HomeMy WebLinkAboutPhase 1 BCER Marc E.Espinosa
David B.Robinson,P.E.
Richard D.Matthies,P.E.
E N G I N E E R 1 N G Stephen C.Rondinelfi,AIA
teu<fei:siirtr tfrroutth 7.'n£rn«erin�t Robftl(t�.°Mike"Corde%P.E.LEED"P
March 22,2010
Mr.Martin Haeberle
Chief Buitding Official
Town of Vail
75 S�rontage Road
Vait,CO 81657
Chief Mike McGee,Deputy Fire Chief
Town of Vail Fire Department
75. 5 Frontage Road
SOLARIS—Phase 1 �ire Protection System Corntnissioning
Dear Martin:
In accordance with the approved September I l, 2008, Phase Occupancy Plan for Solaris as prepared by
Schirmer Engineering, BCER has performed and witnessed the inspections of the fire alarm system and
sprinkler system for the areas included in the Phase I Occupancy at Solaris. These areas are shown as the
highlighted areas on the attached drawings. This letter serves as the documentation of that testing and provides
an overview of the inspection procedures and findings.
Automatic Sprinkler Svstem
Inspections of the sprinkler system began on January 19, 2010 with the witnessing of the operational test of the
fire pump. Further visual inspections of the system were conducted over subsequent weeks and included
operational tests of all valves and flow switches, within the Phase 1 Occupancy areas, concurrent with the fire
alarm system testing as well as visual inspection of final installation of sprinklers.4ur inspections indicate that
the system is operational and installed in accordance with NFPA 13 within the Phase 1 Occupaney Areas, with
tl�e exception of the following items:
I. Green Parking Area
a) Bay 1: Southwest corner of garage 1 head is sprayed with monocoat and needs to be replaced.
b) Bay 1: Storage area for the Merino Tile,right of entry 1 head is sprayed with monocoat and needs
to be replaced.
c) Bay 1: Merino area back storage(grout area) 1 head is sprayed with monocoat and needs to be
d) .Bay 1: In the area near heat detector NO1-LO1-M7, 1 head is sprayed with monocoat and needs to
be replaced.
e) Bay 1: Southeast area by the exit sign, l head is sprayed with monocoat and needs to be replaced.
t� Three bays east of item(e), 1 head is sprayed with monocoat and needs to be replaced.
g) One bay east of item(fl, 1 head is sprayed with monocoat and needs to be replaced.
5420 WARD ROAD,SUITE Z00,ARVADA,CO�ORADO 80002-1838•T[�EPHONE: 303-422-7400•fAx: 303-422-7900
h) Bay 1: Paver storage area,�heads are sprayed with monocoat and need to be replaced.
i} Bay I: Main Electrical Room, 1 head�s sprayed with manocoa�and needs to be replaced.
j) �ay 2: Within the E-Light Fenced area, al the soutl7west end,2 heads are sprayed with mo�ocaat
and need to be replaced.
k} Bay 2: In the unfe�iced area by ducts, I pendant is sprayed with monocoat and needs to be
1) Bay 2: In-line with the sewage ejector box, 1 pendant is sprayed wiEh monocoat and needs to be
m} Bay 2: In the area near FPI's tool Iock«p, 1 head is sprayed with tnanocoat and needs to be
n) Bay 2: Above the exit sign in this area, 1 head is s�rayed with monocoat and needs to be replaced.
o) One bay ta the west of Item(n), 1 head is sprayed with monocoat and needs to be replaced.
p) Bay 2: Near the eIectrical rc�om and Stir Fan GSF-1, I head is sprayed with mot�ocoat and needs to
be replaced.
q) Bay 2: A sprinkler needs ta be added by ceiling mounteci box labeled ELPH_CAM_SW 1 #I,2, 3).
r) Bay 2: A sprinkler needs to be added in the drive lane near Item(q).
2. Orange Parking Area
a) Bay 3: In the area west of the Service Elevator,near the heat cail,there are two heads within 6 feet
of each other.The spcinklers need to be relocated.
b) Bay 3: Near Stair 5 and the exit sign, 1 head is sprayed with monocoat and needs to be replaced.
c) Bay 3: Near Stair 5, 1 head is sprayed with monocoat and needs to be replaced.
3. Yellow Parking Area
a) Several pendants in the ramp area were obstructed by hanging lights.
4. On Level 1,at the Zamboni entrance, within the service coiridor,the cover plate for the sprinkler was
damaged and needs to be replaced.
5. Generai: The pressure relief valves on the sprinkler risers need to be replaced with valves rated at a
higher pressure to prevent them from constantly leaking.
6. General: Sprinkler escutcheons throughoat the Phase 1 Oceupancy areas will need to be visuatly
inspected periodically to ensure that they remain properly installed throughout the constiuction
Fire Alarm Svstem
The fire alarm system was inspected, and operational tests, were performed over the course of several weeks,
beginning March 11, 2010. All fire alarm devices within the Phase 1 Occupancy area were inspected and
tested. Additionally, temporary heat detectors installed on the West Retail Areas on Level 1 and Level 2 were
inspected. All initiating devices, cun•ently installed, for the activation of smoke control were inspected. All
elevator recall and shunt t►•ip functions were inspected. Our inspections indicate that the fire alarm system is
operational and installed in accordance with NFPA 72 within the Phase 1 Occupancy Areas, with the
exception of the following items:
1. Speakers installed within the exit passageways activate on a general alarm condition. Speakers within
the exit passageways should only activate when the associated stair speakers are activated.
