HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Village Filing 12 Block 2 Lot 12 Vail Mountain School 2004 Alarm.PDF M+efiXop�ex �on�'tsi �ys#ems - An ISI Detention Contrac#ing Group,Inc.Company � FIRE ALARM SYSTEM SUBMITTAL Vail Mountain School Date: Friday,Apri109,2004 � , , Prepared for: Riviera Electric 410 Mcgregor Drive Suite 210 Gypsum, Co 81637 Project#:82-279 Metroplex Control Systems 7388 S Revere Pkwy, Unit 603 Centennial, Colorado 80112 Phone: (720)-875-0303 Fax: (720)-875-0800 , ��. �, Vail Mountain School Proj ect #82-279 Manufacturer t �. Model# Description EST Local Rail Modules 1 EST3 Control Panels 1 3-CPUl Central Processor 1 3-RS485B Network Comm. Card 2 3-SDDC Dual Dnver Controller 5 3-LRMF Blank LRM Filler 6 3-ZA40B 40W Zoned Amphfier Display Module 1 3-LCD Liquid Crystal Display 2 3-12SR 12 Swrtch Display �' Power Supplies 1 3-PPS/M Pnmary Power Supply 2 3-BBC/M Booster Power Supply 3 BPS6 Remote Booster Power Supply Cabinets and Chassis 2 3-CHAS7 Chassis for 7 LRMs 1 3-RCC21R Red Remote Chassis Cabmet/Cover 1 3-CAB14B Back Box 1 3-CAB14D Door Assembly � 2 3-BATS Battery Shelf Annunciators 3 3-LCDANN LCD Annunciator 3 RLCM/B Flush Box Audio/ Telephone Controls 1 3-ASU/4 Audio Source Umt � � Vail Mountain School Proj ect #82-279 Manufacturer Qt�. Model# Description EST Signature Series Devices 14 SIGA-CR Control Relay Module 2 SIGA-CT1 Single Input Module 1 SIGA-CT2 Dual Input Module 2 SIGA-CC1S Signal Module 14 SIGA-278 Double Action Station 214 SIGA-PS Intel Smoke Detector 240 SIGA-SB4 Standard Base 33 SIGA-HRS 135°Heat Detector 7 SIGA-DH Detector Housing 7 SIGA-SB Standard Base 7 SIGA-LED Remote Light Indicator 7 6261-006 Air Sampling Tube �....� ' 7 SIGA-DTS Test Station Genesis Senes 22 G1RF-VM Strobe,red w/fire 77 G4R-S7VM 70 V Speaker, Strobe 2 G1M-RM Remote Mount Door Holder/ Releases 11 1505-NS Flush, Wall Mount Batteries 6 12V6A5 12 Volt 6 5 AH 6 12V65A 12 Volt 65 AH Beam Detector 1 Fire Ray 2000 Beam Detector � �, ,� � � , " � a 4 �W TM EDWARDSSYSTEMSTECHNOLOGY CONTROL PANELS .�'£>�`:r:,zs;{,..�<;,r,.<.xK.,pu>�:w�"'u�xx„«t^>Y?.a�.x:?;.:> «�;sti,s,�;;n, n;,-7�. 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Eight multi lexed channeis for audio source selection on one �>»;_>�><>->:.<-.�. •�=><;:r:y,,,:>.�<».,:.: P <;,,:>>;>�»� =a _ ::t:<. <�<:�>;:> �:>,... 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The power supplies use a urnque parallelmg arrangementthat Descri ption ensures optimization of each supplies full capacity Each supply wdl support up to 7 Amps of load,with four supplies 28 Amps of EST3 is a modular system uniquely designed to easily meetthe current is available ail backed up by one battery.This gives EST3 nec,dsofstandalonesinglenodesystemsormulti-nodenetworks continwngcostsavingbenefitsinsystemmaintenanceaswellas Bothfirealarmandaudiosystemsusethesamefundamental initialsystemcost, cornponentssimplifymg system layouts Apowertul System A user intertace layer made up of a Main Display Interface module Definition Utility helps defineflexibiesystem operations m a and a system of genenc modules maximize des+gn flexibdity for fraction of the time requ►red by others Virtually all EST3 operatmg custom systems features are software controlled.This gives EST3 great site flexibility and ensures operational changes and upgrades will be possibleyearsaftertheinitial installation. from the elegant contoured door design of the Lobby Enclosure s ,.: � ,� ' p�9��p �� throughthestandardindustrialdesignofRemoteClosetcabinets I Q��� �� bothaestheticsandfunctionareaddressed. '�`��:>€%� �� , , o ��'. r O ."� :.:iRO] � /: ���� �/ j �� n��y�n ��,i�� � �ssis'�o�w � � �Gu RAIL ���a INNER1 �OUTER MODULES DISPUV �R I ' � MODULE9 �ER �R �� ��r EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY U S SALES SARASOTA, FL 941-739 4200, FAX 941-727-0740 • CANADA SALES,OWEN SOUND, ON 519 376-2430, FAX 519-376-7258 INTFRNATIONAL SALES 905-270-1711, FAX 905-270 9553 • CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS CHESHIRE, CT • U S MAlVUFACTURING. PITTSFIELD, ME ����=� Litereture Sheet N85010-0051 _ _ Page 1 of 4 Main Display Intertace Networks EST3's Main Display Interface modulefocuses on the emergency EST3 operates on a multi pnonty peer-to-peertoken nng network ,�, user Simpleto understand lights and switches helpthe operator The multi-pnontytoken nng gives EST3 exceptional alarm executesystemcommandswithconfidence,Eightlinesof21 response.Responsetimeislessthan3secondsacrossthenetwork characters(168characterstotal)providetheroomneededto virtuallyindependentofthetotainumberofnodes EST3tokenring conveyemergencyinformationinausefulformat.Handsfree,the networkconfigurationalsoaffordslongdistancesbetweennodes firsthighestpnontyeventdisplays,TheMainDisplayalways Thedistancebetweenpanelson#18AWG(10mmz)is5000ft showsthelasthighestpriorityevent,Withoutopenmgthedoorof (1523m).With64nodessupportedonanetworkthetotalnetwork the EST3 the�rst and last alarm is given EST3 modular system length is m excess of 300,000 ft(91400m) design means a Mam Display Intertace module is not required m Networkcommunication�s via RS-485 senal ports.Thistwo wire remote nodeswith no user mterface reqwrements circuit supports Class'A'or'B' The EST3 network meets NFPA EST3's Main Display InterFace provides a menu system to support style 7 communicationsstandards in Class'A'configuration mamtenancefunctions such as pointdisablmg orreportsforuse The EST3 uses distnbuted data basetechnology,designed to by staff orservice personnel survive the ngors of fire and flre fighting In Class'B'configuration a single breakor short on the networkwiring will isolatethe system Display Modules mto two groups of panels each with one or more nodes Each EST3's,genenc control/display module's provide membrane 9roup of panels continues functioning as a peer-to-peer network switches with positive tactile feedback and colored LEDs giving Working with their combined data bases In Class'A'a single break theemergencyuserthesimplestofmterfaces.Control/Display orshortonthenetworkwiringcausesthesystemtoisolatethe modulelocationsaremdependentoftheunderlyingconnection fault Networkcommunicationcontinuesurnnterrupted,lfmultiple � hardware,the local rail module This keeps system lay out faults occur,the networkre-configures into multiple networksand flexibility maximized, functions as described abovefor Class'B'.This means a system contmues to respond to activations from every node that can Panel Capacities transmit and receive network messages Local responses always EST3 makes isolation of fieid wiring easy with buildmg wmng execute since the local data base resides at each node maximizing termination's being made on locai rad module removableterminal survivability. blocks.EST3 local rad modules mciude,zoned amplifers,Single Signature LoopControllers,Conventional Hardwired modules,and Adding Audio the main CPU module.System design allows convenient EST3 audio is a matter of selecting components for mstallation m separation of high voltage and power limited wirmg. standard fire alarm cabinetassemblies EST3 uses intelligent EST3 supports both singie nodeand multiple node smgle network zoned amplifiers,this reduces wire runs and space needs at a �„� systems.As a stand alone panel or single node from 5 to 21 central location.Audio control equipment and zoned ampii�ers module spaces are avadable This provides enough space for up usethe same system power supplies asfirealarm components All to four system power supplies providing 28 Amps of power A , thesecomponents aresupported bystandby battery.Where single panel supports up to 10 S►gnature loop controllers(250 multiple nodes make up the system a smgle pair of wires carries devices per loop,Z500 points totai per node).UtTimg conven- erght channels of digitai audio between nades.The system will tional�ircwts,upto 15 tocal rail modulesfit,supporting 120 deliveruptoeightmessages/signalssimultaneouslymeanang conventional zones.Up to half of the conventional circwts could occupants signaling messaging is never interrupted This beNotificationApplianceCircwts,withl9ControlDisplay el�mmatesconfusionwMentheemergencyuserregwrestheuseof modules,and a Main Display Interface module. an audio channel when delivering zone specific messages The EST3 provides simpie paging controls Pressmg the ALL CALL selects all pagmg zones for message delivery.Pressmg Page to EVACUATION automatically selects all areas in evacuation. Similarly,the user can Page to ALERT. Zoned paging requires the userto simply press zone paging switches After the user completes a page delivery,signaling automatically restore when the userreleasesthe microphonetalkkey L,.,, ED�JARDS SYSTEMS �J'ECHNOLOGY Page 2 of 4 Literoture Sheet �85010-0051 Issue 1 t�ngineering Specification �� t shall be possible to support a single stand alone node or up to access queues It shall be possible to view specific eventtypes �;4 nodes communicating on a peer-to-peer multi-pnority token separately Havmg to scroll through a mixed list of event types is ring protocol network,Any node on the network with a new alarm not acceptable.Thetotal number of active events by type must be �rwst have pnoriry on the Network Network alarm response must displayed,V►sual indication must be provided for any event type ��e under 3 seconds Field wiring connections must be made at that has not been acknowledged or viewed.:lt must be possible to ;�movable terminal blocks Status LEDs shatl be provided for customizethe designation of all user interface LEDs and Switches .��mmunicationsofnetwork,RS-232,audioandinternalrail forlocallanguagerequirements. � ���mmurncations Internal node communication speed must be The Life Safety system shall incorporate annunciation ofAlarm, g:rogrammable The control panel and system components must c:manufactured by an ISO 9001 standards listed company. Supervisory,Trouble and Morntoroperations Annunciation must be through the use of LED display stnps complete with a means to i fie communication format between the control panel and analog custom label each LED as to its function.Where applicable control 'c�vices shall be digital. of remote smoke control devices must be made avadable at the #�op alarm recognition must be within 750 mdliseconds of a control center.Switches with LEDs must provide posit�ve feed backtotheoperatorofremoteeqwpmentstatus Wherevoice device reporting an alarm state It must be possible to wire the audio is reqwred a means of paging individual zones must be �oop as Class A or Class B with non shielded,non twisted wire,It made.The status of each paging zone must be annunciated It must niust be possible to wire branches(T-taps)w�th Class B wmng be possible to selectively page into speci�c zones It shall be �hould thecommunications between devices and the Data possibleto marnpulatethe evacuation of the building from the �.ontroller be lost,the device circuit shall go into stand-alone mam control center It must be possible for the emergency y�lode.The circuit shall act like a conventional alarm receiving operatorto put speaficzones into evacuation manually circuit in the stand alone mode Should bus communications be 9ast,local rad modules mustcontmue to function,recogrnze and The audio system amplifiers must be able to operate 25Vrms or :,torefunctionalstatuschanges Intheeventofanalarm,provision 704Vrmsspeakers Thesystemshallprovidesimultaneouspage, must be made to signal the network and make it aware of the alarm alertand evacuation signaling.Systemsthatcausesignaling rondition. devices to go silentwhde pertorming any signaling functions will notbeaccepted Systemampli�ersmustbedistnbutedzoned ]he fire alarm power supplies must be capable of bemg paralleled type Centrally banked systems are not acceptable An integral and share the load Multipte power supplies must be capable of circuitfor operating traditional NAC devices must be provided x�e�ng backed up with a single 24 volt battery pack for reduced with each system amplifier The circuit mustyhave a mirnmum rnaintenance.A battery per power supply is not acceptable The ratmg of 3 5 Amps for operating 24Vdc signals It must be possible �� ;�ower supply shall be capable of charging up to 65 AH batteries. to have up to 8 separate audio signal sources for paging and 31 se power supply must be able to perform an automatic load test signalmg purposes The system must provide as a minimum the �t batteries and return a trouble if the battenes fall outs�de a followmg pagmg common controls and indicators Ready to page �z;edetermined range Powersupplies mustincorporate the ability LED,VU display of paging output level,single switch function for �4�ad�ust the charge rate of batter�es based on ambient paging to all-Alett zones,Evacuation zongs,and arEas not ��;mperatures Itshallbepossibfetoad�ustforambienttempera- programmedforsignaling.Thesystemmustprovidehighquality ture changes in local cabinets as well as remote cabinets analog to digital conversion of paging sources,Digital transmis- �hesystem shall provide a usermtertacethatdisplays system sion of paging must be provided between system nodes The ,;vents m a text format,and supports basic common control LEDs analog sources must be sampled and converted to digital with a ��nd switches The Common Control Switches and LEDs provided samplmg rate no less than 9600 baud.It must be possibleto „s minimum will be;Reset switch and LED,Alarm Silence switch transmitsignal sources(Alert,Alarm,Page,etc.)together over a .�nd LED,Panel Silence switch and LED,Dnll switch and LED It single pairofwires between nodes. must be possible to add additional common controls as reqwred The fire panel shall be capable of supporting a variety of conven- through the use of modular display units The user mterface must tional smoke detectors with a smgle module.It must be possible to ;rovide an LCD that will allow custom event messages of up to 42 support polarized bells,horns or strobes.It shall be possible to <naracters Thesystemmustprovidetheemergencyuser,hands providehardwiredsupervisoryandmonitorfunctionswithlatchmg `ree viewmg ofthe first and last highest priorityevent.The last or non-latching operations It shall be possible to display any E��ghest pnority eventmustalways display and update circuiton an LCD or LED annunaator located anywhere on the �utomatically.Events shall be automatically placed in easy to network � EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Issue 1 Llterature Sheet �85010-0051 Page 3 of 4 Typical Wiring Ta��� � remm.noor pen« �� 2TvPr 2Pr Pr 1 Tw/Sh Pr � S• s � S S S �r� CR � MM FlRE g MM wn��. �� �� OAMPER MONfTOR CONTROL MON S S � S S S 41hROOR . .CC PL . . . . � . . . . . . . . ' 1Pr8 2Pr- � 2P� 2 Tw/Sh Pr yS `T M � S S S S S � S S F ,�r �v�- EST3 Fiemote C CAL J S` S' �' S' S Fbor Panel PROCE53 MONI'fOR P,�, 21WISh Pr +�w�sn r� S S S S S S F r�a CC � F ��ti� .<.<r< 3�pif"3D'ok'Si`sii}iyly7i�nce[�.P,:,".;.'�;;;5^;:i4 sbFwoA mu.ttanpnwaufeaim�dlfie�r.ebrn"eis:6.'� . . . . . . . . �2P � �2Pr� TT `.`. 1Tx hP } 7PrA2Tw/ShPr 7 1 Pr 2TwP� MM HVACMONITOR 11W/ShPr (�iR FiVAC CONTROL � C F � NshvorktonWl, A7OR �utlb,8 tdephme �pNpE WATERR.OW CT � SNRTCH SGRINq.ER CT SUPEiM30RY 2n0 FLOOR SWfTCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . YT Pr 2 Pr � S S � S S 5S 1 h C � MM FIRE F ` WATER LEVEl Hvnc rrvnc ��+ s h9M Mor,rroR _ o°"r"°� M°"i'°R } � S S � S S S i.�Fl.00A. .+CC � . . . { . . . . . . . . . 1Pr8 � �2P 21W/Sh R yS �� `T � S S S S S � S S +� S S S � S S S S �P�" S S S S S F znvrsn rr , CC � 1 !�Pr. e Primuy � �w�ruu�max ��wya4oaAe POY/!f wdaoefiGlwwml �Cq/1110.119AYYOONF Sou,es ��•,.• w^.�:3�`f<� ����oiawim ��eurYOOUs l:Pti:illd(epfe�;�#ioiyet:i'tiPPA;.6i�tiotiHe,"•�M,:�;:�> Owaaoertrnnwmi �u«eruavcwmirYOw�e dIiN3C0)Ytll��aiud'iGiOU/E6:!f,M}}J14Y/A11rMW':' �ww�owe +619bpmYY,f?Oy1Yp1�DMi;RY��O7i�`bGlllAiEuS�, OJ uxeiqx�m ��oxmnwoua Printer z.:.' . . .` . ��� � eomne�eer�on OHOUND FLODR °F�111°` Slz�conduclow psr eppllutlon "N1EfpN1�'� Relerto EST31ns1allation Manual ��/ ' • ' • • , Typical EST3 Winng w�th �"°"°"` for edddionel detalle Emergency Votce/Aiarm System w/Ffrefighters Telephones ED1RlARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY It is our mtention to keep the product mformadon current and accurate We can not cover specific applications or anticipate all requirements All specifications are sub�ect to change without notice For more mformation or questions relative to this Specification Sheet,contact EST m 1996 EST PriMed in U S A Page 4 of 4 Literature Sheet�85010-0051 Issue 1 �P�. �� �d ��� � EDWARDSSYSTEMSTECHNOLOGY CONTROL AND ANNUNCIATION Central Processor Unit � Module Model: 3-CPU1, 3-RS485A, 3-RS485B, 3-RS232 � K': Features '"� � . ■ 16bitprocessor '��� � ■ Up to 1750 history events ;''s>'� Q ■ RS-4851ocalradcommunications . .;� .., , ;��;s:t' L� ■ Multiplexedaudiochannels �M � Networkcommunication RS-485 ;?� ,`�` :.:.. _�� C E ■ RS-232communicationcard ��F�",'��`' � � a:�::<�,;::_:>.���<_.:::::.. ,„, .*.��. • �.,,... > . : �, t, .�,•'. ■ Form'C'contactsfor:Alarm,S pervi y �t�:;� `��`�;_> n u sor and Trouble .`zr.�� ;:f:i�" ■ Lowvoltagememorywriteprotection " '�.:>.i::;,:�* 3-CPU1 De�C:'!�tlOCl � The 3-CPU1 isthe Central Processing Unit Module monitonng the Each 3-CPU1 provides siots atthe back for mounting Network,and status of all modules and providing the Imk for network commurn- RS-232,cards Removable terminal blocks on the 3-CPU1 support cations Although each local rai!card contains their own micro- connection of network and audio data winng On board common processor,the3-CPUlprovidesallinter-modulecommunication relaysalsoterminateatthe3-CPUlterminals Toaidmtrouble and has the abdity to download rad module operatmg parameters shooting and service,status LEDs morntor local rail,network, Uponpowerupthe3-CPUlautomaticallylearnsalllocalrail RS232andaudiodatacommunications. module attributes and locations Site speciflc software is loaded into the 3-CPU1 which then downioads data to each local rail module The Network Communications card mounts to the back of the Firmware upgrades are also donefrom the 3-CPU1 elimmatin�the Central Pro�essor Urnt.The 3-RS485A card provides a Class A needtounplugchipsonrailmodufes Internalrailcommurncations (Style7)orClassB(Style4)circwtfornetworkcommunications is accomplished in a broadcast protocol for fast response signals and two additional Class A(Style 7)circuits for the digitized audio signals The 3-RS485B card provides a Class B(Style 4) Mounting must be in the first two local rail spaces Options for the circuitfor network communications signals and a second Class B 3-CPU1 includethe addition of an LCD display and User Intertace, (Style 4)circwtfortfie digitized audio signals.Network messages RS-232CommunicationCard,andRS-485SenesNetworkCommu- receivedbytheNetworkCommunicationscardarere-transmitted nicationCards tothenextnetworknode Re-transmissionmaximizesthewirerun lengths between nodes.With 64 nodes miles of network length�s Appi ication possible.Fail safe mechanisms bwlt mto thecard directconnect The 3-CPU 1 helps make EST3 an extremely powerful and flexible the data mput and output ports shouid the network card or its related Central Processorfad. system.As a smgle node,stand alone system a smgle 3-CPU 1 controls 1 to 19 local rad modules For larger systems,up to 64 The 3-RS232 Communication Card mounts to the back of the 3- nodes interconnecton a peer-to-peer multi-pnontytoken nng CPU1.The 3-RS232 has two optically isolated RS-232 ports The protocol network. ports support connection of a pnnter and/or an external command The 3-CPU1 controls all local panel responses to automatic,user center Entire network downloading from one location(to all 64 nodes)is availablethrough the RS-232 card initiated,or network reported events As a network node,it is an equal among peers,there is no master on the network Muiti- prionty token nng means that a node with a new alarm has priority � on the network This gives exceptional responsetimes overthe network,lessthan three seconds EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY U S SALES. SARASOTA, FL 941-739 4200. FAX 941-727-0740 • CANADA SALES OWEN SOUND, ON 519-376-2430, FAX 519 376-7258 INTERNATIONAL SALES 905 270-1711, FAX 905 270 9553 • CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS CHESHIRE, CT • U 5.MANUFR,^�TURING PITTSFIELD, ME Issue 4 Literature Sheet�85010•0095 Page 7 of 4 Specifications Catalog Number 3-CPU7 �� Agency Listmgs UL,ULC,FM,CE,LPCB,EN-54 Mounting 2-Left most local rad spaces Termmal Size 18-72 AWG(1 Omm2 to 2 5mm2) Standby Current 70 mA Alarm Current 80 mA Contact Ratings Nonbypassable Alarm,Supervisory and Troubie Form'C'1A at 30 Vdc Data Down Loading RJ45 Jack Operating Environment 0°C-49°C(32°F-120°F),93%at 40°C Non-Condensmg Option Cards Catalog number 3-RS232 3•RS485A 3-RS4856 Standby Current 48 55 55 Alarm Current 48 55 55 Commurncation Ports �Two optically isolated RS-232 Three RS-485 Class A(Style 7) Two RS-485 Class B(Style 4) Agenc Listmgs UL,ULC,FM,CE,LPCB Mounting Back of 3-CPU1 Operating Environment 0°C-49°C(32°F-120°F);93%at 40°C Non-Condensing Engineering Specification Installation and Mounting It must be possible to support a single stand alone node or up to 64 nodes communicating on a peer-to-peer multi-pnonty token •� � � •� � � nng protocol network Network and digitized audio winng shall be � � run in a[choose one Class A(Style 7)or Class B(Style 4)]configu- ration Any node on the network with a new alarm must have 0 � � 0 0 � � pnorit;on the network Networkalarm responsefrom alarm mput � to signal activation must be under 3 seconds. All field winng must ' ' ' • be to removable termmal blocks.Status LEDs must be provided forcommunications of network,RS-232,audio and internal rail � � � commurncations.Internal nodecommurncation speed must be Centrel programmable. Processor L L L L L un�t R R R R R Modul� ' � �-cPw �M �M �M � M � RA • o • • o 0 0 ,t../ E�WARDS SYSTEMS TECHN^LOGY Page 2 ot 4 Lltareture Sheet�85010-0095 Issue 4 #�rdering Information � �(,atalog Number Description Ship Wt.-Ib(kg) 3-CPU1 Central Processor Unit Module 0.71b(0 32kg) 3-RS485A Network Commurncations Card,Ciass A(Style 7) 0 331b(0 15kg) i;3-RS4856 Network Commumcations Card,Class B(Style 4) 0 331b(0.15kg) ��-RS232 RS-232 Commurncation Card 0 331b(0.15kg) i ypical Wiring - COMMON SYSTEM RELAYS � ':<> ; ::;�,.:'; `:��._: `"`y��>:::` > w:<n: ,;�::�>'r>:' . 's;::,i. `•¢`°`< ' `�> ° 1 Maximum#14 AWG(1.5mm�wire, mmimum vg.w�:,:�: � ;:::!.y�' <i�:.:::?:<_ .::;�+"�;�` . :,m :r�.:;::>'.. '; #18 AWG 0,7 ::;� .;�::�: ( 5 mm� >:: �:: >:� �:. _>��" <�> '"" '�2"�.. 2 All shields, if used, must be contmuous and �<::,.; ::,::: �z : :::^::. C. . �� � �:;•. msuiated from round,exce t at the on in � �»'_";;: 9 P 9 aung ��„ :<.�::a<.<:>`; :;:::� ;:>.�.�.. _„<.;;:» �>:.;:�, : ;�:;>: :.`:,:.�,:,,::: ::`.�:. panei ;:: �.:.>; .,>:>:.:;>;.::<::;:: .::,:�:<•: �'� �`�'�'� ��' 3 Class A network data re uires one air of wires � �` ' �.�� q P �� ::_��:'_: �� connectm the last node to the first node � .<;� �,-..:, g �D.. . � f Ur:` :'� :...A':�':_�'.'.. i�:3:L4''L.i', ��:� "'�'::�'_ ?:v> 4 Class A audio data reqwres two pairs of wires ���������� running in opposite directions,ongmatmg at the , z 3 � 5 fi , a s ,o node containing the ASU 0000000000 � -- ---<�> f0 � � � ConneUtoTBl�on3�CPU1��Module O'� C� ti. ,+y"�? R �o °-o y � ,`�/ �� �`� � - , �� _� � v, �� C� '0 � CEMRNfl10CF59xGUMIMOdIIE `oU oV Q c �M LiM O .�C ,�„�,,. � �� � Q � y N y � Connect to TB2 on 3 CPU1 Module Z V '.:�:;s a"r:: :3' �t3[;: 8: :a. :c:..i �.v O O o�e O�e OJ�e e�e`�O 000�,e�O�efe�0 e.e 70 19 1B 17 16 15 11 13 12 il 10 B 8 7 6 5 1 3 I 1 � � DB9FEMALE (REAR VIEN� (�COM %N 9 �'��'D POAT#2(isolated) N (y RXD TO PRINTER OR REMOTE � ���,N, � COMMAND SYSTEM, � OR o � ` � � DB25FEMALE O � i (REARVIEY� � s 3 �„ %N:s d Z Network Audio Riser a e � PORT#2(isolated) n)coM TO PRINTER OR REMOTE Class A only COMMAND SYSTEM, izi n�c�° DIN 71 �+� ♦�� l�� nN, N _ � PoN 13 FIN 25 0�— �O DB25 FEMALE �a C � e (REAR VIEMq aU a� e � PORT#1 ISOLATED PORT E�"�N � � ��CO"' TO PRINTER OR REMOiE O�Q O� COMMAND SYSIEM ���( � �M �= I (3)R%D 1 � Q(� �dQ (2IT%D c�V �N u %N 1 �M M EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY f,sue 4 Literature Sheet�85010-0095 Page 3 of 4 �� � � EbWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY It is our intention to keep the product information current and accurate We can not cover specific applications or anticipate all reqwrements Ail specifications are sub�ect to change without notice For more information or questions relative to this 5pecification Sheet,contact EST m 1999 EST Pnnted In U S A Page 4 of 4 Literature Sheet�85010-0095 Issue 4 � , �. iT`.T'�i�ii� �,,,,,,,�/ '. r: �I r ri �� rer • ,. EDVJApDSSYSTEMSTECHNOLOGY CONTROL AND ANNUNGIATION �+� ' 'ignature D�iver Con#roller Modules Model: 3-SSDC, 3-SDDC, 3-SDC Features ■ Oneortwocircuitversions ■ Dedicated microprocessorcontrol ■ Full digital communication _ � ■ Specialized communication protocol � -Less sensitive to cable characteristics -Utilize existing wiring in most applications LC ■ Loop alarm in under 750 miliiseconds � � Device location supervision -Unexpected additional device addresses �� �E -Missing dev�ce addresses �;r; -Switched device locations "�� - �� FM �� -Programmed device parameters ■ Automatic nonvolatile as-built mapping cabmet and provide removabie fieid wiring termmals to aid -Stores"actual"and"expected"device data installation. -Store&physiaalconnectiDnseqLence�inclLd�ng"I'_#aps - - Innov�tivedesigm-givesthe-3=S-�De13-�[�BC�d��ature s Automatic day/night sensitivity devices truly"distributed intelligence".Signature detectors and modules havetheirown on-board microprocessorcommurncating ■ Supports up to 250 intelligent Signature detectors with the loop controller in a fully digital communication format. and 250 Intelligent Signature Modules This increases the accuracy ofthe information commg to and from ■ Up to five 3-SDDCs per node the loop controller by reducing the effects of capacitance and noise. ■ Removable field wiring terminal blocks With decentralized intelligence much of the deasion makmg moves from the loop controller to the devices Advanced fire detection ■ Multiple survival modes—stand alone aigonthms processed within the Signature devices effectively end ■ Ground fault detection by loop unwanted alarms.Environmental compensation,multiple sensing element decision making,and stand alone mode operations are and by Signature Module Circuit resident m the devices Intelligerlt devices allow the Signature ■ Automatic electronic device addressing Controllers to execute commurncation and system functions with greater speed and low baud rates,increasing the accuracy of mformation transmitted between the loop controiler and devices. Description To enhance survivability ofthe system the 3-SSDC/3-SDDC The 3-SSDC and 3-SDDC Signature Driver Controller modules supports a standalone mode for 5ignature devices.Two cata- strophic failure modes are supported.If the 3-CPU(1)fads the loop provide an intelligent interFace between the 3-CPU(1)module and controller will continue to poll its devices.If an alarm is detected Signature Series devices.Each module contams its own micro- it will be sent on the local rail communication bus and recetved processorusedto coordinate,process and interpret information by other modules.A common alarm condition throughout the received from and sentto Signature devices.Power and commu- panel will result.If the local rad module(3-SSDC/3-S�DC)fails, nications is received directly from the control panel rail assem- and a device(smoke or madule)detects an alarm,specialized bly.The 3-SSDC Single Signature Dnver Controller module circuitry will ma�ce the node aware of the alarm condition.The 3- supports one Signature Data circuit,while the 3-SDDC Signature CPU(1)will commumcate the alarm condition to the rest of the Dual Driver Controller module supports rNO signature circuits. network.Having multiple redundant modes is paramount in a life `"� Both modules occupy one ra�l space in the fire alarm control safety system. EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY U S SALES:SARASOTA,FL941-739-4638,FAX941-727-1214 • CANADASALES�O�N SOUND,ON 5193762430,FAX 51&376-7258 INTERNATIONALSALES.905�2741711,FAX90rs270-9553 • CORPORATEHEADQUARTERS•CHESHIRE,C7 • US MANUFACTURING.PITTSFIELD,ME Issue 6 Literature Sheet 886010-0063 Page 7 of 4 Not to ba used for (nstellatlon purposes. v,.. .ti.. �--- - ----- � Application �, Upto125detectorsand125modulesaresupportedoverasingle Iftheattnbutesarenotthesamethe3-SSDC/3-SDDCwillsenda pair ofwires by the 3-SDC S�gnature Cards that plug into the map fault indicat�on to the 3-CPU(1)and post a trouble mdicating Signature controiler modules.Both Class Awiring(style 6 or style the specific devices in fault. 7)and Class B(style 4)wiring are supported.Loop distances over 11,OOOfeet(3300m)are possible The 3-SSDC/3-SDDC also monitors the Signature Series devices for mamtenance and trouble conditions.Each smoke detector The 3-SSDC and 3-SDDC use advanced communication formats contams intelligence to ad�ustwith environmental changes.This that provide exceptional response.Using a "BROADCAST POLL" expands the amount of time reqwred between cleanmg while the loop controller checks the entire device circuit for any maintain�ng a constant a(arm threshold.As the detector begins to changes of state.Should one or more devices report a change the exhaustthe environmental compensation the3-SSDC/3-SDDC 3-SSDC/3-SDDC uses"DIRECTADDRESS SEARCH"to find wdl indicate a maintenance or dirty condition to the 3-CPU(1)and reporting device(s).Devices that have entered the alarm state or indicate the specific device requiring cleaning.If cleanmg is not become active are located neariy instanianeously. performed the detector will continue to operate until ail of its The unique use of"BROADCAST POLLING"combined with environmental compensation is utilized.At th�s pomt the 3-SSDC/ "DIRECTADDRESS SEARCH"ensures that only new information 3-SDDC sends a very dirty command to the 3-CPU(1)and posts a is transmitted allowing a reduced baud rate with fast response trouble co�dition.If maintenance is still not performed the time.The low baud rate is ideal for retrofit applications since in Signature detector wdl automatically remove itself from service most applications existtng wiring can be used. once the programmed threshold window has been breached (preventing a false alarm). Every time the 3-SSDC/3-SDDC communicaies with a detector the green LED on the detectorfiashes.Normal green LED activiry isnotdisturbingtobuddingoccupants,butcanbequicklyspotted Engineering Specification by a maintenance technic�an.The RED LED on the detector turns on only in the alarm condition. The commurncation format between the Contro)panel and analog The 3-SSDC/3-SDDC also supervises the device wirmg,physical devices shall be 100%digital. location of each device and the programmed device characteris- Loop alarm recognition must be within 750 milliseconds of a t�cs This EST/Signature Senes unique characteristic is accom- device going into the alarm state,with system response time no plished by"MAPPING"the Signature circuit and committing the greaterthan 3 seconds. map to memory,Upon power up the loop controller will scan It must be possible to wire the circwt as Class A or Class B with �,_,,� device serial numbers and map their physical location sequence on the loop,including"T"taps.After mapping is complete the non-shielded,non-twisted wire.It must be possible to wire controllerautomaticallyaddresses each detectorand module branches(T-taps)with Class B wiring. through downloading over the loop.There are no switches or The driver controller must be manufactured m accordance with dials to set.Each device is assigned a unique soft address ___ _ ISO 9001 standards� generated by t e site specific program. — The system must have tolerance to multiple failures.There must The 3-SSDC/3-SDDC then compares the"Actua�"physical device be a standalone mode of operation that will ensure the system is data to the"Expected"site specific program data.If any correla- aware of alarms even if the local rail or main CPU fails. tions are different the loop controller issues a trouble to the CPU identifying the devices which do not match and posting a map fault.l'hrough the 3-CPU�1)'s RS-232 porta graphical map ofthe loop can be uploaded depictmg each devices location on the loop, including branches(T-Taps)and all of the physical attributes associated with the device.This diagnostic information is unparal- leled in the fire detection�ndustry and v�tal for keepmg accurate records on how the system was instalied. Durmginstallationacommonproblemwithanalog/addressable Ordering Information systems is locating ground faults.The 3-SSDC and 3-SDDC controllers have the unique ability to locate ground faults by Catalog Shipping Wt. specificmodule,whichismostgroundfaultconditionsexist. Number Description Ib(kg) Anothersignificant advantage ofthe 3-SSDC/3-SDDC controllers Single Signature Driver Controller. during commissioning is electronic addressing and mapping,This 3-SSDC Comes with one 3•SDC Device Card. .5(.23) eliminates duplicate addresses,which are also very difficult for Mounts to Local Rad. most systems to locate. Dual Signature Driver Controller. During maintenance,should groups of detector heads be re- 3-SDDC Comes with two 3-SDCs. ,5 j P3� � moved for service and returned into the wrong smoke detector Mounts to Local Rad. base�location),the 3-SSDC/3-SSDCwill automatically detectthe 3-SDC Signature Device Card-upgrades a problem.Ifthe attributes of the switched devices are zhe same the 3-SSDC to a 3-SDDC .25(.11) systemwillautomaticallydownloadnewsoftaddressestothe RFK7 FernteClampKitrequ�red devices(mamtaming location supervision). for EN-54 compliance. 25(11) �..�' EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Page 2 of 4 Llterature Sheet #t86010-0063 Issue 6 Not to be used for instellation purposes F.,. ,tie .....�. .. ...,.., n.---' -- --� , �Specifications (Signature Circuits) Charts assumewire and devices are evenly distributed over length of circuit Non-twisted,non shielded wire #of #14 AWG #16 AWG #18 AWG #of Module (20pf/foot) (20pf/foot) (20pf/foot) Device type Detectors Addresses (2.53 Ohm/1000ft ) (4 02 Ohm/1000ft) (6.38 Ohm/1000ft} Detectors only 125 p 14,752 feet 9,275 feet 5,839 feet (4,497 meters) (2,827 meters) (1,780 meters) Modules only p 125 12,599 feet 7,921 feet 4,986 feet (3,840 meters) (2,414 meters} (1,520 meters) Detectors and Modules �25 �25 5,738feet 3,608feet 2,271 feet (1,749 meters) (1,100 meters) (692 meters) Detectors and Modules 63 55 + 7,623 feet 4,793 feet 3,017 feet with 2-wire smokes 9 SIGA-UM (2,324 meters) (1,461 meters) (920 meters) Modules 107+ 3,798 feet 2,388 feet 1,503 feet with 2-wire smokes � 9 SIGA-UM (1,158 meters} (728 meters) �458 meters) Twisted pair non shielded wire � #14 AWG 1.5mm2 #16 AWG 1.Omm2 #18 AWG #of (38pf/foot) (3fipf/foot) (36pf/foot) (25pf/foot) (25pf/foot� #of Module (2,53 (3 75 (4.02 (5 51 (6 38 Device Type Detectors Addresses Ohm/1000tt) Ohm/1000it) Ohm/1000ft) Ohm/1000tt) Ohm/1000ft) Detectors only 125 0 13,157 feet 9,933 feet 9,275 feet 6,760 feet 5,839 feet �4,010 m) (3,028 m) (2,827 m) (2,061 m) (1,780 m) Modules Only 0 �25 12,599 feet 8,483 feet 7,921 feet 5,774 feet 4,986 feet (3,840 m) �2,586 m) (2,414 m) (1,760 m) (1,520 m) ��� Detectors 8 Modules 125 �25 5,738 feet 3,864feet 3,608 feet 2,630 feet 2,271 feet (1,749 m) (1,178 m) (1,100 m) (802 m) {692 m) Detectors and modules with 55 + 7,623 feet 5,133 feet 4,793 feet 3,494 feet 3,017 feet 2-wire smokes 63 9 SIGA-UM (2,324 m) (1,565 m) (1,461 m) (1,065 m) (920 m) Marlutes wi2b 2-vauE smakes- __ Q_ 107+ 3,798 feet 2,558 feet 2,388 feet 1 7�1 feet _ 1�03 feet �38T�A-UIVf �1,158 m) (780 m) (728 m) (531 m) (4b8 m) Twisted pair shielded wire #of #14 AWG #16 AWG #18 AWG #of Module (84pflfoot) (82pf/foot) (58pf/foot) Device Type Detectors Addresses (2 53 Ohm/1,OOOft) (4 02 Ohm/1,OOOft) (6 38 Ohm/1,OOOft) Detectors only 125 p 5,952 feet 6,098 feet 5,839 feet (1,814 meters) (1,859 meters) (1,780 meters) Modules Only p 125 5,952 feet 6,098 feet 4,986 feet (1,814 meters) (1,859 meters) (1,520 meters) Detectors 8 Modu�es 125 �25 5,738 feet 3,608 feet 2,271 feet (1,749 meters) (1,100 meters) (692 meters) Detectors and modules with 63 55+ 5,952 feet 4,793 feet 3,017 feet 2-wire smokes 9 SIGA-UM (1,814 meters) (1,461 meters) (920 meters) Modules w�th 2-wire smakes 0 107+ 2,558 feet 2,388 feet 1,503 feet 9 SIGA-UM (780 meters) (728 meters) (45�meters) , � � EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY - Issue B Literature Sheet #86010-0063 Page 3 of 4 Not to be u�r+A fnr ine+atl.�i.... ..�,........,.. Specifiications �,, Catalog Number 3-SSDC 3-SDDC Installation 1 LRM Space Agency Listings UL,ULC,FM,CE,LPCB,EN54.See Note 1. 1 LRM Space UL,ULC.See Note 1 Module Configuration 1 Addressable circuit(3-SDC Card) 2 Addressable circwts{3-SDC Cards) expandable to 2 circuits. Operating Current Standby 158mA Standby 242mA Alarm 177mA Alarm 261mA Operating Voltage _ 24 Vdc,Nommal Address Requirerr�ents Automatic Detectors Supported 125 per 3-SDC Card Modules Supported 125 Module Addresses per 3-SDC Card 2-Wire Smoke Power Output 100mA per 3-SDC Card(not included in"Operatmg Current"above Conventional detectors supported 150 of 100pA type per circuit Signature Circuit Volta e 20 VDC+/-5% Maximum Signature Circuit Resistance 79 Ohms Maximum Signature Crccuit Capacitance 0 5pF Communications Format 100%Digital , Circuit Wirmg S les Class A or Ciass B Termination Removabie plug-in terminal stri (s)on module Maximum Wire Size 18 to 14 AWG(0.75 to 1.5 mm2) Operating Environment 32°F(0°C)to 120°F(49°C)93%RH,non-condensing Note 1: The EST3 is modularly i�sted under the foliowing standards: UL 864 categories. UOJZ,UOXX,UUKL and SYZV,UL 294 category ALVY,UL 609 category AOTX,UL 636 category ANET,UL 1076 category APOU, UL 365 category APAW,UL 1610 category AMCX,UL 1635 category AMCX ULC-S527, ULC-5301, ULC-5302, ULC-S303, ULC-S304, ULC-S306, ULC/ORD-C1076, ULC/ORD-C693 Please refer to EST3 Installation and Service Manual for compiete system requirements `,,,�� Typical Wiring -- --� p- II - --- -- -- --- - - - -- �� + - 5���' Class A Configuretion Shown(Typ(cal) �� co-�nat �� p�p �:e': • �. � � � � � � .� is�x SIGNATURE + _+ 5�ft�a Class H Conflguretion Shown(Typlcal) �� � • - DWVER �p❑ coNrnrnlEre Q Maxlmum�12 AWG(1 5 mm';wve, Clreuit#t . s MODULE � minimum#18 AWG(0 75 mm) ToTBYm3SWCMOdW 2, ,qUwmngsupernsedendpower6mited Taee ..�� Q Shields(d used)must be conhnuous and �-sooc ����t�e��� 0ee s� 3 free from Earth Ground SIGNATURE oun� socrzs�. + � ClassAwinng DRIVER Q7 S Powr� CONTROLLER Q � Class B winng MODULE � � � Q To Universal Module ol MAB module T°THZ°n 35DDC MoAW� 8 when 2-wire smokes are powered irom ^•�• the module Clrcuft tlt2����� sx m sr�� + + PoH+r� � � � � � � � Class A Conflguratton Shown(Typleal) �� ��� eDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLQGY It�s our mtention to keep the product mformat�on current and accurate We can not coverspecific applicat�ons or anbcipate all reqwrements All specifieahons are sub�ectto change wdhout not�ce.For more mformation or questions relaUVe to th�s Specrfication Sheet,contact EST 0 2D01 EST PaOe 4 of 4 Literature Sheet �85010-0063 Pnnted m USA � Not to be used for lnstallatton purposes Issue 6 For the most current literwtu.n .�.� �...ae�e.. , _, ___ _ _ � � � � � �"� EDWARDS SYSTEMSTECHNOLOGY� AU D I O .g Zoned Audio Amplifiers m Model. 3-ZA20A, 3-ZA20B, 3-ZA40A, 3-ZA40B, �;: �. 3-ZA90 �; ;� Yc'•:i� Features Ut �... ■ Simultaneous eight channel digital audio � , .�`� -CD quality sound -No signal interruptions dunng pagmg Q ■ Speakercircwtbuiltintoampl�fier � ;: ' -Selectable for 70.7 or 25 Vru�,,s output �E - �• • � 3:'� l�::, 3 -Class A(Sryle Z)or Class B(Style Y)output -Power limited , , , ■ 3.5 AMP 24 Vd�notification appl�ance circuit on 20 and�0 watt 3-ZA90 amplifiers -ideal for strobe signals Appl ication -Class A(Sryle Z)or Class B(Style 1�output EST3 zoned amplifier configurations offer improved system -Power limited survivability and pertormance.Thezoned amplifierconfiguration ■ Networksoftware control of channel selection provides improved survivabllity m the event.of winng faults that cause a foss of signaling In the example shcawn in the diagram,a � ■ Integral backup tone generator short on the system using a central ba�ked up amplifier disables -1 KHz temporaf(3-3-3)tone multiple signal/page arcuits;and the standby ampli�er is not able to bypassthefault.With EST3,thesamefaultremovestheAudio SourCe Unit riser.Because all EST3 zoned am�liflers have an Descri pti on integral backup 1000 Hz temporal tone generator;the locally generated alarm tones notify occupa�tsvf a hazard even with the The EST3 audio amplifiers take fuil advantage of digital technol- pnmary nser out of commission.The.�ackup tone also operates if ogy.Digital messages generated by the Aud�o Source Unit(ASU) theASU orthe audio distribution systemfails.Tofurtherenhance and live pagmg messages are multip�exed mto eightseparate system survivability,a singte standby emplifler can backup any channels transmitted over a singletwisted pair o�wires.Each zoned amplifler in the same cabinet.Zoned ampli�ers can be zonedamplifiercontainsintegralde-multiplexingcircuitry housedinremotecabinetsclosetothespeakers.Thisminimizes allowing any one of the eight dig�tal aud�o channels to place the voltage drop between the amplifier and the load,and permits messages or signals on the amplifier's bwit m speaker circuit, the use of a smal ler wire size than is possible with centrally located Audio channel selection is netwprk software controlled EST3 amplification systems. audio amplifiers keep mstallation and connections simple Audio amplifiersmountinthesameenclosuresasotherEST3equipment. Central Powerfortheamplifierscomesfromstandardsystempower EST3 Zoned suppliesthrough the local rail field wiring connects to removable Amplifier � Amplifiers terminalblocksontheamplifermodule.Ampliflerssupporteither ShoAonRiser snononnser 25 VaMS or 70.7 VRMS power limited speaker circuits For visual d�sables all c�rcuits disablessignalsource signalmg,eaCfi 20 or 40 watt amplifier comes standard with one �---� StandbyAmplHiers 24 Vdc pow2��ir�ited Not�f�cati�h ApNiiance Circuitthat is ideat for areiocalinnodes StrObQ US2. StandbyEvacuation � ToneateachAmplifier � � � �a � y� EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY U.S.SALES: $ARASOTA, fL 941-739-4200, fAX 941-727-0740 • CANADA SALES. OWEN SOUND, ON 519 376-2430, FAX 519-376 7258 INTERNATIONAL SALES: 905-270-1711, FAX 905 270 9553 • CORPORqTE HEADQUARTERS: CHESHIRE, CT • U S.MANUFACTURING. PIITSFIELD, ME Issue 4 Llteroture Sheet�850'10•0057 Page 1 of 4 EST3 easily outperForms banked audio systems with its abdity to As an example with an afarm on floor eight the followmg auto- simultaneously deliver up to eightdifferentsignals.When using matic messages instructions could begiven simultaneously.Note; centrally banked amplifiers,paging and alertchanneistypically A page could also be sentto any other location in the building, �--�' shareacommonamplifier Consequently,whenpagmg,thealert withoutinterruptinganyofthemessagesbelow. signai goes silent in all alerted areas as the page is issued At the end of the page,the alert signal resounds in the alert area,causing FLOOR 9 HEARS:"A fire alarm has been reported on the floor confusion,as they did not receive the page message below.Piease evacuate usmg the stairwell." With EST3,s�multaneous page,alert,and evacuation signal FLOOR 8 HEARS:"A fire alarm has been reported on this floor. capabilityisdesignedmtothesystem Witheightchannelsto Pleaseevacuateusingthestairwell." choose from,dedicated messages can be delivered to stairwells, OTHER FLOORS HEAR•"An emergency has been reported on elevator cabs,etc.as alert,evacuation,and page instructions are floor 8.Please remam m the building and awaitfurther mstructions." simultaneousiy be�ng sentto the restof the building.The eight audio channels allow messages to beautomatically routed and ELEVATOR:"A fire alarm has been reported m the buildmg The provide specific instructions based on the alarms location. elevator is being returned to the ground floorfor emergency use Please evacuate the bui Idmg." STAIRWELLS:"Please remam calm and walk down the sta�rs to evacuate the buildmg in a safe manner." Dual Distributed Bank Zoned Engineering Specification Centret Amplifiers The audio system shall provide simultaneous page,alert,evacua- tion,elevator,siamivell and auxiliary stgnaling.S�rsterns thatcause signaling devices to go sdent while performmg any signalmg fiunct�ons wdl not be accepted,The Audio System shall provide 8 separate audio channels for simultaneous pagmg and signaling purposes.The audio system zoned amplifiers must be able to F�age operate 25 VRMS or 70 VRMS speakers.The amplifier output must be Alert power limited,and wired m a<Class A(Style Z)><Class B(Style Y)> Auxilua tlon configuration.The amplifiers shall provide an integral backup 1000 pa9e Stairwell KHz temporal tone generatorwhich shall operate in the event ,e,�e,� Elevator signal primary audio signals are lost and the amplifier is instructed �'''� Evacuation Environmental to broadcast alarm information.It shall be possible to backup Emergency multiple zoned amplifiers w�th a common backup amplifler Typical Wiring VISUALNOTIFICA110NAPPLIANCECIRCUIT *, ,*� �t'1 3�t—Fw�ci.�,.�e1i°a�w�c„iy°L Not avallable on 3-ZA9D ?i��{ �+' �--/ �1C:5—dasAClraibwAy �....... ................... ........�.: COMMON ENCLOSURE ;�••••�••• •••-•...... ............e i isunEa� � � � � � �aa�;,�e.�ua � � F.Te,wn,qw.mrmT �' .. { �� WamD�t1 bvnD�atf i ������,,�� ������ . ���������� �������e�� i � ���s��° °�������o °���° ��W��E�. . UTBton/wdo Mu To7H1onAWb 7oTBlmAUdb/un ToTB/ar/�wdo �o ' � AUDIO � AUDIO � AUDIO AUDIO � ( AMPLIFIER AMPLIFIER AMPLIFIER AMPLIFIER NIObULE MODULE MODULE MODULE � � (BackuP) RONEqi) (Zone#2) (Zane t/3) ' I �i 7o7e$zonAUaoA�mvpconx ToiexmAudoAmp�m.r ioiaza��Mip1Av ' a.�#i�L"5'n�.�_` :li�'f�:.k_.¢=q �'tiw¢"�'F'o •-,�:�+yp� Ie ee e 0000ao o ee en e eeee e ea e e e�ee �"""'����L ' oCJ�� _ _ ���' 1��❑��� �,t7������ ' �.�..:.� � - FkW wekg Wen4cd ' FlNa wirup ' �. b�m�Mrpt IOen4plb � �� �mpI1MrM1 Cenn�onbrSNNEwMnu�sE••J� ' r � � � � � � � � � � � �. � � � � � � � . � : : S ' : UWLC Lisbd 15KS1 EOL • y + �FaGI�xBdrcWtraYy +� � '""^v,'"_ i i ��/CI �....� Speaker YsuaINoG6wtion EOLResistor ' ��aBO�"`°11°1°'y APPfiance i.. . .... . ......... .... ... ...... ... .i � "' .� ............ .. ....................... ............. AUDIO NOTIFICATION APPLIANCE CIRCUIT EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Page 2 ot 4 Literature Sheet 585010-0057 Issue 4 Specifications 3-ZA20A 3-ZA20B 3-ZA40A 3-ZA40B 3-ZA90 �`� F,gency Listmg UL,ULC EN-54 Certified,CE Environmental 0°C-49°C (32°F-120°F)93% RH,Non-condensing f requcncy Response 400Hz to 4KHz @-3dB �7utput Voitage 25 VRMS or 70.7VRMS -' l HD(distortion) �50�, .-^. 1'V�re Size 18 to 12 AWG(1.0 to 2.5 mmz) � lnternai Tone Generator 1 KHz Temporal(3-3-3)Tone ' SIGA-CC1/2 Support 10 Un�ts,Maximum Standby Current 35 mA Alarm Current 1250 mA 1250 mA 2300 mA 2300 mA 5300 mA i'wr.Ltd Audio Output Winng Class A or B Class B Class A or B Class B Class A or B Configuration (Style Z or l� (Style Y) (Style Z or Y) (Sryle Y) (Style Z or Y) Line Resistance 25 VRMS 32 Ohms,Max. 32 Ohms,Max 16 Ohms,Max 16 Ohms,Max. �Ohms,Max. Output 70 VRMS Output EOL 245 Ohms,Max 245 Ohms,Max 123 Ohms,Max. 123 Ohms,Max. 55 Ohms,Max. ,Resistor N/A 15 KOhms N/A 15 KOhms 15 KOhms 1- (Class B only) I�'wr.Ltd.2d Vdc NAC Class A or B Class B Class A or B Class B jWinng Configuration (Style Z or Y) (Style Y) (Style Z or Y� (Style Y) �l me Resistance,Max. 50 Ohms,Max. 50 Ohms,Max. 50 Ohms,Max. 50 Ohms,Max. N�'4 EOL Resistor N/A 15 KOhms N/A 15 KOhms 1�ne Capacitance,Max 0 33�F 0 33NF 0 33NF 0 33 F ,`.;pace Reqwrements 1 LRM Space 2 LRM Spaces � � ,� �`�rdering Information �'� ' ':�atalog Number Description Ship Wt.-Ib (kg) �3-ZA20A ZO Watt Zoned Amphfier w/Class,4/B(Style Z1Y) �_ Audio&Ciass A/B(Style Z/1')24 uDC outputs f 3�7AZ�B 20 Watt Zoned Amphfier w/Class B(Style Y) I Audio£r Class B(Style Y)24 VDC outputs ! 40 Watt Zoned Amphfier w/Class A/B(Sryle Z/Y) 1.55(0 7) =`s 7�440A Audio&Class A/B(Style Z/Y)24 VDC outputs 7 �" 7A40B 40 Watt Zoned Amplifier w/Class B(Style Y) ± Aud�o&Class B(Style Y)24 VDC outputs j 3-ZA90 90 Watt Zoned Ampl�fier w/Class A/B(Style Z/Y)Audio output 3 0(1 5) ,�� r EDV'JARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Issue 4 _ Literature Sheet�850'70-0057 Page 3 of 4 �,, �' �� EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY It is our intent�on to keep the product information current and accurate We can not cover specific applications or ant�apate all requirements All spec�ficanons are sub�ect to change without notice For more information or questions relative to this Specification Sheet,contact E5T �1999 EST Page 4 of 4 Literature Sheet�85010-0057 Printed in U 5 A - Issue 4 - � TM EDWARDSSYSTEMSTECHNOLOGY CONTROL AND ANNUNC�ATION Liquid Crystal Displa� Modute Model: 3-LCD Features ■ Usessimplelightsandswitches � ■ Displays information importantto user .-� ■ Handsfreefirstalarmd�splay ,, F"' ■ Last event of highest priority always displays M EA ■ Eight lines by 21 character graphic LCD display - O U�C —168 characters total - �E�p�� ■ Multlingual Innrneoonal AppMcwa�+non Notea Avalabk Supports English,French,Sparnsh,and Russian ■ Uses queues to sort events A queue is a list of inessages Alarm,Supervisory, initiated at a specific time/shift change.There�s no need to have �,� Troubleand Monitor messages display in areas that are not affected by an event. ■ Slide in LED and switch labels The 3-LCD can display messages m English,Spanish,French,and � Makes customizationfor regional language easy Russian.The bilmgual display lets the operator select between either of two languages.Consult your representative for available _ Iangua�ecombmatiQn� _ Descri pti on The EST3 system configures for Proprietary,Loca!or EN54 market The Main Display interFace is the pnmary user interFace in the operations.ThemodeofoperationisselectedthroughtheSystem Defirntion Utddy(SpU�which may adjustthefollowing operations EST3 Life Safety System.The main display interFace focuses on slightiy to fit the system operation selected. the emergency user by putting information important to the user up front.Hands free,the first highest prionty event is shown.The About LEDs and Switches display always gives the last highest priority event.Arnving at Further enhancing the 3-LCD user interface are easy to read and the panel and without openmg the doorthe first and last alarm is understand lights and switches.All functions are laid out in a given.Simple to understand lights and switches help the emer- Iogical order.Atthe top ofthe 3-LCD arefive system status LEDs. gency user execute system commands with confidence. Here determinmg the general condition of the system is easy. A menu system supports maintenance functions such as disables or reports for use by staff or service personnel. � � � � � Power Test CPU Gnd Disable Fail Fault Ap p t i cati o n Power LED:Green,on when AC power is on. The 3-LCD module mounts to the local rail over the nodes Central Test LED:Yeilow,on when any portion of the system(Group)is Processmg Unit Module(3-CPU).The 3-LCD module is optional in undertest. any�atvt+ork noda. CPU Fail LED�Yellow,on when CPL!stops running. Ensurmg information clariry the 3-LCD uses a backlit high contrast Gnd FauItLED:Yellow,on when a ground exists on thesystem�group) supertwist graphical display.Eight lines of 21 characters provide Disable LED:Yeliow,on when any point orzone is disabled by a user. the room needed to convey emergency information in a useful format. The 3-LCD always displays the last highest priority event even Reset , arm Drill ane when the user is viewing other message queues.Further mes- Silence Silence sage flexibdiry is provided with EST3's message routing ability. Messages from a node can display at every noda on the network � � � � �"-� or messages can route to specific nodes only.Routing can be ForfN-54compliance,p/ease seepage4. EDWARDS SYSTEMS, TECHNOLOGY U S.SALES.SARASOTA,FL 941-739-4638,FAX 941727-1214 • CANADA SALES OWEN SOUND,ON 519-376-2430,FAX 519-376-7258 INTERNATIONALSALES 905-270-1711,FAX90b2749553 • CORPORATEHEADQUARTERS:CHESHIRE,CT • U.S MANUFACTURING PITTSFIELD,ME issue 4 t�tereture Sheet�P86010-0071 Pege 1 of 4 Below the general status LEDs are located four,LED/Switch the event(0001 is the first alarm)followed bythe eventtype(Alarm `,,,,�` common controls.The versatility of EST3 allows system design- Active) EST3 supports over45 eventtype messagesfrom which erstodefinethefeaturesasafFectingadomain(definedgroupof systemdesignerschooseThelasttwolinesofthecurrentevent nodes)or as global(affects ail nodes)across the network. This wmdow are custom programmable location message Imeswith feature is very useful when configunng systems with multiple spacefor42 characters. buildmgs on one network.As an example,operating the reset in one building may have adverse effect in other buiidmgs.With � Thelasteventwindowshowsthelast EST3havingoperationaldifferencesbetweenbuildingsonthe P�eVIOUS hi9hestpnontyevent.Thiswindowis same network is not a problem. always displayed and updated auto- PressmgResetstartsthesystem'sresetoperation.TheyellowLED Message maticallybythesystem.Herethe hasthreeflashratesduringreset.TheLEDfiashesfastduringthe v Next emergencyusercanmonitorthe smoke powerdown phase of reset,flashes slow during the restart progress of a fire. phase,and turns on steadyforthe restoral phase.The Reset LED turns offwhen thesystem is normal. When EST3 is configured for a local mode system viewmg the PressingAlarmSilenceturnsofFallNoti�cationApplianceCircwts secondalarmmessageiseasy,�ustpresstheNEXTkey.Thenext definedasaudible.TheyellowLEDturnsonwhensdenceisactive messagescrollsintothecurrenteventwindow.Thelasthighest viatheAlarmSilenceswitchorviaalarmsilencesoftwaretimers. Priontyeventaiwaysremainsonview.Nomatterwhatqueuethe user selects for viewmg,the LCD always dispiays the most recent Pressing Panel Silenceturns offthe system's internal audible alarm.A new alarm event resounds the panel audible signai and signal. The yellow LED turns on when panel silence is active. appearsimmediatelyon displaywithoutoverwriting informationthe The EST3 panel buzzer has user programmabls signal rates for userselectedforview. alarm,supervisory,trouble and morntor cond�tions. The fi nal window of the LCD the type status window shows the totai Pressmg Drill turns on the drill LED and all signals sound evacua- number of active events by queue type.A is alarm,S is supervi- tion.Drili does not activate city tte connections. Auxiliary relays sory,T is trouble,and M is monitor.The numberfollowmg each wdl not activate unlsss programmed to do so with dnll. letter is the number of active events existing in each queue. 