Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657
p. 970.479.2139, f. 970.479.2452, inpsections 970.4792149
ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit #: B10-0234
Job Address: 680 LIONSHEAD PL VAIL
Location......: UNIT 605
Parcel No....: 210107206061
WA 98230
APPLICANT ANTLERS AT VAIL 08/11/2010 Phone: (970) 476-2471
CO 81657
License: 305-A
CONTRACTOR ANTLERS AT VAIL 08/11/2010 Phone: (970) 476-2471
CO 81657
License: 305-A
Project #:
Status . . :
Applied . . :
Issued . ..
Expires . ..:
P RJ 10-0443
Occupancy: R2 Valuation: $51,000.00
Type Construction:l6 Total Sq Ft Added: 0
..............«.�..,......,,........,......,,.�.................�.,..,,..,,......,.. FEE SUMMARY ...........,..............,.....<,,...�.......,�,,........,,..............,.......
Building Permit Fee------> $650.75 Will Cal Fee---------------------> $4.00 Total Calculated Fees-------------> $1,897.74
Plan Check--------------------> $422.99 Use Tax Fee---------------------> $820.00 Additional Fees-----------------------> $0.00
Add'I Plan Check Hours-> $0.00 Restuarant Plan Review-----> $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES--------------> $1,897.74
Investigation-----------------> $0.00 Recreation Fee-----------------> $0.00
Payments-------------------------------> $1,897.74
Total Calculated Fees--------> $1,897.74 BALANCE DUE------------------------> $0.00
,,..,,.�....,,,..........,, ...................,..,,.....�......,.R.....,,..........................,,......,,�...,..,....xx,.,....,x..,,.x....,_,,...._._.,,,,..,......«....,.............,,.�....,
I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information
as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure
according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town
applicable thereto.
9 ��5� ���
S�tuu/r`eof�G�� r ontractor Date
� �D Y2—...
Print Name
bld_alt_construction_perm it_041908
Permit #: 610-0234 as of 09-15-2010 Status: ISSUED
.............................,,................,,... �.,....,,..........,...,.,...,............,. x.,,.,,,,,,...............,,... �..... �,...,,,.,.,.,.....,....,...................... �....
08/31/2010 cg Action: AP
08/13/2010 Warren Action: AP No planning
inspections are required
08/13/2010 drhoades Action: DN Need Asbestos
testing (and abatement permiUfinal air clearance letter
if needed) prior to approval of building permit.
Also, see conditions regarding alarm and sprinkler.
Notes 10 and 11 on page A-0 do not apply as they are
regulated by NFPA 13 (Sprinkler) and NFPA 72 (Alarm) and
not by the building code.
09/13/2010 mvaughan Action: AP
,........, ......................................................... �,.,,...,,................. <........,..,........,, �....,,...,,..,,....... x. x...,...,........,.,,....».,.,.....,...,,,
See the Conditions section of this Document for any that may apply.
b Id_a It_constructio n_perm it_041908
Permit #: B10-0234 as of 09-15-2010 Status: ISSUED
Cond: 12
Cond: 14
Cond: 1
Cond: CON0011577
Separate shop drawings/permit applications required for the
changes/alterations to the existing fire alarm and fire
sprinkler systems.
Cond: CON0011578
Contact the building's fire alarm company to change smoke
detectors to heat detectors in any areas of the unit that
may be impacted by demo/construction to avoid false alarms.
Bagging of detectors is prohibited.
b I d_ a I t_c o n s t r u ct i o n_p e rm i t_04190 8
TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 09-15-2010 at 13:40:32 09/15/2010
Statement Number: R100001315 Amount: $1,897.74 09/15/201001:37 PM
Payment Method: Check Init: SAB
Notation: UNIT 605
Permit No: B10-0234 Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT
Parcel No: 2101-072-0606-1
Site Address: 680 LIONSHEAD PL VAIL
Location: UNIT 605
Total Fees: $1,897.74
This Payment: $1,897.74 Total ALL Pmts: $1,897.74
Balance: $0.00
Account Code Description Current Pmts
-------------------- ------------------------------ ------------
BP 00100003111100 BUILDING PERMIT FEES 650.75
PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 422.99
UT 11000003106000 USE TAX 4% 820.00
WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 4.00
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, Department of Community Developmsnt
75 South Frontage Road .
Vail, Colorac�o 81G��
� .: T�1 970y�����'�2� r'
" F��C ��si'� �����
, . Vlr�b vv�an� ov� �� �
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Development.l��r����t���tri�itc�r $
�.. � ����
a r.... e. „ , ,, � �... �����.,�, . �, .
