HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB100499 —� x � ���� ,�� �� � '�� � _ :P .� �r � ` `� �„ M: ° �;a �w ° �r� � �� , � � .` �` : �� t7e a�rtmen�csf.Coiricnunf i3�v��o me ., ,� �' ,n e��� � � r ,+`�� � � o. P � ,� .�v South Fr�ntage�o �� '� �� ��'x� �:� ,..�'��'° :c '�� *_ ` �: , �� ���,... �a �� � ;� �2` �� � � � .,,� � b � � �. . � ��� � �� � ; ��� * �. �'+ � � � �A�� � '?�,s� �.4��a> � '' :i�},,.� ` y '�.� r� '�� ,� .�_ � ,�.e � i�� �4����tM b {'.` ' ,, tr �' � � ..' � r F. : t� -• e'i �,M'°i_� '� ' Y �� �. �'�wc �'�"YyY: ' Applicati�rn for �►esign Re�iew '', Changes to Apprr�veti Plans Genexal Informatian: lfiis ap�li�a�on is for all char�s to a�roved plans prior to�rtificate of{3ctupar�cy. Ar�ap- � piicativn for Design Review cannat�accepked until al1 required information is received by the Community+i�veb�xnent [;�epartment. Design review apprvva!e�ires or7e year from the date of approval, unless a bullding perm�t is issued and construction�ommences. Submitta) Requir�ments: '� 1. lfiree{3)Coples of a(I pertfnent a�roveti pf�n�with illus#�ated, labeteci�hanges 2. Joint Property Owne.r Wntten Approvai Letter,if appiicable �I Fee; �2ti I Single Family Duplex Multi-famity v'' Commercial ' ,� ,�J7 � , � �,,:1�' �� D+PStt'Ipt30�t t>#tEt@ R+ECjUC5�: 1..�!w + •. �S�` r. ,j�• _ .�,t,n ;� ,�� � , A ,t' t � _,,,r , j' / ��� � �t5, 4llJ� �*v�r �, t / ,r� �� � CI � Physicai Addr+ess: �� r' . � � , Parael Numt�r: `� Contact Eagle Co.Assessor at 9?fl-328-8640#or parcel no.) � , (/`�'�' I �tti�1#��11N�I�t, �i ~ >e��tR (�,� [} . � Mailing Address; �9) L�+'?,r` ����1 ��, �� ��� � � � �nor�e: ��}- ���. Zc �-�' I ow�ear's siynature: Primary CanWctl Owner Representative: �v:r �� Mailing Address: ,I Phone: ' . , . E-Maii:�10a��n��c� n����� -��fax. ' Far O�ce Use t�nly: Cash_ �C: Vi�MC Last 4 CC # Aukfi #,��� Ctt�ck# Fee Paid; n�0 — Received �r�: �0a/in ��-1-h � ' r���„� Qar�: «-,.J�o a�a r�,:�Lt.��y99 ' , Pla�ner: Project f�io:���(ol�3 :_ ----.-°--, �, _ � �T�, , � Zonin�: l.�nd Use' � -. ��1 i �ocat�r,of tr�e Pro�osal; laat:.�_Biocic:�subdivis;a,: 1�� �'�' � � �� `� _ 1U Q � � � j,, at-ta�to �iyOW�! �!= `�AIL + +��f�+g a' IY�AtA i �'• .�t�IIVT#�RflP'EE�TY�WNER WRITTEM APPRC11tA�.L�TCC�R 'Ihis forrn �s appiicable to a91 t7esign Revi�w appiicant�th�t share awr�rshlp of the subje�t�roperly. For�xam- ple,ifie subjec�property wt�ere c�struction is occurrirx� �s a dupiex,corulcxr�iniurn nr mu�ti-t2nant building. Ti�;s Porm shail be compieted by the applicant`s neighbarJ}c�irst property awner. In the case af a multiple-family dweli- irx,� tx rnuli��tenani t�uilding, the authority r�f the as`�ociatit�t st�ali c�rr�pE�t� �is fornt �rtd mail to: Ca�rr�unity C�vel�me.�t Departrnent,75 Sauth Frcmt�ge Road,Vai1,CC7$1657 cx faas t�97�.479.24�2. �, (A�nt name)_ _I� � �C��� .a jc�'snk awner, ' ,�f Pr��h' located at ' `.� �' � -' provicie tt�is 1�tter as written approvai of the plans dated �' � /D which have been wbmitted to the Town of Vai1 Community Development Departrnent for the proposed improvements to be completed at the ad- d s noted above. I understand that the prc�pns�,d imprc�vements ir�ude: � ✓! .> iJ�' � j�-.t. ls+fY ''f & �.V Y t � ... ��� ,�� ..�eLl�fi�. �� � . �w � r ,� , f /*fX /}' t f1 f ! ��. f -_' f' j 1,r` (S�C�t' CU�C) {E3dt�� , I� Additianally, pEease cfieck the sta#es»c�t h�ksw whicls is rrtost appticable ta youc r� I und�rstand d�t mint�r'modlfrcatiorrs m,ay Ge marle�i tfie plans�v�r the mtrrse�ftfie revi��v pr�ess tr�en- sr✓re�rrpf'�ar��rvith the 7`vwn's app/ieable cr�es and regul�tior�s. (lrtilla!h�r�) � 1 t�qu�st that al!mot�i�c�3tton5, mirn�r tu'r�thenvisex whit�r ar�tr�atle to the plans av�a'the tnvrs2�f l�e re- �rerv prca;�ess, t��irou�ht tcr my attantion t�y the apptiranl�fc�addr`fiQna!a�provat before undergoing fvrth�r re- vrew by the Town. ��Inr`'a!here) �:k�evtlosnssip�rrni�aU�iar�,inglLl�i810f28 Changcs�o approved Pi�rs_ptd130 � �' _ �`�t � � . . — � � . . � � � . ��� ��� 0 � � � F � � S ; „ Q � O ���•,; '� fl � � � � i�,;, a'?� � � r^ ,�' � U - ;'., p� . 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Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0011665 The applicant shall install display box on north side of pillar in same location as current display box. Planner: RACHEL FRIEDE DRB Fee Paid: $20.00