HomeMy WebLinkAboutB10-0310NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES : �nw�o�vn¢ • Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2139, f. 970.479.2452, inpsections 970.479.2149 ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit #: B10-0310 Job Address: 1390 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Location......: COMMON ELEMENT - 2 DUPLEXES & 2 SINGLE F Parcel No....: 210312116002 OWNER KOENIG, HOWARD P. 09/21/2010 7 BREAKERS AISLE DANA POINT CA 92629 APPLICANT ROOFING COMPANY, THE 09/21/2010 Phone: (970)887-0104 DBA GRAND COUNTY ROOFING&SHEETMETAL, INC PO BOX 29, 29A TEN MILE DRIVE GRANBY CO 80446 License: 648-S CONTRACTOR ROOFING COMPANY, THE 09/21/2010 Phone: (970)887-0104 DBA GRAND COUNTY ROOFING&SHEETMETAL, INC PO BOX 29, 29A TEN MILE DRIVE GRANBY CO 80446 License: 648-S Description: TEAR OFF ROOFING. 100% WEATHERLOCK FLEX CERTAINTEED GRAND MANOR SLATEHOUSE GREY SHINGLES. TEAR OFF METAL ROOFING. 100% GRACE ULTRA LWS TO THESE AREAS. INSTALL COPPER FLAT SEAM PANELS. Occupancy: Type Construction: Project #: Valuation: Total Sq Ft Added: Status . . : Applied . . : Issued . .. Expires . ..: PRJ10-0532 ISSUED 09/21 /2010 09/22/2010 03/21 /2011 $116,093.00 0 ............................................................«.........,.,,,...... FEE SUMMARY ...._..,..._........................»..............._....__..«....,,_.,.,...... Building Permit Fee------> $1,088.95 Will Cal Fee--------------------> $4.00 Total Calculated Fees-------> $3,922.63 Plan Check------------------> $707.82 Use Tax Fee-------------------> $2,121.86 Additional Fees---------------> $0.00 Add'I Plan Check Hours-> $0.00 Restuarant Plan Review-----> $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES— ---> 33,922.63 Investigation-------------> $0.00 Recreation Fee-----------------> $0.00 Payments------------------> 33,922.63 Total Calculated Fees-------> $3,922.63 BALANCE DUE--_______________> �0.00 YfiitYtiFfYiifYttf#�1'Y#f##f+tt4frf`R41rf'f'fNRtR44frxxxlrfVRR1r44�f}rttRf4lTffiRY`111MfY'M'kMFRtfff-kitt�i'Rd4fAfAA4lR41rM4frRfr44RiRf'RVRRV V1rHr}rV1�YtkYFY`fY�y'f*#lfkH***RRARRRfrlrf►*f'RfARRRfr}#itAAfrf4ffNfrfrf'feMrlwV DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:0o AM _ 4:00 . � 22 2v � v Sign re wner or Co t D e �or� � _ f � a� Print Name bld_a It_construction�erm it_041908 :rr+nvxr.��Ntr::�wv.���wwwr�w,rx��:::terewx,r��:wn�iw�xw�in.wwxrtwww�++w��,H.x�xxww,re��rRw+xxxrtwxxiewr,e��►wxxix�e���,ri.wwwxxxxv��rr+Rw+���wwxxwwexwrrr�+�w�w�::wwxwn,r�xttxxw:�x�xwxxxe�,r,r,ryrii APPROVALS Permit #: B10-0310 as of 09-22-2010 Status: ISSUED eexr:�w���,ti.i.�x�:,rx��,rrww���n.xxiw,et+w����:wwx»�,r�s�wwxttwexer,rr��x>x�n.xx:xwx����w����::riixer,ea«x+w�n.wwwxwe�err,ti.:s.:w�n.wxx,rwi.r�►x,�x:w:re�www�wwxxsm.xwww,exx�x:�n.w��x�►w�+,rnw,rwx,'w„r� Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 09/21/2010 JMONDRAGON Action: AP Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS YtkH4f*4MkLRVHtiRiRYYfiF#!##Rf'f'N1ntR� VY`4'kM1tRRHrfrfrfrR*!}rLttYrt�kYr*41nlfR4141rf1rfiRtrYYe4fY.y't'kVrlr4ftlrkfrlrfRRRYeYeiR�kit#**�tf##4Rtwx4YrRRY'4Yf4R�R###l1lrfVttfrRfr'kYY`#f4ft#41f�fkRV VHtA'rty'YrtYfYftNdfrkfHrRV See the Conditions section of this Document for any that may apply. bld_alt_construction�e rm it_041908 ee•�+�rxt�x�xr:rwww�+r�xixxww*��w�wxw��wr�x:r�.,exrxwwwxx�xx:ww:wwxrrwx�::x�ww�wiw�xxxxx:w►rirxew+*��xxRxxxwwwx���wx�x�xxw�+�+�xwa��xxiixrrewww��xwxtrwwwwwrwr����wxxtiis.