HomeMy WebLinkAboutB06-0356� Community Development Department 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado USA 81657 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY This certificate is issued pursuant to the requirements of Title 10, Section 10-1-2, ADOP'I'ED CODES of the Vail Town Code certifying that, at the time of issuance, this structure was found to be substantially in compliance with the various ordinances of the town regulating building construction or use far the following: Name and description of project New Duplex Address of project: 184 Beaver Dam Road Owner name and address: White Rock Beaver Dam LLC IBC Edition: 2003 IBC Occupancy Group(s): R3 Type(s) of Construction: VB Permit Number(s): B06-0356 Occupant Load: Martin Haeberle, Chief Building Official Sprinkler System Y/N Type: Y 13 � ic� �� Date TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Job Address: Location.......: Parcel No....: Legal Description: Project No . : OWNER APPLICANT CONTRACTOR DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ASBESTOS 184 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL 184 BEAVER DAM RD 210107113007 �� WHITE ROCK BEAVER DAM PO BOX 3546 LITTLE ROCK AK 72203 COLORADO ENVIRONMENTAL PO BOX 5110 EAGLE CO 81631 License: 700-5 COLORADO ENVIRONMENTAL PO BOX 5110 EAGLE CO 81631 License: 700-5 LLC Permit #: ASB06-0017 Status . . . : Applied . . : Issued . . . : Expires . . .: SPECI 08/08/2006 Phone: 390-4889 SPECI 08/08/2006 Phone: 390-4889 Desciption: REMOVE 1300 SQ FT OF POPCORN CEILING AND 250 SQ FT OF VINYL Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: Valuation �� $27,000.00 Add Sq Ft: 0 FINAL 08/08/2006 12/ 11 /2006 06/09/2007 Fireplace Information: Restricted: # of Gas Appliances: 0 k of Gas Logs: 0 k of Wood PelleC 0 +*��►********+**►�+�*****+**s**s*r+***+*******+++�*s*s**t*****++*r*a FEE S UMMARY rt�**********►***s*****+s*►*►s******r+*►►+*+*�s+*+**+xsa�++s Building------> $58. 00 Total Calculated Fees--> 5116. 00 Plan Check---> $58. 00 Additional Fees----------> $0. 00 Investigation-> $0. 00 Total Permit Fee---------> $116. 00 Payments-------------------> $116.00 TOTAL FEES-------------> $116. 00 BALANCE DUE---------> $0. 00 s**.**►:►�:�.*:+.*s��+►x*�:.s.�■.*+******«*.**.:+****:*�►.*�.**�*.*.s*:***ssr:*****.:�:*.**s***.**■+**.►**■*.*«�*►***.s■*.**.►*+*r.s*■+s*s*s*s+s.� Approvals: Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 08/11/2006 DRhoades Action: APPR As submitted. **:*...�*..........*.*..*..+.�...�.......*.*.++..*�..++.*.*.+**...+.....�.�*+.».�.�*.+.»�.�*..+*..�*,�+++.��*.»,���.:*..*..�:.+.�+.....,:...+++.,:.:. See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, ,;� and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residentail Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE SEVENTY-TWO HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970-479-2252. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER PAGE2 ******************************************************************************************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: ASB06-0017 as of 02-06-2013 Status: FINAL ******************************************************************************************************** Permit Type: ASBESTOS Applicant: COLORADO ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALISTS,INC Issued: 12/11 /2006 390-4889 Job Address: 184 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Location: 184 BEAVER DAM RD Parcel No: 210107113007 Description: REMOVE 1300 SQ FT OF POPCORN CEILING AND 250 SQ FT OF ViNYL Conditions: Cond: 38 (BLDG.): THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FOR ASBESTOS ABATEMENT ONLY. AN ASBESTOS ABATEMENT CERTIFICATE SHOWING THE AREA FREE FROM ASBESTOS IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ANY FURTHER WORK OCCURING ON THIS SITE. IF FURTHER QUESTIONS ARISE, CONTACT THE VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT AT 479-2252. Cond: 1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 12 APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Applied: 08/08/2006 To Expire: 06/09/2007 ASB06-0017: Entries for Item:228 - FIRE - Final 13:44 02/06/2013 Comments By Date Total Rows: 1 AIR LETTER IN FILE JS 01 Page 1 **++******+*********************+**�*********+**r************�+*****+****+********�++******* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 02-06-2013 at 13:44:20 02/06/2013 Statement *****+*****************************+****************************************************�*** Statement Number: R080001672 Amount: $299.50 09/17/200802:59 PM Payment Method:Credit Crd Init: DDG Notation: credit card Armando Dominguez ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: A08-0073 Type: ALARM PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-071-1300-7 2101-071-1305-7 Site Address: 184 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Location: UNIT B Total Fees: $299.50 This Payment: $299.50 Total ALL Pmts: $299.50 Balance: $0.00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code -------------------- BP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 Description Current Pmts ------------------------------ ------------ FIRE ALARM PERMIT FEES 67.50 PLAN CHECK FEES 232.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *************+**+**********************************+**************+****+**+***************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 02-06-2013 at 13:44:03 02/06/2013 Statement ****++*********************************************************+*****++********+************ Statement Number: Amount: $72.00 06/24/200907:44 AM Payment Method: Other Init: DR Notation: Incorrectly charged reinspect fee on 06/23/09 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: A08-0072 Type: ALARM PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-071-1300-7 2101-071-1305-7 Site Address: 189 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Location: UNIT A Total Fees: $371.50 This Payment: $72.00 Total ALL Pmts: $371.50 Balance: $0.00 ****+**********************************************************************a*****+********** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code -------------------- BP 00100003111100 Description Current Pmts ------------------------------ ------------ FIRE ALARM PERMIT FEES 72.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *******************+*********+*********++**************+******************��*******�******** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 02-06-2013 at 13:44:33 02/06/2013 Statement ******************************************+**+********�*********************************�*** Statement Number: R060002085 Amount: $116.00 12/11/200612:50 PM Payment Method: Check Init: LC Notation: #1509/COLORADO ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALISTS/DOWLING ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: ASB06-0017 Type: ASBESTOS Parcel No: 2101-071-1300-7 2101-071-1305-7 Site Address: 184 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Location: 184 BEAVER DAM RD Total Fees: $116.00 This Payment: $116.00 Total ALL Pmts: $116.00 Balance: $0.00 ******+****��*********+************************************+***+**************************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ BP 00100003111100 BUILDING PERMIT FEES 58.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 58.00 Action Total Rows: 1 B06-0356: Entries for Item:540 - BLDG-Final C/O 13:45 02/06/2013 BY I Date Unique_ Page 1 483 Action AP Total Rows: 1 D06-0010: Entries for Item:90 By Page 1 - BLDG-Final Date Unique_ A000 215 13:45 02/06/2013 Comments Total Rows: 1 E07-0171: Entries for Item:190 By Page 1 - ELEC-Final Date Unique_ 604 13:45 02/06/2013 E08-0254: Entries for Item:190 - ELEC-Final 13:45 02/06/2013 Action Comments By Date Unique_ Ke PA Unit B, west side, mdenney 04/15/2010 A000132 Complete Install of lighting @ front entry. 1 354 light has been provided for egress lighting, 4 remain to be installed. AP sgremmer 07/22/2010 A000134 963 Total Rows: 2 Page 1 Comments Total Rows: 1 E07-0171: Entries for Item:190 By shahn Page 1 - ELEC-Final ate Unique_ Ke B/13/2007 A000103 604 13:46 02/06/2013 `;� E08-0254: Entries for Item:190 - ELEC-Final 13:46 02/06/2013 Action Comments By Date Unique_ Ke PA Unit B, west side, mdenney 04/15/2010 A000132 Complete Install of lighting @ front entry. 1 354 light has been provided for egress lighting, 4 remain to be installed. AP sgremmer 07/22/2010 A000134 963 Total Rows: 2 Page 1 M08-0224: Entries for Item:390 - MECH-Final 13:47 02/06/2013 Action Comments By Date Unique_ Ke CR 1) PAINT EXPOSED PVC BOILER VENT CG 04/09/2010 A000132 AND INTAKE AT SIDE WALL 261 2) SUPPORT PVC BOILER VENT AND INTAKE IN MECHANICAL ROOM AT 4' O.C. MAX ON SNOWMELT BOILER AP JRM 04/20/2010 A000132 382 Total Rows: 2 Page 1 M08-0225: Entries for Item:390 - MECH-Final 13:47 02/06/2013 Comments By Date Unique_ AP Total Rows: 2 JRM 04/20/2010 A000132 385 Martin 07/13/2010 A000134 Page 1 655 M09-0065: Entries for Item:390 - MECH-Final 13:47 02/06/2013 Total Rows: 4 Page 1 M09-0085: Entries for Item:390 - MECH-Final 13:47 02/06/2013 Action Comments By Date Unique_ Ke DN PATIO FIRE PIT NOT INSTALLED, JRM 04/16/2010 A000132 FIREPLACE DOWN STAIRS FAILED TO 367 LIGHT AP Martin 08/16/2010 A000135 608 Total Rows: 2 Page 1 M09-0114: Entries for Item:390 - MECH-Final 13:48 02/06/2013 Action Comments By Date Unique_ Ke PA inspected 4 sealed units in house and outdoor mdenney 07/26/2010 A000135 pit. 034 need to inspect wood burning unit with gas lo s- did not li ht durin ins ection. AP mdenney 08/05/2010 A000135 328 Total Rows: 2 Page 1 P08-0087: Entries for Item:290 - PLMB-Final 13:48 02/06/2013 Total Rows: 2 Page 1 �� ,� O L S O N & S O N S C O N 5 T R U C T I O N, I N C April 30, 2010 Martin Haeberle Chief Building Official Town Of Vail Re: 184 Beaver Dam Raad Side A Permit # 606-0356 Martin, 184 Beaver Dam A Side is still under construction. It is in the trim stage with tile, countertops, painting, plaster, plumbing fixtures and carpet yet to be completed. Completion of the above items should be the first part of August 2010. Thank You, Tim Olson �� Olson and Sons Construction Post Office Box 438 Edwards, CO 81632 Telephone 970-926-3289 Fax 970-926-4266 � �C�C��MC� APR 3 0 2010 TOWN OF VAI L ,�(� J TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-213 8 Job Address: Location.....: Parcel No...: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT 184 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL 184 BEAVER DAM ROAD 210107113007 : OWNER WHITE ROCK BEAVER DAM LLC PO BOX 3546 LITTLE ROCK AK 72203 � ARCHITECT RESLOCK & SULLIVAN LLC 1582 PROUTY DRIVE EVERGREN CO 80439 License: C000002181 i APPLICANT RESLOCK AND SULLIVAN, LLC BILL RESLOCK ' CONTRACTOR WHITE ROCK License: 860-B i2/2o/2006 Permit # Project #: Status . . . : Applied . . : Issued . . . Expires.....: B06-0356 PRJ06-0360 ISSUED 12/20/2006 07/20/2009 09/30/2007 12/20/2006 Phone: 303-773-9578 12/20/2006 Phone: 303-773-9578 12/20/2006 Phone: (914) 260-9070 ; Desciption: NEW CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW PRIMARY/SECONDARY RESIDENCE 's Occupancy Type Factor Sq Feet Valuation Totals... 10,740 $2,700,000.00* Number of Dwelling Units: 2 ; Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: 2,700,000.00 Revision Valuation: $0.00 ******ra�**s�**+*********ss*********ss#a*s�********+*sssr*+***a*s FEE S UMMARY **rrs.***s***r**sr�s�*s*********s.*�s******s*as*�*sss�++*** ! Building------> $11, 813 . 75 Restuarant Plan Review--> $o . 00 Total Calculated Fees-----> $21, 546. 69 ! Plan Check---> $ 7, 6 7 8. 94 Recreation Fee------------> $1, 611 . 0 0 Additional Fees------------> $ 4 7. 0 0 Investigation-> $ o. 0 o TOTAL FEES-------------> $ 21, 5 a 6. 6 9 Total Permit Fee-----------> $21,593.69 i W ill Call-----> $ 3. 0 0 Payments-------------------> $ 21, 5 9 3. 6 9 BALANCE DUE---------> $0. 00 ++...**.***s*+»r..�.ss++sr.,»+�ss•.•ar.+*ar.s.�.sas+ssts:s***.+.•�•rs.tss*.sr.*.�.+�vsss.:*:�rs.*..s►a■sr.s.�.s�s++s:*:*��..s�..*.+.ss.s.*+�.s�+� i Approvals: ! Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Ol/10/2007 cgunion Action: CR CORRECTIONS REQUIRED. PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS TO APPLICANT F:\cdev\CHRIS\PERMIT.COMMENTS\B06-0356\B06-0356.DOC Ol/25/2007 CGUNION Action: AP APPROVED REVISED DRAWINGS 07/06/2009 cg Action: DN REVISIONS DENIED. COMMENTS SENT F:\CDev\CHRIS\PERMIT.COMMENTS\B06-0356\B06-0356revisions.DOC 07/17/2009 cg Action: AP APPROVED REVISIONS Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT O1/15/2007 bgibson O1/25/2007 bgibson Action: AP Action: PA 1/19/07 revisions approved with the condit: the window well guard rails shall match the deck rails. 07/Ol/2009 bgibson Action: AP revisions approved and plans routed to Chr: Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Ol/03/2007 mlv Action: COND tire sprinkler/monitored tire alarm system required. Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS O1/03/2007 gc Action: DN Provide a site plan with a driveway plan. Provide a completed Public Way permit. Move boulder wall out of Right of Way. 02/13/2007 gc Action: COND Driveway grades not to exceed 8% in the ti: f rom back of pan. Provide a Revokable Right of Way permit. Rt##+k#t4####t##t##t####*######*##t##########R###4#####�t/######*####+h###i######tf4##t#4#t##t#4*######*�#�#tf####4f###t#*##t#tf#ii4#if#ff►#►####f## See the Conditions section of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. � / SIGNATLIt�OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER ******************************************************************************************************** Permit #: B06-0356 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of 07-20-2009 Status: ISSUED ******************************************************************************************************** Permit Type: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Applicant: RESLOCK AND SULLIVAN, LLC Job Address: 184 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Location: 184 BEAVER DAM ROAD Applied: 12/20/2006 Issued: 07/20/2009 Parcel No: 210107113007 ******************************************************************************************************** CONDITIONS ******************************************************************************************************** Cond: 33 (PLAN) THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: CON0008629 Retaining walls shall not exceed 6 feet in height. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): (SFR) SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED PER SECTION R313 OF THE 2003 IRC. Cond: 18 (BLDG.): STAIRWAYS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET SECTION R311.5 OF THE 2003 IRC OR SECTION 1009 OF THE 2003 IBC. Cond: 19 (BLDG.): GUARDS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET SECTION R312 OF THE 2003 IRC OR SECTION 1012 OF THE 2003 IBC. Cond: 34 (BLDG.): A COPY OF THE SOILS REPORT WILL BE REQUIRED BEFORE A FOOTING INSPECTION WILL BE CALLED FOR. Cond: 39 (BLDG): EMERGENCY ESCAPE AND RESCUE OPENINGS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET SECTION R310 OF THE 2003 IRC OR SECTION 1025 OF THE 2003 IBC. ********************�**�*************+*******************�***t*************************�**** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ****�**�**********�***********�*�***********************r*****��***************************� Statement Number: R090000871 Amount: $440.00 07/20/200910:38 AM Payment Method: Check Init: SAB Notation: 1498 3J BUILDERS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: B06-0356 Type: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-071-1300-7 Site Address: 184 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Location: 184 BEAVER DAM ROAD Total Fees: $21,593.69 This Payment: $440.00 Total ALL Pmts: $21,593.69 Balance: $0.00 ****************+*******************ss***************�*�**********************�************* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 440.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSMITTAL FORM Revision Submittals: 1. "Field SeY' of approved plans MUST accompany revisions. 2. No further inspections will be performed until the revisions are approved & the permit is re-issued. 3. Fees for reviewing revisions are $55.00 per hour (2 hour minimum), and are due upon issuance. Permit #(s) information applies to: Attention: F o to — 0 3� c. ���..�. G�,l�-,�, � Project Street Address: �� '���v � a� bA� (Number) (Street) (Suite #) Building/ComplexName: ��g' K����n.- b�►M Contractor Infor ation: Company: �� +� J � �, Y� �2� Company Address: �o � � �� City: l"� n.,�J �� State: � Zip:� �i"` Contact Name: J C-N'd'� 1• ' A�,� �°%"� Contact Phone: q \ � �� � �' Q�� E-Mail � J� ���� � V w'[.��. Tow of Vail Contractor Registration No.: �+d '"' � X � Contractor Signature (required) Valuations (Labor & Material)) Building: $ Plumbing: Electrical: $ Mechanical: Total i i i � i i i � ____� '�(.�) Revisions ( ) Response to Correction Letter attached copy of correction letter ( ) Deferred Submittal ( ) Other Description / List of Changes: �.ao 2 i' c..a.rl Uk�.'rl c� E-S V hi� NC Klz.s�.. �.�r�•� Z.-� 9�. 9w.>Jc,� � �\ br r'oo ✓�—+ a�� S'nbJ� �j-3.c..k �r �u.,�'�-s�- V►n,� `�af� `��f�x-E�2�-�LE i2!"� l.oY✓ �'rz L�� �.L r r- � 2, � � . (use additional sheet if necessary) ; _ _ _ _.__ __.._. _.. _; Date Received: � ���o�� la i�;1 � � "��I� -v�J `2 �UU� TOVVN CaF �AI�, 29-May-09 � TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Job Address: Location.....: Parcel No...: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT 184 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL 184 BEAVER DAM ROAD 210107113007 OWNER WHITE ROCK BEAVER DAM LLC PO BOX 3546 LITTLE ROCK AK 72203 ARCHITECT RESLOCK & SULLIVAN LLC 1582 PROUTY DRIVE , EVERGREN CO 80439 License: C000002181 APPLICANT RESLOCK AND SULLIVAN, LLC BILL RESLOCK CONTRACTOR WHITE ROCK License: 860-B i2/2o/2006 Permit # Project # Status . . . . Applied . . : Issued . . . Expires.....: :1• 1 . '; 1.. 1 .1 ISSUED 12/20/2006 04/03/2007 09/30/2007 12/20/2006 Phone: 303-773-9578 12/20/2006 Phone: 303-773-9578 12/20/2006 Phone: (914) 260-9070 Desciption: NEW CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW PRIMARY/SECONDARY RESIDENCE Occupancy Type Factor Sq Feet Valuation Totals... 10,740 $2,700,000.00* Number of Dwelling Units: 2 Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: 2,700,000.00 Revision Valuation: $0.00 ****�s**s*******�s***********x*********************************** FEE SUMMARY ******************************************«**********s***** Building------> $11, 813 .75 Restuarant Plan Review--> $0. 00 Total Calculated Fees-----> $21,106.69 Plan Check---> $ �, 6 7 8. 94 Recreation Fee------------ > $1, 6 f 1. o o Additional Fees------------ > $ o. o 0 Investigadon- > $ o. o o TOTAL FEES------------- > $ 2 �, 10 6. 6 9 Total Permit Fee-----------> $ 21,10 6. 6 9 Will Call----- > $ 3. 0 0 Payments-------------------> $ 21, 10 6. 6 9 BALANCE DUE---------> $0. 00 ***�**x********************s***�******************s*************�*s*****************************x******«***************************************** Approvals: Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 01/10/2007 cgunion Action: CR CORRECTIONS REQUIRED. PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS EMAILED TO APPLICAN�P F:\cdev\CHRIS\PERMIT.COMMENTS\B06-0356\B06-0356.DOC O1/25/2007 CGUNION Action: AP APPROVED REVISED DRAWINGS Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 01/15/2007 bgibson Action: AP O1/25/2007 bgibson Action: PA 1/19/07 revisions approved with the condition that the window well guard rails shall match the deck rails. Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT O1/03/2007 mlv Action: COND fire sprinkler/monitored fire alarm system required. Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS O1/03/2007 gc Action: DN Provide a site plan with a driveway plan. Provide a completed Public Way permit. Move boulder wall out of Right of Way. 02/13/2007 gc Action: COND Driveway grades not to exceed 8� in the first 10' from back of pan. Provide a Revokable Right of Way permit. Item: 05550 ENGINEERING CIVILS *�***************s********************************************�**************************�*************************************************:***** See the Conditions section of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM-4PM. �� SIGNATURE,C)F OWNER Q�R CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF *�*****��*�*****�*******�**��*�**�****�**��**�********�***�**�***�*�***�*���***�**********��*****�*�**** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: B06-0356 as of 04-03-2007 Status: ISSUED **�x*******��***********�******�***********�*�x***x�*****�**�:*�***�x**��x*��*�*�****�*�***********�x*�*�:�*�:*** Permit Type: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Applied: 12/20/2006 Applicant: RESLOCK AND SULLIVAN, LLC Issued: 04/03/2007 Job Address: 184 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Location: 184 BEAVER DAM ROAD Parcel No: 210107113007 ***�*********�**********�**�:�x**�***�*****�***�:*******�**�**�*��x**�x********�x**�x*******�****�******�*�***:� CONDITIONS �*****�x�x**�x�:**********�*****�x��x************�*********��x�***�*�**�:��*�**��x�**�****�**��x***�**���x**�**�x*** Cond: 33 (PLAN) THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: CON0008629 Retaining walls shall not exceed 6 feet in height. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): (SFR) SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED PER SECTION R313 OF THE 2003 IRC. Cond: 18 (BLDG.): STAIRWAYS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET SECTION R311.5 OF THE 2003 IRC OR SECTION 1009 OF THE 2003 IBC. Cond: 19 (BLDG.): GUARDS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET SECTION R312 OF THE 2003 IRC OR SECTION 1012 OF THE 2003 IBC. Cond: 34 (BLDG.): A COPY OF THE SOILS REPORT WILL BE REQUIRED BEFORE A FOOTING INSPECTION WILL BE CALLED FOR. Cond: 39 (BLDG): EMERGENCY ESCAPE AND RESCUE OPENINGS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET SECTION R310 OF THE 2003 IRC OR SECTION 1025 OF THE 2003 IBC. Dec 15 2006 11:54RM RESLOCKSULLI�RN ;---._ . � 303 7738694 APPLICATION WIlL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UN31G Project #: _ - Buildin Perr - � � � �� �� TOWN OF VAIL BWILDING PERMIT APPLI Separate PeRnits are requlred for eiectricat, plumbing, me 75 S. Frontage Rd. Ve(1, Cclorado 81657 CONTRACTOR IPIFORMATION General Contracior: Town �(}I Reg. Nv�.: Contact Person an i _;�. � _� _ 17_ _ ✓ � In � ► 7 \ ,/l � _ /• r _L � d� �. BUILDiNG: �,;��...�,�p o O ELECTRICAL: $�p o00 PLUMBING: $ 0 O p MECHAN{CAL: $"�-, oo �p0 0 OTHER: � �- TOTAL:$ p.2 � V�'�� v � � � � '�� 9 2��6 Q7 k". "'"`FOR OFFICE USE ONLY""�„'�,.*«�'"*"'*",�**'**"''*"'***«.*"'..",..�"",.,�'""'**'"'" F:1�dev\��S1Pert11it41BuMdn9�buldin9_perrt�4-21-0G.DOC Page 1 of 16 04/21/2006 � ,` ;� Antique Barn Wood Siding - Barnwood - Products by Price - Elmwood Reclaimed Timbe... Page 1 of 1 ' Fiaoring 45-8$ sqJft ! Flooring 85-12$ �qi� Fioaring 125+ ; SQ/� i Woad Beams Wood Firaplace ' Mantles ' Antique Barn Wood ' Siding Counter 7ops, Tabie Taps, and ' Bar Tops Reclaimed Wood ' Tables ' Current Sales and ; Speciafs ' Checkc�ut , Sign In ' ! Affiliates Ra � � � 4� � �� � aRtc , '�.� ,�1,°�.. g � ... : �: ,' ��89& — a:x�.:c.s ` ��.. �� ������ �'�. , , < � .-�>.; P!o;r , .cla...:,. �-r, 3 _..���:,.: ,�r.1 (_t. _i.i:re _ . . ..c:1�17 , „iEE: P9a; ��, TP,��a..; ( r;va�:} i:y t',:>t,��; l;s j!::>nirr:il;r�e�,i: [o :��ar�(iTY 1 F�t;i i No4v Cc, {:}riler E Rc�so��r:;es E€r�€�srnr.?ive T,r,u� : Virt:;al St�oYvr��om j i`;�ar i'r x uf i°� �,Y '`�rP��- I��,.�r k�-c lt�cts ??Y t�� >; O, r(� �c:=�:x:ts hy �:r'i;:t� i C)ur Pr,r�:tt�'s t?y C.o'or;'on,� Antique Barn Wood Siding by price ';°l:� T��� 1ij�sio��4��.r`� . � :,� L`,��r: ��.€; �e, ��d i� �„t� �,e,L�f i,r s,�,i;� a"r�ra":�,:�r� re�laimedtimber.com Check Out � Sign In � Affiliates Featured Product: Antique Barn Wood Siding Species: Mixed Sofivood Color: Red PriCe: $3.85 per sq/ft Photo Reference: Our Products By Price>Antique Barn Wood Siding>#101 Click for more detailed information on this product �O 2005-2006 Elmwood Reclaimed Timber P.O. Box 10750 • Kansas City, MO 64.'.88-075G • Phone: 816.532.0300 • Toll Free: 800.705.0705 • Fax: 816.532.0234 �'� �� , FiS�#R 4rr���i i e.,aarfn;, � L3B8[3ra�,�ra�' �" �� � �i3'��3 �! �€ . � t�t �� � � ,� x �� . a3t � ;�:'� uA* . �. � . .. �,�.,��<:a�ry : �„?�a. ��i �M �� http://www.elmwoodreclaimedtimber.comlwaoc�. as�x?pgID-1790 O l /09/2007 Crested Butte -- Gas Outage Information Page 1 of 7 Forms Maps FielpfuE Links BidstPropasais Jobs Town Code CCWC Gas outage in#or Search GO Full Site This Section Search Tig$ . � .. � Final Update from Atmos Energy 11:00 A.M. Sunday January 7, 2007 Regardirn Disruption of Natural Gas Service to Crested and Mount Crested Butte � Atmos Energy declared victory today by anrn Gas Outage Command Center 95 percent of all customers who lost natural � service in Crested Butte and Mount Crested I have been restored. Atmos Energy officials say that a number of the remaining customers that do not have heat were due to no one being available to allow employees entry into the home or business to turn on the gas and light the apF Those customers will be restored as they call in for service. Atmos Energy employees will be available at their command center located at : Maroon until 2 P.M. Sunday. If you do not have heat or there is a problem or co with your natural gas service, Atmos Energy is asking you to contact them at tl command center in person. Atmos Energy will be closing the command center p.m. but service can still be arranged by calling the Atmos Energy Customer S� Center at 1-888-442-1313. About 2,200 homes and businesses were left without gas service when an Xcel transportation line carrying wholesale natural gas for Atmos Energy ruptured c Thursday, Jan. 4. The unusual incident, coupled with severe weather, called foi extreme measures. Approximately 48 Atmos Energy field employees and supp� personnel and 20 Xcel Energy loaned employees worked around-the-clock to r� service. Atmos Energy employees know that losing natural gas service is a hardship fo customers. We appreciate our customers' patience, understanding and cooper during this huge challenge. Please visit www.atmosenergy.com for more information on the Crested Butte and Mount Crested Butte restoratior Sunday January 7, 2007 7 a.m. Atmos Energy Update Regarding Disruption of Natural Gas Ser Crested Butte, Crested Butte South and Mount Crested Butte http://www.crestedbutte-co.gov/index.asp?Type=B BASIC&SEC={48622FAE-656D-40... O1/08/2007 Crested Butte -- Gas Outage Information Page 2 of 7 Atmos Energy continues to make good progress in their efforts to restc natural gas service to Crested Butte and Mount Crested Butte customE of 6:00 A.M., Atmos Energy officials report that natural gas has been rE to about 90 percent of homes and businesses which were left without r gas service due to a ruptured Xcel Energy transportation line on Thurs� Jan. 4. The remaining 10 percent are expected to be restored by early afternoon Sunday, barring any major developments. Approximately 4� Energy field employees and support personnel and 20 Xcel Energy loa employees have worked together to restore natural gas service to the Atmos Energy customers located in Crested Butte and Mt. Crested Bui Crested Butte South For those customers still without natural gas service, please make arrangements to have someone available at your home or business to access to your natural gas appliances if arrangements can not be mad please leave contact information on the front door. Please visit www.atmosenergy.com for more information on the Cres Butte and Mount Crested Butte restoration. The next update will be at approximately 1 P.M., Sunday, Jan. 7. Update From Atmos Energy Regarding Disruption of Natui Gas Service to Cresfed Butte and Mount Crested Butte 9:0 Saturclay, January 6, 2007 As of 8:30 P.M., Atmos Energy reports that natural gas ser has been restored to about 75 percent of the homes and businesses which were left in the cold due to a ruptured X Energy transportation line. Atmos Energy crews will contii work throughout the night and into Sunday until all servic� have been restored. Customers still without service tonight can assist Atmos E by turning on their porch light if they don't mind being interrupted or wakQn b�r Atm�s Energy employees in the n of the night to r�store service. If the porch light is off, an � Energy employee will not knock on your door, but instead return in the morning to complete the work. If arrangements cannot be made to have someone at hom� Saturday through the weekend, please call the Atmos Ene Customer Suppo�t C�nter at 1-888-442-1313 and let them N Pl�ase visit www.atmn�en�rc�y.cor� for more information c http://www.crestedbutte-co.gov/index.asp?Type=B B��SIC&SEC={48622FAE-656D-40... O1/08/2007 Crested Butte -- Gas Outage Information Page 3 of 7 restoration process in Crested Butte and Mount Crested B We will continue to provide updates regularly. Update From Atmos Energy Regarding Disruption of Natui Gas Service to Crested Butte and Mount Crested Butte 3:3 Saturday Jan. 6, 2007 Atmos Energy employees are making significant progress in the natural gas service restoration of approximately 2,Oi homes left in the cold when an Xcel transportation line ru� the evening of Thursday, Jan. 3. The Xcel line delivers wholesale natural gas to Atmos Energy. Company officials feel confident that they will restore the majority of customers today but will continue working intc night and as long as necessary. By noon on Saturday 35% the natural gas customers had service restored. Atmos En crews were augmented by 40 employees with an additiona emp�oyees fro� Xcel Er�ergy to assi5t in the restoration ef Atmos Energy employees began the process of turning or gas and re-lighting appliances about 7:30 P.M., Friday. Se� feet of snQVV an�1 ic� covering the gas meters slowed the r�e�toration prc��ess considerably when employees were fc to dig the mete�°s out by hand. Atmos Energy reminds customers that an adult must be ir hou�e to give company employees entry to initiate service re-light appliances. Customer� still witho�t service this evening and tonight sl turn on their porch light if th�y don't mind being interrupte v►��ken by /�tm�s �nergy employees in the middle of the ni rgstore sen�ice� !f t�e porc� I�ght is off, an Atmos Energy employee will not knock on your door but instead will retu the morning to complete the worl�. If arrangements c�nnot be made to have someone at hom� Saturday evening through the weekend, please call the Ati Energy C�stomer Su�port Center at 1�888-442-1313 and le kr�ow. Y�►u �an also �isit �vww.atmo��enery.com http://www.crestedbutte-co.go�✓/index.asp?Typ�=B B�,SIC&SEC={48u22FAE-656D-40... O1/08/2007 Crested Butte -- Gas Outage Information Page 4 of 7 for more information on the restoration process in Creste Butte and Mount Crested Butte. Gas Dutage Community Update 1 p.m. Saturday January 6 As of 1:00 p.m., Atmos Energy has completed at least 35% of the ; homes in the three communities of Crested Butte, Mt. Crested Bui Crested Butte South. Atmos technicians are following a systematic planned approach to re-li homes and businesses. Atmos appreciates your patience during this tii labor in�ensive process. Crews will continue to work throughout Saturd night until gas service has been re-established at every house and commercial �roperty. Gas Outage Corrimunity ��peCate S�turclay January 6, ZOU7 a.�m. Atmos crews worked all night turning on gas meters and re-lighting pilot lights. There teams working simultaneously in Crested Butte, Mt. Crested Butte and Crested Butte An additional 1t) teams will begin working before noon. Atmos estimates that they have completed approximately 25°/a of the homes ar businesses overnigh# and plans to get the majority of their affected customers this evening (Saturday Jan. 6, 2007). Reminder: Make every a�tempt to have someone at your home to allow Atmos tect in to re-light your pilot lights. It slows the process if a person is not at your home. If yc not available, please leave information on your door with contact information to direc1 Atmos technician to a neighbor who can provide access to your home. • Also, rernember that a yellow flag p'aced on your propety means that an Atmo Technican has made an attempt to access your home and will make another � later. Please do not call Crested Butte Town Hall for the status of when your house will be very difficult to determine when a technician will be at your house because of the var situations related to the relighting of each house. Please be assured that every hous� been included in the relight list. • No gas outage related injuries have been reported. No one used the shelter at the Crested Butte Community School, one person used tf at the Elevatior Hotel. The Crested Butte Community School Shelter will not be oper evening, however, the shelter at the Elevation Hotel in Mt. Crested Butte will remain � evening ( Saturday January 6, 2007). We plan to provide an update a# approximately 1 p.m. Saturday January 6, 200i Natural Gas �►utage Community Update Jan 20o I V �.fl"lr http://www.crestedbutte-co.gov/index.asp?Type=B BASI�&SEC={48622FAE-656D-40... Ol/08/2007 Crested Butte -- Gas Outage Information Page 5 of 7 We want to remind citizens that there are two shelters. The shelter at 1 Crested Butte Community School will open at 9 p.m. Friday Jan 5th fo information regarding the shelter at the Community School scroll down on this web page. A shelter has also been established at the Elevation in Mt. Crested Butte, which has 100 cots as well as food. Please keep checking this website for updates. You can also tune K�UT radio for updates (90.3 fm in Crested Butte). Information is available at www.atmosenergy.com According to Atrnos Energy the affected households gas meters F now been shut of#. Currently 60 Atmos Energy technicians are wa in the Crested Butte area. At 7:30 p.m. Friday night Atmos began 1 task of turning meters crn and lighting pilot lights of gas appliancE wi�l #ake th� Atrroos techu�icians approximately 15 minutes at each location to turn the meters on and deal with pilot lights. IT IS VER� lI�I�URTANT THA�T RF�EDENTS ARE A1/AILI�BLE TO ALLOW ATN Ef�13�L0`(EE� AG��:�� IN�O THEIR HOMES FOR THE NE�T 24-36 HOURS. If a res�den� •,rrill not be availabe to allow them in they ma� choose the following options: 1. Leave a r�ote on your d�or with contact information that gives y neighbor per�rrr�i�sic�n to accompany Atmo� representatives into y� home. I� would hefpful to leave an outside light on. 2. If y�o� are nearbl� aa�d can respond promptly: lea�e a note on yc d�flr witl� contact iri�arn�a#�c�r�. If you� fina a�ell�w flu� ��� y�aur propeuty that indicates that an Ati technician stopp��i by y�ur home and was unable to contact you. call Atmos to find out the status of when your gas meter and pilot will be turned on. Afrr.os vvill return to the residences designated I yelEo�sv flag later, If you do nc�t wish to be disturbed Friday night (Jan 5) to allow an t�c9�;�i�4�:� ir:: y��r res9dence leave a note on yo�r door. Please be �c��✓ised, hoMVever, t":��t thi� w�ll delay the turning on of your gas rr ar�d lighting of your pilot lights. W$ er�c�us-aye ��� t� ch�ck on your neighbors, family and friend� if #hey are in need of a����tarace. T�mpr�rary Shelter at the Crested Butte r��nmu��ty �chQ�l Th �� Towr, of Cr,sted Suf':t� wi!► b� o;�e��ing a temporary shelter at the Crested Butte Cemmunit�� Schoe.l IocatAd at �18 �ed Lady Avenue in the multi-purpose room. Fifty available for those who need temporary shelter Friday night and citizens are encoura http://www.crestedbutte-co.;ov/i�dex.asp?Ty�e=F BASIC&SEC={48622FAE-656D-40... O1/08/2007 Crested Butte -- Gas Outage Information Page 6 of 7 check in between 9-10 p.m. Use the rear entrance of the school at Red Lady Ave 9th Street. Guests must bring a sieeping bag or a bottom sheet and blanket as well as a pillow, I water, toiletries and non-perishable snacks. Be advised that the Community School is a temporary shelter and does not provide f� service or shower amenities. Guest rules include no smoking, no alcohol or drugs, no pets and no weapons. Crested Butte police officers wiil make hourly walk-through security checks of the fac Frequently Asked Questions Regarding the Natural Gas Outage a#fecting the Crested Butte Area Comrrrunity Up�da2�: Friday Jan. 5th 10:30 a.m. 1. If you are an elderly person or a person with special needs please contact Crested But Hall at 349-5338. Special needs may include situations such as need for assistance to wood inside or obtain medications. 2. If you have concerns related to water pipes: we suggest you tum faucets on and let ws about the thickness of a pencil to keep water flowing in the pipes. 3. If you anticipate not being home when Atmos Energy employees arrive to turn gas met Y'ou have `f e follo�ving ap'.ions: a) Leave a note on your door with contact information. b) Leave your house open with contact information for neighbors so a neighboi assist At; io. °mp(oyees. c) Leave your key and contact information at Crested Butte Town Hall 507 Mai Avenue. Atmos Energy Media Release Please �e advised that natural gas service to all Atmos Energy customers in Crested Butte So Crested Butte and Mount Crested Butte has been disrupted due to an incident that occurred oi transportation line owned by Xcel Energy Atmos Energy employees have been working all night turning gas meters off. Weather and sn� made a difficult procedure slow and tedious. Atmos Energy officials are predicting the process gas meters off. Weather and snow have made a difficult procedure slow and tedious. Atmos E officials are predicting the process of turning gas meters off to be completed by 6 p.m. Friday , 2007. Gas meters nave to be turned off before natural gas can be reintroduced. Atmos Energy employees will start the process of tuming gas meters on as soon as possible F night (Jan. 5, 2007). It will be necessary at that time for Atmos Energy employees to have acG your natural gas appiiances to relight the pilot and perform a safety test on the gas line. PleasE arrangements to have someone available at your home or business. If arrangements cannot b or if you are in an emergency situation, please contact the Atmos Customer Support Center at 442-1313. For safety reasons, please allow only Atmos Energy employees to turn you gas me The re-establishment of natural gas service is an involved process and Atmos Energy employE working diligently Yo restore your service quickly. Atmos Energy asks for your continued patien understanding as they work thro�agh this unfortunate inciclent. Karen Wilkes Director of Public Affairs Atmos Energy Colorado/Kansas 970-304-2060 Office 970-260-2135 Mobile http://www.crestedbutte-co.gov/index.asp?Type=B BASIC&SEC={48622FAE-656D-40... O1/08/2007 Crested Butte -- Gas Outage Information Page 7 of 7 Update As of 7 a.m. Friday, January 5th approximately'/2 of the meters have been tumed off. Expect E be off by mid-afternoon Friday. Relighting process will begin immediately and continue througF evening and all night on Friday. If you are at home after dark leave porch light on or let personnel know. Crested �utfe_,.Colorado°s Last Great Ski Ta+,vn," Home � Town Council � Town Departments � Parks & Recreation � General Information � Visitor Information � Comment Form � Mt. Express Bi Forms � Maas � Heipful Links � Bids/Proposals � Jobs � Town Code � CCWC � Gas outage information op wered by GovOffce.com Printer-friendlk.Version http:Uwww.crestedbutte-co.gov/index.asp?Type=B BASIC&SEC={48622FAE-656D-40... O1/08/2007 1„/15/2006 16:01 9709269089 LKP �.. Engineer�ng, Inc. � C1V1�,/G�OTECi�RVICAL November 15, 2006 M�. A,�an Go�acb�aro�'f 1.1.6 Bradley Ave White Plai.ns, NY Dear Alan: —.� LKP ENGINEERING INC RE: Preliminary So�ls Report Lot 24, Blocic 7, Vai1 Vil..lage, Filing � 184 Beaver Dam Road Town of Vai] �agle Coun.iy, Colorado Project No. 46202 PAGE 02 At your tequest, we have prepared a prelimiiiary soils report �or Lot 24, Block 7, Vai) Village., Fi].ing 1, Town of Vaia, $aglc County, Colorado T.l�is report is t�ot based o�1 field soils a.n.d f.out�dation investigatio��. It is based on personal expez�e�ce of the soils conditions on tl.te suix�ou»dit�g Iots iz� che az�ea auad a aite visit done ou No�ve�x�be�� 15, 2006. Lot 24 is oia t}�e south side of d1e road, near tbe east et�d o� $eaver Dam Road, within the Tow of Vail, E�gle Cou.nty, Colorado. The topograplty of tlae site, is xnoderate to stee�, slopi�ag to tlie nortla and n,ortlaeast. There .is an existi�ng residence o�a the site. Based on soils reports donc .for some of the sw-rou.adiz�g lots ia� the a.rea, the soils encountered consisted o�'one to two feet of topsoil o ez �ve to ten feet of sa��dy g��avel with cobbles az�d bouldexs wnderlaiia by shale bedrocic. For a p.rel.zminazy foundation design a beazin. capacity of 2000 ps:f ctul be usad. This value will be veri�ed by soil sampling and laUorator. a►ialysis of the actual fou.ndatioz� materiaJ.. We l�ave assumed that the footings wi1.1 be suppozte by the gravelly soi.ls with cobbles a.nd boulders. 1'he und.er,signed engineer must erve nd est the soil,s� exposed in the, founda[inn excavatior� �o uer�iFy that the soil condir,rons are as a ticipat.ed irz th.is ��reliminary reJ��t�t. A m.inzrz�una w.id.th of 16 inches is recommen ed for the continuous �'ooti�ags and 2 feet for tlae isolated footing pads. Co��ciawous foundation wa ls should be well reinforced, top a�ad bottonn, to span a��. unsupported. len�gth of at least 10 eet, A mininc�uxn of 48 inches of ba�lcf'ill cover is recon�anended for frost p;rotection of the foo ing subsoils. The found.atio�� excavation should be free fro x� excavation spoils, .f.rost, organics �ld standing watez. Any ove�•excavation wiehin the prop sed foundatioz�, should be backfilled, i�� 8 inches loose, level li�ts and compacted to ] 00% of t e maximum dry density and witl�iia 2�ea•cet�c of the optimu.nn rnoisture content as deteznnined in a aboratory frocn a Staiada��d Proctor test (ASTM .D-698). Str��ctwcal fiat, placed unde.r footir�g , shou.ld be tested. by tkae engi..»,eer or licr rep.resentati.ves on rcgulaz basis. The i�atural. oa�-site soils, exclusive of topsoil and organics, are suitable to support lighily ).oaded slab-on-grade eonstruction. Tlae subgrade for the slab-on-gradc construction should be proof com�aeted eo detect and remove s.oft spots. So spots that have to be overexcavated a�1d bacicfilled with. stXUCtwral �cnaterial, and otlaer undersl b fill s�tould be constructed vv�th the on-site P.O. �ox 283�, Edwards, CO 81632, (97p) 926-9088 Tel, (9�0) 926-9089 Fax 11/15/2006 16:01 9709269989 Mr. Alan Goncharoff Page 2- Project No. 06202 November 15, 2006 ENGINEERING INC PAGE 03 soal or otbex sui.table material, com.pacted to a irli.t�ii u,m of 95 percet�t of tl�e zn.a.xiinum stau�du•d Proetox density (ASTM D-C98), Suitabl.c matezial s. ould be free fi�onl copso�l, organics a:nd roe!< fi�agm, .e�ts greater tharz 3 i.r►ches. The cotlerete slab should be construeted ove a 4-ineh layer of c.leai� gravel consisting of - 3/4 i.a�cl�. grave), witlt at least 50% retained o�t the No 4 sieve a»d less than 3 pe.r.cent passing the No. 200 sieve. Tl�e co��crete slab-oia-grade should b a•eir►.foreed and cox�trol. joints scox•ed aecordi��g to [he A�xliezzcan Conerete Ii�stitute reyuir m.ents and per the reconcu.x�eaadations ot�the desig.ner to r.educe dainage due to shrinkage. Tlae coi crete s).ab should be separated f.i•om Che �f.o��ndation wall.s az�d columns with expa��sion joints to allow foa• ia�idependent inovement witl�out causing d.atl�age. Fou�adation wa11s retainiug earth aiad retainin st��uctures tlaat are laterally supported s.l�ould be desig�led to resist an equivaleaat fl.ttid den.s ty of 60 pcC;for an "at-rest" condicion. Latcrally un.restra.inEd stivctu.res .retaining the on-sit eart�� should be designad to resist a�a equivalent f]uid density of 40 Ucf for th.e "active" c se. Th.c above desi�n recoa�azr�.endation.s assume rained bacicfill con.ditions and a laorizo��ta). bacicfil.l stu�face. Sureharge loadi.ng due to adjacent s etures, weigk�t of te.t�porary stoxed const.ruction matet•ials az�d equzp�nent, inclined back .�ll a�ad hydrostatic pressure due to ur�drained bacl<�.11 should Ue .ia�coi-}�orated in the design. Every tte.t�,pt should be rnade to preve��t t��e buildup of hydrostatic pressure behiiad the rctaining all. To reduce t��e �•islc o�surface water infiltratin the fotu�datioai su.bsoi.l, installatio�� o�'a foundation petxxretez dtain is t•ecommended.. T1.ie �o .tadatioia perimetet drain sltouJ.d co.i�sist of a 4-inCb. diameter pexfo.rated pi}�e sloped to a suitable ravity outlet, or to a su��p puznp location. Tl�e drai.n should slope at )./� inch per foot if �.exibl oz at 1./8 of an inch. if .r.igid pipe is useci, Th.e Uottom of t1aE Vez�ck� adjacent t� the footing s�ould b lined with a potyetb.y]�ne �x�oisture barrier �lu.ed to tlie found.atioaa wall. T11e drain pi.pe sl�ould. e piaced over tlle x�oisture ba��.r.ier a.nd covered with a�x�ialinau�x► of 6 i�ZChes of -3/4 iz�ch fre -draini»g gra��ula�• �nater.ial. Geotext.ile (Mir� 140N or equiva�ent) should be used to cove�� tl�e free-draining gravel to p.r�vcnt siltatiota and cloggulg oFtj�e d.rai�a. Tl�e bacic�ll above the dra �� slaould be granular matetxal to withi.n 2 feet of the g.rpuild surface to prevent a buildup of hy rostati.c pressure. The top one foot of the l�ackfll �naterial sliou.ld. consist of a re.latively �nrxpe� i.ous fill. T11e bacicfill should be sloping away troin thc building. A site pl.a�t was ��ot available for review at tl�. s time. The following recommea�datiotls 1re genera.l in iiatuxe. The site sltrrouiiding tlae bu.ilding tructure should slope away fro��a tl�e �L111d�,1'lb' 1.11 c111 C�ITCCt1Q1'jS. A anii�innwn of 12 in.ches i tl�e first 10 feet is recoznmended in �in,paved areas, and three iilc.tzes i,� tk�e �rst 10 feet in paved areas. The to� o£ the granular foun�dation bacic�ll should be covered witll a m�nim m of 1 foot of relatively impervious fill to i�educe the potential of surf'ace water infiltrati.�ag the u.ndation subsoi�s. �xterior backfill shou.ld be eom.pacted at or neaz• the optinnum ia�oisture coxate at to at least 95% of tlae ��naximum sta�idard P.roctor d.e�as.ity u�nde.r pav�rae��t, sidewal,k and patiio eas a1�.d to at least 90% of the maxi►nuxn standard �roctox' densil;y under la��d5caped arcas. Me hanical methods of compaction slioul.d be u.sEd.. Do not pud.dle tlae fou��dation excavatioal. LZCP EnAineeri�R, Ti�c. 11/15/2006 16:61 9709269089 LKP ENGINEERING INC PAGE 04 Mr. Alan Goncharoff Pa.ge 3- Project No. 06202 November 15, 200G Surface watar �aaturally drainin,g toward the proposed building site should. be diverted around auad away fi•om it by zz�eans of draiz�age swales or. otlaer approved mect�ods. T.he roo� d,rait�s �n.d dow��spoui:s should exteaad atld discl�arge beyond the limits of t).te ba.c]c.f.tll. Tt is not recommend.ed to introduce excess water to the foundation soil.s Uy i�zstalli��g sprin(t�er systems acijaccnt to che building. The installation of the sprinlcler. �aead.s s.laouJ.d i�asure that tk�e spray fron� tl�e .heads wi.il not fall witl�in 10 feet of.foundation walls, poxches or patio slabs. Lawn irrigation must be coxit.rolled. Thi.s report has bee�� pxcpared accordi�ag to locally aecepted. proEessio.t�al Geotechnical engineering standards fo�� si�milar n�elhods of testing and soil co��ditioa�s at Chis ti��ae. Tl�ere is no otl�.er warKanty ei.dier expressed or im.plied. The svil conditior�,s mus� be �eld verified and lested hy the und,ersigned e�gineer once the exi.s[ing re,cidence h,a,s been removed. TlZis a�rel.ianinaty z'eport has Ueen pzepared fox the exclusi.ve use of Mr. Ala» Go��c�a�off, lor the specit3e applicatiai� to the proposed residex�ce to be construetcd on Lot 24, Iil.ocic 7, Vail Village, Fil.ing 1, 184 Beave�• Dam Road, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Col.orado. Si .n.cezcly, LKP Engin� i?.