HomeMy WebLinkAboutA10-0114TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2135 Job Address: Location.....: Parcel No...: Project No : OWNER APPLICANT CONTRACTOR VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ALARM PERMIT 17 VAIL RD VAIL 210107107001 FIRSTBANK OF VAIL C/O FIRSTBANK HOLDING CO PO BOX 150097 LAKEWOOD CO 80215 FIRE ALARM SERVICES INC 4800 W 60TH AVE ARVADA CO 80003 License: 631-5 FIRE ALARM SERVICES INC 4800 W 60TH AVE ARVADA CO 80003 License: 631-5 12/15/2010 Permit #: A10-0114 Status . . . : ISSUED Applied . . : 12/15/2010 Issued . . : 12/17/2010 Expires . .: 06/15/2011 12/15/2010 Phone: 303-466-8800 12/15/2010 Phone: 303-466-8800 Desciption: installation of new Silent Knight 5104 to Secutron panel Valuation: $650.00 ss**safs�sst►►s*r**sa***ssas���s**s*s*****r**sat+**sss**s+s*s*s*s**s FEE SUMMARY *ss*ss**sss***s*s*s*ar**as�ssa�*�w�ssss****s*s*******s*��s Electrical---------> $0. 00 Total Calculated Fees--> $312 . 38 DRBFee---------> $0.00 AdditionalFees----------> ($168.38) Investigation----> $0.00 TotalPermitFee--------> $144.Oo Will Call---------> $0.00 Payments------------------> $144 .00 TOTAL FEES--> $312 .38 BALANCE DUE--------> $0.00 s.�ss*sss+aa.■s:s:.�:**+ss�s*s:.ssss+s*s+**..*asraasss:*:rass.���s+.•+.:rs:s***s.*tss�s.aesss**■■*.:.s++..*a:sss:�.�*�ss:s:.:.ss.ss*ss•ssss■s Approvals: Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 12/15/2010 McGee Action: AP �k###t##tfRtRR4####*#i#tMR444tRt4#t#t*#####i#***##M#i##it##�ifR#t*#t####�###F**►Rirt#ti4tR#############t#i#t#######�k#*tt#i##*###t##i#####�itf## CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL i*i*t#�#i!f#*f�R�t#�F####►###*#*t*##if###R*+Fttf####**#*ti#i#t#iffiiil*f#Rt#t4t##########i##*tt#t#1�####4###k##t#t##i#####f#f#fttRf�i####t�F/###t#*i# DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and p(ot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANQE BY 970-479-2252 FROM 5:00 AM - 5 PM. SIGNATUI� OF OWNFyi�O� CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF :4 Y� �U � �c� TOWN OF UAIL COM DEU 75 S FRONTA6E RD. URII� CO 81657 918-479-2324 TERMINAL I.D.� 2A82 I�ERCHAHT M: UISA #ICCI�831# MAIL ORDER BAiCH: ABB183 I NU : 000003 AUTH:016122 DEC 16� 10 09:23 TOTAL �144.00 ,- CUSTOlER COPY - � � �x.���. . rt�.�.F�, ��.�y�n..�..,�_.«�,.�.... � E���ar#rr��n� c�f ��rr�n��nity C����tc��rr�en�� f .., w-~` ��• ` � ' �,. ��h � ' ' ^� • ,ti� , ;;�: f.� " � � .� yi . � � �5 S��uth� F��r�tage F�+��� „ �% � � • - •3 { � ; . , �t . , • ' f � � , � ,:.�, � • •f ���'�+� ,.���������9 �� ��� • ,. , . , y . .. . 't , . . � �; , �� . ! _ - • 3 �, 1 � � �I I Z ��. J � . . � �, • , r ���_ . :,..^.\�Yr��ji�K.������� �� �� � , 3, a ` . • . . • . "• •� i;'' y • • �. . :. . ; .. € . � �����.- � ���c� ���-���-���� :� =.,. . Y .. �. � l `•Y , � y °�: �4.}-;�: •��,_ - . F '�r� , y �,, � - � � .. .: • '���: 1�1�'I�1�. �� I I � �1�. � � �'�"1� • � ��t u� � . �a>=- . - , . . f ��V��L�� �1"1�'11� ��1�1 �� ����� � �'1��� .. , 4 � :� • - . . . • ' .�.� E . ?"�� ��, .� �` X " �l . �, � � ,, � . ... . . .. .. . ,. t-U`�.