HomeMy WebLinkAboutB10-0395 Inspection Items for B10-0395 11:33 02/24/2014
Sec Item Id Descri tion A r Re Items Action Inheritable
* 30 BLDG-Framin No O 0 No
* 50 BLDG-Insulation No O 0 No
* 60 BLDG-Sheetrock Nail No O 0 No
70 BLDG-Misc. No O 0 No
' 90 BLDG-Final Yes R 1 AP No
Total Rows:5
Page 1
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BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION '�� oC� � �- n .,'��' �..
Separate permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, fir lac�;(e��/(V OF VAIL
��t Pro' t Street Address: Office Use: y'�
�i rJ�►�Ck: h� ��CK /S " � Project#: ���V-" ��..Q�o�
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Contractor Information. Lot#: Block# Subdivision:
E Company: '�d�Y�C � J.�t L�v.� -Ly 1�
i Company Address t �Ilf�r L� h h,L K
' � Detailed Description of Work: �r't✓ �_�2 �,�. ,-;.� �
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�Contact Name: /JD� S� t/"�^ji� I ���1;� C/Z (�/Ly r .�- L�,e��� �
�Contact Phone: ��Q " ��I� �' 3�j / �✓ =L f��� ��+-,� �� ��e<.�''� ;
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�Town of Contrac istration No.:
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� New( ) Addition ( ) Remodel (X) Repair( ) Other( ) ?
i X ' �Work Type ��..,�. � _���,.,,.,,a...�, �,,..��2 :
;Co tractor Signatur required) � Interior(n ) Exterior( ) Both ( ) '
�.,�.,�..�._m�...�,�..,��,�.u.e.,. >
;Property Infor ation �Type of Building.���� F'v�x�#�����w�v��^�a, �
�Parcel#:��(,� �'��� 3 ����—�� � �Smgle-Family( ) Duplex( ) Multi-Family(TQ � ���� ;
�(For parcel#,contact Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or p �
Commercial Other ;
�visit www.eaglecounty.us/patie) t � ) � )
V G .
�Tenant Name: / (/ h % C�'�'r � �Does a Fire Alarm Exist������Yes (� ��No( ) i
�Monitored Alarm? Yes No �
i Owner Name: �(.1� �'�j�o"�', � � � ( ) ( K) �
� � Does a Sprinkler System Exist? Yes( ) No(J� ) `
� #&Type of Existing Fireplaces: Gas Appliances�� ^�� '
,Valuations(Labor& Material)) � ;
� � ��� � / =Gas Log Wood/Pellet Wood Burning '
E Building: $ (v 1
' �#&Type of Proposed Fireplaces: Gas Appliances '
�Plumbing: $ �� �� ':Gas Log Wood/Pellet Wood Burning �
__ __ __ __ _._..__. ___...
___ _._.. ___...._.......___
i Electrical: $
�Mechanic :
� � Date Received:
; � ��
�Total: � � ,� $ �
O 1-Oct-09
DS Consulting, Inc.
Asbestos Inspection and Sampling Report
2753 Kinnickinnick Rd, [Init B1, Vc�rl, �olor�dQ 81�57
i Presented To: I
� Mr. Bob Sherrill �
Homeawner �
� 2753 Kinnickinnick Rd,Unit B1 !
� Vail,Colorado 81657 �
I i
� Performed&Prepared By: f
i A�r.Steve Shurtliff �
� DS Consulting,Inc.
