HomeMy WebLinkAboutflame spread info wall coverings solaris (2) , �-- V�5M�.03 �.�z�� �,� ,� � �u - � �,� Report of Test �un� 2, 1��4 SUBlECT: Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials ' REFERENCE: ' Test performed an Type and Type tl as welL ' TEST PERFORMED: ' The submitted sampie was tested for Flammability in accordance with the procedures outlined ' in ASTM E84-91a. SANlQIE IDENTiFICATION: One(1) sample was submitted and identified by the Client as: ', Sample SS#1-Cotton backed walicovering consisting of a 6-gauge printed PVC Film (aminated to a 70/30 Cotton/Polyester,l2oz. �� Testing Supervised by: Signed for the company by: Steve Caldar�{a John Lomash Senior Supervisor Vice President Fire Technology W5�L�33 �.iz�a� Expanded crush Properties Commercial grade material Total weight 28 ounces Vinyl weight per linear yard 24 ounces Fabric Backing(knit backj weight per linear yard 4 ounces Total weight per square yard 18.7 ounces Face content 100%PVC Back side content(fabric} 60%(Poly/Cotton) Tatal thickness before embossing .040 gauge Physical Test Data: Tensile Strength Machine Direction 71 Ibs. per sq inch Across " 6.4 Ibs. per sq inch Tear strength (M.D.) " 5.0 " " " „ Across M.D. 5.5 " " " " Abrasion resistance {CS10) 6.4(bs./inch Wyzenbeck Method NAFM 5,000 rubs No wear Elongation at break(M.D.) 33% Across (M.D.) 14% Volatile Loss 18 hrs @110 degree c/200 degrees F -8% Coid Crack -18 F Fadometer @ 120 SPH � no color change Meets Federal Flammability specifications MVSS-302 Fed.Spec.CCC-A-680A _ 8aston Fire Dept. Par 25.853b Port of NY Authority INTRODUCTION: This report presents test results of Flame Spread and Smoke Devefaped Values per ASTM E84- 91a. The report aiso includes Materiai Identificatian, Method of Preparation, Mounting and Canditioning of the specimens. The tests were preformed in accordance with the specifications set forth in ASTM E84-91a, "Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials", both as to equipment and test procedure. 7he test procedure is similar to UL-723,ANSI No. 2.5, NFPA No. 255 and UBC 42-1. The test results cover two parameters: Flame Spread and Smoke Developed Values during a 10 minute fire exposure. Inorganic cement board and red oak flooring are used as comparative standards and their responses are assigned arbitrary values of 0 and 100, respectively. PREPARATION AND CONDITIONS: Shur-Stik!il Vinyl Wallcovering Adhesive was applied to three(3) 24"x 8'0"sections of I/C board. The sample was placed over the adhesive and allowed to cure. The panels were conditioned at 73°±5°Fahrenheit and 50±5%relative humidity. T�ST PROCEDURE: The tunnel was thoroughly pre-heated by burning natural