HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB100194 Plans2.01 Definitions: w���|m����������m����������� A. Structural Geogrid - eStrata geogrid forined byuregular network of integrally connected 4e�iuinQ wall systems in accordance with this technical scope of work and in reasonably close tensile elements with apertures of sufficient size bo allow interlocking with surrounding soil, conformity with the lines, grades, and dimensions shown on the Grading and Drainage Plan for First rock, or earth and function primarily anreinforcement. Chair, by Alpine Engineering, |mc. Sheet No. O1.03. Project No. 1703OlK) revised dated May 14 B. Geotexti|e - oopun-boundnomwoven engineering fabric intended for tensile reinforcement 1'02 with high filtration and permeability characteristics. A. Furnishing KeyStone segmental concrete facing and cap units as shown on the construction O. SogmenbdConunetaFnongEUochUnds - KeySbone Century segmental concrete facing, drawings. machine made fmmportland cement, water and mineral aggregates. Furnishing Strata structural geoghdreinforcement as shown on the construction drawings. D. CapUnit - oKeyStoneoegmentaiconmete cap unit. C Furnishing Contech C-60NW geotextiles as shown on the construction drawings. E. Subdrain - a combined system of slotted pipe, geotextile fabric and gravel, provided for internal drainage behind or below the reinforced beokfiU. �. Storing, cutting and placing structural geogrid reinforcement as specified herein and as shown on the construction drawings. F. Unit Fill/ Drainage Gravel - granular fill which is within the segmental concrete facing units. E Exooxe§on, placement and compaction of unit wall 0| and backhU material as specified Q. Reinforced Backfill - compacted soil which is within the reinforced soil volume as outlined on herein and an shown on the construction drawings. the plans. Erection of KeyStone segmental concrete units and placement of structural geogrid and H. Foundation Soil - compacted mr in-situ soil beneath the entire wall. installation ofgeoh*xti|eo. |. Leveling Pad - a level compacted gravel or non-reinforced concrete footing upon which the 1 Reference Documents: first course nf segmental concrete facing units are placed. � A. J. Turn-down Closure Stab - a concrete slab constructed at the top of the wall behind the cast T-98 Moisture-Density Relations of Soils Using m5.6 Pound Remmerino12-innh in place concrete coping to provide a closure for the void between the existing gabion wall Drop and new NeyGtone veneer retaining wall and bu provide e tensile resistant. T-188 Moisture-Density Relations of Soils Using a 10 Pound Rammer in a 18-inch Drop K. Engineer -Tenanon Consultants, Inc. B. American �5�pty for Te§ting and Materials Standards LASTh& (-33 Specification for Concrete Aggregates L Gemb*chmimal EnQineer - GnouudEngineehng C-140 Methods ofSampling and Testing Concrete Masonry Units C-1 50 Specification for Portland Cement 2.02 Structural Geogrids: C'1372 Standard Specifications of Segmental Retaining Wall Units [-422 Method for Particle Size Analysis ofSoils A. The gsugrida shall be Strata as shown on the p|ona, orgwoghd of equivalent long term D'698 Method for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soils Using Standard Effort design and connection strength with the segmental concrete facing, consisting of regular D-732 Shear Strength of Plastic by the Punch Tool Method grid structure wf high tenacity polyester multifilament yams woven in tension and finished D-790 Flexural Properties Testing ofPlastic With PVC coating. ^^ D-1557 Method for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics pf Soils Using Modified Effort �^ ' D'1556 Method for Density and Unit Weight of Soil in-Place by the Sand Cone Method B. The manufacturer shall provide the certification that the ultimate strength of the geogrid as D-6938 Methods for In-place Density and Water Content of Soil and Soil-Aggregate by per AS[K0DGS37im equal hnor greater than the ultimate strength called for no the drawings. Nuclear Methods D'4253 Methods for Maximum Index Density and Unit Weight of Soils Using a Vibratory GemngridType Ultimate Strength Long Term Design Strength Table Strata (IbJft) (IbJft) D-4254 Methods for Minimum Index Density and Unit Weight of Soils and Calculation of SG200 3500 1678 Relative Density D-4595 Tensile Properties ofGeotextiles by The Wide-Width Strip Method 2.03 Geotextiles: D6637 Standard Tent Method for Determining Tensile Properties ofGeogdde by the Single or Multi-Rib Tensile Method A. The geotextile shall be Contech C-60NW as shown on the plans, or equivalent, consisting of D6706 Standard Test Method for Measuring QeosyntheUc Pullout Resistance inSoil spun-bound 1D[% continuous filament polyester needle punched engineering fabric. C. B. The minimum physical properties cf the geobaxU|e will include the following: NONh4 Design Manual for Segmental Retaining Walls 1. Tensile Strength (A8TyND4032)-15Q|bm. NCKA SRWU-1 Connection Strength between Geos>nthetics and Segmental