HomeMy WebLinkAboutB03-0214.PDF . � : -- F_, . ,�. HOUGLAND & ASSOCIATES PHONE 970-384-1221 /FAX 970-384-1331 F�resafe�rof net West Va�l Lodge Plan Review Notes for Second through Fifth Stories November 2, Z003 1 Sheet A7 O l—Guest bathroom accessones,item's 8& 18,the ad�ustable hand held shower , / head and glide rail mechatusm and controls shall comply wlth ANSI A117 1 Sect�on's 309 4 Operation and 608 5 Controls. Item 10,the mu�ror reflecting surface height sha1l not be more than 40-mches above the floor ANSI A117 1 Sechon 603 3 2 Sheet M2 4—Sheet plan notes 5 &6 Provide verification that refngerant used m systems � comphes with 1997 Umform Mechaiucal Code Sechons 402 Supply Arr,403 Outsrde Air,404 Return A�r, 1105.1 Hurrtan Com,fort&Table 11-A Refrigerant Groups, Properties and _ allowable quantities 3. Sheets A1.01 through A1 04—The buildmg is presently constructed wlthout Elevator � ' Lobbies Elevator lobbies are requued under the 1997 UBC, Section 403 7 and are considered to be an unportant hfe safety component Elevator lobbies or approved alternahves are required to be addressed by the buildmg owner See uiformarion in separate attachtnent that has been copied from the 1997 UBC Handbook and is provided for your mformahon 4 Sheet A1 03—I beheve that a guestroom is to be provided west of the northernmost elevator �' on the th�rd-story between Gnds L&M I understand that the exishng corndor that currently goes to the deck to the west will be elumnated The plan is a bit mixed m tlus area. 5 Sheet A2 02—Durmg one of my srte visits we discussed the existuig straight run stairs and sp�ral stasrs and that go between the fourth-story and the fifth-story and the guardrails at the C� fifth-story I am unclear about any changes that may be planned to the handrails and guardrails Please provide mformahon about what is mtended for these stairs and open areas 6 Sheet P2 4—Gas pipmg to new fireplaces is mdicated on the forth-story I did not locate � mformahon regardmg these new fireplaces m the Arclutectural, Mechamcal or Plumbmg plans. These gas appliances are to be hsted dtrect-vent apphances per the 1997 LTMC, Sechon 304 5 Please provide mformarion regarding these apphances or mdicate the location of the informarion m the plans. 7 Sheets CS-1 &3 O1—F�re-Resistance Ratmg On Sheet CS-1 under Wall Types#4 there is / mdicated a Floor/Ceilmg Assembly-GA#RC 2601 Tlus is a Roof/Ceilmg assembly and �"��S not a Floor/Ceiling assembly and the detall does not indtcate the complete construcnon of the T��. assembly even as a Roof/Ceilmg Assembly Tlus same mcorrect assembly is also mdicated �� on Sheet A3 O 1 in Deta�I 1 There is a detatl for the Party/Comdor Wall on Sheet CS-I �`�I/�X��c�S�-� however, there is no detail for the fire-resishve conshucrion of the Comdor Floor/Ceilmg Assembly Detail Z on Sheet A3 O 1 mdicates a corndor sechon for the 2°d and 3`�floors and 1 y _ I • i � a K agam refers to the Roof/Ceiling Assembly GA#RC 2601 Correct fire-resishve assembhes are to be idenhfied for all apphcations 8 Tlus buildmg has been identified as being of Type III One-Hour conshuchon Table 6-A requ�res that extenor bearuig and non-beanng walls be constructed as 4-hour fire-resishve �, assemblies and the roof/ceiluig as a 1-hour fire-resistive assembly. I could fmd no � mformahon venfying that a11 extenor walls are constructed as 4-hour assembhes or that the roof/ceilmg is constructed as a 1-hour assembly. Please provide informahon mdicating that a11 extenor wa11s and the roof/ce�lmg have been evaluated and meet these requ�rements 9 Sheet A3 O 1 -The fire protechon of beams in the corndors are mdicated in detail4 ��S� However,not a11 elements of the structural frame are evident Please provide verification that 1�'1��t,/� all elements of the structural frame have been protected by 1-hour fire-resisnve construchon as requ�red by Table 6-A �v�!����� � y�, W�J�����v`j'" �n-FY� 10 I could not locate mformahon venfying the eausring or planned mstallahon of draftstops m the athc as required under UBC Section 708 3 1 2 Please provide mformarion mdicahng that the draftstops are mstalled and mtact or a plan mdicahng that they will be mstalled per tlus secnon /y'�,U 5"C' 1`-�1/'�tJ [" 11 I could not locate mformahon venfymg the e�stmg or planned mstallahon of draftstops between guest rooms m the 4�'/5�'story floor/ceihng assembly as required under UBC Secrion 708 3 1 1 2 Please provide uiformahon mdicahng that the draftstops are mstalled and mtact or a plan mdicahng that they will be mstalled per this section �V SY-- �-�{-(f � 12 Sheets El 0, E1 1 &E2 4 I could not locate mformahon to venfy the providmg of and proper locarion of ineans of egress idennficahon, e�t signs and means of egress illwYUnahon as requ�red by UBC Sect�ons 1003 2 8& 1003 2 9 Please provide a plan includsng tlus mformahon — j��'�f= �� ��� . 13 The Arclutectural plans that I am using for tlus plan review are not stamped and signed by the Arclutect The coirected plans are to be stamped and signed by an Arclutect registered m the state of Colorado Conected Mechaxucal, Plumbing and Electncal plans are to be stamped by a Colorado registered engmeers warkmg withm that disciphne �Qyl„�� By Art Hougland i � ' �/ � � '�---�----� � 2 . �r • . � BFPE Responses to: HOUGL�ND & ASSOCIATES PH�NE 970-384-1221 /FAX 970-384-1331 r�z������t�•,�t������_���:► West Vail Lodge Plan Review Notes for Second tl�rough Fifth Stories �� November 2, 2003 �� �������� 1 Sheet A7 O1 —Guest batliroom accessones,ttem's 8 & 18,the ad�ustable hand held shower head and glide rail mechanisin and controls shall coniply wrth ANSI A117 1 Section's 309 4 Operanon and 608 5 Controls Item 10,the mirror reflectu�g surface l�eight shall not be more than 40-mches above the floor. ANSI Al 17 1 Section 603 3 3�t��`�Un�:s `1'_x��il� �c7in���� L�itl� if�s , i�� 1����:���3 t;t '1�, � •, a- •,i �_��t�����tl�t cl�,����rn�;� �vill �i�,���� ��ti5 tl��rrl�f�l:lt It;l'! 