HomeMy WebLinkAboutLevel 2 SPA NFPA 72 Cert FIRE ALARM SYSTEM RECORD OF COMPLETION To be completed by the system installation contractor at the time of system acceptance and approval. 1. PROTECTED PROPERTY INFORMATION Name of property: SOLARIS—2ND Level Spa Address: 141 EAST MEADOW DRIVE,VAIL CO 81657 Description of MIXED USE—HIGH RISE property: Qccupancy type: R,M,B,S Name of property SOLARIS—Jason Hasenberg(Facilities Director) representative: Address: 141 East Meadow Drive,Vail Co 81657 Phone: 970.790.6411 Fax: 970.790.6401 E-mail: jason.hasenberg@solarisvail.com Authority having jurisdiction over this VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT property: Phone: 970.479.2135 Fax: E-mail: MMCGEE@VAIL.GOV 2. FIRE ALARM SYSTEM INSTALLATION, SERVICE, AND TESTING INFORMATION Installation contractor for this equipment: ELIGHT ELECTRIC/LEI COMPANIES Address: LEI—2017 CURTIS STREE3T,DENVER,CO 80205 Phone: 303.934.5631 Fax: E-maiL• LEI@LEICOMPANIES.COM Service organization for this equipment: JOHNSON CONTROLS, INC. Address: 10289 WEST CENTENNIAL ROAD,LITTLETON, CO 80127 Phone: 303.973.5930 Fax: 303.979.6847 E-mail: KENNETH.D.BALL@JCI.COM Location of as-built drawings: FIRE COMMAND Location of historical test reports: FIRE COMMAND Location of system operation and maintenance manuals: FIRE COMMAND A contract for test and inspection in accordance with NFPA standards is in effect as of: TBD—UPON C/O Contracted testing company: TBD ,�lddress: TBD Phone: TBD Fax: TBD E-maiL• TBD Occupancy type: R,B,M,S Contract expires: TBD Contract number: TBD Frequency of routine inspections: TBD 3.TYPE OF FIRE ALARM SYSTEM OR SERVICE NFPA 72 Chapter Reference of System Type: CHAPTER 6 �Tame of organization receiving alarm signals with phone numbers(rf applicable): Alarm: REMOTE OPERATIONS CENTER-JCI Phone: 1.800.753.4524 Supervisory: REMOTE OPERATIONS CENTER-JCI Phone: 1.800.753.4524 Trouble: REMOTE OPERATIONS CENTER-JCI Phone: 1.800.753.4524 Entity to which alarms are retransmitted: VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT DISP Phone: 970,479,2246 Method of retransmission of alarms to that organization or location: Phone Centeral Station Dispatch Record of Completion form(based on NFPA 72—2007) NFPA 72,1 of 5 spa.doc 7/22/2010 10:13 AM R.W.Evans Reprinted with permission from NFAP 72-2007,National Fire Alarm Code O, . Copyright O 2007,National Fire Protection Association,Quincy,MA,02269 3.TYPE OF FIRE ALARM SYSTEM OR S�RVICE(continued} lf Chapter 8,note the means of transmissio�� from p�•otectad p��emises to the central statian: �X Digital alarm communicator � McCulloh � Multiplex � 2-ivay radio � 1-way radio � N/A If CI�apter 9,note type of coimection: CJ Local energy � Sht►tit � N/A 3.1 System Software � Operating system{executive)soft�vare revision level; 12,0 Site-specific softwai•e revision date: 5,5 Revision completed by: JIM MOREN 4.SIGNALtNG LIN�CIRCUITS Clrarncterrstics of Sl,glipllltg I1172 C7]'Ct!!tS COi117BCfECI t0 I�17S Syste�ir{see NFPA 72, T«ble 6.6.1): Quantity; 16 Style: 4 Class: B 5.ALARM INITIATING DEVICE CIRCUITS CJta��acter•istics of i�ritiating clei�ice circrrTts corrrrected to thrs sys/er►t(see NFPfi 72, TrtGle 6.S):TO 13E R�1tIQ i�ED PRIOR TO C/O(TE�IIPORARYRET�fIL SF.E BELOiT�—EACH HEAT�N GARAGE Ol�'INDI YID UAL IDC Qnantity: 11 Style: �t Cless: B 5.1 Manual Initiating Devices 5.1.1 Manual Pul[Sfations Nu�nUer of Manual piill statinns: SEE DEVICE CT SHEBT , Type afdevicas: 0 Addressable � Conventional � Coded � Trans�uitter � N/A 5.2 Automatic tnitiating qevices S.2.1 A►•ea Smolte Detectoa•s Number of stnake detectors: SEE DEVICE CT SHEET Type of coverage: � Complete area �X Partial area L] No�u•ec}uired partial area � N/A Type of devices: �X Addressable � Convei�tional � Coded � Transmitter � N/A . Type of smoke detector sensing teclmology � Ionizafian �X Photoe[ectric 5.2.2 Duet Smolce Deteeta•s Nnmber of duct smoke detectors: Type of coverage: Type of devices; � Addressable � Conventional � Coded J� Transinitter � N/A Type of smoke detectoc sensing technology � Ioiuzation � Photoelectric 5.2.3 Hcat Detectors Numbei•of}ieat detectors: SEE D�VICE CT SHEBT Type af coverage: � Complete area �X Partial area � Noncec�uired pa�•tial a►•ea � N/A Type of devices: �X Acldressable �X Conventioi�af � Coded � Transmitter � N/A 5.2.4 Sp�•inlcler Watec•florv Detecfoz�s NumUer of�vaterf�ow detectors; SEE DEVICE CT SHE�T Type of dsvices: �X Addressable ❑ Conve�rtional � Coded � Transmifter � N/A Record of Comp;etion torm(based on NFPA 72—2007) NFPA 72,2 of 5 spa.doc 7122Y1010 7:49:00 NA R.W.Evans Reprintedwith permissbn from NFAP 72-2007,Nalional FtreAlarm Code O, CopyrightO2007,National Fire ProtecGon Association,Quncy,l.1A,42269 5,2,5 Alarm Veri�catimt Number of devices subject to atar�n verification: Alarm verification oi�t}iis system is: � Enabled �X Disabled � Set fot• seconds 6. SUPERVfSORY SIGNAL-1NITIATtNG D�VICES AND CIRCUITS 6.1 Sprinkler System Nmnber of valve supervisoc•y switches: SE�DEVICE CT SHEET Type of devices: �X Addc•essable (� CouvenrionaI ❑ Coded [� Transmitter ❑ N/A 6.2 Fire Pump , Type of fire pti►np: � Electc•ic � Diesel Type of�re pump supervisory devices: � Addressable � Conventiona] � Codeci � Transmitter � N/A Fire Pump Functions Supervisecl � Fire pun�p pawer � Fi�•e pump runnit�g � Fu�e pump pl�ase reversal � Selector switch not in auto � �ngine or coutrol panel trouble � Low fue] Ofher: 6.3 Engine-Drtven Generator Type of generator supervisory devices: � Addressabte � Conventional � Coded � Trat�smittec• � N/A � Engine or control panel trouble � Geuerator running � Se[ector switch not in anto � Low fuel Other: � . 7.ANNUNCIA70RS 7.1 AnnuneiaEor 1 � Loca] �X Remote T}�pe: QX Addressable � Dic•ecto�y � Graphic � N/A Location: ENTRANCE TO STAIR 3 7,2 Annunciator 2 � Local ❑X Remote Type; �X Addeessab3e � Dii•ectoa•y � Ga•a}�liic � N/A Location: �NTIZANCE TO STAIR 4 , 7.3 Annunciator 3 [] Local � Remote 'lype: � Addressable � Directory � Graphic � N/A Location: 8.ALARM NOTIFtGATfON DEVICES AND CIRCUITS 8.1 Ernergency Voice Alarm Service--CURRE{VTLY DISABLED AT TOV REQUEST—WHOOP ONLY Number of siugle voice alaF•m cl�aunels: IG Number of imiltiple vaice�larm e}ianciels: NONE Number of speakers; TBD UPON C/O Number of speaker zoi�es: 1G UPON C/O 8.2 7elephone Jacks Nu►nber of teleplione jlcks iustalied: N/A Number of telephone handsets stored on site: N/A Type of telephone system i�istalled: � Electrically potivered � Soui►d po�ve;�ed � N/A Recad of Compfetion fwm(based on NfPA 72—2007) NFPA 72,3 0(5 spa.doc 7/22/2010 7:49:00 AM R.W.Evans i2eprinted with permiss!on(rom NFAP 72-2007,NaUonal Fire Aiarm Code m, Copyright�2007,Nationat pire Proleclion AssociaGon,Quincy,MA,p22b9 8.3 Nonvotce Audible System Characte�•�stics of�totrftcatiort clevice circtrils connected to tltrs system(see NFPA 72, T�rble 6.5):EXT�'RIDR H/S Quantity: 3 Style: 4 Class: B 8.ALARM NOTIFICATION DEVICES A{VD CIRCUITS(continued} 8.�4 Types and Quantities of Nonvoice Not3fication Appiiances Installed Bells: With visuai device: Horns: With visual device: Chimes: Witl�visual device: Speakers: 1'bd With vis�tal 7'bd upan upon c% device: ��O Vis�ial devices�vithot�t audible devices: TBD UPON Other{describe): EXTERIOR H/5-3 C/O 9. EMERGENCY CONTR4L FUNC710NS ACTiVATED �X Hold-ope�i dooc releasing devices �X S�noke�ttaiiagement or smoka conh�ol �X Door unlockiug--UPON C/O �X Elevator recaII � Other . 