� Luiza Petro� President 0►1e copy fa ,1:\W P 12-f,K.P1062Q2PR1:I.R PT. wpd mailed L.KP Engineering, .lnc. Proairco, Inc. v,o, 90� � 70 M�NEA1 qiDGE. CO tl003d•Q I)0 fa03>4Se-02e4 Ju�y 2s, 2ooe Mr. Jordan GoACharoff White Rock Rpl L�.sRste P.O. Box 369 1V�IINrrt, CO 8I645 �" �'pun� far asbestos ia a vscent duplex to bc demolished. Lacaaon� 184 Beavar Dam Ro�d Vai� CO Sampliag locations: On 7-13-Ob uieatist John T$ylcr took select building tnatp�ia� asmples in both sides of the duplex. The following saa�pl�s were takea: E. eide uiit; ' oor: 184-1 1$42 184-3 1 B4-d 18A.5 184-6 1 �1-7 184-8 1849 184-t0 184-11 184-12 IB4-13 wall ccaturG N. end rvoa� W. w�11, S' up. Papcbr» c�orm�g, N. �rnd room, N. ead of ppiling. Drya►ell, N. eod roon� qt wr11, S' up. p°�i4'Oim ��8� F�ss door rootn, ccnter of cc.iling. 3'1ne�e� vhryl oeater bat4room, et donraray. Slreet vi►ryl, cencer b�throom, $t tub. 9heet vityl,ldtchm, N. end. Sheet viaY�, ��► S. end. wau tcmu� l�tc6e,� � roon►, s. w�u, s' up. Dr�►� �1�ttchen outer room, S. wall� S' up. Drywdl, mud, Icitc�Lea ou�et ro0ttf, S. W. c,nraer, S' Up. S�ee�c vinyl, S. bathrroom, �t da�y. Sheet v�ny� S. bsthroo� a�t toilec. . Seca--- '�d fl�'. 18414 Slreat vtnyl, at top of etairs. 184-15 �'l�eee vinyl, S. rooun. at S. wall, l 8416 C�rli,g caaa�t�itn�, �- �m, �ta of oeiling. td WtiL�:LO 900Z 60 '6ntf �D9Z085vf:la£: 'ON Xti� hN1d�3MS W S: w02J� 9d WdZb:60 900Z ZT 'daS :'ON Xti� ; Wpb� FROM : FAX N0. : Sep. 12 2006 09:43PM P7 Proairco, Inc. 184-17 CCilit+8 tcxturq bathrootq ceiling over eiNc. 18418 Ceiling coatiqg, N. ���. �ter of ceil�ng. W. �idc uqi� '� or. 184-19 184-20 1$4-21 184.� 184-23 isaza 1 �4-25 184-26 184-27 P0�°� �, wet bar ar�, at ceii' Ceiling W� ceater b�tbrnom c ��t. , catet of ceiling. Ary�a1�, c�ater badunom, E. w�ll� S> uP S�t vinYl, ceacer bat}uoom, ac doorasy. 3heet �►i�yl, ae�fa b�throom, itt toilot. Po� ��.� �� �o� �q, af ceiling. Ceiling trx�rq.S. et�d �ooa� ceater of aeiling. Wall texWre, S. end rnom, E. w�1(, at dooia+ay to baduoom. rSlreel v�ij'/, bat4room closet, �t dooryy�y. oor. �s4-zs w�u r�; N. �,� N, �u, s� „p. 18429 W�11 texn�r� S. toom, S. pvap, g' up, 18430 Dryw�11, S. mo�, S, waU, S' up. Note: Samplca c.o�;�� ��atod asbestos muked in italics. Re�,1ts of lab a$say: Soe the encloscd cepor� from QuaNem L.abs.in OWih�oma City, OK. Discugsion: �- '� Popcorn oeiliAB c;o�iugs in bvth unh� co�ataib �rsbestoe. 2. The ahcet viayl on che E. unit eentec bathroom ar�d top Aoor comai,ns aabescos. 3. T� ��y) on the W. utrit batbroom ela�et ceaipuns asbestos. . submnced sy; � � John Taylor, Asbestos L�spec�t. Zd Wb�£:G0 900Z 60 '6t'�i b9z88Sb£A�: •ON xd� ' JN I d�-3r1S W s: w0b� - FRQ1 : S M S41k�PING FAX t�J. � 3034580�4 Aug. 09 26F�5 6B:22PM P4 AcS.IC• 2'J�� 9:41AM N�.6?2� P. 1 s � wo� aoa:�r,� �oere,a�rw�.o�ac�uoi�oej�,�c.a�, � P�1�N ��R �wvp! A�ew�s As��b �re Q�'�1dt�e�to, i�t C'i�e r�odn�, rae. AeowntNol�r. sttti lA�� 179 DpC ROOIIMO� �IIIi1:06 ����i � /00D4 Ileaeirad B�c �ei� H�a Doue A�ly�ed W��l� Iw�j� 1�4 ��r Dwo �d An�b►�� ���� lioj.sLa�oor itA �N�r. i?Af00 l�oje�Nl��r. I1A Q�l'�( C� dilis! 11ol,At�e�1 Iw�ioID 3�ito C� D�tle� �equ�llq ii�1'�Q Ml ItN Nlre�r.�s ��lit ' Aac�bsl�etlr�e�o�t Gf�s <I . T�e a12 3N�2 H�oEo� Mit A�MArttawt L�c �1 C'�+:�ili�f�� C�o� � 003 IN.3 !t� Mlf! A�es1o�R�a1 Cir�o <I rri:r{ 71bo�sC � � 001 1QH �o/iNllpw NA� Ailalsl�a�1 CeN10tlC �e) Cdi�7�� �k � ovi IM+� tsoma�mc Q� MbeMosl4wos► 4a.lose S sa�a � � u 008 ,s�.c . norwp..ar c,1o4 w+eesos ws.s� cdA�ke� s ii�llt�fq� ci.,.��, u 007 I�T �uwo�s IW A�b111p 1�tot Pia�ot Cdlulee 20 L'aolew � �1e ! cla4e. e�■.:eroal..�w� �r�C W aNMw.i'�e ���t�El�l�r�L QraL�b�lhlA�le�Ml�ali�la�lWM�a�e70�C�:'�NSI ]ii�t�ui�l�srj��.�s+�isiw�ei 11VIN q� � ��rnV1AT�1� ���'jr���p����A���w45�i1 TiiAat�jreitb� i� '���wwldMtlii�rqR.��wfM����At:dd�wi�.w�. �7ofi Sd Wd2b:60 9002 zi 'daS : 'ON Xti� : W021� Dec 15 2006 11:54RM RESLOCKSULLIVRn 303 7738694 p.3 � '�' � ' �"' . << � ',°�"1. Questions7 Call the Building Team at 479-2325 Bui/dia4 Pe,ct�nii Submitta/ Che�ak/ist Department of Canmunity Development Pro�ect Name: [��I be,av�r D�.nn Road PrOfect Address: C ��{ ��GV (�v�,�eed ✓ Thfs Lhe�fr/�st must b�e cnmolfef�d b�efbro a B�rAdlno P�ermit aovUratlan /s � ,� All pages of appllcation is aomplete � Has DRB appr�val obtafrted (if required) Provide a copy of approval form o Plan frieck Fee required at submittal far proJeds valued over $ip0,000.00 (see attached fee sd�edule) � Complete site plan submitted a Public Way Permit applica�on induded if applicable (r�er ta Publk Works checklist) pd Stagirlg plarl InCluded (2fer to Public Works cheddist� No dumustet'ioa�ld or materia! storaae albwed on rosdwav� and shoulders without wrllt�� a��! � Asbe�tos test and rPSUU1ts submftted if demolrtion is occuMng o Arohitect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Mu1ti family) q� Fu8 floor plans Induding bullding secdons and elevatlons(3 sets far remodels, 4 sets of plans for SRt and Duplex, 5 sets of plar�s for Multi-Family and Camrnercial Buildfngs) � 9� Window and door schedule Full structural plans, induding design cxiteria (I.e.loa�) �p 5tn�ctural Englneer stamp and signabure on structural plans (All Commerda! and Muld Famity) j� Soils Report musr be 5ubmitted p�ior tio tooang inspecGon � Fire resistive a�emblies specified and penetra�ons Indicated � Smoke detectors shown on plans � Types and quan�ty of flreplaces shown Applican#'a Signature: �/� Q� Dafie of submitlal: �2-' ��' -� a� Roceived By: � F:�odnv�FORMS�Pemilts�Bull�ng�bullding�eemiiL421-06.�UUC Pa�e x of 16 04/21/2006 Dec 15 2006 11:54RM � '�,. .f �,' �, . � � RESLOCKSULLIVRH 303 7738694 �' ASBESTOS TESTING REQUIREMENTS p.4 THE TOWN OF VAIL AND STATE OF QOLORADa DEPARTMENT OF PUBIIC HEALTH REQUIRE ASBESTOS TESTiNG ANY TIME WHEN MO}�E THAN 160 S.F. OF MATERIAL WILL 8E DISTURBED OR REMOVED. AN ASBESTOS T�ST AND REPORT IS REQUIRED TO BE SUBMITtFD WITH YOUR BUILDING PERMff APPLiCATION FOR ALL REMODEL, ADDITION OR OTHER PROJECTS INVOLVING ANY DEMOLITIdN OR REMOVAL OF BUILDING MATERL4LS THAT MAY CONTAIN ASBESTOS. BUILDINGS CONSTRUCTED AFT'ER OCTOBER 12, 1988 THAT HAVE NO ASBESPOS CONTi4INING MATERIALS ARE EXEMPT. •,� • �. _; '•:i u 7 � • � •� : : � ► ' : ;•1. _� •► • I have inciuded the asbestos tesfi and report with my building permit applica4on signature �. 12- 15 -o� �� • I certify my project will not disturb or remove mor+e than 160 s.f. of building materiai, The construction plans submitted with my application clearly indicate this information. (This wili be verified during plan review, and wiil delay your project if found to be inaccurate) applicant slgna�re dabe � • The building was constructed after October 12, 1988. The dabe of construction was o�iginal aonsdvctbn date appltcant si9nature date F:�odev�FORMS�Pertnls�Building�buil�ny,_pem�l�,421-06,DbC Page 4 of 16 04/Zi/2006 Dec 15 2006 11:54AM RESLOCKSULLIVRn 303 7738694 p.5 � �� �a�.4 P��.11 �� �� if.! �- � ► u � ► � � YL7 � If this permit requires a Town of Vall Flre Deparlment Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time f�r a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All oornmer�ial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Resider�tial and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, iF residential or smaller projeds impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to neoessary revlew, these projects rnay also take th�e (3) weeks ta review and approve. Every attempt wlll be made by thls department to expedite this permit as soon as possibfe, I, the undersigned, understand the plan check prooedure and tlme frame. I also understand that if the pernnit is nc�t pidced up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fiee and that if I fail to da so it rnay affect future permits that Y apply for, Agreed to by: � � �-t arr� '� � ��� Print name � Signature Praject Name:1�� �ea�tv {��, �oo� Date: ��. • �5 • O� F:\odev�FORNIS\Permks�BuNdinB�buildirg�mi�4 21-06.pOC Page 5 oP 16 09/21/2006 - - v . _ � _ . � � � � � � ����� �'•d4�����OU y\ .6> ' s a 'a > X ax � >` y r (� � � � ` �*-� �` . � COUI'Xltlt O� GOV4RNMENTT4"'� 6 .l> %�� � /< a s:> . . ... .. . . .. l; ! � W, � W�C�. r I I , , ��C7C9" D �CQ � . < : ` 3 s $ t � y � C O S :< S . � Y 5 s 6 z ? i _ „ , .... . , ? _ . . . .. . s . To Martin Haeberle Town of Vait, �Ct�. �uilc�ir�g �f�"iciai From: Gene Morse, Elevator Tnspectnr 970-468-0295 ext. 1.08 OY elevator���c.cc�,c� i�s Date: 4/ 13/2010 Project Name: Olson & Sons West Unit Be6035fi 0 0 � .� Conveyance Ptan Review Conveyance Test and Inspection Location�: 184 Beaver Dam Rd. Vai�, �;o. Permit Number: NWCCOG 1d-00� Conveyanc� Type: Residential E-h��Y���9�� P��s�nger The plans; have been revlewed and foun� ta cc�nf�rm to ali appllcable ASME 17.1 and IBC codes The rated speecl of the conveyance mee�s �S�l� A,1�.1 requirements, speed in up direction 40 FPM, speed In down directiar� :;� t=��M1 �- The Conveyance at the above location was �r���ed and tested �n 4/13/2010 and a: ❑ TEMPORARY Certifcate; ��as i�� i5s�eci. � . FINAL Inspection Certific�t�; �as t:a�rr �ssued. ❑ NO certificate; is being issu�. ❑ FC�R CQNSTRUGTION US� ��VL;Y Comments: P'1 Signafiure � � � �! '�'" Northwest Coloredo Counc{I of Gvvernments ��'U E56k �.?3G8 � SiIV��thorne ♦ CO • 80498 fi70-468-0295 ♦ Fax97fl�4�8-1zD8 ♦ �avvw.rv��c.cng.r_o.us �-1 % � � i � .. : _ _ _ . - . �. . _ _ _ _ - ��;� ���.ai;�;i��;,��,� .. . . . _ - � _ _ _ . . _ _ ( ` �<> To Fi�om: Date: ',<� 4:3.:. �Cll OF..�DY pN NTy�y < ' � � % �` i � 5 t. � � ` z £ � > _ . 6 Zv.v.o. ��'. ' S ; ' < � F . "fa`� � , ._ . . . ._ � ` . .. c i . . '6 � � . Martin HaebeMe Town of Vail, ��. i��a�td��g xnsp�ec,t�r y Gene Morse, E[evator InSpectar 970�468�0295 ext. 108 or ��evato ..nv��c:_cog�4`a,�a5 7/15/2010 Project Name: Olson & Sons Cons6vction � Conveyance Plan Review �. Conveyance Test and Inspection U e . �. . l.ocation:184 Beaver Dam Rd. VaiiF �:� Permit Number. NWCCOG 10-019 Conveyance Type: Residentia{ Hyc�t��i3�i� ��ss�nger Elevattar The pfans; have been reviewed and foui-�€1 tu can�'tirm to all applicable ASME 17.1 and IBC codes �l The rated speed of the conveyance m�� �M�. A17.1 requirements, speed in up direction 40 FPM, spaed in down directian �U��'� . �-- The Conveyance at the above locafiion w�s er€��c#:�1 and tested on 7/8/201� and a: ❑ TEMPORARY Certificate; f���a u���� iss�e�. � FINAL Inspe�tion Certific��:�; !'��s t�n issuecl. ❑ NQ certificate; is �ing isst��. � F012 CONSTRUCTION U�� C7Cd�.Y Comments: , r' Signature --._��`.'..�'`'�` �-� Northwest Colorado Council of Governments +► �F'U E3ox ?308 • Silverthome ♦ Co • 80498 970�168-0295 ♦ Fax 970-�38- i 2�R • �v+vw nwc.cog: co. us TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 OWNER DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDG Job Address: 184 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Location.......: 184 BEAVER DAM ROAD Parcel No....: 210107113007 ���GG -63�� APPLICANT CONTRACTOR WHITE ROCK BEAVER DAM PO BOX 3546 LITTLE ROCK AK 72203 RESLOCK AND SULLIVAN, BILL RESLOCK WHITE ROCK License: 860-B Desciption: DEMOLITION OF EXISTING HOME Occupancy: Type Construction: LLC LLC 11/15/2006 Permit # D06-0010 Project # ?? �� - b 35 �° Status . . . : ISSUED Applied .. . : 11/15/2006 Issued . . . : O1/10/2007 Expires. . . . . : 07/09/2007 11/15/2006 Phone: 303-773-9578 il/15/2006 Phone: (914) 260-9070 Valuation: $20,000.00 Revision Valuation: ?? Add Sq Ft: 0 *************************�****************************************** FEE SUMMARY ********�*************************************************** Building------> $321. 25 Restuarant Plan Review--> $o . oo Total Calculated Fees--> $533 . 06 Plan Check---> $208.81 Recreation Fee- > $o. oo Addirional Fees----------> $0.00 Investigation-> $0. 00 TOTAL FEES-------------> $533. 06 Total Permit Fee---------> $533.06 Will Call-----> $3 . 00 Payments-------------------> $533 .06 BALANCE DUE---------> $0.00 ******************�***********************�************************************************************************�***************************** Approvals: Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 12/15/2006 JS Action: AP Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 11/21/2006 bgibson Action: DN DIA for site revegetation is required - left voicemail message for applicant 12/11/2006 bgibson Action: AP DIA for site restoration received Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT O1/03/2007 DR Action: AP PER CONVERSATION WITH DAVID RHOADES. Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 12/20/2006 C Salli Action: AP Public Way Permit required for temporary site access, contact George Challberg *****************************************************************************************************�******************************************* See the Conditions section of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE B�ELE //� N�`�149 O� OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. _// �/ OWNER OR CONTR��Q�'FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF �****��*********************************************�*******��******�**�*�******�**�*�***�**�*�*�*�***** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: D06-0010 as of 01-10-2007 Status: ISSUED ****��*�***�x***���x***�**�*�***�***�*�:*�*�*******x�*��**�x****��*�:*�x�*�****�******��**�*�*�***�*�***�****�* Permit Type: DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDG. Applicant: RESLOCK AND SULLIVAN, LLC 303-773-9578 Job Address: 184 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Location: 184 BEAVER DAM ROAD Parcel No: 210107113007 Description: DEMOLITION OF EXISTING HOME Applied: To Expire 11/15/2006 Issued: Ol/10/2007 07/09/2007 *******�**************:�*�***********�******�***Conditions:�******:x�*�*��:*�***:�**�x�****�:****�:**********�*��: Cond: 38 (BLDG.): THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FOR ASBESTOS ABATEMENT ONLY. AN ASBESTOS ABATEMENT CERTIFICATE SHOWING THE AREA FREE FROM ASBESTOS IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ANY FURTHER WORK OCCURING ON THIS SITE. IF FURTHER QUESTIONS ARISE, CONTACT THE VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT AT 479-2250. Cond: 1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ******************************************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number: R070000035 Amount: $533.06 01/10/200708:45 AM Payment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: White Rock - Beaver Dam LLC 2020 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: D06-0010 Type: DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDG. Parcel No: 2101-071-1300-7 Site Address: 184 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Location: 184 BEAVER DAM ROAD Total Fees: $533.06 This Payment: $533.06 Total ALL Pmts: $533.06 Balance: $0.00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code BP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 WC 00100003112800 Description ------------------------------ BUILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Current Pmts 321.25 208.81 3.00 0 _ APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIG� (��_ �� iF � - Project #: v � � � Buildin Permit #: � ' Q �����' a ��. ,�._v. � TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanicai, etc.! 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor � Materialsl BUILDING: $ II ELECTRICAL: $ II OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $ MECHANICAL: $ TOTAL: $ Z, O� �� *�*,k,�*************************�*************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*�***�*�*******************************�*****,�,.*�** � � � � V � d aos �� n NOV 15 2 F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Building\building_per it_4-21-06.DOC �� Page 1 1'6 O`A'A' OcQ4/,?,�/,?,006 � � 3 T ��,v r \/HtL 5� � William F. Reslock, A.I.A. Licensed Architect November 8, 2006 Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Reslock and Sullivan, L.L.C. Architectural � Planning Services RE: 184 Beaver Dam Road Vail, Colorado Phone (303) 773-9578 Faic (303) 773-8694 EmaiL reslocksullivan@comcastnet APPLICATION FOR DEMO PERMIT llebbie A. Sullivan, A.I.C.P. Certified Ptanner Enclosed is our application for a demo permit, including three sets of the site plan, staging plan and revegetation/landscape plan. We are also attaching the asbestos report and demo application. The revegetation/landscape plan would only be used if construction were to be delayed, but this project has received Design Review approval. We are planning to submit for building permit in two weeks and estimate the start of construction to be January 2, 2007. The demolition would start as soon as the permit is received and should be completed in one week. Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, �.�.� O Debbie Sullivan, A.I.C.P. 1582 Prouty Drive Evergreen, Colorado 80439 Receipt funds to: Name: c.Jl���c., R�.k.-- 8•�wu 9� � Mailing Address: Po s�.;c 3silG L%�f-flc Qotk� A�2 72Zd3 � t�p Y CASH DEPOSIT FORMAT Legal Description: Lot 2�/ ,Block � Subdivision: � Address: 1t5K �,� �u ...�... 2ba.ci Developer: t �I,,s.�. R�c� _ Project Number: P2Tob- a36o Improvement Completion Date: T�,,� I i a� �'7 DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREE,,�-E T, mad and ent red into this � day of ��Gt�r� ��f , 20� by and among i��,/C r�P�. �.�Jf! ��r•°�, GLI' (the "Develo.per"), and the Town of Vail (the "Town°). WHEREAS, the �veloper, as a co �y for /�'�d � ����i�'� ��i� /�'L`'/ix%/� T�: %� �C'r �'i y � approval of the (address, legal description, and project number) wishes to enter into a Developer Improvement Agreement; and , WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provide security or collateral sufficient in the judgement of the Town to make reasonable provisions for completion of certain improvements set forth in the attached estimated bid(s) in accordance with the approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail; and WHEREA�, the Developer wishes to provide collateral to guarantee performance of this Agreement, including completion of the all improvements referred to in this Agreement, by means of the following: The Developer agrees to establish a cash deposit account with ths Town of Vail, as escrow agent, in the amount of $%����'�" as collateral for the completion of all improvements referred to in this Agreement, in the event there is a default under this Agreement by the Developer. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants and agreements, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: 1. The Developer agrees, at its sole cost and expense, to furnish all equipment and materials necessary to perform and complete all improvements referred to in this Agreement. The Develo rees to complete all improvements referred to in this Agreement on or before the Ls� day of �.� l3� , 2 �. The Developer shall complete, in a good workmanlike manner, all improvements referred to in this Agreement, in accordance with all approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail, and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: a. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction of, the Town Planner, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other official from the Town of Vail, as affected by special districts or service districts, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Community Development Department and Public Works Department of the Town of VaiJ ..� � G;,�-;; ��`�i'��f��'� � �► �; .� J?��� ,��.Y� �;,� � J csr,�� f/ ,,Z.�'�6 ,� � Gt-���sfr��:�� � `.�ey . �� 3 ��(:',' % �%x'' �'c�°%'7 �j�i�/ /�C° /,�!`7�.�!'�;if� ��G- �r°'vrci����. F:\cdev\FORMSIDIA\� cash format_112002.doc Page 1 of 5 'c-: .. . y�%�.iw``:," � k;: W. ;. ,,.. 2. To secure and guarantee performance of the obligations as set forth herein, the Developer agrees to provide collateral as follows: A cash deposit account with the Town of Vail, as escrow agent, in the amount of $�,��%�'` as collateral for the completion of all improvements referred to in this Agreement, in the event there is a default under this Agreement by the Developer. . 3. The Developer may at any time substitute the collateral originally set forth above for another form of security or collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithful completion of those improvements referred to herein in this Agreement and the performance of the terms of this Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town of alternative security or collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shalt any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring to the work specified in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the same, nor shall the Town, nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said liabilities shall be and are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of its officers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or any of its officers, agents or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) arise out of or are based upon any perFormance by the Developer hereunder; and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the Town in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Developer my have. 5. It is mutually agreed fhat the Developer may apply for and the Town may authorize a partial release of the collateral deposited with the Town for each category of improvement after the subject improvement is constructed in compliance with all plans and specifications as referenced hereunder and accepted by the Towr�. Under no condition shall the dollar amount of the collateral that is being held by the Town be reduced below the dollar amount necessary to complete all uncompleted improvements referred to in this Agreement. 6. If the Town determines, at its sole discretion, that any of the improvements referred to in this Agreement are not constructed in compliance with the approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail or not accepted by the Town as complete on or before the date set forth in Paragraph 1 of this Agreement, the Town may, but shall not be required to, draw upon the security referred to in this Agreement and complete the uncompleted improvements referred to in this Agreement. Pursuant to Section 12-11-8, Vail Town Code, the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy referred to in this Agreement may be revoked until all improvements referred to herein are completed by the Developer or the Town in accordance with this Agreement. F:lcdev\FORMS\DIA\DIA cash format_112002.doc Page 2 of 5 If the costs of completing the uncompleted improvements referred to in this Agreement exceed the dollar amount of the deposit, the excess, together with interest at twelve percent (12%) per annum, shall be a lien against the property and may be collected by civil suit or may be certified to the treasurer of Eagle County to be collected in the same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property. If the Developer fails or refuses to complete the improvements referred to in this Agreement, such failure or refusal shall be considered a violation of Title 12 (Zoning Regulations), of the Vail Town Code, and the Developer shall be subject to penalties pursuant to Section 12-3-10 (Violations: Penalties) and Chapter 1-4 (General Penalty), of the Vail Town Code. 7. The Developer shall warranty the work and materials of all improvements referred to in this Agreement located on Town property or within a Town right-of-way, pursuant to Chapter 8-3, of the Vail� Town Code, for a period of two years after the Town's acceptance of said improvements. 8. The parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendments be in writing and executed by all parties hereto. F:\cdev\FORMS\DIA\DIA cash format_112002.doc Page 3 of 5 Dated the day and year first above written. ��r� � oPer In/�i � e c�G a d�i �, LGG STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ) ) ss. ) The foregoing eveloper mprovement Agreementy(as ackn wled ed bef re me this �'�Day of �QG2 � , 20� by /��QIU �DI��C�f2��' Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires 73 r��` �OTAq�ry�� N R� ? ' � : �,�`., '�(,/8 L ��' ;�Q 's 4!.'• ' f.�,: �t''���� CO�-��a``,� My Commission Expires 08/11/2007 STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE / � %�/I �.//i//.� .i��.,��. • ' • L __�,�i��, /l�l „ /�iL� Town Planner ) )ss. ) The foregoing Developer Improvement Agreement was acknowledged before me this � 1 Day of l�-e-<-a-M-1� zr- , 20 C�by �..� � �\� o--.-� �M - Ca-�`b� a�--� Witness my hand and official seal. ` \\������uu u u���,,�� expires: � f��i, ,U , �u� �`� �.�NNE cq�%�� ` . ..... , �� Np �� �% = � rq?�. � _ � �` ` A�'e�ic = �l d� ' � �����••.......••�'� � �L--- o Notary ublic �����,��LORPO``\����`�� I111111111\ 'rA1n,oS Q4-18-Z� My commission F:\cdev\FORMS\DIA\DIA cash format 112002.doc Page 4 of 5 ATTACHED COPIES OF THE ESTIMATED BID(S) F:\cdev\FORMS\DIAIDIA cash format_112002.doc Page 5 of 5 White Rock LLC TOV Builders Permit #860-B 1220 Westhaven Lane Vail Co. 81657 a�Tunchari�ff'�aol.cor�� (914)260-9070 184 Beaver Dam Road, Vail Co. 81657 Restore site by grading and natural Co. grass seed and bush where house was standing. $10,000 � ----------------------------- , -- ---------------------------- — --------------------- ; RECEIPT — The Town of Vail ' DATE �Z-i � , 2ov � � �° 58250 � , . �� � � RECEIVED FROM _ ��S l^ ��---� ,,�.0 C 1 C -- � C�,__ V`."f--� \ C'–'�'�–� �.LL i i ADDRESS � � � � n i�� ,!'� "- � �`-� .-f !.�--(„t`t_r--� c`–y.�� � . ' � ' DOLLARS $ I Z � � �� . � � � i � � � � � � � Pemut Numbers Police Receipt Numbers � � HOW PAID — Cash Check � 1 U`� By �. �--� � � _ _ _ f546 ' , AR 72203 **** TWEL�/E THOUSAND FIVE Hl Town of Vaii Vail, CO �r� PA: BoX 8010 . ' Little Rock', AR 72203 082001247 . �RED AND 00/100 DOLLAI u■00 L LO 5u' �:08 200 � 24 7�: 0 2 7 2 264u' DATE:12/04/06 CK#:1105 TOTAL:$12,500.00" BANK:200 - Metropolitan Operating PAYEE:Town of Vail(VA101) Property Account 100 6031 Invoice Description Amount 12,500.00 12,500.00 FROM : 1 � � � � � FAX N0. : V � Jan. 04 2007 10:34AM P1 / ��/aG� ���� � � G� � �°r � ��� � ��� � � � ���/.� � ��d , r�� �� �r�. �c .� �/a� ��` a / S � � �� ��� � �� � � � � � ,��. � d� �� � �c,� ,s � i7 l/�l�vr1 �''%�" � j� �% % / / 1 C`'a+ d�`/ ,C/L� .o� /�-p° �n ���, /�� � � J � . � ~ �� � �S/l �l � / h �' "�h � l � .�� �/� -t�. Gr �'J� � c ��� � - G��/�r � / �a�� ��r � �'� .- ��D �� � � �� � � a � � pv ��'`' �C ��° /Gr(�� �� G Q ,�� �� r ��� � ,��� � � � � a�i� �� p c��c�o�� E � �� � � � ,�'�� ,"' a t ! 6 . � .; a TOWN OF VAIL FROM : FAX N0. : Jan. 04 2007 10:35AM P2 Coiorado Env�ronment�l Specialists Avari 970-949-9�11 Corparate Of.�iac 8d� 3cconcl Stx�et, Eagt� Colarado P.O• Hox 3l 1Q, F�glc, Colorada 81631 �xon� <97a) 3�a-3730 �'ax (970] 328-3�31 �iilc� Dowling: (97b} 471-5921 C�1� �hitte Rock, 1 ��aver D�a L�� t�1�u C�aachara E D��,r Alan, I This is to confi:' 'i chs►t tli.e asbestvs abatement praject at I84 �csvet Dam R�rad has been �ompleted suea�� •�sfuqy with all Of �bestos co�ataining material ramov�d. Glear�e sampling was �:� :�o�med by Proaixco Inc, and cle�rance w+as @ivea and report a� attached, ` sinaereiy, . �..-��; : . �trtikc Dowfiag � FROM : F"i�:� ;•10. : Jan. 04 2007 10 : 35AM P3 r -• , F'(�X C;O. t3034590�.n,i ��'C. 19 2806 t�2:'J5Fi'l a�. =REII"• s 5 M SWEEP � hM's �Y�81TC0, IIlC. p�o. �ox »d • WNLnI R10.�. co eoa��•o►�� ' �SO3� �oa74a ' �eYqber , �ODS �d: Dnai. i ���'s 8scvil�eental. �ervice� , A't� :t '�e �o�v�g . P.O.;;! :�x i� Araa, :`•C� 81�0 . Re; �iaal ,:r eno�oi�priag ai�ei a aebeStoa temaYSt �11 s 4� �a be c�emraEi�ad. A,dd�es: �:4 Bexvair D�n �a�ci ; sii, 00 Mn�ari�� . �er't�etr+�� •.i� by Mr. �t�, vn 1Z-17r06� �a11 �pead�e �1 �w' ��img wrs �n � n tlr� �up�c aR�x..rer�s�rt►et oF pop�`�t't- �i�g � and shoet vi�y} Sp� � aekct � 'i'��e air c�i �stlta �va�e �ed �0 0� �'AT aari!lteri 1�b�o�toca► £or a��lY�as a� #�' i�a air. 1!!f tCSUIt* (c�l�ttlatdd bY t�e �aifice� f igue'�s �+od? a+ati iao ao�pHsace yvit�� tho ,� �'�iA i�d4� �"�a than 4.01 Sbars pac va t��ir" �t thQ air in aa �� :;�- . submi�te�� �b'p� :� , G�, 3oise� Ts:'i �r. x�b�ta� � . ��rvat�� FR�"I : f-;"1:. i�10. : Jan. • � �";�: N0. :3�3AaB�[� DeC. 19 �EiOE FROM :� M 5b�-P I NG � .�, _ . �'roairco, �.nc. • 6a,a�w;;� ��ae�o� P��l � i�yl � Rf. u�it. �t�e+r t�. od0�t� padat, 3' � �i',��i't �aZ W.�t1�, �v;t11$!'a%�► � �C�k; � 1�. F3ai, ��� �i� w. s�it. t�e sca�. u S a�+oe�: davswq. S' uP- � 8LZ1"t ; i4 8. a�oor, llv� rowci, � et11�, 4' �p. Pi21"E �'iS �. u�. ca�t �[v�ity motn�. i�i,�V. oormt, 4' �p. , F121''I �i6 &� 2'�fliyt�c► et� daclr�, �4' u�p. F121"'� �7 F. uoit„ 2"� flaac, Y� ba3r�oom. ca�cpo�t. 3' up. S�uo��k �'•► � �ilr t�1ts: . F1�i��ti 3I a.00a �'acc�t�r FLZI''► 'S�Z 0.004 tiaa O�'1dt ' ��a�•°� �s� a,00�elcc.of�r Fi2l��� �34 0.006 �'ac a�eir �1�1''� �ys Q_005poaafa'n Flar� ��� �S6 0.004 �'oa af.ia� � Fl�i'�� �S7 . 4-ppb �'oo o�a�r � � : O.t►0 �'o� oPaiur � 1 ��d b3' laba'1'�,1�1a� , A�ir�it ��Sp��k � 5ub�tbt �l .By: � ' . ' � , �'�� .Y--��� , Jvlm T+q'1 ��r. A�aa�• :�epectaa' , O L S O N & S O N S C O N S T R U C T I O N, I N C Town of Vail Re: Permit # 606-0356 This is a request that you please extend this permit at 184 Beaver Dam Road. We are approaching finish stages. Tim Olson Olson & Sons Construction �� �� /� d U � y � s � {-� i � r Z-� �_ ��. � � .�, � � �a�- L� C � ! � 1 -- ��- / — I 3 � � — � Post Office Box 438 Edwards, CO• 81632 Telephone 970-926-3289 Fax 970-926-4266 p ���o�� MAR O 1 2010 TOWN OF VAIL �L K R M CONSULTANTS, INC. P.O. fe�ox 4572 � Vail, Colorado 8'I 658 J70-�4J-J3J'I FAX J4J-'I577 ro: Alan Goncharoff ATTENTION: PROJECT: 184 Beaver Dam Road PRESENT AT S►TE: Shaun, Jeff, Chris FIELD REPORT DATE: ARRIVE: DEPART: WEATHER: JOB NUMBER: STATUS OF COMPLETION: Structurai framing complete D 8/6/2009 11:10 11:40 0610-24 ����d� AUG 07 2009 TOWN OF VAIL On Thursday August 6, 2009 I visited the above mentioned site to observe several issues that had arisen during the framing inspection being performed by the Town of Vail. The following is a list of items that were noted during the visit. -Several studs (approximately 8) on the southwest wall of the kitchen of the east residence had been notched to allow for the fireplace mechanical equipment to pass through. Approximately 3'h" of the studs remained after the notch. This bearing wall is supporting only a small portion of the roof above. Given the design loads, the notches will be acceptable at this location. -Our drawings, sheet S5, originally indicated a(3)-2x12 beam supporting the roof rafters above the haliway off of the study/bathroom on the upper floor of the east residence. At the time of my visit, oniy a single 2x12 had been installed. Given the design loads and short rafter spans at this location, this substitution will be acceptable. -The (3)-9 '/z LVL header on the south wall of the bedroom at the southwest comer of the east residence had been notched approximately 3'/z" at either end. These notches are acceptable under the requirements laid out in section 3.4.3 of the National Design Specification for Wood Construction. -In the bedroom mentioned above, our roof plan sheet S5, originally indicated 2x12 rafters bearing on the stud walls on the east and west sides. Instead of bearing on the walls, a ledger was added and the rafters were hung using Simpson LSSU210 hangers. At the time of my visit, the ledger was attached with (3)-nails into each stud. To adequately fasten the ledger in place, a single ledgerlok LL358 screw shall be added at each stud. -Our detail 8/S7 shows 2x12 rafters bearing on the wrapped steel beams in the roof above the previously mentioned bedroom. In framing this area, it was necessary to birdsmouth cut the rafters at the steel beam bearing locations. The birdsmouth cut left approximately 4'/z° of rafter remaining at the interior bearing locations. Given the design loads at this location, this cut will be acceptable. The minimum required rafter depth shall be 4". Please contact engineer with any questions. KRM Consultants, Inc. AUG 7 2009 Town of Vail ���'C E coPY COPY TO: Jan �"6 2007 3:06PM _� Witli�F. Reslock.Ai.A Licctised 4schtau � RESLOCKSULLIVRN 303 7738694 � � � ` eslock ancl. Sthllivan, L.L.C. Arc tecCUral � Plauning Services January 25, 2007 Stan Hahn, C.E.M. Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Ro�d Vail, CO 81657 � Pha�e (303) 773-95i 8T Fsut (S03) 773-fl694 F.m�dL- teelockeullivanOcomeset.net RE: 184 Beaver Dam Road Building Permit # B06-0356 PERMIT PLAN UPbATE Stau: Peb6ieA. 5ulllvw Certifled Plaemer � , � % �: � �� � �¢ ��� A : _���� � Per your review and conaments: . 1) The basement walls will be R13 insulation. 2) The wood floors over open air will be insulated with R49. 4) The guard rails on the window wells will match the upper level guazd rails. 3) Attached.is the Rescheck compliance inspecrion sheet Please let me la�ow if you need any additional information. Thanks hJ� Williarn F. Reslock, A.I.A. Reslock and Svllivan, L.L.C. �,���. �'��� r�M �SM�A'A�Ol�t�l 1S�Z Prouty I3t ive �c Evergreen, Co�orudo 80439 p.2 Jan CS 2007 3:06PM � i r . � RESLOCKSULLIVRN 303 7738694 REScheck Software Version 4.0.1 Inspection Checklist � p.3 � i1 �� � � � � �- � � Data: Q 1 /17/07 . � �"; �' �� Ceilfngs: �, . t`�'�< ❑ Celpng 1: Flat Ceiling or SCissor Trusa, R-49.0 cavity insuladon Comments: ❑ CeiYng 2: Cathedral CeUing (no attic), R�9.0 cavity insulation Comments: AboYe-Grade Walls: ❑ Wali 1: Wood Frame, 1G o.c„ R-21.0 cavity insuladon Comments; Basement Walls: ❑ 8asement Wall 1: Solid Concrete or Masonry, 1D,0' ht 19.0' bg / 10.0' insul, R-13.0 Cavity * R-11.0 contlnuaus insulation Comments: Exterior insulation has a dgid, opaque, weatheriesistarrt protactive covering that covers the exposed (above-grade) insuladon and extends at least 6 in. below grade.. Windows: ❑ Window 1: Woad Frame:�oude Pane wlth Low E, U-fac0or: 0.360 Farwindowsw{lhout labeled U-ladors, descdbe teatures, �Panes Frame Type Themnal Break? Yes No Camments: p If�ladow 2: Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-E, U-faator: 0.380 For windows without labeled U-factors, describe features; #Panes Frame Type Thermal Break7 Yes No Cornrr�nts: Skylights: ❑ Skylight 1: Wood Freme:Triple Pane with Low-E, U-factor. 0.280 #P�es Frame Type Thermal Break? Yas No Commenb: Daors: ❑ Daor 1: i Floo►s: D Floor 1: i U-factor: D.310 JoistlTruss:Over Outside Air, R-49.0 cavity insu�aUo� Heating and Cooling Equtpmenr ❑ Bailer 1: r(E�ept Gas-Flred Steam): 90 AFUE or higher Make an Model Number. Air Lea�age: � Jdnti penetratlons, and ell other such openings tn the bulidi�g envelope that are svurces o1 air leakage are sealed. Page 1 of 3 Jan � 2007 3:06PM RESLOCKSULLIVAN 303 7738694 p.4 : . . ❑ ❑ ❑ Recessed Gghts are 1) Type IC rated, or 2} installed inaide an appropria0e afr-Ilght assembly wlth a D.5" cfearance from combustlble materials. If non-1C rated, flxtures ars installed with a 3" dearance from insulation. � . Skylights: Minimum insulatt�n requirement for skyllght shafts equal to or greater than 12 inches is R-19. Vaper Retarder: InstaAed on the warm-in-winter side of all r�on-vented framed ceilings, walls, and floors. Materfals Identification: � � 0 Materiats and e ui ent are Installed in accordance with the manulacturer's installatlon ins � "�'"�'� `� ° R Pm q G�• � � °,,. � � Materials and equipmant are idandfied so lhat compliance can be determined. `�' z� ��; ��„r/� � Manutactwer manuals tor all installed heating and cooling equlpmer�t and service w���equfpmerrt have been provided. � Insulatlon R-values, glazing U-factors, and heatlng eQuipment effiGency are dearty mariced on tfie bullding plans or specifications. � Msuledon is �stalled accofding to manufacturer's instructions, In substaritlal contact with tha surface befng insulated, and in a manner Ihat achiqvas the rated R�value without compressing tha insulatlon, ■ ■ ■ ■ U Duct Insulation: Suppy ducts in unconditioned at�cs or outside the building are insulated to R-11. Reium ducts ln uncondttioned attics or outside the buAding are Insulaled to R-6. Supply ducis in uncondiUoned spacas are insulated to R-� 1. Reiurn ducb in uncondltioned spaces (except basements) are insulated to R-2. Insulation is not required qn retum ducts in basements. Where extarior walls are used as plenums, the waq is insulated to R-11. Duct Construction: 0 Ouct connections to ilanges oF air distrihu�on system equipment are sealed and machanically fastened. � All joints, s�ms, and connectlons are securely t'astened witl� welds, gaskaLs, mastics {adhesivesj, mastio-plus-embedded-fabric, or tapes. Tapea and mastics are rated UL 181A or UL � 818. Exceptions: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Continuousy welded and laddng-type longiludlnal Jolnts and seams on duds operdtlng at less than 2 in. w.g. (500 Pa), The HVAC system provides a means for balandng air and water systems, Terttperature Contrcls: Thermoatats exist for each separate HVAC system. A manual or automaUc means to parUally rasWct or Shul oPF the heat(ng and/or cooBng Input tc each zane or floor is provided. Service Water HeaUng: Water hea6ers with ve�ticai pipe rfsers have a heat trap on both the inlet and outlet uNeas the water heater has an tntegral heat trap or is pert of a arwlatlng system. Circulatlng hot water pipes ere inaulaLed 10 the levels in Table 1. Clrcul�ting Hot Water 8ystems: Cir�ulatlng hot water pipes are insulated to the levels in Table 1. Swimming Poals: 0 All heated swlmming pools have an onloff heater switdi �d a cover unless over 20°,6 of the heatinc� energy is from non-deplebhle sourrss. Pool pumps have a dme Clodc. Heating and CooUng Ptping Insulatlon: � HVAC �ping canveying ftuids above 105 degrees F or chified fluids below 55 degrees F ara Insulaled to the levels in Table 2. Pape 2 of 3 Jan �6 2007 3:06PM RESLOCKSULLIVRh 303 7738694 ��. � a�"'� � s �f ' Tab/e 1: Minlmum insu/ation Thickness for Circulating Hot Wate�r �s�' ���i Insulatlon Thickness in Inches by Plpe Sfzes ` Non-Clrculating Runouta Circulating Mains and Runouts ��� Heated Water �p � �M Vp � 1.25" 1.5' to 2.0" over 2' �`"� � Ternperawre (°F7 � 17��0 0.5 1.0 1.5 20 140.169 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 ,e 10Q-139 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 Table 2: Mlnimum Inserlat3an Tbfck�ess tor HVAC PJpes Fluid Temp. Insuladon Thickness in Inchss by Pipe Slzes Plping 5ystem Types R�88�.F) 2" Runouts 1" and less 1.25" to 2.0" 2.6" to 4" HeatlnO Syatsms Luw PressurelTemperature 201-250 1.a 1.5 1.5 2.0 Low Tempera4re 106-200 0.5 1 A 1.0 1.5 Sieam Condensate (forfeed water) Any 1.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 CooUng Systerns Chllled Water, Refrigerant and 40-55 6rine Bebw 40 NOTES TO FIELD: (Building Dapartrnant Use Only) 0,5 0,5 0.75 1.0 1.� 1.0 1.5 1.5 q� � � �i t�. � �� �_x p.5 Page 3 of 3 �� � � � � `�-� REScheck Software Version 4.0.1 Compliance Certificate Project Title: White Rock Beaver Dam Report Date: 06/19/09 Data filename: C:1Documents and Settings\Debbie Sullivan\My Documents\LLC Plan Files1184 Beaver Dam1184BeaverDamCOPY09.rck Energy Code: 2003 IECC °�"'��jjj�j �'� Va(� Location: Vail, Colorado Cons 9ctio9 Type: y Single Family �� ���� ��� Glazing Area Percentage: 25% � ��'� Heatin De ree Da s: 9248 ti�� �-� � Construction Site: 184 Beaver Dam Road Vail, CO 81657 Permit # BO6-0356 Owner/Agent: White Rock Beaver Dam LLC P.O. Box 3546 Little Rock, AR 72203 (914)260-9070 agoncharoff@aol.com Desig ne r/Co ntractor: William Reslock Reslock and Sullivan, L.L.C. 1582 Prouty Drive Evergreen, CO 80439 (303)773-9578 rsllc@comcast.net ' Comp6ance: Passes P,taximum UA� 1671 Your Home UA: 1624 --> 2.8% Better Than Code (UAj � Ceiling 1: Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss: Ceiling 2: Cathedral Ceiling (no attic): Skylight 1: Wood Frame:Triple Pane with Low-E: Wall 1: Wood Frame, 16" o.c.: Window 1: Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-E: Door 1: Glass: Basement Wall 1: Solid Concrete or Masonry: Wall height: 10.0' Depth below grade: 9.0' Insulation depth: 10.0' Window 2: Wood Frame:Doubte Pane with Low-E: Floor 1: All-Wood Joist/Truss:Over Outside Air: Boiler 1: Other (Except Gas-Fired Steam): 90 AFUE 650 49.0 0.0 3681 49.0 0.0 54 10137 23.0 0.0 1707 703 4105 23.0 11.0 113 1400 49.0 0.0 0.470 0.380 0.350 0.360 17 SO 25 425 649 246 112 41 29 Compliance Statement The proposed building design described here is consistent with the building plans, specifications, and other calculations submitted with the permit application. The proposed building has been designed to meet the 2003 IECC requirements in REScheck Version 4.0.1 and to comply with the mandatory requirements listed in the REScheck Inspection Checklist. {-► � u. � ta.r� '� E. S �--oc. C. �1. Rc..t,t 1?CLT' V.� �.- �O �� ('`� ` Name - Title Signature Date � ���o��� ���;:r ! ,Z I.{.3�,��� �� ��YY� �� ��f�� White Rock Beaver Dam Page 1 of 1 Jul 23 2009 12:33PM HP LRSERJET FAX p.2 REScheck Saftware Version 4.0.1 Compiiance Certificate Project Ti�e: White Rock Beaver Dam Report Dabe: 07t23/09 Deda fllename: C:10ocurr�ents and Settin�lDe6bie SuYivanlMy DowmerrtsiLLC Plan FIes1184 Beaver Dem11848eeverDamREVISEDRescfiedc72108.rck Energy Code: 20031ECC ��� VaB, Colorado Constructlon Type: 8ingi� FBmily Glaaing A►ea Peroenta9e: 25'/� H88dng pegree Days; 8yi8 Construdion Site: 184 Beaver Qam F�oacl Vei. CO 81657 Pertnt � BO6-0356 Own�lApent: White Rodc 8eaver Dam LLC P.O. 8ox 3548 Utlle Rodc, AR 7220Ci (914�60-0OTO agoncheroff�ad,com Desic,�edContractor. Wi�►iam Reaiock Reslock and Sulivan, L.L.C. 1582 Routy Drive Evergreen, CO 80439 (303)773�578 rstic�comcast.net =��rr���,.-'�-r. P35sE's , in: .... �g?1 i r Nc i.: �.t.`.� i5tl! �Y_7".4, 8ett�.r Th.�r. Code �UA' I ---• . . �. _�., .� �, � �..�. Ce�liny 2: Cathedral CelYng (no ettic): Skylf�ht t: Wood Frame; Double Pane wNh Low-E: Wdll �; Wood Frame, 16" o.c.: Window 1: Wood Rame:DouWe Pane wfth Low-E: Roor t: Glass: 68sement Wall 1: Solid Concrete or Masorxy: Wap heiphr 10A' Dep1h below grade: 9.0' Inaulstia+ depTh: 10.0' W+ndow2: Wood Frame:DouWe Pane vrith Low-E: Floor 1: A�-Wood JdaUTrusa:Over Oupide Nr: Boil6r 1: Orier (6cCept Ges-Fired Steam): 9� AFUE es� 47,0 3681 47.0 54 10137 23.0 17fl7 703 4105 23.0 113 1400 49.0 0.0 �7 0.0 gp Q.470 25 0.0 425 0.358 6'I 1 0.358 252 11.0� 112 0.0 0.360 41 29 Com�pXanOe �+9tement The proposed buA�ng design described here is aonsfatent wkh the bufidin9 Plena� spedflcstlons, end other calculetions submil�ed wittt fhe permit appficatlon. The Prap�sed buiiding hes been desfgned !o meet the 20d3 ECC raquirements in REScheck Version 4.0.1 and to comply with the mandatary requirements fyYed in the REScheck inspection CheckGst �it�t� IAf1 �E.SLe�C.k At1C�}�Y��,L.'T ��lQ.(�.___-- ."+_Z�j .Oe� Nams - Titls Sipnaturo Date �� �� �� � Page 1 of 1 JUL-23-2009 10:58 From:INSULVAIL 9705243001 To:B274088 �yµ ��� pls t��s � InsuNail, �.�,c Mr. Jenaro Magana 3 J Ruilders PO Box 927 Minturn, C() 31G45 Ma.y 20, 2009 PROJEt"1': West Side tTnit B 1 �4 Beaver I:)am Road Vail, C4 SP�C1FiCATIONS: R-4I Blow-in-iiia��ket �yste�n Fiberglass Insulation (BIBS) to 2x12 exterior ceiling R-75 BTBS tu round cxtcrior ceiling R-23 B16S to 2x(i cxtcrior walis R-23 BIBS tv 2x6 garagc cxterior wa11s -� R-23 BIBS to 2x6 garag� conunon wal.ls ��'` R-15 BIB$ to 2x4 fi�rrcd concrete exleriar w�ll� y� 6-mil poly air/vapor b:�nier to exterior walls, gdre�e e;xl��ric�r walls and garage common walls . Membrain Smart Va.pur Rctardcr to exterior ceilings and furred concrete exterior walls "` " R-38 unfac�:d fiberglass botts to 1 l 7/$" garage ceiling ; R-19 unfaccd fibcrglass batts to l l 7/8" mid floor ., ,.,.- --,�' R-25 unfacecl iibcrglass batts to 11 7/8" rim joists �- t 1 R-21 unfac�d fitx:rglass batts to 2xG dem.ising walls �'. � R-11 sound batts to 2x4 intcrior walls ���•' R-! 9 sound batts to 2x6 interior walis . Poam all windows, doors ancl pc:nc;trAliuns ' Pa�,;e :2�5 Pual 0(ii�c L�:.ax 2�58�3 Vail, Colora�a tsl65g V7U-5�4-3Ut}p Fax 97U-5`��4-300J " �! . •ti � JUL-23-2009 10:58 From:INSULUAIL 9705z43001 To:8274088 Pas�:3'S CertainT � eed LI Builders Statement I `b9 C� G A•/ F�L hA.N` �� ,(� �'� ���� A � �1�g� ��Rr°�,r �A��r�� 9n��alaQ�vn a�y�� �� fi�►� I�R�va��--A�. f�B�a�Gs��`ti �ys�e�a The OPTIMA Systrm has bcen instattcd usi�� ppT�MA Insulatio�t lo prpvi� a R-valuc of R�� �Sii�� n4�x �f insulatio�� to cove� ��� syuare fert uf �rea at a thickneys uf_�2,,,,_ inchrs. Cr� e K T�QicR., c_�t t,��c� Inti6illt!r (,.t�ntr:�c tur ��i�n1 0- f,� �J C,G IZQ Company Name l f�L Sl/ L N A[ L L / I)itr. / 0uI1dC� (s�j;n! CU�»N.�nY Ndrnr / batC / � Tii�RMAL PERfOaMAfVCF _.__..� (�PTIMAT"" Liiutie Fifl Insul:itian ic maniifac:tur�ul f�r �Incrr� r�vily aprlir,atinn inct211vt1 I�Fhind (�f'TIMA Fil�nr r»� rw�i.iiv:ile»t. It xh�.►ul�� ncit be ►.isrtl ft�r rx��n hlow arpliCaUonc. In �r_corcl�nCe with thp char�c belriw, y�iu mu�t intit;��U thF min�miim n�nnhrr nf b�J�c per 1,(.N.1� sc�, ft. of net area far each R-v��lue/civity thicicnes� liste�l. (:ove�agr is based on a nominii 28 I�i. baR, The m�xiii�uni itel cuvera�e irwst i�u1 rxt.r.rd 11'�,�I �x�:ili�cl fu� e�ih R-�alue. Failure io initall rhF reyuii�ed minimum weibh� E,e� ;c�. fi. u( in;ul.alirm will rr.�ult u� � reiluce�l R-valuc�. This produ=:'.t should nor he mixed with �ther hl�wn insul,�ii�ns �r thP ihPnnal cl;��ms will hec�me invah�i. S�dewalls, Cathedral Ceilingc and other closed ca�ities tl�at are rn��r��y, IneMA �'/.:" 1?va) ;y.. �t:�,1 7'/.�" I:iali� y'h' (1� 1(11 11'h"i:�w1Zi r f4i` ltx7A) [1rns+ly Rw�lu! lbs.l'er(.u.l�l. i y t �S � � � i� 30 � � )9 4-0 °7 > ll !h I.K Minimum W�•iGhl �M. r.. sy. � �. i!. ;is U U2' I (iAH I )(�0 t .(�;U I.Ylti{ Filled. Ra �c prr I,�ui�5y. F� i�i �i 24 •1 ;n.:, SM.t{ %I.a Meaimum Sy. ►F� C�wcrege Per Bag�! ;s r� � �r, 2Q i7 �'...�...... ... 1a t1AA�ttl AiTICS—UA5�f1 CBVIileS Iba1 2fE 11A1 CAf11 reFSion fil{ed. Thi�kne.�a Dena�Y Miuimum Welght K c Pcr MaMimum Sq. FL! IniLr► R-value lbs. Ytr C�. FI. lM. Per Sy. Ft, 1.00� Sq. ft �rn�•rayn Prr u�Er: I�/."I�N7 i) __ .....� I.II II./Y« III,'1 ')G .,. ���;,�,��� 13 �t i�2S0 I:�..', nn --.. `---,. ��'/P (?cd) I d I J fl dpl! I�I.S hy '__ ........... ........�,. .�......,._.. .. .,.....,,.-....�. ly," �1�41 I� 1 6 O.�A7 IG.7 rd1 tiY�_ (: ch) 1 N � 11 U.911t 10.�1 �;I .. ... .. _.___._ _.. 5'/"12xbi 21 t � —O.iyp t��r. �i� ,'1:°(3xG1 �? i.a ---- �)W.� J2.i �� S'!.�°�2���i 12r i b ��.ri:t 26.3 ...{n �vr t:��x� tn i o u(�iw 2i,7 a�, ' _.._ —.. ih,�ll�Ll....._.__� 27 I.t 0775 25.7 .19 ... . . ._ .. 