2 Sheet M2 4—Sheet plan notes 5 &6 Provide venfication that refngerant used m systems complies v�nth 1997 Uniform Mechanical Code Sections 402 Supply Arr, 403 Outsrde Arr, 404 Return Arr, 1105 1 Human Comfnrt&Table 11-A Refrrgerant Groups, Propernes anc�' allowable quanhhes Q � ��� , E�c"3�t1)I15+: �1Cc'�1tI:1C�ICC� ��:lt.l S�l�.`CtS tt�� ��4�1i�1�1 1l1�� 3 Sheets A1 O l throu�li Al 04—The building is presently constructed without Elevator Lobbies Elevator lobbies are required under the 1997 UBC, Sectton 403 7 and are considered to be an unportant hfe safety component Elevator lobbies or approved alternatrves are required to be addressed by the builduig owner See infonnation m separate attachment that has been copied from the 1997 UBC Handbook and is provided for your uiforn�ation. 2�S.QOJ�..Q S� �'CC(%I�� �r .,E,��:i•��° 1�:•ii,.��:�1i��.�i��..ci+ai, ��,, ti <<��� it„ � �, ��,�, ;�i,��;+_, •.dt�� 1 3�ra�li�: r�a;�1i� �rn! \!�I ° l�i�t_�rrs tviic� hc?th intti�at�z�l tli.�t ti���� ti+,z�+t�l i7E,� e��f�i��=r,i�,�R�� ,�t tln li�����.`is thi� ����Ei e�,��ioi�,r �l�ll�(�!!6" dill� !�Il�)k�4 �U�,�l !lfir; ' i���'f+.����i1��i� ,�;� t,� �ti �3r ti��� 4 Sheet A1 03 —I believe that a guestroom is to be provided west of the northernmost elevator on the tliird-story between Gnds L&M I understand that the existing corndor that currently goes to the deck to the west will be eluninated The plan is a brt nmxed m this area f.l'-.��(,1t_,�` + �, t� n�!l111� l:ti�£ 1e_iilv ��,, ,'t!, � �� �� ty� , I.��i !. �4�ty'.trl� 4!l �:ll�)� ���' f�'r p't'+� , T�i�i,� .i tin� i S��l,m�tt.11 flf:�\JIIt�,ti 111II ,h��ti� tit�5 .��, :, ���+3��1:+�.� ��/�'`�,� �' � �c �V�'" S � , � � one of m srte visits we discussed the existing straight run stalrs and 5 Sheet A2 02–Dunng Y spiral stairs and that go between the fourth-story and the fifth-story and the guardrails at e fifth-story I am unclear about�t on about whata s mtend d or these stausaand oPen areas guardrails Please provide mfo !tycsc� �k�115 �I.t<, r�rr�.�m .�s, �� ��,r �+.iu,�_ .0 3 .l+, s,��a��- �CC.IG�p (,t.,�!�,,�,_,�� li 6 Sheet P2 4–Gas pipmg to new fireplaces is indicated on the forth-story I ciid not locate u�►format�on regarding these new fireplaces m the Architectural,Mechanical or Plumbmg plans These gas appliances are to be hsted direct-ve��t appllanl ances o�ca e the locatcon Section 304 5 Please provide mformation regarduig these app a���G/d�� of tlie information in the plans ��. � � ����� 1�:���i��n,�� �'1'r:tic iiz thc���ur.cr,�;nt��7�I.��i��,� ��,���stir �,,9LL, r�,,;� „�F �iei� ,.t��pl�..7nc�� ���� 7 Sheets CS-1 &3 O1 —Fire-Resistance Rating On Slieet CS-1 under Wall Types#4 there is mdicated a Floor/Ceilmg Assembly-GA#RC 2601 This is a Roof/Ce�lmg assemUly and not a Floor/Ceilmg assembly and the detail does not mdicate the complete construction of the assembly even as a Roof/Ceilmg Assembly This same incorrect assembly is also mdicated on Sheet A3 O1 m Detail l There is a detail for tile Party/Corridor Wall on Sheet CS-1 however,there ts no detail for the fire-resistrve construction of the Corndor Floor/Ce►luig Assembly Deta�l 2 on Sheet�A3�0 s bl aGA#RC 2601 �Correct fire-resisk�i e assembl es agam refers to the Roof/Ce g ►s Y are to be idernified for all apphcations �L���������y �Jf/p/�� '— ; , ,. f 1 ,���y �I,� � r�, �, � � .�c�� �f�����;r+_4I tli *;.-����;�ti��se! a��� {r��,iN,1f`�' rlit"� �I`,`�`lelt!Rl�` ti i'19 Ult�'li � � ( �/� '.� In � '' A i�i�.•tt71C�t[c��t�ll5 �l�,I.�JT ("fY�v�- ��C�YL � � /�.lsf"��CJfaC�� 8 This builduig has been identified as bemg of Type III One-Hour construction Table 6-A requires diat extenor bearuig and non-bearu►g walls be constructed as 4 hour fire-resistive assemblies and the roof/ceilmg as a 1-hour fire-resistive assembly I could find no uiformat�on venfyuig that all extenor walls are constructed as 4-hour assemblies or that the roof/ceil�ng is constructed as a 1-hour assembly. Please provide informat�on md�ic t�ng at all extenor walls and the roof/ceilmg have been evaluated and meet these re uifem��� ►'�,l ► �C ' t?(�!I„ ����7G`, i�, 191 t'\,i ,�iti�' "rlr���i°l� �i ' I. 7�, � , -oq' 1�- r<';a�;Si;���>t� SzT fi�-Ili i.� -41`t ` �;3:-l.!`t'l�tilCSl`C� ��1C:t1:1t1t��ti�ISIL`�yS� 39s. `�� � S3 # a�rat.3 ,Ek " �33i�tN; �1('s�t;`� ;IP .4'� t�!(.'�ziaa��. T � p ! ;,;��� i`a,,,� ��,,i.4 ��1tt►tril5lilti�' t t111�,YlI!('�►llll 1�Il' ��C?(l1�Cl'1�111'� �l�+�a,y�+:Vi Filt 1�.�itltki ,.1�+1 - E !,� ali t•.}`1l�{ (IR{1 i��� , ,1t l;t�kAit�l� ��itl' t��I�U! �,�'�hllt' Et���f1i '!(F�„ �, i�� Sr� � � a� � li�! T 'v+^t � . 4 .. �li�. Iaitlfl 4"��)�711a11CI tl)�7C4�C'II�C:l �111,`�I�f�9i +tl�° • ��t�l� '�'��sa� i�f '�� s+t:�`1=�c.'i! ����f)I{ ��� i/fiL'll�l�_ :I1 ii� ?�.i��l:!"�'1,{II°_t" l;'iII I7v ir,':'l�c I� \*)��1 �+� Ecl�r{i 1 '� s��'��� 9 Sheet A3 O1 -The fire protectaon of beams m tlie comdors are mdicated m detail 4 However,not all elements of die structural frame are evident Please provide venfication that all elements ofthe structural frame have been protected by 1-liour fire-resist�ve co�C�o as requu�ed by Table 6-A � - �{ :'fr<af i6t�� �fi,.�i l- '„-,,<<,, ls is�',- f���{C�ff.tli�1 i3tt ��k l�,.�,���y���,s• Ser i:�.`7��n�,�� ti ,il�,�� L , : ,�t•.� �s if �'y�y�� f' '�I i i,l=�r'd�r. t�l_1� �I;� � 'f�7�� �> a,19�1. .� ,���ik �dy, �� �(i! �,1��� �'�tt�.5 ywelitif6i3 {6 `+� �i�' , i ,���lis� tfl f�t�l�. .11C '�C�� :`St�")�)t+CQ �'�.�1.1' 1Fi.ltlil{' 'it�ilie ��oldt�i 3 �t #�it �t•�:0��t ����,?l tlll�': 3:� `�. �� .3l.� 2 ° " � � a �. �lll'�a) �?���+itlft'(;it�1 L1` Ill.'4'; �',i� {Ill�) �Vl�(.' �. kllt' ly}ta�C •,.