Concrete 2. Burst Strength (ASTMD3786)-Z80 psi Units 3. Puncture Strength (A8TMD4833)-D5|bo. NCMA8RWU-2 Shear Strength between Segmental Concrete Units 4. Permeability -11OWpm/fi?. �K Alpine Engineering, Inc., Grading and Drainage Pkan, Sheet No. C1'03. Project Nu C. The monu8�tu�«shall fbmm�hthe Engineer with wht�nue�f�edon�xdall geo��U|nused y i7O30.00. revised dated May 14.20Y(l for construction meets or exceeds the minimum properties required. E Preliminary Retaining Wall Profi\ea, Sheet No. O1'07. Project No. 17030.00. received from 2.04 §Nmental Concrete facing Units: Alpine Engineering, Inc. via email nn May 19 A. The segmental concrete facing units shall be manufactured by m licensed KeyGtone F. Geotechnical Parameters sent by Ground Engineering via emails on June 3, 2009. Representative. G. Where specifications and nfenanum documents conflict, the Engineer nhd| make final B. All concrete wall units including cap units ohd| have a minimum net 28-dmycompressive determination of the applicable document. strength of8.00Dpsi. The concrete units shall have the required froeza/thmm protection with a maximum absorption rate of percent in southern climates, and G percent in northern n climates. The designs presented herein are based mm wall pnofi|em.soil parameters, foundation 1. Cementatiouo materials used in the manufacture of the units shall b* Type |or conditions and loadings stated in documentation as outlined in Section 1.03, Items D and F, Type U Portland cement io accordance with /NSTN1C-15D. and Section 4.01. Thegaobanhoimd report did not explicitly provide soil parameters tobe used in the MSE retaining wall designs. Therefore, the validity of the values we assumed is 2. All aggregates used in the manufacture wY the units shall ba normal weight subject to our interpretation of the available information in the geohaohnkcad napnd. conforming haASTK8[-}3. Geutechnimd parameters used for design whmuk| be confirmed by the Qeotychniod Engineer of Record prior to wall construction. 3. Other Constituents - Air entraining agenta, coloring pigments, integral water napalents, finely ground silica, and other constituents shall be previously B. Terraoon Consultants, Inc. (Terracon) assumes no liability for interpretation of subsurface established as suitable for use in segmental concrete retaining wall units and conditions, suitability of soil design parameters and subsurface groundwater conditions ohoi| conform to applicable /STkX Standards or shall be shown by test or made byothers. experience not to he detrimental to the durability of the segmental concrete facing units or any material customarily used in masonry construction. C The reinforced banhfiUtobo used in the wall construction must meet specific engineering requirements os outlined in the Technical Scope of Work. Tenacon makes norepresentation C. Exterior dimensions of units may vary in accordance with A8TyN C-1372. KeyStone ^^ that on-site soils are suitable for use in the MSE wall construction. The suitability of on-site Standard and Compao wndo shall have m minimum of 1 square foot face area each. materials for use in the K88E wall oonmtruohon, as specified hmrein, should be deb»moioud Segmental concrete facing unit dimensions ahed{ not differ more than ± 1/8 inch (3.2 mm) prior toconstruction. from the manufacturer's published dimensions. D. The contractor shall be responsible for the cost mf all means of subsoil improvement; cost of D. KeyStone Century block units with unit fill shall provide a minimum of 150 psf of wall face additional subsoil exploration; and for all labor tools, equipment and incidentals necessary to area. Fill which bs placed within the dimensions af the units may bm considered am8O% of complete the work. the effective weight. E. The contractor shall be responsible for complying with all federal, state and |000| E KeyStone units shall have angled sides capable of concave and convex alignment curves requirements for execution uf the work, including local building inspection and current OSHA with m minimum radius nf3-1/2 feet excavation regulations. F KayEtome Units shall be interlocked with non-corrosive fiberglass pins. F. Prior toundertaking any grading or excavation of the site, the Contractor shall confirm the location of proposed retaining wall and all underground features, including utility locations G. Finish and Appearance within the area ofconstruction. 