Separate permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, fireplace, etc.
Project Street Address: I Office Use: �^� ���
' �� W i.t O�ISi��� �� `�� Project #: (C� �(� — �
. (Number) (Street) (Suite #)
DRB #:
' Building/Complex Name: ����� �� Va'�L ' Building Permi �� w ' ' �
Contractor Information: Lot #: Blo� � �division: � � � �
Company: �K�-�LS � 1/���--
, Company Address: �� 'W �-��K51"}e'�'D �L. Detailed Scope and Location of Work: �h'�'��►� 2
City: y A-1 tr State: CO Zip: �lb�j� '�Cwtp�C � Cehd W t v��ur l��p tac�.�,.Y. f
, Contact Name: �Nl- �'ck (/}��-
' Contact Phone: �— �4� — 5u 8' ',',', Dea .#' O6 -� 0613
(use additional sheet if necessary)
' E-Mail ��+'� Q Ct�.e+Ntr-SV�Li ( � �'�.ti( _
�O —/4 ' Work Class:
Town of Vail Contractor Registration No.: 'J�
New ( ) Addition ( ) Remodel (�E') Repair ( ) Other ( ) '
n �:,�.
X lt��_ Work Type __
' Contractor Signature (required) ;, Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both ( X ) '
Property Information TYPe of Building:
Parcel #: '21� ( " ��'Z -- O% -� ��o � Single-Family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-Family (�C)
'(For parcel #, contact Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or
visit www.eaglecounty.uslpatie) Commercial ( ) Other ( )
Tenant Name: '' Does a Fire Alarm Exist? Yes (x) No O '
Owner Name: WO�D�VtJJ CoCtQ,VM T�uST ` Monitored Alarm? Yes O No (x ) '
! Does a Sprinkler System Exist? Yes (x ) No O
Valuations (Labor & Materials) #& Type of Existing Fireptaces: Gas Appliances
' Gas Log � Wood/Pellet Wood Buming
', Plumbing:
�,'� � .
$ 0�
$ �D00
Mechanical: (including fireplace) $ 0"'
' Total: g � �/� 001%
#& Type of Proposed Fireplaces: Gas Appliances
' Gas Log Wood/Pellet Wood Buming
` Date Received
auc o s zo�o
TO�iV or yA�L Ol-an-10
Vail Fire Department
Asbestos Testing & Abatement Requirements
Asbestos testing and abatement protects workers, homeowners, neighbors and emergency services responders from ex-
posure to harmful asbestos. The Town of Vail asbestos abatement program is in addition to the State of Colorado's regu-
lations. It is your responsibility to be in compliance with the State. Please contact the State directly for their requirements
at the contact info listed below.
When is asbestos testinq reauired?
ANY building projects disturbing more than these threshold levels of building materials require asbestos testing:
One- and Two-Family Dwellings: 32 square feet
All Others (commercial spaces, hotel rooms, etc): 160 square feet
Definition of a single-family dwelling: any dwelling unit that is used primarily for a single family, including
multi-family/condominium units, and fractional fee units.
Asbestos testing results must be provided with your application for a building permit.
Tests which identify POSITIVE results at more than 1% require abatement by a State-certified and Vail-registered abate-
ment contractor. An asbestos abatement permit must be approved, and the clearance letter must be submitted to the
Town of Vail before the building permit will be issued.
Project Checklist
My project falls into the category checked below:
� Will not disturb more than the threshold limits identified above.
� Tested negative, or at 1% or below (1 copies of test results included)
� Tested positive at more than 1%, requires abatement (1 copies of test results included)
Tips & Facts:
• Even recent construction projects may include asbestos-containing materials, so buildings of � age require testing.
