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.,, , , _ _ . — , , ; : - , . .. ; - . � . � . .,.. . ��MONS PAR�XNG. � � � ,. . ,. • . 1, . 2865. Larksp��: �,a�� �m n Subdiv��'son r � T;oC 7`, Block� �'� 1��#-� �nC,e�'m.QUnt�in_ Dev8lop 4_ ,t �"ail. , Ca�:Ar;ado. . , - y . - . .. . . , „ . : . . . � . : . . _ . i ` GEN�RA� NOT�S: , : , .. , , . , . � � �, Cd'_t.ractoac . �ts ,t4 = vi��.t, t�e' ��.t� and� famil.i.a�'ize ka�ms�lf �►�.t1� a11 -'� Th , . ;: The C9z��itact"a.r �,s to ver�fy al�. e�is�ing c 'on�_�,+�ions , � � , exi�ta.ng cond�,t�Qns. , .� . and. famiiiarzze hin�sel.f wi.th ,all:� new anc� r�raadE�- work to� b.e pe�'f4�'m�d.. - . � ' �n. the even,t of d�.acrega��i�s beCween �he draw�,n�� �nd exis�i�ng �oriditions , �.mmediately not�.fY the Ar�hft�ct . Do �is�� pra�eed with the. `work in are�s ;. f, o� diserepancy un.til al:l .such d��e�epancie�s have bee�n fu3.l.y xesolv�d:, , , A11 wark Sk�a11 be performed i�, tlie b�,s� an� most professional manner ' , ;�.nd in accordance with all applicabie cod�� a.nd regula�ion� , The �or�tractor sliail remove fXom �he si�e and dispose of ali demo�it�.o:n materials , debris and rubbish as so�n as px�aG�icable.` Prot�ct all - ' exi�ting areas from the work ar�d repa�r a�:l d"amage.d wvack that is to remain. 'The building and gro,unds � shall be kept . cJ.ean at al.l times . '�he ArchitecC assum�s no respon�ibility for uti,lity coqrdination , care � of ad�acerit properties, az�d `�rrprs � ommi�sio:ns ar�d applicable code requixemerits pf consul.taAts . These drawings do not contair� ��e �o►�Ponents £" of construction safety . . � b_ . COKSTRU�TION NQTES INTERiOR WORK (not indicated .an the drawings) s 1 , Remove eXisting kitchen pantry and instali 3 pa�try cabinet 18" wide x 24" deep- x 84" h�.gh with S adjustable shelves - Diamond Cabinet P-1884x24 or equal �- to, match. existing cabinets . 2 . Remove shing,les from soffit above kitchen cab�.n�ts . Drywall soffit above range ttqod to exterior wa�:� . R�►no�e svf�it" above cabinets west of range hood . Pat�h to match existing . 3. Paint new and patched work. to match exist�ng . • EXTERIOR WORK: 1 . Construct concrete retaining wail at parking ar�a as i�dicated . � , Field verify footing step loc�tions . Footinps to bear on bearing soil . Should bearing soil be belpw bottom q£ footing elevations indicated � notify Architect immedi�eely . ToA Qf co.ncrete wall shail be approximately Q.2' ab,ove existing d�ck e�evation . � • 2 . Concrete retaining wall form joint configuration and finish to match that of r.etaining wall iocated on the adj.acent proper�y . to the east . . 3 . Pazking area shall be gx�ded to drain away from retaining wall and finished wi,th asphaltic paving . � . �S . Construct stairs to grade at east end p€ parking . Eield verify location with Architect ,. Construction to be simil�r to deck �tair . a 5 . Canstruct bridge , deek extensions and stairs fram tn� deck to - grad� as ind�L.cated . Bridg� elevatiozi to match exisking deck elevation. b . Bridge , deck and stair rai�i,ng v�rtic'ai �upports to match existing. . Horizontal �ai.ls and tog cap. shall . be air dried ��.dwoosi : Repl�ce ` , exist�,�g rai�s and top cap oa �xist�.�ng. Xai�ing; to r,�main with .: materials ta matefi new r�il.ing. �eCiting shall t�e. �2x6 fir . . ' Z . Con`gtr�tct .ski storage lo�ker between �op of dec,l��n� and ro,of overh�,ng . � as ind�'cated. ix trim� �o r�atch. . e�.i.s�.ing, ent.r�nce _�:ocks on 3Q68 , doors: �z���all ski raeks �o ac.Cczi�odate ten pairs� qf.` skis . . � : � � . , = � 8, Co�s_trucC_ and in�tai�., gs�.te on br.iclg�.,as .ind���t�d . 9�� Stait� bridge', decic �nd .sk�i:x' sCt .u.��ux'es .ta 'matcli� �x�:st�.n� : Rest��.n , � , e�tis�iz�g d�ck t� remai�i. : _.,: '.' : :. . -. ` ; , . �:` ��i4:.. Stai,n ski- stQxage l.ock�r ��d do,or�` to raatch siding. . . . , , . _ , , ,. _ � , ' . .k ' - . ., .. .. . - . .� ' . , ' ' . . .� . .. . . . j . ty_'�. . . - - . . . . . ., a:' r .. r . , ..k S .� .. . - ." . ., . . . . . ,� �:" . . �. . .. J.. ' . - ' , ' , _ ' .n . � -. . .. t .. . .. . . , . . , v .. .. . ; '. �.. ,. _ . .. -, ,-: .. .. . . . . .. ,.. _ -_- . . . _ . :� . �.. :'.. . . . 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