received: D � � � 5`� � tlb JUN 22 2010 TOWN OF VAIL (,JC 15-May-10 *�************�****************r**�++*******************************�******r**************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement s**�***��*******�**��***+*************************�**�*******�********�r*******�*******s***� Statement Number: R100000734 Amount: $755.14 06/24/201002:26 PM Payment Method: Check Init: JLE Notation: 13680 BAUER HOME IMPROVEMENT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: B10-0048 Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-081-1600-1 Site Address: 975 FAIRWAY DR VAIL Location: Total Fees: $4,320.89 This Payment: $755.14 Total ALL Pmts: $755.14 Balance: $3,565.75 *�********�**********r**r*****�********�******************�*�*********�*******�************* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 755.14 Proairco, Inc. P.O. Box 179 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80034-0179 (303) 458-0264 February 26, 2008 Ms. Saundra Spaeh P.O. Box 454 Vail, CO 81658 Re: Asbestos limited inspection in a house ta undergo renovation. Location: 975 Fairway Court Vail, CO Sampling locations: On 2-22-08 scientist John Taylor took seiect building material samples inside the house in designated renovation areas. The following samples were taken: First floor 975-1 Paint texture, dining room, N. wa11, at light switch. 975-2 Drywall mud, dining room, N. wall, at light switch. 975-3 Drywall, dining room, N. wall, at light switch. 975-4 Paint texture, kitchen, W. wall, at light switch. 975-5 Drywall mud, kitchen, W. wall, at light switch. 975-6 Drywall, kitchen, W. wall, at light switch. Second floor 975-7 Paint texture, master bedroom, S.E. corner, at light switch. 975-8 Drywall, master bedroom, S.E. corner, at light switch. 975-9 Wall texture, master bed�oom, N, wall, at light switch. 975-10 Drywall, master bedroom, N. wa11, at light switch. 975-11 Wall te�ure, master bedroom, W. wall, S. end, at light switch. 975-12 Drywail mud, master bedroom, tub room, light switch over tub. 975-13 Drywall, master bedroom, tub room, light switch over tub. 975-14 Drywall, master bathroom closet, at doorway, 4" up. Gara�e 975-15 Drywall, furnace closet, E. wall, 6' up. 975-16 Wall texture, garage, S. wa11, W. end, at water faucets. 975-17 Molding mastic, garage, S. wall, W. end, at floor. Proairco, Inc. Results of lab assay: See the enclosed report from Quantem Labs in Oklahoma City, OK. Results: No asbestos was found in any of the samples. Submitted By: � , �~' -r-� / / r. � �,,,. . �".. . - � �+ ���. r sr=� \.�._. 1._ ,.� John Taylor, Inspector ° :. �... . : . � �. . _:. . -�$�.���.. 2U33 Hcritagc f'aric Drivc•/ Vktahoma City; i�K 73120J (4t15) %SS-72?2 ! Fax (405) 755-2l35R Proairco, Inc. P.O. Boz 179 WheatRidge,'CO 80ALi4 � S Re: .QuanTEM ID 254173 QuanTEM appreciates the opporhmity Lo provide analykieat testing services to you. Attached are yozu reports and other -sappo�tiqg documeni�ion for �e above ref�renced project 11�ank you fior making Q�anTEM yo� lab af choice. if yoq have aay question concemmg �is or other rcports please feel frce to comtact us at