12. 12:12 0 4-2 5-9 6 EST3 breaks down eventtypes into queues and automaticaliy displays the first event ofthe higlZe,st prioritytype. �, �..1 Alarm u ervfso Troubie Monitor ALAR�! HISTORy 0000 _ _ _ forEN-54compliance,p/easeseepage�, in the centerofthe 3-LCD is the Liquid Grystal Display.In the Priority order is alarm,supervisory,trouble,morntor.By using normal condition the date and time plus a defmable system title queues an emergency userdoes notwaste time scrollmg through a display on the LCD.The last line of the display gives an alarm mixed event list looking foralarms or confusing an alarm message history.Thistotalequalsthenumberoftimesthesystemhas wrthothermessagetypes. entered the alarm state from the normal state. EST3 configuresfor Remote proprietarysystem operationwhere When active events are on display,the LCD formats into four every event must be acknowledged byviewing them before the logical windows, internal buzzerwill silence.Orthe EST3 wdl configure for Local operation.Herethe internal buuersdences bypressing panel 12 12 12 AOOOa2 00000 Sy5TEf1 STRTUS WInDOW silence.lfanyeventsexistinqueuesthathavenotbeenviewedthe queue LED contmues to flash informing the user of un-seen events. ' � CURRENT EUEnT WIfIDOW When all events m a queue are acknowledged or'seen',the LED 0002 ALRR17 ACTIVE associatedwiththequeueturnsonsteady.lfaneweventisadded LOCATIOIY �iE55AGE LInE 1 � LAST EVEfYT WIMDOW tothequeue,theEST3internalbuzzerresoundsandthequeueLED LOCRTIOn 11ESSRGE LInE2 � 5000 T000 11000 TyAE STATUS WIIYDOW flashes. In the system status window,the display shows the time and the osmo ela Sm devi ces(such a detectors or pulst t'ons)make up status of active and disabied pomts, the zone.When a device m the zone activates,the LCD displays the The current event windcsw,lines 2,3,4 automatically display the Zone description.Each zone only displays once,regardless ofthe firstactiveeventofthehighestpriorityiftheuserhasnottaken numberofdevicesactivewithmthezone. control ofthe system.Oncethe emergency usertakes control,th�s To display device information the user presses the Detads key.The w�ndowdisplays usermessage selections, devicewith the lowestaddress displays in thefirstwindow. The second line ofthe displayshows system event information.In If muitiple devices are active each is theexampleabovethedisplayshowsthechronologicalnumberof Details availableforviewingbyusmgthearrow associatedwiththePreviousMessageNext �'"J key and scrolling through the device list. EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Page 2 of 4 Lfterature Sheet#85010-0071 Issue 4 i��;common controls easily expand beyond the Main Display `���,terface byaddmg a Control D�splay Module and ass�gning Eng ineers Specification features to its switch controls. The system shall provide a userinterFacethatdisplays system ar Mamtenance users,the EST3 provides a smooth operating events in a textformat,and supports basic common control LEDs ,���nu s stem rovidin and sw:tches.The Common Control Switches and LEDs provided Y p g powerful tools for system management, as minimum wdl be;Resetswitch and LED,Alarm Silence switch > >f�orts,andtrouble shooting. and LED,Panel Sdence switch and LED,pnll switch and LED.It must be possible to add addit�onal common controls as reqwred l7 FI I n (�E n U throughtheuseofmodulardisplayunits.Theuserinterfacemust provide an LCD thatwill allow custom event messages of up to 42 characters.The�nterface must provide a minimum of eight lines by 21 characters and providetheemergency user,handsfreeviewmg ofthefirstandlasthighestpnontyevent Thelasthighestprionty eventmustalways displayand update automatically.Events shall be automatically placed in easy to access queues.It shall be possible to view specific event types separately.Havmg to scroll A Q�� 5 Q�� r Q�0 1��0� through a mixed list of eventtypes is not acceptable The total number of active events bytype must be displayed.Visual indication must be provided of any eventtype which has not been acknowledged or viewed. It must be possible to customize the designation of ail user mterFace LEDs ans!Switches fQr local language requirements.It shall be possible to have a custom - message for each device in addition to zone messages.Custom device messages mustsupporta minimum of42 characters each Instructional text messages support a maximum of 7,000 characters each.The display shall be capable of displaying English,Spanish, ;,pecifications French,orRussianmessages. ,�;atalog Number 3-LCD 1 �gency Listmgs UL,ULC,FM,CE,EN-54 Ordering Information �1_CD Display Eight Imes by 21 characters backht LCD � � P.�ountm Two local rail s aces on to of 3-CPU Catalog Shi i g ' 9 p p Number Description P b^�k9 B1 ht Common Control Reset switch and LED Sw�;tches and LEDs Alarm Silence switch and LED 3-LCD Liqwd Crystal Display Module .8 (.36) Panel Sdence switch and LED 3-LKE K English Label K�t 25 i 11) Drali.Sv��tchand LED 3-L-K€ -F-r-er�c-b-�abe��EiE .?5{.9 9) Alarrn Current 53mA 3-LKR Russian Label Kit ,25(11) St�jr,dby Current 53mA 3-LKS Spanish Label Kit .25(.11) I� 7�tallation and Mounting �� � � '� � t • � L Central R Processor M Unit 3-CPU1 � �� � � � � � ���� � � � � ° _ ° � � � � � ���� � oo � � � � � � � � ,,�, � oo � � � � � EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Issue 4 Literature Sheet#85010-0071 Page 3 of 4 EN-5�4 Compliance �,. In 1998 the British-based Loss Prevention Certification Board Switch Functions (LPCB)certified EST3 control panels and power supplies as hav►ng surpassed the reqwrements ofthe pivotaf EN-54 standard,parts two and four.LPCB Certificate#257c for EST3 fire alarm control Reset ounder Panel Drill panels marks the first such certification smce the stnngent On/Off Sdence EN54-2. 1997 and EN54-4: 1997 were publish by the European CommitteeforStandarzation(CEN).In orderto meetthese � � � � standards,dispiay and controlfunctions have undergone siight � � modifications for the EN-54 marketplace.These differences are highlighted below.All othercontrol and annunciation features remam unchanged. Pressing Sounder On/Off turns ofF all sounder circwts defined as audible.The yellow LED turns on when silence is activated via System Status LEDs the Sounder ONOff or wa the alarm silence software timers. � � � � � See Page 2 for descriptioqs of Rese�Pane/Sdence,and Dril/ Power Test CPU Sounder Disable functions. Fault EventQueues Power LED(Green):on when DC power is on. Test LED(Yellow):on when any portion of the system(Group)is - .� E undertest. CPU Fault LED(Yellow);on when CPU stops running(processor � Fi�.tr Fe„ie Dtsabls . Monitor failures must be manually reset) Gnd Fault LED: Not avadable. Sounder LED(Yellow):flashing indicates fault on sounder circuit. For EN-54 compliance,EST3 configures for remote proprietary Steady indicates a disabled sounder circuit. system operation.This requires that every event must be acknowledged by viewing them before the internai buuer wiil �� Disable L�D(Yellow�:on when any point or zone is disabled by a silence.The prioriry order is Fire,Fault,Disabie,Monitor. user(disabled conditions have priority overfault conditions). �� EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY It is our int€ntion to keep the product mformation current and accurate We can not cover specrfic applicat�ons or anticipate all requirements All spec�fications are sub�ect to change without notice.For more informaUon or questions relatrve to this Specfflcation Sheet,contact EST. m 1999 EST Page 4 of 4 Literature Sheet#85010-0071 PnntedmUSA. Issue 4 , „ i`� �, EDWARDSSY57EMS7ECMNOLOGY CONTROL AND ANNUNCIATION 4r Control Dis la Modules O�H�Y�d��'V(y'r .��:�n;....;�.��.�;,�.:. .m � ,;.v::�,:..,:y P y ._.:t:� ��,:�: � :�:: r.=::�£,; "�::q:.>:�a ";ar': ,<;i,. 'r.s;�n�;a<�:`s,'r`i�"''%:;,<.><..Y<s' •. 3�� ' ,y 3:.:, `>I ?:`>'s� �'.a`"'�3..: �., � :.'�b,yy�o ,Y�i,. :3< i1c .3:"';: k`z' ��'' Model. 3-12xx seri � '���°' ;`V 3-LDSM, 3-24 � �' ��: �>.:'• _�4y,�`: .� x series, es, �;� ,��.;,�.;;s:. ��,�. f.u;;�.� �;.. :,��•.�<.:.;v �.� 3-6/3S1 xxx series -�� '� >����; �� ;.� .�,�=.<>r>,:�:,: ��;: ,::.. :> �;-.. �;;;�yy.. :, a�;��� ;��'�, ,, '>.�r�.^�v�%'�`A2' ;���Y :'::C<i',��:: F��`<." '{i. ,F.+s�'.`,w�`+��> ��: '. ��':.:E"�i: ��" �A2 :;.'',����'S� �V,i� ''.°��+ :, '.:.�'R�.; '.t,�W�.�. .'..�' ,s��}.. S GY.:: �� '+'� nS'� . F�ature ;::;.:�.•..A, ;r f: ,.. - ��� �; �^` :��� � -"2 �: ' 'r; t�:,x ; «;:.:�;. :<< i��s ,�� ' �xE.'"??'s;' F � `"s;:_"2 FM ■ Pro rammable LED flash rates -�' ;1 x' ���. 'F� g ,,� ;,<:�,�,..;: :.�>::�;;::. ���'' .�`.;,,:,, s •..�ry\�k ��;i�;�,z �z ,f::„: •,;�,� z ¢�� x.< �� ■ MembranestyletacUlepushbuttons f� ;' -���§� ,x '_�� ��" ��j�� �' s �r. 3 t�� � �'i �•'/`Y..t� �`�� � `��� 't �8,i `d.,.Y.\:. y;�? `,.,,'��.�.�,`�.�.'�'�.;��' ,CC,y'%i;"_�I�`�.:�,` {.� 3°''•z: ■ Software supported for toggle,and latching interlock switch �;" "`��'�s� 3tt;..:;�•< ' ` `���'; �>�>: � s:;. ......r....,; ..n „��, }►,, �. .$_ �:�... �� °��:°�. �2:�� � action >: � :�: �F � �:,,;�,.. � r : �;;_: .�;. :���� �� �,:: �� �, �., �":�€;. � ■ 51ide in labels '*>"���" -;°, � ;�:`��.> ` ;>"� .�.: ;.� . ;� ��.�< f a�e'�'s;; ��''�,,,'''��, � '� i<<�'<' . f;. :�<'ei:�. t ':.� � ,: tam test •> ;�.;�>� ��`�' _.��; `��<�. P t;: �^ , ...� .<::s` �-�;>;.�: ���� '�K<:;:;�;;..>�:;�;.,>�;v r:;.f.n..�. " +�.,,� '` ,�;;,>. .,� ;::r�<. 's>:�:<:'�'':E;';C.a .�<:t�;:'sr: '��C,.:�wi�C"_.A>nv...�'n'r.o..r t.t �vi7.`C�.."�v`�5i%d'.ji.�s ti�:v,�".h.•i;Yw`...ro.n Description Application Notes .� The E ST3 Control Di splay modules provide the emergency user ,:�;;<;�,:;,4 Control Dis�la Modules come withthesim lestofmterfaces,li htsandswitchcontrol.The `�";� � y P 9 >��`'�p�:����;;�� m a vanety c�f rypes providmg � Controi Dispiay modules install over local rail modules.The local Y y�° �:<�: �::�` operaUonal flexibility.There are - rad modules supply the power and drivers via a ribbon cabie �� '�; �:' fiv�types of display modules connection tothe control display modules.The dispiays mount 5� ;�<.� �; avarlabie with EST3. over any local rail module maxim►zmg the flexibii�tyof design �;�� �`'. � 1ay�ut.�fien a�ispiaq mvdUl�is reqvtred wh�er�n�to�at rait — � - - �3�i3�������-�+���nnuncia- module exists,an LED Dlsplay Support Module 3-LDSM mounts � �� � ' tion appears on any of the first � � �� � �' fo�r module es shown The to the locai rad providing supportfor one Control Display Module. - �� typ '� � � � first module su orts sim le Sufface mounttechnoiogy used to minimize space,also reduces '� `� �' ' PP P �` t h e p o v�r e r r�q u i rements of display modules.Slide-m labels kee � �� ��' zoneannunclation;the second, P �:.:�; �;;�- znne annunciation with zone the control display modules flexible and allow labelmg for local - >��� � disable;the third,alarm and � <;�.`.:e.>3.;:�`: languages, �� trouble zone annunciation,the Module lamp test ca�be programmed to any spare control switch fiourth alarm and troub�e zone annunciation with zone disable or a local node lamp test is irntiated by simultaneously operatmg From a simpleone LED annunciation pomtto higherfunctionality, the Alarm Silence and Troubl�Sdence switches on the 3-CPU. EST3 filis the requirements. The fifth module is very adaptable to system reqwrements for audio or remote equipmentcontrol.Each module contains 18 LEDs and 18 switches.Each group qf ihree switches has a latching-interlock to support operatfons that must be kept separat�d.The interlock is undersoftware control so only one , switch is active at a g�ven tirne.EST3 sofitware makes meeting the w�dz variety cf applicat�ons needed w�th taday's cocies an� bwiding system operations easy. ,�� � - EDWARpS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY U S.SALES� SARASOTA, FL 941•739-4200; FAX 941•727-0740 • CANADA SALES OWEN SOUND, ON 519-376-2430, FAX 519-376-7258 INTERNATIOM1AL SALES: 905-270•1711, FAX 905-270-9553 • CORPORATE FiEADQUARTERS: CHESHIRE, CT • U S MANUFACTURING: PITTSFIELD, ME Issue 3 Literature 5heet�85010•0055 �___, _.. Forfancontroltheemergencyuser prevent"sailtype"positivefeedback,EST'suniGuecommand Simple Control Examples assumescontroloftheremotedevice processingsatisfyrequirementsforpositivefeedbackofHVAC �� ,F ��: by selecting"On"or"Off." conVol systems.Any switch command wdl send a signal to the 3- .;�i�;b;..'°Fr:st�.�c3?:i �?��"j3�"��s,;:� Programming ofthe switchesto CPU for processmg.Whde in this statethe LED associated with the �', r����. F '�'��'`-~`'�` multiplerelays keeps operational switch will flash.Oncethe command has been receroed by a _..,:;�:;�<:::n::...�M; ..<,�;::,�...>_.:.,<,r,.�<..,. a :�;<si.;;�+�^�>'sr" ;.;<;s����k�;�.; n designchoicesopen.Theuser remoteSignatureSeriesModule,themodule(sinceitisintelligent �;r���Q,, returnsthesystem conVol ofthe with its own microprocessor)wdl issue a"Processed"command �`�_.�;:`�"�"¢�>�%�<' # remote device to the Life Safety back to the 3-CPU which v,nil latch the LED associated with the ;Y:...;.:.>,;�:�<��<.:;��:: "'�`>;�•��<Y��=3=<;�;;,�: 5 system by simply pressing Auto.The switch"ON"steady.This same process is used for ali audio :�:<<,�.;�;,;, �] �:,�:;,,;;.�y.,:. .Jyp��.<<<<:: AutoLEDprogramsto�tsrelated speakerselectionsensurmgthecircwtisconnected,Avanetyof '"'`���r<�>���°>3v>���'� switch and gives positive feed back switch and associated LED colors are available to meet the totheuserbyturnmgonyellowwhen demandsofthespecifiersapplicaLon. ;�::.;.�s�;a Y�A;�^:;>;, the system has active control of Life Safe S stems are enerall assive re uinn onl occa- � '��x�'�=�"�°�� remotedevices. tY y 9 YP q g y ,'�������,. sional operaUOn.Yet,m an emergenrythe user must be abie to �:;�;�:.��:.;;:..��<��_.,:; IndividualswitchLEDsarealso identifysystemoperationandstatusquicklyandeasily.LCD � ' '�:�,:::�;"�,>� ,.( ° , ,.;��;� Damper programmable.As an example the displays are excellentfor identifymgspecific in#ormation,but even .��:'A�T�`;«. 5th Flr "Open"or"On"LED(green)could a large LCD can not d�splay overall"system"status as effect�vely :�i��%>.:��>..is�:'"':x�%: .�.�;>ys.M'l.s.,,:..,.� �..�;...,: program to follow its related switch as LEDs and Switches The EST3 Control Display modules are #:o,:;;,, �.,.G:'Col::�::j..i."..:+< �'26�=a-»r�`:�£ or,program to follow a remote designed to provide simple identification and operation of system ������' monitorinputandprovrdepositive functionsfortheemergencyuser �'heyprovideposrtivefeedback s.�;:,�::�.>�.; feedback of the remote devices of control activity with unrivaled selection of display �control status.If budgetrestnctior�s configurations and mountmg location opt�ons. Engineers Specificatian The Life Safety system shall incorporate annunciation ofAlarm, audio is required a means of paging individuai zon.es must be � Supervisory,TroubleandMonitoroperations.Annunciationmust made.Thestatusofeachpagingzonemustbeannunc�ated.ltmust be through the use of LED display stnps complete with a means to be possible to selectively�age mto specific zones It shal I be � custom label each LED as to its function.Where appiicable control possible to manipulate the evacuation ofthe bwldmg from the of remote smoke control devices must be made avatlabfe at the mam control center.It must be possible fior the emergency control center.Switches with LEDs must provide positive feed operator to put specific zones into evacuation manualty. back to the operator of remote eqwpment status.Where voice installation and Mounting Disla �,,,�:,;h::.. .. ,�N;a��.. � 4�:� ..: P Y �ti.,: v:�s:� h,�:�:;>: ..�ti:.:::: � .. ;.cE "°v:���.i£ "c^; k:g�.. "� �' N�''z�^:�� �R.Y..n Y.;. �>,"9',..>. ..',`b44`��.:':,:S:h��.:�u:f'�:3.',:i �' F _ '��', �� .z.�::�:°�"'�. �s..v� �`� � �� };`a,; .�; ;�Y;^ ; �� � ��� :y�"�c y�' ,"'�� L.. f�p�'g'''�' '�: �4 ��4+ l:L1U�.S�Y;�� ':.�:' �, `� �J � M .�� ,�� ,� ��.0 .�a j. : � �.� � S ;�`'�`�`.3' .!5 Label ,:�� ' >`:��'h,.:�:Y.s;3' ;����`�;.. ;�>rz>.:3;y '.:e`% ,.a�`*';ir;4�z��iyx: >�.a9�'r;'r %:;_e.: ./ Local Ra�i �,; Module , ' EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY - Page 2 of 4 I lfaro�nrn Ches��oen�n nnee Speeifications ``.,�.JNotes• 1)All Control Display Modules are UL and ULC listed . 2)All Control Display Modules mount over one Local Rad Module If no local rad module exists the 3-LDSM mounts to local rail and supports one conirol dispiay module. �• � Catalog Number of LED Switches Applications �� riStandby Alarm Number LEDs Colors •�Current Current 3-LDSM NIA Provides interface for one Control Display Module Y 11 mA ..:::_«. ;�� Efectrical Room 3-24R red Alarm Annunciation : 3-24Y yellow Supervisory and Trouble Annunciation 3-24G 24 green � Monitor Annunciation 2mA 15mA 3-12RY 12 red over Red LEDs Alarm Annunciation 12 yellow pairs Yellow LEDs Supervisory Annunciation ��' Electrical Room 3-12SR red Alarm Annunciation with enable/disable operation � 3-12SY . 12 yeliow �2 Supervisory Annunciation with enable/disable operation,� 2mA 7mA J 3-12SG green Monitor Annunciation,Page selec# ,� ��� z Elec#racal ' Room �.� �-12/S1GY green/ Zone Page select with Trouble Annunciation 12 groups Yellow 3-12/S1RY �o red/yellow 12 Alarm and Trouble Annunciation with enable/disable 2mA 15mA w/switch yellow/ Supervisory and Trouble Annunciation with 3-12/S2Y yellow enable/disable Page Floor 5 s� 'Trouble �EVAC 3-5/3S?�2Y greenlyellow p�_qutc-C�f fan and 0 en-Auta-Ci�se Cam er Control Six groups ��,���oN, Six p p of three groups 2mA 10mA 3-6/?S1 GYR �/switch green/yellow of three Page and Evacuation select with zane trouble /red .� 1 EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY i����e� ,.-- - - --- - Ordering Information Catalog Number Description Shipp�ng Weight �,� 3-LDSM LED D�splay Support Module .451b (.2kg) 3-24R 24 Red LED Display Module 3-24Y 24 Yellow LED Display Module 3-24G 24 Green LED Display Module ' - 3-12SR 12 switches with 12 Red lED Display/Control Module 3-12SY 12 switches with 12 Yellow LED Display/Control Module 3-12SG 12 switches with 12 Green LED Display/Control Module 3-12RY 12 Red LED and 12 Yellow L�D Display Module .351b(.12kg) 3-12/S1GY 12 switches with one Green and one Yellow LED per switoh Display/Control Module 3-12/S1RY 12 switches with one Red and one yellow LED per switch Display/Control Module 3-12/S2Y 12 sw�tches with two Yellow LEDs per switch Display/Control Madule � 3-6/3S1G2Y Six groups of three switches.Each switch with one LED.LEDs prov�ded Green,Yellow,Yellow. 3-6/3S1GYR S�x groups of three switches.Each switch with one LED.LEDs provided Green,Yeilow,Red. �' �� EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY It is our intention to keep the product informauon current and accurate We can not cover speci$c applications or anticipate all requuements. Au speufications are sub�ect to change without notice.For more information or quesuons relauve to this Specification Sheet,contact EST 0 19g9 EST P898 4 Of 4 I Mnr.���.e er.de��toen�n nner PfintedinUSA � ,��J ru EDWARDSSY5TEMSTECHNOLOGY - POWER SUPPLIES EST3 Power Supplies � Monitor Models: 3-PPS/M series, 3-BPS/M series r° ' r �� - Module Features ■ Nighsfficiencyswitchmode �' ■ Increased powerdistribution efficiency -power supplies parallel allowing up to 28 amps m a single node Power ■ 120 or 230 Vac operation Supply f s ■ 7 AMP filtered and regulated ■ Two auxiliary 3.5 AMP outputs , �Q E��E O ■ Temperature compensated,dual rated battery charger Ap p I i cati o n ■ Electroniccurrentlimiting The primary power supply provides the system with battery ■ Autom�t�cioadtestingofbatter�es chargingandvoltageregulat�on.Softwareconfguresthecharger �`—� to either 10-24 AH batteries or 30-65 AH battenes and controls the high/low chargerates.Batteries mounted in thesame enclosureas the power supply,have their charge rate monitored and ad�usted Descri pti on based on the local enclosuretemperature,keeping charging rates with+n-ba�eryspecific-atior+.For-�ernotebattertese temperatur8 EST3 Power supplies consistoftwo assemblies,a high efficiency probe is morntored in the remote battery cabmet and charge rates switch mode power supply card and a power supply monitor are ad�usted automatically Battery damage is unlikely to occur module.The monitor module mounts to the local rad and when environmental shortterm co'nditions are outside of normal distributes the power from�ts supply to the locai raii.7he local rail operatmg ranges. distnbutes power from all power supplies to other local rad modules and user mterface cards resulting in"Shared Power" The EST3 power suppiies automatically load test batteries by throughoutthe system By paralleling the power supplies on a raii shuttmg down the battery chargerand placing a load across the maximum utdization of avadable power�s possible,resulting in battery.Ifthe batteryvoltage is outsidethe specification range the fewer power supplies.Up to four power supplies combine in a power supply repores a trouble.The trouble ciears if the battery is single enclosure providing up to 28 amps of available power all able to recover and pass future load tests. backed up by a smgle 24 volt battery set This reduces battery gattery leads are electrorncally short circuit protected if a short maintenancecostssubstantially. occurs m the battery leads the chargerautomat�caliy disabies itself The power supply comes in two styles a Pnmary Supply and a and causes a trouble.The system will constantly look to see if the BoosterSupply Powersuppliesmounttothebackofthechassis shorthascleared.lftheshortclearsthesystemautomat�cally units or wallboxes and occupy one fuil footprint.The Power restores. Suppiy monitor module mounts to the local rail providing system power distribution and mountmg space for any control display Dunng operation on standby battenes,battery voltage is con- module Access to auxdiary power is via easdy accessible terminal stantl;morntored.A t�ouble is reported if the battery voltags fal�s blocks located on the power supply monitor module.Each power below a specified value supply produces9 Amps of filtered and regulated power.With EST3 power supplies provide speafic information back to the four power supplies located►n an enclosure(one pnmary and 3-CPU(1)designedto help speed trouble shootmg of system three boosterpower supplies)28 amps of current is available for functions.Should a power supply detect a fauit,specific diagnostic local rad modules,control display modules and the eight auxi�iary codes are available to speed trouble shooting The 3-LCD will 3.5 amp power outputs(two per supply), display the power supplies address,a speciF�c trouble code,and a text message descnbing the specific trouble.Text messages are �� easy to understand and include items like HEAT SINK TEMPERA- � TURE,AUX.1 OVER CURRENT,AUX.2 OVER CURRENT etc EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY U S.SALES SARAS�TA,FL 941•739 4638,FAX 941•727-1214 • CANADASALES:OWEN SOUND,ON 519 376-2430,FAX5�9 376•7258 INTERNATIONAL SALES:905-2701711,FAX 905 270 9553 • CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS:CHESHIRE,CT • U.S MANUFACTURING.PITTSFIELD,ME Issue 3 Literature Sheet#85070-0059 Pege'1 of 4 Engineering Specification Ordering Information � The fire alarm power supplies must be capable of being paralleled Ship Wt. and to load share.Multiple power supplies must be capable of Catalog Number Description Ib.(kg) being backed up with a single 24 volt battery pack A battery per Primary Power Supply w/local ra�l power supply is not acceptable.The power supply shall be 3-PPS/M module 120V 50/60 Hz 5(2 3) capable of chargmg up to 65 AH battenes The power supply must eooster Power Supply w/local rad be ableto perform an automatic load test of battenes and return a 3-BPS/M module 120V 50/60 Hz 5(2 3) trouble ifthe batteries fall outside a predetermmed range Power suppl�es must incorporate the abilityto ad�ustthe charge rate of 3-PPS/M-230 Pnmary Power Supply w/local rail 5(2 3) batteries based on ambienttemperatures.Itshall be possibleto module 230V 50/60 Hz ad�ustfor ambienttemperature changes m locai cabinets as well as 3-BPS/M-230 Booster Power Supply w/local rail 5�2 3) remotecabmets, modute 23oV 50/60 Hz 3-PPS/M-230-E Primary Power Suppiy w/local rail 5{2,3) module 230V 50 Hz,EN-54 Certified,CE 3-BPS/M-230-E Booster Power Supply w/local rail module 230V 50 Hz,EN-54 Certi�ed,CE 5(2.3) 3-BTSEN Distribution Module reqwred when battery installed in remote cabinet '5�'22) Specifications Catalog Number 3-PPS/M 3-BPS/M 3-PPS/M-230 3-BPS/M•230 3-PPS/M-230-E 3-BPS/M-230-E Agency Approvals UL,ULC,FM EN-54,LPCB,C� Input Voltage 120 Vac,50-60 Hz 230 Vac,50-60 Hz 230 Vac,50Hz Brownout Levei 96 Vac 184 Vac 184 Vac Input Current 2 OA 1.OA 2 OA �, Total Output Current 7.0 Amps Battery Charging Capacity 65AH Sealed None 65AH Sealed 30AH Sealed Lead-Acid Lead-Acid None Lead•Acid None Low Sattery Trouble 24 Vdc 22 5 Vdc Dee{a-D+ssMarge-G�toff-- --- — - --— - —-- ---- - --t9-g�zi� - - 20 0 Vdc One LRM space, One LRM space, Mounting Requirements One LRM space,One chassis footprint Two chassis One chassis foo nnts foo rint Output Voltage 24 Vdc Nominal Auxdia Output Current Two sources of 3.5Amps each taken from total output current Auxiliary Output Terminal Capacity 18 AWG to 12 AWG(1 mm2 to 2.5 mmz) Output Protection Electronic current limiting£r heat sink temperature Ground Fault Detection 10KOhm ��� EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Page 2 of 4 Literature Sheet#85010-0059 Issue 3 ��T�;�pical Wiring ut�i�ty Power Master Booster Booster Booster Power Power Power Power Supply e SupP�Y � Supply � Supply � Power 24Vdc' 24Vdc• * . Supply —� � 24VdC 24VdC Morntonng Zx35A 2x35A 2x35A 2x35A Master T Ra Is Rails Booster Power Supply --► Power I � �-- Power Supply Monitor Module To Rad I Monitor Module i � �- - ,d _>•,� � £� Auxillary Auxdiary Auxillary Auwllary Power Power Power Power Takeoff Takeoff Takeoff Takeoff 2x35A 2x35A 2x35A 2x35A �Battery Charge,Output from Master Power Supply,Temperature Probe Terminals QB From Battery ' Nominal Voltage \� ��stailation and Mounting ;:� m o �— m � � , ,.�' L % R � � M j�, � 0 � 0 0 � � : � � Fi / `, f I �.S � : � •rs� � � Power % 0 � 0 0 0 0 m • � Distnbution L Module �� � ' , R ' ' (EN-54 only) � M ' � C � Q � � :� ��� . • � EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Issue 3 Literature Sheet#85010-0058 Page 3 of 4 `.� �' �� EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY It is our intention to keep the product informauon current and accurate,We can not cover specific applications or antiapate all reqwrements All speafications are sub�ect to change without notice For more mformation or quesUOns relative to this Specification 5heet,contact EST. o ppp0 EST Page 4 of 4 Literature Sheet#8507 0-0059 Printed m U 5 A. _ Issue 3 �� � EDWARDSSYSTEMSTECHNOLOGY� POWER SUPPLIES • Remote Booster - _,..�._ ,....__a, P�wer Supplies � �� � I � II I, ,. Models. BPS6 and BPS10 Features ■ Extends power available to Notificat�on Appliance Circwts (NACs). ■ Avadable in 10 amp and 6.5 amp versions. ;�� s� Includes tour independent 3 amp NACs ,�_� —two conf�gurable as auxd�ary outputs. � ■ Configurable signal rates. O � Field selectable input-to-output correlation. � � Two inputs allow activation by S�gnature Ser�es rrsodoles or � FM existmg NACs. `, � NACs conf�gure for either four Class B or two Class A circuits. � ,.,. - � " `�,../ � 170 Vac and 220 Vac versions BPS6 � On-board status LEDs for easy recognition of wmng faults Descri pti o n NACs rypically used to dnve visual devices The Remote Booster Power Supply is a self-contamed 24 Vdc The BPS's default output configuration is continuous 24 Vdc on all power supply designed to augment fire alarm audible and visual NACs This output is typically used to dnve visual devices power requirements The booster contains all of the necessary gPS notification appliance circwts easily configure for any one of circwts to monitor and charge batteries,contro�and supervise three signaling rates.120 SPM,3-3-3 temporal,or,continuous four Class B or two Class A NAC circuits and monitor two control- This makes the BPS ideal for applications requinng signaling rates ling inputs from external sources not available from the main panel It also allows independent Simple switch selection provides a wide vanety of operational setup ofa notification appliance circuitwithout mterFenng with the conf�gurations Each remote booster power supply is supplied mam panel and its mitiating circuits. with its own enclosure providing ample space for additional In addition to the three generated signal rates,the BPS can also mterface modules and battery compartment a be configured to follow the signal rate of the main panel's The Remote Booster Power Supply is avadable m either a 6.5 or notification appliance circuit.This allows seamless expansion of 10 amp version @ 24 Vdc existmg NACs. The BPS includes seven on-board LED indicators one for each resident NAC,one for battery supervision,one for ground fault; Ap p(i cati o n and,one for ac power.The trouble contact has a sixteen second delay when an ac powerfailure or brownout condition is detected. The Remote Booster Power Supply provides additional powerfor This reduces the reporting of troubles dunng short duration ac audible and visual devices when constrained by system capacity brownouts orsite application NACconfiguration options include•ac powerfad delay(16 Fault conditions detected by the BPS will open the main seconds or 6 hours),sensing inputto NAC output correlations, panel's NAC.This initiates a trouble condition and elimmates and,auxiliary outputs.NAC 3 and 4 are configurable as auxdiary the need to wire a separate trouble contact back to the control outputs Auxdiary outputs can be always on,or off after 30 panel During alarm condition,detected faults are overridden and seconds without ac power Jumpers configure the BPS for C�ass A ,,�� the mam panel's default configuration is continuous 24 Vdc on all or Class B wir�ng. EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY U S SALES SARASOTA,FL941-739-4638,FAX941-727-1214 • CANADASALES OWEN SOUND ON 519-376-2430,FAX519-376-7258 INTERNATIONALSALES 90�52741711,FAX905-270�9553 • CORPORATEHEADQUARTERS CHESHIRE,CT • US MANUFACTURING PITTSFIELD,ME Issue 6 Llterature Sheet #86006-0107 Page 1 of 4 Not to be used for installation purposes For the most current Iltereture and updates vlslt www est.net � u� � ``"Ordering Information Catalog Number Description Shippmg Wt Ib(kg) BPS6 6.5 Amp Booster Power Supply 13(5 9) BPS6220 6 5 Amp Booster Power Supply(220V) 13(5 9) BPS6C 6 5 Amp Booster Power Supply(ULC Version) 13(5.9) BPS10 10 Amp Booster Power Supply 13(5 9) BPS10220 10 Amp Booster Power Supply(220V) 13(5 9) BPS10C 10 Amp Booster Power Supply(ULC Version) 13(5 9) Relateti Equipment 12V6A5 6 5 Amp Hour Battery,two reqwred 3 4(1 6) 12V10A 10 Amp Hour Battery,two reqwred 9 5(4 3) 260006 UL Listed Fuse Holder c/w 4 Amp Fuse Sp�cifications Catalog Number 6 5 amp Booster 10 amp Booster AC Lin�Voltage 120VAC or 220-240VAC 50/60Hz 120VAC or 220-240VAC 50/60Hz 250 watts 375 watts Notification Appliance Power 3 OA max.per circuit @ 24Vdc nominal 3 OA max,per circuit @ 24Vdc nominal � 6 5A max total all NACs 10A max total all NACs �uxi�iary Outputs Two configurable outputs replace NACs 3 and/or 4 NAC 3 and/or 4 are configurabie as auxdiary outputs Inp���Current(from an existing NAC) 3mA @ 1 ZVdc,6mA @ 24Vdc Sigiiature Mounting Space Accomodates three two-gang modules Maxirnum Battery Size 10 Amp Hours(2 of 12V10A) Termmal Wire Gauge 18-12 AWG Relatrve Humidiry 0 to 93%non condensmg Temperature Rating 32°to 120°F(0°to 49°C) NAC Winng Styles Class A or Ciass B Output Signal Rates Continuous,120 SPM,3-3-3 temporal,or follow mstalled panel's NAC. Agency L�stings UL,ULC,CSFM,FM Enc�ineering Specification Sup�;ly where needed EST BPS senes Booster Power Supplies as The booster supply must incorporatefour mdependent super- an���?ension of Notification Appliance Circwts. The extension vised Notification Appliance Circuits.It shall be possible to sha°,���in the form of a stand alone booster power supply. The configure the NACs to follow the mam panel's NAC or activate sup; iv must incorporate its own standby batteries Batteries must from intelligent Signature Senes modules The booster NACs be:,. :d for<24>,<60>hours of standby fol lowed by<5>, must be configurable to operate independently at any one of the <�i � minutes of alarm.It must be possible to support up to 10 followmg rates:continuous; 120 SPM,or,3-3-3 temporal.Fault arr� ,i�our batteries. conditions on the booster shall not impede alarm activation of host NAC circuits ��� EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Per;� 2 of 4 Ltterature Sheet #86006-0707 Issue 6 Not to be used for instellatton purposes For the most current literature and updates vislt www est net � � Typical Wiring Single booster anywhere on a notification appliance circuit Existmg NAC end-of-Ime resistors are not required to be �nstalled at the booster's terminals This allows multiple NAC C�rcua To next signaling boosters to be driven from a sm le NAC circuit without the NAC Circutt device,booster,or 9 EOL resistor need for spec�al configurations � � NAC output#1 Fire Alarm y y NAC output#2 Control Panel � " NAC output#3 Multiple boosters cascaded from a ; ; NACoutput#4 single notification appliancecircuit � � ToneMsfgnaling Booster Power NAC Clrouit devlce,booster,or Supply EOL resistor m NAC oulput fit ; NAC outpu�#2 Fire Alarm � tanc ou;put iq ControlPanel o waca,�ue�a BoosterPowe Multiple Signature modules branching a Supply Tonextsignaling single notification appliancecircuit device,boostet or EOL res�s!or m NAC ouput#t ' NAC Circuit ' NAC ou�ut#2 +� EOL m w,cou�uc� BoosterPower NA�� =4 � �SK � � w,co�tauc�a Supply Mam Board NAC2+ r � Booster Power NAC3+ Supply - Tonextstgna6ng NA�+ � devite,boos�er,or - From existing fire alarm 0 EOL res�stor P10 panel nohfiC2l�on,c�rCU�t NAC ou�utttt or CC1 module ' NAC output�2 + ,Nm, NACou;put9i3 Sensel COM - - `� a NAC ou�ut�t4 OUTCO + Out to EOL Booster Power �N • or next dewce NAC Circwt Sense 2 COM Supply OUT� EOL NO = = 47K Trouble COM � ej�ane � _ * 1 5 amps total . '�'1 t�y�J P; � P3 L N G P4• 10 9 I Multiple notification appliance circuits c�, branched from a single control panel NOTES. Modula -- +-+- p�-+- ro next sfgnalmg � Used for another Class B I a 7 s 5 a 3 2 1 devlce,600ster or NAC arCUit i�� i EOL reslstw y �NAC output#1 m ' '—�����a�� Data out to ° NAC output Oi3 ,'_ nuc oat�uc ua Up to 10 CC 1 next de�ce ` orUMmodules DetvouSd v�ceor Booster Powe AII 5 ou!puts activate when p Supply mput rwc#1 acnvates per booster NAC Signature conVoller (based on programming) NAC Circud NAC Clrwit To rte#signaling = EOL NAC Cfrcutt devlce booster or 47 K '"'�EOL resistor NAC output if1 _ + 1 5 amps total N N Fire Alarm ' ' —9 NAC ou�ut#2 � � � Control Panel � N N/�Ca,t�ut#3 cc1 9 � NAC output 4i4 Module S S +-+- O'1�-+- Booster Powor 8 7 6 5 a a z 1 Supply To next signalfng All 5 outputs acWate when �r� deWce,booster w Input NAC#2 adNates EOL EOL reslstor (based on programming) 15 K D2t2 OUt t0 ;; NAC output�� next dewce = tanCoutputm Data in from 1° NAC output#3 ; NaC output#a p2wous device or Signature conUoller c Booster Power More typrcal wrr�ng d�agrams on the next page `,��� Supply EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Issue 5 Llterature Sheet #85005-0107 Page 3 of 4 Not to be used for installation purposes , For the most current I�terature and updates visrt www est net � ``�'�' �pical Wiring ,,�ature module used to activate the booster Multiple S�gnature modules as booster mputs �hisccR;figurationehmmatesthenecessityofusingaNACcircwtasan Configuretheoutputswherezon�ngisrequired ,1UX or r��nning a separate 24V source.Signature modules may also .:;��^ed to dividethe booster's 3 amp output circuits into smaller ,�ar��,ntloads ° NoGfication Apphance Circud(NAC) ° NoldicaLon Appfiance Circmt(NAC) (;coster Power NA��± _ _ °w� Booster Power NAC1+ ` W y ^uppiy Nlain Board NAC2+ NoUficavon Su I Main Board + . _ Appliance C�rcwt(NAC) PP Y NAC2_ + No6fication Appliance Circu�t(NAC) + �y NA�- _ : w� NAC3+ � : z W� NAC4/+ + AUX 'P o� U�J t0�O CC� NAC4_P' + + or UM modules ° sense�coM - per booster NAC. �" ± Sense 1 COM OUT � OUT Sense 2 COM � - + �N ± w Sensa 2 COM - �NO 109 OUT � cct5 NO�s � Troubla CNC ModuN B�e-a-tt��euble COM o Batle W pa 8765 �4321 � �,geI1L•71 NC Po i P3 L N G P4 - � P3 L N G pp4��� e + + - + - + Data outto �NOTES � � 0� Data in from previou next device Used for another Class B NAC � ' ���� p NOTES e dewce or Signature circuR Moduls � � Module 'F�Used f��r another Ciass B NAC arcuit controller 2 Any Booster troubie wdl cause the +-+- o o h �+-+- o 0 CC1 su ervision to re '�'�'�4 3?� �S�6�4 3?� �r,C1S d aws 6mA of cunent m alartn p port a trouble r^, to the main fire panel ' '!CC1S w��rg must be within 3 feet of the 800ster winng and In conduit or mounted vnthin fhe �Moduies must be wired and Riser out to next Hooster';c:nclosure programmed on the Sgnature Riser m dehce or riser t Any 8000ter troubie witi cause the CC1S supernsion to report a frouble to the main fire panel controller for proper operetion �y_p4 Vdc supervisory dev�ce � ,3attenes ,\,,,� �L bst�d�rriine fuse holder,p/n 260006 with max(mum 4 Atuse +s �-��aliation and Mounting Assembly Dimensions �,�"��r��� Backbox g��„�'��a� 13 00"(33 02 cm) � , - `�`''�� Baoster Power Su I I � ' T�`-^z�� • �� z4 3 375"(8 6 cm Q � ����'� � ��aa;;, Top View � �A�.�_�� — ����: �'�0"(89cm) 3 0" S9 m g ��"'-` ���" a---► ( ) ��`�'J� ;�:-`'`; I 13 00"(33 02 cm) I o0 -�y,yy���iNr�g -;,�� ❑ ��"'c° `l., �`p,.�=f�i � �� 3�#��� w�P � � � � �� 7 00'(17 78 cm) �'����`="w _� ��J a. �::�' � i � o � • s p xYao' -a . i ! Routa AC supply � � � Front�ew � � � I � through these Battery wmng � O knockouts only (non-power 5 � limited " ^ All knockouts ,� � (non-powerhmrted) ) E , c� E � � � for3/4"conduit � _________ � i -°- N o r-°°-- ---+r-- � �`, i N I � (19cm) O � i i; i � ` w j Battery i� Battery i C. � � p � � (n N I 1 j i R , f h a n 1 1� 1 � I � 3 N � o p Notes � ° ° 1 Maintam 1/41n(6 mm)spac�ng behveen power limited and I non-power limliad vnring or use type FPL,FPLR,or FPLP cable per NEC — — ;2� Supervised when not configured as auxiliary power Non-supernsed when configured as aux�liary power \,�,/ � Source must be power hmded EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Itisour�ntentiontokeeptheproductmformationcurcentandaccu2te WecannotcoverspecifieapplicaUOnsorantiapateallreqwrements Allspecificationsaresub�ecttochangewithoutnot�ce Formoremformat�onorquest�onsrelatrvetothisSpec�icaUonSheet,contactEST m 2002 EST PnMed m U S A. Page 4 of 4 Literature Sheet #85005-0107 Issue 5 Not to be used for tnstellatlon purposes For the most current Ilterature and updates vlsit www est net I�:i .wi � EDWARDSSYSTEMSTECHNOLOGY� ENCLOSURES AND WALLBOXES EST3 Cabinets and Chassis y�pp� fy°;::,.xo.w;i��,.;.�R%.RAHb:',�1,.Ay>xi•(3%Y;;t�i+i�i�`�^'�t�v Models: 3-C '�;�� .,...><:.... . ,; ,. AB sene , eries 3-CHAS7 :>�;>. .:::,=�w,r >���;::. ; -,�€;r:;;;*� s 3-RCC s , �,�>, ;�: ..;... , : ,,,,:�;,;;;�., �� senes �:�:^,<;�. 9� ��:>.,;:r: �;.,R...:� ��.�;:.�<:<� r,:�;��:,;� '4;��:,,;:,,� �.� ;�.�< .>r `�. �� .�:koz;?`;;;Y�� .'�N 21`"� : ;y�'z:...� 4:;�Fa�.Y.,'.ut� �±N;. Features :z°:;�a:���z �.��.:�:�.,wYU;;�Y�.:.=<��.> >; �£''v�`CiSi�;s:i; ;kc�.£,�>z�: '"+::a..:;�::,A�4h��.i<. #:. �.. r..i�::3:..>:x:: . :°'a"3;::3.i` � 9 ��rq�.�;>, m.. �;;x�ti::F>;r��;: Ri ht or left hand hin in of '�.;a-° ' :.:r��,� 9 9 doors �<; �:<�; ^;k:�.:; a nd Ke .:z«:'z# ';�;<�€ Lag a yway holes for quick mounting �"�"'�� �;�;;'"~:'�� . �<�:y.��:� a;z;,� �>'� " Knockouts for 3/4 mch conduit 3�'�`�v� '"�'���"�:�`; � �_ `N<;"s.., �:uM.zr�rs>.��z.�>�-eK�:x<=:<i�*'>,:,� '3 ■ �;�z<x "�`�s<>-.;;:��`v�<.s`"":.:r$i��;''H';iz�`; Attractive contour door design on lobby enclosures �;�:�:�.�"�„=;�3:��:����€��;;.��::�.a;.��: '� �,:; ?"`"sy;�;:�z;'�!«k�� �.:��;g,.;�`:tit-t'���;:.�2"?. : �. . �:.;,,'< Com6i `�y' . ..<;.: . � nation u �s �..::..; ,.�, ;;;,� ,.�,�... „n .. ..»,.... �:;. $5.,�o.:c..:.,...Ai�,�:�a>.a �h5,;�x�.k ..zw.� .� fl sh or surtace mountmg I�bby enclosure design "=,�-:n=�������'-» •r;:��w�;;.�.< :>�;�<,.:�, ���F:n:r; .., ...:.� .. �`+k.:.tV�...'�,:�.. ��'�a,�o.3.�0.°�.f:-2'�..%itCS��7 3-RCC 5eries ■ Remoteclosetcabinetsforelectricalclosetmountingsupport ,<�::,�{��u�����.�;�<`:,�:;'� up to 65 AMP hour batteries •��'�'="'"'f�`���°•���������•°��3'��• 3-CAB Series � LC ��E FM Description EST3 has a wide selection of cabinet arrangements allowmg the The 3-CA88 series semr-flush orsurtace mounts.A bwlt in rad greatest use of EST3's flexible modular design.From the elegant assembly prov�des space for up to�ve Ibcal rail modules,no � contoured door design of the iobby enclosure through the chassis assembly needed,Back space for 1-1/2 footpnnts gives � standard design of remote closetcabinets both aesthetics and room for a power supply and a 1/2 footprmt module and 10 AH function are easily addressed batteries.The local rail module spaces provide room for Lobby enclosure wallboxes are manufactured from#14 AWG cold amplifiers,common control and annunciation modules. rnllEdsteelanr.�tha�ra�baked�raarxaelfaisF�,�.obb�er�clas�r-e- ��e3-GAB��er��-fa�sMeF-s�r-f,aEe-r�our�tsar�d-�asaeontouredfront doors are manufactured from#14 AWG cold roiled steel and have door with viewing window.Space is provided for two 17 AH a modern contoured door design w�th integral view�ng wmdow. batteries and one chassis assemb�y providing seven local raii The exception is the smalf lobby enclosure 3-CABS.The 3-CAB5 module spaces. walibox and non-contoured door are#16 AWG coid rolled steel. The 3-CAB74 sem�-flush or surtace mountin and has a contoured Lobby enclosure doors come with gray baked enamel or optional 9 red baked enamel finishes.The EST3lobby enclosures back front door�rvitM viewing wmdow,Space is provided for two 17AH boxes,doors and chassis units are ordered and shipped batteries and two chassis assemblies each providing seven local separately.The 3-CABS lobby enclosure comes completewith rail module spaces. door and back box providmg space to mount five local rail The 3-CAB21 semi-flush orsurfacemounts and has a contoured modules. front door with viewing window.Space is provided for two 17AH The EST3 remote closetcabinet design aliows the instaliatron of batteries and three chassis assembiies each providing seven local control panel electronics in elsctrical closets.The remote closet rad module spaces. cabmets have left hand hinged doors and are available with red Remote ClosetCabinets fmish only,Optional display modules used forsystem diagnostics Remote closet cabmets prowde an economical way of instalimg display,mountbehindtheclosetcabmetdoorandarenotvisible eqwpmentmlocationswhereestheticsarenotparamount,like with the doorclosed electncal closets.You can have optional display modules used for systemdiagnosticsdisplaymountedbehindthefrontdoor These display modules will not be visable with the door ciosed Remote Appl ication closetcabmetsare surtace m�untmg and come in sizes providing Lobby Enclosures space for one to three chassis with room for standby battenes EST3 lobby enclosures provide space for control,monitonng and d�splay modules.Ideai for mounting m lobby's where appearance is important,maximum mounting flexibility is provided with doors � thatwdlmountforrightorlefthartdopernng.Lobbyenclosures � come in several sizes tc match mdiv�dual pro�ect reqwrements, EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY U S.SALES SARASOTA, FL 941-739-4200, FAX 941-727-0740 • CANADA•SALES• OWEN SOUND,ON 519 376-2430, FAX 519 376-7258 INTERNATIONAL SALES• 905-270-'1711, FAX 905-270-9553 • CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS: CHESHIRE, CT • U S. MANUFACTURING• PITTSFIELD, ME Issue 5 _ Llterature Sheet�65010-0067 Page'I of 4 In�.�_s�llation and Mounting `� �so���s�sG„� SurFace Mounted 355in ��N(5903cm) c907cm� Z+.�,�c�,��m� Remote Closet Cabinets 1 751n 7251n(318 cm) 3-RCC7R (a.45 cm) 3-RCC14R e in 3-RCC21 R ALL KNOCKOUTS (152 em) FOR9H'CONDUR (1 9 em) 2m 211n(53.3cm) 564fn 441n OUTER DOOR (51 cm) (14 3 cm) I ���2 cm) ,r ^ ... �:Vp.�.::;�..�ar�.,._::S:..p'•.or • V ;�':<i<�%y:v"::p' %;;.,i:.:....��: � ':4:.'^ :. :pc.:.. :.jF�,A:.>�i?><s�F;�� 'sL'c':fi"iii�r; ':if:£�9x,.s�;:`;"ks? ;.�,c�?:' rrh:�ii�i � � •,:K:y; ::3�;. .:,3>° E m �;>��.;,:,�'�E�:�''<'�'�' ��'�%" � � � ti �'�'/�A.�.� .;� �:. p �.t.�i ,�Lt3��S�.a,F..`,r.k3�•' � 5.F. `�-' ";�G%:'.a V4.i:�:i: ci��i�,'..;: 'r.�Y�., b 1!f t� C ±4ri�bft� `� n:.K't�';�� �x�� �.�� T tn ��:.3!.,.ky.`Cj±t;`°: ,i:'�{;:: w"Y`.� � m N o:x.�.,�.,:%;:::3<..yT,;:<iG" : 5<:%�,�:.g 'O 1+ ��4:.: a:•'}.�. ``��y'< y) � emy i�s::zx�:;�,#. �ui'"` N N 1`�%Si.iCa3 ,�"'.:f`��"`1.+::o N '� N Y� 4'z'::� �:;a�;:>:; `q3�!.s s1><rc`"� �j ��'+ i � .;:,::�: :,�;' ,;r,;:`�3;. � N ¢ m F,ss;'�i�.: %'t'r:�'� <;3:ti;.���x�`F:>`:,. ¢ � w n ``:`y'�E�:2:;:> M%3;<��^:> � o `�`i:�< : �'%' :,i�:>s ���r>%":�>> °r <;µ.:^:x:}i's.3��>.:yo;.c:' "�r?:sa:2fi�"'[:>;E:.>���8{z: $ u e %;�t'e�b: N y::3;.�'� 5�.,��185}S35:ie>�„::3�a> 5 m N �?l:�'.'o°.;:,�.',SJ'.Y.:v: yG3h;:.i..r:{/ ��$h" ^ W :r�Y;:j:� �;��;(y�{�'y'�: d '�'� �::,fi,e?::<:"::S"> �%i,'D:: �y;.. �io � Y ;<ti<:v:r#3v'��;`3'"�r`�<.������`>�::'. �n _ - � � .... ;;;uff�' �.i`��� ci � m V �.:�:nwr ,:.e{>:i. ¢ N ::yf���';°�'.',.iy4'..'<:;`;l ¢ ��*t�:<i.<"i d+ w ��..c,�Cti>.s'•;�''. "€'a:.' � `Y ;?:�q.;i ;�;,;��' .ii;t:.i;o- N � i��Sx:^::'s'.;• \.''v`ils� y <%�'j�,ti:';"$ �.i�;:>Sf.;`l;�;;r�3.:?�r c m >;:o`�. t��:.��.?;:�.�fi;�..: �;�;:: n � „>,;�:ft r`�;;�l�assts�;;�:;,. � :<:x:.>::��, ,i�:�<x<,�:;;_:::>F�>:<a.�<; .. � ;;33.�� i�:N;�33�% N V �:j�;�A�;�.£::'.� :::�.:;t ���. U ¢ 'S Ji'#+:���>��`4+i`_�:�t�•''2,:.�tK'�.�.�,�.<: U `�� �'x'� �jr�:,.`Z„�:I.'.�' �''': �3 �� 2 (�l �G��:4:.;�'6:i5.:: �::;Si�:Sb:;?.`'�::'K:::�,iiL'3' [� iam BATTERY AREA (3.3 cm)' DO NOT INSTALL CONDUIT 6251n r��n (1 6 cm) \ �.�� EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY It is our mtention to keep the product mformation current and accurate We can not cover specific appiications or antic�pate ali requirements All specifcations are sub�ect to change without not�ce For more mformation or questions reiative to this Speafication Sheet,contact E5T �1999 EST Page 4 c t� Lfteroture Sheet�85010-0067 Pnnted in U S.A Issue 5 _ _ — Installation and Mounting 14 0 m(35 56 cm) ��, � Lobby Enciosure 127m(3226cm) 3CA65B 3��� 10 9 in(27 69 cm) (7 87 cm) 1 5 in . 1.31n 381 cm (3 30 cm) 3 86 in e,� ALL KNOCKOtlTS �J BO CRI� FOR 3�4'CANDUR r. (t.�cm) TOP VIEW 1.65 fn OUTER DOOR (4.18 cm) ,� 2 6 fn 3 86 In 16 4 in(41 66 cm) (6 6 cm) 9 BO cm) � e O � 7 � , . . . . � BACKBOX c V � V • • • Qo V GND � ' ' � PO a'� v � [[ �p. c .rs W C n 7 31n r. . . N (3 3 om) °° � � p N N N N BATI'ERY AREA e 8 O NOT INSTALL CONDUI ,; \ Lobby Enclosures u,�p��gpBem) w„ �"' � 3-CAB78 3A� n�s h�s�e rn,� - 3-CA814B P�«n) z,.o m�ss.s4�� 3-CAB21B ,�"' ,�"��3'°`m� ca,e a�,� �u�+o��o�,rs �e�eM� wnnw��nurt 1 65 M (�.79 an) 27 bl In(6D.4 an) 9.E8 In 9.80 qn� 4.97 k� (71 1 an) a: �"�>`. �.�.<>�°>;r:<:; ::, o ' _::':.:�,:: <"�;<" :<�: • .Y5' '� "_'>�'i": �""'�'�"'s,`+`.�EF�'}l�� ,.V +'5....:..t�,.,:i:t'; '.j`:V�%' � :.,4.'�:�C:^i 'i�:v.t.c':,'.Y'Y,�itj�r.'S. � �:.�%'G�i °::f"�Ai�'y,`�.�;:`,.i7—�.:-�_ �.J�.Ftti' � e9 ' 1y�i:i�::5�: i•YMIiHS�s'::"9,fN?,i' O je � ,�.:j�:y y���;i"tiy�`H ed y:�:`oA 'v;^K°:: �:2.�'?'iC:2X S � tuu�� "°G�'e%3"�„i�'ri:�;f2,...;;1`•s,<�i<�;:y;��%�```z F � ..i.':.":i��b'�<'z��..�"�}�}:nr�.:7:i�.,�...'<yy.; � 6 �v.Y\:.., ': v:'�:.,. �o�SQ.iC+oC::ji..�" �a!,�\i <.:�tm.i; :i?z<i`. x..:.,w � � m �r;�:�ss`��'� <:fE3:.;�%° s"s`�'y``;"`f����:.: 6y t♦ ^� <��s.:;:....::<e'y;�;<,�%;,..• Sj N � '��3:." �l W N l� �:':��'. 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N :.;`v`: `-... yy�.. �.i �i. h >:h�:�,.t '�':34i:��:%!�.%°:3.:h Y 14q t;y�;;i :��li�+': :k:�.,£;;:"};�A� q �{ �:'M�i' {`UC;°` m4 � °' � 1 25In (316 em) BATTERY AREA DO NOT UJ5TALL CONDUR \�,..� � • EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Issue 5 Litereture Sheet#85010-0067 Page 3 of 4 Ine-a_�-�ilation and Mounting � 250in(635cm) Surface Mounted 3s5,� 2325in(5903cm) Remote Closet Cabinets (9 01 am) 21.44 N(54.46 cm) �78�� t z5 in(s 1 e cm) 3-RCC7R (a.as cm) 3-RCC14R s�n 3-RCC21 R ALL KNOCKOUTS (i52 em) FOR 94•CONCUIT (1 9 cm) 2 m 27 In(53 3 cm) 5 64 in 4 4 in OUTERDOOR (51cm) (743cm) r�t12�^� �� > :: :;:Ea:;::,<s<;'sr''<;�,t.%;v>:.<.:,... .. � . o <>���:.::«,,..<:..._ >..,:;::<;.:�:;<:>:;::;. .;z:�„A:i::; «:z.:,��»:>:;�:.,� '::�s>•:�::::� ""''�:;< >aa.ki<'�z?; � ?::yEyi:.• �%�;C<"��.F;���'"`^ :>s`` � <, r. "%�:<. ;`y%::" >�xt. E � $ ';��;y:;`�,; �YL,r.:i;_;�#;z3:r;: ° � C !cL"•;:.M;kii ''..tilli�,$Sj�.y.4j Y:k3;:� � �.-. Ip c'3:ry .`ij'^..�k:` �y,;.u.I;+<`�} `;.;�''� W N u C '�:.�i:���i`.`4>� <'�{�'[ � r� y) `T.Y'.}'c'(.;... v.;aR:?C'.i�''r':'i�2.: � d O �j�;:::;t:`;:,. m .:j�d %:�x_ ::::8�',nf'.;$;`✓.�;� � 'v � s`'.,�"��r i�n,..l;' ..f:`rors�"'� N �C N �'�G:::'^� �G?I:� :f:.:r"S,: N ^ N V n�;ir�'w` �'��'��': 'n`'`.h(: ":Ci:'." (j lR9 V � %���^:'.:::.,< .�i?�:;yF`'.'"�^:`." (� N G � ':.`.Q'.`+ �A s'��,�t,y<F'4::.�!�:' Q � W 1� �•:S`:E'9'� �':,}`y,�:�: ::S'r': `�%.. � O ::.`.�';::.;_s: � tni§�".y'�l y:;/i�f:';:H�c'!.%Si�y'.,^.:\;a�'"i�(.n. 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Issue 5 � n EDWARDSSYSTEMSTECHNOLOGY CONTROL AND ANNUNCIATION Remote Annunciators Model: 3-LCDANN, 3-6ANN, 3-10ANN, 3-EV)OOC Yz; ,��,�,, ,,4,,,, � , ��,.Q �ry � �, �� _ Features `���.�.��`'�� � '�� ;��� ��- � � ■ LCDAnnuniatorhas768characterdisplay :- " ��-y� � � Displaysmformation importanttotheuserfirst.Firstandiast _ � ' � � alarm display hands free ` 1-5= - � �� °' � �, ■ LCD uses queues to sort events �� _ :" � : ■ Variety of wallbox configurations - Size the annunciatorto the application ■ Programmable LED flash rates _ ■ Slide in labels �Q � C E� Makescustom�zationforregionallanguageeasy � � FM 3-6ANN o Fuil hne of driver boards for graphic annunciators � �� Description The EST3 system supports a full range oFannunciatoroptions. For LED display,the full line of EST3 Control/Display Modules AnnunciatorcabinetsareconstructedFroml6gaugecoldrolled _s�porteventdisplay ControUDi�av�modu►ec�n�talloverany steeT. e"I' g�zturedenamelfinishoftheannunciatorscomple- annunaatorsupportmodulemaximizingannunciatordesign mentsanydecor Bothsurfaceandsemi-flushmountmgcabinet flexibility.ALamptestfeaturecanprogramtoanysparecontrol configuratians maximize mounting flexibilityand esthetic appeal sw�tch.If a 3-LCD d�splay is installed in the annunc�ator,simply CabinetarrangementsallowbothLEDandLCDannunciationto operatetheAlarmSdenceandTroubleSdenceswitchessimuitane- easily combme in a single enclosure.Slide in labeling for LEDs ously to lamptest all LEDs. and switches provides designation flex�bility for labeling in local languages.For graphic annunciation EST3 offers LED dr�ver boards perfectly suited to operate in most graphic annunciators Display F- - Application � � � w"p � Use EST3 remoteannunciatorswhen a compactsystem status �R display is needed Annunciatorconfigurations mclude:LCD only � �,,, display,LED only displays or combination LED and LCD display m � � a s�ngle enclosure. w+ �+ The LCD display uses the 3-LCD Liquid crystal display module. � � The 3-LCD has eight imes of 21 ci�araciers on rts LCD dispiay ,� providing the room needed to convey emergency information in a �_ _ _ useful formaL Label � The 3-LCD always d�splays the last highest pnonty event even � when the user is viewing other message queues.To give the Annunciator Support greatest message flexibility EST3 event messages can routeto MOdUIe specific annunciators.Routing can be mitiated at a specific time/ ���J shift change Messages need only display in areas havmg to �7 respond to an event. EDWAF�DS SYSTEMS TPCHNOLOGY U.S.SALES.SARASOTA,FL 941•739-4638,FAX 941•727-1214 • CANADA SALES•OWEN SOUND,ON 519-376 2430,FAX 519-376•7258 I�vTERNATIONALSALES 905-270-1711,FAX905-270-9553 • CORPORATEHEADQUARTERS CHESHIRE,CT • U.S MANUFACTURING•PITTSFIELD,ME Issue 3 Litereture Sheet#85010-0068 page� cf 4 Ordering Information �, Catalog Number Description Ship Wt. Ib(kg) 3-LCDANN Remote LCD Command Module Annunciator-Comes with CPU,LCD display and doors. Order wallbox separately. 3.8(1.7} 3-LCDANN(-E) Remote LCD Command Module Annunciator-Comes with CPU,LCD display and doors. Order wallbox separately.EN-54 certified oniy,CE. 3.8(1 7) 3-6ANN Six Posit�on Base Annunaator-Comes with two 3•ANNSM annunciator support modules,a CPU,display and doors.Order Display/Control modules,additional support modules&walibox separately. 6•2$(2 85) Six Position Base Annunciator-Comes with two 3-ANNSM annunciator support modules,a CPU,display 3-6ANN(-E) and doors.Order Display/Controi modules,additional support modules and wailbox separately. 6 28(2.85) EN-54 cert�fied only,CE. 3-10ANN 10 Position Base Annunciator-Includes two 3-ANNSM annunciator support modules,a CPU,display and doors.Order Display/Control modules,additional support modules and wailbox separately. 