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Fwd: RE: Letter on 2/23/08 Work - Solaris
Mike McGee
Mike McGee
Fire Department
RE: Letter on 2/23/08 Work - Solaris
>>> Leonard Sandoval 02/20/2008 4:16 PM >>>
FYI - Solaris submitted a request letter to the TOV Public Works Department to allow dirt to be export out on Saturday, Feb 23, 2008. You may read the letter below.
After further discussions with staff ( PD, PW ) I have to decieded to give them a chance, with conditions.
Attached is a letter of conditions they must meet and comply with. No exceptions.
They are aware that we are in the mist of a great ski season and the community and guest are currently considered are high priority.
Please call me if you have any questions
The original hard copy on TOV letterhead is on file at Public Works, 5 copies where made, two were given to the Solairs Group,one too Weitz Costruction, one too WVC and the other to
Vail PD.
>>> "Tom Ogg" <tom.ogg@solarisvail.com> 02/20/2008 9:05 AM >>>
We would like to meet with you at 2:30 pm today.
Tom Ogg
-----Original Message-----
From: Leonard Sandoval [mailto:LSandoval@vailgov.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 8:50 AM
To: Tom Ogg
Cc: dan.feeney@solarisvail.com; gerry@solarisvail.com; megan@solarisvail.com
Subject: Re: Letter on 2/23/08 Work
Can I meet with your group this afternoon at the PW office? To discuss
this request, I think we work something out but there will be
restrictions. I am available at 2 pm. today. Please call me to confirm.
I will be in a meeting from 9 till 11:30 am today, I plan on discussing
it with staff and should have answer by noon.
If possible, bring along a member of the Weitz and WVC team.
>>> "Tom Ogg" <tom.ogg@solarisvail.com> 02/18/2008 6:40 PM >>>
Please see the attached letter respectfully requesting permission to
this Saturday 2/23/08.
Thanks for your help,
Tom Ogg
Solaris Property Owner, LLC
970-479-7138 (Direct)
970-343-0884 (Cell)
Solaris_NoRes small
Fire Department
Fire Department@vailgov.com
Fire Department@vailgov.com
Fire Department
Solaris Truck Hauling for 2-23-08.doc