HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB100575 ���i�r� I���i�� ���r��l ��TI��I F�F�1�1 � - � � � ����rtrr7�r�t �f ��r�r��r�i�� ��:��I��r��r�� # �.� ����� Fr�r�t��� F����� ��i I� ��I�r���� �1�.�� ��I: ���.���.�1�� f��; ���,���.���� �1�1.��1'-'i C�wEL��i_�- ���� ���.��I�������f�l Project Name: ROCKWELL ADDITION DRB Number: DR6100575 Project Description: ADDITIONAL 59 SQ FT AT EXISTING FAMILY ROOM, RELOCATE FIREPLACE CHASE, NEW WINDOWS. Participants: OWNER VAIL ASSOCIATES LLC 10/22/2010 4 OLD STABLE WY COLTS NECK NJ 07722 APPLICANT VAIL ASSOCIATES LLC 10/22/2010 4 OLD STABLE WY COLTS NECK NJ 07722 Project Address: 1160 CASOLAR DEL NORTE DR VAIL Location: UNIT A Legal Description: Lot: 7 Block: A Subdivision: LIONS RIDGE FILING 1 Pa rcel N u m ber: 2103-014-1400-6 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPP Second By: Vote: Date of Approval: 12/01/2010 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $300.00 i -�� � �w�����; JOINT PROPERTY QWNER WRITTEN APPR�VAL LETTER � This form is applicable to all Design Review applicants that share awnership of the subject property. For exam- ple,the subject property where construction is occurring is a dupiex, condominium or multi-tenant building. This form shall be completed by the applicant's neighbor/joint property awner. In the case of a mulCiple-family dwelf- ing or mulii-tenant building, the authority of the association shall complete this form and mail to: Community Develapment Department, 7S South Frontage Road,Vaii,CO 81657 or fax to 970.479.2452, I, (print name)�i �-- � ,a�eir+t eau�r, r authority of the associa 'ionk of property located at f f l� t`?l� � (`�:d�,r�����... ��?.� �s C��. '� . provide this letter as written appravai of the pians dated ��f.�1�"��-� � I 1 ___ which have t�een submfCted to khe Town of Vail Community Development bepartment for the proposed improvemenfis fia be cnmpleted at the ad- dress noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: �L1:.L%G.�1�=1:7�,.1". �-� E M�.l�'s'` `�`i}�t ,f�h 1`� i 1�7({�} l�� (r;�� ..� ��. ���,�� :� 'i"� ' "i � 1 � f�- � � 1'�.� . �� � '� C� _C.4-0`I-��..Q., N -, � , _ � C72 � o� er�-r�vt-B-r� ��?wG� �J l C�t.11 r�� � � � i � ��� (Signature) , (Date) l��� Additianally,please check the statement betow which is most applicable to you: �� I understand that minar modiFcations may be made to the plans over the course of the reuiew process to en- sure compliance with the Town s applicable ardes and r�+gulatfons. (Initia/here) ,�request that aU madiFr:ations, minor o�otherwise, which are made to the plans aver the course of the re- uiew prQCess, be brought to my attention 6y the applicant for additiona/approval before undergoinq furthe�re- view by the Tawn. n,� (Inilrai hereJ f:lcdeNforms\permitslPlanning1DR81DRB_Cha�ges to approved Plans 010110 ���� - - D _ . � �� � �� � Department of Ca�mm�i�y Developrt�� 7�f"rontage oF�a�� , Vail, Colorado 81657 ' Tel: 970-479-2128 , Fax: 970-479-2452 . . Web: www.vailgov.com �' �=`' - �, �` Development Review Coordinator �?������'� Application for Design Review Additions - Residential or Commercial General Information: This application is required for all proposals invoiving the addition of any floor area, including net floor area and/or gross res+dential floor area (GRFA). This also includes proposals for'residential 250 additions'and 'interior conversions'. Applicable Vail Town Code sections can be found at�_°{�:�Fr.r,,_:a7�� _c,�.,.