��•t,�s13�� t�l�+Y�1tll��`(Hl��lUlll �ii"t' i�1�•�� Ct�Il�TI ti+'1 IOI1 10 I could not locate�nformation venfyulg fl1e exisUng or glanned installat�on of draftstops ui the attic as required under UBC Section 708 3 1 2 Please provide uiformation mdicatuig tliat the draffistops are mstalled and mtact or a pla�i mdtcatmS that they will^mstalled per this section I�GC��1'�°�,�. V'1 R�4����,�}:,e llic��•.���thie���°�istuN�;,7ttsc- ,�R��.�� ((i� ;tt�, << s i�t4 �`%�'�t;Ir��'{+,lic�:11it� IIt�` 1tir�. �l: '! 1�1�°�.�;Slill'� ili�i�i �ll�,i ("1�1� �,�'i1�vt iii�V'p �_�;l��I� t, 5 1-fi t� Yti1(l ,lillL'` ;\�1�! �'7�`I)li�:(���,(� :i1�1 ii tiVtl�',��ti�l:i�d �tll') C�ll.�l t�1Lit 11�1�� (+I\'ICdC`�i�l�.i"�iC� =!!t:}(�0��.�f�.f' l'•�+Cjl ��wS ��l.lii _�l)41O y(�Ilrt➢C ttii f ��Sl�,' Ic11��:'(� till��illlt�:l� t�l��blil!?3 �El���.\ f�lt',�'t�I,1t� �°�t�`-, 11 I could not locate mformation venfymg the existuig or planned mstallation of draftstops between guest rooms m the 4`�/5`�story floorlceihng assembly as required under UBC Section 708 3 1 1 2 Please provide uiformation mdicatmg that the draftstogs are mstalled and mtact or a plan mdicatzng that they will be mstalled per this section �/p'�' I�'CC(�1'1��L� � S S T�"�� {�r'��)tStli,c: �T�IE'.�C 1tCIC5 31�:1�� �r'.�� ��i.ltl '�If Ii) '..�,?,l.3-' rt `S� �F'. Iti' {� Ili%t't}I1�1i1tIUllS i]�tl� �711 C{i.' �ti5«�:1a ��,i t�t}!, tl�,,.>� �D����/ C.�ti/'r c_.. c... �� VIS� % 12 Sheets E1 0, E1 1 &E2 4 I could not locate uifonnation to verify the providing of and proper location of ineans of egress identification, exit si�ns and means of egress illummat�on as required by UBC Sections 1003 2 8 & 1003 2 9 Please provide a plan mcludu�g fliis mformation ���'�i=�� SiJ����- E�.'`�tti93tii,- �_'•..� ."i"il�r .11lt� �13.:�1i1`- +il ��'vi� • 1��l11�;1�+'181,r�a �+t I 9��._' �`'1�i�i��l'(� ��1� I:'�4St'(� ".11�711i{IL.l� C�I:I�Vili��c, 5�1+.��1' t�71'C'.�I1 `,i�'li�� �Ullf t'��a��� s+�•ftEl�3!"�fc�ru3 13 The Architectural plans that I am usmg for this plau review are not stamped and signed by the Archrtect The corrected plans are to be stamped and signed by an Archrtect registered m the state of Colorado Corrected Mechamcal, Plumbmg and Electncal plans are to be stamped by a Colorado registered engmeers workmg wrthm tliat discipluieG�- ��t� �— � �'4`�7lt�llJ' �9�i' I� \l:.Lt� :1lC�lll:'t ii9�tf; 6d4 t�t 11l�� .i�_ t�„Ie'r,i i, •�I+� '��,','1lli;1� `,II,11l71i1��� l�I:iE�lll�"' �!i ' ��ttt�l�jit�l la�' CI�I�i�;1tIQ �c���St<i�'�i {�i I�9��_•Er� •��.�? �st��a�5 , ic ,�. ,�.c�,��e��� Smcerely, BFPE � Z f Perry B Matthews,PE �� J 3 � L Y � � , • � • , IPEQ7R PE09R PE12R PE15R M 0 D E L S P E R F 0 R M A N C E � A T A _ 150Q0 Coohn Btuh 7500 9200 1?000 �pg� 1579 Caohn Power 615 8 a �'O g� EER 12 2 11 3 �� DehumidificaUon Ptslh �� �g Ser�sibl eat at o 0 6 0 072 E L � C T R 1 C A I. D A T A , 2�r� 265 Voltage(1 Ph,60Hz} 285 2$5 VoRage Range 292-239 292 239 292-239 292-239 Cwrent(Am s)(A) 3� 3 9 5 1 6 6 Power F�ctor Q 9 �9 �9 �9 Am 5LR 8 222 263 �8 54 68 Amps F L 3 3 9 Horse ower 1115 ��12 ���� ���� R l R F l 0 W 0 A T A • 325 350 IndoorCFM 250 300 70 Ve�nCfM 60 60 70 PHYSICAL bATA �6 5 Dimerisions HxW�cD Irt 1 3 5 6x 2x13 75 sX � � 125 Net We� ht �05 112 120 SM m ei t 1 Z3 3 a 3 43 It�2 R•22 Char e 27 32 31 34 V , • � • M 0 D E 4.S • •PH07R PH09R PH12R PH15R P E R F 0 R M A N C f D A T A �47� Coohn Btuh ��� Coolm Power(1M `��5 $�3 Tp� �g 3 EER 721 135�Q Heatln Btth 6400 8100 10800 COP 33 32 3� 28 DehumidiFication Pts 2 3 2 7 3 8 5 5 Se ihle H Ran 0 76 0 5 � 2 �72 EIECTItI CAI, DATA - 2�5 Volta e(1 Ph,60Hz 2fi5 265 265 Volta e Ran e 292-238 292-239 292•239 292-239 Current(Am )(A) 3 0 3 9 51 6 6 Power Faaor 9 �9 �9 �9 Amps L R 1 B 22 2 26 3 38 Am sFL 3 39 51 6$ Horse ower 1115 �1�2 �f�Q ���� A i R F L 0 W D A 1 A • �50 Indoor CFM 250 300 �25 VentCFM 60 60 70 70 p H Y S I C A L 0 p T p Dimensions(HxWxD)(In) 16x42x13 76 16x42x13 75 16x42x13 75 16x41 x�3 75 N�Wei M 105 112 120 Shipptng Weight 123 130 138 143 R 22 Charge 27 30 28 4f 250 V Receptacles and Fuse Types � � � AMPS 20 "' " HEATERSIZE 3�4 kW RECEPTACLE '�� , �� C �� It mattersl 2 .. - » e � - ,. HOUGLAND & ASSOCIATES PHONE 970-384-1221 /FAX 970-384-1331 Firesafena,rof net COPIED FROM THE 1997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE HANDBOOK "403.7 Elevators.Elevators are an important hfe-safety system m high-nse buildmgs, and the provisions of tlus section combmed wrth Chapter 30 (Elevators,Dumbwarters, Escalators and Movmg Walks)outlme the requirements of the code to provide the necessary life safety. Essentially, elevators as a life-safety system for a high-rise buildmg are mtended to function as follows To operate as a means of access to the upper stories of the buildmgs for fire-suppression forces To provide a means for evacuatmg the m�ured and handicapped individuals unable to use the standard exrt systems To accomplish the above,this section establishes three cntena • Elevators and elevator lobbies shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 30 Chapter 30 contains general requirements for the design, construction, mstallation and operation of elevators whether or not they are located in high-rise buildings This chapter will be covered m more detail later m tlus handbook,but for the purposes of Section 403, rt mcludes such features as requirements far the ma�num number of cars m the hoistway, size of cab and control locations and hoistway ventmg The size- of-cab provisions are written specifically to provide for the evacuation of handicapped mdividuals from the bmldmg by way of the elevator system The code requires that at least one car servmg all floors of the buildmg be of such a size that a 24-mch by 76-mch(610 mm by 