• The "1989 Ban" on asbestos-containing materials is commonly misunderstood. "In fact, in 1991 the U.S. Fifth Circuit
Court of Appeals vacated much of the so-called "Asbestos Ban and Phaseout" rule and remanded it to the EPA. Thus,
much of the original 1989 EPA ban on the U.S. manufacturing, importation, processing, or distribution in commerce
of many asbestos-containing product categories was set aside and did not take effect." - CDPHE
Asbestos test results and abatement permit applications should be submitted to: Town of Vail, Community Development,
75 S Frontage Rd, Vail, CO3 81657.
Town of Vail Contact:
Fire Prevention Bureau
Vail Fire Department
75 S Frontage Rd
Fire_inspectors@va i Igov.com
State of Colorado Contact:
Colorado Department of Public Health
and Environment
Asbestos Compliance Assistance Group
asbestos@state. co. us
www. cc�e. st�te. cr� . u s
.l�armer �C,�ssociafes
I N C 0 R P O R A T E 0
On September 17, 2010, Farmer & Associates, Inc. (F&A)'s Air Monitoring Specialist, Tim Godby, (AMS
license #15662), collected finial air clearance samples in Unit #605 located at The Antlers at Vail at 680
W. Lionshead Place in Vail, Colorado.
Prior to testing, a visual inspection was preformed to confirm the completeness of asbestos removal and
cleanup. The visual inspection was performed in accordance with the American Standard for Testing and
Material's "Standard Practice for Visual Inspection of Asbestos Abatement Projects". All abated asbestos
materials, including contaminated dust, debris or residues were satisfactorily determined to have been
Air samples were than collected inside the contained area utilizing aggressive air sampling techniques as
directed in 40 CFR Part 763, Appendix A to Subpart E(EPA 1995).
Five (5) air samples and two (2) blanks were analyzed utilizing Phase Contrast Microscopy (PCM)
employing the NIOSH 7400 method. The results of the PCM analyses are as follows:
Sample No. Location Volume (liters) Results (�bers/ccl
1. FC-01
2. FC-02
3. FC-03
4. FC-04
5. FC-05
Unit #605
Unit #605
Unit #605
Unit #605
Unit #605
0.004 (Pass)
0.006 (Pass)
0.003 (Pass)
0.005 (Pass)
0.007 (Pass)
Samples were analyzed by a trained analyst under the direct control of F&A. F&A successfully
participates in the American Industrial Hygiene Association's Proficiency Analytical Testing Program
(PAT) for determining concentrations of airborne asbestos fibers. (Laboratory I.D. #102360)
The final clearance air sample results did not exceed the Maximum Allowable Asbestos Level, (MAAL), of
0.01 fibers per cubic centimeters of air (f/cc), therefore complied f
Public Health and Environment regulations for air quality. [�s-' ����� ��
���,;1 � 1 �w'�.s r�
Phopt: 303-931-4E0411 • 81b6-E S. Wadsworth 61vd., #�347, LittlCton, CO ai�0�b'3"
�:��V;�����������,�.�����:� ���, f���:��°��9 1Po �o
210 Edwards Village Blvd. • C-202 • P.O. Box 385
Edwards, Colorado 81632
Yhone: 970926.7605 • Fax: 970.926.7610
August 4, 2010
Town of Vail, Building Department
75 South Frontage Road
Vail, Colorado 81657
Re: Binns Residence Remodel - Unit 605 Antlers Lodge
Parcel No. - 210107206061
To whom it may concern:
As the Architect for the above referenced project I would like to offer the following information as it
relates to Design Review Board Approval for the attached plans being submitted for Building Permit.
With the exception of the replacement of (2) existing windows on the north side of the unit there are
no changes to the exterior of the building and no increase in the GRFA. It is my understanding from
previous remodels in this building, that window replacement falls with in the limits of a blanket
approval granted to the Antlers At Vail by way of File No. DRB060013.
Please call if you have any questions or require additional information.
Copy to: Tc�m Schlader�ntlers Lodge
������� �� ����
C�(}itiii)CJMINIUM�i .'�r C",()NI+'I:R�N(',E (,",Fi�IT�,It
6�q W. t„i4�she�d �iac� vatl< �Ci �iG57 97U-a7�i-2a7i 97Ct-476-'Ip�i2 i�x va�n�r.antlsrsvail.ccrm
To: Town of Vail, Community Development
From: Robert LeVine, General Manager
Date: 08/05/10
Subject: Unit 605 remodel
Please be advised that the Antlers Condominium Association
wholeheartedly supports and approves the interior remodeling
plans for unit 605. The only exterior alteration will be the
replacement of windows with those of the same basic size and
shape ... as has been done in other Antlers units and was
approved by file #DRB060013.
Please call me if there are any questions.