�-.rr�-�. under Vail Information- Town Code Onfine. All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit ap- �lication. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all requirerl information is received by the Commu- nity Devebpment Department, as outlined in tfie submittal requirements. The pr�ject may afso need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/w the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval expires one year from the date of approval, unlPSS a building permit is issued and construction commences. Fee: �300 Single Family i`� Duplex Multi-Family Comrnercial � r / Description of the Request: �1,�(�;�, �l c, � , i �?�� �- , ,`�r- �.: i .•i l`�l i: i r� T��� 17 r j�_� ti� ,� i:t` i , ' � "�l.�r �/ I1 � J�!l �i�Cl�_C / .�/!.!_�tif_ r �le�.- i. l. � L.'Ii 1i: �,L'�1.�`�' � . Addition of ���j: t`i sq ft of GRFA(Residentia!)or sq f�of net floor area(Commercial/ OfFce) Physical Address: �;;�'. /� % �C-t ���. i i� � ��, ��--%i Pa�cel Number: .�l L�� � -r",�/-I`-l �„'C i�. (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Property Owner: � �t_.1. x � i(" !��.iF' L �v''i j�. i 1 ,� t j 1 i � � C i . Mailing Address: �i L.l j ) '.I�f�%��� t i� 'i ,�,. � r r �� iv 1 c- �� ; 1.�..�, � 1 i L%'_ Phone• f%�r - .��-�` j- �'�y:'�'; Owner's Signature: ,�„r__�,� v ��—.� Primary Contact/ Owner Representative: ��� .r r �11�i�,�t ";�Z- Mailing Address: � ,L_ ,��1 X i i�. i �i j�; c� �, ,� % u L' .i Phone: �.f '}'�- -;�c7 L ��-'�. ,� E-Mail: �;: r� l��- �ti-i���rG���E-��i�11'1�:t�L. �i.��r;'_:'Fax: For Offioe Use Only: Cash CC: Visa/ MC Last 4 CC # Auth # Check#_�� Fee Paid: ��00.00 ReCeived From: �rCu � p�N�1Aro j►.►C. Meeting Date: _ DRS No.: ��IO 05�15 Planner: Project No: �R���' � l r�� Zoning: Land Use: _ Location of the Proposal: lot:__�__Block:�_subdivision._ �. i U/��►:i,DGC. F� L 1 n�_iM_�n : TOWNOFYAlL ' J�INT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER This form is applicable to all Design Review applicants that share ownership of tne sub�eC.t property. For exam- ple, the subject property where construction is occurring is a du�ex, condominium or multi-tenant building. This form shall be completed by the applicarrt's neighbor/jofnt property owner. In the case of a multiple-famtly dwell- ing or multi-tenant building, the authority of the association shall comptete this form and mail to: Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road,Vail, CO 81657 or fax to 970.479.2452. I, (Print name)��� l'_ ^ ,�' _, a joint owner, authority of the assoda � , oP ProPer�Y located at provide this letter as written approval of tfie plans dated hich have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Depa ent for the proposed improvements to be completed at the ad- dress noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: C..