1. All units shall bo sound and free pf cracks mr other defects that would interfere All vmzk undertaken in the construction of the retaining walls are subject to the quality with the proper placing of the unit or significantly impair the strength or y control/assurance and special inspection provisions outlined in Section 3.1(l permanence oY the construction. Minor cracks incidental tn the usual method of manufacture, or minor chipping resulting from shipment and delivery, are not H. Terracon was not provided with complete utility information at the time of preparation of grounds for rejection. these drawings. Where there io potential for geogdd/utiUty conflicts, Tenaoonshould be afforded the opportunity to review the utility plans for review and modification of these plans 2. The exposed ourbn000 of units and| be free of chips, cracks or other as necessary. imperfections when viewed from a distance ofi8 feet under diffused lighting. T Terracon has completed engineering design of the proposed retaining wall$, including H. Sampling and Testing internal stability and local external stability where applicable, based upon the information provided to us as outlined above. Terracon assumes that the suitability of placing retaining 1. Sample and haot undo for compressive strength and absorption in encondono* walls at the locations provided to us, including geotechnical and geological suitability, has with the applicable provisions cf/&STK8 Method C-14O. Compressive strength been determined by others. in pr te Ils ta to t the bi co in catio been determined by oth test specimens shall conform to the saw-cut coupon provisions of section 5.2A nf/&STk8C-14O with the following exceptions: J. changes inwaU profiles should tt brought to the attention of Terracon for modification of the wall den�nmo*ueceeaar� a. Coupons oh�|have m minimum thk�nanmof14k2 inches (38.1mn). 1. Color V It K. Verify all dimen ns and grades prior to wall nst ion. I . BI s pies, indic�afing ilab colors, shall be provid��the or Colo pri or 4 �wner/d�evel r colo �tion prior onstruction. A. fibVglass reinforcement connecting pins orYquivalent to provide connect ionWetween vertically and horizontally adjacent units. B. Connecting pins shall have minimum flexural strength nf12B.OUO psi and short beam shear wfG4OOpsi. C. Connecting Pins shall be capable of holding the geogrid in the proper design position during bock§Uin0. 2.06 Base Leveling Pad Materials and Unit Fill for Block: A. Base Leveling Fad KAabehm|: Mabaha| for leveling pad shall consist of compacted mand, gravel, crushed rock or any combination thereof (use soil types GP, GW, SW, SP or SM), a minimum of 8 inches in thickness, constructed to the minimum dimensions shown on the construction drawings. Non-reinforced concrete may also beused. B. Unit R|K Drainage Gnnm|: Fill for units shall consist of clean i~ minus free-draining well graded crushed stone or granular fill, meeting the requirements of the following gradation tested in accordance with ASTK8D-422: Sieve Size Percent Passing 1 inch ................................................................................................................................ 1UO 3/4 inch ........................................................................................................................ 75-iO8 No4 -'-'-'',.'''---'.-----...-.-.-_.--''--.---.--.-'--0-1D No 5O ............................................................................................................................. O-5 2.07 Wall Backfill A. Reinforced backfil| shall consist of suitable granular materials meeting the following gradation as determined in accordance with ASTMD-422: Sieve Size Percent Passing 4 inch ................................................................................................................................ 10O No4 ----.-..----.-.--.-.--.--.-..--.-.--..-_..------.-...--2D-1OO Nu 4O ............................................................................................................................ D-GO No2OO- --...-'-.' -.-...--'-0-15 The plasticity index of the fine fraction shall beless than 6. If hand compaction methods are utilized in any portion of the wall backfill. the maximum particle size shall be limited to3'incheo. B. The use ofCOC}T Class | structural fill mu reinforced back5U10 also acceptable. C. USCS soil types CL, CH, ML, MH, or SC shall not be used in any portion of the wall backfill including retained materials placed beyond the reinforced zones. D. All reinforced backfill materials shall also have the minimum engineering properties shown in Section 4.U1. Item A. E. All backfill materials, whether on-site or imported, shall be approved by the Engineer prior to construction. F. Test mmuko of all proposed bockfiU mmtehalo, whether on-site or hnportsd, ohmU be submitted to the Engineer for approval prior to construction. 2'08 Subdrain: A. Gaobyxb|a used for subduain construction shall be non-woven needle-punched fabric such aoCoob*chC'GONVVcvequivalent. B. Drain pipe shall be 4-inch diameter slotted PVC or HDPE such as ADS Drainguondor approved equivalent. C. Gravel shall be clean 3/4-inch minus free draining stone or crushed rock with no more than 5% passing eU.8. No. 2DOsieve. 2.09 Delivery, Storage, Handling: A. Structural Geoghdand Geotextile 1. Contractor ohe|i check to ensure that the proper materials have been received upon delivery. 2. All Qeoghds shall ba stored above -20"F(-29*Q. 3. Contractor shall prevent excessive mud, wet cement, epoxy, and like mobedo which may affix themselves to the ghdvwnk from coming in contact with the Qeoghdmatmhoi 4` Rolled geogdd material may be laid flat or stood un end for storage. 