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HomeMy WebLinkAboutM10-0201NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT : �owxo�vn� . Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970-479-2139 f. 970.479.2452 inspections. 970.479.2149 MECHANICAL PERMIT ADUP Job Address: 1459 GREENHILL CT VAIL Location.....: Parcel No...: 210312403054 OWNER ORLINSKY, DAVID 09/29/2010 103 W 89TH ST NEW YORK NY 10024 APPLICANT WESTERN FIREPLACE SUPPLY, IN 09/29/2010 1685 PAONIA COLO SPRINGS, CO 80915 PO BOX 670 MINTURN, CO 81645 License: 323-M CONTRACTOR WESTERN FIREPLACE SUPPLY, IN 09/29/201 1685 PAONIA COLO SPRINGS, CO 80915 PO BOX 670 MINTURN, CO 81645 License: 323-M Phone: 6683760 Phone: 668-3760 Desciption: INSTALL ONE DIRECT VENT GAS FIREPLACE MODEL "750-TRS-IPFE" Valuation: $2,710.00 ALL TIMES Permit #: M10-0201 Project #: PRJ10-0315 Status . . . : ISSUED Applied . . : 09/29/2010 Issued . . : 10/15/2010 Expires . .: 04/13/2011 .....................................:...........«....«....,�..........,.........«FEE SUMMARY.,...«.....«.........,+..........................................�..................... Mechanical Permit Fee---> $60.00 Will Call------------> $4.00 Total Calculated Fees---> Plan Check---------------> $15.00 Use Tax Fee------> $0.00 Additional Fees-----------> Investigation-------------> $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEE---> $79.00 $0.00 5�9.00 Total Calculated Fees—> $79.00 Payments--------------> 579.00 BALANCE DUE--------> a0.00 ftR##�R1tM//RRtt4tk****feff'!*t#1f�*k##4kM#fHehfYfFfht*44####�RMt##t#Rf*1*f'R►R*Af4k*�F****Rf'44***ihtilf*iR#►##+�t##Ytftk********#i#*****Riiif!►*R#YnFbfFM**A*Nit#ARf***iRfMlefltif4rfHYeRMfF****k4t44ARkf4ff#ff 4i APPROVALS Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 10/14/2010 cg Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT ►,ri�ttaK�wr►�xrtwwwra�w��M.�+*i.�►►�w�wrtww►wwve�rwinrwxww�wn►►�w,rt+r*r�ntxwwwr�rwve�,rnw«����,t�w:ww►w►,tw�►rrrf�wxw,ewrrow��w�,�+�r.,tf,rxr►►:,�rs���wr►x,e�iewwwwwwi.www:�+rtrrirR:�::,�,t+*tfa„�en*x�w�ww,vwrt�,r� CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 42 (BLDG 2009) CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORS REQUIRED TO BE INSTALLED PER 2009 IRC R315 ............»...........+ ..................»........................................,. *......:......................... «. �.... �....., t:.......»..... «. «.... �........,.,...,................ DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. � REQUESTS FOR I ION S MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:0( AM - 4 ----- -..�..._...__.._.__.....______ /� � 0 � ignature of Owner or Contrac o te Print Name mechca n ical_perm it_041908 **********+****************************r********�******��*********************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement +*********+****r***r************��************+***************�**********�***********�****** Statement Number: R100001586 Amount: $79.00 10/15/201011:59 AM Payment Method: Check Init: SAB Notation: 2692- WESTERN FIREPLACE SUPPLY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: M10-0201 Type: MECHANICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2103-124-0305-4 Site Address: 1459 GREENHILL CT VAIL Location: Total Fees: $79.00 This Payment: $79.00 Total ALL Pmts: $79.00 Balance: $0.00 +*+**************************************r******************�******************************* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ MP 00100003111100 MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 60.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 15.00 WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 4.