{ PO Box 5864
4 Avon,CO 81620
� j3D3) 378-1544
' Project Details:
i Project Number: 2914
Conducted: October 20,2010
On Ortober 20, 2010, Mr. Steve Shurtliff with DS Consulting, Inc. {DSC) perforn�ed a limited asbesios
inspection and performed asbestos bulk-sampling at 2753 Kinniclunnick Rd, Unit B1, Vail, Colorado, in
order to identify potentially hazardous fi-iable and non-friable asbestos-cvntain�ng materials {ACM)
within a portion of the above-referenced, single-family residence scheduled for renovations. The
Colorado Departmeni of Public Heaith and Environment`s (CDPHE� Regtila�tt 8, Part B defin�.s an
asbestos-cvntaining material(ACM)as a material containing more than 1%asbestc�s.
lKr.Shurtliff perf'ormed asbestos bulk-sampling of a single type of drywail{surfacing material) in a tota�o�
thr�e(3�locations vrithin the laundry room-just off of the dining room and latchen,as well as within the
�allway closet-oppasite of ihe laundry room.
All ihree(3) bulk-samples were analyzed by Aerobiology Laboratory Associates, Inc. {NVLAP #240$60-0�
in Denver,Cc�lorado with all three(3) laboratory re.sults reporting as negative for asbestos (see Appendix B
for labcx�atory resutts).
I. tntroduction
A lirniter� as�estas inspectian and bulk-sampling for ACM was conducted at 2753 Kinnickinnick Rd, Unit
B1, Vail, Colorado, by Mr. Shurtliff on October 20, 2010 at the request of Mr.Troy Zopf. Mr. Shurtliff is a
Colorado State Certified Building Inspector; having EPA Accreditation #15413 {see Ap{�e�dix A for
certificate). The purpose of the inspection was to identify, sampie and assess potentially hazardous
friable and non-fi-iable ACM within the portion of the residence that will be impacte�by renovatians.
Il. Structural Design
The structure is a wood-frarr�ed,single-level,single-family residence above an attached garage.
iii. Sampling and Analytical Procedures
The inspe�on, assessment and sampling were conducte� by an EPA and AHERA accredited Keiilding
Inspector qualified by experience, education and training in the recognition of potential ACM and
approved bulk-sampling techniques. The asbestos bulk-sampling was conducted on suspect ACM with a
limited number of bulk-samples being collected within the residence.
The inspettion,assessment and sampling were performed in accordanre with Fa�vironmentat Protecti�
Agency/AHERA recommended procedures. These procedures eall for the visual inspeetion of t�area�
concern and the collection and analysis of representative bulk-samples of suspect rnaterial.
Some �ninor destructive sampling was canducted Walis, calumns and perimeter pipe chases were not
broken into in order to locate and quantify suspect ACM. h should be noted t�t additic�nal ACM might be
located in these and other inaccessible areas.
Random bulk-samples, representative of the suspect asbestos-cantaining Iwilding materials (ACB1�I) c�
each homogeneous area (HA), were collected according to the guidelines published as Fa�vironmeabl
Protectioa Agency(EPA) Finat Rule: Title II of the Toxic Substances Control Act(TSCA), 15 USC, Settia�s
2641 through 2654 and in compliance with 40 CFR, Part 763. Representative sampiing is based on the
folloLVing criteria:
1. The distribution of the suspect material throughout the HA.
2. The suspe�ct material's physical characteristics and application.
3. Rando�n sampling patterns determined far each HA.
Suspect materials sampled and analyzed should be considered to be representative of materials i�eac�
HA if they exhibit similar physical characteristics and the appiication of the sampled material can be
correlated to the application of un-sampled material. Bulk-samples collected were analyzec�utilizing the
EPA's Method for the Determination ofAsbesta�s in Bulk Buildirts Mc�teriaLs (EFA 60Q/R/116s July, 1993)
and the McCrone Research Institute's The Asbest�s Particle At1as as methods references. Ar�alysis of t�e
bulk samples was peiform�d on tfie'd�t�e reported,"as listed in the bulk-sample analysis report.
IV. Notes on Report Format
Suspect materials alike in appeara�ce and application were sampled as HAs. Suspect materials were
divided into three classifications:
1. Surfacing 1►�aterial:sprayed or troweled onto shvctural building member.
2. Thermal System Insulation(TSI):any type of pipe,boiler,tank,or duct insulation.
3. Miscellar�eous Material: other suspect materials, floor file, sheet vinyl/linoleum, ceiling tiles,
insulation,and finishing materials.