Robert LeVine
General Manager
Eagle Valley Electric, Inc.
August 3, 2010
Antlers at Vail Condominiums
680 West Lionshead Place
Vail, CO 81657
Attn: Tom
Re: Unit 605
P.O. Box 1116
Vail, Colorado 81658
Phone (970) 827-5772
FAX (970) 827-9036
After having the conversation about Unit 605 being originally built as a Studio Unit,
without having a partition between the Living area and the Bedroom, it does make sense
that the Electric Baseboa.rd Heaters was installed the way that they are. The now existing
Bedroom and Changing room has 5,500 watts of Heat installed, but based on the square
footage Heat Calculations, at 10 watts per square foot; it only needs 2,000 watts of Heat.
This would be an 8 foot Baseboazd Heater that should be divided between the two rooms
(or 2 — 4 foot Heaters).
The Living area is short of Heat, and needs to have an additional 1,000 watts of
Baseboard installed. This wouid be a 4 foot Heater, installed by the Sliding Glass Door to
the D,eck.
The overall Electrical demand would be reduced by 2,500 watts, or reduced by 12 amps
at 208 volts. And being that no other additional loads are to be added, the existing
Electrical Service Panel is adequate.
S Bis �
President — Eagle ey Elecixic, Inc
.�arrner �C.�ssociafe,s
April 1, 2010
Mr. Dan Beaver
Colorado Hazard Control, LLC
2727 W. 92°d Avenue
Suite 10
Federal Heights, CO 80260
RE: Asbestos-Containing Building Materials Inspection
Antlers at Vail Condominiums — Units 605 & 608
680 W. Lionshead Place — Vail, Colorado
Dear Mr. Beaver:
Farmer & Associates, Inc. (F&A) inspected unit 605 and the restroom in unit 608 (the
Site) located in the Antlers at Vail Condominiums at 680 W. Lionshead Place in Vail,
Colorado for asbestos-containing building materials (ACBM) on March 31, 2010.
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPH&E)-licensed Asbestos
Inspector Tim Godby (license #15662) conducted this inspection under an agreement
between F&A and Colorado Hazard Control, LLC.
The purpose of the inspection was threefold: 1) determine locations and conditions of
asbestos-containing products at the Site; and 2) determine the impact these materials will
have on scheduled renovation/demolition; and 3) assist Colorado Hazard Control, LLC in
obtaining the necessary building permit with the City of Vail, Colorado in accordance
with Colorado Regulation #8.
Based on the laboratory analysis of the bulk samples collected, no asbestos products
were identified in Unit 608 Restroom.
Asbestos products found in Unit 605 were limited to:
l. Drvwall Texture containing 4— 5% chrysotile asbestos was identified on the wall
throughout unit 605. At the time of the inspection, the drywall texture was in good
Phone: 303-931-4041 ♦ 8156-E So. Wadsworth Blvd., #347, Littleton, CO 80128 � Fax: 720-381-0655
2. Sprayed-On Ceilin� Acoustics containing 7% chrysotile asbestos was identified on
the ceilings throughout unit 605. At the time of the inspection, the sprayed-on ceiling
acoustics was in good condition.
There is no regulatory guideline that requires removal of friable ACBM unless they will
be disturbed. If friable ACBM will be disturbed or removed during the
renovation/demolition, the friable material must be removed prior to the
renovation/demolition of the Site. If the friable materials are to be removed, CDPH&E
requires that a CDPH&E-licensed (GAC) General Abatement Contractor conduct the
removal, a CDPH&E-licensed Consultant Agency design project specifications, and a
CDPH&E-licensed air monitoring specialist conduct the monitoring during abatement
Additional bulk samples should be collected from previously concealed materials that
may be revealed during demolition activity, or from materials outside the original
inspection scope of work. "Suspect" material includes any material serving as a
sprayed-on or troweled-on acoustic or fireproofing surface; floor and ceiling tiles; transite
panels, siding or shingles; thermal insulation or any material associated with mechanical
systems; or any binding agent such as tar sealant, mastic adhesive, roofing tar, caulking,
et cetera. Colorado Regulation #8 require bulk samples be collected by a licensed
asbestos inspector or inspector/management planner.
