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NOT�: THIS PERM�T MUST BE PGSTED ON JC)BSITE AT A�.� TIMES .� �wrro�v�a, � TOWfl Of V�II,Camrr�unity Development,75 Sauth Frvntage Road,Vail,Cnforado 87667 p.97D,479.2939 f.J70.479.2452 inspectlons 970.479.2149 PLUMBING PEF�MIT Permit #: P'10-0087 ` MFAM P'roject #; RRJ�9-�fi92 � ; �� Ja6 Address: 416 VAlI.VAl.l.EY C?�t VAfL Status. ..: 15511�D Location.....: UNIT 7,RAMSNO�iN Appiied. .: 07l2�Ef201f} � ParcelNO...: 2901E78258p26 f55ued. . : pTl231Zp10 - �xpites. .: 01l19/20f� � QWNER WEST CaAST PRRTNERS 11 LLC 07121l2p1q [N CARE pF NAM�GAtL ELLIS k ��t35 CfRCl.E DR � SAN MARINE3 � CA 911Q6 APPLICANT TOTAI.PLUMBING 07'/211209E3 Fhorte:3D3-393-'1271 47D'i N.COLpRARO B1.Vl� �ENV�R GO 8D216 l.icenss:110-P � CONTRACTpR TQ�'AL PLt1MBING 47121f2p1D F'hone:3D3-3S3-7271 � g7(}3 N.GOLOFtAi30 BLV� # p��lV�R � co soz�s � l.lcense: 9lo-P E1�sCiptinn: t7WV,WATER,GAS PIPENG UNI7? � Vale�atfon: $25,556.00 � *hRRtliilk��Ylk4M1kR1tIFItIN*kkMRM�1'*fi**kMif!!Y!lFii1M1�1�y4'hkW�Fl�iF�YAInYR*kMRL�I*�YA�1*!i FEE 5€IMMARY lf�Yk#M**R4#�YRMi#�ki11Y��M�i'RWIhMYYkNRRkM�M�M�Y'MkkR#M�hWNFlfH�+Yt�►!!lN1MMItRff4*Awi#Mr Ptu�nbing Pem1it�ee---> $�45Q.flQ Will C�1!-_....w.......�.–> $4,{30 Tc3t�)Cdlculateti Fee5-..y $566.50 Plan Check_..--...-.–....,.> $1�2.50 lJse Ta�x Fee__.----.---� $Q.fIO Additional Fees--_------.> Investigatlon----------.—> $Q.pp TOTAL PERM�T F�ES��a $0.00 5566.5A � �'oEal Calculated Fees–> $566.5Q Paym�n�s.............�---.a $566.80 � BAI..ANCE DUE-�--------> $O.Op � RM1�hMII%%R�Ykfftl43tMM�1��RYIW�R�%IMNRR��N�kY#R�RR!!#�f0!!!�1'TlHIIIlIYfhMNN*Rlr�kk�t�#i*!#�itRRr�+k�RW*�M'�41MliY1�R/nFRiiRkMMfiNle#►ifilii�i4iil�ilW�W11r1Mr�hYkMRvFki#!Ir►�YtYl�fYliiiWtl�irrYlYfMiMk APPROVALS � Item;05100�UlLQING D�PAR7MEi�1' , 07l2112010 JRM Action:AP � � Item:05600 FfRE DEPAFt7MEt�7 k�b#MMtRNiMkiWiY�>kMVfw��tiv���}#k**MlYr�lMrtNk#*kM�lrM�wYMif YYYrMfit�i�iRf M►�1Mf/f�h*k�MMi�W##►MkM�h1MMMkyiM��FSyivRtia`F�sRh��NeRFfH�/rkRRRM3R#�tR4��W 1'lh�HfnawlYWY�xY�*NtAflHR#Ht�frf:H'*riklkt�rt CONDITION OF RpPFtOVAL Conti: 12 (Bf.[3G.):FEELQ 1NSPECTiONS ARE R�QUIRED TQ GH�CK�OR CO�E CONiF'LIANCE, Cond:42 (BLI�C.,2009}CARBpN MpNQXIqE qETEC70f25 REL2UIR�p Tp�3E INSTAl.LED PER 2009 IRG R3i5 Ktt�lb4l�tihMYr#fhMMMF/MkMihFtR*RRR�h►iY�fl�k���ra�y}i1��RNMhYr4iM�tMlF**kiM*R*k�k*lR�lYRiiW YY�i;w�NMMM1kN�*�*M�YMYMkRk�Mh�*t�k}*liit*lfiYiew���fv{�'�/r}�{fi�R*rMrkk*�MkRRRYtk4+YAMififf3lil�ff�f�Fl�l1y 1 ��c��a�rror�s � !hereby acknuwledge that I have read this application,filled o�t in ftall ihe infiormation rsquired,compieted an accurate ptot plan,and state that atl the in€nrmaElon as required is carrect. 