HomeMy WebLinkAboutB01-0276.PDF � —�-� _ _ , ` . f -�� - � � C4NSTRUCTION NC�TES FOR UN�T 203 � ' , � � � � , �, - _ , � � � _ � Town of -� 9. Remove existing walis�as indi��ted in the area of the Ent and Bath A. Const�uct walis as indicated for . , � Vait � �x . � "��1� �' � Laundry and install 2668 pocket door. Plumb as required for stacking washeNdryer, verify i�undry unit with � r �' ����� - Design Consulta►�t. If poasibie,vent dryer to bui(ding eicterior. Instali new rod and,shelf_in entry closet. , , , � ��PY 2. R�move mirrors from fire�lace wal�, remove brick fireptace surround and hearth. and+demo wall adjacent to � fireplace as indicated. Fil in existing closet door, patch to,match existing. Face firepiace with stone slabs - . , � . � as shown on th�wail ele��ation.- Install stone si�elf in new aicov� and waod sh�lving above. Install st�ne — , siab hearth. Verify type d_stone slab with Design Consultant. `` , ' f ` � • � 3. Remove existing kitchen;abinets, appliances, and walis as indica�ted. Relocate exisfing plut�bing vent into. t Ref. � �� �� ' , and a pliances as`indicat�d in the Kitchen, V�rif` � � , .' Z � exterior wal1. lnstall new kitch�n cabinets countertop, p . �r � � • � /,,r � I �I �'ub/Shower. � ���h� �� appiiances with Architectand Design Consultant. Note that refrigerator width cannot eXCeed 24". . � - , , � �,t �, � �C�.��� 4. Cons�truct claset adjacenito$edroom A as indicated using 6068 by-pass doors. Instalf rod and shelf per . G� �I'i�l �, �� Desi n Consultant. � Sink Kitehen �---- o���� � �_ /t�� 5. Remove existing vanity a�d cioset walis in Vanity A as nOted above. Extend wail adjacenE ta left side of ' � � �3 k�� Bedroom B � � L . � ' o vanity a�d opposite wait af,shower area to create 32"drywall opening to vanity area.� Install new cabinefry, Wood--- \�` - 8 _ � � � �l N _ countertop, lavatory� andhardware as per Design Consultant. , - \ Bath B Remave existing shower�toilet and wall as indicated irt Bath A. Construct new wall with 2068�door, If Shelving �, � 6. , � �ashed i.ines Indicate '- "' e Ed e of--� � � possible� vent bath�oom ta building exterior. Build in shower provide shower nich�, field cdor�nate � � �Walts to be R�moved;7y ._ , �a�°' Stone Shelf � { - (ocatlon with tile layout�Ser Deslgn Consultant. Install toiiet and hardware as per Oesign Cortsultant. � -„ � ` ��. - � . 7. Rerr�ove washer/dryer unt fr`om Bath B.' Remave laundry plumbing as required� FiU in existing laundry , , � , • --�- �'� ���� door�patch to match exis�ng,�Remave bathroom fixtures and cabinetry; c�placeTwith fiictures� �abinets, � � � ��.tV111 2, �`Q ��'co _ #` 'and countertop perb�sigi Consultant.'iils tubwalls, provide showe�niche, field coordinate Iocati�n with : a � , � � � _ � tile layout per Design Corsultant. � , - , � r . r , � , , � �, ,� O � �� - - __- - _- _ _� _ 8. Remove exisiing laundry+valls. Expand existing closet and instal15468 by-pass doors as indicated. Insta ' - '� � yQ Knee S ace � rod and shelf per Design�onsultant. ' � } , " , � - � � � a p �- - � ' � _ . _ v Be1ow �i_,�11 iStone' , _ - - - - " . ' � � �liading�lndicates �" ' ! ` ��, , , • � � New Const�uction;Typ� '� � �� Veneer f ` 4 ' ` , l f - - Y _ , , ` . ' - _ �-- S L , . : ' r..