7'/." � 1� H Y 24 1. d U. M16 )V..9 11 _,...,,._.._....._ .................. _. . . � 7'/�" t2s61 :0 1.5 p 9C•� {a s ... .��� �)'/," I;yllll Si 1 � U 7Jt L7.p 1G '1'/.` tlxtill .:S I 2 (1 q7i ..». . 5 t. i :�� ; v��rrd.iU� 'tt. i o 1 .U75i . ... :X [ .... 'h _... _..._..— •—.. . -•°—•--._..__ .. .............. 7/,'t2x10� JH 1(> ��17 q�.y >� � .. ^ ..... .... .... .. ... �. ..v�npnre w•n� n�im t il�a ds iy�)n � maul:n�Oq. �'l< fI1C3f1f ICSi51;1qC1' H� h�qu lYwv Nw• hi�;lieq IIM• K�:�;IIuC. t�cg�caic�dw•tnxd;,i�n��unv�� Ynqath�•mar4i•rIR-vx4�c.�iicessri�i�alrh,ulhc•m;ul,niu�i�sin;iallcilp��y�;�lyi��IL,w�n�tlrnrciumo�endauonsrni,cnaio7c�n�<:uq,uf:��w�i AYY'1tCDVfEL' WU1d �t�;R• ��I Iiri� �S�(�M/-i�±I.,��Ai�14:��' SY5'a�N� ML�w�b��lfl,�nker System is a rc��s�erc0 iradem�rt ui �1rk•Se,l� h11Rrv�fipr,il. pK„ UC��vFr (:Q 1;0123 • UPTIMn` �r a aad�:m,��e pl f l�i4in�l��r�l <�u��ur..�hun fF.R7AINTEF.p ('ARPnRAT{(iN, P.O. OOx 84V, VALLEY FORGE, PA 19�62 i.,d�:. ��i�-2a.21n Vt7'lUCvnamlcaJiorpur���un �Ur4U JUL-23-2009 10:58 From:INSULUAIL 9705243001 To:8274088 Pa�Fe:4�5 �i;.�.. CertainTeed C�1 Builders Statement I S q�c�a� � e. ��n e �. cj - s� UPTtJV1�iT"' F�ber Glass Insulation used in the Blow-In-Btanket`A' System The OPTIMA Syslem has been installed using OPTIMA Insulatic,n tu p�ovidr a R-valur of R_� S �S�ng �bags of insulalinn In �•nver 1�q cr��ar« fret of rrea at a thickness uf ._ ( b_;,,cl,e�. � e f�oJN'p E k 1 C-0.�o;e G C���+ni c� . insiallcr Cumra�:io� (c���i) �� L U C.C- ►tp c:vm��any N�me 1 N Sv (,,.�L �t G. 1,., _� / �aic /<o' •2q-o� R�i�li�i�i (Signl f.uuy�ai�Nt.unc � _. _.,...�_., / Udl�: / ��_. TIIERMAE PERFURMANCE r OPTIMAT"' Loose Fill hisulation is manufactured for closed cavity application installcci behind Of TlMA F�brir r�r CC�UiV�ICIIL I► SItAUIGI IIOt bC: USc�C� fbf OpCll �7Ii)w 8f)F)IIC�311t)I15. It� �,ccc,r�.lan�:t wiih the charts bclow, you must i�°,stall Ihe ntinirnun'i number ��t b�gs Nir 1,Q00 it{. fl �if rxrl rirr�i fi�r F�i:h R-v�tl��r/c.�vily IhiCknC55 liSlC�cl. Covcr.��C .r+s based on a n�m�nal Zti ih, hag. 1 hP maximi�m net ��verag,e must n�t PxcePd that c��ified f�r cach R-v�lue. _ ta�lure to �nstall the required min�mi�m wei�ht per sq. ft. of insulauon will result i�� a redu�ed it-valuF fhiti prnc�urr should not be mixecl with other blown insulacions or the thermal claims will become inv�lid Sidewalls, Cathedral Ceilings and other c:losed cavitirs that are compression filled. Thit4n�cc Mn�i�y Mlidnwwn W�i ht Rarc P�r Mnairnum Sq� FI. Inches R•rapu Un Per Cu. Ft. lbs. Per Sy. �. 1.0U0 Sry, ft. CovcnR� Ia'A�g• !'i:" l.+cdl �; 1 9 n �Z5 ut �r 5 t . . ..__.__... . ti'i.• (l.ni : t . .... _ _.. _._.... , _ I,H UJtY', . .... ... .'4.A .f♦ 77." 1?xAI 1f.) 1 11 1 AQF1 ,� 2N 5 ��, y4�` t,'etU) S9 l.tl I. flttt ili.l) �.. :�1 11'!,"(:!a171 07 r.� 1.M 11�NN .ti11.N �� �.. 1J'i�"f7xla� 5G I.0 �I.��NlU 71.d ��4 ...: Flot�r�d Atticr—C.,In.r.d Cavitiev that arN not com rcysinn fillC�i, Thic4neu Dcnzily Minimum Wci�ht Baks icr M,aiawm� $q:!f� In[�I�rs K.value LIh. P�r (:u. FI. Un. Yrr Sy. FI. 1.INq Sy. hl. Cevcra�c Ycr �ag• 3'/:" 17.vr) i 7 i p n 7q'� � i� � vt, J'/:' 11x4i 1� � / � .... _ . _.... . U l:,li �? S 8G , fv,° Izr�i t� i�� O.r08 ' __ .�� � ��� .ivr^1!ai1 li � G O.AW ��.7 r,0 � S'/:°f:i.l.l ... ��� �._ 111 O.15N 1b.1 (il �. :���," 13ab1 21 1.2 V iSU ly.b q� . �_ . .., .__ _.._... , _ . .._----.. _... ---.. tiy ,, ��,ti� z� i.� u.nas 2:.7 sq Sv:" (2�Gi ?2 i �; n �71 —. , , �s., sn '/Y.° (lan) Sb 7.0 ci.i>u4 2 �,7 ar, 7�A°(1Y81 17 I.:' � ..__._._... __.... __.__... � p 7�ti /ti / }y .. _:_......... 7'/.° f2 KHi 29 1 4 O H46 3A.] ll _.. ....._ ...... . ..... ra�r�ro� �u i r, o.v�r za � ,u v'A° 12atu) .i.s t.0 u.i7 i j7.A .tb 9'L�^(?x101 ); 1.2 4.�iz5 3) 3 , u> . �1'G: (Ivill� ih 1.4 LQ74 ]0.$ 2(. „ y'/�'IIx7111 11S I.li 12i1 4i.� ___ �� : G v,�bu•t .NP �II'll'l I1/111HI III .N.I.IM(I,�rn_e w�i{i ASTM l btl/. Cnmpli05 w�lh ASTM l Y1�3 ay Ty��u� 1 incul.uiuu. "N` n4a��s irSiSl�nCC fn h��, 1 H�MV Th�� hit�hrr ih� ��R v�d�u�. d��: �n•.Hrr Ilir �n•.id;�GnG �env��. lu �;ei Ihe �u.uket) �•v�lue. J o eS�cnli,ll Il�,�l Ihr �•tSa4�Gon i� �ns�.+ucd �,rnp�vly �i�liowhq; d�e recon.me.e�ar�,.n� n1 frnalnTi�M CncrWxaiine. APPRDVED FOR l►`F IN THE BLOW-IN-BLANKET" SYSTEM Hl�xv-In•kfl��kCr� iyslcm 1s .� reNiale�rd trldlMdrk Of /�rk•�('�I In��;ruetl�ut.il, lui . Ih•iwui (.lJ 7lULZ.f • l'JYTIMA... if :� lra(I�uu�rk u{ Lcr�. �n7�cd (n���;;apra���m CERTAINTEED CURYUNATIUN, r.0. BOX 860, VAILEY FU11GE, PA 19482 i:�nr �ri.ic a� n �999 Certuneeo Caponr�on 51pp JUL-23-2009 10:58 From:INSULVAIL 9705243001 To:8274088 CertainTeed C� Builders Statement Pa�'�:5�5 ::-L� E-MAlLEC� �— —�;'� 8 � �GA�I � � OA f2.9 . l% `~� �w.,,� �•n�, � J� � i.HA � li RA =�..� µ•'�1:'.;' �i����i:'.:� �C1'�M:�Q�cY�OG9!fU G���`.."� II�� a��!l�t'_' �'M(; ��,� �':t'q. l�tii 1. ��• F v ;� I ��ar.ifd�:ut�;i J�1.rA�(".Ei�:� Thr OPTIMA Syslem �,as becn inSldllyd uvin� OPTIMA t�tsull�ion tn }►rvvidc � Rwalur of R.� lia s qf „�,,.s � insulafian tn �nvpr�� �yui�� fcct oi arra af a thi�knrs� uf 5�/L �������;�, j o � ..-- kTCR�o14 V�lA�y Ii15t'iIlCr�imh;artnr(•.ii;n) Q• ��JG�c12� C'�nn�i.invN;i����� _.__ ..-�.NS�LV�.�c� L _ ..__ _.... 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M(?�Ih' Yi:�N ;f�l �Y91L {3�aC���/?�/ �('•I Fs'!ll�111":��;" �`�;"y'•i�1.;N'i �tl��w-�i�.�ll.�����c��' S}'a�e�ii ix ;1 �cxlqF1'Ci1 UdAEi��1.iil� ii(A�i, ti�•.il Ii�li:i1VIIVi1:lI. Illl.. UIfIVI:f (�.�) II(I-�'�1 �()f��(fh1A it.'� ir:ir��i��.�r1 �ii i'i:t'fA��'�TC�.YI �,V(�J.:"?fnlnnl CF.RTAINTCCDCOR!`URATIAIV, P.fl. Rfll(libll,vAII,RY PURGl, YA 1y4tl2 (iHll' 1(I.�J.1111 A�/1'1'lll ( ��:I.l1i111"�'II f ��1��� r.�l��ii� lfr/`UI � TOWN OF VAIL FIIZE DEPARTMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-213 5 OWNER VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ALARM PERMIT Job Address: 184 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Location.....: LJNIT A Parcel No...: 210107113007 Project No : CONTRACTOR WHITE ROCK BEAVER DAM LLC PO BOX 3546 LITTLE ROCK AK 72203 LIGHTSPEED DIGITAL PO BOX 1332 GYPSUM COLORADO 81637 License: 669-5 o9/os/2oos Permit # Status . . . . Applied . . : Issued . . . Expires . .: A08-0072 � �� - ° 3'� �"t�T� o ��a ISSUED 09/08/2�08 09/17/2008 03/16/2009 09/17/2008 Phone: (970) 777-7717 Desciption: NEW DUPLEX: FIRE ALARM SYSTEM Valuation: $1,800.00 **********s**+*s�**********+*ssr�*s********s�**+*r**********ss�*�sr* FEE SUMMARY **s***sr*s�:*�***r****3************rs*3********ts*�**s*r**** Electrical--------> $ o. o o Total Calculated Fees--> $ 2 9 9. 5 0 DRB Fee-------> $ 0. 0 0 Additional Fees----------> $ 0. 0 0 Investigation----> $ 0. 0 0 Total Permit Fee--------> $ 2 9 9. 5 0 Wi1lCall-------> $0.00 Payments-----------------> $299.50 TOTAL FEES--> $ 2 9 9. 5 o BALANCE DUE--------> $ o. o 0 ##f*####*###tt##i###R##�########f#k##*i##4##►########*##t�4####4##4**###t###########*###tf###4##########1###i######ft##############i#+k#M####t#### Approvals: Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 09/09/2008 drhoades Action: AP Approved as noted: l. Change smoke detector in the Ground Floor Mechanical room to a heat detector pE Standards. 2. Knox Box and Horn/Strobe locations to be approved by Vail Fire Dept. prior to installation. 3. Heat detector(s) required in all accessible storage areas and in all accessible crawlspaces. 4. One set of stamped, approved plans must remain on-site. ##t#4#####ii##*##ifR##R#rt#t#######i########t###############i#########t######ki*###tt#####�F##**f##�R###*�#######t#*##*######!f##############t#####4 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL fff#######t###tti*##�F*#t#####f#####►#*###################t##########t#############t########t#f###t###*#########**vki########f###t#f####f########## DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE SEVENTY-TWO HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TE -479-2252 FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. � APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Project #: � �'U� Building Permit #: ?a'�a Alarm Permit #: U 970-479-2135 ./..ns�ections� ���y� TOWN OF VAIL FIRE ALARM PERMIT APPLICATION Commercial � Residential Fire Alarm shop drawings are required at time of 75 S. Frontage Rd. application submittal and must include information listed on the Vail, Colorado 81657 2nd page of this form. Application will not be accepted without this information. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Fire Alarm Contractor. . Town of Vail Reg. No.: Contact and Phone #'s: c; ��._ �.� -�tspE�� ��� ;+�-c , Lz�. �� 1—S �-n�-�v�.� :���r,�N��;�z �-, �- ���P-7 E-Mail Address: �. L �' (,� U7 ►y ti'�L, G� �-� Contractor Signature: COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR ALARM PERMIT (Labor � Materials) Fire Alarm: $ `� � _ �o ****�************�*********************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************************************* ��� r� De�@:�q-D9-D8' ' ` `i�`ay �7!J�4.�2�' � 4 � TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2135 VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ALARM PERMIT Job Address: 184 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Location.....: UNIT B Parcel No...: 210107113007 Project No : OWNER WHITE ROCK BEAVER DAM LLC 09/OS/2008 PO BOX 3546 LITTLE ROCK AK 72203 CONTRACTOR LIGHTSPEED DIGITAL PO BOX 1332 GYPSUM COLORADO 81637 License: 669-5 Permit # Status . . . : Applied . . : Issued . . . Expires . .: �b� —6 3� A08-0073 `Y"i�Z.sOCP -p � G6 ISSUED 09/08/2008 09/17/2008 03/16/2009 09/17/2008 Phone: (970) 777-7717 Desciption: NEW DUPLEX: FIRE ALARM SYSTEM Valuation: $1,800.00 r*t***�**********�ss**********�+***�*********s**a*�****s*�*�*�****** FEE SUMMARY •****s**s*s*s***r�***sr**r******�*ss**a*********sa*�**t*fs** Electrical---------> $ o. o o Total Calculated Fees--> $ 2 9 9. 5 0 DRB Fee---------> $ o. o o Additional Fees----------> $ o. o 0 Investigation----> $ 0. 0 0 Total Permit Fee--------> $ 2 9 9. 5 0 W ill Call--------> $ 0. 0 0 Payments------------------> $ 2 9 9. 5 0 TOTAL FEES--> $ 2 9 9. 5 0 BALANCE DUE--------> $ 0. 0 0 t##########t##f#*t######tt##tRi############i#4#*######t#######*#t######**##*##►i########tt###################t##t#f#t######�#####*##########t#### Approvals: Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 09/09/2008 drhoades Action: AP Approved as noted: 1. Change smoke detector to heat ctetector in the lower ground tloor mechanical roc VFES Standards. 2. Knox box and horn/strobe locations to be approved by VFES prior to installation. 3. Heat detector(s) required in all accessible storage areas and in all accessible crawlspaces. 4. One set of stamped, approved plans must remain on-site. ######t#####*##tif####*►##f#i#ik######t########�##4######t#tt#############t#####*######f##########ii#*######i#*�##############Fi################# CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL ....�...........«........*.....�............�..«***.�.� .................�.�.*.:...*.�.«.....«.�...*....�......*......*....�.........�...*....�... DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE SEVENTY-TWO HOURS IN AD ANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970-479-2252 FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. �� `l,._,,,_,,..«, �.-------� APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Project #: - �' Building Permit : � - Alarm Permit #: � - t�� � ___ 970-479-2135 Inspections ���y� TOWN OF VAIL FIRE ALARM PERMIT APPLICATION Commercial � Residential Fire Alarm shop drawings are required at time of 75 S. Frontage Rd. application submitta! and must include information listed on the Vail, Colorado 81657 2nd page of this form. Appiication will not be accepted without this information. CONTRACTOR lNFORMATION COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR ALARM PERMIT (Labor � Materials) Fire Alarm: $ � Fy' OD, U U *****************:***:***�*******:*****FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*:*�*:*****::*�r*:��****:::***�******* �°i � �� Other Appr�F-�-. .,,. � f,+-nitted ❑ App�ed a� no�tsd �) .. . . - . . �. t.:: i.! �' �, � � �, u �. L�. r; � ^£Enc� - �.:;,�:� TQOl1fl� C���a�� �-, i �..,`� � �I i �''� � TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-213 8 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 184 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Location.....: 184 BEAVER DAM ROAD Parcel No...: 210107113007 Legal Description: Project No : OWNER WHITE ROCK BEAVER DAM LLC PO BOX 3546 LITTLE ROCK AK 72203 APPLICANT BIG BEAR ELECTRIC, INC. P. O. BOX 474 LEADVILLE CO 80461 License: 291-E CONTRACTOR BIG BEAR ELECTRIC, INC. P. O. BOX 474 LEADVILLE CO 80461 License: 291-E os/o9/200� OS/09/2007 08/09/2007 Permit #: E07-0171 Status . . . . Applied . . : Issued . . . Expires . .: FINAL 08/09/2007 08/09/2007 08/13/2007 Phone: 970-390-9221 Phone: 970-390-9221 Desciption: TEMPORARY POWER FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW PRIMARY/SECONDARY RESIDENCE Valuation: $500.00 Syuare feet: 100 s*s*******ss*es*s*�*�*a**�*s*a*s****s***�*********s�****�*�*sa*s*** FEE S UMMARY ►+�sr**►*s**�**sr*�+*s****s*v*******s****s�*r*s*s*s*******ss Electrical---------> $51. �5 Total Calculated Fees--> $54 . �5 Investigation----> $0.00 Additional Fees----------> $0.00 Will Call--------> $3 . oo Total Permit Fee--------> $54 . 75 TOTAL FEES--> $54 . �5 Payments------------------> $54 . �5 BALANCE DUE--------> $0. 00 ##i��*#####t#*##*##t*t*t**#*#R#�f#*#*###i####f*###*►i*#***►######t######4####t�i#�#4k9t*#####*#####t#t*##t##i#######f*########►*##t#+R#####*##i### Approvals: Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 08/09/2007 shahn Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT ...*..*.:....�:+*�*.�.�.....:.::...:ss.*.*s:.:+s*.+s�.+.:+..:::...:*:...+.*..:...+.:..�..*..�.**:::::�*..:....+.�...:..:.:.....*.:....:.�..�:��.. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. #�F##rt#*#*###R##*#*#########i###########i�*1tt#ts#######t#t######t##t}#*it***t*#*R#Rtt*#############f##i****i►#t##*#t############*4rt##t####�t#ttf### DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information reyuired, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS M ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER ******************************************�*************�*********************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 10-01-2010 at 14:55:14 10/O1/2010 Statement *�***********�*************************************************+**************+*******+***** Statement Number: R070001475 Amount: $54.75 08/09/200701:11 PM Payment Method: Check Init: LT Notation: Big Bear Electric / ck 5722 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: E07-0171 Type: ELECTRICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-071-1300-7 Site Address: 184 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Location: 184 BEAVER DAM ROAD Total Fees: $54.75 This Payment: $54.75 Total ALL Pmts: $54.75 Balance: $0.00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ EP 00100003111100 ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES 51.75 WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: TH/S PERM/T MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL T/MES : �ow�o�ya� � Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vaii, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2139 f. 970.479.2452 inspections 970.479.2149 ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E08-0254 ADUP Job Address: Location.....: Parcel No...: 184 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL 210107113007 OWNER WHITE ROCK BEAVER DAM LLC 10/21/2008 PO BOX 3546 LITTLE ROCK AK 72203 APPLICANT BIG BEAR ELECTRIC, INC. 10/21/2008 Phone: 970-390-9221 P. O. BOX 474 LEADVILLE CO 80461 License: 291-E CONTRACTOR BIG BEAR ELECTRIC, INC. P. O. BOX 474 LEADVILLE CO 80461 License: 291-E Desciption: INSTALL TWO-FAMILY DWELLING Valuation: $0.0C 10/21/2008 Phone:970-390-9221 TWO 400 AMP SERVICES AND ALL WIRING FOR NEW Square feet: 8000 Project #: status . . . : Applied . . : Issued . . . Expires . .: ��,�3.57v PRJ06-0360 ISSUED 10/21 /2008 10/21 /2008 04/19/2009 ...�,,...........«*......**.*.,«*..««««....**,.**«*...,*«*.*.,**.,«.**.*.* S M A Y ...�*�**.......,.*...,..*.***...*..,..«.*..,«....«...««.,..,.��........��........ Electrical Permit Fee---------> Investigation Fee--------------> Will Call Fee--------------------> FEE U M R $362.25 Total Calculated Fees--> $366.25 $0.00 Additional Fees----------> $0.00 $4.00 Use Tax Fee-------------------> $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEE---> $366.25 Total Calculated Fees-------> $366.25 Payments-----------------> $366.25 BALANCE DUE----------> $0.00 *..*..,.*««., « .....................�*.............**..*..,.«*.***..,..,.,**,..<.#..«.���.,..�...........*.*....**.**,...,*.*«.,..*.,*.«.««*«,�,....�.....*....*....*...,.*.,,*.* APPROVALS Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 10/21/2008 JLE Action: AP .....,.*.�.* ...............«..**...*«**.,..,..,****«.,.,..,,...,«.*..««���*.....*...****......***.,**.*«*.«*...*.«.«,.**..�.,..�.........*.,.*.**.«*.«.,*.,...«,.....�..�.��.,�... CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. .*..,,*«,.«* .............,....*.*.......,.**..*.*.«.*.,*.«**.«**.,..«...,....�.,.....*.....«**..,.,..,**.*«..«..«.,..,,..,..�...�*..«......,«***.,..,««....«.*�,...,,,�,..�...�,...., DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FRpM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. � , of Ov�fier or Contractor Print Name elec_prm_041908 �v' ��� � Date r *##*#*##**�####*#�**###****##****####*�###*#**#*�#######*�#####****##******##**#######*##### TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement *************�**+****+*************+***�*****************************++**+++*++*****++**�+*+ Statement Number: R080001992 Amount: $366.25 10/21/200811:03 AM Payment Method: Check Init: JLE Notation: 6386 BIG BEAR ELECTRIC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: E08-0254 Type: ELECTRICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-071-1300-7 Site Address: 184 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Location: Total Fees: $366.25 This Payment: $366.25 Total ALL Pmts: $366.25 Balance: $0.00 ****r*+**�****+****************************�*****************************************s****** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ EP 00100003111100 ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES 362.25 WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 4.00 • -- . Project Address ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION i eR 'Contractor Information Company: � " Company Addre s: �7 � /�JX � 7 �i City: /�U �� State:�Zip: _1� i;�,� Contact Name: I�.CJ�IA- JJ��� /D�.l' �/lv�_ Contact Ph: �/) 3�('�T� Ce11:�7Ui S�G'- 422� No: �� � � � Property Information Parcel #: Z/v�O�f��'7 Legal Description: Lot # Blk #. Subdivision: Project #:/C"�1 _a� 3L /! Building Permit #: �,QiA � �t� Electrical Permit #: �J(/ � CJ �� Detailed Description of Work: , ►�� , � . � r � � � u _�� .. . r � ■ ►. � i L�� 'rl� � '� � � � (Use additional sheet if necessary) COMPLETE SQ. FOOTAGE FOR AREA OF WORK AND VALUATION OF WORK (Labor & Material) Amount of SQ Ft �j Electrical $ Work Class: New (kf Addition ( ) Remodel ( ) Repair ( ) Other ( ) Building Type: Job Name: ��h;��{/�, /'/.�il /JIiM IC�V Single-FamilY ( ) Two-FamilY ( ) Multi-Family � ��� ��/� � Commercial ( ) Townhome ( ) Other ( ) Owner Name: . r-11� �,(� Mailing Address: Date Received: (For Parcel # Contact Eagle County assessors Office at 970-32&8640 or visit www.eaglecounty.us/patie) � Architect � Designer ( ) Engineer ( ) Name: � � �P�/_ a �,G'�-(�(�✓) Phone: �03 � 7'73 —9T78" Fau: E-Mail: ���.z� � � � Fl! �/ � D oCT 21 �n�R TOWN OF VAl� TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-213 5 VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES SPRINKLER PERMIT Job Address: 184 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Location.....: 184 BEAVER DAM ROAD Parcel No...: 210107113007 Project No : OWNER WHITE ROCK BEAVER DAM LLC 12/31/2008 PO BOX 3546 LITTLE ROCK AK 72203 ; APPLICANT ALLIANCE MECHANICAL P.O. BOX 1855 EAGLE CO 81631 License: 552-5 CONTRACTOR ALLIANCE MECHANICAL P.O. BOX 1855 EAGLE CO 81631 License: 552-5 ' Desciption: New fire sprinkler system, side A : Valuation: $25,000.00 Permit #: Status . . . . Applied . . : Issued . . . Expires . .: �O � -a� �� F08-O 111 �=j bCo - 6� �C� ISSUED 12/31 /2008 02/04/2009 12/31/2008 Phone: 970-328-0303 12/31/2008 Phone: 970-328-0303 •�ss*s**►*sr***+**r***�+*s***s***+s*s�*s**assa*s****+++*****«*sss*#* FEE S UM MARY �*##f#######if##M�#►###/###t*###f�k4�M#*#►#+k*###�1####�M*It4#*## Mechanical---> $ 0. 0 o Restuarant Plan Review--> $ o. o o Total Calculated Fees---> $1, 412 . 5 0 Plan Check---> S 3 5 0. o o DRB Fee---------------------> $ 0. o o Additional Fees-----------> S o. o 0 Investigation-> $ 0. 0 o TOTAL FEES--------------> $1, 41 z. 5 o Total Permit Fee----------> $1, 412 . 5 0 Will Call-----> $ 0. o o Payments-------------------> $1, 412 . 50 BALANCE DUE---------> $0. 00 ##�####�F**�#*t#####/4#*###}##*�k#**#4##t#t##*#�##*#**###t##+k###Rt�###*####*#�t###t##�F#�F####�k*kt#t#####t*##4f�k�k##**t4*#*#t#####}/MKRi*##t*i######i�# Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Ol/09/2009 drhoades Action: AP Approved as noted on plans. l. Need coverage above and below the garage door (when it is open). 2. Any accessible crawlspaces must have sprinkler coverage in them. CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. :..«.....**...+:..+«+..*.:...:...:.*....*:..�.*:.:....«..........*.*.�..�.�.*�:*:.:,�.+....:+.�*.::...*.........+.�.:....+..,.:..*.:,:..+....:�.*. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE SEVENTY-TWO HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970-479-2252 FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. �J „/' SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER ******�*+�**************+****************�***********r******+*�*****�**********�***********� TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ******+******************+�**�************�**+*************+***�+*************************** Statement Number: R090000111 Amount: $1,412.50 02/04/200902:13 PM Payment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: Alliance Mech. 0202 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: F08-0111 Type: 2101-071-1300-7 184 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL 184 BEAVER DAM ROAD SPRINKLER PERMIT Total Fees: $1,412.50 This Payment: $1,412.50 Total ALL Pmts: $1,412.50 Balance: $0.00 **********+�*+�**************************+*+*******+*****�******************+*************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ BP 00100003111100 SPRINKLER PERMIT FEES 1,062.50 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 350.00 � x . ,_. � � � �� � ARPLIC�'I�QN�VItIkI. NQ7 BE�ACCEPTED IF II! � �� � _ ;_ _ � , � ; � �� ` _ � � : � �_ _ : � '� ��� Y� : Tt�1�1�-�,,�. ,���- fI�E �R�INI a � ���� � ��� � �'ire �t���-�h���tngs �re re , , _� . I �S S: �r.on�ge.l�d. = mius� t�t������f�1�►mg� Permi vail; -Coioraclo����$1���: � w,#�i�u�.'��s�t�i``a�ion, � ' • A+�9��n�fq Recjiistered Engin `� sfiarnaip. � � • . :�qulpm+�r� �u� �h�ets_af mai � ' � � Hyflraui��.ca��la�9ns� � • -1# S�i� Q� �t�[��dai Rlan Reg � .- � Plans m�s��s�b�nit�ed b�r � � ' C�il'�I��R.A�Tt?R IN�ORN ��.�-�:..� .d.� ., f ., , . � � � �'�� � i' � '. �-r "� �.'�,� c _ I � F t3�i1� .I�OC�� � ,. 'r � Re�ailed �ie�cri � � �, , � � � .Ws�rk Ciass: ; : � :�Tjipe of �Idg.�:: f ,,; : iaQ - fl�-�s�i�:j� � Do�s.a �re, A1a �, E ' E ***�*��*�r�*# � � . �� � ,t � � t � � ' �:kdev�FORMS�Pern �; :� ; —f16:D0�� � ;n� o�.uNS=���, ,,��3f�o : rroj�t #. uild�ng.P�errr�it #; � irii�k�e�r Permit #: � �ER�'I�7' ARRI.ICATIQN �t �tme`c�f p�r���utim"itkal and � �tiAn w�ll �o� b� ac�ptect R�np c�t�N.I.�:��T. Level III (min) � n� fornt ';� � ; f v_ =1 � �� �ir� �!ro�e�Ctian CAn#ractor. ; ° F 4a�..F QII YPf�,�_�� � ��� � :� ��}�.l . �` : - � �� �c��`���� ? x .: i ' �- �Ot"�i����i�S� -� ; � � � � s „� : �� j � � � �; R �' _ � = ��;, u�, �����°� , : !�Yk� . �a�7/1t�E.'/ �'. �?��~����� �_ � � � � � � �� - _ �, r s �.,:�. � � � � a � � ,� �� ^s � �s'�' � r �`��� '�._.���� ��'r � � g' � �,s; . ;. � � � � I � I i -� � ,r � �� � � ; No (- t****�r*��� � 2006 � TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT ; 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD s VAIL, CO 81657 ! 970-479-2135 VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES SPRINKLER PERMIT Job Address: 184 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Location.....: 184 BEAVER DAM ROAD Parcel No...: 210107113007 Project No : ' OWNER WHITE ROCK BEAVER DAM LLC PO BOX 3546 LITTLE ROCK AK 72203 , APPLICANT ALLIANCE MECHANICAL P.O. BOX 1855 EAGLE CO 81631 License: 552-5 ' CONTRACTOR ALLIANCE MECHANICAL P.O. BOX 1855 EAGLE CO 81631 License: 552-5 ' Desciption: New fire sprinkler system, side B f Valuation: $25,000.00 12/31/2008 12/31/2008 12/31/2008 Perrrtit #: F08-0112 ��d�° -d3� Status . . . : Applied . . : Issued . . : Expires . .: ��� d<o-6�d ISSUED 12/31 /2008 02/04/2009 Phone: 970-328-0303 Phone: 970-328-0303 sss***t►s*******s*�*►*s*rx*►►**+t**�*fsass�*saw*s�*t*s**�**s+s**s**+ FEE S UMMARY s*s**s**s*a+****►*****s�s*�*�s*ss**►*s**�**rs*ssts****+***sa Mechanical---> $ 0. 0 0 Restuarant Plan Review--> $ o. 0 0 Total Calculated Fees---> $1, 412 . 5 0 '� Plan Check---> $ 3 5 0. 0 0 DRB Fee---------------------> $ o. 0 0 Additional Fees-----------> $ 0. 0 0 ', Investigation-> $ 0. 0 o TOTAL FEES--------------> $1, 412 . 5 o Total Permit Fee----------> $1, 412 . 5 0 W ill Call----> $ 0. 0 0 Payments-------------------> $1, 412 . 5 0 i BALANCE DUE---------> $0. 00 3#f##*�F#t#i*t*#t**##ttt######}##*t##i**#4#*�F#t#####t#*#i*#**###Rf####**#i#****►########+k####►k#►ft##*t######t##k#�*►###*#�F##�#+k#�###M#####}####►4 ' Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT ; Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT O1/09/2009 drhoades Action: AP Approved as noted on plans. 1. Need coverage above and below the garage door (when it is open). 2. Any accessible crawlspaces must have sprinkler coverage in them. CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Y###f###A�*#irt#*####*##*#f#/}##�#+kt#�####i#######*####�##########rt##*##t#####*M###*+k/######f##Y#4�F#ii►R►#t*##t##�#4##�*#######}##Mi*t►*###+k#i##i## DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE SEVENTY-TWO HOURS IN ADVA� B�E�HONE AT 970-479-2252 FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER *******�****************�********���******************+***�*******�**************+********** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ********�+*********************+*+*�*******************�.**+�*******************+*+�******�* Statement Number: R090000110 Amount: $1,412.50 02/04/200902:12 PM Payment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: Alliance Mech. 0202 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: F08-0112 Type: SPRINKLER PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-071-1300-7 Site Address: 184 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Location: 184 BEAVER DAM ROAD Total Fees: $1,412.50 This Payment: $1,412.50 Total ALL Pmts: $1,412.50 Balance: $0.00 *****************+****************************�*******************�*****+******************* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ BP 00100003111100 SPRINKLER PERMIT FEES 1,062.50 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 350.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- } 3 x � � � #1 I ` ����� � ; - :; �� � 75 S. �ro�tage ,iid: E ^ vai�,- co�oraa� s�� � € � � f i - � � �� , � � � ' ;F:�dev\FORMS�f � 3E I�C�EP�'�� I� INCOMPtETE DRs..UNSi �i"p,j� #: ���1� (9' C?� �G4 �UI��IhJ p�lYitl� �. Sprinkl�r;Pet�rr�l� #; ��������RIi����c �`a���� ����t�c�r� , ��w���a�e req�r� ��tir���t�hi�.��r�t�`�ai and ��w.��r�. P+�rm��pp���l�in �ntF ���� a�epted �a�i�r�: ` �� �� -: -�: �: � f�+e�isi�r� 6r�g�n�r's stam� �rr N����.�.Tt Level 3�I (min) � �� she�s �f ma��rials. �7+�tl��n� � - �ra�� P1�t'� ��i�`a�rr �r�m� � : � `. t� sirt��ti�d i�y � �gi�ir�d ��re �rote�.tiar�- Con�acbcsr. - S- y�+�.y� yR�.,�' ����VZF �����2 \� .,� „ � ��ti � �N� �: x�� �!��#'s: ; . �r�'N ��� = � �a ..�.. ` � , �� � - _ " _ n ,€�: ' _ � � _ �„` + � � e � - � .' ;. .._ - ` �9 ,� � �R �1L�t�M �ERNi�T ��t�r�& l�a�r�afs� : � � �, . , � - f�r� ����*� _ 5 � ` " ? � fi - # .,• .: �. � A. ,n' t� . . . .... . �'�.�,�'-��t�'f�i��.��w�� � i�`� �t�_�rPan�e/�# � � � �� � ' � � .� :: � � � � � �Ofi! A(�t�i�S: -� = � - - * �tt irig� ; ; ��u�in���►� `` - ,� �- � - - �l�c�� � _ _ ,� � � �' ,, � :� c : , _ <, � „ ' -. ; . . -_ _... » a ,. �_ �.s — � , , � � ' .�i I�` � _ #} ; , - H �1�C ( ) ` 9� ) �= �+ � G�'' ��r����***�*�* � , <; " � �l :���s , �: � NO TE: THIS PERMI T MUS T BE POS TED ON JOBSI TE A T .� 1�WNOFVAII, ' Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970-479-2139 f.970.479.2452 inspections. 970.479.2149 MECHANICAL PERMIT ADUP Job Address: 184 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Location.....: UNIT A Parcel No...: 210107113007 OWNER WHITE ROCK BEAVER DAM LLC PO BOX 3546 LITTLE ROCK AK 72203 APPLICANT FIRESIDE OUTFITTERS LLC PO BOX 2133 GLENWOOD SPRINGS COLORADO 81602 License: 392-M CONTRACTOR FIRESIDE OUTFITTERS LLC PO BOX 2133 GLENWOOD SPRINGS COLORADO 81602 License: 392-M 07/23/2009 07/23/2009 Phone: (970) 928-7501 07/23/2009 Phone: (970) 928-7501 Desciption: INSTALL FOUR GAS FIREPLACES, ONE WOOD-BURNING FIREPLACE WITH GAS LOGS, AND OUT OUTDOOR FIREPIT WITH GAS LOGS Valuation: $28,972.00 ALL TIMES Permit #: M09-0114 Project #: PRJ06-0360 Status . . . : ISSUED Applied . . : 07/23/2009 Issued . . . 08/03/2009 Expires . .: 01/30/2010 «....,,t ......................�.......R,�...........................�..............FEE SUMMARY...,�....,�......#..............*.��......#**..........**�.,...**,�..................... Mechanical Permit Fee---> $580.00 Will Call------------> $4.00 Total Calculated Fees---> $729.00 Plan Check-------------------> $145.00 Use Tax Fee------> $0.00 Additional Fees-----------> $0.00 Investigation-----------------> $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEE---> a729.00 Total Calculated Fees--> $729.00 Payments-----------------> $729.00 BALANCE DUE---------> $0.00 ......,. ............... �.......�..��...........��f �...*..��.r�.........................**:..,..................,.,.......<+.....:.,«,t.�««...,.......,....,.,..,�.........,<.,.............,...,.. APPROVALS Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 07/27/2009 JRM Action: AP #Y'Y###fifY�Ir##rtYrrt�kf**Aff*#YRlYr*frtM####*#*#Ytrt**#*#*******�Y*#*kR##******************}*f4YtfF*i'#'#�V**ft*****Ytt*****#******i*d*t**d**}�!************f'*******44*****}****t**tR*****d*f}#f'**4}***i*#f4 CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER CHAPTER 7 OF THE 2003 IMC AND SECTION 304 OF THE 2003 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOWN OF VAIL. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): BOIILER INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS AND CHAPTER 10 OF THE 2003 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPL�ANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF THE 2003 IFGC. Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2003 IMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2003 IFGC.. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): BOILER ROOMS SHALL BE EQUIPPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN OR OTHER APPROVED MEANS FOR DISPOSING OF LIQUID WASTE PER SECTION 1004.6. *#/R4#i!*i*i+#�l��#Nf h####Y*y'y'YtY`y'#f Y`MYrYl�*#RYeYrY'*Rilr*#t# *#id**4*irR*R►**f�f�}**d****frflfirA#***#*Y####*Y.4Rf 4rf#y'YfYrYrY`Y`if 1r#iRYlY�*1ri4i4#*iRfi*iRiR****#*f►R###iR*fM##f'f'frRifR4}H*****f�****f*#*****#*R'Mff�Yr'M�Ir mechcanica I_permit_041908 DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION AM - 4 PM. � _, TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:0( �� � � . S natur�-of er or Contractor Dat �S � ( �.�5 Print Name mechcanical_perm it_041908 **�****+*+***************************r**************+*****+*�***�************s*****+*+++***+ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ************+�*++**********************************+*****�+**********�*******************�** Statement Number: R090000961 Amount: $729.00 08/03/200903:56 PM Payment Method: Check Init: JLE Notation: 1115 FIRESIDE OUTFITTERS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: M09-0114 Type: MECHANICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-071-1300-7 Site Address: 184 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Location: UNIT A Total Fees: $729.00 This Payment: $729.00 Total ALL Pmts: $729.00 Balance: $0.00 ************************************************************************��****************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ MP 00100003111100 MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 580.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 145.00 WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 4.00 s .. . ... ,. . . _:� �. ». �� v .:;.,.. ...:'. ^ V � :� d TyZ - . ,�' i. =a �4i Denartment of Community Developnreq�; J MECHANICAL PERMIT Boiler/Furnace Anulica*ions MUST include: ❑ Mechanical Room LayoutJPlan with Dimensions ❑ Combustion Air Duct Size and Location ❑ Flue or Vent Size ❑ Gas Piping Plan (if applicable) ❑ Heat Loss Calculations* ❑ Equipment Cut Sheets for Boiler/Furnace * Not required for same size (BTU) boiler replacement with no system cha�ges, or snow melt Fire�lace Aoulications MUST inciude• o Equipment Cut Sheets for Fireplaces/Log Sets (Manufacturer's info showing make, model & approval listing) _ _._ u _.. __ ._ _.__......._�___ Project Street Address. , Office se: �� D�� ,_ �Cs � ,�-t� )G,�,ti� L�.� t'{ ri Project #: � (Number) (Street) (Suite #) guilding Permit #: � � -"� Building/Complex Name: Contractor Infortnation: Mechanical Permit #: � " i � ( Lot #� � Block #� Subdivision: `� a(� ( V 1 �� Company: �% �'�C S� G( �' l�( ��� � t� t'��.5 , �h j t-� l( � t� i.s ' Detailed Description of Work: - Company Address: S % � .� % }���y b Y" �� 5►=,� �SL ' `� � � � iC � `� ( U.� :; � � � C j n r,^ �,,�� Ciry: �; L-W � State: �- i, Zip: �� L C 1 _ / ; G � S '� � rrl S i� 2 G�. .� � /'�''� �c � Contact Name: �'�' �� G h t�. �s ` J��� �, � u.) f I,, (� �.� `� i; C✓ i. i L-� C L�S C o n t a c t P h o n e: 1 7 � ` t-' �� —�' ��' � �(use additional s et if necessary) E-Mail t'��-�� ��°s �� '�� te 5 t Ar c..t'��� ���� -'� ��'S'` � o Gas Piping Included < - �� �.. Gas Piping by Others Town of Vail Contractor Regis ation No.: 3�� � �❑ Wood to Gas Fireplace Conversion / /� ,�� �., ..__....... ...._.._ ._.,_.,. ._ ..._ _ . . ,. ._ . . .. ._.... _. _. _ _ �( C �✓' ` � � Boiler Location: Contractor Si nature (required) � Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Other ( ) 9 ...�....� ..,..___. _......,. �....... .. . �... �_ ._.. .. . _. . � � ,�_.,�__. ...._�._ . ,. _._.. .._ . ... _ _.. . Property Information ! Number of Existing Firepiaces: Parcel #: �.j � 'J � ;J % � � � �� �J 7 . (For parcel #, contact Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or Gas Appliances Gas Logs WoOd/Pelle ' .. ._ _ ..._�-__ . ..._. ._. ,....._. . .._.. ......_ .__.... . visit www.eaglecounty.us/patie) . j Number of Proposed Fireplaces � Tenant Name: Gas Appliances � Gas Logs �, Wood/Pellet ,� (Commercial Properties) s - - - - - - ,__.___. . ......_ , ... _ .. . � � ..._.._ . Owner Name: � l; ' �i- '�` � : I� �i� c „� i �G r �, �-�L � Type of Building .. . --... . . � ` Smgle-Family ( ) Duplex-�� Multi-Family ( ) Commercial ( ) Complete Valuation for Mechanical Permit: , Restaurant () Other ( � �"� � l � __ __ Mechanical $: Date Received: � � 1.�� � � V � JUL � 2 ZOQ9 29-Ma TOWI� OF VAIL NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT .� �ow�o�vnQ; � Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970-479-2139 f. 970.479.2452 inspections. 970.479.2149 MECHANICAL PERMIT NDUP Job Address: 184 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Location.....: Parcel No...: 210107113007 OWNER WHITE ROCK BEAVER DAM LLC PO BOX 3546 LITTLE ROCK AK 72203 APPLICANT FIRESIDE OUTFITTERS LLC PO BOX 2133 GLENWOOD SPRINGS COLORADO 81602 License: 392-M CONTRACTOR FIRESIDE OUTFITTERS LLC PO BOX 2133 GLENWOOD SPRINGS COLORADO 81602 License: 392-M 06/16/2009 06/16/2009 Phone: (970) 928-7501 06/16/2009 Phone: (970) 928-7501 Desciption: INSTALL THREE GAS FIERPLACES AND ONE OUTDOOR WOOD-BURNING FIREPLACE WITH GAS LOGS Valuation: $20,291.00 ALL TIMES Permit #: M09-0085 Project #: PRJ06-0360 Status . . . : ISSUED Applied . . : 06/16/2009 Issued . . . 06/23/2009 Expires . .: 12/20/2009 .................,�.................,......�...«.............,t...............t....FEE SUMMARY..............*........,......«....«............«...........................,...,.�.. Mechanical Permit Fee---> $420.00 Will Call------------> $4.00 Total Calculated Fees---> $529.00 Plan Check-------------------> $105.00 Use Tax Fee------> $0.00 Additional Fees-----------> $55.00 Investigation-----------------> $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEE---> a584.00 Total Calculated Fees--> $529.00 Payments-----------------> $584.00 BALANCE DUE---------> $0.00 MFfY*#Yey'fk�ktt###y'***<**ft#***********feftR►****1f*lRiYiFf#1**fF*******RQA**i!*i!**4�R�f}ef'*f 1'**f di!*�!*filf#*'kYeYt►#f�t*****iF****Rf*****H###i**#R**#***fkfFfk***fI********k*AA4►/********f f'frRirRf'f ****f'RfrRd i4�k APPROVALS Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 06/16/2009 JLE Action: CR CUT SHEET SHOWING BTU LIMITS FOR OUTDOOR FIREPLACE AND CUT SHEET FOR GAS LOGS REQUIRED. CALLED APPLICANT. 06/22/2009 JLE Action: AP ..........:.«..�........,':.:...� .................,...................................,�..........»..,.....:.,....«..:....:.:....,......,«.......,.,.............................,�....,..... CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF THE 2003 IFGC. •#YeRYy'Y`Y`Yt�Ir�YYe#ffYt##****#*+************fR**fi*R*#R#*!f**Y*y'iYih*##***YtYtM#*#1t*****NrA�AR►R****N*i!***ff*#RR*filfR#**#f #M�k***M#*ftAf4#*/**M*#ARitlfMRf<f**Rf*f**ffRH********f'**RftiR**R***f'M/ff DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE M TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:0t AM - 4 PM. L��✓�--e �' �---_� � — � 3— ° 5 Date Sign�J4re of Owiie+�or Contractor �� l�r � Print Name mechca n ica I_perm it_041908 ******+*********+******************+*+******�****+****************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ***************+****************�****+****************+****�*********************s********.* Statement Number: R090000730 Amount: $584.00 06/23/200909:28 AM Payment Method: Check Init: LC Notation: #1038/FIRESIDE OUTFITTERS LLC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: M09-0085 Type: MECHANICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-071-1300-7 Site Address: 184 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Location: Total Fees: $584.00 This Payment: $584.00 Total ALL Pmts: $584.00 Balance: $0.00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ CL 00100003123000 CONTRACTOR LICENSES 55.00 MP 00100003111100 MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 420.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 105.00 WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 4.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ,. .. .. _ . , . .�' '!.t �? ,._ I .�. , i . - - h �. L i�' ' Denartment of Community Develaprrreg�; J MECHANICAL PERMIT Boiler/Furnace A�ulications MUST include:_ ❑ Mechanical Room LayoutJPlan with Dimensions o Combustion Air Duct Size and Location ❑ Fiue or Vent Size ❑ Gas Piping Plan (if applicable) ❑ Heat Loss Calculations* ❑ Equipment Cut Sheets for Boiler/Furnace * Not required for same size (BTU) boiler replacement with no system char�ges, or snow melt Project Street Address: ,\ - �� , „ � : � �'��C.t��-c�� L�'Y�'1 1�� % (Number) (Street) (Suite #) BuildinglComplex Name: Contractor Information: Company: I�� r� s i c� � d��+ ���}� r'� Fire�lace Anqlica ions MUST include: ❑ Equipment Cut Sheets for Fireplaces/Log Sets (Manufacturers info showing make, model & approval listing) Office Use: — O2/ _� Project #: � T�1'�'`J O �O _ Building PeRnit #: �`� � � �� Mechanical Permit #: �� � ( J v � Lot #:� � Block # � Subdivision: � � I v 1 � ( t' Detailed Description of Work: �.S ��l �� 3 G"� S Company Address: ��� 3 � � W v 6�`�` � 1 r� : ic�c 4�'I�LtS C�I�d � UUT�o�� tc��Jnc� Ciry: � � tnc� - :, 1 � f �ru, cState: �_ Zip: �( �v C ; �� � l' U' w � �� Contact Name: l�.;CS L �'► ��� � -� i p� 1 ContaCt Phone: "I % �—�' ��— �' b b'3 ;(use additional sheet if necessary) E-Mail L� C(nlir`S ��'� rc S�r�c Q�'� i��"��CYS, /�" Town of Vail Contractor Re ' ation No.: 3'7 � '` / � i X � Contractor Si ature (required) Property Infortnation Parcel#: �� ����1 ����U� (For parcet #, contact Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eaglecounty.us/patie) Tenant Name: ❑ Gas Piping Included Gas Piping by Oth � Wo s Fireplace Conversion � j ('(� �v��� . ..._ ,.,_. . ,__.._..l->,1.� . _ .�,,"_ _.. % Boiler Location: _� Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Other ( ) , __ . __. _. �..�..�.... _.._..___._, _..,,.. ._ ._. ... . . . . ' Number of Existing Fireplaces: � � Gas Appliances � Gas Logs � Wood/Pellet { _.,.._._. ........_ _._... -- _ . . . j Number of Proposed Fireplaces: ; Gas Appliances 3 Gas Logs ( Wood/Pellet (Commercial Properties) Owner Name: I, ' 1�' �� ��C�� �)Cu�t✓ ��►`` LL C ....-----...._._.._ � i Type of Building . _ ... __..___. .. __ . __ • � Multi-Famil ( Complete Valuation for Mechanical Permit: / Mechanical $: � U� �L' U !+ �� � �i �Z� �. Gd � � Single-Family ( ) Duplex ( 7 Y ; Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) Date Received: ��� �00 ) Commercial ( ) D [�C�����r�E � . , � ^, r; ; ,,; `�. �_ �,_ ., _ : -rr�r�r�.� r��= e���e fi rE fEatu rE www.montigo.com Installation Operation & Maintenance Manual Check local codes and read all instructions prior to installation. . -� - - � ��� ,,, �<�.�.� t� ���� ���,��. _ � � 1� Warning: Improperinstallation, adjustment, alteration, service ormaintenancecan cause injury or property damage. Refer to this manual. For assistance or additional information consult a qualified installer, service agency or the gas supplier. Safety Notice: Glass doors on gas fireplaces are extremely hot while the fireplace is on and remain hot even after the fireplace has been turned off. Safety screens are available and can reduce the risks of severe burns. L52DF Indoor L52DF0 Outdoor C� Warning: What to do if you smell gas � Do not try to light any appliance. • Do not touch any electrical switch; do not use any phone in your building. � Immediately call your gas supplier from a neigh6or's phone. Follow the gas supplier's instructions. For Your Safety� If you cannotreach yourgas • , supplier, call the fire depariment. Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance. XG0185(0) O���N ��!'�► � SP �sP,r �E�.,FlEO C U 5 �eanFlE� Canadian Heating Products Inc. Langley, BC V4W 4A Montigo Del Ray Corp. Ferndale, WA 98248 042109 � �, nT i o� rno � j, � . .......�..._ _ . �� � � r� - i • :� � �� � �� ; , �� �� � -� �-= ....._ � �.�� � , . .� ,��, . - .. . ___ _�— Warning: Improper installafion, adjustment, alteration, service or maintenance can cause injury or property damage. Refer fo this manual. For assistance or additional information consult a qualified insialler, service agency or fhe gas supplier. _ f'4 � ��.��- - �� .-:�_. For Your Safety: Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance. What To Do If You Smell Gas: • Do not try to light any appliance. • Do not touch any electrical switch; do not use any phone in your 6uilding. • Immediately call your gas supplier from a neighbor's phone. Follow the gas supplier's instructions. If you cannot reach your gas supplier, call the fire department. Installation Operation & Maintenance H-Series DF Gas Fireplace H34DF H(L)38DF H42DF Safety Notice: Glass doors on gas fireplaces are extremely hot while the fireplace is on and remain hot even after the fireplace has been turned off. Safety screens are available and can reduce the risks of severe burns. Please keep children away from the fireplace at all times. Check local codes and read all instructions prior to installation. ■ Installer.� Leave this manual with the appliance. ■ Consumer.� Leave this man- ual for future reference. I�'='=.7■ OESIGp �SP� SP �'an� � C US Isokern° MAGNUM� Fireplace and DM chimney system Installation, Operation, Maintenance and Owner's Manual MAGNUM MODELS 36, 42, 48, 60 and 72 A PRODUCT OF EARTHCORE INDUSTRIES, INC. Important: This manual contains assembly niles, installation steps and guidelines, and use and maintenance instructions for the MAGNUM Series fireplace and chimney system. This manual must become the property of and be reviewed by all cument and firture users of this producrt. It is the respon- sibility of the general contractor and d�e installer of this product that the instructions in this manual are followed exactly and, furd►er that any allowed gas log appliance used in this product be installed in strict accordance with NFPA 58, NFPA 54/ANSI Z223.1 and the gas log manufacturer's explicit installation, sizing and operarion inshuctions. It is the responsibility of the general conUac,-tor to provide adequate clearances from all firebox surfaces as specified in this manual. Keep This Manual for Future Use Be Sure to Read Entire Manual Before Beginning Construction. Contents of this manual may change without prior notifcation. THIS FIREPLACE IS DESIGNED for USE with SOLID WOOD LOGS, PLUMBED PROPANE (LP) or NATURAL GAS, ONLY DO NOT USE or STORE GASOLINE or OTHER� FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS the ISOKERN or GASES IN or NEAR FIREPLACE WARNING: If the information in this manual is not followed exactly, a fire or explosion may result causing property damage, personal injury or loss of life. SBCCI NO. 9626 ICC Report NO. ER5017 �Nt�tT�e� \�/ �CM C � •� US a�nock H°�a NYC-MEA 241-90-E LA RR NO. 25483 Revised January 1, 2007 (w) O 2005 ECI INTERTEK TESTING SERVICES REPORT NO. 632-912500 / 3082504-T1 THIS MANUAL CAN ONLY BE REPRODUCED IN ITS ENTIRETY WARNOCK HERSEY LISTING LABEL - FACSIMILE - O �w�urG �� MAGNUM FIREPLACE �'�~ "S MODELS: 28" 3G' 47' ❑ 48" ❑ ❑ ❑ W/N 04897 DO NOT REMOVE *6O" ❑ *]2" ❑ OR COVER THIS LABEL. WH- COMPLIES WITH APPLICABLE REn. OF UL 121 UlC S610, UL 1117, 103HT CLEARANCE TO COMBUSTIBLES: UNIT FRONT AND ISOKERN CHIMNEY UNIT SIDES AND REAR COMBUSTIBLE SHEATHING ABOVE OPENING TOP SHEATHING OR TRIM TO OPENING SIDES PROJECTING MANTLE ABOVE OPENING TRIM ABOVE OPENING OPENING TO SIDEWALL HEARTH EXTENSION BEYOND FRONT HEARTH EXTENSION BEYOND SIDES INSULATION/THERMAL BARRIER *MODELS: 60" AND 1P CLEARANCE TO COMBUSTIBLES: UNIT FRONT AND ISOKERN CHIMNEY UNIT SIDES AND REAN SHEATHING OR TRIM TO OPENING SIDES PROJECTING MANTLE ABOVE OPENING TRIM ABOVE OPENING OPENING TO SIDEWALL HEARTH EXTENSION BEYOND FRONT INSULATION/THERMAL BARRIER L 0 O I.SCN(_2N' MADE IN DENMARK 2al't11C0�'¢' INDUSTRIES,I.L.G. JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256 = Oin. = 1.5in. = 8in. = 8ia. = 12in. = 8in. = 24in. = 20in. = 12in. = 3in. = Oin. = 1.5in. = 9in. = 38in. = 24in. = 48in. = 33in. = 3in. (38mm) (203mm) (203mm) (305mm) (203mm) (610mm) (508mm) (305mm► (76mm) (38mm) (229mm) (965mm) (610mm) (1219mm) (838mm) (76mm) USE SOLID WOOD FUEL OR LISTED DECORATIVE GAS VENTED OR UNVENTED APPLIANCE �ANSIZ21.60I. ALSO FOR USE WITH LISTED METAL CHIMNEY. DO NOT USE A FIREPLACE INSERT OR OTHER PRODUCTS NOT SPECIFIED FOR USE WITH THIS PRODUCT. IF DOORS ARE USED, OPERATE FIREPLACE WITH DOORS FULLY OPEN. WHEN BURNING A DECORATIVE GAS APPLIANCE IN THE FIREPLACE, LOCK THE DAMPER TO THE FULLY OPEN POSITION. INSTALLATION MUST FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS PROVIDED AND ICC ER 5017, LA. RR01 25483, MEA# 241•90•E. CONTACT BUILDING OFFICIAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION Figure 1 Isokern Fireplace and Chimney Systems are tested and listed to UL standards: UL 127, ULC 5610, UL 1777 and UL 103HT. J The listing label shown in Figure 1 above, outlines the listed clearances to combustibles and indicates that the units are suitable for use with solid fuel or listed gas appliances. Refer to the manufacturer's installation manual for detailed description of clear- ances to combustibles and all other installation information. A metal listing label similar to that shown above is affixed to each MAGNiJM unit. Do not remove the listing label from the MAGNLJM unit. Prior to beginning installation, contact local building official to determine the need to obtain a permit. 