Co�dition assessments were performed by the accredited inspector at the time of inspection, Condition
assessments are listed in the following section. Ratings of "good," "damaged," and "significandy
damaged"are meant to indicate the overall condition of the material.
A material in "good" condition has no visible damage or deterioration, or showing only very limited
damage or deterioration.
A material in "damaged"condition has the following characteristics: The surface is crumbling, blistered,
water-stained, gouged, marred or otherwise abraded over less than one-tenth of the surface if the
damage is evenly distributed (one-quarter if the damage is]ocalized�. Accumulation of powder,dust ar
debris similar in appearance to the suspect material on svrfaces beneath the material can be used as
confirmatory evidence. A material in "significantly damaged"condition has one or more of the following
� The surface is crumbling or blistered over ai least one-tenih of the surface if the damage is evenly
distributed (one-quarter if the damage is localized).
• One-tenth (one-quarter, if localized) of the material is hanging from the surface, deteriorated, or
showing adhesive failure.
� Water s#ains, gouges, or mars are over at least one-tenth of the surface if the damage is evenly
distributed (one-quarter if the damage is localized). Accvmulatian of pawder, dust or debris
similar in appearance to the suspect material on surfaces beneath the material can be used as
confirmatory evidence.
Respanse-actian recommendations for asbestas-containing HAs are listed in the sectian yl;,
Recommendations may be for more than one HA, if materials are alike. Recommendatior�s are eith�
"general" or "immediate," An immediate recommendation indicates the presence of asbestos greater
than 1%within�e bulk-sampl�or a bvlk_sample in ti�e same HA,and should be addressed accordingly.
A general recommendation indicates asbestos does not e�t greater� 1%within the bu�k-sam�le,or
a bulk-sample in the same HA,, and no fvrther abatemeirt acbvities are rec�ui�.ed f�.�� ��
����- �Y �P1e �'�Portin$ a "TRACE" amuunt of asbestos must be considered to be positive far
asbe.stos gre-ater lfian 1%umless it is analyl�d by t�e point-count medwd to be less than 1%.
V. 1�spector Commc�ts
No asbestc�s-containing material was identified during the bulk-sampling conducted at 2753
Knnickinnick Rd,Unit 81,Vail,Colorado. A totai of three(3j bulk-samples were collected of a single type
of drywall within the laundry room and closet of the above-referenceci residence. AIl three {3) bulk-
samples tested negative for asbestos.
�VI. Homogeneous Area pescriptions
The following se�ctio�contains sampled HA descriptions and sample locations. Percent-asbestos content
for each sample indicated can vary depending on sample locations, homogeneity of the materials, and
type of a}�plicat�or�. 'fhe fallawing sarnples were collecte� from the single farr�ily residence at 2753
Kinnicldnnick Rd, Unit B1, Vail, Colorado, on October 20, 2010. The quantities are approa�imations and
are subject to field verification.ND=Non-detert.
� � � . . f . � � � • . . � , �
Sam 1e#: DW01-01 Sam le#: DW01-02
Sarr►ple Description: Drywall Sample Description: Drywall
Sample Location; i.aundry Room Wati Sample Lorc�tron: i.aundry Room Wall
Material Classifrcation: Surfacing Material Materia►Ctassificatron: Surfacing Material
Mate�ia!Quantity: <1,OOOftz Materia�Quantity: <1,OOOft2
Materral Condition: Good Materiat Condition; Good
Layers-Asbestos Content: Layers-Asbestos Conterrt
White fibrous woven- ND White fibrous woven- ND
White textare w/cream paint-ND White te�ure w/cream paint-ND
White tan d II-ND White tan d �I-ND
Recommendations: ��j�L-See Section VII Recommendations: rFN�RA?.-See Section VII
1 1 � ' - t ' - 1
Sam le#: DWOl-43
Sampte Description: Drywall
Sample Location: Closet Wall
Material Classifrcation: Surfacing Material
Materia!Quantity: <1,OOOftz
Materia►Condition: Good
Layers-Asbestos Content:
White fibrous woven- ND
White texture w/cream paint-ND
White tan d all-ND
Rerommendations: S,i�lEBBL-See Section V�I
V�1. Recommendations
The laboratory results of the potential ACM sampled at 2753 Kinniclannick Rd, Unit B1, Vail, Colorado,
indicate that all three {3) bulk-sa�nples of drywall collected were reported as negative #ar asbestos.