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- G �v;_ 'r ��.`, Jj��`_�f'�?� 'iE �i�'1 F:';Ir�:?I.'- �� � � � . �� ,, �� MECHAMI�AL 1�����' 9oller / Furrt,�cQ �!'fro17j,�,�e AaDIlt�ti0t58 ��i�t��t�de. SEP 2��QjQ o Cc�mptete Mechanical Room Floor �lan wtth ��mensions C Br31l�"r ;;z�o �i e�?c;en�� � CCmbustion Alr Duc[ Sfze and l,ocEtion n�,;u;p�,�,�� �; ��»� �pi-; ���,��,��;� � ❑ Flue detail or Vem size, locadvn & terminatlan Manufactus�,'s inFo shawin�mak8, mode) t� app!�val listinQ) _ � GeS Plpinp layout !ndudtng dCVClapment length Calcvlatlarls QfflcQ lla�_ � Heat Loss �aiculadons Pro�oa �: _„���5 � Q'� 3,��_ . --- ._....._....__ -- '� ,(�� J-� _ ----.. . ... _._ . ..t.,.�� �5�.�,_/ � P Js�q�eet Addr�ss• BuHdtng p�r,nt,� � v....._�_ � �--.� , � =t.i�l`� ��� G�i � Mech�n(c:eS �amtii #: . .��.,QM-�.11 r2i.l,d � ; tNUmber) (atreetj (3uHa #} Lot # � �l;��s # �riw Subcii�•leian: ' Bullding/Compisx Name: ._._ ,.,�._,.,.,,,._4_..__ �. __ _...._..___ .:_. _ _._ �. �,,• _ •.., .... .... _,.._ _. .__ _ . . _ ...._ .. Contractor iniomtatlon: ! Company:ls(�K'B�( 9F►P,6P1,J0.GF's S��_^ � Compony Addresa' �,_.���C . _. "/ �� Z Ciiy: /� i1 D Ai Btotv ,�,:0 _ Zlp:_ ��� , C�nkact Neme: �O � ; Contact Phone: � ��"9� �..� � E-Mau �oE=��?E-R�l�'���PLArC.l� .Co t� ' Town of Vall Con;ractor Re9letretlon �io.: ��3'" r� �v � ,.---"""". I\ Cont uro {nqulrsd! i I; i� � � � Defina Scopy a�sd Loeek�on ot Work: t N St',/#-LL D�d� ; � �?,���`�' �r: � n! T� S f ! �PL i t�to� ��._.�.�� .' 7 �.- � - t P' �� 'r ,' � ` (uae sddiNonet c�t !S ne�u9�ry} ! .. . .. ... .. . . . _ ._ . _,.__ . . ..._----- i _ --- - � a Gae� �1� ;n;� s� �°.�ud�d � �Gae plp�n� ty pthers Wood t�x �!s Flro�ia09 Ganv�rsie.*► i �.9o��er lo �+�nr;.. _.... � _ _._.. . ..,. .�. .. ....... � .._.�........__._._...�__.._,..�.� � Intario. �y "cxterlor ( } tJther { } ; _,.,.. o... _ . .. _._.._�... ..._......_ .. _.____._,.._ . _........._._..__-_._ .--� •-------..._� Numher cf Exlettn� Flrflp��ces: ...�.._._..__._�...._,_---._____.-----... _ .�_...._.,_,.�.�._.. . . __. .. t3asAppA�n�ls�„t�2s Laga YVO�sdlPallef ' �Propertylntormetion . ..---V�....,.�,----.�_�,,.,_..._.,�.._�.._..___.�._.._.v_,_.._..� .,___._._._.---_._ ; ' Paroal #: 2�� 3- 1�-d 3- �y� ! Number ot PrQpoead �lrSp!BAes: _- !(For percel �, cont�at Eagle Counb Aeeeesore Ofit+e at 97032d-e@4a or i Ges J�pilc�n�s �r Ca� LOga WoodlPe!let � ivlsitwmv.eopiocaunty.uslpetle) �--------._____......_._..,...,.. �.._.._.o.___._�_�._�__..._.�._._..,_.�„_.� ; Typa at B�l�ding: .' ._ p i ' Tel�an: Nome: ! � �(Commerclai Prr��srties � 51ny��Famlly ( ; �u�!�x �1 Mul��-Famlty ( ? Commero�al ( ) ; Ownqr Name; � � �� � Restouroni ( ) �.'�tr,er ( ) i _ . .._._ .._...._... _ ... __...._ ___.. _._ _ _..._. _ . ......__.........__......_; _�....._.�__ -..,.,.._�_.._..._..___ ....____.r....V. _�..�_ _.. ,.. ____� Data R�o+�1ve�; ; Complete Valuatlon ior Meohanice! Pe�it: (Including fire lac�e) ' ; MechenlCa! $; � 1 p do ; i �---....._. .. _ _ ------._.. ,. -- ---- __ __.. .._. _ ; ���,00 C;kdevlt�ttnylportaitvlbuildin�lmcche►ifcel�erTnit, 010114 ��{� L� �'GII i,. i�i. Cri rY. , j i �.� 1_���L Para obtener un ejemplar en E9ps� 5c. de est4= Menuel de� propietario, vi6ite www,neatn�'�. HEAT GLO_ No ono bullds a better Plre � Modeis; � � SL-750TRS-IPi-E SL-550TR3-(PI-E SL-750TRS-E SL-SSUTRS-E 3L-350TRS-IPI 1 , `�, ,� i�i G Y L F. I t ' .�_ .. �' 1. �� �f�! �� �� L i �� G I • �� _ ��O • ='i'!P ��lT12^!