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Level 2 Lounge NFPA Cert
FIRE ALARM SYST�IItI R�CORD (JF CQIVIPE.�TION 7"o be compfefec!by the sysferrr rnsfa!lation contractor at fhe trms of eysfem a�oept�nce and approval. 1.I'E�OTECTED PRDP�RTY 1NFORMATtON Nat��e of SOLARIS—2"d Level Lounge,2"d T evel Hottsvlc�eeping, 1't Leve1 BatIn•ooins(Adjacent fo Zapxboni} pro�e��ty+: Address: 141 FAST MEADOW DRIVF,VAtL CO Descripfion of MfXEJ3 US�--HCGH RISE propei�ty: Occupancy type: R.M,B,S Nmitia ofproperiy S4LARIS PROPERTY OWNER-SPD reprssar�fative: Address: � Plioae; 97b,390.G493 Hnx: E-mnif; DAN.FEEN�Y(�}SOL.AItISVA[L.COM Aud�ority havi3tg jurisdiction over this VAtL FIRE UEPARTME�[dT propeit3'; Phone: 970.479.2t3S T�flx: E-maiL , MMCG�E ,VAIL,GQV 2. FIRE ALARM SY3TEIV! INSTALLATIA�I,S�RVIC�,AND T��TWG INFORMATION I�stallatiott cm�ti•actor foi•t��is ec�uip��ient: E1.�ICIHT FLECTRiC/LG[COM1'AI�IGS ___ Address: LBT--20t']CIUIZTIS STREfl3T,DBNVER,CD 80205 Phane: 303934,5G31 Far: E-tvall: LBIrr,L�,ICOMPANIES.COM Service arganizn#ian fo►•this eqaipm0tit; 70HNSON CONTROLS INC. Address: 10289 WEST C�IVTENNIAL TtQAD LITTLETON,CO 80127 Phone; 303973.5930 Fax; 303.979.G847 E-mail: KENNET�I.D.BALL(a�JCI.COM Location ofas-builydrRwi«gs; FIRR CC7MIiV1ANl) ' i Locatian vfhistoricnl test repotts: _F]�2E COMMAND Location of system operation and mai�ttenance mam�als; F]RE COMMAND A co�itrACt for test and inspection{n accardauce�vith I�PAA standards is in effect as of: TBb—UPON C/O Cont�•ncted testing coinp��uiy: TBD Address; TBD PlZOno: TlID �ox: TBD �-�nnil: TBD QcciipAncy type: e[v�,s Cv��tract expues; TBD Conh�acf nun�Uer: TBD_ , rreqi�enay of rouEi�tie inspoctions: T�II 3.TYP�b��lFt�ALARM SY57�M OR S�RVIC� N�'PA 72 Chapter Roferonce of System Type: CHAPTSR 6 __ � N�uic of oi'gttniz�tion receiving n[arm signa[s«i�liphoue nuinbars(tf m��yliccEGle): Alariu: REMOTF OP�ItATCONS CENTER-JG7 Pliane: 1.80D.753,�524 Sttpervlsory; R�1vIOT�pT'�itATIONS CENTBR-JCI I�hone: 1.80Q.753.4524 "1'xoubfe; �tVip7'L UPt3KA'1'lON5 t:F?NTRR-JCT Phone: 1.800.753.�52�k Eifity to lvhicl�alarn�s are��etransinitted: VAiL T�I RT DI�PARTML�t�T DISP Phone: 970�479,2246 Med�od ofrehansmission ofalarins to thatorgai►rzation or locat€on: I'ho��e Centeral Stafion Dlsl�atclt . RemrdMCempte�enform(aasaUOnlgPA72�20075 NFPA72.1of5 Lou�ahousokeeping.daa 6f30l1D106:-02:OOAM R.W.Evans Raprinled wiri permissbn�rom NFAP 72-ZODy,Ns�nal FW NotM Codo�. Copydgt�l�2007,Nelfoiml Fire Prolec#on AssocleGon,QuinoY,tttJ�D2269 3.'TYP�OF�IFt�ALARM SYSTEM OR�ERVIC��conflnued} If Chnpter S,note die means oft��ausmissiou fi•o�3�protectec��remises to the ceutral st��tion: �X Digit�tl alarn�commimicatoe �J McCul[oIi � Multiplex ❑ 2-tivay rndio � 1-tivay i'�dia � N/l� If Ghapter},note rype of connectioc�: [� Locai energy ❑ Shunt � N1A 3.1 5ystetn Saftware Operaiing system(eaect�tive)so#hvac�revisiou Icvcl: 12,0 5ite�speci�c softwai�e revision date: 5.5 Revision comptated b��: JIIVI MOItEN 4,SIGNALING L1�7� CiRCUlT3 CJ�nracte��lstics ofstg�ra�irtg lia:o c�rcurts car�rtealed ta fhls systeu�(seeIVFP.4 72, Table G:G.I}: ; Qu�ntlty: 16 Siyle; 4 CInss: B �.ALARM INIT'IA71NG I3EVIC�C{RCUITS Charact�ristics of inrliafistg cle>>iee eti•ct�its co��rrecled to this system(see NFP.4 72, TaGle 6,S):TO BE REMOI�G'b Pl�l"OR TO C/O(TL1l�POR�ili.Y.