1930 mm)ambulance stretcher can be accommodated in the horizontal position This is an essential life-safety requirement • Elevators on all floors are required to open mto elevator lobbies, which are separated from the remamder of the buildmg by a one-hour fire-resistive partrtion with opemngs therem protected by 20-mmute smoke-and draft-control assembhes as required by Section 1004 3 4 3 2 for comdors The mtent of the code is that the elevator lobby completely separate the elevator hoistway from the rest of the buildmg and the e�t corridors In the past, elevator hoistways have been prime condurts for the transmission of smoke and other products of combustion mto the upper floors of a buildmg 7 The requirement for the enclosed elevator lobby also permits the fire- suppression forces to have a protected means of gaining access into the upper floors of the buildmg to fight the fire and provides a protected means of evacuatmg the handicapped and in�ured There are three exceptions to the requirement for an enclosed elevator lobby l. The enclosure is not required on the ground floor of office buildmgs because the combustible loading m the area where the elevators discharge on the ground floar is usually so low that the generation of smoke at this location is unlikely r " 7 .� ' L 2 Elevatars in atna are not required to have enclosed elevator lobbies for similar reasons as for the ground floor in office buildmgs The requirements for atna,particularly insofar as combustible contents and smoke control are concerned, are such that the atnum should be considered to be essentially a smoke-free environment Also,there is httle probabilrty of smoke withm an elevator hoistway contammatmg the comdors in the rest of the building where the elevator is located wrthm an atnum 3 Comdors m office buildmgs may pass through elevator lobbies provided there is access to another e�t that does not pass through the elevator lobby Life loss m sprmklered office biuldings has been very low, and under the limitations expressed, a safe e�utmg path is mamtamed • The elevators are required to have an automahc recall system that goes mto operation when any of the required smoke detectors located on the ceilmg of each elevator lobby is activated by smoke Also, rt is the intent of the code tl�at the smoke detector located on the ceihng of the elevator lobby is used to close the elevator lobby doors and the addrtional door at the hoistway opemng as allowed by Sechon 3007 In general, the automatic recall system recalls all cars to the ground floor, except that if the ground floor is the fire floor,the cars shall stop at another designated floor as approved�omtly by the fire department and the buildmg official Whenever the cars operate on automatic recall,they are then placed under manual control Chapter 30 requires that at least one car in each bank of elevators be provided wrth standby power, and, furthermore,the standby power be switchable between elevator cars Thus,the fire department is provided with at least one elevator car to gain access to the upper floors for firefightmg and rescue purposes There is another provision m this section relating to hoistway ventmg If hoistways are not vented, smoke entering the hoistway has no escape and the hoistway soon becomes untenable Ventmg of the hoistway through elevation machme rooms is not permrtted to ensure smoke and heat,which affect elevator control equipment, do not permeate the maclune room,thereby causmg the elevator to be moperative See discussion m Chapter 30 " ° i L� x Mr. Art Houghland Houghland&Associates Cc: Mr. Charlie Davis Town of Vail October 30, 2003 Dear Art: I am preparing this short cover letter to clearly identify those additions to our plans which were made per the comment sheet you provided last week. As this set af plans related only to the hotel section, i.e.the 2�, 3`�,4"'floors and the loft area, I have not included the plans for the Fire Separation Wall. This will be forthcoming with the master plan for the buildir�g with the next week or so. � With respect to the operation of the fire/smoke dampers,I have included nothing as we agreed with Mike McGee that we could/should wait until the new fire alarm system is 'tn place before conducting an accurate test. The comment related to the addition of guestroom should cause no more concern, as we are removfng one guestroom to accommodate a larger laundry facility.There is an enlarged sectional of this,and the addition of the vending areas(which had been used for storage), in sheet A204. There is a detail of the Iaundry chute in sheet A302. The removal of the closet space,A105,in the loft area has raised no objection fram the planning department in the Town of Vail. A licensed engineer has prepared the MEP drawings. We have included notes regarding the one-hour rating of the structural frarne on CS-1 and A301. I hope you find this set of plans comprehensive. They are accurate from our standpoint. Please feet free to contact me at 267-253-0724 if you have any questions/concerns. es ectfully Sub ' , Raj . Bha � ' � Wall es Drawing Index Q� ,� � � 4• Floor/Ceilin � � 1. - Party/Corridor Assembl g � � Wall 3 ,���MINERAL y � �s_, �o�R s���� � 5/S" 7YP� "X" CxYP BD. WOOL INSULATION � � UL"U418- 1 I�OUR FI� RAt�D 2x10 Wp.JDISTS �A* RG2601- I NOUR FIRE RATED O � R-19 BA7T INSULATION g 16" O.G M001 MECNANICAL SP�CI�IC,4TIONS �I � „ „ Al.m2 SEGOND F�OOR P�AN M002 MEGNANICAL SP�CI�ICAtIONS � C� 3 ia MEtAL 9tUD g 16 O G 2 Lql'�R p.R 5�g��CsTPSUM � � IUALLBOARD ; Al.m3 TN1�2p �LOOR PLAN M003 M�GNANIGA� SP�GI�ICA710NS 3/ CsYPC T • 5• 3/4" ttCs PL1'W00� Floor/Ceiling al O Ora O '�»�' �OLRTH FLOOR PLAN Mm0¢ MEGHANIGAL SP�CI�ICAtIONS �� 2 Partition � Al.m� �I�?I-�4 �LOOR PLAN M101 FIRST FLOOR HYAC PL,4N •1■N � Wall 3 ����MINERAL Assembly � � WOOL INSIJLATION M102 S�COND ��ODR NVAG P�AN r� � � ��s" Cxl'P. BD 2x10�WD.JOIStB * ENLARC�ED T1'PICAL UNITS M103 tNIRD FLOOR NYAC PLAN r1 NON FIR� RAt�D � 16 O.G. ul L536- 2 HOtJR�IR� RAT�D A2.02 � I LAl'�R F.R 5/8"�YPSUM SYSTEM "6 ` ` � U� WALLBOARD 50UND: StC55 A2.03 ENLARCsED S�COND FLOOR AREA 1"f104 FOURTH FLOOR NVAC PLAN RESILIENt GNANN:L APPI.IES t0 �NTfR� SEPAR4tl N 3�� " MEtAL StUD g 16" OG. ,,, • A2.m4 ENLAi��D S�GOND �LOOR AR�A M105 FIFTN F�.00R Nv,4C P��4N 8 I LAYER F.R 5/8 .