HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB100573 ���i�r� I���i�� ���r��l ��TI��I F�F�1�1 � - � � � ����rtrr��r�t �f ��r�r��r�i�� ����I��r��r�� # �.� ����� Fr�r�t��� F����� ��i I� ��I�r���� �1�.�� ��I: ���.���.�1�� f��; ���,���.��.�� �1�1.��1'-'i C�wEL��i_�- ���� ���.��I�������f�l Project Name: ANTLERS TREE REMOVAL DRB Number: DR6100573 Project Description: COMMON ELEMENT: REMOVAL OF 9 DEAD ASPEN, 1 DEAD LODGEPOLE PINE Participants: OWNER VAIL/LIONSHEAD CORP 10/22/2010 680 W LIONSHEAD PL VAI L CO 81657 APPLICANT A CUT ABOVE FORESTRY 10/22/2010 Phone: 970-453-9154 PO BOX 9037 BRECKENRIDGE CO 80424 License: 574-S CONTRACTOR A CUT ABOVE FORESTRY 10/22/2010 Phone: 970-453-9154 PO BOX 9037 BRECKENRIDGE CO 80424 License: 574-S Project Address: 680 LIONSHEAD PL VAIL Location: ANTLERS - COMMON ELEMENT Legal Description: Lot: 3 Block: Subdivision: ANTLERS CONDO Pa rcel N u m ber: 2101-072-0600-1 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPP Second By: Vote: Date of Approval: 10/22/2010 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $0.00 � � � r � � � � .�. � - - , ��� � �- �. c ~ ��-. I � °� � ,:` �,'� �r�- .- Depar#men�of,,Commumty D�velbpment'; -�' £� r � � � '�a,��>�ti s- - �, � .�. � fir � Y , 1 , ��,E ,� � _ .7b South Fra�ntage f�a�d� �` � � � j�. � �;:�� ,��' � ,r �� , _ `� ��ail�_�Ca�orac�r��8165'a�zS ; '`.'�„� - � . .ti ,�L �- 1'' -�c�l� f "i �., _ _ 1 �y�' t���j�. J��'�'1 7 F k�LVrr � `r f � u�' tt.4 -i7. �s 1 F�,i t + ��tr � � � �' '���t r 4.� r . ,9:3�fi ' � : r r . ���C: 9T(]�$73 245��� � ' ; �� � =-� � 3�`� �' tTt'�a ;---f--- �n�. 'f � . F ���'��'��, ,�.�. ._ . r' W��'`�VYV1lW Vd���O�CQ _- �?; . ; . i " T (�, '-t � T F'� =%k'% y�I.Cf✓3' .w' A -�.I•+'i s�'�y.i+ i 4 -; 3 �_�. �� �-= Ili '�.F}f,',if .:l��� is� - �+s.-' .. ._ .-._ '`'i��� c'r����.e���� �r� � . L::.y,k:._.�ss.:.,��.2c.r�� � Applicat'ran for Design Rer�iew , ' Dead or Diseased Tree Removal ; General Tnformation: This approval is granted for the removal of dead or dtseased trees only, A separate appltcatinn is �equired to request tree removalJreplacement in the Town of Vail. This form must be signed by a Town oF Vail au- thorized representative who has inspected the tree(s). To request an inspection,please c�li Tom Talbot,Wildland Coor- dinator,at(970)�+77-35Q9. { Applicant has 30 days From the date of thfs applicadon to submit a mitigation plan to the Town of Yail Witdland Coordi- nator. i i Fee: Waived for dead tree(s) I + � 3 Singte Family Dup.lex Mufti-Family Commercial ; ' Des�ription of the Request: � .Ync��•2. 5�v�C.�.111a C�Pt'SGl � � Tree Species(removal): �t.