��ts�". R � ' -o � c� (Signature) (Date) � w kh is most a icable to ou: Additlonaliy,pl�ase chedc the statement below h ppl y u I understand thar minor mvdVhcations may be marie to tfie plans o��er the ca�rse of the revierv process to en- sure crnnpliance with tfie Town's appJ'�cabJe aodes and�gulations. (Initial here) �fr,equ+est that a!I mooUficatiaxs, mirror or otherwis+e, whicfi are maa�e ho the plans over the course of tlre re- vrew proc�ess, be brought to my ati�eendon by the applfcant fr�r additia►al appnoval before undergoing furd�►er re- view b the Town. � (Inidal here) PROPOSED MATERIALS Buildina Materials Tvoe of Material Color Roof � Siding '�tL� C�' 1� '1 1, �{ Other Wail Materials � ���, Fascia �'1'IL� �� �X�l,. /_� ,�Yll�t'�' Soffits � �� Windows �1 �(.�YVI 1/1 U�'l/1 C '� (i� i' � � ' !f�,�L���/l� Window Trim L}�1���� i�C°%� L� f/� � T!1'l� ��X 5�7G 1G� .J Doors Door Trim � �/,(� Hand or Deck Rails �� , Flues �I U�l�l l6�L�bYI Flashing � � I.�VVI(l�� �!l�l�� I���/(�]f �, �Cl�j'��w��� Chimneys �j�� . ;! J�'1�,��� Trash Enclosures �� I Greenhouses � .-.7 Retaining Walls /ti Exterior Lighting Other Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. f:\cdev\forms\permits\Pianning\DRB\DRB_Addition_010110 r . �nrn+roev�. �OINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER This form is applicable fi�all Deslgn Review appiicarrts that share own�hip of the sub�property. For exam- ple,the subjed properly wh�e cor�struction is occurring is a d�lex,c�ndominium or multi-tenant building. This farm shaM be c�npleted by the applicarrt's neighborJ jdnt property owner. In tlie case of a rt�ltiple-family dweil- ing or muld-t�nant building, the authority of the assodation shatl cprr�ptete tiks form and maii to: Community Development Department,75 South Fnartage Road,Vail,CO 81657 or fax to 970.479.2452. �.G� � i,(Priirt name) �� /��� � '�-�/� ,a awn�,ar authority�the assodatiorr,of P��Y tocated at prpvide this letter as writt�xt apprOVai of tlte plar�s dated / whiCh have beer� submitted to the Town of Vail Cflmmunity �loprnent Qepa t for the proposed {mpra�vemerrts to be oompteted at the ad- dress rated ab�ve. I urxJerstand that tfie proposed Improvemerrts inck�de: � �l� (,? 2 d (�9� ) (D�be) Addifibna , ease chedc ri�e staternent beiow wtdch�nw�et appNcaWe bo you: erstand U�at m/nor modificatiar►s rr+ay be►r�e tn tl►e p�ans o�er ti�e aourse of the re�lew porocess In en- sure c�mpk'anc�e w�th the Town's aApticabte cndes and regulaL�or�. �� � (��') n I request that ad modll�catior�minor or otl�wfs�e, whitfi are made tn the p�ar�s ov�er tfie cnwse of rire r� view pmcrss, be txought ro my ati�nb'orr by tfie appNcarrt hx aaHitlona/apivrova!befure uaa�ngoing fwther re- vAew by the Town. (lir�ia/here) '�' �,�kffit�ra.� R Y . � �� � x � . ,; ,�t ._ ,, _ -�. -� . .� . .�. ._... , °.> � "�.' . � .. . :.;_- ` . . �'r. .� �� . :,_ .,. _ _. . . �, . .. ... ... .... � - - - . �', " _,I. '' .- ...:��. : . ._ .�. .< :. , _ UTILITY APPROVAL&VERIFICATTdN ,� _ This fnrm serves to ve�ify thak the proposed improvements wiSi not impact any existing or proposed utility services,and also to verity ' service availabili and 4ocation for new construction and shouid be used in con unctian wi[h re rin ,r`_; ' • t1' J p I� 9 Your utiliry plan and schedul- .. .. ^ in instaliations. A site lan, includin radin !an flaor lan and elevatians shaH be submitted ko the following utillties for ap- � `�` � 9 P 99 9P , P � , prova!and verification.PLEASE ALL4W UP TO 2 WEEKS FOR APPROV/1L UR COMMENTS FRDIN THE UTII.ITY COMPA- " NIES. If you are unable ko obtain comments within that timeframe please contact The Towri of Vaif. �--. , Subjeck Property Addr�ss: El d� {�`,�`i [�`�;5s.l_��-r` �3 l.