5. Geoghdo and {3eobaxti|a ehe|| be stored according to mooubaotureeo recommendations. B. Segmental Concrete Facing Units 1. Contractor nhd| check the units upon delivery to ensure that proper materials have been received. 2. Contractor shall prevent excessive mud, wet cement epoxy, and like materials from coming incontact with and affixing to the units. 3. Contractor ohd| protect the units from damage (i.e. uumha, chips, opdb). Damaged units shall be evaluated for usage in the wall according to ASTM: G-90 and A8TyN:C-1372. SECTION 3: EXECUTIQN 3.01 Construction: A. The excavation shall be carded to the lines and grades shown on the construction drawings and to the extent necessary to place structural geoghdat the required embedment lengths. Contractor shall be careful not to disturb base or existing soilstfills beyond the lines shown except for that necessary to comply with applicable safety regulations. B. Excavations will bw made iom manner which will not disturb the existing construction onthe ad*. Contractor will provide pndaudon or will construct the walls in such o manner to maintain the integrity uf existing improvements during construction. C. In-situ materials excavated from the location of the retaining walls shall be stockpiled on-site at lonpdnma designated by the owner and in locations which will not interfere with the execution of the work. 3.02 Sub-grade PrepAration: A. Qubgmde shall beexcavated as required for placement of the leveling pad as shown onthe construction drawings, or as directed by the 8eotechnimdEngineer. B. shall be e i ed by the Geo hical Engineer c that the actual �foundl condition meet xceed a ume7design assumpt14 s. A 0 minimum.,,� m 7W or 7, 17 n shall be proof-rolled bef re con u n proceeds. Subgrade conditions n m g the required strength shall be removed d replaced with acceptable material. C. areas shall be replaced with compacted granular backfillmaterial or soils approved by the Geobachnkcal Engineer to the lines and grade shown on the construction drawings. D. Granular baokO} shall be placed in loose |i0a not exceeding 10 inches in thickness, compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the maximum density as determined by AASHTO T-AQ or/STNY D'698. The moisture content of the bachOU prior ho, and during compaction shall be uniformly distributed throughout each layer and shall be within a range of 2% below, hn2% above optimum moisture content. 3'03 Base Leveling Pad: A. Leveling pad materials shall bm placed mn shown on the plans, upon undisturbed soils or compacted uubgnad*.toa minimum depth of8inches. B. Leveling pad materials shall be compacted to provide a level hard surface on which to place the first course of units. Leveling pad materials mhmU be compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the maximum damady an determined byAASHTQ T-99 or ASTM D-698. The moisture content of the backfiU material prior toand during compaction shall beuniformly distributed throughout each layer and shall be within m range of 296 below, to 2% above optimum moisture content. C. Leveling pad ahoU be prepared to insure complete contact of retaining nmd| units with the base. D. Provided that compaction is maintained, leveling pad materials may be extended linearly beyond the profiles shown on the plans to accommodate full-sized facing units. 3.04 Segmental Concrete Facing Unit Installation: A. The first course KeyStone segmental concrete facing units shall be placed on top of and in full contact with the leveling pad. The units shall be nbaoko6 for proper elevation and alignment. EL Units shall be placed side by side for the full length of the wall. Proper alignment may b* achieved with the aide nfa string line ur offset from baseline. C. Fiberglass connecting pins shall be installed in the KeyStone units and the voids in the units filled with tamped unit fill. D. All excess material shall be swept from the top of the units prior to installing the next course. Each course shall be completely filled prior hu proceeding hm next course. E. Lay up each course of KeyStone units insuring that connecting pins protrude into adjoining courses above a minimum of one inch. Two pins are required per unit. Pull each unit forward, away from the embankment, against the pins in the previous course and backfill as the course iocompleted. Repeat procedure to the extent of wall height. F. Where the wall changes elevation, units can be stepped or turned into the embankment With a convex return end amappropriate. Provide appropriate buried units on leveling pad Ynarea of convex return end. 3.05 Cag Installation: A. Fqone KeyGbone Cop units over projecting pins from units below. Pull forward to set back position. BmokhH and compact bm finished grade. B. As nxquired, provide permanent mechanical connection to wall wnKn with construction adhesive or epoxy. Apply adhesive or epoxy tn bottom surface cf cap units and install nn units below. Construction adhesive shall meet the requirements of the retaining wall supplier. 