Therefore, no professional abatement activities are recommended to remove the abave-referenced
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���4' ���`�I\ 13949 W.Cdfsu Ave
- ��� Stite 205
A��z+r�Vivlc.rc;y LnL.�vr:nrc�r:Y t.���a,cosoaoi
- � �550C:IAfES,i1VC:Of�OtInTE[:G 303232.3746
- �,..,�,., `�,�.,,.� Certificate of Analysis �iww.aerabiobav.net
` DS Consluting,Inc. ������ Dau CoAacted: �0/2N10
5366 Fiavock Ct. � Dnu Raeived: ]0/21/10
Momson,CO 60465 Date Analyud: ]0/21/10
Steva Shurtliff NvLAP iab Cale 2ooaeo.o Date Reported: 10/21/10
G7ie�►tProjectName: 2753 Kinnickmnick Rd.Bl Vail,('/) Projoct 1D: 06/IN95
Job ID�
SLt9tD1 Notes
• Netative indicates no esbestos wes detectad;the mtttiod detection limit is 1%.
• Tnce or"<I"indicates asbestoa was idendfied in the sample,but the concentration is lesn than the method detection limit of 1%.
♦ All regulatod eabestos minerale(i.e.chrysotik,amosite,crocidolite,anthophyllite,mmolite,and actinolite)were sought in every layer of each semple,but only those asbestw
minersls detected ere liated.Amosiu is the common name For the esbestiform variety of the mintrels cummingtof�ite and grunterite. Crocidalite is the couunon neme ueed for tht
asbeaiform veriery of the mineral reibdcite.
♦ Tile,vinyl,foam,plastic,nnd fine powda samples mey contain asbestoe fiben of such stnall diameter(<0.25 microns in diameter)that theae 86ers cannol be detected by PLM. For
such samples,more stnsitive m�alytical methods(e.g.7'EM,SEM,and XRD)are rccommended if greeter artainty about asbestos content is tequind. 3emi-quanqtative bulk TEM floor
tile m�alysis is accepted under the NESHAPS regulatiana.
• Tluse results are submitted piusuattt to Aerobiology Laborawry Associates,Inc.'s current ucros�d condidons of sale,including the company's standard wa�ranty and limitatlon of
liebiGty prorisiona. No responsibility or liability is assunuod for the manaer in which the resulte ere ueed or intaprcted.
♦ Unless notified in writing to return the samples covaed by this report,Aerobiolqgy Laboretory Atsaciates,Inc.will srore the eemples fa a minimum petlod oF thirty(30)days
befote discffidmg. .4 shipping and hendling charge will be assessed for the nKUrn of any samples.
N�e kcauired bv NVLA�
• This report mwt not be med by the client to claim product cetuficetion,approval,or endorsement by NVLAP,NIST,or eny egency of the Federel Government.
♦ 7'his eest report rclates otdy to tht items tested or calibrated.
• This report ie not valid dnkss it baars the name of a NVLAP�approved signatory.
♦ My reproduction of this documeM must include the rntirc documrnt in order tbr the repoR to be valid.
13949 W.Colfax Ave.Suite 205,Lakewood CO 80401,303132.3746