HomeMy WebLinkAboutPhase 3 and 8 BCER �
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Ap�•i125, 2010
Mr. Martin Haeberl�
Chief�uildinb Official
?'own of�lail
75 S Frontage Road
Vail, CO 81657
Mr•.Nlike 1`✓IcGee
Deputy Fire Chief
75 S Frontage Road
Vail, CO 81657
Solaris Phas� 3 and Phas� 8—Fire Protection System Commissioning
B�CER Engineering has performed and witnessed the inspections of the fire alarm system and sprinkler
system for the areas included in the Phase 3 and Phase 8 Occupancy at Solaris. These areas are shown on the
attached drawings. This letter serves as the documentation of that testing and provides an overview of the
inspection procedures and findings.
Automatic Sprinkler S s�
Inspections of the sprinkler system for Phase 3 and Phase 8 areas were completed on April 23, 2010.These
inspections included a visual inspection of the sprinklers in their final installed condition and testing of Yhe
valves and flow swiiches associated with Phase 3 and Phase 8, concurrent with the fire alarm system testing.
During our inspection we noted that many escutcheons had been removed to accommodate the ongoing patch
and paint work. These areas were as follows: Unit SA—Bathroom; Unit SE—Storage Room behind Kitchen;
Unit 4H—Laundry Room; Leve14 Housekeeping Closet,Unit 4E—Closet. Additionally, it was noted that
the escutcheons within the Spa area on Level 2 were covered with drywall compound. The ceiling tiles
witl�in the Bol Kitchen were not completely installed and the sprinklers throughout the Bol had not been
trimmed at the time of our inspection. A representative of the Weitz Company and Frontier Fire Protection
accompanied us during our inspection and noted all of the areas.
BCER advised the V�/eitz Company that the final trim on all areas within Phase 3 and Phase 8, as well as the
ar�as immediately above, and all areas beLow, must be complete prior to the final inspections by the Building
and Fire Department.
Fire Alarm SXstem
The�re alai-�n systv�n��as inspected and operational t�sts were perfoi-�ned for the devices within the Phase 3
and Phase 8 areas, as well as the temporary devices directly above those areas and the areas below an the east
side of the building, on April 23, 2010.
5�20 VVARD�?O,aD,SuiT�200,�tRVA�a,CO�ORAOO 800U2-1838��Ei�PHONE: 303-422-7400�Fnx: 303-�l2�-790Q
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l�ll fiY•e alar�n dea✓ices were fun�tional �.t th�ti�n�of ou�•aras����ioci a[ad repo�-te�i to tl-�e cent�°al t�lotlito��irag
st�tia;l. ��Ie n�te�t9iat a door I�ad b��n retocat�d oia�,�vel 2 s-�;aY•tlie��rr�bor�i entY•aflice aigd the inaiiva( pull
scation curcently installed is greater than 5 feet fi•om the d�ar. VoI�also noted tl�a�the pLill station loc�.tec� n�ar
5uite 204 needs to be relocated to tl�e opposite side of�he corrido�•so that i�is at the en2rance to the exit
passagevvay rather than at the bacic entrance to the retail spac�.
The fire alarm speakers and associated manual activation at the fire alai�rn contral panel were not operational
�yith,in the East Residenczs Lievator(Llevator 5�)at the time of our i�lspectioii. However, communication
fi�om the Fire�ommand Room to the Elevators is possible through the dedicated twa way communication
The manual pull station at the fi�ot�t destc has not yet been relocat�d and the vvall mounted visual noti�cation
appliances installed on the ceilings have not been replaced.These items were identified as deficiencies
during our Phase 1 Inspections.
The sprinkler system will be complete and operational within the areas associated with Phase 3 and Phase 8
provided that the final trim is installed prior to the occupancy of those areas. The deFiciencies noted with the
fire alarm system will not affeot the operation of the system for the Phase 3 and 8 areas;therefoi•e,we believe
the fire alarm systsm is operational for Phase 3 and � occupancy.
l�11 outstanding deficiencies must be completed prior to the next sch�duled t�sting on IVIay 4,2010.
Prepared by:
BCER Engineering, Inc.
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Jason Miller, Fire Protection Consultant
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Reviewed by: � ,�'`�} 3 y r� �v
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Todd Gardner, P.E. ��3�: ���
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Fire Protection Engineer ' ,' �°� �
c: Dan Feenev, Solaris
5^��O 1/�IAF:D 6�,O,�D,SUITE 20�,��-1RVADA,�OLOR?,DO E0002-9 838�1 ELEPFIO�IC: 303-�•22-7'�CO�S�X: 3Q3-4•22�7900