3'0@ Subdrain Construction: A. Subdrains shall be constructed at the face of the wall to the lines, grades and dimensions shown on the plans. B. Gubdro|no should be eloped and drained through weep holes in the face of the wall at m maximum of3D feet oncenter. 3.07 Structural Geogrid Installation: A. Gmoghd shall bm oriented with the highest strength axis perpendicular hm the wall alignment. B. Geogrid reinforcement shall beplaced at the elevation(s) and to the extent(s) shown onthe construction drawings praa directed by the Engineer. C. The geogrid soil reinforcement shall be laid horizontally on compacted backfill. TheQwoghd shall be pulled taut and anchored prior tnbanNiU placement on the genQdd. D. Geogrid reinforcements shall be continuous throughout their embedment length(s). Spliced connections between shorter pieces ofgmnghd will not baallowed. E. Tracked construction equipment shall not be operated directly upon the gmugdd reinforcement. A minimum fill thickness of6 inches is required prior to operation of tracked vehicles over the geogrid. Tracked vehicle turning should ha kept hmo minimum toprevent tracks from displacing the fill and damaging the 0*o0hd. F. No changes to0eoQhd layout, including, but not limited to, length, Remghd type, orelevation, shall be made without the approval of the Engineer. 3.08 Reinforced Backfill Placement: A. Reinforced backfill shall be placed, spread, and compacted in such a manner that minimizes the development of slack in the gao0hd. B. Reinforced backfill shall be placed and compacted in lift not to exceed 6 inches where hand compaction is used, or 8-10 inches where heavy mechanical compaction equipment is used. C. Reinforced backfill shall be compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the maximum density as determined by A\SHTD T-99 nrASTyN [-898. The moisture content of the bnckhU material prior to and during compaction shall be uniformly distributed throughout each layer and shall be within a range of 2% below, to 2% above optimum moisture content. Ifawell defined maximum density oune can not be generated by impact compaction in the laboratory, the backfill shall be compacted to a minimum of 70 percent of relative density as determined byA8TMD-42B and D4254. D. Reinforced back5|\ shall be compacted inall areas hu the lines and grades shown on the plans including all sloped areas above ur between wall tiers. E. Only lightweight hand-operated compaction equipment shall be allowed within 4 feet of the face nf the wall. 3.09 Site Drainage: A. At the end of each days operation, the Contractor ohoU slope the last |Ol of reinforced backfiUaway from the wall facing to rapidly direct runoff away from the wall face. N Tho Contractor shall not a| u ouff from a�ocmn areoe to enter xwa� construction site. ^�' �~ �^ C. the wall h Id awwwk��Itive drainage away from the . �rnished grading at the 0 ) s pu IV/ retaining wall system to prevent Itration 0 ater into retaine ils which may increase lateral pressures on the struc�ture. oi s 3.10 !gual& Assurance: A. Quality Assurance and Special Inspection for the project, shall be conducted in accordan with the applicable portions of the Uniform Building Code, lnte Building Cod an the Building Construction and Safety Coda NFPA 5000, or as required by the governing building department. B. All Special Inspectors shall be under the supervision of a registered engineer. C. Testing and inspection services shall be performed only by trained and expedenued personnel and experienced technicians currently qualified for the wor they are hmperform. D. If Special Inspection is provided by anyone other than the Engineer of Rmxonj the qualifications of all special inspectors ahoU be naiemmad and approved by the Engineer of Record. E. Ali work requiring Special Inspection shall be made available and remain oomaoyib|e and exposed until diu observed by the Special Inspector. F. Duties of the Special Inspector: 1. The Special Inspector shall observe the work requiring special inspection for conformance with the approved design drawings and specifications. 2. The Special Inspector shall furnish inspection reports tobakept at the site for use by the Building Offico|. the Contractor and the Engineer of Record. If Gpeom| Inspection is provided by anyone other than the Engineer of Remord, reports shall be submitted hm the office cf the Engineer of Record onaweekly basis. All discrepancies nhm|( be brought to the attention of the contractor for correction, then if uncorrected, to the design authority and the Building official. 