70.5(4,8) 10 Position Base Annunciator•Comes with two 3-ANNSM annunciator support modules,a CPU,display 3-10ANN(-E) and doors. Order Display/Control modules,additional support modules and wallbox separately. 10.5(4 8) EN-54 certified onl ,CE. 3-ANNCPU7 Annunciator CPU 1 (45) 3-ANNSM Annunciator Support Module .45�.2) 3-LCD Liquid Crystal Display Module 8(36) 3-ANNBF Blank Fdler Plate 5�22) 3-24R 24 Fied LED Displa Module .35(.12) 3-24Y 24 Yellow LED Display Module .35(.12) 3-24G 24 Green LED Display Module 35(12) 3-12SR 12 switches with 12 Red LED Display/Control Module .35(.12) 3-12SY 12 switches with 12 Yellow LED�isplay/Control Module .35(.12) 3-12SG 12 switches with 12 Green LED Display/Controi Module .35(.12) 3-12RY 12 Red LED and 12 Yellow LED Display Module 35(.12) 3-12/S1GY 12 switches with one Green and one Yellow LED per switch Display/Control Module .35(.72) �"�/ 3-12/S1 RY 12 switches with one Red and one Yellow LED per switch Display/Control Module .35(.12) 3-12/S2Y 12 switches with two Yellow LEDs per switch Display/Control Module .35(.72) 3-6/3S1 G2Y Six groups of three switches.Each switch with one LED.LEDs provided Green,Yellow,Yellow. .35(12) -6/3�-7-��-� �-�-g�-ot�ps-of-tF�Fee-switeFie�Each-svrntch-wrth�ne-L-ED.t�sprav�rigd�r�rs,�ellow,�ed.------- ---- ----- ��T- — 3-EVDVR LEb/SWITCH Driver Module,For EST Graphics .35 f.12) 3-EVDVRA LED/SWITCH Dnver Module Assembly for Third-party Graphics 35(12) 3-EVPWR Power Suppi for EST Graphics 5(22) 3-EVPWRA Power Supply Assembly c/w 19 inch rail mounting chassis assembly space for one 3-ANNCPU1 forThird-parry Graphics 2.5(1.2j 3-EVDVRX Plastic mounting extrusion 19 inch mounting-Space for up to three 3-EVDVRA modules 35(12) EnclosureOrdering lnformation Ship Wt. Catalog Number Description Ih(kg) RLCM/B Remote Command module flush mount LCD wallbox 2 5��2) RLCM/B-S Remote Command module surface mount LCD wallbox 2.5(1 2) 3-RLCM/D Inner&outer doors for RLCM/8(-S) 2(9� 6ANN/B Six position LED/LCD flush mount wallbox 6(2�� 6ANN/B•S Six position LED/LCD surface mount wallbox s(2�� 10ANN/B Ten position LED/LCD flush mount walibox s�2�� 10ANN/B-S Ten position LED/LCD surface mount wallbox 6(2,�� �� EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY PaBe 2 of 4 L�terature Sheet�86010-0068 Issue 3 Specification �'`"� Catalog Number 3•ANNCPUI 3•ANNSM 3•LCD Agency Listings ' UL,ULC,FM,CE,LPCB Mountmg Space Two Spaces One Space Mounts over 3-ANNCPU Commurncation Format RS-485 N/A N/A Current @ 24 Vdc Standby 171 mA 10mA 10mA Alarm 195mA 10mA 50mA Winng Termination Plug m termmal stnp N/A N/A Winng Size Twisted Pair 18-14 AWG N/A N/A (0.75-1.5 mm ) Max.Wire Distance 5000 ft(1524m) N/A N/A between any three panels Relative Humidity 93%non condensing Temperature Ratmg 0°-49°C(32°-120°F) Wiring Styles Ciass A or Ciass B Note For a complete list of ES73 annunciator display and control modules please refer to EST literature sheet part number 85010-0055 Ty p i c a I W i r i n g Z Ground Lead To Backbox � a m o � ¢ ¢ � U U O O Rearview3-ANNCPUI FieldWiring � °> °> s �, �, 3-6/1��N Shown � + N y z z ��������� �.� . . . , . . , 0000000000 ToTB1 on3-ANNCPUt _ . 6Y NOTES. - i a,AlE�nragexcept-eart#� _ ground supervlsed and power hmited 2 24 VDC available from Primary or Booster Power � supply. ` 3 Uses RS-485 Network communication format 4 Network wmng Twisted Pair Grs�phic Annunciator Field Wmng nsue�wa�uw � �s+ee�vowcdw FxOM/N[dC1E Hr8 A If1P N46 2laDCINOMJAN.1q17�M RNCCA�E7Q IG11tANe9! Q 1'OA6IMOOUF 1 w�a�s�EC��s Graphic Annunciator NEIWORK MTA COMNAINICA71015•R54&S FORMNT NOTES: MWrMm IrAeled Pdt•IB ANG(0.75rtun�. Mm6rv.m CYC�M Reeklanc� 90Ohn �++�+���•o�� 1 POWER UMITED CIRCUIT r.,a�,r.,,,o�ar,c.�,�wen arn a aQ+w•a000n.p.asann. DMorx.r�mb as defam�kwd w�p Me rt�rx�n obv,obte cYCUM iesblonce md ocpocnvica,md maxnocAref�cmle+pectllcalbrx POWER RISQt �� CdcWle wpe alre M a mmdrnum J 4VDC foltl Ps br hom tl�e 24VDC nornFx�wMaps. EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Issue 3 Literature Sheet#86010-0069 Page 3 of 4 = Engineering Specification � The Life Safetysystem shail incorporate annunciation ofAlarm, controi units.The LCD interface must provide the abilityto display Supervisory,Trouble and Monitoroperations Annunciation must custom eventmessages of up to 42 characters.The LCD must be through the use of both LED display str�ps complete with a provide the emergency user,hands freeviewing of the first and last means to custom label each LED as to its function.Where highest pnority event.The lasthighest priority event mustalways applicable control switches must be prowded Switches with LEDs display and update automatically System events must must provide posit�ve feed back to the operator of remote automatically be placed in queues.It shall be possible to view equipment status.An LCD display with basic common control specific eventtypes separately.Having to scroll through a mixed LEDs and switches shail be provided The Common Controi list of eventstypes is not acceptable The total number of active Switches and LEDs provided as m�nimum wdl be Resetsw�tch events by type must be displayed.It must be possible to customize and LED,Alarm Silence switch and LED,Panel Silence switch and the designations of all user mterface LEDs and switches for local LED,DnIlswitchandLED Itmustbepossibletoaddadditional languagereqwrements.ltmustbeposs�bletoroutesystemevent common controls as requfred though the use of modular display/ messagesto specificannunciator locations Wallbox Installation and Mounting Semi-Flush Mounting Surface Mounting s�r N'��s st��'� z�s �aoa cry 3.43' � o.ec I8 77 cmJ k-772'(188cm) (1A'm1 N--772(798cm) fi fi - € � � _ LCDANN � �S LCDANN� � , �, a �, � ' � �,�,J t M— 14.48'(36 78 cm) —� � —saa- --- F (e oc rn) � � p�, u�';._' � 3 43' �(8 71 em) N---181'(40 9 em)---� n�`� Ff�-16 1'(40 9 cm)—N fi fi `� fi � � � 6ANN � � 6ANN � � � � � � A I I � } } t 6ANN/B 6ANN/B-S �_23 BB'(60 60 cm) _� f , z�s (e ao cm) a�+r - o.er _ ^, - _ (e.Ti� ( ) --'-M n�� — as<r sa�cm � u �z�.T�6,.,�,---��, _ - fi � � � 10ANN � � 70ANN � o, ''. � � * � -� � 10ANN/B 10ANN/B-S �—.-�' EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY It is our intenuon to keep the product�nformat�on current and accurate We can not cover specific applications or anticipate all reGuirements Ail specificaUOns are sub�ect to change without noUCe For more information or quesGOrs relat�ve to this 5pecification Sheet,contact EST m 1998 E5T Page 4 of 4 Litereture Sheet�85010-0069 Fnnted,n U 5 A Issue 3 '� � {YI�lYII� � �'i"�EDWARDS SYSTEMSTECHNOLOGY� AUDIO t;,� Auclio and Telephone Masters � ''��s :;�a�.�; :>r; �;�>' a.:;`?� Models. 3-ASU series °���< ....���'�.M;,�>;,�.;z����.Ftq %��;�:.��;:::> :��•r.w >.���„;.;��.�z: v:�.�i;h�:��:� �: �:: � Features ��� `�%�r�:'V� ;y.l.sel'sd>.;>;..F�;Eiru:. .�.., dia i" ro� ,av><.,,-:.. �,'`i:;..i ■ Ei ht channels for au o ` '� t� ��'��`�„y `���s" ` g di source selection £,., � ���F��>:�:�„ s;: �; �.Fe;�: ; ,:.., :�;<,�">::>. a,�^�3: s "c.:%��:': � o�>. ■ Sincle twisted pair of aud�o wires between nodes �> ��.t-. >�` �:::�:. �::$ 1 �:i'•tT.,- ` 6a' .N.... �. . ''x'; � 3C,.•^. � � VU dis I , ���, ;�: .,�� .��;. ;:;� �' :�w;�<3'�°� ,.� `:'x: a shows paging output level ����:�� �;: w�;� ���f°'z'y P Y �,,. �.K � �:,��;��;�a'�>:s::t=:,':; ■ y -pageLED <=� ��z` :x.>_,M°'.r^�.,''�'�;"�;�. Read -to ���y �.<.R:��,�,,>,,�,_N:.:;:{� f� , ��: r� �.�:.,r<.,,t.N«a�:.. �.. ;�>.- 'fi� .. .,��o,�..:::..����, :..,.. �' � .�.>.��.<��> - � 9 ,:;: k 2. ,.:co.. ,,;°,H.�,:>:,; ■ Di ital transmission of audio signals '���`+�'��' ��� ;�. ���''����� :<:: .,yz. �:.,.� � '�aas ,�� �`.:. .,:�: -greater noise immunity #�: -high quality signal transmission Y' ■ On board storage of programmed messages and tones + ■ LCD display of fire phone calls � �� �E FM Description � �EST3 audio design provides the emergency userwith an emer- audio memory stores signal tones and/or alarm-alertverbal gency communication packagethatmmimizes switch selections messages.These messages can be digitally recorded m the field heipingtheusermakesimple,accurateandfastevacuaUOncontrol usingstandardPCaudiocomponents.TheASUcomesstandard annour�cemer�ts.�ST3audrob�iltls€rorr�-siandar�rri�dutesthatft W�thtwommutesofinemoryfortoneandmessaqestorage togethereasdy.AudiocomponentsusestandardEST3cabmets Availablsmessagememoryexpandseasilyto34mmuteswiththe and power supplies.A smgle cab��et with audio requires only one optional 3-ASUMX/32 memory expansion card. 24 V standby battery. Audio S�atce urnts support connection of a iocai microphone, Takmg fuil advantage of digital technology,up to eight char�nels of remote micropfione,telephone voice Ime and auxiliary audio audio 5ources transmitover a singletwisted pair of wires between �nput.With eight audio�hannels to choosefrom combinations of nodes.Coupling the inherentreliability and pertormance ofzoned Paging,alert,evacuation s�gnaling and automatic messages are amplifierswithEST3simplifiedusermtertacesmakesaudiosystem availableforsimultaneousdeliverytodifferentpartsofabuildmg design and op�ration easy and dependable. There are two main audio user mterface modules,the paging microphoneandthefirefighter'stelephone.AvaOablsmdividually or m a set,EST3 aud�o modules open system design possibilities. A p pi i cati on When the Life Safety system r�quires paging anly the 3-ASU or EST3 audio is accomplished by selecLng modularcomponents for 3-ASU/4 Audio 5ource Units provides a Master Pagmg micro- installationmstandardfirealarmcabmetassemblies.Atthemam phonewithcommoncontrols.Switchlabelingmakestheoperation control panel IocaUon mounting aud�o control eqwpment provides �ntuitive.Six LEDs and five switches cover pagmg operations. an emerge�acy user mtertace for"Pagmg"and optionally a"Firefight- Three of the five pagmg switches,Ali Call,Page to Evacuation,and ersiJiasterTelephone" ZonedampiiTiersmountmthemamcontrol PagetoAle�t,coverr,-:ostpagingoFe;ati3�s.RVUdisplayshows panel and/or m remote nodes.By mounting amplifiers m remote the user the output level of the page i n process.The 3-ASU senes nodes,wiren�nsandspacereqwrementsarereducedatthemain mountinonechassisspaceofaEST3Lohbyenclosure.inaddition control panel, to the pagmg mrcrophonethe 3-ASU74 has mounting space for up to four local rad modules,including 20,40,and 90 watt zone The heart ofthe EST3 audio package is the Audio Source Urnt amplifiers and upto four Controi Display modules allowing layout (ASU).TheAudioSourceunitconvsrtsanalogsignalstodigital flex►bilEty.The3-ASUprovidesthesamefur�cbonaliryasthe signals.Sampling the analog signal 9600 times per second 3-ASU/4 but is supplied with an inner doorfiller plate and no local �provides high quality reproduction of aud�o sources.On board rail module spaces. EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY US SALES• SARASOTA, FL 941•739-4200, FAX 941-727-0740 • CANADA SALES. OWEN SOUND, ON 519-3762430, FAX 519•376-7258 1NTERNATIONAL SALES: 905-270-'171'I, FAX 905-2709553 • CORPORATE HfADQUARTERS• CHESHIRE, CT • U.S.MANUFACTURING PITTSFIELD, ME Issue 5 _ Literature Sheet#85010-0063 Paga'1 of 4 Paging microphone KiY:nyi�;�,, ro""'...�N`r.. '...:F, ui ii!`..' v:.;�n �`:k� 'g�:�����`. �`a.���;�,�:a;;;;��"�H. ;°y` Read to-Pa eLEDturnso �:n:..-�,:;� ;��� .a��: �,,..a ,�«,,;>.;>.-�::;�::�<<�< Y- 9 nafterthepre- � MM'„��a� "�?;y;�� ,,���,•. ;v�L,s��4,,"•''' announcetonehasfinishedindicatin the � �;aq.?>� �R ����,:: .: .;,sY3;�:;u 9 ��.: ;>;; _;, Y ti::�'�� eady to page. �'�:�`•:��, ••%3�:.,;,;�:.t, ;;,; system is r ,�. ;�;: .�<. ;�::h:F .,s;v�;.=:..�;r„ "�e ' 3,zas'��'=`";:i;Y'^%'3:.�.;.,:';:f��: <n*zo:�.. �'�" .. . ,:°f;:µ�? '��;�'' ":5':;F:�`ry'°=°�".�•';;: All Call selects all amphfiers for page ;;: ,;::> ;:' .��` "y ° delivery � !�� �M$,� ''� `�'S ;;%.'<,c"; ti:�,. ..�;� �:,�£'�i:.�' ��. �,`o, ;.rz;:: >,�. �• � o Page to EVAC selects all ampDfiers Rw;:�;>:<:::.. ;�;�°'�" : �'` currentlydelivenngevacuationsignalingfor ;�`N"4�"' " Q` page delive , "• �. ° ry, �.�:.,�. ;:: :>�;'*•. S �. HFl�DYTO %_y.''ha,`,>"'�,9�''3'... � � fMGE t��ib"�� � Page to ALERT selects all amplifiers n'4,:�.yiY z.e A 6:5:;:�RaSf�', >�:� 4�: � � LL�^ currently delivenng alert signaling for page <;�� V f�yu�� � �Ero delivery. :;��;�� ❑ � �� ;': f �,� <uk�� • "' All Ca11 Minus selects all amplifiers not ;;�,;;���s �;`�o � programmed for�alarm signaling for page «;x::�' deli�rery(typically stairwel Is). �t<%s�� �ALLGLL _,���;:. MINUS page by Phone selects the telephone voice ``<�` � ,�E� lineasthepagin source. °`�� e�<: "`�i � aHa+e 9 <��:�;•:�'� ,:s<z��,;�';� g� ;�>�` ' ��'„{ �� W ° � OperatmgtheMicrophoneTalkKeystops ;�:�' °�;Si''�%%„: ;�yY2�:;;;a, alarm signal�ng to selected zones and starts . �y��n"^>�-:�<��'�>"^� pre-announcetonedehverV I3�,t� �:�G�r i;�"k'�•:::.���'::' +• ;3i�'^ .,;;:}l`�> �4��: ; �nk<'<;:;,;.::: Whenthepre-announcetonefirnshes,the xs:r,x.,; �. ,�•:.,� �;a�'Y .�:4�;�. Ready to Page LED turns on. When system design calls forpaging with Firefighters telephone the 3- ASU/FT provides all the paging features of the 3-ASU senes with the �,� added bene�t of a master handset assembly,The 3-ASU/FT brings to the emergency user easy to understand switches and text messages displaymg on a backlit 8 x 20 character LCD display. :u:;� --.>:��: .:,,4�:.:. ---- - -- ---- - - - - - -- �:rty::•A..�; �x.<:° x;�:: >��.. :.t��., ;�::; <� >::�..c; � ,.:� >;..:.<,.,� , .�, ::>:�... ::..��: �..�..... 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':/�: :1Y�:`:.A � %�_�„;"t:t�; »:Z.::� y.'iC`.,`:::. ..4.':, �-0+_:D�� .:'�.�5 :'Ft:::v ..D• EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Page 2 of 4 _ Llteroture Sheet;Y85010-0063 Issue 5 The Firefighterstelephone LCD is the pending line to the connected �����,i�e Pending verysimitartothe3-LCD, When 0 CNLLS PEtlDIt1G hne.Thecall in signal sdences The � ,,� thereisnoactivetelephonecalls 1 CRLLS COMf1ECiE� usersimplyusesthemastertelephone ��.�-� a.�'i���; theLCDshowsabtlescreen.Active totalkwiththeconnectedtelephone j calls display a text message referenc- i in the remote hone location. If another cali comes in the location ��.ut• ox g P ° message appears in the calls pending i ce��s Pennine Whenaremotehandsetisliftedthe Imeandaudiblesignalresounds �LCDdisplayupdatestoshowthe � �p��5 PEIfO'fIG Theusercansilencethesignalby o �a«s cnnnE�reo callspendingandthecall-insignal � �A«s �onnerTen answenngthecallorbypressmg sounds to alertthe user of a the ACK(acknowledge)switch pendmg call, Upto five remotetelephone handset The user answers the call by assemblies connecttothe system ;;ressmgtheConnectswitch.Thelocationmessagemovesfrom simuitaneouslywithoutanydegradationofaudioquality �pecifications Catalog Number 3•ASU 3-ASU/4 3•ASU/FT 3-FTCU Agency Listings UL,ULC,FM,CE,LPCB,EN-54 �\mbient Temp. 0°C-49°C(32°F-120°F) �:mbient Humidity 85%Non-condensmg �iJlounting One Chassis Space ° Network Data Riser-16-12AWG (1 0-2.5mm2)(3-ASU/FT only) �'�+�ire Size Network Data Riser-18-12AWG(1 Ommz-2.5mmz) Network Audio Riser-18-12AWG Network Audio Riser-18-12AWG(1 Ommz-2 5mm2) (1.0-2.5mmz)(3-ASU/FT only) Telephone Riser-One pair twisted shielded �- 18-14 AWG(1 Dmm2 to 1 5mm2) �s'urrent Rating 210 mA in Alarm 236mA Supervisory 26mA Supervisory � � and Su ernso 431mA Alarm y 221mA Alarm ��„/ Local Microphone(tsolated and supervised) Locai microphone(�solate�and supervised) �,�udio Inputs Remote Microphone(isolated and supervised) Remote microphone(isolatet)and supervised) e One auxdiary signal source(isolated) Firefighters'telephone(isolated and superv�sed One auxdia si nal source(isolated) �^re-recorded Messag�Siarage____ _ _ Two mirtutes standard expandable to 34 mmutes ��� E witFi o-�ional�3-ASUIVIXI3�.TVlax.messa e fen th 4b seconds �Auxiliary Input impedance 1 K Ohm N/A i'e;lephone Riser �.�;ctive Telephones N/A Frve Maximum �',�Iire size N�q One pair twisted shielded �-- 18-14 AWG(1 Ommz to1 5mm2) �i me Resistance N/A 50 Ohm IEOL Resistance N/A 15K Ohm .��ngineering Specification systemsarenotacceptable.Anmtegralcircuitforoperatingtraditionai NAC devices must be provided�rvith each system amplifier.The circuit il�eaudiosystemmustprovidesimultaneouspage,alert,and mustcarryammim�mrat�ngof35AmpsforoperaUng24Vdcsignals, �;�,racuationsignals.Systemsthatcausesignalingdevicestogo Thesystemshallprovidefullymtegratedfrefighters'telephone �alentwhilepertormingsignalmgfunctionswaflnotbeacceptabie. systemthatshallprovide2-waycommurncationbetweenthefire 9t�esystemmustprovideoperaUonto25Vrmsor70.7Vrmsspeakers. alarmcontrolpanelandanyfirefighters'tQlephonestation The !9;°sysiem�r�stprovide�sam�n�rtZ�mthefo�low;ngpagmg systemshallincludeanalphanumericuserdisplayandcontrols .ommon controls and indicators�Ready to page LED,VU display of When a telephone is activated,a call-in buzzer shall sound,and the ;�aging output level,smgle switch function for pagmg to all�Alert location of the phone shall be shown on the alphanumeric display. ,��;nes,Evacuationzones,and areas not programmedforsignalmg Tt�e display shall be capable of bdingual operation,displaying �1�e system must provide high quality analog to digital conversion of English,5parnsh,or French messages. j�aging sources.Digital transmission of pagmg must be provided The inCOmmg call shall be selected by activaUng a smgle button All vetweensystemnodes.Theanalogsourcesmustbesampledand subsequenttelephonecallloeationsshallbedis la edinfulitext The .�onverted to digital with a samplmg rate no less than 9600 baud.it P Y � ���ust be possible to transmit signal sources(Alert,Alarm,Page,etc) system shall dispiay all incoming calls,all connected phone(s)on the ���c�ether over a s�ngie pair of wires between nodes. alphanumenc display.The system shall be configured so that page messages may be issued from any firefighter's telephone connected �ystemamplifiersmustbedistributedzonedtype.Centrallybanked tothesystem,asdirectedbytheemergencyoperater. EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECIiNOLOGY Issue 5 Literoture Sheet�85010-0063 Page 3 of 4 — Typical Wiring Ordering Information 'lypiul Fln Flphbh T bphona Circuh Catalog Ship Wt. ��� uunneu.�w � �( Number Description Ib.(kg) �7Kohn EOLHu�tw �t ,�., ,}I;. � �I 3-ASU/FT Audio Source Urntwith Local Microphone 20(9 1} / ,;�•; '� and Firefighters Telephone. ,,:�.::::<:,...,>u:: tww.a sN.w.a r.i.' �-: .,,.,.:�e< ,,r .,�:....:::.;•,a;.,.:,., n,�,�.��u,w„,� :M:;;��::>�:<��•�> Audio Source Unit w/Local Microphone. �5(6 8) M Fhx,��:.:Y�<s:�<>. 9-ASU/4 r• •• • •• ••••••••••••� •. , , .; Provides four local rail spaces. ��"E`�' '� ' `� Audio Source Umtw/Local Microphone. ��������� I�--_ OmC•4euR 3-ASU 15(6.8� i� ���a Inner door filler plate ��'°""" • �� � Firefighters Tele hone Control Umt inner �i ;;>;,�;�:,<;,�:>�.��.::. 3-FTCU p 15(6 8) i i ;;;�a�;.:.,,.�;<;.�;.:;..:: door fdler plate. yu� :>>::r\;.:;:.�:-'<.:a�:>. B�CP�U MoEW� � MAIN PROCESSORMODU.E I� :::;i:<�`%a s`�.<,8�' Audio Source Unit Memo Ex ansion. 0 5(.23) +_ +_ 3-CPU i� ^ .ro��Nn 3-ASUMX/32 Provides 32 minutes of m ssage time. �..,..�.w�... � DmGrcWt RFK� Ferrite C lam Kit re uired for EN-54 � .F-���:::.;��:e:e¢�.; �� p Q .25(.11) ¢ ���S6�g��66�6�a : i �'°w°s ewP.� com hance � �� 3-LKE UK Engi�sh Labei Kit 25(,��) � ���+m 3-LKF French Label Kit ,25(��) � _ �� """P'"""'°""'" 3-LKR Russ�an Label K�t . �t .n�.�a�e�n,� 25(.11) �° 3-LKS Spanish Label Kit 25(.11) � � DuMtlWlmRpuind Z � � ��!I MCIwA WlrinO�Y Auao Soure�Unq �����J + &ASU or •- 3-ASUFf Fram prsvfous paml 3�CPU MotlW� ... .. .ES�3. ... Installation and Mounting •�a _ .� —_ . � �� Audio Fire • - - -..Source _ Phone - ��� :��a� Card Card � CARD .:.`.�a;:::3; �� , - 0 D U U R'�< ��.: �:�:. , . -. . - � � fl � : � 3-ASU/4 has Chassis,Audio Sourca Unit, Paging Common Control and rail space for four Local Rad Modules. Mounts in ; �-1 EST3lobby enclosure. -�� 3-ASU/FT has Chassis Assembly/w Audio Source Unit, Paging Common Control and Fire Phone Controls �� EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY It is our mtention to keep the product�nformation current and accurate We can not cover specific appl�cabons or anticipate all requirements All specifications are sub�ect to change without notice For more mformation or questions relative to this 5pec�fication Sheet,contact EST �1999 EST Pa e 4 of 4 Printed in U S h 9 Llterature Sheet d�85010-0063 - Issue 5 r',r y �....� � - � �.*� E�WARDS SY5TEMSTECHNOLOGY� �I, ANALOG ADDRESSABLE INPUT/OUTPUT DEVICES . . . �q. �e''� +�r�a �,z,�,R.- 1" ;�� Control Relay Modules � ���� Model SIGA-CR, SIGA-MCR, SIGA-CRR, SIGA-MCRR ^ f� ' M . I' � Features ` �`�� � •� W L;�i� t ����`��'�: � rf� j,�°_.'��t�s,�^.�.T_t�,;� ■ Provides one no/nc contact(SIGA-CR/MCR) ;, ;�w,; Form"C"dry relay contact can be used to control external `�'°�'��'^�` ` SIGA CRx appliances such as door ciosers,fans,dampers etc. '`"'�v;;;;'^�+'^�";Y ■ Aliows group operation of sounder bases ' �� ��'�i The SIGA-CRR/MCRR reversesthe polanty of its 24 Vdc output, �' thus actrvatmg all Sounder Bases on the data loop. "� °��'" � ° Patented : � ■ Plug-in(U10J or standard 1-gang mount UIO versions aliow quick installation where multiple modules are SIGA MCRz - Q uLC required.The 1-gang mountversion is ideal for remote locations that reqwre a single module. ■ Automaticdevicemapping Description Signature modules transmit information to the loop controiler regardmgtheircircuitlocationswith respectto otherSignature The Control Relay Module and the Polarity Reversal Relay Module ` ��✓� devices on the wire loop. are part of EST's Signature Series system.7hey are intelligent analog addressable devices available in either plug-in(U10) � ElectronicAddressing versions,orstandardl-gangmountversions. Programmable addresses are downloaded from the loop cantr-0AErTa�C,-ar�F�eSIGA-P-S�+gaai��e-P�ogfaml�ewiee--- The S�GA�RL6�.B Cs�ntral Relay Mndule p�ovades a�acm„C„dry Tool.There are no switches or dials to set, relay contact to control external appliances such as doar ciosers, fans,dampers etc.This device does not prov�de supervision of the ■ Intelligentdevicewith microprocessor state ofthe relay contact,instead,the on-board microprocessor All decisions are made atthe module to allow lower communi- ensures thatthe relay is in the proper ON/OFF state.Upon cation speedwith substantially improved control panel response command from the loop controller,the SIGA-CR/MCR relay time and less sensitivity to line noise and loop wiring properties; activatesthe normaily open or normally-closed contact. twisted or shielded wire is not reqwred The SIGA-CRR/MCRR Polarity Reversal Relay Module provides a ■ Ground fault detection by address Form"C"dry relay contactto power and actrvate a senes of SIGA- Detects ground faults nght down to the device level. A64Audible Sounder Bases.Upon commandfrom the Signature ■ Non-volatile memory loop controller,the SIGA-CRR reverses the polarity of its 24 Vdc Permanently stores serial number,type of device,andjob output,thus activating all Sounder Bases on the data loop. number.Automaticallyupdateshistoricinformationincluding Standard-mountversions(SIGA-CRandSIGA-CRR)areinstalledto hours ofoperation,last mamtenance date,numberof alarms and troubies,and time a�d date of last alarm. standard North American 1-gang electncal boxes,making them ideal for locations where only one module is reqwred Separate I/0 ■ biagnosticLEDs and data loop connections are made to each module. Flashing GREEN shows normal polling;flashing RED shows alarrri/active stat2. Plug-in UIO versions(SIGA-MCR and SIGA-MCRR)are oart of the U10 family of plug-in Signature Series modules.Theyfunction ■ Highambienttemperatureoperation identicallytothestandardmountversions,buttakeadvantageof �� Install in ambienttemperatures upto 120°F(49°C). the modularflexibilityand easy installationthatcharacterizes all ■ Designedto IS09001 standards U10 modules.Two-and six-module UIO motherboards are available.Ali wirmg connections are made to terminal biocks on All Signature productsaremanufacturedtostrwtinternational the motherboard.UIO assemblies may be mounted in EST qualirystandards to ensure highestreliability. enciosures. �•� ED:NARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY USSALES•SARASOTA,FL941-7391i638,FAX941•727-1214 • CANADASALES:OWENSOUND,ON519,376-2430,FAX513�376-7258 INTERNATIONALSALES 905-27a1711,FiaX905-270,9553 • CORPORATEHEADQUARTERS.CHESHIRE,CT • U.S MANUFACTURING PITTSFIELD,ME Issue 6 Literoture Sheat N85001-0238 Page 1 of H Instailation Application �, SIGA-CR and SIGA-CRR: modules mount to North Amencan The operation of Signature Series control relays is determmed by 2'/inch(64 mm) deep 1-gang boxes and 1%inch (38 mm) their sub-type code or"Personality Code." deep 4 inch square boxes with 1-gang Zovers. The terminals personality Code 8•CONTROL RELAY(SIGA-CR/MCR} are swted for#12 to#18 AWG (2 5 mm to 0.75 mm)wire size. ' -Dry Contact Output This setting configures the module to provide one Form"C"DRY RELAY CONTACTto control Door Closers, Compatlble Elechical Box Fans,Dampers,etc. Contact ratmg is 2.0 amp @ 24 Vdc;0 5 amp � @ 120 Vac(or 220 Vac for non-UL applications) Personality Code 8 is assigned atthe factory.No user configuration is required. Personality Code 8:POLARITY REVERSAL RELAYMODULE (SIGA-CRR/MCRR).This setting configures the module to reverse the polarity of its 24 Vdc output.Contact ratmg is 2.0 amp @ 24 wan Piate,�ahite Vdc(pdot duty).Personality Code 8 is assigned atthe factory.No � q-Gang) userconfigurationisrequired. � Compatibility '� �� The Signature Series modules are compatib(e onlywith E5T's ,`� ' `�'''� Signature Loop Controller _ �� Warnings S- Cautions This module wdl not operate without electrical power.As fires SIGA-MCR and SIGA-MCRR:mountthe U10 motherboardinside a frequently cause power interruption,we suggestyou discuss suitableESTenclosurewithscrewsandwashersprov�ded.Plug furthersafeguardswithyourlocalfireprotectionspecialist. the module into any available position on the motherboard and securethe module tothe motherboardwith the captive screws. Wirmg connectionsare madetotheterminals onthe motherboard (seewinngdiagram).UlQmotherboardtermmalsaresuitedfor Testing �'t Maintenance �.,��' #12 to#18 AWG(2.5 mmzto 0.75 mm2)wire size. The module's automatic self-diagnosis identifieswhen it is defective and causes a trouble message.The user-friendly UIOMothIerboard maintenanceprogram showsthecurrentstateofeach moduleand - " �32 —---- -- -- - --- - 4��ertinentmessa,anc_�S�nn_IEma�����y���p��-- SeB-tapD��9 (deactivated)temporarily,from the control panel.Avadabdity of � mamtenancefeatures is dependenton thefire alarm system used. Scheduled maintenance(Regularor Selected)forpropersystem -� _� ` CaptNe operationshouldbeplannedtomeettherequirementsofthe _ 5ua,,.s Authority Having Jurisdiction(AHJ).Referto currentNFPA72 and _ .�__„� ULCCAN/ULC536standards. #6 Flat washers �---Ca6met or elecbcal endosure ElectronicAddressing-The loop controller electronicaily ad- dresses each module,saving valuable time during system com- missioning.Setting complicated switches or dials is not required. Each module has its own unique serial number stored in its on- board memory.The loop controller identifies each device on the loop and assigns a"soft'address to each serial number.lf desired, the modules can be addressed using the SIGA-PRO Signature Program/Service Tool. . EST recommends thatthis module be installed accordmg to latest recognized edition of national and local fire alarm codes. ��� EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Page 2 of 6 Literature Sheet#85001-0238 Issue 5 ll��ypical Wiring ``""J ; �cduleswdlaccept#18AWG(0.75mmz),#16(1,Ommz),#14AWG(1,50mm2)and#12AWG(2.5mmz)wiresizes. °��te•Sizes#16AWG(1.Omm2)and#18 AWG(0.75mm2)are preferredforease of installation.See Signature Loop Controllercatalog sheet �rdetailedwinng reqwrementspecifications. Normaliy- Normally- Open Common Closed TB2 � Red LED C-reen LED F�t' (Alarm/Active) '� (Normap ��_ J�� � - TBl NOt@S �Refer to Signature Loop Controller Installation Sheet � [�ATA IN(+) DATA OUT(+) for v�nring specifications. � DATA IN(-) DATA OUT(-) � �SIGA-CR/MCR must be installed withm the same room as the device it�s controlimg. o�am Signoture Controller To Next Device cr Previous Device Q �The SIGA-U106R and the SIGA-U102R do not � come with TB14 �""� SIGA-CR Control Relay �The SIGA-U106 does not come with TB8 through T613 �Supervised and power-limited - - orma y pen ommon ormaIIy CTosed �#tl�e souree-is-r�or�power-litrjrted,i�ta�fltaiFl�-spaee of 1/4 lnch from power-hmited winng or use FPL, FPLP, FPLR,or an eqwvalent m accordance with the National Electrical Code. 7) Maximum#12 AWG(2 5mmz)wire Q Mm #18(0 75mm�. Q1234 �atd In+ ,r _ Q 4 . 3 2 : _�� , � ._ ♦ � No connechons reqwred for � 3 Out SIGA-MCR Other moduies — v � may reqwre connections m =a � <'? a uN Green LED(Normal) Red LED(Actrve) "� " � No connections reqwred for SIGA-MCR Other modules may reqwre connections `�� S1GA-MCR Control Relay EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY �-:�e 5 Literature Sheet#85001-0239 Page 3 of 6 Typical Wiring � Modules wdl accept#18 AWG (0 75mmz),#96(1.Omm�),#14 AWG (1.50mmz) and#12 AWG(2 50mmz)wire sizes. Note:Sizes#16 AWG(1.Ommz) and#18 AWG (0.75mm2) are preferred for ease of installation See Signature Loop Controller catalog sheet for detailed wiring reqwrement specifications. SIGA-AB4 SIGA-A64 SlGA-AB4 Audible Base Audible Base Audible Base ' • - ;�: - � �: - 6254A-003 I EOL Relay - � Listed 24 VDC � Q �� Nominal Power � Supply - — ' � � � - - � .� .� � .� � - ��- • .� SIGA-CRR t w Q - Signature � Controller o�-� Q ,[3� Opt�onal SIGA-CR for disabimg/disconnecting sounderbase SIGA-MCRR SIGA-CRRSchematic SIGA-MCRRSchematic AudtbleBasea �«e�h wx«an t�o�ny aw«m, '� ... Powe�in PawxOut JW1 JW2 6254A-003 �y/ — — WhenArJNa�eC Palarlryreversas ' EOLReIay — t �whenac6vated Q requiredfot - ` O .� = supevision .. ^. y � - + 1 � - C7 O N N C a O _ b. __ —' _ _ ' ' __' ' _— � '� _ 1..... $19118Glf0 � � 8 � Data Data Oul � � � Notes Ctrcuit + Fornortnaloperation SIGA•CT1 07 RefertotheSignatureconvollermstallaUonsheetfor ForGenerslFfre v�nnng. + � Ahartn Operatlon � � uw�c ug��a a 3 � OnePairofWires(24Vdcpower) zavecpo.ver � suPDh a e OnePairof�res(SignatureData�. �}— � �_, �4 Single�re(24Vdcpower) ���4 �1 234 e TheSIGA-U106RandtheSlGA-U102Rdonotcome � � ; * `� SIGAMCRR wdhTB14 + � � ` - S1GA-UIO(R)sedss moth�rboard DaW Out 06 TheSiGA-U106doesnotcomewithTB8through � - �13' s�naturo � ~ � � No connec6ons reqwred for 9 3 ` P 5 SIGA-MCRR Other modules e Supervisedandpower-limited. circ�u�t � a � � u may require connecGons �(fthesourceisnonpower-limited,maintainaspaceof }� g � �$ � � 1/4�nchfrompower•IimitedwmngoruseFPL,FPLP� Datain � � # � FPLR,oraneqwvalentinaccordancewiththe ^" '� : � GreenLED(Nortnal) NationalElectricalCode. " N RedLFD(Active) 9 Max(mum#12AWG(2 5 mm2)wire;Mmimum#18 �_ No connections required for AWG�0 75 mm2). Green LED(Norma�) � SIGA-MCRR Other modules Red LED(Active) �" may require eonnections 10 End-of-LineRelaymustmomtorandreportpower Q Q supplytroubletocontrolpanel. s s Optional SIGP,-MCRR 11 Ciass B Datawirtng may be"T-tapped" or sIGA-MCR tor No connechons re uired tor SIGA-MCRR �°� dtsabling�d�sconnectlng Other modules ma re uire connectlons an audible base Y q EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Page 4 of 6 Literature Sheet#85001-0239 Issue 6 ��Specifications Catalog Number SIGA•CR SIGA-MCR SIGA•CRR SIGA•MCRR Descnption Control Relay Polarity Reversal Relay s ype Code Personality Code 8(Factory Set) ?ddress Reqwrements Uses 1 Module Address i� �t,perating Current Standby= 100µA Acttvated = 100NA �Operatmg Voltage 15,2 to 19.95 Vdc(19 Vdc nominal) f Form°C" � �zlay Type and Rating 24 VDC=2 amps(p�tot duty) � 120 Vac=0 5 amps _ 220 Vac(non-UL)=0.5 amps � North American 2'/z inch North American 2Y:inch i (64 mm)deep 1-gang boxes Plugs into {64 mm)deep 1-gang boxes Plugs into itvtounting and 1'/:inch(38 mm)deep U102R,U106R or U106 and 1Yz inch(38 mm)deep U102R,U106R or U106 I 4 inch square boxes Motherboards 4 mch square boxes Motherboards { with 1-gang covers with 1-gang covers �-- �t'onstruction E Fmish High Impact Eng�neering Polymer I�torage and Operating Operating Temperature:32°F to 120°F(0°C to 49°C) "nvironment Storage Temperature:-4°F to 140°F(-20°C to 60°C) Humidity:0 to 93%RH On-board Green LED-Flashes when olled LtD Operation P On-board Red LED-Flashes when in alarm/active ii:ompatibihty Use With:Signature Loop Controller �Agency Listings UL,ULC(See Ordenng Table),CSFM,MEA `..�� ��-dering informafiion ��.�talog-Mumbe� --- - — escr-iptior� -- -- - --- -- — - - ---------- --�Ship-Weigfit----Ibs{k9) �SIGA-CR Control Refay Module(Standard Mount)-UUULC Listed 0 4(0.15) �SIGA-MCR Control Relay Module(UIO Mount)-UL Listed 0.18(0.08) ialGA-CRR Polanty Reversal Relay Module(Standard Mount} -UUULC Listed 0.4(015) �SIGA-MCRR Polarity Reversal Relay Module(UIO Mount)-UL Listed 0.18(0.08) {;ielated Equipment �'�7193-21 Surface Mount Box-Red,1-gang 1 (0 6) ,27193-26 Surface Mount Box-White,1-gang 1 (0.6) � - ,a41GA-MB4 Module Mounbng Bracket for mstalhng two 1-gang modules in a s�ngle � North American 4-mch square box. .5(.3) � ���A-U102R Universal Input-Output Module Board w/Riser Inputs-Two Modufe Positions 0.32(0.15) ;t';GA-U106R Universal Input-Output Module Board w/Riser Inputs•Six Module Positions 0.62(0 28) �:�'GA-U106 Universal Input-Output Module Board-Six Module Positions 0 56(0,25) �.._ �� EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOL03Y Issue 6 Literature Sheet#85001-0238 _ Pege 5 of 6 Description (Signature Overview) �, TheStgnatureSenesintelligentanalog-addressablesystemfrom Standalone Operation–Adecentralizedalarm decision bythe EdwardsSystemsTechnologyisanentirefamilyofmulti-sensor deviceisguaranteed.Onboardintelligencepermitsthedeviceto detectorsand mounting bases,multiple-function tnputand output operate m standalone(degrade}mode IfSignature loop controiler modules,netvrorkandnon-networkcontrolpanels,anduser- CPUcommunicationsfailformorethanfourseconds,alidevices friendlymaintenanceandservicetools Analoginformationfrom onthatcircwtgointostandalonemode.Thecircuitactslikea equipmentconnected to Signature devices is gathered and conventional alarm rece�ving circuit.Each Signature device on the converted into digital signals.An onboard microprocessor in each circwtcontinuesto collect and analyze mformation from its slave Signature device measures and analyzesthe signal and decides devices.When connected to a panel utdizmg standalone operation, whetherornottoinputanalarm.Them�croprocessorineach moduleswiththe�r"personality'setasalarmdevices(IDC)will Signature device providesfour additional benefits–Self-diagnos- alarm should theirslave alarm-mitiatmg device activate. tics and History Log,Automatic Device Mapping,Stand-alone Operation and Fast,Stable Communication. FastStable Communication–Butlt-in mtelligence means less mformat►on needs to be sent between the device and the Signature Self-diagnostics and History Log–Each Signature Series device DataControlier(SDC).Otherthan regularsupervisorypollmg constantlyrunsself•checkstoprovide�mportantmaintenance response,Signaturedevicesonlyneedtocommunicatewiththe information.Theresultsoftheself-checkareautomaticallyupdated SDCwhentheyhavesomethingnewtoreport.Thisprovidesvery and permanentlystored in its non-volatde memory.This fast control panel response and allows a lower baud rate(speed) information is accessible for review any time atthe control panel, to be used for communication on the circwt.The lower baud rate PC,or using the SIGA-PRO Signature Program/Service Tool.The offers severai advantages including: information stored in device memory includes: • Less sensitivity to circuit wire characteristics • Device serial number, address, and type • Less sensitivity to noise glitches on the cable • Date of manufacture, hours of operation, and last • Less emitted noise from the data wmng ' maintenance datez • Number of recorded alarms and troublesz • Twisted or shielded wiring is not required. • Time and date of last alarm' Diagnostic LEDs–Twin LEDs on most Signature devices provide • Most recent trouble code logged by the detector—32 visual indication of normal and alarm•active conditions.Aflashing possible trouble codes may be used to diagnose fauits. 9reen LED shows normal system polling.Aflashmg red LED means the module is in alarm-active state Both LEDs on steady AutomaticDeviceMapping TheSignatureDataController(SDC) indicatesalarm-activestate–standalonemode. learnswhereeachdevice'ssenalnumberaddress►smstalledrelative Testing£rMaintenance–Automaticself-d�agnosis�dentif�eswhen � to other devices on the circuit.The SDC keeps a map of all Stgnature a Signature device is defective and causes a trouble message The Seriesdevicesconnectedtoit.TheSignatureSeriesDataEntry user-fnendlymamtenanceprogramshowsthecurrentstateofeach Program afsousesthemappingfeature.With interactivemenus and device and other erfinent information.Sin le devices may be graphic support,the wired circuits between each device can be p g „ turned offtemporarily,from the control panel Scheduled mainte- exaauned.LaKout�a�-bt�alt='drawingar�for-�ataer�sMo�rvir�g-branel� nance-(F�e u ar o�ef cted foi ro er s stem o eration should wiring(T-taps),device types and their address are stored on diskfor 9 � P P y p prmtmghardcopy.Thistakesthemysteryoutofthemstallation.The beplannedtomeettherequirementsoftheAuthorityHaving preparation ofas-builtdrawingsisfastandefficien� .lurisdiction(AHJ).Referto current NFPA 72 and ULC CAN/ULC 536 standards. Device mappmg allows the Signature Data Controllerto discover: Quality and Reliability–ESTSignature devices are manufactured m • Unexpected additional dewce addresses NorthAmericatostrictinternationallS09001standards Allelect�on- • Missing device addresses icsuUlizesurfacemounttechnology(SMT)forsmallersizeand • Changes tn the wiring m the circwt. greater immunity to RF noise.A conformal coatmg is used for humidiry and corrosion resistance. Most Signature modules use a personality code selected by the installerto determinetheiractualfunction.Personality codes are downloaded from the SDC during system configurat�on and are indicated during device mapping. � EST3 V.2 only z Retnevable with SI�A-PRO programmmg tooi. ��' EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNQ�i.OGY It is our(ntention to keep the product tnformation current and accurete,We can not cover specific applications or antiapate all requirements. All specificatio�s are sub�ect to change without notice For more information or quest�ons relatrve to this Specificat�on Sheet,contact EST. m 1999 EST Page B of 8 Literature Sheet#85001-0239 Pnntea�nUSA Issue 5 r������ ^ � : <� ,�,;. � n, «���%�����"�r.+1�'��'�k>�'�,.,,,.u«��' .�. .M ,, `�✓ E�WARDSSYSTEMSTECHNOLOGY ANALOG ADDRESSABLE INPUT/OUTPUT DEVICES . . Input Modules ��� �� � .�,��� ;� a ModelsSlGA-CT1, SIGA-CT2 £tSIGA-MCT2 rr� �� �"���`� � £ �. `` ,��, � �"f�`�" ? ��y��-�i� s F b��-^«5 � .,,,fi� v. �'12'�v������i,(�'�c'e�i ��i` ^3� �.✓YF $ +�'� ' Y d*�"f���ra���'� ��s�e�f -. �"�� �'�.E��,�, �rys S�!^ " y�'��s, ,� xy��M����e .,r�s�r a 3< n �t ,. . '�� b ;� " F' �E �`; Features ������° �� ��� � � �S � `r,,.����'M���yi �� ,�. -x�'�.� >3>»*t ��k��? s : ■ Multiple applications �K�-•� � 5�" <; Including Alarm,Alarm with delayed latchm `� x �'� ` g(retard)for �X ,� �,,� �:n• = �:�°��'�� , waterfiowappDcations,Supervisory,andMomtor.Theinstailer �'� R.>.,;�•a;i��� �` ' �� selectsoneoffour" �� ��„�"f''� �' �s`�`� .a. � � ~� ��' � ` personality codes to be downioaded to the � x ���. �-�. ,� ,• � Y . � modulethroughtheloopcontroller. F�°`���� ����-� . F ,> � ��F ���_�� .���3. �..-+v.�,, � � �,�: z. �,:x � :�.:,,����.:� ■ Plug-in(UIO)or standard 1-gang mount � d ��"�'�'�°�����Y � �`:`�';��,�"�'�;'�s�'�°:� �m� +14 �M �' SIGA-CT7/2 UlOversionsallowquickinstallationwheremuitiplemodulesare �` ��,���`�i�" �, `�"�•x'"R, � �.. �5������ s.�' :�:x;�, reqwred.The 1-gang mountversion is ideal for remote locations �,� ��a� � �'•' that require a single module. � x ���;����� ;�, �„.n.�r �r ��i�.c''t��,�.,�. - ���'"�' ���,�� �� ■ Automaticdevicemapping �x��_, �� f "' Patented Za>�. '��� •�Sa 4�� . �>�� .,K.�,...:�`$.ra'�..t Signaturemodulestransmitinformationtotheloopcontroller ��'_,����'�� ''" � F,FVN���>�•��•'' regardmgtheircircuitlocationswithrespecttootherSignatUre SIGA-MCT2 devices on the wire loop. --� ■ Electronic addressing Programmable addresses aredownloadedfromthe loop � u�'� � ME� C E,�,�,��E9 � � controller,a PC,orthe SIGA-PRb Signature Frogram/Service Available Tool.There are no switches or diais to set. ■_ In#elligentdevicewithmicroprocessor peseription _ All decisiDns are made atthe moduleto allow lower communi- The SIGA-CT1 Smgle Input Module and SIGA-CT2/SIGA-MCT2 cation speed with substantialiy improved control panel response Dual Input Modules are inteiligent analog addressable devices time and less sensitivityto line noise and loop winng properties; used to connect one ortwo Class B normally-open Alarm,Supervi- twisted orshielded wire is not reqwred. sory,or Monitortype drycontact Inatiating Device Circuits(ID�). ■ Non-volatilemamory The actualfunction ofthese modules is determmed bythe"person- Permanentlystores serial number,type ofdevice,and�ob ality code"selected bythe instalier.This code is downloaded to number.Automat�callyupda#eshistoncmformationmcluding themodulefromtheSignatureloopcontrollerduringsystem hoursofoperation,lastmaintenancedate,numberofalarmsand configuration. troubles,and time and date of last alarm. The input modules gather analog information from the initiating ■ Stand-alone operation devices connected to them and convert it into digital signals.The The module makes decisionsand inputs an alarmfrom initiating module's on-board microprocessoranalyzesthe signal and devices connected to it even ifthe loop controller's polling decides whether or notto input an alarm. interrogationstops.(Functionavadabilitydependentupon TheSIGA-CT1andSIGA-CT2mountiostandardNorthAmencan controi panel.) 1-gang electrical boxes,making them ideal for locations where ■ Ground fault detection by address on(y one module is reqwred.Separate I/p and data loop connec- �etscts y;c�,:n�f�u;t�r�y�t dc�.z t�tFe�evi�e le��l. tions are ma�+s t�e2ch mo�vis. . ■ DiagnosticLEDs TheSIGA-MCT2ispartoftheUlOfamilyafplug-inS�gnature Flashmg GREEN shows normai polling;flashing RED shows Series modules.Itfunctions ident�callyto the S1GA-CT2,buttakes alarm/activestate. advantage ofthe modularflexibility and easy installation that ■ High ambienttemperature operation characterizes ail UIO modules.Two-and six-module U10 Install in ambienttemperatures up to 1 PO°F(49°C), motherboards are available.All wiring connections are m ade to terminal blocks on the motherboard.U10 assemblies may be ■ Designedto ISO 9001 standards mounted in ESTenclosures. `� AIIG�gnatureproductsaremanufacturedtostr�ctmternational . quality standards to ensure highest reliability. EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY U.§SALES:SARA50TA,FL941-739�4638,FAX941-727-1214 • CANADASALES.OWENSOUND,pN5193762430,FAX519�76-7258 INTERNATIONALSALES.90�r270-1711,FAX90�r270.9553 • CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS;CHESHIRE,CT • U.S.MANUFACTURING.PITfSFIELD,ME Issue 6 Lrterature Sheet#86001-0241 Page 1 of 4 Installation Application SIGA•CT7 and SIGA-CT2:modulesmountto North Amencan 2'/z The duty performed bythe SIGA-CT1 and SIGA-CT2/MCT2 is �' inch(64 mm)deep 1-gang boxes and 1'/z inch(38 mm)deep 4 inch determined bytheir sub-type code or"Personality Code".The square boxes with 1-gang covers.The terminals are suited for#12 code is selected by the mstalier dependmg upon the desired applica- to#18 AWG(2.5 mm2 to 0.75 mm2)wire size. tion and is downloaded from the loop controiler. One personality code can be assigned to the SIGA-CT1.Two ;;����, Compatible Qechical Box personahty codes can be assigned to the SIGA-CT2/MCT2. Codes °�_.'s� � 1,2,3 and 4 can be mixed on SIGA-CT2/MCT2 modules only.For ��:�°� `� ��� �s�x,;� example,personalitycode 1 can beassignedtothefirstaddress ��,��, �F� (circuit A)and code 4 can be assigned to the second address �fi;���.M. .-��• (circuitB). �,:z, . ��„ .u, "�`"���'S � �`' NORMALLY-OPEN ALARM-LATCHING(Personality Code 1)- ;���;;��.. �,�`� , �€,,,, ��,;. `3� " Assign to one or both circwts. Configures either circuitA or B or �M% �. . �_:�: waii�are.wnrre ' �"�"'�` ���°"e� both for Class B normally open dry contact mitiatmg devices such .�:�a'r.,�.� ���� � ,� � as Pull Stations,HeatDetectors,etc.An ALARM si nal is sentto . Ty�ical Wiring �Moduleswill accept#18AWG(0.75mmz),#16(1.Omm2),and#14AWG(1.50mmz),and#12AWG(2.50mmz)wiresizes. Note:Sizes#16 AWG(1.Omm2)and#18AWG(0.75mmz)are preferred for ease of mstallatton.See Signature Loop Controller catalog sheetfordetailedwinng requirementspecifications. Initiating(Slave)Device Circuit Wire Specifications Maximum Allowable Wire Resistance 50 ohms(25 ohms per wire)per Circuit - Maximum Allowable Wire Capacitance 0.1NF per Circwt For Design Reference: Wire Size Maximum Distance to EOLR #18 AWG (0.75 mmz) #16 AWG {1.00 mm2} #14 AWG (1.50 mmz) 4,000 ft(7,219 m) #12 AWG (1.5D mmz) Typ(caI N O,Inmahng D'e�nce Typicai N O,Inifloting Device � INPUTI INPUT2 ���S1Yle B(Class B) y( .# F�y� 'B2,i E�F�,�a��;rr TB2 , �S^� $�i � - <a���` �� ; UL/ULC Llsted Sty�e B(Class B> y� �� r ��i s' a,�,�,t,,,� q7{�Ep� UUULC Llsted � �a a�,, �. �}����we�U,�ag��. ��� ��ap�'a� .�,�.,s� ,� UL/ULC�sTed �F�_ ���,�4, 47KS3 EOL 1 2 4 jsY�iyj���A�`�'�'�} " 47K42 EOL Red LED ����� .� a��'s . Green LfD ��������F ' �✓ (Alarm/ActNe) �„���;���,.�, . (Normap Red LED � �,�� �" Green LED ; r 3���T��"...�'.:, (Alarm/ActNe) ,,�;wx���a��� (NOtmol) TBl. e ta �ix�3i- TBl. .��' �a�M��� �DATAI[�L.C� ATA OUT L+�}- - [DATA IN�+ DATA Qld(+) DATA W(-) DATA OUi C-)J l DATA IN(-) - -- - — ---- - DATA OUT(-)� From Signature ContrWler To Next Device kom Signature Conholler � To Next Device or PreNous Devfce Q • or Previous Device Q 3 SIGA-CT1 SIGA-CT2 �ryplol NO Ini4al6q Dwke� NOTES uw�c u.aa 4M EOL Inpul2 I�pu{7 UUULC LLlatl 1 Maximum250hmresistanceperwire. "'� �� n2 Maximum#12AWG(25mmz)wire;Mirnmum#18AWG(075mm2) Z 4 03 RefertoSignaturecontrollermstallationsheetforwinngspeaficatrons. 04 Max�mumlOVdc@350NA sio��eri 5 TheSIGA-U106RandtheSlGA-U102RdonotcomewithT614. Q 'z" 516ALW(R)svMSmoMnbw.d '��;,,;;�, <.;.- „�h;,, 6 Aflwinngissupernsedandpower-I�mited �3. � ��:�� 7 Thesemodulesv�nllnotsu ���+ ��° � � x �' Q pport2-wvesmokedetectors. 2;,�; -- � � " �z `m�. . .s; x s �n o " � .k' q J ;<, �d y .. 1 �„%;���.�Y No mnnec0am mqWnE for Cira1 1 ^' s;:;uF�„'`^ SIGA-MCTt �. F� � � ��" ty OtM!motlUNt Try iepUYs O�N Out+ .:c ,w��� �. " wrvisctoro ';r;u�e,. 3� �' ?z� '; �,w'�'r� t� z� Gnsn LED(Nmmal) �' . . �^ Warnings �t Cautions R�����WO� ? a � �"�S 3815,� f'�_"�t:< ..,�"y �'i,- �,._y,J This module will not operate without electrical power.Asfires Noconn�boiperJumperseNnp� ! �a�red m,sicn.MOre � frequentlycausepowerinterruption,�vesuggestyoudiscuss further safeguards with your local fire protection specialist. SIGA-MCT2 EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Issue 5 Literature Sheet#85001-0241 Page 3 of 4 Specifications Catalog Number SIGA-CT1 SIGA-CT2 SIGA-MCT2 �,,,,�� Description Single Input Module Dual Input Module Type Code 48(factory setj 49(factory set) Four sub-types(personal�ty codes)are available Four sub-types(personality codes)are avada6le Address Requirements Uses One Module Address Uses Two Module Addresses Operatmg Current Standby=250µA;Actroated=400µA Standby=396 A;Act�vated =680{tA Operating Voitage 15.2 to 19.95 Vdc(79 Vdc nommal) Construction High Impact Engineermg Polymer Mounting North American 2'/z inch(64 mm)deep one-gang boxes U102R/6R/6 and 1'/z inch(38 mm)deep 4 inch square boxes with one-gang covers Motherboard Storage and Operating Environment Operating Temperature:32°F to 120°F(0°C to 49°C) Storage Temperature:-4°F to 140°F(-20°C to 60°C),Humidity:0 to 93% RH LED Operation On-board Green LED-Flashes when polled;On-board Red LED-Flashes when in alarm/active Both LEDs-Glow steady when in alarm(stand-alone) Compatibdity Use with Signature Loop Controller Agency Listmgs UL,ULC(See Ordering Table),MEA,CSFM Description (Signature Overview) The Signature Series intelligent analog-addressable system from Standalone Operation-A decentralized alarm decision by tf�e Edwards Systems Technology is an entire famdy of multi-sensor device is guaranteed. Onboard intelligence permits the dev�ce to detectors and mounting bases, multiple-function input and output operate in standalone (degrade) mode. If Signature loop controller modules, network and non-network control panels,and user- CPU communications fad for more than four seconds, all devices friendly maintenance and service tools. Analog mformation from on that circuit go into standalone mode.The circuit acts like a equipment connected to Signature devices is gathered and conventional alarm receivmg circuit Each Signature device on the converted into digital signals. An onboard microprocessor in each circuit contmues to collect and analyze information from its slave Signature device measures and analyzes the signal and decides devices. When connected to a panel utdizing standalone whether or not to input an alarm.The microprocessor in each operation, modules with their"personality" set as alarm devices 5ignature device provides four add�tional benefits - Self-diagnos- (IDC) wdl alarm should their slave alarm-init�atmg device activate �,.�' tics and History Log, Automatic Device Mapping, Stand-alone Fast Stable Communication-Built-m intelligence means less informa- Operat�on and Fast, Stable Communication tion needs to be sent between the device and the Signature Data Self-diagnostics and History Log -Each Signature Series device Controller(SRC). Other than regular supervisory polling response, constantly runs self-checks to provide important maintenance Signature devices only need to communicate with the SDC when informatron. �he-resn�t�--o�f-th8-selfi-check-ar�antomatically updated thep havasrrmethmg�-rrewto-report�Thi-yrprt�a'rd�v�r�rf�sT�ntrol and permanently stored in its non-volatile memory This panel response and allows a lower baud rate (speed)fo be used for information is accessible for rev�ew any time at the control panel, commun�cation on the circuit.The lowet baud rate offers several PC, or using the SIGA-PRO Signature Program/Service Tool. The advantages including: information stored in device memory includes: • Less sensitrvity to circwt wire characteristics. • Device serial n�mber, address, and type • Less sensitrvity to no�se glitches on the cable, • Date of manufacture,hours of operation,and last mamtenance date2 • Less emitted noise from the data winng. • Number of recorded alarms and troublesz •Twisted or shielded wiring is not required. •Time and date of last alarm' Diagnostic LEDs-Twm LEDs on most Signature devices provide •Most recent trouble code logged by the detector—32 possible visual mdication of normal and alarm-active conditions. A flashing trouble codes may be used to diagnose faults. green LED shows normal system pollmg.A flashing red LED Automatic Device Mapping The Signature Data Controller(SDC) means the module is in alarm-active state. Both LEDs on steady learns where each device's serial number address is installed �ndicates alarm-active state-standalone mode. relative to ather devices on the circwt.The SDC keeps a map of all Testing �r Maintenance -Automat�c self-diagnosis identifies when Signature Series devices connected to it.The Signature Series Data a Signature device is defective and causes a trouble message. The Entry Program also uses the mapping feature.With interactive user-friendly maintenance program shows the current state of each menus and graphic support,the wired circuits between each device dewce and other pertinent information. 5ingle devices may be can be exammed. Layout or"as-bwlt" drawing information showing turned off temporarily,from the control panel. Scheduled mainte- branch wiring (T-taps), device types and their address are stored nance (Regular or Selected) for proper system operation should on disk ior printing hard copy.This takes the mystery out of 4he be planned to meet the reqwrements of the Authority Having installation.The preparation of as-built drawings is fast and efficient ,Iurisdiction(AHJ).ftefer to current NFPA 72 and ULC CAN/ULC 536 Device mapping allows the Signature Data Contro{ler to discover: standards. •Unexpected additional device addresses. Qualrty and Reliability-EST Signature dewces are manufactured in • Missing device addresses. North America to stnct international ISO 9001 standards All electron- • Changes to the wiring m the circuit. ics utilize surface mount technology(SM'h for smaller size and Most Signature modules use a °personality code"selected by the 9reater immurnty to RF noise.A conformal coatmg is used for installer to determine the�r actual function. Personality codes are humidity and corrosron resistance. downloaded from the SDC durtn s stem confi uration and are + �'� 9 Y 9 EST3V.2only. indicated during device mapp�ng, zRetnevablewithSlGA-PROprogremmingtool. EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY It�s our mtention to keep the product informaUon current and accurate.We can not cover speafic applicaLOns or anticipate all requvements. All specifications are sub�ect to change without notice.For more mformation or questions relative to this Specification Sheet,contact EST 0 1999 EST Pnrrted m U S A. Page 4 of 4 L�terature Sheet#86001-0247 Issue 5 � � �.✓ :�`,��.' ` � , ��� TM -�;�Y,,.,..w�•,•,,r�,'�y��3� �` EDWARDSSYSTEMSTECHNOLOGY 1NTELLIGENT INPUT/OU�'PUT DEVICES � � s''"'a``"�: � ��,s..,��r., ,��', �L, ' �� r,.w;.e.�. ..> , Y;�_d�.' y�� �ynchronization � �� .- � . �� � �. �� I�, ,�I I � � tf " r+ '*�`s*' �utput Module �" ��Q��' - �� , _•� .h IIGu; � ";�. ' - ` ��f�� SIGA-CC1 S, MCC1 S - � � ���� � . , Features ����� "� � � �� " � �+��f.s ' � -�. .