All accessible interior drywall ceilings at the Site were viewed and suspect materials
touched by the inspector to determine the location, condition, and friability of observed
asbestos material. All bulk samples were submitted for PLM analysis. When suspect
material was initially sighted, three (3) bulk samples were usually collected. In
compliance with the Colorado Regulation #8, minimums of three bulk samples were
collected for each homogeneous area with the exception of surfacing materials, where the
EPA 40 CFR Part 763 Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) 3-5-7
sampling protocols apply. By definition, a homogeneous area means an area of surfacing
material, thermal system insulation material, or miscellaneous material that is uniform in
color and texture, and is installed within the same period. Mr. Godby collected (13)
samples of accessible finishes out materials.
Every reasonable effort was made to view materials with restricted access. However, no
demolition activities were performed. Therefore, this report may omit asbestos materials
found behind false ceiling, wall, or flooring materials.
F&A has had extensive experience with older buildings that have been abated during
demolition or renovation projects. Occasionally, additional asbestos was discovered
during demolition of concealing ceiling, wall, or flooring materials.
The PLM Report in Appendix I indicates the results of PLM analysis for bulk samples
collected in units 605 & 608. The PLM Report shows the room or area in which the
sample was collected and provides a description of the sampled material.
Phone: 303-931-4041 ♦ 8156-E So. Wadsworth Blvd., #347, Littleton, CO 80128 � Fax: 720-381-0655
Any product containing more than 1% fibrous asbestos, when analyzed by PLM, is
considered a potential hazard by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). PLM is
the EPA-recognized method for determining fibrous bulk asbestos content. Additionally,
the EPA indicates that further analysis by point counting be performed to confirm asbestos
content far friable materials found to contain less than ten percent asbestos by visual area
estimation. Point counting analysis may be omitted if the material is assumed to contain
more than one percent �asbestos and is then handled accordingly. All samples collected by
F&A were analyzed by Reservoirs Environmental, Inc.'s NVLAP-accredited laboratory in
Denver, Colorado.
Sample analysis reported as "None Detected" should be interpreted as meaning no
asbestos was observed in the suspect material above the reliable limit of detection, (1 %
by visual estimation) for the PLM method.
The following products were tested and found to contain less than 1% asbestos when
analyzed by PLM:
Unit 608 — Restroom
1. Drywall, & associated joint compound & texture
2. Sprayed-on ceiling acoustics
3. Ceramic tile floor grout
Unit 605
4. Drywall, & joint compound (texture contains 4— 5% chrysotile asbestos)
5. Grey ceiling material (sprayed-on ceiling acoustics contains 7% chrysotile asbestos)
Based on observations made at the Site, and results of the analysis of bulk samples
collected during the inspection, F&A recommends the following:
1. All ACBM should be maintained in a non-friable condition by implementing a
stringent Operations and Maintenance (O & M) Program, including periodic
reinspection. This program should provide training for employees in proper work
practices and procedures, and in recognizing suspect materials when working around
ACBM. Any ACBM damaged in the future should be removed or repaired.
2. CDPH&E dictates that only a licensed General Abatement Contractor (GAC) can
remove, repair, enclose, or encapsulate asbestos-containing material. CDPH&E
further dictates that the asbestos abatement activity be designed and monitored by a
licensed Asbestos Project Designer.
Phone: 303-931-4041 ♦ 8156-E So. Wadsworth Blvd., #347, Littleton, CO 80128 � Fax: 720-381-0655
3. If ACBM are to be removed or disturbed as part of renovation/demolition activities
the ACBM should be removed under abatement conditions before renovation begins.
4. According to Colorado Regulation #8, CDPH&E must be notified for all demolitions
of all facilities and all asbestos abatement projects that exceed the trigger levels,
whatever is the lesser quantity. The notification requirements apply to both friable and
non-friable asbestos materials. Notifications must be postmarked or delivered at least
10 working days before initiating abatement activities, and must be made using
CDPH&E forms. Forms can be obtained by contacting the CDPH&E Asbestos
Notification and Information Section at 303-692-3100 or online through the
CDPH&E website at www.cdphe.state.co.us.
5. Collect additional bulk samples from previously concealed materials that may be
revealed during demolition activity, or from materials outside the original inspection
scope of work. "Suspect" material includes any material serving as a sprayed-on or
troweled-on acoustic or fireproofng surface; floor and ceiling tiles; transite panels,
siding or shingles; thermal insulation or any material associated with mechanical
systems; or any binding agent such as tar sealant, mastic adhesive, roofing tar,
caulking, et cetera. Colorado Regulation #8 requires bulk samples in public buildings
be collected by a licensed Asbestos Inspector or Inspector/Management Planner.