�YPSIJM OF ISt AND 2ND ��1I�L OF `-� � n,�� /� ( ��� Wq1.LBpqRp R�TAIL. AR�A I H�S � S � `�� f�- ��-�U�� �T K-�C�� �C�� ��'4(� - "1 A3.01 BUf LD INC� SECTIONS M201 HYAC NOt�B AND D�tAl1.S Thru Penetration ���L G� �Sr Yc��� `� �� YJ �d��� �� �"(�� ��L`` , A3.02 �.ALNDRI' CHUt� S�GtIONB, D�tAI�.S. M202 HYAC NOT�S, SCH�DUL�S AND 1.�Cx�ND 3. Fire Wall 6' ' ► �►R �T�o �,A�� • W1�cc� ►ti.(� o _ .- � . 2 �a,-�� � ASS�MBL1' Firestop System _ 1 � ,r- C�r��cn ►�.QS �� s�- v9�-� cD �-�� ��S� S 5/8" tl'P� "X" CsYP. BD. �� UL" IU-L-1007 `�� ��� ��v� �S ��-' ������'IO �12 l v� �T� -��S�r �� �� A4 01 INT=RIOR ELEYAtION ICxU�StROOM) �'101 FIRST ��OOR PLUMBINC� P�AN 2 �/S TNICK OF'11N. �/�, GA+'WP360- 2 NOUR FfR� RATEp 4 PGF MIN�RAL iIOOL 1 NOUR�IRE R4tED �� G�v�S7-- �'d� _� y�-��'� IC.�(�cJt� t�j(o �CJ1�Li2�'Cn • A�.ml DO��R AND FINISN SCHEDULE P102 S�GOND �LOOR PLUMBINCs PLAN , R-19 BAtt INSULA710N INSUL. PAGKED 11A?L. P103 TNIRp FLOOR P�UMBINCx PLAN > 5/8" FILL VOID MAT�RfA �� , 3�ia" M�7AL STUD g 16" O G. FLUSN W/ BOTN SUR- .,/ A�.01 �A"NROOM INtERIOR ELEVA7fONS P104 �OUR7N FLOOR PLUMBINCs PLAN FAGES OF IUALL (�'� CCS�-I-'�"I/� �� �--- P10� �I�TH FLOOR PLUMBINCs PLAN ��t f�- �,�/1.���'r�. t�� � �S� S�L-�,dl� �� �I. s� � - '«'� ;'•`� . �.:� NOLLOW C�E � [., (. LC�� � f s T �L- � ���� r���� ��►���,�,� Beam � �����'� S �� ����� � � `� z �.aY�RS c��is�� � �' � J� � l� ��1L-�1'Ti�%� �P ��2YY! s97"I d l�-� l� � � 3� � tm� x �m sp � � t�-� S I �j¢ - s��� a�aM �n �/� ,-- � � ���. S � T1�5� Sl�hq�� �� S�J�B�'VI �' � 20 �A UL"N502- 2 NOUR Ff R� RAtED �O 1 r 1 I'C L � ��� /� � p 1�OTE TO BE APPL I ED TO AL /� // - �I „ � �C.v� GJ J L L V � S �! i--� ' M�TA� 87aD �O A D B�A R f N G B E A M S � P Q l d Y G. � ` ( ,� ' FRAME � �� GORRIDORS � COf�IER BfAD ` � �p� 6�� 6�� - �� A I I � I � 0 ���1.L o '47 O C� ° � � N ' o o � � � �� o �-- U � � p •,,v � � � , ���������� " C'��r�J„ity C�vcicNment � � [;�;,�rtment `��°�� lii,:��..a� ��I:.�f U �,'���Cil��n � �crvices TOlJNO� I�=';�`� Section 106 n 3,ti i L_.'d.ns Code,VaLiZi.y cf P:r^.t»T:���ssuancD Orgrant�ng of a�=T �- '-"'oval oE plans, specific�rozs:-^3��^iP��o� Shall not 6e cc�_:-- c� �= � ('��'� for,or:.� ap^rov:� cf, :^y violaaon of eny of the pro�..- = - . .__�cr cf�^y othcr c-d.nnrco cf C��)�nsd�cUUt4 - �t�v�la:.,cr c�_:1 t��F-ovisions of tht3 pemuts prese� , - � - �1s'�']: .,���' tode cr ether c:.: --- — � y 4� �;,ti�t data shall 7he�ss;:s^ce cf a��- c ; • •-=�r-_ � ' ` , : 1 t =- - -• r-� � f� ccaecnon of no�p•cvc�c c"s L � � . ---- __ ^��'�,. ,... '_ _ �c'cr i_ ^.c:f. �F'�vcr'.��Laildmg � tac�s,�c �.�.-- ; l_ �^c-.-- ci c.c _-�_r � '-°� n �ic'c o� of t.us c�de or of i � opc-:. _' � �, �•__c _ __:r t ;��ns c:.cn � / — � �7 J -� ►NITIh�S. DATE: � � �lR� T� � �- ��,L F�"�� ,�o c�� � � , . . . � � General Notes: Plan Review Data Vicinity Map a� � ?NE PRIM� CON7RACtOR SNALL VERI�1' ALL DIM�NSIONS AND CONDI?IONS PRO��ct �.ocatiou• vai�., co�oRa�o �� �/1 � ,4t TNE SITE AND REPORT ANY pISGREPANGY TO tNE ARCNItEGt BE�ORE PROCE�DINCz WITN TNE WOi21C. �ui��ir�� co��: uec- �9g� �O�\ � s M�GHANICAL GODE: UMG-199� , ,4��. WORK SNALL COMPLI' WItN �EDERAL, STAt�, AND LOCAL COpES AND �EC�ULA70RY ,4C�ENCIES NaVINCx JURISDIG7fON IN TNIS AR�A. �L�CTRICAI. CODE: N�G-1999 �,�P � �IRE/ LI�E SA�EtY GOD� NFPS-1996 � O pEtAI�S MATERI,4�, E7C SHOWN ANp/OR NOT�D OP A�� SECTIONS, , METHOD, , AD A. COD�• ANSI All�I-1992 � ON ANY PL.AN OR SECtfON SNALL APPLI' TO ALL OTNER SIMILAR LOGAtIONS � � UNI.ESS NOTED OTNERUIISE. us� �ROUP c�,assiFicariox R-i C� 7NE CONTRACI'OR NAS NO AUTNORITI' 7o P�RMIT 7NE US� O� ,4N1' cor�str�uctioN c�.assi��cAttor�: 2a ��P PORtION O� tN� SItE OR BUfLDINCx B1' ANl'ON� EXCEPt �OR BUSfN�SS ��RE SUPRESSfON: TH� �NTIRE BLIILDINCs WILL BE ��O CONNEGTEp W17N 7NE CONSTRUCI'ION IN WNfGN tNIS GON7RACT IS PROt�CTED WITN SPRINKLER SYSTEM �a � �'� CONGERNED. AREA LfMITATION: 20,400 PER�LOOR ,� ,,F E lU/ AUtOMAtIC SPRINKL�R 81'St�M O � �` ��- .- �•.=�� AL�. DfMENSIONS ,4RE �ROM FaC� OF M7L. STUD WALL TO ��GE O� � �O� } ,s��=°� ,� .^ � MTL. STUp WALL lOR CM.U. 70 STUD WA��) UNLESS NOTED c��' X X� ' ��� �^4 �, �'�� , xa n� n�r�ox � �. � � � �� °-��" ����� ° PROYfDE TRANS1710N S7RIPS WNERE ALL DISSIMI�AR �LOOR �INISNES MEET. � � Site Locat `�� '" ° .. �; �_�-�`'��, P�' �� p =� ��- C E I V � io.�m BvII,uING n�i: 7NE GON7R,4GTOR SNALL PROVIDE BLOGKfNCx �OR ALL ITEMS t0 BE FIRERESISTANT RATINC� C� 0� �, �P ��"� "tw.� .� � � �� ANCNORED OR SECURED t0 WALLS, �LOORS, ANp CEILINC�S. �ts 2 �ou � � • � �. '��! a � ��' 3 CONC�,4L ALL PIPINC� IN WA��S. WNER� PfPINC� fS 700 L.ARCrtE, WALL.S S�A R �P �� O �� P� �� A� TO BE FURi2�D OUT (MINfMUM) TO CONCEAI. PfPINCx. Ext�RioR l.oao BEaRiN�- � +�ouR �' �� ��1 ��P � `� ��r`�""` ""-------EHF;C� BY STAFF TENANT SPAG�S S�PARAtION- 1 �IOUR `�P� O ��� - DO N07 SC,4LE DRAUJINC�S. I� DIMENSIONS Ai� IN QUE57fON, tN� _ �' � , � � �� � : �'� nn � s-r,a,t� -' � � n CONTR4C70R SNALI. BE RESPONSfB�.� �OR ORT,4ININC� G�ARI�IGA710N �ROM INt�RIOR �oA� B�aR�x�- 1 �ouR �'� �. �-� � ��'t�� '' _ � �'`���� ��� �'� 7NE ARG�IITEGT B�FORE GON7fNUINC� IUITN GONSl'RUCTION. �'� �� a, ���"'� � ,�' � a� 7� ;�, . 2003 ����� ��� �. ����� ,,. �LOOR CONSTRUGTION- 1 NOIJR O ' -�` � r C�YPSUM BOARD CONtRO� JOINTS IN INl'ERIOR WA1.