�ET�1�L S'��It�Ld)f�—LfiCHH�AT IN GAlit!GE ON INDI'l�It7I7AL IDC Qik911t7fy: 11 Style: 4 Class; B �.� Manual Initiating Devicas � S.I.I1YIAnu�t Pult Sta#ions N��inber of M�nuaf puli stations: S��DEVICE CT BHFET '['ypa ofdavices: �X Addressat�te � ConventIona] � Co€ied � Transmitter ❑ N/A S.2 Automatie Inifiating Devlc�s 5.2,1 Area Smolce Detecto�•s N�uisber af sutoke detectors; SEB DEVIC�CT SI�ET Ty��e of covet�age: Q CcNnplete area �X F�rtia[area ❑ iVonrec7uit�ed partial area ❑ N/A Typv ofdevices; �X Adciressa6le � (:onventionxl ❑ Coded ❑ "Fransntitter ❑ NfA Type ofs�noke dctcctar scnsi��cclv�ology [� Ionization �X Phatoeiectric 5,2.�A�ict Sinolce Dct�ctors 7�umbor of dact s�noka detectors; i�pe of covera�e: Type afde�lces; � AcEclrass�bla 0 Conveutlonal [] Codec� � Transn�itter C] NIA Type of smoke cletecEar seiising tech;ialogy ❑ Ionizatia« n Pfiofoelcctric 3�2,3 Heat Detcetox's Nu�nber af heat detectot�s: SEE DEVICE GT SH�ET � T}rpe of couerage: � Cont}�lete arca OX Pat�i�i ai�ea Q Nom•equl��ed pat�tial are� � N/A Type af devices: Q Adci�•ess�UIe �X Co�iventia»aE � Coded [� Transmitter �N/�1 . 5,2.4 Sprb�[der Wa#st•floi��l?etectors Number of�vaterflow detectots; S��J�&ViCE CT I SH�ET Type of deviccs: �X Addressable �] Cai}ve��tions►l [� Coded a Transraitter �N/A R6caltloff:omplatianPoCm�basetloriNFYA72-2oD7) N�PA72,2af5 Loucgatwusoke�ing.doa 6739RO�OeAz:u0M1 R.W.�vsr» RepitMedw�h pamilsslon from NfAP 72 20U7.Nalianal F'voAlarm Codo d, i.bpyri0hl�2�07,NeBennl Flre profecRm AssarJalim,tluincy,Aiq 02289 5.Z5 Alarm Yorificaflon Number of davicas subject to alat�n v�i•ircalion: Alat��n varification on fl�is systec�i is: � E�iabled � Disah[ed � Set for seconda 6.SlJPERVISORY S[GNAL-1�11T1ATING DEVtC�S AND CIRCUITS 6.1 Sprinkier System Nucnber of valve snpervJsoiy s�vitcl►es: SEfi b�VICE CT SH�ET Type of devices: �X Addrassabta � Convantional � Codecl ❑ Tt•At�smitter � iVIA 6,2 Fire Pump � 'I'ype of�r�pun3p: n Electric � biesel I Type af fire}�ump suparvisc�ry devices: ❑ Acldressab(e ❑ Cortventlonal � Coded ❑ Trans�nitier a NIA Fu�e Pnmp Funetipns 5upet�vised [] Fl�e pump po�ve►• Q Fire pump►�unning �J Fi��e pi��up pS�ase reversal ❑ Selector s�vif�l�uot lit anto ❑ Engi�ie or control paneJ irouble ❑ �,ow fliel OtEie�•: 6.3 �ngfne-Driven Generator Type ofgenerator supervisary devices; ❑ Adciressable ❑ Conventional ❑ Codod ❑ Trans��u�ter ❑ N/A [� Engine ar coi3hbl panel h•ouble ❑ Gezierator rnnning � Sefector srvitcli not in a��to � T.ow fuel Other: 