6. To comply with National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants
(NESHAP) asbestos regulation (EPA 40 CFR 61, Subpart M), F&A recommends
removing all friable and non-friable ACBM that has the potential to become friable
under abatement conditions prior to renovation ar demolition activities.
7. The building owner should be aware that removing ACBM does not discharge
ownership. During transport or after burial in an EPA-approved landfill, any
contamination throughout the lifetime of the material remains the responsibility of the
building owner.
8. If any material cannot be positively identified as non-asbestos-containing by the
analytical results of samples collected during this inspection, it should be treated as
asbestos until a sample of the newly identified suspect material can be collected and
analyzed by PLM.
9. According the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 29 Code of
Federal Regulations (CFR) 1926.1101, building and/or facility owners shall notify the
following persons of the presence, location, and quantity of asbestos-containing
materials, at the work sites in their buildings. Notification either shall be in writing,
or shall consist of a personal communication between the owner and the person to
whom notification must be given or their authorized representative:
Phone: 303-931-4041 ♦ 8]56-E So. Wadsworth Blvd., #347, Littleton, CO 80128 ♦ Fax: 720-381-0655
a) Prospective employers applying or bidding for work whose employees
reasonably can be expected to work in or adjacent to areas containing such
b) Employees of the owner who will work in or adjacent to areas containing such
c) On multi-employer work sites, all employers of employees who will be
performing work within or adjacent to areas containing such materials;
d) Tenants who will occupy areas containing such material.
F&A has endeavored to inspect the existing conditions within the affected areas using
CDPH&E inspection protocols. Regardless of the thoroughness of an inspection, it is
possible that some areas containing asbestos were overlooked or inaccessible. This report
presents general descriptions of various construction materials and the general locations
where these materials were encountered. If questions arise during the planning for
renovation, demolition or other construction, F&A should be notified to permit us to review
the situation and present recommendations.
This report has been prepared on behalf of and exclusively for the use of Colorado Hazard
Control, LLC. The conclusions expressed by F&A regarding the conditions of the site are
based solely on the observations made on March 31, 2010, the data collected during this
inspection, and the laboratory results of the samples collected and analyzed. The
beneficiaries are hereby advised that conditions observed are subject to change. This
report and the findings contained herein shall not, in whole or in part, be disseminated or
conveyed to any other party or be used or relied upon by any other party, in whole or in part,
without Colorado Hazard Control, LLC's or F&A's prior written consent.
F&A appreciates this opportunity to provide asbestos consulting services to Colorado
Hazard Control, LLC. We have enjoyed working with you on this project and look forward
to meeting your needs in the future. Should any questions arise concerning this report,
please contact us at (303) 931-4041.
Phone: 303-931-4041 ♦ 8156-E So. Wadsworth Blvd., #347, Littleton, CO 80128 � Fax: 720-381-0655
Craig Farmer, President
CDPH&E Management Planner # 14719
Farmer & Associates, Inc.
Dallas Office
r ... �: .
r� �- �
Tim Godby
CDPH&E Inspector #15662
Farmer & Associates, Inc.
Denver Office
Phone: 303-931-4041 ♦ 8156-E So. Wadsworth Blvd., #347, Littleton, CO 80128 � Fax: 720-381-0655
R E 11..A B 1-� �'.5�%""�/'�71,%�.'� �/? �f/%�7'%�/% �%�/� ��%, i/%C.
March 31, 2010 Laboratory Code: RES
Subcontract Number:
Laboratory Report:
Project # / P.O. #
Project Description:
Billy Godby
Farmer & Associates (CO)
8156-E So. Wadsworth Blvd.
Littleton CO 80128
Dear Customer,
RES 189153-1
680 W. Lions Gate PI.
Reservoirs Environmentai, Inc. is an analytical laboratory accredited for the analysis of Industrial Hygiene
and Environmental matrices by the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP), Lab
Code 101896-0 for Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM)
analysis and the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA), Lab ID 101533 - Accreditation Certificate
#480 for Phase Contrast Microscopy (PCM) analysis. This laboratory is currently proficient in both
Proficiency Testing and PAT programs respectively.