�'ftJt lot �,�„�,,._�Block ;�t 'Subdivision: f'�.�G�L.` ,�.1'°.'���� �, � � }e ,t r"-, f ;�' PrimBry Contact/Owner tiepresentat�ve: ��i�';,1� �,1� �t�i�`�(,' Rhone: ��'� `�� � "'�3�"'`"`� t�;� � � i � _.�_a___ �� P[ans D�ted� ���' T. _ / r t Yrimary ' ntnct/O+vn}r`R4� rrseniailve Signaturt �-� � i. , _ AuthorfzQd Si nature Gamments Date I �+ w�.� � � . ....,.,..� ' r r. ' t1.�c�p„O�� iL(T( �-a�Ft � ' �0.468.6860(tef) r,r-s� �•,.._� �� � �, � 970.468,0672(fax) L��ZN��cQA.c� ���� ( * :: �� ��7tf(s P(�o��' � � � �� Conkacts Samu�l Tooley ��� �` �� ;� LacAt� � �0 �� - SHfT"UG�-''C)'py6 i 4t(?t' �.i,lf?t . .. , _.. ___,. . . .... .., XCEL NIGH pRESSURE GAS = 970.2&2.407b;tel) 970.468.1�101;fax) � � CclntaCk: Rich Sisneros � ;�...., r;t�:� ra .��E�c -������_,=i�;`��rtv:e�,�rn �r :: ;�: ���. �_ ,.;_ a • - ` ` HOLY CRO5S ENERGti _ .. ;,:; �70.997.5477 ;:el) �_":- 970.9�}5.4081(fax) Contact: Diana Golis �:. : d o(is�nho{ cros5.cpm � �� �- �>: � XCEL Enet+gy � ; �„;` ` 970.262.A038 jfax) E 970.Z6?..4024(lel) Contacts. Kit Bagert ,I:� ., '��i � . � h:if-?lf�+fl.t3C.r;;i �iQ?kt,:'3t? ��!' ':i;(}fl' z� � EAGLE RIVER 1INATER'8�i SANITA»� �� � ;' TION DISTRIC'f' �G --," :; 970.476.7480(Cef} _ , -.,�<;- - , . ,:. , .: �, <�',.� 970.476.4089(Fax) ` � �` Contacti Fretl Haslee �``: fh���a��ca,t�i.rY_L":�_?•`� �::: °I�:"� � � COMCAST CABLE � � � �;: t;.' � 970,619.0?52(tel) ��' � � 97�.468-2572(fax) > Contact; Tony Hiidreth .'` ',,;s � tony_hil8reth��cable,comcasC.corn _� �_ :;.� -: CDOT(nn#y in CDOT Right-of-way) �.�u, _ ; fr.. m. 970.683,6264{t�l) ContaCt: pan Roussin � ., flaniel.roussinadatstate,co.us NOTES: �`� � � � 1. Utili ��locations must be obtained before di g. ���� �. _, h' 99in �. 2. A Revocable Right-of-Way Permit may be required for any improvements withirt a street right-of-way. Contactthe " � Public Works Department for verification 97q.479.2198. ��` ` 3. It is the responsibiliry of the utiliry company and the applicant to resolve probEerrts identified above. 4. The Primary Contact/Owner Representative is required ta submit any revised drawings to the above agencies for "-'° re-approval &re-verification if the submitteci plans are altered fn any way after the authorized signature date. zz: ' ,;: :�' ,-'. :': : �;�' ,.. , � . .;: 03-Mar-10 ° = _ � :. ,, ... ., �� .�w . ,_ ,.; > , 1� � � �� �; �. ; Y - p_ g :.3 :. � . _:� �� . . . �� ... e e >.�. . - •;� " � . e < <, . . . � . . ( � . ". . ;.. . . ���. � _. •,��.3� � � „�f .,S'..�-v�+4����.1�0..`� C��r� `. � � � � �� � � �:, - __ � U2TLITY APPROVAL&VERIFICATION This form serves to verify that tfie proposed improvements wi(i not impact any existing or proposed utility services,and also ta verify service availability and locatioh for new construction and shou{d be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and schedul- ing installations. A site plan, including greding pian, floor plan, and elevations, shali be su6mitted ta the foliowing utilities for ap- prova!and verifrcation. PLEASE ALLOW UP TO 2 WEEKS FOR APPROVAL OR COMMENTS FROM THE UTILFTY COMPA- NIES. If you are unable to obtain comments within that timeframe please contact The Town oF Vait. Subject Property Address:�(�li�} j��_��`.'