�S AR� 1'O B� � ='��`� ��� �,�,+� 030ll � GOORDfNAtED WftN GON7ROL JOfNtS IN EXTERIOR W,4LL5. ROOF CONSTRUGTION- 1 NOUR ��"'��'" O, ALL WOOD SN�A7NINCx SNaLL BE �IRE TREAT�D IFRTW) �x�t AccESS, GORRIDORS- I HOl1R - GKIN /NAI S SNA �IRE YREAT�D. otN�R s�Pata4tloN ,ass�Me�l�s- m �+ouRS ��°'_��� '��� '� � ALL 2x INt�RIOR WOOD BLO C� LER LL BE �--- , � C S � WOOD BLOCKINC� �OR COPINCxS SNALL BE WA7ER RESISTANT TREAT�D. / (k� , �,, J 1y y, � 4�,% 1/ !� I' +F` T • a --� �i 1, - ��{ '`' '- _- �._ � A B C D E F G H J K L M � � � O � � C� � � O A A � O - � � � � � ��,�,_� LAUND � . . °� �° � O� '�] �' K O ° �.�.,�.�. � . . °� . � � � � � °� �° � � � � � � �.���.� , � � �l C� ,� � � � � � � �,���T�� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � arorw � coae � mx � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � O � O � O � O � O � � � O � � Q OPEI�I TO SELOW D � � � � O � O � O � � � � � a � W,���� � WASHEf� � O 0 Q 4 Q 4 Q 4 Q Q 4 4 Q Q 4 Q Q WASH�� � O O , DR1'ER � �p � � � � DRTER � _ K A � � � • � � 4J' 9 0 � 4J' � � 4J' • A � � � • � 4J' 9 • DD � � DD • O nD Q� DRYER '�' A � GAND7 V � � � &ODA � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � U L__J ICE � MACI-IfN �� �� � �� �� � � �R � �p� �� A O 4���� N '47 '' ° � o � � � � pY v � , b �0° �� � ��0� ����� � . � �� � � . � . � Q . � � _ � � � � � � Second Floor Plan � A 3�2�� _ 1� _ ��� NOTE• RBVISI 1 ALL GUESTROOM PLUMBING FIXTURES TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED NQ IaATB D 2 ALL GUESTROOM ENTRY DOORS TO BE REPLACED MINIMUM OPENING TO BE 32" 3 ALL BATHROOM DOORS IN GUESTROOMS TO BE 1 �� �IYA�IHV'IS� REPLACED WITH NEW DOORS DOORS TO BE OPEN TO OUTSIDE OF BATHROOM 4. ALL CONNECTING DOORS TO BE REPLACED WITH NEW 20 MINUTES FIRE RATED DOORS 5 5/8" TYPE "X" GYP BD IN BATHROOM AREAS ADJACENT TO CONNECTING GUESTROOMS TO BE FLASHED FLOOR TO CEILING � � �A� 6 CREATION OF 5 ADDITIONAL ADA COMPLIANT GUESTROOMS DRAWN BY ST IaATE ?2 SEPr 2003 rRa�cr xo 030ll � A1 .02 ,� , ` ��i � ��'` �F ' ��. 1 � � �� � _ �� ��,,�, _ � � �,� � A B C D E ) F G H - J K L M N � � O o � � � � 0 .~ o � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� o � ., � � � � � � � � � � � � , � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � . O '� �' O � O '�I �' O � O `� �' O � O "� �' O � O '�I �' O . 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O � ., � _ Fourth Floor Plan � t A 3/32" = 1' = 0" ��■I � NOTE 1. ALL GUESTROOM PLUMBING FIXTURES TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED 2 ALL GUESTROOM ENTRY DOORS TO BE REPLACED MINIMUM OPENING TO BE 32". 3 ALL BATHROOM DOORS IN GUESTROOMS TO BE REPLACED WITH NEW DOORS. DOORS TO BE OPEN TO OUTSIDE OF BATHROOM REVLSIONS N0: llA1'B DffiCR1PfK�N Ql 1019:03 ��FP'I: G�CI�D HY S"TAFF DRAWN BY STAFF DATL ?2 SEPT. �DOQ �ECr xo 030ll � A1 .04 . � � � , ; ,� � ., �. � � � S � ) ' � ��r / � b .� . �/' M � �� ���ia� � � � O O � � � � O � O � � � � � � A B C D E F G H J K L M N � G� ' � �; ; � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ; 3 � � � � � � � � � � � � ' � , OPEN TO BELOW � �� ��� � ��a � � � � � � � � � � � � � � D � . � I I I I I I I I o I � Bm ROON M6 BED ROOM � �TM � DRESSING � O C - � � �p o O o O o O o O o O o O o O o O oo � � , � o � 0 0 � 0 0 � 0 0 � 0 0 � 0 0 � o � � 0 0 � o � 0 0 , � � DRESSINC O 0 �TM Bm ROOM � BED ROOM 0 � CLOSEf 0 LAWDING � I I I I I I I I I I � QP ��'� � OPEN TO BELOW O M � � o � � � � � � � � � � � � � �y r � �� , � Q � � - � �d".(s o ;, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOTE. 1 ALL GUESTROOM PL BING FIXTURES TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED 2 ALL GUESTROOM EN1R DOORS TO BE REPLACED MINIMUM OPENING TO BE 32" 3 ALL BATHROOM DOOP, IN GUESTROOMS TO BE I I I I REPLACED WITH NEW�DOORS DOORS TO BE OPEN I I I I I I I I TO OUTSIDE OF BATH OOM � � � , � . � O - O � Loft Floor Plan w � A 3/32" = 1' = 0" y■■� � � REVISI�TS NQ DATB DPSCRIPTIOIPT Ql 10.19.OD C0� CfiECCI�D SY ST'�►FF DRAWN BY STAFF Up►TE 2Z SEFr. 2003 rRa�cr xo. 030ll A1 .05 ,f1 r� � � �,. � � �r R,� .r .�..- °� ° " �/� r .. 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' GUE811a001'1 DETAILB 11YPIG4U —— — — ( � � � — J- �ER TO �� DfIBTNG 8U6PQmED CEILMG I / ro�rm�+ov�v ewere� I � � I / toea�u.E. ro�oo�s • • �crwca�ww�arm�u� �� � Floor/Ceiling ��TO��,���� �x�st�,�� � � � � ��' � �� BOFFITB.BEE ELEGTRICAL DUIG'80R � °°� Assembly °�"'� �-au�iN� � � � �� � �� �oxs �xisrir�� I � - - - - --�- � xa n�►� n�r�rnv CsA�RG2601- I NOUR FIRE R4tED � sraiR �� + � �/ i� � �� OOMIV�lV1S i � - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - � i I 12�� 1'-11" � �� . i� �� CI�CI�D BY Sl'AFF i � q — /i' ��\ DRAwN BY STAFF � � DIP►TE 72 S�EPT. 200fi i i � - - -- - - -- -- - - -- - - -- - - - - - - -�� — � � �� �o�cr xo. 030ll . ' i n 2nd & 3rd Floor Corridor Section Staircase Plan Stair Detail ��D 3/16" ����K �,, � Fourth Floor Corridor Sect o METAL PLAT� BACK � SIDE OF StAIR RIS�R \ 1 �� _ � _ '� Z 1/2" = 1' = 0" � 1/2" = 1' = 0" 1 1/2" = 1' = 0" TYPICAL AL� ST�PS � 1/2 1 0 BOTH S7AIRC,4SES. \� ����O � . �\ � � �f , ` ` �_ , , �- _, - - .�;�.. . � , � � O O � � � � O � O � � � � •� � � � � � INTEfdNEDIATE V2'IP8165' W91BLE LINK-T1? 3/4'IPS FLI19F4RJG BPRAY NEAp LOCATED IN GHAtA�L ABOVE MTNCE `�� �� � \ � TTPIGAL MT,N�W/I5'WIDE X \ IB'HIGH B01TOM HINGED FIAND \ I� OPER4TED.NOIBELE88,8ELF- \ 6 �jq CL08MC� � °0 � R1v _______________� ��� � eeai.