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���i�r� I���i�� ���r��l ��TI��I F�F�1�1 � - � � � ����rtrr��r�t �f ��r�r��r�i�� ����I��r��r�� # �.� ����� Fr�r�t��� F����� ��i I� ��I�r���� �1�.�� ��I: ���.���.�1�� f��; ���,���.��.�� �1�1.��1'-'i C�wEL��i_�- ���� ���.��I�������f�l Project Name: ANGELOVICH CHANGE TO APPROVED DRB Number: DR6100491 Project Description: ADD ADDITION ON NORTH SIDE. REDUCE THE SITE COVERAGE BY ELIMINATING THE PORTION OF COVERED PORCH; NET DECREASE OF 52 SQ. FT. Participants: OWNER ANGELOVICH, MICHAEL 6. - DUN 09/22/2010 4902 TORTUGA PL AU STI N TX 78731 APPLICANT BETH LEVINE, ARCHITECT 09/22/2010 Phone: 970-926-4993 P.O. BOX 1825 AVO N CO 81620 License: C000001399 Project Address: 725 FOREST RD VAIL Location: UNIT A Legal Description: Lot: 6 Block: 2 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FILING 6 Parcel Number: 2101-072-1001-0 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPP Second By: Vote: Date of Approval: 10/01/2010 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: RACHEL FRIEDE DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 a. . �. d ..ti. ... . _ _ S'� � - `� .<• '_� �..� � (t: > - J r i _ � .�� 4 . .� _: �� . .+ �� `� �� �r.� .; �};�����, a J, ' F , #3epa���.pf ��uri�.Fi��.�lopir+ej,�'` r�,, ,' Y. �� ��,'�� _ � �.�� `' k 7�5 F� , tage � �� „ • � � ' �. :�����.- , ¢ '" ;� � �'ti�=� � ���� � Y ��� _ ��' � ' . � -}��, p� � .1=. r�yJ�4 A `9-'1s,$... �:a ' .+yY� .!$C "k�Y - 1� `�.�: ����� . � a•�M1 .s � '? ��, �� , '� ��,� �• � � -6S '�•� t _ aC._ ���"�?�� �' �Y:� �.. �1���� .-. ,a ' � �j:' ±yb . �-..+. �i ,- .� :� ,� � � �. } � �� � �� Apptication for Design Review . Changes to Approved Plans � - � General infc�rmat�on: This application is for aA change.s to appFOVed pla��ior�Certlflcabe of Oocvpancy. An ap- _ _ _ __ __ �. . -�ac�raot-b��-w��-�r�d-�a�iop-is�ecetued-b��- ---___ __-- _�epartrrienL lks—lgn�ew approVa-1 ezp-lres one yaar��fie�_-of a-—ppxova�t,` �n-�ss a 5iii�lt�ng p�i�tt�i"ssu�l�at� ao�strudlon oorrmrnenaes. Submitt�Reqtdreme�rts: � 1. Three C3)Coples of all pertinent epPrrov'ed pk�ns wi#�fliwstrated,labeled d�anges 2. ]olr�t Pnope�ty Owner Writ�n App�oval Letter,if apPikable Fee: ;20 � Sin�e Family ' �Duplex MWH-Famity Commerdal Description of the Requ�t: _� �-✓t ���XA/t O'i/1 '[Vi� I�i177�'�vt �� . GG 'fL�L � .PiV' " P...0 t tM��v�a.4-�. � UYt a �u1.Pa/�- G�'.�c� : ��'"J �J' - �� • - Physical Address:�Z� '��� � �� � - Parcel Numbe�: 2J� '+O?2'�O O(D fContact Eagle Co.Asse.s�or at 97U-�28-8640 for parcel no.) Property Orvner: (+'�`�'�-�� �QGV�t7'�1. � . 1„lalling pddress; �D Z ` r -�- a. �f � �� 7�J ' : ' �. � Pho�: Zrn� �� �-owners sig�acure: % ./� ¢ a�dh. Lc h Primary Contact/Owner Represe�ative: ��L i v!�G �UL�'1-�� �V!. tHaii'my Ewdres� 4�� r•� C`�?�'� �t�r� '� °8 t IPZ D --- : Pn�: �Zlv- �i�l� ` ' � . E-Mail: �� � �(VI t•GIl 1� Fax: � Z� ! 3: � 6c�I�f�--c�.cbw� . ,�: . u, _ For Offioe l�e Only: Cash CC: Yisa/MC Last 4 CC# uth# Check# (D(7.