���� ( -; Black�,Subdivision: f'�#�SUL:� ilf}j�., � / ( ��ST Primary Con#ack/Owner Representati�e: ir'V c..�r� ,)�'!h/!`�.f.�j'?1 Phone: �-j�� �f f tl -G�_�:� (� � F ' � ---, _ /��I/C� � Plans pated: /C_� Primary ntact/Oivn resentative 5ignature . Authorfzed Sianature Comments pa�e QWE5T 970.468.6860(tel} 970.468.0672(fax) Contacts: Samuel Tooley samuel.to_oie � west,com XCEL HIGH PRESSURE�GAS � .1� 970.262,4076(tei) � �.�✓� 1`-1;��. pccS Sv�E (,pS � o I , 970.468.140i(fax} Ror� Q�����` � s °���� �d r � 3- Contact: Rich Sisneros �Gdd��`SS ri.hard.sisn�ro��?xc I ner .com K1C�� �"I P(� �Q HOLY CRpSS ENERGY 970.997.5471(tei) 970.945.4081 (fax� Contact: Diana Golis d olis@hol cross.aom XCEL Energy 970.262.4038(fax) 970.262.4024(tel} Contacts:Kit Bogert KaCh n.6 �Cf�xcelener .�am EAGLE RIVER WATER&SANITA- TION DISTRICT 970.476.7480(tel) 970.476.4089(fax) Contact: Fred Hasiee f sl e erwsd.or CUMCAST CABLE 970.fi19.0752(tei) 970.468-267Z(fax) Contact: Torty Hildreth tony_h i Idreth@ca ble.comcask.rnm CDOT(Onfy in CDOT Right-of-way) 97C.583.82En(tel; Contact: Dan Roussin Da niel.roussin@dot.state.co.us 11[OTES: 1. Utility locations must be obtained before digging. 2. A Revocable Right-of-Way Permit may be required for any improvements within a street right-of-way. Contact the Public Works Department for verification 970.479.2198. 3. Tt is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve problems identified above. 4. The Primary C�ntact/flwner Representative is required to submit any revised drawings to the above agencies for re-approval &re-ver'rfication if the submitted pians are altered in any way after the authorized signature date. � 03-Mar-10 ( ,� � "- �_ � - - UTILIIY APPROVAL&VERIFICA'TXCN Thfs form serves ta verify that the proposed improvements will,not impact arn existtng ar proposed utility servtces,and also to verify ; servke avaitabiltty+and location for new constructlon and should be used In conjunctbn with prepaMng your utllity plbn and sthedui- ' ing insbilations. A site plan,Induding graAing plan,floo�'plen,and elevatlons,sha11 be submitted to the folbwing utilltles for ap- ; proval and veriFlcation.PLEASE ACLaW UP TQ 2 WEEKS �OR APPROVAL OR CQMMENTS FROM TNE UTIIIIY COMPA- � NIES. If you are unable to obtain oomments within that tfineframe please contact The Town of Vail. � ��c - - C��.�vcil��.._.__ ��1.1-� � - I ( Sub�ect Property Address: �d A �%1./JdX'J}-1 Block Subdivision: D � f L- 1 (, GriJ G�. Primary Contad/Owner Reptesentat e: V V L f G �1 pl/t//1��7?7 Phone: ,���,i���•~J�?� � �- ' PlansDated:,�7��Q ` P�{mary ntacUOwp reaentANve 5lgrtalurc i � Author sl Slanetu�e Comrri�nts p� � � • QWE6T I I' 970.468.6860(tel} 970.468.0672(fex) Contacts: 5amuel Tooley � e. awst o I XCEL HIaH PRESSURE QAS I. 970.262.4076(tei) ; 970.468.1401(fax) � Contact:Rkh Sisneros i ' rd. l er er c HOLY CROSS ENERQY 970.947.5471(te1) � • � t�/t �� 970.945.4081{fax) �c��� � Contact: Olana Gol{s � ts hol cross.00m � XCEL gnergy, 970.2b2.9D36(faxj � I 970.262.4024(tel) i Contaets:K1t Bogert ; Bogg x e e r c i EAGtE RIVER WATER 8►SMlITA- � TION DISTRICT � 970.476.7480(tel) ' � 970.476.4089(fax} I Contact: Fred Haslee I f�aslee�e�ysd.ora '� j COMCAST CABLE 970.b19,0752(tel) 970.468•2672(fdx) Contact: 7ony Nifdreth tony hlldreth�cable.comcast.com CDpT(Only in CDOT Right-of-way) 970.6B3.6284{tel) Contact: Dan Roussln Danlel,roussin�dotstate,w.us OTES: � 1. Utllity locations musk be obtalned befare diggfng. 