� s�'�-� t-�� ���� � �� 'Patented � ProvidesUL1971-compliantauto-syncoutputforvisualsignals s ���'�� �� °����-?��'��; Use forconnectmg a supervised output circuitto a su ervised �'���� � _�"��=+����<�`�� P ��-`�:`, ��. „ �,z 24Vdcnserinputandsynchrornzmgmultiplenotification ��,� ; =�����'���'�yT�;, appliancecircuits. �-�.�����._ ��- � � Functionsasanaud�biesignalriserselector "� Use as a synch module or for connectmg supervised 24 Vdc -� AudibleMsible signal circuits,or 25 and 70 VRMS Audio �"� �° "" �`" '�`" f EvacuationandTelephonecircuitstotheirpowermputs. � U�C ^ ,�M� � Built•in rmg-tone generator �� Whenconfiguredfortelephonearcuits,theSIGA-CC1Sgener- Pend�r,y ates its own nng-tone s�gnal,eliminaUng the needfora separate ,� nng-tonecircwt Description �� Automaticdevicemapping SIGA-CC7SandMCC1SSynchrornzationOutputModulesare Signaturemodulestransmitinformationtotheloopcontroller intelligentanalogaddressabledevicesthatformpartofEST's regardmgtheircircuitlocationswithrespecttootherSignature Signaturelineofproducts.TheactualoperationoftheSlGA-CC1S devices on the wire loop and MCC1 S is determined by the"personality code"selected by � Electronicaddressing the installer,which is downloaded to the modulefrom the Signa- Programmabie addresses are downloaded from the loop ture loop controllerdunng system configuration. controller,aPC,ortheSlGA-PROSignatureProgram/Service Dependingontheirassignedpersonality,SynchronizationOutput Tool;there are na switches or dials to set. Modules may be used as a signal power nser selector to provide � Intelhgentdevicewithmicroprocessor synchromzationoffirealarmsignalsacrossmultipiezones,orfor connecting,upon command from the loop controller,supervised All decisions are made at the module to allow lower communi- Class 6 signal or telephone circuitstotheir respective-power cation speedwith substantially improved control pane�response inputs The power inputs may be polarized 24 Vdc to operate time and less sensitivity to Ime noise and loop wiring properties, audible and visible signal appliances or 25 and 70 VRMS to twisted or shielded wire is not reqwred operate audio evacuation speakers andfirefighter'stelephones �� Non•volatile memory Permanently stores senal number,type of device,and�ob � number.Automaticaliyupdateshistoncinformationmcluding App►ication hours ofoperation,lastmaintenance date,numberofalarms and troubles,and t�me and date of last alarm. The SIGA-CC1S mountsto a standard North American two-gang electricai box,making it ideal for locations where only one �� Ground fault detection by address module is required Separate I/0 and data loop connections are Detects ground faults tight down to the device level. made to each module � DiagnosticLEDs The SIGA-MCC1S is partofthe UIO famil of lu Flashmg GREEN shows normal polling,flashmg RED shows Series modules.Itfunctions identtcallyto he SIGA ICC1S,buttakes alarm/acUvestate. advantage ofthe modularflexibdiry and easy installation that � High ambienttemperature operation characterize all UIO modules Two-and six-module UIO Installmambienttemperaturesupto120°F(49°Cj. motherboardsareavadable Thesecanaccommodateindividual � Designedto ISO 9001 standards nsers for each on-board module,or risers that are shared by any combination of its UIO modules All winng connections are made \ , All Signature products are manufacturedto strictinternational to terminal blocks on the motherboard.UIO assemblies may be "�'' qualirystandardstoensurehignestreliability. mountedmESTenclosures. EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY U.S.SALES SARASOTA,FL941-739-0638,FAX941-727-1214 • CANADASALES OWENSOUND,ON5193762430,FAX519376-7258 INTERNATIONALSALES 90�r270�1711,FAX90rr270-9553 • CORPORATEHEADQUARTERS,CHESHIRE,CT • U.S MANUFACTURING PITTSFIELD,ME Issue 1 Literature Sheet #8500'I-0543 Not to ba used for installation purposes Page 1 of 4 �ersonality Codes lnstallation ��,�,� •. .� TheoperationoftheSlGA-CC1Sisdetermmedbytheirsub-type TheSIGA-CC1S.mountstoNorth code or"Personality Code".The code is selected by the mstaller Amencan 2-1/2 inch(64 mm)deep 2- �� dependmg upon the desired applicafion and is downloaded from gang boxes and 1-1/2 inch(38 mm) � ;���: • I �:, the loop controller deep 4 inch square boxes or � � - "`"� '� _ Personality Code 5.Signal Power or Audio Evacuation(single European 100 mm square boxes.The ,.�?" r�ser).ConfiguresthemoduleforuseasaClassBAudibleN�sible termmalsaresuitedfor#12to#18 , - AWG(2.5 mmz to OJ5 mmz)wire ` x Signal power(24 Vdc polarized)or Audio Evacuation(25 or 70 SiZe .. � a�,,,;� VRMS)power selector.The ring-tone generatons disabled.The �.¢ - output circwt is monitored for open or shorted wiring.If a short exists,the control panel inhi6its the actrvation ofthe audible/visible u�oMom�n,�,a signalcircwttopreventconnectiontothepowercircurt SIGA-MCC1S:mounttheUlOxR : 1 b•�z motherboardinsideasurtable � � �°',;,;P°'^a Personality Code 6:Telephone with ring-tone�single riser). ESTenclosurewrth screws and = �r ,r fi ConfiguresthemoduleforuseasaTelephonepowerselector washersprovided.Piugthe - -fl"-"� `= ,;., ���.�!�'fll,. c,P,rv. When a telephone handset is plugged into rtsjack or liftedfrom rts module into any avadable �Y�,��:t� � hook,the module generates its own Ring-Tone signal.Aseparate position on the motherboard - - fl--� : ��r=��` nng-tonearcwtisnotneeded.Themodulesendsthissignaltothe andsecurethemoduletothe � control panel to mdicate that an off-hook condition is present, motherboard with the captive '��`"'�''�'s Whenthesystemoperatorrespondstothecall,thenng-tonesignal screws.Wirmgconnectionsare r—Cebinetoreie�vicyandowre is disabled. madetotheterminalsonthe Personality Code 25 V�sual Signal Synchronization.This motherboard(seewirmg diagram).UIOxRmotherboard ESTrecommendsthatthesemodulesbe personalitycodeconfiguresthemoduletoprovidesynchroniza- terminalsaresuitedfor#12to �nstailedaccordingtolatestrecognized tion offire alarm signals across multiple zones Itfunctions as a #18 AWG(2.5 mmzto 0.75 mmz) codes of nationai and local fire alarm signal power(24 Vdc)riser selector The outputwinng is moni- toredforopencircuitsandshortci�cuits Ashortcircuitwdlcause W�resize. thefire alarm control panelto inhibitthe activation ofthe audible/ visual signal circuitso the nser is not connected to the wiring fault. ElectronicAddressing �`�� The loop controller electronically addresses each module saving valuabletimeduringsystemcommissioning Settingcompl�cated Specifications switchesordialsisnotreqwred. Eachmodulehasitsownunique Catalog Number SIGA-CC1S SIGA-MCC1S senal number stored m its"on-board memory".The loop control- Qescr,ot�n g�nchrnn�zatwnDutpuiAqn�iL�E ler identifies each device on the loop and assigns a"soft"address Type Code 50(factory set). to each senal number.If desired,the modules can be addressed using the SIGA-PRO Signature Program/Service Tool. Address Requiremen Uses one module address Wiring Terminations Suitable for#12 to#18 AWG(2,5 mmz to Wa rn i ng s �t Ca utio n s 0.75mm') NorthAmencan2'/: Thismodulewillnotoperatewithoutelectricalpower Asfires inch(64 mm) frequently cause power interruption,we suggestyou discuss deeptwo-gangboxes Piugsinto furthersafeguardswithyourfireprotectionspecialist Mountmg and 1'/z mch(38 mm) U102R,U106R or U106 deep4inch Motherboards Compatibility square boxes with 2-gang covers The Synchromzation Output Module is compatiblewith EST's Standby=223pA Signature Loop Controller operating under EST3 version 2 0 or Operating Current Activated= 100pA higher,andQuickStartSignatureLoopintelligentController. Operating Voltage 15.2 to 19 95 Vdc(19 Vdc nommal) 24Vdc=2amps Testing �i- Maintenance Output Rat�ng 25 V Audio=50 watts The module's automatic self-diagnosis identifies when it is 70 V Audio=35 watts defective and causes atrouble message.The user-fnendlymainte- Construction High Impact Engineermg Polymer nance program showsthe currentstate of each module and other Storage and Operating Operatmg.32°F to 120°F(0°C to 49°C) pertinent messages Single modules may be turned off(de- Environment Storage.-4°F to 140°F(-20°C to 60°C) activated)temporanly,from the control panel. Humidity.0 to 93°/a RH GreenLED-Flasheswhenpolled Scheduledmamtenance(RegularorSelected}forpropersystem LED Operat�on Red LED-Ftashes when�n alarm/active operation should be planned to meetthe requirements ofthe Usewith:SignatureLoopControllerunder AuthontyHavingJurisdiction(AHJ) RefertocurrentNFPA72and �mpatibility EST3 version 2 0 or higher ULC CAN/ULC 536standards. Agency Listings UL,ULC,CSFM,MEA(pending) EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Pege 2 of 4 Litereture Sheet #85007-0543 Issue 'I Not to be used for Installatlon purposes _ �� Typical Wiring SIGA-CC7S(Standard Mount) SIGA-MCC1S(UIO Mount) Personality Typleal Speaker Cireuit Personal�ty Typieat Speaker Clreuit Code 5 Code 5 uvu�c usc�a 47fCllEOL a UWICListed 47KL1 EOL Personality Typical Telephone Circuit personalfty Typical Telephone Ctrcwt Code 6 Code 6 C � ( 47K(1 EOLsted w � C L UWLC Listed 47KS1 EOl Personaiity Enhanced Integrity and Genesis Oevices Personality Enhanced Integnty and Genesis Dev(ces Code 25 Code 25 =A =a UVULCLIsreE 4 = = UUUICLIs�etl V 47Kf3 EOL 47K�2 EOL 7234 r I - v� SIGA-010(R)ssrbs molherEOarA �k�: ��� �, b� � .y"r�T� - � � � Dah In+}�"�,1 1I � � +�-'„ ��f �� ��+R4ur�Out �#�° , `' .[ '..�.� Signcturo�� �� fi� '�r�+ .. �—i,E Rlser 1 In t�� ;n �uA f�- - � Da1a a . � �. "s',� . . � � C�lQI���� �5 :'e q �p '• .A�T t it� Data Out+� ��C� �� � � '.. .- 'SF�''�-."v :?�a ��z;�z �� � z s - - ' �� .£. " ���. : RiSBf OU� + Gnen LED(Norma �,° �;� .._� � To naxt dewce �� Red LED(AdNe3 "�2 rt _ �� ,���^" RI50f oul(-� " -�� �72�1 Riserin(+) From mnWl panai Data out(+) Rber 1 le���'Riser t Out Riser�n(•) To next deHoe rn[-ol resistor Data out(-) + Data�n(+) From Signature CoMrollar � Dat2 I�(•� orPrewous Devks :iynchronization across NACs on multiple Booster PowerSuppl�es Natrtleation Appliance Circufts(NACs) NotificaUon Applianes Clreuib(NACa) Enhanad Inbydty or Gm�sis drvins Enhannd IM�gdy or G�nuis dsvicu F�rst Booster Next Booster Power Supply � �— Power Suppiy � _ _ NAC1 _ ,� ruct-�_ tuez :q �� - : : NA� NAC3 600ster Power �C4 i Booster Power NAC4_ z u MalnBoard �A� P � � y PPN � Supply Main Board !A� P1e Senss 1 COM Senss 1 COM � 4 OUT w OUT IN� _ + IN � Sense 2 COM W Sensa 2 COM Y + our '— °N� ` ,o. � ---„� , Troubls COM sw�u�srmw. N� siwtnaxoaub 1�;� Ba� NC Imowrwm oenan.tl � e�_iT�ro�ryu6le CNC �mouw.u�.w.aravw�.p �e � �L`'y� P�L N G P� P3 L N O P!'� P° o, 7 In out In out Dala DaV To Mxt BPSfCC19 eombimtlen er EOL Pown SupsrWslen Rd�y(RAt1 ncommmd�dJ �� EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Issue '1 Literature Sheet #8500'I-0543 Page 3 of 4 Not to be used 4or Installation purposes �°-,�r�ering fnformation Catalog Number Descnpt�on Shippmg Wt Ibs(kg) SIGA GC1S Synchronization Output Module(Standard Mount)-UUULC Listed 0 5(0 23) SIGA P.9CC1S Synchronization Output Module(UIO Mount)-UL Listed 0 18(0 08) Relat..ci Equipment 27193-21 Surface Mount Box-Red,2-gang 2719�-26 Surface Mount Box-White,2-gang 2(1 2) SIGA-U102R Universal Input-Output Module Board w/Riser Inputs-Two Module Positions 0 32(0 15) SIGA-U106R Universal Input-Output Module Board w/Riser Inputs-Six Module Positions 0.62(0 28) SIGA-U106 Urnversal Input-Output Module Board-Six Module Positions 0 56(0 25) 235196P Bi-polar Transient Protector 0 01 (0 05) Description (Signature Overview} DevicemappingallowstheSignatureDataControllertodiscover TheSignatureSenesintelligentanalog-addressablesystemfrom 'Unexpectedadditionaldeviceaddresses EdwardsS stemsTechnolo • Missingdeviceaddresses Y gyisanentirefamilyofmult�-sensor •Changestothewiringinthecircwt. detectorsand mountmg bases,multiple-function inputand output modules,networkand non-networkcontrol panels,and user- Most Signature modules use a personality code selected bythe fnendlymaintenanceandservicetools Analoginformationfrom mstallertodeterminethe�ractualfunction Personalitycodesare equipmentconnectedtoSignaturedevicesisgatheredand downloadedfromtheSDCdunngsystemconfigurationandare converted into digital signals An onboard microprocessor in each mdicated during device mapping. Signature device measures and analyzes the signal and decides whether or notto mput an alarm.The microprocessor in each FastStable Communication-Built-in intelligence means less Signaturedeviceprovidesfouradditionalbenefits-Self-diagnos- �nformationneedstobesentbetweenthedeviceandtheSignature tics and Histor Lo Automatic Device Ma m ,Stand-alone Data Controller(SDC},Otherthan regular supervisory pollmg y 9' Pp. 9 response,Signaturedewcesonlyneedtocommunicatewiththe Operation and Fast,Stable Communication. SDCwhen they have somethmg newto report This provides very If-diagnostics and History Log-Each Signature Series device fast control panel response and allows a lower baud rate(speed) `'�'�nstantly runs self-checksto provide importantmaintenance to be used for communication on the circuit.The lower baud rate �nformation.Theresultsoftheself-checkareautomaticallyupdated offersseveraladvantagesincluding. andpermanentlystoredinitsnon-volatilememory.Thisinforma- •Lesssensitivitytocircwtwirecharacteristics tionisaccessibleforreviewanytimeatthecontrolpanel,PC,or •Lesssensitivitytonoiseglitchesonthecable �siflg##eSIGA-Rf�BS�g�a��f�Rrt�gr-am/Servree3'flsl '�t�em#orma- •Less-e�it�ed+�o�e#rt�+�i-�eda��wrring- tion stored in dewce memory mcludes •Twisted or shielded wiring is not reqwred. •Device senal number,address,and type Diagnostic LEDs-Twm LEDs on most Signature devices provtde •Date ofmanufacture,hours ofoperation,and last visual mdication of normal and alarm-active conditions.Aflashing maintenancedate2 Z green LED shows normal system polimg,Aflashmg red LED •Number of recorded alarms and troubles means the module is in alarm-active state.Both LEDs on steady •Time and date of last alarm� •Most recent trouble code logged bythe detector-32 possible �ndicates alarm-active state-standalone mode troubie codes may be used to diagnose faults. Testing£r Maintenance-Automatic self-diagnosis identifieswhen Automatic Device Mapping-The Signature Data Controiler(SDC) a Signature device is defective and causes a trouble message.The learnswhereeachdevice'sserialnumberaddressisinstalled user-fnendlymaintenanceprogramshowsthecurrentstateofeach relative to other devices on the circuit.The SDC keeps a map of all device and other pertinent information Single devices may be Signature Series devicesconnectedto it The Signature Series turned offtemporanly,from the control panel Scheduled main- Data Entry Program also uses the mapping feature.With interactive tenance(Regular or Selected)for proper system operation menus and graphic support,thewired circuits between each device should be planned to meet the requirements of the Authority can be exammed.Layoutor"as-budt"drawing mformation showing Having Jurisdiction(AHJ).Refer to current NFPA 72 and ULC branch wiring(T-taps),devicetypes and their address are stored CAN/ULC 536standards. on diskfor prmtmg hard copy.This takesthe mystery out ofthe Quality and Reliability-ESTSignature devices are manufactured installation.Thepreparationofas-budtdrawingsisfastandefficient. inNorthAmericatostnctinternationallS09001standardsAll electronics utdize surFace mounttechnology(SMT)forsmaller size +EST3 V 2 ortly. and greater immunityto RF no�se.A conformal coatmg is used for 2Retnevable with SIGA-PRO programming tool humidityandcorrosionresistance. � EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY It is our mtention to keep the product information current and accurate We can not cover specific applications or anticipate aIl reqwrements All specrfications are subject to change without notice For more tnformation or quesbons relativa to this Specificauon Sheet,contact EST. m 2001 EST Page 4 of 4 Llterature Sheet #85001-0543 PnntedmU.SA Not to ba used for installation Issue 1 purposes Y� ,k:•���i��! ��� ,�'�!�' ,'w..w n�.....M>< a. ,�.,,, 7A/ �r�hkM„�ie���J����''� �r �'°J EDWARDSSYSTEMSTECHNOLOGY ANALOG ADDRESSABLE INITIATING DEVICES . • Manual Pull Stations Models SIGA-270, SIGA-270P. SIGA-278 ,�+y..f�,J;;>�=..����.,��, _I� �:�.�,� ;,,:.�,.,�, Fi � � �' �. � R� � � �� Features � E,. � ;� � �i ,�I� �: 9; � Note:Some features descr�bed here ma nof be su orted b Y a// �. PP Y %_° >z` control systems Check your contro/panel's/nstallai�on and Operation � � " ri c, .I .. < � ' #� '� Guide for details. � _� � €:� i ; « ;` x`; > �"' ' :� �'. � ■ Traditionalfamiliarappearance :��•, r< � , x: H SIGA-270modelsfeatureourfamiliarteardropdesignwith �'�,. �� k simple positive pull action and sturdy die-cast metal body. ■ One stage�GA),two stage(pre-signal),and double action �� ; �y� FF models �� �i � � SIGA-270 models are available for one ortwo stage alarm " ` "'�`'��"°'�S�•'�->s° >•�..-.°.° w .• •, �.. ,� ��, systems.ThesmglestagedoubleactionSlGA-278featuresa SIGA-278 SIGA-270 SERIES rugged Lexan housing with keyed resetmechanism. ■ Breakglassoperation �y MEA � U�C Patented An up-ftontvisible glass rod on the SIGA-270 discourages tampering. � ■ Intelligenfdevicec/wintegralmicroprocessor Description All decisions are made atthe station allowing lower commurnca- tion speedwhde substantially improving control panel response The SIGA-270 and SIGA-278 series Manual Pull Stations are part of time.Lesssensitivetolmenoiseandloopwirmgproperties; EST'sSignatureSeriessystem.TheSiGA-270FireAlarmManual iwasied nr shieldedvwceis�ot Fequar�d, Pull�iatio�sfeaiure_our_v_exy�ar�Aaa�t�a�dFOp�hape,'�#�ey are madefrom die-castzinc and finished with red epoxy powder-coat o Non-volatilememory paintcomplementedbyaluminumcoloredstripesandmarkings. Permanendy stores senal number,type ofdevice,and job With positive pull-lever operation,one pull on the station handle number.Automatically updates historic information mcl�ading breaks the glass rod and turns in a positive alarm,ensunng hours of operation,lastmaintenance date,numberofalarms and protection plusfool-proof operation.Presignal models(SIGA-270P) troubles,and time and date of last alarm. are equipped with a general alarm(GA)keyswitch for applications ■ Automaticdevicemapping wheretwostageoperationisrequired.Theup-fronthighlyvisible Eachstationtransmitswiringinformationtotheloopcontroller 9�assroddiscouragestampering. regarding its location with respectto otherdevices on the arcwt. EST's double action singie stage SIGA-278 station is a contempo- ■ Electronicaddressing rary style manual station madefrom durable red colored lexan. • Permanentlystoresprogrammableaddress;thereareno Toinitia#eanalarm,firstl�fttheupperdoormarked"LIFTTHEN switches or dials to set.Addresses are downloaded from a PC, PULL HANDLE°,then puil the alarm handle. orthe SIGA-PRO Signature Program/Service Tool. The integral microprocessor budt into each Signatu re Series ■ Stand-aloneoperation stationprovidesfourimportantbenefits-Self-diagnosticsand The statio�mputs an alarm even ifthe loop controller's polling Nistory Log,Automatic Device Mapping,Stand-alone Operation interrogation stops. a►�d Fast,Stable Communication. ■ DiagnosticLEDs Self-diagnosticsandHistoryLog-EachSignatureSeriesmanual StatusLEDs;flashmgGREENshowsnormalpolling,flashing stationconstantlyrunsself-checkstoprov�deimportantmain- RED shows alarm state. tenance information.The results ofthe self-check are automatically a Designed for high ambienttemperature operation updated and permanentlystored inthe station's non-volatile Install in ambienttemperatures up to 120°F(49°C). memory.This informati on is accessible for review any time atthe control panel,PC,or by using the SIGA-PRO Signature Program/ ■ Designed to ISO 9001 standards Service Tool. � Manufacturedtostnctmternationalquafitystandardsforhighest reliabihty. EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY - U.SSALES.SARASOTA,FL941-739�4638,FAX941-727-1214 • CANADASALES OWENSOUND,�N51937Cr2430,FAX519-376-7258 INTERNATIONALSALES:905-2741711,FAX905-27fl�553 • CORPORATEHEADQUARTERS.CHESHIRE,CT • U S.MANUFACTURING.PITTSFIELD,ME Issue 6 = Litersture Sheet #86001-0278 - page 1 of 4 Themformationstoredinthestation'smemoryincludes: 7'ypical Wiring -station serial number,address,andtype , -dateofmanufacture,hoursofoperation,andlastmaintenance Thefirealarmstation'sterminalblockaccepts#18AWG(0.75mm2) �—% date2 to#12 AWG(2.5mmz)w�re sizes.See Signature Loop Controller - numberofrecordedalarmsandtroublesz catalogsheetfordetailedwiringreqwrementspecifications. -time and date of last alarm� - mostrecenttroublecodeloggedbythedetector-24possible W�ringNotes trouble codes may be used to diagnosefaults 01 Referto Signature Loop Controllermanual for maximum Automatic Device Mapping-The loop controller learnswhere wiredistance. each device's serial number address is installed relativeto other 2. All winng is power limited and supervised. devices on the circuit.The loop controller keeps a map ofthe Signature Series devices connected to it. a�,a v�Fnr ot � > .�.�;� The Signature Series Data Entry Program also uses the mappmg SIGA-278 � � r=� feature.Withinteractivemenusand ra hicsu �"� 9 p pport,thewired z> �:, c�rcwts between each device can be examined.Layout or"as- o � ;��,'� built"drawi ng information showing wire branchss(T-taps),device �_���>: types and their address are stored on diskfor printing hard copy. �2 �.. F$io$�2A��'r,�!��Y F Y � Thistakesthemysteryoutoftheinstallat�on.Thepreparationofas- ����3��`�r`'' ��. � "h; s� budtdrawingsisfastandefficient. `�''�� ��' �=�����.��`•`-�a• � F��'- k r r�' . r� �^�'c"��.sv"�. ��xT e��'>. Dewce mapping allows the Signature loop controller to discover• �`�g'��` ��` RetliED f`� Wmm/Activel >a>< s , x�'��'�`i�� x�•�r,f;.;• GNOrmaD - unexpected additional device addresses ,� -,c:.�;�::��:a-��;,< .�. �:�;;,,,;, ' �:�� - missmgdeviceaddresses ���s°ra� . � :�, � s��_,u��„�,.r' � �� �.���,�. - changestothewiringinthearcuit. .>�,�-� ��,��?, ,q;�M:z��t�r� '�� � � Y �.7.F�: f.o.:yr�=•y"et�>5..."i. Stand-alone Operation-A decentrahzed alarm deasion by the ��p�i'3�F o�'F;:��°s<.��.•t=y° ,��; :.��..��, manual station is guaranteed.On-board intelligence permits the station to operate in stand-alone mode.if loop controller CPU �numc+� DATqOUf(+) communications fail for morethan four seconds,all devices on ��nnr��NC� p,,�o��_�} , that circuit go into stand-alone mode.The circuit acts like a From5lpnatureConholler ToNextDewce conventional alarm receiving circuit.Each station will still transmit «�"°`"De"� Q �� an alarm if its operating�ever is pulled. � FastStableCommunication-Built-mintelligencemeansless Figure 4. Single Stage Systems mformation needs to be sent between the station and ihe loop con�roler. t�h�lianreguarsupervisorypolingresponse,�ie ----�--------------- _ station only needsto communicatewith the loop controllerwhen it REAR VIEW hassomethingnewtoreport.Thisprovidesveryfastcontrolpanel ot ������� �,�ti� ���, � 51GA-270P, A � x�.� � �� �s response time and aliows a lower baud rate(speed)to be used for SIGG270PB �'����,����:���'���`�.��: commumcation on the circuit.The lower baud rate offers several ���''-=��� �"��°.��`�*����:��= advantages including: 's`�Y , �S� ���A`"� - less sensitivityto circuitwire characteristics � ������� � ���r�.� i�� �`s��'r - lesssensitivitytonaiseglitchesonthecable , ���� �zs � ��� �£� ��,rx-��r:;,�._� :���:�,��:>�i. - lessemittednoisefromthedataw�ring �``�` ��-���°� ���� _� -twisted or shielded wiring is not reqwred. Red�ED A S�������� p�,���r� ��� (Alortn/AcHve) � .��sw r }� � rk� r, � (NormaO i z wk� r'�'��� T�s�: Diagnostic LEDs-Twin LEDs provide visual indication of normal =���'� - Y �� and alarm conditions.They are visible only when the stat�on is ������ � � �� ����� � �� �`� � removedfrom the mountmg box.Aflashing GREEN LED shows ����� � `������.�� ;� normal system.pollingfrom the loop controller.Aflashing RED ���3�-�� ��� x q���� `•'�?���°���'��:.s�a�''����- LED means the station is in alarm state.Both LEDs on steady shows i�fi� � '��� � � �� ,,a alarm state-stand-alone mode. �°` ��' �°`���� � ��; �--� � �,r ` �.��;:�:�;s��; QualityandReliability-ESTmodulesaremanufacturedinNorth (DATAIN(+) DATAOUf(+)� Americatostrictinternational IS09001 standards.Allelectronics l DATAIN(-) DATqOUf(-) utdizesurfacemounttechnology(SMT)forsmallersizeandgreater FromSfgnatureController ToNe#Devlce immumtytoRFnoise.Aconformalcoatingisusedforhumidiry orPreWOUSDeNCe � and corrosion resistance. Figure 5. Two Stage Systems �� � EST3 V.2 only. z Retrievable with SIGA-PRO programming tool. EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Page 2 of 4 Literature Sheet #86001-0279 Issue 5 Installation ,� �Single-stage Signature Seriesfire al�rm manual pull stations mountto North American 2'/�inch(64 mm)deep 1-gang boxes. Two s�age prestgnal(270P)models require 1'/z inch(38 mm)deep 4-inch square boxes with 1-gang,�/z-inch raised covers Openings must be angular.Rounded openings are notacceptable. Recommended box:Steel City Model 52-C-13. All models include terminals are suited for#12 to#18 AWG(2.5 mmz to 0.75 mm2)wire size.EST recommends that these fire alarm stations be i�stalled according to latest recognized edition of national and local fire alarm codes. ElectronicAddressing: The loop controllerelectronicallyaddresses each manual station,saving valuablet�me dunr�g system commis- sionmg.Setting complicated switches ordials is notrequired Each station has its own unique senal numberstored in its on-board memory.The loop controller identifies each device on the loop and assigns a"soft"addressto each serial number.lfdesired,the stations can be addressed using the SIGA-PRO Signature Program/ServiceTool. �� Key-Latch �;�;�- Compatible Electdcal Box , Cover Release ,,,..F r � Compatible Electrical Box ;�� � iy � � �.✓,�c � �: � t � � Cover �'� � ' x s� ��� s�"�� �� . .- � � � � ` Release '� � ��s e w� z�c ��`� '1„'s�Y I. � ` 4 M �` . ' YS If i�''�3 4: ���� F�'i xa'�-�' v i �`z„ :, ��y�s $C�BW s�" r� k E.'�` �`� � .h ��Ah� � S.cTa�'� � �� `� � �* '��,�,��`8 , F x �`�':� ' � - �� x �`�"�� � � 5 3. L-s' �3`� .C•.,` d �o ��'� ,�T JA#'��: ��.,�1 .� ,a�``� ` � � � t-p(fL�. % '.��� eF %�S � _ ': ��'S Y3 �.&,_..,s )>�� 0 K � ' F°<� � Back �`"�k �� ��Y` €�< H� x � 4 ,, , � r`�yia{�. 0` Plate � z ��", r ;��, O Back �� � A'S�yr.�'b �♦ .L.. n G• C.�q P�Qre ,p a �Ma�z�a.q� ` ToBgle xES t��#'*a s' .���� ,`��� ��.`,, � � �G���{��g�. ..o, . SWlfch �. 'v � s'h;fr�.>'s�'�"":�aj To89te �,�� ';�NO��° i�,��� �!",`;'��•�'��' Switch ,1.f �.f .s�..:r,Na �-t �d @� ` !F� t¢"`" fs w'f `� x� � � `;;;�s s u �� < �r t�. ��9�G: �a ., �t�� Glass Rod °�a���i °�����> `�@a., �'�ro� � e �.` ,.--- �s�'��'"�`���� o- ty GIOSSROd n.��c t�.£f � � y����Z�`�^' *��� ,t�elease Lever , e�i�„.s �� �OPEN ` � ' x� � x� z r , � � .� �� 3 ���x� a � � �� `� �,��, '� �� � �� �� , -t�. �a �_ 3 , �s� �� �✓ �: :n-� `�e,�,��s��� ``� i` .,'F� ; � �z. �Y��,�� �. ,���` �c�?��-� ' �� �x �, ?s: y�s�,�.'*� �.x ` Fa���t�'�', "—' .��2,�.. ,3,'�. - -- – —F-igurea,-�IGA-278-ir�s#allat�o� ---- -- - figure-� SiG�1=�-7fl,–SIC-�C�90F;SI�t=2�OBin-stallation Cover Release � W �� � ��� � Compatibility �,� �.��.f��,�--'Compat�ble �� . "�� '` � �,�f '� k �, d�m�ieox ` ��,,� ���� SignatureSeriesmanualstationsarecompatibleonlywithEST's � �� wim h-inch z °�'� � � x�� `�n� raisedcovers r�a 5�,;..��n�,� �N�� 4.��� F ��,. Signature Loop Controller. �,� a ���� � � �,�,��� ������w,,.��_�� ,�' � ` � � ' � ���� ��r��" �'`( `��� �"�� � ;E � � � � ��� �-�� � , ��.� � �:.� ���x"'� <���' � ,�+t� ;'. ����� o Q `�� BB��.������ F £� , ;� Warnings �- Cautions , i ti �'�;�� P�ate ' x ' - Thisdevicewdlnotoperatewithoutelectricalpower.Asfires f' ,3��" T ie `;„%;��'.;�� frequentl cause owerinterru tion,wesu • �e �;` x�.��,.,: Y p p ggestyoudiscuss i� �;s,. ,.. '������; Swrtch furthersafeguardswithyourlocalfireprotectionspeciahst. �����g ; . �� '�/i`t7 ± ?� �e�� i£.S�S� � ����r � ��� :�,���s_s�'..��`��'�e ,� _ f�� ,� � GlassRod ,qpplication ��z ��;�.,,'r��. ReleaseLever n w.*�:� Do not use �:,:���:, .:..�>: ,`r��. ����" Theo eratin characteristicsofthefirealarmstationsaredeter- bpxe:wan � Y � � P 9 r`,�nded • ���x� typBCOdeo�"PersonalityCode".NORMALLY- epanings. ����, x�'� �'���; mmed bytheirsub- � :� � OPEN ALARM-LATCHING(Pesonahty Code 1)is assigned by the °:<���i�;������.�b::. -uL�. =�x<;.=, factory;no user configuration is reqwred.The device is configured �:� for Class B IDC operation.An ALARM signal is sentto the loop controllerwhen the station's pull lever is operated.The alarm � Figure3. SIGA-270P,SIGC-270PBinstallation conditionislatchedatthestation. EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Issue 6 literature Sheet #86001-0279 Page 3 of 4 Specifications Table SIGA-270 �.•� SIGC-270F SIGA-270P Catalog Number SIGC-270B SIGC-270P6 SIGA-278 Description Smgle Action-One Stage Smgle Action-Two Stage Double Action-One Sta e (Presignal} 9 Addressmg Requirements Uses 1 Module Address Uses 2 Module Addresses Uses 1 Module pddress Operating Current Standby=250NA Standby=396µA Standby=250µA Actrvated =400NA Act�vated =680�tA Activated=400NA Construction£r Fimsh Diecast Zmc-Red Epoxy w/Aluminum markings Lexan-Red w/White markmgs Type Code Factory 5et - Operating Voltage 15.2 to 19 95 Vdc(19 Vdc nominal) Storage and Operatmg Operating Temperature:32°F to 120°F(0°C to 49°C) Environment Storage Temperature.-4°F to 140°F(-20°C to 60°C) Humidity: 0 to 93%RH On-board Green LED-Flashes when poiled LED Operation On-board Red LED-Flashes when m alarm , Both LEDs-Glow steady when in alarm(stand-alone) Compatibdity Use With: Signature Loop Controller Agency Listings UL,ULC(note 1),MEA,CSFM Note 1:51GC-270F,SIGC-270B and SIGC-270PB are ULC listed only Suffix°F"indicates French markings. Suffix"B"indicates English/French bilingual markings Ordering Information Table Testing �t- Maintenance Catalog Ship Wt. To test(or reset)the station simply open the station and operate the � Number Description Ibs(kg) exposed switch.The SIGA-270 series are opened with a tool;the � One Stage FGre Alarm Station, SIGA-278requiresthekeywhichissuppl�edwiththatstation. SIGA-270 English Markings-ULNLC Listed The station's automatic self-diagnosis identifieswhen itis defective �����F OneStageFireAlarmStation, _ _ ___ andcausesatroublemessage.Theuser-friendlv�a�nt�n�n�e renc ar mgs- �ste programshowsthecurrentstateofeachSignatureseriesdevice SIGC-270B OneStageFireAlarmStation, andotherpertinentmessages.Singledevicesmaybedeactrvated French/English Markmgs-ULC Listed temporanly,from the control panel.Availability of maintenance SIGA-270P Two Stage(Presignal)Fire Alarm Station, � �'S� featuresisdependentonthefirealarmsystemused. Engl�sh Mark�ngs-UUULC Listed Scheduledmaintenance�RegularorSelected)forpropersystem SIGC-270P6 Two Stage(Presignal)Fire Alarm Station, operation should be plapned to meetthe requirements ofthe French/English Marwngs-ULC L�sted Authority Having Jurisdietion(AHJ).Referto current NFPA72 and SIGA-278 Double Action(One Stage)Fire Alarm ULC CAN/ULC 536 standards. Stat�on,English Markings-UUULC Listed ACCESSORIES 32997 GA Key wRag-for pre-signal station (CANADA ONLI� 276-K2 GA Key-for pre-signal stat�on (USA ONLY) 27165 �2 Glass Rods-for SIGA-270 series .1 (.05) (CANADA ONLI� ' 270-GLR �0 Giass Rods-r'or�iG�-2i�series (USA ONLY) 276-GLR 20 Glass Rods-for SIGA-278 series 2��93��� Surface Mount Box,Red -for SIGA-270 series only ' (6) 276B-RSB Surface Mount Box,Red -for SIGA-278 only �..�' EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOG-Y It is our intention to keep the product information current and accurate We can not cover specific applications or anticipate all requirements. All spec�ficaUons are sub�ect to change without not�ce For more informat�on or questions relaUve to this Specifiication Sheet,c�ntact EST m ZDDO ESi _ Pnnted m U.SA Page 4 of 4 Literature Sheet #86001-0278 Issue 6 a � ��� �,£y�:����•'�I��� ^`�»:.+'• ....,.'µTAl•rF`> 'J'; y ��aVe'��..��ha �m< ���--' ;DWARDSSYSTEMSTECHNOLOGY ANALOG ADDRESSABLE INITIATING DEVICES ,, w . . a�;�"�" ��ntelligent Photoelectric �` ���'���'� ����� ��'�r����� ��., r��w���'�r 3�z'x x..�`�` �moke Detector ��r=w�.����e�°� �������-�������3 ,.,� r� � ' Y��x�.,�s� ��.� Model SIGA-PS ��,����,�� ��,�'"���,����;������:,��� �° ��,�•Y�ys�y�kr�4,��'�"� �X�n �,�'�3��„�'rII x y�9s��i���°,��$,a��ig�'�`1 �,���k�'^�,�`7s"��' d $ b h�iz� ,�d.5 5 Z . @& Y.ak ��-�t��t ,�r�.'�� '�,�sd`.s'"'�ie`�P,^ �+"g�,.Y'v� Note:Some features described here maynotbe supported by a// �����3��,� ����x �;w �,¢� ���,� n<�� � � Y s x 3z •�a x .��� controlsystems.Checkyourcontrolpanelslnstallationand �g����,� ��.�������b���� ����; � t?peration Guide fordetails. �.������� �s ���������� Y � a.�,,��� �eatures ; ` �����3-x�������� j� ,� ,q• �,��� U,O U�C � � � �� � �� ��•. '� Integralmicroprocessor , , �'"`�' �� � ��` '—r "="��"��� 1�`T"':'�`� �E `�f,�,, �` S�s:",�-�6�z���.��,�,x�'�'�z��'' ',,r� �� Non-volatilememory M� ����.:s:�;"�f^.`a�a��`'�;�"�ti'� AppucanonNmes _.����.,�?y�� Avadable :� Automaticmappingdevice � Electronicaddressing `� Environmentalcompensation Themformationstoredinthedetector'smemoryincludes: � Intelligentdetector -detectortype,seriafnumber,andaddress � Wide0.67%�to3.77°/a/ft.sensit�vityrange -dateofmanufacture,hoursofoperaLon,andlastmamtenancedate2 �; Twentypre-alarmsensitivityvalues,setin5%increments� -currentdetectorsensitivityandenvironmentaicompensation 3 Identification of dirty or defective detectors values `� -origmal detectorsensitivityvalues upon manufacturing2 ; -1 Automaticday/nightsensitivityadjustment + TwinRED/GREENstatusLEDs -numberofrecordedalarmsandtroublesz � Standard,relay,fault isolator,and audible mounting bases -time and date of last alarm� � Designed and manufactured to iS0 9001 standards �a�aaog�ag�aa-pat#efr�s-just befo�e-the Iast�I�Fr�L- -most recenttrouble code logged by the detector-32 possible trouble codes may be used to diagnose faults. ��eseription IntheunDkelyeventthatanunwantedalarmdoestakeplace,the +�ST's Signature Series ModeISIGA-PS InteiligentPhotoelectric control panel's historyfile can be callEd up to help isolate the �moke Detectorgathers analog informationfrbm its smoke sensing problem 2nd prevent itfrom happening again. �:iement and converts it into digitai signals.The detector's on- Automatic Device Mapping-The loop controlier learns where �oard microprocessor measures and analyzes these signals.It each device's serial number address is instalied relative to other i°omparesthemformationtohistoricalreadmgsandtimepatterns devicesonthecirCwt.Themappingfeatureprovidessupervision .�make an alarm decision.Digital filters remove signal patterns of each device's installed location to prevent a detector from :hatare rlottypical offires.Un�anted alarms are virtually elimi- being reinstalled(aftercleamng etc.)in a differentlocation from �iated. where itwas originally.The history log forthe detector remains °t'hem�croprocessormeachdetectorprovidesfouradditionalbenefits relevantandintactregardlessofitsnewlocatiorr. -5elf-diagnosticsand History Log,Automatic Device Mapping, The Signature Series Data Entry Program also uses the mapping Stand-alone Operation and Fast,Stable Communication, feature.With interactive menus and graphic support,the wired uQ�`-�i3"y��osti��diid�ist�ryl.�y-Ea�S�igna►�re�zr�C,deieetor c�rcuits between each device can be examined.Layout or"as-bwit" constantlyrunsself-checkstoprovideimportantmamtenance drawinginformationshowingwirebranches�T-taps),devicetypes information.Theresultsoftheself-checkareautomaticailyupdated andtheiraddressarestoredondisk#orpnntinghardcopy,This andpermanentlystoredmthedetector'snon-volatilememory. takesthemysteryoutoftheinstallation,Thepreparationof"as-built" Thisinformationisaccessibleforreviewanytimeatthecontrol drawings�sfastandefficient. panel,PC,orby using theSIGA-PRO Signature Program/Service Device mapping allows the Signature loop controllerto discover: Tool. - unexpectedadditionaideviceaddresses � �ESTSVZon�y - missingdeviceaddresses 2 Retnevabiewith SIGA-PRO programmingtool - changes to the win ng m the circuit. EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY U S SALES:SARASOTA,FL 941-739-4638,FAX941-727-1214 • CANADA SALES;01AIEN SOUND,ON 519-376-2430,FAX 519-376-7258 INTERNATIONALSALES.905�270-1711,FWC905-270-9553 • CORPORATEHEADQUARTERS:CHESHIRE,CT • U.S.MANUFACTURING:PffTSFiELD,ME Issue 6 ,._ Lrterature Sheet�85001-0269 Page 1 of 4 Stand-alone Operation:A decentralized alarm decision by the Status LEDs:Twin LEDs are visible from any direction.Aflashing detectoris guaranteed.On-board intelligence permitsthe detector GREEN LED shows normal system polling from the loop ��, to operate in stand-alone mode.If loop controller CPU communi- controller. Aflashing RED LED means the detector is in alarm cationsfad for more than four seconds,all devices on that circuit state.Both LEDs on steadyshows alarm state-stand-alone mode. go mto stand-alone mode.The circuitactsiike a conventional alarm Normal GREEN LED activity is not distractmg to buddmg occupants, receivingcircuit.Eachdetectoronthecircuitcontinuestocollect butcanbequicklyspottedbyamaintenancetechnician. andanalyzeinformationfromitssurroundings.Thedetectoralarms QualityandReliability:ESTdetectorsaremanufacturedinNorth ifthepresetsmokeobscurationlevelisreached.lfthedetectoris qmencatostrictinternat�onaIIS09001standards.Allelectronics mounted to a relay base,the relay operates.Similarly,if it is utilize surFace mounttechnology(SM�forsmallersize and greater mounted to an audible base,the on-board horn sounds. immunity to RF noise.A conformal coatmg is used for humidity Fast Stable Communication: On-board intelligence means less and corrosion resistance.All critical contacts are gold plated. information needs to be sent between the detector and the loop controller.Otherthanregularsupervisorypolling response,the detectoronlyneedstocommunicatewiththeloopcontrollerwhen �nstallation it has something newto report.This provides very fast response time and allows a lower baud rate(speed)to be used far Signature Series detectors mounttQ NQrth Ameri.can 1-gang communication on the loop.The lower baud rate offers several boxes,3-1/2 inch or 4 mch oc#agon baxes,and to 4 mch square advantages including: electrical boxes 1-1/2 inches(38 mm)deep.They mountto - less sensitivity to circuit wire characteristics European BESA and 1-gang boxes with 60.3 mm fixing centers. - less sensitivity to noise glitches on the cable - less emitted noisefrom the data wmng �oa'(20mm) -twisted or shielded wiring is not required. Electronic Addressing:The loop controller electronically ad- 2.0'(51 mm) dresses each detector,saving valuabletime durmg system �� commissiomng.Setting complicated switches ordials is not �� required. Each detector has tts own unique senal number stored in • its"on-board memory".The loop controller identifies each device �a'(112 mm) on the c�rcuit and assigns a"soft"address to that device's senal °��a�>=`���-:��w'�-�.,. ;.��,>-:��,:,-:<v��;;_;�W, number.If desired,detectors can be addressed using the SIGA- �� < h�,, PROSignatureProgram/ServiceTool. Tamper-ResistLeverArm , -; :t;=�`. �' -Break ott to d�sable- � Environmental Com ensation:Detection sensitivi � �� � ""z' "`''�� �,.� p tyisvirtually (LocotedonBase) . .,�,>�,%. ,�m;EF"x�,� � independentofitsinstalledenvironmentanditsphysicalcondition. �� � ��>s,�, .,.. Environmental compensation meansthe sensing elementadaptsto `,;�s�>•_�.Fb__ long-term changes caused by dirt,humidity,aging etc.It even com- � � ���� m��' Acceu Slot for � �s£,����,���,� , pensatesforsmallamountsofnormalambientsmoke.Approximately Tamper-ResistMechanism �';�����r� ���:� :z: ' _:;:t��„�><a:�-���;��> .. six�meseveryhour�he�e�ec�oraajustsa�up�a e�stFi�esensit�vity - - `-� � ° �G- - (%obscuration)baselineforitssensing element.Approwmately �� onceeve hourthisinformationiswrittentoits ermanentmemo ° � rY p ry. ���: The detector's"learned"baseline is notlost,even when the detector is removed for cleaning,S�gnature Series enwronmental compenst�on�s so reliable that it meets NFPA72 field sens�tiwty Te st i n g Et M a i n te n a n ce testinq requirements—without the need forexternalmefers. Each detector automaUcaily identifies when it is dirty or defective The detector's sensitivitysettmg selected bythe installerfloats up and causes a"dirrydetector"message.The detector's sensitrvity ordowntoremamconstantrelativetothechangingbaseline.This measurementcanalsobetransmittedtotheloopcontroller.A is calied differential sensing. sensitivity report can be printed to sat�sfy NFPA sensitivity meas- SensitivityRange:TheSIGA-PSPhotoelectricDetectorhasa urementswhichmustbeconductedattheendofthefirstyearand sensitivityrangeorwmdowof0.67%to3.77%.Themstaller everytwoyearsthereafter. selectsthedetector'sALARMsensitivitylevelfrom�veavailable Theuser-friendlymaintenanceprogramshowsthecurrentstateof settingswithm the range. each detector and other pertinent messages.Single detectors may Pre-Alarm:Thedetectorstoresoneof20pre-alarmsensitivityvalues beturnedofftemporardyfromthecontrolpanel.Avadabdityof to alertlocal personnel pr�ortothe sensor reachmg afull evacuat�on maintenancefeatures is dependentonthefire alarm system used. � � Scheduledmamtenance(Re�ularorSelected)forproperdetector se�s�ii�ity.Sens�t�v�tyvalues ca�be setin 5/o increments. operation should be plannedfo meetthe requ�rements ofthe AutomaticDay/NightSensitivitySelection:SignatureSeries AuthorityHavingJurisdiction(AHJ).RefertocurrentNFPA72and detectorsmaybeprogrammedfordifferentsensitivitiesduringday ULCCANNLC536standards. and night penods.This allows the detectorto be more sensitive during unoccupiedpenodswhen lowerambientbackground conditionsareexpected. Compatibility Stability:TheSIGA-PSdetector'ssensitivityremamsstableinwind TheSIGA-PSdetectotsarecompatibleonlywithEST'sSignature �� velocities upto 5,OOOft/mm(25.3 m/sec).Ambienttemperature has Loop Controller. very little affect on the detector.The detector may be installed in roomswith ambienttemperatures upto 120°F(49°C). 'EST3V 2only. EDYJARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Page 2 of 4 L�tarature Sheet N85001-0269 ��Gi�Q r, Application Althoug?i photoelectric detectors have a wide range offire sensing capabilities theyare bestsuited fordetecting slow,smoldenng fires. �The table below shows s�x standard test�res used to rate the sensitivity of sm oke and heat detectors.The table ind�cates that no sin gle sensing elementisswtedforalltestfires. EST recc�mmendsthatthis detector be installed according to latest recognized edition of national and locai fire alarr'i�codes. �_ Type of Detector SIGA-HRS and SIGA-HFS Rate-of SIGA-PHS SIGA-IPHS Test Fire SIGA-IS lon SIGA•PS Photo -Rise/Fixed Temp. Photo/Heat 3D lon/Photo/Heat 4D Open Wood optimum unswtable optimum very suitable optimum Wood Pyrolysis su�table optimum unsuitable optimum optimum Smouldenng Cotton very suitable optimum unsuitable optimum optimum Poly Urethane Foam very swtable very swtable suitable very swtable optimum n-Heptane opt�mum very suitable very swtable optimum optimum Liquid Fire w�thout - unsu�table unsuitable 5moke optimum very suitable very suitable Typical Wiring Thedetectormountingbasesaccept#18AWG(0.75mm2),#16(1.Ommz), #14AWG(1.5mmz),and#72AWG�2.5mm2)wiresizes. Note:Sizes#16AWG(1 Ommz)and#18AWG(0.75mm2)are preferredforease of mstallation. See Signature Loop Controllercatalog sf�eetfor detaded wirmg reqwrement specifications. Standard Detector Base,SIGA-SB,SIGA-SB4 I�elay Defector Base,SIGA-RB,SIGA-RB4 Remote LED Term Descri tion N��a�N-Normaly- ��,J (SIGA-LED) P Common qosed open �rm Description 1 Not Used _1 Normally Open Mmc Resistpnce 2 DATA IN/OUT(+) � DATA IN/OUT(+) perv�re 3 Not Used 3 Cammon _ + MusFNOTExceed 1011 4 DATA IN(-) 4 DATA IN(-) 4 Remote LED f_) 4 Not Used O 5 e� 5 Remote LED(+) ��^" 5 Normally-Closed 6 Not Used titie��c B DATA OUT(-) 7 DATA OUT(-) ° ��£'�""a;''"-�� y e�: � ° r ` CONTACT RATING � DATAIry(-) zo 10Amp �30VDC DATA IN(-) O � Z o DATA OUT(-) � DATA OUT C-) (Pilot DUty) DATA IN(+) DATA OUT(+) DATA IN(+) DATA OUT(+) From Slgnature Conholler To Next Dev�ce From Slgnuture Contro�er To Next Dewce or Previous Device or Previous Device IsolatorDetectorBase,SIGA-IB,SIGA-IB4 . AudibleDetectorBase,SIGA-AB4 mper _,>;�a.;,,, mper Term Description T Low ol me °'��s����'�,�';��,, T Stead To e �;���;�z��n�;., 1 Not Used igh ol me �zk�t•>,.�'� ha��.� ��; Temporal To e O 5 6 2 DATA IWOUT(+) ��; "�' ,K�'•`;R ��e�,X2,z" xY°�-x,. ° ��r�„��;:�, O 3 DATA IN(-) '.:�",��� � `�'r'� � ,<L��`��." °J 4 Not Used ;��:�` e o, ~���`; 2,�,.:."�;�-< �," �-�` o w;��s..,�.. - 5 t��t Ussd a�a ��. `��" �=�: 6 DATA OUT(-) `R"�`�'� ``�;'��� �, .:p.� o�� 7 Not Used '::;����; . w «�°� rom Power S ppl V``� �`'� To ext So der Base or DATA IN(-) � a O DATA OUT(-) or Prewo s So der ease E L Rela C C T ��� C C T DATA IN(+) DATA OUT(+) T T From Slgnature Controller To Next Device T To ext Sig at re evice �� Or Prevlous Device - T r T T rom Sig at re Co troller or Previo s ev�ce EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Issue 6 Literature SheeY#85007-0269 Page 3 of 4 Accessories Warnings �'t Cautions Alldetectormountingbaseshavew�nngterminalsthatare Thisdetectorwiilnotoperatewithoutelectricalpower.Asfires � accessibiefromthe'room-side"aftermountingthebasetothe frequentlycausepowerinterruption,wesuggestyoudiscussfurther electrical box.The bases mountto North Amencan 1-gang boxes safeguardswith yourfireprotection specialist. and to 3'/s inch or 4 mch octagon boxes,1'/z inches(38 mm)deep. TheyalsomounttoEuropeanBESAand1-gangboxeswith60.3 ThisdetectorwillNOTsensefiresthatstartinareaswheresmoke mmfixingcenters.TheSiGA-S64,SIGA-RB4,andSIGA-IB4mount cannotreachthedetector.Smokefromfiresinwalis,roofs,oronthe to North Amencan 4 inch sq.electrical boxes in add�tion to the opposite side of closed doors may not reach the detectorto alarm it above boxes.They includethe SIGA-TS4Trim Skirtwhich is used to coverthe"mounting ears"on the base. ��°���� ������� �;��� "� ��"`� .,�� � Specifications �����"`�`���'"°��z3� �����T t��� ��� ��3h� `�q ����z' "�� ��`5��,�sw u'� �?� k��Y�,���:� �.�,� �'�� $ � .���� Catalog Number SIGA-P5 �' "�� � '�" � �''"� "� y, ,FA,: ='��s� Sensin Element �,g����� �r�"��'��sK � � �"� � 9 Photoelectnc-Light Scattenng Pnnaple woiile��� �'�Ri(<� �`.r.�'yi: CwF':vG3'a`„'� a' 3i'�S SIGA-AB4 SIGA•SB SIGA-IB SIGA•RB SIGA•LED Storage& A�r Velocity Range 0 to 5,000 ft/min(0 to 25 39 m/s), Audibis Bass Stendard Base Isolator Base Relay Base Remote LED Oper2ting Hum�dity 0 to 93%RH,Non-Condensmg Environment Operatmg Temp.32°�to 120°F(0°C to 49°C), Standard Base SIGA-S6,SIGA-SB4-This isthe basic mountin Stora9e TemP•-4°F to 140°F f-20°Cto 60°C) 9 SensiLvity Range ULINLC-0 67%to 3 77% obscuratioNfoot basefor EST Signature Series detectors.The SIGA-LED Remote User Seiected Most sens�t�ve.1.o%/ft;More Sens�t�ve:z o%/ft; LED is supported bythe Standard Base. Alarm Sensitivity Normai z 5%/ft, Relay Base SIGA-RB,SIGA-RB4-This base includes a relay. Settings Less Sensitive 3 0%/tt;Least Sensitrve 3 5%/ft Normally open or closed operation is selected dunng installation. Pre-alarm Sens�tivity 5%mcrements,allowmg up to 20 pre-alarm settings The dry contact is rated for 1 amp(pilot duty)@ 30 Vdc.Tbe relay's Operatmg Voltage 15 2 to 19 95 Vdc(19 Vdc nominal) position is supervised to avoid accidentally�arnng it out of position. nwescent 45{tA @ 19 V;Alarm 45�tA @ 19 V The SIGA-RB can be operated as a control relay if programmed to Operatmg Current Emergency Stand-alone Alarm Mode. 18mA do so atthe control panei(EST3 V.2 only).The relay base does not Pulse Curcent 100NA(100 msec), supportthe SIGA-LED Remote LED. Dunng Commun�cation:9 mA max Construction&Finish High Impact Engineenng Polymer-White AUdibie Base SIGA-AB4-This base is designed for use where Compatible SIGA-SB Standard Base,SIGA-RB Relay Base, localized or group alarm signaling is reqwred.When the detector Mountmg Bases SIGA-IB Isolator Base,SIGA-AB Aud�ble Base senses an alarm condition,the audible base emits a local alarm On-board Green LED-Flashes when polied, \..,� signal.The optional SIGA-CRR Polarity Reversal Relay can be used On-board Red LED-Flashes when in alarm for sounding ta other audibie bases on the same 24 Vdc circuit. LED Operation Both LEDs-Glow steady when in alarm(stand-aione) Relay and Audible Bases operate as follows: Compat�ble Remote R�d LED(model SIGA-LED) Flashes when in alarm -ai-�Ystem-p-awe�LRarreset,thE-reJa�as.de-energi�eri Comnatib�litv _ Use1A4t�i�SIGNAI'UAE-Loop�or�#coJler - when a detectoris installed m the base with the power Address Reqwrements Uses one Device Address on,therelayenergizesforfourseconds,thende-energizes AgencyListmgs UL,ULC,MEA,CSFM - when a detector is removed from a base with the power on, UL�sted Spaang 30�t the relay is de-energized � - whenthedetectorentersthealarmstate,therelayisenergized. IsolatorBaseSIGA-IB,SIGA-164-Thisbaseincludesabuilt-mline Ordering Information fault isolator for use on Class A circuits.A detector must be installed for it to operate.The isolator base does not supportthe cata�og ship wt. SIGA-LED Remote LED. Number Descnption Ibs(kg) The isolator operates asfollows: SIGA-PS �ntelligent Photoelectric Detector -UUULC Listed 5(23) - a short on the line causes all isolators to open wrthin 23 msec Accessones - at 10 msec intervals,beginning on one side ofthe Ciass A SIGA-SB Detector Mount�ng Base-Standard circuit nearestthe loop controller,the isolators close to SIGA-SBa 4�nch Detector Mountmg Base provide the nextisolator down the Ime with power c/w SIGA-TS4 Tnm Skirt -whentheisolatornexttotheshortcloses,reopenswithml0msec. SIGA-RB DetectorMountingBasew/Relay The process repeats beginning on the other side ofthe loop SIGA-RB4 `+-�nch Detector IViountmg Base w/rielay, controller. c/w SIGA-TS4 Tr�m Sk�rt 2(pg� SIGA-IB Detector Mounting Base Remote LED SIGA-LED-The remote LED connects to the SIGA-SB w/Fault fsolator or SIGA-S64 Standard Base only.Itfeatures a North Amencan size SIGA-IB4 4inch Detector Mounting Base 1-gang plastic facepiate with a white finish and red alarm LED. w/Fault Isolator,c/w SIGA-TS4 Tnm Slurt SIGA-TS4Trim Skirt-Supplied with 4 inch bases,it can also be SIGA-LED Remote Alarm LED ordered separatelyto use with the other bases to help hide surFace SIGA-AB4 Audible(Sounder)Base .3�o.�e) imperfections not covered by the smaller bases. SIGA-TS4 Tnm S{nrt(supplied with 4-mch bases) ,��pqy `"'°� EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY It is our mtention to keep the product mformation curcent and accurate UJe can not cover spec�fic applications or anticipate ail reqwrements All spec�ficat�ons are sub�ect to change without notice.For more information or questions relat�ve to this Speafication Sheet,contac:EST �1999 E5T Page 4 of 4 Litereture Sheet�85001-0269 — Pnnted N U S.A. Issue 5 i� f u� � ��° �r �/,,� � �� x %�"'•t�' ;ir+�'r��,+ PA�. .ii�<J 4�',:;� �_' . �i�•''' --* . 4�"�.i��'zi�.�` ,kr.,��pw� � ��,.d .,� . . M.w.. �S '.�'".�`,."��'�«.a wa'!����� a �`� EDWAKtDSSYSTEMSTECHNOLOGY� ANALOG ADDRESSABLE INITIATING DEVICES . . Int�elligent Heat Detectors g�.����r � ��.� � Models SIGA-HFS�r SIGA-HRS ������%`�'������ ���.,����� °� � 3.���`�� �`�`�`°���r��rs��������+. �.uv_�a, �. r vc&,�`�,i1 s� k<e�s^'+���,g�� �a � x J„x s�r ��icB y A �"�S't� .��`�i3 a�.�"'�sv��s��„��.�x,�'�`n�:��`���������� �,,� �%�-e�,��,�� � y�`�,`'��'�������s�'�fi�.+'` �e °�'=batures ����'��_��� �����`�� "������'��� s� � �,��a-; ���� � � 3�%or����Fa,�"?�s �'� ,����a��m'.�'"�'�a�t s:; - �"�,'�5�.�� � ,°�at�te:Somefeaturesdescribedherema notbesu ortedb all �' �� `�` f����f'� �` � � � �'�°a r--- �.'zo k '� Y y� ���da '�e rs< �a�� s� x c Y PP Y , �£���� �,�� �,���f�r�:£ ��r��'.. controlsystems.Checkyourcontro/panels/nsta//ationand �� � � ,� F , & � �'i�`Y""$'�s6�'e�i, ''�'�?� .$rf'^'��yW���F ��y��CS �/ l",rerationGu�defordetads. ��x ,�-x ���' y=f�,�a,�v z"k�d �i x,� ��` ��v��e3as��y,..� Y���„�k�"�'h�.'".�'h�,��C�a I,�� ; ,� �,�f��::� M G/i � 70foot(21.3meter)spacing � ����g� � � ����3Z�.;�� ��;�� ��,��,�:����.�r ���y .��r� � U " 75°F(9°C)/min rate-of-rise/135°F(57°C)ft.and 135°F(57°C) �������`�� ��� � ffixedtemper�turetype �?���z �a�,�.�,., �� ��� ��� ������"' �E ���; s Intelligentdetectorc/wintegralmicroprocessor �� s�'���-.��° ���`>���'s � �-�zZt::?�4'.�'%',',�,�. Apqioeoon Nores ,. Availa618 f" �lon-volatdememory �d Automaticdevicemapping Theinformationstoredmthedetector'smemoryincludes: " �lectronicaddressing - detectortype,serial number,and address ��� Identificationofdefectivedetectors - dateofmanufacture,hoursofoperation,andlastmaintenancedate2 , � 7winRED/GREENstatusLEDs - currentdetector(ambient)temperaturevalues - currentdetectorsensitivityandenvironmentalcompensation � Standard,relay,fault isolator,and audible mounting bases values a Designedan�c manu ac ure oiSi� stan ards -�- ' �Tn�T�T������ r�ms anc� rouT7e"sz--- -time and date of last alarm� ���SCCIptlOtl - analog signal patterns justbeforethe lastalarm' - most recenttrouble code logged by the detector—32 possible �uT's SignatureSeries Model SIGA-HFS and SIGA-HRS Intelligent troubie codes may be used to diagnosefaults. ieat Detectors gather analog information from theirfixed ��mperatureand/orrate-of-riseheatsensingelementsandconverts �ntheunlikelyeventthatanunwantedalarmdoestakeplace,the it into digitai signals.The detector's on-board microprocessor control panei's historyfde can be called up to help isolate the �z�^asuresandanalyzesthesesignals.ltcomparestheinformation Problemandpreventitfromhappemngagain. ����astorical readings and time patterns to make an alarm decision. Automatic Device Mapping-The loop controller learns where ��ic�ital filters remove signal patterns that are nottypical offires. each device's serial number address is installed relative to other �in�vanted alarms are virtually eliminated. devices on the circuit.This mapping feature provides supervisi on 3!ie microprocessorm each detectorprovidesfouradditional ofeach device's installed locaiionto preventa detectorfrom :nefits-Self-diagnosticsandHistoryLog,AutomatacDevice beingreinstalled(aftercleaningetc.