HomeMy WebLinkAboutB10-0224� . � Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Name: �"'� U��'� �--�---C- Receipt No. (.S� ZS �� Address: —L.�t,v �i-, �i � � Project: l v— D Z:Z Date / / � Please make checks payable to the TOWN OF VAIL Account No. 001 0000 314 1110 001 0000 314 1110 001 0000 319 4400 001 0000 314 1112 001 0000 314 1211 001 0000 314 1111 001 0000 314 1212 001 0000 314 1111 001 0000 314 1111 001 0000 312 3000 Comments: Item Address Maps Zoning Maps Custom Maps Other Code Books Blue Prints/Mylar Copy Fees Xerox Copies copies / faxes / CD Master Plan Studies, Master Pfans, etc. Contractors License Fees J �� Q� � ��� L d . �FQ.� � M MMM ti -.• �k O � .. Z d L.L �a+ � .� � � • �� a � a ..,., 3� au :e�+cn �"' � � � � y- �� �a � � �j o� � cM� � � ,�,� � �►— � A�� �o 0 _, u � ... i" � ~ � J ¢ M�R .+ � �+ � F- e0 asi o�+ Y '�' �+ -/-+ �O � ai Y C�1J1 C 1>�+ d.r i2� �� OCL � ��i+ d � S +` a N .�a �/1 ~ a' +s 7 O ta V Q � !— � F-1�— k— Cash Money Order # Credit Card: Visa/MC Last 4 CC #'s Auth #: No. I Code # I Cost Each ZA ZA CB BF XC MS MS CL AD RL SA MS MS MS MS MS MS TP T7 �� � � �� � �Q �� �� � �Q �Q �Q �n TOTAL: �.�� V � V Check # � � I � Received L- �-- Name on CC Total (v 7. Z� � f/cdev/forms/admin/sales_action_form_2009.x1s 4/2009 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ��j/�ri�A� l� A11 VC 1lLL • Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2139, f. 970.479.2452, inpsections 970.479.2149 ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Permit #: B10-0224 Job Address: 68 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location......: UNIT 602, VAIL VILLAGE INN Parcel No....: 210108254031 OWNER VAIL VILLAGE INN INC 08/06/2010 100 E MEADOW DR VAIL CO 81657 CONTRACTOR HOME IMPROVEMENTS SOLUTIONS 08/06/2010 9830 W 59TH PL ARVADA CO 80004 License: 1046-B Description: NEW HIBACHI AND SUSHI RESTAURANT (Sushi Okai) Occupancy: A2 Assembly <1000 with stag Type Construction:IlA Project #: Phone: 720-404-9227 Valuation: Total Sq Ft Added: Status . . : ISSUED Applied . . : 08/O6/2010 Issued . .. : 05/06/2011 Expires . ..: 05/O6/2011 $195,000.00 0 .......................,�.,....................,.,.......,.,.,....,......,.,....... FEE SUMMARY .........,,,.................,..,,,,.....�.......,....,.....,.�,.,............,, Building Permit Fee------> Plan Check--------------------> Add'I Plan Check Hours-> I n v e s t i g a t i o n-----------------> $1,525.75 Will Cal Fee---------------------> $991.74 Use Tax Fee---------------------> $660.00 Restuarant Plan Review-----> $0.00 Recreation Fee-----------------> Total Calculated Fees--------> $4.00 $3,700.00 $0.00 $0.00 $6, 881.49 Total Calculated Fees-------------> Additional Fees-----------------------> TOTAL PERMIT FEES--------------> Payments-------------------------------> BALANCE DUE------------------------> $6, 881.49 $75.00 $6,956.49 $6,956.49 $0.00 f*1't(***f ***##�Ir4f �ki1'Y`%%�k/rir****:t #k*f fYriFYrYf �k�krtk***#fi4ktrif tr*xrtrtrtf f f!l�k��k**1`*irf �Rk**k*Yrk*hf'trf w�k�kf f i!#�R*'kif*R/(*#* ****R#Yrrtf#rt#YeYeYef 4fil4rt#;l41`1(f(AA*f(RwRR#e�.FrtrtYef f Yrw k###4k� ��1`fi** ***�trfr/(**1rw*wA'YrMYr wf • DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:OOAM-4: P . I / i(s�...� S'! / Si ature of Owner or Contractor Date " �JO�/�iV� fv=/� Print Name bld_a It_construction_perm it_041908 •w�.���xx��xxrx+�ri.w:www�:���x�����++���xxxx+wewww:ww����fxfi��r�x�xxr�xwww+w.�w.w.:ww�ww�r�����xw��xxxwxw++xxxxxeww+w.wr��w�..w���w����.������x�x>x+xw��w��..x..�wwe•..++wrw...w.+ww� APPROVALS Permit #: B10-0224 as of 05-11-2011 Status: ISSUED ....................,,.....,....,.,..,>......................,..,.............,...,.,.,x......................,...................................,,...........,..,................,.. Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 08/30/2010 cg Action: CR building comments sent to applicant 09/13/2010 CG Action: CR ROOF EQUIPMENT ACCESS HAS NOT BEEN ADDRESSED PER COMMENT #17. EMAILED RICK WOO. PLANS TO BE RESUBMITTED. 09/17/2010 22 Action: COND PARTIAL APPROVAL FOR "AT RISK" PERMIT PER MARTIN. STRUCTURAL PLANS NOT SUBMITTED OR INCLUDED. E1.0 ALSO NOT SUBMITTED 10/13/2010 CG Action: AP STRUCTURAL AND COMPLETE MEP PLANS ISSUED Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 09/16/2010 RFD Action: COND SEE CONDITIONS 10/25/2010 Warren Action: AP The revisions dated September 16, 2010 have been approved by planning. All DRB conditions appeared to be addressed. 01/14/2011 RFD Action: DN DRB revisions required. 01/26/2011 RFD Action: AP DRB revision approved- building plans can be released. 02/25/2011 rfd Action: AP Approved revisions dated 02/1011 Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 09/02/2010 McGee Action: CR 1. A 2.2 Provide details on drop down ladder. Ladder must be designed to support 600 Ibs. See VFES specifications for Iadders for guidence. 2. M-2 Exhaust duct system shall comply with NFPA 96, 2011 edition. 3. Submit detailed plans for UL 300 fire extinguishing system. 4. Submit plans and permit application for revisions to fire sprinkler system. 5. Submit plans and permit application for revisions to fire alarm and detection stystem. 6. Submit mechanical exhaust and supply system plans and fire extinguishing system plans to an approved Fire Protecfion Engineer for review. Consult Fire Prevention Bureau ref pre-approved FPE's or to submit credentials of proposed FPE. 09/15/2010 McGee Action: AP See Conditions 10/26/2010 mcgee Action: AP Revision 3, 10-18-2010 12/15/2010 McGee Action: AP Revision to hood heigth 12 13 2010. 01/26/2011 McGee Action: AP Revision 01-10-2011 approved on condition fire sprinkler plans are revised to cover unprotected spaces created by changes in duct work. Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 09/07/2010 Is Action: COND Use of E. Meadow bld_a It_construction_perm it_041908 Drive will need to be coordinator for any use during construction, please contact the Town of Vail PW Department at 970-479-2198 09/15/2010 Is Action: COND Condition of coordinating staging and crane on E. Meadow Drive with contractor. Item: 05700 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 09/17/2010 BCARLSON Action: AP PER BILL C. OK TO APPROVE. BILL IS SENDING LETTER WITH CONDITIONS TO MR. WOO. Item: 05101 BUILDING DEPT REVISION 11/19/2010 cg Action: AP revisons dated 9/16/10 and 9/20/10 12/01/2010 Martin Action: AP Revision dated 11/19 for sht S-2 01/21/2011 Martin Action: AP Approved Revision #7 02/15/2011 Martin Action: AP Revision # 8 04/15/2011 Martin Action: CR letter from Keenan engineering to reflect manufacturer and code compliance. 04/26/2011 JRM Action: AP APPROVED REVISION TO ELIMINATE DISHWASHER HOOD AND DUCTWORK. INSTALLED A NON STEAM HOOD ..................................... �.,......,......,.....,.,..,... �................................,....,....... <..,...,,......,......,,,.,....,,...,............,....,..,.......... See the Conditions section of this Document for any that may apply. b Id_a It_co n st ru ct i o n_pe rm it_041908 .....................�..........�.............,...........,........,.,.....,..............,....,..,,.,.....,..,............,......,,........................,...,................,... CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 610-0224 as of 05-11-2011 Status: ISSUED !####4*4Y(#Yrf �k�Rf f Y`f i4f trtrf 4YrY'frYrYePrYYeY`Yrf f f f rtrtRrtil'rtNtrYr/#�IrrtffrYrYrYeR�RYr#telwR41(*4#1`Lf fri(i(#'kM#'k*�ki(fFkkh fFf fYltrtrx�kfYri4Yrk4wx*i*1(f*f�R4rtrt#�kM'MfYertY''k�krtfYertYeiFf f�kxwxf*t`tet`RR#***Mi(ilrt�kM'Y'Y'Y'f #'�ke�RwRRx*t�t(1(4Rtf f�kwrtYrw• Cond: 1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: CON0011621 Grease exhaust duct system must be reviewed by FPE and VFES prior to installation of duct work. Access to roof mounted equip must comply with VFES standards. Cond: CON0011627 The applicant shall obtain PEC approval of a minor amendment to the Special Development District for expanded site coverage and change to setback on northeast side of building at the October 11, 2010 PEC hearing. The applicant shall obtain design review approval for changes associated with the expanded chimney on the northeast side of the building by the October 20, 2010 DRB hearing. Failure to obtain approval for these changes by the dates above shall result in immediate revocation of this building permit and shall require removal of any expanded chimney areas not previously approved. Cond: CON0011670 All exterior design must be amended on building permit and in the field to reflect the design review board's conditions of approval for the color and materials of rooftop equipment, chimneys and landings. bld_alt_construction_perm it_041908 TRANSMITTAL FORM Revision Submittals: 1. "Field $et" of approved plans MUST accompany revisions. 2. No further inspections will be performed until the revisions are approved & the permit is re-issued. 3. Fees for reviewing revisions are $55.00 per hour (2 hour minimum), and are due upon issuar.ce. Permit #(s) information applies to: I - d Z. Project Street Address: � (Number) (Street) Building/Complex Name: _ Contact Information: Company: f Company Address: ��tY- State: Zip: Contact Name: � I �Uv � � Contact Phone: �,�� -(J �l� E-Mail Valuations (Labor 8� Material)) Building: Plumbing: Electrical: Mechanical: Total: Attention: � (Suite #) ( ) Response to Correction Letter attached copy of correction letter ( ) Deferred Submittal ( ) Other Description / List of Changes: _ � (use additional sheet if necessary) _.... ___..__........,__..........__ ............... _ Date Received: 1-Sep-09 N Suhmittal �'�� � ...r-•`� Buztdey-s Date: April 15, 2011 Woo Restaurant 68 East Meadow Drive Vail, CO 81657 To: Town of Vail CC; From: Rol�nd Lee (970)376-2233 Email rol�nd re�uilders.com Re: Dishwasher Hood and Ductwork # sheets (1) +2 Architectural sheets Revisions This includes the Architectural drawings for the elimination of the dishwasher hood and the associated ductwork. 'I'hanks Roland � . z,Z d AR� � � ����t TC�WN OF VAiL Meadow Mountain Business Park 23698 HWY 24 Suite D-2 Minturn, Colorado 81645 PO Box 6376 Vail CO 81658 OfFice (970) 845-6359 Fax (970) 748-6452 www.srebuilders.com � �_� • � o. G� VP��'� Submittal g u i Zd e y-s Date: April 15, 2011 Woo Restaurant 68 East Meadow Drive Vail, CO 81657 To: Town of Vail CC; From: Roland Lee (970)376-2233 Email roland(a�srebuilders.com Re: S ecial Ins ection Re ort # sheets (4 This includes the Engineers report on the special inspections required by the building department. Thanks Roland �C�C�C�O��' APR 1 �� 2011 I �-p��� VAIL C� , ,� � �J [�� ►P � �i o� v. Meadow Mountain Business Park 23698 HWY 24 Suite D-2 Minturn, Colorado 81645 PO Box 6376 Vail CO 81658 Office (970) 845-6359 Fax (970) 748-6452 www.srebuilders.com t - 1 �oFV� � REPORT OF SPECIAL INSPECTIONS Project: Woo Restaurant Improvements permit Humber: Project Location: 68 East Meadow Drive Owner Address City: Zip: GROUND Engineering Consultants, Inc (Materials Testing & Special Inepections) Address: PO Box 464; 1Q1A Airpark Dr #9 City: Gypsum State: � Zip: 81637 Phone: �70-524-0720 Fax: 9�0-524-0721 E_m�i�: EvanK.AGraundEng. com This Report of Special Inspections attached is submitted as a condition ftom permit issuance in accardance with Section 1704 Internationa! Building Code. It includes a Schedule of Specia! Inspection Services applicable to the above referenced project as well as the identity af the individuals, agencies, or firms intended ta be retained for conducting these inspections. The Special inspector(s} shall keep records of all inspections and shall furnish interim inspection reports to the registered design professional in responsible eharge �t a frequency agreed upon by the permit applicant and building official prior to the start of work. Discrepancies shall be brought to the immediate attention of the contractor and design professional in responsible charge for correction. If the d'+screpancies are not corrected, the discrepaneies shali be brought to the attention of the building official by the registered design professional in responsible charge prior to the completlon of that phase of work. A Final Report of Special Inspections shall be submitted by the design professional in responsible charge to the building of�ciaf at the conclusion of the project and before a ce�tificate of occupancy w+ll be issued. Prepared by: � � � `� Date To be filled out by the jurisdiction and returned to applicant Building OfficiaYs Ac�eptance of Special Inspections Frequency of lnterim reports: Monthly Bi-Monthly Upon Completion Per Attached Schedufe Signature -10- Dete Permit lJumber .M .� April 12, 2011 Subject: Summary of Materials Testing and Speciai Inspection Services, 68 East Meadow Dr, The Woo Restaurant, Vail, Colorado Job Number: 11-6501 Mr. Roland Lee SRE Buifders, Inc. PO Box 6376 Vail, Colorado 81658 Attn: Mr. Lee This letter summarizes the materials testing GROUND Engineering Consultants, Inc. (GROUND} performed during the improvements to 68 East Meadow Drive, The Woo Restaurant, in Vail, Colorado. The special inspection and materials testing services were performed at times scheduled by the Owner, Contractor and/or Subcontractors between December 14, 2010 and March 23, 2011. A, representative of our office was present as requested by the Contractor and/or Subcontractor to observe the installation of a singie helical pier on December 14, 2010. GROUND documented the overall length, general Iocation and torque achieved for the helical pier. Plans and/or specifications for the helical pier were not available at the time of our observations. During construction, representatives of our office periodically obseroed reinforcing steel placement and performed periodic festing on the structural concrete placed for the foundation components and floor slabs. Samples of the structural concrete were tested to determine physical properties and compressive strength. Structural steel welded and bolted connections were observed durin,g construction by a certified welding inspector (CWI). These observations were completed at times scheduled by the Owner, Contractor or Subcontractor. � Based on the final test results to date, field observations, R�I's received and other project documenfation received from the design team, it is our opinion that the materials tested and/or observed for the structural concrefe, reinforcing stesl, and structurai steel were in general accordance with project plans, specifications, or applicable RFI's. The observations and materials testing as indicated above were performed periodically to provide data to the Owner, Contractor and Subcontractors to assist them in evaluating the general compliance of the tested materials and/or work with the contract ����� . ENGINEERING CONSULTRNTS INC. l OlA Alrparlc Dr,, Unit 9, PO Box 464, Oypsum, CO 8t637 Phone (970) 524-0720 Fax (970) 524-8721 www.groundeng.com O,B?ce Locntlona: Englewood . Commerce Cily . Lovdend . Oranby . dypsum . Qrend Junction . Ceaper, WY 0 � 66 East Meadow Drlve Vall, Colorado documents at #he times of our observation and testing. We did not supervise, direct or have any control over any of the Contractor's or Subcontractor's work. We were not responsible for the Contractor's or Subcontractor's scheduling of our se+vices, means, methods, procedures, techniques, or sequences of construction, nor responsible for ensuring that any C�ntractor or Subcontractor performed or completed the work in accardance with the contract documents or construction industry �t�t�lards, If you have any questions concerning this letter, please contact our office. Sincerely, GROUND Englneering Co Itants, lnc. Evan E. Kuhn Job No.11-8501 (3ROUND Englneering Consuftants, Inc. Page 2 of 2 Keenan Consulting Group k _ ;�", ,���;n_ (�„n.ulr,,�,r� ?1'-i South t3roatlway • Denver, Colorado • 8Q�'i0-�402 3�3� �8?_q411 • FAX 282-9412 • E-Mail:keenancg�?ibm.net April 13, 2011 �artine Haeberle Chief Building Official Towm of Vail Department of Communit�� Development 5 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 816�7 RE: V�'oo Restaurant Village Inn Plaza b8 East Meadow Drive Permit No. B10-0224 Air. Haeber�e. K�e have re��ie�-ed the hibachi exhaust duct termination through the side wall and approve this termination. If we can answer any questions or provide additional information please contact our ot�ce. Respect€ully, : , ./' , _���;ii� -.'; , + � � i x .� c �'.1- �-• �Ronald D. Keenan Keenan Consulting Group � � �;��;. • � ` '`'�-%,. ^ • �: ?� i ,>,: R . z ,,.-. .� �' �r�Ay ��'J ; �d.ae"� ��'c� �; , Y t e i �-""] :�`, i �._ �_ ✓ �.i . i� " �y 3��� -. • t_}. � � z t :,•.�, : ,. ' 1,, ' .ti` , --�;' �jF1;�� t`:a - �, . ,.�., .,,:., ��o - �aa.