2. A Revocable Right-of-Way Permit may be requfred for any Improvements within a street right-of-way. Contact the Public Works Department for verlfiCation 970.479.2198. 3. tt Is the responsibility of the uUlkty company and the appllcant to resolve prablems identifled abave. q. The Primary Contact/Owner Representative Is required to submlt any revised drawings to the above agendes for re-approval&re-veriflcation if the submitbed plans are altered tn any way after the authorized sfgnature date. 03-Mer-10 i i - _ _. __ __ ..._..._. N„�,,,��'/y �; U ; �� '• � � �.„�,,,��,,r„ - a �- �e � : . �b ry4�p�p � � Z �' r" �1 uhqu� �" \ v � i �$ ;� nq � � R1 N In+n��t�trf"'I � � �C � 4 I � � m � � a n�� m � T � ' , � A z � � A� ; , � � w ; � ri_ � � � �+1 V � � 1 � � �� ��4 �m � � ` �A � °' o o°' �a�yaS.,''. �g �;w � T�N�., �• �. �O '. m � R�'f `•,� �tz N ' . �v •\ �•� . Z � � �\O AI•��.ONi W � .' . m N � �t , �', "'1 . O4 • � � p.1 A } pp \� � �'(n�A I � L� m m �. �, _ �O O �� �. . z z + IIIqIlI1111flUiII1111 1111 7 11 1llqp1111111111f111111111111111itI1N1111U0111 \ . �� � �I D � - � m U I � �� m y��� ,� � � •� r � . I I ) A r O tT tP 4����� � � •\ N W N i . ..� .�. V� .�". . ._. ��� ��'�4r�r' W � � O�v .�'� � r- , � OAi N d r[bp '4 0 (l� � m � � - . �� ,9 � m u�+ t v s � ----�-- '. � �� 1 1 4�� 9� 9 • '1 : 8 ty 1 y ' ` � � , � '� �i`P 'Q2� 9 /� ��h-� oJ do 6 m l` ;V� / �' l ��� � '� �. 9� / �' � ,''�i J N '2 � � � ',. �� � � � � n > > `'� 'o� olv_ ��o ' •�% '�� � � ¢��¢�,�`� mu ,�� �� �� \ ,o o\• �f ,i\, � U� p� � �_ � A n o �b��l� 1� , ��. =-1 �`� ��y[p-• $ ~b •a Na,�O � l� �� ,,,, 1� N `� Nt l� �I � � � . y V , ��(� W p � ���4}� C i I^ :.i-� � O ¢ ad � O�A / � m •� �O's �(n9 � �G9�,�-. T D N . . I lJn VI �p �� �?� � a A "F'� N � �"� 1 I i �r o4�!• � � .J D b b �o H�' � N •i qv' ` � � � W I�4�, m l� � ! � '� y \`rp A b;- '��r�b � ! ; ��Y3 9\ `\ ��y s f�F '� i � � � � t �^,, b o- ^" f � � ,�� yc p � N S� J� _/ � ' �. _� � � � � tt��,�� � �F/`�C. \ ,'.b �'��i w °' � �/ � � - 3 \�� � � / � � � ��, �IU �i ... i n� '�,y� � I � �� . q' J/� � klll� ii� n� ��+' O � � � \ N \ i • • � � y ? ���fl�p � ��ri��� � �N D �oi r f8 pi� . � � ��r,� N �~ ''���� w vb `�.�I ' �� s� �D �as • � � Y bA�, A� b W �ST �-~• .` NA _ �Q� `. O�� �b•' �� � � � ' 2 'yi � �`� � '� � ���'Q .2� <�'ati s�s s�'�, � ' Z� �R � � ��F;, . .�F,p� � ° o � ,�' . 9 3 ''� � � � W �, '� ��y' . �������'�����8 (� � �i�i 'i -� '� �� �T/ =`+' . �5 •�� ���``�'rr', i 0 - �� v _�� ��� �4'f' a �,�, v ro \ �� �r, '�� _ -� � •oo�o a� n ub,� `"�o 11�1/ � �r"}q _ `O o � a ��• ,—� N`�-r`� �\ ` ' N > W v W Ci, • ! i'� o��\ � _'^ � � m ��� W � SQ`,.� . '� 7 � :L,' `SO` V � � ' A�� a b �.