5/60 NOTE: THIS PERM/T MUST BE POSTED ON JOBS/TE AT ALL TIMES .• �ow�o�v� ' Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970-479-2139 f. 970.479.2452 inspections. 970.479.2149 MECHANICAL PERMIT NDUP Job Address: 184 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Location.....: Parcel No...: 210107113007 OWNER WHITE ROCK BEAVER DAM LLC 05/13/2009 PO BOX 3546 LITTLE ROCK AK 72203 APPLICANT ADVANCED MECHANICAL & PLUMBI 05/13/2009 Phone: (970) 306-4369 PO BOX 102 VAI L COLORADO 81658 License: 388-M CONTRACTOR ADVANCED MECHANICAL & PLUMBI 05/13/2009 PO BOX 102 VAIL COLORADO 81658 License: 388-M Phone: (970) 306-4369 Desciption: INSTALL AIR CONDITIONING UNITS; REVISED 5/22/09 TO INCLUDE HUMIDIFICATION Valuation: $77,622.00 Permit #: M09-0065 Project #: PRJ06-0360 Status . . . : ISSUED Applied . . : 05/13/2009 Issued . . . 05119/2009 Expires . .: 11/15/2009 .......« ...............................t.....................«.....«««.......*..FEE SUMMARY.«......�...........*...........�............................t....................... Mechanical Permit Fee---> $1,560.00 Will Call------------> $4.00 Total Calculated Fees---> $1,954.00 Plan Check-------------------> $390.00 Use Tax Fee------> $0.00 Additional Fees-----------> $0.00 Investigation----------------> $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEE---> 51,954.00 Total Calculated Fees--> $1,954.00 Payments---------------> 51,954.00 BALANCE DUE------> �0.00 •+ef�w�w��t++++i+++�+:itt+tt+��fitri�rrr��,�nrr�::wwaa���k+w,e*ve�trew��t+;at+►r+rr►+i��:�tt+++����,r,r+����:�er+r++tt3atrtrrrrr+t:r:itt�+xrrti���i.a+w��i,e*,etra+frirt�t�t:+,r�t+:r:::�:��i:+,r�+nrrw APPROVALS Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 05/19/2009 cg Action: AP *t+++a++++i+rf+3+�r,r�t:t++:�:r�+�+�,v�+f*�wr****++r,�►r*rr+�affrr►►t�:irr�rt::::���,r�+�rr►ttti:ttrrtriafii+�t���r��.�+x+�+�rerr�,e�t++r�e+�wrrri►:t�t�i�::::frx.ert��+��ni�3++r���+�:t::�xn��w�rt::�� CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 . (BLDG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER CHAPTER 7 OF THE 2003 IMC AND SECTION 304 OF THE 2003 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOWN OF VAIL. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): BOIILER INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS AND CHAPTER 10 OF THE 2003 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF THE 2003 IFGC. Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2003 IMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2003 IFGC.. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): BOILER ROOMS SHALL BE EQUIPPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN OR OTHER APPROVED MEANS FOR DISPOSING OF LIQUID WASTE PER SECTION 1004.6. •�tw�:��:+swa►��.s,vrw.e��+v�et+r+rertit�3v�r��tr��3:3i�ir�rr��3t:tt�R:�w:�rwwt,v��etxeeit�sri���ti:��aak�tiiirr:�::����rw�ix+�,v,�i+w�sxwft++�irrr►�:+a+aaitttt:t���+:��.:s����++i,�+:s,veti++++eerert mechcanical_perm it_041908 DECLARATIONS I heretfy acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:0( AM - 4 PM. - Signature of Owner or Contractor `/ �_J Oi /z, �'c ��> /�ai� c- Print Name mechcanical_perm it_041908 �y/Q� Date NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ; �ow�o�vn� � Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970-479-2139 f. 970.479.2452 inspections. 970.479.2149 MECHANICAL PERMIT NDUP Job Address: 184 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Location.....: Parcel No...: 210107113007 OWNER WHITE ROCK BEAVER DAM LLC 05/13/2009 PO BOX 3546 LITTLE ROCK AK 72203 APPLICANT ADVANCED MECHANICAL & PLUMBI 05/13/2009 Phone: (970) 306-4369 PO BOX 102 VAI L COLORADO 81658 License: 388-M CONTRACTOR ADVANCED MECHANICAL & PLUMBI 05/13/2009 PO BOX 102 VAIL COLORADO 81658 License: 388-M Desciption: Valuation: INSTALL AIR CONDITIONING UNITS $77,622.00 Phone: (970) 306-4369 ALL TIMES Permit #: M09-0065 Project #: PRJ06-0360 Status . . . : ISSUED Applied . . : 05/13/2009 Issued . . . OSN 9/2009 Expires . .: 11/15/2009 •�++t++ai++;:t�+�i�tt+:++tt+�r���+tr�x�::wiw�,rrweveve�wr+,etia�*#aaa►:tit�rr+rrt�itFEE SUMMARY••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••»••••••,•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••�•••••••••••• Mechanical Permit Fee---> $1,560.00 Will Call------------> $4.00 Total Calculated Fees---> $1,954.00 Plan Check----------------> $390.00 Use Tax Fee-----> $0.00 Additional Fees-----------> $0.00 Investigation-----------------> $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEE---> 51,954.00 Total Calculated Fees--> $1,954.00 Payments----------------> 51,954.00 BALANCE DUE---------> �0.00 af.r+++++++::t+:+r���:�rtt�+�,rx:���siw*sr+rrrr,e##+,r,t+rr►ri�:t::r��:::xr::���.����eer3,v�r,�t+:arttr��t�r����:��.�+++,vs�et�atttf3i�ta�t�t+rt:�t:t�w���rexif�++ai►it::+:�t+��r��+,e,v++t*wiriri►tat.� APPROVALS Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 05/19/2009 cg Action: AP rr+�:��:,r����srnres�si�vi�a:+tar,�►i�ia:taat::ttitrr::��+r��+e.t�*fe�t++i3:ta+axrt�r����+��a,v,vi+,�**,r►a++��:aar��R�w���xt�xx����x+rrt���rrfatfi►�tt+x+r,ri,e:�*rrt►►�t�i�rr+�::�tw+xa+xr�t+�rii+++ CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER CHAPTER 7 OF THE 2003 IMC AND SECTION 304 OF THE 2003 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOWN OF VAIL. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): BOIILER INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS AND CHAPTER 10 OF THE 2003 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF THE 2003 IFGC. Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2003 IMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2003 IFGC.. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): BOILER ROOMS SHALL BE EQUIPPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN OR OTHER APPROVED MEANS FOR DISPOSING OF LIQUID WASTE PER SECTION 1004.6. 3+t+rt���:t►ttr�:�+,rr.�����+x��wwxv.�:i,e,ew+aii►:►:►trt►►t�fi�x��xws.��x+x,v+w�tfett►a►ta►r�:t�irr�����s.x��wftrev.rettr::t,e+►tr:�r��t►tr►��::�::.�+w�xttttn�rrra+i+::�:�R��+:�:�xiti,�x+t�wtet���er DECLARATIONS mechcanical_perm it_041908 I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:0( AM - 4 PM. �� �5 i/ �� Signature of Owner or Contractor Date �vri�+' �' L/ /� d �'�c---,. Print Name mechcanical_perm it_041908 *+**********+*******************�****+*******�*+*+*+***+***+**********r*****************+**+ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ***********�************�*****************�****�**++***+***********r************************ Statement Number: R090000510 Amount: $1,954.00 05/19/200911:12 AM Payment Method: Check Init: LC Notation: #2599/ADVANCED MECHANICAL & PLUMBING ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: M09-0065 Type: MECHANICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-071-1300-7 Site Address: 184 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL LoCation: Total Fees: $1,954.00 This Payment: $1,954.00 Total ALL Pmts: $1,954.00 Balance: $0.00 *�***************************�********+****++���**+****s*******************************�**** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ MP 00100003111100 MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 1,560.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 390.00 WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 4.00 ► .��,_,� �• 7 j �22 .. . �� ' � � �:� -� � ; : ' Department of Community Develop �� ' ; � �, • 75 South Frontage 1 � r �. .�:� � x,. ' � � ' - ' �° ` V�il, �ol.orac�o�:.� , f �' „ :� '� .�,F ` � a �. � - � �, �. � , � .�T�� �9�Q� : � � Y-,,F � � �� � �'� �.� � � A� �� ` � � � � � � �� . ��-� ,. , � } � � `�'�'iVeb: ,�����`"�iv > � �;.� , . :�, _ De elo`� enf R�s��e,���.,���;, � r .� � �-� ��,���` �� :,�,apm . _ �r��r MECHANICAL PERMIT Boiler/Furnace Apqlications MUST include: ❑ Mechanical Room Layout/Plan with Dimensions o Combustion Air Duct Size and Location ❑ Flue or Vent Size ❑ Gas Piping Plan (if applicable) ❑ Heat Loss Calculations* ❑ Equipment Cut Sheets for Boiler/Furnace * Not �equired fo� same size (B7U) boile� replacement with no system changes, or snow melt Project Street Address: ��L17 tKvil' Ow�'i �� (Number) (Street) (Suite #) Building/Complex Name: Contractor Information: Company: �Qe�l�it�s,,.,(i%lc� �. �_ s. d� �/c �� i� . Company Address: /O /1��►' /O'3_ City: �a, � State: � Zip: �i /(► ��Sl Contact Name: �ar►: t d,S��/'' G Fireplace Applications MUST include: ❑ Equipment Cut Sheets for Fireplaces/Log Sets (Manufacturer's info showing make, model & approval listing) Office Use: �� O �� � � Project #: Building Permit #: �� � QJ�b Mechanical Permit #: � �� V �`� � Lot #: Block # Subdivision: ,� Detailed Description of Work: �rl,fh�� ! �Sab�if�i � C �; �-1 ContaCt Phone: �7U - 9� y- � ��!3 (use additional sheet if necessary) E-MailQ./l►�Oti. `►•t:�j� rtfi� �lw►�s�Jf': /!G � Town of Vail Contractor Registration No.: ��_ X � Co tor Signature (required) Property Information Parcel#: ��d:OTI�3Vd � (For parcel #, contact Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eaglecouty.us/patie) Tenant Name: (Commercial Properties) Owner Name: IV�i 7�s ���<< 6l�+�%�►� �� Complete Valuation for Mechanical Permit: Mechanical $: 7� 2 �` . Gi. %� . ► `�. , �� ❑ Gas Piping Included ❑ Gas Piping by Others ❑ Wood to Gas Fireplace Conversion Boiler Location: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Other ( ) Number of Existing Fireplaces: Gas Appliances Gas Logs _ Number of Proposed Fireplaces: Gas Appliances Gas Logs _ Type of Building: Single-Family ( ) Duple � M�I Restaurant ( ) Other ( Date Received: � Wood/Pellet Wood/Pellet sooz� � � �dw UU 0 � � � cial ) a NO TE: TH/S PERM/T MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ,. �owxo�v�, � Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970-479-2139 f.970.479.2452 inspections. 970.479.2149 MECHANICAL PERMIT NDUP Job Address: 184 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Location.....: UNIT A Parcel No...: 210107113007 OWNER WHITE ROCK BEAVER DAM LLC 09/09l2008 PO BOX 3546 LITTLE ROCK AK 72203 APPLICANT R& H MECHANICAL LLC 09/09/2008 Phone: (970) 328-2699 PO BOX 810 EAGLE CO 81631 �icense: 184-M CONTRACTOR R& H MECHANICAL LLC PO BOX 810 EAGLE CO 81631 License: 184-M 09/09/2008 Phone: (970) 328-2699 Desciption: NEW DUPLEX: INSTALL BOILER FOR HEAT, BOILER FOR SNOWMELT, GENERAL VENTILATION Valuation: $58,500.00 ALL T/MES Permit #: M08-0225 � ���� Project #: Status . . . : Applied . . : Issued . . . Expires . .: PRJ06-0360 ISSUED 09/09/2008 09/10/2008 03/09/2009 .............�...»�.....«....,t...++...,...>............................��,......FEE SUMMARY......,..........�...............,..............................................,.... Mechanical Permit Fee---> $1,180.00 Will Call------------> $4.00 Total Calculated Fees---> $1,479.00 Plan Check-------------------> $295.00 Use Tax Fee------> $0.00 Additional Fees-----------> $0.00 Investigation-----------------> $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEE---> $1,479.00 Total Calculated Fees--> $1,479.00 Payments-----------------> a1,479.00 BALANCE DUE---------> $0.00 l4RiR*f'**li�R*kYR*iM»fF*ft*!�t►rt**R4fR*N4*f fd******kR***Y`�kfYfrlYnty'Yt}Y`fF##y'*#*4Y4►f4N#****i**f#*ARRRlRfr*fr*fR**it#�ih!*#AiRf#Y`f tkf Hr##/rtNft#*Yr1r*f *M*R*iRf#Nr+�f1RhF**#**kf ff *frt*#4#hl�R�RR�RARf##iRtk�k�RiR APPROVALS Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 09/10/2008 JRM Action: AP .......................................................�..��............,...........................................................�*.................+..«..«...,....,.�............... CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER CHAPTER 7 OF THE 2003 IMC AND SECTION 304 OF THE 2003 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOWN OF VAIL. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): BOIILER INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS AND CHAPTER 10 OF THE 2003 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF THE 2003 IFGC. Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2003 IMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2003 IFGC.. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): BOILER ROOMS SHALI BE EQUIPPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN OR OTHER APPROVED MEANS FOR DISPOSING OF LIQUID WASTE PER SECTION 1004.6. Cond: CON0010309 mechcan ical_perm it_041908 MECHANICAL ROOM REQUIRED TO BE ONE HOUR RATED DUE TO BOILER 500000 BTU ...................,t....................**.......««,........................................:.t......�...t**............>..........+.....«........,.....................,..............«. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. / REQUESTS FOR I SPECTION SH� MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR T OUR OFFICE FROM 8:0( AM - 4 PM. --- �� q %� � � Signatur of , wner or Contractor ate m e c h ca n i ca I_pe rm it_041908 +**************************************************+*********+*************************++*�� TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ***************�****+*++****************«******+***+*******************++******************* Statement Number: R080001606 Amount: $1,479.00 09/10/200801:50 PM Payment Method: Check Init: JLE Notation: 14201 R&H MECH ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: M08-0225 Type: MECHANICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-071-1300-7 Site Address: 184 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Location: UNIT A Total Fees: $1,479.00 This Payment: $1,479.00 Total ALL Pmts: $1,479.00 Balance: $0.00 ******************************�************�************************************************ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ MP 00100003111100 MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 1,180.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 295.00 WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 4.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- .�R�v c� o3c�� �- �-���-- ����►�'-��,-, �*****************************************************************************�************* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 08-11-2009 at 12:48:53 08/11/2009 Statement *+*******+*************+************************+******************�************************ Statement Number: R090001008 Amount: $47.00 OS/11/200912:46 PM Payment Method: Check Init: LC Notation: #15542/R & H MECHANICAL ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: M08-0225 Type: MECHANICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-071-1300-7 Site Address: 184 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Location: UNIT A Total Fees: $1,526.00 This Payment: $47.00 Total ALL Pmts: $1,526.00 Balance: $0.00 *****************************�***************************�***************************�****** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ BP 00100003111100 REINSPECTION FEE 47.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- APPLIC�TIOlV V1fELL hEOT BE ACCEPTED FF I�lCOt�PLETE OR [Ji�lSIG(�ED,-�„ ,�I _, ��1 A ar�;ec: �: 1'K6�(J�v aoc.� � B�:i9d�ng Perm@t #: �(o Mechanicai Perrni� �: G Q7� " ` ��, 970-�79-2149 jinspectioras} � \ �'0�'N �iF Y_�� i5 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 82657 TOViIN OF VAI� (�ECF�A�EiCAL PERI ermit wiil noi be accept2d w@�hoe�t ��"d Mechanical Roorn Layout drawn t� scale �chanical R�om Dimensions Co bustion /Air Duct Sizs and Location ue, Vent and Gas Line Size and Location Heat Loss Calcs. Equipment Cut/Spec Sheets CONTRACTOR INFORMATION �PLICfiiIO�V ������ ude: ��� 0 8 �ooa , � TOWN OF VAI�. Contact Ea /e Cours �4ssessors 4frice at 97D-328-�F40 or ves6t www, eaale-countv, com for Parce/ # Parcel # 1���� 1 � 3 �0 � Job NameYJ� � � ( � . ,s. , �� 7J kk�e�(/ Legal Descrip�ion1 �ot: � � Block: Filing: i �'"S�;u �N�ct�- �ae ��,-e,v bc�v�- ���� dr�v (�, Engineer: Address: De$ailed description of work: ��� Lv�Eii,i ��0�-v Zg � i l�,v �C-c-r �,�,c�w�n�- �"� Zi►e 5�9; � � � � � dd� � �u I�—�- l� SGbdivision: � I � � �, � -�-� �-P KUCI�c , I�ne:�2 Z D `� Phone: .l �-r I-� — l�Lv"I.��C 11.L21�'' � C i� C�G � i �) V.e,rtfi ✓�.. � C i� SS i.(. � I q, Work Class: New Q� Addition () Alteration () Repair () Other () Boiler Location: Interior ( Exterior () Other () Does an EHU exist at ti�is location: Yes () No () Type of Blda: Single-family ( 1 Duplex l 1 Multi-family ( 1 Commercial l 1 Restaurant ( 1 Other f 1 No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: '� No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Type of Fireplaces Existing: Gas Appliances O Gas Logs O Wood/Pellet O Wood Burning O No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances () Gas Logs () Wood/Pellet () Wood Burning (NOT ALLO�VED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes () No () TT'y[`TTTTTTTTTTTTT'W[`TTTTTT��F �� f L�E L6e� �e�� �LC��,�`�'4-����t`T�?�TTT��'1`�FT'P`T'S`�M�M•T'FTR� e.0 Od Othier �e�sa - ��anr��r �ig�-6f�� 1 �icce�tz� By: ; D�B Fee�: I C�te Rece�ved: I _-- ' , \\Vail\data\cdev\FORI��S�PERiY1ITS\MECHPERM.DOC 0 i /26i2002 �� • ��,��Illach��ar`J Hirh L'fficienc}� �1ater Heaterti. RoJers xnd Poni Hee�ers JOB NA'.VIE K.\TIGHT XL COMMERCIAL BOILER Submittal Sheet KBX-Sub-04 I�'VIGHT� XL COM1�'IERCIAL CONDENSING HEATING BOILERS 1�� ����� ���- ��.� + i� �,t LOCATION , ARCH./ENGR. «'HOLESALER MECH.CONTRA MODEL NO. � TYPE GAS ,��� +''�. '� � 5,� +�' � Btu/hr INPUT � ���'�,�,;��� ,� ,� E � :�y '�.`.,��,M=:�' Btu/hr OUTPUT T NOTES Standard Features • Up to 94.6% Theimal Efficienc} • Modulating Burner��ith i:l Tumdo���n • Direct-Spark l�mition • Low NOx Operation • Sealed Combustion • Low Gas Pressure Operation • Vertical & Horizontal Direct-Vent • PVC. CPVC or AL29—iC Venting up to 100 fr. • Facton� Supplied Side���all Vent Termination • AS�9E Stainless Steel Heat Exchanger • ASME Certified, "H" Stamped • All ���elded construction, no gashets • Hi�_hly efficient, condensin�* design • On/Off S���itch• Adjustable High Limit wi Manual Reset • Flo�� Switch• Low Air Pressure S�c�itch • �0 psi ASME Relief Valve • Temperature & Pressure Gauge • Adjustable Le��eling Le��s• Condensate Trap • Zero Clearances to Combustible 1�laterial • 10 Year Limited Warranry (See �Varranty for Details) Smart System Features • SMART SYSTEM Digital Operating Co��u'ol • 2 line, 16 Character Displa,y • Dual Level Pass���ord Security • Domestic Hot Water Prioritization • Built in Cascadin�� Sequencer for up to R Boilers • Buildinc Management System Inte�aration �-ith 0-10 VDC Input • Outdoor Reset Control �rith Outdoor Air Sensor • Low Water Flo��� Safery Control & Indication • ]nlet & Oudet Temperanue Readout • Freeze Protection • Service Reminder • Time Clock • Dara Lo�gin, • Hours Runnine, Space Heatin�; • Hours Runnin��. Domestic Hot �'ater • IRnition Attempts • Last 10 Lockouts • Pr� �rammable S��ctem Eff3cienc�° Optimizer5 • �iaht Setback • .4nti-Cvclim� • Outdoor 9ir�Reset Cur��e • Ramp Delay� • Boost Temperature � 7ime • Three Pump Control • System Pump • Boiler Pump • Domestic Hot Water Pump • Hiah Voltaee Terminal Strip • 120 V.AC / 50-60 Hertz / 1 Phase Pmver Supply •"ihree sets of Pump Contacts �i�ith Pump Relays Low �'oltage Terminal Strip • 24 VAC Auxiliary� Decice Relay •.Auxiliary Proving Switch Contacts • Flow S���itch Contacts • Alann on Any Failure Contacts • Runtime Contacts • DH W Thennostat Contacts • Room Thermostat Contacts • Svstem Sensor Contacts • DH W Tank Sensor Contacts • Outdoor Air Sensor Contacts • Casc3de Gontacts • 0-10 V�DC BMS Extemal Control Contacts Optional Equipment Place an � in t(ie boa b�� all options that appl�� � Alann Bell on Any Failure � Condensate Neutralization Kit ❑ Hi=h & Lo�� Gas Pressure Sw�itches w/ Manual Reset (KB�00-KB800) � Lov�� Water Cutoff w/Manual Reset & Test ❑ SMART SYSTEM PC Sofh��are ❑ SMART SYSTEM Pocket PC Softv�•are ❑ Soft«�areStainless Steel Uent Kits ❑ Multi-Stack Frame Firing Control Syste�ns � M9 Standard ❑M7 California Code ❑M13GE GAP,�M/CSD1 (KB�00-800) KNiGH'i XL Commercial Boiier Dimensions � Specificaiions LOW VOLTAGE 15 BACK LEFT SIDE `�� KNIGHT XL Commercial Boiler � Dimensions & Specifications ILET 4NGER I �T ENSATE 1/4' - 1-114" J ADJUSTABLE FRONT KBN399 80 399 93.3 372 324 42-1/2" 15-1/2" 21" 3-3/4" 21" 20�3/4" 14" 34„ 34" 2" 183/4„ 1„ 1-1/2„ 4" 4" 285 BN500 100 S00 93.3 467 406 42-1/2" 15-1/2" 31-1/4" 3-3/4" 21" 25" 14" 35" 35" 2" 22" 1" 1-1/2" 4" 4" 3DS �`KBN600 120 600 94.6 567 493 42-1/2" 15-1/2" 36-1/4" 3-3/4" 21" 25" 14" 36" 32-3/4" 5-1/2" 19-1/2" 1" 2" 4" 4" 355 KBN700 140 700 94.3 660 574 42-1/2" 15-1/2" 40-1/4" 3" 23" 19" 11" 36" 32-3/4" 3-1/4" 23-1/2" 1" 2" 4" 6" 395 KBNB00 160 800 94.0 752 b54 42-1/2" 15-1/2" 45-1/4" 3" 23" 33-1/4" 17" 36" 32-3/4" 3-1/4" 27-3/4" 1" 1" 4" b" 440 Notes: Change `N'to 'L' (or L.P. Gas Model. No deration on L.P. models. Performance da[a based on manufacturer test results. 120 VAC /IS AMP circuit required. Al! dimensions shown in inches n �n ,:���. L , J. member - i �i.-T �, • ``�c �''. �i1 H {�,�,1.�l�C�L��dr�F; �=6= F,�,��� �_ � f'l'X17A � Hi:h tiff'iciencc Rater Hexters. Bnilcrs nnd Pool Heater� "—" '--' �.., ..... Lochinear Cor��oration • 300 A9addox Simpson Pk���y • Lebanon, TN 37090 • 61>-8�9-�900 - F�x: 61 �-5-�7-] 000 www.Lochinvar.com 6�OS—Printed in C.S.A. � � � Kl'�TIGHT �� ���I�ch��varv HEATING BOILER Hi�h F.fhc�enc}� �i�ater Heaters. Au��er.s and Poui Hraters Sub mittal Sheet KBN-Sub-07 KNIGHT�' FLOOR STANDING AND R'.ALL MOUNT HEATING BOILERS .. . . _ JOB NAME LOCATION ARCH./ENG «'HOLESAI �'IECH. CO^ MODEL NO TYPE GAS Btu/hr INPU Btu/hr OUTPUT NOTES Siandard Features >Energy Star" Qualified > Up to 96% DOE AFUE Efficiency > Modulating Burner with 5:1 Tumdo���n > Direct-Spark I�nition > Low NOx Operation > Field Convertible from Natural to LP Gas > Vertical cX. Horizontal Direct-Vent > PVC or CPVC Venting up to 100 Feet > Factory Supplied Sidewall Vent Tennination > ASME Stainless Steel Heat Exchanger > Automatic Reset Hi�h Liinit > Inlet & Outlet Temperature Sensors > Boiler Circulatin� Puinp > 30 psi ASME Relief Valve > Adjustable Leveling Legs (KB Models only) > Wall Mount Bracket (WB Models oniy) > Zero Clearances to Combustible Material > 12 Year Limited Warranty (See Warranty for Details) SMART SI'STEDI'�" Features > SMART SYSTEM Digital Operating Control > 2 line, 16 Character Display > Dual Level Password Security > Domestic Hot Water Prioritization > Built in Cascadin� Sequencer for up to 8 Boilers > 0-10 VDC Input Control > Outdoor Reset Control with Outdoor Air Sensor > Low Water Flo� Safery Control R: Indication > Alann on Any Failure Contacts > Ser��ice Reminder > Freeze Protection > Night Setback > Time Clock > Three Ptiimp Control (S}�stem, Boiler R DH�'P) > Data Lo�,gina > Examples: Hours Running. Space Heatin� > Pro,Trammable System Efficiency Optin�izers > Exan�ples: Anti-cyclin�, Raulp Delay Optional Equipment Ptace an X in the boz b}� all options that appl,y � Adjustable High Limit with Manual Reset ❑ Flow Switch � Low Water Cutoff w/Manual Reset & Test � Alarni Bell on Any Failure ❑ Concentric Vent Kit ❑ Condensate Neutralization Kit ❑ SMART SYSTEM PC Software ❑ SMART SYSTEM Pocket PC Soft�•are ❑ Multi-Stack Fran�e Firing Codes ❑ M9 Standard Construction ❑ M7 California Code KNtGiiT Neaiing Boiler and Wall Niount Dimensions 8� Specificaiions H— � � ° . v RECiRICAL Q � 7-1;2" � C�NNcCTIONS AIR IHiE' H � J I�LET OUTLET t C�AS A 0 sava•zeaa F�u�� r-u.,�E I F���r AIR INL'T DRFIN Models: H I 3!4"NPT T�P KBN80-21 d 712 ��h�rNSATF �'�-„Z 11= !4' DRAIN 6-1; ° CF � aDJUSTAB� I '-3�-� , <� -,-,^� Models: Y^15-','2" � 3- F D BACK LEFT SIDE FRONT WBN50-210 Modeis: KBN285 fRICAL eCT10N5 INLET H I FLUE AIR INLET DF.AIN 3�5" N?T F--____1�.�'� �` E D C ;� KNIGNT Heating Boiler � I Dimensions & Specifications SIDE �.—� —�I ELECTRICAL q �—� CONNECTIONS GAS � 00 00 OUTLET � :00 E K = G O �_ i4. AOJUSTABIE� • � v; -t.tt?' WLET �„ R_�,�. CONDENSNT't BO�OM 15-i12' �RAI4 W6fJ050 10 50 95.3 45 39 29-1/4" 15-3/4" NA 10-3/4" 10-3/4" 2" 6-3/4" NA 3-1/4" 4-1/4" 1-3/4" 1/2" 1" 2" 2" WBN�80 16 80 95.3 72 63 29-1/4" 15-3/4" NA 10-3/4" 10-3/4" 2" 6-3/4" NA 3-1/4" 4-1/4" 2-3/4" 1/2" 1" 2" 2" WBN105 21 105 45.4 91 82 29-1/4" 15-3/4" NA 10-3/4" 10-3/4" 3-1/2" 5-1/2" NA 3-1/4" 4-1/4" 2-3/4" 1/2" 1" 2" 2" WBN150 30 150 95.5 135 119 29-1/4" 20-3/4" NA 15�3/4" 8-1/2" 3-1/2" 5-1/2" NA B-3/4" 9-3/4" 1-1/2" 1/2" 1" 3" 3" WBN210 42 210 95.7 190 165 29-1/q" 25" NA 20" 12" 3 1/2" 5-1/2" NA 13" 14" 1-1/2" 1/2" 1" 3„ 3„ KBN080 ib 80 95.3 72 63 33-1/4" 14" 7" 5-3/4" 5" 3" 20-1/2" 22" 1-3/4" b-1/2" NA 1/2" 1" 3" 3" I(BN105 21 105 95.4 97 B2 33-1/4" 14" 6-1/2" 5 3/4„ 4-1/2„ 1-1/2" 20-1/2" 22" 1-3/4" b.1/2" NA 1/2" 1" 3„ 3" KBN150 30 150 95.5 135 119 33-1/4" 1B" 12-1/4" 11-1/2" 10" 1-1/2" 21-1/4" 23" 1-3/4" 12" NA 1/2" 1" 3" 3" KBN210 42 210 95.7 190 165 33-1/4" 22-1/4" 16-1/2" 15-3/4" 14-1/4" 5-1/4" 21-1/4" 23" 1-3/4" 16-1/4" NA 1/2" 1" 3„ 3„ KBN285 51 285 96.0 260 226 42-1/2" 19-3/4" 12-3/4" 13-1/2" 6„ 2" 34" 31" 11-3/4" 4-1/4" NA 3/4" 1-1/4„ 4" 4„ Nates: Performance data based on manu(acturer's test results. /ndoor installotion only. Alf information subject ro change. Change "N" to "L" for LP gas mode(s. 130 130 134 162 177 125 129 151 171 224 .:�, � ue�� H ,��..�. � -' Is� a�5,6N:\ , . -i�aan�,��: A� !B �/ � � � �i1ll �JL ��JEI l ♦ ��` � � � `'�" . . � '� �,F�-- � Hi�h Effi.icn.� �l'a�er Hea�er�. &nlers.�nd Punl Hcyters " -' Lochin��ar Corporation • 300 Maddo� Simpson Pk���y • Leba�ion, TN 37090 • 615-��4-b900 ' F�x: 61?-�-�7-1000 www. Loch i nva r. com 6/US—Prin[cd in t..ti.A. /'"��"� Submit by Email Print Form HQa�TiC� n.S�er t2d Bralz�° Roatl � P0 Boz 4?8 � E2s? Freet�x�n �fA C�2'3? � 508 763 SO?� Fsx 538 763 37'v9 . r ::;(,6v �' iTiO tiC�;. �e: ri.. SUPEi�S �� - � � � .;; . �.,. .�..... t� � � � JOB NAME: / v � ���"��- ��►t ��� � �� ' LOCATION: I,�� � ` ''�:. ARCHITECH/ENGINEER: WHOLESALER: �� MECH. CONTRACTOR: �— MODEL NUMBER: �. ,�:;:� � Standard Features . Underwriters laboratory listed File # E113265 per U.L. 174 and Canadian Standard C22.2 No. 110-M90 • Environmentally safe , CFC-Free Water Blown Foam Insulation 2" thick, allows less than YZ F degree per hour heat loss. • Rated as ASME equivalent in Massachusetts • High output Cupronickel Heat Exchanger . NSF Listed Component • Constructed of type 316L Stainless Steel • Stainless steel Dip Tube Delivers 5 to 7% more hot water • Limited lifetime Protection Plan ;T.-.INL=�� STEEL NOT VCP.TEF. '�UTLcT 'Sey C^.arf .cr S:zesj `::.NK CO:`STRi iCTED ^F �r?_ 315L STA?NLESS >TEEL �t�V�TFi 1J� �^.'vAC�_ F'�Y fijl � TEt:+.PcRA7UR:S. St1PEF'16k kESI�'�4NC= iG' GJ�ROSIO� QUTERSHc_; CGNSTRU :TED pF �i;RF.3L"c H:�� H :;?�S3'Y F:JLr_TH`_EVF P! �STIC STk3hLE5> � '_���_ CCLD VdF : cR InLET •� <�^ca fc: azes� �+_,.. `t _ . �, � � �� 4< �� _ . r E f , •r.�x;�.� � t��- ��,,em..... f- � _ ._. �� � �TE ^P:_P,r.?UR f�.!JU P SS'.JRE REL F `✓aL`dE i:�:^.r��=RS°: Iv T;'�E STA?NLESS �S =:_ C�.^_•rd ;C-_ t:E'_L �—hIC H n: tsp . C� � kpNiCZEI hEST �CH Jr'�. �'.:NTEGRAL FWN�_D ili8�= D=S:G� FRC�`dIDE£. i.,4;•,=7�`vtU?��.1 EFFI��F13:;= �—BOI'�.=P. ;Up.n�._•; hE:ST �_n.��Ha.�vG=R 1.. ..4 Nfd=CTION. �ROlL=:3 P,=TUY?J NE.tiT _xCH?.N.,r>Ek 1- ,.� NNECTICJ'J. �— V� �4RONR,S s. yL� Y SA=E. CFC R�. •�r:TEF 6 O� N. �" TkIG'K ! INSU 3J� .hLL�� . ' _ESS'HA'V U�D=vR--•?c� HUUR F±_P.T =pSS .">ERVICE ....�.. GLERFZANCE �� < � � � � .,., a . . .. , �E � n',y �iE. o "�-�� �* � ,� <. . �' .... '°�., I ..,. � _ow f p o. .;.^.f Yi? i i; i i i��i i: a m t l4 ;f I ., _ 1;. it( .:14.:- i... � 1.v F.. LF I�ia.; RE';: 5.'i$°v.' ULTRA RESIDENTIAL SERIES �IfVI�NSIONS HEAT EXCM. FiECOhv9P�1. PRESStJR€ ���_ �fl�LEF �"v'1;TER �40" BGiLEP 4'4'ATEfi MlE'J�EL CA°AG17i' Sta�FACE i-L� Vd RF,TE DROF ;'FEET' FIRST Ht�UR fi�TINGS' F1R5T H�UR R�TIP�lL. S' HT. �IF�. 1A�"F 115"F 140"F 115"F �SIJ-20 27" 1�3':;,° 2G 15 SC2. FT. f3 6.Q 121 yal ?6° c;al 13� yaI 18:, yaf SSU-3d 3'� !:z" 1:3 ',,:;' 3G 15 SC1. FT. fi 6.0 1�L �aal 212 gal 172 c;ai 2?�3 c�al SSU-30L6 18 ±::,' 23'»" 3G 1� Sf1. FT. £3 E�.�1 1fi3 �al 234 c�ai 189 nal 2�7 q�l S�Gi'-45 52 �:%' 1�i t:;' A5 2p StY. FT. 10 7.�3 212 �al 2�2 gal 237 r�al 322 gal SS(.1-�0 52',z" 23 ,a" f�0 2D St�. FT. 1U 7.9 2Ei6 t�al 37U pal 29R r�al 4J5 gai SSU-BQ ?2" 23 ';a" �G 34 Sc2. FT. 12 Si.1 3:3�J yal w4fJ gal 370 qal 5t�3 �al 5Sll-119 73'�_" 27" 119 ?4 SQ. FT. 14 11.3 �123 gal �64 �al 474 c,al 6S5 e��l 'DOE TEST fVIETHOD BASED ORI 90°F. TEMPERATURE RISE, 50`':%140' W' BOILER WATER AT 1B(1°F FLOOR TO FL�rJR T{? FLO�R T4 Dfll�tES71C TEST 1N{�RKING SHIPPING 7$0 BOILER 20G B�ILER TAhlK SIZE Bt71L�R B��ILER DC}�ti9E5Ti� ����,JECTIONS P�ESSURE PRES5L1t�E L'�'EI^vfiT BTU SfZE 6TUiS12E SUPPL`f RETURN OUT SSU-20 �" A,:':" 22" 3:, NPT F,�tALE 3t�fl PSI 1�� P51 BG LBS. 84,OC10 &7.Q�0 SSII-3p 3" 4,:':" �I" ?:, hJpT MALE 300 F'Sf 1aQ PSI 72 L6S. 102,O�J� 117.QQQ SSLI-36L6 �" A' �" 22" '.:� NPT h1ALE �ti� F'S`I 15d PSI )9 LBS. 114,600 131,dOQ SSIJ-45 �" 4 l':," 46" 'a NPT h�tALE 3Jfl F'�i 1�Ct F'SI $fi LBS. 1d1,0�C� 161,t7(�0 SSt1-6� 9" a,;;" 46" 1" NPT ttilh`LE Zi)� FSI 15U PSI t lCl L�^S. 174,QdG 19$,ODO SSI,I-£0 29" fi" E4.7�" 1':z" NFT ��tALE 30fl PSI 15[i PSI ta1 L�S. 212,000 241,GOG SSIJ-119 3�':;' 7'.a" b�" 1'-:" NPT h�IALE ��la wSl 1�� PSI 21d LBS. 2i�?.�QQ 3[11,QaD Nt7TE: TANK RECOVERY FRt}M COLD START WILL BE BENVEEN i0-13 MINUTES WHEN 51ZED iNITH CQRRECT FLOW RATE, BOILER SIZE, AND PRESSURE DRt7P RATINGS FROM LIST IN QBt}VE CHART. UL'TRA CUMMER,C�%�L S�Ft'�ES C�IM9ENSICi��dS lA�" B�iLE�:'W's�.�TER �11C� Bt�ILER�at�,TEF� h4�GEL C,�,F'nGITY HEr'tT EX.CH. REC:�7�v1Pv1. PRE��URE F�p�T Hi��U� RtATING�• FIFST HC�UR R.�",TIPJuS" S�.JF�F,4�E FLC�'a'd Ft�TE �R�F' rFEET' HT. 61A, 1d�'F 115°F 1A[�F 11tE=`F S�U-45� 42 �3 t�:,' d5 dL� ��2. �T 2L� E.� 31d �al d11 !1�1 ��1 �al 177 gal S�L1-tiJ�. 52 t�:' 23 ?�' !���1 4U ��t. FT 22 0.2 3�� gaI d�7 gal 3�f, �al 5�� �al SSU-�C�G 72' :3 �: � �J E� aQ. FT. �� 10.f1 d�f� �al �47 aal 5�8 {tal 7�� r��l SSU-11�+i, 7d' i?' 11� 5S SQ. Ff. c8 12:; b37 pal 841 c�ai 713 Qai U?� �al �Dt)ET��'T NtETHi?D B,ASED C��t 30`F. TEPv1PERATURE �I�E, 50`?ia()' W? B�ill.ER WATERAT 18Y'i'F FLG"�U� T� fLCibP TU FL���7� TC� ��itJIESTIC TEST 'tNJRVJN� �HIPF'ItJ!;� 1�?+]° �i�ItEP W'f�TER 2�J'' ��ILER't�v4TER TANK.: �IZE EG�ILER E��ILER G�MESTIC ����ECTI�rJS P�ESSUF,E PRES�l1F,E iMEI�HT RPST HC�UF P,ATINuS' FIR�T H��UP; P�Ti����• SI�FFLY RETUP�J C�IIT �TU�'SIZE BTUr'SI�E SSl1Aryv '�' 4�:' a� 1 3a NF'TMALE 34� P51 la� PSI �� L6S. 215,17pf1 246:1�?�J SSI��;�,;. �' 4�'z �' 1' hJFT f�IALE �110 P�I 1aU F.�I 115LE�. z-0�,6G� 276:t1�1� S�lJ-� :9' E` 64.7� 1!:' NFT hd#.LE ��10 F'SI to�l F'SI 1�1 LE�. 311,Cr[�G ��'4.��J� S^.��U-119C 3[i��a 7la' �6' 1!�n`.' FJPTtv1`�LE ��II1 PSI 151 FSI �1�1 LP�. A25,L� �45C!.��110 NC1TE: TA�T�K R€Gt)V�RY FR{?M CALD STAFtf tM1IiLL EE BETV4�EEM t4-73 NlINL►TES 1�VH�hi SI�Ef3 k?k�ITFt G!.?RRECT FLOW RATE. BOIL.ER SIZE. AN(? PRESSUR€ DR�F RATI�G� FFtO�+[ L1ST IN A��OVE CHART. Ci?NTINUC3US FL4W PERFORMANCE CALCULATIUt� FiRST Nt7UFi RATING -{.75 x iANK CIiF'�Ci'Tl'} = G{3NTINUC�LIS FLC�}ti"J E?CAMPLE: SSU-45C = 314 -{.75 x 4�) _�$p.2a �F�{R} {G�NTINUt?t1S FL�Vd} 002008 Heat transfer Products, Inc. www.htproducts.com LP-252 Rev 6-10-08 1�4j ��y.�jG�, c�+� MA-- � � �".�'� , �,�' , � � ,� �. � �_� � �� �� i/ /L�'�i��? +CC I r (./ /� �� v~� l./ � �! ��� v � :���...,���.._. �� �-- . ^..� _� L� ( � � � . � � � /4� t� /�,(,,�� � �� D Q ��� �� �� . �� ���� � �� �� � �- � � � �� �/ c� �. r � � /� '^ f r`� �� /�- ��� �`� ' �� �� � � � �,� � . ��'" �' ��, ,� �:+ . � Beaver Dam Road - Side A HVAC Load Calculations for Alan Goncharoff 116 Bradley Avenue White Plains NY 10601 � � �,,. `'�� . F�LSIL��AITi�i,. H�I�G LQ�.L � � ��-��,�5 Prepared By: Houston Wright R&H Mechanical 825 A Chambers Avenue Eagle, Colorado 81631 970-328-2699 Wednesday, August 06, 2008 Rhvac - Residen6al & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Soffware Development, lnc. R& H MECHANICAL Beaver Dam Road - Side A Eagle, CO 81631 Paqe 2 Proiect Reaort � General Pro eci {r��'�rt�afii4n ' _ . � � � � � T ��. �: ; � �,., . .. �.. v.�- . . � .._ __.. Project Title: Beaver Dam Road - Side A ' Designed By: Brian Bahr Project Date: Wednesday, August 06, 2008 Client Name: Alan Goncharoff Client Address: 116 Bradley Avenue Client City: White Plains NY 10601 Client Phone: 912-260-9070 Client Fax: 970-476-7783 Company Name: R&H Mechanical Company Representative: Houston Wright , Company Address: 825 A Chambers Avenue ' Company City: Eagle, Colorado 81631 Company Phone: 970-328-2699 Company Fax: 970-328-0234 Company E-Mail Address: hwright@randhmechanical.com Company Website: www.randhmechanical.com Reference City: Daily Temperature Range: Latitude: Elevation: Altitude Factor: Elevation Sensible Adj. Factor: Elevation Total Adj. Factor: Elevation Heating Adj. Factor: Elevation Heating Adj. Factor: 40 0 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Outdoor Outdoor Drv Bulb Wet Bulb Winter: -25 0 Summer: 94 69 Eagle, Colorado Medium Degrees ft. Indoor Indoor Grains Rel.Hum Drv Bulb Difference 30 72 34 50 75 1 CheckFi ures �H.', , e Total Building Supply CFM: 2,418 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.426 ' Square ft. of Room Area: 5,671 Square ft. Per Ton: 0** Volume (ft') of Cond. Space: 56,703 Air Turnover Rate (per hour): 2.6 (htg.) " Based on area of rooms being heated or cooled (whichever governs system) rather than entire floor area. *" Based on area of rooms being cooled. Total Heating Required Including Ventilation Air: 186,211 Btuh 186.211 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % Total Latent Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % Total Cooling Required Including Ventilation Air: 0 Btuh 0.00 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) 0.00 Tons (Based On 75% Sensible Capacity) ` Noies , Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. , C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads R & H MECHANICAL Eaale. CO 81631 Beaver Dam Road - Side A Miscellaneous Report - ---- -- ___ - - -- ___ - - - � System '1 A Outdoor �utdoor Indoor Indoor Grains :. Input Qata Dry Bulb_ _ We# Bulb Rel.Hum Dr Buib _ Difference ------- ---- --- - - -- -... ------- --- Winter: -25 0 30 72 33.73 � Summer 94 69 50 75 1.43 System 2 Copy of A Outdaor Outdoor Indoor i Input Data Dry Bu1b Wet Bulb Rsl.Hum -- _ ----- - -- - -- - - - --- Winter: -25 0 30 Summer: 94 69 50 Winter: Summer: tloor Uutdo�r Bulb Wei_Buib -25 0 94 69 lndoor F2eI.Hum 30 50 Indoor Grains Dry Bulb ___ Difference 72 33.73 75 1.43 indoor Grains ,, Dry Bulb Difference 72 33.73 75 1.43 I).u�t �izin �n .uts�: ..... . Main Trunk Runouts Calculate: No No Use Schedule: Yes Yes Roughness Factor: 0.00300 0.01000 Pressure Drop: 0.1000 in.wg./100 ft. 0.1000 in.wg./100 ft. Minimum Velocity: 650 ft./min 450 ft./min Maximum Velocity: 900 ft./min 750 ft./min Minimum Height: 0 in. 0 in. Maximum Height: 0 in. 0 in. �3u#s�� Ai�' �ata , . Winter Summer Infiltration: 0.320 AC/hr 0.000 AC/hr Above Grade Volume: X 56,703 Cu.ft. X 0 Cu.ft. 18,145 Cu.ft./hr 0 Cu.ft./hr X 0.0167 X 0.0167 Total Building Infiltration: 302 CFM 0 CFM Total Building Ventilation: 0 CFM 0 CFM ---System 1--- Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Gain Multiplier: 20.90 =(1.10 X 1.000 X 19.00 Summer Temp. Difference) Infiltration & Ventilation Latent Gain Multiplier: 0.97 =(0.68 X 1.000 X 1.43 Grains Difference) Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Loss Multiplier: 106.70 =(1.10 X 1.000 X 97.00 Winter Temp. Difference) ---System 2--- Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Gain Multiplier: 20.90 =(1.10 X 1.000 X 19.00 Summer Temp. Difference) Infiltration & Ventilation Latent Gain Multiplier: 0.97 =(0.68 X 1.000 X 1.43 Grains Difference) Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Loss Multiplier: 106.70 =(1.10 X 1.000 X 97.00 Winter Temp. Difference) ---System 3--- Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Gain Multiplier: 20.90 =(1.10 X 1.000 X 19.00 Summer Temp. Difference) Infiltration & Ventilation Latent Gain Multiplier: 0.97 =(0.68 X 1.000 X 1.43 Grains Difference) Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Loss Multiplier: 106.70 =(1.10 X 1.000 X 97.00 Winter Temp. Difference) C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Sofkware Deveiopment, Inc. ' R& H MECHANICAL Beaver Dam Road - Side A Eaale. CO 81631 Page 4 Load Preview Repo��t Has Net Rec ft.2 5en Lat Net Sen H}s �is R�t Duct Scope AED Ton To� JTon Area' Gain Gain Gain Loss CFM GFM CFM Size _ Building 0.00 0.00 . 0 5,671 0 0 0 186,211 2,418 0 2,418 System 1 Yes 0.00 0.00 0 1,998 0 0 0 44,643 580 0 580 0` Zone1 834 0 0 0 21 8i3 283 0 283 1-Ski/Entry/Hall 350 0 0 0 8,164 106 0 106 1-0' 6-Garage ' 484 0 0 0 13,649 177 0 177 2-0' Zone2 . 244 0 0 Q 5,5^7 '2 0 72 2-Bunk/Bath ' 244 0 0 0 5,517 72 0 72 1-0� Zone 3 _ 3Q0 0 0 0 5,408 83 0 83 3-Sitting/Exercise 300 0 0 0 6,408 83 0 83 1-0' Zone 4 120 0 0 0 2;1 i 1 28 0 28 4-Foyer 120 0 0 0 2,171 28 0 28 1-0' Zone 5 500 0 0 Q 8,734 113 D 113 5-Foyer 500 0 0 0 8,734 113 0 113 1-0' System 2 Zone 1 7-Master BedlBath Zone 2 8-Laundry/stairs Zone 3 9-Kitchen Zone 4 10-Dining/Entry Zone 5 11-Living System 3 Zone 1 12-Study/Bed Zone 2 13-Bedroom-A Zone 3 14-Bedroom-B Zone 4 15-Mstr-Bed Zone 5 16-Bedroom-A Yes 0.00 0.00 0 2:381 525 625 28$ 288 _ 508 508 _ 420 420 540 540 Yes 0.00 0.00 Sum of room airflows may be greater than system airflow because system has multiple zones. 0 1,292 234 234 234 234 2�a 210 464 464 150 150 C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 76,423 993 D 17.600 229 0 17,600 229 0 2,;'94 3� 0 2,794 36 0 20.221 26s 0 20,221 263 0 17,132 222 0 17,132 222 0 1$:676 243 0 18,676 243 0 65;145 846 0 10.2flu 133 0 10,208 133 0 1 fl.23? 133 0 10,237 133 0 9,&�2 12� 0 9,862 928 0 22,627 2�4 0 22,627 294 0 12,2E1 i59 0 12,211 159 0 993 0' G 229 0 229 2-Q' G 36 0 36 1-0` � 263 0 263 2-0` C 222 0 222 2-0` 0 243 0 243 2-0' 0 846 0* Q 133 0 133 1-0" 0 133 0 133 1-0' C 128 0 128 1-0' 0 294 0 294 3-0` 0 159 0 159 1-0" I Rhvac -Residentiai 8� Light Commercial HVAC Loads Etite 5oitware Deveiopment, Inc. R& H MECHANICAL Beaver Dam Road - Side A Eaple. CO 81631 Page 5 TotalBuildinq Summarv Loads -- ------ _ _ ---- -- - - ___ Camponent Area Sen Lat Sen Totai '; Description Quan Loss ' Gain Gain Gain ' — -- --- --- ----- 1 D-cm�o: Glazing-Double pane, operable window, clear, 882.2 74,448 0 0 0 metal frame no break, u-value 0.87, SHGC 0.67 10A-m: Glazing-French door, single pane clear glass, 45 7,290 0 0 0 metal frame no break, u-value 1.67, SHGC 0.53 106-b: Glazing-French door, double pane clear glass, 200.7 14,599 0 0 0 metal frame with break, u-value 0.75, SHGC 0.47 11 H: Door-Wood - Panel With Wood Storm 126 3,911 0 0 0 11G: Door-Wood - Panel 48 2,514 0 0 0 12E-Osw: Wall-Frame, R-19 insulation in 2 x 6 stud 6358.2 41,939 0 0 0 cavity, no board insulation, siding finish, wood studs 166-30: Roof/Ceiling-Under Attic with Insulation on Attic 1292 4,010 0 0 0 Floor (also use for Knee Walls and Partition Ceilings), Vented Attic, No Radiant Barrier, Dark Asphalt Shingles or Dark Metal, Tar and Gravel or Membrane, R-30 insulation 21A-20: Floor-Basement, Concrete slab, any thickness, 2 1997.8 5,233 0 0 0 or more feet below grade, no insulation below floor, any floor cover, shortest side of floor slab is 20' wide _ _. _ __ _ _ Subtotals for structure: People: Equipment: Lighting: Ductwork: Infiltration: Winter CFM: 302, Summer CFM: 0 Ventilation: Winter CFM: 0, Summer CFM: 0 Total Building Load Totals: 153, 944 0 0 0 0 0 0 32,267 0 186,211 � � � � 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � � � � � � � A �fi�ck Fi ures ; . _,_, s., _. _ Total Building Supply CFM: 2,418 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.426 " Square ft. of Room Area: 5,671 Square ft. Per Ton: 0''* Volume (ft') of Cond. Space: 56,703 Air Turnover Rate (per hour): 2.6 (htg.) * Based on area of rooms being heated or cooled (whichever governs system) rather than entire floor area. ! *'` Based on area of rooms being cooled. Buildin `Loads Total Heating Required Including Ventilation Air: 186,211 Btuh 186.211 MBH j Total Sensible Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % � Total Latent Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % Total Cooling Required Including Ventilation Air: 0 Btuh 0.00 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) 0.00 Tons (Based On 75% Sensible Capacity) No#�s �: �� � � �� Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. � Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. I, C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv Rhvac = Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Etite sottware Development, �nc. R& H MECHANICRL 8eaver Dam Road - Side A � Eagle, CO 81631 v_ _ �_ Page 6 j Building Pie Chart ----------- - - -- - -- Building Loss 186,211 Btuh Building Gain 0 Btuh Wall 23%� Floor 3% Roof 2% I Glass 52% 100.0% C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv ration 17% �Door 3% ' Rhvac - Residentiai & Light Commercial HVAC Loads R & H MECHANICAL Eagle, CO 81631 I ' Buildinq Bar Graah 100, 000 80, 000 60,000 Building Loss 186,211 40,000 Btuh 20,000 i�� � Elite Software Development, Inc. �' 8eaver Dam Road - Side A Page 7 p', -- i i Floor 3% Wall 23% Door 3% Roof 2% Glass 52% Infiltration 17% C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv Rnvac - Residentia� & ' R & H MECHANICAL ; Eagle, CO 81631 Gommercial HVAG Svstem 1 A Summarv Loads Eiite Software Deveiopment, Inc. Beaver Dam Road - Side A Paqe 8 - - --- _--- --- --- --- ----- — -----. _ _ -- - --- ___ __-- --- � Component Area Sen Lat Sen Total ' Description Quan Loss Gain Gain Gain' — - -..._ - ------_--------_— 1 D-cm-o: Glazing-Double pane, operable window, clear, 80.5 6,794 0 0 0 metal frame no break, u-value 0.87, SHGC 0.67 11 H: Door-Wood - Panel With Wood Storm 126 3,911 0 0 0 12E-Osw: Wall-Frame, R-19 insulation in 2 x 6 stud 2628.5 17,337 0 0 0 cavity, no board insulation, siding finish, wood studs ' 21A-20: Floor-Basement, Concrete slab, any thickness, 2 1997.8 5,233 0 0 0 or more feet below grade, no insulation below floor, any floor cover, shortest side of floor slab is 20' wide _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ Subtotals for structure: People: Equipment: Lighting: Ductwork: Infiltration: Winter CFM: 107, Summer CFM: 0 Ventilation: Winter CFM: 0, Summer CFM: 0 System 1 A Load Totals: 33,275 0 0 0 0 0 11, 368 0 0 0 44,643 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Supply CFM: 580 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.290 '' Square ft. of Room Area: 1,998 Square ft. Per Ton: 0** Volume (ft') of Cond. Space: 19,978 Air Turnover Rate (per hour): 1.7 (htg.) * Based on area of rooms being heated or cooled (whichever governs system) rather than entire floor area. ** Based on area of rooms being cooled. S s�e�-Loads�° .. :. . �_ � � � .. ,;.. �- ,. w . . �. :. ��: . Total Heating Required Including Ventilation Air: 44,643 Btuh 44.643 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % Total Latent Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % Total Cooling Required Including Ventilation Air: 0 Btuh 0.00 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) 0.00 Tons (Based On 75% Sensible Capacity) Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv Rhvac - Residentia! & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Etite Soitware Deve�opment, inc. �� R& N MECHANICAL Beaver Dam Road - Side A �, Eagle CO 81631 _ _____ Page 9 -- ---- --- --- �I I�System 2 Copy of A Summary Loads ___ _____ _ __ -- _ _ Component ' Area Sen Lat Sen Totai ' Descnption Quan Loss Gain Gain Gain � _—_ --- -- _ _- ---- ; 1 D-cm-o: Glazing-Double pane, operable window, clear, 399.5 33,714 0 0 0 metal frame no break, u-value 0.87, SHGC 0.67 ' 10A-m: Glazing-French door, single pane clear glass, 45 7,290 0 0 0 metal frame no break, u-value 1.67, SHGC 0.53 106-b: Glazing-French door, double pane clear glass, 74 5,384 0 0 0 metal frame with break, u-value 0.75, SHGC 0.47 11G: Door-Wood - Panel 48 2,514 0 0 0 I 12E-Osw: Wall-Frame, R-19 insulation in 2 x 6 stud 2118.5 13,974 0 0 0 � cavity, no board insulation, siding finish, wood studs __ ___ j Subtotals for structure: 62,876 0 0 0 People: 0 0 0 0 Equipment: 0 0 0 Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 0 0 0 0 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 127, Summer CFM: 0 13,547 0 0 0 Ventilation: Winter CFM: 0, Summer CFM: 0 0 0 0 _ 0 _. System 2 Copy of A Load Totals: 76,423 0 0 0 �heck Fi ures ; . ., . ; . . � _. Supply CFM: 993 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.417 * Square ft. of Room Area: 2,381 Square ft. Per Ton: 0** ; Volume (ft') of Cond. Space: 23,805 Air Turnover Rate (per hour): 2.5 ' (htg.) � * Based on area of rooms being heated or cooled (whichever governs system) rather than entire floor area. I ** Based on area of rooms being cooled. ', System �.oads , ' ; I Total Heating Required Including Ventilation Air: 76,423 Btuh 76.423 MBH ''� Total Sensible Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % ' Total Latent Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % Total Cooling Required Including Ventilation Air: 0 Btuh 0.00 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) 0.00 Tons (Based On 75% Sensible ', Capacity) I Notes `, �, ,. �� _ ,: �. . , Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. � Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. j C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv rtnva� - rc�s�uauua� a R & H MECHANICAL Eagle, CO 81631 System 3 Co of A Summarv Loads � Component , Area Description Quan 1 D-cm-o: Glazing-Double pane, operable window, clear, 402.2 metal frame no break, u-value 0.87, SHGC 0.67 106-b: Glazing-French door, double pane clear glass, 126.7 metal frame with break, u-value 0.75, SHGC 0.47 12E-Osw: Wall-Frame, R-19 insulation in 2 x 6 stud 1611.2 cavity, no board insulation, siding finish, wood studs 166-30: Roof/Ceiling-Under Attic with Insulation on Attic 1292 Floor (also use for Knee Walls and Partition Ceilings), Vented Attic, No Radiant Barrier, Dark Asphalt Shingles or Dark Metal, Tar and Gravel or Membrane, R-30 insulation _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ Subtotals for structure: People: 0 Equipment: Lighting: 0 Ductwork: Infiltration: Winter CFM: 69, Summer CFM: 0 Ventilation: Winter CFM: 0, Summer CFM: 0 _ __ _ _ _ _ _ System 3 Copy of A Load Totals: �en Loss 33,940 9,215 10,628 4,010 57,793 0 7,352 0 65,145 Beaver Dam Road - Side A _ Page10_ Lat Sen Total Gain Gain Gain 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Supply CFM: 846 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.655 * Square ft. of Room Area: 1,292 Square ft. Per Ton: 0*'` Volume (ft') of Cond. Space: 12,920 Air Turnover Rate (per hour): 3.9 �ht9�) � * Based on area of rooms being heated or cooled (whichever govems system) rather than entire floor area. I *" Based on area of rooms being cooled. ' System Loads ' ', Total Heating Required Including Ventilation Air. 65,145 Btuh 65.145 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % ' Total Latent Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % i Total Cooling Required Including Ventilation Air: 0 Btuh 0.00 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) 0.00 Tons (Based On 75% Sensible ' Capacity) ' Notes Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. ', All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. , Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. I C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv I Rhvac - Residential & Ligh# Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software I3evelopment, inc. j R& H MECHANICAL Beaver Dam Road - Side A i Eagle, CO 81631 ___ _ J Page 11 — - - I'i � System 1 A Pie Chart System 1A Loss 44, 643 Btuh System 1A Gain 0 Btuh Floor 12%� i Wall 39% Infiltration 25% � Door 9% vias$ 15% 100.0% C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv IR71YGt4 `RC.IIUCIILIdi C R & H MECHANICAL �I Ea le, CO 81631 - ��� Svstem 2 Co System 2 Copy of A Loss 76,423 Btuh iercial HVAC Loads of A Pie Chart Wall 18%� \ Seaver Dam Road - Side A Paqe 12 Infiltration 18% Glass 61 % �Door 3% C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv ' R & H MECHANICAL Ea le, CO 81631 � Svstem 3 Cc System 3 Copy of A Loss 65,145 Btuh Loads of A Pie Chart Wall 16% � Roof 6% � Infiltration 11 % / Glass 66% Beaver Dam Road - Side A Paqe 13 C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv Rhvac - Resitlential S� Light comr R & H MECHANICAL ' Ea le, CO 81631 �� System 1 A Bar Gra� I j 20,000 15, 000 System 10,000 1A Loss 44, 643 Btu h 5, 000 80 60 System 1 A 40 Gain 0 Btuh 20 0 � Seaver Dam Road - Side A Paae 14 Floor 12% Glass 15% Infiltration 25% Wall 39% Door 9% 1 C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv Rhvac - Residential 8 Light Commercial NVAC R & H MECHANICAL Eagle, CO 81631 �_ __ System 2 Copy of A Bar Gra 50, 000 �� ��� System 30,000 2 Copy of A Loss 20 000 76,423 � Btuh 10, 000 30 25 20 System 2 Copy of A 15 Gain 0 Btuh 10 5 0 � �ute sottware ueveiopment, inc. Beaver Dam Road - Side A Page_ 15 Wall 18% Glass 61 % Door 3% Infiltration 18% 1 C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv i; rtnrac - rc�a�uCnuai a uy�i� �.v�n�nerc�a� nvr��. �uaus �utC �v��wnrc uCVCa�p�nCny +nc. ' R& H MECHANICAL Beaver Dam Road - Side A' ', Ea le, CO 81631 __ �_� _ __ Page 16 -- ------------ - - - -- . _ _ ------- ----- - �I I System 3 Copy of A Bar Graph ; I 50, 000 �� ��� System 30,000 3 Copy of A Loss 20 000 65,145 � Btuh 10, 000 25 20 System 15 3 Copy of A Gain 10 0 Btuh 5 0 0 Roof 6% Wall 16% Glass 66% Infiltration 11 % 1 C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HUAC Loads flite Software Development, Jnc. R& H MECHANICAL Beaver Dam Road - Side A Eagle, CO 81631 Paae 17 ----------------- — --- --- - -- — System 9, Zone 1 Surr�mary Loads (Peak Load Procedure for Rooms __ _- -- - -- ---- i Component ' Area Sen Lat ' Description Quan Loss Gain -----__..