���.;r �Y; �r��n���f� a�, f�an�a,s de ce Manuel �;1f'� d'u p'r'�prir`t81�e, uigitez � � � ^ '��•�' . ��� , _���F . Nt?TICE �wr��r'� Manual lnstallatlon and 4peratlon �; ; DO NOT DISGARD THIS M�4hlU�il_ QAS=FIREQ c �L uS �d�TEQ � Importa�t operating • Read, understend estd foNow � Leav� fhls manual wrth and meintenonce iheeeinatruct�o�sforst�fe DartvtE9pOn4iblo�Oruse ir,siructiona inG�,ded. Instel(ation and ooeretion. snd +�peration. A WARNING� 1! the informatlon In these instructions is not foliowed exactJy, a flr� or exploslon may result �auaing property damage� peraonei injury, Qr death. • DO NOT store or use gasoline or other flarn- mable vapor� and ilqufd� in thQ ��icinity af this ar any other appliance. • What to do li you emell gas - DO NOT try to ►ight any appliance. - DO NOT touch any electricai switch. DO NOT use any phone in your buiiding. - Immediately cail yaur gas suppiier from a neighbor's phone. Fo►low the ges suppli- @f'S If15t�UC'tlOftS. - if you cannot reach yaur gas supplier, call the fire department. • Installation and service must b� p9rformed by a qua}ified installer, s�rvice agency, or the gas supplier. Thls aopllance may be instalied ae an OEM �n9teiletion in menufectured home tUSA only) or mobile home ana must be Inetalled In accordance with the martufecturere inatructiana end the menuisctured home conBtruction and �afsty atand�rd, Title 24 CFR, Part 3290 or Standar8 for Instellation /n MoAI.►e HomeS, CAN�SA Z240MH, in yQnede. This eppliance rs or,ly (or use �vith ,he type(sJ vf gas indicateri on the rating p/ate. � �j �'�'� �� ; � �� �t,� �,� + ;� a' � �. ' .� 1�1 � � '�At�i���1G r�o� su��a��g! �!aes and u�F�r surfaceF aro hot during �cT�±l��r. ANC� �:,I �ewr.. �tat �iass wtl! ceuae burna. � Dp N01' iaueh glasas untif tt Is eooled • N�/FR aHow c�?d�Bn ia touch gtess • I{ono r_h±!drr�� awr8y • CAt2CcUaLY' Si.�E�ERViSE �hll�ron Ir sarr+e room as ". ro;:l �: u'e • r+Mert :;,�:idrar srsd eziuit� to hszards of high tt+mperaturos. Hlgh teestp�rrt�� may I�nite clothlnp orathor i'tammabta matr.Ma:a. • ICBil� CIOt�'i!R�j, ��rrrntuni. d�aoeries and other flammable n�±e?�e�l, nw?tir. Thts ap�l��nc� hss been auppdted wltt► An tntegra! barrJer [� Frev�nt dlreCt cont.�ct with he f�x�d ��ass panol. DO NO?' ���rzrRa tns� �g�pl,snre wtth ttre l�errfsr romaveQ. Gontatt yvur daa`a� or Hr.arth R Nome Technobgies if th� barrier is not s��enc ar help ia naadad to prQper�y instel� on4. 1n tne Commor�v9�iir ef Maasaciiustrtta inetaNatfon must be perfortned �y a iiceneea pl�imber or gas fitter. 5ee labte w3 Gonten�s for locatlon aT addltionai Commonwealth pf Massa�h�sc�ti.� re�uirema�nt� I�ste?tri*��� �n� �en�icrn of thia appi;enc.e 9houtd be `��'� �e�-�^n�:i by gJal�fied peraan,�e'. Ho�rtl� & Horne ;�� °;; Ta�h�5�:�I�g;eB auggesis N�I certs'icd nr facrory tralned �" �°' ��o;9��ionais, or techniciang supervised by en NFI `br;:(li�t; �':,�H�t±5iDtt�s1. Heat & Olo • 3�-750TR9-lPI-E, SL-55�TR3-fPl-E, a�3�+�f�t�-I°i � 2120-�D1 Ft�v. K� 8fb9 v S 11-18-2010 Inspection Request Reporting Page 55 �:QS am Vail, CO - Cit= Of Requested Inspect Date: Thursday� November 18, 2010 Site Address: 1459 GREENHILL CT VAIL A/P/D Information Activity: M10-0201 Type: B-MECH Sub Type: ADUP Status: ISSUED Const Type: Occupancy: Use: Insp Area: Owner: ORLINSKY, DAVID Contractor: WESTERN FIREPLACE SUPPLY, INC. Phone: 668-3760 Description: INSTALL ONE DIRECT VENT GAS FIREPLACE MODEL "750-TRS-IPFE" Requested Inspection(s) Item: 390 MECH-Final Requested Time: 01:00 PM Requestor: WESTERN FIREPLACE SUPPLY, INC. Phone: rick 331-1427 Assigned To: ******`*`*"* Entered By: SBELLM K Action: Time Exp: Inspection Historv Item: 200 MECH-Rough *" Approved ** 10/25/10" Ins ector: JRM Action: AP APPROVED Comment: FI�EPLACE ROUGH APPROVED Item: 310 MECH-Heating Item: 315 PLMB-Gas Pipin�g Item: 320 MECH-Exhaust Hoods Item: 330 MECH-Supply Air Item: 340 MECH-Misc. Item: 390 MECH-Final ���� n I� ��� �� REPT131 Run Id: 12193