3. Upon completion of the assigned work, the Special Inspector shall complete and sign a final report certifying that to the bast of his knowledge, the work is in conformance with the approved plans and opeoificaUono, and the applicable workmanship provisions of the code. G. Special Inspection Grading: Excavations, Grading and Filling Operations Unless otherwise directed by the Engineer of Record or required by this Technical Scope of Work, the type and minimum frequency of testing for soils related portions ofconstruction will baasfollows: 1. Field density tests inaccordance with ASTMDG938mASTMD1BG Subgrmd* Soils-One test for every 5O0bu1U0D square feet ofsubQradearea Base Leveling Pad-One test for every 1OD lineal feet of wall length Reinforced Bockfi|l-Ona test for every 500ho 10J8 square feet cfback§U per lift 2. Laboratory moisture-dens4 relationships in accordance with AASHTO or ASTM criteria as specified for subgrade, base leveling pad, and reinforced backfill. 3. Gradation Analyses in accordance with ASTK8D422 Unit Fill-One test for every 50O cubic yards ufmaterial VVall-800kfiU-Onm test for every 50} cubic yards ofmaterial If testing services are provided byanyone other than the Engineer of Record, reports shall b* submitted hu the office of the Engineer of Record ono weekly basis. H. Special Inspection Qaoghd: 6p*mimU Inspection shall be made of the type. |ooedun, e|evu§on, orientation and extent of gecgdd placement in each wall. SECTION 4: DESIGN NOTES FOR RETAINING WALL §YS ITEM ~ 4.01 Design Parameters: A. Design of the reinforced soil structure |m based on the following parameters: Wall Seament Friction Angle Cohesion Unit Weight Reio[BankfiU 32 Opsf 125pef Ret.Back5H 31" Opwf 128puf Foundation 31" Opsf 128pof B. Internal Stability ufWalls Minimum Factor of Safety onGeoghd Strength ................................................................ 1.5 Minimum Factor nf Safety onGeoghd Pullout .................................................................. 1.5 Minimum Factor of Safety oo Connections (Peak Load Criterion) ................................... 1.5 Minimum Factor of Safety on Connections (Serviceability Criterion) ............................... 1.Q Percent Coverage ofGaogdd ....................................................................................... 18OY6 C. External Stability Minimum Factor of Safety Against Base Sliding ............................................................... 1.5 Minimum Factor of Safety Against Overturning ............................................................... 2.0 Minimum Factor o7 Safety (Global Stability) ...................................................................... 1.5 Uniform Surcharge (Traffic)......................................................................................... 250 psf Uniform Surcharge (Padeuhian). ................................................................................ 1OOpnf BackfiU Slope ..................................................................................... Am shown on the Plans 101 D -- SIGN REVIEW STAFF APPROVAL N KEWR �� /�` �� R �� \�r �� U n \ JUN 0 3 �U � �&���UU��U��� ""v"��uo��"��� 1805 29th Street Suite 2054 Boulder, Colorado 80301 phone 303.449.8900 Irerracon Consulting Engineers and Scientists SITE PLAN BASED ON GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN FOR FIRST CHAIR BY ALPINE ENGINEERING, INC., SHEET 01.03, PROJECT NO.17030.00, REVISED DATED MAY 14, 20'10. GRADING PLAN SHOWN BELOW APPLIES TO RETAINING WALLS ONLY. REFER TO CIVIL PLANS BY ALPINE ENGINEERING, INC. REGARDING OTHER GRADING ISSUES. 1rerracon Consulting Engineers and Scientists 4685 SOUTH ASH AVENUE, SUITE H4 PH. (480) 897-8200 TEMPE, AZ $5282 FAX (480) 897-143 ■ U @ OZ ARCHITECTURE ( IN FEET ) 1 Inch = 20 & I- w w IL z z 0 w w • 8170.00 8160.00 8150.00 STA 0 +00.0 STA 0 +06.7 STA 0 +52.7 BEGIN WALL WALL 31 BLOCK AND GEOGRID PLACEMENT rzrr T;r;�•. 1 1 � 8160.00 8160.00 8170.00 6160.00 8150,00 4 .. . • W w U . z z 0 a w w c(P M � N V" r• r- r r e= 0 0 00 00 r- H N c`oo 0 0 0 O Q 0 0 m mm E- 8160.00 8170.00 6160.00 8150,00 4 .. . • W w U . z z 0 a w w 6160.00 81 8160.00 MINIMUM GEOGRID EMBEDMENT LENGTH "L" = 7.0 FEET c(P M � N V" r• r- to 0 0 0 0 00 00 00 00 H N 6160.00 81 8160.00 MINIMUM GEOGRID EMBEDMENT LENGTH "L" = 7.0 FEET w w U . _z z 0 w w It q KEYST • UNITS KEYST BLO 8-INCH GRAVEL LEVELING PAD STRATA 11 STRUCTURAL GEOGRID STA ST ATION ALO ALIGNMENT MINIMUM GE EMBEDMENT LENGTH FINISHE GR A T • • O F FINISHED GR ADE AT BOTTOM O T OW ELEVATION !' OF ! :! t :• t t : t •• • 'Me lam' J I Mill 1 1 805 29 Suite 2054 Boulder 80 phone 303.449.8900 Irerracon c(P + a Co Ck c c V� c q to CO CO 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 LJL ° mm mm mm m m mm STA 0 +00.0 STA 0 +13.9 STA 0 +26.4 STA 0 +59.5 STA 0 +94.2 STA 1 +10,6 BEGIN WALL END WALL w w U . _z z 0 w w It q KEYST • UNITS KEYST BLO 8-INCH GRAVEL LEVELING PAD STRATA 11 STRUCTURAL GEOGRID STA ST ATION ALO ALIGNMENT MINIMUM GE EMBEDMENT LENGTH FINISHE GR A T • • O F FINISHED GR ADE AT BOTTOM O T OW ELEVATION !' OF ! :! t :• t t : t •• • 'Me lam' J I Mill 1 1 805 29 Suite 2054 Boulder 80 phone 303.449.8900 Irerracon Consulting Engineers and Scientists 4685 SOUTH ASH AVENUE, SUITE H-4 TEMPE, AZ 85252 PH. (460) 897 -M FAX (4q8974133 J 0 LJL 74 ( IN I 1 inch = 10 ft. 40 i t • MINIMUM 8-INCHES LOW PERMEABILITY (CLAYEY)` COMPACTED SOILS (TYP >)' f ;�\/ s Ok �� �,�,�\ o - = / i OF AINED BACKFILL SHALL MEET GINEERING PROPERTIES OUTLINED O iN THE TECHNICAL SCOPE OF WORK KEYSTONE MINI -CAP UNIT AT TOW (TYP.) KEYSTONE CENTURY TOW EL. BLOCK UNiT (TYP.) 8 -INCH COMPACTED GRAVEL LEVELING PAD (TYP.) R V � fr � o t� :f OQ5 REINFORCED BACKFILL SEE SHEET LOPE PER OSHA Q, ' RW -2 FOR SPECIFICATIONS . REQUIREMENTS _ .. f� / / EXTEND TOP TWO GEOGRID f ,.