___---__-_ ___ -----_----_ _____._�.:__ ------------- ', 1D-cm-o: Glazing-Double pane, operable window, clear, 20.5 1,730 0 metal frame no break, u-value 0.87, SHGC 0.67 11H: Door-Wood - Panel With Wood Storm 126 3,911 12E-Osw: Wall-Frame, R-19 insulation in 2 x 6 stud 1263.5 8,333 cavity, no board insulation, siding finish, wood studs 21A-20: Floor-Basement, Concrete slab, any thickness, 2 834 2,185 � or more feet below grade, no insulation below floor, any floor cover, shortest side of floor slab is 20' wide _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ Subtotals for structure: 16,159 People: 0 Equipment: Lighting: 0 Ductwork: 0 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 53, Summer CFM: 0 5,654 System 1, Zone 1 Load Totals: 21,813 Sen Total Gain Gain ' ----_.�. __ ..-- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 �� � 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Supply CFM: 283 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.340 " Square ft. of Room Area: 834 Square ft. Per Ton: 0*` Volume (ft') of Cond. Space: 8,340 Air Turnover Rate (per hour): 2.0 (htg.) " Based on area of rooms being heated or cooled (whichever governs system) rather than entire floor area. ** Based on area of rooms being cooled. Zone L,��ds � � �� ; .� �� � � � � � :. _ .. . .. .__ , <. i Total Heating Required: 21,813 Btuh 21.813 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % Total Latent Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % Total Cooling Required: 0 Btuh 0.00 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) 0.00 Tons (Based On 75% Sensible Capacity) Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv Rhvac =Residential & R & H MECHANICAL Eaale. CO 81631 Beaver Dam Road - Side A Page 18 System 1, Zone 2 Summary Loads (Peak Load Procedure for Rooms) Componen# Area Sen Lat 5en Total j Description Quan Loss __ Gain _ Gain Gain ' , 1 D-cm-o: Glazing-Double pane, operable window, clear, 30 2,532 0 0 0 metal frame no break, u-value 0.87, SHGC 0.67 12E-Osw: Wall-Frame, R-19 insulation in 2 x 6 stud 210 1,385 0 0 0 cavity, no board insulation, siding finish, wood studs 21A-20: Floor-Basement, Concrete slab, any thickness, 2 243.8 638 0 0 0 or more feet below grade, no insulation below floor, any floor cover, shortest side of floor slab is 20' wide Subtotals for structure: People: Equipment: Lighting: Ductwork: Infiltration: Winter CFM: 9. Summer CFM: 0 System 1, Zone 2 Load Totals: 4,555 0 962 5, 517 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Checic Figure� r� �� �� � �� Supply CFM: 72 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.294 '` Square ft. of Room Area: 244 Square ft. Per Ton: 0"* Volume (ft3) of Cond. Space: 2,438 Air Turnover Rate (per hour): 1.8 (htg.) ' * Based on area of rooms being heated or cooled (whichever govems system) rather than entire floor area. I *'' Based on area of rooms being cooled. Zone Laads' Total Heating Required: 5,517 Btuh 5.517 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % I Total Latent Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % �I Total Cooling Required: 0 Btuh 0.00 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) � 0.00 Tons (Based On 75% Sensible ' Capacity) Notes .,. , > � Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. i All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. j Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAG Loads Elite 5ottware Development, Inc. � R& H MECHANICAL Beaver Dam Road - Side A Eaale. CO 81631 Page 19 -- -- ----- --- System 1, Zone 3 Summary Loads (Peak Load Procedui°e for Rooms) ' Component ' Area Sen Lat Sen Total ', Rescription Quan —__- Loss __-_— Gain Gain ------ Gain 1 D-cm-o: Glazing-Double pane, operable window, clear, 30 2,532 0 0 0 metal frame no break, u-value 0.87, SHGC 0.67 , 12E-Osw: Wall-Frame, R-19 insulation in 2 x 6 stud 280 1,847 0 0 0� cavity, no board insulation, siding finish, wood studs 21A-20: Floor-Basement, Concrete slab, any thickness, 2 300 786 0 0 0 or more feet below grade, no insulation below floor, any floor cover, shortest side of floor slab is 20' wide _ _ _ ___ _ _ Subtotals for structure: 5,165 0 0 0 People: 0 0 0 0 i Equipment: 0 0 0 ': Lighting: 0 0 0 ; Ductwork: 0 0 0 0' Infiltration: Winter CFM: 12, Summer CFM: 0 1,243 0 0 0'I System 1, Zone 3 Load Totals: 6,408 0 0 0 � �heck Fi ��ure� ; ��� ��� �� � � _ � �, � � ..;� � , ' : r-�___._: Supply CFM: 83 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.277 " Square ft. of Room Area: 300 Square ft. Per Ton: 0** ', Volume (ft3) of Cond. Space: 3,000 Air Turnover Rate (per hour): 1.7 ' (ht9.) I * Based on area of rooms being heated or cooled (whichever governs system) rather than entire floor area. ' '"' Based on area of rooms being cooled. Zone Loads' Total Heating Required: 6,408 Btuh 6.408 MBH I Total Sensible Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % I Total Latent Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % � Total Cooling Required: 0 Btuh 0.00 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) 0.00 Tons (Based On 75% Sensible Capacity) '! Note� I N- . Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. I C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv Rhvac - Residential 8 Light Gommercial HVAG Loads Elite sottware uevetopment, inc. R& H MECHANICAL Beaver Dam Road - Side A Eaqle. CO 81631 Page 20 System 1, Zone 4 Summa Loads (Peak Load Procedure for Rooms ,; Component Area Sen Lat Sen Totai ' j Description Quan �oss Gain Gain Gain ----- - _--- -- -- --- -- — ' 12E-Osw: Wall-Frame, R-19 insulation in 2 x 6 stud 175 1,155 0 0 0 cavity, no board insulation, siding finish, wood studs , 21A-20: Floor-Basement, Concrete slab, any thickness, 2 120 314 0 0 0 I or more feet below grade, no insulation below floor, ' any floor cover, shortest side of floor slab is 20' wide ___ _ _ _ _ _ Subtotals for structure: 1,469 0 0 0 People: 0 0 0 0 Equipment: 0 0 0 ' Lighting: 0 0 0 , Ductwork: 0 0 0 0 I, Infiltration: Winter CFM: 7, Summer CFM: 0 702 0 0 0' System 1, Zone 4 Load Totals: 2,171 0 0 0 Check F'igures � I Supply CFM: 28 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.235 * I Square ft. of Room Area: 120 Square ft. Per Ton: 0** Volume (ft') of Cond. Space: 1,200 Air Turnover Rate (per hour): 1.4 I iht9�) ' * Based on area of rooms being heated or cooled (whichever governs system) rather than entire floor area. I, *'` Based on area of rooms being cooled. ' � Zone Loads :. : Total Heating Required: 2,171 Btuh 2.171 MBH ' Total Sensible Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % ' Total Latent Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % Total Cooling Required: 0 Btuh 0.00 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) ', 0.00 Tons (Based On 75% Sensible Capacity) Notes ? i ,, Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. I ' All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. � Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. I C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv , Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite 5oftware Deveiopment, Inc. I R& H MECHAN�CAL Beaver Dam Road - Side A Ea le, CO 81631 Page 21 --.– -----.___— —____ __ '' System 1, Zone 5 Summary Loads (Peak Load Procedure for Rooms) _ ----- — - , Component ' Area Sen Lat Sen Tatal '� Description Quan _ Loss ___ Gain Gain � Gain , 12E-Osw: Wall-Frame, R-19 insulation in 2 x 6 stud 700 4,617 0 0 0 cavity, no board insulation, siding finish, wood studs 21A-20: Floor-Basement, Concrete slab, any thickness, 2 500 1,310 0 0 0 or more feet below grade, no insulation below floor, ' any floor cover, shortest side of floor slab is 20' wide Subtotals for structure: 5,927 0 0 0 People: 0 0 0 0 Equipment: 0 0 0 Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 0 0 0 0 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 26, Summer CFM: 0 2,807 0 0 0 System 1, Zone 5 Load Totals: 8,734 0 0 0 Check Eigures -' '' Supply CFM: 113 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.227 " Square ft. of Room Area: 500 Square ft. Per Ton: 0'`" Volume (ft') of Cond. Space: 5,000 Air Turnover Rate (per hour): 1.4 (htg.) " Based on area of rooms being heated or cooled (whichever governs system) rather than entire floor area. '`' Based on area of rooms being cooled. �c�r�� Loads , � ., : � � � , ; , � Total Heating Required: 8,734 Btuh 8.734 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % Total Latent Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % Total Cooling Required: 0 Btuh 0.00 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) 0.00 Tons (Based On 75% Sensible Capacity) Notes ° . , ,�, � i Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. ' All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv i rcmac - Reswenua� a ��gnt a.ommerc�ai nv, R & H MECHANICAL ' Eagle, CO 81631 System 2, Zone 1 Summar Elite Sofiware Developmen#, lnc. ' Beaver Dam Road - Side A Pa9e 22 Loads (Peak Load Procedure for Rooms ; Component Area Sen Lat Sen Total , LDescription Quan Loss Gain Gain Gain ' 1 D-cm-o: Glazing-Double pane, operable window, clear, 115.5 9,747 �� 0 0 0 metal frame no break, u-value 0.87, SHGC 0.67 12E-Osw: Wall-Frame, R-19 insulation in 2 x 6 stud 624.5 4,119 0 0 0 cavity, no board insulation, siding finish, wood studs Subtotals for structure: 13,866 0 0 0, People: 0 0 0 0, Equipment: 0 0 0 Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 0 0 0 0 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 35, Summer CFM: 0 3,734 0 0 0 _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ __ __ System 2, Zone 1 Load Totals: 17,600 0 0 0 �h�c(c'�i uces .: ; , _. �:.. , ..._,_x , . . . «.. � Supply CFM: 229 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.366 * Square ft. of Room Area: 625 Square ft. Per Ton: 0"* Volume (ft') of Cond. Space: 6,250 Air Turnover Rate (per hour): 2.2 '; (htg.) j * Based on area of rooms being heated or cooled (whichever governs system) rather than entire floor area. i ** Based on area of rooms being cooled. Zone Laads , , . I Total Heating Required: 17,600 Btuh 17.600 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % , Total Latent Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % ' Total Cooling Required: 0 Btuh 0.00 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) 0.00 Tons (Based On 75% Sensible I Capacity) I Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, inc. R& H MECHANICAL Beaver Dam Road - Side A Eaqle, CO 81631 Page 23 System 2, Zone 2 Summary Loads (Peak Load Procedure for Rooms) _ _ __---- C mo ponent Area Sen Lat Sen To#al ', � Dsscription Quan _ toss __ ___Gain __ Gain ___ Gain ' 12E-Osw: Wall-Frame, R-19 insulation in 2 x 6 stud 240 1,583 0 0 0 cavity, no board insulation, siding finish, wood studs ___ _ Subtotals for structure: 1,583 0 0 0 People: 0 0 0 0 Equipment: 0 0 0 Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 0 0 0 0 � Infiltration: Winter CFM: 11, Summer CFM: 0 1,211 0 0 0 System 2, Zone 2 Load Totals: 2,794 0 0 0 � Check Figures � ' ' ' Supply CFM: 36 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.126 '` Square ft. of Room Area: 288 Square ft. Per Ton: 0"* Volume (ft') of Cond. Space: 2,880 Air Turnover Rate (per hour): 0.8 (htg.) * Based on area of rooms being heated or cooled (whichever governs system) rather than entire floor area. ** Based on area of rooms being cooled. Z�ne %oa�ls : . .. :. �. Total Heating Required: 2,794 Btuh 2.794 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % � Total Latent Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % Total Cooling Required: 0 Btuh 0.00 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) 0.00 Tons (Based On 75% Sensible Capacity) I ( Notes Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv , Rh av c- Residential & Light Commerciai HUAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. . ! R 8� H MECHANICAL Beaver Dam Road - Side A '', Eagle, CO 81631 ___ --- —_.-- Page 24 -- -- --- — -- — ----- ' System_2,_Zone 3 Summary Loads (Peak Load Procedure for Rooms) _ _- ---- ----- ! Componenf Area Sen Lat Sen Total' Description Quan Loss Gain Gain Gain - ------- - — -- — --_ __ ----- 1 D-cm-o: Glazing-Double pane, operable window, clear, 78 6,583 0 0 0 metal frame no break, u-value 0.87, SHGC 0.67 10A-m: Glazing-French door, single pane clear glass, 45 7,290 0 0 0 metal frame no break, u-value 1.67, SHGC 0.53 12E-Osw: Wall-Frame, R-19 insulation in 2 x 6 stud 492 3,245 0 0 0 � cavity, no board insulation, siding finish, wood studs __ Subtotals for structure: 17,118 0 0 0 People: 0 0 0 0; Equipment: 0 0 0 '' Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 0 0 0 0 i Infiltration: Winter CFM: 29, Summer CFM: 0 3,103 0 0 __ 0 i __ _ _ _ System 2, Zone 3 Load Totals: 20,221 0 0 0� Check Figures ' � Supply CFM: 263 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.517 " � Square ft. of Room Area: 508 Square ft. Per Ton: 0'`'` � Volume (ft') of Cond. Space: 5,075 Air Turnover Rate (per hour): 3.1 , (htg.) ; " Based on area of rooms being heated or cooled (whichever governs system) rather than entire floor area. ** Based on area of rooms being cooled. � Zone Coads: � � Total Heating Required: 20,221 Btuh 20.221 MBH i Total Sensible Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % % Total Latent Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % I Total Cooling Required: 0 Btuh 0.00 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) 0.00 Tons (Based On 75% Sensible , Capacity) 'i i�otes � � :� : ,� > _� � �.,,_. , -..,: : _ �.. .. -__,. _ Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv Rhvac - Residential8� Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Bevelopment,'Inc. R& H MECHANICAL Beaver Dam Road - Side A Eaale. CO 81631 Page 25 ' System 2, Zone 4 Summary Loads (Peak Load Procedur�e for Rooms) _ --- __ - --- '��Component ' Area Sen Lat Sen Total Description Quan Loss Gain Gain Gain ' 1 D-cm-o: Glazing-Double pane, operable window, clear, 110 9,283 0 � 0 0 metal frame no break, u-value 0.87, SHGC 0.67 106-b: Glazing-French door, double pane clear glass, 26 1,892 0 0 0 metal frame with break, u-value 0.75, SHGC 0.47 11G: Door-Wood - Panel 48 2,514 0 0 0 12E-Osw: Wall-Frame, R-19 insulation in 2 x 6 stud 216 1,425 0 0 0 cavity, no board insulation, siding finish, wood studs Subtotals for structure: People: Equipment: Lighting: Ductwork: Infiltration: Winter CFM 19, Summer CFM: 0 System 2, Zone 4 Load Totals: 15,114 0 0 0 2,018 17,132 � � � � � � 0 �heek Figures '= ' ` `�; I Supply CFM: 222 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.530 " Square ft. of Room Area: 420 Square ft. Per Ton: 0"* Volume (ft') of Cond. Space: 4,200 Air Turnover Rate (per hour): 3.2 (htg.) " Based on area of rooms being heated or cooled (whichever governs system) rather than entire floor area. �** Based on area of rooms being cooled. Zone Laads; ! Total Heating Required: 17,132 Btuh 17.132 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % Total Latent Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % Total Cooling Required: 0 Btuh 0.00 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) 0.00 Tons (Based On 75% Sensible Capacity) Nofes -:; . ; .. ._... < ;,. .... . ,...... : Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. I All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. ' Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv ftnvac - Kes�denuai t� �ignt commercia� riv�aL �oaas tute sottware ueve�opment, ►nc. R 8� N MECHANICAL Beaver Dam Road - Side A Eaale. CO 81631 Page 26 System 2, Zone 5 Summary Loads (Peak Load Procedure for Rooms) — - -_----- !�Component Area Sen Lat Sen Total ' Dsscription Quan Loss Gain Gain _ Gain ---- --_----- — ---___----__---- - - -- ' 1 D-cm-o: Glazing-Double pane, operable window, clear, 96 8,101 0 0 0 metal frame no break, u-value 0.87, SHGC 0.67 10B-b: Glazing-French door, double pane clear glass, 48 3,492 0 0 0 metal frame with break, u-value 0.75, SHGC 0.47 12E-Osw: Wall-Frame, R-19 insulation in 2 x 6 stud 546 3,602 0 0 0 , cavity, no board insulation, siding finish, wood studs _ _ _.. _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ � Subtotals for structure: 15,195 0 0 0 People: 0 0 0 0 Equipment: 0 0 0 Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 0 0 0 0 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 33, Summer CFM: 0 3,481 0 0 0 System 2, Zone 5 Load Totals: 18,676 0 0 0 Check Figures _ Supply CFM: 243 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.449 * Square ft. of Room Area: 540 Square ft. Per Ton: 0*" Volume (ft') of Cond. Space: 5,400 Air Turnover Rate (per hour): 2.7 (htg.) '` Based on area of rooms being heated or cooled (whichever governs system) rather than entire floor area. i'`* Based on area of rooms being cooled. Zon� Lc�a�s''�; ��� ! Total Heating Required: 18,676 Btuh 18.676 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % Total Latent Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % Total Cooling Required: 0 Btuh 0.00 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) 0.00 Tons (Based On 75% Sensible Capacity) , , "� � .,.,,� � F - �late� � ' , � ,_�_._ .., _... .... , ,. ... .. ; __ ,..�._... I Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. I All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. I Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Sottware Development,7nc. R& H MECHANICAL Beaver Dam Road - Side A Eaale. CO 81631 Page 27 ---- ' System 3, Zone 1 Summary Loads (Peak Load Procedur�e for Rooms) _ -- — -- — _ _ _ __ — _----- -- ---- - -- --- -- I� Component Area Ser� Lat Sen Totai i, Description Quan Loss Gain Gain Gain --...— --- ---- ------ __ - 1 D-cm-o: Glazing-Double pane, operable window, clear, 60 5,063 0 0 0 metal frame no break, u-value 0.87, SHGC 0.67 12E-Osw: Wall-Frame, R-19 insulation in 2 x 6 stud 420 2,770 0 0 0 cavity, no board insulation, siding finish, wood studs 16B-30: Roof/Ceiling-Under Attic with Insulation on Attic 234 726 0 0 0 Floor (also use for Knee Walis and Partition Ceilings), Vented Attic, No Radiant Barrier, Dark Asphalt Shingles or Dark Metal, Tar and Gravel or Membrane, R-30 insulation _ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ Subtotals for structure: People: Equipment: Lighting: Ductwork: Infiltration: Winter CFM 15, Summer CFM: 0 System 3, Zone 1 Load Totals: 8,559 0 1,649 10,208 � � � 0 0 � � � � � � �, �heck Figures Supply CFM: 133 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.567 " Square ft. of Room Area: 234 Square ft. Per Ton: 0'`" Volume (ft') of Cond. Space: 2,340 Air Turnover Rate (per hour): 3.4 (htg.) * Based on area of rooms being heated or cooled (whichever governs system) rather than entire floor area. '"' Based on area of rooms being cooled. Zon� Loads; ..;�. � _�_ ; �- :. % . �.... .. _. Total Heating Required: 10,208 Btuh 10.208 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % Total Latent Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % Total Cooling Required: 0 Btuh 0.00 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) 0.00 Tons (Based On 75% Sensible Capacity) Notes � ' �..:,. -�' � fa ..��; ,. , , . . _ . Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. ' All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv � rtnvac - Res�aenua� a L�ym a,u►n�nercia� n R & H MECHANICAL Eaqle, CO 81631 ''� System 3, Zone 2 Summa s Software Deveiopment, lnc. Beaver Dam Road - Side A Paae 28 ---- Loads Peak Load Procedure for Rooms -- (---- - _ - --= Component Area Sen Lat Sen Total II Descr�tion _ Quan ____ Loss Gain __ Gain __Gain ' 1 D-cm-o: Glazing-Double pane, operable window, clear, 68 5,739 0 0 0 metal frame no break, u-value 0.87, SHGC 0.67 10B-b: Glazing-French door, double pane clear glass, 21.3 1,552 0 0 0 metal frame with break, u-value 0.75, SHGC 0.47 I 12E-Osw: Wall-Frame, R-19 insulation in 2 x 6 stud 190.7 1,258 0 0 0 cavity, no board insulation, siding finish, wood studs I 16B-30: Roof/Ceiling-Under Attic with Insulation on Attic 234 726 0 0 0 I Floor (also use for Knee Walls and Partition '� Ceilings), Vented Attic, No Radiant Barrier, Dark Asphalt Shingles or Dark Metal, Tar and Gravel or Membrane, R-30 insulation __ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ � Subtotals for structure: 9,275 0 0 0' People: 0 0 0 0 Equipment: 0 0 0 Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 0 0 0 0 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 9, Summer CFM: 0 962 0 0 0 ---- —_ ___-- ___ System 3, Zone 2 Load Totals: 10,237 0 0 0� i Check �igures=. : ; '�� ., - :_ ,�.; . � Supply CFM: 133 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.568 '` Square ft. of Room Area: 234 Square ft. Per Ton: 0** Volume (ft') of Cond. Space: 2,340 Air Turnover Rate (per hour): 3.4 (htg.) * Based on area of rooms being heated or cooled (whichever governs system) rather than entire floor area. '"` Based on area of rooms being cooled. Zone �oads'_` .. ` - � , Total Heating Required: 10,237 Btuh 10.237 MBH I, Total Sensible Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % II Total Latent Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % Total Cooling Required: 0 Btuh 0.00 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) 0.00 Tons (Based On 75% Sensible ! Capacity) Note�... _: : �. i Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv � rtmac - �cesioenua� a uym a,vrnr{�erc�aa n R 8� H MECHANICAL �: Eagle, CO 81639 Loatls � Elite 5ottware Development, Inc. Beaver Dam Road - Side A Paae 29 �-- --- -- -- - System 3,_ Zone 3 Summary Loads (Peak Load Procedure for Rooms) _ - - -- _ --- - __ _— — - _ - - ------ -- � Component Area Sen �at Sen Total i Description Quan __ Loss '___Gain Gain Gain --- —__ __.._.__-- — - - 1 D-cm-o: Glazing-Double pane, operable window, clear, 68 5,739 0 0 0 ' metal frame no break, u-value 0.87, SHGC 0.67 ; �� 106-b: Glazing-French door, double pane clear glass, 21.3 1,552 0 0 0' metal frame with break, u-value 0.75, SHGC 0.47 , 12E-Osw: Wall-Frame, R-19 insulation in 2 x 6 stud 160.7 1,060 0 0 0 cavity, no board insulation, siding finish, wood studs 166-30: Roof/Ceiling-Under Attic with Insulation on Attic 210 652 0 0 0'; Floor (also use for Knee Walis and Partition ' Ceilings), Vented Attic, No Radiant Barrier, Dark Asphalt Shingles or Dark Metal, Tar and Gravel or Membrane, R-30 insulation _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ ' Subtotals for structure: 9,003 0 0 0 j i People: 0 0 0 0 Equipment: 0 0 0 Lighting: 0 0 0 , Ductwork: 0 0 0 0 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 8, Summer CFM: 0 859 0 _ 0 0 System 3, Zone 3 Load Totals 9,862 0 0 0 Check Figures i Supply CFM: 128 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.610 " Square ft. of Room Area: 210 Square ft. Per Ton: 0** � Volume (ft3) of Cond. Space: 2,100 Air Turnover Rate (per hour): 3.7 ' (htg.) � * Based on area of rooms being heated or cooled (whichever governs system) rather than entire floor area. ** Based on area of rooms being cooled. ' Zone Loads ' Total Heating Required: 9,862 Btuh 9.862 MBH i Total Sensible Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % I Total Latent Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % Total Cooling Required: 0 Btuh 0.00 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) 0.00 Tons (Based On 75% Sensible Capacity) ,i �0�8� :. ��, � I _ ..,: . Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv I R & H MECHANICAL , Eagle, CO 81631 Beaver Dam Road - Side A Page 30 ! Svstem 3, Zone 4 Summarv Loads (Peak Load Procedure for Rooms Component Area Sen Lat Sen Total Description Quan Loss Gain Gain Gain 1 D-cm-o: Glazing-Double pane, operabie window, clear, 95.2 8,032 0 0 0 metal frame no break, u-value 0.87, SHGC 0.67 10B-b: Glazing-French door, double pane clear glass, 84 6,111 0 0 0 metal frame with break, u-value 0.75, SHGC 0.47 12E-Osw: Wall-Frame, R-19 insulation in 2 x 6 stud 640.8 4,227 0 0 0 cavity, no board insulation, siding finish, wood studs 166-30: Roof/Ceiling-Under Attic with Insulation on Attic 464 1,440 0 0 0 Floor (also use for Knee Walls and Partition Ceilings), Vented Attic, No Radiant Barrier, Dark Asphalt Shingles or Dark Metal, Tar and Gravel or Membrane, R-30 insulation Subtotals for structure: People: Equipment: Lighting: Ductwork: Infiltration: Winter CFM 26. Summer CFM: 0 System 3, Zone 4 Load Totals: _ __ _.. 19,810 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,817 0 0 22,627 0 0 Check Figures i Supply CFM: 294 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.633 * Square ft. of Room Area: 464 Square ft. Per Ton: 0*" Volume (ft') of Cond. Space: 4,640 Air Turnover Rate (per hour): 3.8 (htg.) * Based on area of rooms being heated or cooled (whichever governs system) rather than entire floor area. �* Based on area of rooms being cooled. ''Zone Laads Total Heating Required: 22,627 Btuh 22.627 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % Total Latent Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % Total Cooling Required: 0 Btuh 0.00 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) 0.00 Tons (Based On 75% Sensible Capacity) Nofes: .. x. Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv Rhvac - Residential & Light Gommerciai HVAG R & H MECHANICAL Eagle, CO 81631 E�ite sottware [jeveiopment, inc. Beaver Dam Road - Side A Paae 31 -----__ _ --------- — - System 3, Zone 5 Summary Loads (Peak Load Procedure for Rooms) ' Component Area Sen ' Lat Sen Total , � Description Quan __ Loss Gain Gain Gain ', 1 D-cm-o: Glazing-Double pane, operable window, clear, 111 9,367 0 0 0 � metal frame no break, u-value 0.87, SHGC 0.67 ' 12E-Osw: Wall-Frame, R-19 insulation in 2 x 6 stud 199 1,313 0 0 0 cavity, no board insulation, siding finish, wood studs 16B-30: Roof/Ceiling-Under Attic with Insulation on Attic 150 466 0 0 0 Floor (also use for Knee Walls and Partition Ceilings), Vented Attic, No Radiant Barrier, Dark Asphalt Shingles or Dark Metal, Tar and Gravel or � Membrane, R-30 insulation Subtotals for structure: People: Equipment: Lighting: Ductwork: Infiltration: Winter CFM 10, Summer CFM: 0 System 3, Zone 5 Load Totals: 11,146 0 0 0 0 0 1,065 0 12,211 0 0 0 0' 0'' 0'' 0 0 Check �igures ' ' ' ;I Supply CFM: 159 CFM Per Square ft.: 1.057 * � Square ft. of Room Area: 150 Square ft. Per Ton: 0** Volume (ft3) of Cond. Space: 1,500 Air Tumover Rate (per hour): 6.3 I (htg.) � * Based on area of rooms being heated or cooled (whichever governs system) rather than entire floor area. ' *'` Based on area of rooms being cooled. Zon� Lt�ads: _ . � �, , Total Heating Required: 12,211 Btuh 12.211 MBH , Total Sensible Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % �I Total Latent Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND °/o I Total Cooling Required: 0 Btuh 0.00 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) 0.00 Tons (Based On 75% Sensible Capacity) Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv Rhvac -Residential ' R & H MECHANICAL ' Eaole. CO 81631 Svstem �. Zone 1 Pre Chart System 1, Zone 1 Loss 21,813 Btuh Wall 38% Floor 10%� Elite 5ottware Development, inc. ' Beaver Dam Road - Side A Paqe 32 �nfiltration 26% Glass 8% Door 18% C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv Rhvac - Residentiai & Light Commercial NVA I R & H MECHANICAL Ea le, CO 81631 ___. i I System 1, Zone 2 Pie Chart System 1, Zone 2 Loss 5,517 Btuh Wall 25% Floor 12%� ' 8eaver Dam Road - Side A PaQe 33 /Infiltration 17% �ss 46% C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv fthvac - Residential S� Light Gommerciai HVAG Loads Elite Sottware Development, Inc. R& H MECHANICAL Beaver Dam Road - Side A Eaole. CO 81631 Paoe 34 ; System 1, Zone 3 Pie Chart System 1, Zone 3 Loss 6,408 Btu h System 1, Zone 3 Gain 0 Btuh Floor 12% � Wall 29%_ Infiltration 19% 100.0% C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv ass 40% nura�. - rtcmuenua� � R & H MECHANICAL Eaqle. CO 81631 System 1, Zone 4 Pie � hart System 1, Zone 4 Loss 2,171 Btuh System 1, Zone 4 Gain 0 Btuh Floo Wall �� ,� 100.0% C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv -'_r•"_"� "'_' ,. Beaver Dam Road - Side A Paae 35 / Infiltration 32% rtu va� _- RC51{7CI1 Udl ' R & H MECHANICAL � Faale CC3 81631 Svstem 1, Zone 5 Pie Chart System 1, Zone 5 Loss 8,734 Btuh Floor 15% Wall �� �o �- sonware Deve�opment, tnc. Beaver Dam Road - Side A Paae 36 /Infiltration 32% C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv (rtnvac - rtesiuCUUa� R & H MECHANICAL ' I F�„io cn R�a�z� I Svstem 2, Zone 1 Pie Chart System 2, Zone 1 Loss 17,600 Btuh Wall 23%, ite Software Deveiopment, Inc. Beaver Dam Road - Side A Paae 37 Infiltration 21 % Glass 55% C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv rcnva� -�crs�uCnua� a ��yu� a,v�n���erc�ai n vr� R & H MECHANICAL Eagle, CO $1631____— _ System 2, Zone 2 Pie �hart System 2, Zone 2 Loss 2,794 Btuh System 2, Zone 2 Gain 0 Btuh � Wall 57% 100.0% C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv Beaver Dam Road - Side A Paqe 38 nfiltration 43% � Svstem 2, Zone 3 Pie Chart System 2, Zone 3 Loss 20,221 Btuh Beaver Dam Road - Side A Paae 39 Wall 16% Infiltration 15% � � Glass 69% C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv ' Rhvac -:Residential 8� Light Commercial HVA R & H MECHANICAL i Eagle, CO 81631 ____ I System 2, Zone 4 Pie Chart System 2, Zone 4 Loss 17,132 Btuh System 2, Zone 4 Gain 0 Btuh Glass �,� ,� Wall 8%� � ._.: ,� . GIIC JVIIWpIC i/CYCIV�JIIICIIIy l�1�.. Beaver Dam Road - Side A Paqe 40 �Infiltration 12% ; 100.0% C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv Door 15% �; Svstem 2, Zone 5 Pie Chart System 2, Zone 5 Loss 18,676 Btuh System 2, Zone 5 Gain 0 Btuh �ftware Devetopment,lnc. Beaver Dam Road - Side A Paqe 41 Wail 19% /Infiltration 19% Glass 62% 100.0% C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv Rf1YdV ' RCSIYC11LIai Ct a.1y111 vV������c��.�o� ���r+' R 8� H MECHANICAL i Eaale. CO 81631 i I Svstem 3, Zone 1 Pie Chart System 3, Zone 1 Loss 10,208 Btuh System 3, Zone 1 Gain 0 Btuh Wall 27%` Roof 7%� Elite Software Development, Inc. Beaver Dam Road - Side A Paae 42 i Infiltration 16% / �� 5(l% 100.0% C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv Rhvac -'Residential 8� Light Commerc�ai HvA R & H MECHANICAL Eagle, CO 81631 � Svstem 3, Zone 2 Pie Chart Wall 12%, System 3, Zone 2 Loss 10,237 Btuh Roof 7% � Elite Software Development, Inc. Beaver Dam Road - Side A Page 43 Infiltration 9% Glass 71 % C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv i.....� .. . .................. _ -��••- - ------------ - R& H MECHANICAL Beaver Dam Road - Side A ! Eaqle, CO 81631 : _ _ Page 44 I j�System 3, Zone 3 Pie Chart System 3, Zone 3 Loss 9,862 Btuh Roof 7%� Infiltration 9% � / Wall 11 % Glass 74% C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv I vVJtc�i► .�, �vrr� -r � rv v��u�� Wall 19%� System 3, Zone 4 Loss 22,627 Btuh �;; Beaver Dam Road - Side A Paqe 45 0 Roof 6 /01 �Infiltration 12% ,� �� Glass 63% C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv I ( Rhvac -`Residentiai ' l R & H MECHANICAL — — --- -- — — - '� System 3, Zone 5 Pie Chart System 3, Zone 5 Loss 12,211 Btuh Roof 4% Infiltration 9% WaII 11 %� �� % Glass 77% �ttware ueveaopmen�, ms. Beaver Dam Road - Side A Paae 46 C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv R R H MFCHANICAL � � � � � �v� �.. � ....�.., ..., .,.�..... 10, 000 : ��� System 6,000 1, Zone 1 Loss 4,000 21,813 Btuh 2,000 � 100 ��;:� �ftware Development, Inc. Beaver Dam Road - Side A Paqe 47 Floor 10% Glass 8% Infiltration 26% Wall 38% Door 18% C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv R��.a� - RC���C��ua� a ��y��....,�,�,.�a,.,,a� ..,r.., R & H MECHANICAL ���ia cn R9R'21 �: - � - - System 1, Zone 2 Bar Graph 3,000 2,500 2,000 System 1, Zone 2 1, 500 Loss 5,517 Btuh 1, 000 500 0 System 1, Zone 2 Gain 0 Btu h 100 :� .� ►� 20 �7 � tUte somvare vevewpmen�, �nc. Beaver Dam Road - Side A Paoe 48 Floor 12% Wall 25% Glass 46% Infiltration 17% � C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv I Rhvac - Residential 8 Light Commercial HYAC Loads R 8� H MECHANICAL Ea le, CO 81631 , Sysfem 1, Zone 3 Bar Graph 3, 000 2,500 2,000 System 1, Zone 3 1, 500 Loss 6,408 Btuh 1,000 500 0 60 50 40 System 1, Zone 3 30 Gain 0 Btuh 20 10 0 Beaver Dam Road - Side A Pa9e 49 Floor 12% Wall 29% Glass 40% Infiltration 19% 1 C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv ' R & N MECHANICAL , Ea le, CO 81631 _ __ ��� I System 1, Zone 4 Bar G 1,500 System 1, Zone 4 Loss 2,171 Btuh System 1, Zone 4 Gain 0 Btuh 1, 000 500 15 10 5 0 Beaver Dam Road - Side A Paae 50 Floor 14% Wall 53% Infiltration 32% �i 1 C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv Irtnvac � RC.l1YG�fl1a1 a ��yna.,v.���,��....... ., R & H MECHANICAL ' ��nio r.n R1R31 I IrSystem 1, Zone 5 Bar Graph 5, 000 � ��� System 3,000 1, Zone 5 Loss 2 000 8, 734 ° Btuh 1, 000 C�7 15 Elite Software Development; lnc. ' Beaver Dam Road - Side A Page 51 Floor 15% Wall 53% Infiltration 32% C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv Rhvac - Residential 8 Light Commercial HVAC Loads ,; Etite Software Development, Inc. R& H MECHANICAL Beaver Dam Road - Side A i Eagle CO 81631 _ _ ___ - - Page 52 System 2, Zone 1 Bar Graph System 2, Zone 1 Loss 17,600 Btuh 10, 000 : ��� . 11� � ��� 2, 000 .� � System 2, Zone � 20 Gain 0 Btuh 10 C�i 0 Wall 23% Glass 55% Infiltration 21 % � C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv Rhvac -'Residential & Light Commercial HUAC Loads R & H MECHANICAL �anla C(� R1R31 ' System 2, Zone 2 Bar Graph 2, 000 1, 500 System 2, Zone 2 1,000 Loss 2,794 Btuh 500 C�7 fi[�I�� Elite Software Development, Inc. Beaver Dam Road - Side A Wall 57% Infiltration 43% C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads R & H MECHANICAL � Eaale_ C� 81631 Svstem 2, Zone 3 Bar Graph System 2, Zone 3 Loss 20,221 Btuh 15,000 ' � ���' ���' `[Ti� .�, � Beaver Dam Road - Side A Paae 54 Wall 16% Glass 69% Infiltration 15% C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv Rhvac - Residential 8� Light Commercial H� R & H MECHANICAL Eagle, CO 81631 System 2, Zone 4 Bar Gra 15, 000 System 2, Zone 4 Loss 17,132 Btuh 10, 000 5, 000 100 C�] Loads Etite Software Development, Inc. Reaver Dam Road - Side A Wall 8% Glass 65% Door 15% Infiltration 12% C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv Rhvac - Residentiai & Lignt commerciai n vH� R & H MECHANICAL ' Eagle, CO 81631 _ __ j System 2, Zone 5 Bar Gr�aph I 15.000 System 2, Zone 5 Loss 18,676 Btu h 10,000 , ��� .� 30 System 2, Zone 5 20 Gain 0 Btuh 10 C �� � RPavPr Dam Road - Side A Wall 19% Glass 62% Infiltration 19% 1 C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv �Rhvac -`Residential 8� Light Commercial H' & H MECHANICAL FanlP C:(� R1R�1 �, 'I System 3, Zone 1 Bar Gra � 6, 000 �� 5,000 4, 000 ' System 3, Zone � 3, 000 Loss 10,208 Btuh 2,000 / 1,000 �� , 0 �-_ 60 50 40 System 3, Zone � 30 Gain 0 Btuh 20 10 0 Beaver Dam Road - Side A Pa9e 57 Roof 7% Wall 27% Glass 50% Infiltration 16% � C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads ,1 tute somvare vevewpmenr, �nc. R& H MECHANICAL Beaver Dam Road - Side A Fania f:il R1R31 _____ Pa9e 58 � System 3, Zone 2 Bar Graph 8, 000 . ��� System 3, Zone 2 4, 000 Loss 10,237 Btu h 2, 000 :� .� System 3, Zone 2 40 Gain 0 Btuh 20 � ,� Roof 7% Wall 12% Glass 71 % Infiltration 9% 1 C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv Rhvac - Residential 8 Light Commercia R & H MECHANICAL ', , Eagle. CO 81631 ,, System 3, Zone 3 Bar G 8, 000 6, 000 System 3, Zone 3 4,000 Loss 9, 862 Btuh 2,000 0 80 60 System 3, Zone 3 40 Gain 0 Btuh 20 0 g Beaver Dam Road - Side A Paae 59 Roof 7% Wall 11 % Glass 74% Infiltration 9% 1 C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv Rhvac - Residentiai 8 Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Devetopment, inc. R& H MECHANICAL �' Beaver Dam Road - Side A Ea�le, CO 81631 �____ii__ Page_60 - - - -- ---- -- — System 3, Zone 4 Bar Graph 15, 000 10, 000 System 3, Zone 4 Loss 22,627 Btu h 5, 000 System 3, Zone 4 Gain 0 Btuh 100 :� .� � �� 20 L 0 Roof 6% Wall 19% Glass 63% Infiltration 12% 1 C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv Rhvac - Residential 8� Light Commercial HVAC Loads �uie �omvare ue�e�op�������, ����. ' R& H MEGHANICAL Beaver Dam Road - Side A �a�iP r.n R���� Page 61 , �, System 3, Zone 5 Bar Gra 10.000 : ��� System 6,000 3, Zone 5 Loss 4,000 12,211 Btuh 2,000 100 :� System 60 3, Zone 5 Gain 40 0 Btuh 20 0 ,�, � Roof 4% Wall 11 % Glass 77% Infiltration 9% 1 C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv Rhvac - Residential 8 Light Commercial HVAC Loads �" . Elite Software Development, Inc. � R& H MECHANICAL Beaver Dam Road - Side A Eagle, CO 81631 _ _ _ Page 62 � Detailed Room Loads - Room 1- Ski/Entry/Hall � General � " Room is in zone 1, which peaks at 7 pm ' I Calculation Mode: Htg. only Occurrences: � � Room Length: 35.0 ft. System Number: 1 ' Room Width: 10.0 ft. Zone Number: � Area: 350.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 106 CFM Ceiling Height: 10.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 1.8 AC/hr Volume: 3,500.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air: 0 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0% Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Percent of Supply: 0 % Actual Winter Infil.: 23 CFM Actual Summer Infil.: 0 CFM �ltem Area -U- ' Htg � S�n �Ig La# Sen ' Description C2uantity Value HTM L�ss ' HTM Ga+n Gain E-Wall-12E-Osw 25 X 10 240 0.068 6.6 1,583 0.0 0 0 _. ._. .. .__ _ ._., ,.. .�., �.,�n cc non nn n n C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv ' Rhvac - Residentiai 8 Light Commercial HUAC Loads R & H MECHANICAL E, gl CO 81631 -- , Detailed Room Loads - Room 6- Gara Room is in zone 1, which peaks at 7 pm Calculation Mode: Htg. only Room Length: 22.0 ft. Room Width: 22.0 ft. Area: 484.0 sq.ft. Ceiling Height: 10.0 ft. Volume: 4,840.0 cu.ft. Number of Registers: 2 Runout Air: 0 CFM � Item I W-Wall-12E-Osw 22 X 10 ' N -Wall-12E-Osw 22 X 10 E -Wall-12E-Osw 22 X 10 S -Wall-12E-Osw 14 X 10 E-Door-11 H 18 X 7 N -Gis-1 D-cm-o shgc-0.67 0%S Floor-21A-20 22 X 22 Subtotals for Structure: Infil.: Win.: 30.1, Sum.: 0.0 Room Totals: Area iantity 220 209.5 94 140 126 10.5 484 800 Occurrences: System Number: Zone Number: Supply Air: Supply Air Changes: Required Vent.: Actual Winter Vent.: Percent of Supply.: Actual Summer Vent.: Percent of Supply: Actual Winter Infil.: Actual Summer Infil.: -U- Htg �'�en'' Value HTM L:oss 0.068 � 6.6 1,451 0.068 6.6 1,382 0.068 6.6 620 0.068 6.6 923 0.320 31.0 3,911 0.870 84.4 886 0.027 2.6 1,268 10,441 4.010 3,208 13,649 C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 � ��� �ttware ueve�opment, �nc. Beaver Dam Road - Side A Paae 63 1 1 1 177 CFM 2.2 AC/hr 0 CFM 0 CFM 0 % 0 CFM 0 % 30 CFM 0 CFM � � � � � � � � i � Rhvac -;Residentiai � R & H MECHAN►CAL �aale CO R1631 Loads �ttware ueve�opment, inc. Beaver Dam Road - Side A Paqe 64 Detailed Room Loads - Room 2- Bunk/Bath General � , ;I Room is in zone 2, which peaks at 7 pm I Calculation Mode: Htg. only Occurrences: 1 I Room Length: 19.5 ft. System Number. 1 Room Width: 12.5 ft. Zone Number: 2 � Area: 244.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 72 CFM ' Ceiling Height: 10.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 1.8 AC/hr ', Volume: 2,438.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM �i Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM ' Runout Air. 0 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0% I ! Item �- ' I� Description ' W -Wall-12E-Osw 4 X 10 S -Wall-12E-Osw 20 X 10 �, W -Gls-1 D-cm-o shgc-0.67 0%S � Floor-21A-20 12.5 X 19.5 Subtotals for Structure: Infil.: Win.: 9.0, Sum.: 0.0 Room Totals: Actual Summer Vent.: Percent of Supply: Actual Winter Infil.: Actual Summer Infil.: Area -U- > Htg Sen �anii#�r: Value � MTM Loss h 10 0.068 6.6 66 200 0.068 6.6 1,319 30 0.870 84.4 2,532 243.8 0.027 2.6 638 _ _ _ __ _ _ 240 0�0 0.0 0.0 0.0 _ 4, 555 4.008 962 0.000 5,517 C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv 0 CFM 0 % 9 CFM 0 CFM 0 0 _0 0 0 0 0 0 0 __ .0 0 0 0 Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HUAC Loads Elite Software Development, mc. ' R& H MECtiANICRL Beaver Dam Road - Side A ' Eagle, CO 81631 _ _ Page 65 I Detailed Room Loads - Room 3- Sitting/Exercise ��er�e�a���: '�"'� Room is in zone 3, which peaks at 7 pm Calculation Mode: Htg. only Occurrences: � Room Length: 20.0 ft. System Number: � Room Width: 15.0 ft. Zone Number: 3 Area: 300.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 83 CFM Ceiling Height: 10.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 1.7 AC/hr Volume: 3,000.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air: 0 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0% Actual Summer Vent.: Percent of Supply: Actual Winter Infil.: Actual Summer Infil.: nen n nC0 G G '1 C.S2Q 0 CFM 0 % 12 CFM 0 CFM Cig La# ' Sen Ti� Gain Gain nn n n C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads ' Etite Software Development, Inc. R 8� H MECHANICAL Beaver Dam Road - Side A Eaale. CO 81631 Paqe 66 ' Detailed Room Loads - Room 4- FoVer Room is in zone 4, which peaks at 7 pm Calculation Mode: Htg. only Room Length: 12.0 ft. Room Width: 10.0 ft. Area: 120.0 sq.ft. Ceiling Height: 10.0 ft. Volume: 1,200.0 cu.ft. Number of Registers: 1 Runout Air: 0 CFM �/V -Wail-12E-Osw 9 X 10 NW-Wall-12E-Osw 2 X 10 N -Wall-12E-Osw 4.5 X 10 NE-Wall-12E-Osw 2 X 10 90 20 45 20 � �.: � �.: � �.: 1 1.: Occurrences: System Number: Zone Number: Supply Air: Supply Air Changes: Required Vent.: Actual Winter Vent.: Percent of Supply.: Actual Summer Vent.: Percent of Supply: Actual Winter Infil.: Actual Summer Infil.: .^ .. .. . : 594 132 297 132 �� �� �� �� 1 1 4 28 CFM 1.4 AC/hr 0 CFM 0 CFM 0 % 0 CFM 0 % 7 CFM 0 CFM � � � � � � � � C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv � Rhvac - Residentiai & Light Commercial HVAC Loads 'i R & H MECHANICAL ' Eaale. CO 81631 Detailed Room Loads - Room 5- Foyer i General Room is in zone 5, which peaks at 7 pm Calculation Mode: Htg. only Occurrences: Room Length: 25.0 ft. System Number: Room Width: 20.0 ft. Zone Number: Area: 500.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: ' Ceiling Height: 10.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: Volume: 5,000.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: Runout Air: 0 CFM Percent of Supply.: � ....,,, � �Descripiion ; W -Wall-12E-Osw 8 X 10 N -Wall-1�F-flcw 17 X 1� 80 17(1 Actual Summer Vent.: Percent of Supply: Actual Winter Infil.: Actual Summer Infil.: -U- Htg Sen' Value HTNI i:ciss 0.068 6.6 528 ��Ff3 FF 1 1�1 �� 1 1 Beaver Dam Road - Side A Paqe 67 1 1 5 113 CFM 1.4 AC/hr 0 CFM 0 CFM 0 % 0 CFM 0 % 26 CFM 0 CFM 0 0 ' � 0 i C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv nuvas. - �aa�uQUUa� a a_�yuivv�u�uc��.w� nrn R & H MECHANICAL Eagle, CO 81631 ;"�. Detailed Room Loads - Room 7- Master Bed/Bath Elite 5ottware Development, inc. Beaver Dam Road - Side A I Room is in zone 1, which peaks at 7 pm I Calculation Mode: Htg. only Occurrences: 1 Room Length: 25.0 ft. System Number: 2 Room Width: 25.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 625.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 229 CFM Ceiling Height: 10.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 2.2 AC/hr Volume: 6,250.