HomeMy WebLinkAbout9002-1.00 Elevator Pressurization � BILL OF MATERIA�S ` ; ELE\/ATOR PRESSURIZATI � N ELEVATtJI� PRESSUIRIZATIC� IV Designation � Part Number Description a} TYPICAL OF ELEV-E4 TYPICAL OF ELEV-E5 Field Devices : ELEV* -T 5 TE -631 GM - 1 4 '� 1000 OHM NI DUCT TEMP ELEV-VNT ELEV-VNT EPF *-S 2 AFS -222 AlR FLOW SWITCH , 0 . 05- 12 "WC , 3 ( By Div16) 3 ( By Div16) 4 FTG 1 ��1-600R REMOTE MTD PROBE TUBE KIT CP-802 4 EPF4-S CP-803 4 EPFS-S ; EPF4-DPR H � EPFS-DPR H L ' - � (By Div16) EpF�. N o ( BY Div16) EPF-5 N o Panel Dev � ces : MOV- 12SMK- MOVKIT- MSTPKIT , MOV TRANSIENT OA �A NO NO VFD VFD �- l o CP-802 48013�3 o CP-803 480/3� � E LEV4-T � ELEVS-T 1 CP-802 1 CP-803 Level 8 Level 8 � Level 7 Level 7 Leve16 �eve16 . NOtE:S : 1 . Reference Following Grid Coordinates For Elevator Shaft locations . Level 5 �e�e, 5 Elevator ShaftCoordinates E 1 W-4 ' . E2 W-6 Level4 Leve14 E3 K-8 E4 E - 12 Level 3 Level 3 E5 E - 18 2 . Control Panels CP -802 , CP -803 , CP - 303 To Be Placed On Emergency Power . Level 2 L.evel 2 Level 1 �evel 1 Garage Garage Level Level ;; � � � � � � ELEVATtJR SHAFT' MUNiTtJRING � TYPICJ�►L tJF 3 ( ELEV-E1 , -E2 , -E3) ELEV-VNT ( By Div16 ) { ELEV-VNT (By Div16) N o ELEV-VNT ELEV1 -T (By Div16) sequence of Operations : 1 CP-303 " ° General : All set points referred to in the follawing sequences can be adjusted at the operator vv� rk sta�i � n (�i�lS } rvo ELEV3--r or at the local digital controller ( DDC } . If communication is lost to the DDC , default set point� in the DC} � ar� u ��d '-e"e� 4 for stand alone control . 3 CP-3(J3 Level 3 ELEV2--r �e�e� 3 Eleva#or Shaft M � nitoring ( ELE1/-E1 , - E2 , -E3) : The DDC shail monitor the elevator shaft temper�turee The 2 cP-so3 DDC shall display the elevator � haft temperature at the remote panel located in the fire corr� rr� � nd ro� r� 32 � � L�v� l Level 2 �e�e� 2 3 ) . If the elevator shaft temperature increases above the alarm set point , an alarm shall be sent to th � �11�� . The ' �e"e� 2 elevator shaft vent damper shall be controlled by the fire alarm system . � Level 1 Level 1 Level 1 Elevat� r Shaft � ontrol ( ELEV- E4�) : The fire alarm system will start and stop the elevator pres� urization fan ( EPF-4 � . �' he o � tside air intake damper and the shaft vent damp � r shall be controlled by the fire alarr°n systerno �arage �arage �ar�ge � Vi/ hen the pressurization fan is commanded on and the outside air intake damper is proven open , the far� sh � ll b � Level Level Level c'aIIOW@d t0 1"Un . The DDC shall monitor the fan status . � 1"h � [J [� � shall monitor the elevatar shaft temperature . The DDC shall display the elevator � haft t� mp� rature at �he rerr� �te panel located in the fire command roam 328 ( Level 3 ) . ! f the elevator shaft temp � rat�are increas� � � bove the alarm set point , an alarm shall b� sent to the OWS . The elevator shaft vent damper shall b� c� ntroll � d by th � fire al � rm system . Elevator � haft Gontrol ( ELEV-E5) : The fire alarm system will start and stop the eleva�or pre�surizatec� n f� r� ( EPF- 5 ) . The outside air intake damper and the shaft vent damper shall be controlled by the fire aaarrn �yst� rno When the pressurization fan is commanded on and the outside air intake damper is prc�ven capen , the fan sha � l b� allowed to run . The DDC shall monitor �he fan status . The DDC shall moni�or the elevator shaft t� mperature . The DDC shall display the elevator � haf� temper�ture at � th � remote panel located in the fire command room 328 ( Level 3 ) . If the elevator shaft ternperafiur� increases above the alarm set point , an alarm shall be sent to the OWS . T' he elevator shaft vent d � r� per shall be c� � tro � led by the fire aiarm system . REVISION Drawing Title : INFORMATION � �,p0 aEGes� N � MBER: Elevator Pressurization ' Q` •' ' � � � � � '' REVISED PER THOMPSON IFESAFETY R IEW COMMENTS 07 / 29 /09 EB D ' 0.����,K �jFl.��p� U � �. C�`�: 4 DATE. REFERENCE DRAWING N0 . REVISION — LQCATION ECN DATE BY ° �" 41 ° SALES ENGINEER: PROJECT MANAGER: APPLICATION ENGINEER: DRAWN APPROVED . �' � � : TIME: A. DECRESCENZO R . CUNNINGHAM E. BOGATAJ BY: DATE: gY: DATE � Praject Title : EB 12/29 /08 • .•' = BRANCH INFORMATION : . . � . .;;:. i .., , . � • °•• • • � SOLARIS ;:.,,; � . :. : CQNTRAGT NUMBER ' ' '� � � �' JOHNSON CONTROLS �� �. . j NA� Scale: NONE 141 EAST MEADOW DRIVE � ��'�. �:�%� LITTLET NESC�CEN8E�N �I�L RD . P6 � 4 VA� L, COLOFtAD� 81657 �� �:�;����� `�: :.'.' ;;';;{'f' PHONE: (303 ) 973 - 5930 DRAWING NUMBER FILE NAME: ����; �.�� �� FAX : (303) 979 - 6847 0 °� � . o