Reservoirs Environmental, Inc. has analyzed the following samples for asbestos content as per your
request. The analysis has been completed in general accordance with the appropriate methodology as
stated in the attached analysis table. The results have been submitted to your office.
RES 189153-1 is the job number assigned to this study. This report is considered highly confidential
and the sole property of the customer. Reservoirs Environmental, Inc. will not discuss any part of this study
with personnel other than those of the client. The results described in this report only apply to the samples
analyzed. This report must not be used to claim endorsement of products or analytical results by NVLAP or
any agency of the U.S. Government. This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without written
approval from Reservoirs Environmental, Inc. Samples will be disposed of after sixty days unless longer
storage is requested. If you have any questions about this report, please feel free to call 303-964-1986.
Jeanne Spencer Orr
Paul D. LoScalzo Weniong Liu
Michael Scales Rich Wegrzyn
Anita Bridges James Venendaal
Adam Kinch Louis A. Church Jr.
Robert R. Workman Jr.
F: 303-477-4275
5801 Logan Street, Suite 100 Denver, CO 80216
Page 1 of 3
1-866-RES I-ENV
www. rei lab. com
NVLAP Lab Code 101896-0
TDH Licensed Laboratory # 30-0136
RES Job Number:
Client Project Number / P.O.
Client Project Description:
Date Samples Received:
Analysis Type:
Date Analyzed:
RES 189153-1
Farmer 8� Associates (CO)
680 W. Lions Gate PI. Vail
March 31, 2010
PLM, Short Report
2 Hour
March 31, 2010
Page 2 of 3
ient a L A�l�t's���A��n#en� '�-� ��; on on
Sample ID Number A Sub Asbestos Fibrous
Number Y Physical Part � Fibrous Components
E Description (%� Mineral � visuai omponents (%)
R ; Estimate (% (%)
D16-60 EM 549805 A Gray granular plaster 3 ND 0 100
B Pink granular plaster 97 ND 0 100
D16-61 EM 549806 A White texture w/ white paint 40 ND TR 100
B White compound w/ white/pink paint 60 ND 0 100
D16-62 EM 549807 A White foamy texture w/ white paint 100 ND 3 97
D16-63 EM 549808 A White texture w/ white paint 10 ND 0 100
B White foamy texture w/ white paint 90 ND 3 97
D16-64 EM 549809 A White texture w/ white paint 30 ND 0 100
B White drywall 70 ND 3 97
D16-65 EM 549810 A White texture w/ white paint 20 ND 0 100
B Tan/white drywall 80 ND 15 85
D16-66 EM 549811 A White texture w/ white paint 20 ND 0 100
B Tan/white drywall 80 ND 3 97
D16-67 EM 549812 A White texture w/ pink paint 5 ND 0 100
B White paint 5 ND 0 100
C White texture 10 Chrysotile 4 0 96
D Tan/white drywall 80 ND 10 90
ND=None Detected
TR=Trace, <1 % Visual Es[imate
Tre m-Act=Tremol ite-Actinol i[e
Note: Further analysis bp TEM is recommended for organically bound material (i.e. floor tile)
if PLM resul[s are<(%.
, ��
�� W.
Data QA
NVLAP Lab Code 101896-0
TDH Licensed Laboratory # 30-0136
RES Job Number:
Client Project Number / P.O.