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 2 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air: 0 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0% Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Percent of Supply: 0 % Actual Winter Infil.: 35 CFM Actual Summer Infil.: 0 CFM � Item ` ; Area -U- Ntg � : Sera „ ; �Ig Lai ' Sen I ' Description Quantity ____Value ' }-f�"�I �ciss" ' �'�1V1; Gain ` 'Gain W-Wall-12E-Osw 24 X 10 240 0.068 6.6 1,583 0.0 0 0 N-Wall-12E-Osw 25 X 10 176.5 0.068 6.6 1,164 0.0 0 0 E-Wall-12E-Osw 25 X 10 208 0.068 6.6 1,372 0.0 0 0 N-Gls-1 D-cm-o shgc-0.67 0%S 10.5 0.870 84.4 886 0.0 0 0 N-Gls-1D-cm-o shgc-0.67 0%S 63 0.870 84.4 5,317 0.0 0 0 E-Gis-1 D-cm-o shgc-0.67 0%S 42 0.870 84.4 3,544 0.0 0 0 Subtotals for Structure: 13,866 0 0 Infil.: Win.: 35.0, Sum.: 0.0 740 5.046 3,734 0.000 0 0 __ _ __ I Room Totals: _ __ _ ___ _ _ 17,600 0 0 C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv i Rhvac - Resitlentiai & Light Gommercial HVAG Loads Eiite Sottware Development, Inc. � R& H MECHANICAL Beaver Dam Road - Side A Ea le, CO 81631 _ _ Page 69 I'� D � d Room Loads - Room 8- Laundry/stairs ' ��r��r�i � , Room is in zone 2, which peaks at 7 pm Calculation Mode: Htg. only Occurrences: 1 Room Length: 24.0 ft. System Number: 2 Room Width: 12.0 ft. Zone Number: 2 Area: 288.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 36 CFM Ceiling Height: 10.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 0.8 AC/hr Volume: 2,880.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air: 0 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0% W -Wall-12E-Osw 24 X 10 Subtotals for Structure: Infil.: Win.: 11.3, Sum.: 0.0 Room Totals: 240 240 Actual Summer Vent.: Percent of Supply: Actual Winter Infil.: Actual Summer Infil.: 0.068 6.6 1,583 1, 583 5.046 1,211 __ __ __ _ _ 2, 794 C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv 0.0 � ��� 0 CFM 0 % 11 CFM 0 CFM 0 0 0 0 0 0 _ _ __ 0 0 Rhvac - Residentiai � R & H MECHANICAL Eaale. CO 81631 Elite 5ottware Development, Inc. Beaver Dam Road - Side A Paae 70 - ---- — ---- -- Deta�led Room Loads - Room 9- Kitchen ��eneral � � w . , � _� . _� :.. _ _ _� Room is in zone 3, which peaks at 7 pm Calculation Mode: Htg. only Occurrences: 1 Room Length: 29.0 ft. System Number: 2 Room Width: 17.5 ft. Zone Number: 3 Area: 508.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 263 CFM Ceiling Height: 10.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 3.1 AC/hr Volume: 5,075.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 2 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air: 0 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0% Actual Summer Vent.: Percent of Supply: Actual Winter infil.: Actual Summer Infil.: I ]terr� W -Wall-12E-Osw 17.5 X 10 S -Wall-12E-Osw 29 X 10 N -Wall-12E-Osw 15 X 10 S -Gls-1 D-cm-o shgc-0.67 0%S S -Gls-1 D-cm-o shgc-0.67 0%S N -G1s-10A-m shgc-0.53 0%S N -Gls-1 D-cm-o shgc-0.67 0%S Subtotals for Structure: Infil.: Win.: 29.1, Sum.: 0.0 Room Totals: Area ; 175 252 65 18 20 45 40 615 _ � 0.068 0.068 0.068 0.870 0.870 1.670 0.870 6.6 6.6 6.6 84.4 84.4 162.0 84.4 5.046 1,154 1,662 429 1,519 1,688 7,290 3,376 17,118 3,103 20,221 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 � ��� 0 CFM 0 % 29 CFM 0 CFM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0_ __ 0 C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv ' Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, lnc. � R& H MEGHANICAL Beaver Dam Road - Side A , j Eagle, CO 81631 ' Page 71 �_ -�____------- 'I �Detailed Room Loads - Room 90 - Dining/Entry Room is in zone 4, which peaks at 7 pm Calculation Mode: Htg. only Room Length: 28.0 ft. Room Width: 15.0 ft. Area: 420.0 sq.ft. Ceiling Height: 10.0 ft. Volume: 4,200.0 cu.ft. Number of Registers: 2 Runout Air: 0 CFM � Item W -Wall-12E-Osw 9 X 10 NW-Wall-12E-Osw 2.5 X 10 N -Wall-12E-Osw 4 X 10 NE-Wall-12E-Osw 2.5 X 10 N -Wall-12E-Osw 7 X 10 S -Wall-12E-Osw 15 X 10 N-Door-11 G 6 X 8 N -Gls-1 D-cm-o shgc-0.67 0%S S -Gls-1 D-cm-o shgc-0.67 0%S S -G1s-10B-b shgc-0.47 0%S _... Subtotals for Structure: Infil.: Win.: 18.9, Sum.: 0.0 __ __ Room Totals: 90 25 8 25 22 46 48 32 78 26 400 Occurrences: System Number: Zone Number: Supply Air: Supply Air Changes: Required Vent.: Actual Winter Vent.: Percent of Supply.: Actual Summer Vent.: Percent of Supply: Actual Winter Infil.: Actual Summer Infil.: _U_ Htg S� Value HTM 0.068 � 6.6 0.068 6.6 0.068 6.6 0.068 6.6 0.068 6.6 0.068 6.6 0.540 52.4 0.870 84.4 0.870 84.4 0.750 72.8 5.045 C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv 594 0.0 165 0.0 53 0.0 165 0.0 145 0.0 303 0.0 2,514 0.0 2,700 0.0 6,583 0.0 1,892 0.0 _ 15,114 2,018 0.000 17,132 1 2 4 222 CFM 3.2 AC/hr 0 CFM 0 CFM 0 % 0 CFM 0 % 19 CFM 0 CFM tat Gain' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 rturas - rtcaiucnuai R & H MECHANICAL Eaale. CO 81631 ►ftware Development, Inc. Beaver Dam Road - Side A Paqe 72 ------ — __ — -- ___----- _ _ _. ------------- -- — — Detarled Room Loads - Room 11 - Living Room is in zone 5, which peaks at 7 pm Calculation Mode: Htg. only Room Length: 30.0 ft. Room Width: 18.0 ft. Area: 540.0 sq.ft. Ceiling Height: 10.0 ft. Volume: 5,400.0 cu.ft. Number of Registers: 2 Runout Air: 0 CFM , , � �.: : Description C W -Wall-12E-Osw 8 X 10 N -Wall-12E-Osw 18 X 10 E -Wall-12E-Osw 25 X 10 S -Wall-12E-Osw 18 X 10 N -Gis-1 D-cm-o shgc-0.67 0%S S -G1s-10B-b shgc-0.47 0%S Subtotals for Structure: Infil.: Win.: 32.6, Sum.: 0.0 _. Room Totals: 80 84 250 132 96 48 .•� Occurrences: System Number: Zone Number: Supply Air: Supply Air Changes: Required Vent.: Actual Winter Vent.: Percent of Supply.: Actual Summer Vent.: Percent of Supply: Actual Winter infil.: Actual Summer Infil.: -- -U- ' Htg Sen Value � HTM Loss 0.068 6,6 528 0.068 6.6 554 0.068 6.6 1,649 0.068 6.6 871 0.870 84.4 8,101 0.750 72.8 3,492 15,195 5.045 3,481 18,676 C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv 1 2 5 243 CFM 2.7 AC/hr 0 CFM 0 CFM 0 % 0 CFM 0 % 33 CFM 0 CFM Cig : L�t : Sen' HTM : �ain ' Gain '. 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 ' 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 I 0.0 0 0 I __ _ _ , 0 0 I 0.000 0 0 i 0 01 RIIYd4 `�RCDIUCIILItlI Ot Lll�ill 1iV111111Cf41Q7 IIYNV LVGUJ � R 8� H MECHANICAL Eaale. CO 81631 Detailed Room Loads - Room 12 - Studv/Bed Room is in zone 1, which peaks at 7 pm Calculation Mode: Htg. only Room Length: 18.0 ft. Room Width: 13.0 ft. Area: 234.0 sq.ft. Ceiling Height: 10.0 ft. Volume: 2,340.0 cu.ft. Number of Registers: 1 Runout Air: 0 CFM �escription W -Wali-12E-Osw 16 X 10 r.i �ni_u nnr n_... �n v �n Area 3ii- tjtj/ 160 �nn lite Software Development, lnc. Beaver Dam Road - Side A Paae 73 Occurrences: System Number: Zone Number: Supply Air: Supply Air Changes: Required Vent.: Actual Winter Vent.: Percent of Supply.: Actual Summer Vent.: Percent of Supply: Actual Winter Infil.: Actual Summer Infil.: -U- ; ;Htg Sen Cig Value MT�1! Loss HTM' 0.068 6.6 1,055 0.0 n nr_ o r_ r_ �n� n n 1 3 1 133 CFM 3.4 AC/hr 0 CFM 0 CFM 0 % 0 CFM 0 % 15 CFM 0 CFM Itl '' �c'itli i 0 0 n n C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv Knvac - ftesicienUa! & Light commercial NvAC Loads R & H MECHANICAL Eagle, CO 81631 I Detailed Room Loads - Room 13 - Bedroom-A Room is in zone 2, which peaks at 7 pm Calculation Mode: Htg. only Room Length: 18.0 ft. Room Width: 13.0 ft. Area: 234.0 sq.ft. Ceiling Height: 10.0 ft. Volume: 2,340.0 cu.ft. Number of Registers: 1 Runout Air: 0 CFM W -Wall-12E-Osw 4 X 10 S -Wall-12E-Osw 14 X 10 E -Wall-12E-Osw 4 X 10 S -Wall-12E-Osw 6 X 10 S -Gls-1 D-cm-o shgc-0.67 0%S E -G1s-106-b shgc-0.47 0%S UP-Ceil-166-30 18 X 13 Subtotals for Structure: Infil.: Win.: 9.0, Sum.: 0.0 Room Totals: 40 72 18.7 60 68 21.3 234 'r:� 0.068 0.068 0.068 0.068 0.870 0.750 0.032 Occurrences: System Number: Zone Number: Supply Air: Supply Air Changes: Required Vent.: Actual Winter Vent.: Percent of Supply.: Actual Summer Vent.: Percent of Supply: Actual Winter Infil.: Actual Summer Infil.: 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 84.4 72.8 3.1 3.436 C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv 264 475 123 396 5,739 1,552 726 9,275 962 10,237 Beaver Dam Road - Side A Paae 74 1 3 2 133 CFM 3.4 AC/hr 0 CFM 0 CFM 0 % 0 CFM 0 % 9 CFM 0 CFM 0.0 0 0 I 0.0 0 0 '� 0.0 0 0 j 0.0 0 0 I 0.0 0 0 'i 0.0 0 0 '' 0.0 0 0 �' 0 0 0.000 0 0 0 0� Rf/Yqt: � RCJIUCIILIAI Ot Lll�lll VVII�IIICfl:ldl f7 Vf1V LViIUJ ,�, �: � �� CIiIC JVIIWdIC LJCYCIV�l1I1C11L� �IIIti. �I R& H MECHANICAL Beaver Dam Road - Side A � Eagle, CO 81631 __ _� Page 75 Detailed Room Laads - Room 14 - Bedroom-8 G�r,erai � _ _ . _. - �. . Room is in zone 3, which peaks at 7 pm ; Calculation Mode: Htg. only Room Length: 21.0 ft. Room Width: 10.0 ft. Area: 210.0 sq.ft. Ceiling Height: 10.0 ft. Volume: 2,100.0 cu.ft. Number of Registers: 1 I Runout Air: 0 CFM W -Wall-12E-Osw 4 X 10 S -Wall-12E-Osw 13 X 10 E -Wall-12E-Osw 8 X 10 S -Gls-1 D-cm-o shgc-0.67 0%S W -G1s-106-b shgc-0.47 0%S UP-Ceil-166-30 21 X 10 __ _ _ __ Subtotals for Structure: Infil.: Win.: 8.0, Sum.: 0.0 Room Totals: 18.7 0.068 62 0.068 80 0.068 68 0.870 21.3 0.750 210 0.032 _. Occurrences: System Number: Zone Number: Supply Air: Supply Air Changes: Required Vent.: Actual Winter Vent.: Percent of Supply.: Actual Summer Vent.: Percent of Supply: Actual Winter Infil.: Actual Summer Infil.: 6.6 6.6 6.6 84.4 72.8 3.1 250 3.436 _ _ _ __ _ _ C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv 123 409 528 5,739 1,552 652 _ 9,003 859 _ _ 9, 862 �� �� �� �� 1 1 �� � ��� 1 3 3 128 CFM 3.7 AC/hr 0 CFM 0 CFM 0 % 0 CFM 0 % 8 CFM 0 CFM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercia! HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Mc. R& H MECHANICAL Beaver Dam Road - Side A Eaale. CO 81631 Paoe 76 Detailed Room Loads - Room 15 - Mstr-Bed , Gen�ra� . . �. � . � � Room is in zone 4, which peaks at 7 pm , Calculation Mode: Htg. only Occurrences� 1 � Room Length: 29.0 ft. Room Width: 16.0 ft. Area: 464.0 sq.ft. Ceiling Height: 10.0 ft. Volume: 4,640.0 cu.ft. Number of Registers: 3 Runout Air: 0 CFM tem N -Wall-12E-Osw 6 X 10 ' W -Wall-12E-Osw 6 X 10 N -Wall-12E-Osw 17 X 10 E -Wall-12E-Osw 29 X 10 S -Wall-12E-Osw 24 X 10 N -Gis-1 D-cm-o shgc-0.67 0%S N -G1s-106-b shgc-0.47 0%S E -Gls-1 D-cm-o shgc-0.67 0%S (2) S -G1s-10B-b shgc-0.47 0%S S -Gls-1 D-cm-o shgc-0.67 0%S S -Gls-1 D-cm-o shgc-0.67 0%S UP-Ceil-166-30 29 X 16 � Subtotals for Structure: 60 60 92.5 250 178.3 13.5 64 40 20 30 11.7 464 Infil.: Win.: 26.4, Sum.: 0.0 820 Room Totals: -U- 0.068 0.068 0.068 0.068 0.068 0.870 0.750 0.870 0.750 0.870 0.870 0.032 System Number: Zone Number: Supply Air: Supply Air Changes: Required Vent.: Actual Winter Vent.: Percent of Supply.: Actual Summer Vent.: Percent of Supply: Actual Winter Infil.: Actual Summer Infil.: HTM 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 84.4 72. 8 84.4 72.8 84.4 84.4 3.1 3.435 C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv 396 610 1, 649 1,176 1,139 4,656 3,376 1,455 2,532 985 1,440 19,810 2,817 _ 22,627 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 � ��� 3 4 294 CFM 3.8 AC/hr 0 CFM 0 CFM 0 % 0 CFM 0 % 26 CFM 0 CFM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0_ 0 sen ���� 0 0 0', 01 O�I 0 I OI 0�'� Oj 0! 0 ; 0' 0 __ � �I OI rt�rva� - rcesiaCnua� a �iyr�i a.ornmercia� nvt�� Loaas tute somvare ueve�opment, �nc. R& H MECHANICAL ' Beaver Dam Road - Side A Eagle, CO $1631 – _---� --_—___ _� __ Page 77_ Detailed Room Loads - Room 16 - Bedroom-A , �e����i � t� _� ;: . Room is in zone 5, which peaks at 7 pm Calculation Mode: Htg. only Occurrences: 1 Room Length: 15.0 ft. System Number: 3 Room Width: 10.0 ft. Zone Number: 5 Area: 150.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 159 CFM Ceiling Height: 10.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 6.3 AC/hr Volume: 1,500.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air: 0 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0% Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Percent of Supply: 0 % Actual Winter Infil.: 10 CFM Actual Summer Infil.: 0 CFM ' N -Wall-12E-Osw 15 X 10 W -Wall-12E-Osw 8 X 10 NW-Wall-12E-Osw 2 X 10 N -Wall-12E-Osw 4 X 10 NE-Wall-12E-Osw 2 X 10 � N -Gls-1 D-cm-o shgc-0.67 0%S NE-Gls-1 D-cm-o shgc-0.67 0%S N -Gls-1 D-cm-o shgc-0.67 0%S UP-Ceil-166-30 15 X 10 Subtotals for Structure: Infil.: Win.: 10.0, Sum.: 0.0 Room Totals: 55 80 20 40 4 75 16 20 150 310 -U- 0.068 0.068 0.068 0.068 0.068 0.870 0.870 0.870 0.032 Htg :... S�r�.. ,;,, Glg HTM Lass ' HTM 6.6 363 0.0 6.6 528 0.0 6.6 132 0.0 6.6 264 0.0 6.6 26 0.0 84.4 6,329 0.0 84.4 1,350 0.0 84.4 1,688 0.0 3.1 466 0.0 11,146 3.435 1, 065 0.000 12,211 C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv ` Gain 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 u, ; 0 0 0� �I � I 0 I 0 ', 0 i 0 ' 0 0 0 Rhvac - Residential $ Light Commercial HVAC Loads R & H MECHANICAL , Eaqle. CO 81631 i i Room Coolina and Heatina Loads Bar Graahs Ski/Entry/Hall Garage Bunk/Bath Sitting/Exercise Foyer Foyer Master Bed/Bath Laundry/stairs Kitchen Dining/Entry Elite Software Development, lnc. ' Beaver Dam Road - Side A Page 78 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 Btuh C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv � Cooling � Heating � rtnvac - rces�aeraua� a uyn� a+vnunrr��a� nvr��+ waua � R & H MECHANICAL ' ! Eagle, CO 81631 �__ _ , i Room Coolinq and Heatinq Loads Bar Graphs Living Study/Bed Bedroom-A Bedroom-B Beaver Dam Road - Side A Paqe 79 � Cooling Mstr-Bed � Heating I I� Bedroom-A I'i �� � i � � � I i � I 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 Btuh C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv I Rhvac - Residential8 Light Commercial HVAC Loads R & H MECHANICAL "�` Room Coolinq Loads Bar Graahs 1 E Elite 5oftware Development, Inc. Beaver Dam Road - Side A Page 80 0 50 100 150 200 Btuh C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv � Sensible i Latent Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC ioads Elite Software Development, lnc. R& H MECHANIGAL Beaver Dam Road - Side A Eaqle, CO 81631 Paae 81 , System 1 Room Load Summary ____ __ _ _ - -- -- - - - - - - - - ------ -- - — __ __ -- - - - - � Htg Min Run Run Clg Cig Min Room Area Sens Htg Duct Duct Sens Lat Cig Sys ; No Name SF Btuh CFM Size Vel Btuh Btuh CFM CFM - -- ----- ---- ', ---Zone 1--- -__..--------- - --- -- � 1 Ski/Entry/Hall 350 8,164 106 1-0 0 0 0 0 106 6 Garage 484 13,649 177 2-0 0 0 0 0 177 ' i Zone 1 subtotal 834 21,813 283 0 0 0 283 , ---Zone 2--- 2 Bunk/Bath 244 5,517 72 1-0 0 0 0 0 72 , � Zone 2 subtotal 244 5,517 72 0 0 0 72 ---Zone 3--- '� 3 Sitting/Exercise 300 6,408 83 1-0 0 0 0 0 83 I ' Zone 3 subtotal 300 6,408 83 0 0 0 83 I ---Zone 4--- 4 Foyer 120 2,171 28 1-0 0 0 0 0 28 Zone 4 subtotal 120 2,171 28 0 0 0 28 ---Zone 5--- 5 Foyer 500 8,734 113 1-0 0 0 0 0 113 ', Zone 5 subtotal 500 8,734 113 0 0 0 113 System 1 total 1,998 44,643 580 0 0 0 580 ', Note: Since the system is multizone, the Peak Fenestration Gain Procedure was used to determine glass sensible gains ', i at the room and zone levels, so the sums of the zone sensible gains and airflows for cooling shown above are not intended , ' to equal the totals at the system level. Room and zone sensible gains and cooling CFM values are for the hour in which ' � the glass sensible gain for the zone is at its peak. Sensible gains at the system level are based on the "Average Load ; Procedure + Excursion" method. --- � :�ooling System Summary ' ' _ _--- - - _ _ — _ _ _.� - -------- I , ___ _ ...------- — - -- - -- - � Cooling Sensible/Latent Sensible Latent Total � Tons 5plit Btuh Btuh Btuh - - --- - - �--- --- -- ---_ . _ -- --- -- __ _ _ Net Required: 0.00 0% / 0% 0 0 0 ! Recommended: 0.00 75% / 25% 0 0 0! Heatinct Svstem Type: Model: Brand: Efficiency: Sound: Capacity: Coolinq System C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv rtnrac - rces�uCnua� R & H MECHANICAL Fanla f:() R1Fi�1 System 2 Room Load Summa Raom Na Name E Htg �ea Sens SF `'; Btuh — -_ _ _— —.. Min Run Run Htg Duct Duct CFM Size Vel Clg Sens Btuh !lite Software Development, lnc. Beaver Dam Road - Side A Page 82 Clg Min Act Lat '` Cig Sys Btuh CFM CFM --Zone 1--- 7 Master Bed/Bath 625 17,600 229 2-0 0 0 0 0 229 _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ Zone 1 subtotal 625 17,600 229 0 0 0 229 i ---Zone 2--- � 8 Laundry/stairs __ ?88 _ 2,794_ _ 36 __ 1-�_ _ � _ � ___ � 0 __ 36 Zone 2 subtotal 288 2,794 36 0 0 0 36 ---Zone 3--- I 9 Kitchen 508 20,221 263 2-0 0 0 0 0 263 I _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ , Zone 3 subtotal 508 20,221 263 0 0 0 263 ---Zone 4--- I 10 Dining/Entry 420 17132 222 2-0 0 0 0 0 222 II _ – ---. _-- --- _ - _---- ---- . --- – _ _- , Zone 4 subtotal 420 17 132 222 0 0 0 222 I Zone 5--- 11 Living _ _ 540 _18,676 243 2-0 0__ 0 0 0 _ 243 �i _ __ Zone 5 subtotal 540 18,676 243 0 0 0 243 !, _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __._ _ __ _ _ System 2 total 2,381 76,423 993 0 0 0 993 ; � at he oom and zonee evels, slol the sums of the zo eSSenls b e gai ns and airfl ws fore oo�i ng shown blove are nlote nended I!, to equal the totals at the system level. Room and zone sensible gains and cooling CFM values are for the hour in which , the glass sensible gain for the zone is at its peak. Sensible gains at the system level are based on the "Average Load Procedure + Excursion" method. ' Coolin S ste Siitr�ma _ ': �-; f'r,niinn Sancihiatl atant `' SP_11RIiIP.:=> - � L3tBCtt .,,,�.. ' TQtB� Net Required: 0.00 0% / 0% 0 0 0 Recommended: 0.00 75% / 25% 0 0 0 ;,Et�u'[' tner� i3ata Heatinq Svstem Coolinq Svstem Type: Model: Brand: Efficiency: Sound: Capacity: Sensible Capacity: Latent Capacity: n/a n/a C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv 0 Btuh 0 Btuh Rhvac - Resitlential & Light Commerciai HVAC Loads Eiite Software Deveiopment, Inc. R& H MECHANICAL Beaver Dam Road - Side A Eagle, CO 81631 Page 83 '� System 3 Room Load Summary � - - - --- - - - - — Htg Min Run Run Clg Clg Min Act i Room Area ' Sens Htg Duct Duct Sens Lat Clg Sys ', No Name_ SF Btuh CFM Size Vel Btuh Btuh CFM CFM ' ---Zone 1--- -- -- 12 Study/Bed 234 10,208 133 1-0 0 0 0 0 133 Zone 1 subtotal 234 10,208 133 0 0 0 133 ---Zone 2--- 13 Bedroom-A 234 10,237 133 1-0 0 0 0 0 133 _ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Zone 2 subtotal 234 10,237 133 0 0 0 133 , ---Zone 3--- ' 14_ Bedroom-B_ __ ?10 _ 9,862 128 _ �-0 0__ 0 __ 0 _.0 128 __ _ � Zone 3 subtotal 210 9,862 128 0 0 0 128 'I ---Zone 4--- 15 Mstr-Bed 464 22,627 294 3-0 0 0 0 0 294 Zone 4 subtotal 464 22,627 294 0 0 0 294 � , ---Zone 5--- I � 16 Bedroom-A 150 12,211 159 1-0 0 0 0 0 159 I _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ Zone 5 subtotal 150 12,211 159 0 0 0 159 System 3 total 1,292 65,145 846 0 0 0 846 i Note: Since the system is multizone, the Peak Fenestration Gain Procedure was used to determine glass sensible gains ' at the room and zone levels, so the sums of the zone sensible gains and airflows for cooling shown above are not intended to equal the totals at the system level. Room and zone sensible gains and cooling CFM values are for the hour in which the glass sensible gain for the zone is at its peak. Sensible gains at the system level are based on the "Average Load Procedure + Excursion" method. ' `��Iin � t�rn..:Sumrriary , ' .::., s� = ` Cooling ' Sensible/Latent ' Sensible Latent Totai ', Tons Split Biuh 'Btuh Btuh '. Net Required: 0.00 0% / 0% 0 0 0', Recommended: 0.00 75% / 25% 0 0 0 Equi mertt flata � ' Heatinq Svstem Coolinq Svstem Type: Model: Brand: Efficiency: Sound: Capacity: Sensible Capacity: Latent Capacity: n/a n/a C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv 0 Btuh 0 Btuh Rhvac - Residential 8 Light Commercial HVAC Loads R & H MECHANICAL " Eaale. CO 81631 ` �ftware Development, inc. ' Beaver Dam Road - Side A Paqe 84 , Radiant Floor Report -- --- ---- - -- - --- -- ---- Tubing Tubing Flaor Radiant Floor Sens. Length �ength Heat I Room Description Room Heat To Meet To Fill 'Output , Name jHeat Output Spacing] __ __ Area Loss Load Room Btuh ', ----- System 1 A: ----- ----- Zone 1: ----- 1-Ski/Entry/Hall 1/2" PEX Wirsbo [25,9] 350 8,164 435 418 7,840 6-Garage 1/2" PEX Wirsbo [25,9] 484 13,649 728 588 11,025 Zone 1 Total: 834 21,813 1,163 1,006 18,865 I ----- Zone 2: ----- � 2-Bunk/Bath 1/2" PEX Wirsbo [25,9] 244 5,517 294 285 5,344 Zone 2 Total: 244 5,517 294 285 5,344 ----- Zone 3: ----- 3-Sitting/Exercise 1/2" PEX Wirsbo [25,9] 300 6,408 342 355 6,659 Zone 3 Total: 300 6,408 342 355 6,659 ----- Zone 4: ----- 4-Foyer 1/2" PEX Wirsbo [25,9] 120 2,171 116 132 2,477 Zone 4 Total: 120 2,171 116 132 2,477 ----- Zone 5: ----- � 5-Foyer 1/2" PEX Wirsbo (25,9j 500 8,734 466 608 11,407 ' Zone 5 Total: 500 8,734 466 608 11,407 ! System 1 Total: 1,998 44,643 2,381 2,387 44,752 ', ----- System 2 Copy of A: ----- ----- Zone 1: ----- Supple- mental ', Heat Req'd ' 324 2,624 2,948 173 173 -251 -251 -306 ', -306 ''� -2,673 ' -2,673 '', -109 �i 7-Master Bed/Bath 1/2" PEX Wirsbo [25,9] 625 17,600 939 768 14,400 3,200 I Zone 1 Total: 625 17,600 939 768 14,400 3,200 ', � � ----- Zone 2: ----- 8-Laundry/stairs 1/2" PEX Wirsbo [25,91 288 2,794 149 340 6,376 -3,582 , Zone 2 Total: 288 2,794 149 340 6,376 -3,582 ��, ----- Zone 3: ----- 9-Kitchen 1/2" PEX Wirsbo [25,9] 508 20,221 1,078 619 11,598 Zone 3 Total: 508 20,221 1,078 619 11,598 � ----- Zone 4: ----- 10-Dining/Entry 1/2" PEX Wirsbo [25,9] 420 17,132 914 507 9,500 Zone 4 Total: 420 17,132 914 507 9,500 ----- Zone 5: ----- 11-Living 1/2" PEX Wirsbo [25,9] 540 18,676 996 659 12,363 Zone 5 Total: 540 18,676 996 659 12,363 System 2 Total: 2,381 76,423 4,076 2,893 54,238 i ----- System 3 Copy of A: ----- ��, ----- Zone 1: ----- ! 12-Study/Bed 1/2" PEX Wirsbo [25,9] 234 10,208 544 273 5,110 Zone 1 Total: 234 10,208 544 273 5,110 ----- Zone 2: ----- 13-Bedroom-A 1/2" PEX Wirsbo [25,9] 234 10,237 546 273 5,110 C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv 8,623 8,623 7,632 ! 7,632 ' 6,313 ''i 6,313 '', 22,185 '�, 5,098 5,098 5,127 ' Rhvac - Resideatial & � R & H MECHANICAL I Eaale. CO 81631 Ac �oatls Radiant Floor Report (cont`d Radiant Floor Sens. Room Description Room Heat Name (Heat Output,Spacingj Area Loss Tubing Length To Meet Load Elite Software Development, Inc. ' Beaver Dam Road - Side A Page 85 Tubing Floor Supple- Length Heat mental To Fill Output Heat Room ' Btuh _Req,d , Zone 2 Total: 234 10,237 546 273 5,110 5,127 ----- Zone 3: ----- 14-Bedroom-B 1/2" PEX Wirsbo [25,9] 210 9,862 526 243 4,550 5,312 '',, Zone 3 Total: 210 9,862 526 243 4,550 5,312 �I ----- Zone 4: ----- I� 15-Mstr-Bed 1/2" PEX Wirsbo [25,9] 464 22,627 1,207 563 10,548 12,079 �', Zone 4 TotaL 464 22,627 1,207 563 10,548 . 12,079 � ----- Zone 5: ----- 16-Bedroom-A 1/2" PEX Wirsbo [25,9] 150 12,211 651 169 3,163 9,048 ', Zone 5 Total: 150 12,211 651 169 3,163 9,048 __ _ _ _ _ _ System 3 Total: 1,292 65,145 3,474 1,519 28,481 36,664 ' _ Building Total: 5,671 186,211 9,931 6,798 127,471 58,740 '�, �__, . _ l�lt�ies ` ' �` � ' � Area values shown include only those rooms for which radiant floor properties have been entered. I, , Sensible heat loss values on this report do not include losses associated with ductwork, ventilation, winter humidification or hot water piping. ; Tubing lengths include only the tubing that is part of the radiant floor panel itself and not the supply and return piping to �, and from the manifold. Tubing lengths are calculated from the Tubing Spacing input and an assumed installed coverage , area that is based on a 6-inch offset from each wall around the perimeter of a rectangular room. I The Floor Heat Output Btuh values shown are calculated with the assumption that the tubing is installed to fill the room at the given spacing. If the Supplemental Heat Required is negative, the radiant floor output exceeds the sensible loss of the room by the indicated amount, assuming that the tubing is installed to fill the room at the given spacing. C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side A.rhv NOTE: TH/S PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ,. 10WNOFYAfL ' Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970-479-2139 f. 970.479.2452 inspections. 970.479.2149 MECHANICAL PERMIT NDUP Job Address: 184 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Location.....: UNIT B Parcel No...: 210107113007 OWNER WHITE ROCK BEAVER DAM LLC 09/09/2008 PO BOX 3546 LITTLE ROCK AK 72203 APPLICANT R& H MECHANICAL LLC 09/09/2008 Phone: (970) 328-2699 PO BOX 810 EAGLE CO 81631 License: 184-M CONTRACTOR R& H MECHANICAL LLC 09/09/2008 Phone: (970) 328-2699 PO BOX 810 EAGLE CO 81631 License: 184-M Desciption: NEW DUPLEX: INSTALL BOILER FOR HEAT, BOILER FOR SNOWMELT SYSTEM, GENERAL VENTILATION. Valuation: $49,000.00 ALL T/MES Permit #: M08-0224 ���� c��� Project #: PRJ06-0360 Status . . . : ISSUED Applied . . : 09/09/2008 Issued . . . 09/10/2008 Expires . .: 03/09/2009 ....,.,� ................................<..,.......,,.........,.....,..�«.,........FEE SUMMARY...............,...........,...�..........�.,.,.........................,.........,.. Mechanical Permit Fee---> $980.00 Will Call------------> $4.00 Total Calculated Fees---> Plan Check-------------------> $245.00 Use Tax Fee------> $1,229.00 Investigation-----------------> $0.00 $0.00 Additional Fees-----------> $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEE---> $1,229.00 Total Calculated Fees--> $1,229.00 Payments-----------------> $1,229.00 BALANCE DUE---------> a0.00 f**f �R**Y`fkYr4**frf'RlYtrt*#*f #hlYert#****f kR�M**frf'**�RY'kY*#fr#f**#***f *****fk�k*RlfR#R*rt /rYt#*i!*#RrtYtYtft***f Rf'xrttk'krtR#R4M'Rt'It#*>#* *iRfih***kfr*dt##Y�ri***MM'iF##*f #d*rtxf 4i##*f'***xMY+F+t�#ilRh4�k I*#*#***##YY4i#�* APPROVALS Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 09/10/2008 JRM Action: AP •iRiRl�kMfi**#fr*#MYt**At*****#iARfA**f�Ftf H*�R*!'.t****fr*k*YtYtYt*>AfiltMYt*f4frMtf'lYefrk}*Afrf/#ik#****f#!#Yi�t�4*d****iRHt**f'!**Yt�t*#f****#fYt***lRfr***Ye****�R***f �4�k*****4f i#Yt*#*N4iR#i*Yt*****RiRYYYtfYkA}frf'frRf Yr* CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER CHAPTER 7 OF THE 2003 IMC AND SECTION 304 OF THE 2003 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOWN OF VAIL. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): BOIILER INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS AND CHAPTER 10 OF THE 2003 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF THE 2003 IFGC. Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2003 IMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2003 IFGC.. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): BOILER ROOMS SHALL BE EQUIPPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN OR OTHER APPROVED MEANS FOR DISPOSING OF LIQUID WASTE PER SECTION 1004.6. Cond: CON0010310 mechcan ical_permit_041908 Cond: CON0010311 MECHANICAL ROOM REQUIRED TO BE ONE JOUR RATED DUE TO BOILER RATING OF 500000 BTU'S ..........., ...................�,....«...................................,....�..,.....,............................................*...........,.........,t<...................>............ DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. i agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS ORINS AM - 4 �1VI. � BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:0( g � ' '3�gfiature of Owner or Contractor D te �'���-� � � � '--�------_ Print Name mechca n ical_pe rm it_041908 **********�*�**************��************************+***�**+�**�******************+******** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ****************++*********************************+****************************+++******+** Statement Number: R080001607 Amount: $1,229.00 09/10/200801:52 PM Payment Method: Check Init: JLE Notation: 14201 R&H MECH ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: M08-0224 Type: MECHANICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-071-1300-7 Site Address: 184 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Location: UNIT B Total Fees: $1,229.00 This Payment: $1,229.00 Total ALL Pmts: $1,229.00 Balance: $0.00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ MP 00100003111100 MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 980.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 245.00 WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 4.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- APPLICATION V1iILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIG(�tED�n ta�_G� PrQjec� #: r'w [ / Buiiding Permit #: � -0 �10 �Z P Niechanical Permit #: D�-- 22� � � 970-479-2149 IInspections) �1�'N nF YAI� 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 i ��/ ical Contractor: E-Mail Address: Con or Signatu TOWN OF VAI� MECHANICAL RERMIT AP�LICATION �ermit will not be accepted without the following: hanical Room Layout drawn to scale t D le�:� 2 0 n� � anical Room Dimensions �� V ��� n b u s t i o n A i r D u c t S i z e a n d L o c a t i o n p�ue, Vent and Gas Line Size and Locatio� SEP 08 2008 Heat Loss Calcs. Equipment Cut/Spec Sheets f TOWN OF �q��, � CONTRACTOR INFORMATION � Town of Vail Reg. No.: Contact and Phone #'s: ��a - M �l �o - 3 Zg _ 2 c�9 9 �J COMPLET'E VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT (Labor & Materials MECHANICAL: $ 4-9',(J(J� , O(� V` � ���*���****�����������*�FC)E�. C}��L�E U�E E��€��'****��************�*��*�***** Other Fe�s: ��anr�er �i r�-aff: �cce ted 6: DRB Fees: I date Received: \\Vail\data\cdev\FORI�4S�PERMITS\MECHPERM.DOC 07/26/2002 1 � • �� �,��I1ach��var '` Hi�h Efticicncc Rater Heatcrti. Aoilec� and Pool kfea�ers JOB NAME LOCATION ARCH./ENGR. ,/��R , ,,, ��4'HOLESA- -- MECH. CO MODEL N( TYPE GAS Btu/hr INPi Btu/hr OUTPUT �"��: NOTES C�nvc� //% fi ����� � K:'�TIGHT XL COMMERCIAL BOILER Submittal Sheet KBX-Sub-04 I�'VIGHT� XL C011ZMERCIAL CONDENSI'�TG HEATING BOILERS Standard features • System Pump • lip to 94.6% "thermal Efficiency • Boiler Pump • Modulating Burner �� ith 5:1 Tumdo�;m • Domestic Hot N%ater Pump • Direct-Spark I�mition • High Voltage Terminal Strip • Low NOa Operation • 120 V.AC / 50-60 Hertz ! 1 Phase Po�ver Supply • Sealed Combustion • Three sets of Pump Contacts ���ith Pump Relays • Low Gas Pressure Operation • Vertical & Horizontal Direct-Vent LoN° �'oltage Terminal Strip • PVC, CPVC or ALZ9-�C Venting up to ]00 ft. • 24 VAC .Auxiliary Device Relay • Factort� Supplied Side�vall Vent Termination •,Auxiliary Provine Sw�itch Contacts • ASME Stainless Steel Heat Exchanger • Flow Switch Contacts • ASME Certified. "H" Stamped • Alann on Any Failure Contacts • All welded construction, no a�askets • Runtime Contacts • Highly efficient. condensin� design • DHW Themiostat Contacts • On�Off S���itch• Adjustable High Limit ���' Manual Reset • Room Thermostat Contacts • Flow S���itch• Low Air Pressure S�i'itch • System Sensar Contacts •>0 psi ASME Relief Valve • DH W Tank Sensor Contacts • Temperature & Pressure Gauge • Outdoor Air Sensor Contacts • Adjustable Leeeling Legs Condensate Trap • Cascade Contacts • Zero Clearances to Combustible Material • 0-10 VDC BMS Extemal Control Contacts •]0 Year Limited Warranty (See Warranry for Details) Smart Svstem Features • SM.ART SYSTEM Dieital Operating Control • 2 ]ine. 16 Character Display • Dual Lecel Pass��-ord Security • Domestic Hot Water Prioritizatio❑ • Built in Cascadine Sequencer for up to R Boilers • Building Ma�agement System Intecration with 0-] 0V'DC Input • Outdoor Reset Control �rith Outdoor Air Sensor • Lo�� Water Flo�v Safery Control & Indication • Inlet & Outlet Temperamre Readout • Freeze Protection • Service Reminder • Time Clock • Data Loagin� • Hours Runnin,. Space Heating • Hours Runnin�_. Domestic Hot �'ater • l�nition Attempts • Last ] 0 Lockouts • Programmable S}�stem Efficienc}� Optimizers • �i�_ht Setback • .Anti-Cvclim, • Outdoor 9ir Reset Cun�e • Ramp Delav • Boost Temperature �C Time • Three Pump Control Opt�onal Equ�pment Place an ?� in the boa by all options that appl}� � Alann Bell on Any Failure � Condensate Neutralization Kit ❑ Hi�h & Lo� Gas Pressure Switches w/ Manual Reset (KB�00-KB800) � Low Water Cutoff w/Manual Reset R Test ❑ SMART S�'STEM PC Softu�are ❑ SMART SYSTEM Pocket PC Software ❑ SoftwareStainless Steel Uent Kits ❑ Multi-Stack Frame Eiring Canfrol Systems � M9 Standard �M7 California Code ❑M13GE GAP/FMlCSD1 (KB�00-800) 3! KNiGHT XL Commercial Boiler Dimensions & Specificafions LOW VOLTAGE as Y� B ---�i BACK LEFT SIDE `� KNIGHT XL Commercial Boiler � Dimensions 8 Spe<ifi�ations ILET \NGER 'T =NSATE 1l4' - 1-1/� ADJUSTABLE FRONT KBN399 80 399 93.3 372 324 42-1/2„ 15-1/2" 27" 3-3/4" 21" 20-3/4„ 14" 34" 34" 2" 18-3/4" 1" 1-1/2„ 4" 4„ 285 KBN500 100 500 93.3 467 406 42-1/2" 15-1/2" 31-1/4" 3-3/4" 21" 25" 14" 35" 35" 2" 22" 1" 1-1/2" 4" 4" 305 KBN600 120 600 94.6 567 493 42-1/2" 15-1/2" 36-1/4" 3-3/4" 21" 25" 14" 36" 32-3/4" 5-1/2" 19-1/2" 1" 2" 4" 4" 355 KBN700 140 100 94.3 660 574 42-1/2" 15-1/2" 40-1/4" 3" 23" 29" 17" 36" 32-3/4" 3-1/4" 23-1/2" 1" 2" 4" 6" 395 KBN800 160 800 94.0 752 654 42-1/2" 15-1/2" 45-1/4" 3" 23" 33-1/4" 11" 36" 31-3/4" 3-1/4" 17-3/4" 1" 2" 4" b" 440 Notes: Change `N' to 'L' for L.P. Gas Model. No deration on L.P. modefs. Perjormanre data based on manufacturer test results. 120 VAC/15 AMP circuit required. All dimensions shown in inches � member j I • ,�t5f6A: \ n���; G " ��`�La�h��varv� �: � ,f � �-� � � �� �� __ �'� Ni�L ttfi<i c�' ��'ster Heaters. &��lers and Ponl He+�ers Lochin��ar Corporation • 300 Maddox Simpson Pkti•v • Lebanon, TN 37090 • 615-SS9-8900 � Fax: 61 �-�47-1000 www.Lochinvar.com G/Otl—Prin[ed in C.5_4. ( � � I 'vIGHT �� U��C��ti�l"�%a�'� HEATING BOILER Hirh6flicienccPalerHeuters.RuilenandPoolHea�crs Submittal Sheet KBN-Sub-07 KNIGHT�' FLOOR STA'��DING AND WALL DZOUNT HEATING BOILERS JOB NAME LOCATION ARCH./ENG WHOLESAI MECH. COP MODEL NO TYPE GAS Btu/hr INPU Btu/hr OUTPUT NOTES Standard Peatures > EnerQy Starp Qualified > Up to 96% DOE AFUE Efficiency > ?vlodulating Bumer v��ith 5:1 Turndown > Direct-Spark Ignition > Low NO� Operation > Field Convertible from I�Tatural to LP Gas > Verticai K Horizontal Direct-Vent > PVC or CPVC Venting up to 100 Feet > Factory Supplied Sidewall Veut Tennination > ASME Stainless Steel Heat Exchanger > Autornatic Reset Hi�h Limit > Inlet & Outlet Temperature Sensors > Boiler Circulating Pump > 30 psi ASME Relief Valve > Adjustable Leveling Legs (KB Models only) > Wall Mount Bracket (WB Models onl}�) > Zero Clearances to Combustible Material > 12 Year Limited Warranty (See Warranty for Details) SMART SYSTEM"' Features > SMART SYSTEM Digital Operating Control > 2 line, 16 Character Display > Dual Level Password Security > Domestic Hot VVater Prioritization > Built in Cascading Sequencer for up to 8 Boilers > 0-10 VDC Input Control > Outdoor Reset Control ��ith Outdoor Air Sensor > Low Water Floa� Safety Control � Ii�dication > Alarn� on Any Failure Contacts > Service Reminder > Freeze Protection > I�ri�ht Setback > Time Clock > Three Pump Control (System, Boiler R DH�'P) > Data Lo��ing > Examples: Hours Rumiing, Space HeatinQ > Pro,rammable System Efficiency Optimizers > Examples: Anti-c��clin,. Ramp Delay Optional Equipment Place an X in the bo� b,y all oprions that appl}� � Adjustable Hi�h Limit witli Manual Reset ❑ Flow Switch � Low VVater Cutoff w/Manual Reset & Test � Alarni Bell on Any Failure ❑ Concentric Vent Kit ❑ Condensate Neutralization Kit ❑ SMART SYSTEM PC Softw�are ❑ SMART SYSTEM Pocket PC Soft��are ❑ Multi-Stack Frame Firing Codes ❑ M9 Standard Construction � M7 California Code KNlGHT Heaiing Boiler and Wall Mount Dimensions � Specifications Models: KBN80-21 C Models: KBN285 TR��,� ���T��hS � BACK � KNIGHT Fieating Boiier ;� ( Dimensions 8 Spe<ifi<ations a A ADJUSTABLE roa-- �-ia- FRONT A ADJIiSTABLE� ,;: .,,� r��t-' � `AIR INL_T TOP ��,n., Models: WBN50-210 A I � SIDE � EL'cCTRICAL CONNEC71Cti5 GAS —� I 00 .00 )UTLET . � j G ' ' � 41 ,_ �n• INLET-� i-- ��A 1�4- BOTTOM � WBN050 10 50 95.3 45 39 29-1/A„ 15-3/4" NA 10-3%4" 10-3/4" 2" 6-3/4" NA 3-1/4" 4-1/4" 2 3/4" 1/2" 1" 2" WBN080 16 BO 45.3 72 63 29-1/4" 15-3/4" NA 10-3/4" 10-3/4" 2" 6-3/4" NA 3-1/4" 4-1/4" 2 3/4" 1/2" 1" 2" WBN105 21 105 95.4 97 82 29-1/4" 15-3/4" NA 10-3/4" 10-3/4" 3-1/2" 5-1/2" NA 3-1/4" 4-1/4" 2 3/4" 1/2„ 1„ 2" WBN150 30 150 95.5 135 119 29-1/4" 20-3/4" NA 15-3/4" 8-1/2" 3-1/2" 5-1/2" NA B-3/4" 9-3/4" 1-1/2" 1/2" 1" 3" WBN210 42 11Q 95.7 190 165 29-1/q" 25" NA 20" 12" 3-1/2" 5-1/2" NA 13" 14" 1-1/2„ 1/2" 1" 3„ KBNO80 16 80 95.3 72 63 33-1/4" 14" 7" 5-3/4" 5" 3" 20-1/2" 22" 1-3/4" b-1/2" NA 1/2" 1" 3" KBN105 21 105 95.4 91 82 33-1/4" 14„ 6-1/2„ 5-3/4" 4-1/2" 1-1/2" 20-1/2" 22" 1-3/4" 6-1/2" NA 1/2„ 1" 3„ KBN150 30 150 95.5 135 119 33-1/q„ 18" 12-1/4" 11-1/2" 10" 1-1/2" 21-1/4" 23" 1-3/4„ 12" NA 1/2" 1„ 3" KBN210 42 210 45.7 190 165 33-1/4" 22-1/4" 16-1/2" 15-3/4" 14-1/4" 5-1/4" 21-1/4" 23" 1-3/4" 16-1/4" NA 1/2" 1" 3" KBN2B5 57 285 96.0 260 226 42-1/2" 19-3/4" 12-3/4" 13-1/2" 6" 2" 34" 31" 11-3/4" 4-1/4" NA 3/4" 1-1/4" 4" Notes: Per(ormance data based on manufadurer's testresults. Indoorinstallation only. All in/ormation subjectto change. Change "N" to "L^ for LPgas models. T�� 2„ 2„ 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 4" CONDEhSATE JRAI4 130 130 134 162 177 12S 129 151 112 224 �_ /� l�pi � 0�5��� � � ,=E�� �...�� H � ���-I1ach:i��a�G ;�R �t .��� �� M E M B E R � � t t �� Hi;6Efl'icienccN'aterHeaten.BoilersxnUPoNHea�er.. ��F1,,.� ' Lochin��ar Corporation •�00 Maddox Simpson Pk���y • Lebanon, TTi �7090 • 61>-R89-8900 � Faa: 61�-547-IOOQ www. Loch i nvar.com 6�U8—Printcd in l�.S.A. JOB NAME: � t/ / L LOCATION: JJ� � r� ARCHITECH/E— NGINEEI WHOLESALER: MECH.CONTRACTOR: MODEL NUMBER: CrSi �"��"� Submit by Email Print Form H���T�`C� �S�e� t?�ti &raEe�� Raz�i PO aoz d29 = Ea>t f�e�tcrr.�n M� fl27t �� 50� 03 80�' � Fax 538 7�� 3705 .3n ,i�i:, ;.;r �� r!'?; I 5��� , � � : = : �,� �� � �� � � � �' . Standard Features . Underwriters laboratory Listed File # E113265 per U.L. 174 and Canadian Standard C22.2 No. 110-M90 • Environmentally safe , CFC-Free Water Blown Foam Insulation 2" thick, allows less than YZ F degree per hour heat loss. • Rated as ASME equivalent in MassachusetFs • High output Cupronickel Heat Exchanger • NSF Listed Component • Constructed of type 316L Stainless Steel • Stainless steel Dip Tube Delivers 5 to 7% more hot water • Limited Lifetime Protection Plan �=r_w�_�� sree� ���r .r���.1E� -�un�r Ses C^.art �-c Szes? ��, _.. __�... . . �., TA:`:t CO`STkUCTEP'JF ': Y:=: 315L ST.%•.:NLESS �TEEL t'�iITF�� T��L=�:.-.Nqr:_ F�.^�R �-I;GF TEi�.4P=R%,?Uk�S. 5 ;FERI62 kESU':?.NC= i:% C.O2R�,SIJ� OUTEP,S'1_ '� CC�STRU�TED OF � iF�.BL H�: H 7=tiS' F�i��=5k: _"cNE ?_<.STI�C �r: .,�,,.� � ��t.iliLE�i S' -� COLD ViA._R IhLET S.,e Ch�� fcr �izes� �*, F�. � � ,� �� 'r " ,�,��� L.:.�.t:�lV� ".:I t.nl�... . -L::::2'1. �'�1. ��. #r �: TEP+P:_P,ATU4 r.'Jp FR_SS'.JRE FEL F'.'�L`/E : STAiNLES$ :r: Ei: �HIGH C-�:?�T. C;,'PkOhI�:CEL FE�.T :?:CN.�.'JG5R. iNTEGRAL FI�tJ:=� TliBE C_S:GR FRO`.'I�E: �l?�.�:IA;tU`.i- EfFIC.'.ENC��" BOfLEk SU??_'i HEST �=%CHA.NG_R 7.. CC=NNECTIO!d. ROI'�_=::' P.:TUK`J �E-,T=xCN.-.NGEF 1' vONNECilO'J. �/ 'd R�Nra. L r ti�E. � FC / � R .. SER 6 O 'J ^� � THICK F� I!JSU i �h 41Li:+'✓S - _ESS?HANI �� �,EE=?cr: ____W_ -1�JR HE.-T LOSS SERVICE .,,.�., CLEAWS.NCE s'� �`,r v- , �`r..;. I.. � ,��a , f R=o- -.,ar�-''�, 1: _ ,_ R�s 1 L ��i��l .lu;-):J'A)r.-1L. :�I�:IYI -.'�{°::- �:IF,*.t .�".LF.Ir�a.l RP:: h'i �1=�? ULTRA RESIDENTIAL SERIE� DIPv1�hSIC}NS , HE�.T EXCH. FiECflhdttw1. P�iE3SURC 1ALt- gOILER 4"r':�TEP 2U0' 6'QILER Vv`ATER �?1CiC�EL CAP;-tCl i Y' c�U�FACE �LG?V'J Fi�.TE [3Fi0F' ;rfET FI?:iT H{JU^ R�'-�TINGS' FIRST HJIJ�i �ifii INi:S' HT. Jlli. � 1��J"F 11�•'F 140"F 115°F SSU-2b 27" 1� ?;:;' 2n 15 SQ. FT. 6 6.C1 121 gal i68 ,;.�I 13s c�al 1R5 ��al S�U.3d 3�'�" 19'A' 3L� 15:;�. FT. i3 6.C� 1�4 �di 21i gal 172 rai 2�1 c�yl SSU-�OLB 2t� !:�" 2:3':," 3G+ 15 Stil. FT. �3 ti.�J 163 r�al 234 gal 183 nal 25; gal 55�1-45 52':�' 19 l%a° 45 2C� S�. FT. 10 r.9 212 �a! 292 �al 237 r�ai 312 �al SSt�I$0 52'I:° 23',:�° 6f� 20 Si2, FT. 1U 7.9 2�i6 �sl 37Cs g�l 238 (�al 4J� gal SS[..6,80 72" �3 15" SC) 34 �t2. FT, 12 9.1 .?3C7 gal ."a4Q gal 37Q g�i 5!17 g�l 5SU-119 73'��' 2i" 113 34 S{1. FT. 14 11.3 A23 gal �E4 gal 4i4 cai Sa5 c�al 'vUt I tS t IVIt i MUD F3ASED UIV 9U"F. TEfVIPERATURE RfSE, 50`";14iJ" W BdILER WATER AT 180`F FLOt}R Tt� FLOOR T�.�. FLflOR TQ DflMESTiC TEST VVORk:ING SHIPPING ;80 BOILER 2�JG B�ILER TANK SIZE BOIL�R B��ILER Crt�1�1E�TIC CCrNNECTIONS P�CESSURE PRE55UR� �"JEIGHT 6TU%SfZE 6TUiSIZE Sl1PPLY RETUr�N �E.tT SSiJ-20 �„ 4,:," 22" ?:, NPT R+1ALE 3f.�J F'Sl 1�Q PSI 6fa LBS. 84,i�U0 &7,�0t} Sgll-3U �J" 4,." 34" ?.a fVPT h4ALE 300 P�f 1a� PSI 71 LE�S. 1 G1,Q�� 117.Qt�0 SSU-36L6 9" 4?-'^" 22" �'%� PdPT (k1ttiLE 34U F'Si 156 PSI ?� LBS. 114,Qt�G i3i.b0�J SSII-d� 53" 4,:'�" 46" '� M11PT h+1�,LE 30fl PSI 1�Q PSI fi8 LBS. 141.6��C� �61.41(}0 SSt)-�0 9'° 4';:" 4�i" 1" fVPT N9F1LE �C10 F'SI 1�0 PSI 17C LBS. 174,0�0 19fi3O�J SSi.i-$Q 29" 6" 64.7�" t,:" NF'T lvtl�LE 3bfl PSI 1�Q PSI 1u1 LBS. 212,OQQ 241,GGG S�U-11� 3�'.:;' 7'��" 6fi" 1'.%"'z" NFT �vIALE 3irG F�i 7a� PSI �1G LBS. �fi�+.�JGCi 3U1,GCIU NOTE: TANK RECOVERY FROM CQLD START VtIILL BE BENJEEN 10-13 MINUTES WHEN 5(ZED WITH C(?RRECT FLf1W RATE, BQILER SIZE, ANd PRESSURE DRUP RATINGS FROM LIST IN #B�VE CHART. ULTRA Ct�MMERCIAL SE�IES [�I�wiEN�iC11JS HE.AT EX�`H. f;EC��P�ifv1. P�:E��UFE �'�� Ec�ILER.4`x'.�TEP. �0+� BUILER'����`�,TER h.7�C7EL '��R%���T�' ;;�I,;IF{F.4CE FLC�'4"�" Ft�iTE GSRUF iFEET' F1R:aT H��aUR R�nTING:'a• Flh'ST HUUR Rr;TINuS� HT. DIA, 1d��='F 115"F 1dC�F 11�'F �SU-�5C 42 23 ��' d5 +10 �C3. FT. 2[} F,,€� 314 pal dl.l �al ��:1 r�al a?7 c�al SSL1-s��, 5t t:' 23 ?a' �0 �U ��. Fl: 22 U.� 35�1 �al ct:,7 �al �;�aF, �al 5:�+ ga1 SStJ-��'4C 72' 23 �r:: �U FS ��°. FL �� 1L�,Q d��C� gal �l7 c�ai 5d8 �al 7d� r.�al SSU-11GC 74' �7' 11� 6�5 �Q. FT. 18 12:7 �37 pa! �41 �1a1 713 r�al 97Ci ��1 xDOE TEST hAETHOD P�t�E[} C)iEt 91i'F. TEMPEF�tTURE RI�E. 50',� 144' VJi P,�ILER WATER AT 1�'F FLC��F T�7 fLCFUF T� FL;���i� T�� d�,��E£,TIC TEST IN�iP,KINv �NIPPIN� 12.!]° ei�IIEP 1NATEP 2C�" E��ILER'V�:C.TEP. TrSI+1K�IZE BUILER P��ILEF GOMESTIC ����ECTI��NS P�rESSUP:E PRE�5l1fiE VvEiGHT APST NC�Ufi P:ATIN��' FIFSTHnUP. P,�,TiNvS' 51,1Fp1'r' PETUP�tJ �4.IT ETUtSIZE ETUr�Ii.E 55114a4. :�' �!r;' 3i" 1°?a` h�fTM�LE 3�JQ R�I 1�(J F'SI :±� lrS. 215.1!C�G 24�:99+1 SSI�c�,;. �' �l !''s �`i' 1' tdPl' fv1AI.E 3lll� PSI 15t� F'fil 11W LES� 2-0�rCiC�6 2?G,�1�1�� SSU� 2�' fi' &3.?:' 1 S�' NF'T WIA.LE �3]0 F'51 1;+0 PSI 1�1 LB�, �31,.C�u6 �7��DOt� S�U-113C a[� t�y' � t•;' �6' 1��:' F�PT tJikLE 3ftti P�I 15� FSI �t� LP,a. 42a.C�� A�+G�,�1[7Q Nt?TE: TANK F�E�t�VERY FROM �LD SfiART I+�ILL BE gETVk�EEN 10-13 P�AINlJTES INHEt� SIZEL� tNITH COF�RECT FL(}W RATE, BOILER SIZE, AND PRESSURE DRO�R RATIPtiiGS FROM L1ST IN ,ABOVE Gf•{AR'f. Ct�NTINUt�l1S FL4W PERFORMANGE GALCULATIUN F1RST WUUR RATING -{.7� x iAIUK C�PACITY) = CC?NTIPJiJOU� FLC]ti'V EXAi��1PLE: SSU-45C = 314 -(.75 x 45j = 28�.25 (FHR9 �CCJNTIhIUt��1S FLt�b'�'j 002008 Heat transfer Products, Inc. www.htqroducts.com LP-252 Rev 6-10-08 .��- �.��. �� �� � �� . � �,,, � �`� , --- �; ��----�--�` � lc,�a- ,"" ,-co� / a- �.�� _ �'�'� � �r _ � y �{�� � l�� 1�ti���"d�Z`� Beaver Dam Road - Side 8 HVAC Load Calculations for Alan Goncharoff 116 Bradley Avenue White Plains NY 10601 �` ����I���I'TiA�... � H�'A� �.Q�,�� Prepared By: Houston Wright R&H Mechanical 825 A Chambers Avenue Eagle, Colorado 81631 970-328-2699 Thursday, August 07, 2008 E3 R & H MECHANICAL Eaale. CO 81631 Proiect Reaort Elite Software Development, Inc. Beaver Dam Road - Side B Pape 2 +G�n'�ra1 Prci �t �r��omaa#itan ; ° �. _ P� ..; �� �.: , � _ . . .._ - � �: _ _ �_... Project Title: Beaver Dam Road - Side B Designed By: Brian Bahr Project Date: Wednesday, August 06, 2008 Client Name: Alan Goncharoff Client Address: 116 Bradley Avenue Client Gity: White Plains NY 10601 Client Phone: 912-260-9070 Client Fax: 970-476-7783 Company Name: R&H Mechanical Company Representative: Houston Wright Company Address: 825 A Chambers Avenue Company City: Eagle, Colorado 81631 Company Phone: 970-328-2699 Company Fax: 970-328-0234 Company E-Mail Address: hwright@randhmechanical.com Company Website: www.randhmechanical.com Desi�r� Data � ' ` ` "j Reference City: Eagle, Colorado Daily Temperature Range: Medium Latitude: 40 Degrees Elevation: 0 ft. Altitude Factor: 1.000 Elevation Sensible Adj. Factor: 1.000 Elevation Total Adj. Factor: 1.000 Elevation Heating Adj. Factor: 1.000 Elevation Heating Adj. Factor: 1.000 Outdoor Outdoor Drv Bulb Wet Bulb Winter: -25 0 Summer: 94 69 Indoor Indoor Grains Rel.Hum Drv Bulb Difference 30 72 34 50 75 1 �heck�i ures ..: ; .' ; � . : . ... _ . , , � , Total Building Supply CFM: 1,997 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.461 " ' Square ft. of Room Area: 4,330 Square ft. Per Ton: 0'`* II Volume (ft3) of Cond. Space: 43,298 Air Turnover Rate (per hour): 2.8 I (htg.) * Based on area of rooms being heated or cooled (whichever govems system) rather than entire floor area. ' ** Based on area of rooms being cooled. I , �3uilding Loads Total Heating Required Including Ventilation Air: 153,753 Btuh 153.753 MBH � Total Sensible Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % � Total Latent Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % I Total Cooling Required Including Ventilation Air: 0 Btuh 0.00 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) I 0.00 Tons (Based On 75% Sensible , Capacity) , Nofes Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. I All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. I Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv Rhvac - Residentiai � Light Commei R & H MECHANICAL Eagle, GO 81631 Miscellar�eous Reaort Beaver Dam Road - Side B Paae 3 ---- - --_ - --- _ -- --- - ---- --------- -- �System 1 A Outdoor Outdoor Indoor Indoor Grains � In' put Data �Bulb Wet Bulb Rel.Hum _ Dry__Bulb_ Difference ' �-- - -- - ---------- - -- --- -- - Winter: -25 0 30 72 33.73 ' Summer: 94 69 50 75 143 _ --- --- --- -- ---_ ----- -- ------ �System 2 Copy of A Outdoor Outdoor Indoor Indoor Grains , I' nput Data Dry Bulb Wet Bu(b Rel.Hum Dry Bulb Difference Winter: -25 0 30 72 33.73 , Summer: 94 69 50 75 1.43 _ _ _-- - -----_ --- -_.. ---_ . _._ ..- r___._ _. _ . _ _.