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IPM.Note F08-0081 Solaris temp Standpipe Mike McGee SMTP MMcGee@vailgov.com Mike McGee SMTP MMcGee@vailgov.com Dave Leiker; Fire_Inspectors smartin@frontierfireprotection.com F08-0081 Solaris temp Standpipe Dave Leiker SMTP dleiker@bcer.com dleiker@bcer.com Dave Leiker smartin@frontierfireprotection.com SMTP smartin@frontierfireprotection.com smartin@frontierfireprotection.com smartin@frontierfireprotection.com Fire_Inspectors SMTP Fire_Inspectors@vailgov.com Fire_Inspectors@vailgov.com Fire_Inspectors F08-0081 Temp Standpipe 10 08.pdf