�aur�Rr c,�ure `" ��Q win+raocic woo� � rrP cNUre eur�oRr wi FouR 3"M°CLIPB LLELDED?O CFNJ?E TUBE BIJPf'OFcTRJG EACH BTORT OF GHIlTE � I$ICsNT FIZOIN STRIIGT F1�AMIE ------------- � FaeRica�cF i-vski-v1x�n6•a�rr,�e ----------- �OUR71-I FLOOR t 1-Il1"x3/Ib'BAR BTOCK II�LDED ---"---- ABBEMBLT --------- . � CONBEAL FLOORKEILMC+ � PENETRATION3 PERIMETER W/CAULK fTOP 1 90iTOM) � �� . � ELEVATOR BHAFT WALL � � FUBIBLE LR�BC-TTP � A 3/4•IF5 FLU9NMCs SPR,4T HEAD LOGATEA M CHMAIEL ABOVE MTNCE —�� \�♦ \ \ TTPIGAL INT.41�W/IS'WIDE X \ 1B"HKsH BOTTOM HINGED HAND \ OPER4TED,NOI6ELE88.BELP- 1 CLOBMG BB.W/I1L.L5-HR°B" 1 LABEL _______________� B � P� �L �., '�7 �''m' w��w oi�'� O� o° rrn exier ckwre aur-r�orzr uv � 3"�'CLIP6 LLELDED?O CHUiE i1JBE � � O � BUPPORTING EAGH BTORY OF GF#JTE HEICaNT FROMI STRUGT F�ME ��"4�� ��QQR � 1� C�J , FABRIGAIED OF t-I/1'x1-V!"x3/16•ANGLE f r �I-1/!"x9Ma'BAR BTOGK LLELDED -------- ---------- O / I-- �' ABBETI�LT --------------------- U Q . ��� A Z r' CONBEAL FtOOR/CEILMCs - PEI��?R4TION9 PERIMEIER W/C.4tlLK ITOP 1 BOTTOM) ELEYA?OR 9HAFT WALL 74'Sfi114RE 1O GA ALlT11NIZE DCI6TING BTEEL CFAJTE. ��\ � � � I � � // � i� ��� �/� ,4 EXIS71 A CNUTE � � . —� A302 � �i � � . � � BEAL LIYJNDRY CMJTE WRH ROr.K WOOL � � CONG FLOOR SLAB �� W/3°FLOOR DR41N 4 � � - S�COND �LOOR �.O ` �� PROVIDE R1810N LIP6C DOOR ON BECOND FLOOR SEAL LAUNDRI'CNUTE � � UPPER LEVEL pOORB TO HAVE BELF CLOBING WITN ROCK WOOL. � �OMAiIG GL081NG IJPON DETEGTION OF GONSEAL FLOOR/CEILINCs � PROVIpE FIRE SPRIr9CLER8 PER CODE PENETR4710NS PERIMETER a � W/CAULIG ITOP <BOTTOM) REVISI�NS NQ L1A1E DF�CRIl'fION Ql 10�.Q� �s FFI: CI�CI�D SY SI'AFF DRAWN SY SI'AFF D�ATE ?2 SEPr 200a �x,arn,cr xo. 030ll , Laund Chute Section Laund Chute Plan A 3/8�� _ 1� _ ��� B 1 1/2" = 1' = 0" 1/, � .O� r� J , . , , ;°' �% � ,°` �r -- ,� :� � "� ,,,'. - t �.� � � � O O � � � � O � O � � � � � � �� � � � � � � � �� �p� ��t M LENNOX � � CF-6500 � OR SIMILAR � e � - . �, `" �---� � ��-�m�� rs.� . �'� �� � � �� A I. 3�-'��� L o�Q ��L� M �7 o � 0 O � o � a Loft Unit Fire Place Elevatian o Y � � � A „ _ , _ ., � 1 - 1 - 0 � �" 1 R � �, � � � �1 . � � � �� ' � 0 � 4 � . � Y � � _ � - •� � N 1 BALCONY � AC UN T -' BALCONY �o� NQ � DF.9GRIl'IION �" 3'-5 I/�" 4�� Ql 1019A3 BUIIDING DEPI: CObIlYlF�1VT3 �n -� CHF,C�I�D BY S"TAFF DRAWN BY STAFF I�ATE ?2 SEPT. 2003 Px,o�r�cr xo 030ll . Loft Unit Fire Place Plan , � 1�� _ 1� _ ��� A4.01 , , �� �� ' ,`` !,'% � � � � � _ � ,%; Room Finish Schedule � Door Notes � FLOOR BASE WALLS � GEILINCs �,eo REMA�S � O � � � I ALL HOLLOW METAL INMJ DOOR6 AND FRAMES 70 BE PRE-FINISH�D. � � � � ^ � O � � � 2. A�� WOOp DOORS TO NAV� A PRE-FINISNED STAIN FINISN � � � � ^ � LL � � � � � • ,� � � 3. DOOR OPENINCsS At ApJ01NINCs ROOMS IUItN tN� SAl'1� FLOOR � ~ W W � � � � '� �, � � � J 1 � � ,a � � u1 � ^ r �,"'. O L1 � F- IX MA7�RIAL SNALL NOt NAN� A tNR�SNOLD v � Q �' u � � w � � J S � � � � a � � � �M � N W �i � � � � F +- 0 p t- 0 Q 0 � � O � W Q � IL � W Q � � � = = � 4 D O O R S S N A L L B E E Q U I P P E D W I T I�K N U R L E D L E Y E R S t o � u � � � � u '� � � `-' *- a o � o a o o - NAND��S STORACx� ROOMS ANp ��EGTi21CAL � � �' � �' �' � N � � � � � � � � � � � i � z z � z � � � � � ' LL a � � � � � x � ' � C � '� u � au � > � � � � u � � ROOMS A7 ALL FLOORS,MECNANICAL ROOM,POOL EGx11PMENT ROOM tzoo►� us� u m > z z � :r N n � GU�ST BATHRCOMS • • • • • • . �� 5. PROYIp� CLOS�t DDOR NARpWARE MI�OR AT ROOM FACE OF g CsuEST�TITRIE� • • • • • � � p00R ONLY lA1.L DDOi�S) PROVIp� NGP�IARpWARE fN NCP ROOh15. � �u�gT CLOSET� • • • • • 6. PROVIDE SMOICE,SOIJNp,LICsNt "GJSN-N-SEAL"(OR EG�IAL)A?DOOR FRAME N�AD � ���ST�pR00M5 � • • • • � � t JAMBS Bl'DOOR 4 NARDWARE SYS?EMS IN ROCN�STER,NY � (llb)235- 8543 REFER TO 5P8GIFIG4tIONS MANUAL FOR DPTAILED FINISHINCx INFORh1AT10N l. PROYID�METAL STRIP TNRESNOLD,AT CARPET AND DISSIMILAR FLOOR MATERIALS 8. PROVIDE ALUMINIJM tNRESHOLp WITH VINYL INSERT AND WEATN�R- R��m Flnlsh SCheuule l�OteS StRIPi'INCs.PROVIp� SPRINCs M7L WEAtN�R-StRfPPINCs AROl1Np 1) ALL FINISN MATERIALS t CsYP 60ARD TO BE M015TU� i?�SISTANT AND WASNA�LE. DOORS I�NO?�URI�IISHED AS PAi27 0�UNI7. 2) ALL VINYL WALLCOVERINGS TO BE COMMERGIAL CsRADE d TO HAVE NON-WOl/EN BACKINCs. 3) INSTALL 6" �OIL BACiCED SOUND SATt INSULA710N IN CEILINCs 9 DOOR TO NAvE ONE-WAY vI�WER WITN 180� (AT HCP ROOMS PROVIp� 2nd vIEWE�) 4) USE WATER i?�SISTANT 5/8" Cs7P BOARD CEILINCsS IN WET AREAS. Door Schedule I0 ALL DOOR NAi�DWARE TO BE GLAS5IFI�D HEAYY DIJTY GOMM�RGIAL USE UAN B)SMOKE-DEvELOPED RAtINCsS OF WALL AND CEILING MATERIALS SHALL NOT EXGHED 450 Il PROYIpE EItNER 2 AN?I-FRICTfON S�LF-CL051NCs HINCsES OR ADJl18tABLE 1'P DOOR �RAM� HARDWARE R�M,4RKS rEAlSION DOOR CLOS�RS M,4tERIAL �INISN MATERIAL �fNISN o 12. ALL PIJBLIG TOIL�T ROOM DOORS TO NA1l� A KICK PLAT�,NAME �p � � � �, P�ATE,AND HANpICAP NARDWARE. � � � � �� � � � z � � Q � $ � � 4� � '� � � � a 13. PROYIpE WALL STOPS WN�R�I/�R POSSIBLE � t � � � o � i � ^ o � � �' � � � � � � Q � �► � W � o � � � n �� � �� -� W �- $ w � � � � 14. DOOR SNALL B� 11ND�RCIJt Q � � � � Q o z z � o x � n z o a � � � � � � � �' � � NUM. LOCA710N SIZE o � � � � ~ o Q a o � � 0 4 w Q � � � � '� � � � � � o ►� 15 PROVID� I�ANDICAP NARDWARE P�R�EDERAL,COLORADO StAtE AND LOCAL � �a � x ? �` � a N � � �, � � � � � u � 3 a. � u ? � � � n u �, � � �. CODES. � . �� 01 G(JESTROOM�N?(21' 3'-0"x 6'-S"x 1 3/4" A • • • • • • 1/3 02 Gl1ESTROOM BATHROOM 3'-0"x 6'-S"x I 3/4" A � � � � � � 16 PROVID�NON-I.00KINCs PANIC EXIt p�VIC� WftN NANDICAP NARpWAR� a � 17. PROVIpE KIGK PLAT�. ' STAIR A • • • • � • • • 15 �p - 18 PROVID� AS7RACsAL AT AOUBLE pDORS(UNLESS N07ED OTNERWISE) 19 PROVIDE NAME PLAT� � � Door Types 20 PROVIpE 1" tNROW pEAp BOL.T ANp DOOR NANALE AT ROOM FAGE OF p00R ONLY A � 21. ALL DOORS ?0 NAY� LEV�R 71'P� NANpLES 22 ALL DOORS t0 S7AIRS MUSt NEVEi2 BE LOGCEp IEXCEP7 At FIRSt FLOOR EX7�RIOR At CARp LOCK LOCA710NS) 23 PROVIDE A NOLA-OP�I CLOSER 24. PROVID� SOl1ND AttENIJAtION CsROMMEtS ON�RAME 25. PROVIDE �LECrRIC S7RIKE,WI7N FAIL SA�E DEVICE Q, �I.L �,., '�7 26. PROVIDE 5AFE7Y/SECURI71' INStRUC710N5 t EYACUAtION MAP ON INSID� OF DOOR � � N o .