HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL POTATO PATCH BLOCK 1 LOT 5.pdf 1-i zoNE � SECURITY CONTROL/ �� � COII�IMUiVIC,4TOR . .. , .. . _ , _.. ... . . �, , � a. #'- � , ,' �,. '! ; , ' . � i � � � P APPLICATION 7'he Z1100 System II is a multi-zone keypad programmable • lieavy duly 1.5 Amp power supply security control having a built-in digital communicator. 'I'he Re6ulated at 13.8 volis UC conlrol is equally suitable for commercial or residential 900 milliamps for powerinb auxiliaiy devices applications. (Scc Table 2-1 for UL and CSI�M inslallations) 12 volt, G amp-hour scaled lead-acid battery SPECIFICATIONS Battery float-charge circuit at 13.s vDC Autom�tic systcro shutdown bclow 7.5 volts � Light two-wire •r,ones, cach supen�isecl wilh a 2200 ohm 18 volt, 35 VA U.L. listed class 2 transfonner end-of-line resistor Tused outpu�s provided for:KLYPAD,SMOKG DG'I'GCTORS, • 'I'hrcc i<cyp�i�1-acliv�tcd zoncs l�IRG and nUXILlAKY POWLR • Attraclivc four-wire control sl�tion ('l,1100R) 1'lush or sur(ace mountablc • Two (2) general-purpose 5-Amp SPDT relays I3uilt-in soundcr for audible system signaling • Metal cabinet dimensions: 14" x 14" x 3.5" Gi6ht LGUs��rc>vicic tulal syslcm and zonc slalus (356mm �356tnm x 89mm) 'I'wclvc button kcypacl with lactilc ancJ audihlc fccclback • Operaling ambicnt tcmperaturc ran6c:32 to 122 dcgrces F(0 Up to sevcn conlrol slations may bc uscd with the systcm. to 50 dc6recs C) Sce'I'ablc 2-1 for U.L. inst�llations. • Califomia State Fire Marshal approved Cun�ent clrain: 70 milliamps per I<eypad un�ler normal � Canadian Department of Communication approved conclilions:(P01NI;12,RIsAUY,IN'I'L;fZ10R,ONand UGI.AY • U.L. }tcsidenlial f3ur61ar/f�ire LGUs lit) • U.L.Commcrcial Crade A local,Cradc[3&C Ccntral Slation Dimensions: G.8'l" x 4.72" x 0.83" (173mm a 120mm x 21mm) Color: I3onc whitc wilh �;r;�y labclin� • Digital communicutor 'fransmits lo all major rcrcivcrs, indudin6: �� 27ID� Adcor, /ldcmco, I�131, I�ranl:lin, Osbornc No(fman, �,;,�;,�,,,, Ra�ia�irs, Scscoa, Silcnl Kni6ht �incl Varitcch • .� Transmission fonnats include slow,fast,Radionicssuperfast , and Radionics 131�SK�^-� � .._.......... C� �ccount codcs may bc cithcr thrcc(3)or fow•(4)Jigits ' Alarm cocles may be eilher one (1) or two (2) digils ��`���"� f Iexiclecimal rcpor�ing ... __ DPD'I'linc scirure �.,._...�... � True dial lonc dctcction �1.----- —---____" Sccondaiy dial lonc detcclion � _ Yulse or Touchtone� dialing . , =.. ; � .� � F'rimaiy&scconclary phonc numbcrs: Up to 26 digits cacl� � :� ; �� . i TM 1510 Tate Boulevard, S.E. � P.O. Qox 2904 .� Hickory, �d.C. 28603 U.S.A. • Phone (704) 322-2333 � �O D Toll Free (800� 438-8175 • Telex 802-111 � � ����