}inadifferentlocationfrom .'�apping,Stand-aloneOperationandFast,5tableCommunication. Whereitwasoriginally.Thehistorylogforthedetectorremains relevant and mtact regardless of its new location. �eif-diagnostics and History Log-Each Signature Series detector constantlyrunsself-checkstoprovideimportantmamtenance TheSignatureSeriesDataEntryProgramalsousesthemapping �nformation.Theresultsoftheself-checkareautomaticallyupdated feature.Withinteraotivemenusandgraphicsupport,thewired and permanently stored in the detector's non-volatile memory. circwts between each device can be examined.Layout or"as- Thisinformationisaccessibleforreviewanytimeatthecontrol built"drawinginformationshowingwirebranches(T-taps),device E anel,PC,or by usmg the SIGA-PRO Signature Program/Service tYPes and their address are stored on diskfor printing hard copy. l`ool. Thistakes the mystery out ofthe installation.The preparation of as- built drawings isfastand efficient. �� �EST3 V 2 oniy. , z Retrievablewith SIGA-PRO programmingtool. EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY US.SALES•SARA50TA,FL941-739�4638,FAX941-727-1214 • CANADASALES•OWENSOUND,ON51&37G2430,FAX519-37&7258 INTERNATIONALSALES•90a27a1711,FAX805-270-9553 • CORPORA7EHEADQUARTERS:CHESHIRE,CT • U.S MANUFACTURING.PffiSFIELD ME Issue 6 _ Lrterature Sheet�85001-0243 Page '1 of 4 DevicemappingallowstheSignatureloopcontrollertodiscover: Specifications Table - unexpectedadditionaldeviceaddresses - missmg device addresses Cata(og Number SIGA-HFS 51GA-HRS �'� Heat Sensing Fixed Fixed£�Temperature/ - changestothewiringinthecircuit. Element Temperature Rate-of-Rise Stand-alone Operation-A decentralized alarm decision by the Alarms at 135°F(57°C) detectoris guaranteed.On-board mtelligence permits the detector Alarm Point A�arms at 135°F Amb�ent or Temp increase to operate in stand-alone mode.If loop controller CPU communi- (57°C}Ambient above 15°F(9°C) per mm cationsfailformorethanfourseconds,alldevicesonthatcircuit ULListed go into stand-alone mode.The circuit acts like a conventional De�ector Spacmg �0 feet(21.3 meters)center to center spacmg alarm receivmg circwt.Each detector on the circwt contmues to Operating and Operating Temp:32°F to 100°F(0°C to 38°C) collectand analyze informationfrom itssurroundmgs.Boththe Storage Storage Temp•-4°F to 140°F(-20°C to 60°C) SIGA-HRS and SIGA-HFS detectors alarm ifthe ambienttempera- Environment Humidity: 0 to 93%RH,Non-Condensing ture increasesto 135°F(57°C)orforthe SIGA-HRS only,the Operating Voitage 15.2 to 19 95 Vdc(19 Vdc nominal) temperature increases at a rate exceeding 15°F(9°C)/minute.Ifthe detector is mounted to a relay base,the relay operates.Similarly,if auiescent:45�A @ 19 V it is mounted to an audible base,the on-board horn sounds. Operating Alarm:45�A @ 19V Current Emergency Stand-alone Alarm Mode: 18mA FastStableCommunication-On-boardmtelligencemeansless Pulse Current: 100µA(100 msec) informationneedstobesentbetweenthedetectorandtheloop Construction£r HighlmpactEngineenngPolymer-White controller.Otherthanregularsupervisorypolimgresponse,the Rnish detectoronlyneedstocommunicatewiththecontrolpanelwhenit Compatible SIGA-SB Standard Base,SIGA-RB Relay Base, hassomethingnewtoreport.Thisprovidesveryfastcontrolpanei MountmgBases SIGA-IBlsolatorBase,SIGA-ABAudibleBase response time and allows a lower baud rate(speed)to be used for On-board Green LED-Flashes when polled communication on the circuit.The lower baud rate ofFers several On-board Red LED-Fiashes when in alarm; Both advantages including: LED Operation LEDs-Glow steady when tn alarm(stand-alone} - lesssensitivitytocircwtwirecharacteristics Compatible Remote Red LED(model SIGA-LED) - less sensitivity to noise glitches on the cable Flashes when in atarm Compatibdity Use With.SIGNATURE Loop Controller - lessemittednoisefromthedatawinng Address - twisted or shielded wiring is notrequired Requirements Uses one device address Electronic Addressing-The loop controller electronically ad- Agency Listmgs UL,ULC,MEA,CSFM �,,, dresses each detector,saving valuabietime dunng system commissioning. Setting complicated switches or dtals is not required.Each detector has its own unique serial numberstored in I nsta Ilation its on-board memory.The loop controller identifies each device o�ith���liit�hd assigns a"'so "a�Tdress o a evice s seriaf ��g�att�reSeries-detee�afst�oufl#t�-Nnrtlrq-mErrcan�--9arn,J-- number.If desired,detectors can be addressed using the SIGA- boxes,3-1/2 inch or 4 inch octagon boxes,and to 4 inch square PROSignature Program/ServiceTool. electrical boxes 1-1/2 mches(38 mm)deep.They mountto European BESA and 1-gang boxeswith 60.3 mmfixing centers. Installation Spacing-The SIGA-HFS(fixed temperature)and the SIGA-HRS(fixed tem perature/rate-of-rise combmati on)mtelligent ' heat detectors are rated#or installati on at up to 70 foot(21.3 meter) �0,8'(20 mm) spacing.These detectors may be installed i�rooms with ambient temperaturesupto 100°F(38°C). StatusLEDs-TwinLfDsarevisiblefromanydirection.Aflashing 2•�'C51 mm) GREEN LED shows normal system polling from the loop controller. �� Aflashing RED LED means the detector is in alarm state.Both LEDs �� on steady shows alarm state-stand-alone mode.Normal GREEN ..., LED activity is not distracting to bwiding occupants,but can be 4.4'(112 mm) quicklyspotted hy a maintenancetechnician. ��x�������-�(,�G. QualityandReliability-ESTdetectorsaremanufacturedin North ��^ :�_��a�.,�...ws�; � -;- ;����4:... . ,.-,.,,��� AmencatostrictinternationallS09001standards.Allelectronics °"'Y' �a�„ • Tcm�er-Resist L�v$r A�m � �;�-.,��:�•. I��`��r• utilizesurfacemounttechnology(SM�forsmaliersizeandgreater -Breakofftodfsable- �:` � � `ry � '°3�x �}?�s 4;�C�rs` immurntyto RF noise.A conformal coating is usedfor humidiry (�ocated on Base> `: �����_��: ..:;.�.::'=�..�,: ��'•r and corroslon resistance.Atl critical contacts are gold plated. .��;���T:�r,�x�:,,. 2::�.°�"'"�. ��;��� ���gx� Compatibility AccessSlotior - ;� ����a�F�:s�����3 �� �� ��.�� ��� Tamp�r-Reslst MechaNsm �°�.�������� �� .� P• .. £�lx��"}���',.�c..3as 4'i.� F . The SIGA-HFS and SIGA-HRS detectors are c�mpatible only with � _ ����' g�,, �� EST's Signature Loop Controller. '=` �� ' �� ���w�� _ EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Page 2 of 4 Literature Sheet#85001-0243 i�� e G Application The table below shows six standard testfires used to rate the sensitivity of smoke and heat detectors.Thetable indicates that no si ngle ��-✓sensing elementisswtedforalltestfires. EST recommends thatthis detector be mstalled according to latest recognized edition of national and local fire alarm codes. Type of Detector SIGA-HRS and SIGA-HFS SIGA-PHS SIGA-IPHS SIGA-PS Rate-of-Rise/ Photo Heat lon/Photo/Heat Tvst Fire SIGA-15 lon Photo Fixed Temp 3D 4D Open Wood optimum unsuitable optimum very suitable optimum Wood Pyrolysis suitable optimum unsuitable optimum optimum Smouldermg Cotton very suitable opt�mum unsuitable optimum optimum Poly Urethane Foam very suitable very suitable suitable very suitable optimum n-Heptane opt�mum very suitable very suitable optimum optimum L;qwd Fire without Smoke unsuitable unsuitable optimum- very su�table very suitable ��ypical Wiring �4�e detectormounting baseswill accept#18AWG(O.Z5mmz),#16(7.Omm2),#14AWG(1.5mmz),and#12AWG(2.5mm2)wire sizes. P,fote:Sizes#16 AWG(1.Omm2)and#18AWG(0.75mmz)are preferredfor ease of installation. See Signature Loop Controller catalog �=�,s etfordetailedwiringreqwrementspec�ficat�ons. Standard Detector Base,SIGA-SB,SIGA-SB4 Relay Detector Base, SIGA-RB,SIGA-RB4 Term Descrlption Remote LED ' Terin Descr�ptlon 1 NotUsed (SIGA-LED) 2 DATA IN/pUT+ Normally-Normally- 1<• iJormally-Open Mmc.Reslstante � � Common Gosed Open 2 DATAIN/OUT(+) 3 NotUsed per Wlre 4 DATA�N(-) 3 �� _ + Must NOT Exceed 10i2 4 Remote LED(-) 4 DATA IN(-) 5 NotUsed 5 Remote LED(+) & -Normatly-Closed 6 NofUsed O 5 6� 7 DATAOUT(-) O 6— - 7 DATAOUT(-) � ''?��°iry 0 � ° '����nan�� '' CONTACT RATING �� 1 0 Amp� 30 VDC f ° � " ` (Ptlot Duty) � � y on ���TA IN(-) DATA OIJT(-) DATA IN(-) � z DATA OUT(-) DATA IN(+) DATA OUT(+) DATA IN(+) DATA OUT(+) ��m Slgnature Controller To Next Devlce From Slgnature Controller To Next Devlce or Prevlous Devlce or Pre�nous Devlce Isolator Detector Base,SIGA-IB,SIGA-184 Audible Detector Base,SIGA-AB4 mper 3,.� mper Tertn DescripUon �'�`"� � ' T Low ol me _�i�F�"=r;-•��`,^�;��„�•. T Stead To e igh ol me �`� ���y" 1 NotUsed f�• *�<.�:� ��. Temporal To e Oc, d 2 DATAIN/�UT(+) ,� �� ����"r� o 3 DATA IN(-) ���, � ` ''� �; ;�-•f� �s � � ����y' 0 4 NotUsed `���`� s ���: �.�. �s t. ;�• �,3�',��;^�a"!' o � �'.€:,� �F k�. ���°�° '� 5 NotUsed ��,,,�. �s�` �° ���.�: . °Q xz. 6 DATA OUT(') ��;.�-; . � ,���,�.. �' '�` o�. 7 NotUsed romPowerS I ���' � O PP To ext So der Base or DATA IN(-) � Z or Prev�o s So der Base E l Rela DATA OUT(-) C C T C C T T T DATA IN(+) DATA OUT(+) T � �t`�� To NeXt Devlce ` ' To ext Sig at re ewce � From Slgnature Controller T ► T T • or Previous Devlce rom sg at re Co trouer or Prewo s ev�ce EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY I sue 6 Lrterature Sheet#85001-0243 Page 3 of 4 Accessories All detector mount�ng bases have wiring terminalsthat are for sounding to other audible bases on the same 24 Vdc circuit. � accessible from the"room-side"after mounting the base to the electrical box.The bases mountto North Amencan 1-gang boxes Relay and Audible Bases operate as follows: and to 3'/z inch or 4 inch octagon boxes,1'/s inches(38 mm)deep - atsystem power-up or reset,the relay is de-energized They also mountto European BESA and 1-gang boxes with 60 3 . When a detector is installed m the base with the power on,the mmfixmgcenters.TheSiGA-SB4,SIGA-RB4,andSIGA-164mount relayenergizesforfourseconds,thende-energizes to NorthAmencanfour mch square electrical boxes m addition to the above boxes.They mclude the SIGA-TS4Trim Skirt which is -when a detector�s removed from a base with the power on, used to coverthe"mounting ears"on the base. the relay is de-energized - whenthedetectorentersthealarmstate,therelay�senergized. ��,�r�� ������ �,,�f��`'° � � �. �;� � lsolator Base SIGA-IB,SIGA-164-This base includes a built-m line �-��,, ����,� �"`�� ��� r�,�� � -�, �.. - '�' � faultisolatorforuseonClassAcircuits.Adetectormustbe � v'+ �'^k�y�.�3a ,_ {� wp�S3i'3 6 x . ��� �� .. �' �.��.�,�'+� }.g"'�`. sn� 4h'rf �?.� �' f . 'k< � .e y ��� ������ _�� ���� Y�ei ��>- , _�� ,� installed for itto operate.The isolator base does not su E �} �� r�.F ���, �,�� � Y PPortthe �-� .�.��7�� �� �re;��.� j�f�s�� �� �;�;. SIGA-LED Remote LED. SIGA A84 sicn•se SIGA-IB SIGA-RB SIGA-LED The isolator operates asfollows• Aud�bls Bass Stenderd Base Isolator Base Relay Base Remote LED • - a short on the line causes all isolators to open with�n 23 msec Standard BaseSIGA-SB,SIGA-SB4-This isthe basic mounting - at 10 msec intervals,beginning on one s�de ofthe Ciass A baseforESTSignatureSeriesdetectors.TheSIGA-LEDRemote circuitnearesttheloopcontroller,theisolatorscloseto LED is supported bythe Standard Base. provide the next isolator down the line with power RelayBaseSIGA-RB,SIGA-RB4-Thisbaseincludesarelay. - iftheisolatornexttotheshortcloses,�treopenswith�nl0msec. Normally open or closed operation is selected during installation. The process repeats beginning on the other side ofthe loo The dry contact is rated for 1 amp(pilot duty)@ 30 Vdc.The controller. p relay s position is supervised to avoid accidentally�arring it out of position.The SIGA-RB can be operated as a control relay if Remote LED SIGA-LED-The remote LED connects to the SIGA-SB programmed to do so at the control panel(EST3 V.2 only).The or SIGA-SB4 Standard Base only.Itfeatures a North American size relay base does notsupportthe SIGA-LED Remote LED. 1-gang plasticfaceplate with a whitefmish and red alarm LED. Audible Base SIGA-AB4-This base is desi ned for use where � 9 SIGA-TS4Trim Skirt-Supplied with 4 inch bases,it can also be localized or group alarm signaling is reqwred.When the detector ordered separatelyto usewiththe otherbasesto help hide surFace senses an alarm condition,the audible base emits a local alarm imperFections notcovered bythesmaller bases. signal.The optionai SIGA-CRR Polarity Reversal Relay can be used Warnings F�- Cautions Ordering InformationTable Thisdetectorwillnotoperatewithoutelectricalpower. Asfires Catalog Description Shi;oWt. frequentlycausepowerinterrupt�on,wesuggestyoudiscuss Number Ibs(kg) furthersafeguardswithyourfireprotect�onspecialist. SIGA-HFS �ntelligentFixedTemperature Thisdetector�nnIINOTsensefiresthatstartinareaswhereheatcannot Heat Detector-UUULC Listed Intelligent Fixed 5(.23) reach the detector.Heatfrom fires in walls,roofs,or on the oppos�te SIGA-HRS Temperature/Rate-of-Rise side of closed doors may not reach the detectorto alarm it. Heat Detector-UUULC Listed The heat sensor in this device only provides a source of informa- Accessories ' tion to supplementthe information provided by photoelectric or SIGA-SB Detector Mounting Base ionization smoke detectors which ma�y be located nearby.The 4-inch Detector Mounting Base heat detector by itself does NOT provide life safety protection. SIGA-SB4 c/w SIGA-TS Trim Skirt Under no circumstarlces should heatdetectors be relied on asthe � SIGA-RB Detector Mount�ng Base w/Relay sole means offire protection. Si��-R34 4-inch Detector Mounting Base ,2(09) /w Relay c/w SIGA-TS Tnm Skirt SIGA-IB Detector Mounting Base w/Fault Isolator SIGA-164 4-mch Detector Mountmg Base w/ Fault Isolator c/w SIGA-TS Tr�m Skirt SIGA-LED RemoteAlarm LED SIGA-A84 Audible(Sounder)Base .3(0 15) SIGA-TS4 Trim Skirt(supplied with 4-inch bases) 1 (04) �`,,,i EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECFlNOLOGY It is our�ntention to keep the product�nformation curcent and accurate.We can not cover specrfic applicat�ons or anticipate all requirements All specificaLons are sub�ect to change without not�ce.For more mformation or questions relaUve to this Speciflcation Sheet,contact EST m�999 EST PnMed�n U S.A. Page 4 of 4 L�terature Sheei�86001-0243 Issue 5 � �����'.�r�, "� �:����;�-- �_-. ����: ��'`.����°.��,,,�,��...�. �,�EDWARDSSYSTEMSTECHNOLOGY� ANALOG ADDRESSABLE INITIATING�DEViCES . . Intelligent Duct Smoke �.��-�-- � „�.�� ���, 4���.��t,.c:� F°�"��"'`�� � �ww5�',�r��,�r�'����r� '��i� `E+«�" � Detector Housing ���`�� ��`����� y ��� �s: .� Q w.:��;w - Model SIGA-DH � �g�;° ���:�� �,�zu::; eatures .��z� ■ Suitablefor high air velocity duct applications ���� Upto4000ft/min.(20.3m/sec.)withPhotoelectricDetector, ��=�� °a�<:_ v StandardSignatureSeriesdetectors �F�� Designed for use with standard 4D,3D,and Photoelectnc y3«s� ���: ;w;`�;:� SignatureSeriessmokedetectors.Doesnotreqwre"special" ����.,:, `� ���,y ductsmokeheads. � � "f•-`:�� =�;�v ■ Standard,relay,orisolatordetectorbase ��`'.k;.�`�`w-".`'���;� ,�;�;,�xr.;,, F��, � �9�� �„�,�: «,�.� xs Detector piugs-in to basethen easdy installs into housing. �"�°'�;;�,` �-��:�.�' :;;�.�;;bY. ""F `�saoo.. � Install in duc4s up to 10 ft.(3.05 m)wide - ■ RemoteLEDandteststationaccessories U ULC M� ���' ■ Designed and manufactured to 1S0 9�01 standards � IntelligentDuctSmokeDe#ectors ' Compatible Signa�ure Series detectors inciudethe SIGA-IPHS 4D �"`�Deseri tlOtl MultisensorSmokeDetectowwithTHREEINTEGRATEDSENSING p TECHNOLOGIES.It combines lonization,Photoelectric a nd Heat The SIGA-DH Duct Smoke Detector Housing is specialiy engi- sensors and processes andanalyzes information from each sensor neeredto exploit all thecapabdities of Slqnature Series inte�i'�qn.nx separately using dynamicfilters.Also compatible arethe SIGA- pFiotoe e— c�tricanTmGftisensorsmokedetectors.ESTSignature �� u trsensnTDe#�cta�-and-th�-gyG�.pS-Ph�oelectric Senesdetectorsgatheranaloginformationfromeachoftheirone Detector.Theinstalferselectsthealarmsensitivitylevelfromthe ormoresensmgelementsandconvertsitintodigitalsignals.The detector'swide0.6�to3.7%sEnsitivityrangewindow.Fivesettings detector'sonboardmicroprQCessormeasuresandanalyzesthese areavailablefromwithintherange. signals.ltcomparesthemtohistoncalreadings,timepatternsand EnvironmentalCompensation knowncharacteristicstomakeanalarmdecision.Digitalfiltsrsand betectionsensitivityforSignatureSeriesdetectorsisvirtually ComplexAlgorithmsareappliedforoptimumdetectoraccuraey. mdependentoftheirmstalledenvironmentandtheirphysical Unwanted alarms arevirtually eliminated. condition.Each sensing elementadaptsto long-term changes Each ducthousing is packagedwith detailed installation mstruc- caused by dirt,humidity,aging etc.Every 8,6 minutesthe detector tions,gasketsandaself-adhesivednllingtemplateforlocatingand adjustsandupdatesthesensitivity(°/,obscuration)ambient mountingthedetector.Thelargeaccessdooriscompletely baselineforitssmokesens�ngelement.Every68minutesthis removabletoallowfastdetectorinstailationandfieldwiring informationiswrittentoitspermanentmemory, connections.The16gaugesteelhousingisfirnshedinredbaked Thedetector'salarmsensitivitysettingselectedbytheinstaller enamelforeasyidentification.Fiveone-gangknockoutsonthe floatsupordowntoremainconstantrelativetothechanging housingprovideaconvenientlocationformountingintelligent baseline.Thisiscalledenvironmentalcompensation. Signature Series modules. I�g[����lS2�[Q!2 C�f h:.'.�'C:.n.°ci��ii�ie L'@iEV`tOP3 TheSiGH-GHuuct iiousing comes with a 6 inch�150 mmj exhaust Each detectorautomatically identif�eswhen it is polluted and tube.Airsampltngtubesareavailableinlengthsfrom8mches(200 causesa"dirrydetector"message.Thedetector'ssensitivity mm)tol0feet(3o48mm)andmustbeorderedseparately, measurementcanalsobetransmittedtotheloopcontroller.'This Compatiblesmokedetectors,mountingbases,andaccessoriesare measurementsatisfiesNFPAsensitivitymeasurementrequirements. listed inthe Ordenng Information.Refer to individual device The detector's internal components are self-supervised.Up to 32 catalog literature pages for more detail, trouble codes are generated and displayed for diagnostics. .� I EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY USSALES:SARASOTA,FL941-739�&38,FAX941-727-1214 • CANADASALES:OWENSOUND,ON519-376�2430,FAX519-376-7258 INTERNATIONALSALES:90�r270-1711,FAX90�r270-9553 • CORPORATEHEADQUARTERS:CHESHIRE,CT • US.MANUFACTURING PffTSF1ELD,ME Issue 2 Llterature Sheet#85001-0326 on-VolatileMemory Signature Duct DetecrtorAccessories � gnature Series smoke detectors permanently store a ser�al �mber,typeofdeviceandjobnumber.Automaticupdatesof DuctDetectorAirSamplingTubes storicinformationmcludinghoursofoperation,lastmaintenance Oneairsamplinginlettubemustbeorderedforeachductsmoke ate,number ofalarms and troubles,time and date of lastalarm detectorhousing,Referto Ordering information foravadable e available.In the unlikely eventthat an unwanted alarm does lengths. ke place,the historyfile can be called up to help isolate the •oblemand reventitfromha DetectorMountingBases p ppening aga�n, Onedetectormountmg base mustbe orderedforeach ductsmoke 'ectronicAddressing&Device Mapping housing.Removing a detectorfrom its base(except isolator base) he Signature loop controller automatically addresses each does not affect other devices operating on the same data loop. �tectorto savevaluabletime during system c�mmissioning. Available bases are: etting complicated switches or dials on each intelligentdevice is� otrequired.if desired,the detectors can be custom addressed Standard Base SIGA-SB-This isthe basic mounting base.The singthe Signature Series Data EntryProgram. SIGA-LED Remote LED is supported bythe Standard Base. he wired circuits between each device can be examined using the Relay Base SIGA-RB-This base includes a relay.Normally open ataentryprogramalongwiththeself-mappingfeaturebuiltinto orclosedop�erationisselectedduringinstallation.Thedrycontact II Signature Series devices.With its ra hic su is rated for 1 amp @ 30 Vdc(pilot duty).The relay's position is � g p pport,layout or supervised to avoid accidentallyjarring it out of position:The SIGA- 3s-built drawing mformation showingwire branches(T-taps), RB can be operated as a controi relay if programmed to do so at evicetypes and theiraddress are stored on diskfor printing hard opy.Thistakes the mystery outofthe mstallation.The preparation the control panel(EST3 V.2 only).The Relay Base oes o f"as-bwlt"drawings i$fastand effici�nt. supportthe SIGA-LED Remote LED.Relaybases are notaffected or activatedbythe SIGA-DTS DuctTest Station. fevice mapping also allowsthe Signature loop controlferto liscover: Isolator Base SIGA-IB-This base includes a built-in Imefault isolator.A detector must be installed for itto operate.The integral -unexpected additional device addresses isolator relay is controlled 6y the detector orthe loop controller.A -missing device addresses maximum of 96 isolator bases can be ins#alled on one loop.The -changes to the wiring in the data loop. Isolator Base does notsupo4rtthe SIGA-LED Remote LED. >tand-Alone Operation Alarm LED Indicator �n-board mtelligence permits Signature devicesto operate in stand- The SIGA-LEDAIarm Indicator is suitablefor usewith the SIGA-SB ilone mode.Should loop controller CPU communications fail for �etector base only.A maximum of one can be operated for each `-�'` norethan four seconds,all devices on thatcircuit(loop)go mto detector.Itfeatures a red LED on a one-gang plastic plate and can �tand-alone mode.The loop acts like a conventional alarm receiving be installed remote or directly on the SIGA-DH Duct Housing, :ircuit.Each detector on the loop continues to collsct and analyze DuctTestStation IIfLI.[mationtrom itssur.LnUndings..16e�EteCtor-e.laCmsa##he�l-eset-- q31�LG�1�2�'�.1'� e�s�JC -S�atl�ch=T4n �moke obscuration level is reached and causes a loop alarm.Ifthe �-Y �an ietector is mountedto a relay base,the relay operates.Similarly,if �ntegral intelligent input module mounted on a two-gang plastic t is mounted to an audible base,the on-board harn sounds. plate.It is supplied with two keys and features a red alarm LED. luality and Reliability �Nhen the key isturnedto the"TEST"position,the LED lights and :STdetectorsaredesignedandmanufacturedinNorthAmericato theintegra(moduleremotelymputsaductdetectortestalarm.The S09001standards.Allelectronicsutilizesurfacemounttechnol- actionsandsequencesprogrammedatthecontrolpanelto �gy(SMT)forsmallersizeandgreaterimmunitytoRFnoise.A activatedampersandothersmokecontrolmeasures,areeasdy ;onformal coating is used for corrosion resistance and all critical tested.Detector relay bases are nataffected oractivated.Resetting ;bntacts are gold plated. the control panel clearsthetest and returnsthesystem t�normal. The key cannot be removed when in the"TEST"position. The DuctTestStation mountsto standard 2-inch deep North Typ iea I W i ri ng American two-gang and 4-inch square electric boxes and European 100 mm square boxes. fhe detector mounting bases and teststation will a�cept#18 AWG ;0.75mm�),#16(1.Omm2),#14AWG(1.50mm2)and#12AWG AirVelocityTestKit ;2.bmm2)wiresizes,Note: #14AWG(1.5mmz)i�notrecommended The6263-SGAirVelocityT�estKitisspeciallydesignedtointertace �u�:���uic�{►y�;i;,��llati�n.See Laop Coniroiier and^vetec4or to the SIGA-DH Duct Housing.It is used to test or GQnfirm th�air :atalogsheetsfordetailedwiringrequirementspecifications. veioci2yinnVACductswneretheductnousmgisinstai(ed. `� - EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Specifications SIGA-DH Duct Housing(NOTE:The SIGA-pH Duct Housing is NOT WEATHERPROOF or DUST TIGHT.} ��Dimensions 7-3/8 inches(188mm)W x 7 inches(178mm)H x 5 inches(127mm)D Material and Finish 16 Gauge Cold Rolled Steel,Red-Baked Enamel Conduit Knockouts Combination 1/2 inch£r 3/4 mch Agency Approvals UL,ULC,MEA,CSFM Compatible Smoke Detectors SIGA-PS SIGA-PHS $IGA-IPHS Air Vefocity Range 300 to 4000 ft/min.(1.5 to 20 3 m/secJ 300 to 1000 ft/min. (1 5 to 5.0 m/sec) Photoelectric- lonizat�on-Unipolar Smoke Sensing Element(s) Photoefectric- Light Scattering Principle Photoelectric- Light Scattenng Principie Heat- Light Scattering Principle 135°F(5�7°C)Fixed Temperature Heat-Alarms at 65°F(35°C) Temp:32-120°F(0 to 49°C) change in ambient temp. Operating Environment Humidity;0 to 93%RH, Temperature:32-100°F(0-38°C) non-condensing Humidity: 0 to 93%RH,non-condensmg Storage Environment Temperature:-4 to 140°F(-20 to 60°C); Humidity: 0 to 93%RH,non-condenstng ULINLC Ser�sitrv�ty Range 0.67%to 3.77%obscuration/foot(305mm) 0 67%to 3.70%obscuration/foot User 5elected Alarm Sensitivity (305mm) Settings Least Sensitive:3.5%;Less Sensitive:3 0%;Normal•2 5%;More Sensitive:2 0%; Most Sensitive: 1.0% Pre-alarm Sensitivity 5%increments,allowing up to 20 pre-alarm settings Electrical and Physical Characteristics Refer to individual detector catalog sheets Compatible Mountmg Bases SIGA-SB 5tandard Base,SIGA-RB Relay Base,SIGA-IB isolator Base Compatible Remote LED SIGA-LED(LED flashes when in alarm) Controller Compatibdity SIGNATURE Loo Controller � ���Addressing Restnctions Uses one Input Device Address � 51GA-DTS Duct Test Housing • Operating Current Standby�250NA;Activated =400�tA � Operating Voltage 15 2 to 79 95 V������a�a�} � f�epiace'ment FCey p/n-P-037449 5torage and Operatmg Temperature 32 tp 120°F(0 to�}9°C} Onboard LED Operation Red LED-flashes when in alarm or test state Mountmg North Amencan electric box:2 inch deep 2-gang or 4 inch square; European electric box: 100 mm square Construction£r Finish High Impact Engmeered Plastic 2-gang front plate-White ' Addressmg Restrict�ons Uses one Module Address � ��../ EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Issue 2 Ll4eraii�ro CV.ue��ocnn. ........ _ �pplication Notes Sampietubelengthmustspantheentirewidthoftheairductand the tube can be easily cutto any length.Inlettubes longerthan 3 `,,,� heSIGA-DHDuctSmokeDe#ectorHousingrequiresaclear,flat, ft.(900mm)mustbesupportedatbothends. ccessible area on the duct of at least7-3/8 inches(188mm)W x mches(175mm)H.The ducthousmg mustbe installed on ducts Duct detectors continually sample airflow in a HVAC duct and tleast 8 inches(200mm)wide.To avo�dthe effects of initiate an alarm condition wheneversmoke is detected.An alarm tratification,installthedetectorhousingaminimumofsixduct isactivatedwhenthec}uantity(percentobscuration}ofcombustion ridthsbeyondanybendsintheduct.Ductdetectorsareusually productsinthatairsampieexceedsthedetector'ssensitivity �stalled on the supply duct afterthe airfilters;or in the return air setting. tream pnorto being diluted by outside air. Airvelocitymtheductmaintainsthe airflowthatentersthe detectorhousmgthrough perforationsintheairsampling inlettube and dischargesthroughtheoutletexhausttube.Thedetector housing must be mstalled with its iNLET air sampiing tube upstream ofthe EXHAUSTtube.Before instaliingthe ductdetector Bend or othel' housing,testthe duct airvelocityto venfy it is within the limits of obstruction the Signature smoke detectorthat is being instalied.Also verifythat duct air relative humidity is within 0%and 93%. WARNING:Ductdetectors havespecific limitations.Ductdetectors ARE NOT a substitutefor an open area smoke detector.Duct ' detectorsARE NOTa substituteforearlywarning detection.Duct � � DuCt detectors ARE NOT a replacementfor a building's regularfire ' 6Ductwidths � w�dth detectionsystem.SmokedetectorsARENOTdesignedtodetect �" —► Duct detector toxio gases which can build up to hazardous levels in some fires. ; (minimum) ; location ThesedevicesWILLNOToperatewithoutelectricalpower.Asfires . frequentlycausepowerinterruptions,ESTsuggestsyoudiscuss furthersafeguardswith yourlocalfireprotectionspecialist. - Ordering Information Installation and Mounting ��' Catalog Ship Wt EST recommends duct detectors always be installed in Number Description Ib,ik91 accordancewith the latest recognized editions of locai and SIGA-DH Duct Detector Housing 6 5(3} national fire alarm codes. 6'1-fl0'1 ����09r�rn�-;4�f�arr�pl�r�g�"�e��u�e — — 6261-002 24 inch(fi00mm)Air Sampling Inlet Tube .5(2) Front cover T T 6261-003 42 inch(1060mm)Air Sampiing Inlet Tube 1.6(8) Adapter Plate 6261-DO6 78 mch(1980mm)Air SampDng InletTube 2.2(1) ; ;�? "��'�",-1 ease h � a � 6261-010 120 inch(3048mm)Air Samp6ng Inlet Tube 4.4(2) ; -- Detecta ' �� o�F, S�GA-IPHS 4D Multisensor Detector . SIGA-PHS 3D Multisensor Detector ,5(,23) � " � ' SIGA-PS Photoelectric Detector �`�'�'��,'���� ���"`�`�'�;�#'�,> �.`�e:- SIGA-SB Standard Base Loca4ng Pm �`�' �. ��� .� �'�` SIGA-RB DO NOT BENDI '�„ ��:;� a�=��� � Relay BaSe 4c.: =�"� �.t,�,�.���,-,�' Smoke chamber .2(.09) :��'..��,<:� *��..,�.::,;�� SIGA-IB Isolator Base <�>� Neoprene gasket attached ta housmg SIGA-LED Alarm LED Indicator Redexhausttube , �~� , SIGA-DTS DuCtTest Station 4�,18� connector ; '�r� � Airsampltngtube Exhaust tube(suppfie� ' �Y`' ' connector 6263-SG Duct Air Velocity Test K�t Orient with slant directed ' � away from airtlow ='��',i Alr intet samplmg tube � '"��• � (Orient wfth a�r holes ;�a � facing airtlow) i>-. � , 1 Rubber swpper-must be ; (�---�--Installed mto end of sampling T tube � =a'L� ����� "'�e�`�^fk�a�����`�,� *� __� ����z���.��.���x������t�3�����r, Airflow y�����;�x�-����������'� ��$` —► � � ��:�� � � ; � ��«����:���;,�w.�;¢����������;z, ' \1 EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY It is our intention to keep the product information current and accurate We can not cover speafic appl�cations or antrcipate all reqwrements. All specificaUons are sub�ect to change without notice.For more information or quesbons relative to this Specficat�on Sheet,contact EST. m 1999 EST — Pnaa 4 of d � .'--' -' ..` ____' -'-- Pnrrted m ll S A �, �� ����rv EDWARDSSYSTEMSTECHNOLOGYn NOTIFICATION APPLIANCES • Selectable i5, 30, 75, �ield Configurable or i 10 �d stro6e! M ro n�s and Strobes �`}°������ G7 Series �' �� ' ;.,y°;` l�;+M�:«;;_ �'�*�����rR Features � +�.i��,:.,.� ■ Unique low-profile design �,,,��.� ���_, ;�,�. � — ThemostcompactUL-1971NLGS5261istedstrobeavailable ,�.�€,,yg�',„ �_'�`�`�" - ��3�r,/nr:£�r$� F,.`r — Ultra-slim—protrudes less than ane inch from the wail � >`��`r"`�:��'' �°, — Attractivea earance ��� �w��`� �,����� PP � .. �'°•�. � ���L�p1�>��� — Nows�blemountmgscrews „�a;�,�;�1�,..• �` � :��''��_ ■ Four field-configurabie options in one device -"�. � "`;;: — Select 15,30,75,or 110 cd strobe output .R;�� '+� F���`���t�•�. — Select high(default)or low dB hom output ,,�aM ~ . , t — Selecttemporal(default)orsteady horn output "`� �':.=-�-_ _�.�-:�:== '^� — Selectpubhcmodeflash rate idefault)or private mode � �E Q� „i,, " . :�—�:^� ~'�",`,,.�.�``"' temporal flash " `��;,�,r i,�.�.+�*°'�"" e Easyto instali "� � NF�► — Frts standard 1-gang electncal boxes—no trim plate needed Listmgs pendmg ' � ' — Optionaltrim plate accommodates oversized opemngs , ' 'j one or more PaceMS Pend��9 �/ � Pre-assembledwrthcaptivehardware — #i2AWGtermmals—idealforlangrunsorexistmgwmng W�thFullLighttechnologygoweilbeyondtheminimumUL- ID URparalleledperformance required"T"pattern,significantlyexceedingUL-1971andULC- — Industr�/smostevenlightdistribution S5261ightdistnbutionrequirements — Meetstoughsynchronizmgstandardsforstrabes AlthoughallGenesisstrobesareself-synchronizing,wheninstalled — Singlemicroprocessorcontrolsbothhornandstrobe withanoptionalsy�chronizationmodule,str-obeflashesfrom — Lowcurrentdrawmm�mizessystemoverhead devicesonthesamecircuitsynchronizetowithm 10milliseconds — Independenthorncontroloverasmglepairofwires ofeachathermdefinite/yThisexceedsthetwo-hourmmimum — Highlyregulatedin-rushcurrent specifiedintheULstandards.Onlyonesynchronizationmoduleis — Multiplefrequencytoneimproveswallpenetration requiredpercircuit — Industry'sfirsttemporalstrobeoutput Genesis strobes and horn-strobes offer 15 to 110 candela output, Descri ption which is selectablewith a conveniently-located switch on the side ofthedevice Thecandelaoutputsettingremainsclearlyvis�ble TheGenesislmeofsignalsareamongthesmallest,mostcompact evenafterfinalmstallation,yetdstayslockedmplacetoprevent aud�ble-visible emergency signalmg devices in the world.About unauthorizedtampering. the size of a deck of playing cards,these devices are designed to blend with any decor Genesis horn outputreaches as high as 99 dB and features a un ique multiplefrequencytortethatresults in excellentwall penetration Thankstopatentedbreakthroughtechnology,ESTGenesisstrobes andanunmistakablewarningofdanger.Hornsmaybeconfigured do notrequire bulkyspecularreflectorsand lenses.lnstead,an for either coded or nan-coded signal circuits They can also be set exclusive cavity design conditions lightto produce a highly far low d6 outputwit6 a jumper cutthatreduces horn output by controlleddistributionpattern Significantdevelopmentefforts about5d6 employmg this new technology have given nse to a new bench- mark in strobe performance—FuIlLighttechnology. Genesissignalsfeaturetextured housings m arch�tecturally neutral whiteortraditianalfirered Aningeniousiconographicsymbol FuIlLightstrobetechnologyproducesasmoothlightdistribution indicatesthepurposeofthedevice.Thisuniversalsymboliscode- patternwithoutthespikesandvoidscharactensticofspecular compliantandiseasilyrecognizedbyallbu�ldmgoccupants reflectors Thisensurestheentirecoverageareareceivesconsis- regardlessofwhatlanguagetheyspeak Modelswith"FIRE" tentdluminationfromthestrobeflash Asaresult,Genesisstrobes markingsarealsoavailable �`""'� EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY U,S SALES SARASOTA,FL941-739�4638,FAX941-727-1214 • CANADASALES•GJVEN SOUND,ON 519-37G2430,FAX5193767258 INTERNATIONALSAIES 90�r27Q1711 FAX90�r2708553 • CORPORATEHEADnUARTERS CHESHIRE,CT • USMANUfACTURING.PITfSFIELD6NEWPORT,ME Issue 1 Utereture Sheet#86007-0673 Pa9e 1 of 9 Not to be used for Installatan purposes For ths most current I�terature and updates visit www.est net '�pplication Horns � The suggested sound pressure level for each sig nalmg zone used with �--Genesis strobes are UL 1971-listed for use mdoors as wall- alert or alarm s�gnals is at least 15 dB above the average ambient mounted public-mode notification appiiances forthe hearing sound level,or 5 dB above the maximum sound level havmg a impaired Prevailmg codes require strobes to be used where duration of atleast60 seconds,whichever is greater,measured 5 feet ambient noise conditians exceed 105 dBA(87dBA in Canada), (1 5m)abovethefloor.Theaverageambientsound level is,A- where occupants use hearing protection,and in areas ofpublic weightedsound pressuremeasuredovera24hourperiod accommodatton as defined in the Amer�cans with Disabdities Act (see application nates-USAJ. Doubling th e distancefrom the signalto the ear will theoretically result in a 6 dB reduction ofthe received sound pressure level The Combmation horn-strobe signals mustbe mstalled in accordance actual efFect depends on theacoustic properties of materials m the with guidelmesestabl�shedforstrobe devices space A3 dBA difFerence represents a barely noticeable change in volume. Strobes The followmg guidelines are based on ANSI/NFPA 72 Naiiona/ Fire Alarm Code(1999) When applied and installed in accor- AppllCetion Notes - USA dance with that code,EST strobes meet or exceed the dlumma- Audible signals in the public mode should never have a sound tion produced bythe ADA-spec�fied 75 candela(cd)strobe at 50 level less than 75 dBA at 70'(3 m)per NFPA 72.5 ignals cannot feet* exceed 120 dBA per ADA and NFPA 72 atthe mm imum heanng distance to audible appliartce Non-Sleeping Rooms ESTwall mounted strobes* Strobe and combination horn/strobe devicesshouldbe installed Up to 20'x 20'(6.1 m x 61 m) One 15 cd strobe wrth the bottom ofthe device at least 80 inches(2 0 m}and no more Up to 30'x 30'(9.1 m x 9 1 m) One 30 cd or two 15 cd strobes than 96 inches(2.4m}above thefmished floor Horns should be Up to 40'x 40'(12.2 m x 12 2 m) One 75 cd ar two 30 cd strobes mstalled with theirtops notlessthan 6 mches(152 mm)belowthe Up to 50'x 50'{15 2 m x 15 2 m) One 110 cd or two 75 cd sVobes ce�lmg and not less than 90 mches(2 3 m)above the fm ished floor Corridors Strobesmustbe used tosuppfementaudible signals whereverthe averageambientsoundleveiexceeds105dBA Combination 15 cd strobes spaced at 100' audible/visual signals mustbe mstalled in accordance with NFPA Any length (30 5 m)max Strobes must be guidelines established for strobes. Maximum v�ndth•20'(6.1m). placed with�n 15'(4 5m)of each end of the corndor. ADA requires visible signais in the following areas: � 'ADA suggests usmg 75 cd sVobes throughout an area,wah spacmg that never • rest rooms,meetmg rooms,and other common use areas. ameeds 50 ft from the s[robe to any pomt m the protected space • sfee in rooms intended far use b g 'L,,,� p g ypersonswithhear�n Non-Sleeping Rooms and Carridors ESTstrobes rated at less �mpairment(m accordance with Trtle 1 of ADA� than 110 cd per UL 1971 are intended fnr use in no�-sleeping • work areas used bya person with a hearing impa�rment(per areas only Install with the bottom of the dewce at least 80 mches Title 1 of ADA). (2 0 m)and no morethan 96 inches(2 4 m)above the finished floor. Nopomtinanyspace(includmgcorridors)requiredtohave �o,Pp��cation Notes - Canada strobes should be more than 50 feet(15.2 m)from the signal(in (gased in part on 1995 Canada National Budding Code) the horizontal plane) The fire alarm signal sound pressure level shall not exceed Fordetailedspacmg requirements,consultTheHandbookof 110 dBA m any normally occupied area.The sound pressure Vis�b/eNotificationApp/iancesforFireAlarmApp/ications level from an audible signal m a floor area used for occupancies published by EST Press,or contactyour local EST representatwe. other than resident�al occupancies sball not be less than 10 dBA S{eeping rooms:EST 110 cd strobes are�ntended for use m above ambient levels,and never less than 65 dBA.In sleeping sleeping rooms and should be installed along wdh a smoke roams the souhd pressure level fram an audible signal shall not detector.Itmustbewallmountedatleast80"(203m)abovefloor belessthan75dBAwhenanyinterveningdoorsbetweenthe level,butno closerthan 24'(670 mm)tothe ceilmg.The distance device and the sleeping room are closed. Audible signal devices firomthe strobeto the polow must notexceed 16'(4 8 m). shall be installed not less than 1 8 m to the center of the device above the floor(per CAN/ULC S524) Sleepmg Rooms EST wall mounted strobe The fire alarm audible signal shall be supplemented 6y fire alarm Any size 110 cd withm 16 feet of polow strobes in anyfloor area where the ambient noise level exceeds 87 dBA,or where the occupants of the flaor area use ear protective devices,are located wrthin an audiometric booth,or are located within sound insulatmg enclosures This also applies to assembly occupanc�es in which musica�td other sounds associated with performances could exceed 900 dBA Strobes shall be installed in a building so thatthe flash from one device is visible throughoutthe floor area ar portion thereof in which they are installed For maximum safety,EST recommends thatstrobes be installed as perthe guidelines shown here under Strobe Spacing. ��� EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Pege 2 of 8 Litereture Sheet#86001-0b73 lasue 1 Not to be used for InstallaHon purposes For the moat current Iiteretura end updatas visit www est net. 1 nsta I lation three-pulse temporal pattern.Unrts may be configured for use w�th coded systems by cutting a jumper on the circuit board This `✓ Genesis hornsandstrobes mounttoanystandard one-gang results m a steadyoutputthatcan be turned on and off(coded)as surface arflush electrical box Matchmg optional trim plates are the system applies and removes powerto the signai circuit A �.�sedtocoveroversizedopeningsandcanaccommodateone- GenesisSignalMasterisrequiredwhenhorn-strobemodelsare gang,two-gang,four-inchsquare,oroctagonaiboxes,and contiguredforcodedsystems Non-temporal,horn-onlymodels European 700mmsquare, soundasteadytone AIIGenesissignalscomepre-as- Genesisstrobesandhorn-strobesareshippedfromthefactory sembled with capvve mountmg screws readyfor use as UL 7971 compliant signals far public mode foreasy�nstallation Twotabsatthe operation Thesesignalsmaybeconfiguredfortemporalflashby " � topo#ihesig�al�Alock#hecouerto ���#;�gatttrnperon�heciraditboard Tfiisbattery-savingfeatureis � revealthemountinghardware The mtendedforpnvatemodesignalmgonly. shallowdepth ofGenesisdevices leaves ample room behmd the signal Genesis strobes and horn-strobes may be setfor 15,30,75,or 170 forextrawinng.Onceinstalledwiththe candelaoutput.Theoutputsettingischangedbysimplyopening cover►n place,no mounting screws the device and slidmg the swrtch tothe desired setting The device arevisibie. doesnothavetoberemavedtochangetheoutputsettmg The set[ing remains visible through a small window on the side ofthe device afterthe caver is ciosed. Genesis Horn/Strobe Field Configuration with opt�onal Hornsandhorn-strobesarefactorysetforhighdBoutput Temporal horn and horn-strobe tnm plate models are factory setto sound in a Low dB output may be selected by cuttmg a�umper on the circuit board Thisreducestheoutputbyabout5d8 Wiring Field wirmg terminalsaccommodate#18to#12 AWG(0 75 mmz to 2 5 mm2)wirmg.Horns,strobes,and combination horn-strobes are mterconnected with a smgie pair of wires as shown below O♦'- �� + + PalaMy shown m To next device a�arm condition F{ H or end of hna device ONate Strobes must have co�nuous voltage �� EQViIARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Issue 1 LJterature Sheet#85001-0673 Paee 3 of 6 Not to be used for Installatfon purposes. Far the moet current Iltarature and updates vfsit www.est.net. Specifications � Housmg Red or white textured UV stab�lized,color impregnated engineered plasiic Exceeds 94V-0 UL flammability rat�ng. Lens Optical grade polycarbonate(clear) Mounting Flush mount 2'/z mch(64 mm)deep one-gang box (mdoor wall mount oniy) Surface mount E5T mpdel 27193 surface mount box,wiremold box,or equivalent surface-mount box With optional tnm plate•One-gang,two-gang,four-inch square,octagonal,or European single-gang box Wire connections Screw terminals smgle input for both horn and strob� #18 to#12 AWG(0 75 mmz to 2 5 mmz)wire size Operating environment Indoor only 32-120°F(0-49°C)ambient temperature 93%relatroe humidity Agency UL 1971,UL 1638,UL 464,ULC S525,ULC S526,CE,FCC,(MEA,FM,CSFM pending) listmgs/approvals (Ali models comply with ADA Code of Federal Reguiation Chapter 28 Part 36 Finai Rule) Dimens�ons(HxWxD) Signal 4-7/2'x 2-3/4'x 13/76'(713 mm x 68 mm x 21 mm) Tnmplate 5'(1?7 mm), He�ght-5-7/8'(149 mm),Depth-'/s'(13 mm) G1-HD senes temporal-tone�orns non-coded,filtered 16-33 Vdc or unfiltered 16-33 Vdc FWR(or coded when horn set to steady tone) Operating voltage G1-HDVM series temporal-#one horn-strobes•non-coded,filtered 16-33 Vdc or unfiltered 16-33 Vdc FWR (or coded(audible NAC only)when used with optional G1M Genesis Signal Master) G1-VM senes strohes non-coded,filtered 16-33 Vdc or unfdtered 16-33�Vdc FWR G1-P senes steady-tone horns coded or non-coded,filtered 20-31 Vdc or unfiltered 20-27 Viwr Strobe output rating UL 1971,UL 1638,ULC S526 selectable 15 cd,30 cd,75 cd,or 110 cd output G1-VM strobes and G1-HDVM series temporal-tone horn-strobes one flash per second synchronized with Strobe flash rate optional G1M Genesis Signal Master indef�nitely withm 10 mdliseconds(or self-synchromzed within 200 milliseconds over thirty minutes on a common c�rcuit without G1M Genesis Signal Master) Temporal setting(prroate mode only),synchronaed to temporal output of horns on same cvcuit Campatible synchronization G1 WI,G1 M-RM,SIGA-CC1S,SIGA-MCC1S modules* G1-HD temporai-tone horns and G1-HDVM senes temporal-tone horn-strobes.temporal rate synchronized Horn pulse rate With optional G1M Genes�s Signal Master indef�nitely within 10 mdliseconds(or self-synchronized within 200 milliseconds over thirry minutes on a common circuit wrthout G1M Genesis Signal Master) Gt-P steady-tone horns continuous,steady tone only - Temporal audible pattern '/z sec ON,'/�sec OFF,�/�sec ON,�/�sec OFF,Y:sec ON,1�/z sec OFF,then repeat cycle 'NotcompatibleKnth G7-P Ser�es horns � dB�Oautput AverageSound Output(d�A) Temporal Horna,Horn-strobes(G7•HD,G1•HDVM series)—High dB Setting (High dBsetting,enecho�c,24V,measured at 10ft) UL464 Avera e Peak �° �"�,�p q A o�a��'� � ,�m�� '�"""""""'� 9 'Wt',�r.�?'s°,:�;y'�`'aa<�'Fe�:;i:=��,y^.r;« 'mW*_'�e�_�'=x ' eP Temporal Steady Temporo Steady Tempora St ady 'y� ��. �-� �"��� � �y�� ���,.��?; .,,�.�:�'a:w�;.�� m*�� ,.�,::��.��:r�,e: tr�*,SP 1/ 1/ @ .r���,-i";:�;s''�'�,^'-��i!:�;�.;�:+"2'.v; , zv23._.".>�.<.:K_�i:;;k�;r,��s 16 Vdc 87 4 85 5 91 4 94 2 �s z."�e.` ;ti s�_;_����'•�j.�. Ar�..:�w�yy,�,,��,IS�`�`��T''.�s �- -r �w b,��,'� 24 Vde 844 88 6 945 97 6 �.�,:���,L�s �:^ .�;��;�»>;�*4��a: `� �' �;.� a:� x°�f,��'yi: ';"�„ �;;�a_. ,a�e;.i 33 Vde 86 3 90 4 96 9 99 5 ,�.�;��:fi'?�:�h .. `�s�-,,,,�.-;. s;;. ��. �.�y=:�, 4,;.s�; ,.:���,a so• _ e�W fj= '' .'d., �y�,,�:o .„'�t � Temporal Harns,Horn-strobes(G7-HD,G1-HDVM senes)—Low d6 Settmg ..s `" - ;,' ;<�`,r UL464 Average Peak �� , , �� Temporal Steady Temporei/Steady TemporaVSteady 76 0, tS 16 Vdc 76 0 80 1 S6 3 89 2 24 Vdc 79 4 83 5 gg g gp g �va� az� as5 sz5 ssa Light output - (effective cd) steady Tone Homa�G1-p senes� Percent of U L ratmg versus a ngle UL464 Avera e Peak ��dLL� rmno� weommwa aat�e o �o mwa rowm o0o ro+m 20 Vdc 76 7 89 5 91 .;?Rs,?�� �°s��3�=s�' ` ;� � `��:�- � � S,�M,: �X.�y �i �` ,;�v' ?iy" ya3s°w, y _,:.��I {�r.�°`,. ra;�_. '�" 77'I v�xs�s�Yk- �s�'��,.g,':���, x,y? �s. '��,�„°`�'_'�`C,�.•, • �;'"'_°.b'��.,i Y'�4,�i^ .��Y w,ei'�^..`„��s'.,z 2�L VdC BO .91.1 �,:�;GR.��x'aS;F.,��;r'?S3 _i,a.g;7� ;Sf,�.s'a`';,.TF�;;sr;;:`'.^�'.{"y��;�Y��, 3f Vdc 77 2 904 91 6 �'��� ���r �c�� ,���� 'ux`��'4;�4���.J:���4 � 'r,�a�`�,�;Y,;yr, "' s ,.�.�� x�p„�.;,.. �,�` ?i�.`z,°. ,.�"�?i..'^tts�t�,n.� �:t'r' Notes '�'x:Y,�.:s;,3. , �+",� �y.1, 7 AllvaluesshownaredBAmea ure at1 MSR�� `i rc{f• '"V'�``:ro'`=�k� � s d Ofeet(3 01 ma '�t�:r:�?""'�e`,?" ,,h'";�,`"� 2 UL464valuesmeasuredmreverberetionroom � �"�"", "-` '�'�1.��j"�'^`; -� �'f` ���J` 9S 3. AveregeandPeakvaluesaremeasuredmanechoicchamber _ `�`r� - 3 x 30' 7 p 1S \,� EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Page 4 of 8 Llterature Sheet#86001-0679 Issue 1 Not to be used for Instellatlon purposes For the moat current Itterature and updatea vlelt www.est net. Current Draw ��...✓ Strobes,Horn-5trobes Homs Multi-cd Wail Strobes(G1-VM) , Watl Temporal Horns(Gt-HD) UL Nameplate Aating(UL1971,Effective May 2004) UL Nameplate Rating(UL464 Effectroe May 2004) 15 cd 30 cd 75 cd 110 cd High dB Low d6 RMS RMS RMS RMS RMS RMS 16 Vdc 103 141 255 311 16 Vdc 26 79 16 Viwr 725 179 346 392 24 Vdc 36 27 33 Vde 41 33 Typical Current(Measured by ESn 16 Vfwr 57 37 15 cd 30 cd 75 cd 110 cd RMS Mean RMS Mean RMS Mean RMS Mean 24 Viwr 69 52 16 Vdc 85 79 127 '124 245 243 285 283 33 Vfwr 76 70 20 Vde 71 66 98 96 188 186 240 238 Typical Current(Measured by EST) 24 Vdc 59 55 82 80 152 150 191 790 High d6 Low dB 33 Vdc 46 44 64 63 712 111 137 136 RMS Meen RMS Mean 76 Viwr 119 64 169 97 332 203 S'76 240 16 Vdc 22 17 17 14 26 Viwr '103 57 143 76 253 150 331 �98 20 Vdc 24 19 19 16 24Viwr 94 44 129 65 218 121 262 152 y4Vdc 27 27 22 76 33 Vfwr 87 37 112 52 179 89 205 106 33 Vdc 32 25 26 22 16 Vfwr 34 15 30 14 Multi-ed Wall Temporal Hom-strobes{G1-HDVM)—High d8 Settin9 20 Viwr 40 19 34 16 UL Nameplate Ranng(UL1971,Effective May 2004) 24 Viwr 45 21 38 18 15 cd 30 ed 75 cd 310 cd 33 Viwr 52 24 47 22 RMS RMS RMS RMS 16 Vdc 129 167 281 337 Wali Horns(G7-P) 16 Vfwr 176 230 397 �3 UL Nameplate Ratmg Measured by EST Typicai Current(Measured by ESn RMS RMS Mean 75 cd 30 c� 75 cd '!10 cd ZO Vdc 9 10 10 �,,,,i,,,/ 24 Vde 10 71 7 7 RMS Mean RMS Mean RMS Mean RMS Mean 16 Vdc 102 89 135 129 246 242 309 305 31 Vde 12 12 72 20 Vdc 88 77 109 104 193 190 248 2q3 20 VTwr 8 9 8 24 Vdc 81 71 94 90 161 158 203 200 24 Vfwr 9 10 9 33 Vdc 74 64 72 74 '124 121 154 '151 16 Vfwr 144 77 182 106 352 212 393 249 ZO Viwr 141 68 162 87 274 158 362 210 NotesandCommerrts 24Viwr 136 65 152 76 235 133 282 165 1 CurrentvaluesareshowninmA 33Vfwr 125 54 144 65 201 '101 232 123 2 ULNameplateRatmgcanvaryfromTypicalCurrentduetomeasure- ment methods and instruments used 3 ESTrecommendsusmgtheTypicalCurrentforsystemdesignmciudmg Mulb-ed Wall Temporel Horn-strobes(G7-HDVM)—Low dB Settmg �{qC and Power Supply badmgandvoltagedropcalculat�ons ULNameplateflat�ng(UL1971,Effect�veMay2004) 4, UsetheVdcRMScurrentratmgsforfiReredpowersupplyandbattery 15cd 30cd 75cd 970cd AHcalculations UsetheVfwrRMScurrentratingsforunfitteredpower RM5 RMS RMS RMS suppycaiculations. 16Vdc 122 160 274 330 5. Fuses,c�rcurtbreakersandotheroversurreMprotectiondev�cesare 16Vfwr 162 216 383 qyg typicallyratedforcurrentinRMSvalues Mostofthesedev�cesoperate based upon the heating affectofthe currentflowmg through the device Typical Curtent(Measured by ES'n The RMS current(notthe mean current)determmesthe heating affect and therefore,thetrip and hold threshold forthose dewces 75cd 30ed 75ed 110cd g Ourmdustryhasused'mean'currentsovertheyears However,ULv�nll RMS Mean RMS Mean RMS Mean RMS Mean directtheindustrytousethe2004RMSvaluesmthefuture 16 Vdc 96 84 130 124 243 240 302 297 20 Vdc 79 70 104 99 '189 186 241 237 24 Vdc 68 61 88 84 756 154 197 193 33 Vdc 56 52 71 68 118 116 146 143 16 Vfwr 128 69 1$0 104 344 204 389 244 20 Vfwr 118 60 157 84 266 156 343 200 2A Vfwr 113 54 144 74 230 128 279 161 33 Viwr 112 48 137 64 197 99 226 117 � EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Issue 1 Llterature Sheet#85001-0678 Page 5 of 6 Not to ba used for instollation purpases For the most current literature and updatea visit www est net. 7rdering Information Catalog Number Description Ship Wt. White Fin�sh Red Fm�sh Ibs(kg) G1-HDVM G1R-HDVM Genesis Horn-Strobe(selectable 15,30,75,or 110 cd output,selectable high/low d6 output) G1-VM G1 R-VM Genes�s Strobe(selectabie 15,30,75,or 170 cd output) G1-HD G1R-HD Genesis Temporal Horn(selectable high/low dB output) G1-P G1 R-P Genesis Steady Horn(not compatible with Genesis Signal Master) 0 25 G1F-HDVM G1RF-HDVM Genes�s Hom-Strobe(selectable 75,30,75,or 110 cd output,selectable high/low dB output) (0��� —with'FIRE'markmg G1F-VM G1 RF-VM Genesis Strobe(selectable 15,30,75,or 110 cd output)—with'FIRE"marking G7F-HD G1 RF-HD Genesis Temporal Horn(selectable high/low dB output)—wrth'FIRE'marking G1F-P G1RF-P Genes�s Steady Horn with°FIRE"marking (not compatible w�th Genesis Signal Master) Mountmg Accessor�es G1T G7RT Genesis Tnm Plate(for two-gang or 4"square boxes) 0 15(0 7) G1T-FIRE G1 RT-FIRE Genesis Tnm Plate(for two-gang or 4'square boxes)with"FIRE'markmgs 0 15(0 7) 27193-7f 27193-11 One-gang surface mount box 7 (04) Synchrc�-.ization Modules G1M Genesis Signai Master—Snap-on Mount - � 0 1 (0 5) G1M-RM Genesis Signal Master—Aemote Mount(1-gang) �iGA-CC1S Intelligent Synchronization Output Module(2-gang) 0 5(0 23) SIGA-MCC15 Intelligent Synchronization Output Module(Piug-in UIO) 0 18(0 OS) �""�`"?� Genesis Horn-5trobes may "�'� ' be ordered m red or ?�"� . whde,withorwithout �3�� � � 'FIRE'marking. � ��s�-�,�k, -� �4����� � WARNING:These dewces wiil not operate wdhout electncal power As fires frequently cause power interruptions,we suggest you discuss turther safeguards with your local fira protection specialist Thesevisiblesignalappiiances'flashintensitymaynotbeadequatetoalertorawakenoccupantsmtheprotectedarea ResearchindicatesthattheiMensityotstrobeneeded to awaken 90%of sleeping persons is approximately 100 cd EST recommends that strobes m sleeping rooms be 110 cd minimum Genesis and FuIlLight Strobe Technology are trademarks of Edwards 5ystems Techno%gy, /nc. �`''"'� EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY It�sourmtentiontokeeptheproductinformaLOncurrerrtandaccurate Wecannotcoverspecficapp6cationsorant�cipateaiirequirements. All spec�caUOns are sub�ectto changewrthout not�ce For more�nforrnaLOn or queshons relative to th�s Specfication Sheet,contact EST �2002 EST Prirrted m USA {ongin} Page 8 of 6 Literature Sheet#85001-0573 Issue 1 Not to be used for Instailation purposes Far the moat current Iiterature and updatee v�sit www est.net AproductofESTMarkeung,Saresota,FL �� ��'���ISH EDWARDSSYSTEMSTECHNOLOGY�M NOTIFICATION APPLIANCES � ..,�`�;''«,d��,��„'�;;„?: ,�.�.,:. �,. �r�.. '�:�, �. y���,�� &� ��w.ak^�+f^A' �'xat"+k� a�� x"+�' zy' ��'m'�.if� x`AF' s4e.:.,r. �enesis Speakers and Strobes ���`�"����'�����'����%�� F� �r�����;�»��������� ��� Genesis G4 Series ���.��*���.,;��"����������� ��g � ��' - w�,*�����,���'����`'�`���--�� Features _ �;��,�,����.�.�������y���� X��� . `•�'���'��'�����*,�a������dn��� Q �1 Unique low-profile design ' :��`�'µ�����`�{��. �:i'�'��i'`y������r� �� �s.+�:"�' �� �. �,��M`��.y�r,��^i�.���;'$�',,:���F����i�,��' . — The most compact UUULC hsted speaker-strobe available � �� �,� ��`�,�� ��:���y�-����-� �,r �� — Ultra-shm,protrudesamereonemchfromthewall '�"����� ¢�"�,�4>'� �`��;�x�� ��������� ,� — Attractivea earance novisiblemountm screws � - '� ���� � � � Pp , 9 ,����A �' ��.` `a�.�'�,� �'���` � - �'�'��` ,����'����`���'�''��"q'�� `,�i �t Field configurabie—no need to remove the device[ �r �-��.���� �� ; � ��; - — Select/a,/z,1,or 2 watt operation and 15,30,75,or 110 : � �.�a���b� M�' a{;�•l t .���'�'�'u��" candelaoutputwithconvernentswitchesthatremain i t'.�. ��� 1 , �tl� �G� � a ; � visible even after the unrt is instal/ed ���� '� , ,; ��� �E �� � ■ Un aralleled erformance ''�x� � �� �`"t � `�� �t��,t' ��% +'°'° p P �,�,ro�kr�� ����,F � , .��, �1 — Ioud 90 dBA output ensures clear,cnsp audio Patentspendmg`��;;,� ,�7 k ` ,y� a� �'„,,��� � c? — ExciusiveFullLight'"strobetechnologyproducestheindustry's :�.���x,'��,.:� �� - �F mostevenhghtdistnbution °°���'x�:��-;�;�;,����`"� *Pending — Precisiontimingelectrorncsmeettoughnewsynchromzing standardsforstrobeswhenusedwithcompatibilemodules STROBES:Thankstopatentedbreakthroughtechnology,Genesis — Lowcurrentdrawmmimizessystemoverhead strobesdonotreqwrebulkyspecularreflectors Instead,an ��.