=:,. -= ..:,,�:= .�,;:�:::` �-- �.� -�►-- �:��= �=� -�- � \ REINFORCEMENTS TO THE BACK OF EXCAVATION TO ..: `MINIMUM 1 -FOOT OF UNIT FILL BEHIND BLOCK COURSES (TYP.) f��> —' REDUCE DIFFERENTIAL :.,:,R,,,....,..«._...:..:.� .:.:.,....::,. ::�.._.:;.,..._,.......�._.... SETTLEMENT iN OVERLYING :_.:'.. <. :,...r : °..: :. _...........'._.`:.. �, SURFACE SEE DISCUSSION MINIMUM GEOGRID EMBEDMENT LENGTH "L" :�.' -'- ::-' -'- :- .-. \ THIS SHEET f � '- . . MM. iMM�'! i��. i. M. ��. IY. %i..!a�}Y + _AI.1 >N!.!.!M....L s,i•Ye._�iiM Mlii1. ' / �! d - `�\'�� � /,` •, , A 11Z '. ' r STRATA GEOGRID REINFORCEMENT 4" DIAMETER PERFORATED (TYP.). SEE WALL PROFILE FOR GEOGRID TOE DRAIN ADS OR PVC PIPE TYPE, MINIMUM EMBEDMENT LENGTH AND WRAPPED IN FABRIC SEE LAYER ELEVATIONS. DETAIL SHEET RW -D2 r DAYLIGHT DRAIN THROUGH WALL FACE 2000 PSI NON SHRINK GROUT TO MEET ASTM C 110 ? -45 STANDARD SPECIFICATION (TYP.) DAYLIGHT DRAIN THROUGH WALL FACE IN FABRIC PLAN VIEW 4" TEE e!Jooao�oqgq ��qo� r a� 2" CUT --•— i • • 0 1 i t r :• • • • i • o •. '`fff•,` s�o • ' . • • • Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) retaining walls are flexible reinforced soil masses, which interact with the foundation and retained backfill zones to provide a stable retaining structure. These soil zones have different stress /strain /consolidation properties which can result in differential movements and strain of the reinforced and retained soil matrix. Relative movement of the soil masses is typically noted in taller wall or tiered structures with small soil cracks occur behind the wall structure near the boundary of soil zones with different strain properties. Experience has shown that this type of soil cracking is most noticeable after very heavy rainstorms where the additional saturated soil weight and seepage pressure involved can cause slight differential movement of the masses. A wall schematic and possible causes are shown below: Possible causes of soil cracking 1) Consolidation of reinforced zone Crack backfill - Any settlement of reinforced fill Crack P ROVIDE DIAMETER SOLI C cracking at end of reinforcement. If soils DR AIN WEEPH AT are placed and compacted in dry W MAXIMUM 30 ON L . consolidation of the reinforced fill and D ETAIL THIS SHEET cracking at the end of reinforced zone. 2) Fill Consolidation 2) Consolidation of retained soil wedge - 1 } Fill Consolidation Similar to Item 1 causing cracking at the FINISHED G RAD E back of fill wedge relative to existing soils, • •..» BOTTOM OF 3) Lateral wall movement due to active 3) Active earl earth pressure state -- lessor quality 10— pressure rain Existing ground backfill soils exhibit higher lateral movement to mobilize the active earth pressure state. If the reinforced wall mass strains laterally, the fill must settle accordingly and cracking can occur. Limits of excavation 8 -INCH COMPACTED GRAVEL LEVELING PAD (TYP.) R V � fr � o t� :f OQ5 REINFORCED BACKFILL SEE SHEET LOPE PER OSHA Q, ' RW -2 FOR SPECIFICATIONS . REQUIREMENTS _ .. f� / / EXTEND TOP TWO GEOGRID f ,.=:,. -= ..:,,�:= .�,;:�:::` �-- �.� -�►-- �:��= �=� -�- � \ REINFORCEMENTS TO THE BACK OF EXCAVATION TO ..: `MINIMUM 1 -FOOT OF UNIT FILL BEHIND BLOCK COURSES (TYP.) f��> —' REDUCE DIFFERENTIAL :.,:,R,,,....,..«._...:..:.� .:.:.,....::,. ::�.._.:;.,..._,.......�._.... SETTLEMENT iN OVERLYING :_.:'.. <. :,...r : °..: :. _...........'._.`:.. �, SURFACE SEE DISCUSSION MINIMUM GEOGRID EMBEDMENT LENGTH "L" :�.' -'- ::-' -'- :- .-. \ THIS SHEET f � '- . . MM. iMM�'! i��. i. M. ��. IY. %i..!a�}Y + _AI.1 >N!.!.!M....L s,i•Ye._�iiM Mlii1. ' / �! d - `�\'�� � /,` •, , A 11Z '. ' r STRATA GEOGRID REINFORCEMENT 4" DIAMETER PERFORATED (TYP.). SEE WALL PROFILE FOR GEOGRID TOE DRAIN ADS OR PVC PIPE TYPE, MINIMUM EMBEDMENT LENGTH AND WRAPPED IN FABRIC SEE LAYER ELEVATIONS. DETAIL SHEET RW -D2 r DAYLIGHT DRAIN THROUGH WALL FACE 2000 PSI NON SHRINK GROUT TO MEET ASTM C 110 ? -45 STANDARD SPECIFICATION (TYP.) DAYLIGHT DRAIN THROUGH WALL FACE IN FABRIC PLAN VIEW 4" TEE e!Jooao�oqgq ��qo� r a� 2" CUT --•— i • • 0 1 i t r :• • • • i • o •. '`fff•,` s�o • ' . • • • Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) retaining walls are flexible reinforced soil masses, which interact with the foundation and retained backfill zones to provide a stable retaining structure. These soil zones have different stress /strain /consolidation properties which can result in differential movements and strain of the reinforced and retained soil matrix. Relative movement of the soil masses is typically noted in taller wall or tiered structures with small soil cracks occur behind the wall structure near the boundary of soil zones with different strain properties. Experience has shown that this type of soil cracking is most noticeable after very heavy rainstorms where the additional saturated soil weight and seepage pressure involved can cause slight differential movement of the masses. A wall schematic and possible causes are shown below: Possible causes of soil cracking 4) Foundation settlement 5) Toe settlement 4) Foundation settlement – The foundation soils of many wall structures have experienced the loading from the new fill which can cause differential settlement between the wall volume and cut slope. 