1 agree to comply wiih the infnrmatinn and ptoE plan,to comply with al1 Town ordinances and s4ate laws,and ta build this sEruct�rB aocnrding to the lawns zonirtg ant!subdivisivn cades,design review approved, Internationat Bulfding and Resitientia!Codes and other ordinanees ai the Town � aRPliCable theretn. �� REQUE57S FOR INSPECTtpN SHA[.l.BE lIAAq��YVI�FITY-�OUR HpiJRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHQN£AT 870.479.2149 OEt AT QUR pFFtCE FRQM!B:Ot AM-aPM. � �`�a� �'� � ure of Owner or Cpntractar Date � Sha�ECernec�y-�residan� � Prin!Name 4 � pt►nbpermt7_0418�8 � : � � $ � } S 5 5g7 9 #**###*###�#�#*########***#4*#**####****###*#*###***##*##***####�*##******####****#�######** � TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ' ***��******s**********************************+********�*********+***********************�** � Statement Number: R100000906 Amount: $566.50 07/23/201001:32 PM Payment Method:Credit Crd Init: LC ; Notation: CREDIT CARD € FROM SHAW KENNEDY, TOTAL PLUMBING g ': ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- � Permit No: P10-0087 Type: PLUMBING PERMIT � Parcel No: 2101-082-5802-6 � Site Address: 416 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location: UNIT 7, RAMSHORN � Total Fees: $566.50 � This Payment: $566.50 Total ALL Pmts: $566.50 Balance: $0.00 � *******s**********************************�*************��************�**************+****** � ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: � n T Account Code -_ Description - _-_- _ --_ Current Pmts k ! ------------------ ------------ � PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 112.50 � PP 00100003111100 PLUMBING PERMIT FEES 450.00 � WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 4 .00 � � ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- > � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � C � � � � � � s � � � € � � � � , � � � � �' � � �' f it C 2 �. 3 l � TOWFJ OF UAIL COM DEU 75 S FRONTAGE RD. VAIL� CO 81657 979-479-2324 TERMINAL I.D.; 2862 MERCHANi �: UISA �t�t#�ttt�#t1830� MpIL ORDER BAiCH: 000087 I FdU:000003 AUTH:364872 JUL 23� 10 12:09 TOTAL �4070.00 CUSTOI�R COP1f � -- — � ; 'i (07/20/2010) Shelley Belim - Unit 7.pdf Page 1 � r ; � ; ��� S� � 5 � ' � a: "�' T.�{� u � i ; � ��, ' `��� ` � ' � a:. ' R. �"''��` �� '�� A.o .n'"i�'Y� 3 i a :s �is:k� ��� v';, �11��11 @ � •� �} ` �' :� � ' ° �'3 S_,t,#tth ge � Y• � ��' � � � � p „t,'� '�.*,� ;�. ,, ' x. �F '�'' ���"� �"�� ,�W 4 �,� ��3,r, kbL�����~� ��` " x �° �� ' .� �. �� '#��.. �' r f�'r '.��•' .. �' i i , � w��: � � x PLUMBING PERMIT � i Plumbina Permit Submittal Requlrements � o Floor plan/Site plan showing proposed work o Building sewer/water service a DWV plan ❑ Water heater/staage tank ske&�Gency � o Water Plping plan o BWiding type o Gas Piping layout,Indudi�g developed length and sizing o Oaupancy Group � cakuladon --.._..