� Submittal s-��� ' o. �� V P�" S u ildey-s Date: March 313t 2011 RE: Woo Restaurant 68 E Meadow Drive Unit 602 Village Inn Plaza Vail, CO 81657 To: Martin Haeberle Head Building Official Town of Vail CC; From: Roland Lee (970)376-2233 Email roland,�a srebuilders.com CC: Re: Dishwasher Hood information # sheets 3 Martin: I under stood you were emailed this information on the dishwasher hood for the Woo Restaurant. I am attaching a hard copy for your records this includes a letter from the manufacturer and the Mechanical Engineer. Roland Lee Meadow Mountain Business Park 23698 HWY 24 Suite D-2 Minturn, Colorado 81645 PO Box 6376 Vail CO 81658 Office (970) 845-6359 Fa�c (970) 748-6452 www.srebuilders.com c ��� SYSTEM '�fr. �310- o��� Auto-C, LLC '-16 Noplar A�enuc �femphis. T\ 35105-�596 I�cl 901-579-2300 800-477-3693 fax 901-529-1097 Subject: Ventilation Hoods Over Low Temperature Dishmachines date: �`e understand ihe Local Bui(ding Code in the areas �4here ��ou are »�orking ha��e in some instances. adopted tl�e requirement for a"Vent Hood To Be Installed Over Commercial Dishwashers". The Building Code does not differentiate the tvpes of commercial dishw�ashers other than the exception for undercounter units. There is no doubt that using a Type II hood over a high temperature machine or conveyor style machine is important in reducing the amount of water ��apor in a food preparation area. Hot water sanitizing machines require �ti-ater temperatures of 16� degrees F(minimum) and crc:ate a greai deal of �vaier ��apor �vhen o�erated. It is important to note that The Building Code exception for the undercounter machine states "7�he second exception exempts under-counter dishwashing machines because of the minimal water ��apor they pmduce." T'he construction of our Model U34 under- counter machine is identicat to our Models A� and A� except it is only 34" tall and has a single door. The amount of ��-ater used per c}�cle, the ���ater temperature (1?0° F minimum3_ the «�ash ct cle time (90 seconds) and the «�ash pump and motor are ali identical. only the cabinet is different. Also. as a reference, three compartment sinks utilize the same water temperature ti�ith ihe major difference being we use far less water and employ rinse additives which allow the ware to exit the machine with very little water 1eft on the surface. Many inspectors around the country have reviewed this information and agree that a vent hood is not requireti o�•er an Auto Chlor ►ow energy dishmachine. Vl�'e look forward to a favorable reply from you soon. If yov have any questions, or if I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Regards, ...G � f""" __ __. ,�+.sEi..., ru..j�, . �__ __` y Jim Whitehead Sr. Design Engineer JohnsonDiversey Auto-Chlor System (901-579-2313) Keenan Consultin Gr � `� `� aa� g oup �� `� =" „", ' ; "" � , ,,, "� �' ",' ` ' I ,-t S<,uth Broadway • Denver, Colorado • 80? i 0-4�02 �.;U3� _'i3?-9411 • FAX 282-9412 • E-MaiL• keenancgQibm.net �Zarclz 31. �0 � 1 Martin {�aeberle Chief Building Ot�iciai 7�����n of Vail Department of Community� Development � South Fronta�,e Road Vail, Colorado 816>7 RE: V�'ao Restaiirant Villa�e Inn Plaza 68 East Mcadow I)r. Vai1. C'olorado Pcrmit No. B 10-0224 titr. Haeberle. This request for administrative modification is for instailation of the Auto-Chlor Model .A� Dish Machine ���ithoui a t�ent hood. The request as indicated in t]L4C section i05.1 does not lesson health, life or fire safety reyuirements. The attached letter from Auto- Chic�r Sr. D�sign En��ineer. .(im ��l'hitehead, indicates a ti�ent hood is not nece_csar5� o�•er an Auto-Chlor AS Dish Machine. If we can answer an�- yuestions or provide additional intormation please contact our otlice. Rrspectfully, - � i . r� �' ���� � � � ���—r' � � , � .. J onald D. t�eenan. P.F. � ' , �'��1� . Keenan Consultin� Grou� � � ����� , t � �� ;',,, i' �C'�.��r �`� , �cF�'. f `��� Or" v�L',,G�� � -O : � 238� � � � ; ��;• : ��'; � ��. .� •. . ';,��5•,. ...• �V�.�`� p�y p�, E /'/ //� ����rrrnC � n �t �u»A�� �\\\� NOTE: TH/S PERM/T MUST BE POSTED ON JOBS/TE AT ALL T/MES .� �ow� o� vn� � Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2139, f. 970.479.2452, inpsections 970.479.2149 ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Permit #: B10-0224 Job Address: 68 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location......: UNIT 602, VAIL VILLAGE INN Parcel No....: 210108254031 OWNER VAIL VILLAGE INN INC 08/06/2010 100 E MEADOW DR VAIL CO 81657 CONTRACTOR HOME IMPROVEMENTS SOLUTIONS 08/06/2010 9830 W 59TH PL ARVADA CO 80004 License: 1046-B Description: NEW HIBACHI AND SUSHI RESTAURANT (Sushi Okai) Occupancy: A2 Assembly <1000 with stag Type Construction:IlA Project #: Phone:720-404-9227 Valuation: Total Sq Ft Added: Status . . : ISSUED Applied . . : 08/06/2010 Issued . .. : 02/22/2011 Expires . ..: 03/19/2011 $195,000.00 0 ..................,...,,�..,.................,,...,..,.....,......,,......,,,,.,...,, FEE SUMMARY .....�,.,,.......,....,...,...........,,.......................................... Building Permit Fee------> $1,525.75 Will Cal Fee---------------------> $4.00 Total Calculated Fees-------------> $6,771.49 Plan Check--------------------> $991.74 Use Tax Fee---------------------> $3,700.00 Additional Fees-----------------------> $75.00 Add'I Plan Check Hours-> $550.00 Restuarant Plan Review-----> $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES-------------> $6,846.49 Investigation-----------------> $0.00 Recreation Fee-----------------> $0.00 Payments------------------------------> $6,846.49 Total Calculated Fees--------> $6,771.49 BALANCE DUE-----------------------> $0.00 .........,. ..............................................<..�.>..<...,..........�....,+..,,..........»...,...,...,...,,....,,..>..........,,............,....................,........... DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the informatior as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with ali Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL B MAD TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEP ONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM, ` 2 L Z Z� �� Signature of Q�yner or Contractor Date l� Lbv �f�,�) Print Name bld_alt_construction_perm it_041908 .............»..........,,........,...,<....,..,.,,,,,.,,,...,...,,..,.,,,>.>,...,.,..,.,..,,,,,.........,,,.......,,.......,.,,..,,...,,................,........,,....<,............. APPROVALS Permit #: 610-0224 as of 02-22-2011 Status: ISSUED ........................�....,.....,,.............».,...........,................�............,........,.....,...................,........�.,...,......,..,,,.,....,,,............... Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 08/30/2010 cg Action: CR building comments sent to applicant 09/13/2010 CG Action: CR ROOF EQUIPMENT ACCESS HAS NOT BEEN ADDRESSED PER COMMENT #17. EMAILED RICK WOO. PLANS TO BE RESUBMITTED. 09/17/2010 22 Action: COND PARTIAL APPROVAL FOR "AT RISK" PERMIT PER MARTIN. STRUCTURAL PLANS NOT SUBMITTED OR INCLUDED. E1.0 ALSO NOT SUBMITTED 10/13/2010 CG Action: AP STRUCTURAL AND COMPLETE MEP PLANS ISSUED Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 09/16/2010 RFD Action: COND SEE CONDITIONS 10/25/2010 Warren Action: AP The revisions dated September 16, 2010 have been approved by planning. All DRB conditions appeared to be addressed. 01/14/2011 RFD Action: DN DRB revisions required. 01/26/2011 RFD Action: AP DRB revision approved- building plans can be released. Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 09/02/2010 McGee Action: CR 1. A 2.2 Provide details on drop down ladder. Ladder must be designed to support 600 Ibs. See VFES specifications for ladders for guidence. 2. M-2 Exhaust duct system shall comply with NFPA 96, 2011 edition. 3. Submit detailed plans for UL 300 fire extinguishing system. 4. Submit plans and permit application for revisions to fire sprinkler system. 5. Submit plans and permit application for revisions to fire a►arm and detection stystem. 6. Submit mechanical exhaust and supply system plans and fire extinguishing system plans to an approved Fire Protection Engineer for review. Consult Fire Prevention Bureau ref pre-approved FPE's or to submit credentials of proposed FPE. 09/15/2010 McGee Action: AP See Conditions 10/26/2010 mcgee Action: AP Revision 3, 10-18-2010 12/15/2010 McGee Action: AP Revision to hood heigth 12 13 2010. 01/26/2011 McGee Action: AP Revision 01-10-2011 approved on condition fire sprinkler plans are revised to cover unprotected spaces created by changes in duct work. Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 09/07/2010 Is Action: COND Use of E. Meadow Drive will need to be coordinator for any use during construction, please contact the Town of Vail PW bld_alt_construction_perm it_041908 Department at 970-479-2198 09/15/2010 Is Action: COND Condition of coordinating staging and crane on E. Meadow Drive with contractor. Item: 05700 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 09/17/2010 BCARLSON Action: AP PER BILL C. OK TO APPROVE. BILL IS SENDING LETTER WITH CONDITIONS TO MR. WOO. Item: 05101 BUILDING DEPT REVISION 11/19/2010 cg Action: AP revisons dated 9/16/10 and 9/20/10 12/01/2010 Martin Action: AP Revision dated 11/19 for sht S-2 01/21/2011 Martin Action: AP Approved Revision #7 02/15/2011 Martin Action: AP Revision # 8 ...................>.,..,,.......,...,,.,.......,........».�..........�.......,..,..,....>,�..»»........�....>.>....,,......,,..,<>..,,..,...,.,,.�,,....,........,......,,.,.....,.. See the Conditions section of this Document for any that may apply. bld_a It_construction_permit_041908 �fff*��*****f*********ff�*��*f*R�f**1��5*#*******f*tff**#*fffx*f**fff4***w�**w*w*k*wXww*ww��rtwwwwwwwk*ff**wwwwwwww#w#w#ww�wwwR*�t�#*f***A��t***�t��wfwwfwwfwtwww*t*x**�R4f*f**fft��w• CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 610-0224 as of 02-22-2011 Status: ISSUED ..........................�...........,.,..,......,........,....,....».........................................�...�.....,�...�.,...,...,.......,,,........................,......,.. Cond: 1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: CON0011621 Grease exhaust duct system must be reviewed by FPE and VFES prior to installation of duct work. Access to roof mounted equip must comply with VFES standards. Cond: CON0011627 The applicant shall obtain PEC approval of a minor amendment to the Special Development District for expanded site coverage and change to setback on northeast side of building at the October 11, 2010 PEC hearing. The applicant shall obtain design review approval for changes associated with the expanded chimney on the northeast side of the building by the October 20, 2010 DRB hearing. Failure to obtain approval for these changes by the dates above shall result in immediate revocation of this building permit and shall require removal of any expanded chimney areas not previously approved. Cond: CON0011670 All exterior design must be amended on building permit and in the field to reflect the design review board's conditions of approval for the color and materials of rooftop equipment, chimneys and landings. bld_a It_construction_perm it_041908 *******************************************�************�*********************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number: R110000123 Amount: $110.00 02/22/201110:50 AM Payment Method: Check Init: SAB Notation: 2280 SUSHI OKA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: B10-0224 Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Parcel No: 2101-082-5403-1 Site Address: 68 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location: UNIT 602, VAIL VILLAGE INN Total Fees: $6,846.49 This Payment: $110.00 Total ALL Pmts: $6,845.49 Balance: $1.00 ***********************************************+**********�********************************* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 110.00 *******************************************+***********************+************************ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement *********+**********************************+*********************************************** Statement Number: R110000124 Amount: $1.00 02/22/201110:50 AM Payment Method: Cash Init: SAB Notation: CASH-SUSHI OKA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: B10-0224 Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Parcel No: 2101-082-5403-1 Site Address: 68 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location: UNIT 602, VAIL VILLAGE INN Total Fees: $6,846.49 This Payment: $1.00 Total ALL Pmts: $6,846.49 Balance: $0.00 ***�*************************************************�*******************�****************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 1.00 # '" �? � Department,of Community Developmen�;=� � , �>� �s ; � � a `�� . � �-� _ �' ' . ' � � � '��'� �"� � A. ' � ��� � � �`��� � ` 75 South Frontage R�oaci - ;; .. , , `� .� �R�.�� �`y � =_ . ,�' Va�l, Colorado 8'�65�°`� , , � � � �,�� � �--�� � � � � �` � � � � �Tei` ` 97p 479 2'��� �> �/`" � �' .�i " � a� � x r � �, � a ������ ��- . � "� � `3.� � � ���- x��y Fa�C_�97Q-��f� 2��:� � .;,;`�,,� � �� ._:�. f �. �_�a�,, � , ,����' 1lllet� wwinr.va�l�ov'�ccf �` -'. ;_ ��- � ;�"' . _ f Deue�opmen�R��riew �oorcl���t` �� �_�� �� �� ����, .- �. '°� i � � � �, ��3� ����.� ��.= ��° .. .. � � .vv _ .� � � ;`� � � ����� � � �� �°� � TRANSMITTAL FORM Revision Submittals: 1. "Field SeY' of approved plans MUST accompany revisions. 2. No further inspections will be performed until the revisions are approved 8� the permit is re-issued. 3. Fees for reviewing revisions are $55.00 per hour (2 hour minimum), and are due upon issuance. Permit #(s) informa6on applies to: �Lc�_v�a � V I� K�� v ra�.`� Project Street Address: (Number) (Street) Attention: ( ) Revisions �, / a () Response to Correction Letter G` .n <<•9 C attached copy of correction letter �J ( ) Deferred Submittal �L'P�CcCt,°wt��('f ( ) Other (Suite #) Building/Complex Name: I �II (�,��1�„�_I/��� `� Q Contact Information: Company: Company Address: City: State: Contact Name: Description / List of Changes: � ���v�`S� ov� � 2— I�— I I z�P: � Contact Phone: � G�1. n �n r' �Vj E-Mail �Z� �U Sq'Z Valuations (Labor & Material)) Building: Plumbing: Electrical: Mechanical: Total: $ $ $ (use additional sheet if necessary) _.__ _ _. .. _ _ _ _ _.. __ _.._. ..._ . Date Received: � � � � V � FEB 16 2011 �OWN O� i/AIL 1-Sep-09 :� �� =�` � � � � � �. ��� �� � Department of Community Development=� � ,� :� s `3� - � ��' "�°�- ��'� ` - � � �� � � � �� � , 75 South Frontage�Ro��i � �� � , _ ` , s� -. - ..,. . . � � r `'° � � ��� � ::� � � � ;� , � '�-�, � � � , Vai1, ��olora.c�v 8�f5��: � � , � �- ��' � ` � . � � .; `�` _ �_= �Te( „ 97lJ=479 ��� a � ' '� ; "'���.� z` ��, �r ru � � �'�'��� � . � .#'� � ' r F�3�_, �70'�'�9 24���' ?�,, � � °� . ' = r u ' p � y� i � �,� � �'�.;.�.,,�; �, � - � " _, V1leb www vall�o�c�i� -. L �=°-= r - Deve�opment„R��ttev� ��ooti�tn�t`o��� -� �j?' � � � , �� . � � � , rg � � �: i � it��!`� } ,2 t��.�d € �.• � �'`� ;; __ G`" ; ,� '�, y.� b ,- � ��'iy:a $e: �. �� _� � t Ll�i..,. .� �?,', �` . . , _.. . .. . ,.:: ": ^+`,�. 3 ?�{-'"��"�t �� �� L'a� rr"4P-�`���z�'� . �"`` . � . � . ,� ,.,1 _...�,�a �,� _�'€��:'ztFx��' 3�,� TRANSMITTAL FORM Revision Submittals: 1. "Fieid Set" of approved plans MUST accompany revisions. 2. No further inspections will be performed until the revisions are approved & the permit is re-issued. 3. Fees for reviewing revisions are $55.00 per hour (2 hour minimum), and are due upon issuance. Permit #(s) information applies to:— �"�____.____�_.--• Attention: �~ ��� O Revisions � v�V� �-W� �I !� - � � 2 � ��; �1 1i _ �� ( ) Response to Correction Letter V l� attached copy of correction letter ( ) Deferred Submittal �� �f �CG 1�eP ( ) Other Project Street Address: � �� ��u�-v �� G� f � � 0 2 (Number) (Street) (Suite #) Building/ComplexName: ��jlGt�y 1fR^ P%G(Z� Contact Information: Company: .., �� rl r�� �(�7c N Company Address: P� ��1< i-{ 70 i City: �cz � l� State: � Zip: v�Cn �� Contact Name: _>; � �r :� /���� - �- ^ Contact Phone: E-Mail __,_ b� �. VvIG�r' i l� C� CP� 1'�rN`r�(. �� J Valuations (Labor 8� Material)) Building: Plumbing: Electrical: Mechanical: Total: Description / List of Changes: �� �� ,��� �� �/L S �� .� �� -z - i o —I I (use additional sheet if Date Received: ...... _ ,. _ ..<..