gas. When the brick temperature, sensed by a floor thermocouple, had reached the prescribed 105°Fahrenheit±5°Fahrenheit level,the sample was inserted in the tunnel and test conducted in accordance with the standard ASTM E84-91a procedures. The operation of the tunnel was checked by performing a 1d minute test with inorganic board on the day of the test. TEST RESULTS: The test results,calculated in accordance with ASTM E84-91a for Flame Spread and No/Smoke Developed Values are as follows: Test Specimen: � � SS#1 � ��,, Ffame Spread Index: 0 zfi� ,�;€ Smoke Developed Value: 5 �;�.-�'�° � __, ,���. ��.r,� �_�r���-���'" OBSERVATIONS: Ignition was noted at 25 seconds along with charring, b{istering,flaking and flaking embers of the specimen directly exposed to the flame. There was no flamefront advancement. Neither afterflame nor afterglow were evident upon test completion. RATING: The Nationa) Fire Protection Association Life Safety Code 1Q1,Section 6-5.3, "Interior Wali and , Ceiling Finish Cfassification" has a means of ciassifying materials with respect to Flame Spread and Smoke Developed when tested in accordance with NFPA 255, "Method of Test of Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials", (ASTM E84}. The classic�cations are as follows: Class A Interior Walf&Ceiling Finish: Flame Spread=0-25; . Smoke Developed=0-450 Class B Interior Wall&Ceiling Finish: Flame Spread=25-75; Smoke Developed=Q-450 Class C Interior Wall&Ceiling Finish: Flame Spread=76-200; Smoke Developed=Q—450 Since the sample received a Flame Spread of 0 and a Smoke Developed Value of 5,it would fall into the Class A Interior Wall&Ceiling Finish category. � � ){ � � '� '��c�b�`1E*°�'f�i�'"" 'uiliz t� �v.... �.�. ,.� r..vv ..... «�r.,.-n9�m'�{^� �trU�t�VV3 i , v�Q�L �.�'3�,�5 L�;�1Ce� ���v�' ������rSG$U.S.Tsstin�Comparyy inc, ' FtEPC�i�T f�UM�ER' 1272U4-1 DAT�: 71i2l99 ' PAG�: 3 t�F� ' � CLf�NT° �tlALITY HQUSE�iNC. E E41'EST DATA SH��7; CL1��V't':. �*'��'� °, DATE: /7 6 .914 �— ci�.._�ux� SAMPt,�:_Item_Na; �88 Paa�r 4Ve�Y�WatI�S?y rg�tng SU�ST�tATE: 1/2" 4YRst,tnt board ,,.._ � � Ft�AM� SPREAD, 1GNITiON:�t6 second� .., � � �; FLAM��RdNT. 5�eet maxi��am � T1M�TO MAXtMUM SFREAd;,�tL11�2��, '�'���t1�s � TEST DUt�ATtON;i�minu�� � CALCUU�1T10N:�,2@?C O:�tS=21.�'7 — v� ;, �" �� S�1M�1tlARY: 6 �LAM�SPR�Ati. 2t3��� � � ,�. , � ���SNlaKE D�NSt7Y: 'EO ,� ; �. � O$S�RVATIQ�IS: Sampie surf�ca i�nition w�s absarved at �6 seG�nds. A � maxirr�um flame irant sdv�nce of 5 feet w�� obsetved at 2 rn3nutes, 11 secarrds. � � ' P.04 ---- -- -- --•-- -•-- • ��- � � �.�����+S�S U.$.7estins Cornpsm+lrs�. R�PdR'Z"NUMS�K2: 1Z72(7�4-1 ' DA7E: 7J.121�� � PAGE:��dF d FLAl�� SPREAD AR�A lTEM N�,3dE PAPEfi WF,AVE YyALLCOVE'RfNG 20• � ...