�''r �- - -�, _ �� 2 a ¢ iE CO!NS�'RUCTI4N NO7ES F4R UNIt 1'(� - Rod/Shetf � � � �+�_�---`-° � ; , _�_ � � , , , , � , ' ' � — I� - � � . � - � . — , N � , ��,t,� � �� ' �. Remove existmg entry closet wal(sk patch to match existing. Instalt new Ski S�uit Closet w�th3d6�door in ' � _� ' U"- �' �(�� tf�e Entry as indicate�l. Irstalt new tod and shelf in closet. , � ' , . -� � i 6068 - r �� � - ----�� _ �. � � �. Remove existing washerHryer unif and�raNs as indlcated in the area o�the 4aundr�r and Ski Storage� � Q � � �i � f _` � , ➢ � ' � � � � Consiruct new walls as i�dicated with�668 doors,into both Laundry and Ski Storage ctosets.. E�elocate�� , � /' � N , � � I � �� / ` GENE�AL NC�7�S � - ' , � � r plumbing �s required for�ew washerldryer locatio�, If possible, vent dryer to building exterior. In Sk� _ ! � � Stora�e ctoset, build in base sheif and pegs for skis,field verify design with Architect. 4 � y �9 - ` "�" � 2�ni�y A _ � - � ' � � • 3. Remove drywall from corndor watl be�n►een Ski Storaga and Kitchen. Determine with the Architec#ifi the- � - LS o4 Edge of--�,�- 5 un �� ContraGtoris to visit tf»site�verify eicisting conditions, Including utility , existtn conditions wilt aQ�w a niche to be constructed in this area. If so, field veri desf r�`with Archite � � ' � �� Bed room A N Dro�Ce�ling� � '�sh� � � � locations, hoQkups and stubs� and famil►anze himself w�th all new wor{c. ' 4. Remo e existin 'closet walts in Bedroorttis A and B and the CoRidor as indicated n the g1an. Gonstruct ' � � � - e , ; `1N N O In fhe event of discrepancies between the drawings and existing ^� new walts as indicated wi;h 4868,Fr�nch doors for the 800t Stora e an'd the Ski Suit Closet. lnstall rods � 4 •� �068 ��, � condit�ons, notl the Arcfiitect before roceedin with the work. - � � O --�-- - , fY _ � 9 , , and shelves in the closet and adjustabte shelves in the B�ot Storage as per the Design Consultant. ; , , � { -�t- -j- �'r',� E � Alt work ta be p�rf�mped in accordancQ with alf applicabte codes and 5. Remove the wall betweer� Bedroom 8 and the Corridor as indica#ed. Field verify existing conditions with � ±I �` . � regulat�ons. AII disturbed areas to be repaired to match existing the Architect�rior to coh�ructing rtew walls for the built-In Bar. Field coordinate the Bar design with tbe � � ' • Bath A sn er � Architect and the Desi n�onsultant. ' ' � ` - � � `conditions. Interior detailing, finlshes and mate�iats, including material g � "} - - �� � ` - , ' � �" O ,J and performance speci�ications, to match existing conditions or as ; 6. Remove existing Kitct�en�abinets, fiixtures, appliances�r1d walls�s indica{ed on the ptan, Constnact new � , . sele�ted by the Architect andlor the Design ConsultaM. Theserinciude. � - walls as indicated. Sink�nd dishwasher to remain in existing locatibn. Fiei�i�erify