__ ._. �,� ', � �- - �ien �o ��nol ��a� o � ��� � � � � � � a 1-Sep-09 > John Martin � l � -0 ZZ-�-( From: John Martin [john.martin@centurytel.net] Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2011 12:28 PM To: 'Martin Haeberle'; 'MMcGee@vailgov.com'; 'Rachel Friede Dimond' Cc: 'roland@srebuilders.com'; 'Rick Woo'; 'J S'; 'Ron Keenan' Subject: Woo Restaurant - REVISION 8- 2-10-11 --�_ Attachments: Rick Woo Restaurant - REVISION 8- 2-10-11.pdf D��� ��� Hello Martin, Mike, and Rachel. FEB 1 O?O�� Attached is a 5 sheet PDF file in 8.5x11 paper format. You can print it at 100�o scale. I will be making a formal revision submittal today (2-10-11). '�'�WN Q�= �/A�L Note to Rachel — Revision 8 is all internal to the building — no planning or DRB input require . - REVISION 8 — includes: 1. New access stair and platform inside of the existing south tower in order to better access the service/fire ladder. 2. One Additional clean-out proposed on side-wall of south hibachi duct. Design Considerations — ladder access: 1. I have created a 7 riser spiral stair and a wedge shaped platform for accessing the ladder (already built in place). 2. The risers do not meet code at 11.43" riser height, but they are not meant for public access and only lead to a ladder. 3. There is a lockable gate proposed at the foot of the new stair. 4. The middle 20" x 20" post will be extended to a height of 42" above the new platform. This plus a short 42" height guardrail will meet code requirements for safety. 5. The stairs are intended to be metal grates supported on 1" x 3" metal channels bolted to the middle post and blocking in the exterior walls. 6. Head heights along the existing spiral stair are never less than 7'-0". Design Considerations — duct clean-out: 1. A side-mounted clean-out is proposed on the south hibachi duct run for added clean-out convenience. See drawings for location. a,:; .,,,,�'A y�' � �, ��9��1:�� f� C��� ���G � i , E� A��� � � IC$ C��� . 42" HEIGHT GUARDRAIL ACCESS LADDER TO MEET VAIL FIRE REGS. NEW METAL GRATE PLATFORM STRUCTURE W/ 1"X3" MTL CHANNELS — NEW METAL GRATE STAIRS STRUCTURE W/ 1"X3" MTL CHANNELS BOLT TO BLOCKING IN EXTERIOR WALL BOLT TO CENTER WOOD POST STAIR FOR SERVICE AND FIRE ACCESS ONLY, NO PUBLIC ACCESS 0 io DN o� L1� � � Yv � L � 8 � �� PLAN - SOUTH TOWER - MAIN � _ ____- �J 1 /4" = 1'-0.� 3'-0" NEW CENTER POST EXTENSION NEW WROUGHT IRON GATE W/ LOCK ExisT I �- LANDING SOUTH TOWER SECTION 4.5 2 1 /2" = 1'-0" __ 6' HEIGHT METAL GATE WITH LOCK 7 RISERS, 11.43" HEIGHT r �, ,..,,�s°d '� �C i , "�i�� � � ��� ' � � � �y (` �� % ,. ; � ,�.. MAIN LEVEL t� p�� J REVISION 8— SOUTH TOWER LADDER ACCESS 2-10-11 �-� WOO RESTAURANT 09-16-2010 M A R T 1 N M A N l E V " 970.328.5151 VILLAGE INN PLAZA —COMMERCIAL LEVEL 2 R1.1 68 EAST MEADOW DRIVE UNIT 602 LOT 0,5D,FILING 1 r c � �c � �� M A R T 1 N• M A N L E V 970.328.5151 -�, SOUTH TOWER SECTON 2.5 ? � -1 /4" = 1'-0" IEW CEILING l8" GWB ON 2X6 ITL STUDS ATCH ALL WALLS WITH TUCCO TO MATCH EXIST 42" HEIGHT GUARDRAIL ATTACH LADDER TO WALL JUST ABOVE PLATFORM 'ER LEVE_ L �� 10'-0° �� EXTEND EXISTING 20" X 20" CENTER POST STAIN TO MATCH 7 RISERS 11.43" EACH AIN_LEVEL _� 0" _ . .. . ;�, ������� �1 � > c.� , , � � �. ,,,:;,.� � �'r' �'` r �s�� A����, . �a__-__ VER LEVE� -10'-0" � REVISION 8- SOUTH TOWER LADDER ACCESS 2-10-11 WOO RESTAURANT VILLAGE INN PLAZA -COMMERCIAL LEVEL 2 68 EAST MEADOW DRIVE UNIT 602 LOT 0,5D,FILING 1 09-16-2010 R1.2 ;� � �.�: '�� � ..�. 4� •'. �� � �� �. 1° t� � { � �� �'° . � � ..: I��1 _t 4 i� ,� , �, � � . � �, �' f a� . .�,�. ��. __ . _ _ � <. _ .: , . .., ��� � �-. � 'I _ � REVISION 8- SOUTH TOWER LADDER ACCESS 2-10-11 � WOO RESTAURANT os-is-2o�o MARTIN MAN�EY -" 970.328.5151 VILLAGE INN PLAZA —COMMERCIAL LEVEL 2 R1.4 68 EAST MEADOW DRIVE UNIT 602 LOT 0,5D,FILING 1 � SOUTH HIBACHI DUCT RUNS '� ❑ ❑ � �.,,.: .• . �;C1� LOCATION OF NEW SIDE MOUNTED CLEAN-OUT \ s �� ' �, r.�:.„�.� � ta . ��� �. _____._ r�, ❑ ❑ ;z ,. �.��"` ✓ � S0 6,TH DU�,CTS - OVERALL �'J 1-HR RATED ACCESS PANEL CLEAN-OUT 3' - 01/4' TOP AND BOTTOM OF COLUMN 2 1/2" 4 1/8" 9" 5' 9" 4 1/8 2 1/2" N N V' CLEAN-OUT o TOP OF DUCT o� "FYREWRAP" - 2, �„ FIR ST 9' - 6 3/4" � ACCESS CLEAN-OUT 4 � � N � HATCH - SIDE OF DUCT I � O RA ED FIRESTOP P 8� L W POINT 2 � SYSTEM � N 3 3/8" — --- ___.. I ° J I � -HR RATED _ – – – – CCESS PANEL I _ – – � — – — – – — — — – � C E A N - O U T " REWRAP" F ESTOP SYSTEM � HIGH POINT - SLOPE 1/4" / FT. awAY iN BoTH , SOUTH DUCTS REVISION 8 DIRECTIONS (TYP) � 2� "�/2�� _ ��-��� REVISION 8- DUCT CLEAN-OUT ADD - 2-10-11 M A R T 1 M A N � E„ WOO RESTAURANT __ os-�s-2o�o 970.328.5151 VILLAGE INN PLAZA -COMMERCIAL LEVEL 2 , R1.5 68 EAST MEADOW DRIVE UNIT 602 LOT 0,5D,FILING 1 TRANSMITTAL FORM Revision Submittals: 1. "Field $et" of approved plans MUST accompany revisions. 2. No further inspections wiil be performed until the revisions are approved & the permit is re-issued. 3. Fees for reviewing revisions are $55.00 per hour (2 hour minimum), and are due upon issuance. �.._...�_�._._._�_.�_._._..__.�..___._�_..__._. .�.,___.��...��,..,.�___�.._._,w..__..__ __--___��_.__._.._.__�..._._._�.�_._�..�..._._._.�.�.,.._._�_�..__.__.�.�.._.� Permit #(s) information applies to: Attention: () Revisions ( ) Response to Correction Letter � D (i 2 2' `� ��G��f''� �e1�2�,�c�{Q attached copy of correction letter ( ) Deferred Submittal �NfJo �S7k�J'l�A�J T" ( ) Other Project Street Address: r Ul L�� �� t�N �L,dCz.,� „ U/UD ��,�(R�,�2.re�1�r � Description / List of Changes: (Number) (Street) Building/Complex Name: (Suite #) � %/�(J� j�(C�� — � �l C C�if �1J f—fr�v�_F�'� (Gc t-f ( Contact Information: ,/ 1 Company: .� �Ji� tJ �(�4�L'�� N � �l� rn� , -� �V�lLc �V � 5,�1�/ � �( �(�—��7 Company Address: � City: State: Zip: s � `� ��� Contact Name: Contact Phone: l7J ^ 3L� ��ri2 E-Mail _'KN'L�l • (r1�C+ " �i `s p�'h/ �ul �°� �!ip � � Valuations (Labor & Material)) Building: Plumbing: Electrical: Mechanical: Total: $ $. $ $ $ (use additional sheet if necessary) Date Received: c���� N o ��,�� �,�,, c�' ` Lti �� �� ������� Q�C .L c� �0�0 TOWN OF VAIL �/ 1-Sep-09 � John Martin From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject John Martin [john.martin@centurytel.net] Thursday, December 02, 2010 9:21 AM 'Martin Haeberle' Rick Woo (rickwoo168@yahoo.com); 'Ij3romeros@aol.com' Woo Restaurant - Kitchen Hood question Hello Martin. In regards to the Woo Restaurant. I understand that you have met at the site with Rick Woo and Larry Romeros. As a formal follow-up, we are asking for a formal approval of the following issue (see email from Larry Romero below): If we install the hoods below the drywall and framing, It will place the hood height at 5'10" and 1 just wanted to confirm with the city that is ok 1 could not find a minimum distance for a kitchen hood height to cooking surface but only the maximum. The industry standard for hood height is 6' 6" My drawings have always shown the hood at 6'-1" height from the floor. I guess because of existing conditions as well as the nuts & bolts of actually hanging the thing and meeting the 1-hr ratings, we really need to ask for a hood height of 5'-10". Can we get an approval from the town for a 5'-10" height hood instead of the already approved 6'-1"? We will be happy to provide more detail as needed. The drawing below shows the approved hood architectural section: ,,�—? —'" .� _o..___.__.... _ C'�..:---�.� __ �r•. 4-'...��':f.°�!� ��''E ���tl d� p����sr "����� FO� ". ��ce;,� �==�.��1N E ��o���: �,, �::�.�_� � �°���� z- o C��� �`c�wn af Vail -�� � �op� � : , ���: � ��•n zz-� � 1 �C�f��M[� DEC 13 2010 TOWN OF �fAl� , I � ----- � ------------- ---------�--- i .� ► I I I � I � I , I � ( RESIDENTIAL ( , APARTMENT , I ( ( , � Thank you, John Martin Martin Manley Architects 970-328-0592 ___ . , �f i - .__.___ :/- �---- 2 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES �� �owxoFV�, � Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2139, f. 970.479.2452, inpsections 970.479.2149 ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Permit #: B10-0224 Job Address: 68 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location......: UNIT 602, VAIL VILLAGE INN Parcel No....: 210108254031 OWNER VAIL VILLAGE INN INC 08/06/2010 100 E MEADOW DR VAIL CO 81657 CONTRACTOR HOME IMPROVEMENTS SOLUTIONS 08/06/2010 9830 W 59TH PL ARVADA CO 80004 License: 1046-B Description: NEW HIBACHI AND SUSHI RESTAURANT Occupancy: A2 Assembly <1000 with stag Type Construction:IlA Project #: Phone: 720-404-9227 Valuation: Total Sq Ft Added: Status . . : ISSUED Applied . . : 08/06/2010 Issued . .. : 12/O6/2010 Expires . ..: 03/19/2011 $195, 000.00 0 ................................................................>..�....,........ FEE SUMMARY ,.,............._..,,.<,.......�....,,.,.............<............,,........... Building Permit Fee------> Plan Check--------------------> Add'I Plan Check Hours-> I nvestigation-----------------> $1,525.75 Will Cal Fee---------------------> $991.74 Use Tax Fee---------------------> $440.00 Restuarant Plan Review-----> $0.00 Recreation Fee-----------------> Total Calculated Fees--------> $4.00 $3,700.00 $0.00 $0.00 $6, 661.49 Total Calculated Fees-------------> Additional Fees-----------------------> TOTAL PERMIT FEES-------------> Pay ments-----------------°-----------> BALANCE DUE-----------------------> $6, 661.49 $74.00 $6,735.49 $6,735.49 $0.00 .............«,«... �......�.,,<,..,.».......,,.................,,.,,...,,........,.....,...,,........, ,.x.,,,.............�...,..............,.,...,..«,«........,..,,....�........,.....» DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the informatior as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM. ��r.V(/� �%a� � Signature of Owner or Contractor Date � U�/c..� vJ U � Print Name b I d_a It_co n s t ru ct i o n_pe rm it_041908 ..................................>...,.......,�..>..,.,.,.,,.,,............,.,...........,,.........,.,...,................,..,,,�......................�..<...,........,.,.....,,.... APPROVALS Permit #: 610-0224 as of 01-27-2011 Status: ISSUED ........................»..,,,.....,....,.....,.........................�......�.....,....,.........................,,...,.......,...,,,,.,..........,,,......,............�.......... Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 08/30/2010 cg Action: CR building comments sent to applicant 09/13/2010 CG Action: CR ROOF EQUIPMENT ACCESS HAS NOT BEEN ADDRESSED PER COMMENT #17. EMAILED RICK WOO. PLANS TO BE RESUBMITTED. 09/17/2010 22 Action: COND PARTIAL APPROVAL FOR "AT RISK" PERMIT PER MARTIN. STRUCTURAL PLANS NOT SUBMITTED OR INCLUDED. E1.0 ALSO NOT SUBMITTED 10/13/2010 CG Action: AP STRUCTURAL AND COMPLETE MEP PLANS ISSUED Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 09/16/2010 RFD Action: COND SEE CONDITIONS 10/25/2010 Warren Action: AP The revisions dated September 16, 2010 have been approved by planning. All DRB conditions appeared to be addressed. 01/14/2011 RFD Action: DN DRB revisions required. 01/26/2011 RFD Action: AP DRB revision approved- building plans can be released. Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 09/02/2010 McGee Action: CR 1. A 2.2 Provide details on drop down ladder. Ladder must be designed to support 600 Ibs. See VFES specifications for ladders for guidence. 2. M-2 Exhaust duct system shall comply with NFPA 96, 2011 edition. 3. Submit detailed plans for UL 300 fire extinguishing system. 4. Submit plans and permit application for revisions to fire sprinkler system. 5. Submit plans and permit application for revisions to fire alarm and detection stystem. 6. Submit mechanical exhaust and supply system plans and fire extinguishing system plans to an approved Fire Protection Engineer for review. Consult Fire Prevention Bureau ref pre-approved FPE's or to submit credentials of proposed FPE. 09/15/2010 McGee Action: AP See Conditions 10/26/2010 mcgee Action: AP Revision 3, 10-18-2010 12/15/2010 McGee Action: AP Revision to hood heigth 12 13 2010. 01/26/2011 McGee Action: AP Revision 01-10-2011 approved on condition fire sprinkler plans are revised to cover unprotected spaces created by changes in duct work. Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 09/07/2010 Is Action: COND Use of E. Meadow Drive will need to be coordinator for any use during construction, please contact the Town of Vail PW bld_a It_co nst ruction_pe rm it_041908 Department at 970-479-2198 09/15/2010 Is Action: COND Condition of coordinating staging and crane on E. Meadow Drive with contractor. Item: 05700 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 09/17/2010 BCARLSON Action: AP PER BILL C. OK TO APPROVE. BILL IS SENDING LETTER WITH CONDITIONS TO MR. WOO. Item: 05101 BUILDING DEPT REVISION 11/19/2010 cg Action: AP revisons dated 9/16/10 and 9/20/10 12/01l2010 Martin Action: AP Revision dated 11/19 for sht S-2 01/21/2011 Martin Action: AP Approved Revision #7 ....................».........».,....,...........�...................<,....,.,,.,.....,....,,.,...,�,�...............,,..,.....,,>...,,,...,......,...,...,....,......,,,........,,,. See the Conditions section of this Document for any that may apply. bld_a It_construction_perm it_041908 .....,...> ....................................................................................................».....,.....»...........,......«.................,..............,...... CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: B10-0224 as of 01-27-2011 Status: ISSUED ...............,,......,.,..............,..............,..........,.....,.....,,,...,.,...............,.............».......................,,.....»........,..,,....................... Cond: 1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: CON0011621 Grease exhaust duct system must be reviewed by FPE and VFES prior to installation of duct work. Access to roof mounted equip must comply with VFES standards. Cond: CON0011627 The applicant shall obtain PEC approval of a minor amendment to the Special Development District for expanded site coverage and change to setback on northeast side of building at the October 11, 2010 PEC hearing. The applicant shall obtain design review approval for changes associated with the expanded chimney on the northeast side of the building by the October 20, 2010 DRB hearing. Failure to obtain approval for these changes by the dates above shall result in immediate revocation of this building permit and shall require removal of any expanded chimney areas not previously approved. Cond: CON0011670 All exterior design must be amended on building permit and in the field to reflect the design review board's conditions of approval for the color and materials of rooftop equipment, chimneys and landings. b I d_a It_co n st ru ct i o n_pe rm it_041908 +*********************************************************************************+*******�* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ******************+*********�************+************************************************�* Statement Number: R110000070 Amount: $109.00 Ol/27/201110:49 AM Payment Method: Check Init: SAB Notation: 2243 SUSHI OKA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: B10-0224 Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Parcel No: 2101-082-5403-1 Site Address: 68 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location: UNIT 602, VAIL VILLAGE INN Total Fees: $6,735.49 This Payment: $109.00 Total ALL Pmts: $6,735.49 Balance: $0.00 ****************************************************************************************�*** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code -------------------- PF 00100003112300 WC 00100003112800 Description ------------------------------ PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Current Pmts 110.00 -1.00 TRANSMITTAL FORM ��U - z ZL O i Revision Submittals: 1. "Field SeY' of approved plans MUST accompany revisions. 2. No further inspections will be performed until the revisions are approved & the permit is re-issued. 3_ Fees for reviewing revisions are $55_00 per hour (2 hour minimum), and are due upon issuance. Permit #(s) information applies to: Attention: Revisions � � (�Response to Correction Letter ,��(G� (�po �%p���� �- �1 �,� ,�,(,.��{> attached copy of correction fetter ( ) Deferred Submittal �; (��s� i!►n ��G,za ,�(c�- ( ) Ofher � Project Street Address: �� ��„ _ 1_, - � Description / List of Changes: +�'�OC/�^� ,� �. � ! (Number) (Street) (Suite #) � � f Building/Complex Name: Coniact Information: Company: � 0 I'�`1�1 G � ��'(cl� Company Address: PG P-.X�?� �7U � City: �u� o State: �� Zip: ��0 3� Contact Name: � /I/!µ �^ Contact Phone: E-Mail �/1 r�l'F<<'► A�,On�vrt, � �. n.,�'{' Revised ADDITIONAL Valuations (Labor 8� MaEerials) (DO NOT include original valuation) Building Plumbing: Electrical: Mechanical: Total: � � Vi�ir�/1 -�- b7Z,� r� �. • � � . � ■ . -- � � � � ■ ; -_ r� . (use additional sheet if necessary) Date Received: _� ; '�,� � r , �� � I, � , �, � ,,,,,I �_ _ � � �� �p,N 1 u i011 � ;,, �� T�WN pF VA�L �. r__ .� J � Jc� o r�Es t�-v �,a � T— f�-�.t ��+��r� ���a� _ _ _ ' �J►`�1�n 7 � L�'�vl��r='sd� . . 1�,( — �ev��� b�, p�s��l'P f�G� s _ � (,S' �� c' CU � c^ � J `�'�.e � `�] � C � �.