&-�'.:• �S „ .. . . . ? , . . ._ �._. _ �I F�.� A�L_.J4RNI P� �� IT �ommerc�a� and Re�iden�i�! �ire Alarm sh�p drawings ar� requ�red at the time �f applicati�n submi�tal and must included information I�sted �n th� �nd p�g� of th�s ��rm. �pplicat�on wiil n�t be a�cepted with�ut this informat�on. Prc�ject Street Addr�ss: '� �' Vail F��ad �Numher} �Stre��} �Suite #} �uildinglCvmplex Name: � st gank of Vail Cvr��ractvr Infarmatiar�: Campany: Fire Alarm Services, I nc. CJffice Use; Project #: PRJ10-0808 gui(ding Permit #: N�A A�arm P�rmit #: /410-0114 Lot #: �3�ack # Subdi�is�on: Campany Address: `���� �� �ath A�enue Det�ri(ed Des�r�p�ian of Work: Install a new Silent ��ty: Arvada State: �� Zip: �aa�3 Knight 5'I a4 dialer to existing Secutron panel, Cantac� �Iame: �rian Bo�ch�r Contact Phone: 3a3-��5-8Sa� or 3a3--��5-a45� E-Mai� brianb��asonline.cc �use add�t�onai sheet if nec�ssary� �.� �_E Daes a Fire Alarm Exist"� Yes �,� } No �} Tawn nf Vai� ��ntra�tar Registratian Na.� Dves a Sprinkl�r 5ystem Ex�st? Y�s �} Na �} � 'INvrk �Iass: �ontrac�r�r �ign ure �required� New � } Addition � � Rem�de� � � F�epa�r � � P�-r�perty fnfr�rmati�n �etra-Fit � } �ther � ,� } Parce� #: �'a�a�`�3 2101-071-07-001 �For pa�rc�l #, cont�ct �ag[e �oun�y Ass�ssors C�ffc� at 97�-3�8-�8��Q or TYPe nf gu�fd'rn�. visit �vvvw.eag��c�unty.uslp�tie} 5ing(e-Fami�Y �� Dup�e�c �} Mu��i-F�mi�y � i Tenant Nam�: First gank of Vail C�mm�rcia� ��} Restaurant �} C�fher 4} ����� ��m�: First g�nk Daf� F���ei��d : �omp�efe 11a�u��ian �or Fir� A��rm P�rmit: Fire A�arm $: �5�.aD �f3-��t�-[?�� .. � �I���T�' � ������ :;� �� ��������� �'�[��B �i�r� ��ntr't�l �or�r�u��i��t�r Ti�e s��� r�li��i lit �r�� ��lu� � � ]I a�' �i it�l ��r�r�urti��tior�s fr�r� � th� �arn �r� �u ��r� tru�t � �y As pioneers in digit�l fire technology, �ilent Knight delivers �uperior systerns at an �utstanding �alue. �ur 5'I �4B Fire ��ntro! ��mrnunica��r has became the industry s�andard by proving itself in year� of field-tested o�eration. This six-�one fire �ontrol c�mmunicator pr��ides fa�t, reliable digital communication of fire �n� tr�uble conditions. It transmits via �rdinary ph�ne lines --�- eliminating the need for �xpensi�e leased line arran�ements. Use it as a standWalone, or incorp�rate it int� y�ur existing system. �ltlhy spec any ather digital �ommunicat�r`� �� with the industry standard the 5�a4g Fire �ontrol C�mmunicator from Silent Knigh�. For m�re informati�n, please call �f-�aa-328-a'Ia3. lV��del 5'I�4B the central stati�n. If one of the Fire Cantrol �ommunicatc�r teleph�ne lines faults for m�re than The Silent Knight Madel 5� �4B is a six-��ne fire c�ntrol cammunicator pr��iding d�gital fire reportin� o�er ordinary telephone lines, eliminating the need f�r costly leased lines. I�'s UL g�� and NFPA 7� appro�ed f�r monit�ring local e�acuati�n c�ntr�ls. as a stand-�al�ne unit, i� can be used to m�nit�r: • Sprinkler systems for w�terflow, supe�-visory, and gate �al�e tamper conditi�ns. • Aut�matic f re detection systems for structures that are not