island layout with� �� ` , ' � ` � but are not IimiEed ta� floor�nisties�doors, hardware, trim� stalrv�ay '� � Architect: �t�e�ocate electocat as required for new kitchen layout. If possible;vent hood ta exte�ior of '_ � � e handrails,�claset systems� fireplace sarround and hearth, built-in , ` buitding..lnstall cabinetry fixtur.es and appiiances perArchitect�nd Design Consultant,, � � � ' � ' �j�" . - - ?. Construct soffit abave kitchen isiand as indicated in the plans. �Fistd verify�iayout and des�lgn�wi'th A�chi�ect.- � ' fumishings, cabinetry appli�nces� plumbing fixtures� bathroom �'' � � - � , 8. Remqve existing firepl�ce, wood railing trpm window, and etect�ic Freat.�Patch wali and woodwork ta match ' � y��G t� ,Vp�j ' accessories, lighting fixtures and trim. Provide blocking as required for existing condition�., lnsta!stone veneer and shetves� coordinate with Architect`and D�sign Consuttant. � _ , �`�" -� �V � , proper i�stallabon of these iEems. The elec:trical sys#em�to be designed Install n�rnr_metal railing a��rindaw. Relocate electric heat ta avoid heating units in front of the stone. F�ield � l� � by ihe Contractor, required sub-contractor or other consultants and coordinate finish o�existirg ceiling beams witti fhe Architect and the 1]esign Consulfar�t , F � approved by the Architect. � _ . ,9. Removs existing spiral st�irway as well as the wall between the Stair and Living area betaw. F.acpose upper�° ' ThQ Contractor shalt remQVe from the site and dispose of alt demolition lev�l stain+vell frartiing. Fi;ld verify exlsting condittons with the Architect. Expand the stairwet!widtri and , ' , ` - _ _ ' materials,debris and rubblsh as soon as practicable. Pratect al!existing , 'depth asy mucfl as possib�and field verify niche locatio�with Architect. Remove drywal!firo►n e�cisting � , � ' i � , ��� ; ,, �� areas from the work'and repair all damaged wbrk that is to remain. The � furr�d out beam,hanger�d mtnim�e depth as much as possible.Construct walt to Master 8+edroom and' t �N��l�0�� FL��� ��..Q� 1l4 "1 -0 , � - - . align 2868 dobr with edge of beam hanger. Canstrtjct new winding stait wit�i metal railings and handrail as . - building and grounds shalt be k�pt clean af ali times. - : � , . indicated on the plansr P�ovide one hour fire-rated storage beneath stairs with 2068 doar as indicated. - ��, , the Architect assumes no responsibifity for errors, omissions and , 10. Remove eXisting Bath_�fxtures. If possibie, venk bathroom to buifding�xtenor. Retocate plumbing as _` . - applicable code requirements of�onst�lta�ts. �The�ArChitect assumes nQ required for new built-in s�ower, provide showeF niche, fietd coordinate focatinn with tile iayout per Design : - � ` � responsibility for utility coordination, care of adjacent properties, ` � � _ Consultant. Remove drywa0 in area of niche and verify existing conditions with Architect. ,(nstall niche and - � ' - • � pe�formance�pecifications and the cbmponents of construction safety; r - _ � ner+v vanity perArchitect. Instal(new toilet and hardware perLLDesign Consultant, � � - x �� � � � � nor for the Canfr�ctor's failure to ca�rry out th�work in accorda�ce with � 11.Remove wall as irtdicatedfor Stereo cabinet and�eld ilerify existing conditions with Architect. InstalE stereo � � _ , , Wood , the Construction Documents. � � � cabinet and equipment as per Architect and'Design Cohsultant. . � � , � Shelving � -f-Bend in Walt ' . ' � - -� � . 