HomeMy WebLinkAboutB09-0102 PlansLINE OF HOOD BEYOND REMOVE AND RELOCATE JUNCTION BOX REMOVE AND RELOCATE EXI5TIN6 CONTROL BOX NEW GARAGE DOOR GUIDE EXI5TiNG VENT TO REMAIN EXISTING CONTROL BOX TO REMAIN. V.I.F. 3 7116" 16' -0 3 7116" PROP05ED GARAGE DOOR 16' -7 " (V.I.F) EXI5TIN6 GARAGE DOOR OPENING i " M RA 4 WA ;q4;wAz F Q SCALE: 1/4" = 1' -0" NEW DOWNLIGHT, 3 EOUA DAVIN01 SHAKE 5HIN&LE AUTUMN BLEND AND 5NOE^ RETENTION PER MANUF RECOMMENDATION ICE AND WATER SHEILI; 2X6 T46 DECKING 20 OZ, COPPER FLA5HING- 4" COPPER 6UTTER 2X10 FA50IA 2X8 BLOCKiNC- 5XI2 TIMBER EXI5TIN6 5TONE TO REMAIN — NEW ROOF — NEW BEAM — NEW 6ARA6E DOOR — NEW CORBEL — EXI5TIN6 VENT TO REMAIN —DOWN SPOUT WITH HEATAPE TO DAYLI&HT. GARAGE OPENING EXI5TIN6 CONTROL BOX TO REMAIN a h o' -o" T.C. CONC. - 6ARA6E GARAGE 5TRUCTURE X15TING CONCRETE 5ARA6E WALL VIEW WOOD TRIM e h y" -2 11 GARAGE OPENING =-W METAL GUIDE PER OOR MANUF. EXI5TIN6 STONE BEYOND EXI5TIN6 GARAGE SLAB PA I'M t 4X8 LEDGER WITH 5/8 "(P x 10 " LAG EACH RAFTER I - 3/4 "0 X 15" LAG COUNTERSINK 3' 2X6 T46 DECKING 2X10 FA50I, 2X8 BLOCKING- 5XI2 TIMBER LET -IN I" 2 -3/4 "4) LAGS 6" PENETRATION INTO TOP CHORD 8X12 TIMBER 3 - 3/4 "4> x 15" LAG5 WITH I 1 /2 "N WA5HER5 4" MIN BETWEEN LA65 3 - 3/4 "0 x 15" LAG5 WITH I 1 /2 "N WA5HER5 4" MIN BETWEEN LA65 Sr-,ALE: 1 " _ 1 ' -0 " i►r uu. BUILDING CODE: MECHANICAL CODE: PLUMB I N6 CODE: ELECTRICAL CODE: CON5TRUCTiON TYPE: 2003 IBC 2003 I MC 2003 [PC 2008 NEC TYPE 2A TABLE 601 NOTE 0-2 OWNER: NORTHWOOD CONDOMINIUM A550CIATION GENERAL MANAGER: JIM AKIN STREET ADDRE55: 600 'VAIL VALLEY DRIVE VAIL, COLORADO 81657 ARCHITECT: FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECT5 1650 FALLRID6E ROAD, 5TE 0-1 VAIL, COLORADO 81657 P: 170.476.6342 F: 170.476.4101 CONTRACTOR: NEDBO CON5TRUCTION PO BOX 3411 VAIL, COLORADO 81657 P: 170.845.1001 F: 170.845.1171 STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: TIM BOYLE 1650 FALLRID&E ROAD, 5TE 0-2 VAIL, COLORADO 81657 P: x70.476.2170 F. 170.476.4383 This structure has been designed to meet the requirements of the 2003 nternational Building Code with amendments as adopted by the Town of Vail. All omissions or conflicts between various elements of the working drawings and /or specifications shall be brought to the attention of the 5tructural Engineer before proceeding with any work so Involved. The General Contractor shall verify all dimensions and conditions at the job site and shall be responsible for the means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures associated with this project. Furthermore, he shall be responsible for coordination of all work and materials including those furnished by subcontractors. The 5tructural Engineer shall be contacted during the construction phase to make the Job site inspections necessary to confirm that the actual field conditions are consistenet with the design assumptions and that the construction is proceeding according to the plans and specifications. I i t � z 1, H if­ ti t� t II' E�,.