SOU-822-1650. We•continually vrork to improve oar serviee. Help es out by provid'mg feed back on your experience at www.QuanTEM.com. Click on Service Survey.and fll out the farm. We iook forward to hearin� from you. Respectfi�lly, _. QuanTEM Laboratories, LLC. 0 1 ���� �i� �l ��� � �� �� I�>{ (��� �� � _ � I 1���1� 1�� ��I 11�1���1�� Illf��rl �!1 ■ � � r� LABt9RATORlE$ 2U33 Fle�ita9e Par1c Drf+re / Oklahoma CftY OK 73t 20l (405) ?5r7272 / Fax i�05) 7,ri3-2058 Polaa3zed Li�s#�1YIicrQSCOpy Asbestos ,t�aalysi� Aepor+t QuanTEM Lab No. 159173 Clien� Proairco, Inc. Accouat N�ber: B215 P.O. Box 179 VJheat Ridge, CO 80034 Date Received: 02/2S/2008 Received By: Sheaie �..eftwich Date Anaiyzed: 02/26/20Q8 Project: 975 Fairway Conrt Analyzed By: 3ce Meltoa Project L,ocatioa: N/A Methodology: EPAJ600/R-93/116 PtojcctNmnbet: N/A QuanTEM Client Color / Non-Asbesios Sampie ID Sampie ID Compasifion Description AsbCStos ('%) Fber {°lo) 001 975-1 Hanog�eous White Asbestos Nat Pr�ent Celluiose <1 OU2 975-2 Hamogenews 003 975-3 Homogeneous 004 975-4 , Homogeneous OQ5 975-5 Homoge�eous pOb 975-6 I�omogeaeous 007 '975-7 Homogeaeaus Texiare White Asbestos Not Pres�t Ioint Cone.pcxmd `�hite Asbesbos Not Piesent S}xaroc]c White Asbestos Not Preseat Texmre Wi►ite AsbestosNotPx�seo.t .kint Compaind White Asbestos Not Prescr�t Shearrock White Asbestos Not Present Texhu'e Ccilulose <I Celluloee 20 Glass Fber <i ��� <1 Cellulose <i CeIhilose 5 Gtese F'ber 2 Cellulose <1 'U�Sa othawise ootod, npon�receipt the cmditioa oEthe semple was acce�bte far analysis. QuenTE�i is a NVLAP Aca'edited TEM and PIM laba¢sta�Y (Iab Code:10I954-0). Thiia renoct re3ates onty �o tht spec�c items tested NVLAP aceradimtion applia ooly to analysis paiiorrxd utitir� &i'A/600/M482-020 and EPAl600/it-93/116 methods. Tbia z�xxt maY not 6e nud to claia product eadwsemdu by NVLAP or any od►� agmcy of t1�e US Govammeat. 'lhis repoet may not be xr{aoducad cxcept in fu1L, wit�otR the writteu a�rpenval of du laboiabaay. Page 1 af 3 m � � � � f�■ uBORAi'1�RIES 2a� Herna�e Padc tn�,re i or�anoma cny, ac 73f 2o r(ao5) 7�-�2�2 i�ax (ao5) �-2ose Polariz�ci Light N�icroscopy Asb�stos Aneiysis Rep�rt QuanTEM Lab No. I54173 Client: Prosirco, Inc. Accaamt I�Tumber: B215 P.O. Box 179 Wheat Ridge, CO 80034 Date Received: (l2J25/2008 Received By: Sherrie Lcftwich Date Aaalyzed: 02/26/2008 Project: 975 Fairway Court AnalyDed By: Jce Melton Pmject L.aca.hion: Id/A Methodology EPA/600/R-93/116 Pmject Neimber. N/A Quan1'EM Cl�ent Color / I3on-A.sbestos Saznpk ID Sam�1e ID C.omposidoo Deacription Asbestos {%) Fba' ('/o) 008 975-8 Homogeaeous White Asbestas Na i'resent Cettulose 5 009 975-9 Hamogenoous O10 975-10 iiamogeaeous 011 975-11 Homogmews 012 975-(2 Hamogeueou,s 013 975-13 Hvmogeueovs 014 975-I4 Homogeneaus Shoe�k White Asbestos Yot F'n:sent Twctrae Whioe A.sbextos Not Present Shee�ock W6ite Asbestos Nat Presmt TexNr� VJhite Asbesios Not Present Joint Compamd White Asbestos Not Pmsent Sheetrodc Whitc Asbescas Na Pr�sait Shearvck Glass Fiber 2 Cdlulose <1 Cellulose 20 Glass F'ber 2 Cellulaee 4 Celluiose <1 Ctliulaee 10 Gla�s Fiber 2 Cellulose 5 Glass F�ba <1 