12.Remove�xisting ctoset doors in B�droorrt B� mod�fy watls as required and install 5068 French doars as � �� � The invest�gatior�,af haz�rdous materials is beyond the scope of t�hese - �ndicated. Instafl rod and shelf per Desig� Cpnsultant. � � - � � J A�chitectural Services. 7he Owner shalt be responsible for all�existing r 13.Modify existing closet doa-opening In 8edroom B a�d inst�ll 5068 French daars�s indicated.� Install rod � � hazards an the property; and�or the discovery, presence,�handling, _ arid shelf per Desigrt Cansultant.' � � � ` � � � a� - , -, remova�or disposal ot or+�xpas�re of persons,to hazardous matenals, , 14.Remove existing 6ath A fxtures. lf possible, vent bathroom to building exterior, Remove drywalt in area � � �w LIVIl1g waste ar substar�Ces in any torin on the property, including, but not � ' of niche and verify'�existing conditions with Architect. Instal! niche per Architect. Install new fixtures, � � '� F � limited to, asbestos� asbestas roducts� etc. � - � showec niche cabinet y �ountertop� tile� and hardware er�esi n Consultant.'�� � ' ' , , - �Xisting �Z , , . pt_ - . ry� • , _ " - � - �ireplace , , ` � , 15. Remove existin windawa betw�en the 1Vlaste�Bedroom and i.ivin area below.' Construct insulated walts' _ - Ownership and possession of the original Architectural Drawings shall � � , _ � � _�Q remain xhat of the Ar�hitect. Reproducible capies will,be provided at the, �n areas of r�moved windows, � °� � �� , � , : � . 76. Remove existing fixtur�s n the Master Bath. Also remove walls in Master Bath and Closet A area as - �----_ _ �o° Owner's request and expertse. These Drawings �re not to be used on ' indicated on#he p(ans. Enla e t� er I r as ec the structurai drav�r' an construct art' wall ta� - other projects except on agreement in writing and with a�propriate _ match existing. Construcl new cbset ar�d bathroom wa s as ihdicated. Field verify location of 2068'door - - compensat�on to tiie Airchitect. , ` - • ,to C1oset B,wall betweenCfosets A�nd B, and bathtub niche configuration with A�chitect. R�tacate � ` f � -- - -�- -, � . . - plumbing as required. fn�att new fixtures, cabinetry, ca�intertop, tile, bathroom hardware, closet rnds, and � ' 4 shelving p�r Design Cons�ItanG •� � ' • � , , , . _ , , � , a ' n p w�s� - -- - , � � ' � . � Ston . _ _ � _, -- -- - ---- - - ----, _ Sh�Jt_ Stone Veneer� ' � � , � �,�F ����,Q + � _ � � � I► ana n alt r r it ct . L,,�,,�,, . _ _ ____ , --_ - -- - ; ; ' , ,`P� 9 ' _� ' David Nar`fc�Peel,Af.A. �Kath Lan enwalter,A.l.A . � " ' , . ` ° � , � o Chedraui.Remodel , . _ :� . Y g , { � _ � EEN ` - � � } P,O�Box��t 202 Vail, Colorada 81658 date �•2��o! � ,� � - � � • - �. � �ai� Viilage Inn Condominiums , �Te1e970-47��4506 Fax 970-476-45'72 _ � � � ` FIREPLACE V1iALL ELEVATION 11�"-1'-0" r � � � 'Urtits�110 & 203 . project . � ; f � , ' � - \,`t��' , �/�II,�C010�ad0 - - Boy�e Engineering� Inc. ,� . $7,0-476-217a drawn ��, .