5) Toe Settlement – The wall toe can experience more settlement than the wall heel due to the lack of overburden or confining pressure resulting in slight lateral wall movement in the upper wall section and tension cracking at the end of reinforcement. Soil cracks can also be a sign of global instability or continuing settlement which requires evaluation by a geotechnical engineer. However, most minor soil cracking observed is structurally insignificant to the long term performance of the wall structure but can lead to reflective cracks in pavement sections and /or separation of curbs when of greater magnitude. Significantly increasing the length of the upper reinforcement levels to help bridge the potential crack zones can be prudent precaution for projects with flexible pavements extending over all zones. High quality backfill, proper backfill placement and compaction, and firm foundations are the best precautions against soil cracking. G APP * 2 Street Suite t Boulder 8030 phone a Irerracon 1) Consolidation of reinforced zone Crack backfill - Any settlement of reinforced fill Crack relative to adjacent soils man cause C cracking at end of reinforcement. If soils are placed and compacted in dry I CU conditions, water can cause secondary L . consolidation of the reinforced fill and 0 cracking at the end of reinforced zone. 2) Fill Consolidation 2) Consolidation of retained soil wedge - 1 } Fill Consolidation Similar to Item 1 causing cracking at the back of fill wedge relative to existing soils, • •..» 3) Lateral wall movement due to active 3) Active earl earth pressure state -- lessor quality 10— pressure rain Existing ground backfill soils exhibit higher lateral movement to mobilize the active earth pressure state. If the reinforced wall mass strains laterally, the fill must settle accordingly and cracking can occur. Limits of excavation 4) Foundation settlement 5) Toe settlement 4) Foundation settlement – The foundation soils of many wall structures have experienced the loading from the new fill which can cause differential settlement between the wall volume and cut slope. 5) Toe Settlement – The wall toe can experience more settlement than the wall heel due to the lack of overburden or confining pressure resulting in slight lateral wall movement in the upper wall section and tension cracking at the end of reinforcement. Soil cracks can also be a sign of global instability or continuing settlement which requires evaluation by a geotechnical engineer. However, most minor soil cracking observed is structurally insignificant to the long term performance of the wall structure but can lead to reflective cracks in pavement sections and /or separation of curbs when of greater magnitude. Significantly increasing the length of the upper reinforcement levels to help bridge the potential crack zones can be prudent precaution for projects with flexible pavements extending over all zones. High quality backfill, proper backfill placement and compaction, and firm foundations are the best precautions against soil cracking. G APP * 2 Street Suite t Boulder 8030 phone a Irerracon Consulting Engineers and scientists 4MS0#MA$HAVENUE.S4MH4 TEMPE,AZ8= PK {4" W-82M FAX(4W)897-1133 C L. r I CU L . Ak 0 NWANW • •..» ll mmmullogloo 11 •� MEDIUM UNIT PLAN t +1 I� cm 0 = O IT- SMALL UNIT PLAN a L K I err r•� ► EXCAVATION LIMITS CRUSHE ROCK OR LEVELING •A■ A" GAP UNIT UNIVERSAL GAP UNIT 1/2" X 51/4" FIBERGLASS PINS I RAW 41 i W m 11% m vM41 ,01 SAM' �i IN, Alp r � � 1 • r 1 11 i r L • • • • • • • • • " • � i i PR OPER ANCHO I - H/*--� i ■ ■ H14 EXTENSION BEYOND FACE OF WALL M1111111111111[: N&9= `1 LEVELING •.■ el r-vAT1AR1 KEYSTONE BLOCK UNITS 4 : \4\ EXTEND UNIT FILL 12 INCHES BEHIND � 4 ( BLOCK UNITS 4 \ \ 4 \ \ 4 4 X\ 4 \4 4 4 A • - C'117. I . , KEYSTONE BLOCK UNIT -INCH GRAVEL LEVELING PAD; :XTEND ALONG WALL TO ACCOMMODATE IOCK; BATTER PAD AT EACH STEP IN WALL KEYSTONE CENTURY UNIT UNIT REINFORCED FILL ( BACKFILL UNIT FILL NOTE: PARTS OF GEOGRID BEYOND LAST CROSS KEYSTONE CENTURY BLOCK UNIT BAR ARE NOT INCLUDED IN REQUIRED MINIMUM EMBEDMENT rAw ARCHITICTURL 1805 29th Street Suite 2054 Boulder, Colorado 80301 phone 303.449.8900 I renjacmiftcon Consulting Engineers and Scientists 4885 SOUTH ASH AVENUE, SUITE HA TEMPE, AZ 85282 PH. (488) 847 -8280 FAX (480) 897 -1133 TMK APPROVED: 5DN DATE: 1/8/2010 REVISIONS ..�r.r r r PROD. NO. 65095812 DRAWN: J CHECKED: TMK APPROVED: 5DN DATE: 1/8/2010 REVISIONS STRATA STRUCTURAL GEOGRID VI A I ff-I 0 U C? x 'F P t s RETAINED BACKFILL