�J 4 : � '• = m ss W SAMOSTONE � e�a ; - � =N , . m _ cRe� c�us �' � • � _ u r . �T�� � � . _ / 'J� \ d\ � ^ '�AV�A'�\'1d'plh`Np�M� . �� b b� \ � o (�n� �^' ,a {� N m 102-1[ �:; $� �ZaZ ���yp ��� � � 1 .i �D� '� �'� v�� l�Y SAN�STONE�O � fn o ._ � � i � t• UTILITY APPROVAL&VEEtIFICATION Th(s form serves ta verify tt�at the proposed Impravements MAII not Impac#any exisUng or proposed u�lity serviaes,and also to verify servke avallabilfty and bcatbn for new tonsWctlon and should be used In conJuntdon with preparing your uttlity plan and sd�edut- fng Instailattoru. A site plan,Induding grading plan,floot plan,and etevatlons,shall be submitted to the fdlowing ntlli�es for ap• Qroval end veriflcatiWt.PLRASE AL�OW UP TO 1 WEEKS FOR APPROXAL OR CCMM£NTS FROM T1iB UTII.ITY COf�lPA- NIFS. If you are unable ta obtain oomments witt�in that tlmehame piease contact The Town of Yail, Sub�ect Pcoperty Add�esss l flnt�A ��,i��lf7.t�I6��.or�.:11,�Black,�.?�r�Subdivisbrt� '� 1�- Primary Contack/Owner Represanteti ea � � � �HS Phones �� �3�i � ���?� � . � Plans Dated:� Prlmary ntact/Ow� resentaUvc SlRnaturc , th gd 8ianature � � QWEST 970.468.6860(tel) � 970.4b8.0672(fex) Contacts: Samuel Tooley sam et, e tco XCEI HIGM PRESSURB OAS 970.262.4076{tet) 970.468.l401(fdx) Contatt:Rkh 5isneros ' M�LY CROSS ENLRQY ' 970.947,5471(tel) 974.995.4081(fax) � ConiacG Diana Golls d Is h toss.00m � XCE�Enetgy : 970.262,4036(fax) �� Con Zbds:K3t �Bogert �!) at � �llat.�RNER WA7ER&SANITA- TION DISTEtICT ` 970.476.7480(t�) 974.a76.4089(fax) Cwttact; Fred Haslee RtasleeCalenv�tl.ara OOMCAST CABlE 970.619.0752(tei) 970.468-2672(fdx) Contact: Yary Hlldretfl tony_htidreth�cable.comcast.com CDaT(Onty in CDOT Nght-of-way) 97p.663.6284(tel) Contack: Dan Roussln Da nieLrousst nL�dotstate.to.us _ NOTES: i. Udliry lowtlans must be obtained beFore digging. 2. A Revocab(e Right-o�Way Permlt may be requlred�or any Improvements within a street�ight-of-way. Contact the Publk Works Depa�nerit for veriflcatlon 970.479.2198. 3, It Is the responsibility of the utlNty aompany end U�e appticant to resoh�e problems ldentifled above. 4. The Primary Contact/Owner Representafiivve is required to submit any revlsed drauvings to the above agencies for re-approvaf&re-verlRcatbn if the submftted plans are altered In any way after the authorized signature date. Q3-Mer-10 " UTILI'lY APPROVAL&VERIFICA7I�?N This form serves to verify that the proposed improvements will not irn�ct any extstlng or proposed utility servloes,and also to verify �!, servke availabiiity and b�tton fw new construcdon and should be used in conjunuiorn with preparing your udlity plan and sd�edul- ing installattons. A site plan, induding gradfng pEan, floor p1an,and elevat(ons,shaU be submitted to the fdlowing utllides for ap- proval and veriflcation.PLEASE AL�OW UP TO 2 YYEEKS FOR APPROVAL OR CAMMEN75 FRON THE UTILiTY COMPA- NIES. If you are unable iv obtain oomme�ts within that Gmeframe please.eontact The ToNm of Va�l. ' Subject Property Address:..1. "L��L��'s�p�D��Q�Lot�Bbck�Subdivision: �'ff SOL ,�l_lA'f� �457" � Prlmary Contact/Owner itepresenta �: i/u�1 t_ ��f�lh//�i�Tl� Photte: ��'D �'3� v �-5,C'� (n ' Plans Dabed:_�7/�� Prlmary nhcdOwp rescntativc 5ignaturc �ythorized Si� Comments Da e QWESI' 970.468.6660(tel) 970.4b6.0672(fax) Contads: 5amuel Tooley m t es co XCEL HIGH PRESSURE G1AS 970.2fi2.4o�6(cei) 970.468.1401(fax) Conbtt:Rich Sisneros � . f FiOLY CROSS ENERGY 970.94�.547i{te1) 970.945.908!(Fax) Gontact Diana Golis d ot{ ho ross.com XCEL Eaergy. 