�, � ,n s�,� �,�-eX o�-� !Ze U�51 D /1 ..��C�Ln r� �n s �2 - � ; � v � " � �-�-�-� ��� � �10`�5 . - ; f� �_ 2 ' (Ze,v (.� - c,�►►�v,re,� c�vt� ��,,,,� � ,�,o�� �l�n �2 " `�(. �e � � � �S�rOOJ1� ��((ii%� ►7' !(/}� c��s � �- ��► �l ,��� - _ I � �� �� . � �. �� � lo� � ��� ��a . _ �, � � `� ' � ; . � � Co - �v c-il� C,G� , wne j� �it�r �� � CU� /� � " , (' — � � � A5 � 4?e v. 7 �7 �- w �� ��^ - o�t G�� H S� o� iZ, �� - ��,� _ �� �� �•� _ `f'oP-�� -r�JG� C��°�inOvf �ir���l�� � ���fi��c���c�i�s . 1 � V.'( r' � l�(/� �I %�1' � C �GOt n D(/f l'� `�ij r�( `�k n f'1 �(/ e���- ;_ ' � ,�� �i,�,.� l� J � } .�'-�o" G��f � �- ��P � PX� �t�. ����1 �z� S. _ : �e�: � - �7��( ti,,���� ��� i� �� ��� -o� � - �P���J c`�� � l s _ -1 � 2U�� ��r�'1 �ur►�O�iOn (��_ � a�C,e�� �✓y�- � � � � ;1 �— V�e. � D � .(�t� 1 I��� I 5� ��v 1 d�(� . TZ,Qr r% /s IrulrvC� � t. ��� 5�►.�� . __ ----- I`��2 . 2 ' . �u . �i Wct l ( � u-�i G¢l � ! `/t� r'�c �i�� ���, � �s -� �� ��'F �'��� s ; � !7� , / ' `�(�'�`��S �y� �./'��•y� /�d���Un -�i°,� -e''���er� 01,G�'1,�1,��( ._. �(2 �1 � ✓ � — � ��/ � t7 r � _�l � ��{�t,� j �� � � _ _ � �t `� S � --- �- ,�-�- � .. � � 7 IU�� ��s fi e� � � � 7s � �� �� � � ' ���� �w - �j�� � �� ___ �� ��s - �. _ � _. � ._ Gt�i� �o �w �¢vt`s�bn S.__ _ , . __ __ —_I I__ _ _ -- _ _ _ --- ----- . � � � f — �'��'� � � ��,�i� �- 3- z��i � �_— �--- -� � � �� �� .: a� � � �`�� �a��, ���;.� �.�, �, � N�� �� � � � �, ��� �� �� �, '`��.> F �� � . �.. � � `��, , �,;. „ � :� Department, of Community Development'-' �� 75 South Frontage Ro�t1 ; �. ,� � -, � Vail, �ol,orac�q� 8���i��"`�: ; � � ��..� .r�� �. �Tel 97A 479 2 �� �: � � � , �, � �3�� �� g97U 4�'3�24� � � � �,�� � �� � � ; ,�, ��. �°� ' £F�� � - � ,� �` e eVV/eb wvi�inr u�a�l+�ci �it�rS �� °{. Q ��� � , � � �� R Deve�o�r.nent.i���riew �oord���t �� a ; " _�' � � � � > ��� � .. �_.. `� ' �. ��n � ,: � � _ �. n ..� �.���..s � , ,;� TRANSM ITTAL FORM Revision Submittals: 1. "Field Set" of approved plans MUST accompany revisions. 2. No further inspections will be performed until the revisions are approved & the permit is re-issued. 3. Fees for reviewing revisions are $55.00 per hour (2 hour minimum), and are due upon issuance. Permit #(s) information applies to: Attention: () Revisions �I r, 1I O Response to Correction Letter ( � �` 2- � ����+'"' !'t�t�'�e'`{Q attached copy of correction letter ( ) Deferred Submittal �t.IVo fZ.�S71c�,�,J T" ( ) Other ��..,.... ,n..�.�..�.4�.�..�..� ,.,���.,��..�... ,,.�_.��._.�.�.� �,�_�:.�. �.,.w.�MU,,.�....,�.,,.,`��,�,,.,KK�,_.,,....��,..�.�,.�,.,.U.�...�....,�,,,,,�,..�,m..,..�....�..m�....�,,..�.�„�.,�, Project Street Address: � v1 L�� �) U►�J �/�z� „ U/UD �� ,�'R�,,2A�jr � Description / List of Changes: (Number) (Street) (Suite#) � ��cJ� 5�(C�� — Building/Complex Name: ' �� ( G� �1J �C�(% � (Gc {-f ( Contact Information: � f ,/ Company: ._-a C�µ tJ �'"�.4(L`T� N � �� �� ( + .��� �V � � ��,� � Company Address: �l ����� City: State: Zip: � � �� p�� Contact Name: Contact Phone: l �v ^ 3L� �s�� E-Mail �GI�1�1 � U�G� " �� `, P�'r (,�t°� �,� � `.J ' Valuations (Labor & Material)) Building: Plumbing: Electrical: Mechanical: Total: $ $ $ $ �. � (use additional sheet if necessary) ; __ _ __.._ _ Date Received: ����v,� , D QEC 13 2010 TOWN �F VAIL 1-Sep-09 � John Martin From: John Martin [john.martin@centurytel.net] Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2010 9:21 AM To: 'Martin Haeberle' Cc: Rick Woo (rickwoo168@yahoo.com); 'Ij3romeros@aol.com' Subject: Woo Restaurant - Kitchen Hood question Hello Martin. In regards to the Woo Restaurant. I understand that you have met at the site with Rick Woo and Larry Romeros. As a formal follow-up, we are asking for a formal approval of the following issue (see email from Larry Romero below): If we install the hoods below the drywall and framing, It will place the hood height at 5'10" and I just wanted to confirm with the city that is ok. 1 could not find a minimum distance for a kitchen hood height to cooking surface but only the maximum. The industry standard for hood height is 6' 6" My drawings have always shown the hood at 6'-1" height from the floor. I guess because of existing conditions as well as the nuts & bolts of actually hanging the thing and meeting the 1-hr ratings, we really need to ask for a hood height of 5'-10". Can we get an approval from the town for a 5'-10" height hood instead of the already approved 6'-1"? We will be happy to provide more detail as needed. The drawing below shows the approved hood architectural section: - ___._.__�..._. , �. ....._... _ _ �� ... � '�'own of Vail W � �� �oP�r , � � � '�i 1 �t�'C� ZZ� CC�L��MC D DEC 13 2010 TOW(V OIF VAIL_ i I - — - — - � - — - — - — - -----------�-- � � RESIDENTIAL APARTMENT I I � I ( Thank you, John Martin Martin Manley Architects 970-328-0592 - ' , ___. _ (" ,; "� ��i 2 NOTE: THIS PERM/T MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES .� �ow�oFV�, � Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2139, f. 970.479.2452, inpsections 970.479.2149 ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Permit #: B10-0224 Job Address: 68 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location......: UNIT 602, VAIL VILLAGE INN Parcel No....: 210108254031 OWNER VAIL VILLAGE INN INC 08/O6/2010 100 E MEADOW DR VAIL CO 81657 CONTRACTOR HOME IMPROVEMENTS SOLUTIONS 08/06/2010 9830 W 59TH PL ARVADA CO 80004 License: 1046-B Description: NEW HIBACHI AND SUSHI RESTAURANT Occupancy: A2 Assembly <1000 with stag Type Construction:IlA Project #: Status . . : ISSUED Applied . . : 08/06/2010 Issued . .. : 12/O6/2010 Expires . ..: 03/19/2011 Phone: 720-404-9227 Val uation: $195, 000.00 Total Sq Ft Added: 0 ...........................................«...»..»...,,,,�........,.,.....,,���...,,. FEE SUMMARY ..,....x....,,.��......�.........,...,.........,,....................�............. Building Permit Fee------> $1,525.75 Will Cal Fee---------------------> $4.00 Total Calculated Fees-------------> $6,551.49 Plan Check--------------------> $991.74 Use Tax Fee---------------------> $3,700.00 Additional Fees-----------------------> $75.00 Add'I Plan Check Hours-> $330.00 Restuarant Plan Review-----> $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES-------------> $6,626.49 Investigation-----------------> $0.00 Recreation Fee-----------------> $0.00 Payments------------------------------> $6,626.49 Total Calculated Fees--------> $6,551.49 BALANCE DUE-----------------------> 30.00 .......................................,,..,.......,.....,.............«..........«....,.,.,..�..,......,,....................�..........,�,.,.,,,...........,......,...,..,.,...,........ DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the informatior as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8;00 AM - 4:00 PM. . , _._.., .. . ,� U ��.���� � � �' - � Signature of Owner or Contractor Date �2uc �� c� u �� -� Print Name bld_alt_co nstructio n_pe rmit_041908 ***�Aw�www��ww+�w**�f*f***f!*M**R*ww/w//wwwwkwk*!�l1f!!****ww/w/www#YNi**f****1Rwww#/Nw�wf�4�ltf***f***ffwwww�#4*ik****f/wwwww*w***fRRf***wwfwYl�k**i��fkw�ww/wwN4��f**�fflww*tx�f}f APPROVALS Permit #: B10-0224 as of 12-06-2010 Status: ISSUED ..> .............................................x.....,�..�.....,.....,,...........,,..�,..,,.....,..,..............x�..............�..��..........,,..�.....,,....,.,..............x.. Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 08/30/2010 cg Action: CR building comments sent to applicant 09/13/2010 CG Action: CR ROOF EQUIPMENT ACCESS HAS NOT BEEN ADDRESSED PER COMMENT #17. EMAILED RICK WOO. PLANS TO BE RESUBMITTED. 09/17/2010 22 Action: COND PARTIAL APPROVAL FOR "AT RISK" PERMIT PER MARTIN. STRUCTURAL PLANS NOT SUBMITTED OR INCLUDED. E1.0 ALSO NOT SUBMITTED 10/13/2010 CG Action: AP STRUCTURAL AND COMPLETE MEP PLANS ISSUED Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 09/16/2010 RFD Action: COND SEE CONDITIONS 10/25/2010 Warren Action: AP The revisions dated September 16, 2010 have been approved by planning. All DRB conditions appeared to be addressed. Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 09/02/2010 McGee Action: CR 1. A 2.2 Provide details on drop down ladder. Ladder must be designed to support 600 Ibs. See VFES specifications for ladders for guidence. 2. M-2 Exhaust duct system shall comply with NFPA 96, 2011 edition. 3. Submit detailed plans for UL 300 fire extinguishing system. 4. Submit plans and permit application for revisions to fire sprinkler system. 5. Submit plans and permit application for revisions to fire alarm and detection stystem. 6. Submit mechanical exhaust and supply system plans and fire extinguishing system plans to an approved Fire Protection Engineer for review. Consult Fire Prevention Bureau ref pre-approved FPE's or to submit credentials of proposed FPE. 09/15/2010 McGee Action: AP See Conditions 10/26/2010 mcgee Action: AP Revision 3, 10-18-2010 Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 09/07/2010 Is Action: COND Use of E. Meadow Drive will need to be coordinator for any use during construction, please contact the Town of Vail PW Department at 970-479-2198 09/15/2010 Is Action: COND Condition of coordinating staging and crane on E. Meadow Drive with contractor. Item: 05700 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 09/17/2010 BCARLSON Action: AP PER BILL C. OK TO APPROVE. BILL IS SENDING LETTER WITH CONDITIONS TO MR. WOO. Item: 05401 PLANNING DEPT REVISION Item: 05601 FIRE DEPT REVISION b Id_a It_con stru ction_perm it_041908 Item: 05101 BUILDING DEPT REVISION 11/19/2010 cg Action: AP revisons dated 9/16/10 and 9/20/10 12/01/2010 Martin Action: AP Revision dated 11/19 for sht S-2 ,.........,.��� ........................................�....................,,,.,,x..............�...,,x,��.......,.....�.�,,...,,,.,,.,.,,,,...........,...,....,..,.......,......... See the Conditions section of this Document for any that may apply. b Id_a It_co n st ru ct i o n_pe rm it_041908 <*��fwwtX*lR�ftwff#x**kf��fw#++R�f�kMww/wflff#iflRwwwfR�f�Rwfwxk�!}�*�wfw*k*���Rkwff**i*#�fRR**k!f}*Rwwww*4*#���wf*�*RR4*wfwfk4�4MfRff*!lflw*f**xf�*4www*�44kkfYw#Rf**f}Y���i�}Rwfwwf CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 610-0224 as of 12-06-2010 Status: ISSUED .....................................................................................�,.....,�......�...,...,.,......,..,..,�......,........,,........,,....,...,.............,,....... Cond: 1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: CON0011621 Grease exhaust duct system must be reviewed by FPE and VFES prior to installation of duct work. Access to roof mounted equip must comply with VFES standards. Cond: CON0011627 The applicant shall obtain PEC approval of a minor amendment to the Special Development District for expanded site coverage and change to setback on northeast side of building at the October 11, 2010 PEC hearing. The applicant shall obtain design review approval for changes associated with the expanded chimney on the northeast side of the building by the October 20, 2010 DRB hearing. Failure to obtain approval for these changes by the dates above shall result in immediate revocation of this building permit and shall require removal of any expanded chimney areas not previously approved. Cond: CON0011670 All exterior design must be amended on building permit and in the field to reflect the design review board's conditions of approval for the color and materials of rooftop equipment, chimneys and landings. bld_a It_co nstru ction_perm it_041908 ************************�*�******************************************************++********* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement **+*********+*******+**********+*********+*******++***+*******************************+*+**+ Statement Number: R100001966 Amount: $110.00 12/06/201011:49 AM Payment Method: Check Init: SAB Notation: 2166 SUSHI OKA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: B10-0224 Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Parcel No: 2101-082-5403-1 Site Address: 68 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location: UNIT 602, VAIL VILLAGE INN Total Fees: $6,626.49 This Payment: $110.00 Total ALL Pmts: $6,626.49 Balance: $0.00 **+***********+****t****************+************+***++*********************************�*** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code -------------------- PF 00100003112300 Description Current Pmts ------------------------------ ------------ PLAN CHECK FEES 110.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSMITTAL FORM Revision Submittals: 1. "Field Set" of approved plans MUST accompany revisions. 2. No further inspections will be performed until the revisions are approved & the permit is re-issued. 3. Fees for reviewing revisions are $55.00 per hour (2 hour minimum), and are due upon issuance. Permit #(s) information applies to: Attention: evisions J �� -)'� () Response to Correction Letter (�j ld d-z ►'�, �,✓T �, _attached copy of correction fetter ( ) Deferred Submittal ( ) Other Project Street Address: (Number) (Street) Building/Complex Name: Contact Information: Company: Company Address: City: State: Zip: Contact Name: `�L�L��— � ��i Contad Phone: E-Mail � Description / List of Changes: �s��t� #� � � � e � V� �� L � Revised ADDITIONAL Valuations (Labor 8� Materials) (DO NOT include original valuation) Building: Plumbing: Electrical: Mechanical: Total � � $ (use additional sheet if necessary) Date Received: D ���0�� NOV � ��; 20i0 TOWN OF VAIL m r.,., _ � n : �.�� , ,.. ; �� . : ��� ^ y�a �� k. ;� Department of Community Developmenfi-�� , � _ >, _ � � „� E.. ��� ���.�r � �� ���- � � ����. .75 South Frontage E�o�d � p �1 �,*� � ~ !. *� �P°=.. �'k �� �' � �i'- .iu ��h .. Y �kl, ��Qlorac�o{ V vY.�qS� l �e. y..,# •. ,,,�s j � d�. � .. . .. �p� j �� �a� � -��- � � ,��. � x � �� � , , �, � '�rFel . 9�0-4��9 ��$ � ` y °� :'� �. : "'� ��- � ������� , �' .� �� Fa3c"`w9'7Q��9`�2�4s��� � : ���. _ . �. �� �`t" .� s .'�r ^ .a' ...' :u ,'t" ., ,� ii � ,_ � �'a, �, �� � ��°����� - � � ` \NebY wHi"w va�lg4�+�cf . . �� `'t�� , `� `���` ' .. .. ,�+. �- , � : .�.� � Deve7c�pinenf:Revtew,��ooid�irt�t�,� �,"�".#'+ , '7 � g � :° _: . . � ��**es� .z - S� �.' � � �.: . , �`� �� �� a .' , � � u i + j -�: � .. _ . .� , , . :: � " ; .: � � � '.� -a, .t,,,'.�.__�_ _ . . __ . _ __ _,.a�a3' " <.-��' ., . � . - _ �._.3 .:...,�a.d-�#-s,'a�«°'.e�°"',�'� �.:.d TRANSMITTAL FORM Revision Submittals: 1. "Field SeY' of approved plans MUST accompany revisions. 2. No further inspections will be performed until the revisions are approved & the permit is re-issued. 3. Fees for reviewing revisions are $55.00 per hour (2 hour minimum), and are due upon issuance. Permit #(s) information applies to: 3�1� -� �y �r� ��:�ivra,�-1—. Attention: Q� Revisions ( ) Response to Correction Letter attached copy of correction letter ( ) Deferred Submittal ��Q�n��q /��C%1 `�'t� � ) Other ��� Project Street Address: �� �ft5't N1�kDUN ��. CoOZ (Number) (Street) (Suite #) BuildinglComplex Name: VIL�LtE lN/� �Lf�?�Q Contact Information: Company: �a�, � �i� ^�n Company Address: �b � I"O �G� / �4� City:y� �� State: C..O Zip: �i Ca �� Contact Name: —�d�� 1�1 � �' + � Contact Phone: �7U � � �� �� � � 2 E-Mail �.�, (� %Y/h�'�i'�.�1<arl �..P[ Gz'�i%ij�1�C'G� -LUWj � Revised ADDITIONAL Valuations (Labor & Materials) (DO NOT include original valuation) Building: $. Plumbing: $, Electrical: $. Mechanical: $, Total: $ Description / List of Changes: ���5� �Iv� � lC.� (% 3 �(� �1�-� �� � � � -Z � �• � '. �'t�M/L2� v+-✓ �a,J�� a-�l �eck o''-�rit� �� � t� � ���fJ� � � ��� Z. C�,u�►,,� at �eslroow� I�l(wu� ��e�s �T— ��� ae5�jn - C� �o� �O�t �Dl��dtc� • �_ �.r��Cin,�A( (�lX�wi - ►M�`l►or /t°vcSio�S `� � J��/c-�/�i ��� s � v,z S ` �Gvt�'! r �i l (`�l Sr`on s (use additional sheet if necessary) Date Received: �, {� � �C� � (�/7 � � � �'J � OCT 1 � 2�i10 TOWN OF VAIL oi-.r�-to NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES �j��/��T/,�}� !� 11111/r ILIW , Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2139, f. 970.479.2452, inpsections 970.479.2149 ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Permit #: B10-0224 Job Address: 68 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location......: UNIT 602, VAIL VILLAGE INN Parcel No....: 210108254031 OWNER VAIL VILLAGE INN INC 08/06/2010 100 E MEADOW DR VAIL CO 81657 CONTRACTOR HOME IMPROVEMENTS SOLUTIONS OS/06/2010 9830 W 59TH PL ARVADA CO 80004 License: 1046-B Description: NEW HIBACHI AND SUSHI RESTAURANT Occupancy: A2 Assembly <1000 with stag Type Construction:llA Project #: Phone: 720-404-9227 Valuation: Total Sq Ft Added: Status . . : ISSUED Applied . . : 08/06/2010 Issued . .. : 11/19/2010 Expires . ..: 03/19/2011 $195,000.00 0 ,....,.....,,,,......