Client Project Description:
Date Samples Received:
Analysis Type:
Date Analyzed:
RES 189153-1
Farmer 8 Associates (CO)
680 W. Lions Gate PI. Vail
March 31, 2010
P�M, Short Report
2 Hour
March 31, 2010
Page 3 of 3
ient a � Askiesti�s ��nter�f :;,::' on on-
Sample ID Number A Sub Asbestos Fibrous
Number Y Physical Part � Fibrous Componen#
E Description (%) Mineral � visuai omponents (%)
R ; Estimate (% (%
D16-68 EM 549813 A White texture w/ pink paint 10 ND 0 100
B White paint 10 ND 0 100
C White texture 10 Chrysotile 4 0 96
D Tan/white drywall 70 ND 20 80
D16-69 EM 549814 A White foamy texture w/ white compound & 10 Chrysotile 5 0 95
white paint
B Tan/white drywall 90 ND 10 90
D16-70 EM 549815 A Gray granular piaster 20 ND 0 100
B White foamy texture w/ white paint 80 Chrysotile 7 0 93
D16-71 EM 549816 A Gray cementitious material 20 ND 0 100
B White foamy texture w/ white paint 80 Chrysotile 7 0 93
D16-72 EM 549817 A White foamy texture w/ white paint 40 Chrysotile 7 0 93
B Gray cementitious material 60 ND 0 100
ND=None Detected r o"""ysgne°°
TR=�I'race, 4% Visual Estimate IIA^ .°Nwd`. ��°s�o=
Trem-Ac[=Tremoli[e-Ac[inolite y��� �'
Note: Further analysis b}' TEM is recommended for organically bound material (i.e. floor tile) —_ wyo�''-06
if PLM results are<I%. �8t8 QA
Due Date, :.:� =; i� l l . '^" "
��� ��� � RES 189153
DueTime: i��l.;;.�_- _ ��::��6"`"`�'�'��-'� ����:%��"�b'���'�'���'d�� ��'/�:m
. G801 Lopan SL Denver, CO (f0216 •?h; 903 964-i�JBG • Fax 303-477-4275 • Toll free :8G6 RESI-ENV
PL / PCM / TEM RU (Same Day) ` PRIORITY (Next Day) _STANDARD p Air = A Bulk = 8
� (Rush PCM = 2hr, TEM • 8hr.) � � � � Dust � D Palnt = P �
CHEMISTI�Y LABORATORY HOURS: Weekda s: 8am - 5 m c5 i+� ,� � Soll = S � Wlpe = W V
Metal(a) I Dust ,r RUSH � 24 hr. _3-5 Day ��� � � Drinking Water = DW �
RCRA 8 / Meteis & Welding "Prior notlflcation Is N — � � _ Waste Water = WW � _ _ _
Fume Scan / TCLP .._. RUSH � 5 day _„_10 day requirad ror RUSH � g� � , `_ Other = 0 V_ _^_�_____
turnerounds'" � n� � � ••ASTM E1782 approved wipe medle only'•
Organlca 24 hr, � 3 day _5 Day '' � � � � � � ,,,ttt _ _
"•Turneround tlmes eetablieh a leboratory prlorlty, subJect to laboratory volume and are not Quarenteetl. �� � F �
Additlonal fees appiy for efterhoura, weekenda snd halidays," ��,�' � � g m � _�_�_
� � V d �
,@9� � F. �,pq
3pecla� Inetructlons: U�P ���� i� �F � 13'� ` i lj' ��"' �' F � co � � a� � v c Date Time
i ' ' �`�i ' � a � � � E � ;� � Collected � Collected EM Number
Client sam le ID tlumber Sample fD's mu9t be unl ue) � I�� a �� �� g� � v g� mm/aayy j nnrmm e/p (Laboratory Use Only)
1 1"' S� ---.._ � �{�' ' " �` ' s�'�#t'_-�=�� _—c �_+_ _ . _.. V — c -io i 2 � �=". � +�:iY�.S1" ..�
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Number or samples received: �� (Atlditlional samples shall be listed on attached long form.)
NOTE: REI wlll enatyze Ineominp eamples beeed upon INormetion roceived and wlll not be responaible for errora or omlealone In celculellons resultinp from the ineceurecy of originel dala. By sl8ninp ellenUwmpeny repreaentetive egreee thet eubmlaaion o/ the
(ollowing samplee for requeated enelysie ae Indlcatad an thia Cheln of Cusfody shall canetltute en anelyticel servlcea epreement wlth payment terms of NE7 30 days, failure to comply wlth peyment terma may result In e 7.5% monthly Interest surcherpe.
Relin Ui8h8d B: � 2—"r— �� —� v� Date/Time: t�� G:�/'j Sample Condition: On Ice Sealed Intact
Laboratory Use Only , � , , , - � � �,, � j L � �; , , Temp. (F°) Y/N Y/N { Y�N
Recelvad Bv; � �' % r, L t L.�-�., %" �. c::, � Date/T ime: �, Carrier: �- ':: �.
Contact ;�� Page ' honeiEmail Fax Date'�j �5 �l ' Time Initial ontact Page Phone Emaii Fax Date Time IniGals
Contact Paae ne Emaii Fax Date 7ime Initials Contact Paae Phone Email Fax Date Time Initiais
Total Rows: 5
Inspection Items for B10-0234
Appr Re Items Action
—TYes 10 I 1 I AP
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13:13 01/15/2013