-S�PiYI Number of trees: 1� � i t � i Tree Species(remova!): �a�� �Q� NUmber of trees: 1 j Mountain Pine Beetle Infestation? Yes �Na i Comments: ���n•Sic bC1.c,IG St� o� ��_�����SG�t/� � t2� �'r- J��CL � ' Physical Address: (n�SO ���- L��nS1-�e2�1 �c��.P_ �2�� �d ��'� i ' � Parcel Number: oZ tbl-(��a �d�2 " - - (Contact Eagie Co.Assessor at 970-328-3640 for parcei no.) �property owner. Antiers Condominium Association � Mailing Address: � �1 � ��' C V � � i ! Phone: �t�°`��'��oZ'��' � ����> i 4 �Owner's Siqnature: � � Primary ContactJ Owtter Representative:�1�;5`�N l G�Yl Vl(%C�X � t� ��' t'+�oV°2. lLv'L-� 1�.� ( ' MailingAddress: �� T�C� ��3�- �te�t�enn�dC1�2... C� c�'C7��� ( ' i Phone: ��•�'���'��'�S"�i I � ' 1_- - ' j E-Mail:(,(\Y+S`�-`�1S�,JQCC�L�Ec.4Cb�UtG��Fax• �J 3 '�.��lo ! . ��'b--� - - i : Ctt�nti � APPlication Date: t���) 10 � E Mitiga#ion Plan Submittai Dake. �0��C�I C� � - � Estimated Aate of Completion: jr l�)1 O j t For Office ils Only: ! I Pro�ect No: IO• (� DRB No: ��/l��J�7 ; � TOV Authorized Slgnature: j � location of the Property- Lot: ock: 5ubdivision: � � i - o�roi�o9 � i i � f ' � � I '� � i � ; ` ��; ! TDWt�QFVA[L' JOINT PROPERTY OWNER � � : ; T C ' � 1 hls Farm is gppllcabla to nll �ecigh Revlow appllcsnks thac charo oWnurcMlp of ehe subJeet prnporty. 1 or axam� �' ( I jala� cF�e rubJacc proparcy wharr oonstructlon ts ooaurrt��g Is a afuplax� condominlum or mu1t1-tanant taW�dl�g. Thfa I + � � form shall ha aomplaCad by tha applloants nnigl+bof�Jolnt property ownar. �n the�afa of a mUlGpla.family dwell- � ` - ing ar muill'tananC buiid�r+9r eMs nushoNCy of ths asaoclation aball complelo chla (artr� and ninU tp. Communiey ' be„O,oPm�,,,� Duparcmone� 75 So��h F,-o.,ta9e R��d,V���, CO a1657 0� �ax to 970.479.2A52. { ; ; � �� �print namu) Rob LeVine � e�otnt ownar� nr author�ty of che assoolation� of proparty ! i ,� ZSl��1 �����'c c..� �`C�r� . Presvlda ehla lacte� as i ; �GCpted AC � �' �n��'��1��,1 whlch F+nvn 6aao submlc[ad to [he I wNEtan �pp�oval o( the plans datad _,y= 1 � -f- /� � lown of Vali l�ommunity �evalopment �epartmnnt for tMe proposed Imp�ovemer�te to ba completud at tF�a ad- ! i . � ' drezn noted above, � unde�stand Chae tha proposn�l Improvnment� In�ludn. i � ,. ' c�2� �1-�.�5 °c. 1 o L��'e�� �'���v�.s� <I� i ; -����rn o�Q. 1 U S�I��r��r�cA� � � t��h��, ��,rc�, \ I���.��zd -� -�L� 1e��- �r� �h� ; : ; , ; . , _ � ; _ � _ ; ; ! . ,� 1018/10 � i . � (Date) {S�9.,e�.,�e) 1 � � � � Additionally� p�oasm cMsak tF�o etataman! beiov�r wtii�F� [n most appU�ab�� �o Y°�+• � � �I understand tl�at mfnor modifrcatiorrs may be made to t�re plans over t!�►e course of fhe review process[o en- ! � 7- ' i � suro compllanco vvlth cho lown s ap/sllcabla codcs an�1 rngulatlona. i � �Y :{. t�nitla!horo� I I i i i -� o I request that all modi�icatians, mrnor or oChetwlse, which are made to the plans aver the course of the re- v/vw process� be broughC to Ty attant/a� by thv applfeanC fo� wddltional approva/f bofo�o �endorgo7ng FurGho�i'a- � . j i viow 6y eha Tawn. i i 1 � � j � ' ��n�c1�r nere� i i t j � . ,! ; j i j Apr-09 , � i � i j