>.........,,............«...........,...� .................».,..,,,. FEE SUMMARY ,,,....���...,,.....,��,,....,,.,...,,......�.,.,....x......,.........,,,............_..... Building Permit Fee------> $1,525.75 Will Cal Fee---------------------> $4.00 Total Calculated Fees-------------> $6,441.49 Plan Check--------------------> $991.74 Use Tax Fee---------------------> $3,700.00 Additional Fees-----------------------> $75.00 Add'I Plan Check Hours-> $220.00 Restuarant Plan Review-----> $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES-------------> $6,516.49 Investigation-----------------> $0.00 Recreation Fee-----------------> $0.00 Payments------------------------------> $6,516.49 Total Calculated Fees--------> $6,441.49 BALANCE DUE-----------------------> $0.00 ...«.,,......_�.... ..................................,,...,,....«.>,.......,..._..,,........._............._..............,,.,,....,,.,...,.�..,.....�...............................,...,,,. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that 1 have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the informatior as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM. ��— L `� � l � Si nature of Owner or Contractor Date � r�a� � A-t I� (-2 rin ame bld_a It_co nstruction_perm it_041908 .> ..............................................................................�,..,...,,.........,........,,,,..........,.....,,.,...,.........,........�.......,..........,...,.,.. APPROVALS Permit #: B10-0224 as of 11-19-2010 Status: ISSUED .................................................................................,,..................,,,.....,.......,,....,,..,..........,,.,....,,..........»..................,.... Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 08/30/2010 cg Action: CR building comments sent to applicant 09/13/2010 CG Action: CR ROOF EQUIPMENT ACCESS HAS NOT BEEN ADDRESSED PER COMMENT #17. EMAILED RICK WOO. PLANS TO BE RESUBMITTED. 09/17/2010 22 Action: COND PARTIAL APPROVAL FOR "AT RISK" PERMIT PER MARTIN. STRUCTURAL PLANS NOT SUBMITTED OR INCLUDED. E1.0 ALSO NOT SUBMITTED 10/13/2010 CG Action: AP STRUCTURAL AND COMPLETE MEP PLANS ISSUED Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 09/16/2010 RFD Action: COND SEE CONDITIONS 10/25/2010 Warren Action: AP The revisions dated September 16, 2010 have been approved by planning. All DRB conditions appeared to be addressed. Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 09/02/2010 McGee Action: CR 1. A 2.2 Provide details on drop down ladder. Ladder must be designed to support 600 Ibs. See VFES specifications for ladders for guidence. 2. M-2 Exhaust duct system shall comply with NFPA 96, 2011 edition. 3. Submit detailed plans for UL 300 fire extinguishing system. 4. Submit plans and permit application for revisions to fire sprinkler system. 5. Submit plans and permit application for revisions to fire alarm and detection stystem. 6. Submit mechanical exhaust and supply system plans and fire extinguishing system pians to an approved Fire Protection Engineer for review. Consult Fire Prevention Bureau ref pre-approved FPE's or to submit credentials of proposed FPE. 09/15/2010 McGee Action: AP See Conditions 10/26/2010 mcgee Action: AP Revision 3, 10-18-2010 Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 09/07/2010 Is Action: COND Use of E. Meadow Drive will need to be coordinator for any use during construction, please contact the Town of Vail PW Department at 970-479-2198 09/15/2010 is Action: COND Condition of coordinating staging and crane on E. Meadow Drive with contractor. Item: 05700 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 09/17/2010 BCARLSON Action: AP PER BILL C. OK TO APPROVE. BILL IS SENDING LETTER WITH CONDITIONS TO MR. WOO. Item: 05401 PLANNING DEPT REVISION Item: 05601 FIRE DEPT REVISION b Id_a It_construction_perm it_041908 Item: 05101 BUILDING DEPT REVISION 11 /19/2010 cg Action: AP revisons dated 9/16/10 and 9/20/10 ..................................................................................................................,..>,..................,...............,,,......................,,., See the Conditions section of this Document for any that may apply. bld_a It_co nstru ctio n_perm it_041908 •fiwf/�fXR4**f*4#//*i�f�f��f*#�*1�k*wwwMfwfwffwwwwwfi##+fw4�k�f�f�lR���ififi*f�ifw�*Ywwwwfwwwwwfffwwf4wwwR+#RRkk�*�f/RRt#1M*www4wwwfffw+*kk4�w�***1ff��fwwwwwwwwk*wfflf�f��kl4wfwwfwee CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: B10-0224 as of 11-19-2010 Status: ISSUED ...............................................................................................,,........,,.....,..,.,.,....,,�..............,....�.x,..................,.,,..,........ Cond: 1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: CON0011621 Grease exhaust duct system must be reviewed by FPE and VFES prior to installation of duct work. Access to roof mounted equip must comply with VFES standards. Cond: CON0011627 The applicant shall obtain PEC approval of a minor amendment to the Special Development District for expanded site coverage and change to setback on northeast side of building at the October 11, 2010 PEC hearing. The applicant shall obtain design review approval for changes associated with the expanded chimney on the northeast side of the building by the October 20, 2010 DRB hearing. Failure to obtain approval for these changes by the dates above shall result in immediate revocation of this building permit and shall require removal of any expanded chimney areas not previously approved. Cond: CON0011670 All exterior design must be amended on building permit and in the field to reflect the design review board's conditions of approval for the color and materials of rooftop equipment, chimneys and landings. b Id_a It_co n stru ct i o n_pe rm it_041908 *+*************++*******************++************++++************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ******+***+****�***********************+*+*********************+*++++*********************** Statement Number: R100001874 Amount: $220.00 11/19/201002:47 PM Payment Method: Check Init: LC Notation: #2151 / sushi oka llc ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: B10-0224 Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Parcel No: 2101-082-5403-1 Site Address: 68 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location: UNIT 602, VAIL VILLAGE INN Total Fees: $6,516.49 This Payment: $220.00 Total ALL Pmts: $6,516.49 Balance: $0.00 *********************�**************************+******************************************* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code -------------------- PF 00100003112300 Description Current Pmts ------------------------------ ------------ PLAN CHECK FEES 220.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSMITTAL FORM Revision Submittals 1. "Field Set" of approved plans MUST accompany revisions. 2. No further inspections will be performed until the revisions are approved & the permit is re-issued. 3. Fees for reviewing revisions are $55.00 per hour (2 hour minimum), and are due upon issuance. Permit #(s) information applies to: Attention: (k) Revisions -- ('�) Response to •Corr;ection Letter f 7v� _���� attached copy ofi correction letter ( ) Deferred Submittal ( ) Other ' Project Street Address: �� = c' -� I �t� �'�,�.✓ i� iZ (Number) (Street) (Suite #) Building/Complex Name: !�LLf� � � /yN �P/ ��a Contact Information: Company: .,i�H�-% M,-tP�2�,ti Company Address: �'�-� 1'1�,,1 %y� ��- cr ,4�J��-rTe� � f CitY� _ �� � �- � State: (� Zip: ��(4 7 j Contact Name: _-- J�;j ., �� f^�f 1,�' Contact Phone: �'?p '�'2� ' U 5 �j� E-Mail �"'`'' • Gi��e,��? n �� C� � �'.� I�',,. � "f Revised ADDITIONAL Valuations (Labor � Materials) (DO NOT include original valuation) Building: $ Plumbing: $ Electrical: $ Mechanical: $ Total: $ ' Description / List of Changes: ' -�l�t'�/5� 1�1�./� �? l7 � C�fi U� _ 5`��'��i � �� — 5 �.•.� �c,�. �et- — S � 'f �1�c �i �=�t�f �'� i `�?7nl�P,t� � _ � vf, �G � s ��s� � � �2:—�G�r���.�I � �iL ' ��UIP�i� �t.6��1i � , �, /,J - < <�� ` ��(✓�� r� c -) P, ,� ' �_� � G6� � (use additional sheet if necessaFy} .. ,. , , _ Date Received_ � O1-Jan-10 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES .� TOWNOFVAtI, ' Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2139, f. 970.4792452, inpsections 970.479.2149 ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Job Address: 68 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location......: UNIT 602, VAIL VILLAGE INN Parcel No....: 210108254031 OWNER VAIL VILLAGE INN INC 08/06/2010 100 E MEADOW DR VAIL CO 81657 CONTRACTOR HOME IMPROVEMENTS SOLUTIONS 08/06/2010 Phone: 720-404-9227 9830 W 59TH PL ARVADA CO 80004 License: 1046-B Description: NEW RESTAURANT Permit #: Project #: Status . . : Applied . . : Issued . .. : Expires . ..: B10-0224 ISSUED 08/06/2010 09/20/2010 03/19l2011 Occupancy: A2 Assembly <1000 with stag Valuation: $195,000.00 Type Construction:IlA Total Sq Ft Added: 0 ................................................................................. FEE SUMMARY ..,....�.......,,.,,..,............,...,....._..,...........,.,,.,_.,....,,.,,,. Building Permit Fee------> $1,525.75 Will Cal Fee---------------------> $4.00 Total Calculated Fees-------------> $6,221.49 Plan Check--------------------> $991.74 Use Tax Fee---------------------> $3,700.00 Additional Fees-----------------------> $0.00 Add'I Plan Check Hours-> $0.00 Restuarant Plan Review-----> $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES--------------> Investi ation-----------------> 56,221.49 g $0.00 Recreation Fee-----------------> $0.00 Payments-------------------------------> $6,221.49 Total Calculated Fees--------> $6,221.49 BALANCE DUE------------------------> $0.00 ...................................................................................................................................................................................... DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSP ION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 A�IA = �a00 PyV.'� �----� __ of Owner or C%�—�� � Print Name b I d_a It_co n st ru ct i o n_pe rm it_041908 � GVf�� �-zo �10 Date Yt44fxRfwNfffR4R*�xww�f��eilk��44�fxkwww��ff�fwY�f��4xewww*f#!fflRfYYwf�fR*iff�kltkww�#fflRetRwwwf�i4xxwk�f�+*1t+4w�fi��+f�fw}RRf�iiflf/xtwww�4kf4fx�NYwfff�44fxw}MRf���ff/fRRwxf44ti APPROVALS Permit #: 610-0224 as of 09-20-2010 Status: ISSUED ............................................:.,...,.............,,,..........,.,.,..,,..,,,........,..,.,.,........,............,,.......,,....,.........,......,..,..,....,........, Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 08/30/2010 cg Action: CR building comments sent to applicant 09/13/2010 CG Action: CR ROOF EQUIPMENT ACCESS HAS NOT BEEN ADDRESSED PER COMMENT #17. EMAILED RICK WOO. PLANS TO BE RESUBMITTED. 09/17/2010 22 Action: COND PARTIAL APPROVAL FOR "AT RISK" PERMIT PER MARTIN. STRUCTURAL PLANS NOT SUBMITTED OR INCLUDED. E1.0 ALSO NOT SUBMITTED Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 09/16/2010 RFD Action: COND SEE CONDITIONS Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 09/02/2010 McGee Action: CR 1. A 2.2 Provide details on drop down ladder. Ladder must be designed to support 600 Ibs. See VFES specifications for ladders for guidence. 2. M-2 Exhaust duct system shall comply with NFPA 96, 2011 edition. 3. Submit detailed plans for UL 300 fire extinguishing system. 4. Submit plans and permit application for revisions to fire sprinkler system. 5. Submit plans and permit application for revisions to fire alarm and detection stystem. 6. Submit mechanical exhaust and supply system plans and fire extinguishing system plans to an approved Fire Protection Engineer for review. Consult Fire Prevention Bureau ref pre-approved FPE's or to submit credentials of proposed FPE. 09/15/2010 McGee Action: AP See Conditions Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 09/07/2010 Is Action: COND Use of E. Meadow Drive will need to be coordinator for any use during construction, please contact the Town of Vail PW Department at 970-479-2198 09/15/2010 Is Action: COND Condition of coordinating staging and crane on E. Meadow Drive with contractor. Item: 05700 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 09/17/2010 BCARLSON Action: AP PER BILL C. OK TO APPROVE. BILL IS SENDING LETTER WITH CONDITIONS TO MR. WOO. ..................................................................................................................................................................................... See the Conditions section of this Document for any that may apply. b Id_a It_constructio n_pe rm it_041908 ..................................................................................................................................................................................... CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 610-0224 as of 09-20-2010 Status: ISSUED ..................................................................................................................................................................................... Cond: 1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: CON0011621 Grease exhaust duct system must be reviewed by FPE and VFES prior to installation of duct work. Access to roof mounted equip must comply with VFES standards. Cond: CON0011627 The applicant shall obtain PEC approval of a minor amendment to the Special Development District for expanded site coverage and change to setback on northeast side of building at the October 11, 2010 PEC hearing. The applicant shall obtain design review approval for changes associated with the expanded chimney on the northeast side of the building by the October 20, 2010 DRB hearing. Failure to obtain approval for these changes by the dates above shall result in immediate revocation of this building permit and shall require removal of any expanded chimney areas not previously approved. b I d_a It_co n stru ct i o n_pe rm it_041908 ****�***********************************************************************+*************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement *****************************************************+*+************+*****************+*+**+ Statement Number: R100001346 Amount: $5,229.75 09/20/201004:00 PM Payment Method: Check Init: SAB Notation: 2111 - SUSHI OKA LLC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: B10-0224 Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Parcel No: 2101-082-5403-1 Site Address: 68 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location: UNIT 602, VAIL VILLAGE INN Total Fees: $6,221.49 This Payment: $5,229.75 Total ALL Pmts: $6,221.49 Balance: $0.00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ BP 00100003111100 BUILDING PERMIT FEES 1,525.75 UT 11000003106000 USE TAX 4°s 3,700.00 WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 4.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- r 88/05/2010 15:39 3034291005 KING SOOPERS 03 PAGE 01101 ' 89/$fi/2087 Z9: �6 9704766886 �I� W� ��� �"' � L SUtLDiNC3 P'EI��AIT APPLIGATiON �gpgra�e p�rytlft8 efe r�ured for elec�, P1umpN�g, �1, iirepYa�, +edC. � ,��',�n,,�� �: , � , , .. . � � _ �� ��c M� _�� . - - — � �*� � �, � � � tr�,►�*� ts�� t��+� oRa� 1 .'Z �/t�.�i� +�t� � .AZd .� � � � A�Mtdl�OlG�mplex �' ,l•.�._1 Bullding t�mit �: �. ��►� � ..�' ... • � #; ,_ Blod� # Subdivision: Oompanp Aaddresa: , �i � C7 �.�7 � � � . — � (�ecanea Soope and La�sdon af Wbr4c �'m'�9o1 i t�R��^ . Cl�; J� d" U��^, �e: � �'R�' `3 C"�'x'' � r!►� � �@ lta�f' C.�"�,.,, �.,,,�Dkr'2 - � � � CorrtactNam� � ;�,03,�• ���', ,�St�N -Tt►��� ������ ,��. �[�3- �1��- b�G� . ����rc��, n� Cc�u��s�,v �� , �' E-a��� �c,tc vv c b gC��'��i�� G� .�a����r�,►f �.. �... ._.�_ . ' F � work Ci�: � � . 7own of VaN Contrat�' Isfratlo�n Na.� : aw (} AddiCiott () Remodd ( 3n R¢�i� i) O�r �) � �a �.�s'�� . _... , . .. . , ,. � ....... .. �c �� ' c�ntra ��gn.iurs � �r�;or ( � ) Exte�ior ( ) eoth t� ' �Prape�iar i�fol�on •. . , , , • . . ... � �rp� of B��ng� ' . . .. � , , � ...... _.. ..,,, , ,. ,. ; t�r� � 2 t 0 4� 4$ 25' •� r7t� � • Smgle-F'am�yr (} Du�lex () Muk#-Famlf� () (Fer r�► �. aar�ct Ea�o caue+lr p�ara o1�ae rrt 3r0-S� a ; t`,emrneri:ial �) OTher () � visuwww.ea�llaoonntY•�) . . . . ... .. . . .. .. � , . . , „ , , � Te�ant Name; , i`t� WGp , Qaes a Fir+e Alarm Exlst? Yes {x ) No () : Oamer N�+,a: �o��� ti»� .�r�1�4�Ha �..ST���_ � Mot,�lor+ed Alat'm� Yes t K1 t�o f) , � Qoes a SprinkleP Sys�em Exist? 