✓ — Highlyregulatedm-rushcurrentallowsthemaximum exciusivemask-and-cavirydes�gnchannelsandconditionslightto numberofstrobesonacircuit produceahighlycontroliabledistnbutionpattern Intensive — Industry'sfirsttemporalstrobeoutput developmentefFortsemploymgthisnewtechnologyhavegiven — 25 VAMS and 70 VAMS models available,ali supplied with a DC nse to a new benchmark in strobe performance—FuilLight'" blocking capacitor for audio circuit supervision technology. � Easytoinstall FuIlLightstrobetechnologyproducesasmoothlightdistnbution — Fitsallstandard4"squareelectricalboxeswithplentyof patternwithoutthespikesandvoidscharactensticofspecular room behind the signal for extra wire—no extension nng or reflectors.This ensuresthe entire coverage area receives consis- trim p/ate needed tentdlummationfrom the strobeflash — Simple�umpersnipssetstrobeflashrates AIIGenesisstrobesself-synchronizewheninstalledwiththe — #18-#12AWGterm�nals—idealforiongruns,existmgwiring GenesisSignalMasterorSlGA-CC1Smodule Strobeflashesfrom _,� Approved for public and private mode appl�cations devices on the same circwtsynchronize towithin 10 milliseconds UL 7971-listed as signaling devicesforthe heanng impaired and of each otherindefinite/y This exceeds the revised UL standards m UL 1638-listed as protectrvevisuai signaling appliances effectas of November,2000,which specifythis level ofsynchroni- zat�on over only two hours Speaker-strobesfeature 15,30,75 or 110 candefa output, Descri ption selectablewith a conveniently-located switch on the bottom ofthe l"he Genesis line of signals arethe smallest,most compact dewce The candela setting remains clearly visible even afterfinal audible-visible emergency s�gnalmg devices m the world Protrud- installation �ng no more than one mch from the wall,Genesis speakers and SPEAKERS All Genesis s eakers mclude a DC ;peaker-strobesblendwithanydecor ��t����ti ' P T ������� blockmg capacitor to allow electncai supervision �'� ��-;�.�q`Gs�- '�. ofthe audio distribution circuit Models for 25 Signalsfeaturetextured housings in archrtecturallyneutralwhite or �;��`,�:x;�. °' uRMS and 70 VRMS circuits are avadable The m traditional fire alarm red An ingemous iconographic symbol � "�"G�� , ylar ' indicates the purpose of the device.This universal symbol is code- ' �� speakerwrth its sealed backconstruction pro- r_omphant and is easily recognized by all building occupants � �° s vides extra durabihty and improved audibiDry. ;egardless ofwhatlanguagetheyspeak Speaker-oniy '/a W to 2 W operation is selectable with a un�t conveniently-locatedswitchonthebottomofthe GenesisdevicesarefullycompatGblewithEnhancedlntegnry device Thewattagetapsettingremainsclearly signals.The two product lines may be mixed on the same circuit. visible even afterfinal installation �,,,./ EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHIHOLOGY U S SALES SARASOTA,FL941-739-4638,FAX941-727-1214 • CANADASALES OWEN SOUND,ON 519376-2430,FWC51&376-7258 INTERNATIONALSALES 90�r270-1711,FAX90�r27Q9553 • CORPORATEHEADQUARTERS CHESHIRE,CT • US MANUFACTURING PITTSFIELD,ME Issue 3 Llterature Sheet#85001-0549 Pege 7 of 4 Not to be used for instellation purposes For the most current litereture and updates visit www est net \`'"�peakerAppl ication Non-Sleeping Roomsand Corridors:Genesis strobes rated atless than 110 cd per UL 1971 are intended for use in non-sleeping areas The suggested sound pressure level for each signaling zone used only Install withthe bottom ofthe device atleast80 inches(2 0 m) with alert or alarm signals is a minimum of 15 d8 above the and no more than 96 mches(2.4 m)abovethefinishedfloor No point average ambient sound level or 5 dB above the maximum sound m any space(including corridors)required to have strobes should level having a duration of at least 60 seconds,whichever is greater. be more than 50feet(15 2 m)from the signal(in the horizontal This is measured 5feet(1 5 m)above the floor The average plane) ambientsound level isthe RMS,A-weightedsound Typ�wlSoundOutput Inlargeroomsorspaces(suchasauditoriums)thatexceed pressure measured over a DistnbutiondBA 100 feet(30 4 m)across and without obstructions more than 72 Measuredmanechoicchamber mches(1 8 m)above the finished floor,strobes ma be laced 24-hourpenod Y P around the penmeter,spaced a maximum of 100feet(30 4 m) Doublingthedistancefrom apart Thisisanalternativetosuspendingstrobesfromtheceding the signal to the ear will 9 0 theoreticallycausea6dB 5ft(15m) Fordetailedspacingrequirements,consultTheHandbookof reduction in the received Radlus Vis�b/e Not�fication Appliances for Fire A/arm Applications sound pressure levei The published by EST Press,or contactyour local EST representative 1 Oft(3 05m) actual effectdepends on the 3 Radius Sleeping rooms:Genesis 110 cd strobes are intended for use m acoustic properties of 9 ° sleeping rooms and should be mstalled along with a smoke matenals in the space detector It must be wall mounted at least 80"(2 03m)above floor Doubling the poweroutput level,but no closer than 24"(610mm}to the ceiling The distance of a device(e g •a speaker from the strobe to the p�llow must not exceed 16'(4 8m) from 1 W to 2W)wdl mcrease the sound pressure level by B Sleeping Rooms EST wall mounted strobe 3dBA A3dBAdifference Any size 110 cd within 16 feet of pillow representsabarelynotice- Genes�ssenesconesPeakedsaobe able change m volume Application Notes - USA Audible signals m the public mode should never have a sound level StrobeApplication Iessthan75dBAat10'(3m)perNFPA72 Signalscannotexceed120 enesis strobes are UL 1971-listed for use indoors as wall- dBA perADA(130 dBAper NFPA72)atthe minimum heanng `�rnounted pubhc-mode notification appliancesforthe heanng distanceto audible apphance impaired Prevailingcodesrequirestrobestobeusedwhere Strobeandcombinationspeaker/strobcdevicesshouldbe�nstalled ambient noise conditions exceed 105 dBA(87dBA in Canada), withthe bottom ofthe device at Ieast80 inches(2 0 m)and no more where occupants use hearing protection,and m areas of public than 96 inches(2 4 m)abovethefinishedfloor Speakersshould be accommodationasdefinedmtheAmericansw�thDisabditiesAct m�talle�lwiththeirtopsnotlessthan6uiches(752mm�bQlovYrhe (see appl�cation notes-USAJ. ceding and not lessthan 90 inches(2 3 m)above the finished floor. GenesisstrobesaresynchrornzedandUL-listedforuseinboth Strobesmustbeusedtosupplementaudiblesignalswhereverthe sleeping and non-sleeping areas They are intended for indoor average ambient sound level exceeds 105 dBA Combination wall-mountapplicationsoniy.Combinationspeaker-strobesignals audible/visualsignalsmustbeinstalledinaccordancewithNFPA mustbeinstaliedinaccordancewithgwdelinesestablishedfor guidelinesestablishedforstrobes . strobe devices ADA reqwres visible s�gnals in the following areas• Strobe Spacing • restrooms,meetingrooms,andothercommonuseareas. The followmg gwdelines are based on ANSI/NFPA72Nationa/Fire • sleeping rooms intendedfor use by persons with hearmg Alarm Code(1999) When applied and installed in accordance with impairment(m accordance with Title 1 ofADA) thatcode,Genesis strobes meetorexceed the dlumination • work areas used by a person with a heanng impairment(per produced by the ADA-specified 75 candela(cd)strobe at 50 feet* Title 1 of ADA). Non-Sleepmg Rooms EST wall mounted strobes* Up to 20'x 20'(6 1 m x 6 1 m) One 15 cd strobe Application Notes - Cenada (Based m part on 1995 Canada National Bwiding Code) Up to 30'x 30'(9 1 m x 9.1 m) One 30 cd or two 15 cd strobes The fire alarm signal sound pressure level shall not exceed Up to 40'x 40'(12 2 m x 12 2 m) One 75 cd or two 30 cd strobes ��0 dBA in any normally occupied area The sound pressure Up to 50'x 50'(15 2 m x 15 2 m) One 110 cd or two 75 cd strobes levei from an audible signai m a floor area used for occupancies Corr�dors other than resident�al occupancies shall not be less than 10 dBA above ambient levels,and never less than 65 dBA In sleepmg 15 cd strobes spaced at 100' rooms the sound pressure level from an audible signal shall not Any length. (30 5 m)max.Strobes must be be less than 75dBA when any intervernng doors between the Maximum width 20'(6 1m) placed within 15'(4 5m)of each device and the sleeping room are closed Audible stgnal devices end of the corndor shall be installed not less than 1 8 m to the center of the device 1DA suggests us�ng 75 cd strobes throughout an area,with spacing that never above the floor(per CAN/ULC 5524). `�,",�.,iceeds 50ft from the sUobe to any pomt in the protected space EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Page 2 of 4 Litereture Sheet#85001-0549 Issue 3 Not to be used for installatPon purposes _ For the most current literature and updates visit www est net `✓ The fire alarm audible signal shall be supplemented byfire alarm occupanciesinwhich musicand othersoundsassociatedwith strobes m anyfloor area where the ambient noise level exceeds 87 performances could exceed 100 dBA.Strobes shall be installed in a dBA,orwheretheoccupantsofthefloorareauseearprotective bwldingsothattheflashfromonedeviceisvisiblethroughoutthe devices,are located withm an audiometric booth,or are located floor area or portion thereof m which they are installed For withm sound insulating enclosures.This also applies to assembiy maximum safety,EST recommends thatstrobes be installed as per the g wdelmes shown here under Strobe Spacing �Specifiications Genesis Speakers and Speaker-Strobes liousmg Red or whrte textured UV stabdized,color impregnated engmeered plast�c Exceeds 94V-0 UL flammabdity ratmg. Dimensions Height 6 5"(165 mm).Width.5"(127 mm) Depth to wall. 1"(25 mm). i Mountmg Flush North-American 4"square box,2 1/8"(54 mm)deep. ;(indoor wall mount only) Surface:model G4B(white)or G4RB(red)surface mount box. Wire Connect�ons Screw terminals.separate polanzed inputs for speaker and strobe, #18 to#12 AWG(0 75 mm2 to 2 5 mmz)wire size �Operating environment 32-120°F(0-49°C)ambient temperature,0-93%relative humidity. Agency Listmgs UL 1971,UL 1638,UL 1480,ULC 5526,ULC S541,CSFM,(FM and MEA pending) � (All models comply with ADA Code of Federal Regulation Chapter 28 Part 36 Final Rule) Speakers InpuUOperating Voits 25 VRMS or 70 VRMS See ordenng mformation i Speaker Taps/Output• 2 W=90 dBA, t W=87 dBA,�h W=84 dBA,�/a W=81 dBA I Speaker Cone Speaker frequency response.250 to 5,000 Hz.Optimized for voice intelligibdity � 4-inch(102mm)mylar cone,sealed back construction,rated for 8 watts,8 ohm voice cod Strobes �Strobe output ratmg UL 1971,UL 1638,ULC S526 15 cd,30 cd,60 cd,75 cd or 110 cd � �:�trobe Operating Voltage 20 to 31 Vdc(continuous).20-27 Vdc FWR(full wave rectified). �:�trobe Flash Rate One flash per second IAll strobes one flash per second(tps)within 200 mill�seconds over 30 minutes on common circwt i'�trobe Flash Synchronization With optionai synchronizat�on module.one fps within 10 milliseconds indefimtely(exceeds UL 1971). + Temporal setting(private mode only) synchronized to temporal output on the same circuit. �Compatible Synchronization G1M-RM,SIGA-CC1S SIGA-MCC1S Modules . (Flash tube enclosure Clear polycarbonate *Measured rn reverberation room using 400-4,000 Hz band/imrted pink noise per UL 1480 Strobe Operatmg Current Light �utput Mean(rms) (per cent of UL ratmg versus angle) ( Candela 75 30 75 110 _ Irat�ng --saw�a.i.NS,.� ; —xoru�a.i.vsw�. a 20 VdC 65(78) 93(101) 182(188) 238(245) .,,T e;•a . +, ,s �� 24 VdC 55(65) 78(86) 153(159) 196(203) ,s°°��,�oS.�"�'}� f ,+�'�,��� >'°,s ] 31 Vdc 45(53) 63(69) 120(124) 151 (157) „'° �i.k�,���q}� � ¢�� * �,��.'°� { 20 Vfwr 56(106) 79(147) 147(264) 197(342) ; � x� � k t r��'�' x �ss j 24 Vfwr 50(95) 68(130) 121 (225) 155(283) �605`�� k ���,'���� {f��' �����° � 27 Vfwr 44 84 60 115 107 200 137 251 ;-;''�""�,��kt �' $�R � � 6S � ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) „ 4�..��,,..�` �`� s�z � �,�,�„�*'`��o .a., �.�� . �!y. y�' .ao�....� "'"'�"^K�'�r S;?�j� ��"��_ '"`�RR ..-�i'eo a-" .es a_...,,,,y�*7-."w`,.��_ ��yF�^+��,�'.�;,+,� .'n.a-t"'�,-r,�''..- � ^".�-wy.J„�,,,�y.H,� ���Fs��..�.s�`:".: o«}1�' -f�+^+"w.r.....86 ' mmmwl.un �� ° �� e n muhnnso � „Mmfum UL required candela light ou[put n � \� EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Issue 3 Literature Sheet#85001-0549 Page 3 of 4 Not to be used for installatlon purposes For the most current literature and updetes vfsit www est net - �-(nstallation and Mounting Wiring Allmodelsareintendedformdoorwallmountedapplicationsonly FieldwiringisconnectedtoGenesissignalswithterminalsthat Speakersandspeaker-strobesareflushmountedtoallorth- accommodate#18to#12AWG(075mm2to25mm2)winng. Amencan 4"square electncal box,2'/e'(54 mm)deep or a European Speaker�ony Wining 100 mm square box Signals may be surface mounted to a Genesis TolistetlfirealarmcmVOlpanN— — surface-mou nt box(see ordenng i nformation for details) (�+P�'�sed ampllfieraignal drwit —252ar70Nmis)} t Two tabs at the top ofthe signai unlock the cover to facditate mounting TheshallowdepthofGenesisdevicesleavesample room behind the signal forextra wmng Once installed with the Po�� sn��� a To��n ae��ce cover m place,no mounting screws are visible. alarmcondihon ���� �� wenaornna y � y � y devlte v + � fl y U� � x - �—Slandard dectnc 6ar p �-�� ��?� `}*a��a���� "�ta': tJ V �J V ���'/ - 4`�"�'j- � �'�, ��Z�mml �jf '�::�' , ,�s£9' SpeakerStrobe Wiring � ..�:�,9'v�•<- — ':- � �;� ,`� Ta Iisted 11ro alartn contrd pand— �„� ��.� � ��"'"y�,-��: (supeMsed amplMer ai9nel tlrwi[ - � �'?';�.5- —252ot70.Nrma)} + � ��i�s��R�a Ta Iisled fire aieim control penel— �' "�{ (supemscd sgnal d�cuR � �'��� —20�24 Vdc)} ,F GmunElnp plale N1' r� �, �°' r���.!!:� P�olviry shown In ia nezt donm E Y';�� v�a'�fi✓ lermcondihon rendoflino e ;�,,, �.���� .� ,��� �_ � c) � m m o vr tn aar< �c � � * �+ � f" � ImLJ V VtJ"N �' oouonal color-matched Sur(ace moun(bmc ESTrecommendsthatthesefirealarmspeaker-strobesalwaysbe Ordering Information installed in accordancewith the latest recogmzed edition of national td local fire alarm codes Catalog Number Description Ship Wt `�./ White Red lbs(kg) Field Configuration Speakers and Speaker•Strobes Genesis speakers may be setfor'/<,Yz,1,or 2 watt operation.The G4-S2 G4R-S2 25 Volt Speaker wattage setting is visible through a small wmdow on the bottom of the�ievieeand iseMaRged b�sitrjplysHt�rng t#es�vrtet�ti+�ti�#he 25 Volt Speaker-strobe with desired settin a G4-S2VM G4R-S2VM selectable 15,30,75,or g ppears m the window.The speaker does not have 110 cd output 1 5 to be removed to change the wattage. G4-S7 G4R-S7 70 Volt Speaker (0 68) Genesis speaker-strobes may be setfor 15,30,75,or 110 candela 70 Volt Speaker with output The outputsetting isvisiblethrough a smallwindowon the G4-S7VM G4R-S7VM selectable 15,30,75,or bottom of the device and is changed by simply sliding the switch 110 cd output untd the desired setting appears m the window.The speaker-strobe does not have to be removed to change the output Accessories G1M-RM Synchronization Output 0 1 u�.mac.naemswrccnenane Tochanpechobe6�lemporel Module (1-gang) (0 5) WeMepa sxihh M aet tleeire0 ope�eHOn (pfiVate mo0e)M J% SIGA-CC1S Intelligent Synchronization 0 5 r °-� � - Output Module(2-gang) (0 23) �� "'4 __ � Synchromzation Output 0 18 SIGA-MCC1S � O � �'�� , Module(Plug-in UIO) (0 O8) eonom��, 0 7 c.�dN.�,��n w.�e..,�nun — G4B G4RB SurFace mount box (0 32) e��ts'2 -�a�-�g�--�' x�°aw�^�,� s� ���y Genesiss eaker-stro5esma alsobeconfi uredfortem orai �"�`���� C"�`� ° �''� r ���� �°���� `�� p Y 9 P 'i`r T"a�°a �x"�"'"1 z.*,�,v � � �+,�c$.,ry��i�.4�..� t �.-a,'°�i'�"'�"�°� flash This battery-saving feature is�ntendedfor pnvate mode �,�1a�Sin9s,�'�Y�a�ab�e�'bv�et1lx��"�IR��p.rm�t�in�s�� �P�# {'�� ,� �A'�h�M Y� YR4% C i3�a'9 C!'S d signahng only To set the device for temporal flash,snip the arcwt � '� �,3`� � � ��E�^�� � ;` � ��.'� � "£�'� �7os°'�et���ipu�mi�s�"wat�rfF���t���ar'l�mgs:�" � board as shown in the Jumper Locations diagram above. a $� ���,� „� ����y �� �� �-:�r,� ���,,-�, �� F�ase�a�;,��e�o�e the�YAh�r�tr�t�e"txtQ�t°'e4����- WARNING Thesedev�ceswdlnotoperatawrthoutelectricalpower Asfvesfrequentlycause �`��'� ��"��a����`�t"�^� s����'� � �` '° � �' owerinterru tions,wesu ����������� ���TM'�� �`� ������ �� � � p p ggestyoudiscussfurthersafeguardswithyourlocalfireprotec- „��� ���w�����,� � ,�,��� "''�„ ���^,a'� ����y n�� twn specialist Research indicates that the mtensity of strobe needed to awaken 90%of �A�{�����"«�p3�� �`��' z���z .� � x ���, f n4�zx� sleepingpersonsisapprowmately100cdESTrecommendsthatstrobesmsleepingrooms � y� $��w��'^��'��t��'��c', �,�'";'��-��� �����, 5esetto110cdminimum �'�t� �"'��n �,�i*4�c���'���+�''^��,�,°�';,,��.�'��,� �+�� .d.� ,� >c �^"F. �"43�`n�'�� ��4����� q �ri y.�"�°nTr� ��.a���#� �chnology,/n�ilLightStrobeTechnologyarei�ademarksofEdwardsSysiems ,�,�,,����� r�,�*� ���� €Q���'Ka�a,�`�'����� t�� a����M n���� �� x��`$� '���"�-y+��'` ....�«-a_i�iF'���i�"�xa�c.�a�ti:��,�i•�.'7�e�d.'.i`i. u��r.A.�:�k.�i��:�Z.'�a£d EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Page 4 of 4 L.rterature Sheet#85007-0549 Issue 3 Not to be used for installatlon purposes For the most current literature and updates visit www est net i ���E��STM �"'� EDWARDSSYSTEMSTECHNOLOGY� NOTIFICATION APPLIANCES . Genesis Signal Master ���a�S,>.;�•.w uM.'�5.., G 1 M Senes � F�, ; � � , z'��b���'�,��s����a��°�,�°� �� s." °� ��< ''� o^. ^ �x r L� � Fi F S 3�r � � � Y S Features � �� � , - Y � E � , _-, ..., y n` � FM ��� � J ■ Provides precision synchromzation for all strobes on the same �x� a�°'� , ``���. � � � + 9 °:� � � `— circurt ` . ��.�'` y�.,,, ��f� � � , �'fi _ �: � ..�.Y� �� K�;ka�.'� �e'3y���H'J�i,�s'" .'_J ■ Delivers independent horn control overtwo w�res • � ,r `, � k� ,��: � " fi , � � ��a�..*._ � N��'. MEA ■ Two methods of horn control:traditional NAC signal sdence; ;F r, ,�„ ry, or,normally-closedcontact �° �. �� �E �FZ��� ,� ��"r'�`'t.�`ry£��w � ^a`�s���"k� �n?� �"� a^ Na, ■ Convenient snap-on or single-gang remote models zr: ��� F5��� �j�� ��� ,�,L ;H. s'�� p.. � ���`P, `� :x `�� ��.��.�a�' .ac�a�,��'�.,�tr :u'• i C ■ Only one module required per circuit '� kF ��' '� � �";��' �� �r:"k�:` ' ��4 s ���� � ���� �. �,,.;»ny:<�..< .�,;��: v-:��::�. :���_�,��� ..�....,. , �., ■ 3 amp rating(G1M-RM only) Oneormorepatents � " pending �� Description Application The Genesis S�gnalMaster MndLleisa simple-tn-useaccessnry Th��ignal Masie�is ide�lfor r�trofiLapph�atin�n��athere prec�sion thataddsenhancedfeaturestoGenesisstrobesandhorn-strobes.it synchronizationisrequired.Fornewapplications,itisaperfect isadual-purposemodulethatprovidesprecisionsynchronization companiontoGenesishorn-strobes,providingnotonlyprecision forconnectedstrobes,andindependentcontrolforconnected synchronization,butalsomdependenthorncontrolforconnected horns over a smgle pair of wires. devices.This allows the operatorto silence horns while strobes on thesamecircuitremain active. All Genesis strobes are self-synchromzmg.Butwhen installed with theSignalMaster,strobeflashesfromdevicesonthesamecircuit Twomountmgoptionsensuretrouble-freemstallationoftheSignal are synchrornzed to within 10 milliseconds of each other�ndefi- Master Module.The Genesis piggyback model doesn't require a nitely.This exceeds the revised UL standards in efFect as of separate electrical box It simply snaps to the back of the first November2000,which specifythis level ofsynchronization over signal on the circwt.The remote mountmodel mounts�n a North onlytwo hours American 2Yz inch(64 mm)deep one-gang box.It may also be mounted to any SIGA-MP mountmg plate,or on the rails prov�ded When installedwith Genesis horn-strobes,the Signal Master inside BPS Remote Booster Power Supply cabinets. permits independent horn control(on,off,and coded signals)over a single pair ofwires.Two methods of horn control are available: traditional NAC signal silence;or,normally-closed contact.Both methods may be used to silence horns withoutturning off strobes on the same circwt. �� 1 EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY US.SALES.SARASOTA,FL941-739�638,FAX941-727-1214 • CANADASALES.OWENSOUND,ON51937G2430,FAX519�76-7258 INTERNATIONALSALES:90�r270-1711,FAX905�270-9553 • CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS.CHESHIRE,CT • U.S.MRNUFACTURING.PfTTSFIELD,ME Issue'1 Literature Sheet#85001-0645 Page'1 of 4 _ Not to be used for installation purposes Class B Wiring Horn silence/synchronization with two NACs ��' cnwi.aa�rM..v + + + + �► - �4 �4 �� NAC1 NAC1 + + +ShobOlnput �obe Input To next deviee � (conLnuous or end M lifre � � �/� -voMaga onty) device 1�11L1 V PA,J�J � + To next device or _ NAC 2 ��o� entl of One devea _ , Hom Input . (eonen�ous • Remotemountmodel(G1M-RM) or eoded) e o .e P�ggybackmodel(G7 M) NAC2 + TonextGlMRMor Hom Input _ end of fine res�stor + Note Polarfty shown In aiarm mndNm Hom arcult can be niknced without Wmug oft strobes Horn Silence/Synchronization with one NAC and one dry contact w�c� + Strobe Input � � °enaw�� (contmuous Signature + H volfage only) Dafa Loop + ,F " , �; NAC 1 • �1�I + + �'� Strobe Input �� To next device � � y � G7 M-RM To ne�R devroa or or end Of IInB K}il Fi K I end oF Iine devics deWee ImIC.J V �� •i.6 ,/ r ° ° Remotemountmodel(G1M-RM) SIGA-CR/MCR SIGA-CR P�99Ybackmodel(G1M) �► �' ' ruoe. 0 o Pdanty shown m alartn cond�6en Hom cirw)t ean ba sibnred withoutNming otf strobea DaW m(+) Deta M(+J G7 M-RM SIGA CR,and wire nut must ba Deta in() pa��(_) Ixated in the same MFC or Boorter Power Supply panel � Synchronization with one NAC OnWI�SpnY MuW + �. �- " � + � + ; ,. � To next deace � ' �"-•� ' - w dewcer� 1��V � ■� '•-,•; + G M-RM To pezt devicy or ; ��y,a„ NAC � end W fine devke _ Hom Input .r.s " + • � Remotemourttmodel(G1M-RM) 0 0 Piggybackmodel(G7 M) 'P Naa NAC Input + Pokriry shorm hf elartn condPoon _ The homa un not 6e s0enad xnthout Nming olt tha strobee Notes • Only one Signal Master�s requiredfor each horn,strobe,or horn-strobe cvcurt. • The strobe circuit ofthe S�gnal Master requires a dedicated NAC. • The Horn circuit of the Signal Master cah be cascaded with otherGenesis Signal Master modules on one NAC. • Strobe NAC circuit must be continuous m alarm mode. • When determining allowablewire resistance,refertovoltage ratmg ofthe Genesis Signal Master,the signaling device,and the control panel specifications.Forsynchronization,maximum allowable resistance between anytwo devices i�the same '�� viewing area is 20 Ohms. EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Page 2 of 4 Uterature Sheet#85001-0646 Not to be used for fnstallation purposes Issue 1 Class A Wiring �� ClassAwinngreqwrestheSlGA-UMorSIGA-MAB. - Class Awith Horn Silence using SIGA-MAB and SIGA-MCR modules ClassAwithout Horn Silence using a SIGA-MAB module ,'�'���''v�'"� ����'���� ,��,/�'%,r.,,.�r�;.e� °�if � .. �y � �.,y s�,.,�t ,� r � 'S�!'; .,.wi a�� "•a �,. . <� s�. " .�y .. '� !a' '�, .-� ;� "�'� z s.3� y"�x� .-h.. ; 3 Y: .l�^.K(� a� �Q: .�A A� � ) '� Jumper ,�, �`: Jumper �" � r � Installed ' Installed :.. '$ �.3: ' . �.,' 3 3rz< e k . Genesfs Hom,Strobe o� p � �� `; Genes�s Hom, Genes(s Hom,Strobe ;`� ��� 6 Y a or Hom-Stroba wfth � ���.. it �? k,�,� SVobe,or or Hom-Stro6e wiN �.� � � Genesis Ham, G1M Signal Master - Hom-Strobe e^� � � Q SVObe,or G1M Signal Master �� ,,�.r�' �" ,<.&.: -:� Hom-Strobe SIGA-UIO(R)series SIGA-UIO R �x a� �z�4 motherboard �x a s motherboard�senes + t � ,�£� vy. „ r: Data In "—'- Riser 1 Out * ' o � o i—�= Data In_ :s� �� : �,_+ Riser 1 Out Signature z o � o � � . +�+ Poser 1 In � '—+- Riser 1 In Data Clrcuit '���' Signature o � . +---�+ � - Data Circwt �i 1 � s � } DafaOut� � ? 3�� ��� . �.; DataOut+ Q �M �� �� Remove � a: s, l�l .KF S3u c Modula :�s r. ^ reia Remove §;w . ,� �. Jumpers �� �.�s. ..< Module �a�:: '� ` "�" Jumpers z:�%i,�.. ,��� `. . InstalltheJumpers �1z�.�,' belween ed�acent Riser 1 In���+Riser 1 Out modules that use tha � �_ same rfser Rlser 1 In���,+�ger 7 Out ClassAwith Horn Silence using SIGA-UM and 51GA-CR modules ClassAwithoutHorn Silence using a SIGA-UM module ��� n �v s � � ��x; �y,r , � ��: �������: �� �, s�, � �y,,x «��,� � ��,r �s.l£.x '� � Y £ / '' ^ y,` 3d' ��' ��� ' '�: y �.� "�� � �, ; Jumper �, -- � �. JUmp�t �s � ,: a Installed �'�, � � � ��f a. Instatled � _ � . � a� ��, a �' s- u : .` ;._� 3€w �+, s, .�n .'. -'" '� 3 � � , Genesls Hom,Strobe " a ' � e Genesis Hom, Ganes�s Hom,Strobe �� � ' or Hom-Strobe with "� �� ,F � Genesis Hom, ,� t� �. � Strobe,or or HomStrobe wRh a�6 G1M Signal Maeter ,-< ?�,�'�x��. M��`� ...�.Y,;; Hom-Strobe G1M Signal Master ;F:'�� �;'�5,,:. a,c„���; ;� �obe,or • Hom-Strobe Not used Not used T64 �3i1 Te���: �>r,�,�,��::.•,�:..,�; TB4 � ,iH�;�,�� ..3P, :.�:..,...' e��: a-.,,:.,.. :�PY fr��' �saY3-.�9�t���zl4 8'� .�.y Rz �� �.�� r\ .,,,j �., Yyf'1����i�Rf�3!�U 9� '. .; : � � � �v ,� .i, � Z.>� � r �� c,�" '�`� �'�� .�;a ���Y S1GA-U11lI r ,�� � �� SIGA��R,` �� S�1GI��13M ' ` y'� i�x �.� ''"`�a",s��..'�Y'��i -�! -q.z4 g' :.. � ..3�°'g,�£.�`F �i� � E�a, � j ?9 ; � �4#[>.h �F y`i` ; i`3 F �' :.., aY :t 6C d`,fi�'I y p�'..•i� �."re ..>i� .� ,l.e�� A•� >h3 1.. .S:�.Ba^S.;O�P��a'�5.i�.X$R'^.e:�.�7<...��.�s.`p':i TB2 '_,,�� 7;Hi�`< <-g,W ti:��,;a�; x TB2 �',:��� '!'87n�:. Riser out(+) Riser out(+) To next device To next device Riser out(-) R�ser out(-) Riser m + � �From wntrol panal Data out(+) RI58f 1�(+�From control panel Data out(+) Riser�n(-) To next device or EOL res�stor D8t2 OUf(-) �ser in(-) To next devfce or EOL resistor DetO OUt - �) Data�n(+) From Signature ConUoller Data�n(+) From Slgnature Controiler Data in or Previous Devic6 or Prehous Devlce (-) Data m(-) ! EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY - Issue 1 Literature Sheet#85001-0645 Page 3 of 4 Not to be used for installatlon purposes Mounting ��paeebMUlbot Ordering Information Catalog Description Ship Wt. �,,� O Number Ibs(kg) �� ��^'�51pn�""�� G1M Genesis Signal Master E °rr �_ O � �"''�" Snap-on piggyback . ; � ~ Genesis Signal Master 0.1 (0.5) '; y�;; • � G1 M-RM Remote Mount(1-gang) + �,�� �:�� F � - ha � �wk; � �y . � ., +x ��'� � g�.x'.;�s'�:, �%.:. ��:. _ q� Wall qeb(wMs ty�n� ��`�-cin.�'�f� ' �-- , Install the G7 M-RM in a North '�'�,,,,.,,, ���� �.z-r<,,,,<,:,F Amencan one-gang box,3'h"H '-;�h.`.�,,,.,q;,,M.:.� x 2"W x 2�/:'D(95 mm x 5 7 mm InstalltheGlMSignalMasterby z64mm)Itmayalsobe sliding the spade eonneetors into mounted inside BPS Booster the tarminals on the beck of the Power Supplies,or on a SIGA- s�gnal MP mounting plate Specifications � G1M piggyback model G1M-RM remote mount model W�re Connections #18 to#12 AWG(0 75 mmz to 2.5 mmz) North American one-gang boxes Mounting Snaps to back of Genesis device 33�"'H X 2�W X ZY4n D(95 mm x 5.1 mm x 64 mm) and 1'/z inch(38 mm)deep 4 mch square boxes with one-gang covers Circwt Ratmg 2 amps max�mum 3 amps maximum Agency Listings/Approvals UL 1971,UL 1638,UL 464,ULC S525,ULC S526,MEA,FM,CSFM,CE,FCC Synchronizat�on One flash per second within 10 mdliseconds indefmitely Operatmg voltage 20-31 Vdc,24 Vfwr �„� Current Draw �p mq Operatmg temperature range 32-120°F(0-49°C) Operating humidity range 0-93%RH Genesis and FuIlLight Strobe Technology are trademarks of Edwards �'' Sys#ems Techno%gy,lnc. EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY It is our intenUOn to keep the product information current and accurate We can not cover specific applications or anUC�pate all reqwrements All specifications are sub�ect to change without notice.For more mformation or questions relatrve to this Spec�cation Sheet,contact EST m 2001 EST Pnrded m U S A Page 4 of 4 _ Lltereture Sheet#86007-0546 Issue� Not to be used for Installatton purposes '?.> " FS� .�'r � EDWARDSSYSTEMSTECHNOLOGYTM ACCESSORIES e Electromagne�ic Door ��-;m.����;;,'�^, I�olders �� � �'� � � � � Features _ ; ■ Floor and wall mounted styles �� ;-� �;���_� ��ro. I � Lowpowerconsumption � �' �� , ��„�-��: � ■ AC and DC modeis �° _ '"" °° ■ Completely silenY operation ���; � z � ..z„ �'���� �•' � r ' ". ■ 25 Lbf(111N)mm�mum holdmg force '° � MEA `� FM U �1 Ad�ustable,swivel contact plate Description Basic Models EST Electromagnetic Door Holders are ruggedly constructed and Floor Mounted� attractively designed.The hous�ng is finished with an alummum The electromagnet portion consists of a floor plate and a floor color,durable baked polyester powder pamt The floor or wall housing which when installed with gaskets provided,form a sectionhousestheelectromagnetwhilethecontactplateattaches weatherproofelectncal�unctionbox Incomingconduitconnects �� to the door The contact plate has a shock absorbing nylon directly�nto fioor plate and forms an additional meas of anchonng (swivel)ball which allows the plate to ad�ust to any door angle the unitto thefloor Floor units are available in smgle-door or doubie-door(back to Floor mounted units are avadable with one(Cat No.1501)or two back)versions Wall units are availabie m flush or surface (Cat.No 1502)magnetfaces for hoidmg a single door or two , mounted versions. doors back to back. EST door releases should be installed wherever doors may be Wall Mounted � effecUvelyusedtoconfinesmokeandfire,orwherethereleaseofa Walimountedmodelsareavadableinflush,semi-flushandsurface � self-closing doorfrom a remote IocaUon is desirableforother reasons mounting configurations Flush and semi-flush models are de- Fail-safe operation is an inherentfeature of EST door holder- signed for concealed winng applications and mount on standard releases If powerfads,doors are released automatically but may single gang(2 x 4 inch)outlet boxes.Surface mounted models � be opened or closed manually at any time All urnts are free of mount on a surface adaptor housing(�unction box),which is moving parts,are self-contained and require no maintenance. p�ovided � These door hoider-releases have a holding force of approximately � 25 Lbf(111 N) The device holds a door open untd signaled by a ; fire alarm system,heat detector,smoke detector,or electncal switch When actuated the door holders release doors to a closed position,checking the spread of smoke and flames i I i I �� EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHh�LOGY � USSALES SARASOTA,FL941-739�638,FAX947-727-1214 • CANADASALES OWENSOUND,ON519-376-2430,FAX519-3767258 INTERNATIONALSALES 905-270�1711,FAX905-2703553 • CORPORATEHEADQUARTERS.CHESHIRE,CT • U.S.MANUFACTURING.PITTSFIELD,ME j Issue 3 Literature Shaet#85001-0421 Page 1 of 2 I � � `� Specifications Cat.No. Style D�mensions-In Inches(Millimeters) Volts Amps VA ,s�e• 24 AC .110 2 6 1501-AQ 41f2• 413176' I41mm) 24 DC 096 2 3 (114mm) �(722mm)�� ~ Floor Mounted � O � ,��<• 3 714' (Mmm) �Smgle Door) ce3mm> -- 120 AC 0.02 2 4 1501-N5 i-s�a• +sre' 24 AC* 110* 2,6* 1502-AQ ({�mm) +7/e,J (47mm� 24 DC* .096* 2 3* Floor ��(124mm) I� Mounted 1 314• 1-3l4• (Double (p�m� (Mmm) 1502-N5 Door) 120 AC* .02* 2 4* ,�,e• za�a• Z-s�e� 24 AC .110 2 6 � (21 mm)r(70mm)� 1504-AQ j (67mm) 24 DC .096 2 3 Flush Wall O o Mounted O = a,n• ,.ya• (Lo�lg CatCh � (t�<mm) _ (44mm) 1504-N5 Plate) � � 0 120 AC 0.02 2.4 _i— 13I18• 2-3/4• 1.57g' � (21mm)rpomm)� C(qtmm) 24 AC 110 2 6 1505-AQ Flush Wall jO o � 24 DC .096 2 3 Mounted (Short CatCh � ci+mm) O _ ("'m'^) �� 1505-N5 Plate) Q � 0 120 AC 0 02 2.4 i I �zms• z�a• �-�e' 24 AC .110 2 6 1508-AQ � (fi2mmj��omm� � r(47mm) 24 DC .096 2 3 f—T � Surface Wall � ¢��, � �4, Mounted �,+.mm� O _ {44mm) 1508-N5 � 0 120 AC 0 02 2 4 i + "�" z�4� ;tmm� 24 AC .110 2 6 � 1509-AQ j (6mm) r(/OmmJ� � �`c O � 24 DC .096 2 3 � Completely ° ' flush Wall *�n' �4' ' Mounted � �"""'m� � �++�m� � 1509-N5 0 � 0 120 AC 0.02 2.4 "'� EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY i � k�s our mtention to keep the product information current and accu�ate.We can not eover specfic apphcaLOns or anticipate all requirements � All specifications are sub�ect to change without notice For more information or quest�ons relatrve to this Speafication Sheet,contact EST Pnnted m U 5 A m 2000 EST Issue 3 i Page 2 of 2 Lrterature Sheet#85001-0421 "��IW�� �./ ��"s� �5 �"OWARDS SYSTEMSTECMNOLOGY� ��� * ACCESSORIES -r�echargeable Valve =�egulated Sealed � ���a� � <<,�,,§�;a���- r .,, U� `'i�+'f�;,``��i�� - '�:��9'� s�?'�`�S : ��"�`'�'��, ��.�ad-Acid Batteries �� � - ; } � ,,� � �eatures � � � � Rechargeable � - ` ,� . � • :,.� '� Non-spillable ` .�,.;��.� A�ir y, ��s Non-hazardous �n� - � •-..•_.. a ' �-,»�:w. , ' Lowmamtenance _ _ __ �x � = Highenergydensity V �escription Specifiicatio�s ��echargeable sealed lead-acid battenes are ideal for use as a s�condary(standby)power source as defined by NFPA72.Their Case Material ABS Thermoplast�c �� !owmamtenanceandhighenergydensitymakethemidealforfire Regulatory DOTCIass60,Battenes,non-hazardous, �larm signal�ng applications. Information non-spolable Operating 32°F to 120°F(0°C to 49°C) Environment 0 to 93%RH,Non-condensing •��ppfication VVhen multiple power supplies are provided,each power supply's ��atteryrequirementsshouldbecalculatedindividually.Consultthe Ordering Information ��pecific system manual to determine batterycapaciry require- ;nents. Catalog . Number Description Weight Ib(kg) � 12V1A2 1.2 Ah Sealed Lead Acid Battery-12 Vdc 1.25(0 57) Safety Information 12V4A 4Ah Sealed Lead Acid Batte Due to a battery's low mternal resistance and high power rY-12 Vdc 5(2.27) dens�ry,high levels of short circuit current can develop across 12V6A5 6.5Ah Sealed Lead Acid Battery-1 Z Vdc 6(2.72) batteryterminals,Puton protective eye covenng and remove 6V8A 8Ah Sealed Lead Acid Battery-6 Vdc 4(1.81) � all�ewelry before workmg on battenes Do nat rest tools or � cables on the battery,and only use msulated tools. Follow all 6V10A 10Ah Sealed Lead Acid Battery-6 Vdc 5(2 27) manufacturers mstallation mstructions and diagrams when 12V10A 10Ah Sealed Lead Acid Battery-12 Vdc 10�4.45) mstallmg or ma�ntaming batteries. 12V17A 17Ah Sealed Lead Acid Battery-12 Vdc 13(5.90) 12V24A 24Ah Sealed Lead Acid Battery-12 Vdc 20(9 07) 12V40A 40Ah Sealed Lead Acid Battery-12 Vdc 32(14.51) 12V50A 50Ah Sealed Lead Acid Battery-12 Vdc 40{18.14) 12V65A 65Ah Sealed Lead Acid Battery-12 Vdc 49(22.23) ,�✓ EDWqRDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY US SALES SARASOTA,FL941-739-4200,FAX941727-0740 • CANADASALES.OWENSOUND,ON51937fs2430,FAX519-376-7258 INTERNATIONALSALES.905-27Q7711,FAX905�27a9553 • CORPORATEHEADQUARTERS.CHESHIflE,CT • U.S.MANUFACTUAING.PITfSFIELD,ME Issue 1 Lltereture Sheet #SS010-0127 - Not to be used for installetlon purposes. Pe9e 'I of 2 For the most current I�terature end un.�4*ve .,�..�. _ _ ' �✓ \,..r' � , �� EDWARDS SYSTEMS YECHNOLOGY Itisourmtentiontokeeptheproductinformationcurcentandaccurate Wecennoteoverspecificapplicationsoranticipatealirequirements. Alispecificauonsaresub�ecttochangewithoutnotice FormoremformationorquestionsrelativetothisSpecificaUOnSheetcontactEST. m 2002 EST PnMed m U SA Page 2 of 2 Literature Sheet 3Y850 7 0-01 27 � Issue '1 Not to be usad for installetion purposes F�. �ti. ..,.,�. ,....._... ��.---' -- --' � �V' � �,S � ��Y � � ���-���. -�,.��,��,��� �._ �. � �tY� �,.�� � �'� � ■ \`'°J EDWARDSSYSTEMSTECHNOLOGY� CONVENTIONAL INITIATING DEVICES • - Optical Beam ,. Smoke Detector �:-��:;s��;;.: FIRERAY 2000 �^;x ��:s°° _ . :�- . Features "�;A ' ■ Coverage up to 330 ft(100m)x 50 ft(15 24m) -16,000 ftz ;�� '� • � > -��� ;...<�4�. ,. (1,524mZ) � '�z=->= ';r-'�= .. ,.�..,: ■ Usewith prism reflectors � ���' A ' F ��' �- L�,�j�, ����,�y-. � , � s �s-i�:.�" �,���+�� �� 1� : � .� �; < .. � # �. ■ Supervised �����'���� �,� � � �.s,�� Fr�� �� �� �� ��'�-°8.� � r � � ii���.b+q.''� � z �Z� .a�iry�-�` Zs '��` ■ Automaticgaincontrol � �';�� �''``` " �` F F,� � � � A � ,i,,..<'�te"N ) ,4 � aa,e"���., � r.. .,,�: � a � .?�i,�N .>,��s�*..<,M' ..� . ■ Alarm andtroubie contacts � - "`��;� �, � � � ` '"`° ` � .� � � �, > ,. . ■ Controls located at convenient level � ':, k 5 ��3r� , Q �NF�►�E ■ Wide beam angle simplif�es ahgnment and provides stability °����`�'""'�'`"£�':"°.`'""�.°"":.`° ! , \;"'� ■ Lowcurrentconsumpt�on Application Pro�ected beam smoke detectors are ideal for large volume Descri ptio n applications such as atna,warehouses,factones,churches,power stations,and industrial plants.Detection time depends on a TheFireray2000isapro�ectedbeamsmokedetectordesignedto numberoffactorsincludingthelocationofthedetectorswithinthe detect smoke m a large volume.The system is compnsed of ihree protected area,the volume of smoke produced by the fire,roof pieces,a transmitter head,a receiver head,and a control box.The construction andthe ventdation arrangements transmitter pro�ects a modulated infrared light beam to the receiver.Atthe receiver,the signal is sentto the controller,where it For flat ceding applications,smoke typically makes its way into the is analyzed.Ifthere is smoke in the beam path,the receiver's signal detection beam from the point on the ceding directly above the fire is reduced by a level proportional to the density of the smoke. dueto air currents and heat layenng effects.Atthe maximum range When the signal strength is reduced to a level between the of 330 ft(100m)the d�ameter of the beam is approximately 10 ft obscurationthresholdand93%formorethan8to10seconds,the (3m) Forreliabledetection,themaximumdistanceeithersideof fire alarm output relay is activated.The alarm obscuration thresh- the beam axis has been determined to be 25 ft(7 6m) Using this old may be set at 25%,35%or 50%obscuration,depending on spacing yields a maximum total coverage area of 16,500 square the application Reduction m signal strength below 93%is indi- feet(1,524m2).Smokelayenng is overcome by mounting detectors cated as afault condition. suchthatthe beam is belowthe heatlayer and pro�ecting into the smoke layer.Forflat ceding appiicationsthe system is designed to The controller is designed to mount near ground level where it is be mounted approximately 19 mches(482mm)below and parailel convenientformaintenance.Thecontrollerispoweredbythefire totherooforceiling Detectiontimeisincreasedinbwldingswith alarm control panel(FACP)and returns both alarm and trouble peaked roofs should a fire occur atthe fnnges of the protected signalstothe FACP via relay contacts The controllerfeatures an area. No morethan approximately 10 ft(3m)ofthe beam path automaticgamcontrolthatautomaticallycompensatesfor shouldbewithml9in(482mm)ofanywallorpartitionandthe component aging,and dirt on the optical surFaces The optional centerime ofthe beam. installation aid is used to quickly align the beam and a test card is When accessto the opposite wall is restncted orwhere wirmg is supplied with each controllerto perform functional tests. difficult,thetransmitter may be installed ad�acenttothe receiver.A prism isthen mounted on a farwall and used to reflectthe signal from - thetransmitter backtothe receiver.When prisms are used,maximum ��,,� beam length is reduced as shown inthe specification table � EDWARDS SYSTEMS TGCHNOLOGY U S Sf�ILES SARASOTA,FL841739-4200,FAX941-727-074Q • CANADASALES:OWEN SOUND,ON 5193762430,FAX 519�767258 INTERNATIONALSALE$ °05-270-1711,FAX90rr27a9553 • CORPORATEHEADQUARTERS•CHESHIRE,CT • US MANUFACTURING PITTSFIELD6NEWPORT,ME Issue 3 Literature Sheet #85001-0548 Page 1 of 2 Not to be used for installatlon purposes For the most current Ilterature and updates visit www est net Typical Wiring Specifications , Shielded cable recommended for all wmng Controtler � The control urnt must be grounded to the power supply Power Requ�rements Terminate shields outside the control cabmet at the cable Standby 8 5 mA clamp Do NOT let shields enter the cabinet. A�arrn 14 5 mA Use metal�unction boxes oniy, no plastic boxes permitted �utput Relays Alarm Form C rated 0 5 A@ 30 Vdc Relay wirmg E Trouble Form C rated 0 5 A@ 30 Vdc as required ' LED Indicators Alarm � CABLE � �B�E S�gnal High CIAMP � CIAMP Signai Low i Fault RX �j ! Reset Configurable,manual or automatic SIGN LEVEL TEST/RESET � oN�oFF � Dimensions(HxWxD) 10 5 in(260 mm)x 8 5 in(210 mm) �ow�OOHIGH SW5 A � x 3 5 m(89 mm) R +V� N�� n ( We�ght 5 Ib(2 25 kg) Y SIGNAL Rx N!C M � Environment g ov wc TROUBLE L�ED N o R —! Temperature 25°F to 267°F(-4°C to 131°C) N�c � Humidity 93%RH,Non-condensing M � Detector Heads E Beam 100 MA Width 25 ft(7 62 m)either side of transmitter nwsM urcH _ �«�P S Z + centerhne + M TER �% P� y, Length 33 ft(10 m)to 330 ft(100 m) EXTERNAL � d Alarm Threshold 25%,35%,or 50°/a obscuration Tx RESET r ° � Wirmg Reqwrements Transmitter 2 conductor twisted-shielded, 18 AWG(0 7 mm2) `— Receiver 3 conductor tw�sted-shielded,18 AWG(0 7 B R ��P ! CL4MP mm2),330 ft(100 m)max ' Power Reqwrements � Transmitter 5 mA @ 24 Vdc Nominal -ve +ve � Recerver Supplied by controller �ov� �zavdc� �� ;.��_� Dimensions(HxWxD) 3 75 in(95 mm)x 3 25 m(83 mm)x 4 m May be same P S U Remote reset switch -ve =- +ve with Bracket (101 mm) as for control urnt �ov> �zava�� or relay close momentanly p g� Weight with Bracket 14 oz (400 g) PS U (24 Vdc) to reset — Environment Temperature 25°F to 267°F�-4°C to 131°C) Humidity 93%RH,Non-condens�ng Beam Ranges usmg Prism(s) Ordering Information 1 Pnsm 65ft(198m�to82ft(25m) 4 Prisms in a square 82 ft(25 m)to 115 ft(35 m) P/N Description Ship Wt 6 Pr�sms m a rectangle 715 ft(35 m)to 148 ft(45 m) Ib(kg) Construction Zmc Alloy housing fmished m white enam 22310-18-01 Beam smoke Detector Controller 8 5(3 9) with Heads Pnsm 0201-01-A Beam Alignment Aid 1 (45) Dimensions(HxWxD) 4 in(100 mm)x 4 in(100mm)x 5/16 in 23901-00 Pnsm-Beam Detector 0 3(14) (9 mm) ,....>>' EDWARDS SYS i EMS TECHNQLOGY It is our mtent�on to keep the product mformat�on current and accurate We can not cover specific applicat�ons or ant�cipate all reqwrements Ailspecrficationsaresub�ecttochangewithoutnotice Formoreinformat�onorquest�onsrelativetothisSpec�cationSheet,contactEST �2004 EST Printed m U S A (ongm� Page 2 ot 2 Literature Sheet #85001-0548 Issue 3 Not to be used for installetion purposes Fnr fha mnc♦ ���rronr li�n.or��.e e..d ..d..a.... -' ' __. __' --- ' - i � �� Vail Mountain School � Proj ect #82-279 � Manufacturer Model# Descri tp ion EST Local Rail Modules EST3 Control Panels 3-CPU1 Central Processor 3-RS485B Network Comm. Card 3-SDDC Dual Driver Controller 3-LRMF Blank LRM Filler 3-ZA40B 40W Zoned Amplifier Display Module 3-LCD Liquid Crystal Display 3-12SR 12 Switch Display Mod. � Power Supplies 3-PPS/M Pnmary Power Supply 3-BBC/M Booster Power Supply BPS6 Remote Booster Power Supply Cabinets and Chassis 3-CHAS7 Chassis for 7 LRMs 3-RCC21R Red Remote Chassis Cabinet w/ cover 3-CAB14B Back Box w/14 LRM Space 3-CAB14D Door Assembly 3-BATS Battery Shelf Annunciators 3-LCDANN LCD Annunciator RLCM/B Flush Box Audio/ Telephone Controls 3-ASU/4 Audio Source Unit � � �✓ a ��� 1 �� ��� Vail Mountain School ��5 Proj ect #82-279 �v lS Manufacturer Model# Description GL EST Signature Series Devices SIGA-CR Control Relay Module SIGA-CT1 Single Input Module SIGA-CT2 Dual Input Module SIGA-CC 1 S Signal Module SIGA-278 Double Action Station SIGA-PS Intel. Smoke Detector SIGA-SB4 Standard Base SIGA-HRS 135°Heat Detector SIGA-DH Duct Detector Housing '�..� SIGA-SB Standard Base SIGA-LED Remote Light Indicator 6261-006 Air Sampling Tube SIGA-DTS Test Station Genesis Series G1RF-VM Strobe, red w/fire G4R-S7VM 70 Volt red Speaker; Strobe G1M-RM Remote Mount Door Holder/Releases 1505-NS Flush, Wall Mount Batteries 12V6A5 12 Volt 6.5 AH Battery 12V65A 12 Volt 65 AH Battery ,L�1�� FCI � Custom Additions � ��..� �� Fire Ray Beam Detector S /� 5� 1 �✓ a �D' N+ � 1�� � Vail Mountain School ��5 Pro'ect #82-2 � '� ; � 79 � ; lS Manufacturer M �- �� odel# Descnption C i EST � ►�1�r��'����� Signature Series Devices (1z.! SIGA-CR Control Relay Module �I , SIGA-CT1 Single Input Module ' SIGA-CT2 Dual Input Module � SIGA-CC 1 S Signal Module ; SIGA-278 Double Action Station ! SIGA-PS Intel. Smoke Detector � SIGA-SB4 Standard Base � SIGA-HRS 135° Heat Detector SIGA-DH Duct Detector Housing ; SIGA-SB Standard Base j � SIGA-LED Remote Light Indicator � 6261-006 Air Sampling Tube � P SIGA-DTS Test Station ; , Genesis Series � i G1RF-VM Strobe, red w/fire G4R-S7VM 70 Volt red Speaker; Strobe � � G1M-RM Remote Mount � � Door Holder/Releases '� „ � 1505-NS Flush, Wall Mount '� � Batteries 12V6A5 12 Volt 6.5 AH Battery 12V65A 12 Volt 65 AH Battery .�s�� FCI � / Custom Additions � i ��r���� Fire Ray—� �` Beam Detector S � S� � �� � FIRE C�NTROL INSTRUMENTS Fire Ra Bwld�ng lntelligent Networks y wwwfir�econtrolinstruments.com FIRE RAY DESCRIPTION SPACING BEAM DETECTOR The FireRay is a new generation of reflec- On smooth ceilings,the FireRay beam smoke tive beam smoke detectorThe FireRay in- detector may be spaced up to 60 feet between corporates both an infrared transmitter and pro�ected beams and not more than one-haif recerver in one wall-mounted unit that spacing between a pro�ected beam and a The infrared beam generated by the trans- side wall Other spacing may be used depend- mitter is reflected back to the recerver by ing on ceiling height, airflow charactenstics, �,� means of a pnsm mounted on the opposite and response requirements See NFPA 72,the ��� 5 �`: 4�q a � wall.The unit monitors the reflected beam National FireAlarm Code,for more informa- �,s� � �'�P��.:, for any obscurat�on caused by smoke. If a tion. �t �y�" ��' i�� � predetermined level of obscuration is FEATURES � ��:. 1�� E � reached,the FireRay beam detector initiates •5ingle Com�act Housing ��� �r �='� an alarm condition by means of a set of alarm •NoW�r�ng between Transm�tter and Receiver �F �� *'� , �� dry contacts connected to the monitoring required ��>s� � �,�.```��� fire alarm control panel •Ease o f►nstallot�on and BeamAt�gnment w►th � ��, � ;����� This unique design elimmates the need an IntegralAl►gnmentAid �� � ,� �,� . k ��� to run wire between a transmitter and a •Automatic Gain Control to Compensate for ����;�"� ti;. ? €�� ;s��° separate,remotely mounted recerver.This GradualDustBwldu� "� a�"�'"=�b��� ����,�.. - further facilitates ease of installation by mak- •Latching or Non-IatchingAlarm Opt�on ��, mg it possible for a single indmdual to align •Microprocessor Controlled Fire Ray Beam Detector the device •Low Current Consumption Two versions ofthe FireRay beam smoke • �2-24VDC OperatingVoltage detector are available The FireRay 50R can •Fre►d Selecta6le Sens�tivity Settings o f 25%, pro�ect its beam between 15 ft and 165 ft 35%,or50% The FireRay I OOR has a range of 15 ft to •Ranges 6etween 15 Ft.to 165 or330 Ft. 330 ft. Both units allow field selectable sen- •a�arm&Trouble Dry Contacts sitrvity settings of 25%,35%,or 50%obscu- •RedAlarm Ind�cating LED ration •GreenTrouble IndicatingLED Each unit inciudes a wall mountmg bracket , and can be either vertically or horizontaily oriented.It pro�ects its beam between I ft. and 2 ft below and parallel to the ceiling � Lateral detection can be as wide as 30 ft ,S, on either side of the beam The device is o �"`"-• :�..�= designed to operate within a temperature ,:,4;�; ; range of-22° F to I 3 I° F(-20°C to 55°C) � "'^�-''° 'rEAViG�' The Fire Ray beam detector is suitable for �C� any open area where the ceiling height ex- �# ceeds 25 ft such as auditoriums,warehouses, „� gymnasiums,etc Its compact and unobtru- ' srve design makes the FireRay beam smoke detector ideal for shopping malis,libraries, hotel atriums,theaters,churches,etc where appearance is important � An ISO 900 I Company � �y y,� $penfiavons are prwided(onfiirmaLOn onFj,and are not �� Inundedu be usedfor insollanon purposes and are beliered to be accunte Honever,noresponsbifrty is assumed b�F1'e Corrcmllnserumann.Incbrtheiruse SpecifioaonssubJeatn changewishoucno�ice �2002AIIRighaReserved 9020-0546/VERIO Pagelof2 � � FIRE C4NTR�L � INSTRUMENTS Fire Ra Bwldmg Intel6gent Networks y wwwfirecontrolinstruments.com SPECIFICATIONS DESCRIPTION FireRay Beam Smoke Detector Range 15 ft to I 65 ft.or 330 ft (5m to 50m or I OOm) Sensitrvity 25%,35%,or 50% OperatingVolt�e 10 to 30VDC Standby Current 4 mA maximum Alarm Current 14 mA maximum Trouble Current 14 mA maximum Alarm&Trouble Relay Contact Ratings 0 5A @ 30VAC/DC ResetTime 5 seconds maxtmum Start-upTime 10 seconds maximum OperatmgTemperature -22° F to I 3 I°F(-20°C to 55°C) Relatrve Humidity 10-93%noncondensing Dimensions 8'/4' H x 4'/i' D x 4'/a"W(21 cm x I I 5 cm x I 2 cm) Weight approx I 5 Ibs (0 7 kg) \`� AGENCYAPPROVAL UL Std 864 CFSM 7260-I508 IO2 MEA 7002E ORDERING INFORMATION Part Number Modei Description I 12-90032 FireRay50R FireRay Beam Smoke Detector,l5ft- 165ft. I 12-90033 FireRay IOOR FireRay Beam Smoke Detector,l5ft.-330ft I I 2-90034 Replacement Prism Reflector Spenficadons are prw�ded br mformauon onFj and are not incended to be used for insWlatlon purposes and are belie.�ed m be accurate `�� Hwvwer,norespons�bilrcyisazsumedb/FireConcrollnsvumenu,Incbrtheiruse5pecfiauonssub�ecctochanbewrchoucnwca �2002AlIRighcsReserved FIRE CONTROL INSTRUMENTS 16 Southwest Park,Westwood,MA02090 USA •Tel 781-471-3000 • Fax 781-471-3099 • wwwfirecontrolinstruments com 9020-0546NER I 0/Page 2 of 2 f � ,t � � � � � � � � Z V J � O Z � � - � D � � � � ��/� a z � vJ � U � � � LL- 0¢C 0 � � � ao � �' � w Z � O � o � U � ~ ow � O " w QQ 7388 S. REVERE PKWY, UNIT 603 � O O CENTENNIAL, COLORADO 80112 � � PHONE: 720.875.0303 z FAX: 720.875.0800 Q ARCHITECT: � Q Q � KLIPP COLUSSY JENKS DUBOIS WRITER SQUARE, 1512 LARIMER ST. BRIDGE LEVEL, DENVER, CO 80202 � PHONE: 303.893.1990 FAX: 303.893.2204 D�MD�C� C�CC�L�C�D DG�Q��C� � D�IDC� ���� � ���D��� ENGINEER: , BEAUDIN GANZE SYM PARTNAME MFGCODE PARTCODE SPEC SYSTEM FC01 - COVER SHEET ivo. oF AWG OR TMPEW J MANUFACTURER co�oR NOMINAL 14142 DENVER W. PARKWAY S195 CODE CONDUCTORS COAX SIZE 9 � o Z go �MODEL N0. OS + -NEG - WIRE USE O.D. N0. AREA � MANUAL PULL STATION EST SIGA-278 SECTION #16720 FlRE i � o � o= RECOMMENDED � � � � GOLDEN, COLORADO 80401 FR01 - ONE-LINE RISER DIAGRAM N � N � �N PHONE: 303.278.3820 O p SMOKE DETECTOR EST SIGA-PS SECTION #16720 FIRE O 2 16 COMTRAN RED, BLACK INITIATING DEVICE CIRCUIT FAX: 303.278.3843 FF01 - BASEMENT FLOOR PLAN STANDARD BASE EST SIGA-S64 FIRE OO 2 �6 SLG S�G LNE CIR RED ,BLACK SIGNALING LINE CIRCUIT O HEAT DEfECTOR- FIXED TEMP EST SIGA-HFS SECTION #16720 FIRE FFn7 - MAIN I FVFI - FAST FNI� ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR: 71 ICQTC RCD, DU�.CV DOOCTER ACTI�/ATIO�1 CIFiCUIT � DUCT DETECTOR HOUSING EST SIGA-DH SECTION #16720 FIRE N� ��'�P� r � RIVIERA ELECTRIC SMOKE DEfECTOR EST SIGA-PS FIRE FF03 - MAIN LEVEL - WEST END O 2 14 SPEAKER CIR RED, BLACK SPEAKER CIRCUIT 41O McGREGOR DRIVE, SUITE 21O STANDARD BASE EST SIGA-SB FfRE- OO 2 �4 STROBEECIR RED, BLACK STROBE CIRCUIT GYPSUM, COLORADO 81637 AIR SAMPLING TUBE Esr szs,-oos FF04 - UPPER LEVEL - WEST END COMTRAN RED, BLACK RS-485 CIRCUIT FIRE Q 2 �s RS-485 CIR PHONE: 970.328.411 � REMOTE LIGHT UNIT EST SIGA-LED SECTION #16720 FIRE FF05 - UPPER LEVEL - EAST END OR 2 14 ISOTE RED, BLACK DAMPER CONTROL FAX: 970.328.4999 � DTS DUCT DEfECTOR TEST STATION EST SIGA-DTS SECTION #16720 FIRE 2 z BEAM DEfECTOR UNIT EST EST 22310-18-01 FIRE FP01 - FIRE ALARM PANEL (FACP) MAIN LEVEL Q 2 14 ISOTE RED, BLACK AHU SHUTDOWN CIRCUIT PROJECT: OBT BR ISOTE RED, BLACK 24VDC POWER CIRCUIT • �R CONTROL MODULE Esr SIGA-CR SECTION #,s�2o FIRE FE01 - ADDITIONAL POWER SUPPLY MOUNTING 8c WIRING DETAILS � 2 14 24VDC PWR CIR VAI L MOU NTAI N CT2 DUAL MONITOR MODULE EST SIGA-CT2 SECTION #16720 FIRE O 2 16 COMTRAN RED, BLACK FIRE ALARM REMOTE LIGHT CIRCUIT S C H O O L CT1 SINGLE INPUT MODULE EST SIGA-CT1 SECTION #16720 FIRE FT01 - FI R E ALAR M D EVI C E M 0 U NTI N G 8c W I R I N G TYP I CAL D ETAI LS O 2 14 ISOTE RED, BLACK HIGH LEVEL AUDIO RISER CIRCUIT CC1 SINGLE INPUT (RISER) MODULE EST SIGA-CC1(S) SECTION #16720 FIRE O 2 14 ISOTE 3000 BOOTH FALLS ROAD FT02 - FIRE ALARM DEVICE MOUNTING 8c WIRING TYPICAL DETAILS RED. B�,cK LOW LEVEL AUDIO RISER CIRCUIT AM AUX. EOL RELAY EST PAM-1 SECTION #16720 FIRE VAIL, COLORADO 81657 Q 2 14 ISOTE RED, BLACK DOOR HOLDER CIRCUIT S WALL SPEAKER/STROBE UNIT EsT G4RF-S7VM SECTION #16720 FIRE FT03 - FI R E ALAR M D EVI C E M 0 U NTI N G & W I R I N G TYP I CAL D ETAI LS N 3 12 RED, BLACK 120VAC CIRCUIT S WALL SPEAKER/STROBE UNIT EST GCF-SNM FIRE �rC CEILING STROBE UNIT-xxCD EST G1RF-VM SECTION #16720 FIRE FG01 - GRAPHIC ZONE MAP #� O 4 14 BFAM DEECT CIR l- RED, BLACK BEAM DEfECTOR CIRCUIT NICET: � HORN/STROBE UNIT EST 757-8A-T SECTION #16720 FIRE TO VERIFY COMPATIBILI'TY WITH CIRCUtTS SEE SHT.FT02 FOR A MATRIX NAME: WEATHERPROOF BACKBOX EST 757A-WB FIRE FG02 - GRAPHIC ZONE MAP #Z CERTIFICATE #: FACP MAIN CONTROL PANEL EST 3-CAB21B SECTION #16720 FlRE GENERAL NOTES: FG03 - GRAPHIC ZONE MAP j�3 1. SPEAKERS ARE COMPLETE WITH A 'DC BLOCKING CAPACITOR TO PERMIT ELECTRICAL SUPERVISION OF THE AUDIO DISTRIBUTION CIRCUIT. POWER SUPPLY EST 3-PPS/M FIRE THE MYLAR SPEAKER WITH SEALED BACK CONSTRUCTION PROVIDES EXTRA DURABILITY AND IMPROVED AUDIBILITY. WATTAGE TAPS SIGNATURE nA� CONTROL PROCESSOR EST 3-CPU1 FlRE VERIFY�SOUND LEVEL1AFTERDINSTALLATION.LLOWING SPEAKER TAPS ARE TO BE SET � 1/2W UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. FIELD FG04 - GRAPHIC ZONE MAP #4 AUX. POWER SUPPLY EST 3-BCC/M �RE 2. SPEAKERS INTENDED FOR OPERATION IN THE PUBLIC MODE SHALL HAVE A SOUND LEVEL OF NOT LESS � PROPRIETARY DISPLAY UNIT EST 3-LCD FIRE FS01 - FIRE COMMAND CENTER THAN 75DBA � 10FT(3M) OR MORE THAN 120DBA � THE MINIMUM HEARING DISTANCE FROM THE AUDIBLE APPLIANCE. DOCUMENT � 3• MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT AREAS, THE AVERAGE AMBIENT SOUND LEVEL SHALL BE AT LEAST 85DBA. iN niE w►TURE oF�e sECRers, niis �r�nwiNc �wo TME AUDIO SOURCE UNIT EST 3-ASU/4 FlRE D�IGNS THEREON ARE THE PROPRIEfARY, CONFlDENTWL Ih-ORGAiION OF AIEfROPLIX CONiROL S�SfEA1S iHEY SFULLL NOT BE 4. ALARM VERIFY EVENT: e��PUCa�o, usEO, OR DISCLOSED TO OTHERS DCCEPT AS 40W AMPILIFlER EST 3-ZA408 FlRE THE ALARM VERIFY EVENT OCCURS WHEN ANY SMOKE DETECTOR HAVING A VERIFICATION DEVICE TYPE START IT'S OTHERWISE AUiHORIZED BY CONTRACT WffHOUT WRfTTEN VERIFlCATION PROCESS. s►�inMi�i.�e�ntis�o���o�srsr� ,v.