970.262A038(fax) 470.262.4024(tel) Conbcts:Kit Bogert r EAGLE RLVER WATER a SANITA- 'RON DISTRICT ��D � ' �t�-CC/W�P``� W�� 970.476JQ80(tel) � 970.476.4089(fax) �q� ��� Contact: Fred Haslee � frasfee�lerwsd.oru COMGST GBI.B 970.619.075Z(tei) 97Q.468-2672(fax) Cor�bct: Torry iittdreth tony_hNdreth�cabfe.comcast.com CDO'F(Only in CD07 Right-of-way) 970.683.b284(tel) Contact: Dan Rouss(n � Dantel.roussin@datstate.co.us �LQIE�.i 1. Utllity locations must be obtained before dfgging. 2. A Revocable Right-of-Way Perrrtit may be required for any Emprovements within a street right-of-way. Cor�tact the Public Warks D�artment for verification 970.479.2198. 3. Tt is the re�ons+bility of the udlity oompaoy and the appltcant to resolve probfems identiHed above. 4. The Primary Contact/Owner Representative is required to submit any revised drawings ta the above agencies for re-approval 8l re-veri�catbn if the submitted plans are altered in any way af�er the authorized signature date. 03-Mar-l0 UTII.ITY APPROVA!&VEAIFICATIdN This form serves to verify that the propos�d improvemenCs will not impact any existin9 or proposed ukility services,and also to verify service availability and location for new coilstruction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility pian and schedul- ing instaliations. A site plan, including grading plan, floor pl�n, and elevat�ons, shall be submitted [o the following utilities for ap- proval and verifcation.PLEASE ALIOW UP TO 2 WEEKS FOR APPROVAI OR COMMENTS FROM THE UTILITY COMPA- NIES. If you are unable to obtain comments within that timefrarre please contact The Town of Vail. Subjed Property Address: � : �: ,, ,: , .,�r:' Lot�--�.Bfock �.'Subdivision: � �c: ,� L i?�- ! : , i! r Phone: `r - c � � r Primary Contact/Owner Representative:__ 'a • . / , r ., ' � Pians Uated• �� i��. ..� � — - . , Primary('rintaclll)nncr Rcp�eccntativc Si�;nature i Authorized SiqnaWre Commants Date I ___.._---- --- QWEST I 970A68.6860(tPl) 970.468.U6/2(fax) Conlacts: 5amuel 1 ooley XCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.2G1.4076(lel) 970.468.1401(fax) Contacf:Itich Sisneros "' - _--- - HOLY CROSS ENERGY 97a.9�7.5471 (Cel) 970.945.4081 ((ax) Con:act: Diana Golis A olis@hol cross.com _ __ -- XCEL Energy 970.2G2.4D38(fax) 970.?6I.4U14(tel) Contacls: Kit 6ogcrt EAGLE RIVER WATER&SANITA- � TION DISTRICT 970.47GJ48U(tel) 970.476A089(fax) (:�ntacl: Freri Haslce :�:. , „ ,:, GOMCAST CABLE (,�((,(.. �v0 f (10�� ��� (Of 970.619.0752(tel) _ LJ�J�S, eAN T 80��0 I�; l� 9YU.468-2672(fax) 02 (2.ES7�-�C7 /}CCC$S / Conlacr Tuny Hildrelh �� Cony hildreth�a�cable.comcast.com '�Q E�SC''k��T CDOT(Only in CDOT Right-of-v�ay) 970.G83.628�}(tel) Contact: Dan Roussin Daniel.roussinad ot.state.ro.us NOTES: 1. Utility locations must be obtained before digging. 2. A Revocable Right-of-Way Permit may be required for any improvements within a street right-of-way. Contact the Public 1Norks Department for verification 970.479.2198. 3. It is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve problems identified above. 4. The Primary Contact/Owner Representative is required to submit any revised drawings to the above agencies for re-approval&re-verification if the submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorized signature date. 03-Mar-10