__� _ - ---- ------ ' System 3 Copy of A Outdoor Outdoor ' indoor ' Indoor Grains ln ut Data Dry Bulb Wet Bulb Rel.Hum Dry Bulb Difference Winter: -25 0 30 72 33.73 Summer: 94 69 50 75 1.43 Main Trunk Runouts Calculate: No No Use Schedule: Yes Yes Roughness Factor: 0.00300 0.01000 Pressure Drop: 0.1000 in.wg./100 ft. 0.1000 in.wg./100 ft. Minimum Velocity: 650 ft./min 450 ft./min Maximum Velocity: 900 ft./min 750 ft./min Minimum Height: 0 in. 0 in. Maximum Height: 0 in. 0 in. ��i'i�'Ft�e �F�I�a#�: � ;.. ��� , _ �� �_. . ti .. . � Winter Summer Infiltration: 0.320 AC/hr 0.000 AC/hr Above Grade Volume: X 43,298 Cu.ft. X 0 Cu.ft. 13,855 Cu.ft./hr 0 Cu.ft./hr X 0.0167 X 0.0167 Total Building Infiltration: 231 CFM 0 CFM Total Building Ventilation: 0 CFM 0 CFM ---System 1--- Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Gain Multiplier: 20.90 =(1.10 X 1.000 X 19.00 Summer Temp. Difference) Infiltration & Ventilation Latent Gain Multiplier: 0.97 =(0.68 X 1.000 X 1.43 Grains Difference) Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Loss Multiplier: 106.70 =(1.10 X 1.000 X 97.00 Winter Temp. Difference) ---System 2--- Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Gain Multiplier: 20.90 =(1.10 X 1.000 X 19.00 Summer Temp. Difference) Infiltration & Ventilation Latent Gain Multiplier: 0.97 =(0.68 X 1.000 X 1.43 Grains Difference) Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Loss Multiplier: 106.70 =(1.10 X 1.000 X 97.00 Winter Temp. Difference) ---System 3--- Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Gain Multiplier: 20.90 =(1.10 X 1.000 X 19.00 Summer Temp. Difference) Infiltration & Ventilation Latent Gain Multiplier: 0.97 =(0.68 X 1.000 X 1.43 Grains Difference) Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Loss Multiplier: 106.70 =(1.10 X 1.000 X 97.00 Winter Temp. Difference) C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv � Knvac - Res�tlentaal i� Light Gommerc�al NVAG Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. R& H MECHANICAL Beaver Dam Road - Side B I Eagls, CO 81631' Pa e 4 ! Load Preview Report Has Net Rec ft:z Sen Lat Net Sen Sys Sys Sys Duct Scope AED Ton Ton /Ton Area' Gain Gain Gain Loss CFMg CFM CFM Size - . ._ _m . ._ _ .. Building 0.00 0.00 0 4,330 0 0 0 153,753 1,997 0 1,997 System 1 Yes 0.00 0.00 0 1,628 0 0 0 34,772 452 0 452 0` Zone 1 350 0 0 0 2;889 38 Q 38 1-Ski/Entry/Hall 350 0 0 0 2,889 38 0 38 1-0" Zone 2 244 0 0 0 4.700 6 i D 61 2-Bunk/Bath 244 0 0 0 4,700 61 0 61 1-0* Zone 3 190 0 D 4 4,551 �9 0 59 3-Exercise/Spa 190 0 0 0 4,551 59 0 59 1-0" Zone 4 360 0 0 D 9.521 � 24 0 124 4-Media Room 360 0 0 0 9,521 124 0 124 1-0" , Zone 5 484 0 0 0 13,111 1 i0 C 174 5-Garage 484 0 0 0 13,111 170 0 170 2-0' System 2 Zone 1 6-Master Bed/Bath Zone 2 7-Laundry/stairs Zone 3 8-Kitchen Zone 4 9-Dining/Entry Zone 5 10-Living System 3 Zone 1 11-Bed-1 Zone 2 12-Bed-2 Zone 3 13-Bed-3 Zone 4 14-Hall/Landing Yes 0.00 0.00 Yes 0.00 0.00 Sum of room airflows may be greater than system airflow because system has multiple zones. 0 1,488 525 525 75 75 180 180 384 384 324 324 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 70,083 0 25,050 0 25,050 0 10:925 0 10,925 Q �.041 0 7,041 0 14;858 0 14,868 0 12,199 0 12,199 0 1,214 0 0 0 48,898 255 0 0 0 �.324 255 0 0 0 9,324 255 0 0 0 9,569 255 0 0 0 9,569 240 0 0 0 9;956 240 0 0 0 9,956 464 0 0 0 2Q,049 464 0 0 0 20,049 C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv 910 JZrJ 325 3'YL 142 a, ; 91 i°3 193 � 5�S �S i5$ 635 i21 121 924 124 1�9 129 260 260 a � 0 v 0 C 0 0 0 � 0 0 0 0 C 0 a 0 C 0 91 Q 0' 325 325 3-0` 1�2 142 1-0" 91 91 1-0' 193 193 2-0"` 158 158 1-0` 635 0' 121 121 1-0' 124 124 1-0` 129 129 1-0" 260 260 2-0'� ' Rhvac - Residential R & H MECHANICAL ' Eaale. CO 81631 Total Buildinp Summarv Loads � Beaver Dam Road - Side B Paqe 5 ' Componenf Area Sen Lat Sen ' Total , Description _ Quan Loss Gain Gain Gain ' I 1 D-cm-o: Glazing-Double pane, operable window, clear, 714.8 60,326 0 0 0 metal frame no break, u-value 0.87, SHGC 0.67 10B-m: Glazing-French door, double pane clear glass, 60 8,439 0 0 0 i metal frame no break, u-value 1.45, SHGC 0.47 10A-m: Glazing-French door, single pane clear glass, 15 2,430 0 0 0 metal frame no break, u-value 1.67, SHGC 0.53 106-b: Glazing-French door, double pane clear glass, 224 16,296 0 0 0 metal frame with break, u-value 0.75, SHGC 0.47 11 H: Door-Wood - Panel With Wood Storm 126 3,911 0 0 0 11 D: Door-Wood - Solid Core 24 908 0 0 0 12E-Osw: Wall-Frame, R-19 insulation in 2 x 6 stud 4361.2 28,768 0 0 0 cavity, no board insulation, siding finish, wood studs 16B-30: Roof/Ceiling-Under Attic with Insulation on Attic 1214 3,769 0 0 0 , Floor (also use for Knee Walls and Partition ��, Ceilings), Vented Attic, No Radiant Barrier, Dark Asphalt Shingles or Dark Metal, Tar and Gravel or Membrane, R-30 insulation 21A-20: Floor-Basement, Concrete slab, any thickness, 2 1627.8 4,264 0 0 0 or more feet below grade, no insulation below floor, any floor cover, shortest side of floor slab is 20' wide _. __ _ _ Subtotals for structure: People: Equipment: Lighting: Ductwork: Infiltration: Winter CFM: 231, Summer CFM: 0 Ventilation: Winter CFM: 0, Summer CFM: 0 Total Building Load Totals: 129,111 0 24,642 0 153,753 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � Check Fi ures -.: , � , ; : � i Total Building Supply CFM. 1,997 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.461 "` � Square ft. of Room Area: 4,330 Square ft. Per Ton: 0*'` Volume (ft3) of Cond. Space: 43,298 Air Turnover Rate (per hour): 2.8 (htg.) " Based on area of rooms being heated or cooled (whichever govems system) rather than entire floor area. �i I*" Based on area of rooms being cooled. I 8uildin Lflads i Total Heating Required Including Ventilation Air: 153,753 Btuh 153.753 MBH i Total Sensible Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % ', Total Latent Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % ' Total Cooling Required Including Ventilation Air: 0 Btuh 0.00 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) 0.00 Tons (Based On 75% Sensible '� Capacity) Notes Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. , Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. I C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv Rhvac - Residential 8 Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. R`& H MECHANICAL Beaver Dam Road - Side B j Eagle CO 81631 Page 6 Building Pie Chart i �� Floor 3% ' Roof 2% I \ I Infiltration 16% i � ' Building ' Loss i, 153,753 �� Btuh Building Gain 0 �I Btuh Wall 19%� Glass 57% 100.0% C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv �Door 3% ���va�. - nca�ueuua� a ��yui 'i � R & H MECHANICAL ' Eagle, CO 81631 ; Buildinq Bar Gra Building Loss 153, 753 Btuh 100,000 :� ��� .� ��� - � ��� 20, 000 : �, � Elite Software Development, Inc. Beaver Dam Road - Side B Paae 7 Floor 3% Wall 19% Door 3% Roof 2% Glass 57% Infiltration 16% C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development,lnc. R& H MECHANICAL Beaver Dam Road - Side B Eaole. CO 81631 Paoe 8 System 1 A Summary Loads � Component ' Area Sen Lat Sen Totai ' � Description Quan Loss Gain Gain Gain' -- -------- -- -- 1 D-cm-o Glazing-Double pane, operable window, clear, 53.3 4,501 0 0 0 metal frame no break, u-value 0.87, SHGC 0.67 ; 11 H: Door-Wood - Panel With Wood Storm 126 3,911 0 0 0�, 12E-Osw: Wall-Frame, R-19 insulation in 2 x 6 stud 1945.7 12,832 0 0 0 I cavity, no board insulation, siding finish, wood studs ' 21A-20: Floor-Basement, Concrete slab, any thickness, 2 1627.8 4,264 0 0 0 or more feet below grade, no insulation below floor, any floor cover, shortest side of floor slab is 20' wide Subtotals for structure: 25,508 0 0 0 People: 0 0 0 0 Equipment: 0 0 0 Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 0 0 0 0 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 87, Summer CFM: 0 9,264 0 0 0 Ventilation: Winter CFM: 0 Summer CFM: 0 0 0 0 0 i ---- -- --- ___ _ _ _- -- - — --- _ _--- – - _ _ _ _ --- - - -- -- - ---_ __ _ , System 1 A Load Totals: 34,772 0 0 0 � I Check'Fi ures ' , Supply CFM: 452 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.277 '' '�. Square ft. of Room Area: 1,628 Square ft. Per Ton: 0** ' Volume (ft') of Cond. Space: 16,278 Air Turnover Rate (per hour): 1.7 i �htg�� I '` Based on area of rooms being heated or cooled (whichever governs system) rather than entire floor area. j '`* Based on area of rooms being cooled. I S s#em Loa�35 < _z. _ Total Heating Required Including Ventilation Air: 34,772 Btuh 34.772 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % Total Latent Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % Total Cooling Required Including Ventilation Air: 0 Btuh 0.00 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) 0.00 Tons (Based On 75% Sensible Capacity) Noies � � : ; ,. , « , __ � Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. I All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. i Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv �-- R & H MECHANICAL Eaple. CO 81631 Svstem 2 Copv of A Summarv Loads `� Elite Software Development, lnc. Beaver Dam Road - Side B Paae 9 �Componenf Area Sen Lat Sen Totai Qescription ' Quan Loss Gain ' Gain Gain I 1D-cm-o: Glazing-Double pane, operable window, clear, 381.3 32,175 0 0 0 metal frame no break, u-value 0.87, SHGC 0.67 10B-m: Glazing-French door, double pane clear glass, 60 8,439 0 0 0 � metal frame no break, u-value 1.45, SHGC 0.47 10A-m: Glazing-French door, single pane clear glass, 15 2,430 0 0 0 metal frame no break, u-value 1.67, SHGC 0.53 10B-b: Glazing-French door, double pane clear glass, 96 6,984 0 0 0 ; metal frame with break, u-value 0.75, SHGC 0.47 j 11 D: Door-Wood - Solid Core 24 908 0 0 0 12E-Osw: Wall-Frame, R-19 insulation in 2 x 6 stud 1618.7 10,679 0 0 0 cavity, no board insulation, siding finish, wood studs __ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ Subtotals for structure: 61,615 0 0 0 People: 0 0 0 0 Equipment: 0 0 0 ; Lighting: 0 0 0 ' Ductwork: 0 0 0 0 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 79, Summer CFM: 0 8,468 0 0 0 Ventilation: Winter CFM: 0, Summer CFM: 0 0 0 0 0 System 2 Copy of A Load Totals: 70,083 0 0 0 Checic Fi ures � Supply CFM: 910 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.612 * Square ft. of Room Area: 1,488 Square ft. Per Ton: 0** Volume (ft3) of Cond. Space: 14,880 Air Turnover Rate (per hour): 3.7 (htg.) * Based on area of rooms being heated or cooled (whichever governs system) rather than entire floor area. '* Based on area of rooms being cooled. System Loads � Total Heating Required Including Ventilation Air: 70,083 Btuh 70.083 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % Total Latent Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % Total Cooling Required Including Ventilation Air: 0 Btuh 0.00 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) 0.00 Tons (Based On 75% Sensible Capacity) Notes Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv � � rcmae - rtesiaenua� ' ! R 8� H MECHANICAL ; Eagle, CO 81631 ht Commercial is stem 3 Coa v of A Summarv Loads Beaver Dam Road - Side B Paqe 10 Component ' Area Sen Lat Sen ' Total ' Qescription _ Quan Loss Gain Gain '' Gain ' 1 D-cm-o: Glazing-Double pane, operable window, dear, 280.2 23,650 0 0 0 metal frame no break, u-value 0.87, SHGC 0.67 10B-b: Glazing-French door, double pane clear glass, 128 9,312 0 0 0' metal frame with break, u-value 0.75, SHGC 0.47 12E-Osw: Wall-Frame, R-19 insulation in 2 x 6 stud 796.8 5,257 0 0 0 � cavity, no board insulation, siding finish, wood studs ', 166-30: Roof/Ceiling-Under Attic with Insulation on Attic 1214 3,769 0 0 0' Floor (also use for Knee Walls and Partition ' Ceilings), Vented Attic, No Radiant Barrier, Dark ; Asphalt Shingles or Dark Metal, Tar and Gravel or �' Membrane, R-30 insulation ' __ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , Subtotals for structure: 41,988 0 0 0', People: 0 0 0 0 I Equipment: 0 0 0 Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 0 0 0 0 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 65, Summer CFM: 0 6,910 0 0 0 Ventilation: Winter CFM: 0, Summer CFM: 0 0 0 _ 0_ 0 i System 3 Copy of A Load Totals: 48,898 0 0 0�I Check Fi ures ' , Supply CFM: 635 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.523 * II Square ft. of Room Area: 1,214 Square ft. Per Ton: 0** Volume (ft') of Cond. Space: 12,140 Air Turnover Rate (per hour): 3.1 i (htg.) * Based on area of rooms being heated or cooled (whichever governs system) rather than entire floor area. i *'` Based on area of rooms being cooled. � Total Heating Required including Ventilation Air: 48,898 Btuh 48.898 MBH ! Total Sensible Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % Total Latent Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % � Total Cooling Required Including Ventilation Air: 0 Btuh 0.00 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) j 0.00 Tons (Based On 75% Sensible Capacity) Notes � Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. I All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. i Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. � C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv r�nva�. ' r�ea�ueuua� � R & H MECHANICAL Eaale. GO 81631 � Svstem 1 A Pie Chart System 1A Loss 34, 772 Btuh Floor 12% \ , � Wall 37% Elite Software Development, Inc. Beaver Dam Road - Side B Page 11 Infiltration 27% � Door 11 % Glass 13% C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv ' Rhvac - Residential & Light Commerciai HVAC Li R & H MECHANICAL ' Eagle, CO 81631 Svstem 2 Copv of A Pie Chart System 2 Copy of A Loss 70, 083 Btuh s Wall 15% � i Infiltration 12% f�nnr 1 % i Glass 71 % �ftware Development, Inc. Beaver Dam Road - Side B Page 12 C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv I Rhvac - Residentiai & Light Commerciai HVAC Loads E��te sottware ueve�opment, }nc. R& H MECHANICAL Beaver Dam Road - Side B Ea le, CO 81631 Page 13 I, I System 3 Copy of A Pie Chart Wall 11 % System 3 Copy of A Loss 48, 898 Btuh Roof 8% /Infiltration 14% \ � Glass 67% C:\Documents and Settingslhwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads tute somvare uevewpmen�, inc. R& H MECHANICAL Beaver Dam Road - Side B Eagle, CO 81631 _ Page 14 'I System 1 A Bar Graph 15, 000 10, 000 System 1A Loss 34, 772 5, 000 Btuh 0 : �� Floor 12% Glass 13% Infiltration 27% Wall 37% Door 11 % C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\DesktoplBeaver Dam Road - side B.rhv Rhvac - Residentiai & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, lnc. R& H MECHANICAL Beaver Dam Road - Side B Eagle, CO 81631 Page 15 System 2 Copy of A Bar Graph 60, 000 ,� 50, 000 -� ��� System 2 Copy of A 30, 000 Loss 70, 083 Btuh 20,000 10, 000 � 50 Wall 15% Glass 71 % Door 1% Infiltration 12% C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv � Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial H1 R & H MECHANICAL ! Eagle, CO 81631 ', System 3�opy of A Bar G 40, 000 30, 000 System 3 Copy of A 20,000 Loss 48, 898 Btuh 10, 000 80 60 System 3 Copy of A 40 Gain 0 Btuh 20 0 � � 'AC Loads � �, rttware ueve�opment, �nc. 8eaver Dam Road - Side B Pa4e 16 Roof 8% Wall 11 % Glass 67% Infiltration 14% 1 C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv , rcnvac - rcesiaenuai � ugnt �ommerc�ai n R & H MECHANICAL - ' Ea le, CO 8163'1 '' System 1, Zone 1 Summa (Component Hrea aen �at aen � o�a� I�Description Quan Loss Gain Gain Gain ' ' 12E-Osw Wall-Frame, R-19 insulation in 2 x 6 stud 180 1,187 i 0 0 0 cavity, no board insulation, siding finish, wood studs 21A-20: Floor-Basement, Concrete slab, any thickness, 2 350 917 0 0 0' or more feet below grade, no insulation below floor, any floor cover, shortest side of floor slab is 20' wide __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ Subtotals for structure: 2,104 0 0 0' People: 0 0 0 0', Equipment: 0 0 0 Lighting: 0 0 0 ! Ductwork: 0 0 0 0' Infiltration: Winter CFM: 7, Summer CFM: 0 785 0 0 0' _ - -__ System 1, Zone 1 Load Totals: 2,889 0 0 0; , � Check Figures i Supply CFM: 38 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.107 " , Square ft. of Room Area: 350 Square ft. Per Ton: 0** ' Volume (ft') of Cond. Space: 3,500 Air Turnover Rate (per hour): 0.6 ', (htg.) ', ' Based on area of rooms being heated or cooled (whichever govems system) rather than entire floor area. I ** Based on area of rooms being cooled. ! I Zone Loads ... ��: : �I Total Heating Required: 2,889 Btuh 2.889 MBH , Total Sensible Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % ! Total Latent Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % , I Total Cooling Required: 0 Btuh 0.00 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) I 0.00 Tons (Based On 75% Sensible ' � Capacity) Notes ; r � �, �. �.._ ,,,�K_. , ..; �� Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. ' Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. ' � �ftware Development, inc. 8eaver Dam Road - Side B PaQe 17 Loads (Peak Load Procedure for Rooms C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv Rhvac - Residential 8 Light Commercial HVAC Loads R & H MECHANICAL Eaale CO 81631 Elite 5oftware Development, lnc. Beaver Dam Road - Side B Paqe 18 ' I Sy � 1, Zone 2 Summary Loads (Peak Load Procedure for Rooms)___ — _ _ ___ C�ponent Area Sen Lat Sen om Descrption Quan Loss Gain Gain I 1 D-cm-o: Glazing-Double pane, operable window, clear, metal frame no break, u-value 0.87, SHGC 0.67 12E-Osw: Wall-Frame, R-19 insulation in 2 x 6 stud cavity, no board insulation, siding finish, wood studs 21A-20: Floor-Basement, Concrete slab, any thickness, 2 or more feet below grade, no insulation below floor, any floor cover, shortest side of floor slab is 20' wide Subtotals for structure: People: Equipment: Lighting: Ductwork: Infiltration: Winter CFM: 8, Summer CFM: 0 System 1, Zone 2 Load Totals: 23.3 1,969 0 181.7 1,199 0 243.8 638 0 3, 806 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 894 0 4,700 0 � � � 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Gain ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Supply CFM: 61 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.250 '' Square ft. of Room Area: 244 Square ft. Per Ton: 0** Volume (ft3) of Cond. Space: 2,438 Air Turnover Rate (per hour): 1.5 ' (htg.) � * Based on area of rooms being heated or cooled (whichever governs system) rather than entire floor area. '� *" Based on area of rooms being cooled. iZone Loads Total Heating Required: 4,700 Btuh 4.700 MBH ', Total Sensible Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % ' I Total Latent Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % Total Cooling Required: 0 Btuh 0.00 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) I 0.00 Tons (Based On 75% Sensible Capacity) I Notes 3 I ,. � .. � , _._: Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. �I C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv �ercial HVAC Loads R & H MECHANICAL Eaale. CO 81631 Elite 5ottware Development, Inc. Beaver Dam Road - Side B Page 19 ,� System 1, Zone 3 Summary Loads (Peak_Load Procedure for Rooms) - - —_ __ - — � I C pmo onen# Area Sen Lat Sen Total Description Quan Loss Gain Gain Gain — -- -_ _ _— - ---- 12E-Osw: Wall-Frame, R-19 insulation in 2 x 6 stud 370 2,440 0 0 0 cavity, no board insulation, siding finish, wood studs 21A-20: Floor-Basement, Concrete slab, any thickness, 2 190 498 0 0 0 or more feet below grade, no insulation below floor, any floor cover, shortest side of floor slab is 20' wide �, Subtotals for structure: 2,938 0 0 0 People: 0 0 0 0 Equipment: 0 0 0 Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 0 0 0 0 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 15, Summer CFM: 0 1,613 0 0 0 System 1, Zone 3 Load Totals: 4,551 0 0 ' Supply CFM: 59 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.311 * Square ft. of Room Area: 190 Square ft. Per Ton: 0*" Volume (ft') of Cond. Space: 1,900 Air Turnover Rate (per hour): 1.9 (htg.) * Based on area of rooms being heated or cooled (whichever governs system) rather than entire floor area. ** Based on area of rooms being cooled. �one L�ar3s' � �� �, � _�..�:.�,. _, Total Heating Required: 4,551 Btuh 4.551 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % Total Latent Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % Total Cooling Required: 0 Btuh 0.00 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) 0.00 Tons (Based On 75% Sensible , Capacity) Notes i Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. ' All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. ; Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial H � R & H MECHANICAL ' Eagle, CO 81631 ' System 1, Zone 4 Summa s eute sottware ueve�opment, inc. Beaver Dam Road - Side B Page 20 Loads (Peak Load Procedure for Rooms --- - _ __-- i Component Area Sen Lat Sen Total ; Descrption Quan Loss Gain Gain Gain ' - ------. _-- —___- -- 1 D-cm-o: Glazing-Double pane, operable window, clear, 30 2,532 0 0 0 metal frame no break, u-value 0.87, SHGC 0.67 � 12E-Osw: Wall-Frame, R-19 insulation in 2 x 6 stud 540 3,561 0 0 0��, � cavity, no board insulation, siding finish, wood studs ' 21A-20: Floor-Basement, Concrete slab, any thickness, 2 360 943 0 0 0 or more feet below grade, no insulation below floor, '�, any floor cover, shortest side of floor slab is 20' wide __ !, Subtotals for structure: 7,036 0 0 0 � � People: 0 0 0 0' � Equipment: 0 0 0 i Lighting: 0 0 0 � Ductwork: 0 0 0 0 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 23, Summer CFM: 0 _ 2,485 _ 0_ 0_ ____ __ 0 �'I System 1, Zone 4 Load Totals: 9,521 0 0 0 I, , �h�ck Figures " ;II Supply CFM: 124 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.343 " ��I Square ft. of Room Area: 360 Square ft. Per Ton: 0*" , Volume (ft') of Cond. Space: 3,600 Air Turnover Rate (per hour): 2.1 iht9 ) ' " Based on area of rooms being heated or cooled (whichever governs system) rather than entire floor area. ** Based on area of rooms being cooled. ��� Zone Laads Total Heating Required: 9,521 Btuh 9.521 MBH I Total Sensible Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % Total Latent Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % Total Cooling Required: 0 Btuh 0.00 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) 0.00 Tons (Based On 75% Sensible Capacity) ; Notes.: ; - ,. , , : _. Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv ' Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads ,� Elite Soflware Development, Inc. R& H MECHANICAL Beaver Dam Road - Side B � Eagle, CO 81631 _ ___ Pa�e 21 '� System 1, Zone_5 Summary Loads (Peak Load Procedure for Rooms) `Component ' Area Sen Lat Sen Total � Description Quan Loss Gain Gain Gain _ --- - -- — — 11H: Door-Wood - Panel With Wood Storm 126 3,911 0 0 0 12E-Osw: Wall-Frame, R-19 insulation in 2 x 6 stud 674 4,445 0 0 0 cavity, no board insulation, siding finish, wood studs 21A-20: Floor-Basement, Concrete slab, any thickness, 2 484 1,268 0 0 0 or more feet below grade, no insulation below floor, any floor cover, shortest side of floor slab is 20' wide __ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ Subtotals for structure: 9,624 0 0 0 People: 0 0 0 0 Equipment: 0 0 0 ! Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 0 0 0 0 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 33, Summer CFM: 0 3,487 0 0 0 _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._. System 1, Zone 5 Load Totals: 13,111 0 0 0 Gheck Fi�� ur�s ����" � Supply CFM: 170 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.352 * Square ft. of Room Area: 484 Square ft. Per Ton: 0** Volume (ft') of Cond. Space: 4,840 Air Turnover Rate (per hour): 2.1 j iht9 ) ' * Based on area of rooms being heated or cooled (whichever govems system) rather than entire floor area. �� '"` Based on area of rooms being cooled. ' Zone loads Total Heating Required: 13,111 Btuh 13.111 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % ' Total Latent Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % �!� Total Cooling Required: 0 Btuh 0.00 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) �i 0.00 Tons (Based On 75% Sensible ' Capacity) Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv Rhvac - Residential � ' R & H MECHANICAL i EaQle, CO 81631 HVAG Loads _'_r"'_"� "'_' . Beaver Dam Road - Side B Paqe 22 !'^System 2, Zone 1 Summary Loads (Peak Load Procedure for Rooms) _ _- ---- - — _ __ - --- ___-- — -- ! Component Area Sen Lat 5en Totai ,� Description ` Quan Loss Gain Gain Gain ' 1 D-cm-o: Glazing-Double pane, operable window, clear, 105.8 8,924 0 0 0 � metal frame no break, u-value 0.87, SHGC 0.67 106-m: Glazing-French door, double pane clear glass, 60 8,439 0 0 0 metal frame no break, u-value 1.45, SHGC 0.47 , 12E-Osw: Wall-Frame, R-19 insulation in 2 x 6 stud 674.2 4,447 0 0 0 cavity, no board insulation, siding finish, wood studs ' _ ___ __ Subtotals for structure: 21,810 0 0 0 People: 0 0 0 0 Equipment: 0 0 0 Lighting: 0 0 0 I Ductwork: 0 0 0 0 i Infiltration: Winter CFM: 30, Summer CFM: 0 3,240 0 0 0 __ _ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ System 2, Zone 1 Load Totals: 25,050 0 0 0 Check Figures ' Supply CFM: 325 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.620 * �� Square ft. of Room Area: 525 Square ft. Per Ton: 0** Volume (ft3) of Cond. Space: 5,250 Air Tumover Rate (per hour): 3.7 I!� �ht9�) * Based on area of rooms being heated or cooled (whichever governs system) rather than entire floor area. *'` Based on area of rooms being cooled. ', Total Heating Required: 25,050 Btuh 25.050 MBH I Total Sensible Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % Total Latent Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % ' Total Cooling Required: 0 Btuh 0.00 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) ; 0.00 Tons (Based On 75% Sensible ' Capacity) Notes !; I Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. � All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. ' C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv Rhvac - Residentia! R & H MECHANICAL FanlP C:n R1f,3'I System 2, Zone 2 Summa Elite Software Development, Inc. Beaver Dam Road - Side B Page 23 Loads (Peak Load Procedure for Rooms ', Component Area Sen Lat 5en ' i otai ' Description Quan ' _ Loss _�_Gain _ Gain ' _ Gain 1 D-cm-o: Glazing-Double pane, operable window, clear, 94.5 7,975 0 0 0 metal frame no break, u-value 0.87, SHGC 0.67 � 11 D: Door-Wood - Solid Core 24 908 0 0 0 12E-Osw: Wall-Frame, R-19 insulation in 2 x 6 stud 151.5 1,000 0 0 0, cavity, no board insulation, siding finish, wood studs __ ____ ___ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ _ __ Subtotals for structure: 9,883 0 0 0!, Peopie: 0 0 0 0'I Equipment: 0 0 0 !, Lighting: 0 0 0 I Ductwork: 0 0 0 0� Infiltration: Winter CFM: 10t Summer CFM: 0 1,042 0 0 0 — -- ___- -__ -- - --- – System 2, Zone 2 Load Totals: 10,925 0 0 0 i Check Figures Supply CFM: 142 CFM Per Square ft.: 1.892 * ' Square ft. of Room Area: 75 Square ft. Per Ton: 0"� I Volume (ft') of Cond. Space: 750 Air Tumover Rate (per hour): 11.4 I (htg.) '` Based on area of rooms being heated or cooled (whichever govems system) rather than entire floor area. I, *'` Based on area of rooms being cooled. j Zone Loacis : .. Total Heating Required: 10,925 Btuh 10.925 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % ' Total Latent Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % ' Total Cooling Required: 0 Btuh 0.00 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) ' 0.00 Tons (Based On 75% Sensible ' Capacity) ', Notes � � �, �- . ,�..,. . _ Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. , All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. I Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv RItYGI. �.RCJIUCIItIGI Ot LllJll ' R & H MECHANICAL , Eagle, CO 81631 Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. Beaver Dam Road - Side B Page 24 System 2, Zone 3 Summary Loads (Peak Load Procedure for Rooms ! Component Area Sen Lat Sen ( Description Quan Loss Gain Gain 1 D-cm-o: Glazing-Double pane, operable window, clear, 35 2,954 metal frame no break, u-value 0.87, SHGC 0.67 10A-m: Glazing-French door, single pane clear glass, 15 2,430 metal frame no break, u-value 1.67, SHGC 0.53 12E-Osw: Wall-Frame, R-19 insulation in 2 x 6 stud 140 924 cavity, no board insulation, siding finish, wood studs Subtotals for structure: 6,308 People: 0 Equipment: Lighting: 0 Ductwork: 0 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 7, Summer CFM: 0 733 _ _ _ _ _ _ System 2, Zone 3 Load Totals: 7,041 � � � 0 0 0 0 0 0 � � � 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Gain ' 0 0', I 0�� 0 ! 0 ' 0', 0' 0�1 0 � 0 Supply CFM: 91 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.508 * , Square ft. of Room Area: 180 Square ft. Per Ton: 0'`* �i Volume (ft') of Cond. Space: 1,800 Air Tumover Rate (per hour): 3.0 ', �ht9�) ' '` Based on area of rooms being heated or cooled (whichever governs system) rather than entire floor area. ', ** Based on area of rooms being cooled. '� Zone'Loads , , . ,.., Total Heating Required: 7,041 Btuh 7.041 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % Total Latent Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % ' Total Cooling Required: 0 Btuh 0.00 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) ' 0.00 Tons (Based On 75% Sensible Capacity) Notes � i Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. ', Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. I C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv ' iRhvac - Residentiat & Light I R & H MECHANICAL Eaple, CO 81631 Elite Software Development, Inc. Seaver Dam Road - Side B Paqe 25 System 2, Zone 4 Summary Loads (Peak Load Procedure for Rooms) � -- _ -- - — _ - -- -- Component Area Sen Lat Sen Total Description Quan Loss Gain Gain ' Gain 1 D-cm-o: Glazing-Double pane, operable window, clear, 58 4,895 0 0 0 metal frame no break, u-value 0.87, SHGC 0.67 � 106-b: Glazing-French door, double pane clear glass, 72 5,238 0 0 0 metal frame with break, u-value 0.75, SHGC 0.47 12E-Osw: Wall-Frame, R-19 insulation in 2 x 6 stud 405 2,671 0 0 0 cavity, no board insulation, siding finish, wood studs i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ Subtotals for structure: 12,804 0 0 0 People: 0 0 0 0 Equipment: 0 0 0 � Lighting: 0 0 0 ' Ductwork: 0 0 0 0! � Infiltration: Winter CFM: 19, Summer CFM: 0 2,064 0 0 0 � System 2, Zone 4 Load Totals: 14,868 0 0 0 I Supply CFM: 193 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.503 '` Square ft. of Room Area: 384 Square ft. Per Ton: 0** Volume (ft') of Cond. Space: 3,840 Air Turnover Rate (per hour): 3.0 (htg.) * Based on area of rooms being heated or cooled (whichever governs system) rather than entire floor area. '" Based on area of rooms being cooled. Total Heating Required: Total Sensible Gain: Total Latent Gain: Total Cooling Required: 14,868 Btuh 14.868 MBH 0 Btuh -1.#IND % 0 Btuh -1.#IND % 0 Btuh 0.00 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) 0.00 Tons (Based On 75% Sensible Capacity) Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv rtnras - nca�ucnua� � R & H MECHANICAL Eaple, CO 81631 � Beaver Dam Road - Side B Page 26 — —_— ___ __--- ----- — stem 2, _Zone 5 Summary Loads (Peak Load Procedure for Rooms ------ - '� I Comp�nent Area Sen Lat Sen Total ' Description , Quan Loss Gain Gain Gain — ---------- -- _ - ---- 1 D-cm-o: Glazing-Double pane, operable window, clear, 88 7,427 0 0 0 ; metal frame no break, u-value 0.87, SHGC 0.67 � 106-b: Glazing-French door, double pane clear glass, 24 1,746 0 0 0; metal frame with break, u-value 0.75, SHGC 0.47 12E-Osw: Wall-Frame, R-19 insulation in 2 x 6 stud 248 1,637 0 0 0 cavity, no board insulation, siding finish, wood studs Subtotals for structure: 10,810 0 0 0 � People: 0 0 0 0 Equipment: 0 0 0 Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 0 0 0 0 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 13, Summer CFM: 0 1,389 0 0 0 _ _ __ _ _ _... __ __ __ _ _ _ _ __ ___ _ System 2, Zone 5 Load Totals: 12,199 0 0 0 � Chec� �i ures - ._ . . . ... � Supply CFM: 158 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.489 '` 'I Square ft. of Room Area: 324 Square ft. Per Ton: 0** , Volume (ft') of Cond. Space: 3,240 Air Turnover Rate (per hour): 2.9 ' (ht9�) ' '` Based on area of rooms being heated or cooled (whichever governs system) rather than entire floor area. ' '`* Based on area of rooms being cooled. ': Zone Loads Total Heating Required: 12,199 Btuh 12.199 MBH !, Total Sensible Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % ', Total Latent Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % Total Cooling Required: 0 Btuh 0.00 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) 0.00 Tons (Based On 75% Sensible Capacity) � Notes ': - „ ',, ', 3 _ .... ... Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. � All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. � Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv nura� - Rca�uCUUa� R & H MECHANICAL Eagle, CO 81631 LightGOmmerciai HVAC ti�Le �omnrare ueveiopment, �nc. Beaver Dam Road - Side B Paqe 27 _System 3, Zone 1 Summary Loads (Peak Load Procedure for Rooms (Component ' Area Sen Lat ! Description Quan Loss Gain �1 D-cm-o: Glazing-Double pane, operabie window, clear, 11 928 0 metal frame no break, u-value 0.87, SHGC 0.67 I 10B-b: Glazing-French door, double pane clear glass, 48 3,492 0 metal frame with break, u-value 0.75, SHGC 0.47 12E-Osw: Wall-Frame, R-19 insulation in 2 x 6 stud 306 2,019 0 cavity, no board insulation, siding finish, wood studs 16B-30: Roof/Ceiling-Under Attic with Insulation on Attic 255 792 0 Floor (also use for Knee Walls and Partition Ceilings), Vented Attic, No Radiant Barrier, Dark Asphalt Shingles or Dark Metal, Tar and Gravel or Membrane, R-30 insulation Sen Total Gain ' Gain �--- � 0 0� 0 OI 0 0' Subtotals for structure: 7,231 0 0 People: 0 0 0 Equipment: 0 0 Lighting: 0 0 Ductwork: 0 0 0 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 20, Summer CFM: 0 2,093 0 0 _ _ ---- -- - --- System 3, Zone 1 Load Totals: 9,324 0 0 0 I' � �I 0' 0 ! 0 0 0 �hec�C Fi�ures � ; Supply CFM: 121 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.475 * i Square ft. of Room Area: 255 Square ft. Per Ton: 0'`'` i Volume (ft') of Cond. Space: 2,550 Air Turnover Rate (per hour): 2.8 (htg.) * Based on area of rooms being heated or cooled (whichever governs system) rather than entire floor area. ** Based on area of rooms being cooled. j Total Heating Required: Total Sensible Gain: Total Latent Gain: Total Cooling Required: 9,324 Btuh 9.324 MBH 0 Btuh -1.#IND % 0 Btuh -1.#IND % 0 Btuh 0.00 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) 0.00 Tons (Based On 75% Sensible Capacity) Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv � Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. ', R& N MECHANICAL '� Beaver Dam Road - Side B ; Eagle, CO 81631 __ Page 28 '', System 3, Zone 2 Summary Loads (Peak Load Procedure for Rooms) , Componenf Area Sen �at 5en Total ' Description ' Quan Loss Gain Gain Gain ' 1 D-cm-o: Glazing-Double pane, operable window, clear, metal frame no break, u-value 0.87, SHGC 0.67 10B-b: Glazing-French door, double pane clear glass, metal frame with break, u-value 0.75, SHGC 0.47 12E-Osw: Wall-Frame, R-19 insulation in 2 x 6 stud cavity, no board insulation, siding finish, wood studs 16B-30: Roof/Ceiling-Under Attic with Insulation on Attic ' Floor (also use for Knee Walls and Partition Ceilings), Vented Attic, No Radiant Barrier, Dark Asphalt Shingles or Dark Metal, Tar and Gravel or Membrane, R-30 insulation 42 3,545 32 2,328 201 1,327 255 792 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OI 0 ; __ _. _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ Subtotals for structure: 7,992 0 0 0 People: 0 0 0 0! Equipment: 0 0 0 j Lighting: 0 0 0 !, Ductwork: 0 0 0 0 I ' Infiltration: Winter CFM: 15, Summer CFM: 0 1,577 0 0 0 i System 3, Zone 2 Load Totals: 9,569 0 0 0, Check Figures �, ; �I Supply CFM: 124 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.487 * � Square ft. of Room Area: 255 Square ft. Per Ton: 0*'` Volume (ft3) of Cond. Space: 2,550 Air Turnover Rate (per hour): 2.9 �� (htg.) ! " Based on area of rooms being heated or cooled (whichever governs system) rather than entire floor area. � '"'` Based on area of rooms being cooled. � Zone Loads `! Total Heating Required: 9,569 Btuh 9.569 MBH ' Total Sensible Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % Total Latent Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % Total Cooling Required: 0 Btuh 0.00 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) I ' 0.00 Tons (Based On 75% Sensible , Capacity) ' Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads. � �� ' R & H MECHANICAL Eaale. CO 81631 Elite 5ottware Development, Inc. ' Beaver Dam Road - Side B Paae 29 ' System 3_ Zone 3 Summary Loads (Peak Load Procedure for Rooms) _ i Component ' Area Sen Lat Sen Toial ' ! Description ; ' Quan Loss Gain Gain Gain �_--- � _____—__ _ ._--- __.___ _____ ____ _ _-------- ----- — ' 1 D-cm-o: Glazing-Double pane, operable window, clear, 29.2 2,468 0 0 0 metal frame no break, u-value 0.87, SHGC 0.67 10B-b: Glazing-French door, double pane clear glass, 48 3,492 0 0 0 metal frame with break, u-value 0.75, SHGC 0.47 � 12E-Osw: Wall-Frame, R-19 insulation in 2 x 6 stud 227.8 1,502 0 0 0 cavity, no board insulation, siding finish, wood studs 16B-30: Roof/Ceiling-Under Attic with Insulation on Attic 240 745 0 0 0 Floor (also use for Knee Walis and Partition Ceilings), Vented Attic, No Radiant Barrier, Dark Asphalt Shingles or Dark Metal, Tar and Gravel or Membrane, R-30 insulation Subtotals for structure: People: Equipment: Lighting: Ductwork: Infiltration: Winter CFM 16, Summer CFM: 0 System 3, Zone 3 Load Totals: 8,207 0 1, 749 9,956 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Supply CFM: 129 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.539 " Square ft. of Room Area: 240 Square ft. Per Ton: 0"" Volume (ft') of Cond. Space: 2,400 Air Turnover Rate (per hour): 3.2 (htg.) * Based on area of rooms being heated or cooled (whichever governs system) rather than entire floor area. ** Based on area of rooms being cooled. Total Heating Required: 9,956 Btuh 9.956 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % Total Latent Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % Total Cooling Required: 0 Btuh 0.00 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) 0.00 Tons (Based On 75% Sensible Capacity) � Notes Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv commerciai R & H MECNANICAL Eagle, CO 81631 Etite Software Development, Inc. Beaver Dam Road - Side B Pana 3� ' System 3, Zone 4 Summary Loads (Peak_Load Procedure_for Rooms) _ _ De�Component Area Sen Lat Sen Total scription Quan Loss Gain Gain ' Gain' 1 D-cm-o: Glazing-Double pane, operable window, clear, 198 16,709 0 0 0 metal frame no break, u-value 0.87, SHGC 0.67 12E-Osw: Wall-Frame, R-19 insulation in 2 x 6 stud 62 409 0 0 0 cavity, no board insulation, siding finish, wood studs 16B-30: Roof/Ceiling-Under Attic with Insulation on Attic 464 1,440 0 0 0 Floor (also use for Knee Walls and Partition Ceilings), Vented Attic, No Radiant Barrier, Dark Asphalt Shingles or Dark Metal, Tar and Gravel or Membrane, R-30 insulation _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ __ Subtotals for structure: 18,558 0 0 0 People: 0 0 0 0 Equipment: 0 0 0 Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 0 0 0 0 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 14, Summer CFM: 0 1,491 0 0 0 _ _ _- - ____ _ - --- -- _ _ - - _ _ - - --- _ _. _- System 3, Zone 4 Load Totals: 20,049 0 0 0 Check Figures Supply CFM: 260 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.561 * ', Square ft. of Room Area: 464 Square ft. Per Ton: 0** �i Volume (ft') of Cond. Space: 4,640 Air Turnover Rate (per hour): 3.4 I (htg.) I * Based on area of rooms being heated or cooled (whichever govems system) rather than entire floor area '`* Based on area of rooms being cooled. I Zane Loads Total Heating Required: 20,049 Btuh 20.049 MBH I Total Sensible Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % Total Latent Gain: 0 Btuh -1.#IND % j Total Cooling Required: 0 Btuh 0.00 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) 0.00 Tons (Based On 75% Sensible Capacity) Notes i Calculations are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. I All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. ' Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. � C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv , R vh ac - Residentiai & Light Commercial HUAC Loads Elite Software Developmen� ncl �! R& H MECHANICAL 8eaver Dam Road - Side B ' Eagle, CO 81631 _______ _ _ Page 31 , System 1, Zone 1 Pre Chart Floor 32% System 1, Zone 1 Loss 2, 889 Btuh System 1, Zone 1 Gain 0 Btuh Wall 41 % 100.0% C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv nfiltration 27% �— __.. --- - -- — I; Rhvac -^Residential & Light Commercial HVA I R & H MECHANICAL ; Eagle, CO 81631 ;, Sy ts em 1, Zone 2 Pie Chart System 1, Zone 2 Loss 4, 700 Btuh System 1, Zone 2 Gain 0 Btuh Wall 26% Floor 14% 1100.0% C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv �ftware Development, 1nc. Beaver Dam Road - Side B Paae 32 Itration 19% �ss 42% nnvac - RCS�uruuai a �iyn►�.urn�nerciai nvr►�. �vaas R & H MECHANICAL ' ,,Eagle, CO 81631 ; System 1, Zone 3 Pie Chart System 1, Zone 3 Loss 4,551 Btuh System 1, Zone 3 Gain 0 Btu h Floor 11 % \ Wall 54% 100.0% C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv Elite Software Development, Inc. Beaver Dam Road - Side B Paqe 33 ,Infiltration 35% � — -- �Rh av c- Residentiai & Light Commercial HVAC Loads x ' Elite Software Development, lnc. R& H MECHANICAL Beaver Dam Road - Side B ; Eagle, CO 81631 _ _ Page 34 j System 1, Zone 4 Pre Chart Floor 10% ,� System 1, Zone 4 Loss �- 9,521 Wall 37% Btuh System 1, Zone 4 Gain 0 Btu h 100.0% C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv Infiltration 26% ass 27% - -- - _---- ---- ', Rhvac -Residential 8 Light Commercial HVAC Loads I R & H MECHANICAL ' Eagle, CO 81631 ',' Sv ms et 1. Zone 5 Pie Chart System 1, Zone 5 Loss 13,111 Btuh System 1, Zone 5 Gain 0 Btuh Floor 10% \ Wall 34%_ Elite Soflware Development, Inc. ' ' Beaver Dam Road - Side B Paoe 35 Infiltration 27% vv�i 30% 100.0% C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv ' Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercia! NVA ! R & H MECHANICAL Ea le, CO 81631 '�, I System 2, Zone 1 Pie Chart System 2, Zone 1 Loss 25, 050 Btuh System 2, Zone 1 Gain 0 Btuh Loatls Wall 18%\ �Infiltration 13°/o i Glass 69% 100.0% C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv 8eaver Dam Road - Side B Paae 36 ' Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. �i i R& H MECHANICAL � Beaver Dam Road - Side B ' Eaqle, CO 81631 Paae 37 Svstem 2, Zone 2 Pie Chart System 2, Zone 2 Loss 10,925 Btuh System 2, Zone 2 Gain 0 Btuh Wall 9% , Infiltration 10% Door 8% Glass 73% 100.0% C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv j Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVA j R & H MECHANICAL '� Eagle, CO 81631 � � i Svstem 2. Zone 3 Pie Chart System 2, Zone 3 Loss 7, 041 Btuh System 2, Zone 3 Gain 0 Btuh Wall 13% \ Infiltration 10% ' Glass 76% 100.0% C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv Software Development, Inc. Beaver Dam Road - Side B Page 38 ' Rhvac - Residential 8 Light Commercial HVAt R & H MECHANICAL ' Ea91e, CO 81631 , i System 2, Zone 4 Pie Chart System 2, Zone 4 Loss 14, 868 Btuh System 2, Zone 4 Gain 0 Btuh Wall 18% Elite Software Development, Inc. ' Beaver Dam Road - Side B Paqe 39 Infiltration 14% � Glass 68% i 100.0% C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv Knvac - Residentaa� & R & H MECNANICAL Eaale. CO 81631 System 2, Zone 5 Pre Chart System 2, Zone 5 Loss 12,199 Btu h System 2, Zone 5 Gain 0 Btu h Wall 13%� � ` ,Infiltration 11 % ' Glass 75% 100.0% C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv ►ttware Development, Inc. Beaver Dam Road - Side B Page 40 � RIIYGI. � RCd1UC17L141 � R & N MECHANICAL � Eagle, CO 81631 � Svstem 3, Zone 1 Pie Chart ht Commercial HVAC Loads �� System 3, Zone 1 Loss 9, 324 Btu h System 3, Zone 1 Gain 0 Btu h Wall 22%� Roof 8% Beaver Dam Road - Side B Paqe 41 Infiltration 22% Glass 47% 100.0% C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv -- jvac - esidential 8� Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. ' R& H MECHANICAL Beaver Dam Road - Side B i Eagle, CO 81631 W _� Page 42 � System 3, Zone 2 Pie Chart System 3, Zone 2 Loss 9, 569 Btuh System 3, Zone 2 Gain 0 Btuh Wall 14% � Roof 8%, I ' Infiltration 16% � '��� Glass 61 % 100.0% C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv , rcnvac - rcesiaenua� a �ignt �ommercia� nvA ' R & H MECHANICAL � Eagle, CO 81631 ,'� System 3, Zone 3 Pie Chart System 3, Zone 3 Loss 9, 956 Btuh � System 3, Zone 3 Gain 0 �! Btuh Wall 15%� Roof 7% ; � Elite Software Development, Inc. ''' Beaver Dam Road - Side B Paae 43 Infiltration 18% � Glass 60% 100.0% C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv K � H MtGHANIGAL ' Eagle, CO 81631 , System 3, Zone 4 Pie Chart System 3, Zone 4 Loss 20,049 Btuh System 3, Zone 4 Gain 0 Btuh Roof 7%\ Wall 2%.\ Infiltration 7% ' Glass 83% 100.0% C:\Documents and Settingslhwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv ►mvare ueveiopment, inc. Beaver Dam Road - Side B Paqe 44 Rhvac • Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads R & H MECHANICAL � , Ea le, CO 81631 ,, System 1, Zone 1 Bar Graph 1.500 1,000 System 1, Zone 1 Loss 2, 889 Btuh 8 6 System 1, Zone 1 4 Gain 0 Btuh 2 0 ►.��` C�7 Beaver Dam Road - Side B Page 45 Floor 32% Wall 41 % Infiltration 27% 1 C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv Rhvac - Residentiai & Light Commercial HVAC Loads E1ite Software Development, lnc. R& H MECHANICAL Beaver Dam Road - Side B Eagle, CO 81631 Page 46 — ------- ------------ --------- ----- ----- System 1, Zone 2 Bar Graph 2,000 1, 500 System 1, Zone 2 1,000 Loss 4, 700 Btuh 500 : �' . �' System 1, Zone 2 40 Gain 0 Btuh 20 C�] �� Floor 14% Wall 26% Glass 42% Infiltration 19% E C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv ' Rhvac - Residential 8� Light Commercial HVAC �R & H MECHANICAL Eagle, CO 81631 System 1, Zone 3 Bar Graph i 2, 500 2, 000 System 1, 500 1, Zone 3 Loss 1 000 4,551 ° Btuh 500 25 20 System 15 1, Zone 3 Gain 10 0 Btu h 5 � � tute somvare uevelopment, inc. Beaver Dam Road - Side B Page 47 Floor 11 % Wall 54% Infiltration 35% 1 C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv r���va�. ' r�aaiuci�ua� u uyna v��u���c�a.�a� nrr�v �vau� ' R & H MECHANICAL ILEagle, CO 81631___ , System 1, Zone 4 Bar Graph 4.000 3, 000 System 1, Zone 4 2, 000 Loss 9, 521 Btuh 1,000 0 100 Beaver Dam Road - Side B Pape 48 Floor 10% Wall 37% Glass 27% Infiltration 26% C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv ' Rhvac - Residentiai & �ight Commercial HVAC '; R & H MECHANICAL ' Eagle, CO 81631_ i_ '�I, System 1, Zone 5 Bar Giaph I5.000 � ��� System 3,000 1, Zone 5 Loss 2 000 13,111 ° Btuh 1, 000 C `[�I�] Beaver Dam Road - Side B Page 49 Floor 10% Wall 34% Door 30% Infiltration 27% C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv ' Rhvac - Residentiai & Light Commercia ' I R & H MECHANICAL ! Eagle, CO 81631 � System 2, Zone 1 Bar G 20, 000 System 2, Zone 1 Loss 25,050 Btuh 15, 000 10,000 5, 000 60 50 40 System 2, Zone � 30 Gain 0 Btuh 20 10 0 � .�� �mvare ueve�opment, inc. Beaver Dam `Road - Side B Page 50 � Wall 18% Glass 69% Infiltration 13% � C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HV R & H MECHANICAL Eagle, CO 81631 System 2, Zone 2 Bar GraK 8, 000 6, 000 System 2, Zone 2 4,000 Loss 10, 925 Btuh 2,000 0 System 2, Zone 2 Gain 0 Btuh 15 10 5 0 Elite Software Development, Inc. Beaver Dam Road - Side B Paqe 51 Wall 9% Glass 73% Door 8% Infiltration 10% 1 C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv ! Rhvac - Residential 8� Light Commercial HVAC Loads �,� , Elite Soflware Development, Inc. �i R& H MECHANICRL Beaver Dam Road - Side B Eagle, Gfl 81631 _ Page 52 - - — — __— — '�� System 2, Zone 3 Bar Graph , . ��� � ��� - ��� System 2, Zone 3 3, 000 Loss 7, 041 Btuh 2,000 1,000 15 10 System 2, Zone 3 Gain 0 Btuh 5 C 0 Wall 13% Glass 76% Infiltration 10% 1 C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv rcnvac - rces�aenUai � �ignt commeraa� ttv,a� �oaas Eiite Soitware Development, Inc. R& H MECHANICAL Beaver Dam Road - Side 6 I � Eagie, CO 81631 _ Page 53 ��, System 2, Zone 4 Bar Graph 15, 000 10, 000 System 2, Zone 4 Loss 14, 868 Btuh 5,000 ,�, � .� Wall 18% Glass 68% Infiltration 14% C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv !, Rhvac - Residential 8 Light Commerciat H� R & H MECHANICAL , Ea le, CO 81631 _ ��I System 2, Zone 5 Bar Gra 10, 000 ,� System 2, Zone 5 Loss 12,199 Btuh : ��� . 