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SPACECLEARANCE 3'-0" (minimum) HIBACHI TABLE ABOVE THE FLOOR DUCT CONNECTION : 03 BRACKET SPACE CLEARANCE 3'-0" (minimum) SPACECLEARANCE 3'-0" (minimum) Drawing Title: HIBACHI TABLE SPACE CLEARANCE AS SHOWN I 2009.Feb.07 I 03v'$on. I NAKAMICHI : � � : TGU-08 / TGU-10 NSF Q • � • • � DATA H E ET CUSTOMER'S GUIDE � a✓ . Copyright�2009 by Roaster Tech Inc. All Rights Reserved. Rosster Tech. I�e. OFFICE FACTORY 493ASHFORDAVENUE,OFFICE#2 352MORGANAVENUE ARDSLEV, NY 70502 BROOKLYN, NY 11211 TEL: 914.693.0936 TEL' 718.5992747 FAX:974.693.0524 FAX:716.599.0235 WEBSITE: www.ioastertech.com EMAIL: roas[eAecQad.wm •Standard Hibachi Unit 4-5 •Hibachi Parts List 6-9 •Air Control 10 •C-Box (LeftlRight) 11 •C-Box Dimension 12 •Hibachi Cabinet Dimension 13-14 •C-Box Location (Left/Right) 15-18 •TGU-08lTGU-10 Connection Box 19-20 •Air Pressure Switch Location 21 •Hibachi Table Spacing Layout 22 •C-Box and Connection Box 23 •Downdraft Exhaust System 24-26 •C-Box, Connection Box, Duct Location 27 •Connection Diagram 28-30 •Fire SuePression System Diagram 31 •Exhaust Air Flow Diagram 32-34 •Duct Cleaning 35 •Recommended Exhaust Fans 36-37 ��:� Roaster Tech. I�e. � � ROASTER TECH DOWNDRAFT EXHAUST SYSTEM •Innovative Roaster Tech Downdraft Exhaust System was commercialized in 1996 by Roaster Tech, Inc. •Rapidly surpassed conventional canopy hood in hibachi restaurants nationwide. •Push-air flow maximizes efficiency and minimizes needed amount of makeup air. •Meets all industrial standards. MAKEUP AIR •Makeup air is required by law. •Canopy must be two feet longer than the teppan plate in all directions. (e.g. minimum canopy for 2'x 4' teppan is 4' x 6') •Makeup air for each canopy is 2400CFM. •Makeup air for Roaster Tech Downdraft System is only 850 CFM, according to UL standard. ENERGY EFFICIENT AND HEALTHY •Require only approximately 35% exhaust flow rate, 850 CFM. •Nearly smoke-free, oil mist-free and heat free cooking. •Both chef and patrons enjoy a more pleasant cooking and dining experiences. •Clean cooking attracts more guests. HIBACHI STANDARD SPECIFICATION Model Griddle Dimension Table Dimension Duct Size Required Static Pressure (Per Unit) Exhaust Air-Flow Heat Source Gas Consumption Diameter of Gas Supply Line Electric Requirement for the Table Griddle Type Table Top TG U-08 4'-0" x 2'-0" 8'-0" x 4'-6" 9"x9" OR 010" TGU-10 5'-0" x 2'-0" 9'-0" x 4'-6" 10"x10" OR 010" 1.25 1.25 850 CFM 1040 CFM Natural Gas or Propane Natural Gas or Propane 50,000 BTU 50,000 BTU 3/4" 3/4" 1.02 amp / 115V 1.02 amp / 115V Hot-Rolled Steel or Stainless Steel Formica, Plywood (Maple, Red Oak, Walnut and Cherry) or Granite HIBACHI TABLE SPECIFICATION 3 l �j' Roaster Teeh. Inc. - .. �Q Itosster Teeh. Inc. 1 I �u9�5��� �� � - � Z 0 � Q V L,L V W � � W J m H 2 V Q m _ 0 � Q � Z H � 00 0 � � � H � � z HIBACHI STANDARD SPECIFICATION 4 - - �- � � � � 0 ,'-� � 0 � i � �,o-,t—} r-u9 j5o�-t I i � � �>> � I v I� c p I ni W I o o Z t� ZXI?�� W � '� -��£-� T� � 00 � � o � I 1 �� � O - - - � �o � � � =� , _ _ � � o ' � � � „8�59 .g�0-, 6 .,9%5� - X � I O � - — — � m U n � �, BjSS „g/c Z i a v~i 1 N I a I � � „o-.z � � „£-,T „�TOT-,Z _ _� I � ��Z�� � \ I I „0-,i „0-,£ ��9-�1� ��9-�I _� � M ;� � � � Z M O �"' „£ a � - „Z�� � � __ - - a � - w '' J � m N � — — — -�p\p — — — � �n i U Q 00 _ � � a „Zr� o z „� � M � �_ o � ' � � � � � � � ;� � H Z HIBACHI STANDARD SPECIFICATION � � Roaster Teeh. Ine. /1-Top Ring 5-Side Arm(Left) 4-Push Air Bar Table Top 8-Inner Cover(Customer Side) _ .l 6-Side Arm(Right) � _ ___, -- _-- __ ---►,���� 9-Inner Cover(Left) 10-Inner Cover(Right) 7-EXH. Bar 11-Griddle HIBACHI PARTS LIST � �Q Roaster Teeh. Ine. . � / , —- — — i 14-Cabinet Cover(Left) 19-Duct Acces� Panel(Left) � � 0 0 � � 0 � � � 0 OO 0 � C C 16-Cabinet Cover (Chef Side-Left) 13-Cabinet Cover(Customer Side) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 �� o 0 0 0 0 o r� � � o � � � � � � � 12-Cabinet / 1 =- --= ` _ , . _ � -- � _ -- - ,� �i I---- / ° 0 21-Gas Control Panel / �. OO � � � � 0 � � � � � � � C� 0 0 � 0 0 � � 17-Cabinet Cover (Chef Side-Middie) _ _ '� I ', I_ �_ ----�-- 'd 15 — ��_ _ 20 22 23 I -/ . —/ � , L , � J � 15-Cabinet / Cover(Right) � 20-Duct Access Panel(Right) � � � 23-Fire Suppression panel � � 22-Switch Panel � � � � � 0 � 0 � 0 � 0 � C 18-Cabinet Cover (Chef Side-Right) HIBACHI PARTS LIST 7 .� Itoaster Tech. Ine. u 30 Burner t T T �p03 i IP01 T T T � IP02 . . IP05 1 T ; ,$/ . , T ; , . � T i�!�%%� . / : '. IP06 ' T ? i ,T / �,i . IP07 r t T 12-Cabinet HIBACHI INNER PANEL(NEW BURNER) HIBACHI PARTS LIST 8 � Itoaster Teeh. Ine. � 2s Pilot Burner 0 25 Push Air Duct 26 Air Filter 2� Blower , /2s Electric :� Junction Box 30 Burner (casting model) _ _ . .. . . . . •. .. . .. . ::..� :; :�:" ;; :; _ , . . ., . / . : ,- •••�• ' ,, � 29 Pilot Bumer Pack \ i:: 3p BIJR1er r � (�pe mndel) � 31 AIC-�IX COf1tf0�� , � 32 Manual Gas Valve� � 33 Handle � ` � 38 EI� ` 3s Air Pressure SM � �r Switch _ ; �',.....,,,,; ' � , r • � ' � '• + <•' , "••.r....�.s � • : ' � 40 ; C-box :_ . � � � • • • • • • � � � 4� Grease .Filter �.. ..�., ��,,��� -* ���,. �, _� s :� i ; �• Option ......r ..............................� . . . : 43 Fresh Air Duct ; • � . . . . � . . ; . . � i f � ! � . . e ■ o o � � � � � � : : o o � ~OFresh Air Filter � 0 0 ,�+ • : � � � . ■ � � � � . o o : . ■ e ■���3i�����������a��s����o��������s��������i�ar�i�� � Ito�ster Teeh. Ine. Liter (Optional) %/] 3s Regulatc j Pressure 3/4 Nat � sW�t�n (Quik Liter) `" Pilot Gas ,�� Clean Out Co�ier ' 42 Conne�tion Box �e ,�3` DUCT (Round) � DUCT (Square) MECHANICAL PARTS LIST 9 30 Burner � Air M 1 � � Please loosen this screw (1), then turn to control the air(2). AIR CONTROL 1 O � Itoaster Teeh. Ine. HIBACHI TABLE (LEFT SIDE C-BOX CONNECTION; N.T.S. NOTE: There are two types of c-boxes (left and right). Choosing which type of c-box depends on the main duct location. HIBACHI TABLE (RIGHT SIDE C-BOX CONNECTION N.T.S. �� Roaster Teeh. Ine. HIBACHI LEFT & RIGHT C-BOX 11 ti � � �u0-,6� I u8�g8 ��$�L � „9 jE� „�-,� -�� uz/ f��g�s����£z �� N � =� � � o q _� z � � Q � W J U g .,; �L �„8�EL6� 0 _� _� . � ,� �� ���'� r- � - -- � -� o -- e— W e— � W � o � Ll.� � � J a �� O H- , �Q Itosster Teeh. Ine. � � O z Q w � U Z Q a J � � „8�£ L 6 —�6-�L- - w9 ��Z-� L Z 0 a W J W 0 � Z 0 � Q` / -" - - �.i-- � W I.f.. a � � �g %5Z ►- �Z/ HIBACHI C-BOX � 2 � °9�SiZ-�T � ��g�££-,i .___--� � - � � i r'I� I(I � -,� , � � , �,; � co , I '� ,--� � � [V f'V � ��9�S9-�Z _� \ � n � � °9 i T8-�Z � / W � W 0 � � W � � O �"' _� \ ' � � I� ' ._ __,.__ � � _� �— ��9�S9-�Z _� \ � � � '� \ u, n r1' :_� '� � � ,� \ M N � � \ N i �l' ��g�SUT � ��9� jL-�T ��9�S9-�Z � W _ � �/ W 0 � li Q W � �-. � W G � /�/� V♦ � V �i W 0 � H Z O � LL HIBACHI TGU-08 CABINET 1 3 �Q Itoaster Teeh. Inc. , � ��9�S�Z-�T �, g/�£-�T � ,I-�_�� � � � k� _ _ =_ � =� � �N .� I'� � ,�. �p , .-+ i [V iV I ' il o � t ..-__-- �___- —.. .-- '--�� • i �_ 9T/S9-�Z—� � °9 Tig�'Z � � W � � V♦ � w > a O H _� \ N � ��9T 59-,Z � `�o � .� , r., ', �,i '� � � �_ - ' �I' J„ �' ( � � I � � �,_' , _� �, � t� ! . .! I' I.11'.�! .. �.� N I � 'I ��� I��- __ � ' 1 i C�'� �' _ � -� �� ��., � „8�5-0i � � 9� TL-�T u9 �S9-�Z � W _ V � � � Q � �N� I.L W G 0 � � C� ... 0 � z O � LL HIBACHI TGU-10 CABINET 14 �Q Roaster Teeh. Ine. � . � � i . � •g/5�-�z � .b/s-. � .g/� �z -g/ss-, � �z W � = a N N m '"' W .�/s-, � .%£s m . � a _ � � I � =� � � _ � _� Q �r � r � � � N � r � Q�8��g ����_ � 9�£ � �n rg/�g � r8/L � � ¢ I W J I � Z _� ' Q � � .�— . ' c� �Q _ ' — N O — � — — C'')— ap • — ' U � �, I � x � o � •g/s � � °O X � g�59 "9 �g � m � � = c�i \ � I I O N M � -� '! � � � � - � � ° c� (V � • ' I � � c I �" - — — — � � �— �—�— —•—•— — N \ W � W . r � _ � I � M m � � � Q I � °D � 2 � N - U mN CV (V � � = Z .,Z „g�0', L .Z �-- �9/5£ �9/��� H � � � X � � ( � � � � m • 0 � W I W X o O > ' • U o� 61 (~j a` � W �' Z O Z � o \ U � � ` ��: _ _ . TGU-08 (4'-0° GRIDDLE) C-BOX LOCATION (LEFT) � 5 �� I�osster Tee�i. Ine. 0 � W � a O H 0 m � z I � � j O _ ZQ � p Z I Z W X�° O Qi�� i U o>O@ U W N Q m H W Z m Q V C� � � Z O F Q - U O X � � 0 � � � m Q _ U � 2 � � z TGU-08 (4'-0" GRIDDLE) C-BOX LOCATION (LEFT) 16 � Itoaster Teeh. Inc. i E � t i � � rg/� �—�Z I .b/5-, l »g�£g .Z �S�S�6-, 4 .Z N N .b/E-. � .g/£9 vWi I m I �, W _ � Z o � � I 4 m _ � . N Q �CO — I U CO � � . N � Z Q IfV V— � "8/ss "�/£s '� "9�£� � •$/� � •$/� , � � � =� °� I m =� z .� � ." _ _� O _ N O . . — . � . — ch. � %'� � _, � � � . I � O 8/5rs •9%s� � O � ;� m �$/� � � o = r.w.. � � \ i co \ � � � � � � . � N N � I \ _ ~ � � � � J � W \ � "v . - °� � �� � � N ' � N \ m � � Z Z � N N £ � ;'�� .�_:: .z .Sjo-, � .z � � �.�. � ���5 •9�g��� O � � � m a Q o o Z W o � o Q � � J X � U U o ~ T z � __._ _ � TGU-08 (4'-0" GRIDDLE) C-BOX LOCATION (LEFT) 17 `� Rosster Tech. Ine. u � W � a O H W N Q m H W Z m Q V � � � Z O F Q U O X � 0 � � � � 00 Q _ U � 2 � � z 1 r8���_,Z . 1 � TGU-08 (4'-0" GRIDDLE) C-BOX LOCATION (LEFT) 1$ � Rosster Teeh. I�c. � )VER TGU-08 (4'-0" GRIDDLE) CONNECTION BOX � g ° Itoaster Tech. Ine. 0 �VER TGU-10 (5'-0" GRIDDLE) CONNECTION BOX 2 O ��f' Roaster Teeh. Ine. 39 Alf � SWI � � Exhaust Flow Direction ♦Chef Side THE PROBE MUST BE POSITION STRAIGHT DOWNWARD Probe Exhaust Manifold C-Box � :� Inlet Collar Prob �; x;�,x ao C-Box � ♦ - Exhaust Flow Chef S Direction Customer Side y , 'ilter ao C-Box omer AIR PRESSURE SWITCH LOCATION 21 -� Itoaster Teeh. Ine. HIBACHI TABLE SPACING LAYOUT N.T.S. HIBACHI TABLE SPACING LAYOUT 22 � Itoaster Tech. Ine. n � 2 v � \ .-i c� X J � � tV � � ri 0 � Z X O ,� G� w � Z � Z �-+ i � � � — N � �� t�1 \ O � � � � ZQ J U 8/s 8/E �-------- � .L-.I. Z� •z/it-.� 9 L,�,Z-, l � W X J m � U cW!) Q W � U � Roaster Teeh. Ine. � U � J 0 W � H = � � � � � � J � Z (�f H� �� W Q � Ur J � W � � J W Q �� W H � � LL (7 . Z � Y N J � � Q �U � J J � � U � � O l4 C-BOX AND CONNECION BOX 2 3 U � � 0 � � w � N � N H N � Q 2 X W H � Q � 0 Z � O G � � z DOWNDRAFT EXHAUST SYSTEM (�10" DUCT) 24 �Q Rosster Teeh. Ine. Z O � W W 0 � � � O U � z l LL W F Z 7 >I 2 l W � A/' � v � QO �� w¢ mW � W Om U� O LL �� W Q x U U � 0 F � � S X W W U 2Q K Q W J U ih U �p v � rd1;L 7 � � O � Z Q � � � X Y Q � W J o� c� x U � V ax "'�- � mw ~OJ w LL W � J Q Q � �Z�� Z pU= O -� aZz U �Np x O � m p O Q LL Z � !A � O z V Z a W O V U e£ l ' B r� .�---- 'v �.� — � .�-.� i w m � 3w = x J V mLL m V � S Q K C7 �3 � F- J Q LL F � Z Q mW - � � W Om U� � O � � F U � o -" �i o� i� x . m �¢ O �� � � c �a c �� WL U� r oa N = W '. N H = �i aU : � � a 2 x �� W � � �o aLL ��a Q mW � Z� � � m Z U� � � LL O � _� � � � z DOWNDRAFT EXHAUST SYSTEM (9"x9" DUCT) z 5 �Q Ro�ster Tech. Ine. Z O y X W O � LL ] O U � Q O �LL W H Q � = l X \ W �� a� QO H 0_' Z Q mW � W � �m � � Up LL w Q _ U F- U 7 0 � � Q 2 X W �Q Roaster Teeh. Ine. �O � J � LL Q 2' ��/� U Z Q LL Z mW O � Ww � � zm J � �° W � � w Q�� � U Z i� � � F �mZ� � Q �� � W X Y = Q J �U 2 IJ V �w U (�1 m J W � � m ` Q � � U o = � Q o' � a, zQ o z:% W � LL ` x � U o> X BE � � �� _ _ C � C v ` � � � - m � .L'.L V ___ V% Z p ���1 •� Z V I � � H I W W Q F Z T r.. �w U W J Q m LL � = U� � w Q � � c9 � Z � 0 0 N H Z DOWNDRAFT EXHAUST SYSTEM 2 6 (9"x9" DUCT ABOVE FLOOR) 3 �� C-Box ' GREASE 1'-3" 7" �� 1'-3"3/4 � $�� _, �� � /� �- /� .% LTER �.,- . A � / ' ' � - _ / , -"� -=`'�'�_� /. � _ � � � �`" � � % �� °""� °<,. � 1'-4" FLOOR LEVEL � ... � THE TOP END OF THIS DUCT MUST ' BE EXTENDED 5" ABOVE THE FLOOR LEVEL , __ .�; ' _ � , , " �" ' \ f;;' , , , �_, \� ;� , / `i' � � � � 1'-2"1 /2 I 1'-1 /8" 9» 1 /8 � �;��� , �; � ; � CLEAN OUT � i \ CONNECTION BOX �o.. � \ �° �� 9"x9"DUCT / _ ti� _ ,� � _ -�. .� r C-BOX, CONNECTION BOX AND DUCT LOCATION(4'-0" GRIDDLE) �� �Q Rosster Tech. Ine. ] � � ; Q Roaster Teeh. Ine. � O O J LL W 2 H � W 0 Z � H U � � 0 � � � Q � C�. Q �. Z; O! F- � w�l z z', o� c.� � � z CONNECTION DIAGRAM � � (�10" DUCT UNDER THE FLOOR) � 0 U ��� CONNECTION DIAGRAM � Roaster Teeh. IlIC. ( 9"x9" DUCT UNDER THE FLOOR) � � � J LL W _ H � W 0 Z � H U � 0 v� x � � Q � C� Q 0 z O � U W Z Z O V � � z z� oW Z - O� C U � � WW � Z �ry z O� 0 a� gw �� wo OQ � i �� Roaster Teeh. Ine. � 0 � LJ.. W 2 H W � 0 m Q H U � 0 o� �. a� ��� � � Q 0 Z O H U W Z Z O C) � � z CONNECTION DIAGRAM �O ( 9"x9" DUCT ABOVE THE FLOOR) , � � m w x � � � � O Z O Z= �� � J � � Z X ¢ W U J Z ao �w �� � 0 � F Z 0 U � W Z � � m � a c� Z O Q F � � a W H Q � w � w JN N O Z � O O x � w 2 � � C9 FZ X w W � LL N m � � °z ^ L �o Xm �w w F x J Z U m � �O U� � W o � Z �, � r 0 w � U w z � w OWO w Q, � ¢NO >Z� �+- O tn O OyJ ��3 �j�0 Qcn� U U LL J Z W S �m� � Q j W ~ J w�> w z J Q J c9 a = a v� M� �w �� ¢� �Z 0 o� zw —� a � � N \ � X U � � O �' O m F= O � N ¢ (~j �W � W� � UJ � f- J � W O Z U 0 �p = WQ t9 F- Z Q Oj �' � � d LL Q Z � C� � U �= LL �Y W � N J Z � p WU U � J J � � � V Q 0 � LL� � } � � � WN Li. a a � � � �.�. � � Z FIRE SUPRESSION SYSTEM DIAGRAM 31 �;� Ito�ster Tech. Inc. U � 0 � � z H w Y � � ,, ,, / ; z 0 z vi LL?a F- � J � �i Y V U � W � _� zQ wF �3 U U M Y Z a � 0 U w � �a �a ow a= a� » t� m O O W W U? � U m Q Q LL LL � a� �_ > J U > � Hy � U 2 _ � H x3a W � U 0 �lLLi Z a�o � � � J � � f- 0 U W W z z � � m m � f- � � J Z ( � I� • � J a a 2 y W � a O � 2 (� 2 W � J X W � � J � Q O �n Li � I Z � � � tA \l _� q 0 O x Y� LL y Gy �Z O Z� i� i w � U�� � F w �OO LL o�z w W Q � J W LLF' U � pJ o W � W a �° = 3 Q W X � H O WQ m �� U LLU' �z = Y N j U O � � m � o � ! W � I U O O � � LL �� _ � �� ? V J LL cMV in U � � w z � J O � � Q � � U � Q W oZ z� a� z� �Z a� OQ y� �U UU aU' W� � � � m LL Z W W y� Q O W W U' d Q�y i�m em �m � M � �a � w � a _ U V. � � .. �. _���.� - OF- �O . . � . . . . . a O . �4 . - �. �. . . � LL UW �a o� V � H F aa I v j �. P �' v D � p � 0 a D 0 . " _._..Q ��.-.� 4 e Q V a � � � J � I.I� Q � � Q X J a a � H � � z I I J w W Q V WU Q� � W Q W � � H �(/1 � �� W Q Q Q � =V W �� LLU' W U U � _ = Y � f� x N J � O W � U TYPICAL EXHAUSTAIR FLOW DIAGRAM 32 �Q Itoaster Teeh. Ine. z � � � J � � H � Q J m � � J Q � � LL � � z w v W i � � J w m O � m � � J W 0 O � w m J J Q 2 � w J m � _ U Q m 2 � O � � z � H � � Q _ X W Ll. O O � � � W i � W � H 2 U 2 � W J m H _ U Q m 2 W _ � Q 0 w � J � � F- Z O U w m J J Q 2 � Z Q LL 2 U Q w N z w w Q' U � 2 � W � > LL � � Q' W i 0 m Q 0 � ;� lU �o �r >� �� _Q 2 � W � QN I,.I^� V Q 0 � � J LL � Q � � � a _ X W W J m � _ U Q m _ � � Z HIBACHI TABLE EXHAUSTAIR FLOW DIAGRAM 33 � Itosster Tech. Ine. 11"x11" EXTEI GREENHECK UTILITY FAN CWTAU DISCHARGE POSITION COUNTER FLASHING BASE SECTION RAISED CANT WMS WMS ,� SECTION B-B N.T.S. WOOD NAILER FLASHING EQUIPMENT SUPPORT DETAILS N.T.S. JLATION NSULATION ROOF DECK EXHAUST FAN 34 �' I�oaster Tech. Inc. � )F ��,.a:>��. , . ., .. . �;.�..� _,�.�...�, �,.�. .,..�.,�..�..a..�.W�,.e,�..�w:�:,�..�� .:w:�.w,.,. ��„�. � „�,: ��,�, �, . � � , C n � 'dfl �ib�OS Wf1f1�b�A 13M 2131��d 2i�llfl� 3S�d32lJ HlIM 2131�dM Jl�d1S a4£�Z � � 1.......... ,.r, � ......._..1 X081�f14 N011�3NN0�� • X09-� ��- �1,-, -r �`� �� �: g;� � _� �� ., �� 1 ., . �a �, � -'-- - ----i -- - £ L --------------- , � , 41£�� � � ,�� � a�' v; ���.� *�'�a ,g, a e::��+ s�� _� � � — Ino rvd3�� Z,<<,Z�,�-� ,.s-�„�-1 � ..........,.e-,�..__. I I I I I I a311f1� 3Sd321J H11M 2131b�M I I M(7;1� 2�1`d 2�31138 a0.� 100� �3d ,�b/l 1`d 3SdH� � � o5b 1`d 1N39 �l3N210� 42idM01 dit l�fla H�lld � � 0 lno Ne3�� l�fld 1Sf1tJHX31331S '`dJ 9l ��6X��6 �Sb'H� l�fla 1Sflt/HX3 � MOI� 2il`d a31139 2lO� � o9b lt! 1N39 b3N2�0� . . l�fla ,�6X��6 ( � — I I o � I I I ti001� HSINI� � � ,�,�, w�i'� o�� lno Nd3�� i X091�f1d NOIl��NNO� ,`Z-,� wE=,�--� 2�3111� 3Sd3aJ � � � � /M X08-� ( ( �— 3l9`dl IH�`d91H � M � � . � � � � � 0 � � , � � l ER� Industrial For more ir�forrrqtion on sele,cting commercial kitchen eadiaust & supply ►rentilators, see page 3920. Spark-F�esistant K�tchen Exhaust Belt-Drive Blowers •- .' ■ 11-762 Listed for f�starar� F�aust PQplianoes (YhiJ1' conr�ection poird provided on bottom oF scrdl for e�y ■ PWICA Qass 1 perfortnaxe dearung aid �e�e cdledion. Powda oo�ed with �aY PdY�g ■ Backward indir� na�ouerloeckng al�rirxm wl�eels urethane. We�ha hood is induded. Drive pad�.�e componaits ae • Qockwise wF�eel ydatirn padced separately. ■ f�I11Y1ir1uY1 Rb �1K� W/WIJNQ Use a t�rdais locatim mota wf�ere flarrrnable vapors are irnrolvad. ■ Fti3Vy 92U(�E SteEl h011Sny Pbte Fd�,riew 06FtA Gades. �Y1 mmpyin9 9uads ae reqiired w� fai dades ae ■ �h�c. inlet air terrper�tte: 300°F �osed a�d wit►wn read� d peso�nel- ■ M�c. ambieM t�attre:104°F Designed for corrur�eraal Idtchen ediaist or spak resistart industrial � �0" Bectric Mfg. cb. catifiPS that the dowes sr,v�rn naan ae .,,,,,.. licesed to bea theMACA Seel. The ratings stbwn are based on tests ad �plic�ions requiring high vdumes of air at high st�ic pressures. prooed�res pertom�ea in a000rdaioewith auIG4 F�blic�ion zt� a,d Sadl cai be rotated in 45° incrar�errts to 8 separate postions. aid is � O0fT1dv `"'�' �'�"B1� ����� �"� ��� shipped in upblast position. Bofted aocess door and 1"ttreaded dran •.: � f3arr�eter(In.) RPM �iarr�a(In.) '. A B C E mrsists d�oroai�e rtata. bdt. ad shea,�es to obtan the oatorrtiaue listed. Vldteel Sones @ �fa q Q�1 Mr Oelivery Qa Satic Ress�re ST�n' 9ower Mota 0.750" SP M�c. (In ){ 0.25(I' 0 500" 0.750" 1.00" 1.50" 2.00' 250' 3 00" RPM FP Cd5 R BFP . . �._ ... ___ _ � �_ __ _ _._ 1015 893 737 - - - - -= 1400 1/4 7.4 0.15 L�mer�sior�s(In) [ L6SOf0VEPK]V+[�" F G H J K M N i Item Pb. $ Each 2076R 11Y. __- 11'k�----203fi W 846 .