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DRB100491 ERWSD signoff
. UTItiTYAPPRBVAL &VERIFICATIt7N T�is torm serves to verify that the qropoxd fmprovements will no[ impatte�ry tY�np or propoxtl utilityservices, and alw tnveri(y scrvkc avallehillty aM lootlon for nevr ocaswcqon and sM1add 4c u.ed In wnJunRfon wRh prcparing your u6'ilty pGen and xhodul� Ing InsFallatlons. A site plaq fnduding gradng ptan, flwr plan, and elevati�ns, shail be w6mlt5ed [o tde fdlmWq utYK7&s fDl' ap• proval anA ��erifiratlon. PLEAS� ALLOW UP TO 2 WEEKS i�OR APPROVAL OR COMMENTS FROMi TiIE USILi�t t6MPA- MIlS. If you xv unal�ie M abtain mrnm¢nts within thattimeTmme please mnta�'fie7orm of Vall. � s�o,�arro�reyn�, 'lZ5 -��sf �, " � �� i.or�,_e�oce� s�,n��6�: V1l rO P�ims[Y ntau / rierRepnesenative: �-$'C�h �CUt'✓TG. � . .rhonr. q�C7• G71O • �`�I �J �✓ Plero �et0d' _. 1 • �rJ ` � FJ Prf�n �cU nerAry�nacel�tisc $ipn�E�re �' ' , AulFwrized9lfl�ture .Commenta D� �� 970.46&6960(tep 970.46A.6G72(faxJ Con�cb: .Satnuei TooA.'ry XC[L}IIGH PRE56URE GAS 970.262.�076 (Ml} 970.968.N01 (!d%) � COINaa: Nidi SIF�erw ' ,�ue[os�e[e HOLY CROSS FNERGY 970.947.5471 (te� . 976.945A061 (fL%} COI7[b.."t: OiD(N G0�15 d� .com XCEL Ener9Y . , ' 878.262.4038 (fax) . 97i1.262.4024 (telJ ' . mn�cis: IQt Boge�t - � FAGIE RlYER WATER 8a SAM�'YA- I� e y� `� _ 'l� , TION 6TSYAYCP `� e n1 i / 7. {�wa ��� �'� w T'� ' - J 97q.476J4Hl1 [�I) �LSGIX ,.� 1 9�2 e�o.n�d.aaa9 ir�y (�(�- �3 . ' ' Con�ct Fscd Hasice T Q , _ . . ' fba�ec�crvi�tl.oro �.j�'fJ` �. 00lICA5Y raw c 970.619.D75Y (tel} 970.44&2b72 (Faz) [pnpcp 7orry FPoldmth _ �Y..hildreC��L3Ule.mm[d6tt6M . CDOT (Only �n COOTR1gh0of-way) 970.683.U284 [41J . Conta� Dan Rou�in oaraci.ra�uip�dot.state.co.us , � N07FS: 1. U61Ty locations must be ohtalned before d'gging. 2. A Rewcable Right-oF-Way Permit may he required tor arrV improvements whhin a street rlghaof-way, tmtacC the Publk Works Departrnent Far verlficatiort 970.479.�196. 3. It is the responsibiGty aFtihe ufility wmpany and t9te applitant m resolve problems identlfied above. 4. The Primary Contact/Owner RepresenFative is required to subrtMt any revi5ed draYrings to the above a�encies for re-appcoval & re-veriFlcatlm iP me submittea plans are altered ia a�ry way aPter tha authorined signature date. i