7.ANINUAlC�ATt7RS 7.1 Annunefator 9 [� Loca( �X Renzote Typ�; � AddressaUle � Directol'y � Grapluc � NIA I.ACFLtIPll: �N1'RANCE TO STATR 3 7.2Annuncfator2 ❑ Local �X nemote '�'ypc: �X Atldresssbla � I7irectoiy � Grapl�ie � N/A Loe€�fian: Fr{'I'ItANCE TO STAIR 4 7.3 Annut�clafor 3 ❑ Loca[ � Ttemote Type: p Addressable � T�irectory � Graplde �X N/A Location; _____ B.ALARM NQTl�IGA'fION C3EVIC�S AN13 CIRCUITS " 8,9 Emergency Volce Alarm Servlce� CUFtFtE�iTLY p1SABLEp AT TOV R�QUEST—WHOdf�ONLY Nuinher of singte voice alat�tt�cha�nels: 1G Irlllll]�JOI•af multipie vaice atarm channels: NONE Nitm�er of speakers: TBD UPON C/a Num�or of spaakaa.�zones; 1G UI'UN C/O 8,2 Telephone.lacks Namber aPEeleghane jncics installed: N!A NUf21I3C1•of telephoae l�aiidsets sto��ed on site: NIA ____ Type ofteleplio�ie system i��stal�ed; � EEect�'ically potvered � Sound po�vered �X N/A Rco�rdo(Campls6on fam(ba5edon FFPA72-200T) �V�PA 72,3 of b Lau�gehcusekeaplr�doc 6fa7120i0�:47:0o AAt RW.Evare Rapd�ad uilh�atmisslon frnm NFAP 72�7,National FiraNarrn Coda tD, Copyrlgh!O 70DT,NaBOne1 h7ra Ytofaction AssoctaRan,Quinry,l�AA,02289 8.3 Nanvaice Audible Sysfem Char�cleristics ofr�at�cation de�rice cli•c.rrits cnnnecled fn Il�i,r spstern(see NFP�f 7.2, Tnble 6,SJ:L+'XTLIiYQR H/S �u�ntity. - 3 .-- - Styie; � Cl�ss: B 8,ALARM NOT[FICATIQN DEVIC�S AND CIRCUIF3(corttlnusc� 8,4 Types and Quantities a#Non�olce Nofiflcation Appliances installed Balls: With visuel device: Hot'ns: Witl�visuRt device: Clumes: With visuai devica: Speakeis: T6d With visual Tlxi upon upon do c{evicc; cln ��isttal devices�vithoi�t audi'ble devlces: TBD CJPQN Othe�•(describe}: F}CT�RfC7R H/5-3 CIO 9.�M�RGEiVG1�CONTROI,FUNCFIdNS ACTIVAT�D � OX Huld-upen door releasu�g devices � Smoke�n�nagetnent or s►tioKe control ; I ❑X Door unlocking—UPON C/Q []X �levato�•recall ❑ Other 10,SYS'1'�M PDWER SUPPLY '14.�1 Primary Pawer Nomival valt$ge: 277l9S0 vvlt 3 pt►nse 4�vtre ,._, Acnps: 2 services rni AOQD a�n�s Overc��rrent protaction: Type: Fused Switches Amps� 2 servlees r�40D0 amps Location(ofpriivary supply panel Uoard): Garage Level Soutt�Exst carncr of Uuilcling ._ _ bisaonnevting tncans locEition: �sed 5�v�tches S�vitcltbord MSB lias 5 maiu switches MSA Iias l Mftin switch �4.2 Secondary Power Loeatiou: FCC Type: B�1TT �toit�i[�af voliage; l2V Ciu�reut ratui�; N/A Ntpnber ofstatxlUy bstteries: 2 Atnp hour rating: 5S AH Location of eme�ency generatax: GARAGE I.c�cation of fue)stor��c: GAttAGB Calca[ated capflcity of secondary potiver to d�•ive tita system In sfanctby n1oc18: 2�4 FIRS In Rla��n�modc; 5 MIN '11.RECORA OF SYSTEM WSTALLATION Fllr or�t a,Jter`aIl ttrstadlalloi�is cor»plele cr►zd�vu•iy�g ltas bee�t chcckerl fol•oper�s,slaorts,gi�atnrd fat{Tts,un�l i�rrproper l�'a�rcJ�ing,Gu!b�/'ore co��rlucti�tg npel•atio�r acceptauce tests, The system has been iustalled in�ccoi�ifl��ce�viiEt the fn Ilo��+ing N 1�'k'A stuxfards(iYote any or all that apply): �]X NFPf172 Q NRPA 7D,Naliorrtr!Elech•ical Code,Article 7G0 �J M�ttu£actureG's pu�Tisltect instt�uctio�is [� Otl�er(please s��ecify): � Systeu�deviations�•o�n ref�renced NFPA standards: i Slgned: `�`�-��' � � Printed Nnnze: l�t K c:. �v��-,�.