� 1534 __.._'S e--.1W81N7 ✓°__ W846.00 2214� 14Y. 1436 2534_mr_;� .___'�.__ �� W1VyBUVBmTi�17670a 28Y. 1754 � 1� 31 � 1214 207fi 2135 1V�8W9 � 1436 00 _ 35 27% 21'k �37ii� 14� 24Yz���2S3f 1V�(1 ��1680.00� _ � __ _,�� .�.,_ � 49.f 173; 31'/z ._M 3114 � 1V4BX2M ✓ �2fY.�8.00 _�.�.._.� _��._._._.. �_.__._ __ _.___..__.__ ..�..a � __._.�,__._______..,.._�____.._ OO�f�.EfEVNI}i OPoVEPAOCAC�" Cuen Dripprauf ' H�rdoia Location j Q�en �npproof F�rdous Locahm SirglaR�se Mda 9nqIe-Riase Motor � 3R�ase Mda . 3Riase Mota 115�230V 60 Ftr ti5J23W, 60 Ftr 230V460V 60 I-p 230Y460V 60 Ftr em rio s Eaa, nem rb. s r�cn � i�ern rb. E Eaa, � nem rro s rat, 7A915 � � 1132.00 , 7A916 1313.00 , 7A92:i � � 1201.00 � - � � - 7246 1158 1047 922 - - - - s' 1670 1/4 9.5 0.25 : 7A917 1745.00 � 7A918 : 1383 1307 1215 1109 738 - - ; 1833 1!3 11.7 0.33 : 7A919 1174.00 i - 10 ' 1608 1542 1472 13� 1198 788 - 1 2103 1/2 14.1 0.50 : 7A921 1210.00 � - � 1861 7802 1744 1681 1528 1359 1112 2408 3�4 17.4 0.75 7P0T8 1250.00 j - ? 2oso 2006 ts� �soo �ns �szs iass i2ai ; 2sso � �s.s �.00 ; �anuo �zeo.00 � ; z;ra 2a� 22n 2r.t2 2tas zoza tass t�sa =�a �� za �.so ;�ao�¢ ��.00 �- i �na ?,�n ?sao �daa �e�s �rn n�� ��mi aaea � �u �m : - ` 1671 7509 1309 - - - - - j 1261 1/4 � 1862 7720 1559 7351 - - - -� 1384 1r3 2176 2056 1926 1783 1296 - - - 1589 7!2 13 i�2 2418 2391 2196 1929 1395 - -� 1$19 3Ft i 2795 2703 2607 2507 2290 2011 - 2002 1 � 3224 3145 3062 2979 2801 2607 2367 2015� 2292 tYe � 3562 3491 3418 3342 3186 3018 2�i7 2618 j 2571 2 1 4105 4042 3980 3915 3783 3645 3500 3347? 289'L 3 _�..�...._.�.___�_ ��_._....._.___.._.______�iizsin - - - - ( i 3270 30Si 2899 26T7 7824 - - - j 7288 3�4 � 3�t3 3473 3312 3125 2631 � 1418 1 16 42ai 4066 3925 3782 3443 2973 - - 1624 tli � 4645 4521 4393 4268 3985 3647 3773 -� 17�5 2 4959 4844 4724 4604 4349 4061 3706 3207� 1900 3 , 5344 5237 5127 5014 4797 4538 4250 3893; 2041 3 102 0.33 , 7F� 1385.OD 7F970 12.7 0.50 7F973 1436.00 7F974 18 0.75 � 7F8T7 1503.00 - 18.4 1.00 � 7F961 7504.00 . - 22 1.50 = 7F�395 1634.00 � - 25 200 ; 7POlU6 1633.00 � - 32 3.00 i - 122 14.3 17.8 20 72 24 0.75 { 7R.)99 1.OU l 7C032 1.50 � 7C042 200 � 7C045 2.42 j - 3.00 ` - e �n 3 - 7319.00 � 7P924 1206 00 � - - -� 70.925 17L0 00 ; 7POTT 1399.00 - 7A927 1204 00 'i - - 7POT9 1232.00 ' - - �PDUt 1309.00 + - - � �r�xi �zss.ao ! - - - �aaia �s2a.00 � - - Pa 4 1534.00 _ 7F966 1423.00�- - - 7550.OD � 7R371 1431.00 j 7F972 1638.OD 1568.00 7F�J75 1433.001 7F976 1635.00 - 7F979 1485.00 � 7F980 7662.00 - 7P983 7458.00 7AOlb 7706.00 - � 7F�86 1558.00 i - - -gp 7RJ8.9 1594.00 ' - - 1 7MN 1574.00 � - - 17�.00 i 7CO29 1944.00 ; 7�30 1804.00 � 7C033 1818.00 � 70D34 1867.00 j 7PIX� t 2371.00 � 70D43 1874.00 - 70D46 _ � _ - 7C048 _ �CO''.�Q 1751.00 � 7C031 1949.00 1757.00 7C035 2006.00 7772.00 7C644 7115.OD 1795.00 � 7C047 2755.00 1904.OD � - - 1904.00 � _ - xn� m - § 9109 J00.) .]JW JIAA - - - - � .YJ� .Y9 IL.V V.1.7 � /4l.K <WJ. a.W� <Il0. IKJV iJR).W � / p 4519 4362 4057 3703 - - - - 1027 1 13.6 1.00 f 7�D58 20�i.00 7C059 2233.00 1OD60 1986.00 � 7CD61 2237.OD 1 5372 5138 4.90M1 4627 39Ci6 - - � 1176 114 16.7 1.50 � 7CD87 2135.00 � 7POvU t 2548.00 7W68 2040.00 � 7C0� 2483.00 20 � 5960 5749 5537 5309 4782 3996 - -� 12�i 2 19.3 200 � 7CD90 2140.00 -� 7CD91 2067.00 7Ci192 2421.00 �fi876 6�5 6508 q24 5908 5435 4782 3335 1482 3 24 3 00 � -� - 70D95 2131.00 � 7PONt 2967.00 8208 8057 7903 7745 7436 7079 5702 5L�i7 , 1756 5 32 5 00 - - - i 7POV2 2188.00 � 7,�3 3060.00 � 9746 9010 8674 8733 8449 8173 7839 75001 1960 71F 39 6.78 - - - ; 7POV4 2467.00 i - - .��e-}� �_ .. ,�. ( 6075 5610 5051 4330 - - �- 751 1 11.8 1.OU ; 7�97____�.2491.00 j 7C096 2697.00 � 70D99 �'� 2444.00 7C100� 2�5.OD 1 7058 6674 5136 5T38 3820 -�- � 859 134 142 1.50 � 7C101 252200 7P0� t 2948.00 7C102 2427.00 7C103 2870.00 � 7824 7465 7120 6692 5612 - - -�.944 2+pv 16.7 20� j 7C104 �1.00 - - 7C105 2472.00 � 7C106 27820D 24 ; 9D45 B'768 &0.52 8728 7367 6420 - - 7�1 3 27 3.00 I - - - - 7C109 2553.00 7C110 3389.00 � 10813 10580 70339 10072 9512 8870 8155 7186 1287 5 30 5.00 j - - - - 7C113 2603.00 � 7C114 396&00 � 12461 12252 12048 11834 71369 10868 70312 9706 ? 1468 7f� 35 7.50 ? - - - - 7POV6 28�.OD 7AOV7 4136.00 � 73516 13318 73129 72947 12518 12089 71595 11074? 1588 10 40 9.42 � -, - - - 7POV8 2966.00�_- - ( ) F%riormaioe certified is for Irst�lAion type @ hee kiet, duded autlet. Fbrva rdin9 (BF'P1 do� nd indude tra�snission bsses. Rarfarrrece rdings do nd irrl�de the effeds d�puteiaioes � (a�sorfes). The sa+d ratings slwwn ae in sones ad ae dal3ed pa AMC/1 Stadad 301. QAlet r�Ings indude the Afeds d dud ad careAim. Tha MAC/1 C�rtified rdings 9s� �plfes to air a�«�� � a+r (t) nnotar is raee 2o9-ziaasoV (•• ) oitve padcage oorsists or �propriae maor, t�[, aia sheayes to obt�n n,e par«ma,ce �isted. For your local branch see front pages A3-A8. ������ 3777 . '�f • ri� w aa rxc c�re s anr� s�r rr aaar€ Additional Info Blower,13 In,3/4 HP,115/208-230 Volts Spark Resistant Blower, Belt Drive, Backward Incline. With Drive Package, Wheel Dia 13 in, CFM @ Q.25�-in SP 2522, @ 0.500-(n SP 2419, Sones @ 0.75D-In SP @ 5 Ft 1B, Voltage 115l208-230, 60 Hz, 1 Phase, Fuli Load Amps 1i.0l5.5-5.5, Motor HP 3;4, Bearing TypeBaii, Hausing Height 27 114 !n, Inlet Dia 14 In, Discharge Height 27 1/4 in, Discharge Width 10 5/8 In, Includes Weatherproof Drive Cover. Grainger ltem # 7F977 Price (ea.) a7,503.00 Brand DAYTON Mfr. Model # 7F977 Ship Qty. 1 Sell Qty. (Wifl-Caii} 1 Ship Weight (Ibs.) 185.45 Usually Ships Today Catalog Page No. 3777 Pr:ce sho�vn may not reflect your pr:ce. Log ir: or reg:ster Spark-Resistant Kitchen Exhaust Belt-Qrive Blowers Designed fcr commercial kitcher� exhaust or spark-resistant industrial applications requiring high vokumes of air at hight static pressures. Scroll can be rotated i« 45 Degree inerements to 8 separate positions, and is shipped in upbiast posrtion. Boited access door and 1" threaded drain connectien point provided on bottom of scrolf for easy cleaning and grease coilection. Powder coated 4vith gray polyesler urethane. Weather hood is included. Drive package components are packed separately. ■ UL-762 Listed `cr Restaurant Exfiaust Appliances (YZHth'j • AhqCA C(ass 1 performarce ■ Backv�are+ ir:cline, ronnverloadiny aluminum wheels ■ Clcckwise vaheei rotation ■ Afumirium rub rir:o ■ Heavy gauge stee( housing ■ h1ax. in(et air temperature: 300 DegreeF ■ f�1ax. arnbient temperature: 10� �egreeF Tech Specs Item: Spark Resist2nt Blower Type: Belt Drive; Back�vard Inciine. With �rive Package Wheei Dia. {In.): 13 Wheel Type: Backward Incline CFM @ 0.250-In. SP: 2522 CFM @ 6.500-In. SP: 2419 CFM �a Q.750-In. SP: 2311 CFM @ 1.000-In. SP: 2196 CFM @ 1.500-In. SP: 1929 CFM @ 2.00-ln. SP: 1395 Sones @ 0.750-tn. SP @ 5 Ft.: 16.0 Max. iniet Temp. (Deg. F): 300 Max. Ambient Temp. (F}: 104 Voltage: 115!208-230 Hz: 60 Phase: 1 Fuli load Amps: 11.0;5.5-5.5 Motor HP: 3;4 Max. BHP: 0.75 Motor RPM: 1725 Motor Type: CapaciEor Start; Capacitor Run Motor Enctosure: Open Dripproof Motor Insula#ion: Ciass B 8earing Type: Ball Shaft Dia. (In.): 1 Blower RPM: 1819 . Max. Biower RPM: 2522 Housing Height (In.}: Housing Width (In.); 29 3!8 Housing Depth {In.}: 25 1!2 Inlet Dia. (in.): 14 Discharge Neight (In.): Discharge Width {In.): Wheei Materiai: Spark Resistant Aluminum Mounting Position: Shaft Harizontai Housing Ntateriai: Steel Housing Finish: Gray Polyester Urethane Agency Compiiance: Inciudes: VVeatl�erproof Drive Cover Op#ional Accessories There are currently no optionai accessories for this item. Alternate Praducts Bfower,13 In,1 HR;1 1 512 0 8-23 0 Voits ttem #: 7F981 Brand: �AYTON Usualky Ships: Today Price (ea}: $1,504.00 Repair Parts A Repair Part may be avaifabie for this item. Visit our Repair Parts Center or contact your tocal branch for more information. Nates & Restrictions Note: Revievr OSHA Co�es. OSHA camplying guards are required when Pan b3ades are exposed and within reach ef personnei. Daytan Electric Mtg. Co. certifies that the biowers shovvn herein are licensed to bear the AMCA Seal. The ratings show,rn are based on tests and procedures perforrned in accordance tivith ANtCA Publication 211 and comply �vifh the reauiremer:ts of the AMCA Certified Ratings Program. WARNING: Use a haza�dous location motor where flammable vapors are involved. MSDS This item daes not require a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). Required Accessories Tfiere are currentty no required accessories for this item. `' 0 E �[E �L Belt-Drive Upblast Exhaust For more information on selecting commercial kitchen exhaust & supply venrilators, see page 3920. Centrifugal Beit-Drive Upblast Exhaust Ventilators No. 4YY13 � B -_ � �— � D � 19/a' �A�� 5 haft Wheel '� Dia. (In.) Dia. '� Wheel (In.) End 3/4 .. . ' ■ Aluminum, backward inclined, nonoverloading Motor, drive frame, and blower centrifugal wheel design wheel are isolated from the mounting base by ■ NEMA 1 junction box located in motor enclosureindependent neoprene studs—no metal-to-meta ■ Max. inlet air temp.: 300°F contact, greatly reducing overelf noise. Motor ■ UL 705 Listed for Power Ventilators compartment is isolated from the contaminated ■ Air handling quality bearings meet min. L10- air stream and is cooled by outside air that is 100,000 hrs. pulled in through an oversized breather tube by ■ Bearings—units less drive package: sealed the spinning action of the wheel. Motors, pillow block up to 116" wheel dia., regreasable sheaves, and belts are packed separately when pillow block for t&" wheel dia. and larger unassembled ventilator with drive package is ■ Bearings—assembled units: sealed pillow block ordered. UL and C-UL Listed. up to 18�" wheel dia., regreasable pillow block for 21'/a" wheel dia. and larger HIGH-PRESSURE ■ UL 762 Listed Restaurant bchaust Equipment Specifically designed for applications that have ■ NFPA 96 requires the use of a ventilated roof high static pressure. Great for long vertical duct curb, grease trep, and hinge kit in restaurani runs or complex duct runs with several elbows. applications; for NFPA 96 accessories, see page 3742 WARNING: Do not use a damper in any kitchen installation. Designed for use in restaurants, schools, and ,,,,�, Dayton Electric Mfg. Co. certifies that the belt- CommerCidl dnd indu5trial applications to exhaus � drive ventilators shown herein are licensed to contaminated air from kitchen range hoods up � bear the AMCA Seal. The ratings shown are and away from the roof. t-piece rolled aluminum � based on tests and procedures performed in accordance with AMCA Publication 211 and windband is fully welded to the base to create a AMCA Vublication 311 and comply with the virtually leakproof seat between the ventilator an� req��remeocs oe cne AMCA cenified Racinqs the mounting surface. Internal steel support vroqram. braces and a fully rolled windband dramatically increase the rigidity of the ventilator for greater stability during transport and installation. Dimensions (In.) A B C 30 353e NorrKitcMn Dampers` Size Item (In.) No. 30'h 1 42 50 40 24____ /� 35 x 35 4HXf (')-Not for use with any kitchen exhaust applications. (") Drive package consists of appropriate motor, Disconnect No. of Type Poles _.__ _ � _ _ NEMA 1 ..._.........._._z....... NEMA 4 Max. HP Ventilated UL 762 Nonventilated Kitchen Roof Curbs Roof Curbs Fixed Adj. � Fixed 12"H Adj. 12"H ; Item Item € Item Item Item No. No. i No. No. . No. 4HX60 to 2N82 [ 2R665 ./ Item No. S Each CONTINUED 3744 GiRA1N�R� ✓= Eutended Warranty Available grainger.com � ' O�iIER 0�! VE ILATOR Be�t-Ltive c�pblast r�d,aust �� Far more iirfamatian on selecting conrnerci� kitd�► e�d�aust & supply verrtilators, see page 3920. �C�ntrifugal Belt-Drive l�blast Exhaust V�entilators �- •' I oa�wrni o�avE �vu� i ur��• � ao�rew►niow�P»av�c� t S S� L e a h P- efl g n i S '` D E L B so� � oFave .� nna«s 3� �ors sr���e ro+a«s 3�ase neu«S � e e h W � G A K A P V P 3t 4 i00�6282 -0a /05 21 V 0 Vt �ia Q�A Nr Delrvery @Sabc Ressue 9qNn' Mota Ma�c �5 R Item S Item S Item $ Item S Item S (in.) o 000� o zso- o sar o �so- �.aoo- �.sov� ►� a� e� svu rr r� � ra � w �a, rio r�, rb r� . . v . s. ; , , : ,��� . �� �..�._: � � y...,,; ��� ����� �,..;. 780 502m - c - < - . , .- 1!6 7140 0.06. �8.3 � 7A58T 767 00 - . - 11 7780 1017 824 5B6 - - 1!4 1TL5 010 13.0 E 4W13 ✓ SB0.50 7la586 767 50 - 1MBff ✓ 919.00 - ��� 1413 1313 1189 tOfi6 861 - 7/4 16BD 0.26 72.0 ���� �� � 7A5Si 873.50 '� -^ Y"m � - 17Y. 4W14 � 687.00 - - - - l 1549 1459 1350 1234 1706 - 1l3 1820 Q36 13.4 7fu�94 894.50 - - 1MBF7 ✓ 976.00 - - � 1790 1G19 1458 1201 - - 1/4 1306 0.26 13.9 � � 7P615 704200 - � - �- ���- - ����-- 13Y 1966 1822 1671 7479 1198 - t!3 1435 0.36 15.1 E4W15 ✓ 853.00 7P616 1054.00 - - - - - 7156 2128 2001 1864 1684 - 7/2 1645 0.52 17.4 7P617 10820D 7f�690 1171.00 � 11�AB� I 1073.00 mm�2001 1793 1515 998 - - 1/4 1105 016 10.6 ����� 7P618 ti37.OD - �-'�- �� - - - ? 1 - - � 7P619 17 - - - �- - 2 92 Z006 1773 1443 -� 1/3 1270 0.34 117 6200 ( - 14�: 2518 2351 2174 1949 7643 1/2 1�0 0.52 14.2 [ 4YY76 ✓ 948 50 i 7PG20 1193.00 7P�1 1222.00 �- - � 2889 2757 ZBD'1 2430 2725 7568 ` 3�4 1595 0.79 18S � ; 7A621 12?$.00 7/�692 1261.00 SPu06 � 1276.00 - .. ' 3125 3005 2865 2771 2539 2065 1 1TZ5 7.00 71___s ' 7P622 7294.OD 7A�3 1272.� ._-_w_ ___ _.- -_..._..,.�- �"zs�s"`zm-"i�na - - - va s�s ozs io�i , ----..._.__ __.r.�..�s izso:oo = � -( - - - - zna zan s�os �sea - - �r� s� o.as »s ; � �asz� �zss.00 - - � 76Y 1 3791 2941 2641 7197 1770 - 1/2 1110 0.54 142 ° 4W17 � 7062.00 � 7P624 1311.OQ 7l�6.94 1340.00 k- - - - j 3p6 3426 3172 2�4 T�i - 3l4 1265 0.79 17.7 � j 7A625 1344.00 7A895 1361.00( - - - __..� �88 380B��84 ,; 3340 3Q'76 ZlB4 i' 1380 1.06 21 � 7AG26 ;'k0200 7/�696 7380.00p 1MBB � 1775.00 `- - � 2815 2448 7763 - - - 1/4 745 0.7B 8.1_....::� � _ _ _ _. � � 7YFtiD(i 1477.00 �-----M_ _-;-___ �___.___..._. _ __�.. _....�....... ' 3098 2759 2257 - - - 1/3 ffi0 0.34 10.0 � � 7P677 1463.00 - - � - � _ - � 3551 3243 2879 23Gi - - 1/2 940 0.52 13.1 7P628 7499.00 7A6B7 1528.00 �t - F - 78Jh � 4061 3786 3554 3141 2�2 = 3�4 1075 0.78 15.8 � 4Wt8 .i 1255.0f� 7P629 1575.00 7P�6 1556.00 P- -� - _ 4477 4224 4005 3700 3336 1 1185 1.04 17.1 � � 7Pp0 1591.00 1A�9 1570.00 ! 5PW7 � 1582.00 j- 5138 4973 4710 4532 4232 3537 = 17� 1360 158 22 7P631 1663.00 . 7A700 1624 00 i 5648 5443 5254 5Q62 4921 4313 2 1495 210 27 � - f 7A701 1588 00 € I .. ...,...._.._ ..... ____.. . ..,..._...�......_�. _ _._ _.. . _ .. . ................ - . ......._. ........ _._.. .. � 3403 2675 - - - 1/4 BDS 026 67 - ; 7YfZ�7 1573.OD . -__ _ _ "_.. __W ? 3740 3096 20T3 - - - 1l3 665 0.35 B.t ' ' 7P632 7627.00 � - - � - - � 4775 3716 3048 - - -� 1/2 760 0.52 10.9 ( = 7P633 1632.00 € 7NQ2 1661.00 i - - 21Y. � 4922 44� 3922 3�40 - -� 3l4 875 0.79 152 f 4W79 � 1374 00 ' 7P634 1700.00 E 7A703 1696.00 `- _� - - ' s400 asss 4sos � s�� - � � sso �.oa n.� ; �nsa� ma.00 � �n�oa �ss�.00 ; - s�a� srss sa2i soos aszs -��x »oo �.s� r3 �as3s nss.ao ° 7a�os ���.00 � sP,os � nas.00 - - seo� snsi s�os sras �o a� 2�z�o z�o z; - -� �fvos n�z.00 - - __... _.. _. �._.__....�...� _._.__ . r .__..�___...__._.._. _ _.. ____ : 4216 3186 - - j�1/4�T 465 026 &3 � , E 7YFd�8 1929.00 - - ; - - � 4623 371T - - - 1/3 510 0.34 7.3 � � 7P637 1847.00 �� - ` - - ; 5303 4540 3565 - - -�! 1!2 585 O.S2 9.5 � 7P638 1910 00 7A707 1939.00 ; - -� - - 24Ye ` 6074 5461 4658 3524 - - i 3�4 670 0.79 12.8 ' 4Y120 ✓ 1631.00 � 7P639 19�i.00 � 7A708 1975.00 ;- p - ; 66Gi 6133 5409 4618 - - 1 T35 1.04 15.5 � 7P640 202200 , 7A709 2000.00 " - -} - - �7660 7184 6675 6002 5282 - 17h 845 1.5/ 18.6 � 7P641 2048.00 ' TA710 2030.00 i- -� - - 8431 7965 7536 �53 6375 4324 2 930 210 23 [ - � 7A711 1989.00 �- ; 3GY73 ✓ 1860.00 9519 9107 8775 8267 7766 6672 3 1050 30D 37 � - 7D491 2103.00 � l_._..�_..._�_� _.. r __..._- __i __..________ i 5940 4464 - - � -� - 1/3 365 0.34 5.7 � � � � £ 7YFi09 270200 � -� - - - - � 6835 5660 - - - - t/2 420 0.52 7.5 i 7P642 2�5.00 i 7A712 7731.00 , - -� � 7811 6844 5440 - - - 3�4 48D O.TI 9.9 j � 7P643 ZT2O.00 � 7A7'13 2701.00 ;- -� - - � 8625 7772 6636 - - - 1 Si0 1.05 122 i ' 7Pfrt4 2733.00' 7A714 271200 i - - 30Yi � 4V`21 ✓ 2384.00 ; - - j j 9845 9177 8226 7084 - - 1Ye 60.�i 1.55 15.7 ; 7P645 2846.OD � 7A715 2808.00 4. - - - - = 10R22 10193 9411 8495 7277 - 2 6'BS 207 18.6 � ?