required t� have a fire alarm system but want proper�y protecti�n �e.g. to call the fire department after h�urs}. � Monitor� dry c�nt�ct alarms, trouble and superris�ry o�tp�ts, then transmits a se�aarate c��e for each. �The M�del 5� a4�3 is fully supe�rvised. Its microprocessor constantly runs programs to monitorA�, standby ba�er�r, ��ne inputs and t��ephone line c�nnecti�ns. If a fau�t c�nditi�n is dete��ed, it �ounds � I�cal troub�e audible �nd repor�s �he c�nd��i�n to 6a se�onds, it wi II aut�matically � sv�itch t� the �ther t� rep�rt the ���`. ' ��� ' rt failu�e. _ � . ~! �, . � . � The c�mmunicat�r vriill signal activati�n, rest�ration and tr�uble c�nditi�ns �n any �� six inputs. I� an application requires a dif�erent inpu� configurati�n, the individual input styles may be changed by using a hllodel 7�18� Fire �one �on�er�er M�dule. The �'� 8� als� allo�s use of tv��-uvire type smoke detectors, instead �f the n�rmal f�ur-v�ire c�ntact type, f�r au�ornatic fire detecti�n applicati�ns. Features •�JL 8�4 Listed as an N FPA 7� Cen�ra� Sta�ian or R�mote 5tation p�otected �remise unit. • F� approWed. ���n �e used �s a� stand���ane ar as a �dd-�n DACT. • S�x fu��y sup�rvised inpu�s: �ne ��ass �4 ��ty�e D� �nputT and fv� �(�ss B ��ty(e A} inputs. • Da�run(�adab�� for remote �rag�ar�m�ng. - Fuse�ess o�+er�oad protection with au�omatic re�et �ircUitry �€nd f�u�t indicators ---� e��m�rtat�� th� cause ❑f mc�st fie�d �a��s. . ' � '-F,'; �- ' � r r � � . ` .� � + ; �� - � ; � �"�""� �� . ' i r ���� - [.y� + `�w[ "r{ i � � � �: �y � Il�ode� �'� �4�3 • C�ua� phane �ine inte�face Automatic se�f tests every �4 haurs wi�h �ep�rt s�nt to c�ntra( �tat��n. • Rep�r�s in S(A and mast major �ommunicatians fa�mats. • �� hours af standby pow�r. � �p�rates on ��op star� phart� ��n�s ahc�d of the bu�(ding PB�C system. • A ��ng�e, prqgrammab�e output �s pravided for a(a�m �� d�a�e� fai�ed �ar�ditions �cannot be us�d f�r eva�uation pr�rpa�e�}. �'I��B Fir�� �t�r�t��l �vr� r�u� r� i��t�r spe�if�ca�ic�ns �fectric�i Add�an Appi�cation� - UL. L��ted lnput: 1�U VAG �a H� 4a w�fts Curr�nt: St�ndby 5a mA Alarm � 35 mA �t�nd Ai�ne Appficat��n� input: � 2� VA� �U Hz 4U wa�t� 5tandby: 1� uolt 7�mp hour r�charge�ble battery 5�3� Remote Annunci�tnr ��hree maxirr�um per syst�m} Laad: 6� mA standby � �� mA alarm indi�ato� Lights (LEC�s}: Power �n �Gree�} Traubie �iienced �'�eilaw� �ntil Traubie is �iear�dlFiashing = �up�rvisory D[aier Failure (Yeilaw} Te�ephone Line Fault �� Red} inside �abinet at L'! and LZ inputs Telephan� Requir�ments: FCC R�gistrati�n #: A�698R-� 7462�AL-E R1N�ER EL��iVALENCE �.�B Type ❑f .�ack: R.�3� X �Z required} ......_., ..._......__�..�...M.�....._.�.�...__. ,. . ...... .....� # �.'.�FF' �:: ��f�Cf:"-�� � ':4. �k � £ , � r ... .� ..�^...., �:K��'��'J`�' E Af.^f�"zsi�Nir ��!.�H� .......�. ....... -.�,� . �...,.�.._ ....... . . ..... .. ..........r......,.....v...,..............a......,,...._....._......,.� ,�. :T..-- .--�� � ��� � -�h � ����� � �:fn ., ��_. .� �Iod�l ��3�3 M�chanicai: Dimen�i�n�: Weig ht: Caiar: aptianai Acc�ssories: 12.