�rew����wxx,rr� CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 610-0310 as of 09-22-2010 Status: ISSUED •xx�r���x:rvrrwwrwvrwi+:x:::s.ww:�������:wwxxxxr�wvrw��xxxwww:xvxww,v�r+���wxxx�.,'ts.x:,e��ww�w►::�:xs.xwsr:,rn+��a:�wwixre�www�xn++xxxerx,rwrwwxxs.wxxxw,er,eeww�in.:��s.►�rr�r,rwvrwx,ti.x+ttt:r�ewrR,H. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS, CEILINGS, AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: 1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. bld_a It_constructio n,�erm it_041908 #*#*#�##**###############*4*#####*******�##�*#*#########*****######*##****###******###�#**** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement *********�+*********��++**�*�*+**************+**********�********+***�*******+��********+�** Statement Number: R100001367 Amount: $3,922.63 09/22/201009:50 AM Payment Method: Check Init: SAB Notation: 16430 FRITZLEN PIERCE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: Parcel No: 2103-121-1600-3 2103-121-1600-4 2103-121-1600-5 2103-121-1600-6 2103-121-1600-7 2103-121-1600-8 Site Address: B10-0310 Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT 2103-121-1600-2 1390 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Location: COMMON ELEMENT - 2 DUPLEXES & 2 SINGLE F Total Fees: $3,922.63 This Payment: $3,922.63 Total ALL Pmts: $3,922.63 Balance: $0.00 *+**�********�***�*�********��*******************+*******�********************************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code -------------------- BP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 UT 11000003106000 WC 00100003112800 Description Current Pmts ------------------------------ ------------ BUILDING PERMIT FEES 1,088.95 PLAN CHECK FEES 707.82 USE TAX 4� 2,121.86 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 4.00 � , �_..'� ���; �: _ � � , ,1�. ;7�� �. ' E:UI�DCNG PERMIT APi��I�ATiON Separate per,�its are required for electrical, plumbin�, �r�ch:t,r,icai, flreplace, ete. ProJect Streot Addrese: �9C� �AXL1i�l.in,P� 1)n��;Q — (Number) (Street) (Sutie #) Buifding/Compiex Name. �S�'��.�-��,., �;nrY il�,(C Contractor Informatfon: V^^ y^ I Compar�y: —�..� Q,m�,��r, �� r: n -----a- �� � Camparry Address: o�—lP�, �yu�� � ��- ------- City: CrC'n..�,���-. Stafe•.f�___Zip'��___ Contacf Name: �'P�nl1�r��� k�__ _ Contact Phone: � �'O _ �c1; -�. yq _ ___ _ _T E-Maif ��,� 12l C�i-��a.!'ooF�'r�nC�.0 To�vn of Vail Contractor Reglstrai�an PSo.� i o�(D � S ____� X� JE� P� P���O Y1 a r ---___.--- -- Contractor Signature (required) . ... _..__.._,_.,.. . .....,._ .. ___,... Property Informatton QO et TNau Parcel #: � 10�.� � 1 a f- lln---_'`��%„� (For parcei #, contacl Eagle County AS�.<,,: �.,rs Ofti: e at 970-3"L8-8n40 or vlsll w+vw.e aglecounly.us/paUe) Tenant Name: Owner Name: (-�,�J21`�� ,�no,..1� Veluations (Labor & Materlals) Building; Plumbing: ElectrlcaL .$. MechanicaL (including fireplace) :�_. _ _ ,, _ Totai� �����.�3 $�����,Ol� OFfice Use: P�G;����: ____�?RS� o - �s3 a o�� #� .���1_0 -_ O y y q T Buiidiny Permr #: _,�� �_- � 3�.Q_ Lot#: ___ Eilock#.__, Subdivision; Det�i(ed Scop� and ! o.^,atton of Work; 1 P.�_r p�%� �,�.� �� DG tJ .1oc.(c, �'ls � l I��r�st1['t tF-2!'f �?�`i I f'tLl•')f)f ��'e� P (use ?ddltl nai'9hBEf.: CfCC9SS�� .. .._ ... _.._ .... . ,.._.._... - �--._. ...�..,._...,. _.,..._.._......_......._,.. Work Class: (�e('Op� ~ New ( ) Addi►ion ( ) Remodel ( � P,epair ( ) Ofher (� Work Typ� - .,.. . _.... _ ... _ ..._ .. ._._ ___ _ ir.terior ( ) �:xterlor (�oth ( ) Type of� ui�ding: %�� . .,... ,._ .. . �,_._..,. . . .. . _.......,�._. 