�-+ Dare; , b_1��'l�� Or�niz�ttion: j-�utps���-et�E+T (�L4 G-6 Tide: J'.J+��i. Phone� �`8� s"S:3 -:Z.��(a i � � RecorJofComplellonCorm{basedvnNFPA72-2007j NFPA72,4o(6 Lourgetw�eoke�i�.doc 61a(�t�0108:i2:o0hM 1LW.Evo�s � Rop�inledv�+h perrNssbn trom N}AN 72 20�7,Narioml fue A�erm Cotla m, CopY�DhtO 2007,NaUona3�tre RolxcUon Assoda6or�Qulnq+,hfA,022� ; 12,R�CORD QF SYST�M 4P�RATID�! Ai[operational featnces and fnuctions of this system were tested by or n►N�a presence of tho signer sho�vu belosv,on the d�te sho�vn l�elotv,�u1d we��e found tcti ba operafing pa�onea�Ey iit�ccnrdance w�th the requiremenfs of OX NFPrt 72 �X NE'PA 7fl,Naliot7al Elecli�ical Code,ArEicle 7b0 LJ Manufactarer's publishecl insb�uctions �X Other(please speeiPy}: RAT1aNAL,ANALYSIS ❑ Do�wnentafiyn in iewrdance�viW Iuspection end Tesiitig Foi7tt(Flguce 14.G.2.3)is attached Signed: 'r�� peinted Na�ne: Kemieth Ba11 Dafe: G128/I0 Org�llizatlon: Jolu�son Canhnls,I�ic Title: LSS PGone; 303.328�5287 13.CERT[FICATIOi�lS A1Vn AF�f't�OVAI.S � 93.1 System Inetalla#lan Contractor Tfie systein as spacifted herela has been lnsfaflecl ancf tested�n accordiug#a atl NFPA st�ndards eIted hcrotu, Si��ied: �-�—�f ��.�;__. Pi�inted Nflme: . (''L 1 �t:.. /v°=x-r4� D1te; C� / 3���a Org�u�ization: X�L1X�`=u �°�-r �`-.e�7 . Tikta: .S'�lnT - Phona: A�7`° •_,�,3— 2�'0-� 13.2 System Service Contractor Tl�c systom ns spcci d hcreln liAS been instt�lled n�id teskcd in acco��diug to alI�FPA standards oited l�e��ein. Signed: � Printed Naute; Ken Bnll Date; G/28/f 0 Cll'gA1117. ion: Johnsnli Co�rtmis,inc Titl�: LSS Phone: 303.328,5287 _ 13.3 C�ntral Stafian '�'E�e system as spe ' hel• in�vill ba nsonitored ncoording to att NFPA standacds citedherein. Si�;ned: —�� Priitted Name; KenBall l�ate: 6128110 Orgat�tz�tlon, JGI—REMOTFsOPERAT[ONS TitEe: I,SS Phone: 80U.7S3,4S24 13,�4 Property Representative I accept t ' ste�� _ having been installec(�id tested to its speoificattons and al1 NFT'A stAncifli'ds cited herein. Slgned: � � P��u�ted Name: i)ate: Or$anizativn; Title: _. Phove,�_ _ 93,f,AuthoriEy Having Jurisc[iction I l�ave�vihiessed a satisfactm��acceptanca test of This system anc[fin�E it to be instaEled wd operafing p►•operty in sCCOr@At�ee ivith its appraved plans and speeifications,its�pproved sequance oEoper�tio�is and�vith a[I NF1'A stKttcl��'ds elted hereln, " Signed: 1'�•lnted Name: ,_ Date: Qrg�iuzation: Title: Piione; RecadolCeq�feyon(rnrn(UiSedOnNf�PA72-2007) NFPA72,5af5 Lwngchousekeeping.<bo E/301201DE4200AA1 R.W.Gvane ReprlNetlMlh petmisslon Imm NFAP 72•200T,Natlonal Fto Nertp Coda m, Copy�fght�1007,NeYanal FVe PtoLecllonASSOCIaxon,qU�nc.y,A7A,02269