__ '� I '1 �t_1 iI J , 1.U.L� � l� 9 i_ �i 11 � fif�l�ft cJ z 4X8 LEDGER WITH 5/8 "(P x 10 " LAG EACH RAFTER I - 3/4 "0 X 15" LAG COUNTERSINK 3' 2X6 T46 DECKING 2X10 FA50I, 2X8 BLOCKING- 5XI2 TIMBER LET -IN I" 2 -3/4 "4) LAGS 6" PENETRATION INTO TOP CHORD 8X12 TIMBER 3 - 3/4 "4> x 15" LAG5 WITH I 1 /2 "N WA5HER5 4" MIN BETWEEN LA65 3 - 3/4 "0 x 15" LAG5 WITH I 1 /2 "N WA5HER5 4" MIN BETWEEN LA65 Sr-,ALE: 1 " _ 1 ' -0 " i►r uu. BUILDING CODE: MECHANICAL CODE: PLUMB I N6 CODE: ELECTRICAL CODE: CON5TRUCTiON TYPE: 2003 IBC 2003 I MC 2003 [PC 2008 NEC TYPE 2A TABLE 601 NOTE 0-2 OWNER: NORTHWOOD CONDOMINIUM A550CIATION GENERAL MANAGER: JIM AKIN STREET ADDRE55: 600 'VAIL VALLEY DRIVE VAIL, COLORADO 81657 ARCHITECT: FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECT5 1650 FALLRID6E ROAD, 5TE 0-1 VAIL, COLORADO 81657 P: 170.476.6342 F: 170.476.4101 CONTRACTOR: NEDBO CON5TRUCTION PO BOX 3411 VAIL, COLORADO 81657 P: 170.845.1001 F: 170.845.1171 STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: TIM BOYLE 1650 FALLRID&E ROAD, 5TE 0-2 VAIL, COLORADO 81657 P: x70.476.2170 F. 170.476.4383 This structure has been designed to meet the requirements of the 2003 nternational Building Code with amendments as adopted by the Town of Vail. All omissions or conflicts between various elements of the working drawings and /or specifications shall be brought to the attention of the 5tructural Engineer before proceeding with any work so Involved. The General Contractor shall verify all dimensions and conditions at the job site and shall be responsible for the means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures associated with this project. Furthermore, he shall be responsible for coordination of all work and materials including those furnished by subcontractors. The 5tructural Engineer shall be contacted during the construction phase to make the Job site inspections necessary to confirm that the actual field conditions are consistenet with the design assumptions and that the construction is proceeding according to the plans and specifications. I i o ARCHITECTS c"1 1650 E. Vail Valley Dr. Failridge C -1 Vail, CO 81657 vai larch itects.com fax (970) 476 -4901 (970) 476 -6342 LVT 1 ON cJ z (D U_ C) 110 -� 0 LU 0 Me U I-- U o ARCHITECTS c"1 1650 E. Vail Valley Dr. Failridge C -1 Vail, CO 81657 vai larch itects.com fax (970) 476 -4901 (970) 476 -6342 LVT 1 ON SITE PLAN SCALE: N.T.S. 1 I 1L r I L.fV] I I 1 1/11 V1\ I I I NEW 15AMP 01ROUIT I 0 ELEC*--*Tm PLAN SCALE 1/4" = 1'-0" ISSUE RECORD 04.14.Oq DF=516N 05.0 PERMIT 155UANOr- 06.05.0q PERMIT COMMENTS A I T E C T S 1650 E. Vail Valley Dr. Fallridge C-1 Vail, CO 81657 vai larch itects. com fax(970) 476-4901 (970) 476-6342 51 Tr= PLAN EIJEC,TRIGAL FLAN z < u- 0 Z Lu < r) • �o 0• 0 m -j m o (uj > u rn -0 • < m • A I T E C T S 1650 E. Vail Valley Dr. Fallridge C-1 Vail, CO 81657 vai larch itects. com fax(970) 476-4901 (970) 476-6342 51 Tr= PLAN EIJEC,TRIGAL FLAN