HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Commons City Market Unplatted 1999 Landscape & Parking.PDF ,4 •- rt _.=n y ^� _ °" +r - - E - _ _.. r . V _ , . . ' a~ - r . - .r o ' _ _ r e 4 , � ^}, n �\ a w 7 /midi r7asonry/. uC O'plarder walls bark 4"from ccnfcrlinc of a/stirq acpanslon �xpox acparrslon joird d full , joird.T/c new walls info exlsflrg walls,match /agfh of sidewalk,install expansion , acisfirg dcvdlorrs and flnls�.Pcstorc jolyd matuld to existing finish grads d wduproofinq mdulals and irzstd/new sldcwdk l,�tdl urdhanc caulk d fop wdcrproofinq mderlals to top of p/dner 1 Sec ddal/, walla 9'estorc landscaping mdcrial os requiredto cx/stlrg conditlo",typical locdloro dorq lcngth of sidewalk O a 4 1 Local ion of cxlstlnq Landxoping to match acpansion joird, exlsflrg, Double 2 x 6 redwood bolfcd lido MID-LEVEL masonry at 16"oc. N PLAZA 2 x 81Kedwood plde with CxparoJon oxhors info grouled masonry al 16"or_ � 2 x 8 gedwood plate with expansion anchors d 16"oz. Do not fastcn to double 2 x 6 0 o to dlow for movemcrd of expansion anfcr walls * Install new masonry/redwood xdlnq Install new ma_orvy/stucco pl joint, 2 x 6 Fedwood xd inq ' — — — — to match existing,s/ze of new plardu wall lo match d.3 locations along expansion jolr�Match cx/sli arlu us outllnc of rcvlous curvcs of exisflnq plarlu wd/s with n�-w bench — — — `xrewcd to rcdwood plates � �� � p consfructlon,--,cc detail this shcd. —__ _ coffCC houx structure;lrstdl new plard;rg -1 I I—I I 1=1 11=1 I I= eq mdcrlds to mdch existlrg.lPcatorc n&lnq ,r��• plardinq mderlds to orlglnd condition 2 "8r, I-111=I11=111=III ,� 1 1 PPOPOSED PLAN A7" UPPEP PAPKINC DEG 1=1 i t=1 I I=1 I i—III e4 a d a a o ! d o New 8"rwonry plorder wall to mdch exl_41n4, / / TWO install wdcrproo(inq r7cmbranc to minirvin 6"above landxopinq. / Grout masonry olid, reinforce with ms's vcrficd a 16" / my � t 8"cmu support wdl at -_ 6`spaclnq,max a fxisNng aparsion jolyd,Expox cxpanslon jolyd full Icngth of sldcwdk cast to west.Install 112" � expansion joirl mduld wilh 1"urdhane calk at grade/cvd,rf'epai/s/dcwalk as requires !�erlove CX%sti/g StRlCtufC and utility 9CNICC9, remove slob on grade to facilrfafe irnlalldion Pemovc Landxapint mdu/ds, as rcqulrcd. of landxapc plarder, modiry existing lord--)cape Demo curved portion,of planters back to planter as required to match new planer. minimrzrm 4"north o 'arisl inq acparslon jolrl, typical d 3 locdlorm fxposc expansion jolyd erdire/cngth of planter/sldcwalk area , Djff7`1j1j. A7- PEV1_,5jff P P1_ANT)ffP APjEA-45 "E* o o ° Q I FFEE/ I HORE I �. MID-LEVEL w PLAZA I jEX1_z57-1N(5 F71-AN A7" C. PPEP PAPKING PfGK `1 F OF COPY J r F WIT Vtt,Pl�S t !AO scab a ., _ .. w� .- , ,- - - a� - , ,* ° s a .- , ., ,. - ,. ,, s ,_.T.. e ,r ._ � ._ .. - - n • r ,., - — ,- -. -. -, _ .. .- , v r _ _ _ , t , _ .. + „ _ + , If masonry/:!A c a'plardcr wdl--5 _ back 4"from ccrdcrllnc of adstlnq gpans%on Expo--.--exparnlon joird d full Joird.T/c new wally into ex/sflnq wdl�,,ndch lagth of.sTdewdk, Irntdl aparrslon ais/Ing c/cvdJorrs and finf--. S,Pcsforc Jolyd mdeol to exi-41 q finish grade af wderprooflrg mderlds and Irnfdl new sldewa&lnsldl urdhanc caulk d lop wdaprooflnq mder%ds to top of pldnGr l"of czparnion Joint.5cc Mall. R ` Walls.gestO/G landxapinq ndc/Id as/eQUI(Cd, /o e-,, lhnq cond%llorn,lyplcd 3/ocdtorrn long Icrgth of sldcwdk. .V, _ — Locdion of cxisf%nq Landscopinq to mdch anion Jolyd, aclstirq. ' MID-LEVEL � Double x 6 redwood bolted irdo PLAZA masonry d 16"o.o N Zcrparnlon ardo/s Into groulcd 1 mnonry d 16"Or- 2 x 81Pedwood plde wilh exparnlon anchors d 16"o.c. Do not faslcn to double 2 x 6 ° ° to Blow for movcmcrd of apanslon lrntall new masonry/-.-, co planer wd/s lnsldl new masonry/redwood xdirq _ — — to mdch exlsfl ,s/ze of new order wall to nofch d 3/ocdlorr�dorq aeparnlon Joird.Mdc/, J°I 2 x 61Pedwood xdlnq rc"O exlslinq plardcr plug outline of prevlous curves of a t:�,&Aq planter wd/s with new bend — — — xiewed to redwood pld �� cornf/rxtlon,xc ddall lh%s shed. T =��T— 00 �s coffee houx-tructure lnsldl new planting -III—I 11=1 11=1 I I— N derides to mdch crlstlnq,rtn4orc al--Jirq RA plardinq rderlds to odord condillon -III—III—III=1 I M G V 1=III=III—III—III _ i i PPOPOSED P1,AN A7" UPPEP PAPKING DEG =1 I I=1 I i�l i 1=►i 1= ,�. � ►—III—I!I—I 1 I—I�I _ d d� 4 44 d d d d d d A d New 8"masonry planter wall to mdch al-41n4, Irnld/wderproofinq menbrax to minimum 6"above landxapinq, 6rouf masonry # �vaficd o J6" s , S / !wl cnv support wall d spacing,max. Existlnq expan!�Ion Jolyd,Expox arparnlon Jolyd h full length of sldewdk east to west,/ruff/l/2" exparnlon Jolnl mderld wrlh 1"vrdhare caulk / d rode Ievd.1C'e air�Idewdk a�reQulred. C), p / 4 P --� I�move arlstlrq 3/RKfU/C and UtII%ly xNICC7, - rCr'1C7VC slob Ong/adC to faCil/tde l/ntdlatlon IPer�ovc Landxapird nduld�,o�rcquircet / / , of/andxapc p/arder, nodlry arlstlnq/andxapc Demo curved portion of p/anfer>back/o pla der as required to mdch new planicr nln%mmum north of cxlslinq expansion Joins, lypicd d-1)locdlona Expo---.,--cxparnlon,joird erdire length of plarder/aldewalk area. DETAi/, A7- PrW-45fD PI-AMTP /1PjffAf'5 3/4" - 1' N Q FFEV I HORE I l A� QF VA1L. MID-LEVEL PLAZA y 4, Xi-d57-ING PI-AN A7~ UPPEP PAPKING PECK N 1/8" i 1' 1�1 • t } J' P,v}ecc Shoes ft no D/ZS/ 8 scak 2 VAM-5 k I I