-r , - � � , , . - � ` - . , SEp ARG`� . , - y � 5uite 39Q, 143 E: Meadow Drive Vail. �O� slieet 1 of� , , , - ` � � _ - - -._ . , _ , '' � � - _ _ _ ___w__ ._ :_W _ _ _ __ � .__ ._ _.. .� �.__ �_--- ---.. --__ ..a�_� __ .�..� __��_ ____ ___ ___ __.�._ __ _ ___---- - - ---__.�._�. �__ �_ _�__� _ ---- - --_ . __ _�__ _�_ �_. _ __- --_ . _.__ _� . _ � _� ____. _ ---- - __�__ .__.� _ _ _t, .�_ '___ - .e__�_v�_.- -- -_ _ - _ �_�__-_��._ -- x --��__t __ __� __.�_. _ _..._�.� �_��_w.��y ��� � ' - - -- - " �{�U�`� � / , � ' , S � , - �` , ,�� �c�` , , ��� �l, 9` � °�� � , � l �1Y �� v��G , _ s r 0� ��' _ , �� �y , � �� . � 8at�t�ny� �gu�g w,2 X Zs, g �1`' ` Y ; _ Existin W 8 x 10 � � � t �C`.t.� ' ` a,� r,� , �� X� � � � � �P�� j N Qj � � � uP ('� � Metat Railin c�,� '� � , � � Per Code �� Existi�p W 8 x 1Q, � I � ' y/ � � T �o �o A5 y°��9s��9 c Stor�ge � , � � �+ 2 �,.,� ,4 '�. _ � �� � s(s� � �/��� �/��' � � - � � " t� � '. � � � , ' Q � _ - x !" r���"" , , , .�y� �. ( 11 �d� J" a � � l ' a ��owe�. .�i � C �tt�l�ll� in A5, �(A/� � , , �� - i � k, -�- � � � _ � � - �'�° ;�JG"' , ; _- - -�+� ' - - ' , . , , , . . � �� _ - ----- t�vin 5� ,� x , , - Bedroom B - Ba� g ��_�_ ___ 8 -9 , �� G¢�, � �� � � � �Q'' �iJr Q'��r� �rJ= , , . � Q � �# �� _ - �p `�� 3A 3B� ;� '` 2 �/ � �o �- 3 � . _ . � , . � � � °'a,, ` 'f""f"" , , - �� � �`" w -E-_ ` � r� .� I .� � , � �� , CLOSET FLC30 FRAMING e �ra��=��-o�� ' ' , � � - � , �Dashed Lines,lndicate , - ��'��� i�� _Watls to be Remaved,�TYp•� W 6 x 10" . � � PL 1 ra x s"x 0'-8'r ; J , __�_____ \�� �% /� ��j•, / r� 3"0 Std.,l'ipe�Coiumn� � ! � -- � ��S�O�� � �,V��'� //� ~' ., . . , � - , =� � � ���� ' m lJ �� � �" � - �" 4-114"0 Ramset � W �j ,��, a � \ ��\ . _ _ ;E�BC�,1'00t1'1 A , � � II L � � �� �' . �13 �, ---�_____.,� . ,� � � ���%��a �L m'�� �� X � , � � ��� gr�\/�'��li ��� '� ��j `� � W8x10 P11/4x33/a„��„ �� � � I) �«�'�`� , � _,— �� � ! ,, �inir�g . a ( Q'` fr 5 , t , Pi � � ,�1 > �11D • f m ��� J� � / ' � � w 3��, , — - - '�y� � � � 't� "���i ' � t.'J 3 � . 3 . � , � �� , •,� - b � ; � K�tchen � � �3"Std. pipe to1umn ��° � ' / �� � �, � - ;� Dn ta W 12 x 19"Below � f �,`' , O� r g , . f • o� ''�a �o�? � p 4' O � � , _ _ _ _ _ �, _ , i � " � � Niche' r �'� o,�a` �����. �'��`�'� �► �� `���� , _ � A BEAM CONN�CTtON� B COl.UMN BASE �' - , �' �� +�Q� `� � - � - Refi N _ , }L a, �, � � a� Cabin�ts Above �� GOLUMN CAP ,_ , �a� � Ent � a ' � � '.� � rY � �' `��y'� � - ` , ��' � I � � '�' `�a � , �,.--.�__�_��_��� -- - _ Shading indicates ' r �{ New Constructi�n,Typ� ath A� �� ��v�� t �o �. �, � �a� � _ h - _ � a � �,I �!