� Fee Faid: r�(7� Reoetved�rom: (��Q�{'1 �D,i/I�l.fC. Meeting Date• �c�I�O DRB No.:��I��Jy�,� Plarx�er: �1,F Project Ma ��i (.�t�? I Zoniny: Land l.lse• . -- � Locatti�on of tne Proposa�: Lot:_�_Block:_�Swbclivisio�: V�.�,1 1�"��I c..4-�. (1-�►�--- ,., 1� �: ' � , P �� � °.�. : �. ���� 30IAtT PRORERTY 41NMER WRITTEN APPROVAC LETTER This form is applicable to alt destgn Review appricarns ti�at share ownership of the subject propertY. �exarrt- p(e,the sub}ect propertY where constn.�ction�occu�i"9 �a duplex,candomin�um or multi-tenant building. This form shal) be comp3eted bY d�e appiicant's ne�gi�bor/joirrt PrapertY awner. In the case ot a mufti�le-family dwel�- ir�g ar multi-Certant buitdirtg, the ai.ittwrity of the association shail eomplete this form ar�d mail to: Co�'+munity peV�lopment Qepartment,7S South Frortt�dge RC�ad;�Yaii,ca 8i5s�or fax�a 9�a.479.Z45�. r,(print name)�� 1n �P/�'r _,a joirrt owner,or authon'ty of the assoaation, �property � �� locabed at �Z� �3� � � � _-_-------- , provide this k�tter as writt�3 approval of the plarts d�ted �- 1� ' �� which have been submitted it� t1�e 7own of Vaif Comi'nunity Developmenk Departmertt for tt�e proposed improvemer�ts ro be campteted at the ad- dress r�otied�bove- � �de�r�rx!t�tF�prc�aosed mnpra�ernents inck,de: ,ll�c �,r�,r��t,i c��.'-E--1,`atn r� �. �c� CweLS r r n. � �� . t �,C _ J � � - � V'•-� l ' . (Siqnatt�e} (Dat�) . . AdditionallY,ptease dteck the stateme�[tt betow whi�titi is mo�st applicable to you: • a I understar�d�at mfrra'mt�difr�at�ns rrray be n�de tv th�plans ov�r the cz�uuise af the r�view prnc�ss to err sure cnntpl�ianc�widr tfre Town's aPPlic�b/e codes and re9ulatlons. (Inidalhere) . ,� r� I iequest'that al1 modifl�aErorzs, mirror or o�fierwise, whidt are made to the p/ans ov�r bhe rnurse of t1�e re- view Pl+�� be brought to my att�tian by fhe appllqnt for add/t/onal appro+ral 6�efore und�gorng further re- , Vlew by�he Town. � . . tfal f►ere} � • � � t�Y���}�g��(g�P4anning1DR810R8 Chenges to appioved Pia�u-010110 ********+**+**************************************+**********++*+**********+*++************* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement *************+*******+++++*******************************************************+*++******* Statement Number: R100001364 Amount: $20.00 09/22/201009:26 AM Payment Method: Check Init: SAB Notation: 6038 BETH LEVINE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: DRB100491 Type: DRB-Chg to Appr Plans Parcel No: 2101-072-1001-0 Site Address: 725 FOREST RD VAIL Location: UNIT A Total Fees: $20.00 This Payment: $20.00 Total ALL Pmts: $20.00 Balance: $0.00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLANNING CHECK SHEET ' Pro ert Information ' Pro ert Address 725 Forest Road, Unit A Parcel # 210107210010 Le al Descri tion Lot 6, Block 2, Vail Village 6 Development Site Area Ac 0.4453 Sq Ft 19,397 Buildable n/a Zonin / SDD # Two-Family Primary Secondary District (PS) Land Use Desi nation Known Non-Conformities Wood Shake Roof(Unit A to install DaVinci shake, Unit B to remain) Previous A rovals Hazard Zones