Unlesa ot6awise naed, upon isceipt ihe c�on of the sam�pie was accepasbk foc �alysis QmoTEM is a NVLAP aecreditod TEM a� PI.M labo�aQay (Lab C.Odr. 101959-0}. Tbds xspart reiates only tn the specific irems tGSted NVLAP accxndi�fon appiies only to aualY� P� ��8 £PA/b001M#-82-020 md EPAl600/R-931i )6 methods, Tktis repaat may not be n+ad to ciain �K sadasmo�t by NVLAP � aay otha age�cy a�f the U5 Govaamea2 Thia ceportt may not be re�ced excxpL in tbit, wnhout 9u writt� apfaoval of t6e labocatory. � Page 2 0# 3 ■ � i � � � � LABt?RATORlES 2033 �rita9e Fark Drive! �klahoma Cit3r. pK 73t20I (4fl5) 7�'i-7272I Fax (4t�5) 7S�2A58 Polarized Light Micros+eopy Asbestos Analysis Report QuauTEM Lab No. 159173 Account Nu.vibcr. B215 Date Received: 02/25/2008 Itxeived By: Sherrie Leftwich Date Analyzad: 02/26/2008 Aaelyud By: Joe Melton Methodology: EPA/600/R-93/116 QuanTEM Client Smmiple ID Sample ID 015 975-15 016 975-1b 017 975-17 Camposition Homogmeous Hanogeneous Homogeaeau Joe Melton, Analyst Client: Proaffco, Inc. P.O. Box 179 Wheat Ridge, CO 80034 Project: 97S Fairway Court Praject Location: N/A Praject Number: NIA Color ! Des�ption Asbescos (%) GVhite Asbestos Not Present She�trock White Texnm Tan Mastic Asbestos Not Present t�sbestbs Not Present 2/2b12008 �ate of Report Non-Asbestos Fiber (°Yn) Cel}ul.ose 10 Giass F46er 2 Cellulose <1 Celluiose 2 Unless oRherwise note�l, apaaiecei�t ihe con�ti� of the sample was acceptab3e faa �aiysia Quaa'IEM ia a NVLAP accrodikd TEM aod PI.M labaaatay (I.ab Code: 101954-0). Thuis repoat relates only tn the specific ibems �. NYL.AP accndirarian appdia oniy m aoalysis pafonmed �g EPA/600/M4-82-02(1 �d EPAJ600/R-93/116 methoda. 13is rnpart may nat be tued to clain proaua mdo�sam� by uvtar or aay a�C a�a�y of t� us Govemm�. T his r�at �y aor b� re�oaoce� �c ro s�lt, without the writt� apP�'al of the iaborabo:y. Page 3 of 3 - v 10 -07 -2010 Inspection Request Reporting Page 9 4'52 pm Vail, CO - City Of Requested Inspect Date: Friday, October 08, 2010 Assigned To: JMONDRAGON Inspection Type: BLDG Inspection Area: JRM Site Address: 975 FAIRWAY DR VAIL A/P /D Information Activity: B10 -0048 Type: A -BUILD Sub Type: ASFR Status: ISSUED Const Type: Occupancy: Use: VB Insp Area: JRM Owner: VEST HOLDINGS INC Contractor: BAUER HOME IMPROVEMENT Phone: 970 - 390 -2909 Architect: SAUNDRA SPAEH, AIA Phone: 970 - 476 -8996 Description: R WIN G ROOM AND STUDY. CONSTRUCT DORMER TO REPLACE SKYLIGHT. Requested In ection s em: 9 LDG -Final Req ested Time: 04:00 PM Re qu stor: Phone: Co m ents: 90 -2909 Assign d To: JMONDRAGON Entered By: MHAEBERLE K A tion: irae Exp: Inspection History Item: 30 BLDG - Framing Approved 08/24/10 Inspector: sgremmer Action: P APPROVED Comment: ok per engineer letter and SI report Item: 50 BLDG - Insulation ** Approved " 08/26/10 Inspector: mdenney Action: AP APPROVED Comment: 09/02/10 Inspector: MH /JRM Action: AP APPROVED Comment: Item: 60 BLDG - Sheetrock Nail Item: 70 BLDG -Misc. Item: 533 PLAN -TEMP. C/O Item: 420 Special Inspect -final rept Item: 503 PW -Final Driveway Grade Item: 542 PLAN -FINAL Item: 90 BLDG -Final REPT131 Run Id: 12037