�R�ROOUCnoNs DUAL (SLC) LOOP CARD EST 3-SDDC FlRE THE ALARM VERIFY INPUT TYPICALLY PROVIDES AN INDICATION OF A POTENTIAL ALARM OR PRE-ALARM CONDITION. niesE nRnwiNCS aRE scHEMnnc nrio 0o Not nrr�pr TO SHOW CONDUR ROUTING RS-485 COMMUNICATION CARD EST 3-RS485A FlRE 5. LABELING• r BC1 BATTERY CABINET EST RCC14R SECTION #16720 FIRE 1. LABEL EACH SLICE WITH CORRECT INFORMATION � 2. LABEL EACH INITIATING DEVICE WITH CORRECT DEVICE ADDRESS. USE KROY LABELER OR EQUIVALENT 12V, 50AH BATTERIES POWER SONIC PS-12500 FIRE 3. DEVICE ADDRESS INFORMATION MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE VENDOR. . 4. ALL JUNCTION BOXES TO HAVE COVERS LABELED FIRE ALARM BATfERY SHELF EST 3-BATS FIRE 5. ALL DEfECTORS TO HAVE FACTORY DUST COVERS INSTALLED UNTIL AFTER THE FINAL INSPECTION AND CLF�4N-UP IS COMPLETE. ��'� �-�'� �� »'o��n.,�a� ` BPS BOOSTER POWER SUPPLY PANEL EST BPS6 SECTION #16720 FlRE 6. LOCATE DETECTORS AT LEAST THREE FEET FROM SUPPLY OR RETURN AIR DIFFUSERS •����;��� ys`���� � � ( 7. ALL FIRE ALARM WIRING WILL BE INSTALLED IN PLENUM AND OR CONDUIT, TO MEET APPLICABLE FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL CODES AND �.� `F.s�'rf .-r,� �'° � 12V, 7AH BATTERIES POWER SONIC PS-1270 FIRE REGULATIONS, INCLUDING THE CURRENT UNIFORM BUILDING CODE, NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE, AND THE CURRENT NFPA LIFE SAFETY CODE. ; �� , �;u� � 8. NO AC CIRCUITS OR OTHER WIRING SHALL BE INSTALLED IN SAME CONDUIT WITH FIRE ALARM WIRING. ` �:�' �;��! �,,; - ANN REMOTE ANNUNC. EST 3-LCDANN FIRE \. '"� r �:" �-F �� BACKBOX EST RCLM/B FlRE � ';'�'•, , •��'� � ��3`�� fi,� e FIRE SMOKE DAMPER BY OTHERS BY OTHERS FIRE t� �,�,;`��.��ti�1..�""�. � � FLOW SWITCH BY OTHER BY OTHER FIRE �-� 1 Cf �� v TAMPER SWITCH BY OTHERS BY OTHERS FIRE CO M M E NTS A N D ST M P � DOOR HOLDER- WALL MOUNT E� 1508-N5 FIRE Q FIRE RISER UP/DOWN BY OTHERS BY OTHERS FIRE .1❑ JUNCTION BOX BY OTHERS BY OTHERS FIRE HOOD KRCHEN HOOD SYSTEM BY OTHERS BY OTHERS FlRE BP1 BEAM DETECTOR PAIR EST 22310-18-01 � 4 �l�Q V IS uv�Is OO Ir�' �Ir IS ln�/n1��OO u�1 LIW G;��1n10 G� K E Y P LA N SCOPE OF WORK [" EMT STUBBED TO N,T,S, ACCESSIBLE AREA 1. MEfROPLEX CONTROLS WILL PROVIDE ALL REQUIRED EQUIPMENT FOR THIS FIRE ALARM AND DEfECTION SYSTEM. � MCS �OB#: 2. METROPLEX CONTROLS WILL INCLUDE THE FRONT END EQUIPMENT. 3' (MIN) i 3. METROPLEX CONTROLS WILL INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING; (A) PANEL TERMINATIONS, (B) PROGRAMMING, (C) CEILING MOUNTED HEAT, „ � � 82-279 100� PRETEST AND CHECKOUT, AND (D) FINAL TESTING WITH THE AHJ CEILING MOUNTED SMOKE DEfECTOR 4 (MIN) 4. METROPLEX CONTROLS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TROUBLE SHOOTING FIELD WIRING FOR SHORTS, OPENS AND GROUND HEAT, SMOKE ' REVISION DATE FAULTS. DEfECTOR A/C SUPPLY � � 1 SUBMITTAL 12-23-03 5. METROPLEX CONTROLS WILL NOT COMPLETE A PRETEST UNTIL ALL WIRING IS 100% FUNCTIONAL AS STATED IN ITEM #4. DIFFUSER , � ) 6. METROPLEX CONTROLS WILL NOT COMPLETE A FINAL TEST WITH AHJ UNTIL THE 100� PRETEST IS COMPLETED 2) REVISION 03-01-04 -1 „ CEILING A/V 6" IN 4" TO 12" 1 I , 3) REVISION 04-13-04 �' 6 ���� C�ODC� Q�IQ��� �� • o , ' � -L � �J� ¢�_ � WALL J � v � Q•� Q � ., a�-� ,�� o�Q���� �� ���,�� ���= CODE ANALYSIS DOOR WIDTH I . ., Q Z ? v -� = Q- 2 � `- J ^ PULL STATION WALL MOUNTED HEAT, 1 Q- � o J � Q Q- O y� �� ,` �, OCCUPANY- E DOOR �SS 3 � \�� ,�,J Q�. ��� �,� � �Q. � �t�, �oo � p�om SMOKE DEfECTOR � V'� v y � ,`o� �� o � �� �J O`� �.�" �'� 1. NUMBER OF STORIES - 2 + BASEMENT HOLDER I ', , Q- � vQ- vQ- Q o2 � � � � Q-� Qs �� 2. BUILDING IS FULLY EQUIPPED WITH AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM. � � CAD FILE: O <v tv !v � -�. �.� J G � � 3. REFERENCE TO THE OVERVIEW OF THE JOB, BELOW 82-279_FC0I.DWG J �- �- v �- O � � � � O Q' � O � '� � Q" �- a � 4. THIS IS A REQUIRED FA SYSTEM BY (UBC) CODE SECTIONS 305 80" DRAWN BY: DATE: ;� �o �O;� � � �� � � ;�;� �<v 5. APPLICABLE CODES• 1997 UBC, 1997 UFC, NFPA-72 � �� B. ALLEN 24/24/03 DEVICE ��\ �� �� � ���_ �JQ���-�J V� Gi C��\ V�\ �J�� � I ENG. APPROVAL• DATE: MANUAL STATIONS • • � � • • OVERVIEW OF THE JOB 48p � REVIEW BY• crei c, SMOKE DETECTORS � � � � � THIS NEW FIRE ALARM SYSTEM INSTALLATION � �� N T.S ELEVATOR LOBBY SMOKE DETECTOR (MAIN LEVEL) • • • • • • �1 ELEVATOR LOBBY SMOKE DEfECTOR (OTHER) • • • • • • 1. PROVIDE NEW EST (EST3) FIRE ALARM SYSTEM, FOR THE NEWTON AUDITORIUM. FlNISHED FLOOR �, ELEVATOR HEAT DEfECTORS � � � � � � THIS IS A FULLY ADDRESSABLE SYSTEM WITH ADDITIONAL BOOSTER POWER SUPPLY. � HEAT DEfECTOR • • • � • 2. FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL. WILL BE CERTIFIED FLOW SWITCH • • • • • BY A FACTORY CERTIFIED INSTALLER TO INCLUDE HEAD END EQUIPMENT, (FACP) AND ALL DEVICES. P U LL STATI 0 N , STR 0 B E CX. � FI RE ALARM TAMPER SWITCH � � � � f EST-3 SYSTEM DUCT DETECTOR • • • • • � } H 0 R N U N I T E L EVAT I 0 N D ETA I L TROUBLE CONDITION • • • � N.T.S. HOOD SYSTEM • • • • • ' � BEAM DEfECTOR • • • • C O V E R SHEET _ , .�.� r���� , � � , , , , � , _ . _ - - , , - _ _ _ -, _ � _ , , , , � , , � -- - _ - _ -� . t ' '�� � `�. � , . :s y � - �-, ,--�� � \ `� �5-12 � • V10-9 Z �-� _ 5 a ,w �s�a � e � y '� z O na-,e �s-,e Z P � Q U v�s-�s v>>-e s s � Cn Z iw � tw �� � a B � � B B B B B B B B 8 B B B B B B 8 B B 1� 113 � 142 111 �2 142 143 110 036 137 138 13S 037 �pg +� G � C P 2 P 2 D 2 P 2 DTS C P 2 P 2 D C P DTS 2 2 P � � ��n Q Z Q� v J W U " � Q � Q � � � -� � o � O wo � U � ~ Z oW 7388 S. REVERE PKWY, UNIT 603 � MECHANICAL MEZZANINES CENTENNIAL, COLORADO 80112 � PHONE: 720.875.0303 Z F FAX: 720.875.0800 Q ARCHITECT: wo KLIPP COLUSSY JENKS DUBOIS /5-15 E F A5-14 E F /5-13 /5-11 E FO E F A5-10 E F A5-9 E F A5-8 E E E F v�o-�z S vio-�i S v�o-�o S wo-a S v�o-> >s� wo-e S �o-s S �0-4 S v�o-s �s�a v�o-: �� v�o-i ��a WRITER SQUARE, 1512 LARIMER ST. ��T" �a° ���' a°`d E F �IZyy �a �/�v+ �a �w �s�d �/zw 3o�a �/� � �� � F E F `�-"S BRIDGE LE�/EL, DENVER, CO 80202 F ,��„ so�a PHONE: 303.893.1990 I I e e e s B e s e e e s e e s ues oas oe4 oes oaz oe+ �� me o�e on o�e o�s o�4 0� FAX: 303.893.2204 Zp Zp 2p Zp Zp Zp Zp ZP 2p j � 2P 2P V9-12 15cd �-71 15ed J F I I E ENGINEER: AS-7 E F A5-8 E A4-3 E AS-S E F It5-4 E F AS-3 E F I�5-2 E F I15-1 E F E A4-2 E B EAU D I N GAN Z E 8 V9-1 V9-2 V9-3 V9-4 VD-5 VB-6 V9-7 V9-8 V9-9 V9-10 15cd S S 5 S S S S S J S e e e e e e s a s e e e e e �/zw � �/sw �d ��� sxa ���, �soa ���r aood ���,y aooa �/zw so�a ���,y �sw F ��� �sod E E E 139 oa, „2 0� +42 oe4 oe5 os6 oe� osa oe9 0�0 0�, on E � F 14142 DENVER W. PARKWAY S195 F F F 2 P 2 P 2 P C 2 P 2 P 2 P 2 P 2 P j 2 P 2 P 2 P R F � 4 � GOLDEN, COLORADO 80401 ► E e e e e e e e e e a e e e a e E e e e B s s e z PHONE: 303.278.3820 F B O80 10D 059 106 058 057 107 058 055 054 053 052 O51 050 049 048 128 � 004 003 002 001 E E 2P 2P 2P 2P 2P l 2P 2P 2P 2P j j 2P 2P 2P 2P 2P 2P 2P 2P 2P FAX: 303.Z78.3843 F F B ELECTRICl�L COI�ITRltiCTOR: H 8 a a 8 8 8 8 H H H s 8 9 e B ,�! B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 034 104 03S 134 0.36 039 040 041 042 043 044 WS 048 047 138 • pp6 127 pp7 128 pg7 O88 089 008 009 010 011 090 091 092 093 094 "2-'S 2 z a z 2 2 z z 2 z 2 a z c � z c a c z z z Z z z z z a z z z RIVIERA ELECTRIC VB-9 P P P P P P P P P P P P P Z P M M P R P P P P P P P P P P P P S g R 1W 75ed � � _� � B 410 McGREGOR DRIVE, SUITE 210 e e e e e e e e e e s e e e e e e s e a e e e e e --�� `-� e e e e e e s e e e s e e e e GYPSUM, COLORADO 81637 338 401 �02 3� �00 399 337 3� 030 032 031 103 102 030 029 028 133 132 027 026 025 022 131 p21 •�'� 020 101 019 100 018 017 018 015 014 099 098 013 097 098 095 012 2 DTS C 2 P C D 2 2 P 2 P j 2 P 2 P 2 P 2 P j 2 P C C � 2 P 2 P 2 P C 2 P r�� �� P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P E F R R R R R R i "1°" n '0�' i Z 2 2 z 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 PHONE: 970.328.411 E F � � � � � � BPS3 FAX: 970.328.4999 F p , B 8 B AS-20 E F A5-19 A5-17 E E E I15-16 E E A4-6 E F A4-5 E F A4-4 E E Z F V11-f0 S V11-8 S V11-7 S V17-8 15ed � W1-5 5 W1-4 �� W1-3 S W1-2 S W1-1 S F F PROJECT� � �/sw � �/zw � �/sw 3� �/srv �a ��zw �a ���r �oea ��� �a F VAIL MOUNTAIN Z �„ � E F SCHOOL A5-21 E F E F A5-22 A4-13 E F A4-12 E F A4-11 E F A4-10 E F A4-9 E F A4-8 E F A4-7 Z Z Z W1-11 Vii-12 �� V11-13 W2-7 W2-6 W2-5 V72-4 V12-3 V72-2 V72-1 E F S S � S S S S S S S J 2 ���r �s�a ��Ty �s�a �/zw tsaa ��� tsod ���r �d ���,y 3ow ���,r sow ��rny 3ow ���,y 3ow er E F z 3000 BOOTH FALLS ROAD E � F �,Z�� E F�A4-;6� E F �,Z,9 E F �,z.,e BP� Z VAIL, COLORADO 81657 S S S S BR �/zw � �/zw 3oed ��my �d ���,y �s�d V12 e e '� NICET• E F A4-19 E F E F E F A4-10 CT2 V72-13 V12-14 1�d V12-15 �� V12-16 A4 NAM E: S S 1/2W � 1/2W 75ed B �� n CERTIFICATE #: UPPER LEVEL cTZ eP2 z BR SIGNATURE DATE E A2-17 E F A2-18 E F A2-19 E F A2-20 E F A2-21 E F A2-22 A3-B E F A7-7 E F A3-8 E F /3-5 E F �-4 E F A3-3 E F A3-2 E F A3-t E F �-, �-Z �-3 ,�-� ,�-5 �-� ,a-s ,�-B ,�-6 ,�-5 �-4 �-3 �-z �-, P RO P R I ETARY S S S S S S S S s S S S S s 1w 110ed �w it0ed �w 110ed �N 110ed �w 110cd �w 110e �VB� 1/2w 3� 1/2w � 1/2�r � 1/2v � 1/2�r �� t/2w � 1�r 75ed ��2w 15cd F F F DOCUMENT B E E �� E y��� IN THE NATURE OF TRADE SECREfS, THIS DRAWING AND THE �6� �4, F NF'�ORAlAT10 OFRIAEfROPIEX COMROROPSYSfEMS iliEY SWV.L NOT BE A2-18 E F F F A2-14 F A2-13 E F E F A2-12 E F A2-71 E F A2-10 E F A2-9 E F A2-8 F A2-7 E F A2-8 E F A2-5 E F A2-4 E F A2-3 E F A2-2 F E A2-1 E F DUPUCATED, USED, OR DISCLOSED TO OTHERS IXCEPT AS VB-e VB-8 V7-e V7-B V7-5 V7-4 -13 -13 V5-10 VS-11 V4-5 W-4 V4-3 V4-2 V4-1 OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED BY CONTRACT WITHOUT WRfll'EN s J s S J 5 s 5 s S s 5 s S 5 S 5 PQ2MISSION OF MEfROPLD( CONTROL SYSTEAI ALL REPRODUCTiONS 75cd E VB-7 E 15ed V7-9 E 15cd 1/2rr � 1w �� E 1• 75cd 75ed VS-t�E ��E V5-3 3p� �w 110cd �� 110ed 7w 110cd 1r 11� sw�u B� niis Nonc�. tw � t/w � 1/2w ��2w 75ed �w 3ocd tw �w � �w ��� THESE DRAWINGS ARE SCHEMATIC AND DO NOT ATTEMPT � TO SHOW CONDUff ROUTING E (V5) F ' E y�5 E yg_4 E h3-27 F �7-24 E F E F AZ-25 15ed 15cd VB-3 V6-2 V7-1 A7-15 E V3-10 E V3-9 E y3_g E F A3-18 E V3_g E F /�-15 E F A3-14 E F �-13 E F I�3-12 E F A3-11 E F � 75ed 30cd E �_Z �3-11 15cd 15cd 15cd V3-7 15ed V3-5 VS-4 V3-3 V3-2 VS-1 S S J �5ed 5 S S S 5 S S 5 1 2w 1 2w ��2w �`� 1M 75cd F F 1 2,� 75ed F i5cd 15ed 30ed . �� / / E / I 1/2r 1/2w 1/2w 7/2w 3�cd ��pw 15ed �1/3� 1�3-9 E F A7-10 V2-9 V2-11 E A'5-24 F A7-23 F A3-7A F F A3-1g F F �-18 F F AS-17 AS-18 F F A3-17 S S V2 �� ��� ve-i vs-i vs-z vs-s vs-4 vs-a vs-�z vs->> �/s• 3� �w �� >°:��i��+' :�r°� s s s s s s s s +�, r a� E ��� BOcd ��py, 30ed ��y,�, 15ed 1/2w � 1/2w I E ��5 E � iw 75ed ��75ed q/ :� �;+-� 75cd 1 2w E _7 E yg_g E y5-9 E �; `' "�� � �v 15cd 15cd 15cd E �'L� E °cj- �� . �`''t���'•.. ����. '�`��`�t'�P+�p`��° B B B 8 B B e B B B B B —I B � B B B E � C � 314 314 314 315 316 317 3g7 318 319 � 3�9 337 �OZ 40� 338 \ � 2P 2P 2P 2P 2P 2P j 2P C DTS 2 C DTS 2 F I l � P P � e e e e B e B e e I I I I COMMENTS AND STAMP 314 313 312 311 310 309 308 307 �AHU-1 _ _ _ � LAHU-2 � 2p j j 2P 2P j 2P 2P - - - B B B B B B B B B B 320 321 322 323 352 8 '.�4 325 328 327 2 P Z P 1 2 P l 2 P Z P 2 P g Z P B B B B � 397 303 388 Z P Z P B B B 8 B B 8 B B 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 338 2 P 2 P 2 P Z P 2 P 2 P 2 P 2 P 2 P B r • � � B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 8 304 303 302 395 301 300 299 298 297 339 3B0 361 358 357 362 363 358 294 3g+ 351 350 293 �moa Z92 � _ � j 2 p 2 p CT1 � ! j j 2 P 2 P 2 P 2 P 2 P 2 P 2 P 2 P 2 P 2 P 2 P 2 P 2 P 2 P 2 P r---+ � � � �� Hoao smoi � �mo�moi B �`� �� B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 8 �.�. �s+��..� Z78 �2 277 278 Z79 344 280 281 282 3�5 283 348 347 284 28S 348 286 287 288 289 �3 349 290 291 B 2M B 273 B � B 274 B �5 B � B I N1°° II � � ZP C R 2P 2P 2P 2P 2P � 2P 2P 2P 2P 2P 2P 2P 2P 2P 2P 2P 2P M C M 1 2 ! KEY PLAN 2 P 2 P C 2 P 2 P 2 P "" "" BPS2 390 � . — .�: N,T,S, � e B e e B B B B B e e B e B B B e B B e B B e B B e e B e B 8 B B B e � Z MCS JOB#: 388 271 270 342 34/ 340 350 269 288 267 268 285 �1 264 283 282 261 280 3g6 239 339 258 338 337 257 256 23S C j 2 P 2 P 2 P 2 P 2 P 2 P 2 P 2 P 2 P 2 P M C M 2 P 2 P 2 P 2 P P P P P P P P P � � � � 4 Pt o R 1 Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z 2 Z ---�* • �j ,�,_ _ 82-279 �� � r�„�r,�,-,,, REVISION DATE i � ii � � I 1) SUBMITTAL 12-23-03 � e �� e � e �� B e e B e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e s e e e s B e e e e e e e B BPS1 3s3 i o� oso os� ++� osz oea oss os+ oea oss ase os� asa oso oe� osz oes oes oss oes oee o9� oea os9 �oo ioi oss oeo oe� aez oes os4 oss �oz �os o� �a aea oea mo o» � 1 2) REVISION 03-01-04 Z P 2 P Z P M C Z P 2 P Z P C R R 2 P Z P Z P 1 Z P Z P z P 2 P Z P Z P Z P Z P Z P Z P Z P Z P Z P Z P Z P 2 P 2 P Z P 1 Z P 1 2 P l 2 P 2 P 2 P 2 P 2 P 2 P 2 P 2 P 2 P j � cT2 3) REVISION 04-13-04 ► ► ► e A A ��� B 045 B 087 B 086 B 044 B 043 B 139 B 042 B 041 B 136 B 04p B 137 B 0.39 B 038 B 0&5 B OSB B 035 B 032 B 0.31 B 136 B 030 B 135 �� � Z �0 m 142 B 074 B 073 B 072 �p B B 378 B 378 I � � Zp 2p 2p 2p 2p 2p Bp C R 2P C R 2P 2P j 2P 2P 2P 2P M C M 2P 2P j 2P � CT2 37 CT 3nCT � Y 2 � � Y Z A � A A p A B Y Z MAIN LEVEL�R ��8�� S B�eu� Ao�R , ,�,�,�,� e CAD FILE• B B B B B B B B B B 13Y B �� B B B B B B B o�e oe� oez o20 02� +� ozz oz3 �a� r,�wr � oza oe3 oss o2e oz� oae �� 82-279_FR0I.DWG 2 p 2 p 2 P Z P 2 P M C 2 P j �� C C 2 P Z P Z P z P Z P Z P DRAWN BY: ��1 DATE• Illillllllllllll il B. A�EN 12/24/03 ENG. APPROVAL• DATE: 0 J I REVIEW BY: �.�ALE: e e e e e e e e e e � B � e e e e e e e e e e e e s e e e e � NT.S ' O60 079 018 078 077 078 075 1� Ot7 129 018 014 013 012 011 �Z� 010 009 �yg 008 007 ODB 005 004 003 002 001 I 2P 2P 2P 2P 2P 2P 2P DTS 1 C P 2 l 2P ZP 2P C R BP 2P 2P l j j j j 2P 2P I I � �H�-3— � ' z A7-11 E F At-10 E F At-9 E F A1-B E F A7-7 E F Ai-6 E F A1-5 E F A1-4 E F A7-3 E F y�_g E F y�_5 E F y�_4 E F y�_3 E F y�_y E F At-2 E F A1-1 E F �,—,5 �,—„ ,—,3 —,Z �,—„ ,—,o �,-9 �,—s �,—� ,� ,� ,� ,� �� �,—z �,—, F I R E A LA R M �,,,� S S S s S s S s S S S �', ,. ,� ,. �� ,n ,Scd ,,2w �5ed ,M �5cd ,w �xd ,. �5cd ,�w ,5cd „Z. ,5ed Z, ,� ,, ,� �mm��nnm EST-3 SYSTEM FACP B�_� ONE- LINE BASEMENT RISER DIAGRAM t � FIRE ALARM ONE- LINE (SLC, POWER,SPEAKER�STROBE & NETWORK) RISER DIAGRAM ,[��Q�] � , >>� f a' r , .. � } ` , � ' ' Z - � � � � � � ( � O I I I z U � I I i p c� �__.� - �-__-� �-.� �n �, z �� > � � � o � � c i r--_ � � ° � r_____�___ __ _ __� ! � F _ _ � o� '� g � __ i E i '---- -_ � � Q Z , � � i � i r �` ° -- � � W � --�__ __ ____.J L-- --------r- � � �� Q °-�� � � i 1 O � Qo I I + � � w z i r � � ° � , � � U o w E � 1 v w � � f 7388 S. REVERE PKWY, UNIT 603 � � I J CENTENNIAL, COLORADO 80112 � � � j PHONE: 720.875.0303 Z - � � � FAX: 720.875.0800 Q � � � ARCHITECT: � i f �,r._�.__._._.._____r^�_��,_�_.J I KLIPP COLUSSY JENKS DUBOIS + WRITER SQUARE, 1512 LARIMER ST. f � BRIDGE LEVEL, DENVER, CO 80202 � f PHONE: 303.893.1990 � FAX: 303.893.2204 � t � � ENGINEER: ' ELEVATOR � � J MACHINE � BEAUDIN GANZE v� 02 B < <_� � J 14142 DENVER W. PARKWAY S195 n� _.� 131 � � ELEVATOR �R � GOLDEN, COLORADO 80401 2 023 132 � ` y 02 2 P j CR 133 , PHONE: 303.278.3820 '� CR . - - - - - - - - _ E ECTRICA e ! � � FAX: 303.278.3843 02 I �'`°'`-'--'°`-1 o � 020 �R ( ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR: c P o2t �� � 1 r Z B � RIVIERA ELECTRIC p y 410 McGREGOR DRIVE, SUITE 210 B � � � � � � � � � STO AGE � ��-� GYPSUM, COLORADO 81637 ! i I I ��� l o�a 2 ,� s � � I ;� � �2 � � PHONE: 970.328.411 , P �� , � A7.�.s STORAGE _� _�� B FAX: 970.328.4999 01 � B �� ` ^ !;z 'Sm_ f � T RA � 8 P B B Pg : ' B B 2 'j so o�s 2 081 �la o24 os3 o2s , PROJECT• ` ' i� P P , ZP ZP ZP , VAIL MOUNTAIN i�h �� , B � , - ---�, SCHOOL � i ': LECTURE / r� . ��. REHEARSAL HALL : � � 3000 BOOTH FALLS ROAD A1– A1-8 2�8 'a"� 75cd� 02 E F ; j5cd2 E F E F 75c�14 B VAIL, COLORADO 81657 � P � 1/2w S S 1w IIL t i E F e e . E F GREEN I F�C S ROOM _ _ i� NICET: 2 077 076 2 075 2 A1-9 V1-15 A011 E� E E P P P V1-13 15cd 026 � � NAME: 15cd g � I �W /4w 2 f CERTIFICATE #: �� � A1 P , ` °-�rr� '-`rrr�i�i==irir�ri-=�--r�r-�`-�r.� V 1 i DTS� B pQ7 � SIGNATURE DATE V1-9 128 2 1w d E F E 028 P F 2 �� ----��� � �----i � S � B P �u � STORAGE P STAIR �' ET , � o� 002 , �``-�' PROPRIETARY �r,�.�� cR 129 s � B � DOCUMENT � B O�G B IN 1}iE NATURE OF TRADE SECREfS, THIS DRAWING AND THE ,f 017 2 014 DESIGNS THEREON ARE THE PROPRIEfARY, CONFlDENTIAL INFORMATION OF METROPLEX CONiROL SYSfEA1S iHEY SFU+LL NOT BE DUPUCATED, USED, OR DISCLASED TO OTHERS DCCEPT AS f r ' 1 l B 134 "'--�'– �EE.�� OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED BY CONTRACT WITHOUT WRITTEN � B W � 013 2 ��,� SHN1 BEAR THIS�N�OTICE��L SY5TEM ALL REPRODUCiIONS %� P THESE DRAWINGS ARE SCHEMATIC AND DO NOT ATfEMPT /,. , ' MECA03100M COR�R1DOR FIRS�FLOOR OFFICE B TO SHOW CONDUfT ROUIING /� 01 SEE SHEET FF02 _ s f� r � � y ; E F � �,�� `* (_�__'_�.� �..._ _'�— ���--) # v1-10 JANITOR - ��, ,'1 � � F ' ;w�d E F �' 01 , I >� �,� /` L^�_._.J L-- - _ S � — — — ---�, ������ �':A�' `� � n�� �26 CORRIDOR � CR B 1w � °` '�� `��"':� � � '"�, i B � B 127 B A1-1 B Y Z C,��� ��;t� _ � /� �� STAIR vi 6 009 2 03 010 2 2 011 v1-1 F B i "�; �� � �+: \ / 006 15cd p p ��d Y FIR T�FLOOR ��.�r �` � S ��2w � vic 2 � S Z SEE SHEET FF02 5�'�_�,, �Q � � f ; ,•,�'�� ��,��.... ' E F �I � E F S 0 FACP � �'�����'",!-� � � B � T 03 � E 75cd E F o012 B EL ROOM � � � ��I � BOILER P , E F ��_� �E ��_4 E ROOM F 2w o3 f ., COMMENTS AND STAMP � �� �� � : '.'� 15cd 03 g g E I � �,y� E F 008 2 E F y�_2 003 UP TO \ � P B 15cd j � j � 1 FIRST FLOOR � 3" � _ 006 005 � E �D-1 � � � EQUIPMENT �� , '� 004 y�_ ROOM 5cd' ` e � t 03 S A1-3 ESSING T013 DRESSING �2 2 t ROOM 18c� 03 ROOM P � 2w �--� , ,, � 1 � 03 - - - - � � 1 � — , �-�i � . - - - - - - ------ - - --�---�_ , �-f 1 _� � � � — �` ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� �`�� ��° ��� ��° K EY P LA N � '� , N,T,S, ^ � . � MCS JOB#: �� ,� BASEM ENT FLOOR PLAN $2-2�9 �� f � �I� SCALE: 1�8" = 1 '-0" REVISION DATE � �� 1) SUBMITTAL 12-23-03 � � � � � � 5 � Q 2� 3) RE�/ISION 03-01-04 � �� 1 , � ) REVISION 04-13-04 � V � � � Scale In Feet CAD FILE: � 82-279 BASEMENT.DWG DRAWN BY: DATE: A MIRELES 12-15-03 ENG. APPROVAL• DATE: REVIEW BY• cr.ei F• B ALLEN 1/8"=1'-0" FIRE ALARM �) EST-3 SYSTEM BASEMENT FLOOR PLAN SHEET ��0� I\ .` � � Z . � . C G � Z U . � O u� z 5.9 N6 1�7 N� .� 11 . 12 14 15 15. � > � ' � � O � � � � � ��^ Q Z Q� v J � U :18 � � � 1ST GRADE 5TH GRADE 1 5 � CLASSROOM CLASSROOM 4 �� 9TH GRADE B 089 B 0 �, V p 15 1 5 C L A S S R O O M 2 N D G R A D E .�+ � � U 282 2 TOILEf 280 2 �_�� q. 8 15 2 P CLASSROOM � O � O A3-18 p � 15 P V 5–4 �-6 11 4 �5 5 � f– 75cd 30cdG � � W 1/2w B 281 8 1/2w � B S Q , S 3 s ns-16 T01 LET �•'.� osa U w j � V3-7 j �-15 7388 S. REVERE PKWY, UNIT 603 � B B �� �� 7 5 c d 1 5 B V3-5 E �-5 E S E V3-6 053 088 g CENTENNIAL, COLORADO 80112 � ��d 2 10 '/ZW STOR. �5cd E 2 2 75cd �7. PHONE: 720.875.0303 Z p p 1/2W FAX: 720.875.0800 Q B 11 11 — 279 2 I F 2 056 F I 345 ARCHITECT: 2 P STOR. 344� 2 i - �P KLIPP COLUSSY JENKS DUBOIS P g B 15 P � A7.1.7 A3.2.2 055 2 P HALL I WRITER SQUARE, 1512 LARIMER ST. E � e � A14 F F � �� �O �� � e i �7 BRIDGE LEVEL, DENVER, CO 80202 278 � � � 2 P p57 2 � � PHONE: 303.893.1990 � � � P �7 FAX: 303.893.2204 I B S 18 12TH GRADE B e E F CLASSROOM E e �_14 E V3-4 B ENGINEER: STAIR o5s 15cd 12TH GRADE 6151 --� 2 P- 1/2w E C�A1500M � 6 � BEAUDIN GANZE E F ! STORAGE 004 STORAGE A3-20 5cd �� 14 142 RESOURCE RM. 5003 �4 �'_`�`1_ 14142 DENVER W. PARKWAY S195 B 101 0 '-°--- 346 � 2'" 074 _ g GOLDEN, � S 283 S p 2 COLORADO 80401 �-19 2 p 2 P P 091 CORRIDOR �52 2 s �� M.S. COMPUTER LAB PHONE: 303.278.3820 � � 10 �2w B B B F 0 B 2 P � B TOILET A�4 P ��d3 p8� B FAX: 303.278.3843 T01 LET � 092 pgo 14 ��2w 2 B � B 14 � �` e 2 2 C n R 073 j – - – p P B B P E oas ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR: B14 072 � � � ��� 2 �� 1 '� V ° P RIVIERA ELECTRIC 5cd � 2 B P 15cd B B p �_18 F �_8 41 410 McGREGOR DRIVE, SUITE 210 A3-17 R v3-12 CR 8TH GRADE ; v , 75cd 2 093 os4 2 os5 2 V3_�� 15cd E a � R GYPSUM, COLORADO 81637 � CIASSR00M � B 5 �W P P P 7�5cd S � R CLASSROOM a3-4 PHONE: 970.328.411 15 ,� READING 1 B e F - - '- B v2-4 � NOOK o61 oso g ' 2n o�� �p � V3 E 1 e• 2 �12 S i�2w FAX: 970.328.4999 2 1 oss a P v3-2 284 B 347 P V5-8 � 2 �–'�`--� E –10 � 1%2w t PROJECT: 15cd 097 096 B 15cd S ASST. HEAD S , P 2 P 2 B 2 051 '��ssROOM � VA I L M 0 U N TA I N Y OFFICE �_23 � R B OYS P � P ��� 2 2 P E F 2 12 B 3ocd 4 14 p7p B LI B RARY e P G�4 S i F E 12 0� B S C H 0 0 L �/2"' E �� 2 � e g o45 TECH. SUPPORT 285 392 R � P 10 � B 047 046 2 043 A 101 SERVER WORK AREA oss oss ,�->> 2 2 P 2 3000 BOOTH FALLS ROAD 2 P E R�OM � �0 2 P 2 P ��:.�.�°.°�-" ;�2w S P S ,�-s P ' P VAIL, COLORADO 81657 E BPS-2 AV STOR e � 1 B B �---°'"� B F WORK RM. DATA ocd COMPU ER LAB E F TECH E B 3so 3q3 B B 141 B RAM P -�-.. v.w� ° ° ,,,.... -�--�-- """f�AM P A141 B Al2 ___.__�,.� ��2i" �0 0 FF�I C E F 275 391 2 276 B121 �� �---.�� ❑ � � S �,��;r�� - � 050 Z 04 2 ELEVATOR g B 10 2 �..... "�-'------.._.w, � N I C ET: = E p Z P p "°M'��� A3-10 P B P Al2 �-8 E F , NAME: � ELEC B QATA � �--._._, v2-�� � S 3o�d B12 8121 ; ��' -� CORRIDOR V2 �w°d �--�� `�� ' F E � 1 2w B _� � CERTIFICATE #: e a o - ---..�.e._.. . � __-e----- c� �� 1 1 E �,� S �-�8 B �-6 S GALLERY E� � �- � F 274 069 � B 1 2w 1/2w CORRIDOR 2 E 2 B 103 �p2 065 2 062 2 R CR 30cd �� 2 E F CORR�DOR E F ��d 2 B oc� E 2 10 SIGNATURE DATE 12 P V�5-10 T01 LET � 067 2 2 P Z P P 30cd P P � 041 P ��2w S F 042 P R M 389 75cd E P B B A3-9 S cR s B� �� � e r vz—�o � �,....�.... � �_� E F - e �.� B R �� B 'ss E10 PROPRIETARY CR � � 3e8 E �� � � ` � �} � C1 � { sA 2��� DOCUMENT B ZGZ � � Os C'R IN THE NATURE OF TRADE SECREfS, THIS DRAWING AND 1HE 4 ' 036 138 DESIGNS THEREON ARE THE PROPRIETARY, CONFlDENIV�L B 2 B ' �` .,�..-�-° ' � v '�"`�--=�� MUSIC 2 INfOR1aATI0N OF MEfROPLIX CONIROL SY5fEA1S THEY SWLLL NOT BE WORK ROOM 272 273 2 263 �68 P ���� S 035 P DUPUCATID, USED, OR DISCLOSED TO OTHERS IXCEPT AS 063 � OFFICE OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED BY CONTRACT WfTHOUT WRITTEN p LECTURE / 2 RACTIC MUSIC PERMISSION OF MEfROPLEX CONTROL SYSTF.I+I ALL REPRODUCTIONS � B B131 2 P ASSISTANT F 2 P E 15cd � 2 P 1 �' REHEARSAL HALL p Al2 � � B CLASSROOM n�H s DRAWNGS ARE SCHEMATIC AND DO NOT ATTEMPT A2-8 1 19 INFIRMARY RECEPTION 02 A1 11 TO SHOW CONDUR ROUIING F E iw�d � S B1 18 �' B1�R 1 1 Y Z ~'^'� KA 2 EN ANITOR os5 1 � E � � � � � CORRIDOR – F � - � g 27o HALL 2646_p�, �� ANN-2 � � � ��� i� #� 1 CR 137 F '� �� 2 13 2 � 261 Q 337 , � e � ' p A2-6 p P 2 104 �g 3 � R B 2 040 . B M 2 , 30c�� B P �P � ��----� ' B P S ❑ P�,�.�.���C��,' a S 38� �R } 038 A3-2 �: E � S "„, .; ,.._.`—( E B 2 V2-2 ��'•�' �L '�°`�r � � � � �_5 V'4' E F ��� ' RACTIC P 039 2 lwcd s Ue � •;�'3 STAI R � �. F B F 110cd 001 1 1 P = ,�; 23 1 w � ..4,� B E � � � � � Eg �4.��,•� ,ta� e e ,,���"� 267 266 2 2 265 260 2 � COAT CLOSET ^42-33 `_"'"'` `'""`""'"""�–'�--� q�_2 M ' E .����'�'�` � 2 � 13 11 ocd �t..�1�°° , F f GJ P P V5-12 � P P 30cd , _ � � � � B 257 � � b Z �� 031 2 B ` 136 � � � BUSINESS HEAD OF OFFICE CONFERENCE ADMISSIONS Y Z SC 100L CORR1DOR 2 p � 3 - - P o3o CR �; COM M ENTS AN D STAM P 13 13 � � � 259 � 258 338 � ,� AUDITOR RECOR ING/� 2 339 � 3 ;� PRAC ICE p : C ZP � � 2P ZP ZP � Q B � U. 27 11 �� g � E7 � � COMMONS e C� w �/2 E � [� 386 8111 E VESTIBULE � � � � R R R R e F 8 STAIR F �3 2 256 R ft �"` � � � � VESTIB E CORRIDOR 002 1 2 3 4 5 P A13 F A7.1.0 A7.1.0 A7.1.0 A7.1.0 A7.1 0 E 1 1135 � �'S $ M B � S 1 1 S 12 Y z � : � � SEE SHEET FF01 � � � a � B 2 032 2 '� Y Z / � CT2 CT2 � E� � ENTRY o � � ' VESTIBULE �`� �, i � � �� F HRUST P Z , e �� �� 1 C 13 — e a Y� I 376 377 378 379 I ! � c Z P STO 3 GE e ����'S � � E � � I e cT2 c-r2 �5 K E Y P LA N �� �(� , , �� F ` B 380 381 N,T,S, �' P� v� �� V ��. � 385 5006 E F E B � A� J MCS JOB#: si s 0 ���� �� !`� Y Z N 225� �1 UP FROM BASEMENT $2—2 7 9 , ,` � SEE SHEET FF01 G ` � fa P �P��v� ��� �� E FROM FACP F m e , � wP 2 REVISION DATE �� �� � B SEE SHEET FF01 F ` E D 1) SUBMITTAL 12 23 03 �� STAGE E 2) REVISION 03-01-04 B 13 B g 3) REVISION 04-13-04 110cd � 254 2 253 2 252 2 V4-1 1w � �� J � ��—� P P P WATER �4 � �f B SERVICE ' v4-4 / � 11 ��.�' 1wocd �� �� STAGECRAFT � � yl � 13 �J L��� J� � ���_ CAD FlLE• � /"� ;, ' ��-•1 82-279 1 ST FLOOR.DWG �� � �2 DRAWN BY• DATE: / , A. MIRELES 12-15-03 V � E� ENG. APPROVAL• DATE: REVIEM/ BY: SCALE: S�7 S19 S20 S21 S22 S�3 ��` ° �X ��"�" E B ALLEN �/e°=�'-o° � � i �,i STROBE L���J NAC#1 CKT (V2) �----� � I �is 1 E � o � L_—__J STROBE FIRE ALARM MAI N LEVE L — EAST E N D o 5 � 0 2° � FLAG NOTES: � °�° � ;�� i NAC#2 CKT ��3> OO� EST-3 SYSTEM ' L___—J SCALE: 1/8" = 1 '-0" ROUTE AC SUPPLY THROUGH THESE 9ATtERY WIRING E Scale In Feet 1 FIELD VERIFY THE QUANTI'TY OF FLOW SWITCH FOR MONITORING KNOCKOUiS ONLY (NON-POWER MAI N LEVE L ���) STRO B E OF THE UNITS. (NON-POWQt 11MRED) CKT (V4) r----- -�r- ------� NAC#3 E A S T E N D 2D FIELD VERIFY THE FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION FOR THE PROPER i �� ii ��, i LOCATION ON THE BUILDING. i t2� �^" ii 12� �^" i �HEEI f 3D FIELD VERIFY DEVICE LOCATION. ^ ��0 rC�j � I ------ - _ e \ � Q _ � O Z U (� � U . �� �,� Cn Z � > 8.2 � � o � � � � � � !�8 -----_. �� � � ¢ z � w F= . � � ❑� Q � � STOR E F ---...�, � O a O � � � w Z 10 STOR. 32s 2 B � 10 P EF �� � � � O 325 327 2 _'"'----._�--._.,.,..e 5 N4 � V � W 2 STOR. p .,,,_ _"`�.--�i� U w P 10 �"�`"----- � F7 3 8 8 S. R E V E R E P K W Y� U N I T 6 0 3 o W 1 W CENTENNIAL, COLORADO 80112 � W PHONE: 720.875.0303 Z E � N M � N N FAX: 720.875.0800 Q B F STO R W O D B �o Z � Z � ARCHITECT: � °---4--. 33g �I �'�""� J � KLIPP COLUSSY JENKS DUBOIS �_40 ����� '�` 2 P U W � V W WRITER SQUARE, 1512 LARIMER ST. I— W 324 �'P ;�ocd 328 �D � � `2 � Q = BRIDGE LEVEL, DENVER, CO 80202 STO R. 2 , ��~C� 10 P � � � PHONE: 303.893.1990 331 � � �----- � FAX: 303.893.2204 D 2 B -_..." B � P a ENGINEER: �2 � 5.9 N6 N7 N9 .4 � 2 BEAUDIN GANZE P 14142 DENVER W. PARKWAY S195 353 335 D GOLDEN, COLORADO 80401 D 2 ° � �°`�„° � 2 P E PHONE: 303.278.3820 398 F FAX: 303.278.3843 EXTERIOR AUXILARY ., ° `�"'- 9 5TH GRADE 1 TOILET GYMNASIUM s ; � � A�.i.o 1 ST GRADE CLASSROOM CLASSROOM �o �'O1 �---�' � 'S �°l TOILEf l�O �5 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR: GYMNASIUM A 3 �-18 2 P � 15 2 p �-�� RIVIERA ELECTRIC V5-s 352 l g ..-� � � 10 � ,�,�-- A5.2.s 75cd 30cd 410 McGREGOR DRIVE, SUITE 210 Q `"'-•-�-.-.---- 1/2w e e 1/2w � �� ` ¢ �� ` S 281 1 ��` s � GYPSUM, COLORADO 81637 B ��� B 329 D � ` � E V5-5 E e PHONE: 970.328.411 2 B � 15cd p D � FAX: 970.328.4999 . 323 � B Z p � �--� 330 �:,; 279 2 ��E C ' g � �,.! � 2p � 3452 P STOR. 344 2 PR T. . °`--r--_."�c------.._. STOR. �_3 p - g � B15 P � VAIL MOUNTAIN 10 110cd E F 333�2 D t ��4 �w E P SCHOOL � F E 278 �� � 334 2 D � 2 P 3000 BOOTH FALLS ROAD �� � � � � �~ �-�e B T���S 15cd SYST 321 E i8o a D P p�y� � � � VAIL, COLORADO 81657 15 �4 2 �W g �ww I��-� � 12TH GRADE e P RRIDOR �(}� �� B E F CLASSROOM E E F �/ � 3� 1 � E 14 320 �4 � V6-11 ; STOR. � �s 6151 E F i STORAGE S004 NICET: � 2 315 15cd � � � 11 , � �-20 ��: NAME: � -�---_"'_'-----_. P 2 ' A2-17 i V5-2 14 142 BOYS � P 3�2 �8o d i 283 �6 i52w o74 CERTIFICATE #: = SHOWERS TOR. M D - C151 B 154 B OFFICE j GIRLS T01 S 31� g�� S �"' E � S A3_�g 2 P 2 P S � 2 p 0 "k 14 B C141 �6 B CLIMBING WALL 2 2 � �-�-- � � � p ,;� F } P 30cd B B � SIGNATURE DATE C 171 ��2w f� 2 B F � STO R �� BOYS 318 P ,. .+ ��� S F �314 16 E F � STOR. B 306 B TOILET 092 ' LOCK�ERS 316 2 2 B � �� �08 r�4 2 C150 p GIRLS SHOWERS � �� 2 OFFICE 2 p � �-� P E p GIRLS LOCKERS C161 FITNESS ROOM P C111 � B CORRIDOR 073 1 PROPRIETARY F B E 16 �� E F B E F 14 1�d ' g 072 2 B DOCUMENT Q FOYER B P A3-18 IN THE NATURE OF TRADE SECRETS. THIS DRAWING AND THE 318 B B o'° E V3—�2 DESIGNS THEREON ARE THE PROPRIEfARY, CONFlDEMIAL ° B � � � INFORIAAiION OF MEfROPLIX CONiROL SYSfEA1S THEY SFWl NOT BE ,Ar� �� V7—J � B 8TH GRADE « 7�Cd O93 DUPLJCATED, USED, OR DISCLOSED TO OTHERS IXCEPT AS ���' 30cd 3,10 �_�s 305 2 CLASSROOM , B '" S �W 2 OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED BY CONTFtACT WffHOUT WR(TTEN � p PERMISSION OF MEfROPLEX CONTROL SYSfEM ALL REPRODUCTIONS V6-6 � ,� p B ' 15 swui e� n�is NoncE 317 2 75cd 397 � R OOIKG ' O�S OWRCONDUff ROEUTISNGHEMATIC AND DO NOT ATTEMPT V8 2 P 313 P 1 w S � � B 396 '� A2-13 E l B 309 1 .� CR � ,� B 2 P77 071 1 10 V3 �l E V7-8 V6-7 E 3 0 4 S 284 3 4 7 V 5-8 - 3s7 ��2w S �`''-----�._.. 3oc_„_,d � E '�3 l A3 STAIR ASST. HEAD , 2 2 15cd o97 13 � � � A3-27 � OFFICE S P P B 2 A V6-3 005 2 q3_23 R P � `{�298 15cd DRY ��"`""� 395 V6-5 �52w p 12 �-1 OYS o�� � _ , �� VESTIBULE B 1 STORAGE � � CTl 15cd BOYS � � INDEPENDENT e B 30cd �4 07o B ?� •�° , C142 13 ` '° � �'��.�= , �2 GIRLS F CLASSROOM 12 �/2w E 2 •�,��,����' ' `A� CHAIR E 0 i� 0 � �2 vs- � 12 �R � P �� �� 3� ,� AN _ F STORAGE 2s9 B ��, � 15cd ASST. H 285 2 392 SERVER WORK AREA 098 v; 3�2- M- ;�� N 1 �,qp 1 C132 j 300 � �ESTI SUPPOR p E ROOM � 10 2 .�: � e B a 288 12 �p P •. � •�� 1 n2-�2 B 2 -.'�`' 2 28s � B � � � , :. 29� � s 3 cd KITCHEN 30j B 303 2 � � - p 2 E BPS-2 AV STOR � �gi���.,.,,.��`• �2 2 HALL �� E F -� ��2w 131 l �,,.a° P �Z � s B P B 39i 3�2 8 B 141 B gA 2P � .� n rz �LLA9�- j� p 13 t' 349 " �-25 275 276 ,� � � C 1 J��j � WARE WASH g E ' E vl-1 2 P 2 � �w �, / �..,J B 13 � ` -� � j 15cd F B E E p P ��� � � � � - •� • �2 S F B � e � S � 2w E12C B BA�A ..�� COMMENTS AND STAMP � 2 =`°`�._. �-.�------ P A3-26 B � CR 393 -24 S B i� -_'��`°,-,�,=:� � E F � � I �-�� V6-2 V6-1 �-5 S -� STUDENT � 75cd � STORE �2w B j�2w g � E a �'" � 13 290 2 M 28s 2 2 287 CORRIDOR 2742 os9 2 1 360 B E F �r�� CORRIDOR ' P P TOILET F P 12 P 5-10 TOILEf � 067 2 2 S AZ-10 `""`�(� �2 E R M 389 75cd E P � P 3s� v7-4 8 C12 B CR s B117 g Y 2 36 75cd � Z P 2 2 B �"' STOR. e • EVEL MENT 71 CR a • P 363 E � 12 292 ¢ 91 SUPPORT � �'a 1 388 B E 26� � 2 B B 2 P E F P E 1 3�B 134 B 341 T01 LET B y B 2 2 P 2 P 13 �-14 B WORK�ROOM 272 Z 273 2 P E 263� �-9 068 2 p� g 15cd B131 p AS�ISTANT F (E p E �� ' P � VOLUtVT ERS °� B _9 B �3 A2-8 1 1 INFIRMARY STOR RECEPTION r V7_3 F S� F E 5cd � s B 118 � a 11 � B �� 75cd 13 5 t w B 11 Y z � 294 ,�2w F �� � K EY P LA N � 2 g HALL B ANN-2 � ; N,T,S. DR pIMG p P KINDERGARTEN B �2 2 270 2 �3 2� 2 261 � 104 MCS .108 : 359 2 13 C 121 350 2 P P �_S� B P P 2 # p 358 g � B P B 30cd 387 CR M , _ P p - �1 2p 357 ' 2 293 2 B � E S g O2 279 ��"'- 2 P P � A2-5 V4 REVISION DATE , � D � V4-5 Q2 p 356 2 g � E F e F ;wOcd � 1) SUBMITTAL 12-23-03 �`'�j �'�����. � A7.1 6 3 P FOY�ER B e e � ` 2) REVISION 03-01-04 �--��-....1 '�-.:,.,�, �__ A7.1.6 Y Z 4 12 B B � � _ _ 266 265 260 3) REVISION 04-13-04 �.` A71.6 S B 269 2 267 2 2 2 2 � '�" j''`-----� P B P P V5-12 g P P j ' -_���.,,,�.,���,�� 394 _ 268 30cd '-----J �-��. J-y � �-„,..��_s4 � B DEVELOPMENT 2 P BUSINESS ADMISSIONS HSC�HOOL �-� � 351 35o DIRECTOR ACCOUNTING OFFICE CONFERENCE Y Z CORR1DOR ��"------..��---- �2 Y Z 2 2 13 13 13 13 11 11 � � p p 259 � �� � �, � � � � � 2 P � 54 � � � � � �' 386 CAD S2?2�9 �ST FLOOR.DWG s� E DRAWN BY: DATE: 0 ��X 0�"'�" STROBE �� , A. MIRELES 12-15-03 CKT (V5) •4 A7 ENG. APPROVAL: DATE: • �----� NAC#1 S? i �-x, i � "°�„° � E S� S�3 S 10 S 11 S 12 � L____J REVIEW BY: SCALE: � �' STROBE • I ��, I B. ALLEN 1/8"=1'-0" � � "°°-+�+ � CKT (V6) � VE T BULE - L____J NAC�2 , �� ,q �s �------� � �`� OO � I �� I 1 �°°u.� I E ' L____J ROUfE AC SUPPLY STROBE M A I N L E V E L - W E S T E N D THROUGH THESE 9ATiER1'WIRING _ IQJOCKOUIS ONLY �"�"�� NAC#3 CKT (V7) (NON-POWER L1MfTID) SCALE: � s" _ � '—o" FLAG NOTES: ����� ♦ �<v�' FIRE ALARM �----- --��- -----, E � G � � � � `�O� EST-3 SYSTEM i ii i STROBE 1D ALL DEVICES NEED PROTECTIVE COVERS OR GUARDS. Q. � ��` �,�� , �',"� „ �'•'� , # CKT �v8> 0 5 10 20 ����C' � �,` NAC 4 � P��� ��5 MAIN LEVEL � ,2,�c• W E ST E N D BPS2 Scale In Feet � � ���� �\ � z a _ g d�'8.? � /1�1.2 z � O " N? � �n z ��8 "---____--._. � 0 � ��''�----_."'-----._,.___•-_..,___,�� � � � � a .,. . r �...;.._.� � g � 1 j —''`--,---_.--_. �4 � � �G � a ? ' . � � c.� ! ~ ` ' t �f� � � � - _y '� a + �i� O Q Z _ a � ,�, U p t• ` t aa � � W Z ```' :•.! � O � O �� � � U � � f oW U w W � W W 7388 S. REVERE PKWY, UNIT 603 � (n � N CENTENNIAL, COLORADO 80112 � � PHONE: 720.875.0303 Z Z 0 W O FAX: 720.875.0800 Q Z J �` � J � ARCHITECT: � U W ' ~ KLIPP COLUSSY JENKS DUBOIS � Q = Q W WRITER SQUARE, 1512 LARIMER ST. � � N � � � BRIDGE LEVEL, DENVER, CO 80202 � PHONE: 303.893.1990 8 I��9 /�� NT lU,� h�� ` FAX: 303.893.2204 ENGINEER: BEAUDIN GANZE �M a 14142 DENVER W. PARKWAY S195 C100 4TH GRADE 6TH GRADE V11-13 � CLASS�ROOM CIASSR00M 3occ�2w ( GOLDEN, COLORADO 80401 8252 108 2 107 Z B255 � V11 PHONE: 303.278.3820 059 Z P � TOILEf E F P S A5 p B B254 FAX: 303.278.3843 _ s 8 a• B ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR: v�_;; B �l B RIVIERA ELECTRIC 75cd E B E F f LO C AT E D A B 0 V E ��2w �� � �-- 410 McGREGOR DRIVE, SUITE 210 � �-- GYPSUM, COLORADO 81637 _ _ 2 P5S 2 056 PHONE: 970.328.411 � � ` � B P � M FAX: 970.328.4999 STOR. , � � 2 B25 � `( `j � P � e PROJECT: �,� /+� 110 � E F � � C�O�RRID�OR � Y C � L�7� P oso VAIL MOUNTAIN � B B �� 139 P � SCHOOL � f 8 CLAS ROOM STAIR ! � P B 3�4 � e � b I o04 055 � 3000 BOOTH FALLS ROAD 2 �``"` � CR P� e , CR DTS � 825� � 2 P � VAIL, COLORADO 81657 � 8 402 p � � p B DTS 3ss � � �� R e CLIMBING � � 2 � ^ � E F os� 2 I s B B � � S ALL � 2 — --- p � ��19 NICET: 337 ' r� e � � s 3ocd2w E � NAM E: � 2 � � 33 B � F B �ECHANICA A5-2o E � F 054 DIV. HEAD � ` 2 � �""" � W �MEZZANINE �3�d� F I 2 P 24 � CERTIFICATE #: � / � V10 � � N E F 111 P V1118 34 1 2w I � � f w � � 75cd �� W � � F S 1 w i'#. �;� � r � �" �---, �� B = �i i�i i i S SIGNATURE DATE � L_ ksr� „"'_ +.._ B MECHANICAL �' �-2 F f A5—�5 '� MEZZANINE � � � F I ��2w2 � PROPRIETARY COUNSELING � � � B F DOCUMENT �`� 24 �12 �5 P SUPPORT � I S o E V6_g 75F d _ 112 , IN THE NATURE OF TR4DE SECREfS, THIS DRAWING AN n� 11y S � m B DESIGNS THEREON ARE THE PROPRIETARY, CONFlDENTIAL 22 _ 2 g24 INF�RIMiION OF MEfROPLEX CONTROL SYSiE11S THEY SWLLL NOT BE ❑ � � E s —� � P� � O46 2 DUPLJCATED, USED, OR DISCLOSED TO OTHERS IXCEPT AS �� � b U.S. SCIENCE OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED BY CONTRACT WRHOUT WRITTEN �'""'-^-�,��� P PERMISSION OF�IEfROPLEX CONiitOL SYSTEM All REPRODUCfIONS 063 CLASSROOM swu� e� niis NoncE � 6TH GRADE os5 2� � TO SHOW CONDUR ROUTING c> Z THESE DRAWINGS ARE SCHEMATIC AND DO NOT ATTEMPT ' ` CLASSROOM B 2 A5-17 P E v��-� F I E i s�d e , 22 081 2 B 30cd � � i ,/2w F 1 , � � a � P 7TH GRADE �_�s 053 � � � � CLASSROOM t�-5 . � � � � � 078 082 2 P B 086 P 25 B S 30c 1 2W B � Z 2 B :g� €O,�' 6S� � P o84 C�OFFICEIN t R � .,�.���` '�'� �` COUNSELING � °' �,�@;' � � � e �CLA S OOMT 2 p 22 ' CO2F � JB220 B 14�R E o52 OFFICE o47 B ❑ t�;� :�,� ---�-.._ 22 A4-14 A4-12 65 064 V11-4 � E 621 2 �' :� � 3�23 0 � B ' V12-8 A4-13 V12-6 066 Z 2 2 5 d -�! �s� , , � MECH B 1/2W V12-7 15cd P P P P R OFFIC �, ; �=� ,.. E A C C E S S - 15cd 1 5c d �/2 W L E C T R I C • A S T O R � ,c •�, .;,��,�r ; vi2 i3 22 �� S S S B221 B241 � e A4—s CR B21� �,�••.��;���, �, �-. I�,� � /2w E - - - E F � E F � 30cd 3 S ����,�ti � s B CORRIDOR e � '�2i" COMMENTS AND STA�P a � �,q�, 079 B E CORRIDOR A4-15 os7 22 051 2 F o48 2 B TOILEf � E ! � �,i�i 2 p F C 20 � 2 p V12-9 E 2 P �A4-10 p P 22 f� F �--- 2 U77 30cd F g W 2-4 E F �` �i e. �Ocd� 144 I ' 1/2W S 30cd B I 'r'.-----_---.,. 1 _ ? 076 j V12 1 � 1/2w � E F 2w S �'_'' ,---� �� _ � OFFICE r TOR. oss \ � F V 2a15 22 U.S. SCIENCE E F 23 2 P F S A4-8 8 G ( E I 1 E F �B g V12-2 �15 1 073 2 B B E B231 S S %2w S A4-7 1 p � 2 2 I 0712 F AV12�5 A4-9 E F E F 30cd� � KITOHEN STO P P %2w B ��d e ��2"' ,, � 2 � 4 c22 �/2w E + ¢ � 1 S 070 2 050 2 � 049 2 � � � � � � � E r.+—�c P � P P e � B � �so�d° 1 � � � GALLERY ,i2w � os9 B o " K EY P LA N d�'� , 1 �22� 11TH GRADE 1 " CLASSROOM N,T,S, �, V12 �# s 23 1 P23P U.S. S�CBENCE CtAS ROOM MCS JOB#: 1 A4 � �5cd 6 ' 23 23 E 1/2w 074 2 � (� {�j (� , � 82-279 si-�-'i I`-��-'I ��-r�-'i � P ❑ O � C] � C7 ❑ q REVISION DATE E 1 � 1) SUBMITTAL 12-23-03 Sf � 1 1 2) REVISION 03-01-04 ° , ' 3) REVISION 04-13-04 s2 � BOARD/ ' s,� � CONFERENCE ROOM S�' 22 1 C� s,� � � 1 � � � s� �,�,� 1 � S� 1 ' CAD FILE: � 82-279 2ND FLOOR.DWG Si� 1 S:I SPO 1 .S'� S�2 p DRAWN BY: DATE: p A. MIRELES 12-15-03 0 1 B B ENG. APPROVAL• DATE: DTS 142 �1� REVIEW BY: �re�c. 1 080 �'� B. ALLEN 1/8"=1'-0" UPPER LEVEL — WEST END �_ ---; I 2 �R o � � SCALE: 1/8 = 1 -0 '-'' w B � 1 � 113 2 P 0 5 10 20 � ����-� P S ' FI R E ALAR M � � E F S,� E S T—3 S Y S T E M Scale In Feet A4-18 � � "'2—'2 E F MECHANICAL U P P E R LEV E L �wcd MEZZANINE � � 32 WEST END E3 SHEET ^ LOCATED ABOVE W ; W I�I�O� , / ,� � � Z � _ � Z � , � O �,J W �n z LiJ W � > � � � N � � � � W O o� c� Z � � Z � � g � = F- 1 = �- nr�o ra,� rvf� � � � � aW � w � p J Z = QS � � g � N � N � � � o � O � o 1Y,9 h�4 I1.6' N�2 N,� N15 >15.1 C � � f G O w 1 U w W � U P P E R L E V E L — E A S T E N D �388 S. REVERE PKWY, UNIT 603 � 038 CENTENNIAL� COLORADO 80112 2 � PHONE: 720.875.0303 Z � R B DTS � .p o �-�8 SCALE: 1/8" = 1 '-0" FAx: �2o.s75.oeoo Q 137 6TH GRADE V11-13 2 3RD GRADE CU�SSROOM 3oc�2w B 10 AHU 1�`Fkl GRADE e CLASSROOM ARCHITECT: 107 2 8255 S � V�� B 136 4 � CLAS2500M 034 2 031 2 2103 25 � �j � Q 20 � KLIPP COLUSSY JENKS DUBOIS E F P ' A5 CR P E F P P WRITER SQUARE, 1512 LARIMER ST. B P B � TOILET e Scale In Feet �` BRIDGE LEVEL, DENVER, CO 80202 E F °' B e # 135 S B ` 25 � �o-� � PHONE: 303.893.1990 A5_�� 15cd � E F DTS 3o�ds os2 S � � FAX: 303.893.2204 �--- ����- 1 2w ❑ ---��✓' � ,, `--- �� � e � 03� B / 1 B �o�s f7.5 � ENGINEER• �58 2 056 2 S 033 2 �wcd # � . � p 106 �_12 104 2 P 102 2 / � � BEAUDIN GANZE STOR. MECHANICAL 2 V10-9 p STOR. p '� 14142 DENVER W. PARKWAY S195 B25 MEZZANINE P ��d ,n(,� g ' 34 �W S 25 � r" GOLDEN, COLORADO 80401 , B � ` 8 �» PHONE: 303.278.3820 a �0 C AT E D A B 0 V E o35 Z � EfT FAX: 303.278.3843 _ � P STAIR � E p 134 y18 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR: � ""� 055 � I � � t � RIVIERA ELECTRIC 2 P 'j �T � F I E16 T STORAGE a ILN q 410 McGREGOR DRIVE, SUITE 210 B � � - 2 ! 20 014 20 � 2 0 � GYPSUM, COLORADO 81637 �j � � �-sS� I o30 2 El5 f P B 2 p ��� PHONE: 970.328.411 ` � W 0-5 P � 1 g � B �� 30cd i f . � 054 DIV. HEAD i ��2w v o-4 � � � FAX: 970.328.4999 � , 098 ( 2 P 24 � � � E F 039 2 P DIV. HEAD CORRIDOR E F 30cc}2w d W..�,,,,.,, S 2 p s V10 n n o � � B 24 A24 10TH GRADE � � ,�_4 PROJECT: ` :�ti. E F �� C�",� I CLAA2500M e os7 B �2d B F i�� �� S _ , � 2 � w VAIL MOUNTAIN ! B °���� A5-15 S M.S. SCIE` � �30 d� , B p 13 2 �� � S C H 0 0 L v10-12 � �,qg CLASSROOM � 30cd M.S. SCIENCE E F � ��2w � g 5 B F 1�2w 20 20 � � oss e �� 3000 BOOTH FALLS ROAD � � e F � � 015 2 � 2 os5 -� � VAIL, COLORADO 81657 S I B ` BOYS029 B 028 �-1 P P } •�° 24 2 ( a o46 Z o45 Z o'�p Z 24 � � �2w OF F CE P f E13 � U.S. SCIENCE P P p y p 2 15cd ART STUDIO � � C L A S S R O O M ��d V 1 o-3 �p� S FORIEGN C O M P U T E R 2 0 � B B N I C E T: � v 1 1-6 20 B B � 2 LANGUAGE ART 94 2 1 2 � � NAME: J 1 5c d � � E B y R B A 2 2 1 E 2 0 P 20 � � w� e P 2 P � CERTIFICATE #: F j E B 053 � B B F B B 1 A5_14 B i � R R E 018 016 � 093 � �3ocd� TOILET ° i CR ELEC 2 P 2 P 2 P 92 `� SIGNATURE onrE A B B 1/2w 22 �i'—'' B 133 � E 22 8 017 � 0 2 P S a . g 2 1 027 CR g P E F 052 L OFFICE �� e g B � � 1 132 020 2° o�a B �.2�' PROPRIETARY 5 ���_4 E B21 044 042 041 021 019 ELEVATOR i p ��2w S 91 , DOCUMENT � 2 2 2 2 V10-1 2 2 2 p R p PREP P p 15Cd P _ B P 2 �Z �r_6 F qg_5 � P IN THE NANRE OF TRADE SECREfS. THIS DRAWING AND THE OFFICE B20� OFFICE ORK RM � P € �_2 �9_4 ' DESIGNS THEREON ARE THE PROPRIEfARY, CONFlDENTL4L � � � A241 i � 30cd S S 1/Cd B � INFORUAiION OF METROPLD( CONfROL SYS�EMS iNEY SWLLL NOT BE SYS EM g CR B21 B21 1 B 0 BPS-3 �v 1 2w 1 2w E � "' E12 o�n-Pi�wise�AUTHORZED IBYCO�cr��otrr�wRmEN A4-6 62 � � o B � PERMISSION OF METROPLEX CONTROL SYSIEM ALL.REPRODUCiIONS Vll-3 S B CR 130 B B 163 s GALLERY �-2 a L�'J' THESE DRAWNGSNARE SCHEMATIC AND DO NOT ATTEMPT B I ��2w 8 B R B 131 100 B CTZ �3 E B A201 �Cd TO SHOW CONDUR ROUIING. F 048 2 B 2 043 026 2 2 �� 2 C T 2 160 3 o c d 2 010 011 2 1g2w S A4-5 A4-4 P 16� ��2w P GALLERY P E F - P P vt1-2 P P CORRIDOR CORRIDOR E F y��_� E E F 21 E F ��Zw 30cd ��2 E 22 p BP1 20 I � s F BP2 - e �' £f0 �'p 3���s �t" � •� `� B � � ° e CONTROL ROOM p p F � ��.;��,�1��� O p _ �;� F A231 Z B �e �'�` � ,�g�, S � - 009 B 1 C;; r� � :E� E F V12�1 � "° �.. ,,.,_", 2 P 008 089 ,A: � A�� 30cd ART 2 2 : 1/2w 7 _ STUDIO P P `��.�,�. . �,�� E STAIR �� �g 20 E F `�<Q,lA�-� � 001 � _ � � 049 S E� � 2 p � ':� �g 2g �� CORRIDOR A5-1 � �� � � �� � 21 ��d a COMMENTS AND STAMP � � � �/2w , a �� �� �2e�R e ., ATH GRA�F �i � �� � ��� CIASSR00M � `_'"',.�- '�.`_"`'�--1 '�`"°-�� oo� R e B 23 025 2 2 os7 088 ' 29 , P 2 2 � o P o � � P P EB o a — B � E . - � M M F � 9 � a CR o F 127 B a B 1 006 � 2 P 12s R ~ E p s a a � z S E £T ❑ F � ° � R R Z ,�d B o- 2 KEY PLAN � 1/2w � N,T,S, � � � � R � � o �s ; Fd:S MCS JOB#: a $ � �-,o � 82-279 n � ��� ITORIUM G E 15cd F Y REVISION DATE � � ° �>� m ..:,.. � v.,,.mm�. ,., —�— ,,�„��,� :,, �, �� � 13 IVISION 2 �'� 1) SUBMITTAL 12-23-03 � �� E � H�� P CONFERENCE 2) REVISION 03-01-04 S1� n � 2 � 2 � F A2� � B 21 3) REVISION 04-13-04 � 1 � � � Z Z � o � � E5 � ' B Z ° � � � 5cd� z i 5�d 2 E TO BASEMENT FACP o ��X °�� CKT R(V9) Z CONFERENCE 003 2 P 001 2 P B - SEE SHEET FFO1 • r----� NAC#1 S > I6.5 21 ' ` � �+;' � S�5 � ��r � �.2.3.4 E L-----� E � � , STROBE CAD FILE: � �� A���'� S �f . � A0� � CKT �V10� 82-279 2ND FLOOR.DWG ❑ L----J NAC#2 � �g�3 g B , , � r-----i DRAWN BY: DATE; V9 30cd OO � j �,'� j E A MIRELES 12-15-03 ---- - 1/2w ' �----� ' s � E.3 F ROUTE AC SUPPLY STROBE FNG. APPROVAL: DATE: THROUGH THESE BATfERY WIRING KNOCKOUTS ONLY �MR"-�� NAC#3 C KT (V 1 1) OOZ (NON-POWER LIMfTID) REVIEW BY: �GALE: LEARNING I Z SUPPORT � r----- -�r- -----� E B ALLEN 1/8"=1'-0" �W � W P 21 i ��� ii ��� i NAC#4 CKTR(V12) N � � WO WO O F 0 BPS3 z �- Z � � p o E� FIRE ALARM J � J � FROM BASEMENT FA P EST-3 SYSTEM _ ~ � = H' S El a ``' � ~' 11' UPPER LEVEL � � � � EAST E N D Sl7 519 S20 S.ZI S22 S23 S�� 52,� S2E , � ��0� ,�� 3—CHAS7 �� cHASSis C�LaC�P C�OG�C�M��' �C�bC�DM[�C � OO �o� REFERENCE DESCRIPTION QUANTIIY OF ESTIMATED CURRENT VOLTAGE E � LAST � � ADDRESSES/DEVICES DISTANCE DRAW DROP DEVICE > iooP , woP 0� 0 3—PPo e � �� —BB�'s SLC-#1 SIGNAL LOOP CIRCUIT = DETECTORS (1ST FLOOR) 101 (125MAX) 1,989'FT � � � SLC-#1 SIGNAL LOOP CIRCUIT MODULES (1ST FLOOR) 017 (125MAX) 1,989'FT � ('3 (3-CPU BEHIND) 3-LCD 3-PSMON 3-BPMON \ � C� ,�,�,,,�E,,,, SLC-#2 SIGNAL LOOP CIRCUIT - DE7ECTORS (1ST FLOOR) 113 (125MAX) 1.252'FT X /� Q Z � � 3-SDDC � � 3-SDDC � �^ 0 o SLC-#2 SIGNAL LOOP CIRCUIT - MODULES (1ST FLOOR) 027 (125MAX) 1,252'FT � V, � Q ��'� o o � O SLC-#3 SIGNAL LOOP CIRCUIT - DEfECTORS (2ND FLOOR) 113 (125MAX) 1,259'FfQ O V- � .�p� O � � O ���� � ... SLC-#3 SIGNAL LOOP CIRCUIT - MODULES (2ND FLOOR) 024 (125MAX) 1,259'Ff O �+ U O � � � � SLC-#4 SIGNAL LOOP CIRCUIT - DEfECTORS SPARE 000 (125MAX) 0'Ff n O w O ON BACK ON BACK ON BACK ON BACK SLC-#4 SIGNAL LOOP CIRCUIT - MODULES SPARE 000 (125MAX) 0'FT VJ C P B C O M N E C i S T O 3-P P S 2 3-S D C C A R D A R E P B C O N N E C i S T O 3-B P S 2 3-S D C C A R D A R EG VIA P2 POWQt CABLE INSTALLm W1 P2 POWER CABLE INSULlED � �— P4 CONNECfS TO 3-PPS P4 CONNECIS TO 3-BPS CKT. V1 NOTIFlCATION CIRCUIT STROBE BASEMENT 13 325'FT 1.432A 2.97 21 03 U 1M P3 DATA CABLE VIA P3 DATA CABLE O W �02� �04\ 24VDC-1 24VDC- REMOTE ANNUNICATOR U W ' FLAG NOTE 7388 S. REVERE PKWY, UNIT 603 � 3-LRAIF BLANK PLAiE 3-LRMF BLANK PUTE 3-LRAIF BUWK PUTE 3-LRMF BUNK PLATE 3-LRAIF BIANK PUiE Z 4 V D C-Z S P A R E uour�rs oN nie �xorrr ►�ourrrs oN nae �xorrr ►wurns oN tHE r�orrr uour�ns oN n�e�orrr Mourrrs or+nae �orrr CENTENNIAL, COLORADO 801 12 � � � � � oF niis Moou� oF niis Moou� oF niis Monu� oF n�is Monu� oF niis �oou� 1 125 SIGNATl1RE SERIES OETECTORS AND 125 SIGNATURE SERIES d � d � d � d � 24VDC-3/4 SPARE ��� � PHONE: 720.875.0303 Z MODULES PER CIRCUIT "T-TAPS ARE PERMITTED TOTAL (124) PER CKT. � Ir/�"�V��� F A X: 7 2 0.8 7 5.0 8 0 0 Q 24VDC-5/6 SPARE �000 � •"'� � To �v � PRO�1B�."T:va��vt.schoo� ARC H ITECT: NExT OO OO OO '�� G�aC�P bO�OG OC�G���Ob C�OG�C�M04 �C�bC�DMdC ��� F� KLIPP COLUSSY JENKS DUBOIS 00o O � � '� -�� DE5IGNPAR�IVET9� �CI�yHars- 60 WRITER SQUARE, 1512 LARIMER ST. PANNL OOO O O � REFERENCE DESCRIPTION QUANTITY OF ESTIMATED AMP TOTAL DEVICE q����- 15 � �,u„� � � ��X � � � ADDRESSES/DEVICES DISTANCE WATTS AREA BRIDGE LEVEL, DENVER, CO 80202 0 0 4��H 4.�z�i CKT-A1 NOTIFlCATION CIRCUIT - AUDIO BASMENT 10 320'FT #1 8W AMP �'� '�'� � ��� � � .�� � ���� PHONE: 303.893.1990 CKT-A2 NOTIFlCATION CIRCUIT - AUDIO MAIN LEVEL 22 1,121'FT #2 25W AMP Y O �� (���2) (�3��4) �� CKT-A3 NOTIFICATION CIRCUIT - AUDIO MAIN LEVEL 27 1,251'FT #3 26W AMP FAX: 303.893.2204 O �Z �� CKT-A4 NOTIFlCATION CIRCUIT - AUDIO UPPER LEVEL 15 642'FT #4 8W AMP 1 �PPS�M-Pt7t1�y��S�7ply X 0085= 0.085 1 X 0085= 0085 ENGINEER: CKT-A5 NOTIFICATION CIRCUIT - AUDIO UPPER LEVEL 20 818'Ff #5 20W AMP 1 �LCD-�qudQysfial DisplayNbckie X 0053= 0.053 1 X 0053= OOSi 1 �RS485�V6-Neiv�aic C,orrrnatica6on C,ard x 0 056= 0 056 1 x 0 055= 0 056 B EAU D I N GAN Z E E E ��� 1 �ASU-AudoSaaoelJiyt/w01�1� x 0113= 0113 1 x 0113= 0113 14142 DENVER W. PARKWAY S195 3—C HAS7 �a.or,cbo.q� 2 3,��ts+c�a,�c,�,adi� X o 2�= oas4 z X o�s� = o sz ���� � 3—BB� ou,��„n CHASSIS �h ?276t�(67.8crN 2�BPS�M-B�oosterF�n�er5l.ipply x 0056= 011 2x 0056= 011 GOLDEN, COLORADO 80401 p.�� 21A h(bl.34 cr� 5�ZAAOB-40 V�tt Za�ed Arrplfier,q�s B x 0 035= 0175 5 x 23= 115 �.26r, ���'��Ba"� 1 3-ZA)OC-StarX6�jrArrplfier,Class6�A x 0035= OOa5 1 x 0035= 0035 PHONE: 303.278.3820 3-BPMON �18� �ti 2�12/S2Y-12 9�utch,12 Yell,12 Yell Display Nbd x 0 OQ2= 0 004 2 x 0 Q2= 0 04 � � � � � � � �v�w ��� FAX: 303.278.3843 �Tdal a 12513 °�DO°R �'� ������ ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR: .0 r� ���^�'�-+� �OIQh Oa iw Ddc�Av�a(a�p ir�C Q-uc) n O OOOOiv- O 014T�v J(�:.. O OOOOi^v- O 0�4:'1 v 14 SIG4278 x 0000396= 00056�I44 14 x 000068= 000952 RIVIERA ELECTRIC � 3SIG4�f1 x OOOQ2�= 000075 3x 00004= 00012 410 McGREGOR DRIVE, SUITE 210 5 SIG4G'f 2 x 0 000396= 0 00198 5 x 0 00068= 0 0034 p ■• p •• PB W�NNECTS TO 3-BpS p •° p •• p •• p ■■ Mair�in 1/4"(6 mm)between pawer 7 SIG4DTS x 0000396 00(�772 7 x 000068= 00047G GYPSUM COLORADO 81637 TX RX TX RX y�py ppyy��pg� TX RX TX RX TX RX TX RX � P4 CONNECfS TO 3-BPS 16mibed and non-pow�er I1miEed wiring, �g�4,� 7$I�(g� x 0 0 7 x 0 002= 0 014 VIA P3 DATA CABLE �������m� Potiver iimited 3-zn4og a-znaoe s-zAaoe 3-ZA406 3-ZA408 3-ZA40B ���� ���� ��,q� 3�� �Tdal b OQ24�i5 PHONE: 970.328.411 �ti �� t�.�� �r�� FAX: 970.328.4999 3-LRMF BUWK PLA7E - car- � cicr- (� ►�ourrrs oN n�E Fxorrr cicr- � acr- (� c�cr- (� etiacuP oeo.Y 3 SIGprOG''I,CC� x O OOQ713= 0 000669 3 x 0 0001 = 0 0003 nupio aupq oF n��s �,�oou� �udo �uow nuoio awo dracxxr a a e 16 SIC�t x 0 0001 = 0 0016 16 x 0 0001 = 0 0016 BASEYE!!�tEVEJ. MNN LEVEL MNN LEVEL UPPQt LEVEL UPPER LEVEL • � � 0 0 � � a . . , a a �Ta� c 00019 PROJECT• ` 0 GAIN � GAIN GlUN � � GlUN 0 GAIN � GlUN � FVOfl-pOVVe�IlrtllEed �' II�DICATIIVC'aAPPL�AI�IC:ES VAIL MOUNTAIN wtring erea under ? rail sssemby gq�pX � 1 757$4T(Han/Strnbe Unt-110od) x = 1 x 0 219= 0 219 -:: � �Tahal d 0219 S C H 0 0 L -:: � . . . � ce.s 3�PJV�CPU1-FZerrio�teAr�ur�c. x 0171 = 0513 3 x 0195= 0585 3000 BOOTH FALLS ROAD � Stab-Tdal e 0 585 � � � '��" � � � � Non-powerllmited � � � � � VAIL, COLORADO 81657 '�,� wtrfng er+ea under ��5�"�'ie raii�ssembly � Tdai Starx�jr C�arent 166 � ��'' - O + O u ,_, " • � � St�rxb�r Hars x 60 00 � F F � F � F � y o o � �Mrvi�i�Ra��� �� NICET� � �N �� UPPER LEVEL UPPER LEVEL • • • • ��,� �N � ��> c�+� c�� b � � NAME: c�� � . . . � Tdal Par�el Carpor�erdAlarmQrrent a 12513 �o��eru�fifbed V Tdalfor10%aFlrYhahngDe�noes [�tatal b( 0024235)x10� b 000475�i CERTIFICATE #: rail assembly s Tdal Qkp�k De�noeAlarmQererrt c 00019 N Totallrxfic�6ngAppliarbeAlarmQrre�t d 0219 �2 Tdal Nisoellaneoi,sDe�noeAlarmQrrent e 0585 SIGNATURE �A� 0 O . . . � Total Alarm Q,Rnerit 13.32366 ���`. �� � Alarm 15 mn-60 mn. x 025 o�����'�e��r�o� — — �ett skle v�w '�ti �D1°� � P RO P R I ETARY �+ � �� 14 CHASSIS o �ry �ry o snrrerra�► �''16� '�''��1°� 3� ` 3.� DOCUMENT ��T'����� � ���� + �� IN THE NATURE OF TRADE SECREfS, THIS DRAWING AND THE A�� o00 p� 0 � ° Tokal Q.rr��Neecfs = 10263 DESIGNS THEREON ARE THE PROPRIETARY, CONFlDENTIAL ••• G� o00 '�Vl�S�V� {�� INFORMAiION OF AIEiROPLEX CONTROL SYSiEA1S THEY SWLLL NOT BE • • • • • • • '' o ° Fr+ent Vlew ��e"9��o X �� DUPLJCATED, USED, OR DISCLOSED TO OTHERS IXCEPT AS Baitery S�ae FZequred = 12316 Arrp Hars OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED BY CONTRACT WITHOUT WRffTEN PERMISSION OF METROPLEX CONTROL SYSTEM ALL REPRODUCf10NS �.�„ .� CA B 21 E N C LO S U R E T�o�DUITNROUIING THESE DRAWINGS ARE SCHEMATIC AND DO NOT ATfEMPT A U D I O S O U i t C E U N I Y N.T.S. N l�o p le�c C'Ja�kr�d vull Furush�c 9D A�r p e�e I-b�s Batten� Par�el Fi�P I , o o PP00 PP01 PP02 PP03 PP04 PP05 � RIBBOFI CABLE �p��� �" .�' �,E1G�+ t�` T03-ASU P/F1250195-01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o a�o evee vee avae oe vovae voe eveee � �r. •`3°�`, _•'•�et DISPLAY o 0 0 0 0 0 - ,,,,,,,,, o Q" :�3 ��V� ��� �� o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � �;� 352 3 , . 0 �/41�SI0� �t p�■ � o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 �' �� '• : =�+. MEMORY ��0e � � � � � � � oB PPCC0001 �.,� . ,, o •.�a �.� �„� � RAIL 1 mmmmmm mmm �',�f�' '��� � � o� � ° I � I I AVAI LAB LE I N o 0 0 �� � � ° 1 —, 2—, AND 3—RAIL �,� �y n oN ea°�e� � So .,�, �� � CABINETS COMMENTS AND STAMP ���� • • • • • • • • � Jo Jo do Jo R40N �ION O AI�� � � � � .I4 Ald O O O�� � ❑❑O v ❑ 0 0 I o ,,� -- o � 000 � „� °� BBB � 0 0 00� � 000 O 0 � � � � � � � � ° 000 O � ° � o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o a � � /Jn � PP32 PP33 PP34 PP35 PP36 PP37 p '" : //�\��� V /�\ �� //�\ PP06 PP07 PP08 PP09 PP10 PP1 1 PP12 v \1 lJ lJ L�IJ U \111 �U \1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � Q Q O o 0 0 0 0 0 IV� \vJ II \I \v/� � II \I��// \\�� �\v/ II \I IuJ � �� o FACP .... ... ... .... ___ ____ ... _.... _._ ____ __ __.__ ___ .__ � O� � O FACP BACKBOX MOUNTING DETAIL (E.S.T. EST3) � � � � � � � � � � � � � � oB 000m000000 KEY PLAN N.T.S. I > > I ZONED AMPLIFIER N'T's. RAIL 2 MODULES MCS JOB#: AVAI LAB LE I N 2— AND 3—RAIL $2-279 CABI N ETS REVISION DATE ���Q"� 1) SUBMITTAL 12-23-03 a.ea r, �s r��.a�an mm mmm mm mmm ro� �,�,�ti�m,� o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2) REVISION 03-01-04 1.76 h - 126 ki(8.18 an) (��) �� o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ���������� SIGNATURE DETECTORS 3 REVISION 04-13-04 a.a r� ���,y�a„� PPCC0001-PPCC0125 O O 0 0 o O o BATfERY BACKUP #1 PP38 PP39 PP40 PP41 PP42 PP43 PP44 �.��R o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ou��ooR ��,��� PP13 0 0 � ���� (��+.�+��) ° ���� SIGNATURE MODULES I�I� �4 �II�� �III� r o PPCC0126 - PPCCO250 e � CAD FILE: a , , , a � °� � � 82-279_FPOI.DWG S BATTERY BACKUP #2 �� � ° � DRAWN BY: DATE: g��pX ��t � �� °� � 000m B. ALLEN 12/24/03 �S �� �� O O ENG. APPROVAL: DATE: ■Ilpl� ��116 I�I�N� �N� . . . r-� � �� � � n REVIEW BY: crei r• � ° SIGNATURE MODULES N.T.s 0 _ � . � • • . � • BATfERY BACKUP #3 �� �Q PPCC0376 - PPCC0500 � ° � RAIL 3 0 0 0 s �� ��� �� �M� � o � o � o � � � � AVAI LAB LE 0 N LY o ' ' ' � o IN 3—RAIL CABINETS 0000000m00 ���, o o SIGNATURE DEfECTORS FIRE ALARM ��� ° c��a�� PPCCO251 - PPCC0375 EST-3 SYSTEM co Hor wsr�u oor�urr ° ° SIGNATURE CONTROLLER B�, MODULE FIRE ALARM PANEL FRONT VIEW (FACP) RAIL MODULE DEVICE ADDRESSES (FACP) #2 DIRECTORY RCC14 ENCLOSURE ".T.S. `� ANNUNCIATOR R N.T.S. � , I�pO�I � � ' Z _ Da.. O Z U . � p Z � � � � � O � � � � X ��/� a z � vJ w U � Q � Q � � � .� � o � O wo � U � ~ ow U � �a oo• � 7388 S. REVERE PKWY� UNIT 603 CENTENNIAL, COLORADO 80112 � PHONE: 720.875.0303 Z O O FAX: 720.875.0800 a 3a�s• BACKBOX BOOSTER POWER SUPPLY POWER LIMITED ARCHITECT: �P N� OWIRING AREA KLIPP COLUSSY JENKS DUBOIS WRITER SQUARE, 1512 LARIMER ST. �3 50'--{ 13 00' �3 50'--{ � II O BRIDGE LEVEL, DENVER, CO 80202 _ � � PHONE: 303.893.1990 _ � ��. ,� � � � SIGNAT RE FAX: 303.893.2204 - O N+ � MODULE o = o 0 0 � , � ENGINEER: _ O ��+ � BEAUDIN GANZE _ �' O �< � � 14142 DENVER W. PARKWAY S195 � O �.�.�.�i O �X+ � �n�H�va �,r v�w SIDE VIEW ` � � GOLDEN, COLORADO 80401 = 1. MAINTAIN 1/4 IN (6MM) SPACING BETWEEN POWER LIMITED � � Do � �O OPTIONAL PHONE: 303.278.3820 = AND NON-POWER LIMITED WIRING OR USE TYPE FPL, FPLR, OO �s SIGNATURE _ ��� OR FPLP CABLE PER NEC. ? MODULE n oo• - ,�oo- �"�'•°DNDOR O ,��• No FAX: 303.278.3843 _ Q POWER LIMITED AND SUPERVISED WHEN NOT CONFIGURED AS ❑ � �s � = AVXILIARY I�OV1CI7. NON CVI�CI�V�ECD WIICN CONrICU17CD AC F.LEC_T__BICAL�Ol1TRA�T_OR _ O AUXILIARY POWER. 0 � � NZ � ' RIVIERA ELECTRIC �� _ O O �� � �5 410 McGREGOR DRIVE, SUITE 210 Q SOURCE MUST BE POWER LIMITED. SOURCE DEfERMINES o � _ O SUPERVISION. ' ❑m� � GYPSUM, COLORADO 81637 N Mf � �� � = DIP SWITCH SETTINGS O� � � � � � ' � � PHONE: 970.328.41 1 = SW1-1 - OFF 4. WHEN USING LARGER BATTERIES, MAKE SURE TO POSITION THE � � � � � � � � �Z _ �W1-2 - OFF BATTERY TERMINAL TOWARDS THE DOOR. � � � � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � , o _ p O W1-3 — OFF L N c + - 's; si 5 �;r� 9 °ra,x12 '��° FAX: 970.328.4999 SW1-4 - OFF = SW1-5 - OFF = NOTE: SEi' JP1 & JP2 TO CLASS B PROJECT: • = SW1-6 - OFF - SW1-7 - OFF 120VAC VA I L M 0 U N TA I N SW1-8 - OFF ROUTE AC SUPPLY SW1-9 - ON THROUGH THESE S C H O O L B P S M 0 U N T I N G I N �O SW1-10 - OFF KNOCKOUTS ONLY SW1-11 - OFF N.T.S. SW1-12 - OFF (NON-POWER LIMITED & 3000 BOOTH FALLS ROAD SUPERVISED) VAIL, COLORADO 81657 MULTI-CD SPEAKER/STROBE CIRCUIT VOLTAGE DROP CALCULATIONS �+� �-> �+� �-� FACP/BPS-1 NICET: G1-VM Series Multi- Speaker Strobe See Note NAME: MAX LOAD PER CKT 3AMP Candela Strobe See Note 3 4 Ps—�2�o Ps—�27o CERTIFICATE Dev�ce current draw @ 20Vdc filtered � 0 066 0 096 0 186 0 238 0 065 0 093 0 182 0 238 Voltage 7 AMP/HOUR 7 AMP/HOUR #� BATTERY BATTERY BPS Load At Last Circuit Location Source 15cd 30cd 75cd 110cd 15cd 30cd 75cd 110cd Total (amps) Length(ft) Volt Drop Dewce SIGNATURE �A� V1 Basement Lev�el-Elec Rm, A038 FACP 2 7 5 14 1 497 325 3 10 20 90 V2 Ma�n Lev�el-Water Ser A117 BPS1 4 5 2 11 1 089 210 1 46 22 54 V3 Main Lev�el-Water Ser A117 BPS1 4 2 2 4 12 1 308 300 2 50 21 50 PROPRIETARY V4 Main Level-Water Ser A117 BPS1 5 5 1 19 215 1 63 22 37 spare Main Lev�l-Water Ser A117 BPS1 0 0 0 0 00 24 00 DOCUMENT TOtc1�S 6 � 0 0 13 7 11 5 42 5 084 IN THE NATURE OF TRADE SECREfS, THIS DRAWING AND 'fHE DESIGNS THEREON ARE THE PROPRIEfARY, CONFlDENTIAL INFORAIAiION OF AIEfROPLD( CONTROL SYSiFa1S THEY SW1LL NOT BE B P S-2 DUPUCATED, USED, OR DISCLASED TO OTHERS IXCEPT AS OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED BY CONTRACT WffHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION OF MERtOPLEX CONTROL SYSiEM ALL REPRODUCTIONS G1-VM Senes Multi- Speaker Strobe See Note THESE DRAWINGS ARE SCHEMATIC AND DO NOT ATTEMPT MAX LOAD PER CKT 3AMP Candela Strobe See Note 3 4 swui B� is Nonc�. TO SHOW CONDUR ROUTING Dewce current draw @ 20Vdc filtered � 0 066 0 096 0 186 0 238 0 065 0 093 0 182 0 238 Voltage � BPS Load At �ast BACKBOX DIMENSIONS: 17"H X 13"W X 3 1 �2"D Circuit Location Source 15cd 30cd 75cd 110cd 15cd 30cd 75cd 110cd Total (amps) Length(ft) Volt Drop Dewce 6 A M P A U X I � I A R Y P 0 W E R S U P P �Y , V5 Main Lev�el-Elec Rm B122 BPS2 5 1 2 4 2 14 1 292 320 2 64 21 36 V6 Main Level-Elec Rm 6122 BPS2 4 1 4 2 11 0 984 325 2 04 21 96 GENERAL NOTE: , ;��°`.