11� � ��� 2, 000 100 [r7 Beaver Dam Road - Side B Paae 54 Wall 13% Giass 75% Infiltration 11 % C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv � Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercia I R & H MECHANICAL Eagle, CO 81631 �I, �I System 3, Zone 1 Bar G � 5,000 � ��� System 3,000 3, Zone 1 Loss 2 000 9, 324 � Btuh System 3, Zone 1 Gain 0 Btuh 1,000 100 : �, .� .� 20 0 C�7 Loads Beaver Dam Road - Side B _ Page 55 Roof 8% Wall 22% Glass 47% Infiltration 22% 1 C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv ,! Rhvac - Residentiai & Light Commercial N� I R & H MECHANICAL I Eagle, CO 81631 � System 3, Zone 2 Bar Gra ' 6, 000 5, 000 4, 000 System 3, Zone 2 3, 000 Loss 9, 569 Btuh 2,000 1, 000 0 System 3, Zone 2 Gain 0 Btuh � �� :� .� .� 20 0 � Beaver Dam Road - Side B Paae 56 Roof 8% Wall 14% Glass 61 % Infiltration 16% 1 C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv ___ -- ------- i _ '�� Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial H' I R & H MECHANICAL ; Eagle, CO 81631 ; System 3, Zone 3 Bar Gra 6, 000 5, 000 4,000 System 3, Zone 3 3, 000 Loss 9, 956 Btuh 2,000 1, 000 0 , �, 30 System 3, Zone 3 20 Gain 0 Btuh 10 � �ftware Development, Inc. Beaver Dam Road - Side B Paqe 57 Roof 7% Wall 15% Glass 60% Infiltration 18% 1 C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercia R & H MECHANICAL Eagle' CO 81631 System 3, Zone 4 Bar G 20.000 15, 000 System 3, Zone 4 10, 000 Loss 20, 049 Btuh 5, 000 0 60 �, Soflware development, lnc. Beaver Dam Road - Side B Paqe 58 Roof 7% Wall 2% Glass 83% Infiltration 7% C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv r�uva� - �ca�uenuai R & H MECHANICAL Eaqle, CO 81631 Loads Beaver Dam Road - Side B Paqe 59 '��', Detailed Room Loads - Room 9- Ski/Entry/Hall � Gene�ai � w . .. Room is in zone 1, which peaks at 7 pm �� I I i Ca cu at on Mode: Ht . onl Occurrences: 1 9 Y Room Length: 35.0 ft. System Number: 1 , Room Width: 10.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 Area: 350.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 38 CFM Ceiling Height: 10.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 0.6 AC/hr Volume: 3,500.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM ; , Runout Air: 0 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0% � � Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM I Percent of Supply: 0 % Actual Winter Infil.: 7 CFM ' Actuai Summer Infil.: 0 CFM i Item Area -U- Htg Sen Clg Lat Sen ' Description Quantity Value `_ HTM __ Loss HTM ' Gain ' Gain ' E-Wall-12E-Osw 18 X 10 180 0.068 6.6 1,187 0.0 0 0 Floor-21A-20 10 X 35 350 0.027 2.6 917 0.0 0 0' Subtotals for Structure: 2,104 0 0, Infil.: Win.: 7.4, Sum.: 0.0 180 4.361 785 0.000 0 0', Room Totals: C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv 2,889 0 0 Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads E1ite Software Development, Inc. R& H MECHANICAL Beaver Dam Road - Side B Eagle, CO 81631 __ ___J_ Pa�ge 60 ' Detailed Room Loads - Room 2- Bunk/Bath General : . , ... . Room is in zone 2, which peaks at 7 pm Calculation Mode: Htg. only Occurrences: 1 , Room Length: 19.5 ft. System Number: 1 I Room Width: 12.5 ft. Zone Number. 2 �, Area: 244.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 61 CFM Ceiling Height: 10.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 1.5 AC/hr Volume: 2,438.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air: 0 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0% ' W -Wall-12E-Osw 4 X 10 SW-Wall-12E-Osw 3 X 10 S -Wall-12E-Osw 4.5 X 10 SE-Wall-12E-Osw 3 X 10 E -Wall-12E-Osw 2 X 10 S -Wall-12E-Osw 4 X 10 E -Gls-1 D-cm-o shgc-0.67 0%S S -Gls-1 D-cm-o shgc-0.67 0%S Floor-21A-20 12.5 X 19.5 Subtotals for Structure: Infil.: Win.: 8.4, Sum.: 0.0 Room Totals: 40 0.068 30 0.068 45 0.068 30 0.068 6.7 0.068 30 0.068 13.3 0.870 10 0.870 243.8 0.027 205 Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM ' Percent of Supply: 0% li Actual Winter Infil.: 8 CFM Actual Summer Infil.: 0 CFM 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 84.4 84.4 26 4.361 C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv 264 198 297 198 44 198 1,125 844 638 3, 806 894 4,700 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 i ��� 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 _0 0 Gain' 0 � �I 01 O�I 0 '� 0 '' O�I OI, 0''� I 0'� 0I� OI rcnvac - rces�aenua� a� ugnt �ommeraa� nvnc toaas Elite Software Development, Inc. ' R& H MECHANICAL Beaver Dam Road - Side B ' Eagle, CO 81631 Page 61 ' Detarled Room Loads - Room 3- Exercise/Spa ����r�i Room is in zone 3, which peaks at 7 pm Calculation Mode: Htg. only Occurrences: 1 Room Length: 19.0 ft. System Number: 1 ' Room Width: 10.0 ft. Zone Number: 3 Area: 190.0 sq.ft. Supply Air. 59 CFM Ceiling Height: 10.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 1.9 AC/hr '�, Volume: 1,900.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM ! Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM � Runout Air: 0 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0% , Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM I Percent of Supply: p % ! Actual Winter Infil.: 15 CFM ' Actual Summer Infil.: 0 CFM I, ltem Area -U- '' Htg Sen �Ig ' tat ' ' Sen '; ' Descri tiori i �uantit ' Value HTM Loss HTI1A Gain ' Gain' S-Wall-12E-Osw 17 X 10 170 0.068 6.6 1,121 0.0 0 0 I N-Wall-12E-Osw 20 X 10 200 0.068 6.6 1,319 0.0 0 0'I Floor-21A-20 10 X 19 190 0.027 2.6 498 0.0 0 0 I Subtotals for Structure: Infil.: Win.: 15.1, Sum.: 0.0 370 Room Totals: 2, 938 __ 4.359 _ _ 1,613 4,551 C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv � ��� 0 0 0 _ _0 0 0 rcnvaa - rcesmenua� � �ignt Lommercia� rtvac �oatts Elite Software Development, Inc. ' R& H MECHANICAL Beaver Dam Road - Side B � E� a9le, CO 81631 __ ___ Page 62 ; Detailed Room Loads - Room 4- Medra Room ��r��r�i �� : - Room is in zone 4, which peaks at 7 pm Calculation Mode: Htg. only Occurrences: 1 Room Length: 24.0 ft. System Number: 1 Room Width: 15.0 ft. Zone Number: 4 Area: 360.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 124 CFM Ceiling Height: 10.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 2.1 AC/hr Volume: 3,600.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air: 0 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0% ' � item S -Wall-12E-Osw 18 X 10 W -Wall-12E-Osw 25 X 10 N -Wall-12E-Osw 14 X 10 W -Gls-1 D-cm-o shgc-0.67 0%S (2) Floor-21A-20 15 X 24 Subtotals for Structure: Actual Summer Vent.: Percent of Supply: Actual Winter Infil.: Actual Summer Infil.: 180 0.068 6.6 220 0.068 6.6 140 0.068 6.6 30 0.870 84.4 360 0.027 2.6 Infil.: Win.: 23.3, Sum.: 0.0 570 4.360 Room Totals: C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv 1,187 1,451 923 2,532 943 7,036 2,485 9, 521 �.iy HTM � 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 _ � ��� 0 CFM 0 % 23 CFM 0 CFM .�en Gain'. 0 0 0'I 0 '' 0_ '� 0 II 0 �, 0 i - — -- --- _ __ __ _ _ - --- Rhvac - Residential 8� Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. ', R& H MECHANICAL �' Beaver Dam Road - Side B �! Eagle, CO 81631 Page 63 --- --- — -- - �' Detarled Room Loads - Room 5- Garage ,, ������a : _ Room is in zone 5, which peaks at 7 pm Calculation Mode: Htg. only Occurrences: 1 i Room Length: 22.0 ft. System Number: 1 Room Width: 22.0 ft. Zone Number. 5 Area: 484.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 170 CFM � Ceiling Height: 10.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 2.1 AC/hr II Volume: 4,840.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 2 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM ' Runout Air: 0 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0% ��� ' Item �- - _ N -Wall-12E-Osw 22 X 10 E -Wall-12E-Osw 22 X 10 W -Wall-12E-Osw 22 X 10 S -Wall-12E-Osw 14 X 10 W-Door-11 H 18 X 7 Floor-21A-20 22 X 22 _ _ _ Subtotals for Structure: Infil.: Win.: 32.7, Sum.: 0.0 Rnnm Tn+alc� Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Percent of Supply: 0 % Actual Winter Infil.: 33 CFM Actual Summer Infil.: 0 CFM T -U- Htg Sen '` r:t�, � �t Quantity Value HTM Loss 220 0.068 6.6 1,451 220 0.068 6.6 1,451 94 0.068 6.6 620 140 0.068 6.6 923 126 0.320 31.0 3,911 484 0.027 2.6 1,268 9,624 800 4.359 3,487 1Z 111 �� �� �� �� �� �� � ��� Gain 0 0 O�I 0 ! 0 0 0 0 n � C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv -- - ---- ----- - - - ---- - ---- R6vac - Residential & Light Commerciai HVAC Loads Elite Soflware Development, Inc. �� R& H MECHANICAL Beaver Dam Road - Side B j Eagle, CO 81631 � _ Page 64 '` Detailed Room Loads - Room 6- Master Bed/Bath General ' � , ` I Room is in zone 1, which peaks at 7 pm � Calculation Mode: Htg. only Occurrences: 1 Room Length: 25.0 ft. System Number: 2 Room Width: 21.0 ft. Zone Number: 1 , Area: 525.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 325 CFM Ceiling Height: 10.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 3.7 AC/hr Volume: 5,250.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 3 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air: 0 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0% Item � ����� �N.�,�„ .� I W-Wall-12E-Osw 25 X 10 � N -Wall-12E-Osw 23 X 10 E -Wali-12E-Osw 23 X 10 S -Wall-12E-Osw 13 X 10 W -Gls-1 D-cm-o shgc-0.67 0%S ' W -Gls-1 D-cm-o shgc-0.67 0%S N -Gls-1 D-cm-o shgc-0.67 0%S N -G1s-10B-m shgc-0.47 0%S N -Gls-1 D-cm-o shgc-0.67 0%S S -Gis-1 D-cm-o shgc-0.67 0%S Subtotals for Structure: Infil.: Win.: 30.4, Sum.: 0.0 Room Totals: Area 202.5 135.8 230 106 17.5 30 26.2 60 8 24 -�- Value 0.068 0.068 0.068 0.068 0.870 0.870 0.870 1.450 0.870 0.870 Actual Summer Vent.: Percent of Supply: Actual Winter Infil.: Actual Summer Infil.: Mtg ; 5en HTM Loss 6.6 1,336 6.6 895 6.6 1,517 6.6 699 84.4 1,477 84.4 2,532 84.4 2,215 140.7 8,439 84.4 675 84.4 2,025 21,810 840 3.857 3,240 25,050 C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 CFM 0 % 30 CFM 0 CFM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.000 __ . 0 __ 0 0 0; 0'' 0'� 0''i p! 0 0 0' 0, 0 ' 0' 0 I rtnvac - rcesiaenua� � R & H MECHANICAL Eagle, CO 81631 s Elite Software Development,lnc. Beaver Dam Road - Side B Paqe 65 Detailed Room Loads - Room 7- Laundrv/stairs Genera! ' �� . < � ; ; Room is in zone 2, which peaks at 7 pm Calculation Mode: Htg. only Occurrences: 1 Room Length: 15.0 ft. System Number: 2 ! Room Width: 5.0 ft. Zone Number: 2 ' Area: 75.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 142 CFM ' Ceiling Height: 10.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 11.4 AC/hr ; Volume: 750.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM ' Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM ' Runout Air: 0 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0% Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM Percent of Supply: 0% il Actual Winter Infil.: 10 CFM Actual Summer Infil.: 0 CFM Item ''' Area -U- Htg Sen Clg Lat ' Sen ' l�escri iion ' Quantit : Value HTM Loss HTM '' Gain Gain ' --- NW-Wall-12E-Osw 12 X 10 91.5 0.068 6.6 604 0.0 0 0 E-Wali-12E-Osw 15 X 10 60 0.068 6.6 396 0.0 0 0 I NW-Door-11 D 3 X 8 24 0.390 37.8 908 0.0 0 0 I NW-Gis-1 D-cm-o shgc-0.67 0%S 4.5 0.870 84.4 380 0.0 0 0�'', E-Gls-1 D-cm-o shgc-0.67 0%S 90 0.870 84.4 7,595 0.0 0 0' _ -- - ____— __ __ __ - - _ - ___ _ _-- - - - -- _— _ ----- — Subtotals for Structure: 9,883 0 0; Infil.: Win.: 9.8, Sum.: 0.0 270 3.859 1,042 0.000 0 0 i __ _ __ ___ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ � Room Totals: 10,925 0 0 � C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv , Rhvac - Residen6al & Light Gommercial HVAG Loads R & H MECHANICAL �` Eagle, CO 81631 — — --- ----- ---- —__ _------ � Detailed Room Loads - Room 8- Kitchen Room is in zone 3, which peaks at 7 pm Calculation Mode: Htg. only Room Length: 18.0 ft. Room Width: 10.0 ft. Area: 180.0 sq.ft. Ceiling Height: 10.0 ft. Volume: 1,800.0 cu.ft. Number of Registers: 1 Runout Air: 0 CFM W -Wali-12E-Osw 4 X 10 SW-Wall-12E-Osw 3 X 10 S -Wall-12E-Osw 5 X 10 SE-Wall-12E-Osw 3 X 10 E -Wall-12E-Osw 2 X 10 S -Wall-12E-Osw 2 X 10 SW-Gls-1 D-cm-o shgc-0.67 0%S S -Gls-1 D-cm-o shgc-0.67 0%S SE-Gls-10A-m shgc-0.53 0%S Subtotals for Structure: Infil.: Win.: 6.9, Sum.: 0.0 Room Totals: 40 15 30 15 20 20 15 20 15 _ 190 0.068 0.068 0.068 0.068 0.068 0.068 0.870 0.870 1.670 Occurrences: System Number: Zone Number: Supply Air: Supply Air Changes: Required Vent.: Actual Winter Vent.: Percent of Supply.: Actual Summer Vent.: Percent of Supply: Actual Winter Infil.: Actual Summer Infil.: 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 84.4 84.4 162.0 3.858 C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv 264 99 198 99 132 132 1, 266 1,688 2,430 6,308 733 7,041 Elite Software Development, Inc. Beaver Dam Road - Side B Page 66 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 � ��� 1 2 3 91 CFM 3.0 AC/hr 0 CFM 0 CFM 0 % 0 CFM 0 % 7 CFM 0 CFM Lat� ' Gain 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sen Gain ' 0 0 0' 0 ' 0' 0 0 0 0 0 0' 0I �- i rcnvac - rcCS�usnua� ! R & H MECHANICAL ( Eagle, CO 81639 , Detailed Room Loads - Room 9- Dining/Entry ���,���� , Room is in zone 4, which peaks at 7 pm ', Calculation Mode: Htg. only Occurrences: 1 ' Room Length: 32.0 ft. System Number. 2 Room Width: 12.0 ft. Zone Number: 4 Area: 384.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 193 CFM ', Ceiling Height: 10.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 3.0 AC/hr ' Volume: 3,840.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 2 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM �, Runout Air: 0 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0% i Light Gommerciai Elite Software Development, Inc. Seaver Dam Road - Side B Paoe 67 !te►n , S -Wall-12E-Osw 17 X 10 W -Wall-12E-Osw 13 X 10 N -Wall-12E-Osw 5 X 10 E -Wall-12E-Osw 13.5 X 10 S -Wall-12E-Osw 5 X 10 S -Gis-1 D-cm-o shgc-0.67 0%S I S-Gls-1 D-cm-o shgc-0.67 0%S S -G1s-10B-b shgc-0.47 0%S (2) E -G1s-10B-b shgc-0.47 0%S Subtotals for Structure: Infil.: Win.: 19.3, Sum.: 0.0 I Room Totals: Actual Summer Vent.: Percent of Supply: Actual Winter Infil.: Actual Summer Infil.: Area ' -U- Htg S� ...i:�.�> \l..1�... . LJT6A . F ..� 64 0.068 130 0.068 50 0.068 111 0.068 50 0.068 50 0.870 8 0.870 48 0.750 _ 24 0.750 535 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 84.4 84.4 72.8 72.8 3.858 C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv 422 857 330 732 330 4,220 675 3,492 1, 746 12,804 2,064 14,868 0 CFM 0 % 19 CFM 0 CFM � . �Ig ��� -�La�� . . � Sen '. i HTM ' �ar�: '�:� , Gain ' �.� � � 0.0 0 0 I 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 ' 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 �'I 0.0 0 0 '�, 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 __0 I 0 0 ': 0.000 0 0 , __ __ , 0 0 I �— f�11YOL � f�GAlUC11tIQi � R & H MECHANICAL Eagle, CO 81631 mmercial � Elite Soflware Development, Inc. Beaver Dam Road - Side B Paqe 68 ' Detailed Room Loads - Room 10 - Living - ���e�r , Room is in zone 5, which peaks at 7 pm Calculation Mode: Htg. only Occurrences: 1 Room Length: 27.0 ft. System Number: 2 Room Width: 12.0 ft. Zone Number: 5 Area: 324.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 158 CFM Ceiling Height: 10.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 2.9 AC/hr , Volume: 3,240.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM �', Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM I Runout Air. 0 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0% ' Actual Summer Vent.: Percent of Supply: Actual Winter Infil.: Actual Summer Infil.: W -Wall-12E-Osw 12 X 10 N -Wall-12E-Osw 14 X 10 NW-Wall-12E-Osw 10 X 10 W -Gls-1 D-cm-o shgc-0.67 0%S NW-Gls-106-b shgc-0.47 0%S N -Gls-1 D-cm-o shgc-0.67 0%S NW-Gls-1 D-cm-o shqc-0.67 0%S Subtotals for Structure: Infil.: Win.: 13.0, Sum.: 0.0 _ _ _ _ Room Totals: 80 100 68 40 24 40 8 360 0.068 6.6 528 0.0 0.068 6.6 660 0.0 0.068 6.6 449 0.0 0.870 84.4 3,376 0.0 0.750 72.8 1,746 0.0 0.870 84.4 3,376 0.0 0.870 84.4 675 0.0 10,810 3.858 1,389 0.000 12,199 C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv 0 CFM 0 % 13 CFM 0 CFM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, 0 � 0 '�, 0 ' 0 0', 0 ', 0 I 0 � rcnvac -�ces�uenua� a ugnt �.vmmerc�ai nvf►�. Loaas t11te SOttware {7evelopment, InC. R& H MECHANICAL Beaver Dam Road - Side B ' Eagle, CO $1631 � Page 69 ,', Detailed Room Loads - Room 11 - Bed-1 I General Room is in zone 1, which peaks at 7 pm Calculation Mode: Htg. only Occurrences: 1 ' Room Length: 17.0 ft. System Number: 3 ' Room Width: 15.0 ft. Zone Number. 1 � Area: 255.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 121 CFM ' Ceiling Height: 10.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 2.8 AC/hr Volume: 2,550.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM I Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM ', Runout Air. 0 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0% ' I#em N -Wall-12E-Osw 20 X 10 S -Wall-12E-Osw 16.5 X 10 S -Gls-1 D-cm-o shgc-0.67 0%S N -G1s-10B-b shgc-0.47 0%S UP-Ceil-166-30 17 X 15 Subtotals for Structure: Infil.: Win.: 19.6, Sum.: 0.0 Room Totals: Area antit� U 152 0.068 154 0.068 11 0.870 48 0.750 255 0.032 365 _ Actual Summer Vent.: Percent of Supply: Actual Winter Infil.: Actual Summer Infil.: HTM Loss 6.6 1,003 6.6 1,016 84.4 928 72.8 3,492 3.1 792 7,231 5J34 2,093 9, 324 C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv �� �� �� �� �� � ��� 0 CFM 0 % 20 CFM 0 CFM : Lat ' Sen 'i Gaui ' Gain'. 0 0 0 OI 0 0' 0 0' 0 0'' � --� I 0 0' 0 0 - vac - esi ent�al Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. ' R& H MECHANICAL �` Beaver Dam Road - Side B �� Eagle, CO 81631 Page 70 Detailed Room Loads - Room 12 - Bed-2 ���e��� � � � � , , �� Room is in zone 2, which peaks at 7 pm Calculation Mode: Htg. only Occurrences: 1 Room Length: 17.0 ft. System Number: 3 Room Width: 15.0 ft. Zone Number: 2 Area: 255.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 124 CFM Ceiling Height: 10.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 2.9 AC/hr � Volume: 2,550.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM I Runout Air: 0 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0% Item S -Wall-12E-Osw 3 X 10 E -Wall-12E-Osw 3.5 X 10 S -Wall-12E-Osw 2 X 10 E -Wall-12E-Osw 2 X 10 SE-Wall-12E-Osw 4 X 10 S -Wall-12E-Osw 5 X 10 SW-Wall-12E-Osw 4 X 10 W -Wall-12E-Osw 4 X 10 SE-Gls-1 D-cm-o shgc-0.67 0%S S -G1s-106-b shgc-0.47 0%S S -Gls-1 D-cm-o shgc-0.67 0%S SW-Gls-1 D-cm-o shgc-0.67 0%S UP-Ceil-166-30 17 X 15 Subtotals for Structure: Infil.: Win.: 14.8, Sum.: 0.0 Room Totals: Area _Quantit� 30 35 20 20 25 6 25 40 15 32 12 15 255 275 ` -U- 1lalue 0.068 0.068 0.068 0.068 0.068 0.068 0.068 0.068 0.870 0.750 0.870 0.870 0.032 Actual Summer Vent.: Percent of Supply: Actual Winter Infil.: Actual Summer Infil.: 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 84.4 72.8 84.4 84.4 3.1 5.735 C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv �en Loss 198 � 231 132 132 165 40 165 264 1, 266 2,328 1,013 1,266 792 7,992 1, 577 9,569 0 CFM 0 % 15 CFM 0 CFM Clg Lat Sen -1TM ' Gain Gain 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.000 � --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � I 0 '' 0 0 0 0 ' 0 I 0 �I 0 ' 0 0 ' � �I 0 � � � 0 I ' � Rhvac - Residential 8� Light ' R & H MECHANICAL � Eagle, CO 81631 �as Elite 5oftware Development, Inc. 8eaver Dam Road - Side B Paqe 71 I Detailed Room Loads - Room 13 - Bed-3 ���,��a� � I , ,, , , Room is in zone 3, which peaks at 7 pm Calculation Mode: Htg. only Occurrences: 1 ', Room Length: 20.0 ft. System Number. 3 i Room Width: 12.0 ft. Zone Number: 3 Area: 240.0 sq.ft. Supply Air: 129 CFM Ceiling Height: 10.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 3.2 AC/hr ; Volume: 2,400.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM ' Number of Registers: 1 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air: 0 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0% ' Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM �I Percent of Supply: 0 % , Actual Winter Infil.: 16 CFM Actual Summer Infil.: 0 CFM , I#em Area -U- Htg _ Sen Cig Lat ' Sen ( Description' Quantity Value HTM Loss HTM Gain ' Gain ' --- --� S-Wall-12E-Osw 17.5 X 10 109 0.068 6.6 719 0.0 0 0 W-Wall-12E-Osw 13 X 10 118.8 0.068 6.6 783 0.0 0 0' S-Gls-1 D-cm-o shgc-0.67 0%S 18 0.870 84.4 1,519 0.0 0 0 S-G1s-106-b shgc-0.47 0%S 48 0.750 72.8 3,492 0.0 0 0''� W-Gls-1 D-cm-o shgc-0.67 0%S 11.2 0.870 84.4 949 0.0 0 0! UP-Ceil-166-30 20 X 12 240 0.032 3.1 745 0.0 0 0�I Subtotals for Structure: 8,207 0 0 Infil.: Win.: 16.4, Sum.: 0.0 305 5.734 1,749 0.000 0 0' _ __ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Room Totals: 9,956 0 0', C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv ; Rhvac - Residential ' R & H MECHANICAL �,,,.�„ �., o,��, tivac �oaas Beaver Dam Road - Side B Paqe 72 j�, Detailed Room Loads - Room 14 - Hail/Landing Genera� ' . . _ .- ,... , Room is in zone 4, which peaks at 7 pm ' Calculation Mode: Htg. only Occurrences: 1 '� Room Length: 29.0 ft. System Number: 3 ' Room Width: 16.0 ft. Zone Number: 4 Area: 464.0 sq.ft. Supply Air. 260 CFM Ceiling Height: 10.0 ft. Supply Air Changes: 3.4 AC/hr ' Volume: 4,640.0 cu.ft. Required Vent.: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 2 Actual Winter Vent.: 0 CFM Runout Air: 0 CFM Percent of Supply.: 0% % Actual Summer Vent.: 0 CFM !, Percent of Supply: 0 % ' Actual Winter Infil.: 14 CFM Actual Summer Infil.: 0 CFM I Item Area -U- Htg Sen Clg I,at - Sen Descrip#.ion = , =° ; {�uant� Value HTM �� Loss HTM '��� �a�n. � � � �Gain ' ', NW-Wall-12E-Osw 8 X 10 62 0.068 6.6 409 0.0 0 0 � E-Wall-12E-Osw 18 X 10 0 0.068 6.6 0 0.0 0 0 NW-Gls-1D-cm-o shgc-0.67 0%S 12 0.870 84.4 1,013 0.0 0 0�� E-Gls-1 D-cm-o shgc-0.67 0%S (2) 180 0.870 84.4 15,190 0.0 0 0 I �, NW-Gis-1 D-cm-o shgc-0.67 0%S 6 0.870 84.4 506 0.0 0 0�!, UP-Ceil-16B-30 29 X 16 464 0.032 3.1 1,440 0.0 0 0' __ _ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ _ _ Subtotals for Structure: Infil.: Win.: 14.0, Sum.: 0.0 260 __ __ __ _ _ Room Totals: 18,558 0 0 5.735 1,491 0.000 0 0 _ _ _ __ _ 20,049 0 0 C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv I R ac - Residential & Light Commerciai HVAC Loads '� R & H MECHANICAL ' , Eagle, CO 81631 ; Room Coolinq and Heatinq Loads Bar Graphs Ski/Entry/Hall ' �' Bunk/Bath I , , Exercise/Spa Media Room ' � I ' Garage , Master Bed/Bath �— Laundry/stairs i i Kitchen I Dining/Entry � Living I 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 Btuh C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv Beaver Dam Road - Side B Paqe 73 � Cooling � Heating ' Rhvac -'Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads R & H MECHANICAL , i Eagle, CO 81631 � Room Coolrna and Heatinq Loads Bar Graahs Bed-1 Bed-2 Bed-3 Hall/Landing E1ite Software Development, Inc. Beaver Dam Road - Side B Paqe 74 0 5,000 10,000 Btuh 15,000 20,000 C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv �XiZ�I�] � Cooling � Heating rcnvac - Kes�aenuai � ugnt commeraa� tiv�aL �oaqs Eiite Software Development, inc. R& H MECHANIGAL ' Beaver Dam Road - Side 6 Ea9le, CO 81631 _ Page 75 Room Cooling Loads Bar Graphs 1 2 0 50 100 150 200 Btuh C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv � Sensible � Latent ' � Rhvac - Residential & Light Comme ' I R & H MECHANICAL i Ea41e, CO 81631 Elite Software Development, Inc. Beaver Dam Road - Side B Paae 76 ' System 1 Room Load Summary ___ - -- -- - _ _ _ _ __ -- ---- -- --- --- --_ _ - - _ - - -- -- --- -- I Htg Min Run Run Cig Cig Min Act Room ' Area Sens Htg Duct Duct Sens Lat Clg Sys No Name SF Btuh CFM Size Vel Btuh Btuh CFM CFM ---Zone 1--- -- — ---- -- -- -- 1 Ski/Entry/Hall 350 2,889 38 1-0 0 0 0 0 38 _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ __ _ _ Zone 1 subtotal 350 2,889 38 0 0 0 38 ---Zone 2--- 2 Bunk/Bath 244 4,700 61 1-0 0 0 0 0 61 i _ Zone2subtotal ___ 244 __4,700_ 61 __ _ ___ 0 _ 0__ 0 61 � ---Zone 3--- �� i 3 Exercise/Spa 190 __4,551_ _ 59 __ 1-0_ 0 0 _ 0_ 0 59 ' Zone 3 subtotal 190 4,551 59 0 0 0 59 ---Zone 4--- II 4 Media Room 360 9,521 124 1-0 0 0 0 0 124 ' ___— , Zone 4 subtotal 360 9,521 124 0 0 0 124 � ---Zone 5--- 5 Garage 484 13,111 170 2-0 0 0 0 0 170 ' Zone 5 subtotal 484 13,111 170 0 0 0 170 _ System 1 total 1,628 34,772 452 0 0 0 452 '', Note: Since the system is multizone, the Peak Fenestration Gain Procedure was used to determine glass sensible gains � at the room and zone levels, so the sums of the zone sensible gains and airflows for cooling shown above are not intended to equal the totals at the system level. Room and zone sensible gains and cooling CFM values are for the hour in which ', the glass sensible gain for the zone is at its peak. Sensible gains at the system level are based on the "Average Load ', ' Procedure + Excursion" method. I �Cooiing System 5ummary ' Cooling Sensible/Latent ' Sensible Laten# ' Total ' '' Tans Split Btuh Btuh Btuh' _ __ , Net Required: 0.00 0°/a / 0% 0 0 0, ' Recommended: 0.00 75% / 25% 0 0 0'% Type: Model: Brand: Efficiency: Sound: Capacity: Sensible Capacity: Latent Capacity: Heatinq Svstem n/a n/a C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv Coolinq Svstem 0 Btuh 0 Btuh ' Rhv Reca sidential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. ' R& H MECHANICAL Beaver Dam Road - Side B Ea le, CO 81631 � �J_ Page 77 -- --- --- I System 2 Room Load Summary _____ _ _- - --__- — ---- -- -------- ---- , Htg Min Run Run Cig Clg Min Act ' Room Area Sens Htg Duct Duct Sens Lat Clg Sys �'� No Name _____ SF ___ Btuh____ CFM Size Vel __ ___Btuh Btuh C�M CFM ' ---Zone 1--- � 6 Master Bed/Bath 525 25,050 325 3-0 0 0 0 0 325 Zone 1 subtotal 525 25,050 325 0 0 0 325 ---Zone 2--- 7 Laundry/stairs 75 10,925 142 1-0 0 0 0 0 142 _ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ Zone 2 subtotal 75 10,925 142 0 0 0 142 ---Zone 3--- 8 Kitchen 180 7,041 91 1-0 0 0 0 0 91 __ __ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ _ Zone 3 subtotal 180 7,041 91 0 0 0 91 , ---Zone 4--- I ___9_ Dining/Entry 384 14,868 193 2-0 0 0 0 0 193 I Zone 4 subtotal 384 14,868 193 0 0 0 193 I ---Zone 5--- �, 10 Living 324 12,199 158 1-0 0 0 0 0 158 Zone 5 subtotal 324 12,199 158 0 0 0 158 I System 2 total 1,488 70,083 910 0 0 0 910 ' Note: Since the system is multizone, the Peak Fenestration Gain Procedure was used to determine glass sensible gains I at the room and zone levels, so the sums of the zone sensible gains and airfiows for cooling shown above are not intended I to equal the totals at the system level. Room and zone sensible gains and cooling CFM values are for the hour in which ; , the glass sensible gain for the zone is at its peak. Sensible gains at the system level are based on the "Average Load I Procedure + Excursion" method. , `Cooiing System 5ummary ' ' � Cooling SensiblelLatent Sensible 'Latent Total ' Tons Split Btuh Btuh Btuh ---- -- -- - -------- - — --- _- ----- Net Required: 0 00 0% / 0°/a 0 0 0 Recommended: 0.00 75% / 25% 0 0 0 Equipment Data '� Heatinq Svstem Coolinq Svstem ' Type: Model: Brand: Efficiency: Sound: Capacity: Sensible Capacity: n/a Latent Capacity: n/a C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv 0 Btuh 0 Btuh Rhvac - Residential R & H MECHANICAL �ftware Development, Inc. Seaver Dam Road - Side B Paoe 78 Sys emt 3 Room Load Summary - - --_ _ - - __ -- -- ----- --_ __ _ - --- --- Htg Min Run Run Cig Cig Min Act Room Area Sens Htg Duct Duct Sens Lat Clg Sys No Name ' SF Btuh CFM Size Vel Btuh Btuh CFM CFM ---Zone 1--- -- — -- — ------ — — i 11 Bed-1 255 9,324 121 1-0 0 0 0 0 121 __ Zone 1 subtotal _ 255 __ 9,324_ _ 121_ __ _ 0 _ 0 0 _121 li ---Zone 2--- ' 12 Bed-2 255 9,569 124 1-0 0 0 0 0 124 Zone 2 subtotal 255 9,569 124 0 0 0 124 ' ---Zone 3--- � 13 Bed-3 240 9, 956 129 1-0 0 0 0 0 129 ', _ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ __ __ _. _ _ __ � Zone 3 subtotal 240 9,956 129 0 0 0 129 ' ---Zone 4--- 14 Hall/Landing 464 20,049 260 2-0 0 0 0 0 260 ', _ - -- --- -- -- _ __ _ Zone 4 subtotal 464 20,049 260 0 0 0 260 !, __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ___ _ _ __ . __ , System 3 total 1,214 48,898 635 0 0 0 635 ' Note: Since the system is multizone, the Peak Fenestration Gain Procedure was used to determine glass sensible gains at the room and zone levels, so the sums of the zone sensible gains and airflows for cooling shown above are not intended to equal the totals at the system level. Room and zone sensible gains and cooling CFM values are for the hour in which I the glass sensible gain for the zone is at its peak. Sensible gains at the system level are based on the "Average Load Procedure + Excursion" method. ' Coolin S stem Summary ' -- — --- --- Coafing SensiblelLatent Sensible Latent ` Total ; � Tons ' Split Btuh Btuh B#uh ' _---_ _ _— — -- - ____ _ --- Net Required 0.00 0% / 0% 0 0 0 Recommended: 0.00 75% / 25°/a 0 0 0 Equipmer�t l�aia . ': Heatinq Svstem Coolinq Svstem Type: Model: Brand: Efficiency: Sound: Capacity: Sensible Capacity: Latent Capacity: n/a n/a C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv 0 Btuh 0 Btuh ' Rhvac -Residential & I R & H MECHANICAL i Eagle, CO 81631 I Radiant Floor Room IName ight Commercial HVAC Loads Report Radiant Floor Description [Heat Output,Spacing) '� Elite Software Development, Inc. Beaver Dam Road - Side B Paqe 79 . _ - -- _-- - Tubing Tubing Floor Sens. Length Length Heat Room Heat To Meet To Fill Output Area Loss ' Load Room Btuh Supple- mental Heat Req'd , _ - - ---- --- ----- ----- System 1 A: ----- ----- Zo n e 1: ----- ' 1-Ski/Entry/Hall 1/2" PEX Wirsbo [25,9] 350 2,889 154 418 7,840 -4,951 I Zone 1 Total: 350 2,889 154 418 7,840 -4,951 , ----- Zone 2: ----- 'I ' 2-Bunk/Bath 1/2" PEX Wirsbo [25,9] 244 4,700 251 285 5,344 -644 , Zone 2 Total: 244 4,700 251 285 5,344 -644 I ----- Zone 3: ----- �i 3-Exercise/Spa 1/2" PEX Wirsbo [25,9] 190 4,551 243 218 4,086 465 � Zone 3 Total: 190 4,551 243 218 4,086 465 i� ----- Zone 4: ----- I, 4-Media Room 1/2" PEX Wirsbo [25,9] 360 9,521 508 431 8,076 1,445 !' Zone 4 Total: 360 9,521 508 431 8,076 1,445 ----- Zone 5: ----- ! 5-Garage 1/2" PEX Wirsbo [25,9] 484 13,111 699 588 11,025 2,086 � Zone 5 Total: 484 13,111 699 588 11,025 2,086 , System 1 TotaL . . 1,628 34, 772 1, 855 1, 940 36, 371 . -1, 599 ', i ----- System 2 Copy of A: ----- ' ----- Zone 1: ----- 6-Master Bed/Bath 1/2" PEX Wirsbo [25,9] 525 25,050 1,336 640 12,004 13,046 � Zone 1 Total: 525 25,050 1,336 640 12,004 13,046 , � I ----- Zone 2: ----- I 7-Laundry/stairs 1/2" PEX Wirsbo [25,9] 75 10,925 583 78 1,467 9,458 I Zone 2 Total: 75 10,925 583 78 1,467 9,458 ', ----- Zone 3: ----- 8-Kitchen 1/2" PEX Wirsbo [25,9] 180 7,041 376 206 3,854 3,187 i, Zone 3 Total: 180 7,041 376 206 3,854 3,187 ' ----- Zone 4: ----- ' 9-Dining/Entry 1/2" PEX Wirsbo [25,9] 384 14,868 793 461 8,645 6,223 �', Zone 4 TotaL 384 .14,868 793 461 8,645 6,223 �I ----- Zone 5: ----- 10-Living 1/2" PEX Wirsbo [25,9] 324 12,199 651 385 7,225 4,974 II, Zone 5 Total: 324 12,199 651 385 7,225 4,974 I, ! System 2 Total: 1,488 70,083 3,738 1,770 33,196 36,887 I ----- System 3 Copy of A: ----- i I ----- Zo n e 1: ----- ! 11-Bed-1 1/2" PEX Wirsbo [25,9] 255 9,324 497 299 5,602 3,722 I Zone 1 Total: 255 9,324 497 299 5,602 3,722 � ----- Zone 2: ----- i� 12-Bed-2 1/2" PEX Wirsbo [25,9] 255 9,569 510 299 5,602 3,967 � Zone 2 Total: 255 9,569 510 299 5,602 3,967 C:\Documents and Settings\hwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv �I Rhvac - Residentiai & Light Commerciai HVAC L ' ! R & H MECHANICAL ' Eagle CO 81631 Kadlant Floor Report (cont'd) ,� — ---------------- ____-------- j --- ---- Tubing — Tubing --Floo� Suppie- Radiant Floor Sens. Length Length Heat mental , Room Description Room Heat 7o Meet To Fili Output Heat ' Name Heat Out ut S - -- �__-- P, Pacin�]_ -------- Arsa----Loss ' Load Room Bfufi Req�d ----- Zone 3: ----- ---- ' 13-Bed-3 1/2" PEX Wirsbo [25,9] 240 9,956 531 280 5,250 4,706 Zone 3 Total: 240 9,956 531 280 5,250 4,706 ! ----- Zone 4: ----- 14-Hall/Landing 1/2" PEX Wirsbo 25,9 ,' -- _ �_ l_ __ 464 20,049 1,069 563 10,548 9,501 Zone 4 TotaL 464 20,049 1,069 System 3 TotaL 563 10,548 9,501 ' 1,214 48,898 2,608 1,440 27,002 21,897 ; Building Total: 4,330 153,753 8,200 5,150 96,568 57,185 � r.i.,+e� _ �� Beaver Dam Road - Side B ----- P—a�_80 , Area values shown include only those rooms for which radiant floor properties have been entered. ' Sensible heat loss values on this report do not include losses associated with ductwork, ventilation, winter humidification hot water piping. o� I jj Tubing lengths include only the tubing that is part of the radiant floor panel itself and not the supply and return piping to I and from the manifold. Tubing lengths are calculated from the Tubing Spacing input and an assumed installed coverage � � area that is based on a 6-inch offset from each wall around the perimeter of a rectangular room. � The Floor Heat Output Btuh values shown are calculated with the assum ti I the given spacing. p on that the tubing is installed to fill the room at iIf the Supplemental Heat Required is negative, the radiant floor output exceeds the sensible loss of the room b the � indicated amount, assuming that the tubing is installed to fill the room at the given spacing. y i � � C:\Documents and Settingslhwright\Desktop\Beaver Dam Road - side B.rhv NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES 1nWNOFVAII, �. Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p.970.479.2139 f.970.479.2452 inspections 970.479.2149 PLUMBING PERMIT NDUP Job Address: 184 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Location.....: 184 BEAVER DAM ROAD Parcel No...: 210107113007 OWNER WHITE ROCK BEAVER DAM LLC 08/05/2008 PO BOX 3546 LITTLE ROCK AK 72203 APPLICANT ADVANCED MECHANICAL & PLUMBI 08/05/2008 Phone: (970) 306-4369 PO BOX 102 VAIL COLORADO 81658 License: 379-P CONTRACTOR ADVANCED MECHANICAL & PLUMBI 08/05/2008 PO BOX 102 VAIL COLORADO 81658 License: 379-P Phone: (970) 306-4369 Desciption: NEW CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW PRIMARY/SECONDARY RESIDENCE: INSTALL PLUMBING, DWV, WATER AND GAS PIPING Valuation: $72,146.00 ...................«.........................................................».. FEE SUMMARY ** Plumbing Permit Fee--> $1,095.00 Will Call------------------> $4.00 Plan Check---------------> $273.75 Use Tax Fee-----------> $0.00 Investigation-------------> $0.00 Perm it #: P08-0087 � -0 3�� Project #: PRJ06-0360 Status . . . : Applied . . : Issued . . . Expires . .: ISSUED 08/05/2008 08/05/2008 02/01 /2009 Total Calculated Fees---> $1,372.75 Additional Fees------------> $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES—> $1,372.75 Total Calculated Fees--> $1,372.75 Payments-------------------> 31,372.75 BALANCE DUE-----------> 50.00 re���►x�txw:r::���:,r�+,r�,eirxfff�tx*fx+���n*�tt►�x�»t*:�t����::+�r�er,v*�e+,r�t+++�s�rrtxt*�,r�*�trx�t�+�+�wxxrt�xaxwvrx++fex*�trk,w*�+��t*ttx�*�i+�xx�t�er+��x.e�x+wr���*3:aair:w,t+�+�sr►twrw��rw�s� APPROVALS Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 08/05/2008 JLE Action: AP 4i(ffltttk4fflrfwtVf�f�R#f�AA�44#tFi�YY`y'4tkYrLfff**ffftr#}f4tN/#tf#t444'k�1'YlffRf Vt1rR41r1rfr}+l4t4ff1r�fii�4�iM'kMrtrtLA'A'fR4f1•1r4fr4RRtrtrf`srRRl1'#ff4f4#i(#A"k�kFYYertrtrtV Y'rtrtY'fff�lrRfe V f*40ifi#f tffrtA'rt V wY1Nfifi1rV+�ff4lf4ffl CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. •wi:+�t��xrxineww*►�w+*►*�*,t�:*fmt*,��i+rti*i+.r�+t��r,e+���rwrwwr�+*�++*s,t��r►t:��:��,v,rwsw+w*++�t3*3�,tRrrrf�+t��::�x���:�r++sw�w*rwrr+++f+�r�,�*i++►���,r�wr�is�,e��vex*��r►nr��*���et,e+xwxMMwwr,�::+ DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR I ECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:0( AM - 4 PM. �` ` J O' Signature of Own�r Contractor Date �., a ., Print Name plmbpermtl_041908 **�****�********************************++***++�***++*************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ********■*■***********�****************�**************��**************r*�******�************ Statement Number: R080001308 Amount: $1,372.75 08/05/200809:44 AM Payment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: Advanced Plumbing 2453 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: P08-0087 Type: PLUMBING PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-071-1300-7 Site Address: 184 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Location: 184 BEAVER DAM ROAD Total Fees: $1,372.75 This Payment: $1,372.75 Total ALL Pmts: $1,372.75 Balance: $0.00 *****************��*****************************+*****r*********+*�*+********************++* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 273.75 PP 00100003111100 PLUMBING PERMIT FEES 1,095.00 WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 4.00 TOWN OF VAIL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION _ �_ . �_�_ � _____ �__ _ � . __ __ _ ______. __ � _ _ � _ __ _ _ _�� - - _ - � Project Address. ; Pro�ect #: _��Td�, — U3�(� ����p �„�� �('� ( Building Permit#: /s0� 1 t%� S 6 �f,(, � I�.GC �Og Q0�7 '; Plumbing Permit #: Contractor Information Company:���,�c����, ���•� Scir, � •. 1 �c Company Address:�� G�611 /G 2 l/.�;� L v, �'/G ,�� City: /%; � State: �. Zip: / � Contact Name: �) u�,i ��/fL� �� L Contact Ph: 3U�— Y319 Cell: TO j'— 6/ 5►'3 E-Mai I: 6t AhT J, ,b�•; /rls. �i/G� 9�� �fi c�.✓f, hc � Town of Vail Contractor Registration No: 3% 9� Y /)� _ . /��O _ Slglla�u�e (required) Plumbing Valuation (Labor & Material) Plumbing $ ��, � � f %o S-`�% � 3��ssv �-' s.'�lt /3 3 f% %�.0 '' Property Information Parcel#: .Z/O/07 //� OD 7 Legal Description: Lot # Blk # Subdivision: Job Name: ���ii/��.w s.� 0.�,�, �/l� � owner Name: i�`�� Qo <�,� ��r �,,,., � L� Pv /�r � s"yC c; �/r o4c� MailingAddress: �/< 7ZL�3✓ (For Parcel # Contact Eagle County assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eaglecou nty. us/patie) �1� 3��.-�� Architect ( ) Designer ( ) Engineer ( ) Name:�t t,G �/� '� Sc !�`�..� L L C. Phone: 303 - 7J7 • 'rlf�7� Fax: E-Mail: Detailed Description of Work: �'� ,i/�« �� �.ur•.%` e.� � If/ v G(/•�/�/ �Oc ��f1 / �G (Use additional sheet if necessary) Work Class: New � Addition ( ) Remodel ( ) Repair ( ) Other ( ) Building Type: Single-Family ( ) Two-Family (,Yf � Multi-Family ( ) Commercial ( ) Townhome ( ) Other ( ) Date Received: ' ,� [��'�OM� AUG - : � 2008 TOWN OF VAIL G1 u Q H 1 y ro ro 0 d c ro m i7 rq i m i n y i M 0 0 .4 I C7 x n H w m C7 o az n C: 0 was r ( r n H En 0 r n� q to M H W (n I O 5 rn I G w 3 r x I M 0 0 I r l7 P] o I M x 1 0 .. R' t+t I H u N i t7 PU i r m r ro ro ° z E En z Mi H C iPC m (J x m () <o H ro o m z H %D o N d r CO N O H i H O 1 N ro V z o m G I co f{ n H H H 3 O I ro z � I Q 0 0 rT N 0 C O N ny r o � y n7 x 0 o r v � � d q G o y [tl m M m a ro H d � q 4 p [n 4 N m i t7 H y o C o to M o H O I 1 I I 1 I I d O w 1 1 w l w p7 C z q O 00 1 1 0 0 d ?s tTJ I ro O y ro O I I O 1 0 TJ 010 0 y x t'7 oll 010 �Cm r HH ro d d q I I M I 1 I to W 1 1 W I W p ' 0 0 W o l l 0 1 1 o l o O I O I to H 011 o 1a H o o I O 1 I O 1 0 o O 1 1 O 1 0 b 1 1 I y 4 o 0 1 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 I W I I W I W G oll ono G O 0 1 1 0 l o t•1 I 1 1 1 11 1 H 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 I M I 1 I y 1 1 [J I I oil olo ICC 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 I 1 H (7 ro I (I] I I d] I I I I r Receipt funds to: Name: M S r Ge fr i'1. Mailing Address: eO 01 Q 3, $ �fv3Z CASH DEPOSIT FORMAT Legal Description: Lot Z lock �- Subdivision: VA� l V llc,_ e Address: 08LA e- Developer: D l Permit Number: ow S lD Project Number: 4�5 (,? — (9 3 ca Improvement Completion Date: S 1' y DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT THIS AG EEMENTsat and entered into this day of 20 by and among- (the "Develop r ), and the Town of Vail (the "Town "). WHEREAS, the Developer, a y. a congKtio f approval oft T;pmpor Certificate of � Occupancy for �'-( (address, legal description, and project number) wishes to enter into a Developer Improvement Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Deve er is obli o pro ' curit or collao —v " cient in the judgement of wn a reas rovisions ti ements set forth in the ache s ed bid(s) in a nce wi t r ans and specifications filed in the o ce of t m ity Develo Department of the Town of Vail; and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provi eral g agre `p o�ce of this Agreement, including completi of II improvement e�err t ment, by means of the following: The Developer agrees to , establish a cash davit account with the Town of Vail, as escrow agent, in the amount of $ 3�1 OW as collateral for the completion of all improvements referred to in this Agreement, in the event there is a default under this Agreement by the Developer. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants and agreements, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: 1. The Developer agrees, at its sole cost and expense, to furnish all equipment and materials necessary to perform and complete all improvements referred to in this Agreement. The Developer fflrees to complete all improvements referred to in this Agreement on or before the _ day of , 20/0. The Developer shall complete, in a good workmanlike manner, all improvements referred to in this Agreement, in accordance with all approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail, and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: a. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction of, the Town Planner, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other official from the Town of Vail, as affected by special districts or service districts, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed ,n /AV F: \CDev \Developer Improvement Agreements \DIA cash form at_051607.doc Page 1 of 5 complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Community Development Department and Public Works Department of the Town of Vail. 2. To secure and guarantee performance of the obligations as set forth herein, the Developer agrees to provide collateral as follows: A cash deposit, account with the Town of Vail, as escrow agent, in the amount of $ �! &�o as collateral for the completion of all improvements referred to in this Agreement, in the event there is a default under this Agreement by the Developer. 3. The Developer may at any time substitute the collateral originally set forth above for another form of security or collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithful completion of those improvements referred to herein in this Agreement and the performance of the terms of this Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town of alternative security or collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring to the work specified in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the same, nor shall the Town, nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said liabilities shall be and are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of its officers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or any of its officers, agents or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Developer hereunder; and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the Town in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Developer my have. 5. It is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply for and the Town may authorize a partial release of the collateral deposited with the Town for each category of improvement after the subject improvement is constructed in compliance with all plans and specifications as referenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. Under no condition shall the dollar amount of the collateral that is being held by the Town be reduced below the dollar amount necessary to complete all uncompleted improvements referred to in this Agreement. 6. If the Town determines, at its sole discretion, that any of the improvements referred to in this Agreement are not constructed in compliance with the approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail or not accepted by the Town as complete on or before the date set forth in Paragraph 1 of this Agreement, the Town may, but shall not be required to, draw upon the security referred to in this Agreement and complete the uncompleted improvements referred to in this Agreement. Pursuant to Section 12 -11 -8, Vail Town Code, the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy referred to in this Agreement may be revoked until all improvements referred to herein are completed by the Developer or the Town in accordance with this Agreement. F:\CDev \Developer Improvement Agreements \DIA cash format_051607.doc Page 2 of 5 If the costs of completing the uncompleted improvements referred to in this Agreement exceed the dollar amount of the deposit, the excess, together with interest at twelve percent (12 %) per annum, shall be a lien against the property and may be collected by civil suit or may be certified to the treasurer of Eagle County to be collected in the same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property. If the Developer fails or refuses to complete the improvements referred to in this Agreement, such failure or refusal shall be considered a violation of Title 12 (Zoning Regulations), of the Vail Town Code, and the Developer shall be subject to penalties pursuant to Section 12 -3 -10 (Violations: Penalties) and Chapter 1 -4 (General Penalty), of the Vail Town Code. 7. The Developer shall warranty the work and materials of all improvements referred to in this Agreement located on Town property or within a Town right -of -way, pursuant to Chapter 8 -3, of the Vail Town Code, for a period of two years after the Town's acceptance of said improvements. 8. The parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendments be in writing and executed by all parties hereto. FACDev \Developer Improvement Agreements \DIA cash format_051607.doc Page 3 of 5 Dated the day and year first above written. --e 2(15� 6 �� De eloper STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss. COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The foregoing Developer Improvement Agreement was acknowledged before me this I Day of - APB/`, l 2010 by =,,A— Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires vt o—e_ Notary Oublic Town Planner STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss. COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The foregoing Developer Improvement Agreement was acknowle -Aged bgf ore me this Ito Day of _ / ,� , 20 1 by (c3 Q t cryy Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: /9 Z"fj// :N0TAgYr y7 UBLIC: VAj kl /u F� P O� Notary Oublic 4 yj r: �1 FACDev\Developer Improvement Agreements \DIA cash format_051607.doc Page 4 of 5 ATTACHED COPIES OF THE ESTIMATED BID(S) F: \CDev \Developer Improvement Agreements \DIA cash format_051607.doc Page 5 of 5 O L S O N & S O N S C O N S T R U C T I O N, I N C Bill Gibson Town of Vail Planning Department Vail, Colorado Re: 184 Beaver Dam Road — B Side Permit # B06 -0356 Bill Gibson, April 15, 2010 The following are items that need to be completed for A Planning C.O. at 184 Beaver Dam Road — B Side. • Paint Gas Meter • Paint PVC Pipes • Plant Trees on South Side of Property Amount to complete above $2,500.00 Tim Olson Olson and Sons Construction Post Office Box 438 Edwards, CO 81632 Telephone 970 - 926 -3289 Fax 970 - 926 -4266