10.SYS'TEM POWER SUPf'L.Y 10.1 Prfmary Power No�iiinal vo]tage: 277/480 volt 3 phase 4 wire Arnps: 2 secvices a,4000 amps Oveccurrent protection: Type: Fused Switches Amps: 2 services�4000 amps Location(of primary suppIy panel board): Garage Level South East corner of builcling Disconnecting t3�eans}ocation: F�ised S�vitclies S�vitchbord MSB has 5 mai�i switclies MSA]�as 1 Main switch 10.2 Secondary Pawer Location: FCC Type: BATT Nominal voltage: L2V Current rating N/A Numbea•of standby battei•ies: 2 Amp houc i�ati�ig: 55 AH Lacation of emergency generator: GARAGE Location of fiiel storage: GARAGE Calc�ilated capacity of secondary po�ver to dcive the system In staudby�node: 24 HRS In alarm mode: 5 MlN " 11. RECORp(JF SYSTEM INSTALLA7fON Rill out after all ir�stallation is coruplele ancl tiviring l��rs beett checked,for ope�as,slrorts,grou�rd faults, artd inrp�•oper brmtclirjrg, but before cofrducting operatia�r accepta►�ce te,sts. The system l�as beeif iustalled in accorda��ce���ith the folla���ing NFPA standards{Note any or all tl�at apply}: �X NFP�I 72 �X NFPA 70,National Electrical Cotle,Article 760 OX M���ufacttirer's publislied inst►vctioi�s � Other(please specifj�): System deviations from rePerenced NFPA standatds: Sigued: �,��,..�� Printed Name: ,/���. �'v�Cy,�sr✓ Date: �/,?3�<a Oigai�ization: E��„�,,� c%c.lri�.An Title; �.c.r�a.� Phone: 3/t>�9/Sy22_ Iteco�d of Compls4on form(based on iJFPA 72—2007) NFPA 72,4 of 5 spa.cioc 7122Y1010 7:49:00 AM R.W.Evans t2eprinted with permiss'ion from NFAP 72-2007,Netional�Ire Alarm Code B, Copydght e 2007,NaUona(Fire ProteGion Assodation,4uincy,PdA,022&9 12. RECORD OF SYSTEM OPERATION All oparational features and functions of this system�vere tested by or in the presence of the signer sho�vn Uelo�v,on the date sho�vlt below,and were found to Ue ope3•atii�g properly in accorcia�tce�vith the re�uirements o£ � �X NFPA 72 �X N�PA 70,Natialal�'lectrical Code,Article 760 OX Maitufacti�rer's publisl�ed instructions �X Other(please specify): RATIONAL ANALYSIS � Doctutle �i i iii ccordance�vith Inspectioti and TesTing Form(Figui•e attached Signed: — Printed Name: Ket�ieth Ball Date: 7/22/10 "��. Organization: Jalmso�i Co�in•ols,Iuc Title: LSS Phone: 3Q3.328.5287 '13. C�RTIFICATIQNS AND APPROVALS " 13.1 System Instaliation Contractor The systefn as specified l�erein has been installed and tested in according ta all NFPA st�ndards cited 9ierein. Sig�ied: :�,,.,,,,, � Pi�intedName: /�q,�,,�. �"�p�,tJ Date: � ��10 Organization: ����p/���r�eearl. Title: ,�br�,rnar, Pf�one: 3^8l9-�YZZ ' 13.2 System 5ervice Contractor , Tl�e system as specified hereni l�as beeu iust111ed and testeci in according ta ali NFPA standards citecl hereia, Sig��ed; ° Printed N�me: Kett Ball Date: 7/22/IO Organ zatio�t: Jolt�isou Cotitrols,Inc Title: LSS Plione: 303,328.5287 93.3 Central Station Tl�e system a �ecifi ci herei�i�viil be monitored accordi��g to all NFPA standards cited herein, Si _ed: Printed Name: Ken Ball Date: 7/22/IO s anization: JCI—REMOTEOPERATIONS 7'itle: LSS Plione: 800,753.4524 13.4 Property Representative I accept this system as l�a uig beeu'vistalled and tested to its specifications and all N�'PA standarcis cited herain. Signed: Prii►teclName: �2�.Sol������ Date; 7 ZZ /J O�•gaui . � �i NC.e Title: ��/�/� Phone: .'�`j0 .(o`�l� 13.5 Authority Having Jurisdiction I have�vitnessed a satisfactory acceptauce test of tliis system aiid find it to Ue inst�lled and o�erating properly iii accordaiice �vitti its approvecf plaiis ancl specifications, its approved seq�ience of o��eratiovs and n�itt�all NPPA standards cited l�erein. Sigtied: Printed Name: Date: Organization: Title: Phone: Record of Canpletion form(based on NFPA 72—2007} NFPA 72,S of 5 spa.doc 7122/2010 7:4400 A1.1 f2.W.Evans Reprinlecf with permissfon trom NFAP 72-2007,Natbnal F(re Alarm Code�, Copyright�2007,Natlona!Fire Prolectlon AssoGation,Quincy,�AR,02269