- -� 1AT16 7T7200 ;- j �zaas »soa »rr� �ossa s�a� r3sz s � a�5 x; � �� - - i �ivi� zeas.00 - 3cna � zs�o.00 iam �azss ��ae i� �zs�a »�s� s sos a� sz � - - � �n�ia zsn.00 - - � as3i � s�ss ` = �` �`_` °m°� _ �n � s2o o.st "s.o �� � � � ��" 0 3s».�oo " _ � _ �° � �°�'_ ° � `° � 9845 9299 5767 - - - 3�4 3� 0.78 8.5 t 1 7Pfi46 3G16.00 7A719 3608.00 E- - - - � 107� 9426 7575 - - - 1 400 1.02 11.1 ; i 7P647 3637.00 7A720 3615.00 ;- - - - 36 � 12406 11281 9814 7809 - - 114 4BD 1.55 15.8 : 4Y171 � 3193.00 � 7P64S 3�S.OD 7A721 3657.00 (- - - - j73627 12602 11359 9678 - - 2 505 206 198 � �- - 7N72 3q6.00 �- j 15644 147� 73783 12�7 11287 - 3 580 3.13 23 � ;- -, 7AT23 3�8.00 �- - - - ` 18617 17884 17115 75136 15243 12965 5 �0 5.26 28 ' - -,_�_1A724 3872�� �� - - - _.._ __ �.w p �____�____�� __.�..� -�-m-°�'�vHn�oravEPnacr���'• � CFMPirDalirery(o3Sa6cRessreSl�n' �� � Suies � IESS�RIVE srkjaR�aseMators s 3RaseMOlors Q0.500"SP P/Y]Vk£' � 115�208-230 2(18ii23(1460 F�+�sQn. ) 0.500" 0.750' 1 000" 1 250" 1 500" 1 750' FP RPM BFPr (a� 5 R# � ttem No. S� Item No S� Item No 8 3 Each .,._. _" � _�-. .'�, . .;:.,- . . ', ,. .,.._ . � �-a� �'�z e�ca���t µ. ���a�`usEii+� € �,�� ,,. �.< ,�� �����`: .'.,, .. . . . �. <.. . ���;���. .,.�; �,� »v.� � � siai � s�is ass � us zz�so o.� iaa � z�ss � ssaoo � � i�.a�o . - - IV10 yN /y0 09L - - U4 �19W V.GO �14.L /MlVI Ill.TI.W s 143: � 1146 1063 965 846 704 - 1/3 1605 0.34 152 2� ✓ �� i 7M7U2 10�.00 ! - - 136:t 7292 1219 1137 1042 924 12 1845 0.52 17A � 7M7U3 1118.00 ; 7M7U5 1147.00 j 190/ IpL - - - - 1/4 IIAJ V10 1-I.V f r liRll ILJi.W : - - } �se% �� ��z _ - - u3 ��� o.�i �Za ! %v��2 ��r.ao j �s�; zos� �� �na 1513 - - t/2 �sao o.sz �a.a j �n�� � �ooeoo ' �s �24s.ao ; �a �z�s.00 � 2433 2301 2165 2015 1&56 7p6 3�4 1535 0.74 18.1 � ? TRt5 1298.00 � TRt6 1314.OD Z772 2611 2486 Zi65 7128 2082 1 1650 1.05 21 3 7YR77 1340.00 ':. 7YF218 1318.00 2779 2317 - - - - 1/2 88() µ 0.52 10S � 7YR79 1559.OD i - - , 3�7 3067 2637 - - - 3l4 1010 O.T9 14S I 7YR20 1580.00 s 7YR21 1597.00 21Y :�1 3.567 3242 ?E06 - - 7 1710 1.04 76.9 1� � 7�.� ` 7YR22 1637.00 i 7YR23 1815.00 t 4558 4312 4055 37� 3433 2944 134 1270 7.56 71 3 7YR24 1722.00 % 7YR25 1684.00 � 5110 4�8 4674 4436 4195 388D 2 1400 209 24 ' ; - -; 7YR26 1&50.00 5943 5775 5581 5i85 5182 4971 3 1800 3.13 29 ��_� - -� 7YR27 176200 �_c_ ._�_.. _ _ � _._� �_ __�_. � ._____-_.„ ._ � �. __.z_ _ �_ (' ) F%rf«maioe cetifim is ta irstaRatlm type A free iNd� free ailA. (t) ���9 (�-P) does not indude tra�srrissm bsses. Ptrformaxe ratirgs do not indude the effeds d�prtena�ces (�ooessarias). (i� The soud ralings sl� are ladwss vdues in fai sor� � 5 ft. (1.5m) in a herispFiaid iree field calWated pe AMC/1 Saidad 307. Values shaµn ae fa installation type A free iriet fai sone le✓ds. The MAG1 C�rtified I�bngs Seel �pli� to sme ral'egs oNy. (" ) Orive pxkage m�sists d�propriale mo1a. bdls. ad shea�es to dXein perfomace listed For your local branch see front pages A3-A8. � 3745 �►►�� M RC • s , ! • i! r�ra e++e ar�es wxa ecc r� nase Additional Info Centrifugai Belt-Drive UpbEast Exhaust Ventiiators Tech Specs ttem: Exliaust Ventilator Type: Centrifugal Upblast 1Nith Drive Package Wheel Dia. (In.): 16 1;2 Wheet Type: Backward tnciir:e CFM @ 0.000-In. SP: 399fi CFM a� 0.125-In. SP: 3901 CFM @ 0.250-in. SP: 3806 CFM @ 0.375-In. SP: 3698 CFM a� 0.5U0-In. SP: 3584 CFM @ 0.6T5-in. SP: 3464 CFM @ 0.750-In. SP: 3340 CFM @ 0.875-in. SP: 3213 GFM @ 1.OQ0-in. SP: 3Q78 CFM @ 1.250-In. SP: 2785 CFM @ 1.500-In. SP: 2394 CFM Range: 2515 to 3996 @ Q,0" SP Sones @ 0.125-in. SP @ 5 Ft.: 21 Sones @ 0.250-In. SP @ 5 Ft.: 21 Nates & Restrictions There are currentiy no notes or restrictions for this item. MSDS 7his item does not require a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). Repair Parts A Repair Part may be available ior this item. Visit our Repair Parts Center or contact your Iocal branch for more informa#ion. Exhaust Vent,161/2 In Exhaust Ventilator, Centrif«gal Upbiast With Drive Package, CFM @ O.OdO-In SP 3996, @ 0.250-in SP 3806; 21 Sones @ 0.250-In SP; Roof Mounting Lacation, Base Width 28 in, Base Length 26 in, Overall Height 28 114 in, Nlax. Iniet Temp. 300 Deg. F, Motor Voltage 115i23q: 1 Phase, Motor 1 HP; 1390 RPM, Wheel Dia 16 1/2 (n, AppEication GenerallKitchen, Includes NEMA 1 Junc#ion Box Grainger Item # Price (ea.) Brand Mfr. Model # Ship Qty. Sell Qty. (Will-Cai!) Ship Weight (Ibs.) Usually Ships 7A626 $1,402.00 DAYTON 7A626 98.61 Today Catalog Page No. 3745 Price shown may nei refled ycur price. Lo� in cr register. Max. Inlet Temp. {Deg. Fj: Motor Voltage: 115!23� Motor Hz: 60 Phase: 1 Bearing Type: Sealed Motor HP: 1 Motor HP Range: 1t4 to 1 Max. BHP: 1.05 RPM: 1390 RPM Range: 875 to 1390 Speed Controilabie: No Mounting Location: Roof Base Width (In.}: 26 Base Length (In.}: 26 Base Height (in.}: 1 3f4 Overall Height (In.): 28 1/4 Overail Dia. {In.}: 28 318 Shaft Dia. Wheel End (in.}: 3�0 Shaft Dia. Sheave End {In.): 3?4 Housing Materiat: 5pun Aluminum Wheel Materiai: Aluminum Agency Compliance: Ut?cUL 705!762 Requires: Rocf Curb For New fnstallation InGudes: NEtvIA 1 Jur!ctior 8ax Adj. 12 3/8"H Roof Curb 5tock No.: 2ZV83 Recornmended 12 In. Fixed Curb item No.: 2RB77 Reeommended 8 In. Fixed Curb Item No.: 4HX40 Fixed UL 762 Kitchen Roof Curb Stock No.: 4HX56 Ad}'. UL 762 Kitchen Roof Curb Stock No.: 4HX62 Recommended Damper Size (In.}: 19 x 19 Recommended Damper Sfock No.: 4HX66 3i4 Alternate Products Exhaust Vent,18 3t41n Ifem #: 5PVQ7 _� Brand: DAYTON Usuaily Ships: Today Price (ea): 51;582.40 Exhaust Vent,16 172 in ttem #: 7A625 _,, � Brand: DAYTON Usuafly Ships: Today Price {ea): �1.344.00 � � :' + Required Accessories Hinge Kit Item #: AHX79 j�'(j °��� Brand: DAYTON 'i1/ . a i i � � � - Usuaily Ships: Today Price (ea): $92.35 Grease Trap,7 In Width �-: item #: 4HX78 �"`' � Brand: DAYTON Usually Ships: Today Price (ea): $95.25 Roof Curb,12 tn High Item #: 4HX48 Brand: DAYTON Usually Ships: Today Price {ea}: $231.00 Roof Curb,8 tn High ��-- , Item #: 4HX40 Srand: DAYTON Usually Ships: Today Price (ea}: $183.00 Qptional Accessories Hinge Kit � Item #: 4HX79 � ��� � Brand: DAYTON �� �� Usua(ly Ships: Taday Price {ea): 592.35 Grease Trap,7 tn Width �` , Item #: 4HX78 � Brand: DAYTON Usually Ships: Today Price (ea): 59525 Damper,Roaf Mount � Item #: 4HX66 ��� � � � Brand: dAYTON Usually Ships: Today Price (ea): 536.65 Birdscreen,l2 11A !n kem #: 4YY79 Brand: dAYTON UsuaElv Shi�s: Todav Price (ea): 525.55 Roof Curb,Adjustab(e 4Vidth Item #: 3C437 Brand: DAYTON Usually Ships: Today Price (ea}: $396.Q0 Roof Curb,Adjustable Width ltem �: 4C454 Brend: DAYTQN Usualty Ships: Today Price (ea}: $254.00 Roof Curb,2A In High ��-- :� Etem #: 4HX62 �� Brand: �AYTON USUBIIy ShipS: 1-3 Days Price (ea): $597.00 Roof Curb,24 !n High �' Item #: 4HX56 � . � Brand: DAYTON Usually Ships: Tcday Price (ea): S281.25 Sw€tch,Manual,2 Pale item #: 1 Hd��i Brand: SQUARE D Usually Ships: Tnday Price (ea): $45.50 Switch,Manual,2 Pole Item #: 1 N408 Brend: SQUARE D Usualfy Ships: Today Price (ea): $211.00 Grease Trap,7 In Width : Item #: 4HX78 ��, " Brand: �AYTON Usually Ships: Today Price {ea): $95.25 Hinge Kit Item #: 4NX79 ao�� , � � Brand: dAYTON � ,:.. ° Usualty Ships: Tcday Price (ea): �92.35 Grease Trap,7 In Width �; item #: 4HX78 �,.:. : �. 8rand: DAYTON Usuaity Ships: Today Frice (ea): $95.25 Hinge Kit item #: 4HX79 � °���� Brand: DAYTON � � `' ` Usuaily Ships: Today Price (ea): 592.35 Roof Curb,Fixed,l2 In H,24 1(2 In OD Item #: 2R877 �°- Brand: DAYTON Usualiy Ships: Today Price (ea}: $124.40 Roof Curb,Adustable Width Item #: 2ZV83 Brand: dAYTON Usually Ships: 1-3 Qays Price (ea}: $357.OQ ���� 75 South Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213 8/479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 September 17, 2010 John G. Martin Martin Manley Architects PO Box 1587 Eagle, CO 81631 Re: Food Service Plan Review Woo Restaurant 100 E. Meadow Drive, Suite 4 Vail, CO 81657 Dear Mr. Martin: � � o v Z z�( Department of Community Development William T. Carlson, REHS Environmental Health Officer This letter will serve to confirm the plan review of the above captioned food service establishment plans. The plans have been approved with the following additions and/or modifications: • The Sushi Bar food preparation sink must be used for food preparation. The food prepaxation sink shall discharge atmospherically by means of an air gap over a waste sink or other approved receptacle. • The kitchen three compartment sink may be used for food preparation, if the prep sink discharges atmospherically by means of an air gap over a floor waste sink or other approved receptacle. • Provide an indirect waste discharge from the liquor bar three compartment sink by means of an air gap over a floor/waste sink or other approved receptacle. • Condensate drain lines from all refrigeration units and ice machine drain lines must have an air gap of at least 2-pipe diameters at the drain. • The ice machine in the mechanical room must be placed over or very near the floor drain to eliminate horizontal drain piping along the floor. • The waitress station serving Habachi stations 1,2,3 and 4 adjacent to the sushi bar must have a hand washing sink to serve these four Habachi stations. The hand washing sink in the Sushi Bar will serve Habachi stations 5 and 6 as well as the Sushi Bar chefs. Habachi chefs must use these sinks and exercise proper hand washing and food handling when preparing and serving foods. • Provide vacuum breakers on all hose bibs. • The hot water generation unit must provide a minimum energy input of 363,739 BTU's per hour. It is recommended that the hot water generation unit be dedicated to the kitchen fixtures. Provide engineering design data stamped and signed by a State of Colorado licensed engineer for the building use, if the kitchen hot water is to be part of the building system. • Properly seal sinks and drain boards to their adjacent wall. Exposed screw heads and bolts are not approved. • All plumbing, electrical and other utility lines must be concealed in the walls, floor or ceiling. Water service lines extended to sinks may be surface mounted provided they are properly mounted on approved spacers at least %2 inch from the walls and 6 inches above the floor. • Floors and floor coverings in all food preparation, food storage, dishwashing areas, utility sink areas, toilet rooms, garbage rooms, and soft drink dispensers (bar area) shall be constructed of smooth, durable, non-absorbent material and shall be maintained in good repair. Areas subject to spilling or dripping of grease or fatty substances shall be of grease-resistant material. The junctures between walls and floors shall be covered and sealed. • Provide a minimum of fiberglass-reinforced plastic (FRP), or stainless steel on the wa11 surface behind the dishwasher, three compartment sinks, food preparation sink at Sushi Bar, and the janitorial sink areas. • Provide a mop rack for the storage of mops and brooms near the janitor sink. • A minimum of two (2) separate shelves will be required for storage of cleaning and toxic materials. They must be separated and labeled by the following classifications: o Detergents, sanitizers, and other toxic chemicals (upper shel� o Insecticides and rodenticides (lower shel fl. • The minimum acceptable ceiling finish in the food preparation area is gloss enamel or epoxy-based paint on drywall; or a non-perforated vinyl-coated lay-in ceiling tile. • The junctures between walls and floors shall be coved and sealed. • Light fixtures must be adequately enclosed or shielded to protect foods in the storage, serving, or preparation areas from accidental bulb or tube breakage. • For canopy-type commercial cooking hoods the inside edge shall overhang or extend a horizontal distance of not less than 6 inches beyond the edge of the cooking surface on all open sides, and the vertical distance between the lip of the hood and the cooking surface shall not exceed 4 feet. • The kitchen exhaust hoods and Habachi cooking station ventilation systems must meet the requirements of the Vail Building Department. Verify with you hood supplier and installer that the design, construction and installation will meet these criteria. • The fire suppression piping shall not run horizontally within the exposed hood. • Provide stainless steel on the wall surface behind the cooking equipment from the bottom of the canopy down to the base molding. • Under counter surfaces at the sushi bar must be finished and sealed to provide a washable surface. Beverage box bag cabinet must be finished and sealed to a smooth, non porous and cleanable surface. All beverage box bag mechanical fixtures must be located inside the cabinet. • Raw molluscan shellfish shall be identified by an attached tag, to be retained for a period of 90 days, that states the name and address of the original shellfish processor, the kind and quantity of shellfish, and the certification number issued by the State or foreign shellfish control agency, where applicable. • Before service or sale in ready-to-eat form, raw, raw-marinated, lightly cooked- marinated, marinated, or partially cooked fish other than molluscan shellfish shall be frozen throughout to a temperature o£ o-4 degrees F(-20 degrees C) or below for 168 hours (7 days) in a freezer; or; o-31 degrees F(-35 degrees C) or below for 15 hours in a blast freezer. • A bayonette-type, metal stemmed food thermometer accurate to plus or minus two (2) degrees F must be supplied (scale 0 degrees F to 220 degrees F). • A sanitizing test kit or sanitizing test strips must be supplied at the chemical dishwasher and at the sushi knife three sink. • Provide food grade thermometers for all refrigeration units. • All equipment must be National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) listed or equivalent. Equipment cut sheets have not yet been provided or received. Approval of these plans and specifications does not constitute endorsement or acceptance of the completed establishment (structure or equipment). A final inspection is required to determine if the kitchen is in compliance with the Colorado Retail Food Rules and Regulations. Arrangements for this inspection will be made not less than seven (7) days prior to your anticipated opening. Do not hesitate to call me at 970-479-2333 if you have any questions. Very truly yours, William T. arlson, REHS Environmental Health Officer Cc: Town of Vail Building Dept. Rick Woo, Restaurant Owner 04-05-2012 Inspection Request Re orting n�. Page 3 d•1Q nm v��i �n _ r_�+" n� 1�i11D-b7�Zl Requested Inspect Date: Friday, April 06, 2012 Inspection Area: JRM Site Address: 68 E MEADOW DR VAIL UNIT 602, VAIL VILLAGE INN A/P/D Information Activity: 610-0224 Type: A-COMM Sub Type: ACOM Const Type: Occupancy: Use: IIA Owner: VAIL VILLAGE INN INC Contractor: HOME IMPROVEMENTS SO�UTIONS LLC Phone: 720-404-9227 Description: NEW HIBACHI AND SUSHI RESTAURANT (Sushi Okai) Requested Insqection(s) Item: 540 BLDG-Final C/O Requestor: Comments: follow up�� Assigned To: D. Action: t' Time Exp: � � � (� Inspection Historv Item: 10 BLDG-FOOTING *` 11/02/10 Insp e Comment: 1. Prc C� Status: ISSUED Insp Area: JRM Requested Time: 02:00 PM Phone: Entered By: JMONDRAGON K oved ** Martin Action: DN DENIED approved plans sealed by engineer of record compation reports npsection required for concrete to be below frostline 12/16/10 Inspecto�: Martin Action: DN DENIED Comment: Provide special insoection and HOA approval. Note footing poured without approval 12/20/10 Inspector: sgremmer Action: DN DENIED Comment: Full of water could not see form voids remove water 12/27/10 Inspector: JRM Action: AP APPROVED Comment: APPROVED RE DOING SPLICES AS INSPECTED Item: 20 BLDG-Foundation/Steel ** Approved *` 01/12/11 Inspector: sgremmer Action: DN DENIED Comment: not ready 01/14/11 Ins ector: JRM Action: AP APPROVED Comment: NO�H EAST SLAB APPROVED Item: 21 PLAN-ILC Foundation Plan Item: 410 Special Inspect-progress rept*" Approved `* 05/12/11 Inspector: JRM Comment: Item: 22 PLAN-ILC FRAMING "' App roved "* 04/15/11 Inspector: RFD Action: AP APPROVED Action: AP APPROVED Item: 30 BLDG-Framing *" Approved *" 12/09N0 Inspector: Martin Action: PI PARTIAL INSPECTION Comment: Walls only 12/20/10 Inspector: sgremmer Action: DN DENIED Comment: Provide detail on ceiling assembily being used 01/24/11 Inspector: sgremmer Action: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL Comment: Framing for duct access areas 01/31/11 Inspector: sgremmer Action: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL Comment: north west lid at duct location only so drywall and duct can get installed 02/28/11 Inspector: sgremmer Action: AP APPROVED Comment: Interior back to mech room only 03/02/11 Inspector: JRM Action: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL REPT131 Run Id: 14315