__�._._---.._ ____._. ......___ .__�_..__. Pro ect Street Ad res : Office Use: � �J� - U� I � � �r��r�c - o �4 z. Project#: � (Number) (Street) (Suite#) { S �p� Buikiing Pertnit#: '{���'' �3�02- � BuildinglComplex Name:/� �� ��V € Piumbing P Contmctor Infor atlon: ��•w/1� �� ^P T» Lot#:_ Nisi � Company:� � � �I mId�� � Company Address: `�f i�� �+� l /�.,�(a���J ���(�•i Define Scope and Location of Work: � � (����� yy i City: �{������ Stete:�ZiP�?� � �A�S"I� �'' U,�J�,I I � ��.arl�- �;'i i c��d � � Contact Name: � qQ_S �j�,7j� ! Contact Phone: �'1�L''0��C�_(�J�_I L � ,/ l � l(J`T j �,!V f��l'�� �,,,,( �,,� (�e addNior�al sheel ff necessary) � E-Mail r.�.i"Y,CY�'e���G�.f������i)� � � � �_...__...________._ �Town of Vail Co r Registration No.: ��v`I 'Work Clasa: � � ' New( ) Addidon( ) Remodel(vj�Repair(l�Other( ) � � �X $Type of Building:�--v.�.� - -l�'� � ' Contractor Signature(required) �( )Single-Family( )Duplex( )MutG-Fam1ly(VjCommeroiai � ..,_.__. -- _.�.,_._.,`...,W.....__.....�... . ...:.... . E, Property Information � ~s( )Restaurant( )Other j � ,Pa��#: a�c��pg�5�co_� ,_ . ._.__..___.___._.__�_ __.__.___� � f(FOr peroel i,�Mad Eegle County Assessors Offlce et 970-328-6640 a i Date Recelved: � i vlsit www.oa9lecourrty.ue/patle) i E Tenarn Name:���5 T�t�i� �-�C,r�1��� � Owner Name: i"�a Im_S k'1�JI�I� �-l.(.lU t�i � �...�_.._� _.,.__.<....�a._.,._-�e_ -._�m._ .._ .._ .....�....._.._�. Complete Valuation For Plumbing Permd. ; � PlumWng$: � "I ��t/��� ; , � __ ....---- - - __._ _..... � � _WeS� Ca�Sf �a�-I����(R�+u�) � 'R(.�1a(��'1 —I�c�-}� � � a,-,�-,o � � � � � � � € � } � � ; � � , � � 05-25�2011 Inspection Request Re orting Page 29 4: 7 qm Vail, G_ O=Citv Q Requested Inspect Date: Thursday May 26,2011 Site Address: 416 VAIL�/ALLEY DR VAIL UNIT 7, RAMSHORN A/P/D Information Activity: P10-0087 Type: B-PLMB Sub Type: MFAM Status: ISSUED Const Type: Occup ancy: Use: Insp Area: Owner: WEST COAST PARTNERS II LLC Contractor: TOTAL PLUMBING Phone: 303-393-7271 Description: DVW,WATER, GAS PIPING UNIT 7 Re4uested Insaectionls) Item: 290 PLMB-Final Requested Time: 08:00 AM Requestor: TOTA P UMBING INC Phone: 303-393-7271 Assigned To: *"** " Entered By: JMONDRAGON K Action: Time Exp: �i,�( l.l� Inspection Historv Item: 210 PLMB-Underground Item: 220 PLMB-Rough7D.W.V. Item: 230 PLMB-Rou gh/Water Item: 240 PLMB-GasPiping **Approved"" 11/19/10 lnspector: Martin Action: AP APPROVED Comment: Item: 250 PLMB-Pool/Hot Tub Item: 260 PLMB-Misc. Item: 290 PLMB-Final REPT131 Run Id: 13110