� �._. _ _ .�..... — l 7 5 � '''� 1 1- � ' � �10 ' r'° I � � � j ��.�r..� 3 F ; i � i t i J'� t.'... .. ... � ,1' � t ► I.t•i + r.�'.� •i•+ �.•�. '� / Q , . ,,� 0 S � y �! 5 a � s D tb � TiM�(M1NUT�5) �} SAMPLE ---- — ft�p t�AK - -.. . F.S.AR£A � SM�K� a�NS�TY L� � ITEht N0,�88 PAPER WEAVE WALLCDVERiNG � 100 �� . . ..,....� , r ' 80 Lii /y'�" ' g SO �.L � i 40 i Y� x�, ���P 1��+- �.� „�'1..�� w�.�r. �,w r�. � _1.1 � I �+ytFtllltir � i � i � � tii � � � iri � � � � � i ii 0 t Z y 4 5 8 7 9 9 10 ��iiE(MINUTES} 5AMP1,E "-'- — R"eD QAK ....... �nd of Report � , ._. - � �_ _ /l '� , 1:;. - . . � � 1 � ���� ���� • � � � , � � SGS U.5 mp$ny tnc. �5�5 T�iegraph Road � R�AflR7 N1SMH�R: 1272t�-� �.os Anaeles, CA�Qt}40 . t7ATE: 7112/89 Tel: �23 838-1600 ' Fa�c: 323 722•8751 FAGE: 1 OF 4 � , CLI�NT: � TARK ��ALLCOVERING �€Il%allcovering Drvi.cime of Star,��Carpet Cmp. "`979'THIRD`AVENUE,NEW YORK,NY 10022-1276 Tel:(212)355-7186 Fas:(212)753-i761 wwwstazkcarpeccom SUBJE�T: FLAME SPRE�D CLASSlFlC,�T1DN ANa SMaK�DENSITY �.�. DEVFLOF�I} � . � REFERENG�S: i. Qur cGnfirmatiprt to the C(ient t�ated July 9, 1�99, r �_Test sample rac�ived on June 2�, 9999. r� ' �. Test�r�g c�nrtuctad on.luly B, i999. 4. 1"esting�uthorized by S�ijt Tanaka. � � S�►M�LE !D: The Ctzeni su�mitted ar�d id�n#lfied#he sampis mater��!as; ltam No; �88 i�aper Weave Wail�overfng � [� 7�ST � PFi�CEI?URE: Perf�rm sfandard itame spr�ad and smake d�nsiiy deve?oped classificatiQn tests on the sample suppliad by th� Ctient in �ccoc�ance witf, ASTM � designati�n E84-98, "St�ndard M�thod af Test for S�rF�c� 8urning � Char�ctQristlGS of ��flding Materfafs." The fore�ving t�st procedura is camparable tv L1L 723,ANSJ/N�AA No, 2�5, �nd USG I�a. 8-�. L.L,.• � ��p' ' S1C�1��D FGR GC}MQA Y BY: 'f� y�' : 8rta Q ga ���+1' Test Techni�iartlgb � M��h� S. EIlio# Mana�erl�ire Tech. Dept. ,,... I�ia+nb�r of u►r 843 t3rau rau �MWifC�Y.itlIUlCb�•��fY(O��TAHpAltpi�11AL1lI►710M i C�iAtiNL.�iIOMiE11Y1CK '°�""`— /0�ul Tpif�p p�y1/41MY i�A/IQ1�17 A!1!POR'f!f�,�t/QE OR j}��1'�¢Sh1CM(tFQYatq f�pp�,�MMOlfE iM11Y�I QN MK��A�{!F!/6{�y�A 11FIdEA� rC�11E�W+�i{ii��0�THE O�pAp�1H(G AEtOWi��JI�fA6YULlt 01�3,Y QI7NE�TAHOMo�p���D 7D 7iq TEiT��'7Ep Ita�a4 uuaED COMOUCI�Dpntp��(�pq.M1A0MM����if�OWLt1YYi�!'7i�LA�fMF1�7iiWlY�?i7)IEBAYl�L1YII�TYqK10i1Z1fE+11F0 t16i�a a h�pl�r�att,K,M�t�AU�a l�q�Jf tlt�����o�wc. �pµ�MOT�r r+R�41r u�sm w bv� MTiIE yY1VRtN IiAAMQMtW IM!!E ifLt I r�Ys�nan rw.ww u...,uw..a...w....�....