�"�"itLd Stiitener � V , � 11 � Ptates t�.S. 8 f.S. ; , _ a46Q � � Ih� 1'=�3 Hanger"�t�d ski suit�toset , ` 7ub/Shower i�. �N _ ~ Ex�sting W 8 x 10 _PL A"�3"x 3/4 � _ ' 10 � Rod/Shelf�� �.�. - r=' � a �,� , , - , ���� � , � , , � ` x ��� , 3 PL 1/2xd"�. , a � �� � �, , �xisting W 8 x 10 � ` 8 x Q -� / � , - �r - �� _ �,j.��MICHqF 3i4"Seat Plate----y� - '- I! ; , �, �� -- o•��G�ST Erq��G E�osGng Roof Beam �, �3`�, � u� c� `° �' •? 0' -G . , .- x g. • t > ,,.- � x , c . ;r ` . °'"�" . � � , `;� '�. ti-S 14 9 6 5 •m 1"�J Nanger Rod, _ � • : � Existing W 8 x 1Q �N m` ° ' � �, - � , . UN1T 110 M/4fN LEVEL PLAN 1I4"=�'-o" r " �nt �: o j ' .S�ONAI.�.�• o° W 8 x 10 - 3/$"Fitted Stitfenera � , 2 � 9T�OF C0�-��P Plates N.S.8�.5." - � 2 �' + , ' ' F . _ ' � ' �ope Flang�< ,"L ;t�. - - « -- - - _ _ - _ _ . . � _ �_, ; � , r-. _�._, � -_ -- Ex�stin Uv,B x 1D -2 6 � �' C HANGER RC3D @ RODF PURLtN D HANGER,�tOD �.B�EAN+i'� � _ �3"��r 3"x 1l4"'�lrigle x�G"One Side � - ' • - ; ' � � _ �OFFtT �RAIVIING � ��4��-��io�� ---FLOO�t ���tAMtNG �1ETAILS �,�-��_o,� R � _ _Existing W 8�x iQ W$x 10 F C 0� � - , . , ` � ' .��C.� ��f',9 - �� � , � � , � , ' , ` P��PLanaern��ait�r A��I��� � . , - - �r � - Exist�ng W lq x 12 Q- O � ' „ , ` _ � ri � � _ � � � 3��'� � TH EN � ` ��1@dral.li, Remodel _ oavidlAaricPeei,A.I.A° KathyLangenwalter�A.I.A. -� � P.a.Ba� 1202 Vail,�Colorada �1 g58 date���o I - � � - , , - . � Vail Villa�e inr� Condominiums _Tele 970-4?'6-48b6 Fax 970-476-4572 ' _ � _ � � ' � Units �1� & 203 � - - pr�j�ct � , � . . SC�FFlT f�AMtNG DETAILS �"=�t'-o" F �`' � Vail Coiorado� �, _ �� � -, � � � ` # � ' " _��. _, ,� . � . �� � � ' � �o la Engiheering, Ir�C. 970-476-217Q drawr� . � , • . y Y _ , r � , SEp ARG'�`� � _ .'Suite 390� 143 E. Meadow Drive Vail CO _ , _ , � �sheet 2- of� ` _ � . - , , � � � - - � - � . � , . � � , - . , � . _. , ,� � f r _ . � _ _ _�_ ---- - - �' _ - - -- , -._.__-���- � _ - - . - - - - . . � - ----- , -, - - -.� -,� - _ - � . _ . - . 4B� 4A , - - --� ' 3 . 3 , � Ews�Eing Beam, - , •, - � � �, Field Venty Finisi� , - �- N _ '� , � - , ' , � 'Metat H�ndrail per a � O , � � 9 F Metal Railing �,�i �� , � � Mefat R�iling Per Code � O ( Per Code ,�"" � _ Curved Soffit � � ',L Q �Above Island � �r _ � f � M, � Fu�red Out Beam �! � ,,�( Hanger, Minimize Width � ' , , ; � ' � ' Q�l•� � _ , i i ' � s � , }^ , 'zss� 3 � � - . � � �� � ` ( Handrail . . , �,!gar i '�1 St �eo � Per Code i � , _ ' - Kitcher� � � , �' living � � r� � � —- ° . . . y I �,� � p�C .; � � - -- -----� - - �Kitchen Istand, � Stait � . .-�l� �� ` - � ; . - Master Bedrootn , � 1� � ° q �NORTH W�L�.; - �xisting�eam, ExisUng Beam, , � , , � �ield Verify Finish' �ield Verify Finish � � , , , , - � � , ' ��,�I� 2(,��i , � ' � StoneVeneer C} ' r , �dge af _ _ . ;Drop Ceifing � � i ~� — 5058 s ` _____� �,ctoset c N �� .�.� Dining � Dastied Lines lndicate =—-'� � !�� � T � - � - - - 0 Rod/Shelf -' � � to' he = Walt�ta be Removed�Typ., �"`—" � N , , � `= � � -�- `y �-+r�t--- � . � Metaf Railinq f--- i� c'�i� , , � - � � �` `Per Code � �� , �4 � � p� /� `{�. 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