51r.g!A-F�n�1y {v� Du�`re�x (✓rMuitl-Family ( ) Commercisl ( } U�her i ) ___..___,__� _ Does a F'ir� r1(a,*m Ex1st? Yes () Monitored Alarrn? Yes ( ) Does a Sprinkler Sys;em Exist? Yos {} ,�to { ) No( } No( ) . . ..., ...... .. . ..... .�.... . . . . _ ..._. _ ... #� Typ� oi Fx�s,iny rirepfacas; Gas Appilances Gas Log _._ _ WoodiPeilat _____, Wood Burning _`_ # S� Ty�e of �r->Fo5e�t Firepiaces: Gas Appl!ances Gas lo� __, WnadlPel[ot � Wood Burning Date Rer.eived: D � �I � �� ��.�, (� �� ] ' l� `V �i � � ' �c �i \v; I � �.,- X � � �' :�1 �.:,;-; __ TO��1�� �� `��IL. _ �.._� Ot-Jen-10 ;? � ^ /!;D1p T� 4 i r . _._ ,. �. L � _ _ �. 3", ��� �;,.; p f t3Ut�D1NG PERMIT �E'�'�.��A�'ION .�� r� �t,,_ �SC�s Separate permifs are required for electriCaf, plumb;ng, rE�ec�anical, fireplace, etc. Cv'� Gpre �p�� ProJect St�eet Address: (Number} (Street) BulldinglComplex Name: Contractor Information: Company: _ __ (Sulte #) Company Address. _ City' State. Zip:___ Contact Name: Contacf Phone: _ ________ E-Mail Town of Vail Contractor Regislration No.� ____________.________ Cont�actor Signafure (requlred) Prope�ty Information IParcel #: _ �(For parcel #, cuntact Eagfe Counry Ass�ssors Oifice al 970-328-H5a0 or � vsil www.eaglecounly.uslpatie) i Tenant Name: i� ----------- I owner Name_ __ _,____ Valuations (labor 8� Materials) Buflding: Plumbing: Elect�ical: Mechanical: (including fireplace) Total� $ �— --- �-- ---------- Oiflce Uge: Proirct �: DR5 #: Buildln� N�-rmlt #_ Lot #: h;ock # Subdlvlsic�n: beha�ied ;'acoR6 and Location of Wark: _�Pn � j� -�� _.JJ-iL7��;.�i��-i.__��1_.L[2._.S.LL1ii��.__�1.l.116�1Li1_ �_ .�.�.QZ� -�.ce�.,�_,..1ns-�-� `- ,5� �� __}�t.._�`�_���� � _—_ tU4P_ 8dljifiunal �heel If n rxssary) Work Class: Nzw ( ) Addiilon � ) F:�model ( ) Repair ( ) Other ( ) Vtibrk l�Ype _ , Intericr ( } Exterior ( ; Both ( } 7ype �f ���Ilding: Single-Family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-Family ( ) Com�n�rcial � } Gthar ( } Does a F;re Afarm Exlsk7 Y@s () No ! j PAOitlt3f6~^: AI��171? Yes ( ) NC ( ) Uoes a SprinKl�r Syskem Exist? Yes O No O #& Type of Existi.n� Firepfar�s: Cas Appliances Gas L�g _„_ V'Jood(Peil�t Wood 6urning # 8� Type uP Fropased Flreplaces: Gas Appliances C'�;�5 Log ^_._ VJood/Pellet Wood Burni+,g Da;^ Receive�: OlJan-10 04-09-2012 Inspection v�:� � est Reporting , ,� Page 9 Requested Inspect Date: Tuesday, April 10 2012 Site Address: 1390 WESTHAVE�I DR VAIL COMMON ELEMENT - 2 DUPLEXES & 2 SINGLE F A/P/D Information Activity: 610-0310 Type: A-MF Sub Type: AMF Status: ISSUED Const Type: Occupancy: Use: Insp Area: Owner: KOENIG, HOWARD P. Contractor: ROOFING COMPANY, THE Phone: (970)887-0104 Description: TEAR OFF ROOFING. 100% WEATHERLOCK FLEX CERTAINTEED GRAND MANOR SLATEHOUSE GREY SHINGLES. TEAR OFF METAL ROOFING. 100% GRACE ULTRA LWS TO THESE AREAS. INSTALL COPPER FLAT SEAM PANELS. Requested Inspectionls) Item: 90 BLDG-Final Requestor: Comments: follow u Assigned To: R Action: � �� �l � Inspection Historv Item: 501 PW-i Item: 226 FIRE Item: 10 BLDG Item: 504 PW-f Item: 502 PW-f Item: 20 BLDG Item: 21 PLAN- Item: 410 Spec Item: 22 PLAN• Item: 30 BLDG Item: 50 BLDG Item: 60 BLDG Item: 70 BLDG Item: 535 DIA - Item: 536 DIA - Item: 420 Spe�c Item: 503 PW-I Item: 515 PW-I Item: 516 PW-1 Item: 90 BLDG / NtOTIFI ATION ING �� Wall Lay out riveway Grade ation/Steel �undation Plan tAMfNG9ress rept i ron �ock Nail Y REMINDER Time Exp: Requested Time: 09:00 AM Phone: Entered By: JMONDRAGON K REPT131 Run Id: 14320