�_,�.._.._,_. RFIlC��FO F7SCtCt��w Fu i un�. �_02 � � ������`�SGs U.S.'f.s�tn�Ccmpac�y Inc. , � � � RE�Cy�T i+ttJM6ER: 1�720�-1 GAT�:7l j 2195 ° PAGE:2 O�4 ° GLlENT:t�UAL17Y H4USE, iN�, s PREPARATION AND CONDf71C?MNG; The w�l[coveting was adhered to ��/2"gypsum bd�rd with Shur-StiE� t 1.1 wallcover�ng adhesive. P�ior to tast}n�, th�samples w�re placed in tha canditioning roorn . (m�in#ainad st 73.4 t 5°F ant!a rolatiu� humidity of 50 t 5%)and �— aEfawed ta reach moisture equifibrium. VJ � SiJMNlARY O� . � ASTM EB�t RESULTS. Sacause of the passibl$variations in repraciuGibiiity, thB rB5t�ftS�r� adj�stad ta fhe Rearesf figure divisibte by 5. � SAMP�.E FI.AME SMOFCE � �DEN'�F1C�,AT1�N ,�;�,�,� f3�11�'LY Itam No. 388 2� 10 Paper Weave � W$E(cflvering � � In order to obtain#he Ftama Spread CJassifcation,the abave resutts � �hould be ccmpared ta ihe f�(I�wing ta�le: � NE�,�L,�SS Uf,�, CLASS FLAME SPREAD � A f 4 through 25 8 tl 26 through 75 C t{t 78 through 20Q t • � SU2l.DING COD�S C1TEU: 1. Na;ional Fire Protection Association, ANSIIN�PA No. 101, "L�fe Satety CodB", 1994 Editlan 2. Unlfotm Bui}ding Cod�, t984 Ed�tion, Chaptar 8, interior �ir�ishe�, S�cttor�s SQ1-807, � 1 �}�� a c�s- t STARI����ALL C OVE RING ��� � Wa!lcoverrng Drviaian of Stark°Carpet Carp. ��'"`" ��,.� 979 THIRD AVENUE,NEW YORI�,NY 10022-1276 �� '��:� �� � Tel:(212)355-7I86 • Fax:(2I2j 753-37GI • ivww.starkcerpet.com . � - _.: „ „-._ . ,. , . ,.,.. . .. r, _... ,. . , . .._.,, _. _�__. ,,>.. _ ,I?�c;�m�iei'r Q,.2Q09 <S:taik�Vallcoverin�s -979 Third;Aye: ka`"'��. I�tew'York,NY.�I`002� -Att::Dorina_To3a Re: �ir�.�.a�tn�-BA3�3`Pap�rw�a�e W�vv3�3�3 ��y� U 2�c. `1,�)�M�� L��Pv�' Liste.d�bcictw is`:Fire�R�t�n�frsr BAsI3 a 1-00% �papec4rrea�e pat�ern. Class�A Fire Rating Flame 25 _ :;:.;;; Smake 4 The test`i�AS�'�1=E84:Stan�arci'Method.of Test for�Surface,Bui�.ing'�aracteristics ofBuildYng 1Vlaterials: . , . �� y ;. , � �; ,g Than�:.ya�f.or,youx inter.�st in�ur products: �, ;; . - . ,� ,:�_ � � - - S�cerely ` . ' LLk • �' ' - �. �•� ��?_ . F .�� - � - . � . � .' � � � , � ..-� �� - �� . . .�.. � .. :.�- . , ,� ..�:� ... F X� 6'_��yl� �. F! t � � - rytTr j f �", ��;� �ul�'t v , ('°°� ""�^,J.�+'�.'��� � �fi ,''�''y'�i ` .� � .ra�C 'r'F , � �tp'r�'�,' 'Y �� $+v. � .N � ' .� �`P'� �F !�r�t J � .J . � t� ��wk. ' �,t� 4 �, �" ;t f_'�R1�r`�� ����,�-J' �S' 1�_ . f �� � �� try.. .,,: tr�' ' '�f r ��j� ' ���' � �� '`; �a � �'�e"' ,;� �•' �w �'"'��' 'r .,�,% ��i���..�i � ' � � a b �� J;aS*'i? t'*� r 7;�f � €,.� � ,� F zC'r �j.:�� ,�%�" � �� �'F �� � •, � ��,r ��Y/ �' 'l.�t' `,� ^�r ? ,��k��``� �/� �j: � / ` . r - ./ S� ,t+: � . �. c._ _ , ��r��� ..,t !: d ���,,..• t��f � .,�'{ q���u�G. . ' .� -. '- ., ��` . � �.... � , , F� ` , ` ��' -y ��- � � �.k ♦t ��- �D �� r � } _ r� t � `.Ga. f {`-'� �1. 9 � `'�.���';� �^°"�° . . _ .. .. -. __ .._`:� ' a1�.2tI- . ._ .. , _ ..,._ ,. �,. . .�jQ . _ �y3#�,,��