�5"Wx �1�.5"H x3.a"D �3 �.� cm W x 3�.8 cm H x 7.6cm C� } �5 �bs. �6.75 kg} R�d 5Z3� Remote Anr�un�iatorlPrograrr�rr��r 556� Qowniaad Packag� 7� 8� Fir� ��ne Canverter Madule 786U Tel�phon� �annecting Card for RJ3� �{ .�ack �� requir�d} 671 �� Z�a�t, 7AH re��arge�h�� ba�t�ry Cornmunication Formats: S1A, SI� 311, Se��aa 31�, C�ntact la, S�C 41�, Radi�niGS BFSK Approv�is: UL �.�sted - UL85�INFPA 72 Centr�� and Rem�te Supervisir�g St�tian Fire Alarm System Service. FM Apprc��ed CSFM Appra�ed MEA M�del 5Z3U Remate Alphar�umeric Anr�unciatar The �� a4B can be programmed thr�u�h the use of the optional Model �23a Rem�te Alphanumeric Annun�iator. Programming �pti�ns include: telephone numbers, rep�r�ing ��rmat, acc�unt number, lo�p response times {electronic retard}, test t�me, �utput acti�a�ion, user �nd ins#all�r c�des. System pr�gramm�ng is stored in a n�n- v�fatile EEPRC�M �hip whi�h is reprogrammable hundreds of times The �� a4B accomm�dates up t� three remote annunc�ators via a f�ur-wire �onnection. A quick- connect �fug all�v�s �emp�rary c�nnec�ion �f the annunciat�r f�r pro�ram mi ng. The Nladel 55fi'i SK�S ao�nlaadir�g Package P�Il�ws f�r remote programming and status checking �f the �'i �4. Includes a 3'I���inch disk and Silen� Knight proprietary m�dem. Allows the installing �ompany to �iew the default pr�gramming, m�difjr it, and if necessary, troublesh�at the system. �esigned to be used �n an I E�M �r �ompa�ible P�. �Th� do�nrnloading s��tv�are als� �ontains programs for ather Silenf F�night dovrinl�adable products. 5 �1�-inch disks available up�n re�uest. ��I��B Fir� ��n�rt�l ��r�r�ur�i��t�� UL-LI�TED L���L ��l�� �C�NTf�C3L ������ �� �� �IL��NT I��VI��#T ��C��L � � +��E� � Chann�� i���� �����t �od�l ���� ��m��nicatr�r ������n�l � �Iar�m ��ntact ��.�}y T�p����� Tra���e �v�t��t � �.�. T�r�i�a� � �1�C��L. 5"� �4�3 �L���� ��A���� ��d��n C����" �►��lic����r� � 2t��A� �€� H� ����� A I��u� ��up��;���� �ax � �r�ra�er�vw t��vi��s a� ��r N�'P� 7� � ����5 � �i'I�#�.��� {su�r�rwi��d� ��t� �ral�r� tamp�r o�r F�t� ��rpervi�c�r - rr�c�st �o�+nect � nvrmaily v��t � � ��L�t�T K�I��t?' ����� �� ��� � �t���t��� �o�rtr�€��i�a��� Mc�del �?�2 � ��'DG � �H ���t��� ��nun�i��c��r �� r�na� �er s�s��mE} T��� Lir�e �1 �'��, [.�i�t� �� �i[��# ��igh� ���d�� ��3C1 �vpt������ ���1'1���' A�'t�l1�1�t3��C �� tT1�3�C �£'�' ���'���� T�Ix �.ir�� #� T��. L[r�� #� ����L 5� ��� ����� ����F��►I'� �t�r�d���c�rt� ��t�rf���r r�p��i�a��a�� TC� F�,� � � �C i�� ���� �C � �,i�"t€���C� ��w�"�Q-���� �'1��8 Fir� �on�rt�l ��r�r�u��i��tt�r ������ fa� �� �I�ss � t�p�t ��up�rvis�d� ����� � ��puts ��r���ru��ed} F���t d�i���tt��s, rriar-tu�� p�l� ��t��r�� a�� �ar�tacc �y�e s�a#�e d�t��tr�rs � � � � � �IL�l��" �f�II�H`� �L���L �� #��E� � +��ann�l G�mmcur���a�vr �f�rd�l ��`� � � ��tC�� �' i�H ��lr�n� �Cr� it�ht �ode� ���� �ap���r��l� ������ ����r�+ci�t�� �� ��� per ��st�m� �'�I� �ifl� �� "�'el � �.t n� #Z T� �J�� � �����. �� ��� ��,.