���:� V7 Main Level-Elec Rm B122 BPS2 2 1 2 1 3 9 0 997 300 1 91 22 09 N.T.S. �g '°�,�-����'� �� ALL VOLTAGE DROP CALCULATION ARE BASED ON WORST CASE ,�oE, • � ;;� �8 Main Level-Elec Rm 8,22 BPSZ 2 4 6 1 316 369 310 20 90 MAIN LEVEL REMOTE POWER SUPPLY MAIN LEVEL REMOTE POWER SUPPLY UPPER LEVEL REMOTE POWER SUPPLY ��� �� Totals 11 3 0 0 8 5 9 4 40 4 589 v;w �3�3 ' � � �� ' � � NOTIFlCATION APPLUWCE CIRCUR (V2) � NOi1FlCATION APPLUWCE CIRCUfT (V5) � NOi1FlCAT10N APPLUWCE CIRCUR (N9) ,{ °.� ,��� BPS-3 IW1C�± /' JY .F JY ,} JY `� •����e����R• •� °w� NAC1_ � �°,�� NAC1_ °w� '�i�°1����� G1-VM Senes Multi- Speaker Strobe See Note BOOSTER POWER + �Y BOOSTER POWER + �Y BOOSTER POWER + �Y MAX LOAD PER CKT 3AMP Candela Strobe See Note 3 4 r�`c2_ �� zd o�w�c - �� r�nc2_ id =� o�w4c - tvs> NAC2_ I� _� W�w+c - (v�o) l SUPPLY MAIN BOARD W� SUPPLY MAIN BOARD W� SUPPLY MAIN BOARD � ,��� NAC3± W^NAC — (V4) NAC3± W�NAC — (V7) NAC3± W�NAC — (V11) � Dewce current draw @ 20Vdc filtered � 0 066 0 096 0 186 0 238 0 065 0 093 0 182 0 238 Voltage + �X4_ I = �^SPARE ,�X4± I = ��"'� - �� �,uX± = I W�"`� - �12� COMMENTS AND STAMP BPS Load At Last Circuit Location Source 15cd 30cd 75cd 110cd 15cd 30cd 75cd 110cd Total (amps) Length(ft) Volt Drop Dev�ce V9 Upper Level- Elec Rm A222 BPS3 3 2 7 1 1 14 1 399 277 2 47 21 53 iN + "' '° iN + "' '� �N + "' '� SENSE 1 COM — ��+5 SENSE 1 COM — �-�g SENSE 1 COM — ��15 V10 Upper Level- Elec Rm A222 BPS3 4 1 4 3 12 1 247 325 2 59 21 41 our � � � our � ¢ ¢ o�T 4M � � V11 Upper Level- Elec Rm A222 BPS3 3 8 2 13 1 306 295 2 46 21 54 �'� ''�'" �� ''�'" �'� ''d°'� SENSE 2 COM ,., SENSE 2 COM ,., SENSE 2 COM ,., V12 Upper Lev�el- Elec Rm A222 BPS3 2 3 10 1 16 1 439 356 3 27 20 73 �NO °NO °No Totals 12 0 0 0 6 29 7 1 55 5 391 TROUBLE COM ����� �oue�E coM ����� TROUe� coM ��� NC NC NC QATA OUT(+) NOt2S � W1TA OUi(+) �OM FACP � �arn our(+) �OM FACP � FROM FACP Note (1) Weatherproof Speaker Strobe Model 757-8A-RS70 Operating Voltage 20-31 VDC Filtered P3L N G P "' �• oR P3L N G P � �� oR P3L N G P '� �� oR PREYIOUS • • • PREVIOUS • • • PREVIOUS Note (2) Vesda Early Waming Hom Strobe Model 757-7A-T Operating Voltage 20-31 VDC Filtered �,,� °"Ta our�-� DEVICE �+ °ATA o`��-> DEVICE �-�+ °�T"01��-� DEVICE Note (3) Operating Voltage 16-33VDC Filtered 16-33VDC FWR ,�„ '� ��„E�� ,,`� '� m�„��� ,'�, '� ��� �� Note (4) Operating Voltage 20-31VDC Filtered 20-27VDC FWR TM ��� TM F°"°°°�"-TM"� TM �"�TM011B� 6 Amps Max load total for each BPS-6 oar�our�+� OJ�TA OUf(+) onr�our�+� Horn/strobe current draw @ 20Vdc used for all calculations TO NIXf TO NEXT TO NEXT " These calculations are based on 3 19 ohms per 1000' of 14AWG wire DATA OUT(—) DEVICE DATA OUT(—) DEYICE �r�o�t-> DEVICE Voltage Drop = (Length x Load x 3 19 x 2)/1000 BP51 BP52 BP53 All Dev�ces Shown are Integnty orGenes�s Series REMOTE BOOSTER POWER SUPPLIES REMOTE BOOSTER POWER SUPPLIES REMOTE BOOSTER POWER SUPPLIES MOUNTING DETAIL (BPS6) MOUNTING DETAIL (BPS6) MOUNTING DETAIL (BPS6) KEY PLAN e� e��r e�-� 1 V�1�S� N.T.S. N.T.S. N.T.S. MCS JOB#: 82-279 BATTERY CALCULATIONS BATTERY CALCULATIONS BATTERY CALCULATIONS REVISION DATE for for for PROJECf VAIL LR SCHOOL PANEL NUMBER BPS7 PROJECf VAIL I+R SCHOOL PANEL NUMBER BPS2 PROJECT VAIL LfT SCHOOL PANEL NUMBQt BPS3 1) SUBMITTAL 12-23-03 DESIGN PARAME7ER5 SfANDHY HOURS —60 D61GN PAtiAMEfERS STANDBY HOURS —60 D61GN PARAMEfERS SfANDBY HOURS —60 ALAFtM MINUfES — 15 ALARM MINUf6 — 15 ALARM AIINUT6 — 15 Z� REVISION 03-01-04 STANDBY CURRENT ALAFtM CURRENT STANDBY CURRENT ALARM CURRENT SfAND9Y CURRINT ALARM CURREM Qty D6CRIPTION �H �q� QTY �H 7pT,q� �ty DESCRIPIION �H �,� crY �H �,,,� Cty D6CRIPTION �H �� cm �H �,e,� 3 REVISION 04-13-04 CONTROL PANEL CONTFtOL PANEL CONR20L PANQ 1 BPS6/10 BOOSfER POWER x 0 07 i 0 07 � x 0 19� 0.19 1 BPS6/10 BOOS7ER POWER x 0 07 s 0 07 � x 0 19 � 0 19 1 BPS6/10 BOOSIIIt POWER x 0 07 a 0 07 � x 0 19� 0 19 MI'MTING APPLIANCES SUB TOTAL A 019 INRUITING APPLUWCES SUB TOTAL A 019 INRUITNG APPLUNCES TOTAL A 019 29 STROBE UNR DEVICE 2g x a 3 506 36 STROBE UNR DEVICE 36 x e 4.183 42 STROBE UNR DEVICE 42 x � 4 032 SUB TOTAL D 3 506 SUB TOTAL D 4 183 SUB TOTAL D 4 032 OTAL ST/WDBY CURRENi 0,07 OTAL STANDBY CURRENT 0.07 TAL STAND6Y CURRENT 0.07 5TANDBY HOURS x 60 00 SpWDBY HOURS x 60 00 STAND9Y HOURS x 60 00 STANDBY AH REOUIRm 4 20 ST/WDBY AH REQUIRm 4 20 STANDBY AH REOUIRm 4 20 OTAL PANEL COMPONENT/LLARM CURRENT A 0 19 AL PANEL COMPONENi ALARAI CURRENT A 0 19 AL PANEL COMPONENT AIARM CURRFNT A 0 19 OTAL FOR 107G OF INfT1ATING DEVICE [SUHTOTAL B (0152 X 010)] AL FOR 10% OF INIilAi1NG DEVICE [SUHfOTAL B (0152 X 010)] OTAL FOR 70X OF INRUITING DEVICE [SUBTOTAL B (0152 X 010)] AL OUiPUT DEVICE ALARM CURRENT C 0 00 OTAL OUIPUT DEVICE MARM WRRENT C 0 00 AL OUTPUT DEVICE ALARM CURRENT C 0 00 CAD FlLE: AL INDIGTING APPLUWCE ALARM CURRENT D 3 508 AL INDICATiNG MPLUWCE/LLARY CURRINT D 4 183 AL INDIGTING APPLUNCE ALARM CURRENf D 4.032 AL MISCELLANEOUS DEVICE ALARM CURRENT AL MISCELLANEOUS DEVICE ALARM CURRENT AL MISCELLANEOUS DEVICE NAF2M CURRENT 82-279_FE0I.DWG AL ALARM CURREM 3 696 AL N.ARM CURRENT 4 373 AL ALMM CURRENT 4 222 HOURS 15 mm — 60 mm x 0 25 ALAR HOURS 15 min — 60 mm x 0.25 M OURS 15 mm — 60 min x 0.25 DRAWN BY. DATE: M AH REQUIRm 0 92 0 92 M AH REqUIRm 1 09 1 09 M AH REQUIRm 1 0.5 1 OS SfANDBY AH REWIRED + 4 20 STANDBY AH REQUIRm + 4.20 STAND9Y AH REQUIRm + 4 20 AL CURRENT N�S � 5 124 AL CURRENT N�S � 5.29 AL CURRENf N�S = 5.25 DERATE BY 20x x 7 20 DERATE BY 20x x 7.20 DERATE BY 20% x 1 20 ENG. APPROVAL: DATE: BAT(ERY SIZE REQUIRm 8 14 AMP HOURS BATTERY SIZE REOUIRm 6 35 AMP HOURS BATfERY SIZE EQUIRm 6 30 AMP HOURS MEfROPLIX COMROL WILL FURNISH 7W0 7 AMPERE HOUR BATfERIES O PANEL BPS7 MEfROPLEX CONi(tOL WILL FURNISH iW0 7 AMPERE HOUR BATfERIES O PANEL BPS2 LIERtOPLEX CONTROL WILL FURNISH TWO 7 AMPERE HOUR BATfERIES O PlWEL BPS3 REVIEW BY: [l_A1 F, N.T.S. FIRE ALARM EST-3 SYSTEM POWER SUPPLY MOUNTING & WIRING DETAILS , � ���� _� � - >- Z � � O Z U � O Z � � � � � � � � C3 X ��n Qz � v J w (~j � Q � � � � � ao � � Wz O � o � U � � SIGA—DH ow COMPATIBLE ELECTRICAL BOXES O U W 1 ) 4" BY 1 1/2" (38MM) DEEP SQUARE BOX sicn-�m 7388 S. REVERE PKWY, UNIT 603 � SIGA—�SE FRONT 2•) 3�1/2"X1 1 2" (38MM) DEEP OCTAGON BOX CENTENNIAL, COLORADO 80112 � COVER 3.) 4 BY 1 1�" (38MM) DEEP OCTAGON BOX COMPATIBLE ELECTRICAL BOX PHONE: 720.875.0303 Z ADAPTER / FAX: 720.875.0800 Q PLATE SIGA—PS O �2 ARCHITECT: DETECTOR p p � TAMPER—RESIST LEVER ARM � e � KLIPP COLUSSY JENKS DUBOIS —B(OCA�ED ON BAS)E— SIGA—LED � � BACK WRITER SQUARE, 1512 LARIMER ST. o PLATE SIGA-278 LOCATING PIN ��"' � � BRIDGE LEVEL, DENVER, CO 80202 DO NOT BEND � � O O SMOKE CHAMBER � ° o �� 4 � �� PHONE: 303.893.1990 ACCESS SLOT FOR 5 6 n TB1 FAX: 303.893.2204 ��U TAMPER—RESIST MECHANISM o 4 0 + — N �pl. o o �K�NE o AnACHED TO ' �R SWG�H ENGINEER: o ° FROM FACP �TA tN+ DATA 011r+ BEAUDIN GANZE o HOUSING ������ 3O O e B RED EXHAUST 0 � TUBE CONNECTOR o TUBE CONNECTOR � TO NIXf 14142 DENVER W. PARKWAY S195 PREVIOUS pATA IN— 0iA7A p�_ DEyICE � � DEVICE Z J� `—�GLASS ROD � GOLDEN, COLORADO 80401 � 4�� SQUARE WIRING RELEASE LEVER EXHAUST TUBE (SUPPLIED) ° AIR INLEf SAMPLING TUBE e B `� v PHONE: 303.278.3SZO ORIENT WITH STAND DIRECTED o (ORIENT WITH AIR HOLES BOX (E.C. SUPPLIED) FROM FACP , /� � AWAY FROM AIRFLOW FACING FLOW) � /� FAX: 303.Z � SIGA-PS ro NExr � O � O � _ PREVIOUS DATA IN+ Tn o DE1/ICE � 78.3843 � RUBBER STOPPER--MUST BE DEVICE COMPATI6LE � ��r{'� INSfALLED INTO END AT O � v DETECTOR BASE v ���ru�+� P +� p ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR: CEILING LINE S I GA— P S INSTALL EST SIGA SERIES RIVIERA ELECTRIC —_ AIRFLOW� S�Bp�E � �278 MANUAL PULL STATION MAN UAL P U LL STATI 0 N S I N G LE 410 McGREGOR DRIVE, SUITE 210 USING STANDARD 1-1/2"(38mm) DEEP WIRING DIAGRAM � N.T.S. R EM OTE LED ALAR M I N D I CATO R WI R I N G D IAG RAM GYPSUM, COLORADO 81637 W I R I N G D IAG RAM ° N.T.S. PHONE: 9�0.328.4„ SIGA—PS . DUCT DETECTOR DEfECTOR MAN UAL P U LL STATI 0 N S I N G LE FAX: 9�0.328.4999 °° N.T.S. MOUNTING DIAGRAM SIGA— PS HRS MOUNTING DETAIL MOUNTING D IAG RAM PROJECT• N.T.S. N.T.S. N.T.S. VAIL MOUNTAIN MOUNT EST SIGA SERIES MODULES MOUNT EST SIGA SERIES MODULES SCHOOL SIGA—CC1 CC2, SIGA—DTS TO E.S.T. SIGA—DTS MOUNT EST SIGA SERIES MODULES � SIGA—CT1/CT2, SIGA—CR, SIGA—MM1 STANDARD DOUBLE GANG 1/1-2" DEEP SIGA—WTM. TO STANDARD SINGLE GANG SIGA—CT1/CT2, SIGA—CR, SIGA—MM1 ELECTRICAL BOX THE TERMINALS 1/1-2" DEEP ELECTRICAL BOX. THE TERMINALS SIGA—WTM. TO STANDARD SINGLE GANG 3000 BOOTH FALLS ROAD 1/1-2" DEEP ELECTRICAL BOX. THE TERMINALS VAIL, COLORADO 81657 WILL ACCEPT 14AWG WIRE. WILL ACCEPT #14AWG WIRE. iNmqn c DEVICE `nINIT1A11NG DEVICE WILL ACCEPT #14AWG WIRE. Typ. N.o � INPUT 1 INPUT 2 / INfTIAl1NG DEVICE �COMPATIBLE ELECTRICAL BOX FACTORY CONNECTIONS � � � DO NOT ALTER EoL EoL �COMPATIBLE ELECTRICAL BOX oHM oHM Eo� �COMPATIBLE ELECTRICAL BOX oHM NICET: 8 7 B 5 1H2 WALL PLATE, WHITE �n . . . Tg2 TB2 CERTIFICATE #: (2 GANG) � 8 7 6 5 � 8 7 B BBBB o OPTIONAL O � • • • • • • � B SELF—ADHESIVE � SIGA—CT2 FRENCH LABEL + 3 z + � SIGNATURE DATE ° ��,� UPPLIED) re� Bee Rm cRN SIGA—CT1 Bg PRE pwi� B o OPTIONAL � � gBee Rm GRN 0 o OPTIONAL o o PROPRIETARY gB 1� o SELF—ADHESIVE nwi►� NORMAL �� SELF—ADHESIVE BgB o o FRENCH LABEL 4 3 2 i � o FRENCH LABEL � NORMAL � pV'R (SUPPLIED) e e B PRE�p�I� T81 ° pIPR (SUPPLIED) 4 3 2 � DOCUMENT FROM FACP �TA M+ MTA OUr+ eee � WALL PLATE, WHITE BB pR��pU� T61 / (1 GANG) gB WALL PLATE, WHITE IN THE NATURE OF TRADE SECREfS, THIS DRAWING AND THE TO NIXf / �'I GANG) DESIGNS THEREON ARE THE PROPRIETARY, CONFlDENTIAL � DATAO — �� OTHERINSE�AUTHORZED�BYCOPlTRACT WI7}IOUT WRfiTEN PREVIOUS p�TA IN— DEIIICE f / INFORMATION OF METROPLEX CONfROL SYSfEA1S THEY SFULL NOT BE �� � DEVICE PERMISSION OF MEfitOPLIX COMROL SYSfEM ALL REPRODUCf10NS SHALL BEAR THIS NOTiCE (��,�,, � THESE DRAWINGS ARE SCHEMATIC AND DO NOT ATTEMPT , '`�(/��J �j DATA IN(+) DATA OUT(+) � TO SHOW CONDUR ROUTiNG l/j� ��'/ � FROM FACP DATA IN(+) DATA OUT(+) OR TO NEXT �j� FROM FACP PREVIOUS DATA IN(—) � DATA OUf(—) DEVICE � OR TO NEXT , � DEVICE — PREVIOUS DATA IN(—) DATA OUT(—) DEVICE DEVICE �- DTS DTS CT2 � CT2 CT1 CT1 �� �'�� ` �y v3�-�°�'�s4 '��;� DUCT TEST STATION MODULE DUCT TEST STATION MODULE SIGA— CT2 DUAL INPUT MODULE SIGA—CT1 SINGLE INPUT MODULE �:� r .n�� � � ��� � e��� WIRING DIAGRAM WIRING DIAGRAM MOUNTING DETAIL WIRING DIAGRAM MOUNTING DETAIL WIRING DIAGRAM �, -��, � , ,�, N.T.S. N.T.S. T ,V��.• •��b ~ .T.S. N.T.S. N.T.S. �.,�,� ., e, ♦ � N.I.S. '4�'G' 4.:i�aQFL�at��r I N � �1,��^� I ���� ���� �, l�, �y ��f, �` COMMENTS AND STAMP I { , R��,., '�`'` i }��1 a C1.f 4.�� .l� MOUNT EST SIG y`��'� F�-"��(� SIGA—CT1/CT2,I ,�,�4d.� � SIGA—WTM. T0� 1/1-2" DEEP E _ ...,�. �HE TERMINALS MOUNT EST SIGA SERIES MODULES 13.00 (33.02 CM� S ANDARD DOUBLEGGANG 1/1-2" DEEP lYP. INDICATING APPLIANCE CKT. WILL ACCEPT #14AWG WIRE. NORMALLY— NORMALLY— ELECTRICAL BOX. THE TERMINALS OPEN COMMON CLOSED � O O BACKBOX �� �M� WILL ACCEPT #14AWG WIRE. +$+ +$+ +$+ 47K o a ""R'"�"�� OHM ' COMPATIBLE ELECTRICAL BOX 3.375" (8 6 CM) o u COMPATIBLE ELECTRICAL BOX � TOP VIEW sicw►TUr� f � TB4 TB3 � MODULE 10 9 . TB2 8 � 6 3.50 (8.9 CM) 3.50" (8.9 CM) �3_00 (33_02 c�) _I I � � � SIGNAiURE WALL PLATE, WHRE SIGA—CC� SIGA—CR MODULE (2 GANG) � 7.00" (17 78 CM) � e R� GRN � - -� • � ee `E° �° K E Y P LA N BB LED LED o 0 0 SIGNATURE BB o OPTIONAL ALNtM NORAIAL � 0��� N.T,S, r B o OPTIONAL ,�M NoR� o . MODULE BB SELF—ADHESNE ^�T� FRENCH LABEL � o FRENCHDLABEL 4 3 2 � o FRONT VIEW ROUTE AC SUPPLY � o TB1 a 7 s 5 4 3 2 t TB� o TB1 THROUGH THESE BATTERY WIRING UPPLIED) 8 REOp� (SUPPLIED) � O KNOCKOUTS ONLY (NON—POWER gB PRE pU� MCS JOB#: ALL KNOCKOUTS � ge 1�� RISER OUT(+) TO NEXT Q�_��� BgB M WALL PLATE, WHITE � FOR 3/4" CONDUIT (NON—POWER LIMITED) �MffED e - � (1 GANG) � o � (1.9 CM) ,-. BB � DEVICE OR � � � � � ��5���T�—��EOL RESISTOR �4VDC POWER RISER IN�+) � REVISION DATE N N � cv 1 SUBMITTAL 12-23-03 v v � BATTERY BATfERY FROM FACP � /� FROM FACP 2) REVISION 03-01-04 � DATA IN(+) DATA OUT(+) e e ° ° v � 24VDC POWER RISER IN— �l„"1 O jN/ pR TO NEXT � O � � � � 3) REVISION 04-13-04 DATA IN(—) � DATA OUT(—) � FROM FACP aATA IN+ DATA OUT+ , PREVIOUS � DEVICE > TO NEXT DEVICE Q � OR N PREVIOUS DATA IN— DEl/ICE CR �R ° o DEVICE DATA OUT— SIGA— ° ° � e B CR CONTROL RELAY MODULE ��, ��, 0 0 M 0 U N T I N G D ETA I L CAD FILE: N.T.S. WIRING DIAGRAM SIGA— CC1 MODULE SINGLE INPUT SIGNAL 82-2�9_�o,.ow� N.T.S. (BPS) BOOSTER POWER SUPPLY WIRING DIAGRAM DRAWN BY: DATE: M 0 D U LE W I R I N G D IAG RAM B. ALLEN 12/24/03 M 0 U NTI N G D IAG RAM N.T.S. N.,-.S. ENG. APPROVAL• DATE: N.T.S. REVIEW BY• cr� N.T.S. FIRE ALARM EST-3 SYSTEM FIRE ALARM DEVICE MOUNTING & WIRING , TYPICAL DETAILS � s ���� .� , t �, -- - - f ,� , � � Z _ � � . � O D � � � � MOUNT EST G1RF–VM TO STANDARD 0 O SINGLE GANG 2-1/2" DEEP ELECTRICAL BOX � Cn Z � 1 � > � INPUT VOLTAGE MATCHING THE VOLTAGE RATING OF � O � �{�� � THE SPEAKER (25 OR 70Vrms) � -�--� � �� �� ���4�0���� Q O � � TO LISTED + + TO LISTED � g � � �� � � O � FIRE ALARM _ FIRE ALARM � Q � 0 0 � CONTROL U� � v�noav�� O � � � � •�Q � � p PANEL + + PANEROL � � � � v�asv�is���� � b � � � � � � � � Q � � � Q Z e� o � d �3 d � � � � � � � 'E"' U O a �o o�ov �x � � � � �� � 4� � � � Q �� � o � O w o d � `� � � � � aQ Q � � G4 � cn c� cn cn cn c� cn cn � � � � � � 4 � �, � �� d d � � � �nwutDS sYSr�s,ECH� � + I � + I U � � TOP NOTE REFERS � Q �A � � � � � � Q �/ii � 0 01-�' • U W To niis aRCUrr. � � � O � � p �, Q � 4 � ° a �� �� � u� �' �r � � � � � � � �j � � °4 CIRCUR PERMITTED BY MANUFACTURER TO OCCUPY THE K }-I ti K I K }-I ti K I 7385 S. REVERE PKWY� UNIT 603 � ImL=J�l 11�1L-1�l C E N T E N N I A L� C O L O R A D O 8 0 1 1 2 � � PHONE: 720.875.0303 z � � � Q Q Q Q � � � � `+� Q SAME CONDUR. �T � �� � � � �� �� �� �C� � � � � � � CHECK LOCAL CODES FOR ADDRIONAL RESTRICTIONS B O I T O M N O T E R E F E R S a � � a C s' � d � G 1 F— V M I N P U T V O L T A G E M A T C H I N G T H E V O L T A G E R A T I N G O F F A X: 7 2 0.8 7 5.0 8 0 0 ¢ To n�is aRCUR. � � � � � �� Go� � Q �� � �� Q � (24 V) �UJ GM�f��b� C��G��NJ04 �PCC��f�U�L°Q40�b� M 0 U NT THE STROBE ARCHITECT: �� � �0 �0� 0 ����0 ING DETAIL �4 N/DC�=P�Mn7GG� d��i104GD � � � � ����� � 9 � � � � �� BEZ� COR�ODCYO�iS �Qt ACC�TA��MOO.TA� ��o�. KLIPP COLUSSY JENKS DUBOIS WRITER SQUARE, 1512 LARIMER ST. a�4���a Q�D°�°°°�°4°��D �� � � ���❑0 �� � �� � �� ❑0 �� �:�4:���,�� o.�s G E N E S I S S P EA K E R/ST R 0 B E bC4M�/n �G�a (���il Hf���4��' � � � ���� �� �� �❑� ��Y. �S. . �Q �o �.��= + + + c+, RSER MODELS G4—S2VM , G4R—S2VM ' ' BRIDGE LEVEL DENVER CO 80202 � � � � 0 � 0 � � � � � 0 � �eex. cc�v.Ce►��c�ewaoc� ■ o�a��. PHONE: 303.893.1990 ��i d�L,1MD�0O°P�M7L�G� d�G�n�4C�D � � ����� �� � �� ��� �'� S� ���09i8 P�Pi isCC�T/l��.E YO�Tdl� ��o�. TO N EXT TO N EXT TO N EXT TE G 4—S / V M G 4 R—S 7 V M �� M�l,1�D��°M�4 G°P�Mn7CG� dU�i1�4C�D � � ������������ S� CO�OICTOQi8 P�9i /lCC�ATA�� YOL4/!0� �o�. DEVICE R G1 R DEVICE G1 R DEVICE G1 R DEVICE �-� RISER � FAX: 303.893.2204 � � � �❑�❑��� ��❑� EOLDEVICE WIRING DETAIL �l� Mq„aNJ�O�=P�GN/C[� dU�i1�4C�D � � � � 0 � 0 �� � �� � � 0 � sa� coa�ucro�s �� e�cc�rAS� voa.Te�o� ��o�. (+)To E N G I N E E R: D� M�,G,1MD0�°b�4 p�GMf�f� d��i1�4C�D �� � ������� ��� � � 8� COGI�Oli:TOPt8 PI�Q� ACC�TA�L@ Y06.TA0� ��o�. �_�MODULE N.T.S. BEAUDIN GANZE D WIRE 14142 DENVER W. PARKWAY S195 ��C�bG,14NJf�C� D1�14G,1 C�Of�C�NJ�4 �� � ������� ���� ��'x. ca�:c�'eec��� o o.��. - - G,1DDG�C���1,1[�dC� G�1 nMl�1�d�C '�G°Q�' ��G��M�4 Q� � � � ❑0 �� �� � �� � �� � �� �a�'x. caY.c��ec�r��o�.-6oQ�o�moao4 � GOLDEN, COLORADO 80401 GENESIS SIGNAL � �---STANDARD ELECTRIC BOX 5f I�G,1D�40�f�n1L°Qd �°M'n/�f�C� ODC� � � � ����a � � � � � � � � � � � �c.cocY. �s.■ �oQ MASTER O o 4" 2 1/8 DEEP AT MIN. PHONE: 303.278.3820 G������ PC G�OPbC�G�G�d DG�14G�J 1����M�4 � � ��❑ �❑ � � �� � ❑� rresx.�c�roo so �. ��as � w�ouoarr rroo�. ° FAX: 303.278.3843 � � � � 0 � 0 � � � � � 0 � roo ar o 4Gd�Pb�bC� � � � �� �� � � �� � ❑0 � •ve Awo �rwros�isc��. � �M� r� ����. � �oK STRO B E ELECTRIC1lL C�I�ITRACT�P� , G"a� G�elL,l0f�n1�°Mn�4 P�M%n C�G� d0�i1�4C�D � ������� ���� �� zsov, �oe� �eex. ° RIVIERA ELECTRIC o s WIRING DIAGRAM � � � � �� ��� � ���❑� 0 � 410 McGREGOR DRIVE, SUITE 210 f�OL�C G� �P4U� C�G,1C�dC� 9 9 9 9 9 9 � 9 � � � 9 � 0 � � �ac��ea��oea� rr�os4 � �ee� Fo� �e��o.ocw�o� � O N.T.S. o O o � GYPSUM, COLORADO 81637 � o 0000a PHONE: 970.328.411 � o0000000 , o Q � f� p o,o$0000000o FAX: 970.328.4999 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FINISHED WALL p � U o�o�o�oo$oa°000aoo , TO UL/ULC LISTED TO NEXT (R�w� �iMOUNI) �� o°oo°oo°oo°oo°oo°oo°oo°oo°oo PROJECT: FIRE ALARM CONTROL DEVICE OR MOUNT HORN/STROBE UNITOUTSIDE MAIN ENTRANCE ° � � GROUNDING o000000000000000000 EOL � o PLATE o000000000000000°0o VA I L M 0 U N TA I N PANEL SIGNAL CIRCUIT IN UNIT B IN FURNISHED WEATHERPROOF BACKBOX � r�„ "757A–WB�. r� NETWORK A �•� L S C H 0 0 L c+) c-) (+) c-) �o �KBOX NEIWORK B I� (15.54 CM) � 000gogog00000000000 a�o�o�o�o�a0000000 o�o�o�o�0000,000 � � 2.75" � �°°°�°�°�°�°�° o�o�000�0000 � TOPVIEW �6.99 CM) o0000000°° 3000 BOOTH FALLS ROAD o z 0.69" oo°° O VAIL, COLORADO 81657 4 (H+) 7.72�, s (1 .8 CM) � 3 � � � (19.6 CM� � SURFACE MOUNT BOX �H'� o 0 0 0 0 NICET: 2 Po�..r �t CANDELA SWITCH WATTAGE SWITCH NAME: (s+) o � OO � � OO Q CERTIFICATE #: �S-� � � � � O � N O � N � \\ 0 � M � � SIGNATURE DATE BOTTOM VIEW N0�:1 � E INDICATOR NOTCH INDICATOR NOTCH �+� �_� �-� �+� I 13.19" 12.1 " P RO P R I ETARY O TO UL/ULC LISTED DEVICE R ° 1�L FACTORY SEf AT 102DB. �33.5 CM� �30.73 CM� G EN ES I S S P DOCUMENT FIRE ALARM CONTROL EOL d ° d ° d ° d ° EAK E R/STR 0 B E PANEL SIGNAL CIRCUIT 2. UNIT FACTORY SET TO SOUND M�1n1 IN 7HE NATURE OF TRADE SECRETS, 7HIS DRAWING AND THE M 0 D E LS G 4—S�V M G 4 R—S�V M DESIGNS THEREON ARE THE PROPRIETARY, CONFlDENTIAL TEMPORAL TONE JUMPER MUST INfDRMAiION OF YEtROPLEX CONTROL SYSTEMS THEY SWLLL NOT BE BE REMOVED TO SOUND STEADY /� w.Ma. � DUPl1CATED, usEO, OR DISCLOSED TO OTHERS IXCEPT ?S OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED BY CONTRACT WITHOUT WRfTTEN TONE. �O OO OO �� PERMISSION OF METROPLDC CONfROL SYSiEM AI1. REPRODUCiIONS HORN/STROBE UNIT � HORN/STROBE UNIT 000 v r""� G4—S7VM G4R—S7VM swvl e� n�is Nonc�. � S B � THESE DRAWINGS ARE SCHEMAl1C AND DO NOT ATTEMPT O O O O � M 0 U N T I N G D ETA I L TO SHOW CONDUR ROUTiNG. . EDWARDS SYSTEM TECHNOLOGY EDWARDS SYSTEM TECHNOLOGY 0 0 0 O •c"=' MODEL 757-8A—T MODEL 757-8A—T o o N.T.S. • WIRING DETAIL MOUNTING DETAIL ���� a�s N.T.S. N.T.S. .� .•:��,����� a �� ANN REMOTE ANNUNICATOR — (3—LCDANN� -� �� �°�'•� �•� ���� NOTE: 1 (POLARITY OF SIGNAL CIRCUIT IS SHOWN IN SUPERVISORY ��-� � � �, � STATE. POLARIlY REVERCES IN ALARM CONDITION. N.T.S. -=�3�•� ���� �'•�� �.....- ''�,�: ��.�jy„���°��. l ���1 � COMMENTS AND STAMP � 6.8��dla FIRE � � � � 6.8"dia �'�,� FIELD CONFIGURABLE CEILING STROBES MAY N BE ORDERED WITH OR WITHOUT OPTIONAL CANDELA SWITCH ^ � FIRE MARKING. � 1.0�� � � INDICATOR 6.8'�dia � � WATTAGE SWITCH _ ,� PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS '° ,.o�� IND�TOR PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS SWITCH SETTINGS CANDELA SWITCH WATfAGE SWITCH K E Y P LA N � � N,T,S, F�RE � � � SWITCH SETTINGS oo Mcs JOB#: � � ,b = PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS 0 o r � � , o0O O� INPUT VOLTAGE MATCHING THE VOLTAGE RATING ��—��� INDICATOR INDICATOR O. , O – OF THE SPEAKER (25 OR 70Vrms) _ REVISION DATE 0 1) SUBMITTAL 12-23-03 FIELD CONFIGURABLE CEILING STROBES MAY � O� o � + + 2� REVISION 03-01-04 BE ORDERED WITH OR WITHOUT OPTIONAL SW ITC H S ETTI N G S � O � Q° TO LISTED TO NEXT O O O. � F I R E A L A R M DEVICE OR 3) REVISION 04-13–0 4 IR MARKING. o =. .�. ° d ���`••� • CONTROL END OF LINE Q° ° Q ::,�:t��;h��N PANEL DEVICE O, O e �Q TO LISTED TO NEXT ��" "�� � n � C� :::.. ... _D � . •...� � FIRE ALARM DEVICE OR ������M��;�� � � CONTROL END OF LINE •...;s.r•.� � � O O PANEL cn cn tn cn DEVICE %�:.:'sti;• o � � .�..•�. O oo Oe 0 + I + I O o O oa � � Oe � 0 O INPUT VOLTAGE MATCHING THE , VOLTAGE RATEING OF THE � o CAD FlLE. 82-279_FT02.DWG � _ S P E A K E R �z 5 o R �o ��m s� _ EST CEILING SPEAKER EST CEILING SPEAKER �4 + + DRAWN BY: DATE: � – – B ALLEN 12/24/03 �-` + TO NEXf MODEL GC—S2, GC—S7 MODEL GC—S2, GC—S7 ENG. APPROVAL: DATE: � O °°� TO LISTED DEVICE OR EST CEILING STROBE EST CEILING STROBE MOUNTING DETAIL WIRING DETAIL � FIRE ALARM END OF LINE REVIEW BY. �GALE: o CONTROL � � N + � � N + DEVICE MODEL GC—VM, GCF—VM MODEL GC—VM, GCF—VM N.T.s. N.T.s. N.T.S. PANEL � � MOUNTING DETAIL WIRING DETAIL INPUT VOLTAGE MATCHING THE N.T.S. VOLTAGE RATING OF THE STROBE N.T.S. FIRE ALARM EST CEILING SPEAKER—STROBES EST CEILING SPEAKER—STROBES EST-3 SYSTEM MODEL GC—S2VM, GC—S7VM MODEL GC—S2VM, GC—S7VM FIRE ALARM DEVICE MOUNTING DETAIL WIRING DETAIL N.T.S. N.T.S. MOUNTING & WIRING TYPICAL DETAILS � SHEET . ��0� � .\ >- Z . Q� O Z U ' �bm��� (3-CPU REAR VIEW) �� � U ��uw�+NOeu�nem�roPOwe�unm. � Cn Z s�uae.osew�ueE�r�uam�w � j - P1A P1B �FROM�OROt�D,��/�7}E Q = aw�sw� � � "FJ � 120VAC I N P UT D � °��° 3CPU PANEI.CONTROLLER o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (n �Q � �bmasCw� � � Ga�tb7ffianbCPlJMod� J � .................... X � Q Z vae°eaeeee°eee°eee°a � � � �aa�ee� � 3-PPS/M � 3-BPS/M o o � � � Q 888888BBB8BB � � 3-RS232 ANGLLARYP R I M A R Y P O W E R B O O S T E R P O W E R � � �� COMMUNIGTIONS � ;s ,, �a PORI CONNECTOR J3 �z S U P P LY S U P P LY Q � Q Z � : . L��rn� -� � � � I I �, OO Q � �.�wa�a�a°.er'.c � W � � � � � ° o � � � � U � � �, ;: '"' � � � �� � o � o o ° � I I •: .oen � � o 0 0 0 0 0 � ;; Torr�►�oR aa�re � �� �� �� �� 7388 S. REVERE PKWY� UNIT 603 „ ���D��' CENTENNIAL, COLORADO 80112 � .; � � ��•�. u'�+�,�r-`w o iunc PHONE: 720.875.0303 w Z �� FAX: 720.875.0800 Q w�s �� ; �1�M1� ; °'"`w r., � � � � � � o ARCHITECT• OO Oo Oo 0 W • ���E 3-XMEM IXPANSION • ;; ���� • MEI,WRY CONNEC170NS a -� o o KLIPP COLUSSY JENKS DUBOIS D DI�� � O � _. / +� �u�w►o ro.a s.w+r+ouRrooi.t �, � " NEIWORK COMIAUNICATIONS � ���aY O WRITER SQUARE, 1512 LARIMER ST. OPTION CONNECIDR `�� o BRIDGE LEVEL, DENVER, CO 80202 SYSTEM PRINTER " � o� °oe0000e o� �00000°e PHONE: 303.ss3.1990 J4B P2A P2B I1tA10lOURCE 1!R �a O a EDWARDS SYSTEM TECHNOLOGY � � o °� � o �� o FAX: 303.893.2204 r�� � �� � PT- 1 S � �� �� � � � MOUNTING DETAIL "�°` ~ ��+ °� ENGINEER• ,�,t„ � o 0 0 0 c� N.T.S. BEAUDIN GANZE 0 INSTALLATION BEHIND THE CHASSIS 14142 DENVER W. PARKWAY S195 o a a ���Q�� GOLDEN, COLORADO 80401 � ° O ��� O O� p (�`'(��e ��Q� PHONE: 303.278.3820 �'� AUDIO SOURCE UNIT � o FAx: 303.2�s.3843 ' �'p°�"'''°"""`'��'°"� `"�''�NOT1�1ONA�'""��'R EDWARDS SYSTEM TECHNOLOGY � A�dr��u�nn�ds+deeirw�r�- ELECTPIClIL C�NTR/ICTOR: '�""'`"°��" MODEL 3-ASU/4 • � • • � • • o . . o . . o . . o . o . �; �+ �+ RIVIERA ELECTRIC � � � � � � o00 °��1°1Q'�`tQ"a�'1° bOL*i°��� MOUNTING DETAIL �0 410 McGREGOR DRIVE, SUITE 210 ,��. ��� ��� N.T.S. + ,���, ,��..., GYPSUM, COLORADO 81637 eeaaee aa eeaaae ae eeaaeeaaae eeaeeeeeee o 0 0 • � s � r e � � • • e a � � s • a � � s � r • e eeeeeoeeee eeeeeeoeee eeeeeeeeee eoeeeeeeae 3-PPS M 3-BPS/M ������ PHONE: s�o.328.41 1 ��•,«�� �n,«,� m�,«,� �m,�� �u���as�1 18.25� PRIMARY OWER BOOSTER POWER �°ao°� Fax: s�o.32s.4999 � � SUPPLY SUPPLY . O 15.75" AUDIO AUDIO AUDIO AUDIO ���E���, • • PROJECT: AMPLJFlER AMPLIRER AMPLJRER AMPl1FlER y����y�� � f MODULE MODULE MODULE MODULE ��a-���� .° ° �° 3/4" CONDUIT KNOCKOUTS � �,°'P' �f" �� `�,� ������ �.25� " V A I L M 0 U N TA I N 0 o aoo 00 ' �,��,�� m,��,��. m,�«,�� .......... � o 0 0 eeeeeeeeee ee°ee.evae eeeeeee°ee ee°eeaeeee eeaeeeeeea -rop ��o p � SC H 00 L TOP � o00 B888B8BB BB 808BBB BBB88B88 �o ��� ��� � �� 3000 BOOTH FALLS ROAD ,��., ,���, . . . . . . . . . . . . ootNMOr��cwsu� o��evo I�u� � VAIL, COLORADO 81657 - wuc ur.a uim ea •• ' ' � O + + + ��..��„ - .a o00 � n M n o 0 0 0 A�� Oe go v� �soo NICET: AUDIO (AMPILIFIER) . . � +_� � NAME: EDWARDS SYSTEM TECHNOLOGY �waor�onACAnoNn�u�+r�aHanr 0 O O . O Y CERTIFICATE #: MODEL 3-ZA40B TERMINAL BLOCK z POWER SUPPLY MOUNTING DETAIL � -�: � ��,��;�� Q AND FUSE j � MOUNTING DETAIL , N.T.S. � � �� � • • z N.T.S. SIGNATURE DATE Q U . . g`g CIC i puts Ust me 0 0 `� . . o o m assis mou M P R 0 P R I ETARY � enct ur�. DOCUMENT ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT RM PAN D U IT D ETAI L IN THE NATURE OF TitADE SECRETS, THIS DRAWING IWD THE HEAT DETECTOR (TYP 6) ��� �'� � e e �•e o° °o DESIGNS THEREON ARE THE PROPRIETARY, CONFlDENTWL SIDE MFORMATION OF METROPLIX CONTROL SYSTEMS THEY SWU1 NOT BE A ° °° � I SO M ETR I C Bc S I D E VI EW °TM���'^�°RZ�'��°�°�°�w�N ` ` 2" D U CT COVER PAN D U IT P�MISSION OF METROPLEX CONTROL SYSfEM ALL REPRODUCiIONS Q �°� DOOR HINGE �7.25=-{ s��. �» _ �» swvl eEnrt niis Nonc�. O�P7� �6� � • THESE DRAWINGS ARE SCHEMATIC AND DO NOT ATTEMPT SCALE: �~ _ �~ TO SHOW CONDUR ROUTING - ee � 47K - :a o00 � ��„°��o� BC 1 ENCLOSURE � � e EOLR CONTACT #1 .. Flre Phone N.T.S. � TB2 �Bo a � . • � o0o C���68 INSTALL � ���� LAST HEAT DETECTOR SIGA-CT1 � C�QI�I ° , o �.,����C�'d S��� � h ��gya �� � Rm GRN p �2 ° o o „�,� p�,�.�° ���,�" `��„�y S��`q °°° �` t e � N�at. Co01�8�0�� �a � ° �2 V`� h ��2 �:D Q o0 + - + - � � °b °p o a ^4 ' �' T81 4 3 2 � CONDUIT, SIZE AS REQUIRED, �?�.,. : • MOUNT INPUT MODULE • • S°% SUPPORT PER NFPA 70 ISOMETRIC VIEW ���,�••.y��•�,�'s ♦ y`s ��M� TO 2-1/2" DEEP � RB���9�iS�OP1 C81� SINGLE GANG BOX °.° °'° mounted under ch�ssis ��I G�,n�,� "X4"X1-1/2" JUNCTION BOX 4) WIRES 1/2" (12.7mm) FLEX �, 6w holding Audio Sour+ce Unit �101.6mm x 101.6mm x 38.1 mm) CONDUIT 6' (1,828.8mm) LENGTH. B B T0�8 �I� 4"X4"X1-1/2" OCTAGONA BOX TS AND STAMP �(�,C�Mn�D (101.6mm x 101.6mm x 38.1 mm� °CADDY" TEE BAR BOX HANGER DATA IN(+) DATA OUT(+) �m�� FROM�R ACP r I � TO NEXT QTop RR�III Power bI6 0 oonnn�ic � nere �u/_� ��r^V�Tt�� DEVICE P/IV 250191 Cln. � f� /1 DEVICE L �• • \eL_J l \ 1 � ".� ��J OR END �$�PYG �BI � v�VA_�T2 SIDE VIEW �C �� $ Q Top Ftell D�tB C�ble � o 0 .e o0o P�2��� CEILING DEfECTOR BASE & HEAD , .. ` ' OBotbom Ra6 Po�er Cable ���m O2oo� ��� � PM 250192 .. o00 �Bottom RaN Dsta Cable . "624" ' • P/N250190 D UAL C 0 NTACT FI X E D TE M P H EAT D ETECTO R _ D ETECTO R M 0 U NTI N G o � � _ PANEL (CHASSIS RAIL) CONNECTION CEILING MOUNTING � o WIRING DETAIL WIRING DIfiGRAM N.I.ti. DETAIL #10 N.T.S. 1.) PUSH-TO-TALK SWITCH- PUSH THE PTT SWITCH AND WAIT FOT THE READY TO PAGE LED (ITEM 4) TO LIGHT STEADILY BEFORE MAKING AN ANNOUNCEMENT. K EY P LA N 2.) PAGING MICROPHONE - SPAEK INTO THE MICROPHONE TO MAKE AN N.T.S, ANNOUNCEMENT. ,MPORTA►� No�. _FIRF/SMOKE DAMPER IMPORTANT NOTE DOOR HOLDER � � � � � 3.) PAGE LEVEL METER - INDICATES PAGING VOLUME. WHEN PAGING, SPEAK MCS JOB#: WIRING IS SHOWN W I R I N G I NTER FAC E WIRING IS SHOWN W I R I N G I NTER FAC E � AT A LEVEL THAT CAUSES THE FAR RIGHT LED TO ONLY FLICKER OCCASIONALLY. IN "FAIL-SAFE CONDITION." IN "FAIL-SAFE CONDITION" � $2-2 7 9 R Z M 1.) THE POWER LED INDICATES THAT MAINS(AC) IS APPLIED TO THE PANEL 4.) READY TO PAGE- GREEN LED FLASHES DURING PRE-ANNOUNCEMENT TONE. (N) 120VAC - o 0 2.) THE TEST LED INDICATES THAT A PART OF THE SYSTEM IS IN TEST MODE. THEN IS ON STEADY WHEN THE SYSTEM IS READY TO PAGE. REVISION DATE 1) SUBMITTAL 12-23-03 AC�H� TO FLOOR ��M + TO FLOOR 3.) THE CPU FAIL LED INDICATES THE 3-CPU1 MODULE HAS DETECTED A � � 5.) ALL CALL SWITCH- GREEN LED ON INDICATES THE 3-ASU IS IN THE 2) REVISION 03-01-04 (H) �N� }FlR�SMOKE + Ho�DERS ��P 4� �� PROCESSOR FAILURE. PROCESSOR FAILURES MUST BE RESET MANUALLY ALL CALL MODE. � 3 REVISION - - rp ) 04 13 04 - � DAMPERS - � � 4.) THE GROUND FAULT LED INDICATES THAT THE 3-CPU1 MODULE HAS � � 6) PAGE TO EVAC SWITCH- GREEN LED ON INDICATES THE 3-ASU IS IN THE CONTACTS SHOWN - CoNTACTS SHOWN - O � � �pppp DEfECTED A GROUND FAULT. � PAGE TO EVAC CHANNEL. WHEN RELAY WHEN RELAY IS DE-ENERGIZED IS DE-ENERGIZED 5.) THE DISABLE LED INDICATES THAT A POINT OR ZONE HAS BEEN ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ C�- 7.) PAGE TO ALERT SWITCH- GREEN LED ON INDICATES THE 3-ASU IS IN THE DISABLED USING THE DISABLE COMMAND. PAGE TO ALERT CHANNEL. 6.) THE DRILL BUTTON INDICATES THAT THE DRILL COMMAND FUNCTION IS ACTIVE � A''►QETO 8. ALL CALL MINUS SWITCH- GREEN LED ON INDICATES THE 3-ASU IS IN THE NOTES: CONTACTS RATED �2 � � 6 12❑OVAC RELAY NOTES: CoNTACTS RATED TB2 � � 6 24❑VDC RELAY � 7•) THE PANEL SILENCE INDICATES THE LOCAL PANEL BUZZER � �� >ALL CALL MINUS AT.5 AMP AT 120VAC N o c N c PAM-1 UNfT AT 5 AMP AT 12oVAC N o c N c PAM-1 UNIT 8.) LIQUID CRYSTAL - 168 CHARACTER, BACKLIT DISPLAY OF SYSTEM STATUS � 9.) PAGE BY PHONE SWITCH- GREEN LED ON INDICATES THE 3-ASU IS IN THE AND 2 AMP AT 24VDC AND 2 AMP AT 24VDC � 9. TROUBLE BUTTON INDICATES THE TROUBLE STATUS LIST OF THE SYSTEM. � CAD FILE: ) AtFRT PAGE BY PHONE IS OPTION IS INSTALLED. SIGA-CR SIGA-CR 82-279_Ff03 DWG MOUNT CONTROL RELAY MOUNT CONTROL RELAY �� � 10.) MONITOR BUTTON INDICATES THE MONITOR STATUS LIST OF THE SYSTEM � � DRAWN BY: DATE: MODULE TO 2-1/2" DEEP Rm crar MODULE TO 2-1/2" DEEP Rm cRN 11.) PREVIOUS MESSAGE BUTTON INDICATES THE PREVIOUS OCCURRENCE IN ORDER. M��� e. ALLEN 12/24/03 SINGLE GANG BOX �o �� SINGLE GANG BOX � � � N�,a� � No,,,,� �� �� 12.) NEXT MESSAGE BUTTON INDICATES THE NEXT EVENT IN OCCURRENCE. ENG. APPROVAL• DATE: �� + 3 2 � TB� 4 3 2 i � d ❑ d ❑ � ❑ 13.) COMMAND MENU BUTTON INDICATES THE COMMAND FUNCTION FOR THE SYSTEM GEB � 14.) DETAILS BUTTON INDICATES MORE INFORMATION ON THE DEVICE PRESENT. �"��E REVIEW BY: SCALE: �� ��� �� 15.) ENTER KEY INDICATES THE SELECT IN THE FUNCTION MENU OPTIONS. N.T.S �� 16.) DELETE/BACKSPACE KEY INDICATES THE CANCLE OF THE FUNCTION B B B B �O OO OO ^ i� IN THE MENU OPTIONS O DATA IN(+) DATA OUT(+) DATA IN(+) oaTa our(+) �/ Rlla� 17.) NUMERIC KEYPAD KEY SELECT IN THE MENU ITEMS FROM�R ACP TO NEXT FROM�R ACP To NEXT �� OO OO OO .� 18•) ALARM BUTTON INDICATES THE LIST OF ALARM IN ORDER. DEVICE DEVICE O O O � 19 ) SUPERVISORT BUTTON INDICATES THE LIST OF SUPERVISORY IN ORDER. FIRE ALARM PREVIOUS DATA IN(-) DATA OUT(-) PREVIOUS DA7A IN(-) DATA OUT(-) DEVICE OR END DEVICE OR END � � � ,�3 20.) ALARM SILENCE INDICATES THE SILENCE OF THE EVAC NOTIFICATIONS _ O J � 21.) RESET BUTTON INDICATES THE SYSTEM BEING RESEf. EST-3 SYSTEM "S I G A-C R" "S I G A-C R" �� 3- LCD CONTROLS 3-ASU CONTROLS FIRE ALARM DEVICE 0 0 INTELLIGENT CONTROL RELAY MODULE INTELLIGENT CONTROL RELAY MODULE AND INDICATES � � AND INDICATES MOUNTING & wIRING WIRING DIAGRAM WIRING DIAGRAM N.T.S. N.T.S. TYPICAL DETAILS �� �� � SHEET w ��0� / , � Z , _ � O . Z U � O Z � 0 � � � � �--+ � � � � � Qz W a� � � Q � W � � � _ � �� � Q z -= O � a cn �, � .�"� U � n � �NN N cV 'fN NNa � � �, � W z I MN � � �� MO O� M MO � � � � O C O � � � �� (A o � H � y � oM ,� � � � U o w 0 � O�� �----Q �� ��I �� �I �o o � � w M —I�---- I I O }, � � 7388 S. REVERE PKWY, UNIT 603 � � ,'� � = a � C j o C E NTENNIAL, COLORADO 80112 � �Z � �� - N „� � � _ a a I O � O p � PHONE: 720.875.0303 Z � Q p a � � O O O� N � (� � p� FAX: 720.875.0800 Q _� � � � �0 O O M M ' "' °� U -- � M N N g � ARCHITECT: � � �. a m a � '� "� ? Q � ��"'O M Q � ���°- � U KLIPP COLUSSY JENKS DUBOIS � �� � o WRITER SQUARE, 1512 LARIMER ST. a � a � � O ��� a a � a a N �� N n O Oa � � BRIDGE LEVEL, DENVER, CO 80202 . Q Q � w � � � � N � � ; � � PHONE: 303.893.1990 M M o O & ' O �� MO Oa Oa � Q FAX: 303.893.2204 0 � � � � '� Z � � a a a � ',� O O � �° ��"" ENGINEER: � � M � � BEAUDIN GANZE Q � ❑ M �� M � I I 14142 DENVER W. PARKWAY S195 . Q ^Oa NOa �Q �' �0 GOLDEN, COLORADO 80401 � m � g� PHONE: 303.278.3820 o n r� O $ a . R o � „� � MO a o FAX: 303.278.3843 M M a N � � �a �a � 0 , � M � � � �I F'(:TRI(_AI C`(1NTRAC`T(�R• n � a � _ � RIVIERA ELECTRIC � c� a a U O m � � ����� � O N n � � 3 � W 410 McGREGOR DRIVE, SUITE 210 �� O o �� 0 � N a � � � V M b � � v3i o GYPSUM, COLORADO 81637 � O ,f" Na M � c�vO � � � a � a 3 i- �� � N O �— � ' M� Q ° = PHONE: 970.328.411 � � o � � � a � � � � ��� � a, 4 � �� a FAX: 970.328.4999 ��� °O � „O � Na • O �O � "�,°� O � "' ° � PROJECT• , 1 /�� � o � � I Na �O N � a � '�Oa� � r-� � � � 00 � � � o ° �' a � � M ' ° � � �a J ° VAIL MOUNTAIN � P M Q ? ____ o � Q s Q, � I o Na Q O � ' a 1�' � J J � o SCHOOL 0 r N � O � �O o' N o+ O N � � '� W U M � �i N ��(V � � q O N � F- W Q � ° �a��� �'oO � o � �'N � ,o� � �j ,J ° 0 3000 BOOTH FALLS ROAD � �_ � Na ���� � cv ° I 1°� a M� a a °' = � Y �- VAIL, COLORADO 81657 p � Q C� Q � � � z o c� " � �� °. � � � c' N � O a � � � ��� o ,— O � � ; W�— I ° � N°- O � � � � � o i � t � s� � �a O � a � U i �i � � o � � �� � ' ��N � N N O o. //� a � ° a � � � ° � Na O � _ � � � NICET• J � � �t �O � I � No- � �, a N ! � ���0 W N A M E: Na � m o �, N O �� N � � � Q CERTIFICATE � � �,�, I �� � � a � ,,� � a � � a #. � a O,p �,�,, �� � � ° � � O �� � � � , ° � o �1�1 � � c, � � � a '� �, I O �n � � O a a � � ❑ � �"Y, �' � o O � ��,-' o- O � r O � � o' O G Z SIGNATURE DATE o� m0 � �——'�� � N � _ � � � � � a t a n V � N � ��� — I C O � 4' NN � N O � ` � �� � a W � O Q ,� O a � � o O a O ,n �� cr ON � Q � � `�° �~ °N j �, � � ❑ L�- a N _ O � Q �" N , m � Q Z = P R O P R I E T A R Y � o. o Q Q � � °' °- w W Z Q D O C U M E N T � � a • �o,� N -� �1 � � a � a O � � � Z � ��J � N � a � Z I.L Q (7 I N T H E N A T U R E O F T R A D E S E C R E f S, 7 H I S D R A W I N G A N D 7 H E 0 N O t Q � W DESIGNS THEREON ARE THE PROPRIEfARY, CONF1DINfL4L W a a �� � � �o � �' N M a � (� I N F O R M A n O N O F M E i R O P L IX C O N i R O L S��E M S i H E Y S F W l N O T B E O N � a � O ^ . r � N Z W DUPLICATED, USED, OR DISCLOSED TO OTHERS DCCEPT 0.S � r O O � � N� O � � J O T H E R W I S E A U T H O R I Z E D B Y C O N T R A C T W f f H O U T W R I T T E N ❑ �� o n a � O r , N a � � < • a 0 0 N O O � � SWUl BEAR THIS�0� ��L S 1 5 f E M A LL R E P R O D U C i I O N s °' � �O N � v � O NO � - N � THESE DRAWINGS ARE SCHEMATIC AND DO NOT ATfEMPT O p, W � � p. � C TO SHOW CONDUR ROUT1NG. _ � o ❑ � � o o �cf O ,^ N a� �N ° a � °' L O ' � � N "'Oa m �/ � � � � � °' ��� � o � ° �� ° " m � � O � ° m � � � � a m � a, a � 0 , � _ a� n, o N a, a� t O � � a � � o O a a O �� � � O N a G � rO � O ` � � � - °' O � O ° � 7 O� � � 1 a �° 1�� N M �. � � � � � W m �� O o � �� ���, _ ° ° � o / Q " ° 0 .�,�.����� � , � r N o .�aa°�� f�; .�, �� e � o. 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APPROVAL• D A T E: 1 d � oO�O �O �O ^O � ° v � �� a a Na O� a Na W . . . � � � � � � ��m , ���O O NO � O O �� REVIEW BY: SCALE: � a °. a a a . r � M 'r'�` r� � N oOa � a o $ N o ��° B ALLEN NTS Oc O NO rnO ''�O mOa O � �,��" o► � � � ❑ ,°',� tO o Oa �a O��a o Q o o p o o°', � r� r°°i �r,� ''� � o � � 4 0 � ° � � � �� � I� a � 1 � _ � �� � a � � � � �� �� FIRE ALARM = o � EST-3 SYSTEM GRAPHIC ZONE MAP # 1 , � . ���l� � � Z � . � Z � - � O �n z � o � � � � -�--� o� � � Xr�^ ¢ z � Q) v J � U a LL' a N O a � O�N a a �� � Na o O Q Z � 0 N N a a y� �� � � „� — O O N N � � a �� r � z •". M p� � L_ W p� N N O '• � � O O O $ � � �O � O O Oa a N a a � �O � �O �O o O�O � a �Oa � a � r � n °�i �S � � � � W o � 0� a a �O N a oO � o i „Y`� o�N..Y` � (> Q arry- ��rY PI 7388 S. REVERE PKWY UNIT 603 a u �O �� � N N g � p"'�V''� � �u^ I CENTENNIAL, COLORADO 80112 � �-----�---- _ �O�� m a �O a 80� oO `�,��� PHONE: 720.875.0303 z � � N a � �Da O `�� $ a a �'-�' - - - - 1 � oo �o¢ �° FAX: 720.875.0800 Q �� �O � � �� O 1 �� a a � ° � �� � 3 � a � O O 0 m ARCHITECT: Oa �a • D,o a � N a Oa �� � a � y O`� � � � ° a a Z KLIPP COLUSSY JENKS DUBOIS ao � � • O $ a o 8 O^ O a a '�0 � ;� O O Q 8 � �� gO ' � �, M � M �O S�Q � � � �Oa �0 0 � � g g J WRITER SQUARE, 1512 LARIMER ST. Oa ❑ d � S �� o ° � � ^ o � N a o � o� o a � � � N a a m a o „ O � N BRIDGE LEVEL, DENVER, CO 80202 aD N� �O � gO gO �� N O Na � N � "' � Na a � Y� o w w a � �� � O p � � O � o o � a O O N m� N� 0 0 M1 �O � JQ' s a � �� - a��� o� =� o O °000 mOc� Q� N 1 v �°oo � PHONE: 303.893.1990 �� � 0 � � �,,, � ° � W 0 FAX: 303.893.2204 � �� � � a�� r°--Z a -• c"3 w 0 �'�, � � N N N � N � o� �° � N a Oa �Oa � 8O � ENGINEER• �� a �"�S" °— �o �� �S n � _ � a N o N O m Na � - �� � O � o �O BEAUDIN GANZE ,.� a a � O _� � °� a�`' a � �� � O°' O oV o � O � � Oa Oa �SIU ° � �� o _ �j cv � �°o o ~ 14142 DENVER W. PARKWAY S195 N o " N � N � O0 W s O -- n � N m� Z a o - --o- - - - -- -� Na o a �n = o o a o � � � � N o � ° �� o W GOLDEN, COLORADO 80401 ro // I o • N a �O � � �`�' � O `�N a ��o N � o ° �,, ��' c� � PHONE: 303.278.3820 � � � � � O _ � � " - ' � �� N ��� O �M �� ?� w ° .� 1 � — � � o d � ♦ ° � � � N W O �� o �< �M °� S W�� /� FAX: 303.278.3843 � M o Oa ^ � o O� Om � � � � N a ' O N o N oa � a � U�o -� o V I /� � _= m(�1 O ap ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR: oO � I . 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ONO a� —— —— —n� �O �� � aoO �� Oa Oa �' � a W � ��`;g;;t��p Y', J p �I � I � N �O M N � -� � p 0 �l0 , W o o g J aW Ll � N a `J � ~ a a � � Z O U � N � * o� � � _____J v Q � O �,-. � a � � COMMENTS AND STAM ^ I ° �� � N � V� � � 0 � � I Ol'`Ja � w I J .. •.� �.- M.. O O) � N _ �I w 1 � �\a 11 O 6 � � Oa� _ " o ��O_ I tOa _-__-u O a �0.� °' � `�741-" O� O �V _ � � � N � � Q N _��� O � O N N Z a L �� �i N N � � �' � � � � � a � a 1 � � �m �� � m N a �O � � �O � � � oo b �° � M —� Z ' � a � O � � � o v � a � N � � � � ^ O �O � ' a 0 `r Oa �"' Q z U _ . a ^ �O ��, I 0 � W � a �I"'I o � z q N � � Z 4, Q C� ° r� � • �1 W pO � a Qa a 0 � Oa Na � J KEY PLAN " '� � � O � � � N,T,S, b � O " � ° $� � � 0 � 1 � ^ ^O ° M�.S JOB : � � � � # � � a O a � �� N a °� O � 82-279 � � � _ 0 � � ^O°- �., O ►, REVISION DATE �l� � �. � O � � $ �� � � � 1) SUBMITTAL 12-23-03 • N a � M y � � ^ ; Oa a � Q 2) REVISION 03-01-04 0 y � � m O � � 3) REVISION 04-13-04 � � �' � -- "' � "' W n°� � U � _ � � N � � � U �O ' ^ Na ~N C � Q- � 0 C � � _ O o, 0 � � � _ �- o NO +r C j O ' N � b � �� $- m a _ NO �0 � � � U � c 1 �� � � � W Oa � Oa �o ^Oa � = N N a M N � Q U ��— i C w' N N Oa N O N ... � J Q � � ��_ ��_ � M M � � N � � I w O CAD FILE: ———J l a � � � "' � 82-279 FG02.DWG � N _ � �, � U __ � ��c � � � ' N y Qo Q 0 DRAWN BY: DATE: - � �"' � a M O U � V. R A Y B U R N 0 2-2 8-0 4 I !�1 �O N N ' v �O � � w � ENG. APPROVAL: DATE: E,Ic�1 9"' "�O a a�� � � N a � M � � REVIEW BY: crei F• �O '�O � �� �U Q B. ALLEN NTS � � FIRE ALARM EST-3 SYSTEM GRAPHIC ZONE MAP #2 � � ���� _ � � � " Z d v O Z U � O u� z � � — � � � O � � � MAIN LEVEL - WEST SECOND FLOOR �/ >, � z 088 ^ � a F- trow,M,�;,�O � ,0 099 pgg �r�o � � Q �o P �2 O2 P O 2 P Ot O 092 0 1 2 092 091 � O J z � � OP ° ' P OP pP OP O O �-�-�+ V O c��r ,� -�n�, � oC 087 OP � � r�Q 3�7B �q�379 38 i • '� ' �O P O O 09 2 093 090 � W O � � � � OP I y�i 5�5 � I _ 0 0 1 4 P OP OP OP � G U � Z 2 � W P O � o o � _q_377 �380 p 383 I p� G R E E N S T A I R P � � 5 0•3 �-0-� � V � RQOM � 015 W 025 ^o�� 002 M�t� o2 P O L�7 8 -Q-381 - - � `------------- O P�E �O 2 �Z � 7388 S. REVERE PKWY, UNIT 603 � 5-0-5 O p 2 8 O „ o� � � �, O p p�g O C E N T E N N I A L, C O L O R A D O 8 0 1 1 2 _ P O � �° P 089 0 �2 P H O N E: 7 2 0.8 7 5.0 3 0 3 z STORAGE P � 017 P P �r FAX: 720.875.0800 Q 01 �1 002 � 2 � L °°2 i O 251 Q N?� OP c��ur �� o 0 2O O2 P 137 P 384 �g ARCHITECT: 0270 1�0 CORR�IDOR � P P OO O► O► s AT°cE 087 , °�O 2 0� OP ` 2 P �� `"R;; ossO2 P ��02 coR 350 +� I ��8 2�P OP . 10 � 004 2 ��OP KLIPP COLUSSY JENKS DUBOIS P STOR�AGE P 028 2 0130 2 012 � ��o � P P o03 0020 WRITER SQUARE, 1512 LARIMER ST. oz �o�, o�cE ,�, � E�c�icu ' o3sO O 8 � � 2 252 ���''" 2 � D�� O P 2 P = BRIDGE LEVEL DENVER CO 80202 � �P P � � ROOM �j p31 032 �3 018 � d � Ot 01 � ' a 038 � � P P �coRdHC/OP � �a EO Z O 10 007 006 t�Ni� � , E��r/AToR a oa� � R ++ ++ +' " P OP P �P �P � P� OP � PHONE: 303.893.1990 MACHINE L� 003 OO �x uus�c O Fota� � � �� P o� � Y9u o � oz 21OP o24OP t27 ► 0 12 OP,z o "�E IT � � � FAX: 303.893.2204 014 �� � � V ELEVATOR B���R ° �,,,�"°°" � A R E � � '°���°E 10° E N G I N E E R: 02 O ROOM ' � ��� � N O � � �� O OP � O _— � 2 p 75�P �„ 03 Q ,s P 103 o�s BEAUDIN GANZE / 'Z 2 `�"� P � 14142 DENVER W. PARKWAY S195 6 �� 2 P 052 2 051 2 OD 9 � O OP REHEACRSARL HALL � OP OP ��� H E R E 102 � Z ��Z cO co�oort O g� ELECTRICAL 02 O 02 19 2 ��g OO P MECH ROOM OILEf 1 05 2 � � TM � �2� 2 P _ OP _ _ _ _ P BR � GOLDEN, COLORADO 80401 � Op 03 DRESSING �`� O 2 - - - , 21 A031 ROOM � u�� � � � �� � w �,� PHONE: 303.278.3820 29 OR�RI3D0 j o3 P � 141 1 ++� � N?� � P 031 // � O OP DIIORI n O L�� � '= P �� O�O� P o,� � � �d60 P � "� � S os� FAX: 303.278.3843 � � �p �"�R OP 062 � 03 � � t� �°' n O ► ► ► O ppg 6 Q� 2 - � O � ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR: O OILEf RESSIN � OP �, 2 2 � p o3 op 1 R03M oss ;`� ,� � E 1 9 ,';s j 33 _ _ 0 1 BR Oer RIVIERA ELECTRIC 18OST ORAGE 0780 � O 1 � � � � � p p �26 P � � �Q �3 2 ��� � � °N� � � � 410 McGREGOR DRIVE, SUITE 210 0 008 '"-"�O2 �p� 100 O2 12 � 254 O Op / — � � °� o�s P � 39 �H�� o2s 2 GYPSUM, COLORADO 81637 STAIR E�UIPMENT ��� OP OP O�� '157 rJ �/ '�OP OP / � OP � o ° PHONE: .970.328.411 006 ROOM , 03 P �s �R OP 2 2 ooe � '�TM�i � 040 41 � � �„� �„��? �e5 � � // O O 25O FAX: 970.328 4999 , o P ��P s �9� O9rJ �6 099 Os�J o 0 o O � /�SpENCE � ° O O O2 O O O3� 33g O � / , �°�" � o e , PROJECT: P P P � P P P ' � � 042 � � V A BASEMENT FLOOR PLAN o o � 2� 105 � � oP � I � MOUNTAIN 102 O oo O 037� . °� SCHOOL pg� pg4 066 Op `J P P g � �o O � OP OP OP R�� wn�►i Ns �106 � 045 P � O ��,��P � 3000 BOOTH FALLS ROAD ��o � „�„ 103 0 ^ �9 pp �os_a � P � VAI L, C O L O R A D O 8 1 6 5 7 P � �2 P t:!" i i � � � c o ' � OMELFiANI�� ,� O 0�2 �3 0�� 098 LOCATED ABOVE � ° � P 4' O O P Z OP Z OP O O P O6� � � � � � NICET: 2 �oa 2ss 2 � � NAME: oa� �'°� P OP OP �� ��Eoas 2 � oa8 ° CERTIFICATE 0 � 71 �� o � ��M O OP O #: sni cx+wE � s�wR 0 072 �aNC aa,�"°� p P p�g � �-�-°°'" Op � O2 P ,oK s� �� N � 056 U 055 � O � � O � r��OtP �� O O � P ° SIGNATURE DATE 280 O � 070 2 P �Z „ °N "�DOO� P P Z en+cxuoe o P ,�E 1 � 1 � � a 261 60 � �O 07 O OO � 5 � , t�s' O O O � j „ " 2 = O P � P c'4 1 0 � 0�2 P " os9O 2 P P � � _ _ _ � �� � � ° ° p � PROPRIETARY 81d 2 278 - zr� P 263 2s4 ,� s � � DOC U M E NT O �.rl� o � OO p � OO p P OP O 2 P 2 I � 139 � OP QyQ u.s sc�c� DESIGNS THEREON ARE THECP OPRIHEfARY, CONFlDEMIAL a � » � � P O� I P O � INFORMAiION OF MEfROPLIX OONTROL SYSfEA1S THEY SHALL NOT BE � t4 265 � ► P � DUPLICATED, USED, OR DISCLOSED TO OTHERS IXCEPT AS , OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED BY CONTRACT WITHOUT WRITTEN `�B O ��O O 273 � 2 p ' PERMISSION OF MEfTtOPLIX CONTROL SYSfEM ALL REPRODUCiIONS 2 2 O ioNS 108 � SHALl. BEAR THIS NOi10E 2$QO P P 276 P 0 P �� O � � 2 � THESE DRAWINGS ARE SCHEMATIC AND DO NOT ATTEMPT ! ��� P �� I _ _ _ _ � TO SHOW CONDUR ROUTING P PO �Z Q o u I 061— - - — ' 063 65- 2 . 3�r 283 284 �3 272 O � 266 O coN� I Op � OP O � N 069 O � �� O O �2 275 274 � �109 � izn+cruoe p �� p P 270 P 059 »c��+��o �m�ca�oe S ,s P 15 cus PO� OP OP o O �O @zs! M 'ctr�ROOw Os 2 � p p I �� � � � I P �D ��� 2852 72 R � �� 26� �� o I �6' 6 P ���0 �9 1,�i� ,�` O • . P � O / / O us sa� p � •,�'�e. �'s�',�° C� P M��/NI,NE ' �NG P B23 �: �� �. � 000 BOOTH FAL L ���°�6 388. �3 � � � � � S ROAD _ .� . � �P ' j , R 2 2�0 �d62 � � °� o o � o � LOCATED ABOVE �-,,,�i. �.`y S �� P � 0 •• VAI L P ' 27 OP �u"._'� 110 211 I IcouNSevn P 2 �¢�N C P ��� �� _��'"`�'1�I5�m�'�L-'�'� CO LO RADO � O ,� �'• ~`��� , 8 657 P o� � � � � � _ — zea , o��.�o� � � � '�E O sua 350 269 '3' O P 083 � �� ❑° , . P I �� '� „�� ' O O � / 082 2 ���"' �r- -- 2 °7 13 =� COMMENTS AND S AMP 336 °`ws12°°w � � �P P P OP — — — — — --�Op o O �� � P � � N UP � �5 �9O �29, ❑ LOCATED ABOVE ,� o ' 2 i 397 � p � 350 O �O 072� � �p --J 1 � I P a p U � -�� " O � 3p5 O ° , � 290 292 293 0 I�f �079 � P O i, p " OP OP P _� O P 0 7 32 I 074 �� �� � � P ►_ � �N 12 �' � I 2 � OP I OP_ _ _ _ �� 306 O gp4 OP 078 O L „ — — — ��� � � � . O2 P 's � P B O cHa � ��� r� 303 1z �j c�aEow � wa � P � � o Fiza LEG E N D• �,�, �� 2 � � � P 294 a o� o so� 1 ,z O ,z � FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL Q MANUAL PULL STATION � TAMPER SWITCH �2 O � 302 p 2p 394 � � ANNUNCIATOR 02 P SMOKE DETECTOR � FLOW SWITCH p 333 �� OP�I � KEY PLAN � GRAPHIC MAP 2�- DUCT DETECTOR Ql HEAT DETECTOR � � ' -j N,T,S, P � (► 363 � 2O 310 �� Q 3ss ° MCS JOB#: P �P � �1 P �P �„� � H2—Z79 � w f o & 1Q o ,� 0 REVISION DATE ,� F"',�� 362 � � „ O2 357 + "� 1) SUBMITfAL 12-23-03 P O2 � 2) REVISION 03-01-04 3 �O `''�1e OO q��Np P 3) REVISION 04-13-04 Metroplex 327 P �o� 10 � � sst ontrol Systems � 312� °° 3�3 �E 299 „ � 3� � COMMERCIAL FIRE ALARM DIVISION � p`�� � � P �P An ISI Detention Contracting Group Inc Company 315 e � __ O P 31 O 1 c+we 360 � � 297 O �9 tt � P O CAD FILE: 326 �o�u �, °°e 316 2 P �v P 82-279 FG03.DWG DRAWN BY: DATE: 328 O 317 ' O O P O a � � � A MIRELES 12-15-03 p p 329 321 320 P 74 � � � I ENG. APPROVAL• DATE: �, O � � 3 _ "'�Er. '°' P o O � 397 �� 2�. � � � , � 2 � � �� , 0319 � � �__�——1g55�,��1 REVIEw eY: cr.� iLJP � B. ALLEN NTS � 325 0 324 v 398 O �� 318 � �37 � ❑ , O � O I P O2 323 -''�S� O ' sors �P� �s � ESTR 3 SYS EM GRAPHIC ZONE MAP #3 � . �� >-- Z � � O ` Z U � O v� z � � — Q� � O .}..� � OC � � X r�^' Q z � vJ � U � � � � � Qo .� � � w z ��ro� d � 3 a � 5r O, � O a � L �-/ � W � o O "�O �O N�a..Da �� �O � U W a . � � � � � [� �� W 7388 S. REVERE PKWY, UNIT 603 � a . ^Q O� O a o�a o N a � na __ ' W C E N T E N N I A L, C O L O R A D O 8 0 1 1 2 � o O g $ $ $0$� � � �0 N i F� - 7 � PHONE: 720.875.0303 z � � � �O o ' �� �w r�� I O � F A X: 7 2 0.8 7 5.0 8 0 0 Q a �O �,x , � ` ----��--- --- °O� �o a �a "' cv a � � �O �� � � � a, � I �^�'n °� �°� + I AR C H I T ECT: � oO a a 8�t� oO � � p 0�0�'�3, � z� ��v � � o O Q � � g a L=�,____1 � �o o �g � KLIPP COLUSSY JENKS DUBOIS °' °' °� � � 3 a 1 � o o ��� �� ^Q � � � � � �� Na a WRITER SQUARE, 1512 LARIMER ST. o O a Na ' N Na ��_ � L ♦ QQ N �� O o Z BRIDGE LEVEL, DENVER, CO 80202 c� � a � � a O $ a� Q g a Na o O� � � a d ,, 0 '�� � Oa Oa J PHONE: 303.893.1990 a ❑ d � �� �� O ' � � � ' oO O ' - � a o�a �� �� o a ,� g g � FAX: 303.893.2204 O Oa �O� � SO gOa �� a � d n, ' a � � � N � ° o ��� a � �mO � � O _ oO ' � NO a � o�a " N � N V' Na 1 �on n s � e o N a o �I � �I a� � NQO m�0 O�o Oo N 1 ��� � ENGINEER• �� � � _ ^Q « N o � � W O BEAUDIN GANZE �� � �� � �a n � � � �N � O � �'� N N gO �3 n o0 ?�"° � N a Oa Oa . gQ � 14142 DENVER W. PARKWAY S 195 � �� �Oa � a N� Na �� €� � Oa � o ° t �n,� GOLDEN, COLORADO 80401 ° d Na N N Nm O � O ' a a �� N °$ a o N oO �o,,, � PHONE: 303.278.3820 O � °� « � � � p O � Q � N N -- � N � �^ 0�0 Z o ---o---- --, d o a ' ? o o � � o� �O � ^o � � N m W FAX: 303.278.3843 a � � N � � a o � J � � � � �� i o � N � (Nl� � �� � � � � W" � �J� �a ° a_ � 5 �-� � � �i_�crQirei_ cnNTRec-rnR• M � a � W � ,� N M N N�' � m o Q a� O� � � � �'' � Q, o -41'� o W a �°-�o � g �&� (n RIVIERA ELECTRIC NO o � oO N � � � � O � � ' O �O a � o� o c-' a � � O � � � ° ,� o a _°_ p a N ° Q 410 McGREGOR DRIVE, SUITE 210 I NO OO N p _ N � -_ � ppO O � M � O � � � N � 00 �j g z • • ' GYPSUM, COLORADO 81637 Oa / � o o �� _ a Oa - � °-� -� ° ��� ° � W O o° �� �o�o o / a � cv � � d a ",a� a Oa �N Oa � $ o PHONE: 970.328.41 1 O N �� N + �/ Oa �� � // O � � ° a � a '� � " � �0 0 °�„ o N FAX: 970.328.4999 � � ° /�/ Oa 'Oa O ��! O o� � � tv � a N a a � � �� ° �° p O N � O �� � � $ � � o �] � N N „ �� �o $ a�o PROJECT• � � _� � � � e � a a a a a � � � � W V /"1I � MOUNTAIN > � � � ° p o� � m� �� 0 N a N°� �i 0 a / � C� o $ o $ 0 o O ,°�O SCHOOL Q O �+ ^ I / O � o o � � �N � � O � a �a �� 3000 BOOTH FALLS ROAD � r� � � W �mQa �� �a ' O ���Qa �Qa m�a � � u � VAIL, COLORADO 81657 a N � IO � o � � �� � o � a � � O J � // a � �a o0 �� � N � N J O o o � o � ' � o � 0 � � NICET: t o Oa Oa Oa O� a � � � � a � � NAM E: � �� Oa �Qa Od � � � � � Q �Oa �Q W CERTIFICATE #: Ea�° � � � a �/ � � � o � � "' ,� a ° � � � � O s O oOa � � �N e ° O � ^ ON a ""='� ON� � a d SIGNATURE DATE Na o a � �� � ��a � ^ n°O�� � � O � g �� O Q P �o J p - o o � � ❑ �� I � � � ° �� � � � 0 � � " Na � � � Na Oa � � _ ° PROPRIETARY M� � � � a -- � a � �Do o � a m N � $ � J 3 � w � N � �1a N }� � Q p _ O a N W � N 3 W DOCUMENT ^I 'r� O a Z � N os a h (vNxI °� a a o N N W N � IN THE NATURE OF TRADE SECREfS, THIS DRAWING AND THE � o o' ^ �/ � O �� ❑� � � O N O � N O �O � O W � 3 a N RMAnO OFRMETROPLIX CONTROROPSYSTEMS TMIEY SWLLL NO BE o O n N N � � � Q � W DUPLJG4TED, USED, OR DISCLOSED TO OTHERS DCCEPi AS a � � o a � 1 N Q � NOa H IL 2 OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED BY COM'RACT WITHOUT WRITTEN ON � � �-� a a >~ a O N ' PERMISSION OF MEfROPLEX CONTROL S15TEIA ALL REPRODUCf10NS / N N < a � ���+++ SHN1 BEAR THIS NOTICE °S �� ' ------ --� � NO O mOO ON J �� O THESE DRAWINGS ARE SCHEMAl1C AND DO NOT ATTEMPT ^ �n� ' a ' a a � N N Oa � ,� N � N �mI � TO SHOW CONDUff ROUTING . / o O � o� oO � o a O � � � � Q ° Q (r�l ¢ N a a aO ' cv a � cv a � _ O Oa �CJa � � / �� ��d � N a O � O � � a O O � 1- � h � �� � �.Ya �m "V � � O � " � � O N O n a m Q ° T ° ° �� ,� �� � �� � N a N � ° N N O � {�'�.� �'� � a a � � F- p �+,. e� I N ON ^ N � � J W H '��,E�i�` • d°� �,�, . �,J I I � �� �� ^ � o. � a�� � �- W •`ti*�' :;,! � 1 I � ° ' o � 0 o Q a. w � �, t'�"'r m ' _, � � � a � ❑ � � n N �O � a W p U: � � ;� Q `_� ( � � O � � � ° a� "� • „ e� N � O z O c� sa"� • `!l, � a � � � • Q � N I ' N � � � _ _— W N a mO �� n N N � N 0 �,�i�`• •'.°����. w I� Oa '(Nj, � � °� I � °�O N N a � � v�O � � a ���'��tr����. o cv �i _i a �� ��� � � N N Q � � a' � a � "�O ��.��a m O O � � � O � V � ' a �—— ——— cv a ( a cv a a � � 1 �3 O �� N �� � a � �k N Q W o� w �mI aD N N o J l�� �= I � m �� _ Q �0 � W � J o � � $ W N � � �O n N � z o � � M �� � n Na � � ,, � Q Oa a � � O a COMMENTS AND STAMP ��v I �.- � 00 � � -----J O �� � 6a=1 O �-, � (Nla — � ^ � �_ � • �•� �:�L �siu — - �.� �m� _'� `r I �'�' a � a � O � "� � a ► Na a � a n N M V � d � o nO � n a � ' u O a �aO O O O � O Q a L N �o _=Q��� O � N N N � Q � ON �� d � � �1 (� U � � ^O Q Z ` � � � � nO � �p NC. ��O MN � � Z � n� � � p� � 00 1 ��}� � � Q _ �? � a c� ' 1 �! = L'� � o O C� � °' O � W _ s" O -• = � � N a � � � —� -' � � � �o � �O �� . � a � O a � O��7 O e � o - .r F�,lc,l � p � a a ° � Nn O KEY PLAN N 4 0 a � � O � O � �NO N,T,S, � O n o � � ; " �� ^O � o � MCS JOB#: � � 1 � ^ �� a � �2-279 � N a O � `, � O . � Oa _ � Mn^� O � REVISION DATE � �0 �� � 1) SUBMITfAL 12-23-03 �� • "; � �` � o. _ O � � 2) REVISION 03-01-04 N�a "� ''� O ��O 3 �O Oa M � Q 3) REVISION 04-13-04 � ~ ~ � � / c �� M � M p � � ' � -fe�r p a--� C d . a �y N N "�t�U X � U �O ^N a � �� Z v � „ N a QD � � = � � O°' O O � + � � � �p � � � m a _ NN �0 � •� N p 0C.3 1 �� I W O4 Oa Q ►�0 � N°- ^ � U g � �� � m � w a N O � .. � ..r � � — �— �� M � O � �o _ � � � g � � __—_J l � N M n M Q � CAD FILE: � � � � __ � � � "' - � ^ N � Q � p 82-279 FG04.DWG __ Jj '� � � "� �° LL C DRAWN BY: ,Q�E; U n � Q � A MIRELES 12-15-03 I � M Oa �O ' v �O �� O O � � ENG. APPROVAL• DATE: N a �� ro W � nO a M � � REVIEW BY: �SALF' � N n O � �� � Q B ALLEN NTS � � FIRE ALARM EST-3 SYSTEM GRAPHIC ZONE MAP #4 , SHEET e ��0� -- i� , _ . . t � ' - � � f - , { , � � �. Z � w 0 Z U � O Z � � � � � � -F—�+ � � � X � Qz � C� w � � Q Q � � 0 � ao N � wZ O � o � U � z ow U w 7388 S. REVERE PKWY� UNIT 603 � CENTENNIAL, COLORADO 80112 � PHONE: 720.875.0303 Z FAX: 720.875.0800 Q ARCHITECT: KLIPP COLUSSY JENKS DUBOIS WRITER SQUARE, 1512 LARIMER ST. BRIDGE LEVEL, DENVER, CO 80202 PHONE: 303.893.1990 FAX: 303.893.2204 ENGINEER: BEAUDIN GANZE 14142 DENVER W. PARKWAY S195 GOLDEN, COLORADO 80401 PHONE: 303.278.3820 FAX: 303.278.3843 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR: RIVIERA ELECTRIC 410 McGREGOR DRIVE, SUITE 210 GYPSUM, COLORADO 81637 PHONE: 970.328.41 1 . FAX: 970.328.4999 ' 00�������0�00������ PROJECT: ��0�0 ������ 00�00��� � VAIL MOUNTAIN ��� � � � � � SCHOOL � � : s � . . , � 8 3000 BOOTH FALLS ROAD -. � BATTERY ' VAIL, COLORADO 81657 CABINET : . . . _ . • � ' ��� ° ' ' NICET• +.� :o . _ = i ti E: �. � � ` o CERTIFICATE #: VAIL MOUNTAIN ���00�0� �� � ���� ���� scHOO� � . VNG COLOIUOO NN1 � ������������������� M�Y_`'�' ! i '� � SIGNATURE DATE BC1 � � FACP MAP P R 0 P R I ETARY DOCUMENT 6 6 " DESIGNS THEREON ARE THE P OPRIHEfARY, CONFl ENTIAL INFORAINTION Of MEfROPLD( CONiROL SYSfEA1S THEY SHALL NOT BE DUPLICATED, USED, OR DISCLASm TO OTHERS DCCEPT AS OTHERMIISE AUTHORIZED BY CONTRACT WITHOUT WRfTTEN . . . PERMISSION OF MEfROPLIX CONTROL S�'SfE11 Al1 REPRODUCf10NS SFUUl BEAR lHIS NOTICE THESE DRAWINGS ARE SCHEMATIC AND DO NOT ATTEMPT TO SHOW CONDU(T ROUTING � • ��O �y �n `;`ET��,x�.�`�,'7� a��'` W #�c �s'�T! �b � ' �,>'y�. v:� 3�2 3 �: �3 -� : ��.,, . N. °�'�,��, 6..•�,�,�, �,�, -�°�...�V , '�Ei'��. � � ti�ti�� COMMENTS AND STAMP FIRE � > > > > COMMAND CENTER 1 2 3 � Scale In Feet _ KEY PLAN N,T,S, MCS JOB#: 82-279 r. REVISION DATE 1) SUBMITTAL 12-23-03 2) REVISION 03-01-04 3) REVISION 04-13-04 CAD FlLE: 82-279 FS01 DW� DRAWN BY• DATE: A MIRELES 12-15-03 ENG. APPROVAL• DATE: REVIEW BY• �r�; B ALLEN 1"=1'-0" FIRE ALARM EST-3 SYSTEM FIRE COMMAND CENTER � SHEET � � O