Snow Avalanche Na Sections 12-12, 12-21, 14-6& 14-7 Debris Flow Na Rockfall Na Excessive Slopes Na (Site Disturbance 12-21-14) Floodplain Na Wetlands Y/N No Creeks, Streams n/a Setback Proposed Section 12-14-17 Sidewalks/Trails n/a ' Contact Information ' Planner/Date Rachel Friede 10/O1/10 Contact Information Beth Levine, Architect ' Project Information ' Project Description DRB100018- Addition ofthird floor (1) DRB100143- light fi�tures at garage DRB 100211- addition of basement (2) DRB100413- tree removal DRB100491- addition on north side on all levels, remove covered patio (3) (reduction in site coverage) Land Use A lication s # PRJ10-0021 Proposed Uses residential Permitted, Conditional, Permitted (As defined by Zoning) Prohibited? Date Routed/DRT Meetin Commercial Floor Area Existing na Proposed na Gross Residential Floor Area (Chapter 12-15) Total Allowed 7072 Exisring 4474 Proposed 5124 (1) +Credits Both garage(1,2,3) 5265(2) Basement(2,3) 5821 (3) Primary Allowed ** Exisring 2164 Proposed 2814 (1) +Credits 545 garage(1, 2,3) 2955 (2) 87%bsmtcred(947 sqft)(2) 3511 (3) 83%b.c(1009 sqft) (3) Secondary Allowed 40% Exisring 2310 Proposed 2310 (no +Credits 288 garage total= change) 2828 Total 1251 Primary Total ** Secondary Total 518 Remaining Remaining Remaining 250 or Interior Conversion? n/a in this district **Primary Unit has no maximum %. Allowable= Total - existing or proposed secondary Zoning District Standards Front 20 Proposed or Y/N >required Setbacks (perimeter) Side 15 Proposed or Y/N >required Projections 14-10-4 Rear 15 Proposed or Y/N >required Minimum Lot Area/Width Required 15,000 Proposed or Y/N Complies % Allowed 20%/3879.4 % Proposed Existing- Site Coverage 23.7%/4595 no change(1,2) 23.4%/4543 (3) Buildin Hei ht Allowed 33 ft Proposed 33 ft Landscaping % Required % Proposed Sections 14-10-8& 14-10-9 Plant size Proposed Fences Proposed Retaining Walls Height Allowed Proposed Sec. 14-6-� Setback Proposed Driveway Max Curb-cuts Proposed Sections 14-3-1& 14-3-2 Max-Min Slope Proposed Max-Min Width Proposed Heated Y/N Drive Material Snow Storage% Proposed Parking Stalls Required Proposed Sections 12-10& 14-5 Loading Proposed Lighting Allowed 19 Proposed 5 Section 14-10-7 Waste Management Wildlife Proof/ Interior Screened n/a Section 5-9 Resistant Screening Required None Proposed Sections 14-10-9& 14-10-10 Roof Material Complies N Unit A changing legally nonconforming wood shake to Sections 12-11-3C& 14-10-5 DaVinci. Unit B remains legally nonconforming Building Separation Complies Y/N Section 14-10-6 Ado ted View Corridors Complies Y/N N/A Utilities (Location, easements) Section 14-10-10 Grading (Less than 2:1) Section 14-6 Development Impact Fees / Employee Housing N/A Mitigation Traffic Impact N/A Art In Public Places N/A Notes � ^ � ■ ■ �� Y � • �■ . � � ■■ � f ■ a I�■ �■ ��� � �■ 4 ■ ■ r � � � ■ '��.1 � .y-� ' ,, � L{- � � � ■ �.��'. r� ■�.. - � ■I ■t.. .'— �Y; � _ . ■ � �r L� .t! �� �' . 1�'� � Z ��' ° ■ ■ ■ � .' 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