��� ��J��a��� �t�r�������r� �u�ta��t�� ���� ��������r� ���� ������r� ��`�r ���r������rt��� �n��� � L�J � 1�1���I�Ck ����'� �-� �-� ���ti�r��l� ARCH�TE�TlENGIN�ER SF�E�IF�CATI�NS The ��ntractar sha�� provide an approved digita( commun�catar ta transmit the fire a�arm and supe�vESOry and troub�e �igna�s to a�entra( station. The digi�a� c�mmunicatc�r sha�� be �L or FM �ist�d for f re repor�ing ta a centra� statian and sha�( conform to the requirements of NFPA ��. The digital cammunicat�r sha(I pt�q��de power �nd nece�s�ry camponents for six supen�ised detection cir�uits. �ne sh�(� be ��a�s A��ty�e D� and f�re sha�� b� ��as� B�Sty�e A}. The detection �ircuit� sha�� accammodate spri�k(er flow switches, gate va�ve supervi��ry svvit�hes, therma� de�ectors and contact�type smak� dete�tc�rs int�rm�xed as desir�d and permi��d by NFPA ��. Th� cantr��fcommun�cator s�a�� i�ave th� �apabi�ity �c� su�ervise �va te��ph�ne �in�s, seiz� th� phone ��n� and send the a�arm signa� on on� �r both (�nes w[thou� �he addition of any more equipment. (t sha�( test each te�ephone �ine �number} at a�t�rnat�ng �4-��ur interva�� in accardance with NFPA ��. �t sha(( saund a�oca( trouble signa( if the t��ephon� se�vice is Enterrupted far �onger than 5� seconds and �t sha�� transmit � sEgna� ind�cating �he lass of phon� �in� service to the ��ntra� statian over ti�e rema�ning phan� �ine. A signa( sha�� a�sa b� t�ansmit�ed tc� indicat� the restora( af ph�n� se�ice. The cantro�fcommunicator sh��( be ab�e ta repor� the (ass af either phone (ine without regard ta which phone �ine f�i�ed fir�t. (f bath �ine� fai�, a(oca� signa� sh��� �ound. The �antr��fcammun[c�tar sh�(� ha�e ti�� abi�ity to send � test signa� to the centra� st�tia� every �� haurs. Th� test signa� sha�� �e ab�e t� be transmitted at a�pe�ifc t�m� af day or night by sett�ng a program within th� pan��. The digita( communicator sha(( pro�ide a secondar� pow�r supp(y uti�i�ing rechargeab�� b�tterie�. The se�ondary supp�y sha�� be capab�e of supp�ying power, under max�mum norma� �aad, for �4 haurs far centra( stati�n ar proprietary app�icat�ons c�r �� hours for remote supervi�ing stat[an system app��c�tion in accardance with NFPA 7�. The �ommun��atar sha�� be a�(� to tr�nsmit a(( s�gna�s in the Standard 5(A f�rmat �Secur�t� Industry Ass�ciat��n}. The a�arm signa�s transmitted t� the centra� station �ha�� indicate which of the s(x �o�es i� in �(arm and which ��nes are �n troub�e. Restor�� from a�arm �r troub�e sha(( �� capab(e �f cammunicating to Si�ent Knight, and oth�r �ndust�y sta�dard rece�uers. ���..,��� This dacum�nt �s r��t int�nded ta be ��ed fo� instaiiatian purpas�S. V�le �n,r ta MAaE 1N AMERICA j'' �e�p aur product infa�matian �rp-t�-date and ��curate. �11e cann�t cover aii �� �� �'� specifc applicatians a� a�nticip�te all r�quirem�nt�. Ali specifcatic�ns ar� PN �5�34�, Rev � sub�ect to change without notice. F�r mare infarm�tican, c�ntact Silent Knigh� J�p1a Har�e�wei� int�rn��i�nai in�. �� f�or���+u�JG�i �� Cf��tanv�i[e Ra�d, Nor�hford, CT ��7�-�16�1 �. Ph�ne: {8aa} 3��--� 1 a3, Fax: (��3} 484-7 � � 8. virvvv�r,siientkr�i�ht.com