HomeMy WebLinkAboutYenter Companies Timber Ridge Rockfall Mitigation proposal agreement�;.
c s� r�� � t� r� �� s��.
gZO MC'�,+8fl AYC'. Suite f�A
Ritte, CU 8165U
(g'10) 62S-4157 (970) 625-4981 fax
To: G��rge Kutller, t�ICP
Director of Corr�munity t�velapment
•ra� af� v���
75 South Frt�ntage Road
Vail, Colar�sda 81657
{9�t�) 47�1-Z l 45 of�"ice
(970) 376-2675 ce;ll
�rom: Todd J. Pyle & St�phanie Nacks, �.I.T.
� .•�-� .
September 8, 201Q
RE: Rocictall Mitigation above the Timber Rid�e Apariments in Vail, Colorado.
Praposal #2D10-725REVISED
Yenter Com�anies, Tnc. is �lease� to provide this prapos.3l for rc�ckfall naitigation services for
the rock outcrop above the Timber Rid�e Apactment camplex in Vail, Goiorado.
'Che rock outerap in quest�an was viewed by Todd Pyle and Stephanie Nc�cks of Yent�r
Cnmpanies with Gltn Palrner, Rick Py{man and (�eorge Kuther an Tuesday, Au�ust 24, 2qit3.
lt is ouz understandin� that the `I`imber Rid�e apartment complex belaw this autcrop will
undergo a camplete reeonstruction within the ne�ct year and that rhe Town of Vail desires to
protet�t thes� new structures fran�► Rc�ekfall activity which wauld likely generaie from this
As discusseti on site, based on the location of this �'eature anci the limited infornaatian ta date,
Yenter Cainp�nnies props�s�s t� investigat� ttus rock autcrap further in order ta �enerate a morc
com�rehensive stataili7,atinn �lan, nne we hcliev� will nnt requir� 100°lv mesh cnverage c�f the
entire feature. Uur investi�ation wc�uld include photopraphin� tk�e entir� rack outerop trom a
cic�ser distanc� allawing far a much t�ettez reviewfanalysis of tla� outcrtip to determine the most
appropnate means of stabilizatian where necessary. This a�pr4�cli wi]I �llaw for a m+ar�
detailed plan ta the T�wn of Vail for �etter hud�;eting tc� �rntect the Timtaers Radge Apartments
with the sa�ety that is desirecl.
For purgos�s of this proposa.l, Yenter Gampanies is pricin� this wark oR a"Unit Price" basis.
Due to the inability to qualify the amount ar duratic�n of the warl. requised, we are providing a
conservative "estimated units" which includes all costs antieipated investigate, review and
prescnt a mitigation plan ta the City of Vail for this roek feature,
R/9RO1Q 6:43 AM S:�F'ro�x�salst2010 t'cnpasaislE4-725 "I'imk�er RidgtlRUC:rfd1 Miti&atitxi Prttpcna! 4-8-14.doc
Town of Vaif Rockfatl MitigaEian
Page 2 of 2
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Iteror nescriptian
Yenter l�.n�ineerin�;
3-mao Scaling Crew
L.ead Time — 6 rreeks
� s
C^ Q 2b (digital video photagraphy of outcrop}
A\q�� Lead Time-1-2 Wecks
` Tcaf�ic Controt Prvvided By Contractvr [}urinK
�°P�1O"�� SubcUntraetc� out b Y�ntc.r
__� _.,-___._. _ �.. .y__.�_ � �_..___�
Approa�mate I Units
3 I Hr
$ 2,500
$ I,500
$ 2,500
� This prapas�l is based upon anes cc�ntinuous operxtian.
➢ tliu�ntities alx�ve are cstimates anky and may ch�nge depending on the needs pf the project. Any changes
to the metha�d or qu�n�iti�s listed sbove will be done only with the approval nfboth the Town af Vsil and
Yenter Companies, [nc:. Finsi quantities for payment wilt be actual fi�ld mea�sured quaatities xgre�d
upon by Yenter Comparries and Town of Vail.
➢ Traffic control, i€ not elected, shaii be Town of Vaii's responsibility and sb$El be performe�i by others.
Such t�flic c:aatrol shall be established prior to Yentar Ge�mpanics start of work. Any scaling work will
reqairc the closure of entire raadway b�low this rvck vutcrop.
Y Rcaa+tfanable access to Wark �a will be provid�ri to Yenter C��n�aanies at all tirnes far equipment anci
materisLs delivcry+.
r This �►rapasai is valid upoa Yenter Cnmpanies, Inc. and Town af Vail joining in a mutualty-agrecd
cvntr�ct i'or tl�e prc�pc�s�ci waric. 'I'his pmpasal, 4f BCCC�718�fiC, is suffrcient far a binding a��ement tc�
perfarm the work dcscn'bed atwve.
Y Atl invoices ur�c due, in ehoir emtirety, upon receipt. Amounts due anc� unpaid aver thirty days sha11 �cenae
interask at the rate oC t.S% per rn�nth. The General Contractar shatl bc IiabEe for aU costs of collectin�
arnounts due and unpsid, inc[uding reasanabtc attarney's fccs,
This �r�pn5al is canditional. The work w�ll be scheduled upon ent�ring into a mutually
acceptable cantract laetwcen YentEr Companies, fnc. and Town of Vail.
This of%r expires in 10 days.
Totid 1. Pyle
Yez�ter Gocnpa�z�ies, Inc.
tjp; l'JP
Acce ted by:
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YN/ZOiq 8:43 AM S:\Prctpc�satsl2Att! Proposatst[0-725'fimbcc RidgelRoc3cfal! Mittqatiq� Fhvpvsxl9-8-ip.doc