2. The visual notification appliances within the west service corridor on Level 2 are not synchronized. In
this area there are more than two groups of strobes that flash at different rates.NFPA 72 states that no
more than two groups of strobes within the same field of view shall have different flash cates.
3. A heak detectar��eeds to be added in the Pool Equipment Room in the Loading Dock on Level 3.
4. At the request of the Fire Marshal,the speaker within the Fire Pump Room needs to be removed. A
visual only notification appliance is to be installed in the Fire Pump Room.
5. The manual pull station located within the front desk in the Lobby on Leve] 3 needs to be relocated to
tl�e wall behind the front desk.
6. All visual notification appliances installed on the ceiling need to be replaced with appliances listed for
ceiling installation.
5420 WARD ROAD,SUIT[200,ARVADA,COLORADO 80002-1�i3E3•T�i.FrHONE: 303-422-740n•Fnx: 303-422-7900
7. The visuai notificatio�� a�pliance toc�ted cn the service corridoi�ocitsic3e of t�1e Lob�y Restaurant or�
�,evel 2 is mounted too high.The�ppli�nce needs to(�e��elocated.
�. The"Normal"LED on the Firefighter's Smoke Contral Pa�tel for�tair 6 needs ta be replaced.
9. The fire alarm co���r�l panel indECat�s a trotible condition mon�ecttaril.y(A�lnttnciato��2Q Trouble},after
being reset.This iss�ie needs to be caneeted.
10.Stair 4 and Stair 6 are an the same�mat�ual paging zane at the fire alarm control paneL Each stair is
required to have its awn manual.paging zo�te.
11.Ti�e man€�al paging zone labels shauld be updated to show only the aetive ma��uat paging zones. As ai7
example,West Blevator 4A is the ai��y elevator with active manual p�ging.
12.Operational Instructiot�s for the fire alarin control panel are to be placed iiz the fire command roon�. At
the request of the Fire Department,inst�ctions showing how ta disable a device should be placed near
the fire alarm control panel.
13.The na�•rative description far the t►�ouble eondition that occurs when a switch is manua[ly activated on
the firefighter's smoke control panel needs to be updated ta iE�tdicate"Man€�al Sinoke Control Mode",
or simitar.
14.The narrative descri.ption for all fire alarrn in[tiating deviees needs to be co�Ytiz�ually reviewed
throughout the construction process to ensure accuracy and consistency.
I5.When instructed to do so by the Fire Departme��t,all protective covers on the smoke detectors are to
be removed, within the Phase I Occupancy Areas.
16.Fire Alarm cievices that are marked for replacement,due to eosmetic damage de�ring the construction
process, should be replaced as soon as possible.
17.At the time of our inspection,the fire alarm system was reporting to the Central Station,however was
not reporting to the Town of Vail. Whe��instructed to do so by the Fire Depat-tment,Che fire alarm
system monitoring needs to be placed on-line with the Town of Vail.
Smoke Control S,stem
The final commissioning of the srnoke control system was performed by Schirmer Engineering. BCER was
present to witness the final functionai testing that occurred on Macch 20, 201Q. 5chirmer Engineering has
prepared a report outlining their findings. That report is attached ta this document for reference. BCER's
inspections were limited ta the fire alarm devices associated with the smoke control system, only.
Other Life Safetv Tssues
During the course of our inspections related to the fire alar�n and sprinkler• systerns, we noted other fire
protection and life safety issues within the building, although such observations were not part of our
commissioning and testing responsibility BCER did perform a cursory inspection of the building for building
code compliance. These items were generally related to exit signage, door ratings, fire rated penetrations and
storage of construction materials. BCER reported those �ndings to the Weitz Company for investigation and
correction.The Weitz Company generally con•ected any deficiencies immediately.
The Phase I as described in the approved phase occupancy plan for fire alarm and sprinkler systems are
complete and functional for the Phase 1 Occupancy areas.The deficiencies listed within this document will not
affect the ability of the systems to provide the required level of protection to the occupants within the Phase 1
Occupancy areas; however,correetive action should be taken to complete these items as soon as possible.
I know both of you are aware that this is Phase I of the Phased Occupancy Plan with additional testing and
commissioning occurring throughout the remaining phases.
5420 W�1RD ROAD,5UITE 20Q ARVADA,Co�oRnr>n fl0002-1838•TfLEPHOUE: 3D"3-422-7400•FAX: 303-422-7900
Prepared hy:
BCER Engineering,Inc.
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Jason Miller, Fire Pratection ConsultanE
Reviewed by: ��to�Q�Q�T1Q RF�,,�s�_
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Todd Gardner FPE ` -�: ' :
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Fire Protection Engineer �o,i+fi•., .;1���44e�
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Ste en Rondinelli, AIA
Prin 'pal, Director Fire Protection and Life Safety
c: Dan Feeney, Solaris
5420 WnrtD ROnD,SUITE 200,ARVADA,COI C)RADO 80002-1 83 8�TELEPI IoNE: 303-422-7400•F�x: 303-422-7900