� o � � � � � � � ��ti � � �� � �� • s n � �� Y ONE-WAY VI�UJER 0 � � � N X . � � � Z � _ � - � . � � � � � � _� � . � x T1'P. ROOM I-ICP ROOM y CsU�StROOM DOOR D�TAIL TYP. NCP SICxN,4CsE � _ O O ` A �� NQ DATB DP.9CRII'liON , Ql 10]9.0� �EPI: � CHECI�D BY S"fAFF DRAWN BY STAFF DATB 7Z SEFl: Z003 rRO�cr No 030ll � A5.01 �` . � , ; , ,��, ,; � , ; ; ' � _ �r�^. . �{�P/Et".-�J � r CENTER TOWEL BAR ON WALL. PREFERABLY 18" EXHAUST FAN Z4 PAINTED GYP. BRD. CEILING DOOR w/ MOUNTED DOUBLE ROBE HOOK /� PAINTED GYP. BRD. CEILING G U E S T B AT H R 0 0 M VINYL WALLCOVERING TYP. / 43 » SHOWER ROD � 4' LONG TWO TUBE LIGHT 4' LONG TWO TUBE L GHT ) 22 AND CURTAIN A C C E S S 0 R I E S � 1/4 MIRROR SHALL FIXTURE � RUN THE FULL LENGTH 23 '� � O OF THE BACKSPLASH �� �� , � PROVIDE ADD'L ROBE HOOK VANITY TOP, SPLASH & APRON TO LIGHT HAIR DRYER �� �, � � HANDICAP ROOMS O (SEAMLESS POLYMER COMPOSITE) � t1 10 6 , PROVIDE BLOCKING IN DOOR O / VANin LIGHT SWITCH `�'� O 4" BACKSPLASH � / ` 19 r---� O � / 13 � � � O 10" APRON O 1 L__'J �J � . 4° BACKSPLASH 2 A-707 � ,� 4" BACKSPLASH 12 ° '� � O RECESSED EXTRA TOILET TISSUE HOLDER �� O TWIN RECESSED 1 2 -2 ' � � 20 TOILET TISSUE 10" APRON _ �D RECESSED SOAP � HOLDERS „ ," � 4A WALL MOUNTED TOILET TISSUE HOLDER ° _ , CERAMIC DISHES TISSUE HOLDERS ^ �� � �" - t s �I 4 �.J �---� �n . TILE BAS , � BATH TUB w/ O FACIAL TISSUE HOLDER MOUNTED TO BACK �� 3 9 4 9 �� NON SKID SURFACE 5 OF APRON WITH 1"X7" SLOT CUT TO �� � — 22 2 RETRIEVE TISSUE , 21 14 14 ' � � ' 16 ��, O 16" OR 18" TOWEL BAR � � � , � O24" TOWEL STORAGE SHELF W/BAR MTD. 48" AFF IN ACCESSIBLE ROOMS O$ HIGH QUALITY MULTI—STREAM SHOWER HEAD PAINTED GYP. BRD. CEILING PAINTED GYP. BRD. CEILING O 17" WIDE OBLONG CHINA VANITY BOWL SHOWER ROD 23 � SHOWER ROD (UNDERMOUNTED TO VANITY TOP). FAUCET ' AND CURTAIN AND CURTAIN TO BE MOUNTED TO VANITY TOP. PROVIDE PIPE INSUL � ' 17 — — — SHOWER HEAD HANDICAP ROOMS TO CONFORM TO A.D.A. REQUIREMENTS SHOWER HEAD 22 � 6'-6" A.F.F. >> 24'� TOWEL STORAGE �� e � 6�-6" A.F.F. DOUBLE HANDLE FAUCET (SEE SPECS.) 8 �� SHELF w/ BAR 1�_8,� 22 OO 1/4" POLISHED PLATE MIRROR SHALL 7 19 RUN FULL LENGTH OF VANITY FROM �� RECESSED CERAMIC SOAP HOLDERS BACK SPLASH TO LIGHT ABOVE. �b� VINYL WALLCOVERI (TYP.) 9 w 15 � �I TWO TUBE, LIGHT FIXTURE ��t � 20 PROVIDE 24'� VERTICAL GRAB BAR CENTERED OVER V(NITY MIRROR A� � 20 4" BACKSPLASH N FREE TO CEILING. SEE ELECTRICAL 1 � BATH TUB �20. 19 � Z VANITY G.F.I. OUTLET SINGLE LEVER ° CONTROLS � I 'I3 VANITY LIGHT SWITCH (ILLUMINATED) . CONTROL VALVE 19 1e � �- 18 a � 3 g io ao BATH TUB w/ BATH TUB w/ 14 CERAMIC TILE FLOOR (6"X6") NON SKID SURFACE 0 BASE NON SKID SURFACE N WITH TILE BASE. �� � -= CERAMIC TILE is 21 15 TUB SURROUND CERAMIC TILE (4 X 4) � � WITH RETURN AROUND OUTER CORNERS. � A 21 14 G V IL S T R E S T � 0 0 G� E L E VAT I 0 N S 1 6 BATH TUB (PORCELAIN ENAMELED STEEL OR CAST IRON) WITH NON SKID SURFACE. � SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" 'I �] SHOWER ROD AND CURTAIN. 11 'I $ SINGLE LEVER THERMO CONTROLLED ] ] " MIXING VALVE (SHOWER CONTROL) 19 CERAMIC SOAP HOLDER (WITHOUT GRAB HANDLES). �O ��L �,,� `�c7 MIRROR TOP, SP SH, & APRON 20 NON-SLIP STAINLESS STEEL GRAB BAR. ��, �� ° � TOP, SPLASH, & 10" APRON ;O o � i� 21 ELONGATED TANK TYPE TOILET BOWL w � � �" WITH CLOSED SEAT AND COVER. 0 � Q U � 2� VINYL WALLCOVERING. �b�! � END SUPPORT PANELS 23 PAINTED GYPSUM WALLBOARD CEILING. � -- ------- � EACH END � 24 EXHAUST FAN 27 - 27 i i " MIN X X __��� � � � �i � CLR � � � 25 NOT USED CERAMIC TILE v � CERAMIC TILE � ' DRAIN AND HOT WATER PIPES BASE BASE 6" MAX. � N M M TO BE INSULATED 26 HOLLOW CORE DOOR W/MOUNTED DOUBLE ROBE HOOK. MARBLE THRESHOLD. � � 2� INSULATE PIPES � GU � STRG� . VA9� ITY S � CTION �GA �IDOCA � VANI �Y SECT10 �9 1 SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" � SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" 3' LONG FIXTURE IN �, 3 ACCESSIBLE ROOMS ONLY ; 23 ADJUSTABLE HGT HAND HELD 23 �� �� �� SHOWER W/ INTEGRAL 24" GLIDE RAIL � � ° 5" APRON & SPLAS �7 SHOWE O SPLASH„& APRON » � � CURT 1 X 6 27" OO 8 TRIM BOARD i O O ` ZZ i 15 i � ADJ STABLE H T HAND HELD ' 10 i i SHO ER W/ I TEGRAL 24" GLIDE RAIL O •� 22 i 60" FLEX i � � 54" MIN. i HOSE CERAMIC SOAP HOLDERS i 60" FLEX �� - i 24" MAX. 24" MIN. 12" 3 � 15 � HOS � '� 3 i � TISSUE HOLDER q_707 i MA TISSUE HOLDER q_707 i CO TROLS � g GRAB TRANSFER SEAT � 2 i ZO GRAB � �� r 1 2 i BARS PER ADA STANDARDS i � BARS 18 � 20 36" MAX. 2a � 2 MIN _ �, � 5" APRON � � i � CONTROLS 18 LJ � i FOL ING SEAT � , � � � - _______, i PER ADA STANDARDS GRAB BA 4A o '�- -------� i JF— CON ROLS _ 0 5 15 GRAB BAR ¢' i i i 18 � � 19 � 20 GRAB BAR ¢' o i O � CERAM C TILE - M 21 O i o � o� � M Z� 9 i i i PROVIDE APRON � �\ BASE z "� MIC TILE H/ "� ` wl H� CE ILE � C� EXPOSED EN S, TYP. r+� .� ` ; CERAMIC TILE � i �__ CERAMIC TILE � °' ''� BASE �4 (16 �'�� 16 ; M BASE �E � '' � i I ' � � , I � ' � F.D. REVLSIONS - ---------- NQ ai1�3 DS9CR�'1TON 2'-g" 2�-6'� 30'� CLEAR RECESSED DOUBLE ROLL '-6" MIN. MINIMUM TRANSFER 4A '-6" MIN. � MINIMUM � �'� �� TOILET PAPER DISPENSER DOUBLE ROLL � „ SEAT O DOUBLE ROLL � TOILET PAPER DISPENSER 3/4 EXT. GRADE PLYWOOD TOILET PAPER DISPENSER 3/4" EXT. GRADE PLYWOOD END PANEL SUPPORTS EACH PROVIDE PIPE INSUL. CONFORMING END PANEL SUPPORTS EACH SIDE COVER WITH SAME SIDE COVER WITH SAM[ PROVIDE PIPE INSUL. CONFORMING MATERIAL AS VANITY TOP TO A.D.A. REQUIREMENTS MATERIAL AS VANITY TOP TO A.D.A. REQUIREMENTS C�C� BY S"I'AFF I� . C . R � STR00 � ELEVATIONS W TI� B I� . C . � � STR00 � ELEVATIOI� S VV SHOW � � D�'� � �''� � �,� � �. � � � SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" rRO�cr xo. 030ll .� � A7.01 ; . ,�,� � , t ,,,. r �;° ; , ; r� � ,, ; ,,